Nicaragua: Hurricanes Eta and Iota Nicaragua: Hurricanes Eta and Iota
Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA) Nicaragua: Hurricanes Eta and Iota Nicaragua: Hurricanes Eta and Iota Emergency Appeal N° MDR43007 Glide N°: TC-2020-000218-NIC Date of issue: 22 December 2020 Emergency Appeal launch: Expected timeframe: 18 months 8 November 2020 Expected end date: 31 May 2022 IFRC Category allocated to the of the disaster or crisis: Orange IFRC funding requirements: 5,013,270 Swiss francs (CHF) National Society Response Plan funding requirements: 14,000,000 American dollars (USD) DREF allocated: 440,000 CHF Number of exposed people: Over 3 million Number of people to be This EPoA: 42,500 people (8,500 people assisted families) Total NS response: 60,000 people (12,000 families) Municipalities affected: 56 Regions targeted: Municipalities of Puerto Cabezas, Waspam, and Prinzapolka in the North Atlantic Region, and Jinotega, Rivas, Bluefields and Managua regions. Host National Societies presence: The Nicaraguan Red Cross has 1500 volunteers activated for the NS response in the whole country in addition to 500 staff in 32 branches, active particularly in Puerto Cabezas and Bonanza, in the Caribe Norte region. Red Cross Red Crescent Movement partners actively involved in the operation: International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC), International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Spanish Red Cross (SRC) and Italian Red Cross (IRC) Other partner organizations actively involved in the operation: National System for the Prevention, Mitigation of, and Attention to Disasters (SINAPRED),Ministry of Health (MINSA), World Vision, Nestle, Walmart, Fideicomiso Juntos Vamos a Superarlo, American Nicaraguan Foundation (ANF), Walmart Foundation (Banco de Alimentos), World Food Program, Banpro, Aceitera de Nicaragua.
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