95D!a! W Y 5 Y b W ! Lb #$!%!# & '() *% + &,' ,( Pemikiran KH. Abdurrahman Wahid Tentang Sistem Pendidikan Pesantren Samsul Bahri Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Kendari Kendari, Indonesia
[email protected] Abstract This dissertation is based on the demand of changes towards boarding school institution, which becomes academic debates about tradition and modernization of boarding school education system by Islamic scholars and thus becomes challenges for boarding schools. This research discussed boarding school education system based on the point of view of KH. bdurrahman Wahid. This research design by using library research as the instrument with a descriptive analysis of historical approach and pedagogical comparative. The primary source of the data is the work by KH. bdurrahman Wahid, such as Menggerakkan Tradisi$ Esai-Esai Pesantren, (ungaRampai Pesantren: Kumpulan KaryaTulis bdurrahman Wahid, +Pesantren as a subkultur, in M. ,awam Rahard-o .ed/, Pesantren dan perubahan, Islam kosmopolitan, Islamku Islam nda Islam Kita, as primary sources. This paper concludes that the thinking of KH. bdurrahman Wahid about boarding school education system is essential in responding to the changes by keep referring to the boarding schools subcultures. It can be seen from some of KH bdurrahman Wahid0s thoughts, such as, first, the aim of boarding school education is dynamic does not only mean to tafa11u fi al-din, but also to gain knowledge on religious sciences and others. 2o that students have e3tensive knowledge, religious knowledge, and general knowledge and skills. 2econd, the educational program of boarding school education is adaptively by maintaining integrated the curriculum of Islamic sciences and others by simplifying the boarding school curriculum and ad-usting it into the development of sciences and technology.