
Th or collective redistirbution or collective of this by of any article portion SPECIAL ISSUE ON THE /EAST published in been has is article

A HISTORY OF , Volume 3, a quarterly journal of Th 19, Number PHYSICAL photocopy machine, or other reposting, means is permitted only OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH IN THE Society. Copyright e Oceanography 2006 by Th JAPAN/EAST SEA with the approval of Th

BY MIKHAIL A. DANCHENKOV, VYACHESLAV B. LOBANOV, STEPHEN C. RISER, Permission reserved. Society. All rights is e Oceanography gran e Oceanography Society. Send all correspondence to: Society. Send e Oceanography [email protected] or Th KUH KIM, MASAKI TAKEMATSU, AND JONGHWAN YOON

Oceanographic research in the Japan/East Sea (JES) has a histo- all reviews of the history of the oceanographic research in the ry similar to other marginal that are surrounded by coun- prior to these two programs mostly described national tries that play a central role in world economics and politics investigations (e.g., Istoshin, 1950; Kawai, 1974; Hahn, 1994). (Figure 1). However, due to the specifi cs of the region’s history, The Bibliography on the Japan Sea Oceanography (Danchen- its varied cultures, and the different languages of the nations kov et al., 2000) tried to list and annotate briefl y all available in the region, most regional oceanographic research has been , published before the end of last century, from coun- carried out independently by each country. This research has tries in the region. The relative numbers of results published ted to in teaching copy this and research. for use article Repu often taken place without complete knowledge of neighboring (: 40 percent; Japan: 36 percent; : 20 percent; USA: e Oceanography Society, PO Box 1931, Rockville, MD 20849-1931, USA. 1931, Rockville, Box PO Society, e Oceanography nations, although in recent years a new degree of international 3 percent) were similar, indicating the existence of a substantial cooperation in the region has emerged. research community in each country. Yet, because of language Perhaps the fi rst truly international oceanographic forum in diffi culties and a lack of availability of some national publica- the region was provided by JECSS (the Japan and East China tions, much of this published material is not familiar to the Sea Study), started under the close collaboration between Japa- international community. In this paper we try to partially rem- nese and Korean scientists in 1981. This program was followed edy this problem by describing the history of oceanographic

by the CREAMS (Circulation Research of East Asian Mar- research in the region and the development of our knowledge reproduction, systemmatic blication, ginal Seas) project in 1993, where, for the fi rst time, Russian of of the JES, indicating the most im- oceanographers joined the international team. Consequently, portant results and publications.

18 Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 3, Sept. 2006 126° 130° 134° 138° 142°

EEZ Border Maximum Observed Depth Location of Main Oceanographic Labs NS = Nevelskogo (Mamiya) NS 52° TsS = Tsushima (Korean) Strait LS = La Perouse (Soya) Strait TS = PGB = Peter the Great PR = Pervenets Rise OS = Oki Spur

VV = 48° YS = Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Tartar Strait FU = YS MA = Maizuru NI = SA = Sapporo 1500 LS PU = Pusan SE = Seoul Russia 3669 44° WO = VV 3300 SA PGB Japan Basin PR TS 3720 DPRK Yamato Rise 40° 1500 WO

SE Yamato Basin NI lleung Basin Rep. of U 1500 Korea OS Japan 36° PU MA


32° Figure 1. Main geographic features of the Japan/East Sea region.

Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 3, Sept. 2006 19 A CHRONOLOGY of southern to Japan Current transporting warm from As late as the end of the eighteenth cen- following the Russian-Japanese War of the through the Tsushima tury, knowledge of the large-scale cir- 1904–1905 and the annexation of , and the Liman Current carrying culation of the JES was lacking, mostly in 1910 initiated wider research in the re- cold water from the north along the Rus- due to the fact that China and Japan, the gion by Japan. The Russian Revolution in sian (Academician Shrenk believed main national powers in the region at the 1917, followed by fi ve years of civil war that the Liman Current originated in time, did not far from their in Russia, greatly interrupted scientifi c the Amur , or “liman” in because of a lack of appropriate vessels. research activity in the region. Little new the ). Later investiga- The fi rst European voyages with scien- work took place during World War II tions yielded fi fteen more papers on the tifi c groups on board included a French (1941–1945), but after the war’s end, the thermal structure of the sea, the sea-ice expedition led by J.F. La Perouse in 1787, independence of in 1948 regime, and surface currents, all pub- an English study of the region under the and the end of the in 1953 lished before 1917. With the exception of supervision of W.R. Broughton in 1796, allowed for important developments in the monograph by Makarov in and Russian cruises led by I.F. Kruzen- South Korean research efforts. The po- 1894, most of these papers are rarely ref- shtern in 1805. Such studies resulted in litical and economic changes that took erenced but are quite important works, the fi rst detailed maps of coastal areas, place in Russia in 1991 had the effect of including Maidel (1877, 1878, 1879, including data on bottom signifi cantly decreasing Russian national 1880), Zuev (1887), Kolchak (1899) and and surface currents. These forays into activities in the region; however, these Zhdanko (1913). These works provided the region by Europeans also stimulated changes resulted in Russian portions of more details on the distribution of wa- Japan to increase its research in the JES being opened for wide interna- ter temperature, density, and currents the area, leading to the exploration of tional collaboration for the fi rst time. in the northern and western parts of the . By mid-century, the Opium In 1859, the Russian Navy conducted Sea. In particular, the Krillion Cold Cur- Wars of 1840–1842 and 1856–1860 had the fi rst systematic hydrographic surveys rent, carrying water from the Okhotsk weakened China and led to a chain of of the JES that included observations of Sea into the JES through the Soya Strait, geopolitical changes in the region that water temperature, density, and currents. was found, and the lack of a relationship had important infl uences on oceano- A decade or so later, the fi rst two mono- between the Liman Current and Amur graphic research activities. Perhaps the graphs on the physical oceanography River discharge was noted. It should be most important of these changes was of the region appeared based on these mentioned that special care was taken in the Beijing Treaty of 1860, effectively investigations (Shrenk, 1870, 1874). The to ensure the accuracy of the observa- confi rming Russian jurisdiction of the monographs suggested for the fi rst time tions. The thermometers were calibrated northwestern coast of the JES and stimu- a scheme for the surface circulation in at the Greenwich Observatory in Great lating intense marine exploration of this the basin, and they coined the names for Britain and an areometer was used to area. Half a century later, the transfer its major components—the Tsushima measure density of sea water. During this period, Russian research efforts domi- Mikhail A. Danchenkov is Leading Research Scientist, Far Eastern Regional Hydrometeoro- nated in the basin. However, the Rus- logical Research Institute, Vladivostok, Russia. Vyacheslav B. Lobanov ([email protected]. sian studies were abruptly ended after ru) is Deputy Director, V.I. Il’ichev Pacifi c Oceanological Institute, Far Eastern Branch, Russian the October revolution of 1917 and the Academy of , Vladivostok, Russia. Stephen C. Riser is Professor, School of - following civil war; for a period, oceano- ography, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. Kuh Kim is Professor, School of graphic research in the region was con- and Environmental Sciences/Research Institute of Oceanography, Seoul National University, centrated mostly in coastal areas. But, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Masaki Takematsu is Professor Emeritus, Research Institute for the synthesis of the data collected before Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University, Kasuga, Fukuoka, Japan. Jong-Hwan Yoon is Profes- the revolution, and reviews of Japanese sor, Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University, Kasuga, Fukuoka, Japan. publications at the time continued (Vize,

20 Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 3, Sept. 2006 1923; Rudovits, 1927, 1929, 1934; Deryu- In particular, Uda remarks on the ex- began with a few surveys of the JES gin, 1930; Bubnov, 1939; Batalin, 1941; tremely low temperature, high oxygen implemented in 1949, 1951, and 1955 by Rumyantsev, 1951). content, and remarkable homogeneity the Soviet Academy of Sciences using the After the Russian Revolution, Japa- of the deep of the JES, indicating (R/V) Vityaz. Observa- nese investigations in the region intensi- their formation by wintertime convec- tions were conducted in various seasons fi ed and became the dominant research tion and frequent renewal. It should be and resulted in new data concerning the efforts in the Sea during the period of mentioned, however, that for Japan and distributions of physical and chemical 1922–1945. These studies provided new data on the basin interior. During that era, the major topographic features of the sea (the Yamato Rise and the deep ...because of language difficulties and a lack Japan Basin, with depths in excess of of availability of some national publications, 3500 m) were found (Figure 1). The much of this published material is not fi rst oceanographic observations reach- ing depths of more than one thousand familiar to the international community. meters were carried out in the western part of the Sea by the Kobe Marine - servatory research vessel Shumpu Maru in 1928–1930. In the 1930s, newly es- Russia/Soviet Union, the JES was not properties, a new scheme for the circula- tablished marine observatories in Pusan considered as the highest priority for tion, and detailed charts of bottom relief (Korea), Maizuru (Japan), and at other national oceanographic research because with newly found topographic features locations began oceanographic observa- geographically it was located at the pe- (Russian Academy of Sciences, 1961). In tion programs, with the emphasis shift- riphery of each country’s economic ac- addition to oceanographic surveys, the ing from mostly coastal studies to large- tivity. After 1941, research in the region investigation of and currents us- scale surveys of the JES. The expeditions was severely limited by World War II and ing systems were initiated in of 1932 and 1933, conducted by M. Uda the Korean War, events that destroyed all the northwestern and northern coastal using the research vessels Soya and Mis- of the national economies in the region. areas. Other Russian/Soviet monographs ago and more than 50 fi sheries vessels, No signifi cant new results were obtained were published during that time. One were the fi rst known systematic, basin- for some time. of the most important was prepared by scale surveys of physical oceanographic These two wars, however, stimulated the Far Eastern Regional Hydrometeoro- characteristics, including properties of interest in the JES region by other coun- logical Research Institute (FERHRI) in the deep waters, of the JES (Uda, 1934). tries (Air Ministry, 1944), particularly 1956 (Pokudov and Supranovich, 1975). Although the fi rst important Japanese the . This interest continued Although this work contained the best papers appeared well in advance of for many years and resulted in the pub- summary of knowledge of the physi- this work (e.g., Wada, 1916 [as cited by lication of important works such as an cal oceanography of the JES available at Kawai, 1974]; Suda, 1932), Uda (1934) atlas of temperature, , and den- that time, it is considered confi dential presents a comprehensive description of sity (La Violette and Hamilton, 1967), even today and not generally available the surface circulation and the main wa- reviews on oceanographic conditions to the wider oceanographic community. ter masses of the JES. These reports form (Boyd, 1995; Preller and Hogan, 1998), Another monograph, based on analyses the foundation for our contemporary and original research papers (e.g., Mar- of data obtained before World War II, view of JES circulation—the Uda study tin and Kawase, 1998; Riser et al., 1999). is a now well known and often quoted has long been referred as the basic source A new round of intensive investiga- monograph by A.K. Leonov issued in of oceanographic knowledge of the JES. tions in Russia (then, the Soviet Union) 1960. The work contains analyses of JES

Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 3, Sept. 2006 21 meteorology, waves, tides, currents, and tinuing periodically to the present. and diagnostic calculations of the circu- water masses. Following 1959, Russian/ With the huge growth in the research lation were presented in a monograph Soviet research expeditions in the JES fl eet by the 1970s, Russia returned to on JES currents (Yurasov and Yarichin, were episodic. carrying out large-scale surveys of the 1991). The most recent FERHRI mono- Early in the 1960s, oceanographic re- JES. The group at FERHRI implemented graph, The , contains a de- search by South Korean scientists began three cruises by the R/Vs Okean and scription of the of the JES in the JES. For various reasons, it was Priliv in 1974–1976 and 12 more cruises based on extensive databases of mean mostly limited to the areas adjacent to by R/Vs Vyacheslav Frolov, Shokalsky, physical and chemical properties of the South Korea; later, these were and Valerian Uryvaev during the pe- water, meteorological characteristics defi ned as the exclusive economic zones riod 1984–1990. The purpose of these and their statistics, and a summary of (EEZ). By this time the number of dedi- surveys was to examine the circulation basic knowledge of the JES accumulated cated fi eld programs in the basin had de- and water-mass characteristics. Accu- through 2000 (FERHRI, 2003). creased considerably. Instead, each coun- racy constraints of the fi rst-available The modern period in the explora- try in the region had turned to routine conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) tion of the JES (the late 1970s through monitoring rather than groundbreaking systems, and the use of the salinity titra- the present) can be characterized by new programs. Observations along re- tion method, did not permit studies of the application of new technology to peated sections were started in Japan, the homogeneous deep waters. As a re- oceanographic research, including high- South Korea, and Russia; most of these sult, the research at that time was mostly accuracy CTD systems, current meters, efforts continue today, providing many focused on the upper 500 m of the JES. the use of chemical tracers, and remote valuable time series 40–50 years long. An immense quantity of data was ac- sensing. These technical developments These sections are generally limited by cumulated during that period, but no opened new opportunities for discov- the EEZs of each country and have quite breakthroughs were made concerning ery. The fi rst satellite infrared images good coverage in Japan and South Korea. the deeper waters of the JES because of showed the detailed thermal structure of There are only four repeat sections still these constraints. the JES, with numerous frontal features associated with mesoscale dynamics (e.g., Huh, 1976). Observations with a high-accuracy Neil Brown MK-III CTD system carried out during this period by Despite the already extensive studies of Japanese scientists (Gamo and Horibe, the Japan/East Sea there is still great 1983; Gamo et al., 1986) presented ver- potential for further research. tical fi ne structure of temperature and salinity profi les, allowing identifi cation of intermediate and deep waters, and estimation of the degree of vertical varia- tion in deep-water salinity. Previous val- being carried out by fi sheries research Among the synthesis monographs of ues of deep-water salinity (34.15–34.20) institutes in Russia. There are no known that period, the detailed Japanese atlases (e.g., Pokudov et al., 1976; Pischalnik sections being occupied regularly in the of bottom topography (Mogi, 1979) and and Arkhipkin, 2000) were seen to be in EEZ of . At larger spatial marine environment (Marine Environ- error. An extremely important result, the scales, there are four long sections, cross- mental Atlas, 1975, 1978), as well as the long-term decrease in dissolved oxygen ing the entire JES from coast to coast, Oceanographic Atlas of Korean Waters content in deep water of the JES, was implemented by Russian/Soviet scientists (Hahn, 1978) should be mentioned. noted for the fi rst time. The fi rst long- at FERHRI in the 1960–1970s and con- Analysis of moored current-meter data term moored current measurements

22 Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 3, Sept. 2006 (Kitani, 1987, 1989) resulted in the fi rst strong impetus for expansion of interna- PRESENT KNOWLEDGE ideas on abyssal circulation patterns and tional collaboration and further research OF MAJOR FEATURES AND their variability. in the JES. CREAMS, including the inter- FUTURE CHALLENGES A new era in basin-scale, systematic national expeditions and workshops, was Despite the already extensive studies of research activities in the JES was stimu- the fi rst truly international, long-term the JES there is still great potential for lated by the beginning of international research program in the JES. The pro- further research. There remain some collaboration in the region. International gram yielded highly productive results. uncertainties in the basic properties of conferences organized by the East-West CREAMS was followed by another the JES, such as reliable estimates of its Center based in resulted in well- international effort initiated by the U.S. mean area and the maximum depth of received monographs presenting multi- Offi ce of Naval Research (ONR) during the basin. There are a variety of esti- disciplinary knowledge of the JES (e.g., 1997–2001. The ONR program included mates for the maximum depth presented Valencia, 1989; Morgan and Valencia, more than 15 research projects that col- in the literature, ranging from 3610 m 1992). The biennial symposia of the Ja- lected detailed, basin-scale observations (Harada and Tsunogai, 1986), to 3670 m pan and East China Sea Study (JECSS)— using a variety of techniques, including (Russian Academy of Sciences, 1961), the fi rst international program in the highly accurate hydrographic surveys, to 3700 m (Gamo and Horibe, 1983), region, started in 1981, and involved chemical and biological sampling, so- to 4018 m (Leonov, 1948), to 4038 m close collaboration between Japanese phisticated mooring systems, profi ling (Leonov, 1960), and to 4049 and 4224 m and Korean scientists (Ichiye, 1984)— fl oats, and . Advanced (Hidaka, 1966). In spite of extensive Rus- provided an opportunity for close inter- numerical modeling of the circulation sian investigation, depths in excess of actions between colleagues of the region of the JES was also emphasized. Some of 4000 m have not been confi rmed, and it and other countries. By the initiative the results of this program are presented is not clear that depths exceeding 3669 m of scientists from Japan (M.Takematsu elsewhere in this issue. In 2005, an entire (Russian Academy of Sciences, 1961) and J.-H.Yoon), Korea (K.Kim), and issue of Deep-Sea Research II was devot- are actually present even though some Russia (G.Yurasov, M.Danchenkov and ed to papers based on this effort. charts show an area close to Y.Volkov) a new international project The interactions of physical, chemi- Tsugaru Strait with a depth reaching specifi cally dedicated to circulation and cal, and biological studies have been 3720 m (Figure 1). More studies are re- physical properties of the JES waters strongly supported in recent years by quired to better understand the physical (i.e., CREAMS) was created (Takematsu, the North Pacifi c Marine Or- properties of water masses and circula- 1994). The fi eld portion of CREAMS ganization (PICES), which co-spon- tion, although these were studied quite began with an expedition using the Rus- sored the CREAMS/PICES workshop intensively over the historic period. Geo- sian R/V Professor Khromov in 1993 and on Recent Progress in Studies of Physical graphically, among the less-studied areas was conducted jointly by Japanese, Ko- Processes and Their Impact to the Japan/ is the northern part of the JES, including rean, and Russian oceanographers. This East Sea at Seoul National Tartar Strait. work was followed by seven more cruises University in South Korea in 2002. conducted through 1999. The CREAMS Nine comprehensive papers out of this Water Masses project was led by a team of scientists workshop were published in a Special Some argue the circulation and ventila- from Kyushu University (Japan), Seoul Issue of Progress in Oceanography (2004, tion of the JES interior, and the mecha- National University (South Korea), and 61[2–4]). Recently, PICES established nism of formation and distribution of FERHRI (Russia), with the additional a new program called CREAMS/ its water masses, are the most intrigu- participation of colleagues from more PICES in 2004 to expand international ing topics in physical oceanography of than ten other organizations. Important collaboration of interdisciplinary re- the sea. Here we present a brief history components of the project were annual search on the state of the JES and its of development of our knowledge of (1994–2000) symposia that provided a changes in the future (PICES, 2005). these processes.

Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 3, Sept. 2006 23 The fi rst known classifi cations of JES tion of the Proper Water near 1000 m as ate water characteristics and origin. The water masses were based on the deep having high oxygen content and weak high oxygen content of these waters sug- observations by Japanese researchers stratifi cation, suggesting that it is well gests their recent origination from sur- in the late 1920s and early 1930s. The ventilated in winter. On the other hand, face water, with differing in the classifi cation by Suda (1932) showed Gamo and Horibe (1983) inferred the west and east parts of the JES. that the southern part of the JES con- boundary between deep and bottom Leonov (1960) and Zuenko and tained warm surface water (0–25 m), water to be around 2000 m, based on a Yurasov (1995) classifi ed water masses more saline intermediate water with a discontinuity of temperature, dissolved for the northern areas of the JES, with an core at 200–250 m, deep water centered oxygen, and silica profi les. This fi nd- emphasis on the northwestern shelf and around a minimum of in situ tempera- ing confi rmed the outstanding vertical Tatar Strait. The latter paper presents ture (around 1500 m), and underlying homogeneity of the layer located below. various local modifi cations of waters bottom water. Soon after, Uda (1934) This work slightly simplifi ed Nitani’s masses. One of the specifi c features of suggested a better classifi cation. It in- classifi cation (Lower Bottom Water). A these areas is the existence of a cold sub- cluded the whole basin and identifi ed similar three-layer classifi cation was also surface layer (inversion of temperature two surface water masses, corresponding suggested based on CREAMS observa- at 20–75 m) in summer (Zuenko, 1994; to the warm southern and cold northern tions, distinguishing central, deep, and Danchenkov, 2004). regions of the JES divided by the Polar bottom waters in this depth range (Kim In spite of relatively good agreement Front. (This front has also been referred et al., 2001). on water-mass classifi cation, the particu- to as the Subpolar or Subarctic Front, Miyazaki (1953) suggested a detailed lar mechanisms and sites of formation which is more consistent with the clas- classifi cation of surface and intermedi- are not clear. Noting the low temperature sifi cation of oceanic fronts suggested lat- ate waters. In particular, he noted a large and high oxygen content of intermedi- er). Although he distinguished the deep layer of low-salinity intermediate wa- ate, deep, and bottom waters, it has been and bottom waters, Uda noted the high ter with high oxygen content, probably speculated/hypothesized in works since homogeneity of temperature and salinity formed near the Polar Front. Later, a dis- the 1930s that their formation occurs to in these layers and integrated them into tinct salinity-minimum layer was found the north of Polar Front and is associ- one single water mass with temperature in the areas around Korea, underlying ated with winter convection due to cool- below 1°C, which has since been known Tsushima Warm Water (Kim and Chung, ing, evaporation, and ice formation. As as Japan Sea Proper Water. 1984). This layer was also common to for the intermediate low-salinity water, A careful examination of temperature, the southwestern part of the JES and along the front followed by salinity, dissolved oxygen, and nutrient was referred to as East Sea Intermediate advection to the south and east could be profi les suggested that the Proper Water Water (e.g., Kim et al., 1991). CREAMS the main mechanism of its formation consisted of several water masses. Based observations covering the western and (Yoon and Kawamura, 2002). There is no on the vertical gradient of potential eastern part of the JES modifi ed these in- consensus, however, on the major source temperature, Nitani (1972) inferred the termediate water observations. CREAMS of low-salinity surface water in the existence of Deep Water, Upper Bottom found that, typically, intermediate waters northern part of the sea—in this regard, Water, and Lower Bottom Water, the of the western part of the JES have low intense summer , melting latter characterized by extreme vertical salinity (below 34.06) and waters of the of , local river discharge, remote homogeneity. He found differences in eastern part have salinity in excess of summer input from the Amur River, or the Lower Bottom Water properties of 34.07. This latter water mass was named infl ow from the East China Sea are all three deep basins—Japan, Yamato, and High-Salinity Intermediate Water (Kim possible candidates. As for the High- Ulleung—and their interannual fl uctua- and Kim, 1999). Watanabe et al. (2001) Salinity Intermediate Water, its forma- tions. Sudo (1986) and Senjyu and Sudo and Zhabin et al. (2003) presented more tion mechanism is often considered to be (1993, 1994) identifi ed the Upper Por- studies on the high-salinity intermedi- related to mixing between waters formed

24 Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 3, Sept. 2006 by deep convection in winter in the It is understood that ventilation pro- was based on observations of water tem- northern area and of Tsu- cesses in the interior of the Sea depend perature and ship drift by Russian navy shima Current origin advected toward on heat, mass, and momentum fl uxes at vessels of opportunity. Shrenk gave the the Russian coast (Watanabe et al., 2001; the surface, which impose interannual names to the Tsushima Current fl owing Zhabin et al., 2003). variations and long-term trends associat- from the to the north- Martin et al. (1992) and Martin and ed with climatic changes over the region. east along the Japanese coast and the Kawase (1998) examined the role sea ice Thus, changes in the nature and intensity Liman Current originated in the north and heat fl uxes play in deep and bottom water formation in the Tatar Strait. Low- salinity surface water seems to prevent deep convection in this area. Extremely ...good international collaboration is strong heat fl uxes in the northwestern area off Peter the Great Bay were con- essential for success, as was proved fi rmed by Kawamura and Wu (1998), by first the CREAMS program and based on satellite scatterometer and infrared data, suggesting this area is a the following multinational efforts. key location for deep convection. Tal- ley et al. (2003) confi rmed this deep convection with winter observations in 2000 and 2001, when open-sea convec- of wintertime convection and ventila- and directed southwestward along the tion was observed penetrating down to tion modify the subsurface water prop- of Russia and Korea (Figure 2a). 1100–1500 m. Direct observations of erties from year to year and should be A number of schemes constructed later bottom water ventilation were obtained extremely important in determining the by Japanese investigators were forgot- by several studies during the severely properties of the bottom water, whose ten once the scheme by Uda (1934) was cold winter of 2000–2001 (Lobanov et renewal depends on deep convection. introduced (Figure 2b). He deduced the al., 2002; Kim et al., 2002; Senjyu et al., Nitani (1972) observed and Gamo et al., main features of the sea surface circula- 2002; Talley et al., 2003), when new bot- (1986) confi rmed the long-term changes tion that were confi rmed by subsequent tom water is fi rst found at the slope of in deep and bottom water properties in studies, including the existence of at Peter the Great Bay in layers 300–800-m the JES (the tendency toward increasing least three cyclonic gyres in the northern thick at the bottom (2000–3000 m). This temperature and decreasing of dissolved part of the JES. Thus, these gyres divide newly formed water was distributed over oxygen content for the deep and bot- the southwestern fl ow along the Asian the western part of Japan Basin down to tom waters). These changes have become into three segments named 40°N by April–June of the same year and perhaps the most interesting topic in JES the Liman, Primorye, and North Ko- down to 38°N toward Ulleung Basin by oceanography (e.g., Ponomarev et al., rean cold currents. Seasonal variations the following year (2002). Although it 1996; Kim et al., 1999; Gamo et al., 2001; of surface circulation were presented in was suggested that the major mechanism Kim et al., 2002; Kwon et al., 2004) more detailed schemes by Naganuma for the bottom water renewal is associat- (1977) (Figure 2c,d). Although not many ed with brine rejection and slope convec- Surface Currents data were available for the winter sea- tion off Peter the Great Bay, the observed A review by Kawai (1974) provides son, these schemes indicated important variations in the properties of recently abundant information on the evolution changes of the fl ow pattern in the north- formed bottom water suggest that there of knowledge of water circulation in western part of the JES that were later are several formation mechanisms and the JES. Shrenk (1874) presents the fi rst studied in more detail. Uda’s scheme is locations (Lobanov et al., 2002). known scheme of surface circulation. It still in use today, with various modifi ca-

Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 3, Sept. 2006 25 tions. For example, Yarichin (1980), and later Yurasov and Yarichin (1991) (Fig- ure 2e), added some additional elements to the circulation and suggested modi- fi ed names for the northernmost part of the along-slope fl ow in the northwest, such as the Shrenk Current (previously named Liman Current by Shrenk and Uda). The latter fl ows along the Russian region known as Primorye (not ), and as such this name is geographically more correct. Recent studies have added a few more elements of circulation, such as an anticyclonic gyre off Northern Korea (e.g., Yoon and Kawamura, 2002) that forms a northwestern branch of the Subarctic Front with a correspond- ing southeastern fl ow along the front that starts just to the west of Peter the Great Bay (Danchenkov, 2003a); a west- ern branch of the Tsushima Current that warm saline water from the area of Tsugaru Strait to the west towards the Russian coast (Figure 2f) (Danchenkov et al., 2000a, b); and a sea- sonal reversal of the North Korea Cur- rent (Danchenkov et al., 2003a; Lee and Niiler, 2005). These fl ows control salin- ity in the northwestern part of the JES, where deep convection occurs in winter, and thus are important for the ventila- tion of the JES interior. Application of numerical models showed results similar to the observed large-scale circulation pattern and re-

Figure 2. Th e schemes of surface circulation ad- opted from (a) Shrenk (1874), (b) Uda (1934), (c, d) Naganuma (1977), (e) Yarichin (1980) and (f) Danchenkov (2003a,b).

26 Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 3, Sept. 2006 vealed the major causes of its structure Circulation of Intermediate and were followed by the intensive work of and variability. The pioneering works by Deep Waters the CREAMS group in the 1990s. These J.H. Yoon helped to clarify the causes of In spite of many attempts, the circulation measurements showed vertically coher- the branching of the Tsushima Current of intermediate and deep waters has still ent fl ows in the Proper Water and strong after it enters the JES (e.g., Yoon, 1982); not been clarifi ed completely. The circu- bottom currents exceeding 5 cm sec-1 these works were followed by many lation of the upper portion of Japan Sea (Takematsu et al., 1999a). Korean ocean- modeling efforts (e.g., Holloway et al., Proper Water (above around 1000 m) ographers carried out a multi-year re- 1995; Kim and Yoon, 1999; Hogan and was deduced from the property distribu- search program on deep circulation in Hurlburt, 2000; Yoon and Kawamura, tion on the relevant isopycnal surfaces the Ulleung basin (Chang et al., 2002, 2002). Although steady improvements (Senjyu and Sudo, 1993, 1994). It circu- 2004). Senjyu et al. (2005) recently pre- in the models have been made, in most lates from the Japan Basin following the sented a synthesis of those data and sub- cases the models still fail to accurately continental slope and part of it spreads sequent instrumental observations ob- represent some important features of south to the Ulleung Basin and then tained though the period 1986–2003 by water-mass formation. to the Yamato Basin. Experiments with 177 current meters at 69 sites. The syn- Although the general features of cir- ALACE fl oats showed an antycyclonic thesis confi rmed relatively strong cyclon- culation in the southern part of the JES gyre in the eastern part of Japan Basin at ic circulation along the peripheries of and through Tsushima Strait the intermediate layer (300 m), a strong the basin, with the currents intensifying are quite well studied (e.g., Teague et eastward current along the Polar Front, at the western edges; a similarity of fl ow al., 2005a,b), the scheme of currents and southeastward fl ow off the area of patterns for the upper (400–1000 m) for the northern regions is not so clear, Peter the Great Bay corresponding to and lower (1000 m-bottom) layers; and especially for the areas of Tatar Strait, the northwestern branch of the Front a signifi cant dominance of versus La Perouse (Soya) Strait, and the Amur (Yanagimoto and Taira, 2003). Later ex- mean kinetic of the fl ow in the Liman (estuary) (Danchenkov, 2004). tensive deployments of profi ling fl oats by basin interior. Even in the narrow and shallow Nev- S. Riser (University of Washington) have In recent years, great strides have been elskogo (Mamiya) Strait, long-term confi rmed a general anti-clockwise cir- made in understanding the character measurements show currents in both culation in the Japan Basin, a stable deep of mesoscale variability in the southern directions (20 days from the sea and (800-m) cyclonic gyre in the eastern part portion of the JES. As part of the U.S.- 20 days into the sea; see Danchenkov and of the basin, a strong current along 43°N sponsored program, a high-resolution Rykov, 2005). But long-term measure- (the western branch of Tsushima Cur- array of instruments was deployed in ments across these have generally rent), and a southeastward current along the Ulleung Basin over a two-year pe- been scarce until very recently. The cold the northwestern front (Danchenkov et riod to examine the length and time current in the La Perouse Strait (men- al., 2003b). scales of eddy motions in the region, tioned above as the Krillion Cold Cur- For the deeper layers, it has been eddy energetics, and the interactions of rent) and the branches of the Sakhalin suggested, based on the distribution eddies with the mean currents in the re- Current have not been well investigated of chemical parameters, that a similar gion. These results have been reported (Danchenkov et al., 1999). The pen- circulation pattern to that of the upper by Mitchell et al. (2005) (for the upper etration of cold water near Kril- layers exists (Gamo and Horibe, 1983; ocean) and Teague et al. (2005b) (for lion could be explained by the so-called Gamo et al., 1986). The homogeneity of deep circulation). The observations show West Sakhalin Current (e.g., Yurasov water properties in these layers has made strong mesoscale variability throughout and Yarichin, 1991), although this it diffi cult to form reliable estimates the , strongly tied to local would seem to contradict the accepted of the circulation. The fi rst long-term and the presence of nearby salinity distribution. moored measurements of currents were strong mean currents. implemented by Kitani (1987, 1989) and

Oceanography Vol. 19, No. 3, Sept. 2006 27 Mesoscale Water Dynamics western corner of the Sea (Danchenkov CONCLUSION The existence of mesoscale eddies et al., 1997). This observation has been The JES is often referred to as a min- was recognized in the JES since the fi rst supported by satellite altimetry analysis iature ocean (e.g., Ichiye and Takano, detailed hydrographic surveys were un- (Morimoto et al., 2000) and moored cur- 1988), as it has many of the major fea- dertaken. After satellite images were rent measurements (Takematsu et al., tures of global oceanic circulation, such available, it became clear that these fea- 1999b). Current-meter measurements as boundary currents, frontal zones, ed- tures were an essential component of the have shown a deep penetration of the ed- dies, and deep-water formation associ- circulation, playing an important role dies and a strong barotropic component. ated with both open-sea and slope con- in water-mass modifi cation and fl uxes Extreme values of water properties inside vection. It resembles a self-maintained (e.g., Ichiye and Takano, 1988). The fi rst eddy cores, corresponding to both low- system, sensitive to variations of external eddy studies were focused on the south- salinity and high-salinity intermediate forcing caused by changes. These characteristics, coupled with its relatively small size, make the JES a manageable site for carrying out sustained observa- tions. Studying the JES is very attractive This miniature ocean still keeps its for researchers, both from neighboring secrets, perhaps to be discovered in countries and elsewhere. Mainly ques- time through continuing, long-term tions concerning physical oceanography have been mentioned here, and biogeo- international collaborations. chemical issues have not been touched on. Biogeochemical issues are present in the JES, and are being treated in detail at the present time in a new round of sus- ern part of the JES, where strong anti- water masses, have suggested that these tained fi eld experiments. cyclonic features with typical diameters features play an important role in the The history of oceanographic study of 50–150 km related to the branches of water-mass transport and distribution of the JES is largely a history of separate Tsushima Current were found around through the basin (Lobanov et al., 2001). attacks rather than permanent impacts. Oki Spur. Other features were found to Because of the compact location of ed- The dramatic historical events in the re- the east (Isoda, 1994), off the Korean dies, they have interacted with each other gion are responsible not only for weak Peninsula (e.g., Isoda and Saitoh, 1993; by the generation of streamers, resulting communication among the surrounding An et al., 1994), over the Ulleung Basin in the merging and splitting of various countries, but also for discontinuities in (Lie et al., 1995; Gordon et al., 2002) and eddies. This water movement has created oceanographic knowledge within each near the Yamato Rise (Isoda et al., 1992). chain-like structures that can provide of them. In spite of the fact that many Features showing less contrast in the sat- for the rapid transport of warm waters oceanographic research papers have been ellite images, though still recognizable, and biological species from the subtropi- published, a considerable portion of the were also found in the area to the north cal areas at the southern end of the JES literature has never been cited. Unfortu- of Subarctic Front (e.g., Sugimoto and to the more northern regions (Sugi- nately, offi cial policy plays an important Tameishi, 1992). It was shown recently moto and Tameishi, 1992; Danchenkov role in the progress of oceanography. that at least some of these eddy structures et al., 1997). The role of eddies in the Formally, the JES has essentially no truly are stable and long-lived, existing over horizontal and vertical fl uxes of physical and instead is divid- the deep Japan Basin from a few months and chemical parameters and their im- ed into exclusive economic zones, each to more than a year and drifting south- pact on living marine organisms needs carrying some restrictions for foreign eastward and eastward out of the north- further investigation. scientifi c research. Most areas of the JES

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