What Is the Future of Theological Education? Addressing the Challenges Facing Seminaries Today
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LINDA CANNELL What Is the Future of Theological Education? Addressing the challenges facing seminaries today 6 | The Covenant Companion uring a meeting with seminary education initiatives attract hundreds one else dared join them….Neverthe- presidents and deans some of men and women who are no less less, more and more men and women Dyears ago, someone asked concerned about becoming equipped believed in the Lord and were added the question, “What is a good theo- for effective ministry in the world. to their number” (vv. 13-14, TNIV). logical school?” The question quickly It is important that we ask, and With regard to the institutional became, “What good is a theological answer, the question of what would church, the Acts 5 incident is ever a school?” Then, more seriously, “What be lost if seminaries ceased to exist. If warning. Though humanity persis- is theological education?” the church can’t articulate a compel- tently, and rightly, creates institutions We began to think of theological ling reason, then the seminary that to stabilize society and to carry on education as bigger than a school; serves the church has cause for con- cultures and traditions, the ever-pres- for just as education does not equal cern. But the concern is not just for ent danger is that the deeper meaning school, theological education does not the seminary. of that which the institution reflects equal seminary or theological school. will be lost or obscured. God is less A school is simply one way of doing A Call to Character concerned about churches’ organi- theological education. All institutions I was working on a chapter for the zational structures than about the are human creations, and their forms book Children Matter at a resort character of the people of God. and traditions have taken shape as center in Nova Scotia. One day the Read through all the letters to the result of decisions made across the owner asked about the book, and the churches in the New Testament years. Schools and the institutional- I told him it had to do ized church are no exceptions. with children’s ministry It is important that we ask, and For several decades, faculty, higher in churches. As we looked education administrators, church lead- out at the Atlantic Ocean, answer, the question of what would ers, and students have raised concerns he said, “If you want to be lost if seminaries ceased to exist. and considered possible alternatives see church on Sunday for theological schools. Early critiques around here, go to the local Wal- and make a list as you read of all the generally assumed that the schools Mart!” terms, words, and phrases used to would continue but be reformed over Like seminaries, the institutional describe the churches. What were the time. More recently, some suggest that church is not immune from critique. congregations being admonished to theological schools as we know them Revitalization efforts, leadership do, to be, and to know? Note the few, may not be necessary at all. Cyni- conferences promising to help clergy and generally imprecise, references to cal critics ask, what is the point of a develop a “successful” church, and organization and structure. Observe seminary education that requires more the flight of people from so many the clear and abundant direction time than people are willing to give, organized churches suggest that all is given with regard to the character and more money than people are able to not well with the institutional church values. Then consider what it would pay, more disconnection from family either. mean for the church today—for your and career than people are willing to In a sermon entitled “The Church church—if certain characteristics were tolerate, and that seems to be less than That Nobody Dared to Join” Wal- taken seriously. effective in equipping women and men ter Liefeld, distinguished profes- With Christ as the head of the for leadership and ministry? sor emeritus of Trinity Evangelical church, what is leadership? What No one doubts that the continued Divinity School, noted that Acts becomes of planning when we existence of theological schools is 5:1-14 presents a picture of congre- acknowledge that it is God’s pur- threatened. The economy certainly gational development unfamiliar to poses that should govern the church’s has an effect; but of greater threat are most North Americans. Ananias and activities? How do we define vision the emerging questions about why Sapphira lied to the Holy Spirit and and purpose when these are fulfilled we need theological schools. Lead- were struck dead for their deception, through the gifting, guidance, and ers can be trained in any number of causing great fear in the church and empowerment of the Holy Spirit? institutes, most sponsored by multi- among all those who heard about the How is human authority defined campus churches. In some denomina- event. After their deaths (not exactly tions ordination does not require a an effective church growth strategy) Linda Cannell is the academic dean of North Park Theological Seminary in Chicago. She also directs theological degree. Internationally, and the performance of many signs CanDoSpirit Network serving leaders internationally seminaries struggle while non-formal and wonders by the apostles, “No (www.candospirit.org). March 2010 | 7 when God is the authority? What dif- Theological Education for the ness is possible only to the degree that ference would it make if all Christians Whole People of God all members are committed to learn- understood that we are expected to Over the next few decades, seminaries ing, to spiritual discipline, to a lifetime demonstrate to the world a particular must learn how to collaborate with of responsible service. sort of character? churches and other agencies in two It has been observed that a word Clearly, the church has both an urgent tasks: the development of lead- translatable as “leadership” does not institutional and a more mysteri- ers, and the education of the whole appear in the Greek New Testament. ous spiritual character. We want people of God. Most still expect those This omission may not be significant, our churches to demonstrate good who lead the church to be bibli- except to underscore that Scripture’s organizational practice; but, at the cally and theologically educated, to emphasis is clearly on leaders and not same time, programs, leadership have developed some understanding on some abstract theory of leadership styles, planning, and so on, must be and ability in critical areas of minis- or set of leadership skills. The more consistent with the character God try leadership, and to be spiritually important lessons to be gained from expects—or the church will become attuned. But the currently over- the leaders described in Scripture are no different from any other helping crowded seminary curriculum can- found in how they came to understand agency in society. not accomplish all these tasks alone. God’s purposes for his people, and What does all this have to do with Seminaries must learn to collaborate; how leaders responded with consider- theological education? and churches must learn that effective- able variation in style to that under- How Important Is Seminary? CRAIG GroESCHEL y opinions about seminary are mixed. Unquestionably, the have been required to take at least three if we were hoping to be Mschools I attended shaped my views. I studied for one a senior pastor. year at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, We didn’t study any thoughts on kids’ ministry, student minis- Kentucky, and for three years at Phillips Theological Seminary in try, missions, or small groups. Tulsa, Oklahoma. Although my time in seminary pre-dated the need, I think all Although I see value in what students learn in the classroom, schools today should teach pastors how to leverage technology I honestly believe that churches should take the lead role in in the church. preparing pastors. (This could also help eliminate some financial Here are a few of the things I’m thankful for about seminary: pressures that keep too many pastors from furthering their edu- Seminary taught me to read fast and to absorb a lot of cation.) I can’t think of a better way to learn than serving under information. (Many classes required us to read a book a week.) great men and women of God. Although no system is perfect, I Speed-reading has made a huge difference in my life and minis- prefer throwing gifted people into the ministry waters and help- try. ing them learn to swim rather than sending them to three years Hebrew was helpful to me. (What I know about Greek I picked of classes to learn how to clean the pool, treat the water, and up on my own.) apply sunscreen. Seminary taught me to be a better writer. At Phillips, we rarely Each pastor has different developmental needs. Some took tests. Most classes required a lot of writing. This skill has need more time learning the basics of God’s word. Others are helped me minister to people in ways I couldn’t otherwise. strong in the word, but have significant relational or leadership The history courses were helpful. I was especially inspired by challenges. These are different needs that deserve different D.L. Moody, Charles Finney, John Wesley, and George Whitefield. educational approaches. I also was moved by studying medieval Christianity. Knowing how I’m grateful for what God did in my life through seminary, but God used people in the past helps give me a broader perspective much of the time (and money) invested doesn’t apply to what I of what he could do today.