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908 Carpenters and J oi:ners. ·------------------------------------------------------------------------------•. ---------------- Harris Thos., Ashreigney, Chulmleigh Hutchins Edward, Church Stanton, ~ Lawrence James, Salcombe Regis, Harris William, Payhembury, Exeter Honiton i Sidmouth Harris Williarn, Broad wood Kelly, Huxtable Anthony,Bratton Flcming,B I Lawrence \Villiam, Broadclyst, E ·winkleigh Huxtable J ames, King's Nympton, Leach U riah, Colcriclge, \Vembworthy Hart John, Tetcott, Holsworthy Chulmleigh * Lee Frederick, Old town, nicleford Harvey George, Stoke Gabrie], Totnes lluxtable John, Twitchen, Challa- Lethbridge llugh, Tedburn St.l\Iary,E Harvey Hy., Cross, Cheriton Bishop, E combe, Barnstaple Lethbridge Oii,·er,Tedburn St,.l\Iary,E Harvey John, Broadhempston, Totnes lluxtable John, Chittlehampton, South * Lethbridge Walter, 47 Flora st. P llarvey John, .l\Ianaton, :rvloretonbamp- .l\Iolton Lewis C.iharles, Stoke Gabriel, Totnes stead Huxtable Wm., Charles, Sth. l\Iolton Lewis Wm. 38 East st. Okehampton Harvey John, Blackawton, Totnes Hyne John, Loddiswell, Kingsbridge Leworlhy John, l\Iariansleigh, South Harvey John, Spreyton, Okehampton Inch John, Winkleigh Molton Hatch John, Rattery, Newton Abbot Inch Samuel, \Vinkleigh Leworthy Joseph, Challacombe, B Hatch ·wm., Rattery, Newton Abbot Irwin John, 3 Apsley terrace, I Ley Thomas, Berrynarbor, Ilfracomue Hatherleigh Arthur, l\Ieeth, Beaford Isaac Thomas, Frcmington Lcy \Villiam, l\Icshaw, South .l\Iolton Hawken Reuben, 3 3 Cha pel"st. D'port J ackson Phili p,Rattery, Newton Ab uot Littlej ohn Frank, Whitcstone, Exeter Haynes F. & J. Lower Union ln. T Jackson Robcrt, Jordan street, Buck- Littlejohn George, Whitestone, E Heard Edwd., W arkleigh, Sth. l\Iolton fastleigh, Newton Ab bot Littlejohn John, Buckland Brewer, Heard Edwd., Chittlehampton, S.l\Htn J ames Martin, Abbotsham, Bideford Bideford * Heard John, Hatherleigh Jards Wm., East Allington, Totnes Littlejohn William, Northam, Bidefrd Hearn J ames, Newton St. Petroek, J cffery John, Stokenharn, Kings bridge Littlejohn;; J oseph, Re we, Exeter Highampton * J enkin Thos. 45 l\Iarlboro' st. D'port Loaring J oseph, Silverton, Cullompton Hearn William, jun, Bulkworthy, Jenkins William, Parkbam, Bideford Lock George, High street, Bideford Brandis Corner Jennings Richard, Broadworthy, Lock George, Leeford, Brendon, B Heath Benj. 3 Uheeke street, Exeter Holswortby Lock J ames, West Buckland, B IIellierJsph., Tipton, Ottery St.l\Iary Jennings Roger, Broadworthy, Hols- Lock James, jun., \Vest Buckland, B llellings William, Fore street, Plymp- worthy Lock John, J'\Ionk Okehampton, ton St. l\Iaurice, Plympt.on St.l\Iary J ewell Jas., Buckland Brewer, Bidcfrd Winkleigh * Hellyer Thos. K. 16 Gasking st. P * Jinkin Wm. 44 Tavistock place, P Lock John, Chittleharnpton, S.l\Iolton * Hickes Lewis, l\Iill street, Crediton J ohns \Vm., Loddiswell, Kings bridge Lol}g & Bond, U pottery, Honiton Hicks Wm., Broadwood Widger,Lfton Johns Wm. Balsdon mill, Dolton Long John, Stokeuham, Kingsbridge * Hill Edwin, Pulchrass street, B J olliff Charles, Woolfardiswortby, Lott Rd., Ford, A lwington, Bideford Hill Jno.,lligh Bickington,Ohulmleigh 13ideford Lovdl Fras. 45 East st. Okehampton Hill John, Hartland, Bideford J ollow Francis, Thorn bury, Brandis Love ring Thomas, Lincombe, I Hill ·wm. L. 65 Harwell street, P Corner Loving Oharlrs, Castle st. Axminster Hingston John, Blackawton, Totnes J ollow J ames, Thorn bury, Brandis Lowe Geo., Broadhempston, Totnes Hoare J no., Dean Prior, N ewtonAbbot Corner Lowe J thn, W olston green, Staver- -uoare Stephen, Fore street, Buckfast- Jordan ·wm., Bcaworthy, Exbourne ton, Totnes leigh, Newton Abbot Jury John, Black Torrington, High- Loye Albert, Station road, Ashburton Hobbs George, E. Anstey, Dulverton ampton Lucas Jeremiah, Germansweek, Brat- Hocking John, King's Tamerton, St. Karslake Saml., Bratton Fleming, B ton Clovelly Budeaux, Plymouth . Kelland Hy., Stokenham, Kings bridge Lucas \Villiam, St. Gcorgc's square, E IIodge James, Knowstone, M orchard Kellaway .T ohn, Sheb bear, Ilighamptn Luce John, Dean Prior, Newton A boot Bishop Kenwood Charles, 'Vhimple, Exeter Luscombe Henry, Ippl{'pen, Newton Hodge Thomas, High Bickington, * Kenwood William, Whimple, E Abbot Chulmleigh Kersley Thomas, Venn, Tawstock, B Luscom be \Villiam, Aveton Gifford, Hodge Thomas, Diptford, Ivybridge Kinsman Joseph D. 32 l\Iarlborough lvybridge Hodges Joseph, Halberton, Ti1erton street, Devon:r;ort Lyle James, 1 Grosvenor terrace, T Hogg William, Upton Pyne, Exeter Knight Richd .. Iddelsleigh,Winkleigh Lynch Georgo, North l3uckland, Holland Thos., Clawton, Holsworthy Knight Thos., NewtonFerrers, Ivylxlg Georgeham, Barnstaple Holmes John, Temple st. Sidmouth Knowles Saml., Holcombe Burnell, E Lynch John, l\Iuddiford, .Marwood, B Hookins Wm., Clyst St. Lawrence, E Labbett George, N ortham, Bideford Lynch Wm., Muddiford, l\larwood, B HoopcrJ'lel, High street, Topsh<Jm Lake George, Poughill, Crediton ::\Iaddick Thos., Marlboro', KingHbdgo Hoopcr Thomas, Colyton Lake John, l\lonk Okehampton, .l\Iaudock Andrew, 'l'amerton Foliott,P Hoopcr Thomas, St.-Giles-on-the- Winkleigh l\laddock George, Tamerton Foliott, P Heath, Launceston Lake John, IIorwood, Barnstaple * Maker J amcs, 1 Oxford place, P * Hooper William, 17 Clarencestreet, Lake \Villiam, Monk Okehampton, * l\Iaker John, 21 Bannawell street, and 66 Regent street, Plymouth Winkleigh Tavistock Hora.ll Jas. Court st. l\1oretonhampstd Lake man SamueI, Aveton Gifford, .Maker J. & II.,A b lJey mec.d, Tavi stock Horrol Philip, Black Torrington, Ivybridge l\Ianfield Robert, Upattery, lloniton Highampton Lamble Thos., Charleton, Kings bridge Manning William, Sutcombe, llols- Ilortop John, Bratton Clovelly, E Larnble Walter, Charleton,Kingsbridg worthy Horwell Robert, jun., Down St. Mary, Lamerton Richard, High st. Bideford .l\Iarley G-eo., Smallriuge, Axminr:;ter Bow • Lamprey Robert, North st_Braunton, B * :Marshal! Jonathan, Sutton road, P H ucldy Henry, 19 Sidwcll ~treet, E Langford I~ichard, Oolyton Mars hall J oseph, \V em bury Humphryes \Ym. l•'ore st. Exmouth LanglerWm.,Ipplcpen,NewtonAbbot l\Iartin Samuel, Churston Ferrcrs, Hunt Geo., Rose Ash, Sth . .Molton LangmcadCharles,Chillington,Stoken- Brixham Bunt William, Winklcigh ham, Kingsbridge l\Iartin Thomas, Hiscott, Tawstoek, B Hussell James, Eastdown, B Laugsford John, Streathayne, Colyton Martin Thomas, Ye>:.lmpton,Plympton Hutchings Enocb, Stokenham, Kings- * Lapthorne & Goad, Tracey st. P ~Iartin 'Vm., Trusham, Bovey Trd.cey bridge Lashbrook Benjamin, Polehflys, Bea- }lartin William, 1 Warepa villas, El- Hutchings John W. 20 Ebrington st.P worthy, Exbourne lacombe, T<tvistock Hutchings Wm., Charles, Sth. l\Iolton Lavers 'Villiam, North street, P Marwood George P. Court street, Hntching:> \Y m. 1 G laucer::ter place, T Lawrence Edwd. Radway.row, ~idn~th Moreton~amps~ead ___ . _ ... .