SBCD Communications Stakeholder Power & Interest Matrix

Keep Satisfied (High Power & Low Interest) Manage Closely (High Power and High Interest)

Regional Local Authority Cabinet Members Joint Committee Members Regional Council Members (All) Programme Board Members Regional AMs and MPs Economic Strategy Board Members & specialist advisors BBC Wales Today Welsh Government SBCD officials ITV Wales UK Government SBCD officials BBC Radio Wales UKG Secretary of State for Wales BBC Radio Cymru UKG Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Wales High BBC Newyddion WG Minister for Economy and Transport BBC Wales newsgathering WG Minister for Finance Power UK national media WG Deputy Minister for Economy and Transport Tata Steel Wales Online Other major regional employers BBC Online Milford Haven Port Authority Evening Post Wales European Funding Office Western Mail Farmers Union for Wales Private sector project backers National Farmers Union Regional business community Local Authority Ward Members in project locations

Monitor (Low Interest and Low Power) Keep Informed (High Interest and Low Power)

Regional bloggers Specialist media Yr Egin tenants Business News Wales South Wales Guardian Wales 247 Towyside Advertiser Bay Radio Tenby Observer Wales Business Insider Times Journal Standard Llanelli Star Swansea Civic Society Swansea Bay Business Life Business Wales Western Telegraph Carmarthenshire Tourism Association, Milford Mercury Carmarthenshire Council economic development team The Wave & Swansea Sound Neath Port Talbot Council business development team Heart FM Swansea Council economic development team. Low Pembrokeshire Council business development team Radio Pembrokeshire Power Antur Teifi Herald newspapers Discover Carmarthenshire 4 The Region Pembrokeshire Tourism Regional Business Improvement Districts Institute of Welsh Affairs SBCD project leads Tourism Swansea Bay South Wales Chamber of Commerce Visit Swansea Bay Federation of Small Businesses Visit Wales Swansea Bay Business Club Visit Neath Port Talbot SA1 Waterfront Business Club Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum South West and Mid Wales Regional Learning and Skills Partnership National Trust Lions and Rotary Clubs across the region Regional MEPs Marine Energy Wales Construction Futures Wales Regional supply chain businesses Regional Town and Community Councils Cardiff Capital Region City Deal North Wales Growth Deal Regional Local Authorities (Staff) Regional universities (Staff and students) Regional health boards (Staff) Regional school pupils Oriel Science SWIC (South Wales Industrial Cluster) Welsh Government Energy Service Low Interest High Interest