Nfld. Skies . THE By BAILEY R. FRANK TUESDAY, October 18 Sunset today . . . . • . . • . . 5:07 ·p.m. "BUICK THE DAILY NEWS Sunrise tomorrow . . • . . •.• 6:25 a.m. Moonrise tomorrow • , • , •. 5:07 a.m. New Moon ...... Oct. 20 TIDES High ...... · .. 5.47 a.m. 6:44 p.m. Vel. 67. No. 232 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1960 (Price. 7 Cents) Low ...... 11:47 a.m . . roves ·aace Green Returns \30 Nations Sponsor New ~~!,,?., ...~~~~.?.~:!..!.~ .. ~Move To. Achieve Peac~e Canadian Press Starr Writer 1 attractive enough to adopt it. 'I- Uj\;ITED NATIONS, N. Y.-Cl'-Despite bitter words OTTAWA rnte!l by India-seeks tn re,·e1v· the trend of the 15th peeled to be outlined ;n the pol· 1 where disarmament is scheduled , \ 11 · · k 1 · 1 1 1 1 h'll d 1 itical commillce on the ll:-.l Gen. Ito come up for general debate · \'IE:\'l'IA\'~~ Laos ( \PL Th(' · ~~em 1 :: ~ opcnmg wrc ~ w nc 1 exp ore< tIC c 1 Y rptls · · · • · Ill' 1he enid war. era! Asscmhly later this week, • today or Wednesday. ~ Hussians announced ~1onrlav the.-. are aimed at gelling Ensl·Wcst! It is expected here that Rus. ·are moving qukkly to offer ai;l Defence ~~ i 11 is 1 er V. K - -·-- ·---·--- ·---· .... -- -···---·· I di~armamc.nt negotiations hack · sia will jump ~n first with a bar· to this hard·pres:sed jungle kin.~ .ll:i.,lma ~lcuol• of India c;aid il ~:•lr .lame:; .r. Wadsworth ac:- on the rmls. 1. angue t1 Ia Khrushchel' on the dom and fill the vacllilm Jell hy ;; c";enlial lor the A>se•nhly 111 cusrtl nus,,ia of lryiug to use l!·e This has been ~lr. (;rcen's: alleged backslidings oi the West the withdrawal of lnr;(Ncillc fi· q:~it wran;:lin;! and tnis could be proposal as a means to fan the primary objective since Russia in the disarmament field. , nanciaJ help from I he l'nited done by girin~ tlllanimous ap· !lames of international hatred walked out of the 10·nation talks The United States, Britain and ! States. · proval to the multi·nation rc>o· 1 and suspicion.

at Geneva la~t July following the Italy introduced 11 resolution on t The offer was m3de to Laos' 1111100 · · lie ~poke aitcr \'aterian Zor;n, summi~ conference fiasc?. the disarmament question ~n the neutralist premier, Prince Sou· :'\OTltl:'>G COXCR•;n; 'I he Sol'ict ut mform·\ Canada, partner w1lh these ba~saclor Alexander :-.!ikitich AIJ· lllention the Soviet llnion or the or,inJ · the international ~lmo:;· ants indicated they call for rep· three countries and France at ramov when he prescnt~d his ere- r.S.-anrl doc, not propose an)· ph~re an:! threatcniP~ peace by resent~tion. possibly the. chair· i the t?~pe~oed Geneva .talks, di.d dentials Saturday, SoUI·anna·s concrete steps for relaxm~ ten· a policy of pro1·ocation. Zorin rc,· manslnp, for neutral nal10ns at. not JOin m sponsorship or th1s . government was sli11 working 51011 -11

the disarmament conference Ia·: resolution on the grou~ds that ;t j out its re~ponse :\!ond:J)'. on .nil countrw> to rc:fram from, l':r~c:;~d the summit cunlcrcncc ble. twas merely a restatement of ' The Cnited Stales has sup· aetiOns that would a~~rm·ate the in Paris l<~ot ~Ia\'. EXPECTS ADOPTJOS · Weslern principles without any ported Laos with lltln :llr. Green is sa ill to ht•lic1·e tll·n·•osals fo1· getting the nego. millions of dolhlr< in aid since In this 1' ollltion \l'a:·cl Ia:: Sudct P1·emi~,. Klm<~h· WASHINGTON-PrP,sident Eis~nhower receives a baskt·t of 70 roses on La~t week, Wa~hin;!lon an· l' rhr•:. llilosc slormy anp,:e•·;·n~c Mobutu Threatens "«S 111 hi~ 70th birthday in CCiemon:-- at White House Oct. 14th.' The girt was rrom 1 nouncrd tlwt all militar>· oid to a>snrrd from tile first. Bill in thr .\ 's r hI y rml~d IJ.;t was ill , I he LS. rlc:c. representath·es of the ltrpuhlican National Committee and the 1'\ixon·l.odge 1 J.aos bein;: suspended. iust before \·otc, Tht.\CCA, Pakistan tl_teutersl:- .1 Ga_ngcs. River delta which bore I ~ast Pakistan's guremur·gen· Sunday to Elisahethi'J11e. capital "neulraliz~d" Lumum~a along k~pl .the hooks of the. i\!urdocil- 1 "~,ween .sold1~rs from nca.•·by: ~h~. ~]ashe~ ,h?d •. ~ ,~que! ,.:r Re:ief teams wcidked non • stop 1 the brunt of the disaster. I eral, Aza ~han, r e t urn e d to of Katanga province, for talks with Prcs1dent Joseph Kasa1·ubu, , nile ·Local of the Umlcd Steel C;,mp. ~a ..!ct~ 11' n ~ncl .students ot police court ~.ond,;.- · p,c. \ 11: Monday to bring help to stricken Local authorities requisit!one· sault and dama;;e to prope!'LY l!amperrd their eHorts to reach I only a trickle of information con· :of persons left homeless. I return to Conakr)'," the Guin- main in control until Dec. 31. 38. partly deaf of injur· \1 Jck m·ea ;ug;:cstcd He wa.i one of scl·cral soldiCI! 1 bccau~e cnmmand~r ------1 "The people must gh·e up liv· ; can capitaL :lfobutn said he "There is no question of par- ies suffered in n dynamite ex· olhcrs lh~n so!dtcrs and stu· and student~ who appeared .he • h ing in thatched houses," he said. might sever diplomatic relations liament meeting, Whether the plosion during the walkout. said . c!c:lts ar~ mvolvnl.. _ . , lore :lh<;:l~trale Lloyd B. Smnh. w, • L 1 Azam said there was a danger with Guinea. United Nations wants it or the he was in "verv close relations · B. . ~lacaulay ~ B s admm· The a s s a u t and damage R l "Ons t of disease but precautionary He criticized the role of Ghana Afro·Asian bloc like~ it makes with Bedard. "\'ou are going to i'.trativc \·ic~ : prc.;idcnt, said ch~rges agmnst ~orsman wert e a t It t measures were being taken by in the CongG and said although no difference. I am decided." be mv right·hand man.'' he said diSCllllmnry actwn w1ll be taken !md by T. J. ~~ulhJan and G~r· the government. He made im· Bedard told him. 'against any student who "ex· . don Ho1•:;c, ed1tor of the U_!•\R • l mediate arrangements for blank· G ll p I Henley is to be cross·CX<~mined · cccded the ?o:l,nds o£ rieccnt hu·. :-tudent wcc:t~): .. the Brunswick· 1/1 O¥ "a ets, medicine lind food for the I De au e . by union jawyers today. He was' man beh_avolr. Jan. They. follo.l_ed a scuffle Sa· CU bu G I d~ " homeless. 0 1cy a company witness in lhe $.i,· He sal(], "il'e hal·e a _whole : lu~·day mght \I hen HoliSC r:· First detailed reporl5 on the 200 000 dama"e suit brought hr raft of rumors we a1·c trymg to · ce11'ed severe head cuts. !lor,. Oct. 10 disaster arrived here I Ga~pe Coppe; Mines against the ' ,:ift for. the truth. ('it~: police I man is expected ~~ enter a p!~a r ..adl!~ ~!~~ :~~~,T Writer [~~~~[:~_..the two countries as Sunday and' it may he several; d 11 FI•re ! USWA as a result of the .~even· . have the matter '\ell .m 'dhand, onl th; chat;gcs ~r~d~~·f;~~~~g ne I u I' ;md c While relations between the u.s. ACTION HASTY k~nayOISI'nbelore its full extent is I n er eavy month w. alkout. --~·e_ are surc_~~e_InCI ~~s-~ __ sen encr 01 I . t'nited States and C.uba hal·e I There is a feeling here that Earl~ reports said 3o,OOO dwel· . }{ WALKO~JT: . II'OWn steadily sour since Fidel i the u.s. reaction to Castro's pro· . . d t d 1 I . "I was mtunal!' enough \l'llh' -B BG T- E d · xpa n Castro grabbed power on the · vocations has been both unwise llngs were cs roye an' some PARIS !Reuters) Strong at· Although the debate Is ~X· B d d ' ~· ' 1 1 1 1 300 h0 ols dama"ed as "0 mile - I . . ' e ar o wor; on ·

Officials in Ottawa have mis·! the Americans' clenched·fi;t .PDJ .. I • The folloWidng wm;e car· I striking Ioree when the National! passage. 1: DETAILS 0tdJ~al 0 3 DE'.'ELOP~.m:-.:~ P· TV ah·ints ahout the leftist turn ! icies are drh·ing Cuba ever ned uncounlc les _ont -'': • I Assembly starts a two·day de- Sometimes chuckling wh1lr rr- .,'owe rs Over ~ 1 taken by the Cuban revolution. deeper into the Communi~! or· One report . said l.oOO ho(h~~ 1 bale on the go1·ernment bill to· calling events in :he. walkoul. But the)' see this as part of a bit were fouhd littered on Ramga.I day. H 1 G d Henley related in delatl the de· 1 modern trend-a trend that gen· • Island alone. 'fhe debate comes as France's unt1ng 00 velopments of the waikout. . IIOX IIA:'>RIGIIT , the BBG to control TV network erally seems to apply its own Considered particularly unfor· Roman Catholic hierarchy Mon· • Br 1 • · brake-ami hence they are not ! tunate are the U.S. economic day joined a growing chorus of "Who conducted the strike . at 1 Canadi~n Press Sta!r Wr ~er 1 programmmg. unduly alarmed. !sanctions against Cuba- which Urge Ban .French demands for a solution At Badger Murdochville?" Henley \\as OTTA\IA i~PI-Th_ Bomd o£, To take effect Oct. 26. there· I asked by compan" Iawver .Jean Broadcast Go1 ernors :'llonday ex· . d t' apply to "We have no quarrel at aI 1 of Ca na da lrI e d t o persua de th e to the six. year natlonahst. . msur- . ' • · d d . " . l'lsc regu 1a 1ons w1·u 15 1 1 a bilatere[ character with Cuba," U.S. not to impose. The picture I. rection in Algeria. Martineau. p~n c ~· . re.,u ~ ?:Y poller hoth the existing CBC networks laid ODe official." "And we want of a big rich country tightening 0 n Tests Today's debate was seen by Big game hunting in the Bad· "Roger Bedard.'' replied Hen- O\;~ete;~\I~IO~e~~~~~k~~ard an as well as the ~rojected private to keep matters that way." . the screws on a poor smali one observers as an opportunity for ger area is reported at an a1J.Iley. nounced major revisions in the ~etwork, now. bemg concetved to The same sentiments are ev· in this fashi~n is not likely to deputies opposed to de Gaulle's r h' h T t _. . " · lmk the new mdepend~nt TV sta· 1 0 1 JdenUy lelt on the Cuban side. gain the Americans many ATLANTIC CITY, N.J.

·nwcd. 1 companied The Mad Trapper to, - .'·-i'..· LtltiE•WISE, 1 He comes and goes ~s he ' the lockup twice on visits. 0 1 LAUIIH·WIS£ ·!eases i n s i d t the Congolese i The first time, Dewite wanted ! :~>: : DR DTHERWISE·WIS£1 •rmy camp, wears his para-ito see one of his African employ- .~ •ooner·son's winl(s pinned to his 1 ees at the cold-storage plant who ·---~ ...... - hirt 2t all times, and visits· had been arrested, JACKLEMMDII rr~cnds who nl'e in jail whcne1·er ]' Once inside the walls, Dewitc SHIRLEr M•oLAIIII. ~he fnnc;• stri:\es. s'O·,; another Congolese holding "All you need when dealing: his stomach and in ob1·ious pain. FRED M•oMURRAr with th~se 'macaques' is gall," IINTENDS TO STAY ~------he s<:icl in an inter1•iew. Dcwite promptly got the man Also - UP-TO-THE-MINUTE NEWS "~~acaque." the name ol a . nut of jail and drove him to the Exclusive Limited Engagement kind or monkc~·. is I he supreme: hospital for a ruptured appendix TIMES OF SHOWS: insult that can b~ d i r c c t e d : operation. In This Area. M~inst a Congolese and is sel-l Dewitr runs the cold . storage EVENING SHOWS: 6.30 - 9.00. , dom for!!ottcn. I plant with a mailed fist and a MATINEE: 1.30. EVENING SHOWS 7.30 ; M~D TRA.P!'ER .. ------~ (One Evenin~ Show Daily) : D~·~·ite, ad v c n ttll'er. hunter. Receives Award 1 : sunnlier of foorl and 'riend of the , BOSTON

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. ....•.·~· Here is why '61 Ford is Canada's First CMtfrH Cer Lwltrlcatts lt ..lf- Your'new Ford will norm any go 30,000 eortfret miles wilhoot .. ~~: chassis lubrication. Cleens Its own oil-The unusually thorough o~ fihertn; ayalem gives up to -4,000 carefree miles betwe~n oil change•. Atfiulls Its ewn llrqk11-The new, carefree brakes·aulomalicany adjust themselves for weer. P...tecta Ita oWft body-All vital underbody pori! ore speclany processed to resist rust and corrosion. Guartls Its OWil muffler-Carefree Ford mufflers are double-wropped and alu­ minized to ·normally l~stthree times as long as ordinary mufllers. Talc11 cart of Ita own finish-Carefree Diamond lustre Finish never needs waxing.

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,"'----..i.--.~-NEW 12.(000 MilE .WARRANTY~The written warranty on ~111961 Ford cars is 12,000 miles or one full year, whichever comes first.-. ------_~:.J; GEO. G•. R. PARSONS, LIMITED ST; JOHN'S. HARBOUR GRACE GRAND FALLl USED CARS Phone.91011 Phone ~56 Phone 2245 AND TRUCKS $..'""·..,,. -····;,.,;;,' •' --~----~------~.~. ------.:....------~------ST. JOHN'S, NiWF~UNDLAND The Daily News TUESDAY, OCTOB!R 18, 1960

,_,....,~,..~"':':7'='··~··-~··"''''''' ! Rehabilttation: ' Dr. Gusta~e. Gingras TWO ·DIE IN -To Speak At Meeting CAR CRASH Tho voung men, both residents of St. John's, arc rlcad :mel' a third, a1so from St. John's, lies criti~ally injured at the General Hospital as the result of an at'ddmt that took place on the ,newly-op~ed Trans­ Canac1a Highway, three miles out from· the City, at about lour o'clock yesterday afternoon. D::-~. arc John Fagan, 22, of 3 King's Road, and Bruce TolJin, 16, of 15 Golf Avenue. Critically injured is Hmolcl Conway of King's Road. p,;rtkulars of the accident are rather conflicting but it appears that Fagan, Tobin and Conway were on their way to the City when their car went out of control. went off the road and back on again and then coJIIich·;l head-on with a west-bound car, a 1960 Dodge. AhoarJ the Dodge car were a man and woman and a threc-1 car-old bov. A~l persons ~~ere c·!llll'e;·cd to the Grn:.'ral ~Iospitul hv amhul:mcc. Fa:,::in was found dcnd on arnval ;md 1:nhin dbl ahout 8 o'clock la~t ni)!ht. Conway is in :: eritic:tt -condition accordin~ lo la~t reports. :\11 prr~ons in the Dod!;e received superlici:tl lll'ni~l"i and were discharged from the Out-Patients l)cparhncnt of the General Hospital .after an c~mnina lion lhdosrd no serious injuries. F.1~'m was a well-known Citv athlete l1adn~ piny· LEFT TO RIGHT:-Ed. Pennell, }', T. Finlay, S. Jackson, Dr, W. J. Jliggins, Capt. W. England. This 111toto was taken c,l with the senior St. Pat's baseball ll~•,m this past aL a l'fceptlon held at Bowring Park for Mr. Finlay, Also hi attendance were Judge W. L. Whelan, President, and ::ummcr. E. B. Foran, Commissioner, I Details On R.C.M.P • il Strike Over I Invested 1 I t• ' The four day walkout strike F~eight Increases . k. ~ nspec IOn at the Bonavi>ta Cold Stora;c ~-·ompany Limited plant .t Fenmore Sm mg 1 As Knight • • The of£icer commandie· ·:.nd Bank, IS over. The pb.t Shlppmg : Full details on the sudden , St. John's sub-di\'ision Md its operations yester- In Nfld. , sinking o[ the small coastal Inspector Barr)" Graham • I • , : Yessel Fenmore were revealed : lwld a semi-annual inspec.. membership meeting ": , "'At· rep orRt from thhe C~~adtan r dly there were offtreds of thts, )esterdav, the ROIP location ~Ken•.. 1 held Saturday ni~:1t :,a 1~na 1 a1 1ways ere m. St./ epartn:tent ,scattere all ove.r I The v~ssel went down ~ud- ·Hill todty at 9.30. rs voted to return ;a J?hn s sa?·s that. the. fretght i !he Railways property, now tt denly after striking a rock off ~!embers of the R "~lP will · to request an ai':li· I. Sltuahon 1s _runnmg fatrly com· 1s ~ll centered under one roof. I Trinity Saturdav night. ,parade and will be revicwc.d by t_ i;oJrd to meet a1:d !;i'- DR. GUSTAVE GINGRAS forta.bly. wtt.h the amount of Th1~ makes ~or .a better and "We felt just· 3 sliqht bump" by the ofhrer commanding 'B' ct:» their grievance over a1e Ont of the more prominent studies and practice. he has : traffic steppmg u~. . easier \~or~mg system. The ! said Captain John Blackwood. Division, chic[ superintendent dismissal of cmnlo,ccs who rc· people attending the Premier's \'isitcd the leading institutions . One. _of the r.casons for thts . new bmldmg . accommodates "as the vessel struck on the 1 Edwin Brakcficld-~loorc. fuse to work o\'crti"mc. Conference on Rehabilitation of in his field in the United 1s the mcrcase m the dcman.d many more o~{Ices than Ex· starbo rd side." Following the inspection With the pl:lllt again. in. op- the Disabled opening today, is .Statcs, Canada, England, France f~om the outportsr ~round thts press. accountmg ~md ~mance Alm,ost immcdialelv a crew ROIP members will be. present· eral~on, the dra·~fcr For.un•~ Switzerland, Holland, Israel hme of year there 1s a larger departments are also 11tuatcd member shouted that· the fore- cd with medals and clasps and ·Star . :\'htch was to land at Dr. Gus1J11·e Gingras, B.A., .M.D., 1 ph)'sical medicine and rehabili­ and the Scandinavian Coun- demand f,rom. places that m~st there. castle was filling with water. :a cup, cmblem~tic of )!ood : Gaultois, armed 1ll . Gram I tation specialist. tries. 1 get supplies ~n ~efore the WID· A spokesman for the C.N.R. Captain Blackwood ordered the ' marksmanship with a hand held Bank on ~londay mo_rmng ~JH! Dr. Gingras scn·ed with the te~ ..The tr~ffle IS cut to a bare attributed most of the rt·se to· lifeboat put over the side and 1 firearm, will be presented. commenced dtsch"r~lllg 1.'i>On At the Faculty of Medicine, ~ n1 m 111 ttl t 1 Tl d L k Canadian Army l\ledical Corps the Unh·ersity of Jllontreal, he 1 nu - urn .many se emen s the pulp and paper industry. by the time it was in the water. ~rnva · lC ragg_er uc "llllee during the war, being with the is professor of Physical Jlledi· durJ~It the wmter months. But The paper companies here in the railing of the Fenmorc was Polt'O JT'O IS expected to arnve today. Basingstoke Neurological Has· . !he mcrc~se over other years Newfoundland are &hipping awash. 1 1 pita! in England. On his return cine and Rehabilitation, and ts a~proxtmately 10 per .een_t.. more and more paper and pulp Shoving off in the lifeboat./ director of the School of Re- Co. nstdered generally, th1s 1s the crew saw the F'enmore go D T'7A to Canada he was appointed di· hibilitalion which opened in I.ugher all around than prev- products and the Railway is dO\"fi by the bo\". I L' rector of the Paraplegic Re· · · th d employed to do most of this, , , orty uree Dies From 1954 1011 196 habilitation Centre where he comprJsmg erapy an Csht? t 0. ld t f This will account for the great· Proceeding directly into Trin- · Newfoundland has recorded audiology, the latter being the ris mast wfoutb ~ecoun ?r er part of the ten per cent rise. ity channel, the ship's radar 1 another ease of polio. This is organized the rehabilitation of 11 paraplegics in the Department first course in Canada. When a sma par o e mcrease m th d 1 , I h f' . h k Burns the Rehabilitation Institute of f 'ght t ff" th' b t th' T ff' tb G If h l'k1 was on e spec was on l t e 1rst 10 over t ree wee s of Veteran's Affairs, Montreal ,.1 t 1 f d d. · 949 rCI. . ra tc IS year: u IS ra IC on e u as e· three knots. At nine p.m. the I, and brings the province's total . . . .. district. In the course of his D:,n J~sr:Sa~a~u~le~teJne;ecu: bulk· 1s usually expcrtenced a wise increased. This represents vessel hit the rock and she was 1 this year to 43. A 15-~ear-old g1r~ dted Lom live director and remains in D. R. THISTLE, }I.B.E. httle later. a rise of approximately 20 to down in a matter of minutes. \ A four year old girl from , burns a~~er scaldmg herself that position. · At colourful investiture cere- to ~ct thorough!~ .•c· 25 per cent over the past year. Captain Blackwood said some Strphem·ille is the latest vic· whtle takmg a bath, RCl\IP re· .Sherl•eS . . quamtcd With the new bUJldmg This is a tremendous number · · d h ' . ported Monday, ·ngras has a•cepted the mome5 at Government House n \"at r St. t C N R ff' f d h msurance was carrie . He as , !Jm. Tl .d . . . 1 . FI Dr. Gl • • o ., c 1ee , , .. o IC· or 1a year, an t e reason · d' t 1 f th 1 S . , 1ey sa1 a mag1stcna In· invitation of the Minister of OThttt.a&wtl~· ~nl BFEridaoyf D(avJidh ~· ial~ ~ay that it is prov~ng very would ?e generally the paper ~~ ~7sm~c~!e~. P ans or e oss .\lc~~r~fs H~~mpi1t~~~!~. i~est~~~, quiry ~ill be held in ~he dc~~\1 • National Defence to serve on . •• "· · ·• 5 · 0 n s, , eff1c1ent and convement so compames and passenger traf· . . . of Dom Peddle of Ltttle ll<>r· Sc h 0 I ars hIP the board of consultants for was InVested as a Knight of ' far. The Express Office 15 tl·. fie, along. with the normal SlllC~ then. Chief :lledJ.~al J:~ealth bour East, Placentia Bay. SHC the Canadian Forces Medical Gra~e of the Orde~ of St. John pecially to advantage, previous- freight increase•. M Offlc~r Dr. John. Dalles m St. died in hospital here Frida,-. Council. He has also accepted of Jerusalem by HIS Excellency arystown Johns has desmbed her COil· • Awarde d the invitation of the director- the Governor General of Can- ' dition as 'moderately severe.' general of World Health Or· ada. F1·nal Dt.spos·t·on Of Four persons ha,·e died from St k James A. Tuff. son of lllr. and ganization to serve for a five This great honour~highest 1 1•t•IOR polio in Newfoundland since . rue Mrs. Wm. F. Tuff of Lamaline, year term again as 8 member of that the Order can bestow on .lanuary 1. 1960. ., has been. awarded the 11159-60 ~ the Expert Advisory one of its members-was con· p }} u ttl d The Jllarystown agricultural --- D acholarshlp offered by the Fed· I Panel on Rehabilitation. He is (erred on Mr. Thistle by Her epperre nse e homccrafts and fisheries fair c A .d oy Car era! Fisheries Officers' Welfare chairman of the committee in Majesty the Queen. as Sovcr- . . w.hich ~egins this Wednesday ar ~cu ents I Cll~b. . physical medicine and rehablli· eign Head of the Order. It rec- B~ ERIC A. SEYMOU~. , of the equtpment had been in ntght w111 have many attractiOns v I ; A three-year-old hny, resid<>nt \ alued. at ~~~.. th1~ ann~al tat ion of both the Royal College ognizes outstanding work by The othef day · we VISited ; use for the entire life of the 'besides the regular judging of \[' C f T b . of Temperance Street. wa~ 1 1 1 11 56 0 3 1 1 ) ~holarsh1p, mslltutcd m 19o8, of Physicians and Surgeons of i\Ir: Thistle on behalf of the P~pperrell AFB with . some base and was therefore not too agricultural exhibits and live- . w;s ~tlraueck buv ean',·eh't•ole d1.I,-c11. l struck by a rar on nuckwcrih IS awarded to the student get- ·'Canada and the canadian l\ledi· St. John Ambulance Association fnends who wanted to btd on l'aiuable. Jud~ing by accents of stock. ' · · . · f • ; Street shortly after 3 p m ,.cs· ting the highest marks in the cal Association and its presi· in Newfoundland. certain equipment once used on some of the would-be purchas· There will be competitions in ~ by JthohnTl_bSheRa odPoucsh Cdov~ i tcrda;:. ' · · Grade IX public examinations, dent of the province of Quebec Mr. Thistle became a member the base, but now being sold ers, some of them had come fishing skills such as fish split- 1 on e or ay 0 ~ on . u~ a)· · Eligible are sons and daugh. Association of Physical Medi· I of th!.) Newfoundland Council Ito the highest "bidder. . from other parts of Canada. ting, twine knitting, trawl bait· ! The ~an was senously InJUred I The boy was com·eyerl to the ters of Federal Fisheries offi- cine and Rehabilitation. · of the St. John Ambulane4 As- It was very depressing driv- This would indicate that base ing and tug of war and there accor~mg, to pollee reports but General Ho!jJtal and cxaml:tc


'\ THE DAIL l' lVEWS "We Been Stood Up1 Chief" By tlewloundland's Only Morning Paf"r IN THE NEWS Wayfa1er I Tho DAILY NEWS Is ~ I8CII'IIin! paper established iD 181M, and pub­ lished at the News Building 355-SS~ HOW MUCH CAN WE AFFORD? ty close to the limit of what we cnn l Duckworth Street, St. Jchn's, New· The coat of plibllc aervices' of all to e,;pand public services on a loc foundland, by Robinaon & CompaD}' kinds, inCluding those which are wholly Government basis. Therea'ltcr we mu. Limit.-.d. · or partly financed by private means, is look· at the problems of school board. MEMBER Of risln& at a dizzy rate. Thll is not be· most of which are bcmg driven to th c.illlae we are supplying· ourselves with point of desperation by the increasin: THE CANADIA~ PR~SS ; .social luxuries. For the most part, our burdens that the pressures or pop!n • The Canadian Press il exc'tUJivel( standards are still subltintlal\y below tiol) and dem~nd for more modern tntitlcd to the use for repllbl~atfon tbose of comparable mllnland provinces. scl1ools arc imposing on them. Finally of nil news despatches ID thit. paper In fact; while they aro imp.rovlnk their there Is the ma:tcr of private phllan. credited to it or to the ,\sN~Jciated bctier services, we ate frantically try. throplc agencies whose -number seems Press or Reuters and also ~e local lng to ratch up with their former stand. to be multiplying with the result thnt oo,ws published therein. ards. Blit lost this sta~cmcJlt be misln· ..carl1 )'car t•;lizcns in tl1e larger com· ~1 SUBS~IPriO,N RA n;!t '· terpreted, let it be said that lo~al con- •n·•niUcs, at any rate, must ~ect ~ore ' A!I Preu · ~rvira and leaturo arHdo1 C&Dada ...... $12.00 per &JIIIllm in this paper are copyrl~hted and theb fern Is not with meeting mtinland and more appeals. All arc JUSll[table. lJutd Kingdom repro'duction is prCihiblted. standards but rather with providing a And perhaps it may be said in respect · and all foreign tolerable minimum level or services in of private charity that the sum total countries ...... '14.00 per annum Member Audit Burea& ·rc~pon~e to the particular needs of om of annual. coltcctionB is relatively small Authorized as second class maC own population. Ne1·erthclc~s. the costs compared with our total means. But Post Office Dcparment, OttnwL of C!Jculation. a~c rlsin~t at such a sta.~gerln~ pace that that is arguohlc. having regard for the we sliDll soon ha\'e to stop and take total drain o[ federal· and provincial stock. taxation and compulsory contributions TllESDAY, OCT. •'18, 1960 to various forms of social security on It Is not capital co~ts that arr ~n nur incomes whi~h arc already strained troublc~omc although these arc hi•:h to the full not only by living costs but Protection Against Fallout enough. It was estimated by .the nc. also by our changing living standards, vision Commission In 1957 that to meet ~E,·ervone recalls from his vouth are likclv to contend that there is the minimum needs established at thnt All the foregoing is :possibly a clum~y the story of the boy who 'cried no protection against blast wldch time, including the province's cost of way of stating a fact which is much too "wolf." Few have learned anv­ alone would lav waste the entire cumpfcting the Trans-Canada Highway, little understood. It is thnt we arc Iii· thinrr.... from it. It follows that there communitv. A!1d those who may would be not less than tao n\1\llon. ing publicly and, in the case o[ many That was fo; cnpital outlay. But every of us, privately beyond .our means. That c~ be few jobs more frustratinp; be fairly safe from the effects of tapital project involves an annual ma;n. is somethin;: that callnot go on in· than that part of the work of the blast, mav be very much inclined tennncc cost and aggra\'atcs t11c prob· dufinitely. We have either so to. in­ Emergency !\leasures Organiza­ to balance the cost of a fallout lmn or making ends mcc\ The new crease productivity that we can all earn tion which calls for cncoura~cment shelter against the odds of its need. technical college, for example, will have more and thus be able to get our public of the public to protect itself For example, l\Ir. Cmry, ques­ a recurrent annual cost of not less than and personal budgets back into proper against the threat of radioactive tioned about the cost of a hasemcnt S500.0CO. That is just one of many new balance or we shall have e1'entualty to fallout. shelter, said that anvone with do­ ih·ms. Roads are a ncccssit~·. Winter set arbitrary limits upon our social pro. usc is nccersnry to break down isolation. gress. Throu~houl the whole il~tion Mo~t people regard an atomic it-vourself skills could provide it Rut w~ arc compelled to spend more pcrspcctil·cs have bt•ronw diolor~c:l. .. war as too remote to consider. fm: au outlay of four or five hun­ c1·cry ~·car on snow-clearing than we Here in Newfoundland. that has hrcn Edson In Others conceive of its possihilitv dred dollars, That suggests that l'.'cre spending twenty years ago on road. partly due to lhc [act that we have risen hut take the cmical virw that there the man who must employ lahoni· building. There is another case of how from a prili1itivc state of public scr· is not much anYone can do ahont for the job would assume a cost of ever~· completed capilal project crcale~ vices and a low standm·d of pcr,onal livin~ in twcnly years to Ienis far he· ~Vashingfon it. Who, the sceptics ask, wantiio twiCe flS much or more. And so it new annual costs. And in rase some· b•1dy ln&)', suggest that the answer is to ~ond our wildest imaginations at the survi\'e in a world redu<.·ed to chros seems to follow that few people reduce capital out\Dj'S for a whilr. the beginning of the war. There is urgent ro:;:~IDER :\tORE TIIAS Flr.trRES and ruin? are likelv to he willing or even to immediate answer is that the rapid in­ need, thcrcfort, to review the whole IN }lJDYEAR BVDGE'f REHEW Is religion an "extra?" But a lot mar depend on how an be able to afford to provide them­ crease in the pop1ilation calls for more situation. to relate our wants to onr It is for some person, 111d wherever this is true it 1s a costly extra. In fact idea is sold. 1n the con,ersational selves with home protection sthools, hospilals and. other ser1·icr~ · cap~city to pay, and to sec wlml we can Fly PETER EDSO:'\ there i~ real doubt as to whe!her or no* and pradital approaeh iu thC' Ho­ a.~ainst rildioacliYc fallout If,, and thai if we r!'duce capital spcndin~. do hy united efCort to stimulate eco­ WASIII:\l:TO:'I: (NF:A r-Shortly After dr.wn will go (!ur ...prcvaiiing standards. nomic production and enable us to Trt•a,urt Srl'rrtary Robert Andrrson 's it is worth what people pay for it ia lllllll of such cases. tar" address of R. B. CunY, direc­ thercfr,re, a large her peo­ afford the higher standards that we l'illion. "reductio ad absurdum." Its pur­ makrets from abroad to develop crea­ ing the costs in our' domestic economy 11 th;s lool;s like inconsistent forecast· under such conditions, getting nothing pOnsible dictator of a small and pose is to emphasise some of the tive ideas for expansion of Canadian and further handicapping our ability ing, it isn't. It is just that Anderson's vital that religion hu to offer. What u~stable country might be amon)!: obstacles that have to be sur­ trade. to meet competition for exports. talk to the World Dank hay ha1•c l>een religion offers us is for forgiveness of those pnssessed of a stockpile of mounted if the shelter programme But there is much that the govern­ interpreted as an overly optimistic bus· our 1ins and the release within our atomic lmmbs. is to make any real headway. The OIL .POLICY ment can do. Perhaps its most import· ine>s forecast by too much emphasis on hearts and from high heaven of those Calgary Albertan ant contribution would arise from pin­ good news people wanted to hear. powers which make triumphant lh·in& The wishful thinking that in­ realities of the fallout danger are pussible. Religion, when it Is real, gives duces indifference to remote dang­ A national oil policy is required, not pointing the major basic causes and One sentence in the middle of the sec· to be seen very clearly in the cur­ to capture additional markets for Can­ thereby condi,tioning public opinion for retary·s statement gave this imprc~sion us something; and what it asks in the ers is nevertheless likely to guide rent suspension of tests of nuclear adian crmle, but to regain the market the action which need5 to be taken to if taken alone and out of ron text: way of cost is not a pittance or cash but the actions of most of us: However, weapons, The hope must be that position alrea.dy achieved. But they offset them. "While judgments of reasonable men the opening of the doors of our heart! this apart, there are some practical ovenhadowcd now by the actual can differ," he said, "it is my strong that t'hc most high God may fellowship . before long this will become a step­ with us and we v.·ith Him. questions to be considered hv thos~ ping stone to the establishment of and serious market decline. The latter NOT SISSY view that the outlook for economic ac· tivity in this country is favorable. holh who mav ht induced to take· ser­ foolproof international control. But makes It essential that the go1·crnment Owen Sound Sun·Timcs begin immediate!)· to work out a na· Human nature is strange. ft.nrt it.s for the near future and for man~· years iouslv the question of atomic at­ until that happv time, 12:overnmeuts tiona! oil policy. It must not procras· htrangeness is something that must l>e ahead.'' tack and il~ consequences. must continue to create a con­ tinate until February. kept in mind in any precautionary cam· A number or economi~ts did o!fer im­ \lam· people will satish· them­ sciousness· of prevailing danger~ paign just as in any other type of de· mediately. They criticized the predic­ selws that the\' are likclv to he and do what they can to persuade RESPONSIRLE LABOR velopmcnt, tion as being too optimistic and wron~. immune because of the low target St. ,John Telegraph.Journal Take the raSl! of sc~t belts, for in­ SomP eren said the United States waa The Sleep •f lite labouriDC aan II citizens to take appropriate action. now having another recession. nr;eet.-Eecleslastes 5:12. prinrih· of the areas in which thev H is an uphill fight hut the effort BII!. while the Ho!Cas and Becks ha,·e !tance. It is true that seat bells cost been tarnishing the name or labor. re· money, But the cost is small rompared Actually, the Secretary's analy~is was li\·e. ~fam· in towns and cities, no must continuP to he made until sponaible leaders have been doing much • • • with many other features we put on a most carefully prepared Treasury To ha1·e something to dc>-work ill matter what the target priorit~·. the need has been e!i)llinated. to strengthen the movement in the pub­ ·cars solely for decoration. Actually we statement. It was extremely cautious in hnrmony with one's ability and interest lic eye. Many labor leaders such as don't believe cost has anything to do its findings, many were on the pessi· -makes for better rest which in tura Mr. Jodoin, have been urging their with the lack of such equipment. Rath· mislic side. enables one to produce better worll. members to assume their full sh11re of er it is the fact that most view the use God planned it that way. Rehabilitation. Conference community responsibility. of scat belts as silly, perhaps e\'cn The main theme was that the United "sissy." Of course they are a bit lncon· States has been going through a number A ver~· larj!;e conference is un­ work of C.A.N.I.B. Is a case in venient. They take a secoud or two to of fundamental readjustments after 20 LIBERALS AND U.S. CS ITUDT questionably a good way to draw point. . Many blind persons have buckle i.nto position·... and many peo· years of recurrent inflationary pre~~o Lethbridge Herald Vancouver SUJI attention to social problems and been trained·. and helped to the pie believe their time too precious to sures. If the passages on these changes Maybe the benefit. of the probe wll one of these, the subject of the An alarming measure· of anti·AmeTi· squander in this way. are emphasized, a different analysis performance of a variety of useful canlsm can be detected in recent re· not reach the $5011 million Mr. DiefeD­ present convention in Confedera~ But, the Ontario Safety League would emerges. services including the production marks of prominent Liberals notably like the public to view the benefits. baker so enthuaiastica!ly mentioned tion Building, has a very consider­ of handidafts a.nd the operation of Mr. Walter Gordon and Mr. Pearson. Here is the outstanding advantage, Scat After making the glowing prediction buck in '57. But American experience able importance.. It is the means canteens. Some progress has also Mr. Gordon's reputation as hoad o~ the belts offer about 60 per cent reduction quoted above, Anderson declared, "Un· .with the Hoover commission indicates bv which the physically handicap­ been made towards the gainful em­ recent Royal Commission on 1 Canada's in the risk of injury arising from a car questionably there ore some sectors of they could still be enoniloUJ. '·Economic Prospects has created a de· our economy' which give concern. The ped may be assisted to full or par­ ployment of persons who have re~ act;idcnt. In a study made by Cornell A year ago, six years after Conll'ell gree •of immunity to criticism In Lib~r· problem o£ unemployment is still' tial economic independence and a University, it was found that in cars began acting on the massive Hoover covered frnm tuheraulo9is. at circles which Is also alarming, Mr. troublesome and deserves continued at· without seat belts involved in an ac· report, it was estimated that annual happier and more satisfying life. The conference offers an oppor­ rearson is quite out of character in tcntion .•• , cident, 75.5 percent of the occupants savings to the U.S, treasury had reach­ The premier; in whose name tl1e tunity to hear from hi,!(hly qualj- . · echoning ll!r. Gordon's views, were in use at the time of tbe accident, "In addition, steel production has con· eel $4.000,000,0110. conference has been called, has Canjida's' political sovereighnty is en· 2,9.9 percent were injured. 'Applying fled pcr::loyment are likely consequences imports from Canada, There are .others: "Per10nal income underaone this year provide the but The Canadian Government. has a legi. ized all the 'tnaior industries and ThE!.. nationalization . measures of .Castro's policies'and it is highly has continued to rise and, with Inflation tlmate complaint, and It Is drawing for a long period of sustainable, Donln· · the bankS. Only the Canadian are bciu11d to convert confusion· in· .·• improbable' that he ·wm get any under control, rising personal Income ll'Owtb. becaUJt support from Australia, Mexico and flatlonary Prlmarfl1 banks doing busin'ess in Cuba, the to cthaos. ·The trained. ~rsonnet,·· real hel_p from Russia. In this case of effective attention to our domestia 1 Pe'ru, which also send lend and zinc td national· policy. If the United States fiscal and moneta!')' policies, we ~ . Royal Bank of· Canada and the· . does not exist in government to 1·he needs to be reminded that those the United States. Why stir up· a fight wants to continue to maintain tbe BaDk of ·Nova Scotia, were exempt- allow it to take- over. and run effi- .. who sup With the devil must use with our friends now? view the future of our economy with alliance with Canada and frtendly rela­ confidence." ed OD the ~dB that t!n'ough ciently,all·the country's busine~ .. ·:.al9ngspoon. 'rhereislittledoubt, Laa.t year Canada reported a deficit tions with Australia, Mexico and Peru, ~head· Office~ ~ey were.per- .and· ind!JBtrr. The economy ·iJ~i/ Mwever, that. the people of Cuba of $620,0011,000 In trade with the Unit· we must recognize their economic in· This isn't saying that evetything toda~ -f

------~------·------·------~------~·-famUy plans to continue playing AlbalU gradually became· the l MOSCOW IAPl-Thc first sno" KA~IPALA. Uganda IReuters! dally. · centre of rural AOclll activities Of the season fe]J in Moscow day when police used clubs '.o The (riddles ESTATE SOLD In the district. shortly after noon Sunday. It quell a riot after the end of a The Wawanesa estate, dubbed After un&uceessful efforts to I was only a flurry and did not Kenya-Uganda soccer game, po- St. Albans, has been sold to a cultivate most of the land the last long. , lice said Sunday. group of Winnlpe11 and Eastern lamUy was forced by the arid ------'------·--­ Canadian Investors. Po!Sible uses ·soil to tum to cattle-raising. for the land proposed by the new TURNED TO SCIENCE owners include eStablishment of Meanwhile, the children began Colorful Manitoba ··Family a dude ranch, a re8ort and an to attain prominence ·in other experimental farm. fields. The eldest son, Norman. Percy· Criddle Sr., arrived with who died In 1933, 'Will an ento­ his family from Surrey, England. mologlst for the federal govern­ in August of !882. They lived in ment. Some of his findilfgs still Leaves 6,000 Acre Estate tents until the first pari of their are In use. log home wa~ co m p l e ted at Stuart, now 113, became re· WAWA.~SA, Xan. (CPl-Onc Percy Criddle, crendson and Ioria, wUl make It easier for his course, seven gr.ass tennis courts Christmas. The second portion nowned throughout Manitoba as .r Manitoba's most l'Olorful pio· nao1esake Of the original settler, own children to obtain an edu- and a small cultivated farm, with was finished in 1887. a naturalist. He still works his leer families - the Criddles- says he wants a leas · isolated cation. a herd of 500 cattle. The elder Criddle had attended own garden and produces hybrid lOOn will leave their 8,IJOO.acro home for hi~ father, Stuart, 83, Included In the rambling es. Or1e feature they plan to estab- 1 medical school and also had 1 plants through cross pollination I estate near this 'outhweslefll his uncle Evelyn, 84, and Aunt: late they are leaving are two llsh at their 138·acre Vancouver 1 working knowledge of law. His and grafting. He also made con­ Manitoba community for a new Maida, 78. He also feel!. that the; hand·fuhloned houses, several-bland home Is another. golf service~ In these lin~s were In tributions to ornithology 11nd en· 1 1 llome in British Columbia. new home ·10 miles north of Vic· Iog barns, a nine • hole golf I course. There, the 'till-vigorous great demand In the area and St. tomology In the province. 1 Evelyn Criddle, 1 bachelor, has I lived with his unmarried sister In one llf the hou~es on the estate.! \ l il He remember! the early days \ ,, /1 when . they tugged rotatoes to : Brandon where they brought 10 1 I cents a sack. Wheat sold for 30 I \ J \ Every minute of ·every day /I ! eents a bushel and a load of wood was worth $2.!50. I I \ . / \ someone, / 1 GOLF CHAI\fP!I 1 I· "It was a long, hard journey '· ' ... "'...... / ' \~ · so mew here , ,l . ,.,' to mtlrket by ox cart-about 26 miles each way " he said. ·,, buys a Fal~on _,/· ~· e::tw"J "Father could run faster-there ', . . ' ~-- ,.;~- ~t,~:;~:--~ and back in one day. Once he did It with six lnchea of ~now on '.... _,.,. the ground." ~, ~~ ' All members of 1he family ' ~~ ...... ,,,o,J; .~· loved sports. In 19!;7-when he ~-- ...... NP.'C If~·""'') was ~Stuart won a rural golf • tournament at nearbv Glenboro and Evelyn four times was Benior champion of the Brandon golf . . tournf!ment. !!tuart still Is 8 t u :1 y 1n g. He It's a honey! spends a good deal of hi~ time in the living room of his home, crammed with scientific reports and bird migra~ion charts, When Ever asked a Falcon owner how he feels about his car? No question he was Interviewed, a pail of about it, he'll tell you-it's great! . new-born snakes stood nearby. Just have a look ipside, he'll say. Ever seen so much room in a car built for ~conomy? Six adults can ride in comfort. Doors open to almost four STEAMSHIP feet wide. Even the trunk is roomy-23 'big cubic feet for sample- cases, or family luggage and fishing gear. MOVEMENTS! THE NFLD. GR~AT LAKES Performance? Smooth, lively power,.and plenty of it-in 'traffic or on STEAl\tSHIPS LTD. the open highway. This year there's a choice of engines-standard Six M.V. Perth loadill'! at Hamil· ton Oct. 18th, or brand-new lOt-horsepower Special Six, for those who want more zip. 1 lllontreal Oct. 20th for St. John'~ · and Botwood. You get up to 35 miles to a gallon of regular gas ... up to 4000 miles 1\I.V. London loading at Three between oil changes .•• and dozens of other economy features all adding Rivers Oct. 18th, Montreal Oct. • 20th for Botwood . up to big savings in the long run. •M.V. Dundee loading at Toronto Oct. 25th, Hamilton Why not chat with a Falcon owner yourself and find out first hand Oct. 26th, Montreal Oct. 29th for St. John'J. why this car is so popular. Then see your nearby Ford-Monarch­ S.S. Gowrie loading at Toron· Falcon Dealer. to Oct. 29th, Hamilton Oct. 30th, Montreal Nov. 2nd for St. John's and Botwood. Last sailing from Lakes will be about Nov. 19th and from Montreal about Nov. 21st. • Refrigeration. CLARKE STEMISHIP CO. Highliner leave l\!ontreal Oct. 12th, arrive Oct. 17th, leave St. John's Oct. 19th (Bay Roberts). 2~th. Highliner leave Montreill Nov 2nd., due St. John'• Nov. 7th, sailing N<.v. 9th. •Gulport leave Montreal Oct. 26th, arrive St. John's Oct. 31st, leave Nov. 2nd. •Novaport leaviJJt! Montreal Nov. 9th, due St. John's Nov.

14th, sailing Nov. 16th. 1 1 •Gulfport leaving ~!ontreal 1 New Health Insurance Plan Nov. 16th, due St. John's Nov. •Fergus leave Charlottetown Oct. 19, due St. John's Oct. 24, takes over where sailing Oct. 26. 21st. sailing Nov. 23rd. Highliner leave Montreal the Provincial Hospital Plan Nov. 23rd, arrive St. John's Nov. 28th, leave St. John's Nov. 30th (Bay Roberts). •Fergus leave Charlottetown, leaves off! Oct 21st, Pictou Oct. 22nd, due St. John's Oct. M, 11Uing Oct. There tire certain expenses not covered . "Novaport leaving Montreal leave Oct. 18th. hy the Provincial Hospital Plan GULl>' AND NORTHERN SHIPPING CO. Now you and your family can be protected in and out of •Fergus leave Charlottetown hospital. Prudential's New Hospital, Surgical, Medical Oct. 14th, leave Pictou Oct. Expense Policy will help you to meet the costs of, 15th, arrive St. John's Oct. 17th, e Professional ambula11ce service I Oct. 28th, leave Pictou, N.S. • X·ray examination and laboratory services Oct. 29th, arrive St. John's Oct. llst, leave St. John'• Nov. 1st. • Surgery •Fergus leave Charlottetown, • Anaesthesia ' . P.E.I. Nov. 4, leave Pictou, N. • Medical supplies and equipment s. Nov. 5th, arrive St. JohD'• • Private or semi· private hospital room and board Nov. 7, leave Nov. 8. • Privata duly nursing care •Fergua leave Charlottetown, • Physician's calls P.E.I. Nov. 12th, ·leave Pictou, N.S. Nov. 12th, arrive St. JohD'• • Treatment by X·ray, radium or other radioactive Nov. 14th, leave St. John'• Nov. substance 1llth. • Physiotherapy ••• by a physiotherapist· •Fergus leaving Charlott. e Medicines and drugs •• , dispensed by a licensed toWn, ·P.E.I. Nov. 18th, leave pharmacist Pictou, N.S. Nov. 19th, arrive St. John'• .Nov. 22nd, leave This new Prudential policy is designed to help you pay same day. for the hospital, surgical and medical expenses that •RefrigeratloL will be billed to you when sickness or accident strikes your family. Strten Star Dies WOODLAND HI L L S, Calif. Other Special Features of tlzis plan: (APl-Ciara Kimball Young, for­ e World·wide coverage ·mer silent screen star. died at the Motion P i e t u r e Country • No aviation exClusions Home and Hospital Saturday. e 31 days' grace period She waa 89. She ata.rted her Hol­ e Participating lywood career in 1921 after act­ ' Ing on Broadway. She formed her e Dependent children covered , •• to age 23 • own film production company or prior to marriage and starred ill The Little Minis· ter, The White Slave, and oth· For the full story on this excitin~ new concept in health era. insurance coverage _phone or wrJte your neighbourhood Prudential Agent about: Mystery Ice Canada's. best-selling ··com;,act· MELBOURNE, Australia (API THE NEW Two ice lumps the size of foot­ balls {ell, from an almost clear blue sky In 85-degree heat sa•• urday. They narrowly miSsed PRUDENTIAL N1W 12,000 MILE WARIANJY. The wdtt111 warranty on al1'1961 falconala12,000 mUll or one full y111r, whichever comes flnt; four golfers at Kilmore. 30 mUes HOSPITAL, SURGICAL, MEDICAL EXPENSE POLICY: ... from Melbourne. The weather ,, ••''""' ••.-.... · The Pru.dentl~llnsurance . bure11u said they ·probably wer~ f • GEO G · :·~~' ·~-. c~r·.-anv o Amer1ca { ~ 95 ELIZABETH AVENUE . ~. ST.JOHWS •.· .• R. ~~~~~NS LIM~!~~ :~ij;~:~:~, ST. JOHN'~, NFLD. ·~ 2 a mutual life insuranca campany ·.-.·.-..,._.. 'P.honl, 9101l ,Phone. 256 Phone 2245 , arrircd here by air Sunday fron, Canadian Head OHice: Toronto, Ontario · · · - 1 n-.1 · , \'ancouver for a short private · visit. -.-:.-·~-· ··--' • THE DAllY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TUE~-DAY, OCTOBER 18,. 1960 .6_,·---~------·------~------~----~~~~~--· "A-S-TR-0~-G~UI~D~E"~--~B~y~C~ee-a~n

Social-Personal For Tuesday, Oc:cb~r I9 Present-For You and Yours ... The outlook is some~ -Column-, what beuer than it wa5 Sunday and Monday, but the a~verse Jo'IO.M GRAND BANK F'ILM PRESENTATION cvclc lingers, with tension and c~olional upsets likely. Nerv.S Mr. and Mrs. Louis Patten of The Wayfarers Dralilali~ Grand Bank motored to St. Group iilm presentation of No ,. arc fr~yed and trivialities as· •ume too much importance. If John'n on. Sunday, while here Business like Show Business, .------·· they are guests at Karwood will be seen tonight, commenc; pc;sible. avoid dtaling with WhiRs. ingat p.m. in the oriental! The ,...e :'C·'rlc. You will m~kc the most Room of the Bamboo Gardens. i . Mahl.WI A Charming Little Hat For Christmas progress by working alone. AuTuMN THANK OFFERIN Membership ner season is $5.00, I TN! Autumn Thank Oflering single ticltets are $1.25. Re· : p o.:J;~ .•. Our 49th sink Ab•l;a, Fu-lure ... E~· 1970 :·ou lt'Y o[ the Gower Street Missionery freshme~ts are Included, a~d , arent ... :s r":·chaccd b)" the t:nitcd not knO''-' a bh:ec~rry, a gra;l!! . Society takes place . at 8 p.m. anyone mterested can get thetr t :· ... : :' from Rus~i' in 1867. a or other fruit when you ~e~ o1c. A n~: ...,· ..!i:..; ~::!-::~ p::::!:t~!'! th:: 1bis evening, October 19th., ~nd membership. at 228 Duck'Yorth B MRS.' MURIEL LAWRENCE ··.·:.;;;on which the Soviet Street, or dml 7724.. , Y brceciing of iruit of greatly in· will be beld in the Memorial ; · · ,,n no doubt regret~ today! creaser! size~uch as grapes as Hall instead o[ the lecture hall. usc ALL PARENTS SHOULD AVOID , :.-: rrice was $7,200,000. big -.:; plums. ORPHAN"GE AID Do you knit? And do you Rf}LINQUISHING Sf;LF· The Autum·n meeting or the have a lot of spare time on RESPECT The Day Under Your Sign t:nited Church Orphanage Aid your hands? The Unitarian Ser· Mr. Bossert didn't go to col· will take place today, Wednes· A..,:~~ (earn March 21 to April 19) LIBRA (Sop!. 23 to Oct. 22) ~icc Committee can use you if lege, The idea of higher educa. : • t"· .. nndJ'" ::t both (April 20 to May 20) SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 2JI . · : ·1 rrobl~:n cf your ld~·Jrt. time If f11c'n:.ti1in c'i:nb;nK nHr mo~~hdl~, BAGS MOOSE 'woolens for the poor children he worked in his uncle's rea· . l 1 :.""~i• other~ {rom U!trg It, (k·\t ht> ~l.llpri;.e<.l at .,-hat•s crt 'lt.e rtb.rr ,,,;('. ~lr. C. R. BraJ:~ of Augusta, of lhe_ world.Don'~ just thi~k estalc office and showed such C' --•. · : fM,y 21 lo Juno i.l) . · ~ ;-·:t .a 1~·1· t•:tb:r:~.kablr :1n~.~~ S.A.GITTARIU> (tlov. 12 to Ou. 211, )taint". who arri\'cd in thl' Pro·: about II · · · d~ It no~. Dtal aptitude for the business that his · 'd·oe 'l':'rt~tli:tg wilh your con· H • -;,,·, .. '';-:11 .,.•r;n\ :r•l a '·:r•l w~.~ ... ,·incc Septrmber 26th lo 1\0 91800 !or more mformalton. relative took him into the firm ~ ,,.,, .... ~.n't ~hrtr:. frr-m d')\nlt '"!:'.tr th·t;,· . moc>~c huntin~. reports that he I . -- alter graduation. · · ' ~·· ' :'~ !Juno 22 Jo July ll) .CAPP.ICO~N (Dec. 22 to Jon. 10) . ·;: ·,,..,. 'fl'1'"'l-:n;;: fnr .t ''IUS" U!lh::ss \"()l:r I}!'::;'':': i• :"~~r •·c:1r h•:-•rt. Oo, t had a rcry ~uccessrul trip. o.n 1 f'I,\ING CJ.UB MEETS , He's enjoyed his work and used :-:· _. · : (' -,h:~.t tt: .. r·ic~:, i\. ,,l':rui ~< thC':tR'h ti:"y \\·:~" IT'!il~• 11rut. :hr I • . ..---... :?Sth. ~lr. Bra~:~: and hts 1 The New! Fhlng every opportunity to expand il. '- -, ''c:;·ll to A";. ll) ~.QUARIUS (J.-n. 21 !o H>. 11) L~' .1 :-:.rt 1:1 :if~ ::.rot! \tY:·J ;,.. m~ch guide camped out in the Upper; Clu? meet~. tomght at !he Today he's' the president of his J · ·· , ~~cre~t. L•:fC'r: ror.duet 'lil'ill h~tt· r n '{ than tiiQ!e playi-:!1'{ apart. : ·Jll in tiqitt piJr.:"t, Humber area, and on the sc· 'Nallonal . ¥ !lm , Board ~utte, community's most re>pected real t'·o:::-:~..:;;.~q PISCES I F•h. 20 to tA•rch lOl cond da,· he ba1:ged a Bull Centre Btuldmg, Ch1!rch Htil at estate firm. . ~ (Aog. i.2 lo S•f'l. 221 1f rn·t .-!">11'1 '.!.Ht w:th h··-r.i_li,~r. tltt.t;~·, · • tl' ~;"C:t ,;,•,, Jllq I".Hn m~e .1 Jl'l'1od c:1a::ce rotfll end Y::t:l hu:nua· moose. Besides I he fo11r quar· 8 o'clock. The meeting _Is o~en ., But he's so disappointed by •• ~pcl:r!-and k~"fl Go;ng 1t. \1')~. 10 tt>rs. )tr. Brag~ took back the ~o all people lntercs~ed avtat· his son's disinterest in higher . ' ' .. : . hide and horns. which had 12 ton or the formation . of the education that he hasn't spoken • points and an even 40 inch ·club. Womc~ wh~ a~e mterest· to him for three days. This sprrad. ed arc especially mvtted. There summer young Bob returned will be guest sveakers and from his first year of college 1 HO~E FRO:'\! HOLIDAY films on aviation. with ba'rely passing marks. Daily living Inspires Janet Henry ~Irs. Florrie Garland, 215 Last week when he advance•! Penn\"well Road. arrived home IN HOSPITAL the Idea of quitting schopl !o 1 from· :'\el\" Yorlc br T.C.A. yes· !lliss Marjorie lltcrcer of' work withe local TV .store, h Is 1 ' 1· terda'" after spending three and Brigus entered the Grace Hos· father shouted: 'P oems 0 n Pare nt no"'ou .._.(!P" ~ ..· ..~;~ h;lf m 0 nth s travelling pita! over the weekend where "What do von 1v!lnl to be-a· ~hrough the United States and she will be receiving medical nothing?· Yim·n finish schO?I· the ~lainland with her sister Itreatment. young man, or get out of t h 1s In Family Atmosp11ere :\lr< Robert L. S~ons and house!" !a 1 ~ih· of S\Tacuse New York. SURPRISE PARTY For Bossert Is an American 1 ' • • ' A surprine party was tender· parent. Without knowing It, he RECEPTIOS AND DINNER ed Miss ;Marguerite Noseworthy shares the national view that A reception and dinner will of 19 Colonial Street on Friday, children must somehow always be beld in honour of the Rev. on the occasion of her birthday. improve on their parents' social: Bro .• J. B. Darcy tonight at the The party was held at the resi· and educational sta!.us whether 1 :'\ewfoumlland Hotel. This will dence of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. they ere equipped to do so or I be under the auspices of St. Locke, 107 St. Clare Ave.' and not. , ' I j A a very pleasant e1•ening was en· That be characterized his own . I ~ Bon's A. · joyed by all who attended. sturdy life's labor as "nothing ' . i: I ' FRO'". AQ'l.'FORTE did not occur to Bossert. It: . , . I' ~fr.... and ""'!\Irs. James Finn of GIRL GUIDE COFFEE never does when we attack t h e [ we.... " r' •··· .....'th ue nut~. •ill any nmterialf of n'adJnablc thicknes.; and \\ouicl be suitable for , 1 1 •t.quaforte. are guests at t h e Recently the St. John's area, you ~.. g 1or re rusc ·ng to 81,81·1 them ·' buta mg·r thWI 1 a dPam 1 smt or dan a ternoon f 1 dress · Care should be l.!k~a thr!· it fils· properly, . Crosbie Hotel while in St. Girl Guides, held a very suc· selves of opportunities that we/ no ~lfflc~lt ~ea s measure care ul Y, and the basic pattern malle to fit there should be I1 John's on a ·\·islt. cessful morning coffee, after· hope will mak.e them .more/ ). __ noon tea and a card party, with ·affluent and socmlly deSJTable I A simple hat is not difficult timetres) ail round the edges. 1or net veiling, using your crown' FROll ESGLEE such stalls as candy, vegetables, than .we are. . to make, and_ ~he h~l sketched Place the_se pieces under the; pattern but making the circle of!

~lr. Jim !lieDonald of Englee dolls clothes, apron, and baked W~tch is a pity. For what th~s 1 herelcan be ftmshed m an arte;· fabnc br m and crown piece 1 fabric two inches ( . centi-1 1 5 08 Is staying at the Crosbie Hotel goods. ambition ~or both f s j noon by anyone who is a fatr a~d stitch together; use catch! metres) larger ali round. Then I 1 ,.,hile on a visit to St. John's. end the chtl~ren IS disrespect. or, needlewoman. You must, of I sttlches and make sure that the! run a line of gathering stitches! FR0:\1 RETl ISLAND For Ha If-Sizes us-:-a. corrosiVe and 't.nco?SCIOU~ I course, b~ sure that this type I s~itchcs are not visible on the I at the edge and arrange I he i II -~lr. J. V. ~lcCarlh)' of Red ~httltng of , what e .a~e d a~ ! of hat .smts your s.hape o~ face, nght side. After joining back [circle over the crown as shown lfland, Placentia Bay is stay. v.hat we ha\e Rccomphs e n I o~herwtse your hme ~111 be scam of brim, press open flat.J in Sketch "B". To hide the edge inz at the Crosbie Hotel while the w~rld. v , \lasted,_ but t~e four dtffer~~t Now turn in ail the edges of lightly stitch a band of ribbon I brmg It up because ha e, suggesttons Will help here 1! the interlining and tack down. ·over it with another below You an a ,-i~it to the city. Ti received so msrr letters / oe~ I you arrange your hair to suit Place a narrow cord· along will need two and a half ~ards 8 I.EA\"ES 'FOR BURIN r e de r s baling m~me~fcan I the hat. . . . . ~he top edge Of the brim,.leav- (2.28 metres) of one·inch (2.54 ~lr. :\fax Mercer, well kno~Yn columns f" 1 ~he t [ 'f 1 You Will need a ptece of ftrm mg the edge sufficiently large centimetres) wide ribbon Janet Henry and children. Fore gound: -1\lrs, Henry, llaby Heldt, phot~rapher of the city, leave.s parent's re cqu s men ° seJ ·.(but not thick) material 18 in· to sew to crown (see Figure 1).' "C". This hat is ~overed Christie, . Background: Karen, 7, Scot, 9, and Ricky, 11. tomorrow for Burin on a bus•· respect. 't h h'ld ches (45.72 centimetres) deep This will give you a narrow with ribbon petals fro which 12 ness trip. In a co~mrm ~ ~0 er~w~ ~ r: by 22 . inche~ (55.88 centime. piping standing up above the you will need eight yards (7_ 31 Ciel'eland _

Penney-Stuckey H.ickey-Healey Wedding Wedding

Mr. and Mrs. Basil ili~kev following their wedding which took place on Septem­ ber 5th at Corpus Chmt• Church, Kilbride. The bride is the former Joan Mar­ lene, daug~ter of Mr. and lllrs. Leo Healey, 45 Waterford Bridge Road while the groom Is the son of :Mrs. and the late Mr. T. Hickey, 72 Cochrane Street. ~e double rir.g ':ercmony was performed by Rev Father McGettigan, P.P. for the oceas1on was Mr. Gerald Healey, uncle of the bride, the soloist ~as Miss Bernadett'! Crotty, cou~in of the bride. The bride was attended by her 11ster, Mrs. Ronald Casey as maid of honor, and Miss Toni Healey and Mrs. Douglas Marshall &\ bririesmaids. Little Ann Healey also a cousin of the bride acted as flowt'r·girl. '

The groom was ~tte11ded by his brother, Hubert as best man with Mr. Robert Thompson and Mr Rich~rd Shortall as ushers. Thomas Hickey also a brother of the groom ably performed the duties of toastmaster. The toast to the bride was proposed by R•,v. FAther Maddigan of St Joseph's Parish. After the reception which was held at the Crystal Palace, the bride and fl'oom le£1 ~~~.a cr•'SS country tour for their honeymo~>n. Mr. and Mrs. Hickey are now resulmg al 5 Topsail Road.

' . - ' ' •. . ~ :. ' ' ' "' . .

WI·.TH TIRIID·DIL~ CUSTOM DELUXE RANGE MODEL SG102LT Fawcett brigh~n& your kitchen with thesP EXCITING FEA'l'URES • Full length, fluorescent lighted THE GREATEST NAM! background. IN HEATING • "Picture frame" chrome back· guard of modern styling with frosted glass light diffuser. • Exclusive Fawcett Syncro·lltatic Draft control ... saves up to 26% in fuel dollars. N·EVER MORE ECONOMICAL • Temnerature rontrolled oven, with· "fingertip" control on back guard. I ••• MORE STYLISH ' , "Mirr

' .....

;· . ~ .. 172 DUCKWORTH STREET PHONE 80341-5 I I· .. I~ ~ THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S; NFLD., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1960 --~------~~------~~------~-----·w------~~----··New Radio Programmes

FAST!ETH, • pleuant alknllnr (non-ocld 1 po... der,I\Oido tal•o teeth more 11.rm1~.To e&t •nd tolk In moro eomlor!, Jiut oprlnltle • little FA8· Tu:rR on rour platfl. No summ;·, Boo.J· putT tute or leellnc. Cbecko "p!ate odor'' (t1enture breath), Got I'AS'J'EETK at anr d:UI counter.

-~- .

..------·-- Rehabilitatfon i Meeting Today The Premicr"s Conference on Rehabilitation or the Di;ablen of the Federal Government that municipalities endea1·our tD un· dertake projects that Cit into ap· .... proved works programs entitling a Federal grant of half the labor . ' costs, the Town of Gander h~s planned a winter work program that will cost about $29,000 io labor, This work program will In All of us have plans and aspirations for the future-a new home­ elude the building up and grad· ing of roadway shoulders in th0 college education for our children-new places to visit-new leisure to town. planting of trees and enjoy. Whatever your plans, Canada Savings Bonds can help you realize bulbs and the de\·clopment of them. For systematic saving, there is no safer or more convenient way a municipal park with picnic sites and walkways ncar Gan· than with Canada Savings Bonds. der Lake. Although these projects have CANADA SAVINGS BONDS are cashable at any time at full face value, yet to be approved by the Fed· plus interest. They are really like dollars with interest coupons era! Go1•ernment. work will be­ gin on the p~ogram today since attached. it is felt by the Gander Town councillors that it is only a THEY PAY INTEREST ANNUALLY -with an average yield of 4.71 mailer of time when appro1·al per cent per year for" ten years. will be given by the authorities in Ottawa. tiiJA' Ml:E AVAILABLE in units ranging from $0() to $5,000. The hit Gl'tbe new series is $10,000 per penon. BCG Progra11z \ ~HMM SAVINGS BONDS are simple w, buy-for cash or systema­ With further reference to the tically out of cutrent income. BCG vaccination program in Bonavista Bay, the following i> To make the 60'11 the best yean of your life , •• the schedule for this week. Tuesday, Oct. 18 ••• At ~iusgravetown Salvation Arm: t School from 10 to 11 a.m. vac· cination of school children and !rom ll to !loon, vaccination of BUY prc·school age children. At Musgravetown United Church School Central .•. 2 to 3 p.m. for school children and 3 to 4 p.m. for pre-school age THE NEW children. Wednesday Oct. 19 ... AI Musgravetown Re-gional High School from ten a.m. to noon D8. for vaccinations. 880 At Musgravetown U n i t e d .· Church School East . • _, 2 to 3 p.m; for school children ar.d 3 to 4 p.m. for pre school age AT YOUR BANK, AUtHORIZED INVESTMENT ~EALER, STOCK BROKER,· : children. NOW! rrri•.:c~~~d All parents arc to 110lc these vaccination hours ·~ -~~ ,...,.T eflt LOAN COMfDANV, OPt THROUGH YOUR COMPANY'S PAYROLL SAVtNeS ,.,_AN. ·:~ ~;.· carefully, ; ' ':''.. ,. . ! . -~ ·.::; ~':.··~ ::;.· ' .


THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 19~0 Playground I Coming Events I - Facilities at I BAY ROBERTS - ~!embers of St. Matthew's C.E.W .A., East St. Edward's A. Conception Bay News Branch, will be holding their annual sale of work and turkev BELL ISLAND (Starf) - St. dinner on November lOth., ilr F..dward's Academy grounds St. ~!atthew's School East. ! ha1·e been equipped with play. C. L. B. Apple IFirst Visit S.O.E. Install Personals Jl'ftund racilitlcs. • __ The U.C. Women's As;or- Since our la·t rolu • · Off JCers HR GRACE M ~ :iation of Shcarstown w11f hold 1 . ,, .. mn appcar-.hank B1cl;ford. St. Edward'~ i~ the third Day Successful In 17 Years " I ' - r. ' 1 oscs' ' rt • Increased arln1tv has been II is nratif · " t b abl t11 achnol In St. Michael's parish BAY ROBERTS - Saturday, Yetman a'nd Nathaniel Yetman 1a. hot .supper and variety sale noted at the Boys c·l~b A new report that ~~~~ t~e. c a e f 0 15 0 th~t h~R hlld playgrnund equip­ October 8th., ''H" Co., C.L.B., BELL ISLAND tSlaff) . arrived from Montreal last 1 With fish pond and other at- game ha' been add d · . . ~ . re • HR. GRACE - The Supreme Iweek to visit their brother ~lr., tractions in the U.C. Sehool "ames ro~m ·u•l "t e ~? the ~enng thc1r scrv1ccs th1s year, mrnt Installed this year. held an Apple Day. The lads, Chief En~ineer S. W. Pollock, 1 1 in uniform, carrying baskets of O.B.E .. 67 years old. veteran of President, Bro. John Bishop Joseph Yetman Harbour Grace IShcal'stown. on Octoh~r 26th~ be verv po 'ut~ \pro\ •.ng _to Ill la_r11er numbers, than on any delicious apples, were out early the British Merchant Navy, (the first Newfoundlander to: South who is s~riously ill at his Suppers will be served at 6. Basketball h;, ·~· he se.nwdr lrrev•ous year. hold this high office) honoured home there. ·~·p.m., adults 75 cents, chilrlt-cn'Th~re arc 1'h"rn ec•: _orgatlllZc · BO)'S 11 ced JeadC!'S alld we • H St 1 in the momilli! showing great \'isitcd here this week on the L d "D' d J b'l " N -o t d . . - ce SClllOr earns' • PI 0- ens 0 en enthusiasm as they solicited the British freighh.•r Wavegate. o ge 1amon u 1 ce! ~- -- " ccn s: a m1sswn 10 and 2a and it looks as if there will be I arc sure that community-mind· patronages of the general pub· It was his first visit here 2~6, S.~.~.B.S., b~ att.endmg, m Sergt. and Mrs. Chesley Yet· Icents. keen competition. It is antici jed neople will not let them RFLL tSLAND (Staff) - A lie. since 1943, when he was Chief h~~ offl~!alff~apac!!Y, ;~s Ipst~l~ man, St. John's, visited Bar- 1 ----- paled that thNc will be four down. a 10n OS op1ce ~s Hm e ar1s bour Grace on Thursday to he I Woman Killed teams in Intermediate Basket- i 175 lb. nil>! and three hen5, the Although weary at the end of Engineer on the freighter Es­ 1 11 1 Ro?m, t. au s a • on 11 on- the guest of Mr. and Mrs. \\'a!-, __ 1 ball, with a like number of i 'llroprrl'l' of 1 resident of the the day, their happy faces told dalegate, in the Wabana, Syd. Front. · were stolen Tu!'sday. the story of the1~ success, for nc.v orr trade. da~. Octber r lOthd bTh~h c~e- ter Yetman, I rnrcsTO:II B c •rPI-A iO I teams in ,Junior Basketball and: nlorht. the ~-e~ponse received was very Mr. Pollock was decorated m~~· was per orme Y e ·~· . -- , ,cear-olrl \;'o.mar. •. 1\'al' shot to i a possibility of three tea~s in,. tr1ct Deputy Supreme Pres!· :'lf1sses Mary and .loan Cor. • tur . h I Bic!dv Basketball The pl~5 bead. with other evi· grahfymg. . for sl'rvice in the Merchant rlr~th s 1 ~ 1 BARBS dent. Bro. Arthur Miller. assist-\ mack St .Tohn's visited their 1 ; ;.a 'turned to Boston, in the rhP..scls 'rantan, Th_i~n.: W3lsh. :\Tack Hearn. Len F"n'.1·.: 1\"c lcnow the anslrcr to l:!lh . ~11~.000 00 worth of !'nl'· day, P.P's. Auditors; A.B.C. Down· the , Gr~eral Hns~1tnl. :"t De~t~m, Rmd_cncf, Hanokp1r, le.r, Carlson Taylor. Ralnh! ··what is th~ dangerous a>'e?• iM~ fln'lrl• had hrrn nurchn~Pil 1\l.----- ing, P.P. and George Lilly, .T?hn s. H1s many fmnds w1sh TeJ~rnef. Sen an, ~ou!d, Lon· P1tts. Graham .Tanes, VaiPntinr 1 n011'! h\' rmolO\'I'PS nr the Comp~n:v. Hunters Trustees hrm a spredy recovery, gu3, Volderoy, SJobJk, :lie I Whalen, Bernie Corb~tt. Bernie! ---~- ln Hosoital . . . Storm. Fitz!!erald, Kevin Galway, "Rrr-1 • . . nn ... "t mi•• it! c;uccessful After the mstallahon cere- The following Faroese fishing nard Whalen. Angus Saull'l?r~. · h1lowsto~e Natrona! Park be- \'OWR C.rnnil 1\nrllo Anc BELL ISLAND (Staff\-:lliss -- mony, a banquet was held and Sh j pp j ng .NeWS vessels also were in port: Ves· Ron Fitzpatrick. Krvin Flern- I came. the ftrst U.S. national 1;,,1 on Oct. 24 25. 211 From Maureen Fitzgerald the Front. I BELL ISLAND !Staff) - A the usual toa~t list was hono~r- turha\'id. Elida. Havor Hl'itc. ing. Don Squires. Stuart Luff.! rark m 18i2. .. . d stnv tuned entered !'t. Clare's Hospital number or Brll Island. peop~e ed. ~he. affa1r conclu~ed w1th . The past 'l'eek the Norwe~ian man. Lewis Bickford, Rav ~li·, ------1 0 ·111 • 011"nr • · ' • · :llnndR\' for treatment. Ihad a I,!O at moose huntmg th1s the Sl!lgmg of the National An- HR. GRACE - There ha~ [!shin!! craft Selestian and qent. Jim Conwav F~ancis, pj.nnons f 1 tl · . to SOil on your dt:tl, for 1tcms Shr ·is thr nau•htcr nf ~Jr. month and most of them have th em. Al so a tt en d'mg from St , h een cons1'd era bl e •actm . "t y on Hcroy h onI sa1"I eu~ from Harbour Power. Charles La he•·.. ' BrucP ·with.· ,~ a milk.. eN lelrt' ·\OUnJ f 10 , 11 orl1·"' •.:1r. and :\Irs. Philip Fitzgerald. he~n successful. John's was Bro. H. :llorgan. the water front during the first. Grace after taking on supplies. Harris, Jim Proudfoot and I their crops. ) secre " rom

f'•rlslenn• Sport Coupe

Drive the new out~and-out standoUt!

WHAT A STANDOUT-this new Pontiac! Distinctive-with the accent on dis· criminating good taste ... elegant-with emphasis on new i·nt_erior luxury and laurentian Sport Sedan unsurpassed convenience. Try it ... put the '61 Pontiac on the road-you'll discover many reasons why it's the new-- A GENERAL MOTORS VALUI (Whitewall tires opllonalat edra toll) STANDOUT IN STYLE i Pontiac's neat, new edge· to· edge proportions are slimmer all'round. New air-foil twin grille is the year's big attention getter-so clean, so distinctively Pontiac! New in spirit! STANDOUT IN COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE! Doors are higher, wider-and new slim line windshield pillars give you perfect vision. Once inside you'll find in· Part1tenne Sport Coupe creased legroom ..• higher, deeper cushioned seats New in splendor! and more headroom. •

STANDOUT IN VALUE I Pontiac's special qualities are a lasting reminder of a sound investment. For style, performance-for lasting driving pleasure, there's no new car like the new '61 Pontiac.

------.. -.. -.------~~------See your local authorized Pontiac Dealer-----~.. ------~ ' .... _. -· .. THE --TERRA NOVA MOTORS, 'LIMITED 5131 '· DIAL ST. JOHN'S,:~ ' : ' ' . '.. - .·~ . -:: '--.;..--~-..;..,;;.+-~-;..,..;,; ___~a-liio.--~-For the best In-drama, 111 "General Moton ~resents" w11kly-check local TV listings for time and channel.------.. . : .

..: · . . ! •, 10 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFlD., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1960 .r~u.------~------~------~------.------.------~-----.------~--- ·-- Mercantile Hockey Opens ·with Star Studded Lineups Double-header .Set For Tonight Fou1 ll:ercantile Hockey teams sporting some of the top Henley to work with him. 1 Sulliv~n and D.. Coaker. hOI'• ey vlayers m St. John's will open the City hockey season John Carter is the Hick· I Refereeing for the Merct.n· at the Pttnce of Wales Arena to·nieht A doubleheader feat· man's goalie. His defence. will tile Lea.gue wi!l be ha.nd.led by uri.lf th~ four clubs will o££icially brmg the winter sport to be Carl Br~wne, Ed. Thistle, the ~emor ~ef s Assoclallon .. , George Phlllips and Nev Hen· W1th tomght's games bemg St John£. · deraon, with Don Yetman, 'Dave: the first organized hockey for Roy~! Bank of Canada and A. E. Hickman, the defendine Batten, Bruce Hollett, Fr:mk the 1960-61 season in St. John's champions, will face-off in t~e opener at. 8.30 Prior to . the Harding, Ron Soper, Austin a large turnout of fans is ex· first ga!T'e, the official openmg ceremomes are set for 8.25 Innes, Tiny Le'Orew, Doul peeled for the doubleheader. wilb Don Jamieson of CJON dropping in the first puck. Vicars, Hickman, Daley, n. With a large number of estab· Tonight'• 1eeond encounter Smith and K. Smith rounding lished players slated to perform 11 slated to get underway at the Arena with the second and out the squad. the League is looking forward 10.00 and will have the new third place finishers meeting, Browning-Harvey's sport Mike 1 to a top season and a close League entry, Browning·H<~r- in the semi·finals. The winner! Casey between the pipes withj race for the honours. vey, meeting Canada Packers of the best of three games semi· Len Picco, Harry Youden, Fre.d . Margarine Flyers. finals will clash with the top North and Peter Duffy as his h k Up for competition in the slot club in a best of five games defence. ' 1 Churc Hoc ey 36 games to be played in the finals. Ira Gulliver, Art Pearce, \wo rounds are three teams Each of the four teams has Doug Chaulk, Gordon Mitchell, trophies and .rour individual several senior and junior league 1 Don .Nos~worthy, A. Foley, Schedule awards. Walsh s Bakery don· players in Its ranks. Charlie Smg, G Pelley and R. ate tt.e championship silver- Royal Bank will have Bob' Moore are set in forward slots. . ware with CJON putting up the' Lane >et for net minding duties lt1 be Nick Thistle in the A metng of the Church first round award and E. B. Iwhile Joe Slaney. Jim Malone, Canada Packer's nets. Howie H.ocke!' eaguc -:as held last Tucker pro1•iding the tr~P?Y Gordon Goobie and Jack Upham M~cker, "Dodo" Br~en, Adrian mght at the, \\ csley Church I fnr the seconcl round. Indl\'ld·l will play defence. Miller and R. Greenmg w11l sec! Yo~ng People • room. It was. ual awards will go to the top! Dou~ Squires promises to be defence action. while up front. dec1dc~ that the League would I scorer top goalie, best de· I the big gun up front for the I for the Margarine Flyers wiJII 1ts schedule Wednesday! fence man and m0.1t valuable, Ro)•als but he'll have Gerry be Junior Thistle, Bert Power, m~ht, October 26th, at the I .. . player. I Russell, Mike Donovan, Ed. Doug Youdcn, Ray Nortall, Prmce of Wal~s Arena. 1 :: The League will play two! Birmingham, Byron Button, Reg·Coughie, W Decker, Bob All games Will start. at 11.00• ...... !!ames every Tues

. '•.

·. THf DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TUE~-DAY, OCTOSER 18, 1960 12 Stock Market Re.port. OUR BOARDING HOUSE Crt1l&U~ liOO 11'1 11'1 11'1 + 141 Jladloro liOO 4t fl fr -11'1 • Crowpat :IODO I I I Rolnvlllo Me 14 14 14 -1 D'AniDD ~ II II II Ra)'I'Oclt 13110 &I • 50 :11 -1 Dt C:our 1000 I I I Realm 1500 ~ :IS\11 ~ -1111 Toroiltil Deer Hora I~ 24 21 24 +II!! Reeves 100 190 110 1DG DeniiOII 2011 925 100 II& +:10 ROUP&I: J100 211!. 11\'o Ill!! - ~ Dome 4011 PI~ 211% 21" Rio A.,OIII 117T 7110 '1'10 no -a ~~ ~ ID W ID R h '1000 1 Eut Mal 3400 141 Ill 131 -8 Jl:a~ Co.; 1500 I~ I; ~ E11& SIIU mo 1~ 150 110 -2 Ryanor 101900 40 :a 311 -1 Elder 11500 101 10! 107 +2 Saa Aal 1112' 138 132 132 · -1 Eureka 1001 1B II II Saad IllY 4000 51!! &I!! 1M Net Falton 1795 $34'4 33\t 341< +I SateiHlo MOO 10 17 17 . -1 loleo lllp Low CioN Cb'ae Forad&1 11500 79 71 71 +2 Shorltt 5715 310 300 110 +If • IIIHIIS F'wool T 11100 1 7 1 -1111 Sll Mil 2500 28 27 21 A.... Cru 5000 I I I Fatima . :1!00 31 30 11 + It or - V.. Adntal4 5920 3111 370 370 -3 FriB"'""'f ll500 5 ! 5 Sll Stand liOO 22 22 112 -1 AllakM :1300 4)111 n a +3 F"'blanor 1000 10 10 10 S!Jeoe mo 102 1110 1012 +I JODO 24 24 24 tl Galtwln 1000 !I!! 5111 5111 Starralt 50015 41!. 41!. 4\!a Aal'l.,... liOO 41 41 41 Geeo "n- 150 16'1'• SltoCI II TOO ·115 -1 1724 31'L 40 1 "' - f16~ 15~~ SUIIvan .~ 17! 151 loiO~~ et50 ~ . c ,.. + OcDOX 5001 1% IZ 12 - ~ SIIDbunl 1000 22 22 ZZ +I +1'1 llllr 11011'1 ~~~~ :;:~_. OG~rt-Ylt ~. J!l~ ~1~ ~1 Taarranll :13110 4~ 4a 41 +7 .vu =500 'IC a:, .. " 1 - 1 • 1 1 Terk·H 4m m 170 175 = 7 11 +I Go1dalo 1000 16111 1&1!1 IIIia Tomar 1000 w n.• m +I ~.. ~~. ,: 4; ~ ;, +4 ~~~.;."[. : J~l> J:l~ ~~~~~ -l ~~~"'l : ~~ : ~ All C Cot :1300 1211 U0 129 ~I G~lcll 500 5 . 5 5 + Iii Ult-Sbaw 1;)00 11 11 II . . .· •. •. 1•m 101;, 9 9 + ;; G•nnar ms 74! no 730 u Asbelloa 200 3mN 315 m 1 .~•:nrc~o 3l(:ftO ~I> 8 941 +2 Ho~ner 100 140 140 Ito -111 Un Kono :11110 110 MD 110 :;In 41111li'IUI I~ lit :W5I!! ~h + It Har-:ltin 1000 ti 5 • Un Fort 1500 14 14 14 - ~• 0 250 - 1 !Iaiii& 3000 m;, 14\\ 141'. - 11 Upp Con 3100 105 103 101 +I B:nklleld 1500 11 11 ~~ 1Ueortway 4000 Jlli ll 31 -1 vcnlurH 17! Ul'!fl 211'.1 24'.1 Baraat llOO 110 IS!\ 1 10', 'L. llnlllnltr 110 S19\i 191'.1 19\\ - I!! \'upar 5SG7 34 32 32 -1 .... llelals lOQO 10\o 101> •• + ... ' l!oylo 700 390 m 390 tHluq 1~ 10 10 10 1 Hud Bar 234 $14',> 41 44~ _ \1olam 31110 !Ill 1M 105 Jltkhtr U30f ~I 19 ;w + 1 Uu&b·Pam !OOO 7 7 7 \\'.,.mae 1166 61 · 61 61 ~-- 3000 11 101.; 10\t .,. ,, lllydra E· ~ 29 29 29 +t wmroy 13350 122 1!I! 120 +21 'Bllb 1000 "" 94 5I'. I I • 10 ~ \Vllls•Y 21000 11 '> 10'\ I ' 19 -1 > Jut MolY 500 l'-i l'\ 51!! Wnrb - I l 5- ~::~~Ray m: i~"' 11:; &;; ~ ;; 'lUI :'\.ck•l J~ 'i:'' ~~·• ~~' Wnrh 4000 6 l 1; -+1! •ralomt )Ill 600 1M MJ + ll ' lmh C"'' 500 160 100 160 + J VoltLnd 2900 \3 1Z • • •• .,.. , M9 2J a 22 -I I Jiron llny .,M 4' '19 39 -2 Vk ll•ar 4200 1!12 100 102 B . k tOO 300 300 300 ., '{IJI,NI .. HOU.Ill HG 1200 'ttl 69 69 +2 TUftSil1< '• J ~DWallo lllOO 31 :10 311 Zcnmac 1()(1(1 11 IT\~ 1R ' '1 I ---,------'-- llUI"rt 4000 7 bl> 7 + 1'o .!•tobUI 2775 104 100 102 +2 1Cadamet • • k !f'll7MI 13711 13711 137l1 T 215 1 J~ll'roooburke JlM6000 117 10\-'16'h 61\ _ 1,_,~ Zulopa &::so20ft 37 265'K 2&1!0 "ll+1 1 I Bwtr rts 2610 14 10 H'l -1 Plar<'r 12ll 12,), T j :zow 12 12 12 - 1.-t; c:-.:nf" ('o 800 t-11• -,J 1 10~- Pecn~'"ore 2~ '~ ~l!JS. 3 3 ~j:,. 4:~:. ~.; .. ~.;..~··~b.. ;.: ~ m ~ :~· i ~;:r Add ~ .~\., ~~I> ~k- ~ Ford us ~~rstlsrs-~:L:6'4 61W. + .. : Mutuar Funds ~~B O~). pr :~~ :;~,. ~:: ~~: ::: :! :;~-~\~(Gad;;; ;~:: ;,.~ ~:;- ~:' {.:.l·i'.~;~~~~ i!;, 3~~ 37; 37~ -\0 I~~~~·~, ~t~ \;~ ~:: :;.. ~;'• ~1 c Tuacattft 3100 137 135 lJS -~ Kllent c IA'll 360o 3 % J +1 Fr rete pr Jon :no 370 !70 'I I B~CEF·tl'3 pr 100 $43l~ 4P4 o43:l'- •a I Qup Pow 17 $3i J7 :li . u 1Pr t.,l&'!'.' • .. -~.10 l!l:ft:;,10 10 '"-~' !n('cre11 :>:.!0) 24512 2944,1c ~~'• -l . , ;,, ... ttnra ':~ 6~ 6 6\1 'f" \~ K,rk Min :!500 2 24 ,4 -1 C orest 1GO $10'' 10\, lOh- •,I Reitman• 400 S17 17 171 , \,,. ~ua•d 6:oo ~cas ,,,, ~ ,_ 3 ,. ~y~n ~ ~~ ~; ~ • • Kopan 14750 3~ J3 331!. - \!a ti~r 'tooO'IDNr.S ' '. :.:.1 .. I Mt:n:.\L f'UNhS :g ~hon• 2~~ Ill;. ~~~- 32w. - . ': Ro• a\' C'an 100 leO 4~0 l9' v:r"inl 2000 10 ' ' -I Doine 1!011 '!3'\ 22'i 2''. +~ · ••• :U $ 1 J,ako Cln 750 ILl 56 ~ +2 Falcon 1795 UN ~m llli >I · BJ Tho Canodao rPe" r. ower 132'• 3:!'• '• + li 51 L Corp Zl•l Sib'• lo't 16'-o : Zulapa 4300'1 :o 26 30 IJoo~las W'JO 29\i 21'• 2E'i- ttL l.l'l 7(1• CCaa·Efln +1 1 J Durault 2100 41 AO ,.. -2 Kop•n 1'~ ~ 33 331.:. Bd • • I ~rak Chern P :200 1103' to~ ... lo~ ... + f..alada·S z7.l $9 9 9 l"nl!itrd 1'\tocL.s OO'A' Cbem ;,EOO 7.5 1·V•' + I:7600.. ; 1:2'i 5112'i 12'i3 ' 3M 310 +10 l'iow"calumol ';i; jj 31 Jl • :1"' Alj Cdo Com :i; ·''"· Crown 12> Sl2'i tm 12'•- ,, Shawin 21S.I !2l'o '''i ,.,, • \d\orote JJno 37' ,~5 375 -5 Dupont 3JOJ le7 1Ui. ., lEl'• -: Colli t"r' :~ ~ ~ ~ : t~~'~ue 2: ~ 61 61 -5 AI Ccln Dv :·~ ti.9 1 Ca~ Pow HOI! 121"'• 2l'.i 21\• - 1< I Showin 4 pr 50 12 ;; 4z -; ,: 'C'mp Chib mo OS~ l~O :1!5 + !! r. .. t Kod 16011 1011> IOl'i !OS'>- 1 400 1 1 ~-.:b·t :, 'r c J•~ 3l :tl _ • La:.n Am !()(1(1 32 31 31 Amercan Growtb 6.28 ~·;~ Can Cent I~'• 24'• 21"•- ' Sha\\n 4•, pr :,o Si7 1 47 1 41 1 C"l D1ot Sus :so ~:;'; 1:•, 1;•,1 Eolon Mf~ 16011 30'1 :9~o 30 - '- '" = • I~ •.:. Lel~ch 800 145 141 LU -& Beaubran 29·..,., 'r.· Can Ccm pr Jj S2{i~!t 26~ 11 26~ 1 1 Simp~nm; 550 S20 ~ :~li '4. 'l6 f.- U.,: CoM Paper tsn $39-~-s3 39 39 - 1~ El Auto L 100 46~., 4.6lh "-i a. 1 0 32 1 C'hah Jao "''""" - 12 ,... '7'01 - •• 2'" c d .u .,g,.,J Can Iron 200 $16111 163" - 1 100 $2'. l.' • "" Ch' 0 ~MIO 431~. 40 43 ~ Lcxlndia 2 1 T.ll ~ ~~ c.a~~ru"ond )11\esbntnt 8.33 ~.~~~ Can Malt 40 555 53 S5~6 + l·'-tt..~ ~nuth.Std Sttm Stf'el TO f11, ,,., 2~.• , ·: ~~, Con G;:s 17i~ $H a 11 li'll .;.. ! j r:l POI"O 011 9'800 3J!a 331\ :!3'1 2 t I 000 21 t~~o\\'111 ~ 3~ 3~0 n'o "' ILL Lnc 20~ 181 161 l:i --: on rea (ha;;,pon Mulual ~-~a:;·;~ CSL pr l:..l $12'• 12'i 12•;- ,, Stcrl Can 3J3 !iH'• ''' ;;,,- '• ~~;?,m;;"' •':~1 'i~ ·;~ 'i~ ~3?, ~:r:~tono ~~-: ll~ ~~~: ~;;,; .:_] 03 ~ D!~~~~; ~~~ ~'> /''. 1'' ' ~; ::~~~~~ 10'11 ~i\: ~\\ ~~\41 1 !z CQmmonll'calth lntor. 1.63 8.44 C B~ Com '90 S03 53 4 - '<4 Strinbg A z270 Sl9 Jq 19 Gi,ont \'K 10<1 SJI'• II'• ll'i - <, Frueh Trl 3900 18'• 1s•; 1!'-. 4-1 (G .-\rrow :o!t\ ~g ~ -t- l.:ondhst 3~ !, 9 9 I Commanvrtallh J Levtr Fu1111 s:u 6:ij ~ g~~; wts ~~ ~~:,. ... ~f' :2~:-~ + ~ I ~cxacllo .50 H9:\4 i9:l~ .!CP,- t4 ltulh:1~o...1 :!"1 Sl!llz Jfl'~ 191~ Gen D>·n ,1)1) J.!l:• 331-' 3::1 - 8 33 1 33 1 1 . llalll'••oll •• .U 1 1.'"' lvw + \ I MOI\'flt:AL CLOSING STOCKS Corporate ln>r.,tn" • 8 51 ' · I"O .: - -· or om Rk :r.l .:i2 52 Kt'fr llctd roo 131..: 1:11...2 + Ge11 Elcr c.:;oo 7.1 74 - "- ~.31 9 ~ j~ S.l~ 1~ 73~A • - 31 9 •lac• 7!0 210 l667 2667 -~1 B7 Tbt Cooadlan l'rtll I Dverolod lne. Sh •. Str "R" 3.10 3"5 c Br Alu " 19 g .. '• Tr Ca·• Pip• n• SIR'> 11'' II''•- '• , ••• ,. 1"1 s.ll'• ,.,., 41'• ~ ,_ Grn Food• 21011 ~I 63'•1 61'',-' 20 20 lC'1arben 6750 43 100112 1!2 112 -1 Ab\t1bt 31'1 DBrda:e ll'i '!Drd•nd Shares :'en 'o-·C Col ;:o $20'• '' 'i+'•,Triad0il 205 20\ :.l::rra.• 1000' '5 45 l5 -14 Grn!\lills 21'• 28 • tt·n ' ~~~...... f;.l''·· ~~.,.. ~~ .,_,.::. ,_rt,l,tacebdMadscn1 3000 287 2U 2S -2 !AhliPr1 11\4 llomTar 13 Domnon Equty CFarihksB 100 !GI• 6 '' -'•,Walk (;.w ln~663 !Jl·• .14·• ~~'':;··•-'·• '·"' \,,tonin 210 137 137 -11 Grn )!otor• ,;~. 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N y k I suptr\'50d Exer !7 5.19 Donohue 1110 513') 15';, If>'\-\' I Co>lle Oil 100<\ 111:> 10'• lC'; -) Srt ! .;:.,,,:.,., 100 "'• u·. j,,, "' ~ew Ah:rr 1015 ~ 4\'a .!,': + ~ ew or £upcrv,•d F..xtc 53 5.~8 ) :Ol llupont 1852 $20'4 20"' 20'1 - ~~' Chrmalloy 620 :111 200 205 • :, ~lork Satrs Sl;h to.- Clo" Ch're too•::'< Tho 1900 15'o p, ll'• ~- ~rw Ath 1000 26 :s~t.~ 16 -1 I Supervstd GrO\\th Fuftd l.l4 us' Eloclrolux ,;o 51~'> 19'' 19'• 1 Chib Copp R'o a:, t '' 'd·:msog 12~J 79'o 771,1 77\t1 -m 'l.'rt" Co WU c,l 33'< :..l'i- 9 Ntw Cal 500 31 :II Sl -1 x-TV Electronc ~.66 e.l5 i ford li S 1011 S>l.i'.l .V'i'i'l 66'-> +5 1 Clr~elond 2000 9 9 9 ,',llr&any 19~'1 IG'• 10',; 101•- lO ~;c;(r• •d 100 2l'• 25'• :z.i'<- ~ ;;ew Deihl 1000 10 10 ID NEW YORK CLOSING STOCKS 'Tmod ln•·oslmtnl Faod 5.3> ;.JR, Foundaln 3Rl SB'4 B~a s>, ICC Cad z80 I 1 I 'AlE' Ch 6000 :15'11 21°i 24 • "''"'' 1WO Sl Pl ol"' + ~ -.; Dlck•n 2300 :1:95 W 2N +10 BJ Tbe Ca111da1> Pro11 t l'n:rd Aow Hosco 8150 4! 40 45 +5 Beth Sl•tl 4110 K•Mocott T.J'> x-li.S. Funds. Fross! A z5 Sll\1 Hl> !41.; ' Crn Pet• 1;no 37 10 87 • 17 1-1 , .... , 769J m, 35h 35'1 •tum Ont 12VO 30', " 1 JO 1 :-; Ktlort ~00 91,> 9 9\1 + 1!. BorK Warner 311'o Monty W 27'• 1 Gatlneau ~ 45 136'' 36\; 36'>- y., ll En~ 16.1 117 17 1: ~ ' Am ~lo!f! 35;thJ 21'o m.1 21'o + '~ ~-lrnsan Ch 97110 39'• 31' 4 3! > + • ~:ewlund 4000 13\-l 13 13 C and 0 37Vf. NY Cent 16~ Gnt 5~ Pr !5 $1()3 105 Hl.'i I Dom J.rase 200 ltl.i 1n:> 10'i \. 1 ,..;,l•dt Y JIJ :)fl1 491 49~•-1 t.~ \tr.nt \\'rri 440J Zi4w. :r;t,. :.!7211- ~ :-.: lblam• 12100 ~ u 49 -1 Con!'l EdiDD 64" Jtado Corp ~33~ M I Gen 5otors Z2.S $43 43 4:1: n Oilcloth z~65 ~23 ~J ~:1 J. 1 \:~l Strl t)\Q(J 1Z .l 12 'I 12 ,. ~at Al'iat F"(l() 28 2i•.: 271.-;- ~fW Taka 1100 14 13 13 -1 El Auto El 481'. Std 01 NJ 401o ontrea GL Papor ztO $40 40 40 E"t Sull ICO 151 m 151 -2 ''"'Tel moo ~j n 9l'•1 -2 ·:ot Di't 34011 26'• 26 l6 - ~ Xlckel MS 184! 38 34 :14\!a -11'1 Gca E)oc 74 Utd Arrrall l~'• Handy Andy 100 SlJ'!.I. 13\i !3'1- V. F.1b 2:0J 9 ?.'1 9 , Am Tob 2200 63\1 62•.; f2 >- ~;, Xet Gyps 1l:lll Sh SJ'• :o<; • ~ ·;te!l Rim 1227 33 29 33 t3 Goodyear J6\l Vacadum t7!i Home 011 A !0 830 830 830 Falcon JGO SH 3: ·' 2 ,\r.•eonrta ,70j 431> 42'• 13'' + ''1 Ctnl 2700 16'• 16\> 16\, - 8AVK YOU MONEY 1 w, ~Y ~ XplJSinl 1000 12 71 12 -1 Gt Nor 1\1 4,m WHIDIM 10 Home Oil R tOO 76! 765 7B5 -10 Functy POOO '4 3 l''- '> Mr.\Co Stl 2~00 62'1 61'< ma .._ i '.Y ~~~ liYl J', 3 3 :;oranda 405 $39"1 lt 39 - 14 lnl T lbd T 40'4 M<'•:'ITRE.U CLOSING II Smith 110 $36\<& ;o•l 36'1 ! Gaspo 011 zJ:O l'z n t•, Mm Ck 111'10 46 4m 46 > '> nr Pac 20011 37lo 37'i Pi ~~~~~§~;;!!I ~orbeau 200G 0 41 41 -1 I BJ Tbo Caaadon PrmSTO~KS , llud Bay 240 $14'> 44 44'1 _ '!>' Go!~ Age 12CO ~~ 4:, 41; +9 · Tinbro~ ~ ·:orpax 311011 7 ! I -I!! lef< Quota!lons in cents unlm markod Imp Tob 1075 $12% 12'1 m; lnt Ceram 4o01 10\, Ill 10 -1 Aoe.:IC .\ir 4700 3;9,,. 31''' 31\i.- L:: PrM RR -47ll0 1l 11'•- '.i 1 ttl~ ~~ Coldatnn t7S N 16 N +1 IS. 1-0dd lot, xd-Ex-cllvd•nd, n-Ex· lnd Acc•p 750 $12 4111 411', _,.. lso 1500 42 42 42 +4 I norden Co GOO • 49'\ lm- . p·.,..,, D 2i0t' Wa 1:•; ~~ ~:anp A wta 10 0 37~; 37\2 37"'- ~ ri.ghlJ, xw-Ex·warranil. 1 Ind Ac 4.50 pr z20 $95 95 !l5 I Lint:slde 35CO 4 4 -1 i UM.": War '2.!'1!0 3~~, 34 Hh + ~f. I p:,Jco 3£00 20 1ra 19.i. North Can liOO 106 lOS 101 -· N•t 1 lnt N!rke) 760 Sl!'. 46 .. 4E'• + \~I )l1 , Pt Plait G :9;)() 1~;\, m t:l ··2'1 :>~udul ~ II ·10 Ill -1 BJ no Cnadu Preu Abilib 7~7 S37'i 37'1 •7'1-" lnt lltll 155 36'4 :J1 600 M !55 !15 +2 IIIHk !Ill.. llrh Low Clooo Cb'l• Abltib pr 100 $23V, 2m 23\< 1Inl Ulil pr 25 41'·• 41'• 41'• _ •, • \1 R llalrlrs zl3 1;o, ·,,, !lurnu~h< ':'" 31"• Jl', CF,- • <'I 6~00 :,,,, ~''' :~''• ·-' Wt1! show you But!tr o::a Raro 1000 \3 13 13 JNDUSTaL\LS ' Al1oma 525 $32',1 321 32 lnlrrpro'· pi 700 $5 57'• 01'• _ \• :.1 R R•r• r:!l $19 tP 19 'C>IUnten< 2illl !7''• ;•; 7'•- •• Can llr; "" 20'• 11'• 21'• - '• •ley Tu;, ::~1 ~,-, r:'• >1 - ,,, build in IS nearby- )l'Omloka :rm 560 !ISO 5.1! l'bna 7000 Ill\ 8~ 1111 Al•m 2 32.1 S46'i 46 46 -If• Jamaica 200 $31', 31 31 +I : ~ Formaou 2r.M 4h' 4 4'' -1 ·' rPil 11111 :h 21'• 11'• • '. ~ ...:ol n"t :;n·• :.;•, ,, , :;•, lntroduee you to owners­ Orthftn 8200 1.0 115 '139 +4 CPR *' 121 lB'I 21~- ~I Alumin 722 2~· :19\l 29~- \i Lo.. I c,e .II 300(\ 9'• 9<, 9'i • ,, >c"r; Rorb 010'1 :.:•, :, •.•. , . '· )rntlbY 1000 21 20 :lll ~1 Cflns Gu !15112 114% 14\1 14V• Argus 250pr 50 $48 41 48 -I MB aud Pr 315 Ill 14 14 _ ', X Spring 2000 l"> ~'> 2'; - '> • Calrr Rae l6Cll 3'o 3~ 3'• - '• Sehll 01 2\00 ;5;, OJ· .SO, - ·• show you facti and O;ioko 3100 25 Zl 25 Bell J:lt!! $46~ 41.1'• - + 14 1 B~ Oil 17! S29 :111'1 21'o Ma" f'er 730 S&;l · 8"1 ~'< + 1,1 :\Q Pow ,,, $~!. 26 :o ~1 Cdlan<>• fiOO ~Gl, 21'• 26'• + '< ~\oralon !6,0 t;•, I~'• 17'•-' ?aramaq 3000 s~ 5 ~~ OILS I CJL 593 115\'> 1!1'. IW. }la MH•h Rob A 100 SIOI'o 101> 16\0 + v. Oprmbko ~~ry 555 m !>53 "5 I Chance Vrt m<> 35 i 34'•1 34'• + '' ~oco.w 9:00 4'l', 39', "' l'ee Expl 10000 17 II 1• -1 Petrol 15200 13 10 10 , Ball 8 5 pr 115 1171-4 17'1 17" ~lol>on A 13! S22h 22'• ~~. _ ••l Clue Cobalt 300 215 240 21~ • 5 I Chry•ler lllOO ;4'• 43 • m.-1 '• Sp•rn R 14900 19'• IS'' :~·,-' PeerlPII soo 1~ 10~ 1~ MaJorta• 11100 ~ 2 .2~ + ·" Blnk Mont 166 Sl3 52~· 53 + ~4 M~!iOR pr 125 S41:1..~ 41'~ 41Pf. I Que FB !I~'?? :\11 .:'1~ 3\1 T ~I Cif!cc: S\'C :lil~(J ~''i .u~·~ 48 • ... [.0,. lJ d nrlr.d 1101 ·H='I w .. t".-- ,, PrtltDa !.00 4i0 470 470 +10 I c Draa 11000 17 16 16\o -1 Bonk NS 89Cl $60\!a 60 60 - .... Mol•on 8 z6 22'> 22'' 22''a Qup Phone ziO $32'" 32'' 32'1 Cle'lle 2200 S6'· 5.1'• s;,; - 1; Std 0!1 Cal 790 w. 4o ~6'• - " Prot Air IN7401 100 1411 155 -13 Tdal 10600 31 n 31 +2 Banque C N 171 ISO 50 :;o i ~Ill Loro al5 $13'• 1314 13"• Tiobmal so"' n a 8 I Cot., Cola 3ROO 61;>, n•, COo .._ '• <:d o I lnd 4'~O till\ p -10 . COhll Sol\' 19'• ·~·· 19'•- '· . ,., .. P,\CK • ,, •,:: lC'• ..,. ~Ut Cbtb IJ!O 17 1!14 11, -1'.1 l\1anor 1011900 40 11 3! -2 Boll Phon• 2791 $46\!a 46V, 4~- \4o I .'IS lp 410 $1~'• 15 15 m • 1, Shop S.w• 1!8 116'o 6'1 6'<- { ...... Q ld!lal lm!O Iff tl Iff +I Black 'Bar 71100 11 ~ 1\\ + 1,\ B•·tr Paper 100 $110 71; 71>- '!> jl'ae Ptl• 700 Slo•; 10.. 10,.. _ ,, Tache 4(!00 8 8 R +I Cnnt Can 4900 35'• 31', 3! - •, Tox Sulphr 4;0.1 16'1 I''' 1'',- 'I Quomont .CS tt5 ,D • lolape MIMO Jl 21 Ill +ll Brazil 2245 ______4M 445 44A -10 Pa~• HerJ 245 121:.:__::.:__::.:__:__:::_ 21 2~ + 11 . Tazla____ _:_:.:.:_~:.:_ 7ll00 10 _ _:_::_.:_~:_''I 9 ,~ _ _:co~p~w~Stettl'Con 0>1 llo&2100 3Pf.:.3'• 33s,..;,.. , ;!3:3.4 -I . Ttl!e\Uttrr .• u~ol 23CO•":o 2031 19'•13'• !~=•-:. oG t1': • · I 'f1mken 900 49Ld!~::'lt-& .. t'~ Twent C ~ 10'1 40 ..fO ---,-··--- (!n Carb taon 11:1-: tH:: n,;z.. -1 I l'''l A;rr ;:ll[J 40 3~'• ~~" - nd l:orp lPf~ 7'• ";~'" i'• - 'I c~ G.>P~ inl 92 ~,. !Ill'- =• with solid beauty Ir,:; P.ubbt'r 1;no J.;•. ~6 •t> - 11 1 t:s StPct ~~co ;51, i.'=• 73'•- ":'i \ M:Idiam •~·n ti3• 10· ~ ~i . !! W;:!!(ers 2r,o :5t01 lS 1-: :j' ~ - 'I It's rather hard to get a word in when \\' l n Tel ''~"'o J~~. 4jl, l·:,. : W~•thn 14000 !(13 6 ~9)• 'iii - '~I tt·~ere's so much car leaping out cf the page! WoO~\'.th liOO 69 ~~~ ~~2 • It4 But then, who wants to read when they're I face to face with this kind of solid beauty? I There's a Plymouth dealer near you anxious American to hand you the keys and tell the story of the I AMEniC,\S CLUSISG ,TOCU newest car that ever graced the highway. Jlf ft11 AIJctelate4 l'nll

Amrrican Steck ~ac:hance-(Jet tT ld - Exodtvldond; u - Ex·rtahto; .,._ f:C:•W arrants. Jla4 8tHk 111eo llfP Ltw et•• Ch'r• Aoaeon 9700 lO % 110 lltll PbOI!I !GO 4n6 47\4 ""4 + ;6 llral!ll 2100 T 6% T BA Oil 600 »>ii 19\1 !18\i - " Jlullk 1111 4011 10 Ill 111 - '4 Burry Bls 1~ 15% 1511 1ru +1\l Can So 011 1580 J 2 15-1& I • 1-1• CIJI Kare 1700 ~ 514 ~ + 10 Chesbro 11100 )4\4 JMI )4 Con M S 100 IJ\l 1110 11\l - '4 errol• 1!00 JO »Ill :191!. + 141 ,,••.• r.p 200 lilt 10% 10\!a Dome EQ liDO T '"' m - \I Duke l'ow 200 .V.s4SV. 43'4 + " Ford Coo 1011 1%7 126\t 1211'1 +1 Ford Ud 1500 U¥.V 11 .. ~'AI U Gldfld 4300 . 1V.. lAO I - % BolllnJer !00 » 20 ttl Jmp 011 700 34 131< 33\4 - " Jm~ Tob C :!00 12'1 12'!11 U% - 10 J'uptter 2700 llo 111 1.,. -1·18 :.~ ....Y r 2000 ' s-. '"' - 11 ~eiebi 900 U1-l: 83'A ~ + 'ri Molrbd• )380 - :15111 J5'\ - ~4 N•l Pete tslllll 2 1·15 I IJ·IS 11.5-10 t 1-16 NJ Zinc 1100 IMI 1141 lt\1 + 11 Pae Pete 7300 !MI. 10\t 1000 + '1 Pac Pot. wt 1300 1\\ 5% !li - '1 Pontepoc J(IOO 13·:6 '• 13·15 • 1-t• Pow Kortt 100 411'1 41'1 ~... + 11, Que Pow '20 5\.l 51• SL: -4- t.;, S~er Wms 160 1151< I nt, IIS'i - \1 Sll l'en fl leO lO ~~. 29'• ...:.... ~ Std Oil K7 1000 a-. M'l 6.1'4 +1 Ttebclr 1500 114 lrw I - '4 'In• Lus ItO IN 12'4 !2ao + \4 WrTr~·· IIIII wt lHO•;!(10 "~1\4 ""1141 ""'1\l

Fury 2-door hardtop •

-. THE NEW PLYMOUTH •• f e e I • e.. e .• e e e Q.,j~ll .-·\WARRA·M·t'ED 12,0_00 MILE.S OR O"E FULL YEAR (w.hlchever first occurs) 1 • ~·~: t r • '. • ': '.-~ I '\ • "'


•• ST. JOHN'S, NFLD . · · 685 W~TER STREET . ,,,. DIAL.IOOSl-10032 \•, '' . . '.

• I ' •

1HE DAILY NEW$, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1960 13 .:::::::::::::::::::::;;::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::~~~T~H;E~S~TO~R~Y~O;F~M:A~R~TH~A~W~A;YN~E~------~~------;By~W~.~S~HR~U~G~G~S f • JACOBY ·HAVE A MODERN KITCHEN ON BRIDGE .with •• ef these up-to-the-minute BEST LEAD IS FROM WEST ACE BY OSWALD JACOBY CHROME KITCHEN SETS South played dummy's seven of hearts on West's four spot Enjoy t h e sparkling and took East's ten with the jack. He led a diamond . to beauty of attractive and dummy's ace and eontinul!d the suit. The finesse of the jack gay colo~r combinations lost to West's queen and West led another heart. South won with dummy'a queen and and patterns, treat your· cashed the last two diamonds, the ace of hears and three self to the kitchen com· clubs for a total of nine tricks. PRISCILLA'S POP !y AL VE~MEU East was critical of West's fort of the neatly uphol­ heart continuation. He pointed out that a spade shift would stered chairs . • • t h a have produced four spade ti.·icks and set the hand. West felt that his heart play was washable plastic fabrics safe and that he could not /guess that South held only and the matching table i queen and one spade. ' I agree with West to the ex· FROM tops are so·o·o easy to I tent that a s'padc sltift looked I like a losing gamble, but West clean, and keep clean I . . that you will want to go NORTll 14 $54.50 .1064 \'AQ7 UP. modprn • 1 1 go chrome +AU 7 5 .7 53 I TERMS AVAILABLE. ••• right away. WEST EAST .A952 .KJ73 By M!RRELL 81.0&8!11 .K854 ¥ 1D63 FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS + Ql03 +64 STYLISH "olO 6 .J882 .A.HEM! l'M AYN!.A8L! I SOUTH (D) lbN IGJ..IT, TC.c:F.J!MIIR.'I. .QB .-""~-~· 3·PIECE BEDROOM SETS ¥J 92 + KJ82 .AKQ4 Both \'Uinerable South \Vrst N11rth F.asL I N.T. Pass 3 N.T. Pas• Pass Pan Openlni lrad-¥ 4

had gone wrong on his opening . lead, I He should have opened the deuce of &pades; not the four I of hearts. Of eourse, there are 1f~lcnty of Instances In which the heart lead would work out BUGS BUNNY By L!ON SCHL!&ING!R Ibetter, but year In and year ·out I can recommend the lead 1 {rom an ace over tha lead from ! a king-against a no-trump Here's the furniture that will add just the properly elegant I contract. This was certainly one of those times. touch to your bedroom. The beauty of these suites is that, be· 1 silles their beauty, they have all the most praCtical considera· CARD Sense tieM taken care of as well .•• lots and lots of drawer space Q-The bidding has been: • , • large, clear mirrors .• sturdy construction throughout the i West North Ea&t South eteeeutien of the superb modern desisn. , • See them for your· 11 • Double Pan I ' 3 • Pasa Pass ? .-If anll we nHII say no more. .. ..-. 1· You, .South, hold: · .654 .KB76 +QlO 643 .A What do you do? A-Bid four diamonds. You still have a mighty ftne hand. $89.95 UP TODAY'll QUESTION West bid• four apades and MORTY ME!Klf ·~. By DICK CAVELL your partner doubles, What do • 1 TIRMS AVAILABLE. 'you do now? A~~&wer Tomorrew r------, 3 .PIECE !\ Capitol ; · :I Today I I' JACK LEMMON CHESTERFIELD SUITES ! SHIRLEY MACLAINE I FRED MaeMURRAY IN "'DIE APARTMENT" Bilb' Wilder'• newest film, ·•Tite Apartment," il a comedy, · but that description only skims Ithe surface of the film's Intent. By l!Slt! 1'\JWNII 1 lt also containa pathos, near· CAPTAIN EASY tragedy, aatlre and a wealth of ...... ·-··-·-· ··-·-""..!.. --- observation on life. ~~~~~~~ "The Apartment," which opens •omorrow at the Capitol Theatn through United Artists release, is a biting view of deed • and action in the aspirin age, 1 with emphasis on the pursuit of money and sex. It stars Jack Lemmon (in a role that for the first time . exploits to the full· est degree what Is ac:knowledg· ed to be the finest young com· edy talent in Hollywood), Shir· ley MacLaine and Fred Mac· Y• ••• jou can add new life to your living room and pro­ Murray. vitle new comfott for your family wh~n you choose one of the The strong supporting east of "The Apartment" is headed by llrikingly beautiful new chesterfield suites at the GNat East· Ray Walston, David Lewis, Jack ent Oil. Come In and see the rich fabrics, in all the new shades Kruschen, Joan Shawlee, Edie Adams (in her movie debut) BOOTS BUDDIES By !DGAR MART?N ••• sink into the solid comfort of 'foam rubber cushions •.•• and Hope Holiday. AND Hl!\l A Mtrisch Company presen· lheck the solid construction and sleek design-we think you'll 1 1 tation, "The Apartment" was fhMI that your new chesterfield sutte is here. I produced and directed by Billy Wilder, who also collaborated on the screenplay with I.A.L. FROM Diamond. Joseph LaShelle was chief cinematographer, and the background score waa written by Adolph Deutsch. . "The Apartment" wu filmed $179.50 in part on location in New York City, the high spot of which UP. was the utilization of what the cast referred to as the $38,000,· 000 prop, The "prop" Is a Fer prempt and eHicient furna.ce •nd stove oil delivery brand-new eommercial building the financial district, the ex· terior and lobby el which serv· DIAL 7469.-3007-3001 ed as part ot the maiD office of the huge Insurance office in which most of the characters in ALL£Y COP By V. T. HAMLIN the lllm work. For the studio shooting in Hollywood, some ten major sets were constructed, at 11 cost in excess ·of $400,000. These in· THE 6REAT~.EASTERN ·oiL eluded the exterior of a New York street, the, Interior of the huge insurance office, the lobby of the building, a saloon, a res· taurant, and, among others, the ~OMPANY, LIMir~o apartment of the. title. CORNER :ST. JOHN'S BROOK Virginla rolonists · Imported "\. ·~IELL ISLAND WINDSOR the first cows to t~e North America'\ continent .

.------~!"'-'------' milkCamel tastes mlllt oily. i~ rweet; whale r:F;.~ .:~ .,\'). '~ ..

• • ! . •. • 14 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TUESDAY, OCTO'/" 18, 1960

GIRL-Fond of children. Own room. T.V. All modem TO-DAY'S conveniences for ·business WATCHES· FLYING NEAL~s~.::. couple. other help kept. lloys' Watches $6.25-$6.95 Good wages. Write Mrs. . SPECIAL lOCI\ MARK£' t.. Wm Sucher, 444 Trenton, Girls' Watches ...... $5.95 1 CLUB Montreal 16, Que. Nurses Watches ...... $9.98 1959 Chev. Prompt Delivery On ocll7,18.19 Nuns 17 jewel The Meeling for the . • STOVE OIL CONTRt\l'1'0R-We do all • FURNACE OIL lncabloc ...... $29.95 Formation of the Flying 4-door Automatic kinds, in side renovating, I I liARD COAL . I sparkling, painting, out side Ladies' 17 jewel Club will be held TO­ Low mileage. • SOFT COAL Watches ...... $11.25 NIGHT at 8 p.m. •at the • IRON FIREMAN repairs painting and etc. A. HEATING EQUIPIIJENT.· Stockley. Phone 3371-L. Ladies' 17 jewel Nationaj Film Board, McKINLAY oct7,1mth Bangle Watches $19.95 Centre '"Building, Church OPPORTUNITIES Ladies' 17 jewel Rhine­ Hill. This Mee1ing is ~OTORS P t\R'l' time work to reliable stone Watches .... $21.00 open to all persons in­ LTD. resident in this area mak· il!g light deliveries in a Wt;~tches terested in the formation AUCTION Men's LeMARCHANT ROAD car or small truck. No · ' from .... $7,95 to $11.95 of this Flying Club in PHONE 4193 - 4 • 5 selling inv>llved. The indi· · SLIVERS and KNOT HOLES Men's new Floating St. John's. vidual selected must have a TODAY good dri\'ing record and be Dial Jewelled .... $16.95 insurable. Only those in· Men.'s 21 jewel Watchse ---·-- AUTO PARTS (Whole) ' tcrested in a long term ar· FOR SALE • I OCT. 18th ran;:ement ne"cd apply. (with or without Nfld. Calendar...... :.$16.25 Fly to St. Pierre Starting salary $68.50 per 1956 FORD CUSTOM­ Armature week. The applicant must Men's .41 jewel For mformation call Works 11.30 a.m. be prepared to work steady Watches ...... $23.50 MRS. O'BRIEN at LINE on a year .round basis and have $1500.00 cash avail· Also a variety of Alarm 4461A or 90797L :14 HEA.D able. No others need apply. 1 Excellent condition. I • Clocks and Travel Clocks ~ For taxi-boat service call Tu-lane, built-in radio, Wrile to Box No. 203, c;o '1 "If you would have thl! at the best prices in town. 1 News. house reroofed and insula!· FRANK DUNNE at heater and defroster. CHD-IC·E ed it would not be .so .. damp POWER'S All new tires. Bl•ILDING MATERIALS -- and uncomfortable all the 2376. FOR ALL "OUR Exterior time!" GIFT CENTRE, CHESTER DAWE, LTD. BUTCHERS' and Interior Pair.ting, aug23,1mth SHAW' ST. and TOPSAIL RD Paper Hanging, Cleaning, The lady is right Mister 160 MILITARY ROAD. For all your Building Roofing, etc. 'Phone L. And if your house is cold Requirements cal: ott,s,m,w Howell, 739 !H or 3752A. and damp. you will ~avt 80161-91171 CATTLE m~ncy and be 11 lot Keep the phones ringing a CHICAGO (APl-Two lorna· FOR ALL your Interior and morl! comfortable with a good YOWR's Grand. Radio Auc · does struck in Texas Sunday. --- exterior painting and ELECTRICAL 5turcly roof and insulation NEWFOUNDLAND sparkling. Contact Frank tion on Oct. 24, 25, 26, as the One smashed a farm home in Come in anrl talk it o1·er 000 item~ are presented b" Sinton, injuring It persons, two APPLIANCES ~Ielendy. Phone 4767F. 1 seriously. Another touched down · SERVICES ·_ Free estimates. jne29,U ll'ith u:- totla'' tht auctioneers at 800 on at Seguin, damaging homes an1 ~our dial. •• new high school., One injury FlJH!'IITllll: REPAIRS - Re· was reportcrl in the ~econrt pail< to spring-filled mat· A frieze of 3500 B.C. loc~ted :•tnrm. ElsrwherP, snow reached trrs:;cs. Ch~ terfield suites "It Ur of the Chald!'es shows a tlepths of fil•e inch!!s in parts Of al5o rebuilt. Fifty years' d:liry lcl'nt'. Colorado. cxperie,Jce. Keats Maltrest I Factory, 16 ~ount Royal Ave. j Dia I 9275~ or 2656. ""'!rii'JI iTIIE CENTRAL BARBER Ill I SHOP-We are now operat· JUST ARRIVED r-· ing 10 chairs, you can be assured of prompt, ef!ici· WATER STREET WEST SIMPSONS-SEARS ! ·cnt, sanitary ser1•ice. No PHONE 3011 walling problem. 24 New FAMOUS KENMORE Gower Street opposite Ade­ laide ~rotors, Ltd. Where To Stay SPACE . HEATERS FOR SALE NEW ME'fiiOD RUG CLEAN· MODELS FOR EVERY HOME ERS-·Rugs and Carpet Balsam Hotel· made to look like new. BARNES ROAJ HEATING NEED AND COMFORT Von Schrader process adds Slh:ated in the Heart of 1 rea~s to life of rugs Clean· the Cit:. NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS TIL ed in home or at our plant. JANUARY, 1961 'Phone 91033,. New Method Quiet, Comfortable Atmo• Rug Cleaners, Freshwater phere. Road. For heservation~ a 1d in­ formation. 18" X 14" X 33'1 $74.95 ...... $139.95$7.00 per Month


USED ·EQUIP.MENT . . L. HEALEY Cross Roads and Water Street Dial S026 Notice

INSURANCE AGENTS NOTICE is hereby given that FOR SALE REUBEN GERALD SHEAVES, AND BROKERS of Channe I, in the Province of · ·:Autonzatic Printing Presses Newfoundland, Stevedore, will apply to the Parliament . of Canada, at the present or next ' following &ession thereof, for a 1 METEOR . Sheet Size ·11" X 19·". Statutory Noti~e Bill of Divorce from his wife, ANNIE GLENDORA l KELLY B Sheet Size 17" . X 22". In the matter or the Will and SHEAVES, residing at 14 Bea­ REG. T. MORGAN Estate of Plemon Carlet Tay­ con Street, in the Town of INSURANCE LIMITED lor late of Saint John's In the North Sydney, in the 'County 1 KELLY No. 1· Sheet Size 22" x 28". Temple Bldg., P.O. Bo1 168, Island o f Newfoundland, of Cape Breton, Province of 341 Duckworth St. Longshoreman, deceased. Nova Scotia, on the ground of Dial 80370 ·or 7756 adultery. 1. KELLY No. 2 Sheet Size 24" x. 35". All persons claiming to be DATED at Sydney, Nova DRUG STORES creditors of or who have any Scotia, this 13th day of Octo­ claims or demands upon or af­ ber, A.D. 1960. 1 DAVIDSON . OFFSET oct18,25novl,B M. CONNORS LTD., fecting the estate of Plemon X Carlet Taylor late of Saint Sheet Size 10" 14". Prescriptions Pickup and John's aforesaid, Longshore­ delivery service, Phone 2206 man, deceased, are requested ALSO to send· particulars of their AYLWARD'S DIAL 90070 claims in writing, duly attest­ PBARMAct ed, to the undersigned, solicit­ 1 Model Double 0 Cleveland FOLDER Cor. Moncby & Empire An ors for the executrix of the said will, on or ·before the 27th (Automatic .Feed). PARKDALE · day of October A.D. 1960, after PHARMACY which dale the executriN will Elizabeth Ave. proceed to distribute the said ..1 BROWN· FOLDER (Hand· · F,ed) estate having regard only to Dial 91120 the claims of which she ·shall • Fold · Size 12" · " 12" ~ 24" X 34". then have had notice. Dated at Saint John's afore· .said this 27th day of September :FQ.r further information apply A.D. 1960. HOME DELIVERY I I 1' . ' • \ WOOD & KELLY, DIAL. Solicitors for the executrix 2141 of the Will of Plemon Carle! Taylor, deceased. BeYerag~· S'ales The. ~ . . OAILY ·NEWS. CN _Ltd· ... 367 Duckworth Street, t·;•. ~ • ... •h·· ~ ., .. •.... St. .John's, Nfld. Lrquor Contrbll. (Not inserted by Board ut scpt27,ocl4, 11,18 ,. I . •' ...... " . ~ . I . ••• '' .r ~ •• . •·•. >' '.,..- • ·•· " '"

.. -·- ~ --~· m_E__ DA_I~~~~---S•'•~-·-JOH_.N_~_._N_FL-D._,T_U~'5~~-A~~~OC~TO-B~E~R~18~,~19~6~0------15

i Out of Respect to the Late KINSMEfJ Mrs. Harold Mitchell· FALL Boys· Club a Director of the Company, our OHices will be closed TODAY, TUESDAY, Od. 18th from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. FESTIVAL Newspaper BINGO . T~E PREMIER'S CONFERENCE SERIES 37 J. B. MITCHELL & SON Ltd. TONIGHT TO·DAY'S NUMBERS ON REHABILITATION .OF Girls Regional High School B I N G 0 THE DISABLED ·TO BE HELD Bonaventure Avenue 16 38 49 61 BARGAINS 7 25 42 59 73 USED CAR PARTS OCTOBER 18th and 19th, 1960 Doors· open 7 o'clock 14 18 31 48 66 IN 3 24 33 53 75 1. VAUXHALL 6 Cylinder Engine ...... $40.00 THE SIR ROBERT BOND AUDITORIUM Children under sixteen must 1. VAUXHALL 4 Cyl·;,,der Engine ...... $35.00 10 22 36 74 CONFEDERATION BUILDING, be accommpanied by adult. 28 55 63 l. HILLMAN 4 Cylinder Engine ...... $40.00 43 . 1. HILLMAN, 4 Cylinder Engine ...... $40.00 ST. JOHN'S ' 6 1. BUICK (1956 ~-pecial) Engine ...... $40.00 29 58 1. STANDARD 4 CyNnder Engine ...... $30.00 USUAL ATIRACTIONS 2. PONTIAC 6 Cylinder Engines, 49-53 $30.00 PROGRAMME Wheels-Home Cookery. •·.o: each . TUESDAY, OCTOBEI! 18, lH& 2. HILLMAN Gear Boxes ...... $15.00 each (Mominl Sewslon) · Hand Work-Games at 8.30. 3. VANGUARD Gear Boxes ...... $15.00 each 11:00-10 a.m. JlEGISTRATION IN SIR ROBERT BOND AUDI· 1. 1956 FORD Gear Box ...... $25.00 TORIUM, CONFEDERATION BUILDING. Canteen Service. 2. HILLMAN Rear Ends ...... $10.00 each 10·00 a.m. OPENING CEREMONY. NIGHTLY DOOR PRIZE $50.00 t 1. VANGUARD Rear End ...... $10.00 PRESIDING: HON. DR. JAMES McGRATH Minister 3. PONTIAC and CHEVROLET Rear Ends of Health. ' Bonus of $50.00 if winner 49 through 54 ...... : ...... at $10.00 each INTRODUCTORY REMARKS: WICKFORD .. COLLINS, President Newfoundland Rehabilitation AUTO SERVICE BUILDING Council. present at time of draw. Consolation prize to first 20 completing 115-119 Duckworth St. (Entrance Hill of Chips) ADDRESS by HON. BEATON J. ABBOTT, Minister the letter x•. Public Welfare, representing Hon. J. R. Smallwood BROWN BROS. BODY SHOP Premier of Newfoundland. · ' SUPER SPECIAL DRAW FOR $500.00 oet18,19,21,25 :RECESS. 11·00 a.m. ADDRESS: REHABILITATION IN ACTION. 443952 Help Kin - Help Kiddies SPEAKER: IAN CAMPBELL, National Co-ordinator Civilian Rehabilitation, Ottawa. ' Witness James O'Grady 11:4!! am. ADDRESS: "UTILIZING HANDICAPPED WORK· Drawn by P. J. tanning, M.!~.A. AUCTION ERS IN BUSINESS." SPEAKER: DON JAMIESON, Vice-President .CJON. DOOR PRIZE - $50.00 (On· the premises) No. 89-91 FOREST ROAD DISCUSSION: 3232 Han It £.~:pertly (Opp. General Hospital Grounds) 12:15 p.m. ADDRESS: "The Workman's Compenntion Act and how it Af!ects the Employment of the Handicapped Repaired Here on Worker." CHRONOMETERS MONDAY, OCTOBER SPEAKER: IRVING FOGWILL, Chairman Work­ 24th. men's Compensation Board. AUTOMATICS at 12 o'clock noon DISCUSSION: C.lLENDAR Freehold land and two storey detached dwel· ATTENTI.ONI 1:00 p.111. LUNCH. • All Given ling belonging to setate late John CfGUtton. · ( Afteraoon Session) llamcdlate AtteDtloD Dwelling consists of two self-contained Apart­ Z:l5 p.m. ADDRESS: RESIDUAL CAPABILITIES OF A C.O.D. ORDERS WELCOIIED ments,. each containing living room, dining room, HANDICAPPED PERSON. MOTORISTS kitchen. three bedrooms and bathroom. finished SPEAKER: DR. GUSTAVE GINGRAS, Executive with hardwood floors throughout, oil furnace Director ltehabilltation lnatitute of Monlrell. REBUILT ENGINES SIMON LEVITZ & SONS LTD. heated with hot water radiation in each room, DISCUSSION: NO M'ONTHLY PAYMENTS 'TIL S B \lATER STREET ST. JOHN'S has all modern plumbing, and full concrete base· U:l p.m. PANEL: EMPLOYMENT Of' THE HANDICAPPED JANUARY, 1961 WORKER. ment, ~ach flat has its own entrance, and adjoin· MODERATOR: WALTER H. DAVIS, Provincial Co· CHEV. 6 cyl. 46-57 ing house are two garages as well as a large ordlnator of Rehabilitation. garden. With Trade-in • s169.oo MEMBERS: This property will be offered at a very low "The Establishment of Handicapped Workers In their SlO.OO per ~tonth reserve. own Small Business Enterprises''. FORD 41-54 EDGAR G. HOUSE, Director of Rehabilitation, New· Dwelling will be open for ~nspection from foundland Tuberculosis Auoclation (7 min.). with cylinder heads, (PREMIER'S CONFERENCE ON ~EHABILITATION • 3 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. and from 7 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. Illuatration-8Udes. With Trade-in s215.oo $11.00 per ~tonth OF THE DISABLED) on Friday, October 21st. "Training Handicapped Workers On·The·Job". will be held at · Immediate possession. This is your opportunity HARTLEY AYRE, Managing Director, Ayre's Super· market Ltd. (7 min.). DODGE-PLYMOUTH NEWFOUNDLAND HOTEL Ia secure a first class property at a very low price. llustration-slides. s203.oo WEDNESDAY, 19 OCTOBER, 1960 '41-58 6 cyl. "The National Employment Services for Handicapped $11.00 per at 7.30 p.m. JOSEPH FITZGIBBON, Workers". With Trade-in ~1onth SPECIAL SPEAKERS: MR. K. VERNON BANTA; DIAL 2006 AUCTIONEER. H. F. BRENNAN, Employment Branch Supervisor Above low prices include delivery of oct15,18,22 National Employment Service of the Unemployment Deputy Executive Secretary President Eisenhower's Insurance Cammlssion (7 min.). new block and pick up of trade-in. CommiHee on Employment of the Physically "Selection and Assignment of Handicapped Workers" . Handicapped. · D. E .. CURRAN, Executive Director Canadian Para­ plegic Association (5 min.). 1 SIMPSONS·SEARS HON. BEATON J. ABBOTI. Minis:er of PubHc PHONE 5011-12-13 Welfare Representing The Premier of Newfound­ 'FOR SALE HAROLD W. SQUIRES, Rehabilitation Officer, De· i partment of Health (5 min.). I land. Illuatration-l!lides. Tickets may b~ purchased at the , Conference 4·HI p.m. ~LM: "The Biggest Bridg.e in Action". . I Registration desk or from Hon. Reginald Sparkes , As Is Where Is RE.'\!ARKS: K. VERNON BANTA, Deputy Executive by anyone interested in Rehabilitation of the Secretary, President Eisenhower's Committee on Disabled. Wives may attend. 5 10 x 15 Frame Shacks. Employment of the Physically Handicapped. TICKETS $5.00 PER PERSON. 3 28 x 16 Quonset Type Huts. DISCUSSION: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER II, 1180 1 L Shaped Building 10 x 20 x 20. (Morning Sesslo11) 1 Frame Building 25 x 50 with 15 x 25 11:00 am. PANEL: COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION IN RE WA.NTED .TO .Annex. HABILITATION . MODERATOR: R. L. STOREY, Superintendent Nflt• 40 Double Decker Army Cots {Approx.) Division, Canadian National Institute for the Blind. 1 Hillcrest Wood Range. MEMBERS: ::RENT MISS JEAN SIMMS, Social Service Division, Hospital 1 Pot Belly Stove. for Mental and Nervous Disease•. ThrH bedroom 'House or Apartment in 1 John BulL Steel Kitchen Oil Range. MISS A. FREDA E BERRY, Sunshine Camp ChiJ. ; -----· respectable residential area. dren'a Rehabilitation Centre. 2:15 p.m. PANEL: TRAINING OF HANDICAPPED WORKET. 2 Admiral 9 cu. ft. Refrigerators. ANTHONY GREEN AYRE, Executive Manager Nfld. MODERATOR: PHILIP J. HANLEY, Deputy Minis; PHONE 6961 after hours DIAL 96635. Board of Trade. cr, Dept. of Education. ; · oct.ll,tf 1 Philco 9 cu. ft. Refrigerator. MEMBERS: F. G. WELLARD, Co-ordinator of Rehabilitation, . Assortment of Tables. Province of Nova Scotia. FRANK TEMPLEMAN, Director of Voeat1onal Education. 70 Chairs (Approx.) 10'15 1 m. RECESS. GERALD OTTENHEIMER. Director, Adult ContiDU· FOR. RENT 1 Double Bed. 10 45 1m.. PANEL: PHYSICAL AND MENTAL DISABILITIES. ation Classes. Assortment of Commercial Kitchen and MODERATOR: DR. T. A. KNOWLING, Assistant WICKFORD COLLINS, District Superintendent Vpt- 3 Bedroo~ Superior .Dwelling Deputy Minillter of Health. erans Welfare Services Dept. of Veterans Affain. Eating Utensils. ~:::~~cular. Disabilities". 3:15 p.m. ADDRESS: PHYSICAL RESTORATION OF THE HANDICAPPED WITH A SURVEY OF EXISTING in goo~. residential area.· The above ·items are now at the DR. J. B. ROBERTS, Consultant Internal Medicine. FACILITIES. · Kinsmen Boys' Camp, "Mental and Nervous Disabilities". SPEAKER: DR. c. McCANN, Consultant In Phyalcll ' DR. c. 11. POTTLE, Direetor of Mental Health Medieine, Department of Health. P'HONE 80161 Donovan's. Servicell. DISCUSSION: Dd1'1,18 For appointment to view "Tubereulosis". 4:15 p.m. GENERAL DISCUSSION ON FUTURE PLANS AND DR. A. B. COLOHAN, Superintendent of the Sana· POLICY OF Til~ REHABILITATION COUNCIL.,.· torium, St. John's. • ·• Teleph~ne. 6056 bitween 3 and 5 p.m. 7:30 p m. DINNER. ;: ; "The Mentally Retarded". MRS. A. B. PERLIN, President, Nfld. A.uociation for CHAIRMAN: WICKFORD COLLINS, President Nfld. Tenders will be received for all or any the Help of Retarded Children. Rehabilitation Council. · part of th~ above items. uorthopaedic Diaabllities". . SPEAKER: K. VERNON BANTA, peputy ExecuU~e octle.IB DR. A. E. SHAPTEJt, Orthopaedic Surgeon. Secretary President Eisenhower's Committee on Em·

~~~~~LAS R. STRONG, C.N.I.B., Toronto. f.tii~o:~;~i~~c:~~::;i~;·. "Rehlbilitation Problems of Deaf Mutes". SMALLWOOD, Premier of Newfoundland. · - ~ :;n~· DAVIS, Provincial Co-ordinator of Rehablll· · . THURSDAY, OCTOBER zo, 1960 ~·~ Advertise In The News LUN H 10:~!2:00 a.m.~VISITS TO INSTITUTIONS: ~; l:OO p.m. C · (Afternoon Session) Details of these visits will be available at Registration Des~ !·::~n ~·


.. MILLEY'S I TAILOR SHOP OF • . . Prompt service given to all THB . -FOR Alterations and Repairs OK/ SURROUNDED JOHN and DULCIE BY SAUNDERS 364 DUCKWORTH ST. opposite Daily News AUTUMN'S COLOR .. SLACKS' Telephone 778B YOU NEED SPEEDY DEPENDABLE Ladies Plaid I. I I 10-18··. s2.5D Fire Insurance. EKTACHROME Girls Li·ned Plaid •••• 7-14 s2.oo Color PrCKessing By to be protected ladies Grey Wool ••• 1-4 -20 s3.9B J. J. LACEY TOOT ON'S IN BY 10.30 Childrens Wool Plaid 3- &x s1.19 211 WATER ST. Dial 6921 READY BY 4.30

Boys Corduroy I • I • 24 -34 s4.7s THE FOLLOWING DA "1 For Fast ' ChUdrens Corduroy •••• 2• 6 " Taxi Service 4.oo I S1.1S ' I HOTEL TAXI I Childre·ns Water .Proof 3- &x s1.7o Boys -Grey Flannel .•••. 3- 8 S. MILLEY LTD. WHOLESALE AND . RETAIL

SOVIET I'ERFtJl\U:S :' I LONDON I :\P 1-Somc sweet I II II smells from the Soviet Union . ' The Booksellers I Answer to Previou• Punl1 :blew into Britain ~londay, bear· I OVER 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN FILM FROCESSING Sports Talk 1 ing names like Moscow Fires, Crimean Violet and Kremlin. It Spin 4425 or 2008 or 3191 1~------I was the first shipment ol per., ------·- ·------·-- · ACIOSS 2 Heraldlr.llaDcl I fume imported from the U.S.S.R. I DEATHS 3Net 11me HOSPITAL EXPLOSION 1 ered most parts of Brit~in early, .camel mil.k is ;,,·eet: whale under 1 trade agreement signed MacCORMAC'S 1 Tenni• stroke 4 Stral~hten . A:\''l'WE!l.P Bel"ium (.\Pl -, ~londay. All flights at London nulk tastes 01!)'. f In ada1tion ~Actress_ last year. One brand, Cosmos, TOBIN-Died ~uddenly, fol- Seren • year : old iraria Pintens· i and Gat wick airports were post· ---~------· ·· 1 Cryptopmous Turner has a rocket on the label. Dial 5181 · 2 . s 1 plat:t 6 Lack lowmg a car acc1dent, on Oct., Daelemans died in a blast in the t poned. 12 Constellation nourishment · ------GEAR STREET 17th, Bruce, youngest son of . operating room or a suburban i 13 :Sarrow board 7 Electrical un" Mrs. Lucy and Peter Tohm, 151 hospital ~Ionday while undergo-~------­ NEW AIR 14 Indian nurse s Feminine RECEIVING 01-'FICE, Golf Avenu_e, aged 16 .. Left to ing an eye operation. Hospital 15 .\led appellation mourn the1r sad loss, are a I authorities said the anesthetic ex· CHARTER ld Loved one 9 Persian poet 25 Celeban ox 41 Outmoded 1 ADELAIDE STREET loving mother and father, four ploded. 18 Study :roup 10 Cloy 26 Earn 42 EDSaP Ia 2!1 Fathered 11 Flshmnan's 27 Advanee force boxlftl brothers (two on Mainland and ------SERVICE !1 Chemkal prey 28 Try 43 Window 11 .. ANNOUNCE~IENT two at. home), nine sisters . FIRST U.K. FOG su!lix 17 Bel alan 29 Wiles 44 Dey " d M C 'l St gl (three m U.S.A., one on the LO"DON IReutersl-The first NEWFOUNDlAND, Ballot 31 Madea home 411 mr. an rs. yr1 ron , :\l · 1 d d f' t h ) ·' ' := seaport Mllllu7 mtll th t r • am an , an 1ve a orne · heavy lo" since last winter cov· I LABRADOR and !4 Slam 19 Metal bar 38 Nollona 47 Unbleached ann.ounce e engagemen . o I Funeral notice later. -;;;;'=:;;;;";;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;==== IlDDY KllOWAn I :a Simple 23 Mr. Welles :lll Fluids 48 Ptosec:uled the1r daughter, Sandra Rolmda FAGAN _ Accidentally kill· •• ST. PIERRE. !i Musical 24 Hunter's prey 40 Wipe out 10 SkaUnJitel ELECTRICITY direction to Ronald George, son of l\lrs.l ed on Monday, October 17th.,i Eve~ett Turner and. th~ late: John Bernard Fagan, aged the Ideal for Businessmen, :!:OChant 221 GREAT EASTERN :'~ SharNilooter Ccc1l Houn.sell Weddmg to i years. Leaving to mourn his OIL & IMPORT ' Sportsmen and Hunters :'I Spom ~an h-t-:t-1 take place m December. lfather and mother two :03 :lloH peculiar broth··~' ONE BRIGHT for complete details for ' ers, Rev. Br. Bar;·y and Leo; 36 Ma•culine llr'Ht-1 I CO., LTD. freight and passenger nicltname six sisters, ,Josephine (1\Irs.' Radio, Television. Wasben, 1 SPOT ~7 E:utball service. Francis Crotty), Sheila (Mrs. t Refrigerators, Deep Freezers 1 d•mtlon Leo Rose), Grand Falls; Pal·i Electric Ranges, ( in JtConsumes REPAIRS 4n Girl's name ·rv , ricia

From ·coNCOA on,BOILER HEATING GIVES LOWEST-COST TROUBLE-fR.EE HEATING - BRANCHES AND, DEALERS AND BEAUTY UNSURPASSED. SHAW STREET • You'll enjoy more heat from far less fuel . • Head Office • Ample domestl.e bot Credit and Accounts water from same unit! Department ASK FOR PHONE NUMBER • Heat comes up quickly Mr. Jim Green:. 80161 - -4 In very few mlnutes1

• All mechanism at top TOPSAIL ROAD away from dust and ... moisture. Lumber and Building Supplies • Beautiful enou)lh to go Mr. Hal Haynes;. ) In family room or kitchen. Mr. Sam: Kenneay . ) 91171. 2·- 3 Mr. Herb· Dawel ) • Ten years guarantee 011 the beat generator! Carpenter Shop Mr. Jim Miller [ ) • Fully approved by ·Furniture Department . Mr~ John Slattery' ) ,1174 Underwriters Labora· . . • Mr. Max Butler·.: ) torles. ·Branches .; .. *The Concoa Boiler in conjunction with .Concoa Shaw Street, St. John's .. 80161~.4. Baseboard Radiation makes the Ideal Heating System! Eliminating drafts and cold spots, be­ sides. being beautifying, this complete 'system Placentia Mr. John Enn!s. }9J ... can be installed in already-built homes as well Dun ville Mr. Bernard O'Rourke .. 2F8 ·,) C~Jl . ··:~:.-:_i: ·.. · ... _.;·.. -·.·~ as v,:hen the home is being built. ACCIPTED IV .C.M.H;C· · BelllslanCI Mr: John Dawe , 2640 ·) Toft. • t - • · TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED UP TO 5 YEARS. . ., . Mr. Gerald Power · 230l ) ·Operator WRITE OR PHONE ' . . St.· Joseph's, Salmonier Mr. Williani ·GOuv~ . Upper'lslarid Cove Mr. leslie Reid ' . .. 2145 ) C. A. HUBtEY LTD. ... ' (Please cut this' out f~r ·rea~y, nifere~ce) ... PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTORS o I > • • ' • ' KING'S ROAD-DIAL 2916:-3916-ST. JOHN'S

...... , ' ,. ~ ...... : .. ( -. . . ' I; ' • . ' .~:::. ·. ·?·· ·. ( ~· . . . I ' v . ~ . ' .., '