Eye on the News
[email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:IX Issue No:210 Price: Afs.15 WEDNESDAY. MARCH 04 . 2015 -Hoot 13, 1393 HS www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes 'MoFA new Tajikistan ready to extradite leadership Afghan prisoners: MoFA committed to AT News Report KABUL: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) on Tuesday said reforms' that based on the extradition trea- ty signed in 2006, Tajikistan KABUL: Following Pajhwok Af- would transfer the Afghan inmates ghan News startling revelations to Kabul soon. that the Ministry of Foreign Af- Spokesman of the ministry, fairs (MoFA) was teemed by near Ahmad Shekib Mostaghni, told and dear ones of government offi- media persons that Afghan delega- cials and lawmakers, the spokes- tion has finalized the process of man of MoFA on Tuesday identifying Afghan prisoners and prompted to say that new leader- would be shifted from Tajikistan ship was committed to introduce to Afghan prisons in the near fu- tangible reforms in the ministry. ture. Two days back Pajhwok pared to hand over the inmates to He said that based on the ex- Afghan authorities. found that mostly sons and close tradition treaty signed between relatives of government officials Currently, 100 Afghans are ABUL: The ex-President Hamid Karzai talking to members of the council of elders and mediators the two countries, the delegation behind bars in Tajikistan. Steps had and members of parliament held left for Dushanbe in 2013 to iden- key posts in Afghanistan embas- at his office on Tuesday. Members of council hailed Karzai for his leadership traits.