Lyon Park News
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iH a very accomplished namcian, SATURD>iY. SEPT. 10th. 1»49 C A J«IJM 4 flMmM P A 9 « F i y g having a lively interest in Mod ern Musie. Miss Whitted is ih t tioa ft/r service Foliowili^, D U I ^ t i A M daughter of James Whitted and Walltown Nens was a 4f«y ia Japan of eighteen granddaughter of Rev. and Mrs. mrintlut, appM rontly in t\ l i * /€ C IC T y James Whitted of this city: and' VieMs morratLciog of .lapan ■’Pearsontown Society- Mr MRS. P- W. HARIUS, 80C 11TT EDITOR The studio bids farewell to B j MHS. CALLIE DAYB ■g»a toi tisuf . .r All News For This Paga Mntt Be Submitted three of its pupils who finished B y MRS. MABEL POWXLL his a*njrtat" 0 B«fort 10:00 A. M. Monday Bach W««k high school in June. Dorothy Telapheiet: J - 4 8 4 1—9 - 4 1 3 4 hU Itaiv VACATIONS WITH Davis and .Mrs. Lillie Vickers. McDougald who is entering To him aW to all our v PHOHB R-6913 M O T H ^ The Junior Usher Board West Virginia State College; ^ S i we extend Miss MAfgie Nell CoUisui ia sponsored a hay-ride to Brag- Florida Fisher who ig entering WEEK-END GUESTS ^ . BACK TO SCHOOL Fi>:endly City spending her vacation at home town and while there they had VACATION WITH FAMILY Mrs. Thomas Bailey. Denison University and Enid W E. and E. D. Barnes of' Mias Winona Taylor ha« r*- Muh D ork Marie Mu»on, A fter various games were Davis of Oxford, N. C. who with her mother, Mrs. Addle a waist line party Monday night. Washington, D. C. were the; turned to her teaehiof duties in daughter of Dr. auU Mrs. J. M. played, refreshments were serv nest week at Fisk University Mae Collins on Earl iireet. Mi— Collins is from Waaiiiiifton, weekf nd guests of their parent** i Cr-i^dmoctr after summer sehool. Mason of of Durham spent her ed to the following; i l r and Mrs. E. IJ Barnes o f/ 'Iiaa Taylor enjoyed a T«ry First Honor RoU D C. SICK AND SHUT INSr Lyon Park vacatiau here with her family. Mttsdames Ix»la Splice, Elvia Mary Mebane. Fayetteville Road pleasant vacation in New She left Saturday, Sept. 3 for Taylor, Mr. Barbetl, Mr. and Write a Letter IN CITY AGAIN Pay a Visit j tUty visiting her relatiyes to d Tuakegee, Ala. where ahe will Mrs. Will Perry, Mrs. Thomas Second Honor Roll LEAVES FOR BALTIMORE ' friends Miss Estelle Pittman is back Drop a Card resume her dutieH hh Medical Nichols, Obriant Mitchell and Patricia Bullock, Alexine Mrs. Lillian McKav of I>un ,--------- - News . in the city after spending the Send some Flowers Technician at the John A. An friend, James Suitt, Lin wood (Memcnt, Enid Davis and Ethel B j MISS B. J. JOYNER summer in Clarkton. ston Street left Saturday for VISITORS TO DURHAM drews HoHpital. Miss Edna Mam- Thorpe, Oeorge Tilley, Ruth Marie Stewart. Mrs. Virginia Lunsford Fourth Street Baltimore, .Maryland to visit her THE BEAUTIFUL AND DIAL L-8961 on acconfpanied her uister to and Sadie Tilley, Mrs. Henrietta neice Mrs. Margaret Smith,! FRIENDLY CITY MOTOR TO CLARKTON Master Earl Bottle HOME AGAIN Tuskegee and will spent ten Clements and Mrs. Marvis RECITAL fi)rmerly of Durham The residents j entertain no Mr. and Mrs. FrixzeUe Daye, Fourth Street Mr*. Hattie Canty has return days visiting with her sister and Brewington. Music for the oc On Sunday, September 11 at doubt that Durham is among the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown and O ^ie Ijee F’underburke ed to her home on Mor^and friends. i casion was furnished by Percy (i l', M. Aubra lice White will RETURNS TO N. J. leading cities of the South if “ Skee Ball”, Mrs. Rosa Jaby Fourth Street Avenue after spending thi» sum Hall of the Radio filectria Com present an organ recital at the Miss Florence Speller has re eclipsed by any other Southern RETURNS HOM£ pany, Covenant Presbyterian Church. and Theodore Mebane motored Mrs. Martha Richniond mer in New Jersey, New York to Clarkton and to Atlantic Club Boulevard. turned to .Montclair, New Jer ('ity. Its appraisemebt m eduea- ^m . Carlutta ilolnies huM re The Junior Choir is sponsoring and Philadelphia. Beach, Sotith Carolina for the Mrs. Emma Holemau sey after spending a very de tional facilities, refinement, cul turned, to the city after a very TO SEE ILL SISTER this program for the bewefit of Labor Day week-end. Third Street lightful vai-ation with her sis ture, lovely homes and its sub delightful trip to New York City Mrs. (Jeor^ia Whitted spent the Building Fund. ters, Mrs, Morgan of HOMB AGAIN ALSO Mrs. Mattie Lanilx-tli stantial financial set up not in visiting family members and Miss Ellen Wiimm has r*' several duys in Mount Olive, N. LEAVE FOR PHILLY Third Street Lincoln Avi-nne and also Mrs. dicate it a model city, but a de friends. ('. with her sister who has been Little Miss WJiite has been a Plascid Morgan of Raleigh. turned to her home on Mor»- John Prince, Jeanie Wall and Mrs. Rsxanna Jaby lightful one for the many visit (|uite ill. piano student at the Chamber On Wednesilay Mrs. .Mamie head Avenur after spending her Charlie Stroud left last Friday Second Street ors who come from all directions FROM OHIO lain Studio for three years and T. Williams, Miss Fhtrence for a look-see if it really is what .vacation in New Jersey and New night for Philadelphia. Mrs. Green The Albert Turners are back has been a student of organ at Speller. Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. York. GUESTS OF FELDER'S Second Street it’s “ cracked up” to be. in the city from a very pleasant 'the (Covenant P^sbyterian Minnie Forte and «hildren mo Mesdames Alice Thorn, Roselle TO KNOXVILLE Like the glamorous Queen of motor trip through Ohio and Jones, Althea Johnson, Eloiiise Church for six months. tored to Oxford to visit their Sheba who doubtingly came to WELCOME PRINCIPAL Miss Elrnestine Hooker, organ COMING ATTRACTIONS points West. friends. see the fabulous splendor of the The ParentH and Patrons of Johnson and son Henry Johnson ist for the St. John Baptist FISH FRY of Rochester, New York were FRIENDLY CIRCLE Ea.stern King, ^lomon, who the- Lyon Park School wish to Church Junior Choir left the Place: 1407 Fifth Street On Thursday along with Mrs. VISIT PARENTS charming visitors in the city On Saturday, September rd, went away overcome “ Because welcome their new Principal. F city Tuesday for Knoxville Col Time: 8:00 P. M. Mary Thompson the same group Dr. and Mrs. Watts and during the week, guests of Mr. the Friendly Circle Club of St. the half had not been told.” So G. Burnett lege, Knoxville, Tenn. where she Date: September 14, 1949 notored tf) Raleigh to visit Miss daughters of Washington, D. C. and Mrs. A. C. Felder on Dun Mark A. M. E. Zion Church had is it often said of Durham tfce will take an advanced course in Spellf-r’s sister Mrs. Placid Mor are visiting their parents, Mr. bar Street and . Mrs. Matilda a contest along with a picnic Friendly and Durham the Beau- GUEST MINISTER music. H IK E gan who was very much sur and Mrs. Edward Merrick and Town.send, ITmstead Street. supper at the home of Mr. and ful. Rtv. A. John.son. pastor of prised to .see her sister. While other family members. Mrs. Julius Cameron, 903 Car The Junior Usher’s of Hick’s First Calvary Baptist Church of Many social courtesies were rol Street. HOME AGAIN Chapel, the Third Saturday in there they went over to Chavis -Vmong the many recent visi- •Salisbur’', X. C.. was the guest shown them dui'iug their stay. this month. Park and had a wonderful time, liters is M. IN OHIO Miss Nina Wilson is at home G. Cott®n, brother speaker at the First Calvary All are former Durhamites. Present w ere: Mr. and Mrs. after visiting her sister in Dela of Mrs. E P. Xorria, Sr. Mak Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Himes Baptist f /lUrch on Morehead included among the enter Edward Williams, Mr. and Mrs. ware and New York Citv. PROGRAM PHOTOG RETURNS ing his home in New York for are visiting their kindred in Co Avenue, or which Rev. H. H. tainments are on Tuesday Mes Guy Mazyck, Mr. and Mrs. W il The Friendly City Gospel C. C. Burthey, the photo- many years, Mr. Cotton is in lumbus,' Ohio. Hart is pastor, at the mominir dames J. H. Kay, Sr. aad Jr. liam Foste?, Mr.. and Mrs. SPENDS SUMMER Chorus will render a prc^ram jfraphct- and family has return position to contrast the queit- and evening worship service, tarried the group on a sightsee Horace Davis, Mr. and Mrs. IN WASHINGTON in Oxford, N. C., Sunday, Sep ed to their home after several ness and serene beauty of the LEE’S IN OHIO Sunday, Sept. \ 1949 ing tour at North Carolina Col Ervin Jones, Miss Eva Satter- Miss Florence Collins is at tember 11th at 3:00 P. M. months in Fayetteville and will wide open spaces, setting of the Dr. and Mrs. Jimmy Ijee and lege, North Carolina Mutual white, Mesdames Lottie Cock- home after spending the summer reopen their photo bnsines« at home of Dr. and Mrs.