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Soil sampling in permafrost areas Johnston, G. H.

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G. H. Johnston Northern ResearchCroup, Mechnnics Section, Diuision of Buildine Research, National Research Courwil, Ottausa, Canada



Permission to publish this article must be obtained from the Engineering Institute of Canada, 2050 Mansfield Street, Montreal, Canada.

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_z 61.3 cc5 r-l-'tHE OCCURRENCE of perenni- perennially frozen ground, the depth -l ally {r'ozen ground, more common- of the and the depth of ly known as permafrost, throughout seasonal frost penetration should be much of creates determined durine the course of sub- special problems for engineering ron- surface investigati,ons. This is of par- struction. With the great increase in ticular importance in the region at construction activity in and the southern boundaly of permafrost regions, the diificulties rn'here perennially frozen ground may encountered in both the construction occur at several feet below the and maintenance of buildings, , ground surface. airstrips and other structures have The relative inaccessibility of many emphasized the need for thorough Fig. 3, Test pit excavation by natural northern areas and climatic limita- thawing. Removing thawed material site investigations prior to the design tions may dictate to a large extent from test pit excavated in . of such structures in areas underlain what fornl a subsurface investigation, by permafrost. may take.uThe purpose of this papei- natural exposures such as those occur- Permafrost is not a new material is to outline the various nlocedures ring along stream and lake banks, in but is simply the frozen equivalent of and techniques that *"y b" used in gullies and, as a result of local slump- materials found in more southerly engineering soil surveys to obtain ing, (Figs. I and 2) on steep, gener- regions. It is a thermal condition of representative samples of perennially ally south-facing slopes. By late sum- the ground, and the engineering prob- frozen ground in northern areas, so mer, thawing has usually penetrated lems associated with it arise mainll, that subsurface conditions may be into the face of the exposure because of the variable nature of soil adequately determined. so that representative samples can be properties from the frozen to thb easily obtained. thawed state. Perennially frozen If a complete profile of the ex- ground which may contain a great posule is required, colluvial material deal of moisture in the form of ice must be removed by a narrow may, upon thawing, Iose much of its down the slope. Deeper supporting stlength, resulting in large ex- cavation into the slope is carried out settlements and even failures of vari- at intelvals when the soil type ous structures erected upon it. changes, and samples for classification A knowledge o{ the ice phase in and identificatior-r testine are taken. {rozen is most important to the Colluvial material is uiually easilv engineer for it is this factor that has recognized because it is a heterogene- the greatest effect on the perforrn- ous mixture of most of the soils ance of any structure. Fig. 2. Natural exposure following a Iocal slide in side of hill showing large found in the exposure. It is. most may occur in many ways ranging masses or lenses of ice. Note large easily t'ecognized by its disturbed from coatings on individual soil par- boulders in the predominantly fine- structure rvhile the parent material is ticles and minute hairline lenses, grained soil. more orderly. scarcely visible to the naked eye, to On large (deep) exposures, exca- large inclusions of ice up to several vating to obtain a continuous profile feet thick. These different forms of METHODS OF'OBTAINING is a tedious and time-consuming task. icc segregation can and do occur in SOIL SAMPLES Frequently, colluvial material is only all types of soil, even in gravel and Engineering soils and permafrost removed at the top, middle and bot- coarse . The most serious diffi- investigations may be carried out to tom of the slope with small test pits culties. however. arise from fine- depths of only 10 ft. or as much as at each of these locations. Where grained soils in which the moisture 100 ft. depending on the purpose of irregularities or distinct changes oc- content may be very large but where the survey. Such investigations may cur: on the slope, additional excava- the ice segregation may be difficult use one or more of the following tion should be carried out at these to discern. All soils must be ex- methods to obtain representative points. amined and sampled, therefore, to samples for the determination of soil determine the form and distribution In all soil exposure excavations, :rnd permafrost characteristics: of ice in them, in addition to the soil the slope orientation and depth to (a) type. sampling natural exposlrres, frozen ground (at right angles to (b) hand borings, the slope) should be noted. In many Although it is not always easy to (c) cases, frozen soil may be encountered distinguish between seasonally and test pits, (d) core drilling. relatively close to the face of the slope and a careful examination Fig, 1. Natural exposure on bank of The first two methods are generally should be made to determine the stream-thawing occurring accompanied applicable for shallower depths and ertent and types of ice segregation for general information, while the occurring in the material. Caution last trvo will give detailed information should be exercised, however, in de- to greater depths. Each method will scribing the ice phase for it has been be discussed separatelv. A list of found that the ice structure in these equipment requiled to carry out each locations is often disturbed and modi- of the above methods of erplolation fied by its proximity to and the effect is given in Appendir A. o{ the slope. If frozen soil is not en- countered in the excavation, then its Sampling Natural Exposures location u'ith reference to the face of N{uch irrfolmation irborrt soil cal l;c the slope should be established by gainell with little effort by examining means of probing. The expenditure of much energy to obtain frozen Drioing Pipe samples from an exposure is not usu- Core samples of frozen fine-grained ally iustified. materials can sometimes be obtained Accepting the limitations of this by driving a heavy walled steel pipe method in providing reliable informa- into the ground with a sledge ham- tion on ice segregation, the investiga- mer. The pipe used should be about tion of natural soil exposures is still I to 2 in. in diameter and about 5 ft. one of the most effective means of in length. The upper or striking end obtaining much exploratory soil in- of the p,pe shoutrd be fitted with an formation in northern areas with a extra heavy coupling or pipe cap to minimum of effort. The method plevent splaying of the pipe when should be used wherever possible for struck. The cutting edge of the pipe a preliminary assessment of soil and can be specially hard tipped but permafrost conditions in any area generally this is not warranted. The under consideration as a consuuc- cutting edge can be kept relatively tion site. sharp using a file. As the pipe is struck, it is rotated by pipe wrenches. Hand Borings It should not be driven more than Obtaining soil samples of perenni- 6 to 9 in. into the ground at one time, ally frozen ground using conventionarl since the removal of the pipe can be hand-boring equipment is difficult difficult. The soil core is removed and at times impossible because of from inside the pipe by gently tap- its -like nature. Hand borings ping the outer wall with the hammer'. are not practicable in frozen granular Holes have been produced by this Fig. 5. Test pit excavation by pick deposits but may be used in fine- method to depths of about 5 ft. An and shovel in granular material. , grained soils such as and - indication of the type and amount of size materials, particularly in the ice segregation can be gained from more southerly areas of permafrost an examination of the cores. As would the proposed location and the uu' where these soils may not be as be expected, this method is time- frozen material dug out by hand to tightly bonded by ice as those en- consuming and a large amount of the permafrost table. The frozen countered further north. All samples energy is expended to procure material is then c'hopped and re- obtained by hand-boring equipment samples. moved with the auger. Surface are generally disturbed and their use- will, in some instances, run into the fulness is limited to identification and hole but this will actually assist the classification of the soils. Little in- Hand Augering boring operation except in very plas- formation is obtained with respect to tic soils which may become very ice segregation occurring in the mate- Disturbed soil samples have been sticky and so prevent removal of rial. With light equipment, hand taken in fine-grained soils such as thc auger as greater depths are borings can produce some soil in- and clays, using small diameter reached. When the ice segregation formation of value in a preliminary (4 to 6 in.) post-hole type augers and in the soil consists of distinct lenses assessment of an area. chopping bits. The procedure is to greater than 1 in. thick, the location chop the frozen material into small of these can be fairly accurately Fig. 4. Test pit excavated by pick fragments which can then be removed determined by noting the different and shovel in fine-grained soil. Note with the auger. Holes have been sounds that occur when the auger occurrence of ice to right of shovel and bored to depths of 25 ft., but depths un- also slumping and thawing of material blades scrape on the ice. Although of 15 to 20 ft. are generally the maxi- on left side of pit. disturbed samples are not obtained mum limit using this method. Ice or by this method, useful information brick chisels with blades 2 to 3 in. can be gained as to the types of soii wide have proved suitable as chop- encountered and the extent of frozen ping bits. The chisel edges can be ground occurring in the area. Occa- specially tipped with hard metal to sionally this method may be com- give longer life. The augers should bined with the folmer method (driv- ground be strengthened by welding, particu- ing pipe into the frozen be- fore using the auger) to obtain rela- larly at the point of connection of tively undisturbed samples. the two cutting blades. The cutting edges of the chisels and the augels dull very quickly and therefore often Test Pits require filing. Generally a 3/+ in. nominal standard pipe has been used Test pits are excavated as part of for the shafts of both chopping bits many soil surveys to permit detailed and augers. Extra couplings and in sittt.examinatiors of the materials. lengths of pipe should be kept on This method is relatively slow, atrd hand. The auger can be turned bv consequentllz can be expensive but using either a T connection and cross it does plovide a means of obtaining valuable information that may not arm on the shaft ol two l8-in. pipe be obtainable by other means. Test wrenches. pits are, for example, the best means In the hand-augering method the of examining fi'ozen granular de- sulface is first cleared from posits. As excavation proceeds, un- disturbed samples can be taken from ployed (Fig, 3). The rate of thaw the wall of the pit. varies between 3 and 7 in. per day by During the summer months, with this means, the thawed materials warmer air temperatures, any test being removed every day or two. pits which take longer than one day Because of the slow rate of thaw test to excavate will require some form pits are usually excavated to depths of cribbing near the surface, particu- not exceeding 5 ft. by this method. larly through the active layer. Slump- In addition several pits are kept in ing of the test pit walls is more ex- operation at a time and are visited terisive in thawing granular materials, regularly to remove the thawed mate- in fine- rial, take samples and crib the walls. although caving can occur Fig. 8. Standard diamortd drill set-up grained soils. for coring frozen soil and , A 4 It. by 6 ft. pit has been found Excaoation bE Hand Tools the most convenient. Cribbing can be Pits are sornetimes excavated using placed to support the walls so that commercially available. As the pit pick and shovel (Figs. 4 and 5). An sufficient room remains for one man gets deeper, care must be taken to average rate of excavation might be to work. When the depth of the pit ensure that all exhaust fumes are 5 ft. per day (two men, l0-hour day) exceeds 7 or 8 ft., it is necessary to cleared from the pit. Flexible exhaust but will depend a great deal on the set up a windlass by which a bucket extension pipes can be supplied for type of soil and the calibre of the can be raised and lowered to remove the machine. These limit the use of laborers. Frozen granular soils are the excavated material. A t0 gallon this type of hammer to depths of 10 extremely difficult, if not impossible, gas drum with the top out makes to 15 ft. to penetrate by this method. It does, a convenient size of bucket. howevel, offer a convenient way of In general, the excavation of test Safety precautions must be rigidly getting information to relatively shal- pits in an exploratory soil survey is followed, particularly in deep pits low depths (f0 ft. maximum) with perhaps the most useful way of de- where material falling from the walls a minimum amount of equipment re- termining soils information. The of the pit may injure the workmen. quired; this is particularly important amount of equipment required is not for exploration in inaccessible areas. great, a most important feature when working in out-of-the-way areas. The fact that an in situ examination of the Excaoation bg Power Tools soils can be made as the pit is ex- For more detailed soil surveys cavated, is most valuable in determin- where support equipment is available, ing the distribution of soils and more test pits can be excavated by air or important, the distribution of ice in gas-powered jack hammers to depths the soils. From this standpoint alone, of about 25 ft. (Fig. 6). The rate of test pits should always be given top advance by this method using a two- priority when setting up any site in- man crew has been found to be about vestigation program in northern areas, 7 to l0 ft. per l0-hour day. The Fig. 6. Starting test pit using air- In granular soils, test pits are often powered 1'ack hammer. the only practical method of obtain- ing detailed subsurface information. Safety helmets should be worn at all times. Three methods of advancing a test Core Drilling pit in frozen material are: (a) tharv- When an extensive soil exploration ing by natural or artificial means; (b) program is proposed for an area, or excavation by hand tools; (c) excava- when soils information is desired at tion by power tools. The first two depths below 20 ft., then the work arci generally limited to shallow will best be carried out in most cases depths, not greater than 10 ft. by means of a . Good core The use of explosives in excavating recovery can be obtained in most Fig. 7, Special light core drill moved pits in permafrost has not been frozen soils, although granular mate- test to drill site by helicopter. Tent in back- listed since experience is limited with ground is used for soil sampling and rials have proved difficult and require regard to frozen soil excavation by photographing frozen cores. special techniques.3 Stones in the soil this method. Some preliminary field will tend to roll around on the core and finally jam, preventing core investigations have been calried out jack hammer tools generally used are bit from entering the barrel. In addition, by the author and othersl'2 with en- moil point, wedge and spade bits, bits are easily damaged when drilhrg couraging results. depending on the type of soil en- in this material. The following de- countered. The moil point is the most scliption, therefore, applies chiefly to Natural or Artificial Thauing useful tool. All frozen ground dulls core sampling of frozen fine-grained During the summer, thawing of the the cutting edges of the tools very soils. frozen ground can be accomplished quickly and provision therefore, b1, natural heating, open or covered should be made for sharpening on the The principles of drilling and ob- fjres, steam or water jetting, or elec- job. A good supply of extra tools taining frozen soil cores are similar trical heating. The rate of thaw will should also be kept on hand. For to those of diamond drilling in rock. vary depending on the thawing exploratory work, air compressols A power-driven rotating core barrel medium used and the type of soil, cannot always be juitified or brought with a bit cuts into the frozen soil, but it is generally very slow. Natural into the area. Self-contained gasoline- producing a cylindrical core. The exposure to the sun and warm air poweled jack hammers which are soil cuttings are carried away from has been the method eenerallv em- reJatively light (50 to 90 lb.) now are the advancing edge of the bit by some fluid under pressure. This fluid, fine-grained soils without any stones, oil, air,a or mdre commonly water, best results are obtained with bits travels down the inside of the drill set with six carboloy teeth. The bits rods and then up the sides of the hole should be of the bottom discharge to t]le surface with the bit cuttinss. type, so that as little of the circtrlating The frozen core is retained insicle the fluid as possible contacts the core core barrel. as it enters the inner tube at the bit, There are, however, many differ- thereby cutting down on the washing ences in detail and technique'between action of the core. drilling in frozen soil and in rock. The wash water pump should be a The greatest difficulty is trying to positive displacement type capable retain the soil core in its frozen state. of pressures of at least 150 p.s.i. with The ice content of most frozen soils Fig, Special photographic set-up a capacity of from 4 to 12 gpm. tl. is usually above the liquid limit of for obtaining 35-mm photos of frozen Single or duplex piston-type pumps placed in holder on base the soil, so that if the core thaws, it cores. Cores are are generally used, although light at fixed focal distance from camera. into turns a soil sluiry and is without weight (which is important on some Samples are illuminated by battery- value for record purposes. powered strobe unit. operations) is not a feature of this type of pump. Several 45 gallon oil Equipment drums can be used for water storage be examined and logged, therefore, Although large truck- or tractor- at the drill site but special canvas (or immediatelythe core barre'l is mounted drills have been used, excel- equivalent) bags (Fig. 10) of various brought to the surface, unless some lent results can be obtained with sizes can be obtained (300 gallons or method of refrigeration is available to standard diamond drills (Figs. 7 and larger) for use as a reservoir. preserve the cores. If a permafiost B). The actual size of drill used will record is desired, the frozen core can depend on the depths to which in- Standard diamond drill accessories be photographed on colour or black such lifting water swivels, formation is desired and the size of as bails, and white film. Special photographic required. Equip- core required, but a medium-size rig chain tongs, etc., are equipment and techniques have been (20 to 30 hp. engine) is generally developed (Fig. 11) for this purpose. suitable. or exploratory Perhaps the most critical factor in work is rarely carried out to depths core drilling is the absolute necessity of greater than I00 ft. and in manv of maintaining close control of the cases, the investigations are limited wash water to obtain samples of to depths of 50 ft. Where supplies frozen ground. Too large a volume of of fuel for the drill engine are diffi- water tends to melt and wash away cult to obtain, rigs powered by diesel the core, while too small a volume is engines are the most economical. It not sufficient to carry away the bit is recommended that the machine be cuttings. Water pressure is also im- equipped with a hydraulic feed drill portant because insufficient pressure head rather than screw feed head; Fig. 10. Filling 300-gallon capacity will cause the cuttings to plaster along this will permit closer control of the canvas bags for water supply at drill site, the sides of the hole and eventually rate of penetration through the mate- jam the core barrel, preventing it rial being cored and much faster from rotating. The volume ment such as a hydraulic jack should of water adjustment to drilling conditions. used and the rvater pressure vary be supplied to aid in extruding the for different types of soil and Because of the friable nature of the frozen soil cores from the core barrel. will vary within one hole so that the material being cored, double tube, Casing may be required to guard driller has to adjust confinually these swivel head core barrels giving cores against caving of the hole wall, par- factors to obtain good core recovery. 2 in. in diameter, (Flg. 9) or larger, ticularly for holes 20 ft. or more in In addition, the rate of penetration of are generally used.3,5 The core barrel depth. Where casing is to be used, the drill bit must be co-ordinated with most commonly used is the NX size it must be drilled in and therefore the water volume and pressure. double tube, swivel head type which casing shoe bits must be used. The drills a 3-in. diameter hole and gives casing generally freezes to the wall of It has been found that it takes a 2le in. diameter core. A 5 ft. barrel the hole and must be freed by circu- about eight hours to drill, core and length is often used. The core bits lating warm water before it can be sample frozen fine-grained soils con- can be set with either diamond or advanced or withdrawn. tinuously to a depth of 20 to 25 ft. hard metal insert-type teeth, but in Under favorable conditions (short moves, good water supply, etc.) as Drilling Operation Fig. 9. Full size (2-in. diameter) cores many as three 20 ft. holes have been of permafrost showing horizontal ice A regular two-or three-man drill drilled and sampled in one day. Drill- segregation and variations in soil types crew is required to carry out the ing should continue without interrup- obtained by core drilling. mechanical operation of drilling. At tion, if possible, until the hole is all times, a notekeeper should be in finished, be it 25 or 75 ft., to prevent attendance at the site to log the soil refreezing and possible caving of cores, take samples and generally the hole. Holes can be drilled to supervise the operation. Drilling is clepths of 40 to 50 ft. without danger usualll' carried out during the sum- of the wash water freezing, if the mer season when the air temperatures r'vater supply is at a temperature of are above freezing, so that the frozen about 50"F (even in the more nor- soil cores, u'hen removed from thc: therly regions). Fol greater depths, core barrel, thaw verv rapidly, within horvever, precautions should be taken five to 15 minutes. The cores have to to prevent freezing. ! i

TABLE I This paper is a contribution from the Division of Building Research, APPLICAI'ION OF SAMPLING METTIODS National Research Council and is TEpe of published with the approval of the Inuestigation Type of Soil Depth Type of Sample Director of the Division. of Method oJ Obtaini,ng Pre- Fi,ne- Inuesti- Dis- Undis- Soil Samples liminary Detailed Grained Granular gation tu.rbed turbed APPENDIX A Suggested Lists of Basic Equipment for Natural Exoosures x x x No limit x Obtaining Soil Samples in Permafrost Hand Borings x \',-20', x Areas Test Pits- Natural Thawing x x xo xx l. Natural Er:posures Hand Excavation x x x x 10/ XX A-Crew Power Excavation x x x 25' xx -l notekeeper Core Drilling x x x No limit x -2 labourers. B-Equipment -snove$ Various methods have been used to Table I has been drawn up as a probe-5-ft steel bar. 14 in. diam prevent freezing: the addition of cal- simple, but by no means rigid, guide ilay pick. cium or sodium chloride to the wash to assist in determining the method 2. Hanil Borings water, the use of Arctic diesel of investigation that will give the A-Crew fuel, the addition of alcohol or ethyl- best results for the type of informa- -I notekeeper -2 labourers. glycol the wash water, etc. If tion desired. ene to B-Equipment- chlorides have been used in the wash ( I ) Drive Pipe Sampling water, then all metal parts should be -5-ft lengths of heavy steel jn. carefully cleaned .rpori completion of References pipe. (I or 2 in. diam) t (HlJ)-rL"'l"il"liX1"t -8lb sledge hammer the work t-oprevent _corrosion.-Small "",i'ffJl 1f3,"jj3 -10-in. files amounts of sodium chromate (1.6 lb. Stpne recnnical Report 45, IV; April -6 extra heavy couplins or pgr 100 gallonsof water)ca" be plpe caps , i1fl;Xr.T,"ti#l,ii+,l|Xcavarionsin -two added to the mixture to act as an rroiei' qrouna, paif I.'Eiplosives tests 18-in. pipe wrenches tinut"YtTff siit' srPRE Report 30' -shovels. inhibitor. Arctic grade diesel fuels do (ii)' Auger Sampling not freeze at temperatures normally 3. Hv-orslev, M. J. and T. B. coode. (1-95?) -4"in. o. 6 irrl diam nost- encounteredin the frozenground and hole type hand augersl ;?tl'i,il$5r%iiiut"'3'3T,.,.$3$Su;."fl: -2-in. are often readily available in the Dril_ling, University of Minne- sifrgleblade chopping P^l?^"utio^ bits, hard tipped north.rhey u." p".ii"Ju'ry gooJ if,!"'"""",lJfrrti!,:33#fi"ili9iltf*1"#tfi1 -three october 1957'p' 114' 10-ft lensths of 9i-in. when air temperatures are low, and *,, 3:1:ttt"' steel pipe havebeen used successf;lt;; "*%$i,J,5""?lu"gt;,t""ffiullffth -several 2-, 3- and s-ft ing fluid. Thev do tend "'d;iii- lengths of %-in. pipe. _to lgpa.rate !1,",?.'sJL?.l:*"?iJ"'lrt*""ts1"y,i1"8,"tt1'f,q -exbra %-irr. pipe cnuplings from water, however, and will allow virsitv of-Minriesota-, centre fol: con- -10-in. ,r r jrr tinuation Study of the General Exten- files Water tnat may Seep lntO tne Orlll sion Division, Minneapolis, October -two 18-in. pipe wrenches hole to sink to the bottom, when - I?1 -shovels. .. 1 r 1 .,r 5. pihlainen, J. A and G. H. Johnston drllllng rS OtSCOntlnUeO tOr any lengtn (1954)-Permalrost investigation at 3. Test Pits 1953 (Drilling and Samplins). of time and subsequently freeze *Ilavik: A-Crew there.rhe ,,," or *l"oilli;"th;i;;; B::fi'"ln*":$113i1"3;::il:"''T3'11'%?l-l notekeeper Paper No' 16' Januarv 1954' 16 pp ' illus' -2 glycol in the wash water is uzually labourers -l compressoroperator. prohibitive because of cost. B-Equipment Some trials have been carried out Bibliography (i) Hand Excavation -clav oicks by DBR/NRC to determine the prac- Bremner, P. C. (1954)-Diamond driu- ing in permafrost al Besolute Bay, -5-ff Jteel bar ticability of using lightweight, hand- Norlhwest Terrilolies. Publication of -shovels held power drilling equipment to Dominion Observatory, Vol. XVI, No. -old 3-lb axe 12. 1954. -10-in. obtain soil cores with and without the Cass, James R. (1960)-Subsurface ex- files ploralions in permalrosl areas. Journal, -hamrner, saw, 4-in. nails use of wash water. These first at- and Foundation Divi- -pail sion, Proc. American Societv of Civil or bailing bucket. tempts have not been too successful Engineers, Vol. 86, No. SM5, October (ii) Po,rverTool Excavation because of the difficulty of applying 1960, Part 1, p 125. -arr compressor Cummings, J. D. (1956)-Diamond drill -pneumatic hammers-air or sufficient pressure to the bit so that handbook. J. K. Smit and Sons of Canada Ltd.. Toronto. Second Edition. qas it will penetrate the frozen soil, and 1956, 655 pp., illus. -d moil point tools the Hvorslev, M. J. (1949)-Subsurlace ex- -2 becauseof the vibration set up by plolalion and sampling of rcils tor civil spade and wedge tools equipment. Further trials will be engtneenng purposes. (Notes on core -5-ft steel bar drilling in frozen ground pp. 306-307). -shovels made. Report on a research project of the -l0-gallon American Society of Civil Engineers. gas drum edited and printed by the Waterways -50 ft of %-in. rooe Experiment Station, C.E. U.S. Army. -hammer, saw, 4-lin.nails. SUMMARY Sold by The Engineering Foundation, New York. 1949. 4. Corc Dil.lling Four methods of obtaining samples Kilze, F. F. (1956)-Experiments in drive sampling of frozen ground. BuIl., A-Crew of perennially frozen ground have ceological Society of America, VoI. 67, -1 notekeeper No. 12, Part 2, 1956, pp. 1807-1808. -2 been described.All may be used dur- McDonald. L. R. and P. C. Bremner drill runners ing the course of a site investigation (1956) - Permafrosl driUing. Canadian -1 pum.pman. Mining Journal, Vol. 77, No. 10, October B-EquiDment program, but normally one or more 1956. pp. 92-94. -diimond (20 Pchelinsev. A. M. (1951)-A new drill drill to 30 hp engine) of the methods would be eliminated for taking samples of ftozen gtound -positive displacementwater from consideration because of limita- and soils with the sttuclure undis- pressure pump lurbed. Pochvovedeniye, Vol. I, pp -water due to the nature of the investi- (Translation De- supply pump tions 57-59. by E. R. Hope, -sjt gation, of soil, depth to fence Research Board, Canada, T58R, NXL double-tube, swivel- the type January 15, 1954.) head core barrels which information is desired and/or Potzgei, J. E. (1955)-A borer lor sam- -associated pling in permafrosl. , 36:161, drill equipment the type of sample required. January 1955. --core extmder.