An Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment of Land at Lion House, Slough, Berkshire NGR TQ 598 699 Parish of Slough Slough Borough Prepared for O.C. Ventures Ltd Caroline Russell BA, PhD Project No. 2919 June 2007 Archaeology South-East, 1, West Street, Ditchling, Hassocks, W. Sussex. BN6 8TS Tel: 01273 845497 Fax: 01273 844187
[email protected] Archaeology South-East Lion House, Slough _____________________________________________________________________ Summary A Desk Based Assessment has been prepared for a plot of land at Lion House, Petersfield Avenue, Slough. A review of existing archaeological and historical sources suggested that the Site has a low potential for containing deposits of Prehistoric to Medieval date, and a high potential for containing deposits relating to a terrace of late 19th century buildings. Farming and various phases of construction in the 19th onwards is likely to have truncated to an unknown extent any archaeological deposits across much of the site. _____________________________________________________________________ i Archaeology South-East Lion House, Slough _____________________________________________________________________ CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Site Topography and Geology 3. Planning Background 4. Archaeological and Historical Background 5. Cartographic Evidence 6. Aerial Photographs 7. Walkover Survey 8. Assessment of Archaeological Potential 9. Existing Impacts on Archaeological Potential 10. Assessment of Future Impacts 11. Recommendations 12. Acknowledgments References Appendix 1: Summary Table of Archaeological Sites _____________________________________________________________________ ii Archaeology South-East Lion House, Slough _____________________________________________________________________ LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Fig. 1 Site Location Plan showing SMR Data Fig. 2 Site Location Plan (in greater detail) Fig. 3 3D Model of Proposed Development Fig. 4 Thomas Jefferys, Map of Buckinghamshire, 1770 Fig. 5 Richard Binfield, Inclosure Map, 1822 Fig.