The structure of graphs not topologically containing the Wagner graph John Maharry, Neil Robertson1 Department of Mathematics The Ohio State University Columbus, OH USA
[email protected],
[email protected] Abstract A structural characterization of graphs not containing the Wagner graph, also known as V8, is shown. The result was announced in 1979 by the second author, but until now a proof has not been published. Keywords: Wagner graph, V8 graph, Excluded-minor 1. Introduction Graphs in this paper are finite and have no loops or multiple edges. Given a graph G, one can obtain a contraction K of G by contracting pairwise dis- joint connected induced subgraphs to single (distinct) vertices where distinct vertices of K are adjacent if and only if there exists an edge of G with an end- vertex in each of the corresponding subgraphs of G. A graph M is a minor of a graph G when M is a contraction of a subgraph of G. We write H ≤m G when H is isomorphic to a minor M of G. Given an edge e 2 E(G) with endvertices x and y, we define the single-edge contraction to be the graph formed by contracting the edge e to a new vertex, call it z. An equivalent definition of minor inclusion of a graph is H ≤m G if and only if H is iso- morphic to a graph obtained by a series of single-edge contractions starting with a subgraph S of G. 1Research funded in part by King Abdulaziz University, 2011 and in part by SERC Visiting Fellowship Research Grant, University of London, 1985 Preprint submitted to Journal Combin.