Arxiv:1602.02002V1 [Math.CO] 5 Feb 2016 Dept

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Arxiv:1602.02002V1 [Math.CO] 5 Feb 2016 Dept a The Structure of W4-Immersion-Free Graphs R´emy Belmonteb;c Archontia Giannopouloud;e Daniel Lokshtanovf ;g Dimitrios M. Thilikosh;i ;j Abstract We study the structure of graphs that do not contain the wheel on 5 vertices W4 as an immersion, and show that these graphs can be constructed via 1, 2, and 3-edge-sums from subcubic graphs and graphs of bounded treewidth. Keywords: Immersion Relation, Wheel, Treewidth, Edge-sums, Structural Theorems 1 Introduction A recurrent theme in structural graph theory is the study of specific properties that arise in graphs when excluding a fixed pattern. The notion of appearing as a pattern gives rise to various graph containment relations. Maybe the most famous example is the minor relation that has been widely studied, in particular since the fundamental results of Kuratowski and Wagner who proved that planar graphs are exactly those graphs that contain neither K5 nor K3;3 as a (topological) minor. A graph G contains a graph H as a topological minor if H can be obtained from G by a sequence of vertex deletions, edge deletions and replacing internally vertex-disjoint paths by single edges. Wagner also described the structure of the graphs that exclude K5 as a minor: he proved that K5- minor-free graphs can be constructed by \gluing" together (using so-called clique-sums) planar graphs and a specific graph on 8 vertices, called Wagner's graph. aEmails of authors: [email protected] [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] b arXiv:1602.02002v1 [math.CO] 5 Feb 2016 Dept. of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan cSupported by the ELC project (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas, MEXT Japan) dInstitute of Informatics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland. eSupported by the Warsaw Center of Mathematics and Computer Science. fDepartment of Informatics, University of Bergen, Norway. gSupported by BeHard grant under the recruitment programme of the Bergen Research Foundation. hAlGCo project team, CNRS, LIRMM, Montpellier, France. iDepartment of Mathematics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. jCo-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund ESF) and Greek national funds through the Operational Program [Pleaseinsert\PrerenderUnicode{}intopreamble]Education and Lifelong Learn- ing[Pleaseinsert\PrerenderUnicode{}intopreamble] of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) - Research Funding Program: ARISTEIA II. 1 Wagner's theorem was later extended in the seminal Graph Minor series of papers by Robertson and Seymour (see e.g. [28]), which culminated with the proof of Wagner's conjecture, i.e., that graphs are well-quasi-ordered under minors [29], and ended with the proof of Nash-Williams' immersion conjecture, i.e., that the graphs are also well- quasi-ordered under immersions [30]. Other major results in graph minor theory include the (Strong) Structure Theorem [28], the Weak Structure Theorem [27], the Excluded Grid Theorem [26, 31, 21], as well as numerous others, e.g., [34, 18, 7]. Moreover, the structural results of graph minor theory have deep algorithmic implications, one of the most significant examples being the existence of cubic time algorithms for the k-Disjoint Paths and H-Minor Containment problems [27]. For more applications see, e.g., [19, 8, 2, 20, 4]. However, while the structure of graphs that exclude a fixed graph H as a minor has been extensively studied, the structure of graphs excluding a fixed graph H as a topological minor or as an immersion has not received as much attention. While a general structure theorem for topological minor free graphs was very recently provided by Grohe and Marx [17], finding an exact characterization of the graphs that exclude K5 as a topological minor remains a notorious open problem. Recently, Wollan gave a structure theorem for graphs excluding complete graphs as immersions [35]. A graph G contains a graph H as a immersion if H can be obtained from G by a sequence of vertex deletions, edge deletions and replacing edge-disjoint paths by single edges. Observe that if a graph G contains a graph H as a topological minor, then G also contains H as an immersion, as vertex-disjoint paths are also edge-disjoint. In 2011, DeVos et al. [9] proved that if the minimum degree of a graph G is at least 200t then G contains the complete graph on t vertices as an immersion. In [13] Ferrara et al. provided a lower bound on the minimum degree of any graph G in order to ensure that a given graph H is contained in G as an immersion. A common drawback of such general results is that they do not provide sharp struc- tural characterizations for concrete instantiations of the excluded graph H. In the par- ticular case of immersion, such structural results are only known when excluding both K5 and K3;3 as immersions[14]. In this paper, we prove a structural characterization of the graphs that exclude W4 as an immersion and show that they can be constructed from graphs that are either subcubic or have treewidth bounded by a constant. We de- note by W4 the wheel with 4 spokes, i.e., the graph obtained from a cycle on 4 vertices by adding a universal vertex. The structure of graphs that exclude W4 as a topological minor has been studied by Farr [12]. He proved that these graphs can be constructed via clique-sums of order at most 3 from graphs of maximum degree at most 3. However, this characterization only applies to simple graphs. In our study we exclude W4 as an immersion while allowing multiple edges. Robinson and Farr later extended this result by obtaining similar, albeit more complex, characterizations of graphs that exclude W6 and W7 as a topological minor [32, 33]. As with the minor relation, many algorithmic results have also started appearing in terms of immersions. In [16], Grohe et al. gave a cubic time algorithm that decides whether a fixed graph H immerses in any input graph G. This algorithm, combined with the well-quasi-ordering of immersions [30], implies that the membership of a graph 2 in any graph class that is closed under taking immersions can be decided in cubic time. However, the construction of such an algorithm requires the ad-hoc knowledge of the finite set of excluded immersions that characterizes this graph class (which is called obstruction set). While no general way to compute an obstruction set is known, in [15], Giannopoulou et al. provided sufficient conditions, under which the obstruction set of any graph class that is closed under taking immersions becomes effectively com- putable. Another example of explicit construction of immersion obstruction sets is given by Belmonte et al. [3], where the set of immersion obstructions is given for graphs of carving-width 3. Finally, for structural and algorithmic results on immersions in terms of colorings, see [22, 1, 24, 10]. Our paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, we give necessary definitions and previous results. In Section 3, we show that containment of W4 as an immersion is preserved under 1, 2 and 3-edge-sums. Then, in Section 4, we provide our main result, i.e., a decomposition theorem for graphs excluding W4 as an immersion. Finally, we conclude with remarks and open problems. 2 Preliminaries For undefined terminology and notation, we refer to the textbook of Diestel [11]. For every integer n, we let [n] = f1; 2; : : : ; ng. All graphs we consider are finite, undirected, and without self-loops but may have multiple edges. Given a graph G we denote by V (G) and E(G) its vertex and edge set respectively. Given a set F ⊆ E(G) (resp. S ⊆ V (G)), we denote by G n F (resp. G n S) the graph obtained from G if we remove the edges in F (resp. the vertices in S along with their incident edges). We denote by C(G) the set of the connected components of G. Given two vertices u; v 2 V (G), we also use the notation G − v = G n fvg and the notation uv for the edge fu; vg. The neighborhood of a vertex v 2 V (G), denoted by NG(v), is the set of vertices in G that are adjacent to v. We denote by EG(v) the set of the edges of G that are incident with v. The degree of a vertex v 2 V (G), denoted by degG(v), is the number of edges that are incident with it, that is, degG(v) = jEG(v)j. Notice that, as we are working with multigraphs, jNG(v)j ≤ degG(v). The degree of a set S, denoted by @(S), is the number of edges between S and V (G) n S, that is jfuv 2 E(G) j u 2 S ^ v 62 Sgj. Given two vertices u and v with u 2 N(v) we say that u is an i-neighbor of v if E(G) contains exactly i copies of the edge fu; vg. Let P be a path and v; u 2 V (P ). We denote by P [v; u] the subpath of P with endpoints v and u. The maximum degree of a graph G, denoted by ∆(H) is the maximum of the degrees of the vertices of G, that is, ∆(G) = maxv2V (G) degG(v). We denote by Wk−1 the wheel on k vertices, that is, the graph obtained from the cycle of length k − 1 after adding a new vertex and making it adjacent to all of its vertices. We call the new vertex center of the wheel. Definition 1.
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