A Mspflper Devoted Presented Fairly, Qearly (|)C Community Interert And Impartially ERCII Week To Local Coverage Complete New* Pictures at 2nd Om M« CAKTKKRT, N. .F., FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1960 »t P. !>., Cattcritt, N J PRICE TEN CENTS influx of Borough Will Honor Unabated ''""•"VDeadoS«M'S N«*«MI of f All Wars ' Split SI'HHIOIIW. Bans At Services Monday Kusniiciit (llassroomsi CARTERET — With the rapid influx of new population, Mrs. Weiss, Joe Adam Parade split sessions are Unavoidable the Carteret public school isystpm. Given Legion Awards To Start This is the opinion of School Superintendent Edwin S. Quin, CARTERET - Cartfici Post, been affiliated with the New . r\ k fk If who said that, this picture re- 263. American Legion, made'^ork Association for the Blind! A 4- (I A \l\ unchanRo.d unless the two Americanism Award., at it • •• iwu niuci Lv.nni.*>iii nnai ssion for the Blind who . _ Board of Education finds dif- . , . ferent ways and means diimfl Sflt llday night jtext books for the blind chll- CARTERET A parada. public and parochial massing of colors, services Witt highliKht the traditional Me- dltlona pup Cleveland j The award to Mr. Adam went morial Day program sponsored School and 150 in Washington, ILU,forI hiins uinirainteresit manmd uimiiudevotioun tom Qbyy j^thep ^Bliei'Carteredt VeteransVCieiail ' Al- School when the 1961-1962 The award to Mrs. Weiss wasjhls fellow men. He pays visitsjllance nere next Monday, school season opens. "It might given recognition of her Mrvicclto the old, infirm and the blind.l „,„,. To »,__ _„,. 4, Vet- Stal Umdln PMt| be even more" lie said. to the blind. Mrs. Weiss hasJHe has carried on this work for crans of Foreig* n Wars in head- SHAPE DEDICATION PLANS: Here arc shown membfrs or the committee arraiiKinc ihr program for ""' dedication He also pointed out that some been working as a volunteer; 15 years, for which he receives ed by Stephen Wuy. general Bralllist for ten years, as a'no remuneration. He tends to «f thr new pn*t off Ire .limp II. *hnwn from left to rlfht, »eatfd. Walter Pavllk. I'ostiniisler Lester Sah«. Andrew Ilila, 50 new homes have been conv - ik chairman and Prank Eskeswn, ],- toniier SO new homes navo oeen com *-"»»»i "' *^< •"-»» ^w*«.^, I..J <* i(u iMituu(.iaviuu. **v. ^nw w Walter Schnnwald; -wilted. Sam Koth. William Walsh, Joseph Saliulcik. Herbert Harris. Kenneth Harris and John pleted in the Cartoret Hills De- teacher of Braille for six• yrarB,!the needs of many bringing co-chairmen. Commander Slave Munich, Kennedy. Other members mU»ln» from the picture are: Alexander Cnmba, H. A. Hennessj, John M. Knllbas, George vepvelopmcnt t with earlyy occupancpyy teaching 28 students. Shi- has gifts and paying bills. man Umansky and John De ::i(>r John Searle and Julian Pollak in sight. Aside from thatth , hhe Angelo are co-chairmen fot V;- declared, more than 150 homes larteret Post, 263, American V pi esident; are under construction in theClosing Dinner (1st Presbyterian Legion. Catholic War Veterans li: West Carteret section and have Alex Fazekas and Michael i)i W:' Carteret Slayer's Life RocL.oiler to these may be occupied before Sehoskyas co-chairmen. l*wal 47: Hears of i'BA the year-end rolls around. By Club to End Church To Hold The observance wM begin at Edward J. SMI' Mr. Quin said he tmd recom- 8:30 A. Hi. with a joint com- •,:,- Offfken. Spared by Gov. ^Meyner Head Speakers' li'iTi mended split Nrssimis at thej mittee service at the Carteret S, w Jcrwy Plans by Quiri CARTERET — Oovcrnortencc in seven years as ROV- - - Columbus School for the thirdjActive Season jTamily Night' JBoat Basin. The parade aft* liitmn; Pros ernor to thr fifth »r»d^ and at thei ! i Doliiii. B. Meyner ye»terday CARTERFF - Mrs. Thomas! CARTERET - Today fromisembly Is set for 9 A, M. In for SDIU session 1 'Nathan Hale School for the! 5:45-8:00 there will be a Carteret. Avenue. in,„•- offereollrredd by * commute d. th,. r death. ,. «enU-nce, , Butler was,convicte ^^ d by tw oCABTEHKT ThThee Carttret|i Carteretj ,. ,, f f, l , JMcWatters. chairman ofot thejJ-V-*-lhe| ™ »"«e «III «* a Qf thp Qf Jam0|> hirlhid d HllHd d (Wlwth wdw i,,--..,_ «:_!.. ... mi.. ni..»l Parade Starts at »:1S Hi own, nUn- commuted thr death .enU-nce,.^ Qf thp ^^ Qf Jm^ CABTEHKT mown, min-j CARTEBET—The Columbia,of Willie Butler, this borough.;QllllCkeobu8h oJ Edl9On an fl_ Sportsme* Assocmtion has an- -j ltm n0, m fam- of usingjEvenin* Membership Depart- P''L',X r hll r n E"h The parade will get under n0UtM ccl Han Pri-«bvUTiin p,^^,,,, PTA Mi it* reg-^M , imprisonment. He waaHerly nlghi watchman, durln* a ' **» t > RocWW-;tn(. j,a.semont, \n the Columbusiment of the Carter* Woman's ,'„,,, L"Ld t0 „[.,' . way at 9:15 A. M. The line of IV.i • lli lf < w ta march follows: Carteret Avenua \l,i:v:: .loiinso*''n* *» ««. ^?*» ""5!: sentenced to die in the .1*1*1 MM safe Jobbery at the Kopper "i;^"* *«**« „! "^ ' . *. ™"-" *: Club, today announced that LheEed L T^ere will be no May 17. at thi- Columbus Coke Co. plant in Port RcadinK. School. cmr n('*1 *WI1 strong and Deesan said But-, An art exhibit wa» displayed: BUtlei "» defense lawyers.^,. WM convlcted l8rgeiy on tnei of .thr work* of the Columbus|Stephen Strom and Jo«ephjt<,st)mony of john Coleman. ani Kenneth Watts, or Mrs. < rec 1 •at 6:311 School pupilii under the " "!rjw.(JBn Mked Meyner yestW-iHccompllM In the crime who Ciszafc and Thomas Hamilton. G P. O r g e lion of Mm, MathlMW. A| te the scntence'pleaded no defense and is now while liiitil the two new Richardson' will show films.^of day u commu have been invited as quests of con.Mrs. Jarne* Mauner will be in Math and :liool the new church being cftn- to lift* Imprisonment. It wwnerYlnR an Indeterminate term the SporUmcn. They include! icharge of the program. Exhibit was il»o displayed oyjtl)( first time Meyner ha* at the Bordentown Reforma- structed. Parents should feel County ProwcuKH- Edward J.! • Three members of <•«»• club,free to1 bring their children for |the Seventh and Eighth grad ' a death se*-tory. Dolan. Mayor SHephen Skiba. kiba.; j Theodore Kl«ban Mrs (the gathering will end prompt- SupeiLUendent .pi Schools Ed-Ed' A will win S. Q'fln, ffjii-teret H^hi/l' <lAn<frew'-Lee and MiX,YAwA iy at 8:00. 'the annual eighth grade ,.— immediately following the; School P.rt f^^, Hi?B' i 1 ,»tion parly jnd ler trfura »l'l Naval Reserve Poppy Sale Here Horn, \Bic:-<H at VJnfl^w 1m weff.'ifaiWlv Night th? Session will be distributed to (he children and entertained bnir of The girls have a short meeting to con- at luncheon and presented her IDeveTin who. will s^der the Church School pro- PromoUs f alb This Weekend all with a gift. gram. Also, the Senior Hi Fel- party. 0 fieshmen at Carteret High | Kdwin 3. £uli , j.W »l-; CARTERCT - This weekend' ' Cermonto. The Carteret group also lowship will have a recreationt The committee reports that school took a series of aptitude niffht in the old buildini;. em or vhnol», Hieommended^o 59 a nt Avenue, hass b*fnbwn:is earmarieearmarkedc as Budduuaay Popproppy varsity brought a total of 56 bathing 1H : fjf f b & md toys to theAt 9:30 and 1J:00 church! ;th,,t (he ihlrd. fourth and fifth |ttppomied to tin- rate of ChlefDays in a proclamat.on ^W%eM aE Carteret „, h I -. the . lumdM no on spilt KMlon until'Machmery Repairman, U. S.'by Mayor Stephen Skiba. • S worship will be held in The I been invited as guests ultwith the assistance oor«dorf senior *„„ „ ^ , ,. f0(-.. thFirse t Presbyterian Church this the ni-v sthoota lit comptet«!.W*l Reserve The announce- All funds raised by the sac .Q. f _.. Carteret Sportsmen. members of the National Honoi!iseaso oocmni an.d t thh e ,loca ,l WQUgrou0p Sunday. The minister will de Hr stated U*l "IhU will make'imem n* made by Lieut. Com-:will be u.sed to rehabilitate dU-Hiahlightimt the evening's ae- : Society. icontributed $356 towards the liver the sermon, "Your Church tlttty will be the awanSng of 11 These tests are designed to total of $22,000 raised by theiMembership. Church School the annunl Mast Valuable ggsist the student in his educa-evening departments in the meets at 9:30. The Jr. and Jr. Player. Trophies for each sport, flonal and vocational choices MAVOR SKIBA state. Hi reuowsniFellowship meets <aut 3:00o.uu. Following the dinner. "The flnce they provide a profile of The Sr. Hi Fellowship will meeti cyprc-Sh Street, to Washing for war orphans. Lads", one of the area's most the student's ability in eight At its last meeting the de- t0 not a find s*P « the all pur- Poppy Days one basic purpose partment elected Mrs. Lee asat 7:30. ton Avenue to Roosevelt Ave- popular bands will supply the areas. With the guidance of his ! On Wednesday evening, June nue, east on Roosevelt Avenue music for dancing. The dance counselor he can survey. th*eu"chairman. Other new officers I fore the new Khool term. A honoring the nation's war will include Mrs. William Flan- 1, at ^30 the Nomination Com- to PershliiR Avenue, south on will start at 9 P. M. areas of endeavor which his Pershing Avenue to Cooke Ave- , Mra.
{PDF EPUB} Free Willy the Shark Master Based on Episodes of the New Animated Series from Warner Bros
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Free Willy The Shark Master Based on Episodes of the New Animated Series from Warner Bros. by Ann M Free Willy (TV series) This television series was produced by Warner Bros. Television, Regency Enterprises and the Canadian company Nelvana for Warner Bros. Studios. The show, which aired for one season (1994) on American Broadcasting Company (ABC), continues the adventures of the orca Willy and Jesse, the boy who freed him from captivity as shown in the film. In retrospect, the series also anticipates multiple plot elements of the film sequel, Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home , released the following summer. The overarching conflict is reminiscent of Moby-Dick : a powerful oil baron, known to the main characters only as a cyborg called "The Machine" until the final episodes, loses his arm and part of his face to Willy while committing an environmental atrocity and wants revenge upon "that rotten whale. and his boy". Contents. Jesse, age 14, has been adopted by his foster parents, the Greenwoods, and they have moved from Seattle to the Pacific coast. He is given a job at the Misty Island Oceanic Reserve, a local wildlife rescue and research institute where Randolph, his Native American mentor from the movie, now works. In the first episode, Jesse discovers he has the ability to talk to animals and understand their speech; Randolph, a Haida, explains that he is a Truth Talker. This revelation allows for Willy and the other sea creatures featured in the show to have full personalities and more prominent roles in key plot events.
NOVEMBER 23, 1964 50 CENTS 34TH YEAR BroadeaStifig THE BUSI NESSWEEKLY OF TELEVISION AND RADIO D 1 w i13 r- JWT still leads radio -TV's 50 biggest agencies. p21 BPA weighs the nuts and bolts of promotion. p56 Cox purchase of WIIC for $20.5 million approved. p64 FCC's Ford moving to NCTA's $50,000 presidency. p72 COMPLETE INDEX PAGE 7 "Harry gives 'em more than hell... Newsweek, Nov tuber 16, 1964 ilaDretpfti Inquirer «ro Ulibun .tAittT MiWt1Alt. r Arthur Defeated Self for Presidency -1,M'ARTHUR EYED! N 1355 ) 3olanb I Pat (Ap PRESIDENCY,'B 1. 5 Hirn Egotist r MacArthur Feud, Calls cyldc Gen. t late m TRUMAN -= Says Vile w o SAYS ., pa di gasi as Yes airning lo,. .W,, oils More About Rift hope no viewer will miss." "... these juicy personal h Boston Herald reminiscences and testi- "Here we have mony are the human tory straight from mouth of the man in !merge "... viewers will not stuff history is made of talked have to wait very long made it ... an impr ...Commendations and sive picture of the niner to discover that "living compliments are due sponsibilities bol history" can make first WNEW -TV for its tele- and to be borne ;SS, casting of public service rate entertainment in latter -day preside :arty and vital controversy in United State the best sense of the one lively package." of the Christian Science Mc ;St...,, New York Herald Tribune lagazine word." Pittsburgh Post -Gazette 31:3ogtott Cobe Ife IF hnt5. MONDAY. NOVEMBER Vork 16, 1964 Vie Ntto Truman Says F.6UAY.
Smart Cinema As Trans-Generic Mode: a Study of Industrial Transgression and Assimilation 1990-2005
View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by DCU Online Research Access Service Smart cinema as trans-generic mode: a study of industrial transgression and assimilation 1990-2005 Laura Canning B.A., M.A. (Hons) This thesis is submitted to Dublin City University for the award of Ph.D in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. November 2013 School of Communications Supervisor: Dr. Pat Brereton 1 I hereby certify that that this material, which I now submit for assessment on the programme of study leading to the award of Ph.D is entirely my own work, and that I have exercised reasonable care to ensure that the work is original, and does not to the best of my knowledge breach any law of copyright, and has not been taken from the work of others save and to the extent that such work has been cited and acknowledged within the text of my work. Signed:_________________________________ (Candidate) ID No.: 58118276 Date: ________________ 2 Table of Contents Chapter One: Introduction p.6 Chapter Two: Literature Review p.27 Chapter Three: The industrial history of Smart cinema p.53 Chapter Four: Smart cinema, the auteur as commodity, and cult film p.82 Chapter Five: The Smart film, prestige, and ‘indie’ culture p.105 Chapter Six: Smart cinema and industrial categorisations p.137 Chapter Seven: ‘Double Coding’ and the Smart canon p.159 Chapter Eight: Smart inside and outside the system – two case studies p.210 Chapter Nine: Conclusions p.236 References and Bibliography p.259 3 Abstract Following from Sconce’s “Irony, nihilism, and the new American ‘smart’ film”, describing an American school of filmmaking that “survives (and at times thrives) at the symbolic and material intersection of ‘Hollywood’, the ‘indie’ scene and the vestiges of what cinephiles used to call ‘art films’” (Sconce, 2002, 351), I seek to link industrial and textual studies in order to explore Smart cinema as a transgeneric mode.
DISNEY STILLS LIST Last Updated on October 7, 2020 This Is a List of All
DISNEY STILLS LIST Last updated on October 7, 2020 This is a list of all of the extra Disney publicity photos I have available for trade or for sale. They're all Disney originals, not duplicates, and are extra copies of those I have in my own collection. The photos are $3/each unless marked below, plus $7.50 per order for Priority Mail in the United States. Photos marked "Free" are just that - get one free for every photo you buy. I am willing to trade two-for-one for any Disney photos I don't have (which is a lot more than what's on this list!), or for other Disneyana. Please let me know what you have to trade! I have multiple copies of some photos but just one of others, so it's first-come, first-served. If you have any questions or want me to hold photos for you please let me know. $1,000,000 DUCK Cast: Dean Jones (Professor Albert Dooley), Sandy Duncan (Katie Dooley), Joe Flynn (Finley Hooper). 51A-1636 Albert looks at Charley in cage; Hooper looks at both of them 51A-2299 Publicity: Sandy Duncan leaning on Dean Jones, both smiling 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA Cast: Kirk Douglas (Ned Land), James Mason (Captain Nemo), Paul Lukas (Professor Pierre Aronnax), Peter Lorre (Conseil), Robert J. Wilke (First Mate). TWC-39 Divers securing coral cross TWC-136 Divers working with net in underwater plants TWC-158 Divers placing coral cross on the underwater grave TWC-196 Behind-the-scenes: Crew members with underwater signal chart TWC-197 Behind-the-scenes: Crew practicing underwater signals TWC-204 Behind-the-scenes: Crew lowers camera into
W 1394 i> I I t ! .The Rearinq209s WARNER BROS. NEW HIT TELEVISION SHOW I4 ANDawn THETUP MUSICMllCir OFflP SONGS BY AND HER 9 DOROTHY PROVINE PLAYBOYS 1394 • HIGH FIDELITY W1394 (jp VITAPHONIC HIGH FIDELITY HIGH FIDELITY THE COMPANY (Pinky, The Chorus Girls, and The Trio) PERFORMS: SIDE ONE —► Medley One: CRAZY WORDS - CRAZY TUNE (Pinky and The Girls) • BYE BYE BLACKBIRD (Pinky) • THE WHISPER SONG (When the Pussywillow Whispers to the Catnip) (The Girls) • LAUGH! CLOWN! LAUGH! (The Trio) ■ Medley Two: CHARLESTON (The Dixieland Band) • DOIN’ THE RACCOON (Pinky and The Girls) • BLACK BOTTOM (The Band) ■ Medley Three: I WANNA BE LOVED BY YOU (Pinky) - SOMEONE TO WATCH OVER ME (Pinky) • DON’T BRING LULU (Pinky and The Trio) ■ Medley Four: MOUNTAIN GREEN¬ ERY (The Dixieland Band) • SWEET GEORGIA BROWN (The Dixieland Band) ■ Medley Five: POOR BUTTER¬ FLY (The Trio) • LET’S MISBEHAVE (The Girls) • AVALON (Pinky and The Girls) SIDE TWO —► Medley One: 0-00 ERNEST (Pinky and The Girls) • CLAP HANDS! HERE COMES CHARLEY! (The Girls) • DO-DO-DO (Pinky and The Trio) ■ Medley Two: I’M LOOKING OVER A FOUR LEAF CLOVER (The Band) • A CUP OF COFFEE A SANDWICH AND YOU (The Trio) • TEA FOR TWO (The Band) • THE GIRL FRIEND (The Band) ■ Medley Three: IT HAD TO BE YOU (Pinky) • JUST A MEMORY (The Trio) • BARNEY GOOGLE (The Girls) ■ Medley Four: I’M FOREVER BLOWING BUBBLES (The Dixieland Band) • LIMEHOUSE BLUES (The Dixieland Band) ■ Medley Five: AM I BLUE? (Pinky) • LET’S DO IT (Pinky, The Trio, and The Girls) • NAGASAKI (The Girls) • THE ROARING TWENTIES (The Entire Company) music from The Roaring 209s Warner Bros.9 New Hit Television Show songs hg Dorothy Prorine and the music of Pinky and her Playboys Musical Direction: Sandy Courage From out of the Sixties’ fascination with The Twenties comes Warner Bros.’ TV musical-drama, “The Roaring 20’s.” Starring Dorothy Provine, Rex Reason, Donald May, and Gary Vinson, the show mixes equal parts of hurley-burley and melody.
FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1961 Average Dally Net Preea Run PAGE EIGHTEEN manrij^atpr lEofnitig l^pralii For the Week Ended* March 11, tgei Both cars were traveling east at Miss Jeanne PhyUis Halvonen Minor Accidents the time. Damage was m in o r . Former Residents 13,817 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H owa^ Crocker was told to appear in About Tovm G. Halvorsen. #1 Phelps Rd.. will Circuit Court. Manchester, oh ORANGE HALL Member of the Audit Bring 2 Arrests Filling OES PosU Bureau of Circulation begin her spring vacation^ from April 6. Manchester— A City of Village Charm A rummage sale will be spon- , Centenary College for Women, Two persons were arrested as Arthur R. Colby, 31, of 409 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mcllroy. iored'-by the Covenant Women's j Hackettstown. N.J.. next Thura- Summit St., wss arrested at 8 Iday. and will resume classes on formerly of, Manchester, were In Guild for the building fund of Cove ! the result of two accidents In o'clock and charged with follow (TWELVE PAGfcS—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1961 (Classified’ Advertising on Page 10) PRICE FIVE CENTS nant Congregational Church to April 11. I Manchester yesterday afternoon ing too closely as the result his stalled as worthy matron and VOL. J.XXX, NO. 148 morrow from 9 a.m. to noon at a I and. evening. There were no In- car striking the rear of a stopped worthy patrOn of 'Storer (Chapter, vacant store in the Parkade. Aiiny Pvt. Raymond A. Pord. car being operated by Bernard A.
Five Thousand Dollars for Field Improvement Is Aim of Committee
v7n —>, ^, L '- YE OLDE TYME MINSTREiS YE OLDE TYME JVCIKSTRELS TONIGHT TONIGHT AND EAST HAVEN NEWS VOL. XVII—NO 1 Brajiford, Oomicctioul, ThUraday, April 20, 1044 PRICE FIVE OENTS Advancements Two Branford Red, White, Blue Memorial Held Ensign Carlson Five Thousand Dollars Given Scouts Battery Boys Minstrel Ready Forll.S. Marine Guest Speaker Memorial services were held sun- Ensign Wnltred R. Carlson, son For Field Improvement A Court or Honor of the East WedThisWeek I'cquot Tribe. Improved Order of of Mr. and Mrs. W. Richard Carl- Haven District was held recently Red Men, will hold its annual min day afternoon in Trinity Episcopal Church for Lie\it. Eric Gunlhcr sen of Lauphler's Cove was guest at the Parish House, Old Stone Amc.ng the Branford Battrcy strel show In the East Haven High Church. Members present Scht.ol auditoriiun Thursday eve Schoenlng of the U. S. Marine speaker Monday at the weekly Is Aim Of Committee . were Boys who have returned from over Corps Reserve, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chairman Edw. Sugrue, D.C. H. F. seas are two who straightway lead ning. April 27. Dancing will follov; meeting ot the Rotary Club held Nash, S.C.; Cha.s. slccum, In the gynnuisium. Elmer Brulnard Fred A. Schoenlng nf AveriU Place, at the Oasis. S.M.; their sweethearts to the altar. whose plane crashed on March 10 VoUinloor Group Sols Out To Raiao Moiioy For Playground—Yo Oldo W. Wylle, T.C; W. Freeman S.M.; First Sgt. Dominic Sansone, son is chairman of tlie dance commit He told ot being lorpeioed on Tymc Minstrel Is First Stop Toward That End—Hainmor Broth Ray Hill, T.C.