Langside Hall Trust Minute of Meeting Southside Fringe HQ 18:00, Wednesday 20th November 2019 Present: Kevin Kane (Chair), Steve Brown, Beth Farmer, Clare Ferry, Ann Nisbet Apologies: Shauneen Kelly, Jen Anderson

DescriDescription Action Target Date 1. Welcome and Apologies (Kevin)

KK welcomed all to the meeting.

BF volunteered to take the meeting minutes.

2. Minute and Matters Arising (Kevin) i. Trustee biographies: Clare, Beth & Shauneen (?) to pass to Jen DONE

3. Post-AGM actions / discussion

i. OSCR return (by 31/12/19) Steve

Two final page accounts are ready to be submitted and OSCR login codes identified. KK

ii. Co-option of 3 Trustee positions (Shauneen + 2) All

SK to be co-opted

iii. Others: Danny, Widya, Hugh, Morag? ● Hugh will be consultant if needed ● Morag - include in community groups ACTION KK ● Danny - structural engineer - could be useful for groups ● Widya - ?? iv. Election / nomination: Chair, Secretary & Treasurer All Beth volunteered to be secretary, agreement from all. Discussion about recruitment for remaining position - we need to specifically recruit for these, perhaps via: ● Creative ● Volunteer ● GCVS ● Arts and Business ● LinkedIn We also need to access the Trust bank account so that when capital does start to come in, we have somewhere to manage it.


4. Feasibility study and funding sources i. Update on AHF and funders’ priorities Clare

ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE FUND - £4K available Advised to link feasibility study fund with capital funds

The discussion was around the funds for both smaller grants for the feasibility study and larger pots for capital project. Having spoken to Jo Robertson @ Architectural Heritage Fund (AHF) She had advised that when we were putting out a tender for the feasibility study, that we look ahead at the capital funds and ensure that any criteria for capital funds are met within the feasibility.

I had guidance with me for 'capital' funds - Heritage Enterprise Fund. I had thought that this was an ADF grant but having double checked when I got home, it was for Heritage Lottery Fund. This fund can range from £250k - £5m. The fund does require to create an account for this online, which I have not done as yet. However, the guidelines stipulate that any work taking place would require that conservation planning has been undertaken. The details for this are at this link: ii. Update / actions on funding: GCHT, Area Committees Kevin There are three area partnership grants - (, and Southside Central) possibility to apply to them for a contribution to feasibility study, but also to contribute to activities such as GDODF etc.

KK spoken to someone from the council (Karen?) who had advised that the grants for financial year 19/20 have been mostly allocated and that we should aim to submit applications for the next financial year, 20/21.

However, the latest email seems to overrule this. The application deadline for the Feb meeting of PAP is 14th Jan 20 with a meeting date of 11th Feb 20.

Link to all deadlines and priorities is below, each area has different investment priorities, therefore applications couldn’t be cut and pasted across the three.

CF will start looking at a form for PAP over the next week or so (w/b 02-12-19) . Need to understand what we are applying for from the board and how much before starting (max award to 1 organisation is £6,241 according to guidance). AN will help with this from w/b 09-12-19.

Update 06-12-19 from CF As with the other grants, they require written quotes for anything costed over £1000. However, that doesn’t prevent the applications being drafted in preparation for application in the new year. We also need the bank account details with two signatories.

Each area app also needs to be aligned to separate priority as identified by the local committee, and also meet one of Glasgow’s single outcome agreement priorities. CF hopes to take a look prior to Xmas and feed back.


iii. Other potential funding sources? Awards for All

5. Feasibility Study Brief / Terms of Reference i. Outline ToR: key issues and questions Ann / All Feasibility estimate is £14K - is this enough, do we need contingency? AN to check if this is realistic.

Need to check that co-operative - are partners all still in, reconvene the co-op.

Cinema space example - discussion around use of space - agreement that multi-use spaces are key.

Community consultation - need to plan this in as part of feasibility study. ii. Proposed process; ToR Group etc. Ann / All Brief - AN to lead to prepare document, needs to contain a fair amount of detail.

Tender document content **** AN to add ****

Business plan to inform the brief. Developing what has been done already is key to application.

Concepts for focus - circular economy, renewable energy *AN to add iii. Board sub-groups: Funding, Brief development, other? All ● Funding ● Brief development ● Steering group

6. Community Asset Transfer: completion & submission of Application i. CEiS Business Plan update / actions Steve Updated business plan provided by CEiS by mail. Feedback to be collected by SB - will send mail. DONE ALL to feedback on BP.

Priorities What's missing? ● Survey summaries - 900 answers - Jen has colated ● Southside Fringe offer ● Learnings from GDODF - challenges with working with AND potential new partners/events.

Big questions Catering - facilities to offer pop up's - food trucks in the square Staffing - see SK's email


Partnering up with local businesses - our strength

History of The Bothy - Lost Glasgow website - couldn’t find anything about the Bothy, but the Halls are featured here:

Content needed to populate CAT forms

Agreement to postpone to January submission ii. LHT / Co-op workshop? Steve Suggestion to arrange a meeting in December to fill gaps. Meeting scheduled with CEiS and Co-Op 11-12-19 at 6pm at SS Fringe HQ.

7. AOB 1 Glasgow Life email about gasworks - All to feedback

2 Community Council - next meeting 5th Dec - could we give an update? (Destiny Church)

3 Newsletter - Could we send this out before Christmas? Featuring: Gasworks/Feasibility/Community AT/GDODF No meeting on 18th - next meeting in January

GANNT Chart - Beth to start so that we can have an overview of funding deadlines etc. Suggested events in 2019 - are these valid for 2020? Beer festival etc.

Mud Flowers company used to send Jen flowers