Eye on the News
[email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:XI Issue No:156 Price: Afs.20 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes THURSDAY . JANUARY 05. 2017 -Jadi 16, 1395 HS AT Monitoring Desk “But nation-states and Af- tic about the outcome of the meet- ghanistan as a nation-state has ev- ing. KABUL: The US State Depart- ery right and every responsibility, “Such meeting without the ment Spokesman, John Kirby wel- quite frankly, for the betterment presence of Afghan officials will comed a meeting between Russia, of their own people to have, not represent a real picture of the China and Pakistan on Afghanistan whether it’s multilateral or bilater- situation of Afghanistan in the held on Moscow last week. al discussions with neighboring meeting,” the spokesman said. “What we welcome is any in- nations and nations that aren’t Prior to that, members of the ternational effort to help Afghani- neighboring that are interested in Wolesi Jirga (Lower House) of stan become secure and more pros- the same goals that we are” he add- parliament strongly condemned perous, and we continue to sup- ed. the trilateral meeting over Afghan- port, as we always have, an Af- This comes as Afghan officials istan situation with the presence ghan reconciliation process,” Kir- have reacted with dismay to a tri- of representatives from Pakistan, by said. lateral meeting in Moscow involv- Russia and China in Moscow while The US officials “remain ing China, Pakistan and Russia to nobody was invited from Afghan- steadfast” in their support for an discuss Afghanistan.