Allen Organs
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THE DIAPASON AN INTERNATIONAL MONH/Lr DEVOTED TO TilE ORGAN AND THE INTERESTS OF ORGANISTS Sixty·second YeaT~ No.9 - Whole No. 741 AUGUST. 1971 Sllllscriptions $'1.00 a year - 40 cents " copy ORGAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY CONVENTION Baltimore, .Md June 23-25 "That the present may learn from vised in 1968. It is a one· manual and the past" was the theme of this ytar's pedal organ. The second organ is a convention of the Organ Historical MoHer Artiste. The program of music Society heJd at B:dtirnore. Md .• June for two organs, performed by Haig 25·25. With Baltimore ilS home-base Mardirosi:m and Daniel Myer, was: they roamed from Southern Maryland Bach, Concerto in D Minor, fint mo\'e· 10 within a few miles of the Penn ment; Handel, Ccmurlo l' in F Majer; sylvania border and S3W and he:trd Soler, Concerto in D Major; Christian both old and new, An excellent article, WoUf, Snowdrops. This was followed "Baltimore Organs and Orgoln Build· by Mr. Mardirosian's playing a ing," by Thomas S. E3dcr. reprinted R;cercare by Cabrirli on tlle old organ. from the Maryland H;slor;cnl Magn Given the 1000tions of the organs, il nne, Fall 1970, &et the background for was not surprising that lhe tuni pas· their studies. sages were not alwa),s together in the Wednesday opened at the Unitarian Bach. The Handel, being more anti Church. designed by Maximilian Code phonal, minimized this diWculty. The froy in 1818. The original Thom::as Hall first movement revealed thr lovely flute organ, built in the shape of a lyre, was stop on the old organ :1Ild the second replaced in 1895 by a Henry Nirmann movement showed the clarity and organ. A(ter a h),mn.pr3elite SCS3ioll brightness of its tone. The Sol~r arne the group visited the org3ns at Pea· of( very nicely and spiritedly. body Cons.rrvatory, Snowdrops, by Christian "'oUf. is a The afternoon started with a walk:· contemporary piece dealing with bodies ing tour to sec the 1819 Thomas Hall of sound densities, durations and case at Ule Old C:lthcc.lral, the 1M! timbres, c1wters of tones and high and Schwab case at St. Alphonsus and the low register contrasts. As expl:linetl by 1859 Odell case: at 0111 51. Paul's, Mr. Mardirosian, the score gives con The fint concert was ;It St. Mary's siderable freedom to lhe pertonner in Srminary, designed in 1808 by Gode· interpreting Ihe composition. Many froy - the first COlhic revh'al building musicians compare this modem free in the U.s. The dl::lpel has an old dom with the baroque practice of Ie:1\" organ by Jardine ca. 1894 with Roose ing the interpretation of ornaments up vrlt pipework supplemented and reo 10 the performer, or to ule later free· St. Bamaba, Church, Upper Marlboro, Md.; Pomplitz & Rodewa!d organ, co. 18.5.5 St. Paul', Church, Baden, Md., Pomplitz organ, ca. 186.5 dom in interpolating Cldenzas. But the dose of the fi o t part. Oll ~ could ha\'c modern trend goes much funher - wished for more Variel)' o( lempo in more like a leacher's an ignment in the recitativcs, but the whole evening composition thall a composition itself. was one o( solid enjoyment in recrC3.t· The perfonner is gh'ell so much l~· ing the beauties of Ule past. way m interpreting and impro\'ising Thursday started with a visit to Old (hat one wonders who is reall)' the com· Otterbein United Methodist Church, f>OS<r. 1785. the oldest church in conslOLnt use Wedncs<.la)' night a scn'ice modell'tl In Baltimore. The Henry Niemann on those of Bach at St. Thonl35 was organ, installed in 1897. has two man· presented at 51. Luke E,'angciic:l1 uals and pedal, U stops and 5 couplen. Lutheran Church. The choirs of Christ In spite of the organ being out o( tune Lutheran Church (Bcthesda) and the in the hot Baltimore wealher, Robert Lutheran Church of the Hoi)' Com· 8 . Whiting demonstrated the organ's forter (Washington) ancl the orchestra and his capabilities by playing Bach's werc under the direction of J.awrence Ertodt tins dtlrch Dein Gute from Savage. Edith Ho, of the organ faculty Cantata 22, Edmundson's Fairest Lord :1( Peabody, was at the 1965 Walcker Je!us, GuHmant's Lilt Up Your Head,\, organ. Following the Leipzig custom, and concluded with a resounding rendi. there were no "Amrns" except after (continued on page 2) the hymn on the Creed, the sennan hymn was unaccompanied, all hymns 51. Paul', Church, Baden, Md. were preceded by chorale preludes on the tune to be used, and the Gospel was read twice. once in a foreign language and once in thr vernacular (Latin and Gennan in Bach's service, Gennan and English in this service). Mis.s Ho played the Prelude and Fugue ;u n minor as prelude, the Prelude and Fugue in C major as posllude anu the chor.tle preludes Ayrie Goll "nter '" Ewiglceit, Allei" Goll in der Hol,', Christ "mer Herr rum Jordan Itam, Wir glauben all' an einen GOII Schopfer, Herr jesu Christ dicll tu Utls wend and Am !ie/er NOI. She was beautifully at home on the Walcker organ and played with dignified tempo, clear line and a sense o( enjoying what she was playing. The cantata. Freue dieh, eri;;Slc Schaar, No. 30, in honor of St. John the Baptist, whose festival is June 24, was carefully and dearly presented. Of particular beauty were the alto aria and the chorale, FTeu die1. sehr, at the J. S. BACH _ MOTETS FOR MIXED VOICES New Urtext Edition (German/English) by Werner Neumann and Walter E. Buszin continuo realization by Fritz Oberdoerffer instrumental parts edited by Hugh Ross MOTET I: Sing ye to the Lord a new song (Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied) Vocal Score (P6101) $1.50 Set 01 Instrumental Parts $7.50 MOTET II: The Spirit also helpeth us (Der Geist hilll unsrer Schwachheit oul) Vocal Score (P6102) $.90 Set 01 Instrumental Parts $7.50 Maryland Hospitality at lunch, St. Alban's Church, Glen Burnie, Maryland MOTET III: Jesus, my great pleasure (Jesu, meine Freude) Vocal Score (P6103) $.90 Set 01 Instrumental Parts $9.00 tion or Dudley Buck's Grand Triumphal ga\'e an excellent presentation o( its MOTET IV: 8e not afraid (FUrchte dich nlcht) March in D, which showed there was tonal capabilities uuough Bach's Fugue Vocal Score (P6104) $.90 still life in the old works. in E minor (Wedge), two movements The next trip took us to Glen Burnie from Coupcrin's Mass lor the Convents Set of Instrumental Ports $7.50 and St. Alban's Episcopal Church, and Reger's Toccata. It is indeed a MOTET V: Come, Jesus, come (Komm, Jesu, komm) whidl has a one lIlanual and pedal \'cry brilliant organ with prominent Vocal Scare (P6105) $.90 organ by Gebrlidcr Spaeth, 1961, wiul reed tone. Set 01 Inslrumental Parts $7.50 a beautiful mahogany case and silver I wish [ could have stayed for the SlOpS. The Communion Sen'ice, except aftcrnoon and evcning evcnts. From MOTET VI: Praise the Lord, all ye nations (Lobet den Herrn, aile (or one hymn and the Mcrbecke reports I ha\'c received, the concert at Heiden) Sanctlu, used entirely 20th century St. Joseph's Church, Taneytown, an all Vocal Score (P6106) $.75 music. Composers represented were Bach program by Donald King, organist, Set 01 Instrumental Ports $5.00 Clokey, Clndlyn, N),stcut, Moscr, Bend and Mrs. King, vocalist, was charming. er, Bouman, Krctzschmar, Markwonh The organ is a G.P. England (1804), The instrumentation is: MOTETS I, II, IV, V: 2 Violins, Viola, Violoncello, and Paters. The modem hymns were rcbuilt by Niemann in IBi5 and rc Double Ba55, 2 Oboes, English Horn, Ba55oon, Cembalo; MOTET III: Anisi (Smith), St Ke1/erne (Lang), and novated again in 1966. Then a program Ora Labom (Noblc). Thomas Eader, at (or organ and recorder was given at 3 Violins, Viola, Violoncello, Double Bass, 3 Oboes, English Horn, the organ, showed how very e((ective Thomas Eader's home in Ellicott City 8a55oon, Cembalo; MOTET VI: 2 Violins, Viola, Violoncello, Double a smaH but dear and bright-toned (tbe organ is an 1808 Diefrenbach); 8055 (or: 2 Oboes, English Horn, 8assoon), Cembalo. organ can be. Of panicular beauty alter tins a program at Old Salem wcre the five short chorale preludes, Lutheran Church, Catonsville. (1849), In all Motets, an alternate Bassoon part is supplied, to replace the all (rom The Parisi, Orgarlist, that he on an 1850 one-manual and pedal English Horn if not available. played during thc Distribution. organ. The sumptuous luncheon prepared After the closing dinner at Hausner's, C. F. PETERS CORPORATION (or us at St. Alban's was a true cxamplc the £inal evcnt was a Candle Light 373 PARK AVENUE SOUTH NEW YORK, N. Y. 10016 of Maryland hospitality, and thc oc Conccrt at the Carroll Mansion (18J2). casion was made even more (esth'c by The organ is a Richard Ferris, ca. 1845. the "um'eHing" of an organ built by the piano by joseph Hishey, co. ~841. jamcs F. Akright in 1962. It is a gem, and the clavichord my Robert Romoser, both visual and tonall Stopped Diapa 1956, The program was devotcd to son 8', Flute 4', Bclls, Regal 8' (missing "Music in the Home" by Bach, at present), Sharp Mixture and Fif Mcndelssohn, Bayly, Himmel, Clifton tccnth 2'. Evcf}'one had to try it, which and Pleyel.