www.investsk.co.uk Annual Review October 2018 – September 2019 Councillor Kelham Cooke Chairman of InvestSK


As Chairman of InvestSK I would like to Government’s welcome you to our very first Annual Review. Future High Streets and Heritage Action When South District Council Zone funding established InvestSK as its economic programmes. There is development and inward investment arm, it more work ahead to secure reflected our bold vision for the district: to this funding, but if we are drive sustainable growth, ensure equality of successful, it would mean a opportunity, and to provide a better quality significant investment to of life for all. further boost the sustainable growth of . InvestSK’s remit was, and still is, to work with local businesses and prospective I remain committed to a partnership investors to identify and create opportunities approach to sustainable growth, that enable organisations of all sizes to grow based on sound business plans, and a and prosper in South Kesteven. The aim of clear vision to ensure that our district InvestSK is to act as a bridge between the makes the most of what it has to offer as private and public sector, developing and a desirable place to live, to work and in nurturing relationships that ultimately deliver which to invest. InvestSK, through results which support our local economy and working with the council and its wider our communities. partners, can help to create the right environment to attract investors and It is early days, but InvestSK is already catalyse growth. But we cannot do it making progress, forging relationships with without the many amazing businesses and strategic organisations, such as the Greater entrepreneurs who are already contributing Local Enterprise Partnership, to the story of South Kesteven, one of the Visit Britain and Historic . As a fastest growing districts in Lincolnshire. result of these relationships, InvestSK has helped to secure £2 million of funding for Thank you for your support, I look forward the new university centre, based in to continuing to work with you over the Grantham, and put the town in a prime next 12 months. position for a potential grant from the

2 K INVESTSK ANNUAL REVIEW 2018K2019 Steve Bowyer Introduction CEO, I nvestSK

What a busy and amazing first year for InvestSK! heritage and history, and the rich cultural offer. It does face challenges; everywhere does. But in Since beginning operations as an arm’s length South Kesteven it’s not just about tackling those company of the council in October 2018, the team challenges – we need to make the most of the has been out and about working hard to drive tremendous opportunities that are here to create growth in our local economy and develop new an even better place for everyone to prosper and opportunities for businesses, arts, culture, heritage, to enjoy. skills, our town centres and our visitor attractions. And none of what has been achieved would have As you’ll see from this Annual Review, InvestSK’s been possible without the positive engagement remit is broad and diverse. It is a pioneering and involvement of the fantastic companies, approach to economic growth, as success in each groups and organisations right across South of its areas has a major impact on the economic Kesteven and beyond. prosperity of the district and how we live, work and enjoy South Kesteven. But before looking in more detail at the highlights in this Annual Review, I would like to put across two This integrated approach has been recognised by very clear messages. The first is a huge thank you external partners and, as we move forward, we to South Kesteven District Council – not just for the want to make sure we bring in new funding funding that makes our delivery possible, but for streams to drive that comprehensive growth their vision and trust in establishing InvestSK in the agenda. This will mean we continue to support our first place. As the Leader of the Council stated in an businesses, our creative industries, visitor industry magazine that went out to thousands of attractions, community and heritage groups, but directors and investors across the : “If we look to attract new funding to secure long-term are not bold, we risk missing growth and sustainability in all of these areas. investment opportunities.” I hope this Annual Review provides a useful insight And that’s the next important message: South into the work of InvestSK and what we’ve been Kesteven is a great place – from the diversity of the delivering during the last year. Above all, I hope it businesses that call it home and that continue to will encourage you to engage with us to create an grow and expand, to the fantastic schools, even better South Kesteven going forward. As I say, beautiful countryside and rural villages, fascinating we can’t do it without you.

INVESTSK ANNUAL REVIEW 2018K2019 K 3 InvestSK’s role

As you can see from the graphic opposite, InvestSK’s remit was established, and funded, by InvestSK has a very wide and diverse remit. At its South Kesteven District Council: to drive economic, heart, its core objectives are quite simple: to drive cultural and social growth. It’s the businesses, local economic prosperity, to create opportunities for groups and other partners who actually deliver that everyone to access that greater prosperity, and to growth on the ground – what we can do is inspire, enhance the quality of life for people living and support and facilitate that change. We’ve started working in South Kesteven. by building confidence locally in the private and third sectors, but we also need to look to the Although it is simple to write out those objectives, future and ensure that organisations and economic achieving them can be a little more challenging. growth is sustained and sustainable. Going forward, we need to support that growth by The InvestSK model brings together a wide range bringing in other partners and new funding to of experts from many different disciplines. This make that vision a reality. approach is unusual in terms of the breadth of skills involved, but many onlookers understand that South Kesteven District Council is leading the way in transforming the district by integrating these activities for much greater effect.

Bringing together experts from the world of economic growth or skills alongside professionals in arts and culture has enabled us to develop entirely new approaches that would otherwise have been missed; for example, creating pop-up cultural venues in empty high street shops, or bringing engineering skills into a schools competition as part of the artistic Bridge programme.

We’ve been able to build significant relationships with a “number of staff at InvestSK who genuinely want to support our charity and progress what we do for the benefit of local residents. I have to say that this goes for all staff throughout the organisation including Steve, the CEO.

In its first 12 months InvestSK has certainly been a huge support for the charity and we’re hoping that this is the first of many years!

Vincent Brittain Chief Executive Officer Inspire+ ” Inspire Plus


Community Business Funding Growth

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Town Centres Visitor & Markets Economy

The work InvestSK is doing is very hands-on. They’re building such a proactive team and “really getting involved in the community and the projects that are going on. All in all, they’re doing a fantastic job.

Robert Hughes Director

Robert Mann ”

Key achievements

As a new company, InvestSK started from a position directors across the Midlands and the UK through of very little engagement and involvement with the our promotional and editorial pieces with Business business community across the district, so we’re Insider magazine: landing on the desks of over fortunate to be a trusted partner to local companies 200,000 national key decision-makers, this which are now far more engaged with the local campaign highlights the tremendous assets South economy than ever before. For example, the Kesteven has to offer to businesses looking to set InvestSK business breakfasts regularly attract more up, grow or relocate. than 100 business people to each event, not only to hear updates on local initiatives and local economic Any organisation will tell you that their greatest intelligence, but more importantly to network, listen asset is their people, and part of South Kesteven’s to keynote speakers from the local business vision is to enhance the skills of the people living community and generate new opportunities too. and working here. As well as developing the new University Centre SK in Grantham, we’ve been We’ve worked directly with over 100 businesses, working closely with local businesses to helping them with their plans to expand into new understand their skills needs and engaging with premises, access vital new funding or technical local colleges and other providers to see how business advice, or recruit new staff. Significant those needs can be met. Businesses have signed economic growth needs to start at home, and the up to the new Developing a Managerial Mindset focus in our first year has very much been on the programme delivered by the companies already based in the district. However, in Grantham to develop the leaders of the future, we do need to bring new blood into the South and the InvestSK team is providing direct, hands- Kesteven economy, which is why we’ve been on support to companies in South Kesteven to preparing investment propositions for over 300 guide them through the complex, but hugely acres of land that we’ve taken to the national and beneficial, world of apprenticeships. international development marketplace. We’ve also showcased South Kesteven to business leaders and Of course, economic growth doesn’t come about just through the traditional business sectors: South Kesteven benefits from a tremendous visitor economy offer and great market towns. According to the latest data, visitor numbers to attractions in the district have increased, along with economic spend.

6 K INVESTSK ANNUAL REVIEW 2018K2019 InvestSK is doing a great job of promoting “enthusiasm and a working business community. Their Business Breakfasts are good for my business because it’s useful to keep up with developments in skills or InvestSK – and it’s also useful to meet other local businesses.

The work InvestSK does in terms of promoting and networking between businesses is really good, and that’s helping us.

Darren Joint Managing Director Viking Signs ”

This is at least in part down to the great work being done under the new Discover South Kesteven destination brand: a vibrant and engaged network of local attractions, an ever-expanding online events calendar and an exciting promotional film have all been instrumental in presenting the richness and diversity of what South Kesteven has to offer to tourists and other visitors.

Our traditional market stalls have been boosted by performances and special themes, as well as new craft and charity stalls, and in a new Saturday market has been introduced. Although there’s more to do in our town centres, strong foundations are being laid – through new funding mechanisms and support to local independents – not only to make them more vibrant but also to make sure that more people are aware of how much there is to see and do in our towns.

INVESTSK ANNUAL REVIEW 2018K2019 K 7 Key achievements

InvestSK has received fantastic support from South We’ve also expanded this work into the sciences, Kesteven District Council which has provided the developing new work with Woolsthorpe Manor to vital funding and resources not only to make the align with the ever-popular Gravity Fields event, company and its vision a reality, but also to provide and into sport and physical activity, where our essential funding for local businesses, groups and team supports local groups to realise their organisations. The Town Centre Investment Fund, aspirations. The Small Grants Fund for artists has for example, has proved hugely popular with been extremely popular, providing small sums to businesses which are looking to grow and move help creatives in sectors as diverse as dance, into empty town centre units. Similarly the music, visual arts and photography. Heritage Alive! grants have been an easy-to-access but vital resource for heritage groups and We also recognise that external funding is vital to attractions which would otherwise not have been support this bold vision: not everything can be able to bring forward their projects or been able to supported just by South Kesteven District Council, carry out necessary repair works to some of the which is already doing so much. That’s why we district’s impressive historic assets. were pleased to lead the bid to the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership for The cultural life of South Kesteven is particularly funding for a new university centre in the district, exciting and vibrant – whether that’s events and and why we were even more pleased when £2 festivals or the regular programmes in the arts million was granted for the new centre as part of centres and beyond. InvestSK has been able to the cinema complex in Grantham. Alongside that, contribute to this agenda through new outreach InvestSK also led the bids for £18 million from the projects: bringing creatives into schools and onto Future High Streets Fund and a further £1 million the high streets through pop-ups, or through from the Historic High Streets Fund. At the time of additional elements to those events (such as the writing both bids have been shortlisted and the schools engineering competition), or by direct team is busy preparing the final submissions, so support to some of the talented artists and keep your fingers crossed! musicians that call South Kesteven home.

8 K INVESTSK ANNUAL REVIEW 2018K2019 We would like to state how pleased we have been with the response from InvestSK. We received a two-hour visit from Claire during “which we were able to share our ideas and, in return, receive information and advice on funding and how to implement our ideas.

We found the meeting really helpful and were amazed at the funding available. Claire's enthusiasm for what we have accomplished so far and what we hope to do in the future was very encouraging.

We are looking forward to continuing to work with InvestSK to promote the history and heritage of our village and involving the whole community.

Elisabeth Carnell Markham Museum, Sedgeb”rook Parish Church and Village

We can’t dictate what will be eligible for funding; all we can do is make the most of the external resource that does become available, and we are constantly looking at new funding streams that might be available for our work. And it’s not just the towns that we support. Our teams work with organisations and businesses right across South Kesteven, and in all areas: business growth, visitor economy, the arts, heritage – all of it. One activity that’s proved extremely valuable in all parts of the district has been the support for community funding. With £400,000 of external funding already secured, and a further £150,000 under consideration, our support has not only attracted funding but also provided invaluable advice and guidance on the long-term sustainability of our groups.

In many ways, that encapsulates the work of InvestSK: we’ve directly delivered some initiatives ourselves and attracted new funding but, perhaps more importantly, we’ve provided help and support to others so they can achieve their aims. As we continue to work with those partners, and access external funding ever more, our aims in delivering growth will be achieved many times over and through a more sustainable model.

This is an overview of what the incredible team in InvestSK has been able to achieve during our first year. Please take a look at the rest of this Annual Review to see in a little more detail everything that’s been going on. We have a bold vision for South Kesteven, and this document reflects on the successful first steps we’ve taken to achieve it.

INVESTSK ANNUAL REVIEW 2018K2019 K 9 Business Growth

Growing South Kesteven’s economy is a priority for Our Town Centre Investment Fund has so far InvestSK. If businesses grow and prosper, if jobs are supported six businesses to move into empty created and incomes rise, everybody in South retail units across our four market town centres, Kesteven benefits. and in doing so we’ve helped to create 52 new jobs during the next four years. Among the Given the expertise in our team, we've been able recipients of the £37,136 of grant funding awarded to become the first point of contact for any to date have been Iris & Violet in Stamford, The support enquiry from funding advice and new Garden Yard in Grantham and new independent business opportunities, through to accessing the trader, Bourne Bookshop. right land and property and skills solutions. We supported Workplace Property to bring their Our business community is extremely diverse and existing employment site forward in Bourne by we’ve worked directly with more than 100 demonstrating the market demand for much companies from all sectors, looking to access needed grow-on space for local businesses, support to sustain and grow their business in the allowing them to stay and expand in the district. district. Collectively, these businesses currently employ over 450 staff, and their growth plans The development – known as Riverside Business anticipate the creation of a further 250 new jobs. Park – offers a range of premises for start-up businesses and more established companies, with We’re actively helping South Kesteven’s a mix of smaller units available for let and larger entrepreneurs and have given start-up advice, serviced plots offered for sale. The scheme is likely support and funding to 15 people who are looking to break ground in 2020. to set up their own business in the district. At a more strategic level we’ve produced an updated version of our annual economic intelligence report for South Kesteven detailing the key economic strengths of the district. In order to support their relocation plans and decision making, this has been shared with existing local businesses, developers, landowners and prospective inward investors.

We’ve also created a local commercial property forum to share best practice and identify solutions to problems, and have brokered business angel support to niche, high-growth businesses in the district.

100 local businesses

We’ve directly engaged with over 100 local businesses looking to stay and grow in South Kesteven The beauty of InvestSK is that the team is so accessible, and “that’s really important. David Hindmarch Managing Director, Grantham Est”ates

Helped create Business Start-up Town Centre 97 new Breakfasts advice Investment jobs

Our regular business We’ve directly facilitated The Town Centre Investment Fund As a direct result of our support breakfasts attract more than business start-up advice, has supported six businesses to service, we’ve helped 100 business people support and funding to 17 move into empty retail units businesses create 97 additional people looking to set up their throughout the district jobs in South Kesteven own business

INVESTSK ANNUAL REVIEW 2018K2019 K 11 Inward Investment

If we’re to achieve sustainable economic growth in Demand for employment land and premises is South Kesteven we recognise that we need to currently outstripping supply in the district, so encourage new business investment from outside InvestSK and South Kesteven District Council have our district as well as support businesses already prioritised the delivery of major development established here. opportunities such as St Martin’s Park in Stamford, Riverside Business Park in Bourne, Exeter Fields in In our first year of operation, we’ve focused on Stamford and Gonerby Moor in Grantham and transforming confidence and perceptions in exploring the possibility for another Eventus facility South Kesteven, catapulting the district onto the in . national and international stage. Working with Team Lincolnshire, Invest Lincolnshire We work with a strong network of landowners, and the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise property agents and developers to present Partnership, we’ve made a concerted effort to take investment opportunities to co-investors, direct South Kesteven out to the rest of the country to developers and occupiers who are keen to make promote our inward investment opportunities as the most of what South Kesteven has to offer – widely and effectively as possible. Positive affordable land, excellent road and rail connectivity collaborations of this kind will make all voices heard with the rest of the UK, and a great quality of life. louder and further afield.

We’re working with private sector landowners South Kesteven is now recognised by the Greater and developers to identify and promote over Lincolnshire LEP and the Department for 300 acres of employment land to an investor International Trade as a district that’s open for audience at national and international property business and can respond positively to growth and expos and networking events, including MIPIM UK, investment enquiries from businesses of any size, MIPIM Cannes, Revo and Team Lincolnshire’s sector or location. Investment Showcase.

12 K INVESTSK ANNUAL REVIEW 2018K2019 InvestSK spends a lot of time speaking to “businesses. We speak to them often about business opportunities, about people looking for land or buildings. It’s very important that people take a step forward and embrace the whole process; embrace InvestSK and South Kesteven.

David Hindmarch Managing Director, Grantham” Estates

300 acres of employment land

We’re promoting over 300 acres of employment land to a national audience

Proactive marketing campaign

Delivered a proactive marketing campaign targeting 200,000 senior decision makers in the UK to promote the district’s strengths as a great place to do business


To drive economic growth, businesses need the businesses to promote the benefits of recruiting right skills in their workforce. an apprentice.

We’ve made important progress over the past year By supporting SMEs in the recruitment and training when it comes to developing skills opportunities of apprentices and helping them to access the for people in South Kesteven and improving routes right training solutions, we hope to encourage for them to train, study and learn. In turn, this businesses to stay and grow within South progress will benefit the local economy as Kesteven. In just three months we’ve identified 30 businesses in the district find it easier to recruit the live apprenticeship vacancies and are working with people with the skills they need. the provider network to meet these requirements.

More than 80 delegates attended South Kesteven’s University Centre SK will open above the new first Skills Summit in March 2019, organised and Savoy Cinema in 2020 and was the result of hosted by InvestSK, bringing together businesses InvestSK leading and securing £2 million of grant and education providers to discuss the district’s funding from the Greater Lincolnshire Local future skills agenda. Enterprise Partnership. In the summer of 2019, InvestSK brought together businesses from across The keynote speaker was former MP Neil Carmichael the district to begin a dialogue with the University - a leader of skills initiatives in central government – of Lincoln to discuss their professional training and workshops covered the benefits and barriers of needs and proposals for the first set of courses to hiring apprentices, how to achieve business growth be delivered at the new centre. Such was the through workplace training and what courses interest and demand, the first course Developing a businesses want to see delivered at the new Managerial Mindset was launched early and a full University Centre SK in Grantham. cohort of delegates is set to begin the programme in November 2019. A second cohort is already being One of the recommendations from the Summit was filled in spring 2020 with other courses also the need for someone to be on the ground to help planned for a spring launch. businesses understand the world of apprenticeships. Directly as a result of the Summit, InvestSK Working with partner businesses in the Engineered responded and appointed a Business and Skills in Grantham network, we helped to produce a Officer with lead responsibility for engaging booklet to promote careers in engineering – a key

14 K INVESTSK ANNUAL REVIEW 2018K2019 Skills business sector in the district. This supported the Summit careers fair in spring 2019 and continues to act as a vital resource to help young people understand future careers in engineering. More than 80 delegates attended our first Skills Summit We’ve been supporting other sector groups such as Stamford’s Digital Network which is working with New College Stamford to address the skills needs of local digital businesses and preparing the workforce to meet that current and future demand. We’ve also supported JobCentre Plus to relaunch jobs fairs in Stamford and Grantham, encouraging more local people into employment and training. University Centre in As a joint initiative with the arts and culture team, 2020 we were uniquely placed to connect skills and arts to support the STEM Network to stage a bridge University Centre SK will open in Grantham in building competition. The project encouraged spring 2020 young people to explore engineering and technology-related subjects for local schools as part of our Bridge outdoor arts week.

Mapping training provision, apprenticeship delivery and ESFA (Education and Skills Funding Agency) grant funding, we’re in the perfect position to 30 live provide essential intelligence to local businesses, apprenticeship providers and our strategic partners at the Greater vacancies Lincolnshire LEP. We’ve identified 30 live apprenticeship vacancies across South Kesteven

INVESTSK ANNUAL REVIEW 2018K2019 K 15 Visitor Economy

Our visitor economy team was established in All businesses invest time and money to attract recognition of the diverse range of visitor facing visitors to their door, and as the organisation businesses in the district and their importance in responsible for growing South Kesteven’s visitor the context of the wider South Kesteven economy. economy we’re helping them to do exactly that, The team supports businesses to promote their but with a much broader reach. Thanks to our new offer and events to local residents and visitors from destination brand name Discover South Kesteven, further afield; showcasing the district as a whole we’re taking our district out to a wider audience – and positioning South Kesteven as a great place to global, in fact, through our work with Visit Britain. visit and holiday. Discover South Kesteven promotes all visitor Some of the country’s greatest heritage attractions economy businesses across the district. We host are located in South Kesteven. The glorious and manage a long-requested district-wide events Georgian market town of Stamford, calendar, encourage business-to-business Castle, and Belton House can all be interaction through our networking events, and found in our district, along with picturesque share best practice and opportunities through our villages, rolling countryside and great pubs, monthly newsletter. restaurants and accommodation providers. We’ve exhibited at and attended around 25 county The visitor economy contributes significantly shows and networking events to promote the to South Kesteven’s overall economy: we attract a district’s fantastic leisure, arts and cultural offer to remarkable 3.3 million visitors per year – up three travel trade organisations and individual visitors per cent on the 2016 figure – who spend in the alike – positioning South Kesteven as the perfect order of £142 million and sustain some 2,700 jobs. place to visit for day trips and longer holidays. This is a substantial industry with huge potential for growth from both UK visitors and international travellers.

16 K INVESTSK ANNUAL REVIEW 2018K2019 3.3 million Visitors 75 visitors spend £142 2,700 jobs businesses million

South Kesteven attracts 3.3 Visitors spend £142 million The visitor economy 75 businesses have joined million visitors per year annually supports around 2,700 jobs Discover South Kesteven in in South Kesteven our first year

Given the team’s wider connections, we’ve also We recognise that most small businesses in the created an economically priced membership visitor economy don’t have large marketing budgets scheme for businesses looking for that extra or indeed the staff to promote their business to a something to raise their profile to a potentially vast wider national or international audience. Our job is audience. In our first year, 75 businesses signed up to act as their third-party marketing team and help as members of Discover South Kesteven, benefiting them to raise their profile and ultimately generate from extra involvement in InvestSK’s marketing more visitors and more income; good for the activities to promote the district. This includes, economy and good for the quality of life experience amongst other things, a full website entry, here in South Kesteven. brochures displayed in our information centres, hosting travel writers, invitations to stand-share with us at regional events and free familiarisation visits to attractions.

We’ve also partnered with Visit Britain on two major projects taking South Kesteven into the heart of Europe through The Explorer’s Road – an exciting new touring route along Britain’s iconic Great North Road – and the Cycle England projects, both of which aim to attract overseas visitors to South Kesteven.

INVESTSK ANNUAL REVIEW 2018K2019 K 17 Town Centres and Markets

Supporting the health and vitality of our town of Culture: a very successful two-day event which centres and markets has been a key part of our attracted more than 2,000 people, and the role, and we’ve been very active during the Portuguese Consul, to Grantham. past 12 months introducing new initiatives and engaging strongly with town-centre businesses In March we responded to Government’s call for and market traders. towns to celebrate their high streets by staging music, art and poetry activities, as well as a As the only town not to have a council-run market, scavenger hunt, across all of our towns, and many of the local community has been requesting a street our local retailers participated in our main festivals market in Market Deeping for many years. InvestSK by hosting window-dressing competitions. Indeed, stepped forward and the launch of a new Saturday we’re working closely with our local independent market was a highlight of the year: launching in April retailers to see what else we can do to help 2019, the new market enjoyed an excellent first day promote our town centre offer. of trading, producing the same footfall as the town’s very busy Christmas market. Across all of our And that’s the point: our town centres need to be as markets we’ve introduced performances and other much a part of our overall offer as our rural villages, activities to diversify their offer. Going forward, the beautiful countryside and historic attractions. role of managing our markets will be returning to Hopefully, our placemaking and visitor economy SKDC, but we hope we’ve made a bit of a difference initiatives can support that increased vibrancy and in our short time. draw further still.

Our town centres are at the heart of many communities, and we’ve tried to shake up how they’re used and perceived. In June, we supported Grantham’s first ever Portuguese and English Festival

18 K INVESTSK ANNUAL REVIEW 2018K2019 We’ve had excellent communication with InvestSK “who take a great interest in what we do. They have been a big help to us by letting a wider artist and general Festival of Deepings street audience know that we exist. Culture market

Belinda and Jette The Portuguese and English We’ve introduced a brand Blue Owl Art Festival of Culture in new Saturday street market Grantham attracted more in Market Deeping ” than 2,000 people

INVESTSK ANNUAL REVIEW 2018K2019 K 19 Placemaking & Heritage Regeneration

Placemaking is the multi-faceted approach we take enables projects to be delivered but also builds when shaping the public spaces and buildings that capacity in our heritage organisations to secure play a part in our everyday life: creating the best their long-term futures. environments for us to live, work and relax in. It can transform our local communities and generate Strategic partners have included Historic England, pride and a sense of belonging that translates into The National Trust and The National Lottery sustainability, economic development and Heritage Fund along with civic societies and improved quality of life. heritage groups. In addition we’ve played a key role in supporting the bold vision of St Wulfram’s The wayfinding project in our market towns will Church as a flagship heritage site in Grantham. create a comprehensive scheme of signage and interpretation to improve the visitor experience in A highlight of the year was the significant funding South Kesteven’s market towns. Thanks to secured for town-centre regeneration in Grantham successful partnership working by a number of through the High Streets Heritage Action Zones agencies and organisations, a series of installations programme. With match funding from South will soon be completed in Grantham, Stamford, Kesteven District Council this has the potential to Market Deeping and Bourne to improve deliver over £1.3 million of investment for Grantham signposting to local attractions for visitors and the town centre over four years. wider community. The team was also successful in securing a position InvestSK also has a responsibility to ensure our on the Government’s Future High Street Fund heritage plays a major part in the district’s programme following an inspirational expression of regeneration. interest which led to the potential to secure up to £18 million to transform Grantham’s town centre. Since October 2018 we’ve worked directly with 45 And we’ll be doing more to ensure we maximise groups, advising on funding strategies and project the opportunities that place and heritage offer. development and liaising with major funding bodies. We’ve also awarded £81,741 to 29 projects People are at the heart of our heritage through the Heritage Alive! grants, including regeneration and placemaking activities. Whether community archives, archaeology exhibitions, that’s helping organisations to engage more with projects celebrating and interpreting natural local people or celebrating the stories of the heritage and urgent conservation works to historic people who have made South Kesteven: from our buildings and monuments. This work not only Heritage Alive! blogs to commemorating the brave endeavours of our armed forces.

£19 million 45 groups 29 Heritage £81,741 Alive of grant on funding grants projects funding strategies awarded

Shortlisted for up to £19 We’ve worked directly with 29 projects have received Heritage Alive! grants million of grant funding to 45 groups on funding Heritage Alive! grants awarded total £81,741 revitalise Grantham’s strategies and project town centre development

20 K INVESTSK ANNUAL REVIEW 2018K2019 I have been really pleased to work with InvestSK over the past year. “Their involvement in and support of the Lincolnshire Extensive Urban Survey project is really welcome.

We look forward to being able to share our findings with InvestSK and to putting them to really constructive use in the future.

Ian George Historic Places Manager Lincolnshire Count”y Council

The 75th anniversary of D-Day was marked in 2019 by the emotional return of Lt Colonel David Hamilton to RAF , from where he had flown as part of the pathfinder force launching the campaign to free Europe. The visit was filmed by the US news channel CNN, again showcasing South Kesteven’s heritage and stories across the world. Places and our heritage celebrate past lives and can be a driver for new skills and a new civic identity for our future.

Witham / Slea Blue Green Corridor This significant programme will enhance the river and its immediate environs by making ecological improvements to the river channel and surrounding green areas. The partnership project is being led by South Kesteven District Council with support from InvestSK’s placemaking team which has successfully secured funding of £1.2 million from ERDF funding and other partners.

INVESTSK ANNUAL REVIEW 2018K2019 K 21 Arts & Culture

The arts team has concentrated its efforts on residents across the district. This helps us develop building engagement with local creatives – making a new Cultural Strategy for South Kesteven in 2020. introductions and building relationships with individuals and groups representing all the local Residents have highlighted a number of creative disciplines that have not existed before. priorities, including: This work has celebrated the skills, successes and commitment of talented residents throughout n improved communications about what South Kesteven to develop, deliver and support cultural events and activities are on offer creative endeavour. across South Kesteven n greater opportunities for people, artists, The introduction of a Creative Artists’ Small Grant societies, clubs and organisations to Award scheme has been an excellent opportunity meet, share ideas and showcase their to hear more about creative people and support creative industries their progression and development. This has provided £12,269 to 13 practitioners, ensuring that The strategy document will address the priorities local creatives have vital resources to grow their identified during the consultation process setting talent while at the same time developing the wider out clear activity plans and a programme of cultural offer within the district. ongoing conversations with partners and providers to make sure we’re going the right way. Our cultural conversation was an innovative and far-reaching exercise engaging with creative The second Deepings Literary Festival took place at artists, heritage organisations, sports clubs and the end of May 2019. The four-day event staged in venues throughout Market Deeping and attracted 20 best-selling authors and has added a high-quality festival to the civic calendar. The Deepings community, led by the community library, is at the heart of the project, with strong support from the InvestSK team.

This year we enjoyed Bridge, an innovative outdoor arts project produced in partnership with

Cultural Creative Conversation workshops and consultation performances

More than 280 people Over 2,000 children and attended Cultural young people enjoyed Conversation consultation creative workshops and events and we received performances during our more than 1,000 online school engagement visits survey responses

22 K INVESTSK ANNUAL REVIEW 2018K2019 We’ve been very pleased to host visits over the last year from Steve Bowyer, Dani Shaw, Dominic Fieldhouse and “Michael Cross and we’d like to thank InvestSK for their positive involvement and interest in the school.

Lisa Goodchild School Business Manager,

Coventry-based Imagineer Productions. A local The arts team is now focused on creating the team of creative producers worked with programme for Grantham’s internationally community groups in Grantham and across South renowned Gravity Fields Festival in 2020. This Kesteven as part of the project’s development and inspirational arts and science event, this time delivery in Grantham in September. The Grantham exploring the themes of Illumination, Innovation residency included three days of interactive arts and Imagination, includes participation from some activities and performances under a large-scale of the world’s leading scientists, capitalising on broken bridge structure in Grantham Market Place. Grantham’s unique link to Sir Isaac Newton. The The week culminated in the world premiere schedule will also feature performances, art presentation of Bridge – a performance from an installations and workshops from a cast of talented international cast of circus artistes attended by creative artists, promising an entertaining and over 2,000 people. informative event for all ages and tastes.

Another highlight of the 2019 calendar was the But of course, it’s not just about the big festivals; fourth Stamford Georgian Festival. This biennial it’s also about bringing arts to people. That’s why event has become an enormously popular part of we’ve worked hard to deliver events in schools and the district’s festival programme. supported the Live + Local campaign, while on the high street we ran a pilot pop-up gallery in This year the theme celebrated The Age of Wonder Stamford, with more to follow in the other towns. and Invention and highlighted two significant Stamford events: a pioneering flight from Stamford Equally, culture isn’t just about the arts. It also by English balloonist Charles Green in 1825 and a embraces the sciences, hence our work on Gravity performance from Sarah Siddons – the ‘darling of Fields and with Woolsthorpe Manor. It also Drury Lane’ – at Stamford Theatre in 1779. Four days incorporates sports and physical activity, and our of talks, performances, markets, re-enactments and development officer has been out and about workshops across the town attracted thousands of meeting local groups and clubs to help promote visitors from across the UK. their offer and address some of their challenges.

188 1,100 visit school focus Stamford 13 arts grants Literary awarded groups Festival arts

We staged 188 school Over 1,100 people Around 2,000 people 13 arts practitioners have focus groups attended Deepings enjoyed the Stamford Arts received grants from the Literary Festival events Around Town Day Creative Artists’ Small Grant Fund

INVESTSK ANNUAL REVIEW 2018K2019 K 23 Community Funding

Supporting our community groups to access Our work helps to support volunteers to sell their additional funding and secure long-term projects to funders in a way that both meets their sustainability has been a vital component of our organisation’s needs and responds to the funder’s work right across the district. requirements. We help third-sector organisations, which are mostly run by volunteers, to develop the It’s the job of our Community Development Funding structure needed to apply to large-scale funders; Manager to identify opportunities for external this is important as those funding bodies need to be funding for community projects and to advise and convinced that they’re making a sound investment. support not-for-profit organisations in South Kesteven to develop their projects so they feel We’re also broadening the range of funders that confident enough to submit funding applications. local groups are applying to: this will reduce over- subscription to the better-known sources of We’ve already helped 60 groups access more than funding and increase awareness of the groups and £200,000, and bids amounting to a further their projects. £155,000 are currently under consideration. Among the many community organisations we’ve Overall we want to bring in as much additional helped this year are: external investment as we can and at the same time help to build funding skills and capacity. It’s n The Deepings Community Library, which initially not just about attracting money: it’s also about needed new library equipment but is now building capacity within local groups so they can looking more broadly at how it can develop its build their sustainability for a long-term future. Our building as a highly successful community-run advice has helped groups tackle a wide range of library. issues from governance to volunteer management. n The Thorold Arms in Marston, which has re- opened as a community hub with a pub, café Our work involves continuing to support projects and shop. and groups that are already engaged; helping n Langtoft Festival, which requested last-minute community groups with project development, funding for its nature village. funding research, fundraising strategies, case for support and bid reviews; publishing funding As we move forward we need to make sure that we literature to support the service; offering one-to- use all of these skills to continue to support our one support via funding surgeries; and building community groups, as well as attracting external relationships with key funding stakeholders. funding more widely.

We receive funding enquiries across many sectors: from sports clubs, recreational facilities, community buildings, historic buildings, libraries, village halls, community shops and pubs, festivals and charities. £400k for In our experience many people underestimate the community skills needed to fund raise successfully. Getting projects your case for support across, knowing how and when to enlist professional help, putting together realistic budgets and gaining support from the rest £400k of funding secured for of the community are all skills we’re seeking to community projects with a further develop amongst these groups. £150k still under consideration

24 K INVESTSK ANNUAL REVIEW 2018K2019 We’re really grateful to receive £5,000 of funding “from Persimmon Homes which is going to benefit our National funding bodies younger readers by don’t have resources to revamping some areas of the “provide help at a junior library and completely grassroots level, so the overhauling the teenage area work InvestSK is doing to and stock. We couldn’t have support local community done it without the support groups is absolutely vital. from InvestSK. Thank you! Jo Crawford Library Coordinator Lesley Owen-Jones, Senior Deepings Community” Library Engagement Manager – Midlands and East Region ” National Lottery Heritage Fund

INVESTSK ANNUAL REVIEW 2018K2019 K 25 Summary of accounts

InvestSK’s financial year runs from 1st April to 31st Related parties March. As part of this Annual Review we will be The controlling party is South Kesteven District reflecting the financial year from the preceding Council, its sole legal member. The directors of the accounting period: for this review it means the company are established as the Leader, Deputy finances are for the half-year period of InvestSK’s Leader and CEO of South Kesteven District Council. trading in 2018/19. All directors make a declaration of interest and any transactions that may relate to organisations they The notes provide some further insight into these are involved with are managed through the figures; further details of InvestSK’s accounts can company’s usual finance and governance be found at Companies House, where the accounts arrangements. for the period have been filed. The nature of the funding, including the recharging Funding kindly provided by South Kesteven District of wages from its member South Kesteven District Council has been used to drive InvestSK’s remit Council, means that large balances regularly occur and work, and the outcomes set out in this review. between the company and the Council. Balances The balance for the first accounting period reflects outstanding at the year end, included in Other the half-year operations of the company. Creditors are £292,383. There is also £458,658 due from South Kesteven District Council, included in Income and expenditure trade debtors. The company’s income is largely from South Kesteven District Council, although the Visitor Income Statement Economy Membership scheme has also provided for the Period 13th June 2018 to 31st March 2019 funds to support that particular initiative. Going Income 887,103 forwards, InvestSK will be exploring a wide range OPERATING SURPLUS and of external funding streams, based on its track SURPLUS BEFORE TAXATION 148,968 record of securing funding for the council (such as Tax on surplus - the University Centre from the Greater Lincolnshire SURPLUS FOR THE FINANCIAL PERIOD 148,968 Local Enterprise Partnership, and the Historic High Streets funding from Historic England). External Balance Sheet funding and other income streams will be 31st March 2019 important in optimising InvestSK’s impact for Notes £ £ the levels of funding provided by its member FIXED ASSETS organisation. Tangible assets 5 1,019 CURRENT ASSETS Expenditure has been directed towards securing the Debtors 6 470,020 right capacity to deliver the broad and ambitious Cash in hand 333,987 agenda established by South Kesteven District 804,007 Council, and the team at InvestSK is made up of CREDITORS: AMOUNTS FALLING highly experienced, committed individuals from a DUE WITHIN ONE YEAR 7 656,058 wide range of disciplines, and without a doubt is the NET CURRENT ASSETS 147,949 company’s greatest asset. Funding has also been TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT used to deliver projects in the key areas of the LIABILITIES 148,968 company’s remit as well as the usual running costs RESERVES of a company. Income and expenditure account £148,968


26 K INVESTSK ANNUAL REVIEW 2018K2019 Meet the team

Steve Bowyer Liz Bates Kate Taylor Helen Ward Jo Dobbs Michael Cross Chief Executive Assistant Chief Office Manager Apprentice Office Arts Development Head of Arts 01476 406175 Executive and PA to CEO Assistant Officer 01476 406129 01476 406479 01476 406374 01476406379 01476 406165

Dominic Danielle Shaw Jon Hinde Amy Clark Alison Berwick Claire Saunders Fieldhouse Skills Development Head of Economy Business & Skills Community Heritage Sports Officer and Skills Officer Development Regeneration Development 01476 406374 01476 406560 01476 406122 Funding Manager Officer Officer 01476 406442 01476 406318 01476 406392

Laura Chambers Abigail Clayton William Tse Debbie Nicholls Andrew Norman Ginny Beckett Head of Marketing and Special Projects & Visitor Economy Head of Visitor Business Marketing and Communications Regeneration Community Officer Economy Stakeholder and Communications Executive Manager 01476 406494 01476 406412 Event Executive 01476 406414 01476 406526 01476 406376 01476 406154

INVESTSK ANNUAL REVIEW 2018K2019 K 27 Contact [email protected] 01476 406374 www.investsk.co.uk www.discoversouthkesteven.com www.heritagealive.co.uk

Follow us on www.twitter.com/investsk www.linkedin.com/company/investsk www.twitter.com/discoversouthk www.facebook.com/discoversouthk www.instagram.com/discoversouthk www.twitter.com/skheritagealive

Cover image: Imagineer's Bridge outdoor arts project in Grantham, September 2019. Photo: Tara Rutledge