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London Bombings, p.10 + Psychedelic Splatter, p. 13 + Brooklyn Greens, p.3 THEINDYPENDENT a FREE paper for free people Issue #73, July 21 – August 10, 2005 Civil War in , Made in the USA page 8 ginobarzizza.com letters & comment

CONFESSIONS OF AN UNREPENTANT LOCAL: nyc.indymedia.org | NATIONAL: indymedia.us | GLOBAL: indymedia.org FLAG-BURNER Laws against flag burning are repres- A free press belongs to none and all, and free speech makes no promises. Letters mailed to The Indypendent, and comments sive and stupid. But flag burning itself taken from the nyc.indymedia.org newswire, may be edited for clarity and length. Signed comments & letters get priority. is just as self-indulgent. It’s an art project, not a revolutionary act. If you think that flag burning only offends Edward Herman responds to Jackson Allers’ Nowhere to Roma the white rich right-wing crackers, think again. Allers’ summary of the NATO war is the establishment party line on the Balkans INDEPENDENT You want to signal to the workers conflict: “The 78-day campaign ended the Serbian crackdown on Kosovo’s inde- and the poor that you are from the pendence-minded Albanian majority.” He fails to note that the crackdown was MEDIA CENTER upper classes? Burn a flag. It’s more part of a civil war stoked by the U.S. and NATO. It is now on the record that effective than wearing a Rolex. But if Phone: before the NATO bombing war, the Serbs had allowed a thousand or more OSCE you want to make revolution, then 212.684.8112 observers into Kosovo, and reduced their operations there, but NATO failed to enough already with the “student art Email: projects” and take that flag back curb KLA provocations. The CIA was arming the KLA and encouraging it to hope [email protected] from the marauders who stole it. for a NATO war. The CIA helped stir up conflict, which they then used to justify a Web: –Harriet Tubman war that was clearly planned and desired by the . indypendent.org The USA and NATO did less than nothing to negotiate a settlement that would NYC: nyc.indymedia.org What the flag means depends a lot preclude war, and they deliberately sabotaged the Rambouillet conference U.S.: us.indymedia.org on where you’re standing. because the Serbs “needed a little bombing.” The summary by Allers also glosses GLOBAL: indymedia.org – Random Name Generator over the fact that the bombing war was in violation of the United Nations Charter and eventually became a war on Serb civilian life, in violation of international law. Office and Mail: When “student art projects” break sexual power over women. That’s NYC Independent Media Center Allers article has some useful material on the plight of the Roma, which is the the vacant consensus that prevails, liberation, baby! I just hope my par- main thrust of his piece, but he fails to point out that the Roma did reasonably 34 E. 29th St. 2nd Floor good for them. So what if many peo- ents don’t find out. Then I’d be in well under Serb rule, and he softens what happened to them under NATO-KLA NY, NY 10016 ple support the idea of what America real trouble. rule. Under the latter they have become targets of a major ethnic cleansing oper- is supposed to be. They are wrong. –Dudeman WHAT IS INDYMEDIA? ation that has involved the destruction of over 10,000 Roma homes and many With autonomous chapters in more America is what it is. This country killings. He fails to stress that the crisis of the Roma has been a NATO-UNMIK than 120 cities throughout the world, burns people and then says debating It’s far simpler to be a self-employed the Independent Media Center is an its role in the world is forbidden. sex worker than to get a job in an responsibility, with NATO utterly failing to curb the KLA, their war and prewar ally. international network of volunteer media When the defenders of the flag tell office... and who can blame us? I don’t Under this regime we’ve seen the greatest ethnic cleansing operation in the activists. me what year it wasn’t being used to miss getting up at 6 a.m., or the other Balkans in proportionate terms, and ecumenical as well – extending to Jews, The IMC seeks to create a new media occupy some country, steal some hazards of working 9-to-5. Legalizing Turks, Serbs and Roma. Kosovo is also now a drug and sex-trade capital of Europe. ethic by providing progressive, in-depth land or impose the worst of capital- prostitution will at least keep women Remember that Bill Clinton had said we fought that war in Kosovo to help bring and accurate coverage of issues. We ism, then maybe I’ll change my mind. from being thrown in jail because they about a “multi-ethnic and tolerant society!” The war was built on lies, and continues are a community-based organization When were America’s glory years? do what they have to to live. to elude the criticism that it deserves because those lies have been institutionalized. using media to facilitate political and It’s not like the flag was “taken from Not all sex workers are rich girls cultural self-representation. We seek to us.” Some of us never had it. who are addicted to endless green- analyze issues affecting individuals, –33 1/3 backs. For most, this is livelihood. Even communities and ecosystems by provid- with an impressive college degree, Americans will “cut and run” and THE CRUSADE ing media tools and space to those We should look at the red, white and there are no guarantees of security. then the reactionaries will take over. & THE CLOSET seeking to communicate. We espouse blue with as much disgust as people Give us decent, affordable hous- Our right-wing government declared The system co-opted LGBT culture open dialogue and placing the means who are being shot down by soldiers ing, job protection and security, and this unjust, criminal war, but that does- years ago. Ideas like “Queer is the new of communication and creativity back in wearing it. food, protection from violence and n’t mean our responsibility to Iraq can straight” used to market products only the hands of the people, away from the –Shebab harassment, and maybe you’ll see end so easily. Will our consciences be serve consumerism. One oppressed drive of profit. fewer girls selling themselves on okay when they are slayed and driven group can be disarmed by the privi- The Indypendent is funded by bene- Show me someone whose politics Craigslist. Don’t look at the symp- into exile once again by Islamists, leges extended to it, while the inequal- fits, subscriptions, donations, grants are first to go and listen to the peo- tom, but the problem. Baathists and ethnic conflict? ity continues. And the real divides and ads from organizations and individ- ple, what the common person out –Lady Dommi –Leftists Need To Answer remain. My hope is that LGBT can be a uals with similar missions. there wants and desires, and acts bridge across race and class lines. WHAT CAN I DO TO GET INVOLVED? obeying the people, and I’ll show Barnard College girls: Will you pee on You can’t take what people say at a –Thanks The IMC has an open door. You can you a true revolutionary. my lawyer? bunch of two-hour meetings at face write for The Indypendent, about film Most of the rest of what happens – Damfino value. The event’s sponsor, U.S. Labor Why is it that all queers should be fer- events and rallies, self-publish articles to in the name of being “radical” is not- Against War, is trying to pretend all the vent anti-capitalists? Is this some sort the web, take photos or just help us run ready-for-prime-time artists and Most men treat women like whores Iraqi trade unions stepped out of the of “Queer Womyn’s Burden?” Maybe . As an organization relying on attention-seekers trying to get an anyway. What’s wrong with exploit- pages of the Nation magazine by the attitudes of the LGBT “elite” are volunteer support, we encourage all audience. Period. Maybe “radicals” ing that fact and just being more doing infomercials on how progres- more or less reflective of the attitude forms of participation. feel no duty to the people, but “revo- clear about things? That’s capital- sive, secular, and democratic they are. in the community. I have some good The print team reserves the right to lutionaries” do. ism, right? Armed actions against U.S. mili- queer friends down here in Toronto, edit articles for length, content and clar- – Deb –Anon tary in Iraq are overwhelmingly pop- and they’re not smashing bank win- ity.Wewelcome your participation in ular in Iraq, and they amount to about dows. And why is it, exactly, that they’re the entire editorial process. RICH GIRLS, 60 media-ignored incidents a day. expected to? Because anarchists have VOLUNTEER STAFF: HOBBY WHORES IRAQ UNION TOUR –Dig Deeper some cock-eyed theory about how cap- KatAaron, Chris Anderson, Jackson I thought the article was going to be CONTROVERSY italism oppresses gay people? Allers, Silvia Arana, Jay Bachhuber, Gino about knitting or crafts... you know, American leftists don’t need to Undoubtedly there are fundamental- Queers are a market segment. A Barzizza, Caitlin Benedetto, Bennett J. “hobby whores.” –HW answer for what a complex, multi- ists and former Baathists in the niche. A profit opportunity. They Baumer, Halley Bondy, Jed Brandt, faceted and largely decentralized insurgency. The answer to that isn’t make and buy shit just like Kazembe Bulagoon, Mike Burke, Antrim Wow. Rich white girls can enjoy resistance to the occupation does. collaboration with the U.S., it is everyone else. Caskey, Rahul Chadha, Susan Chenelle, prostitution for fun and spending Iraqis have the right to resist foreign building an insurgency to bring the –C. Ellen Davidson, Chris Day, Ryan cash. That is so cool. I guess the only occupation and they don’t need to kind of social order that will serve Dunsmuir, Chiam Garcia, Alfredo Garzon, real problem is the stigma, so if we meet a set of PC conditions to do so. the Iraqi people. Neela Ghoshal, Lauren Giambrone, David just decide we don’t care... what The Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions The U.S.A. is directly responsible Gochfeld, Maggie Gram, A.K. Gupta, Irina does it matter? (IFTU) is part of the Allawi govern- for the deaths of hundreds of the thou- CORRECTIONS: Ivanova, Ruth Kelton, Ida Lake, William What a great time to be a man. ment structure that was selected by sands of Iraqis. To collaborate with The photograph for Nowhere to Roma Lindley, Edgar Mata, Nik Moore, Lydia Pussy on demand, by the hour. And the U.S. What matters is what they them is almost worse than reac- was taken by: Eric S. Thompson.

THE INDYPENDENT Neri, Ana Nogueira, Donald Paneth, the girls love it. I’m so glad femi- do ... not what they say. tionary: it’s fucking stupid. The USA is In Rich Girls, Hobby Whores, the James Powell, Nicholas Powers, Derq nism is over. Feminists used to talk –Parallelogram going to lose this war. If you’re going Sex Worker Project and the Sex Quiqqle, Frank Reynoso, Ann Schneider, about real change, now it’s all about to be an opportunist devoid of princi- Worker Organizing Project are dif- Sheba Sethi, Andy Smenos, Andrew just getting over. The IFTU are not collaborators. They ples, that’s obviously your right. But ferent groups. Stern, Maggie Suisman, John Tarleton, I checked Craigslist and the price have chosen to participate in the gov- the smart opportunist doesn’t tie him- Confessions of a Flagburner noted Xavier Tayo, Liz Tillotson, Leanne Tory- is right. Not too many Barnard girls, ernment, but so did millions of Iraqi’s self at the hip to a foreign occupier an effigy of the artist Dread Scott Murphy, Matthew Wasserman, Steven but a lot of “services” offering who voted and ran [for offices]. despised by the overwhelming major- Tyler. The effigy was not burned. Wishnia, Jennifer Whitney, Amy Wolf, & fresh-off-the-boat Asian girls, The majority of Iraqis want the ity of the working people in their own Frank Reynoso burned the flags on

JULY 21 – AUGUST 10, 2005 Christina Zawerucha Russians and Black girls for even military occupation to end. The anxi- country. the cover of issue #72.

2 cheaper! I love that my wallet buys ety with many Iraqis is that the –The Burningman THE INDYPENDENT JULY 21 – AUGUST 10, 2005 3 many of those , Democracy Now! Democracy or more info, see visualresistance.org F date, three memorials have been erected, one To “Creating and installing a ghost bike is heart- According to believes that the only way to stop cor- “The LWC Mattera must first collect 4,000 signatures campaign The range of issues Mattera’s gainst the International Longshoreman Association’s gainst the International Longshoreman wo of the ghost bikes remain standing.

arrested claimed they were detained by police with- they were detained arrested claimed out explanation. contacted several people and “We we found a disturbing pattern that really yells racial profiling,” said Marq Claxton, a retired NYPD detec- Blacks in Lawtive and member of the group 100 Enforcement Who Care. VISUAL RESURRECTION initiatedVisual Resistance has a new Artist collective project to draw attention faced by to the dangers City.York in New bicyclists Ghost bike, by a inspired similar project in Pittsburgh, memorializes bicyclists killed by cars with a bike spray-painted white and a stenciled plaque at the site of the accident. Slope and two on Houston St.in Park The Houston St. stretch in particular has been deemed the most dangerous in the city to cyclists, as recently demon- strated by a taxicab that crashed into a memorial, demolishing it. wrenching every time,”Visual Resistance. writes “But we will create memorials as long as they are needed.” T MASSIVE ROUND-UP OF BLACK MEN MASSIVE ROUND-UP IN QUEENS AFTER COP SHOT On June 14,Wiesneski was NYPD Officer Christopher shot in the leg with his own arresting a gun while man who was smoking marijuana. three fol- In the lowing days, police rounded up over 180 people in section of the Cambria Heights and Laurelton Queens. say they are looking for the culprit in Police the police shooting. Most of those who were arrested African-American men picked up on minor were “quality-of-life” offences. CASE FEDS PUSH RACKETEERING ON LONGSHORE UNION The U.S. Department of Justice filed RICO charges a (ILA) top leadership as well as leading Cosa Nostra figures on July 6. lists Union The complaint President John Bowers and over 30 other union fig- Gotti as ures along with jailed Gambino boss Peter defendants. The East coast longshore union repre- Texas. sents around 15,000 members from Maine to Rank-and-file workers are fighting for a place in dis- cussions between ILA leaders and the government on a possible trusteeship of the union. They are also demanding direct elections of leadership, who are currently elected by hand-picked delegates. Rank- and-file longshoremen working through the Coalition are going port to port Workers Longshore organizing the piers. ruption is to have longshore workers elect their lead- ers,” of Local 1588 in New Jersey Perlstein Tony said and coalition co-chair. Newark Local 1235 President Al Cernadas was previously indicted by the feds last year and is named once again under the RICO suit. “associate”Cernadas is a reputed of the Genovese crime family who control the New Jersey docks. new york city york new in a five-week span to get her name on the bal- lot. Then there is the substantial war chest Markowitz has accrued. According to docu- City Campaign ments filed with the New York Finance Board, the incumbent has raised over $1.5 million, while Mattera is a few hundred short of $9,000. In the short term, she says her goal is simply to try to raise $50,000 in order to become eligible for matching funds. cuts across may aid her efforts. She is a pro- ponent of educating parents about opt-out by military rights for high schoolers targeted recruiters and is campaigning for a greener Brooklyn. She also addresses health issues specific to the borough, such as high asthma have a lot of grassroots support in rates. “We different areas of the borough,” says Mattera. “I hope that people are ready to vote for someone with a different vision.” Irina Ivanova Irina she says. Gloria Mattera presses close and demolition could Rahul Chadha The Archdiocese sold St. Ann’s church, The Archdiocese sold St. Ann’s The Church has shuttered numerous ictorian Gardens sublets its space at the on 13th Street, to developers that built res- on 13th Street, to developers that identialof housing in its place. “Many these poor parishes are sitting on valuable said former Saint Brigid parish- property,” Community members are ioner Ed Torres. also getting involved in the fight to save used to have meetings the church. “We here about the police riots in the eighties squat- and nineties,” said veteran Village shut ter Richard Degen. “They don’t down churches on Fifth Avenue.” churches in the past couple of years for churches in the past couple of pay hun- lack of priests and ostensibly to to vic- dreds of millions of dollars owed tims of priest sexual abuse. hierarchy sent word that the church hierarchy sent word that the would forever the space be imminent as a plan to convert to apartments failed. But Mattera argues that the position holds But Mattera argues ollman Ice Skating Rink, a V According to Santulli, the operator of the the flesh with Jonathan and Sharon Schwartz. Photo: WILLIAMSBURG POLITICKING: plenty of sway over land-use issues in naming community boards appointees to the borough’s and one member to the City Planning Council. important for people to know that the bor- “It’s ough president has a lot of influence on land- use issues and planning boards,” W venture. According to a marketing assistant at the privatization the Central Park Conservancy, have corporate of Central Park is common. “We sponsorship, and they are allowed to hold spe- cial events in exchange.” Amusements is funded by Central facility, “anonymous investors,” who presumably are Ian and Victoria not the fantastical Victor making a killing Gardens. Nevertheless, it’s and enjoying a very different this summer, kind of fairy tale. AUMER B leeing famine, Irish immigrants Catholic Church built Saint Brigid’s in 1848. The yellow gothic-style sweep ENNETT B “How do I explain to my five-year-old Y enerable Tompkins Square Parish ‘Nearer to God’ Square Parish enerable Tompkins church, situated across from Tompkins church, situated across from the Irish, Square Park, has welcomed In June sqatters and Latino immigrants. the Archdiocese closed 2001, however, problems the church due to structural continued while hundreds of parishioners hall. Saint to hold mass in the social faithful began a fundraising drive Brigid’s that collected around $100,000 to reopen the church. child that they want to destroy this church?” asked Catherine King, echoing several longtime parishioners whose fam- ilies grew up worshiping at Saint In September 2004, the Catholic Brigid’s. B F St. Brigid’s on the Cross? Brigid’s St. V “He’s been outrageous in his shameless been outrageous in “He’s Many feel the position lacks real authority. The price is comparable to admission to Six you do with hard, because what can “It’s of scale with the neighborhood. I’ve really What courting of Bruce Ratner. learned traveling around Brooklyn is that there are several communities angry about his complacency about land use,” says Gloria Mattera, a Park Slope resident who serves as co-chair of the Green Party for New York State and is mounting the only serious cam- paign against Markowitz. views are regarded The borough president’s only as suggestions to the New City York against the re- stand Council. (Markowitz’s zoning plan for Greenpoint and Williamsburg was ignored by the council in its recent vote to approve it.) parks,” says Dana Santulli, Victorian Gardens’ parks,” says Dana Santulli, Victorian “Our prices are competitive.” sales manager. or a full day at Coney Flags in New Jersey, Island, both of which feature many more Gardens, rides. At the entrance to Victorian parents and nannies negotiate with children on how many rides they can go on, or leave the area entirely. City?” one your children in New York woman asked, after refusing to pay admission for her disappointed son. “This place is tempting for any child.” Antrim Caskey arks The tale describes how parishioner, Catherine King, has the southeast side of Central Park. The

ONDY HADHA B C ictoria Gardens. They lived a rather lav- ictoria Gardens.

nce upon a time there lived a beautiful and Ian and Mrs. wealthy couple named Victor V park on

ALLEY AHUL ince assuming the office of Brooklyn Borough President in 2002, Marty Markowitz has dedicated himself to a bare- R H ttended St. for 31 years. Brigid’s PHOTO: “I’d venture to say that our prices are not par- But Markowitz has also steadfastly sup- THIRD GENERATION a Y

Y Pay P ticularly high compared to other amusement ish life traveling across countries and exploring many new lands. They were, in short, social butterflies in their circle of friends. — this extravagant yet lonely couple could not have children. But fret not! The couple built a rink-sized amusement park, drawing chil- dren of all ages, and lived happily ever after! ported Bruce Ratner’s Atlantic Yards develop- Yards Atlantic ported Bruce Ratner’s ment plan, which includes a new arena for the Nets and highrises up to 50 stories. In doing so, the borough president has prompted the wrath of many who feel the plan is grossly out knuckled boosterism designed to evoke nostalgia for a Brooklyn that no longer exists. The former state senator has a knack for knowing where and when to mug for the cameras of the borough’s weeklies and plays the role of the “fuhgedabou- dit” Kings County native to the hilt. Brooklyn Greens Gun for Marty B For the cost of a pricey bottle of wine one can take a For the cost of a pricey bottle of wine one can a small, 11-ride amuse- Gardens, child to Victorian ment B prospective entrants into a make-believe land. cheap thrills at Victorian Gardens costs $18 for a day- cheap thrills at Victorian steep pass or $6 a la carte. Perhaps to distract from the ticket price, a sign posted outside attempts to

O S OPERATION RED SCARE David Horowitz’s Academic Battlefield


specter is again haunting U.S. colleges and universities. At Athe beginning of the Cold War in the early 1950s, Joseph McCarthy, the infamous Republican Senator from Wisconsin, stalked the political landscape hurling reckless charges that hordes of Communists had infiltrated the U.S. government before, during and after World War II. McCarthy and his band of self- Lawrence Herisnor, 19, of Manhattan, works with Youth Activist Youth Allies (YaYa), a member of the NYC Counter Recruitment Coalition. proclaimed patriots also trained Photo: Antrim Caskey their guns on the creative commu-

BROWN.EDU nity – writers, directors and actors working in Hollywood and on Broadway – as well as public school teachers and academics on college campuses across the country. The hysteria these men stirred up through largely unsubstanti- Stopping the War at the Source ated charges caused thousands of people to lose their jobs. Some committed suicide. BY ANTRIM CASKEY they signed up. If that were the case, he said, “I’d say they Flash forward 50 years: David Horowitz, the 1960s left-wing rad- couldn’t be in the schools.” ical turned right-wing activist/provocateur and Republican political n July 14, several dozen antiwar activists organized Siegel says military recruiting in schools also presents an consultant, has crafted a campaign to stifle the speech of liberal aca- by the New York City Counter-Recruitment opportunity for local antiwar groups to speak to students. demics. Disguised as an attempt to broaden free speech on campus, OCampaign picketed the military recruiting offices on Ike Enwereuzur, an aspiring sports writer who considered Horowitz’s Academic Bill of Rights has been making the rounds of Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn. The coalition’s focus is to enlisting for the first Gulf War in 1991, paused while pass- statehouses and college campuses during the past year or so. inform parents of high-school-age students that they can ing by on his bicycle. He said that he had a couple of friends Legislators in 14 states, including , Florida, Minnesota and “opt out” of the provision in the federal No Child Left who joined the military for educational benefits, but “they Maine, have introduced bills on that theme. Behind Act that requires schools to give students’ names, never got it. [The military] kept delaying it, and they got In early June, the Christian Science Monitor reported that “four addresses and other information to military recruiters – who frustrated. I think it’s a scandal.” state universities in Colorado... [had] adopted the principles under have been using increasingly high-pressure tactics to get According to the Central Committee for Conscientious legislative pressure in 2004.” people to enlist. Objectors, two-thirds of all recruits never receive college In Florida, State Representative Dennis Baxley (R-Ocala) has intro- “It’s important to take a stand against military recruiters funding from the military. Only 15 percent graduate with a duced an Academic Freedom Bill of Rights. In addition to guarantee- who are preying on poor people, coming to black neighbor- four-year degree. ing that students would “not be punished for professing beliefs with hoods,” said Brian Lewis, a New School student who is which their professors disagree,” the bill would have advised profes- working for the summer with Youth Activist Youth Allies “I NEEDED A JOB” sors “to teach alternative ‘serious academic theories’ that may dis- (YaYa), one of more than 15 groups participating in the One member of the crowd insisted that this reporter agree with their personal views.” counter-recruitment campaign. “I’m taking a stand today destroy a photograph of him taking antiwar leaflets. He “Some professors say, ‘Evolution is a fact. I don’t want to hear and saying no.” said he was a military policeman home on leave from serv- about intelligent design, and if you don’t like it, there’s the door,’” “Somebody told me, as the oldest in my house that I have ing the Iraqi city of Basra and could not be seen at a Baxley maintained. to go to war?” Alwyn Hall, 16, of Brooklyn, asked Lewis. demonstration. The bill went nowhere after passing a committee vote in March, “We do need people to fight a war. It’s my country, and I want He said he enlisted because, “Well, as you might know, 50 but Baxley “also appealed directly to the state’s university presidents to serve, but . . .” percent of black men don’t have jobs. I needed a job.” Recruiters to implement his proposals administratively,” says Susan “If you want to serve your country, there’s other ways to do told him that he “may or may not go to Iraq.” Greenbaum, president of the Faculty Senate at the University of that – the Peace Corps, as a civil servant,” Lewis answered. He said the war and the military are nothing like what the South Florida. As chair of the Education Council and a member of the “You don’t have to put your life on the line.” media or the military portray. Blacks and Latinos get undesirable Education Appropriations Committee, she adds, he “certainly has Hall, who hasn’t yet been targeted by recruiters, left say- assignments, no one from different races really mixes and super- their attention.” ing that he was going to talk to his parents about the “opt- visors are verbally abusive – “like Full Metal Jacket and shit.” “The real test,” Greenbaum pointed out, “will come in whether out” clause. About 3,000 leaflets were distributed during “Our superiors treat us like shit,” he continued. “We treat the event. Iraqis like shit. Shit rolls downhill, you see? The officers, they there is an escalation in student grievances at Florida universities, Lawrence Herisnor, 19, of Manhattan, who also works with live in palaces, you know Saddam’s old palaces. I live in a tent.” and what happens to those complaints. However, what seems to be YaYa, just graduated from the High School of Environmental And the Iraqis? “We treat them like they have no rights,” lacking in this whole issue is real student dissatisfaction. They have Studies in Midtown. Military recruiters were at his school the military policeman said. “If there’s an explosion, we arrest garnered almost no action among students on these campuses; “almost every single day,” he said, but “they never approached everyone on the street. We’ll arrest the family til a suspect David Horowitz presented a pitiful array of dubious anecdotes when me. They could see I was gay. They’d come and ask my turns himself in. “I hold them til they get to Abu Ghraib, he testified in .” friends in front of me and never talk to me.” like Rikers, you know,” he explained. “I’ve never seen [abuse of prisoners]. I’ve heard about it. I’ve seen people do sleep CAMPUS BROWNSHIRTS FRUSTRATED RECRUITERS deprivation to prisoners. I’m not involved in that.” Horowitz set up Students for Academic Freedom in 2003 to do the As the demonstrators marched on the sidewalk, three grunt work. On some campuses, they and similarly minded groups recruiters stood in silence in the open door of the recruiting For more, see counterrecruiter.net have launched an all-out assault on liberal professors, using classic office. Sergeant Shiverts, who has been a recruiter for two- McCarthyite tactics. and-a-half years, called military veterans among the protest- At Santa Rosa Junior College in Santa Rosa, Calif., veteran jour- ers “hypocritical.” “They didn’t like it when people protested nalist David Bacon reported, college Republicans posted leaflets on against them,” he said. “So why are they now protesting the doors of ten faculty members, accusing them of “teaching com- against those who are fighting for their freedom?” munism.” California law makes that illegal. The California College The recruiters would not comment on whether their Republicans called the episode “Operation Red Scare.” recruiting rates were up or down. Nationally, the army is fac-

THE INDYPENDENT Horowitz’s efforts on campuses across the country and Rep. ing its worst recruiting crisis since it became an all-volunteer Baxley’s work in Florida “represent an inversion of the original intent force in 1973. Its year-to-date recruiting numbers are off by of academic freedom, which is to protect the right of professors to 14 percent, and at its current pace it will miss its annual goal express controversial ideas without fear of retaliation,” Susan of 80,000 recruits by more than 11,000. The Army National Greenbaum maintains. Guard and Reserves are experiencing similar shortfalls. Civil libertarian Norman Siegel, a candidate for the Bill Berkowitz writes the “Conservative Watch” column for Democratic nomination for public advocate, said that nor- WorkingForChange.com, where this was originally published. mally he would not keep military recruiters out of schools, JULY 21 – AUGUST 10, 2005 but expressed concern that military recruiters were coming to Recruiter Sgt. Ibanez fends off a reporter’s questions.

4 schools and lying to students about what they would get if Photo: Antrim Caskey Bush’s Supreme Court Pick open letter

Why Has the FBI Placed Corporate A Million-Dollar Bounty Fundamentalist On Assata Shakur? BY KATHLEEN CLEAVER

n a highly disputed trial held 28 years ago, an all- white jury convicted former Black Panther Assata IShakur of the of a New Jersey state trooper. In 1979, while serving a life sentence, she escaped from prison and eventually resurfaced in Cuba, where she was granted asylum and has lived BY STEVEN WISHNIA text, structure or history of the ever since. But the U.S. government has continued Constitution.” In another case, to pursue her, regularly increasing the bounty on her or the last 15 years, Democrats have Roberts contended that harass- head and classifying her as a “domestic terrorist.” argued that people should vote for ing patients at abortion clinics Last May the Justice Department issued an them because a Republican president might be discrimination against unprecedented $1 million bounty for her return. F Shakur, 58, continues to maintain her innocence. would put disastrous judges on the Supreme pregnant people, but it wasn’t Court. With President Bush’s nomination of discrimination against women. Assata and Sundiata Acoli were arrested May 2, John G. Roberts to replace retiring Justice In another Supreme Court case, 1973, after a shootout on the New Jersey Turnpike Sandra Day O’Connor, the moment of truth Roberts argued that the federal in which State Trooper Werner Foerster and Black for both the high court and the Democratic law banning flag-burning did not Panther Zayd Shakur were killed. Assata was Party has arrived. violate the First Amendment. severely wounded, shot while her hands were up. Roberts, 50, who has been a judge on the In private practice from She has always maintained that she did not kill any- federal DC Circuit Court of Appeals since 1993 to 2003, Roberts liti- one. But in separate trials, Sundiata and Assata 2003, is an experienced litigator with a long gated several prominent cor- were convicted of murdering Foerster. history of right-wing positions on issues porate-rights cases. In 2002, Several years after she escaped, Cuba gave her from abortion to labor, media ownership to he represented Toyota in a political asylum on the grounds that she had been mining. In 2003, the liberal Alliance for case where the Supreme Court subjected to political persecution and had never Justice said he had a “record of hostility to ruled that a Kentucky assembly-line worker Rehnquist, Clarence Thomas, or Antonin received a fair trial. the rights of women and minorities.” fired after she got carpal-tunnel syndrome Scalia, but she was on the wrong side in Many freedom fighters I knew and loved, includ- In a televised address July 19, Bush praised was not covered by the Americans with some of the Court’s most screamingly unjust ing Eldridge Cleaver, to whom I was married, were Roberts as “one of the finest legal minds in Disabilities Act. He also represented Fox decisions of the last two decades. In 1986’s arrested and imprisoned because of our member- the country” who has “devoted his entire pro- Television in its successful challenge to fed- Bowers v. Hardwick, she voted to uphold a ship in the Black Panther Party. Many turned into fessional life to the cause of justice.” eral limits on media ownership, and wrote law that made it illegal for an adult fugitives to save their own lives, including my hus- The battle over confirming Roberts could an amicus brief supporting the West man to give a blowjob in his own bedroom. band, whom I joined in Algeria in May 1969. That be the biggest since the appointment of Virginia Coal Association when it got the (When the Court reversed that decision in was around the same time that Assata, then a bright Clarence Thomas in 1991 – or it could be a federal ban on mountaintop-removal min- 2003, she agreed that the Texas law in ques- New York City college student named Joanne fizzle like the recent filibuster imbroglio in ing overturned. tion discriminated against gays, but would Chesimard, joined the Black Panthers. the Senate, in which the Democrats acceded If the Democrats mount any challenge not hold that all sodomy laws were uncon- We had a concrete ten-point program to end to the nomination of three judges from the to Roberts’ confirmation, they are likely stitutional.) In 1993’s Herrera v. Collins, she racial inequality. We insisted on decent housing, depths of the judicial right wing. to denounce him as an “extremist” and concurred that it wouldn’t be unconstitu- appropriate education, economic justice, an At stake are attempts by the far right, “out of the mainstream.” The Republicans tional to execute a man who claimed to have immediate end to police brutality and other rights despite its denunciations of “judicial will call the Democrats “far-left obstruc- new evidence proving his innocence, as long our people had been fighting for since slavery activism,” to push forward a radical tionists.” The Democrats will probably as his original trial had been procedurally ended. We were not patient, we were not passive, revamping of American jurisprudence. not stress specific cases or issues, and the correct. and we were willing to defend our principles with They want to pack the benches with judges corporate media will almost certainly In December 2000, she voted to halt our lives. We became prime targets for law who combine a Talibanoid Christian social ignore those details to concentrate on the Florida’s recount of its presidential vote, on enforcement and intelligence agencies, particu- agenda with a relentless sanctification of political conflict. the grounds that continuing it would cause larly after J. Edgar Hoover, then FBI director, property rights. In this philosophy, envi- “irreparable harm” to George W. Bush. labeled us the “greatest threat to the internal ronmental regulations are deemed uncon- O’CONNOR A GONER (His lead had shrunk to 154 votes.) Three security” of the United States in 1968. stitutional “takings” of property rights, but After Justice O’Connor announced her days later, in Bush v. Gore, she voted to pro- We were young and passionately determined to laws against oral sex are not an unconstitu- retirement July 1, numerous Democrats hibit the Florida recount, thus selecting secure the freedom of our people in our lifetime. tional intrusion on privacy rights. Judge urged Bush to appoint a successor as “mod- Bush as president. The Court’s rationale Assata saw our leaders imprisoned and killed. Both Janice Rogers Brown, confirmed to the D.C. erate” and “thoughtful” as she was. Her was that counting ballots that had not been Black Panther Party founders Huey Newton and Circuit Court of Appeals in the filibuster career, party chair Howard Dean said, “was properly recorded by voting machines Bobby Seale faced the death penalty, and Fred compromise, has said that rent control is as marked by a commitment to placing the would violate voters’ right to equal protec- Hampton and Mark Clark, leaders of the Illinois odious as slavery, and complained that a law ahead of partisanship and ideology.” tion, because different counties would chapter, were murdered in 1969 in a predawn raid “socialist revolution” took over the federal Justice O’Connor may have been moder- probably use different methods. while they slept. Assata reported that she was courts in 1937. Before that “revolution,” ate compared with Chief Justice William beaten, tortured and denied medical attention after the Supreme Court routinely struck down her arrest, then continually threatened by police and laws protecting workers, including bans on prison guards. There was no question that she felt child labor. her life was in danger. Under international law and Cuban law, Shakur is TORTURE IS “MODERATE”? California Medical Marijuana entitled to the protection and freedom of asylum. Another crucial area is civil liberties, espe- There are no legal grounds for her return to the cially with the Bush administration’s inven- Activist Commits Suicide United States because no treaty of extradition exists tion of “enemy combatants” as a category of between the United States and Cuba, which has detainees who are neither prisoners of war an Diego medical-marijuana activist Steve been subjected to a U.S. blockade and trade nor common criminals – and thus have no McWilliams, 51, killed himself July 12. embargo for more than 40 years. rights. Ironically, Attorney General Alberto SMcWilliams, who ran the Shelter from the Despite this, the U.S. government and the state Gonzales, who helped craft the Justice Storm medical-pot collective, was facing a six- of New Jersey have repeatedly called for her cap- THE INDYPENDENT Department’s excuses for why torture was month federal prison sentence for growing 25 ganja ture. The meaning of this new million-dollar legal, was portrayed as a “moderate” when plants after being arrested in 2002. Friends and fel- bounty is to encourage and finance what amounts his name was floated as a possible Court low activists said that he was depressed over the to a kidnapping. nominee. The Christian right objected that Supreme Court’s June medical-marijuana decision, The government has elevated this barbaric he was insufficiently anti-abortion. which effectively nixed his appeal, and in severe pain conduct to the diplomatic level as a way to reim- That won’t be a problem for John from nausea, migraine headaches, and old motorcy- prison one Black woman who dared fight for our Roberts. As deputy solicitor general under cle-accident injuries. The terms of his bail had freedom. We cannot allow them to engage in JULY 21 – AUGUST 10, 2005 President George Bush Sr., he wrote a brief barred him from using medical cannabis. “Steve was lynch-mob diplomacy. supporting the “gag rule” banning family- a courageous fighter for the cause and he will be planning groups receiving federal funds sorely missed,” said Dale Gieringer of California Kathleen Cleaver is a law professor and former from discussing abortion with clients. “We NORML. Medical-marijuana activists held vigils in communications secretary for the Black Panther continue to believe that Roe v. Wade was his memory July 19 in San Diego and other cities. Party. For more information about Assata Shakur, please visit handsoffassata.com, or call the wrongly decided and should be overruled,” —STEVEN WISHNIA he argued, adding that there is no funda- HIGH TIMES Malcolm X Grassroots Movement at (718) 254-8800. mental right to abortion anywhere in “the 5 6 JULY 21 – AUGUST 10, 2005 THE INDYPENDENT Coaltown Crusade expand itscoaloperationsinSundial. (DEP) approvedapermitforMasseyEnergy to Department ofEnvironmentalProtection came fourdaysaftertheWest Virginia His impromptupressconferencewithWiley make suretheMarshForkstudentsweresafe. promised televisioncamerasthathewould spoke onthestepsofcapitol.Thegovernor sludge. Wiley refusedtoleaveuntilManchin earthen damholding2.8billiongallonsofcoal Elementary, whichliesdirectlybeneathan year-old granddaughterattendsMarshFork shifted around,”addsWiley, 47,whose10- day killmygranddaughter. They’reputtinga I wassettingupsomethingthatcouldone medical cardIneverhad.didn’t realizethat never had,”hesays.“Iwasblindedbythe mountaintop removal. structure ofthedevastatingpractice theinfra- – slurry linesandsludgeponds years agohewashelpingMasseybuildroads, industry haschangedmorethanWiley’s. Six quarters inRichmond,Virginia. arrested ataJune30protestMasseyhead- W Energy’s coalpreparationplantinSundial, May 31ataprotestoutsideofMassey the coalindustry. 16peoplewerearrestedon traditionally hashadacozyrelationshipwith to thestate’s politicalestablishment,which W T Vi site, whichMasseyEnergy hasmadetoxic. Elementary bemovedtosafetyfromitscurrent demand thatthestudentsofMarshFork worms,” saysWiley, whocametopresshis in thestatecapitolwithGov. JoeManchin. he gotwhatwanted:aface-to-facemeeting on July5.Itwasbarelypastlunchtimewhen Creek, West Virginia beganahungerstrike and indifferentpoliticians,EdWiley ofRock being ignoredbyarapaciouscoalcompany CHARLESTON, West Virginia—Tired of B ED WILEY AKING AIMAT KINGCOAL Y r “I wasblindedbythe$13.50anhourI Perhaps noone’s attitudetowardthecoal “You willseesomechangesinWest “I dobelievewe’veopenedupquiteacanof iley’s hungerstrikewasthelatestchallenge est Virginia. Fourmorepeoplewere ginia, andIbelieveyou’llseesomepeople A NTRIM tnsotieteWs ignasaecptl PHOTO: stands outsidethe West capitol. Virginia state C ASKEY “They makethisplacesougly.” says JackieBrowning,ofnearbyHorseCreek. ple. Theydon’t carewhattheydotoyou,” well asthe2.8billion-galloncoalsludgedam. silo, 1,849-acremountaintopremovalsiteas Massey shutdownitspreparationplant,coal children bemovedtoasafeschoolbutthat town activistsaredemandingnotonlythatthe – that’s bullcrap.Thatisalie.” to leak who tellsmethese[dams]arenotsupposed price ontheirownchildren’s head.Anybody sludgesafety.org For more,seemountainjusticesummer.org and get involved.” ist. Becauseitinvolvedchildren,hehadto Spadaro said.“He’s notan environmental- months beforetheDEPgrantedapermit. the foundationforsiloinApril,three operations. Masseyhadbegunconstructionon buffer zoneguardingschoolsfrommining withinthe300-foot close totheschool– existing andtheproposedsiloswereillegally dug upinformationtoprovethatboththe whistle-blowing miningengineer. Spadaro ing withactivistsincludingJackSpadaro,a Manchin’s madehisdecisionfollowingameet- ond siloatthesitehadbeenrevoked. that thepermitforMasseytoconstructasec- Manchin’s officeforaweek. Indypendent is dragginghisfeet,”Wiley told about tiredofwaitingonthem.Thegovernor ence. Wiley’s initialhopefulnesswaned.“I’m their campaignofnonviolentcivildisobedi- respond totheirdemandsbeforereturning his supportersgaveManchinfivedaysto Marsh ForkElementarystudents.Wiley and officials alsotouredaproposednewsitefor ful impactonthehealthofcommunity. agencies todiscusstheMasseyplant’s harm- heads ofalltherelevantstateregulatory nor, Wiley andhissupportersmetwiththe Tw HIS FEET” “THE GOVERNORISDRAGGING “Massey wantsitall.Theyareacruelpeo- In Sundial,localslikeWiley andout-of- “The governorisanex-coaloperator,” Hours later, thegovernor’s officeannounced The newlyattentivegroupofgovernment o daysafterhismeetingwiththegover- Antrim Caskey on July15,afternothearingfrom The Loves theRich E M B highest levelsincethe1920s. of nationalincometo7.4percent–the 1980, theymorethandoubledtheirshare recent studybythe an unprecedentedrateaccordingtoa of $3millionayear, isamassingwealthat 145,000 taxpayerswithanaverageincome The nation’s top0.1percent,some GETTING RICHERFASTER industry whereMichaelworks,withthe only dreamofreachingthesesums. hourly wagepayinghisbills,Michaelcan by 409percentto338,400.With his super rich,withover$10million,increased and $10millionincreased304percent.The 1983 to2001,whilethosewithbetween$5 in networthincreasedby123percentfrom The numberofthosewith$1to$5million FEW FULFILLTHEIRDREAM against theirowneconomicself-interest. political supporttothewealthy, voting many asthereasonAmericanslendtheir The “getrichsomeday”dreamiscitedby shares adreamheldbymanyAmericans. propel himtoriches,Michaelnonetheless rich someday.” Without concreteplansto haven’t,” Michaelsays.“Iamgoingtobe however, heidentifieswiththerich. self-employment. Despiteappearances, he tookina1990srecessionafteryearsof wage jobatamanufacturingplant,which and twodaughtersworksaminimum- he livesinamodesthousewithhiswife dream on Y While somegetrichinthetechnology “You maythinkI’vegivenup,butI D ON veryone M interest. Nowinhisearlysixties, would expecttovoteinhisself- ichael isthetypeofpersonone ONKERUD New York Times . Since truly rich. they cannotcompetewiththenation’s home $578millioncombinedin2004, top tenSiliconValley CEOsalonetaking soars inthis“joblessrecovery.” 14 years.Meanwhilehiddenunemployment are fallingfasterthanatanytimeinthelast Financial Times cent. Despitethe1990s’incomegains, standing productivityincreasesof44.5per- 2000 wasbelowthe1979level,notwith- 1979 to1998andthemedianmalewagein for mostAmericansdidn’t improvefrom in oneyear. was $1trillion,anincreaseof$45billion bined networthofthenation’s wealthiest the world’s billionaires.In2004,thecom- aires, givingthiscountryalmosthalfof In thepastyear, 69morebecamebillion- which 78percentwerebillionairesin2004. Americans startsat$750million,of survey. TheForbes400listoftherichest row, accordingto more numerousforthesecondyearina Nationwide, billionairesarericherand HALF THEWORLD’SBILLIONAIRES Americans mimicthewealthybygoingever percent anddebtincreased80percent. rose 6.5percent,yetspendingjumped30 From 1990to2003,medianincomeonly ple feelricherbecausetheyconsumemore. poor from1970to2000.Simplyput,peo- widening incomegapbetweenrichand Germany. Theytracethecreditsurge tothe of GoetheUniversityinFrankfurt, of NewYork UniversityandDirkKrueger with therich,sayeconomistsFabrizioPerri Borrowing iswhatleadstoidentification BORROWING INTOWEALTH applies totherichesttwopercentof abolition oftheinheritancetax,whichonly soon willbe.TheyevensupportedBush’s they areinthewealthiestonepercent,or found that39percentofAmericansbelieve poll their position.A2000Time/CNN W Despite longerhoursandlowerpay, American families. Americans, like orkers fareddifferently, however. Wages A VIRTUAL ARISTOCRACY After Bush’s taxcuts,the400top Thousand Cuts ing anewaristocracy. lower taxesfurther, theyare creat- Easily convincingAmericansto taxpayers nowpayatthesame rate asthosemaking$50,000to at all.Unliketheaveragewage largest corporationspaynotax $75,000 andmanyofthe earner, thesepeopleknowtheir paign gavemoneytoBush. interests: 72percentofthe Shapiro, authorsof tributed tothe2004cam- Forbes richest400whocon- deeper indebttoconsume reported inMaythatwages Michael J.GraetzandIan F out from1993to2000. more thantheycashed in homeequity, 2.5times cashed out$480billion more. Since2001,they ANTASY WORLD Forbes , pointoutthatmost Michael, magazine’s 2005 misperceive Death bya THE INDYPENDENT JULY 21 – AUGUST 10, 2005 7 —Pictures and coverage by Matthew Cassel But that’s the way of the West. It rewards the way of the West. But that’s In searching for the true masterminds of

region with Afghanistan, allows his people to starve, lets the FBI run rampant and levies no protest when hundreds of his citizens are dis- appeared into the Anglo-American torture Musharraf has been network. For his fealty, given billions in aid and loans, much of which is reportedly lining his pockets. thugs who terrorize the poor and who – like Saddam, Mobutu, Suharto – can be sacrificed commitment to “democ- in a show of Western racy” when they’ve outlived their usefulness. the London attacks, one not need look any further than 10 Downing St. and 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. ODNINDYMEDIA LONDON otests Greet G8 Ministers in Scotland otests Greet G8 Ministers “They” hate “us” because of the Israeli policies toward Pakistan, Such as Western or three straight days, streets. high-energy demonstrations filled Scotland’s Wednesday, On the morning of UK Guardian. Pr F Edinburgh,July 6 groups blockaded roads surrounding preventing delegates and other important personnel from reaching the summit.“hori-zone” The campsite was an important activist base. Many to the woke up rumors of an attack in London. portable radios gleaning information They huddled around from BBC, while to check if everyoneLondoners phoned family and friends was safe. many After the bombings protesters in slogans against the attacks in London.Scotland edited their signs to include came out against the People bombings while at the same time continuing to voice their opposition to war and the policies of the G8. occupation of Palestine, because of the tor- ment of Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya and the hand that props up butchers in Kashmir, Uzbekistan and Pakistan. They hate us for our hand-holding with oil-rich despots in the Gulf. They hate us for our policies, which is why the war must be defined as a theological battle between good and evil – because poli- cies can be changed. covert battlefields. Reports one of the war’s are that three of the London bombers were of Pakistani descent. Bush and Blair heartily tyrant, Pervez Musharraf, support Pakistan’s who has unleashed a war along the border Protests against the G8 turned to mourning as news reed The real solution lies in immediately ending the occupation of Iraq, At the beginning of the G8, Blair suggested that “poverty was the – bombing raids, torture, countless civilian deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq – against Islamo-anarchists whose numbers are small, but whose is political, not military. then, as now, The solution reach is deadly. The British ruling elite understood this perfectly well in the case of Ireland. Security measures, anti-terror laws rushed through parlia- ment, identity cards, a curtailment of civil liberties, will not solve the problem. If anything, they will push young Muslims in the direction of mindless violence. Afghanistan and Palestine. Just because these three wars are reported sporadically and mean little to the everyday lives of most Europeans does not mean the anger and bitterness they arouse in the Muslim world and its diaspora is insignificant. As long as western politicians wage their wars and their colleagues in the Muslim world watch in silence, young people will be attracted to the groups who carry out random acts of revenge. cause of terrorism.” It is not so. The principal cause of this violence is the violence being inflicted on the people of the Muslim world. And unless this is recognized, the horrors will continue. Originally published in the of the London bombings spread. EDINBURGH MEMORIAL: Bush and Blair are the prime beneficiaries of Bush and Blair are the prime beneficiaries to forget Meanwhile, Blair wants everyone Bush and Blair have turned Iraq into a char- The media plays along, focusing on the detention powers, imprison those “attacking detention powers, and further limit the the values of the West,” rights of immigrants. the bombing. They want a security-surveillance terrorism: ani- matrix to suppress dissent, not campaigners, mal rights and environmental libertarians, anti-war activists, unionists, civil the state. anarchists and anyone who opposes they use it to stage coups Internationally, Jean- Haiti’s against popular leaders like Hugo Chavez. Bertrand Aristide or Venezuela’s British-born that his government abandoned torture-first- Muslims swept up in the new Some have been f ask-questions-later order. innocence from the globalized gulag, their tortured for “confirmed” only after being months or even years. nel house, where suicidal slaughter is inflicted the Iraq conflict to Tying on Iraqis every day. the “war on terror” has made it a self-fulfilling A CIA report concludes Iraq is prophecy. becoming an “even more effective training ground for Islamic extremists than in Afghanistan, Afghanistan.” Insurgents Chechnya and elsewhere are benefiting from tactics developed in Iraq and are drawing from a new generation of militants created by the war on Islam. But mention any of this, and the “war on terror” propagandists screech “naïve” and “dangerous” and “traitorous.” forensics – the who and how – “It is our freedoms they but never the philosophy – why. hate.” But even Osama countered in his pre- U.S. election video last fall that if his follow- freedoms, “Why do ers really hated Western we not strike Sweden?”

LI UPTA A uring the last phase of the Troubles, the IRA targeted main- the IRA targeted uring the last phase of the Troubles, Thatcher land Britain: it came close to blowing up Margaret and her cabinet in Brighton. Some years later a missile was

he London bombings were a fitting he London bombings were a self- exclamation point to the grotesque sum- indulgence on display at the G-8 ARIQ T A.K. G Ever since 9/11, I have been arguing that the “war against terror” Ever since 9/11, I have been arguing Most Londoners (as the rest of the country) were opposed to the Iraq One of the arguments deployed by Ken Livingstone, the mayor of deployed One of the arguments The bombers who targeted London were anonymous. It is assumed The bombers who targeted For his part, Tony Blair preached from the For his part, Tony But there was no chance for debate. Court Many Africans wonder why they must pay Many Africans wonder why they Y Y response is immoral and counterproductive. It sanctions the use of state terror war. Tragically, they have suffered the blow and paid the price for the Tragically, war. re-election of Blair and a continuation of the war. London, when he appealed to Tony Blair not to support the war in London, when he appealed to Tony Iraq was prescient: “An assault on Iraq will inflame world opinion and jeopardize security and peace everywhere. London, as one of the major world cities, has a great deal to lose from war and a lot to gain from peace, international cooperation and global stability.” that those who carried out these attacks are linked to al-Qaida. We Al-Qaida is not the only terrorist group in exis- simply do not know. tence. It has rivals within the Muslim diaspora. But it is safe to assume that the cause of these bombs is the unstinting support given by “New Labour” and its prime minister to the U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. fired at No 10. London’s financial quarter was also targeted. There was quarter was also targeted. financial fired at No 10. London’s that carried out the hits no secret as to the identity of the organization or its demands. And all this happened despite the various Prevention Acts passed by the Commons. of Terrorism B gospel according to Bush: the attack was a it had nothing product of an “evil ideology,” but was an attack to do with the Iraq war, upon our way of life. Blair also struck fast at civil liberties, proposing new laws to log details of all emails, text messages and cell phone calls, make admissible evidence gained from phone-tapping and bugging, increase jesters Bob Geldof and Bono capered upon the world stage declaring their missionary work a huge success. Then the bombings provided Bush with a bloody pedestal to clamber upon and yammer about spreading “an ideology of hope and compassion that will overwhelm their ideology of hate.” back these debts, most of which were accrued back these debts, most of which who burned bil- despots by Western-backed arsenals lions on palaces, jets and massive purchased from their “freedom-loving” people. Other patrons to torment their observers were impudent enough to note that is notorious for lavishing such the West promises before the cameras while flinty about actually paying up. mit. George Bush, Tony Blair and company Bush, Tony mit. George the tired, old spent repackaging salvation for international aid shell game as (which often Africa: recycling previous aid cor- to Western arrives in the form of subsidies $55 billion in porations) and shaving off a mere continent is non-performing loans when the in debt. saddled with more than $300 billion The Price of Empire B London Bombings: Bush & Blair’s War on the World on the War & Blair’s Bush news analysis

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Putting the BUSH’S EXIT PLAN: CIVIL WAR Occupation on Trial BY A.K. GUPTA further in May with “Operation BY AMY WOLF Ghraib, who stated, “The Lightning,” using 40,000 mainly Shiite Americans brought electricity to “It’s state-sponsored civil war,” says journalist Dahr Jamail, describing the troops to sweep through Baghdad and he World Tribunal on Iraq my ass before they brought it to sectarian conflict engulfing Iraq. From the beginning of the occupation, round up hundreds of Sunni males. (WTI) conducted its culmi- my house.” In the North, the Kurds have turned Tnating session in Istanbul Thomas M. Fasy testified to the most observers agreed that while civil war was a distinct possibility the tables on Sunni Arabs, who benefited from June 23-25. The tribunal has devastating effects of depleted ura- between Kurds and Sunni Arabs, a Sunni-Shiite conflict was highly from Saddam Hussein’s repression of the held sessions around the world for the nium (DU) used by the U.S. in Iraq. Kurds. The effect can be seen in the past two years, aimed at challenging Although the rates of cancers, unlikely because of factors such as nationalism, high rates of intermarriage largely Sunni Arab city of Mosul, with a the silence around the aggression leukemia and birth defects in Iraq and the moderating influence of Shiite Grand Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani. population of 1.7 million. According to against Iraq and seeking the truth rose sharply after the 1991 and 2003 Salon.com, Kurdish forces refer to Sunni about the war and occupation in Iraq. bombings, the U.S. does not offi- Arabs “as murderous ‘dogs,’ two-faced Policy experts, Iraqi civilians and cially acknowledge these side Jamail says that while average Iraqis are Lebanon’s system of government. liars, animals and other epithets that leaders in the peace and human rights effects, and so does nothing to clean strongly opposed to internecine warfare, Parenti says that “because the major indicate… hatred of a group clearly movements gathered to investigate up DU contamination. the use of ethnic-based militias against Shiite parties did run in the election,” regarded as an enemy.” The same report are up to the task. Trudy Rubin traveled Escobar writes, “Many groups in this the role of the media, to give testi- Emma Khammas, an Iraqi human the Sunni Arab insurgency has ignited a some insurgents view them as collabora- estimates that more than 40,000 to Iraq to determine if Iraqi forces could front have already met in Algiers. The mony to the abhorrent conditions and rights activist based in Baghdad, dirty war that threatens to become tors. “There was a heavy Islamization of Peshmerga have been transferred whole- pick up the slack. She wrote in the front is opposed to the American occupa- human rights abuses that take place works to let the world outside Iraq another Lebanon or Balkans conflict. the Baathists and army after the first sale into the “national” security services. Baltimore Sun: “Today, there are more tion and permanent Pentagon military every day, to lay out clear recommen- comprehend the realities of occupa- it was now “up to the Iraqis,” and With the war at a stalemate, repeated Gulf War. A lot of the Sunni Baathists in The Kurds are even running their own than 100 military and police commando bases; opposed to the privatization and dations to restore justice and to plan tion. She testifies, “The American Life that those who demanded more assis- deployments, wearing down troop morale the resistance think the Shiites are ani- network of secret prisons, according to battalions, totaling 169,000 Iraqis. But corporate looting of the Iraqi economy; the next course of action. tance were being unreasonable. and too few new recruits to maintain force mals. They think they’re Iranian scum.” . With the knowledge of the 80 military battalions, only three – and opposed to the federation of Iraq, This tribunal is modeled after the “They think every problem is a U.S. levels, the Bush administration may be This has led to a wave of sectarian vio- and cooperation of U.S. forces, the Kurds at most – are fully capable of planning i.e., balkanization.” Russell Tribunal of the late 1960s The Americans problem,” he said. provoking civil war as its “exit strategy.” lence against Shiites, he adds. have seized hundreds of Arabs and and carrying out counterinsurgency oper- If the Bush administration is provoking and was solidified in October 2003 brought electricity Under In the country for nine months, The goal would be to break up Iraq into Once the victorious Shiite parties cob- Turkmen in the city of Kirkuk, and pos- ations on their own.” civil war, it could create an even greater dis- out of anti-war convergences in “ Maj. Helmers was asked why he mini-states to allow a reduction in U.S. bled a government together in April, sibly Mosul, and illegally transferred aster. If Iraq starts to unravel, neighboring Berlin, Jakarta and Istanbul. After to my ass before thought the U.S. had invaded Iraq. troops while retaining access to massive they placed the Interior Ministry under them to prisons further north. “WE’VE READ MAO” countries like Syria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia listening to testimony from 54 advo- they brought it the “There are many reasons,” he said, oil deposits in the North and South. the control of the Badr Brigades, the mil- The ineptness of the Iraqi security and Iran would move in to stake their cates over 16 meetings of the tribu- “but mostly Saddam himself was a “Every single thing the U.S. did led itary arm of the powerful Shiite-based OIL OR NOTHING forces is partly due to the success of the claims. The White House is clearly afflicted nal, the Jury of Conscience, chaired to my house. weapon of mass destruction. He to civil war,” says Christian Parenti, Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution A similar situation prevails in southern insurgency. Christian Parenti says insur- with a gambler’s mentality: it keeps increas- by peace activist Arundhati Roy, ” killed Kurds and Shiites. He was author of The Freedom, his account of in Iraq. As for the army, a report in The Iraq, which has become a de facto reli- gents he spoke to said, “We’ve read ing the stakes to try to recoup its losses. defined this war as one of the most —A former Empire working on other WMDs. We may occupied Iraq. “The failure of recon- Guardian states bluntly, “Both Iraqi and gious state: alcohol is banned, rigid dress Mao,” meaning they know how to con- Parenti notes that domestically the unjust in history. Abu Ghraib detainee still find them.” struction, the firing of the army, the bla- American officers say that the Ministry of codes are being enforced, prostitutes are duct a sophisticated guerrilla war and entire “political class is united that the Roy stated in the jury’s findings, BY TRISH SCHUH He added that part of the 155th’s tant theft of Iraqi oil money, the use of Defense in Baghdad has fallen under the being murdered and local governments isolate their enemy, the United States. U.S. is not going to leave. They say the “The Bush and Blair administrations forces occupy the buildings, mostly mission was “explosive ordnance the Badr Brigade, the use of Peshmerga, control of Kurdish political parties.” and security forces are under the sway of The resistance has forced out the stakes are too high, and I think they’re blatantly ignored the massive oppo- private houses, where they imprison KARBALA, Iraq, June 4 – It should disposal.” the use of death squads, the use of indis- The result has been a wave of death- competing Shiite parties and movements. United Nations, more than a dozen coun- totally correct. The U.S. will eventually sition to the war … embarked upon the whole family. They put them in have been little more than an hour’s Experts contend that one WMD – criminate detention and torture, the squad killings. Since April, “nearly 1,000 Just like the North, the South has mas- tries in the “coalition of the willing” and lose and it will have a dramatic effect on one of the most unjust, immoral, one of the rooms, using the rest of drive south from Baghdad. But it took depleted uranium – is easy to find. destruction of Falluja and other towns in Al people – most of them Sunni Muslims” sive oil reserves, which is fueling a sepa- almost all international aid agencies. its power worldwide.” and cowardly wars in history. The the house as their quarters, as a tem- an hour just to exit the checkpoints. But American authorities have Anbar province,” explains Parenti, created a have been killed in the southern city of ratist movement. “We want to destroy the They have assassinated more than 50 Anglo-American occupation of Iraq porary military station. Then they Along the road, a smashed car refused to clean it up or acknowledge raging insurgency and sparked civil war. Basra alone, according to the Christian central system that connects the entire high-ranking government officials since of the last 27 months has led to the go around the neighborhood firing remained after colliding with a mili- its harmful effects. Conventional Science Monitor. In May, at least 10 Sunni country to the capital,” one Shiite auton- power was “handed over” on June 28, destruction and devastation of the at people. I can understand why a tary vehicle. Iraqis complain that weapons also pose a danger. Live THE SECTARIAN SPLIT and Shiite clerics were assassinated. omy campaigner told . 2004. In the last few months, they have Iraqi state and society. Law and order soldier would shoot at a young per- tanks sometimes drive over the tops munitions have been The communal divide was widened by Writing in The Independent, Patrick Breaking up Iraq may be part of the killed scores of mid-level officers in the have broken down completely, son; he may feel threatened. But why of cars, crushing passengers. piled along streets, the U.S.-managed election process. Cockburn reports, “Many Sunni military plan to cut U.S. forces. A report leaked to security services, indicating they have >> An estimated resulting in a pervasive lack of >> Iraqis complain would anyone point a gun at a 65- Outside the city, progress was frus- unmarked due to a Political parties were required to form officers and Baathist officials believe they media in early July stated that the thoroughly infiltrated the forces and are human security; the physical infra- $8 billion – or 43% – year-old woman? There are such trated by a mile-long convoy of shortage of yellow that tanks drive over “slates” for last January’s election. are on a death list of the Badr Brigade Pentagon plans to draw down troops debilitating the operational leadership. structure is in shambles; the health examples, which are difficult to armored personnel carriers, tanks, plastic “caution” tape. However, with violence rampant, few which is operating through the [police] from 138,000 to 66,000 by early 2006. Most recently, they attacked at least four of the reconstruction care delivery system is a mess; the the tops of cars, explain to you, such as American humvees, and supply trucks waiting During a visit to candidates campaigned in public so most commandos… an aggressive paramilitary Analyst and historian Juan Cole writes, foreign envoys within one week. education system has ceased to func- money will be spent troops shooting a three-year-old for deployment. Hundreds of civilian the Karbala office of crushing passengers. Iraqi voters cast ballots based on ethnic force controlled by the Interior Ministry.” “The withdrawal plan implies a willing- But they need a political wing to con- tion; there is massive environmental baby in the head. Women sitting in autos were forced off the four-lane Iraqi Human Rights allegiance. At the same time, U.S. forces The Times of London noted on July 18: ness to turn the five northern provinces solidate gains on the battlefield. Pepe and ecological devastation; and, the on security costs. their houses are fired at.” highway onto a narrow dirt road Watch, employee Hussein Al were trying to crush resistance in Sunni “hardline Shia militias… are patrolling over to the Kurdish Peshmerga paramili- Escobar of Asia Times argues that a 2/05 T. Christian Miller, LA Times cultural and archeological heritage of The World Tribunal on Iraq has bisected by railroad tracks. Traffic Abrahemy placed a cluster bomb on Arab regions, ensuring their alienation large parts of Baghdad, often rounding tary, and the nine southern provinces over national liberation front is emerging the Iraqi people has been dese- posted the majority of transcripts stalled, zigzagged and backtracked. his desk. He claimed that citizens from the new government. Following the up suspected Sunni insurgents and to a combination of Shiite militias and that includes the Association of Muslim crated.” William Taylor, a U.S. diplomat who and testimonies from this seminal Cars, trucks, and SUVs contended had unsuccessfully requested many election, government posts were divided imprisoning or even killing them.” The new Iraqi government security forces.” Scholars and Shiites grouped around Panelists included Dahr Jamail, an oversees Iraqi reconstruction event on its Web site, www.worldtri- with tanks. More waiting. times that the U.S. military retrieve according to ethnic quotas, similar to U.S. took the sectarian strategy a step It’s highly questionable if Iraqi forces populist preacher Moqtada Al-Sadr. independent journalist who efforts, said the country’s violent bunal.org. In addition, Deep Dish From the chaos and dust, a train these WMDs. However, cluster reported on human rights abuses insurgency had created TV recorded the testimonies and sped by and sent vehicles squealing; bombs were still being found PHOTOS BY ANDREW STERN andrewstern.net and the sorry state of the recon- a “security premium,” gobbling up panel discussions, and will provide then, relief that it wasn’t a car bomb. throughout the city. struction. He interviewed one money that otherwise would have those to the public soon. The trip took nearly five hours. Children thought the yellow devices innocent man released from Abu been spent to provide clean water, Camp Lima Forward Operating were toys. So on April 3, a committee “We Don’t Do electricity and sanitation for Iraqis. Base just east of Karbala is home to headed by Ali Hamza of the Muslim 2/05 T. Christian Miller, LA Times the 155th Armored Brigade of the Peacemakers Team decided to dispose Body Counts”—Tommy Franks, US Central Command Mississippi National Guard. The of the ordnance themselves. Estimated Breakdown of Funding Flows for Iraq’s Reconstruction: Amount Halliburton overcharged for Civil Affairs Battalion Team, Attempting to clear a school yard of Estimated Iraqi death toll: 25,000 129,000 fuel transportation in Iraq: $212.3 headed by Chaplain Terry Partin, explosives, Hamza was killed. How are the funds being spent? million Maj. Jack Helmers and Maj. The Army promised compensation, Average number of insurgency related death per month in Iraq: 800 Kenneth Booth, voiced support for but the family has received nothing. Amount of money per year United States democracy, human Responding to U.S. inaction, the American deaths since war began (3/19/03): 1,770 weapons manufacturer Lockheed rights and “winning hearts and Community of Victims’ Kin was Martin gets from the individual tax Since "Mission Accomplished" (5/1/03): 1,633

minds.” The soldiers offered an founded, demanding that five percent THE INDYPENDENT payer: $105 example. After a night house raid, of Iraq’s oil revenue be allotted to war troops would return to the neigh- victims’ families. Official count of American Wounded: 13,438 …and from each U.S. household: borhood in the morning and dis- Maj. Booth’s statements about $228 tribute toys. democracy and human rights have Estimated count of American Wounded 15,000 – 38,000 Maj. Booth explained U.S. recon- similarly been challenged. Ali Nassir THE INDYPENDENT Rate of taxation on the average

struction plans and the unit’s motto: of the Iraqi Council for Solidarity The number of children suffering from malnutrition JULY 21–AUGUST10,2005 American: 21-33% S.W.E.A.T. (sewage, water, electric- and Peace commented that the U.S. has doubled since the March 2003 invasion. ity, academic and trash priorities). Army “didn’t bring democracy.” Rate of taxation on Lockheed He said that the chief obstacle was It may not have brought equality Percentage of Iraqi children under five who suffer from chronic Martin: 7.7% securing rebuilding funds. either. On the way out of Camp diarrhea and protein deficiency: 8 Despite this limitation, the mili- Lima Base were two latrines. One (Source: CorpWatch / Arms Trade tary had begun five water and elec- was marked, “IRAQIS ONLY,” the Percentage of child deaths in Iraq cause by diarrhea from unsafe water: 70 Resource Center, 2002)

JULY 21 – AUGUST 10, 2005 Source: Center for Strategic and International Studies trical projects, as well as schools and other, “NO IRAQIS – AMERI- Sources in order: (CEDMHA, Randolf Bourne Institute, UNICEF Anthony Cordesman, CSIS, Defense Contract 9

8 a nursing home. Maj. Booth felt that CANS ONLY.” Audit Agency. Casualties as of 7/20/05. 10 JULY 21 – AUGUST 10, 2005 THE INDYPENDENT cooperatives. opened asworkers’ wouldbere- ries that also coverclosed facto- will The confiscations companies. of private idle landsfromhundreds dited planstoconfiscate as heannouncedexpe- president HugoChavez saidVenezuelan Earth,” dom ofGodhereon want tobuildtheking- forthosewho , or is theroadtohell, “Either , Nepal’s fate. assembly todecide wideconstituent nation autocracy andsupporta thefeudal unite against partiesto parliamentary the country’s sidelined urged insurgents have thecommunist tion, the monarchy’s isola- on Capitalizing mand. rebels’ second-in-com- andis widely reputedtobethe Gyanendra, tions withNepal’s last roundof conductedthe Bhattarai months ofsuspension. (Maoist) afterseveral Communist Party ofNepal ofthe the topbody to been re-appointed Baburam Bhattarai signs offoulplay. Rights reportsthat Segura’sArroyo showed body Ecuadorian EcuménicaCommissiononHuman The tion ofalargedamontheBabaRiver. had beenactiveinacampaigntostoptheconstruc- Segura Arroyo in theBabaRivereasternEcuador. munity leader Andres Segurawasfounddead Arroyo Ecuadorianenvironmentalistandcom- On June20, FOUND DEAD ECUADORIAN ENVIRONMENTALIST SOS t-shirts. theircrewdon MTVofferedonlytohave beach, T InresponsetoSOS andgreenturtles. hawksbill turtleaswell density sitefortheleatherback T 400eggs. eight nestscontainingapproximately anestimated Theshootdestroyed from nesting. blockingturtles bers andtheremovalofsand, thepresenceofabout90filmcrewmem- ment, equip- disrupted thenestinggroundwithheavy theshoot grouptorelocate, local conservation T accordingtotheSea seaturtles, leatherback a on Turtle Beachin Tobago causedmassivedam- MTV’s shootingofitsreality TV show TURTLE NESTS SEA DESTROYS MTV key allyinBush’s “war onterror.” T several thousandwereheldinIstanbulandamong Funeralmarchesnumbering reportedly unprovoked. was Theattack CaferCangöz. General Secretary killing17leadingmembersincluding 1,000 troops, and NorthKurdistan withhelicoptergunshipsand activists fromtheMaoistCommunistParty of Turkey On July16the Turkish of acaravan attacked military MASSACRES COMMUNISTS TURKISH MILITARY rihadKriheie nGray Turkey isa urkish andKurdish exilesinGermany. obago’s theeventtoanother requeststorelocate urtle Beachis Tobago’s mostfamousandhighest Despiterequestsfroma Project. urtle Restoration ge toanestingbeachforcriticallyendangered W orld briefs negotia- which King has l mrec, since1981. emergency,” of by acontinuous “state bolstered been inpower, Mubarakhas ing party. whom arefromtherul- 90percentof liament, chamberofpar- lower members ofEgypt’s from 65ofthe444 advance endorsements are requiredto Mub president Hosni ed Saadawi, Nawal in thelastcentury. invasion ofIraq military war isBritain’s third Thecurrent terrorism.” security andcounter- take controloftheirown gradually forces “can untilIraqiproxy leave though troopswouldnot within thenextyear, will beginto forces British military JohnReidsaid Secretary Defense U.K. in Iraq, imperialist ambitions” does nothave “long-term Insisting thatBritain si re tional amendmentthat ing a idential electionscit- from September’s pres- withdrew and feminist, nesto engers ti stricts viableoppo- on Egyptian novelist Egyptian addce.Chal- candidacies. recent constitu- The Gauntlet scale back five-term renown- receive arak W Plagued byFickle African AIDSGroups dito tAuh ainlPr nTnai.Photo: addiction at ParkArusha National in Tanzania. Y tice askitaboutHIVprevention. second, equallycongestedofficeinwhichagroupofteenagersprac- Mruma’s organization. Acrossthehall,laughterspillsoutfroma board ofphotosdisplaysthebroadrangeactivitiesundertakenby hectic pacehere.Desksarepiledupwithfiles,andacolorfulbulletin floors aboveArusha’s smoggy, congestedSokoineRoad,demonstratesthe go,” saysDr. AshaMruma.Onelookaroundhercrowdedoffice,four “Whenever thereismoney, Idon’t evenrelaxbecauseIknowitmight T funder chosetoworkinanotherregionof funding policiesincapriciousmanners.One 1992. has beenrepeatingitselfsinceitsinceptionin nothing newforChawakua,a organization wasbeginningtoflourishis says Mruma.Losingadonorjustwhenthe to trainthem.We reallylosetimethatway,” will getfundingagainandwestartallover salaries tohelptheirfamiliesandthen,we lose ourstaff.Theywillgotolookfor workshops andforums. petition combinedwithsexualhealth vention, suchasahip-hopanddancecom- ities ofpeeroutreach,educationandpre- allowed Chawakuatocontinuetheiractiv- program’s limitedfive-yearcontract funding fromtheGatesFoundation.The Y organization hadbeenfundedbyAfrican Mruma laments. have evenbeenthreeyearswithoutadonor,” out salariesforthepastthreemonths.“We the dedicatedstaffhasbeenworkingwith- Despite theirnumerousaccomplishments, est grassrootsHIV/AIDSorganizations. director ofChawakua,oneTanzania’s old- ARUSHA, Tanzania –Mrumaismanaging B OUTH COMPLETE anzania. “Theytoldustheywouldfind outh Alliance,whichinturnreceived Y Donors comeandgo,oftenchangingtheir “While welookforanotherdonor, wecan Until threemonthsago,the13-year-old N EELA estern Donors G SA AND OSHAL usinarseautn h et fterkoldeo Ts AIDSanddrug onSTDs, thedepthoftheirknowledge questionnaires evaluating J EREMY scenario that K AMPS Neela Goshal and tookourthings,”Mrumaexplains. debt fortheofficerent.Thelandlordcame country andwewereleftwithsixmonths months. Then,theyweretoldtoleavethe another donorforus,sowewaitedsix cer league. others, beginningwithhisfriendsinasoc- change hisownlife,buttoalsoeducate decided tousetheexperiencenotonly 26-year-old foundhewasHIVnegative receiving endoftheirservices.Whenthe not longagothatSimonGervaswasonthe outlying villagesaroundArusha.Itwas Chawakua tobringpeereducationthe effectiveness. UVIWA grewoutof Arumeru) arelivingproofofChawakua’s (Partnership fortheYouth andWomen of staff membersofthenascentUVIWA Mruma. or thecommunitywilllosetrustinus,”says clothing. “We cannotturnthesepeopleaway services asantibiotics,vitamins,foodand those infectedoraffected,byfundingsuch cent oftheirsalariesandgiveittosupport youth education.Staffagreedtotake10per- such work,andwasinsteadearmarkedfor money hadnotfundedthecontinuationof based treatmentofHIV/AIDS.Butdonor Chawakua initiallyfocusedoncommunity- INSTEAD OFTREATMENT FUNDING YOUTH-EDUCATION Like Chawakua,UVIWA isalsooperating Down thestreetfromChawakua will agree,”saysGervas. do this,thisandwhatcanwedo?We says, Iwillgiveyoumoneybuthaveto will besacrificedforfinancialsupport? donor stay?Whatactivitiesandvisions new setofstruggles.Howlongwillthe the ground,thoughthatcanalsocreatea bureaucracy totheirday-to-dayworkon money worksitswaythroughthechainsof writing proposalsinhopesthatdonor cutting programming,buttheypersevere, That maymeanworkingwithoutsalaryor continue theirworkbecauseitisneeded. people,” saysVivravaidya. activists andhealthworkers,notbusiness enterprise. “Theproblemis,theseare business know-howtostartaprofitable not everysmallNGOhasthecapitalor Association. However, sherecognizesthat Population andCommunityDevelopment AIDS educationprojectsundertakenbythe A ent oftheUnitedNationsPopulation and restaurant. “Cabbages andCondoms,”apopularresort She citestheexampleofThailand’s staffer ataU.S.-basedAIDSorganization. strategies, goalsandobjectives,”saysa way, they’renotforcedtogiveuptheirown into diversifyingfundingsources.This to developgreaterself-sufficiency, tolook tainable sourcesoffunding.“NGOsneed ity, organizations arelookingformoresus- In aclimateofconstantfinancialinstabil- C Hassan, anotherpeereducatoratUVIWA. decisions aremadecooperatively,” saysAsha the issues.Itisevenbetterfortheirmoneyif can getotherideasandstarttoreallyknow to sittogetheranddiscusssothatthedonor should dothis.’ButIthinkthebestthingis with thefledglingcommunityNGOs. better waytoconnectthedonorcommunity such grassrootsorganizations insistthereisa educator inruralpartsofthecountry. Gervas, whonowworksasanHIV/AIDS of therealthingtheyaretheretodo”says their organization, butthentheylosefocus very goodproposalsandgetbenefitsfor part oftheissues.[Larger NGOs]canwrite them allatonce. staff offiveandanofficetoosmalltoseat approximately 2,500youthperyearwitha of asoleindividual.UVIWA reaches without adonor, subsistingonthefunding

ABBAGES ANDCONDOMS ward, establishedtherestauranttofund

“We don’t havemoney, sowhenadonor Chawakua andUVIWA findwaysto Senator MechaiViravaidya, 1997recipi- “Donors giveinstructionsandsay, ‘You Still, thevolunteersandemployeesof “We keepgoingbecausewereallyliveas BRIAN LIGHTBODY BRIAN THE INDYPENDENT JULY 21 – AUGUST 10, 2005 11 . ge: “Calling TXTpower.org The Nation still loved in Haiti. text messa being used to foster wareness. An amalgama- ing, honest, anti-corruption and a phone users, mobilizes TXTPower qc.indymedia.org. evolution’ et despite these attacks, Haitians are still ollowing Arroyo’s apology for talking with an Arroyo’s ollowing be published in an August issue of At a fraction of the cost of a voice message, text F n a country with more cellphones than landlines, cellphones are a powerful tool to mobilize the masses. Choose your style:“Honesty,” Billy Joel’s Y Aristide claims no such powers. “The peo- ‘Ringtone R I DEPOSED PRESIDENT ARISTIDE election official,“I Arroyo one can now download an am sorry” ringtone. messages are increasingly political activism or Lipps Inc’s “Funkytown”? Both are ringtones or Lipps Inc’s voice:Arroyo’s paired with President “Hello Garci? So will I still lead by more than 1 [million]?” all patriotic, self-respect and progressive Filipinos: Starting today, take let’s Revolt for Justice.’” ‘Texters part in a Sample ring tones can be found at and tion of cell activists entirely through the Frontières in Haiti, confirmed that on the day Frontières in Haiti, confirmed the MSF clinic of the siege 27 people came to of them with gunshot wounds, three-quarters women and children. on the streets – rejecting the planned sham elections, opposing privatization and holding up photographs of their president. And just experts could not fathom the as Washington’s possibility that Aristide would reject their advice a decade ago, today they cannot accept that his poor supporters could be acting of their own accord – surely Aristide must be controlling them through some mysterious believe that his people are voodoo arts. “We receiving instructions directly from his voice and indirectly through his acolytes that com- municate with him personally in South Africa,” Noriega said. ple are bright, the people are intelligent, the people are courageous,” he says. They know that two plus two does not equal five. To ashington thought his democratization talk ashington thought his democratization says he real- ashington cried foul. Aristide But when Aristide began to implement the But when Aristide relationship with Washington Aristide’s These issues are indicative of Philippines’ Arroyo is seen as joined at the hip with the The Filipino people are not only fighting In every major island of the Philippines, In a recent statement, the CPP said: “For COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT And the war continues. On June 23 Roger Noriega, assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs, called on U.N. troops to take a more “proactive role” in going after armed pro-Aristide gangs. In practice, this has meant a wave of Falluja-like collective punish- ment inflicted on neighborhoods known for supporting Aristide. On July 6, for instance, 300 U.N. troops stormed Cité Soleil, blocking off exits and firing from armored vehicles. The U.N. admits that five were killed, but residents put the number of dead at no fewer than 20. Reuters correspondent Joseph Guyler Delva says he “saw seven bodies in one house alone, including two babies and one older woman in her 60s.” Ali Besnaci, head of Médecins Sans plan, it turned out that the financiers in plan, it turned W Aristide was just public relations. When take place until announced that no sales could new laws, Parliament had approved the W attempted was ized then that what was being agenda was an “economic coup.” “The hidden and make me to tie my hands once I was back public enter- give for nothing all the state anyone who prises.” He threatened to arrest “Washington went ahead with privatizations. said I didn’t was very angry at me. They were the ones respect my word, when they our common economic respect who didn’t policy.” While more has been deteriorating ever since: loans and aid than $500 million in promised were cut off, starving his government, USAID poured millions into the coffers of opposition groups, culminating ultimately in the February 2004 armed coup. the vote-padding scandal and implement electoral reforms. Other goals include can- onerous debts and pro- celing the country’s tecting the country from the ravages of free- market globalization. injustice and state terror. grinding poverty, Nearly 60 percent of the annual budget goes At the to pay foreign debt and the military. central “labor same time, the government’s and now 10 per- policy” is to export labor, cent of the population lives abroad. In the first half of 2005, soldiers and death squads killed more than 35 activists in various provinces. In November 2004, seven strik- ing farmworkers were shot down by soldiers on a picket line at the Hacienda Luisita plan- tation in central Luzon. U.S. administration. Hers was the first gov- “war on ernment leader in Asia to join Bush’s terror” crusade, hosting up to 5,000 U.S. troops for “joint training exercises.” with picket lines and demonstrations. the Communist Party of the Philippines Army are build- (CPP) and the New People’s ing a mass revolutionary movement. the Filipino people, the crisis besetting the Arroyo regime is a good thing. It opens the possibility of advancing their most urgent it provides the demands. More importantly, conditions for pushing forward the people’s war closer to final victory.” are a staple of popular protest Aristide proposed a compromise. Rather Aristide agreed to pay the debts accumu- Aristide agreed to pay the debts While political insiders want to replace BURNING EFFIGIES in the Philippines. thousands have of demanded Tens “Hello Garci” resignation in the Arroyo’s scandal. But Washington’s negotiators made one But Washington’s demand that Aristide could not accept: the state-owned immediate sell-off of Haiti’s enterprises, including phones and electricity. that unregulated privatiza- Aristide argued tion would transform state monopolies into private oligarchies, increasing the riches of elite and stripping the poor of their Haiti’s national wealth. He says the proposal simply add up: “Being honest means saying didn’t They wanted us to two plus two equals four. sing two plus two equals five.” than sell off the firms outright, he would “democratize” them. He defined this as writ- ing antitrust legislation, insuring that pro- ceeds from the sales were redistributed to the poor and allowing workers to become share- backed down, and the holders. Washington final text of the agreement – accepted by the United States and by a meeting of donor nations in Paris – called for the “democratiza- tion” of state companies. U.S. TO ARISTIDE: 2+2=5 return, there was no way he could face down , there was military backup. Increasingly junta without abuses, the Clinton embarrassed by Cédras’s a deal: U.S. Administration offered Aristide – but only troops would take him back to Haiti program after he agreed to a sweeping economic transform with the stated goal to “substantially the nature of the Haitian state.” dicta- lated under the kleptocratic Duvalier open up Haiti torships, slash the civil service, tariffs on rice to “free trade” and cut import deal but, and corn in half. It was a lousy “I was out Aristide says, he had little choice. was the poor- of my country and my country so what kind hemisphere, est in the Western of power did I have at that time?” Arroyo resign or be ousted. Pressure is grow- of the left, ing from the mass organizations of opposition political parties, organizations professionals, business groups, and retired military and police officers. Arroyo with her equally reactionary vice- advocate president, grassroots organizations Council” that would include a “Transition representatives of the poor and marginalized sectors. Among the tasks of the council would be to conduct an investigation into

LEIN UGH hen U.N. troops kill residents of hen U.N. troops kill residents the Haitian slum Cité Soleil, friends and family often place K P n June 28, after three weeks of silence on the tape scandal, Arroyo admitted that she committed the indiscretion of

VID AOMI A D N ashington and despite popular calls for his Every day in the Philippines, tens of thou- A few weeks ago I visited Aristide in It was only 10 years ago that President It was only 10 years ago that Y Y agalog expression for “vote padding and sands are taking to the streets to demand that talking to an election official and called it “a lapse in judgment.” “Dagdag-bawas,” a T shaving” is virtually a given as the ruling elite pass the presidential baton from one clan to Never has a person outside the richest another. nor one percent been elected to the presidency, a person without the blessing of the U.S. gov- ernment. The U.S. is backing Arroyo empha- sizing that the “rule of law” must be followed, and utterly terrified of another “People Power” of the type that has already ousted two upsurge U.S.-backed rulers.

B Ringing Out Corrupt Politicians Ringing Out “Hello, Garci? So will I still lead by more than 1 million votes?” is ringing on cellphones throughout the Philip- pines. It is allegedly the voice of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo talking with commissioner of elec- “Garci” Garcillano, in tions, Virgilio May 2004 before the election results were announced. Arroyo did, in fact, win by a million votes. PHILIPPINES HAITI Privatization Opposing Sin Was Aristide’s Pretoria, South Africa, where he lives in forced exile. I asked him what was really behind his He dramatic falling-out with Washington. offered an explanation rarely heard in discus- he offered sions of Haitian politics – actually, three: “privatization, privatization and privati- zation.” The dispute dates back to a series of meetings in early 1994, a pivotal moment in history that Aristide has rarely discussed. Haiti’s Haitians were living under the barbaric rule of Raoul Cédras, who overthrew Aristide in a 1991 US-backed coup. Aristide was in W Clinton celebrated Aristide’s return to power Clinton celebrated Aristide’s So over fear.” as “the triumph of freedom Fraud? what changed? Corruption? Violence? But even if the Aristide is certainly no saint. they pale worst of the allegations are true, killers, next to the rap sheets of the convicted drug smugglers and arms traders who ousted Aristide and continue to enjoy free rein, with full support from the Bush Administration Haiti over and the United Nations. Turning to this underworld gang out of concern for lack of “good governance” is like Aristide’s escaping an annoying date by accepting a lift home from Charles Manson. photographs of exiled President Jean- photographs of exiled President The photo- Bertrand Aristide on their bodies. is a method graphs silently insist that there to the madness raging in Port-au-Prince. not for Poor Haitians are being slaughtered but for hear, being “violent,” as we so often demand the being militant; for daring to return of their elected president. B

W O 12 JULY 21 - AUGUST 10, 2005 THE INDYPENDENT THE INDYPENDENT? WHERE DOIGETMYCOPYOF 110 DeKalb Ave. Green AppleCafé 1022 CortelyouRd. V 248 DeKalb Ave. T BROOKLYN &Broadway 169th St. Coogan’s Bar &Broadway 113th St. Kim’s Video St. 112th 536 W. Labyrinth Books ABOVE 96 &9th Ave. 55th St. Laundrocenter Second Wave St. 44th 413 W. Domvys &9th Ave. 23rd St. Diner Chelsea Sq. St. 19th 9 W. Revolution Books 14 St. 451 West Brecht Forum St. 1 Whitehall Books Shakespeare &Co. St. 13th 213 W. LGBT Center 126 CrosbySt. Housing Works (Btw 9th&10thSts.) 155 First Ave. the NewCity at Theaterfor May DayBooks Clinton &StantonSts. Lotus Café HoustonSt. 49 E. T St. 172 Allen Books &Café Bluestockings BELOW 14 illie’s ofBrooklyn imes Up! ox Pop TH THE INDYPENDENT TO 96 TO rates Super [email protected] REPPRFRFE PEOPLE FREE FOR PAPER A FREE to findoutmore Low TH TH TH advertise in advertise ST. ST. ST. email: 2049 Asch Loop 2049 Asch Baychester Library 940 Garrison Ave. The Point Concourse &Grand 165th St. Bronx Museum BRONX 43-06 Greenpoint Ave. Library Sunnyside 49-22 Skillman Ave. Café Aubergine 100-01 NorthernBlvd. Langston HughesLibrary Blvd. 95-06 Astoria Library East Elmhurst 43-06 Greenpoint Ave. Library Sunnyside QUEENS Station Huntington 8thSt. 16 E. Ronkonkoma Free Space L ONG ISLAND t v.&UnionSt. 4th Ave. Spoken-Words Cafe 301 GroveSt. Make theRoadbyWalking 93 Montrose Ave. Jane DoeBooks 5th N. & Bedford Ave. V 933 Manhattan Ave. Photoplay Video 472 AtlanticAve. Center Atlantis SuperLaundry @7th Ave. 9th St. @7th Ave. Union St. T &CarrollSts. 7th Ave. Community BookStore &6th Ave. Dean St. Backroom Freddy’s Barand 680 FultonSt. Marquet Patisserie ea Lounge erb Cafe I K T their dreamsfulfilled.” dream, andpeopleareentitledtohave commented, “IknowKosovarshavea Secretary ofStateMadeleineAlbright for InternationalAffairs,formerU.S. CIA-funded) NationalDemocratic head oftheWashington D.C.-based(and U.S. presidentialadministrations. Kosovo’s statusarerepresentativesoftwo munities isatrisk. security andfreedomofnon-Albaniancom- U.N.-appointed envoytotheregionsays quickly aspossibledespitethefactthat istering theprovinceislookingtoleaveas torate, thebeleagueredU.N.missionadmin- 1244 designatedKosovoaU.N.protec- years afterU.N.SecurityCouncilresolution of decision”forthestatusKosovo.Six ern provinceofSerbia,tout2005asthe“year involved indecidingthefutureofthissouth- Italy, RussiaandGermany–thosemost the UnitedStates,Kingdom,France, present inKosovoforalongtimetocome. sion andoccupationagainstIraq. administration tojustifyitsownillegalinva- widely, includingitsinvocationbytheBush dards, anditsrepercussionshavebeenfelt bombing wasillegalbyinternationalstan- Diplomats andanalystspointoutthatthe of SerbiainviolationtheU.N.charter. lead NATO ina78-daybombingcampaign of formerPresidentBillClinton’s decisionto situation inKosovoishobbledbythelegacy But, anyclaimbytheU.S.to“resolve” CLINTON’S LEGACY peaceful Kosovo.” symbol ofourcommitmentforasecureand military presencehere,withKFOR,asa tus],” adding,“wewillcertainlymaintaina ing thediplomaticprocess[toresolvesta- remain centrallyinvolvedinKosovo,lead- Nicholas Burnssaid,“TheU.S.isgoingto Undersecretary ofStateforPoliticalAffairs operations from1995to2000. money spentbythePentagononBalkan Accounting Office,thatwasone-sixthofthe amount, accordingtotheU.S.General than $2billiontoconstructthecamp–an has paidHalliburtonsubsidiaryKBRmore land” insoutheasternKosovo.ThePentagon being “locatedonrollinghillsandfarm- described onthecamp’s officialhomepageas Bondsteel, the955-acremilitaryinstallation States hasnoplansofabandoningCamp down withCoca-ColaandoglethelocalAlbaniangirls. strapped acrosstheirtorsos,theGIssnackonkebabs,washthem small cafesduringtheirregular“security”details.With M-16s Skopje, toseeU.S.servicemenparkingtheirHumveesinfrontof ity ofKosovo,some50kilometersnorththeMacedoniancapital KOSOVO –ItisaregularsightintheFerizai/Urosevacmunicipal- B Y During avisittoKosovoinJune, What isclear, however, isthattheUnited During aJulytriptoKosovoasthe At theforefrontofthispushtoresolve The so-calledContactGroupcountries– ts Future J ACKSON osovo Confronts tection Forces)andareexpectedtobe force knownasKFOR(KosovoPro- hey arepartofanoccupyingNATO A LLERS Institute the umbrellaofSerbia.” that Kosovowillneveragaingobackunder Albanians. Infact,tomostofusitisasign remain asignofpoliticalstabilityfor military baseinEurope,isandwillprobably Bondsteel, whichisnowthebiggestU.S. conspiracies. To Kosovarstheexistenceof prompt tounderstandthegeopoliticsof Express senior editoroftheKosovodailypaper, that theU.S.favorsAlbanians. all ethnicgroupsinthedisputedregion “terrorist organization,” showedclearlyto by theU.S.StateDepartmentin1998asa Liberation Army, thesamegroupbranded U.S. supportoftheKosovo the U.S.military. The question thepresenceof Kosovo back600years.Hesaysthatnone Gracanica, whotraceshisfamilyrootsin teacher inthemaincentralSerbianenclave, cradle ofSerbiancivilization. ence asthetheft,bymilitaryforce,of that theprovincemovetowardsindepend- the internationalcommunitysuggesting But ordinaryKosovoSerbsseetheU.S.and KOSOVO’S SERBS Political commentatorDukagjinGorani, Few ethnicAlbanians Zoran Zdravkovicisakindergarten , admits,“Kosovarsarenotvery The to whatthefuturestatusofKosovowillbe. cedes thattheverdictisstilltechnicallyoutas rights” throughmilitarymeans.But,hecon- eral impositionof“democracyandhuman icy thatwouldallowittocontinuetheunilat- cite asa“positiveexample”ofU.S.foreignpol- that theBushadministrationwouldloveto Muslim-dominated provinceassomething like Goraniseetheresolutionofstatusina Belgrade’s leadershipinfuturedealings. afraid thattheywillbeforgotten by for financialaid,manyKosovoSerbsare Court oftheFormerYugoslavia inexchange suspected warcriminalstotheInternational esced toearlierU.S.demandshandover more thanautonomy.” from Belgrade:“Lessthanindependence, condition offuturestatus.Thelinecoming clear thatindependenceisoffthetableasa Albanian rule. of hisfriendscanimaginelivingunder Framed inalarger politicalcontext,analysts But, astheSerbianleadershiphasacqui- The Serbianpoliticalleadershipisvery

JOHN JONIK THE INDYPENDENT JULY 21 - AUGUST 10, 2005 13 Around the Table 7pm • Free . Marty McConnell releases 7PM • Free Reviews fair trade cafe Rode Hard, Put Away Wet Away Rode Hard, Put FRIDAY, JULY 29 FRIDAY, TUESDAY, JULY 26 TUESDAY, THURSDAY, JULY 28 THURSDAY, 7pm- $3 • $5 Suggested Battling Through Life: The Story of in cowtown, we’ll all go down! POETRY: WOMEN’S POETRY POETRY: en’s Poetry Jam is hosted by Vittoria en’s JAM & WOMEN’S OPEN MIKE ollection of lesbian cowboy erotica, bluestockings.com And remember, when the big balls And remember, Reading: Crystal Barela, Chuck Fellows, Skian McGuire, Val Murphy, and Jake Rich. Murphy, McGuire, Val and Rakelle Valencia and contributors and Rakelle Valencia travel and the one we battle to create. Ac radical bookstore | activist center from bluestockings poems that huddle between the world we 172 ALLEN ST. • 212.777.6028 ALLEN ST. 172 In her tribute to home cooking, Lela Nargi biologists to mathematicians. Joining Lela Wom hard-riding stories of leather, lust, passion hard-riding stories of leather, Ebel, Nancy Butcher, and Kendall Crolius. Ebel, Nancy Butcher, Featuring: Filomena Danisi will be reading Repetto. Open mike sign-up starts at 7pm. and kink. Please join editors Sacchi Green READING: LELA NARGI: gathers fifteen women to discuss food from Filomena Danisi Nargi will be contributors Anna Lappé, Kathy Nargi will be contributors illiam Parker, and an array of alto, tenor, and and an array of alto, tenor, illiam Parker, Freedomland, the second act at the July 6 The series’ last two shows will be July 24 and ever got was John Coltrane’s last recordings, ever got was John Coltrane’s sounds but the rewards are uncompromising musician- and talented, intensely dedicated music ship. Usually entirely improvised, it’s of cathartic chaos, saxophones squawking screeching for liberation atop hyperbolically, music a pounding wave of drum surf. It’s played at the extremes of the instrument that then suddenly drops to serenity and delicacy, morphs into an odd Dixieland march dis- rupted by snare-drum gunshots. Pop on drums, bassist With is quieter. show, W baritone saxophonists (including Daniel Carter and Dave Sewelson), their set has a low-key, chattering feel, like early-evening rainforest “Friendly Galaxy.” sounds or Sun Ra’s and 31. The Lucky Cat Lounge in Williamsburg ABC No Rio will pick up some of the slack. ou won’t hear this kind of music on a beer ou won’t Dee Pop’s Wednesday-and-Sunday-night Dee Pop’s Y Similarly, President Bush promised to Similarly, It remains to be seen how many people will MEANWHILE, BACK AT CBGB MEANWHILE, BACK AT “Freestyle Jazz” series at CBGB is closing this month, as the club will spend August hold- ing benefits to save itself from a massive- heart-attack rent increase. (The surrounding neighborhood is almost completely unrecog- with whole blocks torn down or nizable now, turned to fiendish-rent high-rises.) Pop, the drummer from the early eighties punkified- created a home for funk band the Bush Tetras, the heirs of free-jazz community, the city’s Ornette Coleman at the Five Spot and the loft-jazz scene of the seventies. commercial. About the most mainstream it intersperses country and blues tunes with intersperses country and blues versions of Cajun waltzes and Western-swing We a Viper.” ‘30s reefer songs like “If You’re slip outside to vipe and then jitterbug to “Jack, I’m Mellow.” 11, a month before the concerts, in response and pressure from to years of organizing and citizens’ groups. grassroots organizations And the African debt relief is contingent upon the 14 nations’ adoption of neoliberal and free-trade economic policies – putting new chains on their economies. double aid to Africa by 2010. But when he returned home, he comforted his supporters with the news that this increase had already and that been granted over the past year, there will be no further increase in U.S. for- eign aid. While U.S. concert audiences were asking their government to increase foreign aid to 1 percent of its budget, no one at Live 8 was asking it to reduce the 40 percent that goes to military spending. actually continue the fight and change the way we live so we can end exploitation in Africa, and how many will return home “comfortably numb,” as the Pink Floyd song goes. Perhaps some awareness was generated through the feel-good Live 8 concerts – but viable, effective solutions were not. sychedelic Splatter and Screams of Freedom Splatter and Screams sychedelic P The next night, we go to Gruene Hall – the The Live 8 shows were the sequel to the sites collected 27 million The Live 8 Web quick to take of Live 8 were Organizers While U.S. concertWhile U.S. audiences were asking their government to no one at Live 8 was increase foreign aid to 1 percent of its budget, asking it to reduce the 40 percent that goes to military spending. Rubble, Butthole Surfers drummer King Rubble, Butthole Surfers drummer new band; and a Japanese trio called Coffey’s Floyd, the Green Milk from Planet Orange. singer for the eighties punk band the Dicks, wiser and has a fantastic voice, like an older, male Janis Joplin. The Buddha Brothers back distorted it up with fat, heavy bass and bluesy, Green Milk from Planet Orange trans- guitar. fix the crowd with psychedelic-splatter soundscapes. Rubble are in a similar vein, playing behind a screen of gauze and projec- tions of nebulae, a whirlwind of rhythm and noise topped by clouds of wah-wah guitar. a barnlike building oldest dancehall in Texas, opened in 1879 – in New Braunfels, between Austin and San Antonio. At the restaurant next door we’re surrounded by 30 teenagers in This is matching “Heaven Bound” T-shirts. the second time in three days that I wish I had catch Karen We a Black Sabbath T-shirt. who Abrahams of the Back Porch Vipers, 1985 Live Aid concerts which raised more than $25 million to benefit Ethiopians dur- ing a massive famine. The hit music video sprang out of this orig- Are the World” “We inal “band aid.” Still, the famine persisted long enough after the concerts to claim sev- eral hundred thousand lives. signatures on a petition making three demands of the G8: the cancellation of debt countries, an poorest for 40 of the world’s increase of first-world aid to poorer nations, and “fair trade.” U.K. Prime Minister Tony G8 meetings in Blair initiated this month’s Scotland with the professed goals of relieving about $40 billion in debts owed by 18 of the poorest nations, 14 of them African, world’s and adding another $50 billion in aid to Africa. But what strings come attached to these concessions, and were they really the result of Bono and Geldof’s campaign? responsibility for the baby steps made at the promises to allevi- G8 meetings. But Blair’s ate African debt were made the week of June WERUCHA String A Z

A ISHNIA hile scores of pretty-faced celebri- ties beseeched us over computer and television screens to “one by W

oming north from San Antonio, where oming north from San Antonio, I wish I had a Black Sabbath T-shirt when we stop at the Alamo HRISTINA TEVE C S As for voices, the Live 8 concerts in London Many aspects of the concerts, however, did Many aspects of the concerts, however, The concert’s sponsors, Bono of U2 and Sir sponsors, Bono The concert’s The legacy is that Austin has one of the best Y Y The B and Philadelphia were devoid of any criticism of the war in Iraq, and in the U.S. performers were instructed not to criticize Bush. In Gleneagles, Scotland, the Stop the War Coalition was denied the right to participate in the Make Poverty History March. involve extracting money. In the U.K., people involve extracting money. qualified for tickets only by text-messaging the correct responses to daily questions via Nokia phones. AOL claimed exclusive rights to broadcast the show over the Internet, and those watching on TV had the perform- ances they saw interrupted by advertisements for multinational corporations. Bob Geldof, claimed that nearly 3 billion people worldwide tuned in to watch the con- certs. (There are only about 1.4 billion TV sets in the world.) The event featured the temporarily reunited Pink Floyd, Jay-Z, Madonna, Mariah Carey and others. Its rally- not asking for your ing cry was, “We’re for your voice.” asking We’re money. one … make poverty history,” it’s still ques- it’s one … make poverty history,” tionable how successful the Live 8 concerts that took place in eight countries July 2 were in advancing genuine economic justice for the people of Africa. local music scenes in the country. Today, local music scenes in the country. more live rock’n’roll on a four-block there’s strip of Red River Street – seven clubs – than catch there is left on the Lower East Side. We an amazing three-band bill at Room 710 on Buddha Brothers; Red River: Gary Floyd’s (Remember the Ozzy!), Austin looms like an oasis after the suburban sprawl of I-35. And it is. The South Austin Museum of Popular Culture is exhibiting the work of Guy Zuke and Jim Franklin, among the artists whose posters for clubs like Armadillo World Gas Company Headquarters and the Vulcan unique fusion of psyche- heralded the city’s delia, blues and country in the sixties and seventies.

Why Your Voice Is Not Enough Voice Why Your Live 8’s Empty Lyrics: Empty Live 8’s B

W C 14 JULY 21 – AUGUST 10, 2005 THE INDYPENDENT P B White Eyes, BlackBodies FILM: Rize lives ofthedancers. pass asaseriousdocumentaryaboutthe music videowithinterviewsattemptsto screen. Whatisessentiallyanextended ing, popping,capoeiraandass-shakingon black bodiesdancingtothefusionofbreak- images ofsweaty, glisteningandthrobbing saturates theviewerwithTechnicolor urban African-Americanyouth.Thefilm krumping, clowningandstrippingamong mentary aboutthenewdancecrazesof obsession. Thefilmispresumablyadocu- LaChapelle, isthelatestinstallmentofthis tographer andmusicvideoproducerDavid and abilitytorhymeflow. of blacks,theirbasketballskills,dancemoves, products thatemphasizethephysicalattributes fetish oftheblackbody, creatingconsumer civious andwanton.Capitalismcontinuesthe men werevirileandstrong,blackwomenlas- legitimize slaveryandwhitesupremacy. Black primitive andsavageblackbodywasusedto Central LosAngeles,alandscapescarredby Y a once provingthat exclusively forthemedia, reserved theRNC, salon at full-service the lavish Oneofthebestsegmentsison dares. coverage network andmorethanany response could, any a cutsHelmsoffandwalks Theattendee mire...” developedintothiskindofquag- seems tohave it inIraq, people areupsetaboutthesituation “Alotof Helmssaystoanattendee, Convention, AttheRepublicanNational misses them. shuffle outoftheroomwhenshecheerfullydis- they Too stunnedtorespond, indecisiveness. themfortheir andhurlsobscenitiesat down Samantha Beesitsagroupofundecidedvoters ing confusedandincredulousresponses. provok- naïve guestsmuchinthestyleof Ali G, themtolookcredibleandthenambush allows of anonymity relative The sensitivepoliticalsubjects. through already process as “a totalsausage-fest.” Ed Helmsdescribesthe American political Reporter “OldXeroxy.” the staffcopymachine, to down tour oftheshow’s studioandoffices, Conventionwitha the RepublicanNational Central)introduces thisyearonComedy later show, hisown to have Longtime correspondentStephenColbert(set capella of fakereportersdoingadisarminglygood previously unairedbitssuchasStewart’s team Itincludes isdiscthree. therealtreat strong, onelectionnight. andlivecoverage debates a Thethree-DVD setincludes on-sitecover- tics. asitisageniallookat coverage American poli- criticism ofmajornetworknewsandnewspaper isasmuch a that tures allthisplussharpsatire Indecision2004 withJonStewart: Show W B Zen Youof) CanGet All the(Moments Daily Show DVD Rize The newfilm gain truthisstrangerthanfiction. Therefusaltocommentspeaksmorethan way. eo ohpltclcnetos presidential ge ofbothpoliticalconventions, Y Y The show is at itsbestwhenbulldozing isat The show onthefirsttwodiscsis While thematerial E VONNE RICA ing colonialismwhenthemythof black bodies.Thefascinationbegandur- op culturehasalwaysbeenobsessedwith is setinpost-industrialcitySouth venience of at-home theater? theater? venience ofat-home last presidentialelectionwiththecon- ant tocombinetheheartbreakof P rendition of the national anthem. rendition ofthenational ATINO L IU Rize, The DailyShow by thefashionpho- The ColbertReport The Daily reporters fea- a , der. Thisisracialessentialism:thebeliefthat adorned withfeathersandwhitebodypow- ground withnakedAfricansdancing, alternates shotsofkrumpersinaschoolplay- disturbing sequenceofthefilmiswhenhe innate qualityoftheAfricanrace.Themost LaChappelle thinkstheabilitytokrumpisan harder andaggressiveformofkrumping. Older disciplesofTommy developedthe to entertainatchildren’s birthdayparties. when hestyledhimselfasa“hip-hopclown” which wasstartedbyTommy theClown to LaurynHill’s music. front ofaPentecostalchurchcongregation dancers, DragonandMissPrissy, krump in visually stunningbutperplexingscenes,two again Christians.Inoneofthefilm’s most dancers LaChappelleinterviewsareborn- tion isspiritualsalvation.Manyofthe individual, thefilmtellsus,andsolu- shootings. Theproblemisnotsocialbut are hauntedbygangviolenceanddrive-by substance abuseandincarceration,they headed bysinglemotherswhostrugglewith riots. Theyouthcomefrombrokenhomes opening thefilmwithclipsfrom1992 youth asthe“childrenofRodneyKing”by racism. LaChappelleattemptstodefinethe poverty, unemploymentandeconomic T EAE‘REFINEMENT’ BEWARE tothecountrysid Xun Zhouplaystheseamstressoftitleandromanticinteresttwobourgeoisyouthwhoarerelocated B sonal relationshipsand theopportunitiesthey Swans footsteps ofJungChang’s memoir become acottageindustry. Following inthe upheavals ofChina’s communistyears, has merly privilegedclassesduringthemass which recountstheprivationsofChina’s for- privileged youth.“Grievanceliterature,” foolish, ifessentiallyharmless,punishmentof the CulturalRevolutionbyreducingittoa Balzac more recentlywithhip-hop. ing-class culture,asatonetimewithjazzand of non-Europeanartandthevigorwork- and ballet,oftendisparagethesophistication who exaltthisquality, asof“classical”music ment atthat.Whileithasitsuses,people and thebourgeois brandofEuropeanrefine- by DaiSijie,isthatitglorifiesrefinement, Y Krumping isavariantofclowndancing, Co-scripted bySijieandNadinePerront, D IANE , grievancelitnarrowsitsfocustoper- based ontheinternationalbest-seller Balzac andtheLittleChineseSeamstress he problemwiththenewChinesefilm trivializes thecontinentalupheavalof M ASON W ild , be releasedonJuly22,isanother. Both tourism. black body. gaze continuestheobjectificationof youth issociallyconstructed,andofhowhis questions ofhowtheoppressionblack in theorgiastic dance.Heavoidsthedifficult the exotic,contortionsofblackbody to rawandprimitivedancing. those ofAfricandescentaregeneticallyprone they aresupposedlyreporting onmoviesfrom weave fromtheirclandestinereadingswhen the violinmusicandbystoriesboys that ofMarx.Thevillagersareenchantedby tains ofabeardedEuropeanisassumedtobe hold ofisoverlookedbecauseaphotoitcon- lines, oneoftheforeignnovelsboysget something todowithMao.Onthesame which soundstotheunworldlypeasantslike is sparedbecausehesayshe’s playingMozart, a locallyrenownedtailor. (played byXunZhou),thegranddaughterof with thespunkyseamstressoftitle labor inthecopperminesandfalllove of “reactionaryintellectuals,”theydohard for Maoistre-education.Scornedasthesons Chen) aresenttoaremotemountainvillage anecdote. provide forsatire.Historyistoldbyisolated July 29attheParis Theatre. Mandarin andFrench w/Englishsubtitles,opens Balzac andtheLittleChineseSeamstress insGt im.PHOTO: Lion’s Films. Gate Rize Rize Like atourist,LaChapelle’s gazelingerson Ma’s violin,thoughttobeabourgeois toy, Ma andLuo(playedbyYe LiuandKun a anrdgoigrvesadere vr$ ilo odt,andwasrecentlypickedupby reviewsandearnedover$3milliontodate, has garneredglowing isn’t thefirstexampleofghetto Hustle andFlow David LaChapelle LaChapelle David by CraigBrewer, to / V anity Fair the voyeur. economically deprived,andnotthegazeof look atlifefortheraciallymarginalized and Dysfunctional urban boredom,”Kelleywrotein tasy, and/oranimaginaryalternativetosub- adventure, unbridledviolence,eroticfan- G. Kelley. Theghettobecomes“aplaceof values,” offersculturalhistorianRobinD. reservoir ofpathologiesandbadcultural class” orthe“constructionofghettoasa films subscribetothenotionof“under- 9/11 –andtotheCultural Revolution. threat toourkind.To wit,how“we”reactedto threatened, orwhentheysuggestapotential about extremeconditionswhenwe’redirectly related to“us.”We onlybecomeconcerned endures neverseemsquitereal,oratleastnot The broadsufferingthatmostoftheworld first place? degradation thatprecipitaterebellioninthe eyelash overthemassimpoverishmentand should webehorrifiedwhenbarelybatan rulers whengivenpoweroverthem.Butwhy “unwashed masses”dealwiththeirformer and evengreatsufferingcanensuefromhow Cultural Revolution.Andsure,discomfort phisticated peopledigestrevolutionarytheory. upper classesandmocksthewaypoor, unso- film encouragestheviewertoidentifywith subversion takeshere,andthat’s okay. Butthe good old-fashionedsubversion. Luo respondtorepressivecircumstanceswith Albania andKorea.Inotherwords,Ma . “We” are assumedtobeprivilegedourselves. The bourgeois worldwashorrifiedatthe Dalliance withforbiddencultureistheform . Whatweneedisanhonest e duringtheCulturalRevolution. Yo Mama’s THE INDYPENDENT JULY 21 – AUGUST 10, 2005 15 , and The Casting Couch Runaways.” How to be a Movie Star Saskatchewan. RIOT-A-GO-GO $5 sliding scale $5 sliding scale. $5 sliding scale. WHITE BOY SLIM BLIGGINS & GOINES 718.940.2084 FRIDAY JULY 29 • 8:00pm JULY FRIDAY SUNDAY JULY 31 • JULY SUNDAY 3:00pm 1022 CORTELYOU RD 1022 CORTELYOU White Boy Slim lives in Moose Jaw, SATURDAY JULY 30 • 8:00PM JULY SATURDAY have been called “Minor Threat meets The Jersey Folk Festival Songwriters Contest. BROOKLYN sonal, coherent and enduring blues sound. Join us for a rockin’ concert by female-fronted band plays high energy, catchy punk rock, and band plays high energy, VOXPOPNET.NET cana and folk. These are original songs that tell the story of the Sourlands region in New punk band Riot-A-Go-Go from San Francisco. The Maurice Richard Libby carries the blues tradi- world music and hip hop to create a very per- diverse set of influences, including jazz, funk, born of his respect for the music. He draws a duo playing and singing country, blues, ameri- Guitar and Goines are a guitar and harmonica Jersey. They are the winners of the 2005 New Jersey. 2.5 BLOCKS OFF THE Q TRAIN (CORTELYOU RD. STOP) 2.5 BLOCKS OFF THE Q TRAIN (CORTELYOU tion. His raw, authoritative deliverytion. His raw, is obviously At the very least, this museum is an alter to In 1907, less than a decade after the movie In 1907, less than a decade after venue. For hours and tickets see in a flash, they’re fucking ravenously on the casting couch. the universal act of sex. Footage of a close-up of a labia being pulled to and fro as if it were doing the Charleston aside, its exhibitions tend to expose bonds between cultures and generations rather than distinctions. Now showing at the Museum of Sex, 233 5th A museumofsex.org. into a clandestine stag party, where gather- into a clandestine stag party, pornog- ings of men watch illegal hard-core raphy in smoky backrooms. being pro- camera was invented, porn was France, Spain, Italy, duced in Hungary, North Austria, Russia, Argentina, Germany, One of many Africa and the United States. rare films shown at MOSex, a pornographic (1924), a 35mm silent film, is Mark Sennett, a noto- parody of Hollywood’s from attractive rious cad who demanded sex in Hollywood women in exchange for parts x-rated social features. In this still-relevant the casting director hands the commentary, lady a book titled All curated by Joseph Slade and (Educational Video Center, New Center, (Educational Video This exhibit exposes Vollmer’s challenge to challenge This exhibit exposes Vollmer’s illiam’s story. It’s a first chapter of an unset- It’s story. illiam’s ork, 8:00) gets to the gut of why the armed boys in ancient Greece, which presaged the boys in ancient Greece, which Olympia contest in 1981. first Mr. from construct a comprehensive evolution material pro- only a scattering of sociological These frag- duced on gender and sexuality. ments of our sexual heritage raise questions The this exhibit could not begin to answer. viewer must construct an understanding of how others deal with the male nude through an awareness of how these images arouse us today. The Origins of American and Blue Movies: Stags, Smokers Film, Pornographic Bell, transports the viewer – Jennifer Lyon through dim lighting, floor projections and ambient vocal outbursts of testosterone – gallons of commercial-grade mustard and artificial pancake syrup. The character and plot development gleaned from these proud interviews penetrates into the deep survival instincts that can come to a head with our communal instincts. There are those that have enough food stocked for their neigh- bors: as one owner testifies, “feeding them is easier than shooting them.” Others are going it alone. One elderly man goes so far as to set up electric fences around his property to deter and maim hungry post-nuclear-blast neighbors. Although there is a hint of comedic condescension in the characters’ development, the audience is reminded that those with shelter only need to be right once; the shelterless need to be right every day. The recruitment of young men and women into armed forces is a critical supply link our nation’s directly enabling our occupation of Iraq. Many anti-war groups and individuals are focusing against the Department of activist energy Defense, which spent over four billion dollars 2003. on military recruitment in Fiscal Year That I Can Be Y forces’ strategies work: They look good because are introduced to William, poverty is worse. We a Brooklyn teen, and the army recruiter who The brevity of the sells him on going to war. film works to its disadvantage, cutting short W tlingly common story. for the (30:00), Cribs (Emily James, OLF W Buried in the Backyard Buried in the Backyard eefcake Americana eefcake The G-String MY A ollmer suggests the bulging American Y B was the first museum I attended as a tax-paying tenant The Museum of Sex or MOSex and resist the allure of old hustler magazines Passing by I couldn’t City. in New York all cloaked in the safe warmth of academic legitimacy. porn from the dawn of time, founder Daniel Gluck desired certainly not the first sex museum, MOSex Although it’s the “Smithsonian of sex.” Maybe the crew cuts at the Air nothing less than to produce a petition to let the sexperts join the club. and Space Museum will circulate B Male Body Men Without Suits: Objectifying the American the evolution presents a wide-angle look at Curator John of depictions of the nude male. V beefcake aesthetic developed because the body was more socially hyper-masculine acceptable. He explains that “social con- structs permit muscle-building magazines to be displayed in racks without censorship, but require no less provocative images on the covers of soft porn magazines to be kept behind protective barriers.” The viewer is guided through centuries of glutes with bite-size factoids glimpsing at padded cod pieces – 1450s jockstraps worn under man- skirts – and the celebration of prepubescent poverty and inequality: political control and distribution of money and resources, and instead focuses on providing charity. There was a time where you could pretty much expect political non-fiction film to suf- fer from low-production values and didactic talking heads, rendering it useless for com- municating to people outside the choir. Luckiest Nut in the World Flash-based largely 5:30) is a Fulcrum TV, short that makes the economics of global it exemplifies trade fun again. Unfortunately, a common pitfall of activist film: bad mes- saging. The singing American peanut does a great job of reaching a non-academic audi- ence, but falls short on explaining how affects working peanut farmers in NAFTA the U.S. The nut sang to me that the U.S.’s sway in the global market place would com- pensate for otherwise harmful elimination of ignoring trade restrictions through NAFTA, the race to the bottom and loss of jobs in the food, I am for love of singing U.S. However, anticipating Emily James’ next film. crowd Sarah Prior and Monica Bigler’s pleaser, interviews Americans who are “adequately prepared” to survive a nuclear blast and fend off hungry neighbors. Like a paranoid and tragically unhip, the film fol- lows these folks into the personal bomb shel- ters they love, showing off their bounty of White Photo: – will hunger and Men Without Suits: : (Sophie Muller, Los Angeles, (Sophie Muller,

ERMELSTEIN M National Treasure ooftop Films, N.Y.C.’s premier mobile ooftop Films, N.Y.C.’s packed 13 films, independent theater, five sets of fireworks and music by the

or EAH L orld on Fire Y Mountain Goats onto the roof of the Fulton Mall parking lot for their Fourth of July show. (Overstimulated and hanging out at the mall – very American.) The closest set of fireworks was occluded by some building that snuck by the event planners, but what appeared to be a carpet bombing of pyrotechnics in the dis- tance did seem appropriate. As for the films: W B NOW SHOWING AT MOSEX NOW SHOWING AT Objectifying the American Male Body. Objectifying the Museum of Sex Chicks CA, 4:20) is a melodramatic Sarah McLachlan music video with an ill-steered conscience. Muller uses a series of simple equations, to the tune of “$2,000 to cater a Hollywood shoot = food enough to feed 20,000 Haitian children breakfast” to illus- trate her point. What point is that, you might ask. If we halt production on biggest export – crap like America’s world poverty cease to exist? Such mis- guided efforts to eliminate poverty and suf- fering are dangerous. The IMF and World Bank are case examples. (The millions of poverty-stricken and malnourished children in the U.S. are bypassed here. Perhaps the numbers are not drastic enough – a couple grand buys more in Haiti.) This film leads the audience away from the causes of

Rooftop’s Mixed Bag of Shorts at the Mall Garage Mixed Rooftop’s R July20_p16.qxd 07.21.05 3:29 AM Page 1

on the street COMMUNITY CALENDAR july - august

TUE JULY 26 6:30pm • FREE 10am – 2pm • FREE 6:30pm Forum: 7 - 8:30pm • FREE STILL WE SPEAK JAPANESE MUSIC FESTIVAL IN CENTRAL PARK MAYORS ON PARKS Come out and oppose the City in its attempt Local and international performers on the The candidates for Mayor share their visions to curtail the constitutional rights of all New Shakuhachi, Koto and Shamisen on the issues facing the City’s parks, play- Yorkers! Critical Mass is not illegal. Performances of Honkyoku, Sankyoku, and grounds, community gardens, sporting facili- Union Square South / www.stillwespeak.org Minyo. Solos and duets. Traditional and ties, and open spaces. Modern pieces. Traditional Japanese dance 7:30pm • FREE Pace University Gymnasium, 1 Pace Plaza Naumberg Bandshell and Mall Concert Ground THE SOUND OF MUSIC / SLAM (Across from City Hall Park in Lower Mid Park from 66th to 72nd St. Manhattan) Reservations Required The hills of Prospect Park are alive with the 212.838.9410 x233 or [email protected] sound of the Von Trapp family. Julie Andrews 1 – 5pm • FREE stars in this epic 1965 wide-screen master- CITYWIDE RALLY: BRING THE TROOPS NOW!!! 8pm • $7 piece. The evening begins with the wacky Guest Speakers, Spoken Word, Live Music, Food. FIFTH ANNUAL MEDIA THAT MATTERS mobile percussion of SLAM. Get ready to march on Washington, D.C. on ANTRIM CASKEY FILM FESTIVAL Prospect Park Bandshell September 24th, and with the Millions More The Tank, 208 West 37th St. 9th St. & Prospect Park West, Bkln Movement on October 14, 15, & 16. HARLEM TENANTS COUNCIL 8pm • $5 Sliding Scale 7 - 9pm • $25 (Donation to save the church!) and TROOPS OUR NOW COALITION RIOT-A-GO-GO SAVE ST. BRIGID'S COMMITTEE POT-LUCK The Marcus Garvey Park Band Shell Join us for a rockin’ concert by female fronted DINNER: home cooked Latino food, music, Enter Park at 5th Ave. and 124th St. punk band Riot-A-Go-Go from San Francisco. drink, short speeches. Vox Pop,1022 Cortelyou Road, Flatbush, Bkln Help save this 160 year old church, 2 – 9pm • FREE a landmark of the Lower East Side. 7pm • FREE AFRICAN FESTIVAL! PAPA WEMBA / GOKH-BI Ave. A, btwn 5th and 6th Streets OPEN HOUSE and OPENING & RELEASE PARTY SYSTEM / MARIA DE BARROS / KAKANDE / RSVP to (347) 538-8563 or The ABC No Rio Darkroom Folio Project and ALAIN NKOSSI KONDA [email protected]. the opening of Coloring plus music, installa- All-day party with music, food and culture tion art, performance and spoken word. featuring artists from around the continent. THU JULY 28 ABC No Rio, 156 Rivington St. Prospect Park Bandshell (212) 254-3697 9th St. & Prospect Park West, Bkln 7pm • FREE SAVE ABORTION: WE WON’T LOSE THE RIGHT 7pm • FREE 3pm • $5; TO CHOOSE! PRESS CONFERENCE CRITICAL MASS: MANHATTAN ABC NO RIO 25th ANNIVERSARY EVENTS LGBT Community Center, Room 301 Meet at Union Sq. Park North Free Vegetarian BBQ $3/second plate 208 West 13th St. (at 7th Ave.) Penny Arcade (performance) Poetry readings, SAT JULY 30 music and video extravaganza! ABC NO RIO, 156 Rivington St. CAITLIN BENEDETTO 12 – 2pm • FREE 9:30am – 3pm THE GREAT AMERICAN JOBS SCAM EAST NEW YORK FARMERS MARKET (212) 254-3697 Reading and lecture by Greg LeRoy, reading United Community Centers Farm THE INDYPENDENT New documentaries w/evidence the gov’t & from his new book which exposes the truth 600 Schenck Avenue b/w Livonia & New Lots MON AUGUST 1 has open meetings every Tuesday at 7pm at media have withheld. Learn how the real about corporate tax breaks and the creation By train – 1 to Van Siclen, walk on Livonia to 6:30pm • FREE 34 E. 29th St., 2nd floor. conspiracy theory is the official gov’t story. of jobs. Register online or call 212-633-1405 the corner of Schenck Ave. LADIES’ BICYCLE REPAIR NIGHT at TIMES UP! Call for more info: 212.684.8112 Post-screening discussion/strategy sessions. x 533. Demos 220 Fifth Ave. @ 26 St., 5th Fl. 49 E. Houston St. (btwn Mott and Mulberry) Other NYC Indymedia Group Meetings: At St. Mark’s Church, corner 2nd Ave & 10th 2 – 5pm • FREE Photo Team: 7pm Mondays St. Sponsors: NY 911 Truth, LES/WTC Truth 7:30pm • FREE OPEN GARDEN - C.A.U.S.A. Festival Garden TUE AUGUST 2 Video Team: 7pm Tuesdays Movement. www.ny911truth.org MILLY QUEZADA / GRUPO AGUAKATE Garden will be open for public to view. 6:30 pm • FREE Dominican diva Milly Quezada – “la Reina del 790 Blake Ave. betw. Van Siclen & Miller, Bkln BIKE REPAIR WORKSHOP 7pm • FREE Merengue” – is a bona fide international 49 E. Houston St. (betw. Mott and Mulberry) READING OF “WHAT’S MY NAME, FOOL? 2pm • FREE superstar. This night pairs the traditional with HEALTHY COOKING DEMONSTRATION Sponsored by TIMES UP! SAT JULY 23 SPORTS & RESISTANCE IN THE U.S.” Dave the newest of the new: Grupo Aguakate will Zirin Illustrates how sports express the worst Market voucher worth $5, Veggie Tip Sheet 10am • FREE whip the crowd into a frenzy with its irre- Guides, with JUST FOOD TRAINER CONTINUING EVENTS & at times the most creative, exciting & politi- sistible party vibe mash up of reggaetón, MEDIA RALLY AT NBC cal features of our society. Talk to gardeners about how to start a market The NYC Downing Street Coalition will be merengue, and hip-hop. garden in your community. Bluestockings, 172 Allen St. Prospect Park Bandshell LAST SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH holding a demonstration outside NBC NEWS 212-777-6028 Wyckoff Community Farm at Rockefeller Center on DSM Day to demand 9th St. & Prospect Park West, Bkln 5816 Clarendon Rd., Bkln MOONLIGHT BIKE / SKATES RIDE more and better coverage of the Downing 12 – 5:30pm • Donations! It’s a benefit. www.justfood.org/cityfarms/workshops/ A scenic tour from Central Park, plus the Street memo. BOOKS @ THE PIER TO BENEFIT “BOOKS FRI JULY 29 lovely tree canopy and grand vistas of the NBC Studios Rockefeller Center, south side of THROUGH BARS” Featuring authors Walter Through SAT 30 • $6 / $3 students, seniors SUN JULY 31 Hudson River from Riverside Park. The ride 49th St. - btwn 5th and 6th Ave., right outside Mosley, Herb Boyd, Amy Goodman, Terrie FREE Under 18 10:30am • FREE continues down the greenway to the lovely the NBC NEWS Building. Williams, Toby Thompkins, Darren Coleman, “THROUGH MY EYES: CHILDREN’ DRAWINGS BEACH RIDE TO JACOB RIIS PARK pier. Then, a ride through leafy streets back to Jimmie Briggs, Kalisha Buckhanon and FROM CONFLICT ZONES,” DARFUR, UGANDA, Bring water, suit etc. Columbus Circle. This ride usually covers a bit 2pm • FREE Deborah Mathis, among others. Pier 63 at CHECHNYA, KOSOVO, SUDAN & IRAQ. Meet on the Brooklyn side of the over 10 miles and lasts about 2 hours. TORTURE AND LIES – WHO IS ACCOUNTABLE? West 23rd St. At Chelsea Art Museum 556 West 22nd St. Williamsburg Bridge OR 11 a.m. Grand Army Meet at the Columbus Circle at 59th St. Speakers: Rep. Maurice Hinchey, Hon. Liz Plaza, Bkln. Sponsored by TIMES UP! entrance to Central Park Holtzman and Randi Rhodes. Moderator: Bob Fertik, President of Democrats.com Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), who has repre- special sented conservative District 19. New York Society for Ethical Culture 2 W. 64th St. at Central Park West INTRODUCTORY 7pm • $10 Donation DEFEND POLITICAL PRISONERS: A NIGHT IN SOLIDARITY OFFER Analysis and updates about the cases of Sheikh Mohammed Al-Moayad and Mohammed Zayad, Mumia Abu-Jamal and $10 FOR 10 ISSUES Assata Shakur! Stay for discussion, literature, and musical performances featuring >>> a free paper for free people <<< Movement in Motion and Ash-One. Event Sponsored by New York Committee to Defend Palestine and Movement in Motion ALWAN, 16 Beaver Street, 4th Floor Bill me Check enclosed

8pm • $5.00 Sliding scale STEVEN BACON’S TASTY MUSIC Name Singer/songwriter Steven Bacon’s music is political, spiritual, reflective, introspective, Address acoustic, lonesome, mellow, alternative indie- folk. At Vox Pop, 1022 Cortelyou Road, City State Zip Flatbush, Brooklyn E-Mail Phone SUN JULY 24 6:30pm • Donation optional Regular subscription rate: $25/year (23 issues) SPECIAL: 4 years for $99! Make checks payable to the NYC IMC Print Team and send to: 34 East 29th St., 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10016. Or for even faster (Also showing on July 31) service email your address to [email protected] and we will begin your subscription right away! 9/11 INFO RESOURCE SERIES