Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 161 (2018) 131–154 The cicada genus Muda Distant (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) from Sundaland: species and relationships J.P. Duffels A diagnosis is provided of the cicada genus Muda Distant, 1897, with descriptions, illustrations and distribution maps for the five species found in Sundaland. Three of these, Muda obtusa (Walker, 1858), M. virguncula (Walker, 1856) and M. tua Duffels, 2004, are redescribed. Muda beccarii (Distant, 1888) and M. concolor Distant, 1897 are junior synonyms of M. virguncula. Abroma tahanensis (Moulton, 1923) is transferred to Muda and redescribed. Muda kinabaluana is described as new to science, and is very peculiar, missing the timbals. An identification key is provided. Characters and taxonomic position of Muda kuroiwae (Matsumura, 1913) from the Ryukyu Islands of southern Japan are discussed. Muda is characterized by two supposed synapomorphies, viz., the mediodorsal carina of the male pygofer and the movable upper pygofer lobes; these characters are also found in species of Katoa. Further comparative study of Muda and Katoa is needed to reveal their relationships. J.P. Duffels, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, PO Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands.
[email protected] Introduction Muda kinabaluana from the Mount Kinabalu massif This paper presents a revision of the species of the of Borneo, in which the sound organs are lost. genus Muda Distant, 1897 occurring in Sundaland: The taxonomic position and characters of Muda Java, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and Borneo, and kuroiwae (Matsumura, 1913) from the Ryukyu Is- nearby smaller islands. The taxonomic position of lands of southern Japan are discussed separately in a the genus is yet to be established, but the (in cross- remark following the key to the Sundaland species; section) triangular postclypeus is a supposed synapo- the species was transferred from Baeturia to Muda by morphy for a group consisting of the genus Muda, de Boer (1995a).