West Bretton For further press enquiries: Media release Wakefield Eleanor Bryson, Press Officer Yorkshire Sculpture Park WF4 4LG t. 01924 832 642/633 April 2011 Open daily 10am-5pm
[email protected] Admission free
[email protected] Henry Moore and Barbara Hepworth at Yorkshire Sculpture Park Upper Space, Visitor Centre from 21 April 2011 / Open air from 21 May 2011 Spring 2011 at Yorkshire Sculpture Park includes major displays of sculptures by Henry Moore and Barbara Hepworth – two pioneers of British Modernism, born near Wakefield. Both artists were passionate about siting their work in the open air and the historic landscape of the Bretton Estate provides the perfect context in which to experience their monumental bronze sculptures. 100 acres of undulating hills in the Country Park are home to one of the world’s most significant open air displays of Moore’s bronzes. The selection of sculptures changes this year with five new loans from the Henry Moore Foundation including Upright Motive No. 5 and Mother and Child: Block Seat. Peter Murray, Executive Director said: Henry Moore often talked of the influence on his work of growing up in Yorkshire, and how this informed the way he related sculpture to landscape. He was the first patron of YSP, and during a visit to YSP in 1979 he expressed a strong wish to site his work in the Country Park. This area is now one of the most popular areas of the Park, and we are delighted that visitors will have the chance to experience new works alongside familiar favourites this year.