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October 1980 Daily Egyptian 1980

10-3-1980 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 03, 1980 Daily Egyptian Staff

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fnday. October 3. 1981J-\'ol 6S :o-;n JH Southern Illinois University GSC l"otes to OfJpose.fee l1ikes ,.fl.l·itlf! team .fltlltlitl{l 8\ ('arol KnowiH fee increase because they feel He also said he did not feel back bonds still out on bUJldmgs also deservE' ~uch fur.ding siarr Writu the state is not carrying its "comfortable" taking the fee to that si'rve overall objectives of The council requested that Thr Graduate Student Council share of t.l.e operation and the Board of Trustees without the l'ni\·ersitv. but are not used President Albt>rt Somtt \'Otl'd thumbs down on student maintenance co;;ts of the student applJVal. but "'>Uld do for instruction. research. or establish a i.'ommittee to con­ lee increases and a fee building. 1t 1f he had to. Si'n·ice. such as the Student duct a rev1pw of the entire ;~llocation Wednesday. opposing Bruce S\\'inburne. vice The council chose not to \'Ole Centi'r and housmg facilities funding svst,•m of in­ two proposed fee mcreases and president for student affa1rs. on the $6.60 bond retirement fee f'unding for those buildings tercollegiat? 'athletics and also refusmg to sanction funding of said attempts to increase state increase. but decided to send a came from retained tuition until of sports clubs funding. the Saluk1 flying team through funding for the building have letter to Swinburne expressmg the IBHE decided in !978 that George :\lace. vice prestdent the athletics fee. failed. their continued opposition to the retained tUition could onlv bt' for university relations. and six An mcrease in the student "Ten years before the Rec fee. The $3.1-per-semester fee used for at·ademJc purposes representath·es of the flying ;u:tmty fee to support the Center was ever built students has drawn campuswide op­ During discussion of f]y;ng team wert' on hand to lobb\' for Students' Attorney Program were paying $22.50 per semester position from undergraduates. team fundmg. some GSC the 513.000 ftmding requesi was approved by the council. 1for construction costs 1. and graduate students. and some members said that if the flymg :\lace sa1d he felt the flymg howe\·er. never got to use it." S\\'inburne faculty members since its in­ team received athletics fee team 1s an mtercollegiate GSC members said thev said. "I don't feel a $24 fee is ception two years ago. money. then other other sports opposed a $6 Recreation Cente'r askinll for too much." The fee money is used to buy clubs. such as the soccer team. Students' dorm -----~ocus------~ Findinp a _job not imfJOssilJie task

Bv O~an ,\thans bills rnay rise Staff Writl'r With the average weekly salary rismg only h'imated budget. salaries. an 8 percent increase technology-getting a job to gu mto Th•_•y art' making often is as easy as calhng pt'ople out of work.·· ldeu,.c The incn•ase. tu takl' ::ifect in student wages. a H percent contmued. "but more cum· decisiOns on wh;tt kmd of either July or August of 1981. is increase in utilities and a 15 Texas Instruments on the edm:;ttwn thl'V want on the phone and asking if t hi'y offer pames are comm~ to coliPge a result of htgher staff salanes. percent increase in food costs. camplL"es t•very yt•ar lookmg bast~ of fad. \\ith the help of ~tudent wages. utility costs and more monev than IB:\1. Well. The administration also m· for ~radu<' tes. That says parents. fril'nds. brothers food pnces. Swinburne sa1d. He eluded a 10 percent increase in perhaps not quite that easy In liberal arts helds. the JOb something.·· and sisters satd he expects the board _to maintena.we costs and an 8 "Thl' wa\· thiS dl'CISion IS market 1s predictably bad :\lost of these companies. ;,ppruve the housmg rate m· percent increase in ad· h.w;ever. an• usually lookmg made IS a mystery. but crea,.es mmistration costs. Howe\·er. accord in!/, to t'<.·nnomtl' consalerat1ons do Swmburne presented the fer computer and engineerin~ Harvev !deus. dirtoctor of the st,Jdi'nts and !deus said that play a roll in it ... he satd <·rganizations v:ith an e~hmated Swinburne said the ad· st;.' (areer Planmng and mmt!>tration based other ex· pt•.Jpit' don't change major< housing budget rontammg more Placemt'nt Ct'nter. studt•nts l('ontinut>d on Pa!(e :;, penses on anticipated 10· ror entl!r cnllegt• snlel~ than a SIS m1lhon deficit Ht• should have confidt>nce 10 said the increas('S would ra1se flationarv costs. $1.019.\~10 and the rest of the If the· board approves the dehc1t would tw elimmated by increases the cost to live at cutting expendttures t:niversit\· Park. Brush Towt·rs "We will han- to l'UI about and Thompson Point wtll nse Sex discrimination s11it distnissed S751UJU0 bt'fore \\'t' presPnt the frPm $1.792 to $1.9!12 a year. . bud~l't to the board The 1->udget !{ent at SouthPrn Hills w0uld we submit to the board w11l be ~is,• $!9. $:.!\). '!:!1 or S:!2 a month. a~ai11st city's for111er cl1ief of police balanced." he sa1d depe: J1ng on the ;,partment. he "Some thmgs won't b€. taken !'.aid. At Evergreen Terrat·e the rent fer two- and three-bt'droom Bv Ton\' (iordon Emplovment Opportumty of carbondale. also care of as mcelv as posstble in CommiSsion guidelines." . . uni~i!.cit\· the restdence halls However. I apartments would go up $27 and :o\taff w"ritt'r nawed in· the suit. still faces a $28 a month Two sex discrimmation Walker filed the s~ut 10 JUSt don't think we can afford to December !976 charging that discrimination t•harge. The su1t do even·thing we would hke to At Elizabeth Apartments and charges brought against former named the city. Kennedy. Police Chief George Kennedy she was discriminated agamst right now ... he said. Universitv Courts, faculty and when she was denied a job as a Assistant ('itv Manager Scott graduate student housin~. bv a female applicant to the Ratter and ·former head of police department were patroi officer on the basis of monthh· rent will increase S20 1f sex. Walker claims m the su1t police civihan employees the ooard agrees to the ad· dropped Thun.iss. The plaintiff's case ended dismissed the charges bec'luse Thursday and the defense of the for a S3 increase in the Campus the SUit brought by (' Jrol said that questions askt>d of Housing Activity Fee. he o;a1d. citv. conducted by attornt'y Walker. a former city em· Walker during _the intervi_ew John Womick. began .·\ The fee. presently S9. goes to the plovee. "failed to prove that were "nf a particular msultmg (;u, 'a" $11111 1sn't all that various house counctls for representatl\'e m Wl•iss· offWl' Keru~edv committed any actual and sexist nature ... and tha\ mm·h-it nnh coml's to about la programming activities. The lowering her rank on the basts said she expected the tnal to t'a'~'' uf l'h~ap btoi'T and threl' v10!dtion of Walker's rights continue on Friday fee has not been mcreasesan B. -Sadr cl·· .•. ed a strmg of \'lctont·, operation. was expelled from pr-wr to the vote The Ph•ladelpma Democrat. f a roc! :;did Iraqi invaders were be1··, Just :od back. the House of Representatives :\lyers. calling the assembled addressing the entire House for Tehran radio said Iran·!> par •ment nam<'d a s.:n-n-rn;u, Thursdav. the first House members "a lynching the first time in his two terms. committee to t•xamine the issue of 52 Amenean hos!man ousted by h1s mob ... also sa1d h1s t•xpulswn said before the vote that he were in the1r 33-\th dav of captivity Thursda~. · colleagues smce the outbreak of was being considered too soon didn't ··ha\·e a Chinaman's the Civil War after his conviction 10 August. chance" of avoiding expulsion The vote to remove :\Ivers He compared his case to that :\Ivers' remarks came after f.'onprt•ss fat'f'.~ "hllllf' tilu·l.· ·"'''·"'sion · was 376-30. easilv ntore than the of former Rep Charles Diggs. the H'Juse voted 3.12-75 to defeat two-thirds majority required D-:\IJch . who was censured m a resolution that would have W.-\SHI~GTO\ • AP 1 - Congress pushed aside the fedt•rai ~lyers. the first congres.~man the House last vear after his delayed action on expulsion budget. the natwn·~ $6.5 billion-a-year re\'t'nue shann~ convicted in the Abscam case. conviction on c-harges of mail until Congress returns from its Pi~-~g~~clt at~ld the action to the t>nd. fraud and m1susmg election recess in :-.ovember telling House colleagues the1r congres.-;ional funds Rep. Dan Rostenkowskt. D­ The failure by lawmakers to finish wnrk on t'~;;t·nt1a: act1on was tantamount to ":\ine and a half months after IlL. cast the lone vote 10 the legislation Will foree a post-election ses.-;1on 10 :";ovemtJ..·r. tht· exe-:•Juon the jury·s verd1ct. the House lllinm!> delegation agamst first "lame-duck .. session m a prestdential election \ear 111 ·'I know now what 1t feels hke t>thtcs comrmttee rpcn;n­ :\lyers. saying he did not think lli~d~~~- - to sit on death row As~ t>ll J'!O to mendt>d censure in the Dtgg~ :\Ivers had been "gwen all the Left behmd as Hou~e and Senate memhers rush!.>d homt· the \'(ltlng machme. kt'('p m ('ase." :\hers satd ":\h pr'ocesst'S available to a citizen many of them to eampa1gn for their own re~elecllon wt·r .. rmnd when you hit that button. timetable giles back to .-\.,!. :li• of :he l'mted States." measures needed to finance the federal government tJ..•,urH! the Dee. 1;, cutofi set by an emergency spending btll en

WASHI\GTO\ • .-\P L1byan government cencluded advised · to use his boisterous St•nate tn\estJgators that he got no ktd gloves brother as a go-between w1th unammoush- nnced --~everP treatment from the Justu:e Llbvan officals in an effort to PuhiJ:-.hPt1rl.:lh m !ht' .J,;.urn ... li ... m cntJCJSm · or'Btllv Carter for h1s und r:~~pftnn L~bor :ror~ t•X,:IPp; 'uh-...,:nptllm r.Jh•:-- .. n· Sl'' • ;w­ Department because he is obtain Arab help to free the t.: .S ~t·.;,:;:- nr SlH ft1r "1'- n;•w.n .. Ltbnn dealmgs and satd S~turd~' !'undl..,. l-n,,:f'rs.Jt\ President Carter's brother hostages in Iran v~('",t1onS ~nd huiH:ic~v~ h\' ~{llltht>rn .J..:.rk~on ,.;ncj .. urruundiT"IJI!: E'· _;: · ..... rrt:>Sic.ent Carter used poor Btllv Carter sa1d Thursdav lib no" t nl\·~r;, 1' · t'om S2";" :MI pt•r ~t·.::r •If Si4 for ..,I,··.,.··.~ JUdement m askmg his ~rother that he isn't apoligizing "for a t.:nder protest. the p -sident's mur.~t·;:t;on.• Butldml/.. ·cart~<•ndalf.' to use hts mfluencem the effort damn thmg" in h1s dealings brother did register a::. an agent Ill 6~~H St>c<'nd cla"5 poo:'-'~1' l)ilod ~~~;m0 ~h;:!~ n;~~\~~4lt~~~~~~ S·~~ ~:·:~ to free Amencan hostages from with Libva of the Libyan government. vn. llhno1s foreqzn cuunt-1~ Iran In a reP<>rt appro\·ed by voice which led to the end of the 1-:d•tonal po!I('IP' nl !ht· llail• But the Senate panel charged vote with no dissents. the Justice Department probe of his E!t) oi Elilidfli~i ;.nd r.u ... ~nt· ...... ,tf,~ • "1th mvestigating Billy Car­ special Judiciary subcommittee relationship with the radical tht• Nhtors ~tntt•ment:... [IUbh~ht"fi it'IC-.It•d fn I 1/n:rt.iJ!IJl',.!IHI .. tPr·s cornectwns wtth the decided the president was'ill Arab government. do r.ot rt'flt•c..:l opanmn..' 11( f ht· ~a1 Hu·ldat~. '\onh V. if'~ Pb·m· . 1t m~m~tr."!tiOrl '•r ~r.~· df'p.:..:rtmt•nt nf UJ I \"t>rnnn ·\ Stone· flscr:J ofrh t•:-

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!'a~~ 2. Dally Egyptian. October 3. 1980 Port attthority appointments criticized by attorney general lh· David Murphy b'lard mPmbPr fr•.m being JamE>S Scuras. Campbell Hill • Submarines Staff Writer appointed to <>notn£ office by Trustre Orner ~agel and Alto Illinois AttornPv General • Deli Sandwiches the board. except 1n certain Pass Alderman John Widdows Tyrone Fahner has declared cases. The act also prohibits an • Strudel that four local governmental alderman or mE-mber of a to thE' port authonty lx;.ard appointments are in apparent village board of , ustees from Schwartz said he has sent • Draught Beer letter.; to the port authority violation of the Corrupt being appointf'd to an office by • Party Trays Practices Act. the mayor or village president attornev and the Jackson Fahner said that thP ap­ of the municipality Countv Board advisiPg them of Available pointments to the Jackson­ Fahner's opinion, which was the opimon and that reap­ University Mall pointment is necessary Union Regional Port Authority. 1ssued last wrek. """" rpquestPd Carbondale including that of Jackson by Jackson County State's Schwartz sa1d he feels the County Board Chairman Bill Attornev William Schwartz in opinion will aff!":t appointments 457-5922 Kelley. were in conflict with the regard "to the appomtments of throughout lin' statE'. perhaps act, wh1ch prohibits a county Kelley. Murphysboro Alderman Jeopardizing hundreds of them Sphinx Club GSC votes to oppose fee increases Applications now available Office of Student Development members of other sports clubs. responded. saying she IS in ful! 1 ( '~>ntinued from Page I l 3rd floor Student Centet" athletics sport and therefore pilots cannot afford their own support of the team. but frets qualifies for athletics fee pquipment. the funding 1ssue should not he support. He also said about $2.3 million clouded bv the number of "The flying team is not has been donated by various awards the team has won. recognized by the NCAA. but is organziations to the avidtion "If we base a dec1sil'n Sphinx Club members, honored for outstanding recognized by the National program because of tls on the team's record. we m1ght contribution to SIUC and Carbondale, partici­ be forced to Withdraw fundmg Intercollegiate Fly1ng reputation and that thl' flymg pation In activities, and academic achievement, Association and competes in team mav be a reason for some if they losP " 6rown said national championships.'' Mace of that interest. Tho'! council vot!'d in favor of a are recogni-zed in Who's Who Among Students said Mdce c!ted the team's three T:>~t\. rt, The boys and girls of Si·Jmo Phi. -....: .C'k:"it l' ~_.Tl!t'T Some will live. Som... will die•• All Aboard ••• If you dare. '

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Datly Egyptian. October 3. 1!180. Page 3 by Garry Trude at. -~ditorial--- OOONESBURY 'PI!':' TANIIER"> 'EofJ< H$5 4 5PIY' 1¢"01 'VI£ ~~fR '!/15 ~~ iU TDt:m#'fO<$ ••ft'~H/5~ Be sure to register f .. ~ I I; for November voting ~ People are often told. ··If you don't vote. don't complain about what the person elected does ... But before one car. exercr:;e that right to vote. he must be registered. Tuesday is the deadlme to register for the ~ovember -t general electiOn Everyone has heard tht> patriotic arguments for registering to v·ote. qasting_ a ballot is not only a right but also a duty and an obbgahon. \' otmg represents our chan.:e to participate m a ---~ewpofflt------­ democracy. but m these times voting mt>Mts evt>n more Our world has entered a verv prt>Carious time. The dt>Cisions made in the next few wars will hkt>lv determine the fate of our life in this world. The- people we elt>Ct will play a major role m Keep candidate selection in open shapmg that future Energ_v. pollut1on. population-even war-all loom high on the B\ Schindlt>r many unpredictable issues and problems tha• hori1.on. Th1s is not tht> time to let someont> el>ard h~ reg1stenng and Thts bcmg an elloctton year. the debate stresses of tht• ~:ampaign tratl. It also g1ves th;· voting surrounding prt>sidential pnmanes has again public a glimfse of how candtdates may 11andlP College-ag!'d students have deHioped a reputation of talkmg bet·n rekmdled. :\!any pohttcal experts. party themse:~ves i they were to get mto the Whl!l' loud and tht•n not gomg out and voting. The pt>ople we elect th1s activists and party leaders have been proposing House. year will he determmmg the future adult hH•s of most college alternatiVes to the present system. but as of now Another alternatiVe wuuld allow the ado:t1on agf'd students lsn 'I that an important enough reason to vote~ a bt•tter wav has not been found of at least 2~ uncommttted delegates from each But. before we can volt> tn ht>lp determine our future. we must One alternative. t!le Direct ~aosP be registert'd Jackson County rt>s1dents may register from 8 <'alls for a single nationwide primary would be to gt\·e political leaders more say 10 tht· a.m. to noon on Saturday and dunng regular office hours. !l a m Propont•nts of this plan argue that wtth one nominatiOn and to allow tht•se dPit•gates to talk to 4 p rn . through Tuesd;1y .11 the county clerk's office m :\lur­ national prtmary, marathon campaigning and to other delegations physhoro. spendin~ by candidates would he alle\·tated. This would lead to chlllce of a party cand1date llowever. the candidates would have to co\·er bv political leaders. not hidden 111 the srnok;· If you are reg1sten·d and wtll he away on election day. apply to the same amount of terntory. possibly in less fi11ed room of old. but in a .-rowded t·onventlon your homl'-<:ounty election O.)ard for an absentee ballot. Don't_ time--depending when the primary was held­ hall Pnmartes were estab::shed to put an end tn gJVe up that nght to vote because of meO.i\·emence and thev would not be able to concentrate on thl' wheeling and dealing of polit1cal leaders m It matters little 1f ~ ou are n·gistered to vote here or in your local or regiOnal issues. If the pnmary were held choosing p;>.rt.~ candtdates for presadent home county: tht> important thing IS •o first register and then too earlv. the result could be a candidate with an Some argue that the primary system weakens vote m Novt"rnber \''lie. hut not JUS! for patriotic rt>asons. Vote earlv lead who rnav not t.Jitimateh· ha\·e been the partv unttv. but it is the people at the grassroots because every person deser\'~S the nght to help shape his own best" choice. · • lever who begm to make up the party. Although future. and !he outcumt· nf th1s elet 1on will determme who In the present system. campatgnmg for the present system of pnmary elections rna~ shapes that future mor.ths in indivtdUd me out. some. but it could possiblY be the best wav to If our pres1dent1al t•ll'Ct!;Jn pr()(•t•ss is to work. .-\ny person planmng to attend slapped on the handcuffs. led restore order and logic "to our now cha-otic then we must ut1liZt' iJUr pohttcal leaders. These tht• smoke-in at me Fn-e Forum me awav and no one even nominating process-the presidential primaries. people understand the importance of wmnmg Art·a. please heware The nottced - l:nder the present svstem. some 37 states hold elections and they know. better than the pubhc. mmute you step out of the Free primaries each election year. coupled with the qualities needed lor political office They are Forum ArE'a puffing on pot. By the way. you don't have to v·anous state caucuses across the countrv. The the professionals who have ded1cated the1r hves vnu're likeh; to he thrown mto be causmg trouble or possess idt>a behind this system is ttult a canrlidat~ to politics. the slammer Al:luallv. vou \·er:o much weed to be arrested. proves his political strength by winmng a suf­ Though gh·ing party ieaders more nommating t·ould be caught tokmg- in-the I was caught with exactly 0.9 of fictent number of pnrnanes and caucuses. power does not guarantee better candidates. the Free Forum Area and be a gram of cheap weed. paid $250 However. legitimate concern can be raised method is more soun~ than prirnanes. Political thrown in jail. Srnokmg pot in .:nd spent a mj.(ht in jail for it. over whether this "endurance test" truly veterans usmg dtsc .Jsston and negottation to !llmms is still 1llegal and bemg produces vtable candidates. With the constant yield a party nominee i~ more logical than m the 1-'ree Forum Area doesn't Freshrnen-bt•ware: Thts town medta emphas1s on wmnmg and losing. some of apathetic voters playmg h1t-or-rn1ss with the 1s not as liberal as you might exempt you from lllinots law tht> most tmportant <''1alities of a candidate. like presidency. thmk I'm not saymg the smoke· The main objective of 0ur presidential You say they'd have to arrest t•xper tence and leadership. may be greatly in should not be held. But. I am nominating process is to find someone capable of t:verybody"' Bull' 1gnort-d saying that it better be well­ running the country. When the people's choice is orgamzed and that e\·erybod~ ~~ '.)~~ l r~a~~~d~ l o1u:~w,~,~~~o~~~\?~~!fn~~~ "none of the a bon· ... our political system falls I was caught puHmg the weed had better stick together hkt· tht· pnmanes. They are. ior the "most part. entirely. It is ttme to reverse the primary trend two years ago at a similar bong resm -Sl·ott Stt'ndPr. pt>opiP mtt'rPsted in a single issue--i>ften outside and put the choice of a candidate back where it smoke-in. The cops decided to st'nior. English and Radio-T\' th<' m;unstream viev. s of the entire electorate. belongs-in a smoke-filled room Timing was right for Iraqi invasion the one nallon that gatns very EDITOR'S ~OTE: In tht' mdustnallv. financ1allv ar.d final part of a two-part series on mllltanlv "and chances- for a -Commentary--- little from this confhct is the the Iran-Iraqi connict. Pacific qUICk mil;tary SUC:{'ess must So· tel l·mon. for it ts not clear who they should support. St'ws Service associate editor. have appeared very great hand Ill thP game is aroused. have made d1rect overture~ to Repudiated by 1\horneini and on William Bftman takes a look at The eliminatiOn of the th(•n the hostages are m greater Sht's :\luslims m Saurti Arabta tenderhooks m thetr relattons tht> &imiog of the Iraqi mo,·e Khomemi regime at this ttme into Iran. Bl'l'man spent close to danger than ever. ~ven if to Join their re\·oiution The with Iraq. the Soviets may v.ell could be extemeh· convement 1\honH'Inl 1s on•rthrown m a coming month of ptlgnmage ftnd thetr best course is to sit 12 vears in Iran and writt'S for the Carter actm-mistratton A widely on Iranian and llidf'ast n·latlvei\ short war. there is has heen looked upon by the back and wait to see how best to qu1ck stnkt• le:~dmg to a change affairs. little re;oson to believe that the Saudis with great treptdation explott the sttuatwn. in government by P::rly October hostage.> could be rescued by !raman re\·olutionary pilgnms So when one answers the Bv William Bl'l'man would give the nt·w rl'\!lme JUSt Pacifk !'lliews St'n· il'f' advannng lraqt and lraman t•aused a great deal of trouble question "Qut Bono"-who about a month to e.'tat>llsh 1!· In any l'ast'. the llmin~ for a oppns1tion troops during last years pilgnrnage. gam~ by successful invaswn of self. releast· the Amt·r1can st:ike was right The IslamiC W~;o else stands to gain by the France could also gam by Iran--the answer ts verv clear hostages. anC rP~StabiJsh lit'S calender. whtch has htoen ~u<'h a fall of 1\homemt'' The Saudis. 1\homemi's fall. France is th<:> :\lanv. rnanv peoole 2aii1. lr.aa. with Wash111gton before the for once The elerical regime in with its tr;;ditional enmit~· useful guide to pollttcal and :\ovember elet·twn ch1el 1-:uropean cu.-.tomer f.Jr military ac:tton,.. m tht> past. 1s Iran as beE-n a perpetual thorn Iraq1 ml. wh1ch ts threatened '>y toward Iran. gains>~ measure of between Ramadan. the month Of course there 1s a JOker in m Saud1 .-\rabm's side since the a hostile lraruan regime. It is St";untv. if not tt•rrrtorv. But twgmning of the revolution. of dawn-to-plactng the Sov1P!s as th<> support of a wt,ole raft of out­ St•ptembt·: .om! t•arly Octoher repulsed. and if sufficient post·d Saud1 leadership on ch1ef supplier to Iraq. slders.--Copyrtght. 1!1110, Also. Iran ls

Economy may make _job hunt tough~ not intpossible

!Continued from Page 51 their income for essentials such as deeper into it once thev buv a car. However. he added. UIS has hired While ldeus said that he can't food and shelter-and piling up big rent an apartment. buy various ir.­ graduates through direct recruitment predict the future e>f the economy, debts when they spend it on surance policies and pay a hi!l!•er from colleges at a greater rate each certain banks and financial con­ "luxuries." percentage of mcome tax. year. sultants have reported there wiU be In addition. the cost of necessities William Blaze. manager of slow improvement in inflation and As with most people, many recent has increased considerably. In the executive recruitmem for St. Louis' unemployment. One of the largest, graduates have problems with the 70s, energy costs rose 165 percent. Famous-Barr, one of the 10 retail the Bank of America in San Fran­ sudden Influx of payments they must housing 106 percent. medical costs Ill clot' ,;ng stores owned by the May Co., CISCO. stated last month that general make-to everyone from car dealers percent and food 115 percent. During .;aid that the :etail industry is ex­ economic improvement will begin to insurance companies. One-third of that same period. the median mcome panding. He explained that even with soon-although it will be a slow im­ the people who graduate from college grew only 107 percent. tnflation takmg away much of a provement. do so with thousands of dollars in !\like Cartella. regional em­ per~·1n 's spending money-a factor Regardless of optimistic bank federal or state loan money to repay. ployment manager for United In­ that generally hurts profits and in­ predictions, statistics confirm that beginning :1ine months after formation Svstems. a Missouri ventory reinvestment by com· the relative spendable income of the graduation. computer firm. said that such current panies-Famous-Barr will open four average jrb-holder is decreasing. In So, not only do college grads start economic indicators often cause new stores bv 1984. addition. people are spending more of out in debt, but they tend to fall "irra~ional cutbacks" in business 1 ( ·unti"nut>d nn Pa~P i'

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Try Our Salad and ~~-~ • ...~~ .(~;b.****! iosi~~!~na~ r'" ~~ • ALL BEEF • Platters from Our ~· : FRANK : : PICKLE ! Drive Thru Window : CHIPS... : •••********** ~~~ Open 10 am ,,~ijt Ladies Play FREE

1010 E. MAIN ~·

Daily Egyptian, October 3, 1980. Page S SIU SALUKIES ---~OCUS------....~.JP' :;i ~~A•• •'- -- _ •• / Tcciinical talent keeps ® r}j}~ NIU HUSKIES pace witl1 inflation . . Saturday October 4, 1980

By Melody {'ook Slt:'s Career Dav l98tl last SHRINE HOSPITAL DAY S&aff Writer week. · Parade through Carbondale at 10:00AM College graduates in The technical backgrounds engineering and computer .ond mechanical aptitudes of Proceeds Go To: science fields seem to be finding computer science and that the economic situation is engineering graduates hired by SHRINERS HOSPITAL FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN not IH.'CeSSarily affecting their ;:ompanies is an important job o£fcrs. but graduates in consideration !D tile hrring AD COURTESY OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK. CARBONDALE other fields appear to be not so process.~ How£>w-r. many of lucky. them may end up working Inflation mav even increase outside of their specific field of engineering. computer-related studv. said Dick Blaudow. of and, to a lesser degree. business Caterpillar Tractor Co. job opportunities for college Da\1d Evans. a represen­ graduates. said Harvey ldeus. tati\·e of Kansas Citv Power and director of the Sll' Career Light Co .• agreed.-saying that Planning and Placement technological advancements Friday The Late Show: Center As the cost of iiving and subsequent increases in the goes up and more experienced complexity of jobs available ~,Saturday LED applicants with larger financial increases the demand for ZEPPELIN'S responsibilities demand higher technically trained people. "Going In salaries. new college graduates "Engineers are trained to have an ad"~:"!rage. he said solve technical problems and to Style" "Companies a~l' going after look at things logically. That is the new talent that thev can still wh\' thev .::re hired for so manv h1re at a lower rate." !deus poSitions ... he said. - CEORCE said llowe\·er. Kl'ith Lvnn. of BURNS Graduates m non-tt>Chmcal Fnto-Lav. said thai whiie Plus: fields. howewr. will probably busrness and technical skills are Time Piece, a .. h .... rtj·-~··~~...l.,...-.a...- he at a competlti\·e dJsad­ Important in highly techmcal by Jim Henson \'anta!!e compared to the compames. others such as "testt'nt" as 'he number Fnto-Lay "htch has job• 7&9p.m. of job apphcants ·ncreases and a,·aiiahlt> m production. sa't!s the number of J-~·s il\'ailahlt• and qua'·ty lontrol. place more Su ay: rema:r:s the samP HtlWe,·er. r.n emphasrs on wntten and verbal ~tuda~ han• \t't l·Pt>n com­ communication skills from the director of In The Realm of the Senses plett>d to prnnde han1 ,.,·Jctence The~ may say that a per ,.f th1' tn·nd. ht' ~a1d -on·' .:rad(• point 1s th(' deter­ "The Man Who Left His Will On Film" ( ltlwr ftt·lcts '' h good t'I:~ rmmrh! factor. hut the on(' who by NaQisa Oshima ploymt'r;! outiLHJk< :r.cludt' .la~a c.•mmuntcatt•s the best g('ts thE' plus: Last Words, a short by Werner Herzog prOCl'SStng. l't'OnOITIIC" fn~.lDl't'. ;oh ... Lvr.:, sard :tccounlln!/. and other b\:,mess · Hlaud.1w «dded that \:Om­ 7 & 9 p.m. Students $1.00 Public Sl.SO nr techmcal-rt>btt•d f1P\d~ m•lniC<.tH•ns sktlb arl? ;,\so al'cordmi/. to '-'l'\'era\ company ALL SHOWS STUDENT CENTER AUDITORIUM representallVf'S wh< attended

OPEN FARMER'S MARKET EVERY of Carbondale SATURDAy Arena Promotions Presents Located Rt. 51 & Grand Ave. I:OOam-l2noon near SIU overpass. Fresh produce & baked rf' * * * goods weekly. fJ,-'t- • i._~ ~ «.;~·- '-.!? JOHN DENVER Frenty ot Free parking ~\. ~ across railroad tracks ~ Saturday, October 11 .. Blues Brothers.. Producer Robert K. Weiss 8:00p.m. $8.50-$10.00-$12.50

All Seats Reserved

Good Seats Available • • • JEFF BECK

Saturday, October 18 takes you behind the scenes of the hit film "Blues Brothers" 8:00p.m. Wed., Oct. 15 Ballroom C & D $8.50-$6.50 Good Seats Available Tickets $3.00 Tickets On 8p.m. Sale Oct. 1 ~ Sponsored by SPC Expressive Arts Tickets On Sale At The SIU Arena Arena Special Events Ticket Office. • Pa.:•· 1\. llall~ Eg~pt1an. October 3. 1!!110 ---9Focus------Come Out After the Saluki Football Findin~ job isn ~, impossible., Game and see the but some ~rods may disa~ree SANTIAGO BAND! Lead Guitarist 4C'ontlnue-d from Page Sl But according to Ideus. the ··If you're sick. you can't stop effect of inflation isn't as formerly of eating." Blaze said. It might painful an experience for rl'cent appear that business isn't college grads as 1t 1s for others. suffenng as much as since they graduate and make ~Albert King econom1sts say they are. but more monev than thev ewr h,ld most wlil agree that com­ in college. ·,n this case. !ht>ir *Millie Jackson petition in the job market is lift'Style usually changes for the stiffer. l'ner.. ployment ratt>s better of< The Brighter Side art' now fluctuating around 8 percent nationwide. 9 percent ~n ·'Engineers and computer of Darkness Illinois and up to 20 percent m science majors are counsE-led certain Southern Illinois on how to handle their $23.000 a countit>s. Furthermore, state vear salarieJ,.. I deus said Performing at the Eurma C. ayes nter Labor Department economists :.Suddenly. these people have Auditorium (441 E. Willow), Oct. 4, 5:00PM have said they expect the -.1ousands of dollars in spending unemployment picture to get mo~ey. }hey feel guilty and worse. anXIOUS. Donation $2.00 at the door

tt•-. th~ IIO'ITJ:-.~1' Frat at l·anlk ITnh·~~ity ~CHHI ol• J:'alllli r.: HELD OVER 2nd BIG Week 2:00PM SHOW $1.50 Shows Daily 2:')0 7:15 9:15

•••.••••...•..•••...... ••...... ••.••...•••.•...... •....

Either way, he'll get it in the end


·--:. =--.-:-. ~-:::.:o TONIGHT SAT& SUN 5:30, 7:20, 9:10 ROBERT BLAKE DYAN CANNON 2:00, 3:45, 5:30, 7:20, 9:10 All$eot9 S2.N til S:Jt Ill( SUN & HOU 2:00PM SHOW $1.50-SHOWS DAILY 2:00 7:00 9:00

Daily Egyptian. October 3. 19110 PagE" 7 ---~OCUS------• JUST ARRIVED S.I.U. Sun belt rich in .iobs.for prads Swing Rockers By Jefffty S.ydl director of the SIU Career hire four-year engineering Slaff Writer Planning and Placement graduates and two-year elec­ America's SIDibeh. Thai band Ct'nler. tronic majors." of Southern states that stretches "What is happening in the Debra Ross, supervisor of from tbe peniDsula of Florida to South is the Southern states are recruiting for technical the deserts of Arizona. Within giving businesses tax in­ programs at Dresser Atlas. a the past 20 years, the South and centives." ldeus said. "Maybe a technological research cor- Scll.:hwest have been getting break on county or city taxes for more than just sun as big the first two vear~. ~;:ti~nb::d ~~ co~~t~~~~~ businesses are migrating from "Labor is more plentiful and engineering and geology since most plants do not operate graduates Ibis year. :!:~U:a~~~eso~:u~fl~ w1th unions. labor costs are "Like a lot of the companies." should be changed to "mont>y initially low." Ross said. "our hiring fluc­ belt." To a college graduatt'. it The three primary industries tuates witb the oil business. The should be termed job market that cover the sunbeit are. business hasn't been bad for !be A report released by the t: .S. manufacturing in the "def'p past 17 years and this year. with Department of Labor showed south"-:'\lississippi. Alaoama drilling up. the business looks that from 1950 to 1976. the and Georgia--i!m•rgy resources good. number of jobs available in the in Texas and Oklahorr a and "Our hiring dl'pends on South increast>d !Zi percent and small electroltic com,,onent student interest I( we see 10 the output of thl' Southern prodoction m '.he Southwest. good people. we·u hire them." ~on·s industry rosi'·Up 618 !deus said Management and market peret'!lt. These are all industries that sales are two other good job Introductory Price $39aa Re5ponsible for this labor and seek the college graduate. ~r.cts !deus sees in the "Jobs arl' pll'ntiful in g~~~::st~~~t~nd ~~~:Orati~~~ Houston." ldeus said "And all Although !deus said that there reg. '49" that llavp found it economicallv around Texas the spmoffs from are more job opportunites in beneficial to relocate in the the oil industrv. such as tran­ industrial areas like Chicago South. A report in a recent issue sportation and pipelines. and St. Louis, it's easv to see of U.S :"d m !hi' South geolo~1sts havl' a good chance indu.c;try and the job market. Carll:tondale, II SH-3172 Tax im.·pntives- Texas hac: no of fmdmg employment in the statt> mcomt> tax personal or South C<'rporatE"- -<:heaoer labor costs "Companies like Dresser Arena Promotions Presents ;,nd tht> availability of energy Atlas. Schlumbt•rger and and watt'r can be attributf'd to B1rdwell InternatiOnal t·ome to th1s surge of down state travel. alcnrc!Jnf Harvt'y !deus. ;:~~e;~~·~ h/::,d ·~~~~fik:~~ Elton John N c 0 N C E R T 9 8 0 $4oooFALl SUITS OFF Ae9ular Pnc:e 1

SA&.EIII£6• .,,._.HAGGAR SA.l£11101'-Y _. fAU. BRUSHED IDIM AMD SPORT COATS CORDUROY SUITS S.E~~~-.:.::~ SIZf. a to .. REGULARS b .....BLAZ£1U1 ,... CAMto:l"-"·"'·· HAIR LONGS $8988 sa *139" SAlE! UMIT£D nME ONl.Y SALE I MEIIII"S COAT SALE FALL SLACKS Make your wlect•on now and uve ,a.-._'4. • ~ t_. ,.,.._,..Jt "'"'C.G&R _1AY._.A" up to 160 00 Choose from fake 1-;ef'l;.il[" l.••~o~•,..-!o""''·-tl

Delicious shrt'ddfc>d ehe<>se and our 'lpecial chili. rollE-d and bakE"<.l in a flour tt~;tilla until the ehef.'Se and ehili are mf"lu'

' ~

Tasty------, Zantigo Taco ~With coupon) I

Tasty ground beef. crisp Thi~ coupon ~ood for a limit of three lettuce, dicf"d red toma­ for <:o total sa' ings of :1oc. 49¢ i toes. shreddf"d cheese, Coupon good everyday throu~h :\ov I. 1!1"'0 I heartv beans and onions Onl~· at stores lisu'.· Companies large enough to Barbeclue a..t Sandwich col~ege training. the College Placement Council develop a college recruitment Pepsi Colo (12 oz) t'or people in the market for a indicated that engmt>ermg program will be large enough to Chips 11.50 job, it is becoming mcreasmgly fi!raduatt'S received 60 percent alwaYs have a need for new ...... ,_ important that they hold a four· people. Evans said. _ of the total JOb offers available 1-McA ....rew S"'l year college degree. ldeus said bt'l'\'t'E'il September 19i9 and However. studenlS should not .., .. .,. that as job c-ompetition goes up. J~;n€ 1980. Graduates in take too long in considering ~ Musoc provoded by vious .-mployment 10 their opportunitit'S are 1-.etter than creasing their starting salary field was also rated high by the thev have t>ver bt'en. and for offers. partly because of in· representative~ for mcrl.'asmg some technical job spoL~. "there flation and cost of living in· t>mployment chancE's arE' not t'nough good people creases. but mainly to keep up !deus s.Jid •hat studt>nts 1n looking.·· Lynn- said. with the competition by other e\·ery major ,;hould obtain Companii'S art' still arriving companies. representatives prof£'SSIOnal w l.'rk t•xpenenrt' m fuil force to intt'f\"JI'W Sll' Jid wh!lt> stlll m s.:hool, t•Hher students. but manv of lht'm are In 10 years. new job openings through an alt('rnatt• semester lookmg for fewer. morE' w11l create a demand not only l"Ollegt'Work program or ;1 qua!Jiled peoplE'. Jdeu~ said for technical and business summer Internship Ev,•n Government orgamzations alst1 sk1lls. but also. to a lesser rt"'PIP who hold a master·s mdicate ~-..-: tht>y Will be hli"Jr.g degree. for t•nergy-related, degree. but whL' haw no work more people after elt"Ctifln~ arE' med1cal. and anation skills. expent>nre. will haw a difficult ovt'r. but bas1callv th1s yt•ar·s tim<' fmdmg employment m 10 JOb markt>t will bl.'. the same as yt•ars tmw. he ;.a1d last year·s. ht> sa1d Why Shop Toy Kingdom in Marion, IL? 1) Toy Kingdom has the largest selection of toys in the four-state area. 2) Toy Kingdom has low competitive prices on the most wanted items. 3) Toy Kingdom g~e~rantees the quality in their mer- chandise. t.. 4) Toy Kingdom gi~ wraps free for birthday presents. 5) Toy Kingdom has the latest. most popular toys in stock, no back order. shipping or other hidden charges. 6) Toy business is not a seasonal business. We specialize in toys all year long. 7) Toy Kingdom provides· the friendliest. most cour­ teous service anywhere. 8) We have an ultra modern, fully stocked toy store that provides you a great shopping experience. 9) You can lay-away now for Christmas with no mini­ mum purchase necessary. We will store it for you until December 24th. 10) We have a complete Birthday Club with no age limit. 11) We have


Page to. Dail) ~:gyptian. October 3. 1980 ____G~OCUS------MARINATED K-BOBS Reltabilitatio,n field Ita~ .iob OJlenin~s with mushroom. rice & salad By Alaa Sculley n1anagement jobs within A\'erage beginning pay for Staff WritPr fa~ilities for the handicapped. vocational evaluators is bet· $2.75 While job opt>nings mav not while job development :tnd ween $12.000 and $18.000 People Today s Special be plentiful m some firlds. ·there placement specialists work in m rehabilitation administration are 60 to ill more jobs available developmg Jobs and training start witn a salarv betwPen to sn.: graduatrs than can be opportunities. he e:'lplained. Sl-1.1100 and $20.000 filled in fielffi. workmg with handicap reh2 bilitation. ar­ cording to R1chard Baker ~'~~ARC director of the sn: Rehabilitation Administration ~r~~·.·~·· and Servict'l' Program ALL BEER Baker sa1d his program has a ~·' 100 pt>rcent placement rate. ICE COLD although entn into these fields ~~ CALL ME FOR requires a master's degree. He THE BEST KEG addE'tl undergraduates who are looking ior a master's degree in All Weekend,AII Night, DEALS IN SO. ILL. the human strvices field should 457-2721 consider handicap rehabilitation because Jf the number of jobs available. t'our areas in the field where 50~ Drafts! jobs are open are \'OCational evaluation. job development and placement. rehabilitation plus the exciting Rock 'N' Roll of administration and work ad· justment. Baker said. Voc?tion evaluators. he ex· plained. ht>lp handicappt>d pt>Ople evaluate their potential ''GRIFFIN'' for t>mployment and develop skills . to live independentl). 213 E. Main 549-3932 Rehab1htatJon adnunistration degrees oftt>n lead to I .. 16oz ·' CASE ~ 24 16oz Ret. Bot. + Oep. t~r. EAiiGAtE ~. ~, 96 more ounces than 12oz ~ --~\ LIQUOR MART iJ -~~ «e,. wan& walnut/549-5202 • ~~-·savings Selection Service P BUSCH IIIII QJ$3.59~$1.45

12 pak cans 6 pak cans L1ght or Dark 6 pak NR Bottles SALUKI Football Special . B$0TA BAGSO (~ . 0 4 • 5 Qumt ·-b· $3.15 ~GILBEY'S GIN Case Ret. Bottles 6 pak NR Bottles t $4.19,1~, Smirnoff Calvert Ronrico JOSE CUERVO~ '= Vodka 80° I Gin ~ Rum 8 $489 ·- $385 <\$429 $"7 .597~ml: ~ 750 ml ~ 750 ml c 750 mY7f·'·'\I LIEBFRAUMILCH Premium Generic Wine! Extra Value Imports~ !'~ ml$ By Mascoutah Robert Mondavi From Germany: ~ ..~ 2• 89 750ml J. $Red. White, Rose Kei~~:S~e!:~:~ )\' .- 59 From France: 4 ~ ,.., KIEV$3 19~ Le Papillon l Vodka·- • p. 5 • 1.5L $2.69 750 m! ~~ ll\.. ---~OCUS------Students cover edtication cost with gtiaranteed loa11 program

8v Dnid Murphy Jamrs Gabler. director of Eggrrtsen said. "If this year 1~ Staff \\ri&n program serv1crs for the IGLP like others. we'll still get about Going to school and going into "That amounts to $2.10 m1lhon in 1.600 more to process. We've debt ~o hand-in-hand for many guaranteed borrowmg " been 1etting: about 8.000 ('ollegr students. both This !S more than tw1ce the requests per year." he added nationallv and at sn_- Last amount given in guarantt't'd :'\earlv $7 million in IGLP vrar. one out of pven· thrt't' loans m 1979. according to loans have already bt't'n gh·en families "';th a child in- colle~P Gabler. when onlv $109 million to Sll' studt>nts for this year. took out a loan to cover the cost in loans was processed. He accordmg: to Eggertser.. The of higher education. accordmg explamed that the recessmn 1s a\·erage loan taken by a to a study conducted by one. but not the onlv. rrason for student. he sa1d. is about S2.300. C1tibank of :'\ew York the increase · Drfaulls on IGLP loans. :\lan~· Ilhnms collegr studt'nts "ThP law makes more people Gabler added. are uncommon han• had to borrow monrv to t•ligible for loans now." Gabler ht•lp mt't't the incrt'asmg ('osts said "The :\Iiddle Incomt' "t 'suall\'. betwern 2 and 3 •ll h1ghereducatwn. and most of Assistance Act. which was percent of :he recipients default on the1r loans." he explainrd tht>st' studt•nt.s borro" mone.v passed m 1!178. made man~ 1980. $10 from the llhnms Guarantf'ffi m1ddle cla~s fanllhes eh~1ble "In we'll have about million m 1mmed1ate los...;~. but Loan Pr~¥rarr. for loans tn the program ·' The fl;JJ'. wh~t•h was for­ Th1s ,·ear. over 6.-11~1 loans most of that wtll be recovered." Gablf'r added that the state of r:Julatt'ii m I!lhf; undPrwntPs ha \'t' bt:en proct•sst'd for s n· I<•W mtt·r~r b;~· to <'oih•ge ~tudPnts In Eggt·rr~en. ass1stant d1rec1or of recovery of defaults iert>1 b;:gm tr> al'cumulate on perct•nt of these art' IGLP you han• to pay this back." he :h.-"'t' ic>nker , rart'('r ha~ been Phil Yanzanera and Brian Eno. FOR uneven!\' SU('Ce~ful :\nd with Scnt•ntH·r. who apparently His ah:litv to switch a beat from the nev. 'nolease of "The :'>lichael weathered his health lapses. re­ rock t1 fils1on to jazz. branded RESERVATIONS ~henltt>r Group... wp lind Jomed h1s brother Ru:iolf and his name m mv brain. In the Serving The .....:~.·ht·nkc:- :-.HUn~ ,jtop rhP tht• S(·orp10ns on last :;{·ar's LP. past ye«r. he nas drummed on 867-9363 Finest In I::~Zhest peak tha~ he has t'\'er · L o\·ed rl\·e · · .\! i c ha e I. albums b\· Stanlt>v Clarki.'. Pete n•ached as a r('(·ording art1s! howe,·er. had 1irde (Teati\·e Townshend and jeff Bec:k. Food­ .x·henker eamed notonetv as 1rnput on that album and again Phtllip's rhythm-mate •'111 the Since 1921 lt>ad IZUJtarzsr lor hard rockt•rs lt'ft the band latrst Beck album. bass player If'(> Ht• JOined the Bntish band Ir St't:'ms that tt.\ wt•rp St·henkE'r to remam in ·a band is Schenker's I.P. These two are ht•adhnmg with the S<·oi-pmns ir. for h1m to form h1s own. And so. touring wit!'. Beck r;ght now and :Jw:r natl\'e Gt•rmam· l'FtJ for hts first solo effort. "The Schenker's ·loss will be ('ar­ "hn had Just lo.;t tht -1r fourth :\hchat>l Schenker Group.'' he bondaiP's gain in thE> upcoming ~u,tanst. spm!Pd Schef'lker has assembled the best Beck concert. But for those who Put your stereo awav from h1s homeland and m~1cians he has ever workrd can't make it to the Arena. "Tht' w t>ni or. to enJOY the1r !I-re !lest wtth. :\lost noteable among the :\lichael Schenker Group" of- back-on-track ~ULTeSS group is drummer Simon H1!f-k:n!!. Scht•nk"r made Phillips and Shure!" m:ljor musical con· t~1hut1on."- tG U·'fl Since he's will put a pack not a l:- r c1st. h1s ~ongs never dorninato·d an album. but he did on~:our back. e1•l!abora k un II 0! t'>r 13 cut_o; nn ·Strangers In The :\1ght." l Ft 1·~ delm:i"·e hv:' :_p It was d<1rmg th1~ !977 tour that Scht'nker began lu gt;>l r!"stless . \' ~. He left the band m n· 1d-tn~r thn't:' times m the space of a •• • 4~,_} • H'ilr. for variou~ health • .. •• ~-. t• i-ea~ons The th1rd ttme. t'FO -~. .1' .: •• ' dec1Jrd to suck with the more depl'ndable :~·· . .. ( :·· -'-)•",'»

c;1lY ''1 .... JI)~()JIJ.,)~'S . · •. ~ .. 1. :

• • • '!:. ~ . • : tJNJ()N ~· .· ·: . ··. ··-::.

~ . : ~ .

... a service ACT NOW. THIS SPECIAL organization OFFER ENDS SOON! M97 SHURE Bq()T'-tE RS t·~c 22'2 Har:re) A-..e E V'iV"~Ion ll 60204 A.rtn ()eodi!,....,t>rf '5!38P l Ph""'' Co~rtnJ~~' I" 1·11 a*''' •¥1·· Sunday Oct.s &p.m. . - Student Center Ohio Room

Page lt. Da1ly Egyptian. t~t·t

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toaily Egyptian. October 3. \980, Page IJ Amusement Park Carnival Rides SAUfEN October 4th 5:30p.m. to GERMAN FOI 10:00 p.m. and All day Sunday OCTO BE October 5th 1 mile North of Ca at the Carbondal Family Games

BINGO Sponsored by the Carb on Sunday

These Businesses Support the Carbondale Jaycee's ..

AHMED'S FANTASTIC ~ttieks ~ :r; .f.i'&... ~ FALAFIL QE!:!!!lfl.i.;g14".,. ~ ;J\' FACTORY Shoes "BESTITALIAN Fidelitv \. '· <<·•c: H .. FOOD IN TOWN" Un. f1·fie _:-'···: IllOR tml T-F 11am-12pm SAT & Sun 1011 tt -··~o Spm-12pm Gerlach & Assoc. • - •).. 515'!. s. lllinoi• 103 E. Washington Suite 203 457 3511 700 SOUTH ILL. c~~o;~·· •

Beautiful People NALDER Studio COMPLIMENTS ~~. ' !1,~~'3 STEREO (@> OF •J.v.c. ~~~~~ • Nakamlchl 102 S. Wall • Genesis FEATURING "The Quick Stop Shop" • Harman Kardon We accept Food Stomps • Sherwood THE FINEST AndW.I.C. Coupons -· :J,.,, ··~ ~~!!'""~-...-;• ~ .. \~-~ • Accessories IN LIVE MUSIC OPIENDAILY -··. •••• ••••• of CARBONDALE ON THE ISLAND 61 J S. Illinois 1:00-10:00 715 S. UNIVERSITY


------) "Seeya First National at the ~'l)ll~ef BJ!n .. ,,rx~ Tru:--· Cr.n::-...:1n. Saufen sandwich und ~-~~ Member FDIC Spiel! West Roads A 2Sc OFF· "The ALL IN ONE Store" FULL SERVICE 214 S. Ill. Ave. BANK THE BEST SANDWICHES MURDALE 457-5080 453-3311 IN TOWN 509 S. University 901 S. ILL 529-BURT SHOPPNG CJNIIR 529-1221

Pag~ 14. Da,ly El>) ptlan. October 3. l!l!IO German Bands uNo SPIEL from 12:30 p.m. to LK FESTIVAL 6:30p.m.

Featuring :R 5, 1980 GERMAN FOOD Knockwurst •rbondale on Rt. 51 Sauerkraut .le Industrial Park Bratwurst Beer 1ondaleJAYCEES @ Soda

•• Here's to INSURANCE FOR HOMEOWNERS RENTERS great & GROUP HEALTH food, ALONG WITH great life & Health drinks. and a F0H INFORMATION CONTACT Great Time! Mon-Sat 10-8 GREGG RUSNIAK Wishes WAllACE INC. JIM tlETT 317 E. MAIN Sun 12-5 549-3311 the Jaycees CARBONOALE. ILL 62901 GOOD LUCK! PH &18 457-8116 EQUITABLE .. I.IH .-\,,L.R.-\'-Ct. ••KRACK$" CJJudj'Jaroc HOME OF THE Auto RetJQir AUTO ~-·CE offers a really fun REAL FALAFEL ··The People Out Bock" FIRE - HEALTH evening for men. We specialize in good work C:Vucf}Watbc and Robert J. Balu. Jr. ojJers a really ft.n Fast Service (Bob) 514 S. til Hours: Fri-Sot evening for women. for your Cdale M-Th 10-1 automobile Bus. 52~-1452 4n-3S13 11-12 Sun C:Vucf}Watbc R£~ S49·7~47 603 N. Illinois 1400 WEB ... "1A·!'o.l ST 1-11 210 S ILLINOIS S -·''I' '1: N C· 2 for a fun evening! 457-8836 C.AJ:f&CNOA-E IL e2c;,·' Dell 549-8023

SUDSY Pinch Penny HARTUNG Liquors l.auntlromat & hr• c:lt>anin.!: !"t·n ir~ ~ ~ Lnralt>tl in tht• l.["\\. ·~~~·"} BUG Caml'u' !"huppin~ -~~~~ L•·nlt·r SERVICE 605 E Grand specialist with Hours 10-2 F-5 Volkswagens DUDSY 11-1 M-Th 1-1 Sun 223 E Main 549-5521

IKE SAUFEN UND SPIEL Will Have Secollld RECIEVES THE to none, fiity's ~ 81 Models CAMPUS UNIVERSITY BANK On Display FASHIONS FOR OF THE FASHIONABLE CARBONDALE f[)fl CO-ED Bulck-H.:mda-AMC-Jeep lSOOW. Main 549-2116 601 So. Illinois "PARTY SEAL" Renault-Delor-n OF APPROVAL Rt. 13 East of U-Mall Member FDIC 54··5321 "7-U10

Daily Egyptian. October 3. 1')80. Page 15 Guitarist .finally leat·es UFO, nou, settles u·itl1 ou·n band INiernalioHal •Continuf'd from Pa~t' t:!l Th1s album. however. is not a fers another chance to hear this total gem. It breaks down on Jasltions Imports excellent duo in action. side two. "Tales of 1\lvsten·" Vocalist Gary BardPr. is not fails to evoke the emotion its presents an exceptional singer. out he slowed cadence demands. while t·arrit•s his we1ght with h1s lyrics. While his suhj€'Ct matter ;;;~h~or~-~~ns~:~~~~ ~~~~:~ Fall Fashions ts fairly average. such as the only partial ht'a\·iosity Since for the concert anthem "Armed And Schenker has never written an Ready." it is varied enou~h tv t'nhre album's worth of music maintain interest despite oc­ before. these are tunes that he Contemporary Person ... casiOnal ind1rectness. h/:~-~!~~usl had to get out of The mam poml for Barden ts Add to your fall wardrobe that his wail ftts .,·ith tne in­ Producer Hoger Glovt'r. with our large selection formt'rly with Deep PurplE'. tensity of Schenker's playing. of un~que clothing. :\ltchael seems genumely in­ m1ght be so used to working spired. displaying some fret­ with nrtuosos that he can't spot 306 S. Illinois. Carbondale an over-mdulgt'nee when he board runs that far outstrip any 467-6913 of his prt'nous r€'Corctmgs. h£>ars ont' Mon Set 9..e Schenker also manages to Sl:ht'nk£>r rna\· have had a Sun 12.C show a lighter side of himself storm_\·. inconststt'nt past. but with t 1e ht>lp of Don A1rey·s tht• "The :\Ttchael Schenker keyboard~ Atrt>y's p1ano In­ Group" makt>s his current terpolation that introduces pnontl£>s qu1tP clear. This 1s ··crv For Tht> :\ations" 1• a graph1cally shown on the album fantastll' set-up. contrastrng cover Tht' front cover shows S.I.U. PARENTS DAY SPECIAL! ~Zreath w1th Schenkt>r's ex­ Scht>nkt'r st'ated in a laboraton· plo~!\·~· n·~ron of the same nff w1th t'i€'Ctrodes attached ail WATCH THE SALUKI'S THROUGH BINOCULARS! ··BrJOU Pleasurette·· shows O\'er h1~ body. appart'ntly tht• band·s dtverslly It features rt>admg hts \'Ita! signs On the sonw acoustic and classic stylt> back covt>r we I!Pt to see what l'!UJtar phrasm>( Thts short tht' monttor IS readmg out It mstrumt•ntal m1ght han• served ~hows two hands f1rmh· as an mtro to J heant'r tum·. but graspmg a G1bson Flying\' 10 X 20 ~-ht>nkt'r wts•·ly plact'nfrdenep rn the musK •o let It h~:>me in h1s hand~. ~\li BRIGHTNESS INDEX. 6.2 stand alont' 1.-\lbum courtf'SJ of WI DB 1 BRIGHTNESS INDEX 6 2 WEIGHT: 6.6oz WEIGHT 7 .6oz LENGTH 2.6in LENGTH 4tn BARREL: 18mm BARREL LENGTH 20mm THIS IS A REG. PRICE: $119.95 IW REG. PRICE $149.95 COUPON NOW $69.95 35< off any sandwich PHOTO after 5pm 9 29- 10 3 NEST

a.., Murdoie for Breakfast. luncn. Dinner 457-4313~

Winners Announced for Clean-Up '80


!:ochmodt Whopper- fries-" drink Burger Kong Oonoel Hogen Sandwich; fries· drink Burts Sondwoch Shop UYA Carbondale Sovongs & !:>chiel $50 Savings bond Loon AngoeBrown Egg roll & soft drink Chino House Notoonol Speech & Heortng $15 Gift certificate Connoe Shoes Assocooloon Oonoel Hogan 3plotters Danvers Restaurant Pho Sogmo Kappa Cordless toothbrush F.rst Federal Sovof19$ of Sparta Notoonal Speech & Heorong $50 Savongs bond First Nohonol Bonk & Trust AS.S.0<10t1on Allen 1 2 guest posses Fox Eostgote Theaters Natoonal Speech & Heorong Well plaque F W Woolworth Asscxootoon Yes. it's me again, you remember. the Student Derek Brown Jon s Barbecue House Melody Remes free meal Godmothers Advocate. I'm the one who will try to rteol with 1 free haor cut Delio Cho Hoor Lab your trials and tribulotions as •·•ell as your •n• Semper Fodelos Scxoety SO

; . oney.,s 'Playing For Keeps., ... ters album reviewing cottrt -ltiiiPitiCiii- ;\en :\lac Garrigle =:==t bubble gum on th1s album SO · Editor • PERVERSE .. that decorum '),. J/€ud'fUUPt€PS AI rise. D.E album GDCVJCW e prohibits me fro.r:! mentionmg •' .:.:.:~ The most complete stry~k af natural wing rourt is now in - ft~ them here todav e ::_-~:1 tocxh and v1tam1ns m Swth(·m lilon)IS ion. First case: Eadie 1Defense attorney stands up• ,• ·. "Piaving For Keeps." Angel" are two of the better ··1 don't think you can ~roperly '. ---±.q 100 West Jackson St. ·."Your honor. I move that this songs he's t'\'er recorded. "Get judge an album without lookmg 'Bet>Neen No..-m I llonoos and tt1e raolroad DOt be heard. This dlbum. A :\love On" and "Runmng at th~ positive aspects a~ U. verv nature. is bubble Back" would make anv F:\1· 11 Hours 9 00 ro ) 30 "ton -Sat . wimpish. lacking in listt'ner proud. It's all It's Sunday 11 to 5 PhO'lt' 5.49-1741 insight ... " all for keeps ... 1 Judge stirs 1 "I think we 'w "Let's hear the album " "YOU keep it I don't want it' heard enough." ;. SOFT FROZF.N YOGURT ~·''Playing For Keeps" is That's right. you heard it "I was told I'd have a chance to speak." in a cup or cone "ennked. Some like it Some Ladies and gentlemen. You .:Oil the fun of oc:e cr·,;am -plus lt'oe good thongs of yoov• 1 D.A. rtses from chair; "ARf. . don't. heard the cliches. You heard H1gh rn 'aste. Jry.,...· 1rl faf Natural frvtt flavorc; - . This • IThis coupon or.c 15~ entitles bearer this? $7.98~ That's great. waste of plastic lacks creative 'Judge pounds gavel; "Or· tooreg.cuporconeofOAt.NYO Because r1ght there. brother, insight and is musically inept der Order We find Eddie ,. 15ct Specla Coupon good til 11-30-10 .., right there. you've got it all' Edd1e is definitely not 'Playing ______:\Ioney's "Playing Fnr Keeps" EVERY song cliche is on this I'' or Keeps.· guilty on two counb. guilty of ONE ALBt::\1~" '"The Wish' sour.ds like worn poor ;;ong ~elt•ction. but also "Not so, disc-washer breath" out Bad Company. 'Let's Be gUilty of good rock ... ''Tbere's more~" Lovers Again· sounds like • D A. springs up • ··what's "No, less. Eddie Money plays something KC and The :.unshine that supposed to mean"" S!.ICE OF PIZZA it for keeps on this album. He IS Band would do. I could go on "Buy it and try ... But don't one smooth singer. a talented and on ... expect too mucn ... DINNER SALAD AND IICIIIgWI'iter and definite rock 'n · 'He gets up l "And finally. 1 Album courtesy of Plaza roller. "Trinidad" and "Satin there are reported acts of Records! A SMALL SOFT DRINK Molly Hatcllet 's third lacks l_yrics FOR LUNCH. BJ Aian Sculley Talker." which borrows rather IDffWriter blatently the opening riffs of the 's guitarist Eagle's "Victim of Love ... • $2.09 Dave Hlubeck was quoted in the GReview•.--- Furthermore. "Poison Pen" For Lunch Only Oet. 2 issue of "Rolling Stllne" sounds like a rough cross bet ~· .. ~2 ID uy that his band is not a be good-and it was very good ween BI,Ie Ovster Cult and Lynyrd Skynyrd clone. He at times on their first two Aerosmith. And then there are .,"'~~ Mon-Fri cciuldn't be more right. albums-but the feeling just songs such as "Penthouse ~ llo.m.-2p.m. Jlollv Hatchet Jacks the didn't seem to be present. Pauper" and "Get Her Back ... ieut, the feeling and the depth Hatchet has some fine which. though they can't be ef Sitynyrd. Not that they musicians. but no amount of traced to a single source. upon haven't tried at times to capture good playing can compensate hearing them you'll know for weaknesses in material. the~nvrd sound-"Boogie No be~~~!. heard parts of the songs More' from last year's LP t:nfortunately. the weaknesses e~Pi;z« "Fiirtin' Wtih Disaster" is a in their song writing were never With this lack of originality CAMP'US SHOPPtNC. CENTER .kime example-but their ef· more blatent than on their new that has often bet:n a charac· lwts always come off as album. "Beatin' The Odds." teristic of Hatchet's albums. the 0 Point blank. the music on listener is left wondering what =:JC:het':.a~ ~k~d~~ "Beatin' The Odds" just doesn't the band would sound like if tongs are charged with. seem orignial. It sounds they would j~;st sound like · llalbJ Hatchet hal\ always borrowed-both from outside themselves. PICKS LIQUOR seem8ll to m1ss that aspect of sources and from their previous !n addition, Hatchet's "YOUR FRIENDLY LIQUOR STORE" soundi:llglike they identify with repHitiveness is good what l'ley write. The music may ~~bu~e~~dsuy i~e~\=~! <('nnlinu .. d nn l'al!<' 191 The American Tap PRESENTS ~ppy Hour Seven Days a Week RED LIPS 11 :3o-a KISS MY BLUES AWAY 254 Drafts. 704 Speedra1ls Michelob Lite beer 6 pkq NP $2.15 $1.50 Pitchers Lowenbrau b""' o pkq NR $2.29 Dark or Lore $3.59 Come Join Us Oly bee: 12 12cons or 12 12NRbor $2.89 Wiedemannbeer 12 12tan, This Weekend 24 bottle case r $4.29 and catch ·•···•·············••·•····•••······•·····•· Bell' Agio Whotew•ne750ml $2.49 SATURDAY NIGHT Tasting 10-3-80 4:30 to 8 30 pm LIVE ···································$·1··0·.·7··9· Jim Beam wh.skev 1 75 and ~.IIW"J ~~· Wild Turkeywhoskev 101 proot $9.69 ···-··· "j' 750 m' ..~~~~~.'::~;. PRO Evan Williams Whoskey 750 m! $4.83 8-16 gal. KEGS fter Happy Hour FOOTBALL -OPEN- Drafts Sunday Mon.-Thurs. 9-lom. Fri. & Sot. 9-2 om. on our new a.. foot Sun. 1-1 om. 549-4332 Pitchers lewis Pork Moll ' Scr£en next to Picks Electronics

IJatly ~gyptaan. October 3, 11180. Page 17 Costello's latest a career l)l~err~ieu~ Chen's Four Seasons Restaurant 8v Tom Travln r::Jfl/l own tortured mind and soul. Studt>nl \\'rllf'r with him wringing t:>very last Highway 51 South Carbondale Ever since Elvis Costello first drop of !'motion out of himself appeared on the music scene GJ?eview•. until he barely has the strength Free Egg Drop Corn Soup with the release of ":\lv Aim Is to go on to the next song True" in the summer' of tm. are the feelings of betraval Costello hits upon a lot of served with I varieties of he's proven himself as one of which Elvis can't i;elp but things-from marriage and all the more prolific songwriters in convev. the ramifications of settling into Delicious and Economical the business. Always seething. "Girls Talk."" "Talking In The a niche for the rest of one's life. Lunches $2.75 always with an axe to grind. to a brutal assault on Britian·s alwavs contro\·ersial and ~~~~~. _an~-e·~;tr~;ferr~;eJ:~~ neo-fascist l"ational Front Four Free Fried Wonton always improving recorded bv Linda Ronstadt on l"~i!ilht Rally"l. Then there's With the release of ":\tv Aim her "\lad 'Love" LP. but are some commentarv on stardom With Each Dinner and what happens' when today·s Is True." Costello made his presented 01. "Liberties·· in a Call for corry-out initial declaration of in­ much differt>nl context star becomes tomorrow's has· dependence. blending various :\ot to badmouth Linda. but been with '"!I Don't Want To Go 549-7231 diverse musical influences into thE' original \'t'rsions of these tol Chelsea" and another tun!' his own unique style. This trend songs are infinitely supenor to a bout the callousness and continued throughout Costello's ht>r covt>r vt>rs1ons- mainl~· coldness of the music business. followmg albums and IS because Costello knows the "Ghost Train." manifested as an assortment of propt>r place. and inten!'ity. to All in all. "Taking Liberties'" EXHIBITION AND SALE OF track~ -from harned rock ·n · inflict emotiOn Costt>llo. unlike roll to countrv and western Ronstadt. is pouring out his ORIGINAL GRAPHIC ART crooning-in his lastest effort. soul. stripping himself nakf'd ~~r~itt~~~;~at ~ff.fsalin~o~~eW~ listener--at first But. it is a ""Taking Liberties ... and . burning with anger and OCT. 2 &l, 1.. 0. pass10n on these tunes must for all hard core or par­ ··Taking Libenil's·· is not so THUR. 11 A.M.-I P.M. much a compllatwn 0f rare "Radw Swt>etheart" and tially committed fans for 1t FRI. 10 A.M.-4 P.M. tracks as it IS a good o\ernew "Stranger In The House"' show presents Elvis in a somewhat 'lf thE' many changE'~ m Elvis· Elvis" lo\"e fc~ .-\mPrican d1fferent ligh: and gives a good SPONSORED BY SPC FINE ARTS st:-rm v career The wide countn- and western music. oven·iew of his various mood.~ spt'('trun' of mus1cal influencE's e\"ldenced before in his guest MARSON GRAPHICS INC sessions on Gt>Orge Jones· In "'Ghost Tram." the presented not only shows that LP. album's dosing song. Elvis "\1~- Very Special Guests."" and he has a wrv distinct sound 0f himself claims. "You can be his own. but also that the sound his occasional appearanct>s witr vanous artists m :\ash­ rPfusedYou can be replacedYou IS bo:h ongmal and rt'freshing can change your name but ::ou T"e album opt>ns w1th ""ClPan vilh'. Costello shows ht> has a can't change your face."' :\I oney. · · one of the most rt>al feel for the structure ::~f a rockmi! numbers Elv1s has ever country and western song Thts st>t:>ms to sum up wnt!Pn It iPaturPs Da,·p F.d­ Ikspit" his l'Xpt'rimPnts w1th Costello"s altitude pret•-- well mu: . .1s of H,)("kptlP on backmg othPr stvit•s of rnusl(". l"ostPllo"s Elvis 1s now trappec. into \'ocals and g,,·ps Elvis a chance mam strengths lie in his lyr ;~!' becoming a superstar and he to >ohow hts. hurmng. if hmitt:>d. Ht> has one of thE' most profour1d doesn't know what he can do to gUJtar prowpss The ~ong ap­ talt·nts for t>xpressm~ h1mst>lf of avOid it P!'rhaps h1s next Dt'ars to be a demo track for any maJor songw nter around album. due in Januan·. will SBA FILMS ··LoH' For Tender·· fr<>m the toda\ shed somP light on hew ·he can ·(;et HapP' ·' · .. 1.1' --the lnJ("s Each L>f Co~tt'llo's snngs IS a <"Opt' wrth himself a11d hts and rr.t·lod:-· hnt•s are s1mdar. "' r111matun• Journt>~ throulo(h his ab1hh· Bil!hounl rwmt·~

t)ut•t•n to top "'pot~

"' ThP .\ssocia\"d PrPss ·The ICI"·"" !nl!. are R1llboard's top rf'C[l:-ds fnr the wPek l.'nc!>nl!. 1 •rr J I as thP~ appear ,n next Wf't'k S ISSUe of fll]}hoard magazrne THP Sf:\'(ii.ES I ··AnothPr One Bitt's the Dust .. (Jw•en . Elt>ktra It's A Wonderful Life '2 Wnman 10 Lon•" B.:~rnra Bulova Watches James Stewart. Donna Reed, Lior.el Barrymore ~trt>tsand Columhta · 3 ·rps!dt' Pown· Dt:;.na Rnss Thomas Mitchell. Henry Travers. P uloh Bondi. \Io•own, Gloria Grohome. Word Bond. Fronk Foylen. -4 '.-\11 Uut of L.:,·.e·· .-\1r Supply .-\rista • now 50% off DIRECTED BV FRANK CAPRA TOP LP"s DID YOU EVER WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN? 1 "The Game"" Qut> Benson 'Warner Bros ' CARBONDALE 4 --·xanadu" Soundtrack .. 457-5221 Donation: $1 .00 Small Group Hous1nq \!C-\

Tanqueray WE'll PAY MORE BUSCH FOR YOUR Gin CLASS 7S0ml 3.67 1 F Sot RINGS I Su•' 6.69

Michelob light 2.19 , ______.. __ ...;;;;..;;..;;... __...... _ 6 p~ bri, r ""' Augsburger 2.05 Cella All 7Sv ml 2 39 Ron Rico Rum 4.29 ~ 6 pi< brl~ • 7S0ml Weidemann 1.42 May Wine YSOrnl 2 25 6 pk (0'" • Pinch Scotch 11.79 ! ~ OLY 2 pk brls 3.99 Royal Gold Label !SO.,.,, 2.73 750 ml ' . Kramer Zeller Katz 750 rn1 3 19 V .0. Conadian 6.79 '·'-~-· ·--;,:~~~~-:-- Generic Beer 1.38 Sonoma Vineyards ' 5 L 4.19• 7 SO m! • Hdir:,;hdpmg 6 pk cons Popov Vodka 4.25 • Cu..;tom P~rrn Weidemann c, 4.29"'-..,.._. __~~~~-~~~-'!"""-----•~"' 1 L \Vdi.'Hl9 v.:Jth SAVE- SAVE- SAVE St'tbur Purn C,\11 PRE GAME SPECIALS TERRY SMITH 11-2pm Sat. WINE TASTING Sot. 1-4pm Slfo~ Arrow Schnapps ;._._ .. 1.1 S 6pkcons ~ H. Walker Sloe Gin 2.38 214 S. University California Cellars 457-6023 Yukon Jack NC ... 2.29 \0 :\1 n '.I .U:.S...V\HY 1.86 Chablis Friday·'.~ PtLzzle HAPPY HOUR ~ "the friendliest everyday place in 12-7 p.m. •Continut-d from Pagf' 171 ACROSS 46 Htts hard town" t Gusset 49 Augurs of what separates a 5 Easy chore 53 Lo.est potnt from an average 9 ""Quiet•·· 54 Gasp liT ltltiSH MONO such as Hatchet At both 14 Destroy 55 - squad AOAR CAMTO ODOfll there is the abilitv to draw 15 Ethnic dance 56 Parcel out llt!OUL.,TION II YA outside sources. ·aut. only 16 Five: Pre! 57 Prepos~t!Ofl S Nl .. TIIIO,tCAl band will be aole to 17 Kin or aren"l sa OutSide DAIS f"l( music and redefine it 18 Greedy Pre! ILLRACI filii the context of their own 19 Loran·s k•n 59 Valleys ALIEN IIIAVE TALA 20 Debased 60 Snake DIN I'A"IMQ OfY 22 Caper about charmer"s .... U S A Elt •tATE as if the lack of musical 23 Catn"s kin claronet f TEIII OITIIITfD ~~<-JIZI'ess;ion isn't enough of a 24 Danny - 61 Judge Ill I T A I 0 lit T ck. the lvrics on 25 Mended TA A~I·K &IETHf 12 oz Drafts ••••••••••••••••••••••3Sc n' The Odds." if 28 Crazy DOWN VIM II.IITR'=.!UI 32 Proctamatton T LD AOO,_E t.lllt:l 60 oz Pitchers •••••••••••••••• $1.75 >t· ~ .aything. ar£' the worst. most 33 Contended 1 Electrode INOS ME Ellt LOSI · · laackneyed set that Hatchet has 34 Before 2 York"s river ~ ·. ever written. or 35 Bundle 3 Resound 22 Dromedary 40 A 1ense BUSCll Jjle • · A choice example is "Dead 36 Find fault 4Gale 24 Army caps 42 Share and Gone." a lvrical rewording 37 Bad kid 5 Tinled 25 Exclude 43 Box Join Us Sunday lor of Skvnvrd's .rTh£' Needle and 38 Mellow &New 26 Saytng 45- Cerlo Bear's Footba.l the Spoon." "Hey good lookin'­ 39 Appoint- 7 O:;g-with some • variations. Consider!ng that "Flirtin' With Disaster" sold 1.4 • • million copies, this is ex­ plainable. • '~ But. without a change in style 0 MURDALE SHOPPING CENTER • '~of music, :\loav Hatchet · >t~uly will be flirtln' with disaster. .... f • ·.• • • West Rc,ads "The ALL IN ONE Store" WELCOME PARENTS TO S.I.U~ AND CARBONDALE Mu•jo11P Snooo•~q (&n'P' • Corbondo•~ • ')~ ! 2'2' Sale Good Oct. 3-5 Sout ern Comfort 12 pak 750ml -~f 12ozcans ·~lD~~f. ~~ ~ . $2.99 a ss. 49 Michelob Gordon's Light Vodka ~.,. 6pak :•.. ;.., ... -... . ~ ··_~,.. · .,, 1:.t oz cans ~~ Hand sewn leather upper, rubber sole deck shoe. A value at $35.00. friday and saturday, Oct. 3rd and 4th. AVAJLABLE TO YOU FOR$28.00. MENS SIZES ONLY. Tasting Fri.4-7p.m. Bolla Soave $".99 I'.. 750 mi. 700 SOUTH ILL AVE MON-SAT 9-5:30

Daily Egyptian, October 3, 1980. Page 19 }I .il i 1978 FIR~BIRD ~'OR~l.'LA 1h5t 'Daily Fgypttan • Exceli,,nt condlllon. a1r· ACADEMY cond11ionE'd. tilt whe<>l. cruise. AM- $3995. PICKS ~·M Stereo tape. a49-i397 befor<> Tht> Datly 1-:gyptldn •·annot bt 6prn t673AaJO ELECTRONICS ----~-~---- .-sp.>nst ble for more than one da~· ~ FINANCING \!LRPIIYSHORO f"t'R~ISH!-:D : I. ----~ ~---- . !wdroonls. carpet, )!as ht·.•: ·n~orrect IO.'t>rtton 'ltf\'~rttsers are 1!113 TOYOTA CELICA. A:"tl·FM. 8 "DAILY SHCIALS" rP~pon<>lble lot r-heckmg the1r Rt. 51 North track. atr. and more ~xcellent gas ~~:t fe':,"~~t ~~;~l'S ~~~ (~~il~~;/~ '',;~ ,d, ertlsement lor errors. t:rrors not m1leage B!'St oHo•r 549·0414 Buy 2SA-C90 ht' fault of th•• adverus••r whtch l't>ts. 54\l!lii!H Ht~.ith ... l•· 1&11:\a:W At Reg. Pnce Get I t•s,;en tht• 'a lue of the idH•rllst•ment "1ll bt> adjustt>d If :-.;~:w !IRI!'K rn·PL~:x u, .;our ad appt.~ar5 J1X'Orrfi.·tly. or Jf l"FREE" furmsht-d. 2 bt>droorn aparlrTu-n: .ou Wl:rator. ranl(e 1111150. 2 bedroom. cornplelel~ l Karsten Auto Recycling NEXT TO PICKS liQUORS 1r. 1 Oas,ifi.-d Information RaiM 1'1 furr.1sh;-d, air. ca'J:eted, neow ~s~~:JhUi~~~r~st rutv L~:~~~ one L>a' 1n l't:·nt!o- Jlt'f ''or<1 ~· Corp. d:~·~r ~~::;rn,~"' ~~~. t 1ed LEWIS PARK MAll ~~·~•·;·t mmmnun ~~ ''' ' Guaranteed 867 Ho·alt~. 701 S llhnniS, ;>-l;f 1..17~ 1 - 1513Ae33 - 1,. 744Ha.!~ da~"" lla~,; ., "''" ' Dt'f \\urol r··· •• Recycled Auto Parts 549-4833 c~rMRLAKE- ARt:A. W.;52,-;.-r \\t~rt;t.~r d~~~mr Pd~' H ( ··nt~ pt :I Fore,gn • Domes ftc cons south on Old .it ~,.-~·~~"~~f'\,;:~:1::~.. -n n"'_' h "" i, .tsi o4:z1 457 6319 STERE \1arnt>d eouple :"o;u chlldrl'n or T\\P~t· or \l{lrt' [l~'.' ~ :' n·nb pt· pets 549-17R2 l74~Rb! I

·""·i ~·t·r rt.l\ Ftl~( PARTS W~H:CKED 1?76 HOCSE FOR Hl·.~T tn \1ur (\l,tom Che,·rolet \'an \\ 1ll Sell REPAIR C..\RBO:'\I>ALt: 1!171 RICHARD· Audio Hospital 54~-1495 ~~Jib~~~h~;r~~~~· g~dr~?,~h t:. \\ ord '\linimum : 1 ~r~r'~r.R7~sf; cornple::7ll~~~w Sll:>O 2 bearoolm l , bath. washt'r. :ocro~'5 from the trotn ~tot•on 7tl3-47:1ll I;~ l Hh:\4 ... ~:·,~ .. ;";,,"~,:~;;.:lj.~t~':W~.. :~,yr~:· '------...... :-:::r ~pg;.::,'~~f~~~ ~t~~~::~ 1 Call :\lary. 529-1604 1719At>32 ~·1sHF.R STEREO RECEI\'t:R ;;~·.:;~;;;,;~~\'':,~;;::l,:·~",!~;:/,'.'~','(j';;1 ~, , FOREIGN CAR PARTS and speakers. full warrant\·. f>X· : cellent conduwn. rnovmg·must / Mobile Hl'mes

529-1644 z~~~ ~rj;~clhCalton.<. 1'7J:~~:fl r.'~~~------­ FREE BUS ::~r:~!~:: ";.:~:;,:;;~.. ·~~.~-;~:;·. GLOBAL AUTO 7 RUNS DAILY Miscellaneous North on Hwy. 51 Rt. 51 North Carbondale TYI'EWRJTF:Rs. SCM El.EC­ 549 3000 A all o.,out our discount cord TRil -"'· •·ew and used. lrwtn ;· POIISAU Type,.·nter r::~tt·hanjl<'. 1101 :liorth We buy used sfef'eo equipment For Service: Court. \tanon Opt>n ~ondav­ Satunh.' l-993·:1:\l!f7 BH:.!:!.-\f:Wl' 52~- 1M2 Good condition or SfiLL .-\ Ft-:w l.t•fi on~ rl~~ to Automotlves needinQ repair campo~ 2-1 hE'd:-onm>. n1n· ron \'!PORTS 1':-\LI:"tt,n:n. t31J W dJt"'" 5~'9-+W-1 Bt:i7~Hr~l \lam St. '!anon Ill £2!159 Add to udlo Hospltaf M ...... s I.U_ ...... ,. ...,~ :ht• ht•aut~ of vour horne \O'Ith C0:\1FORT.-\f-li.E THAILEH Motorcycles t•l:- rug.~. lm o>nt=ntal iles1gn por· i 12xf.O furnlsht•r!. ·\·C t>u, to •;n c,.latn, s1lk S('ret•ns. water color \1lLo,t ~ubiPt """ · Pam ..>!9-o~~-, !~:!~'!u~ f~~~ o~f~~sh~~~:,Or'd:h!~ NALDER STEREO lfi!6hc.;: lu.,ur,. Lav-a'IAd" for Chrastma~ 715 S. Unlvenlty Ave. nH" ·-rut"'~fL:u·-: '.\dl~r.•rash. and 1 1 l q:L• rt H'-IT!'KE. C-\R· :) .. SERVICE ma1nt;unan,. ., \'t•n dt•an Thrt'<· ~.:~l;::i~t~~~~..' }: t~l ~-~~~;,J!• t·i~~-~;-_\ :~--~~! }!ll,llALE O!d Ht ;3 Wt>st. turn mdt~ on~ •.,. i.1 -.;u Pt•t> .>lY i :'<>11th;;: \1orH ..rld Inn Tan·rn. ~-to 3 on most mojor I~ li612 or 54!1·.31.~1~ 1\lt>.HBr:l" m1lt- :,.;~H:>~R B16~Af46 :~:~~-~~·~~~ ;~~-;~!\ -\~~~~ r:;l~~·l~~:~\\ brand components. L\RtiE TWO Bf:IJWl(J:\t ntet•h 7•i:~--u.. r; .-\ftt-. tlprr. r;~.\{'.i-4 . LE\Tiit:F. SI'IC\P P!ECt;s and ~·~~~~~~·~,;r~~~."~~);;~~,~~~52':.:ai- ~',2,~'?u:t,.~' {;n,')(r squai~1~'Ar~1 On the t!llancl t6~2lldtJ

CYCLE TECH :oo;t:\\ V. '.H:HB~~IlS. Kl:>OG ->r rwo H~:-IJHll. ~s-h~a. t 1• Cfot•v•''• ..1 :· .sr,. .t• ;'~ WeNowHaveo,r:. 1uli '.\arranll~. <·umplett• 549-1508 ;11r condltiOnt•d. on sha 171R.\f:U .:>1!1!71~ or 457-5;~~ B17.13 Bt7:!9Bc.\:i !APt(t S!R .. ICE A! R!AS !'<;..Sa ALBUMS ' ; :"tlurph~s-~~·~~~-~~36..\f~S New Used MA~!S . PP>C!'> ON All Of 1\\1:>0 SIZE BED Good m1leil!lE' We also buy used albums MOTORCY(L!S Rooms Best offer. Call.t';7 S55.fi5 per ,..,... k l~o:n Pt>Vl'L\• q '-HIH.D Sport Kmg's Inn \totel. 549-t>ll:l l'.r 4 n lu;rl~r ll"od hod\· ar.d l\17~ HO:>ODA XL 25uS. excellent ll1MHRd4:'ol' •·nl(lno· "" e<>c.d1tiom-d. -\~1·F\1 rond1t1on. street ]t'jlal. phon.- 549- 471~ 17~2Ac.36 SI-:T l W SH~:AFER Sterhng S1lvt-r Pets & Supplies ~~(~;' -,.~,~mmr.~ p.-rfect /~~-~~~ PRIVATE ROO!'t!S FOR mt•n 2 f11•.nta1n hali·potnt pl'ns. students. can do cook1nj!. shdre ()Of\ER\l.-\:'li Pl'PS :\ K C k1tcht'n bath and lounge \ E'f\ nt•ar \~::" \llrVrt: l ·\){Lt> t>l,.ek '.\l!h Real Estate ~~~~~~:~;1&:;~~9-l~rre~;~!{;~ ('hampton Bloodlines .n both dame and Sll'f' pedigree. ti )''"'. re z~~~~~~~~~~~ (l!!lll~~~~&~i~;r't:'~ ~::~~ ~~~u{'~~<~-~.. ~.\4:~ .. ~; mp~. lli~f.. ~:i•~ lnokm~ for a good on<>. 45,-6 1 82. 7u.r.l B16!lt>llbt-r i. ?epo>Stl C \1 J!l,l..\t t ·, >l'P~: [)~\:lie IN STOCK bt"lnjl taktn r.ow n .. ~.--... ~~·rr: p,; hl~h·.,~. a\ Roommates ;\nl.... : ~ ... :-.t·!; s.:- :-1:1.·) ~•'- -t~.i ).~ :·. AT ·~~~ •4r, il\• 1~:.:.-\~ {I Musical PATCHES .-\\,\1l.AHLE OCTUIH:R Jrt! f'• '' ~ 1-\• r .\T \LJ:--...>. L"" Share cloo;e to campus hnu"· ;o.:th ,.\, t·l t": ;.:~·vf:.:H:!~._·~; '.E\\ Hll\lE F• IH 'dlt' or iea't· 213 S. Illinois thret• othf>n; SL~• pt>r m11!'lh .rJu., :'.L.1•. ~H·',.\, pdrt .. t·q~.:·!r: st.·ttiEk: ·" ;!h ~ or J Mon. thru Fri. 10-2 uttht1es l'all Kan·n .~~~ : • ~~. aft.-r ;, .ltl P \1 fur m"r~ 1n :·;~.·~r. f~ '.~;.d ~i~~·r _-:~~~b ~ "t·ll 1 4 Sat. •-Spm formation Pl<>as.e kl't>p ~~~n~ ,: "'.' ::-~14'--\a .;_: F;:n:::~:~~~:~t;~.:r'~;:2/1:E.,~:~:fr~ 52.-2713 ans~t')'" Hd.\~h·.L~ r· ~:~ -~~.l:ut. l_~rr~:.~:·;~·d~. ~"l~ ~ ~{,~~~ 1~-\Rtil-: Jn:!~Rll0~1 I~ lol\O.t'T it•\ ,.r ,~;~t·r -, >111~· n: ~tr ·o~.n.-Kt'Dlh FOIIENT of houSf> Preferabl\ maie Sl>•• ,1!!\ti::::l l.rl-;-:..\d41 Electronics '\ month. no Ullhllf>S r·all p,,u] 4:,; HYII lt>t".'l\t·.~• Mobile Homes Apartments n::o.L\U: Rt-Jl-J\1:\!ATE :--.U:!Wil NEED A COMPUTER? fnr ntct" eoz\· houst' two hltH.:k .... Compare the Apple II to the ; B ~; E f' :\J..\ ST fo: R ·s ApART. furotllrnltt•'aPlusl_:,.;u~~7 mnn't~)~.t;~- NEW \1~::-<0TS. o~~ bt>droom. ullhttes ·~ ~ l4'x64' Rodro Shoe~ TRS 80 l>ald \'all ,...'>-48.'>!1 16;>1Ha3l; '.Et:P 1\1\!EdiATELY '-tc·•· The Apple II L\R~m:\l>ALI-: I.L'XI H\' T\\0 house b\ Spdlwa~ so;; a mont_t H••droom A r cond 1lont"d. rar· plus onP:tlurd. d:t-ap ullhtt:-< 4 •· . • . ., fw.ce a~ tasr 1 1 drapt"nes. lo\·E-Iy area 721\h 5pm I• UHt•J: i~f;-J I { ~Tt 1\! Fl lkl) \";.H~ ( :II(Jd $10,995 •stores tw,s 't;"t/ 1:~ .. '1-'EIJ){(HI:\l,1ATESJJ:,plu.,ont· Rt 51 North d"k d11 .... e 1 fs ~ a~st:t:t· !ro~.;t·r ~.~t h nt·-.... r)~1: f.>urth utlltlles v .. r:- du,;o-. ::.• lt·r~ s:.,n<1 : ,r, ..... S~..to1' ··4~•-!•4-~~~ •no, color :\1 l ){ p Ji): S B u H u . T '>' ll <"amp<~> !'h.-rn· ar.d Poplar • l a .. aftt·r ~·pn: : 7;.~ .. \d 1. :"H~·l7H7 • 17:,3Bt.•.)l• •ho~ 2 grophon mode~ B~:DH00:\1 apartm••nt :o-1th aP' ! ~ llr:LB Y 'E\\ caqlt't. 2 1974 I' I Yl • • i: · '\ :v.o• •hQs sound pltanc~~ :-oo pets liradc;at.e 1 auto. 3~.~J4~· r:.:~t·~ •needs no SJOO box to ex­ ~~;~~t'h"tf;;;nsi~~.r~~d ''"u~~.J~~~ l'all aftert. 11t ·,i.J4 ~~~~~r~lo!~~:l-~ r~l 1:~t d~~:~:~~~~ ~-):.. It} lndudl~ ffi(J\'t). bk•ck. and pond memory l~;·-. t•im~ ~~~- Hlo-i or :-H~-5:>~J FoR ::,.>.L.E 1 '1 ~- '• \ \J 'Hll t• IH7:14.-\e38 MAKE US PROVIE ITIII ( arlil. \'!1. au!oo ~.;,-:~I t•R) 2Si7 CALL Mobile Home Lots ~-;- hJ:\a.U I Al{li"-.;!l,\L~: 'll ST S!·.LI ' IWNOtS COMPUTER MART ROYAL RENTALS 111x.~.~~ ~lohile Homt• Goon t'~'l· FR~:E HE~T FIRST month 1971 \'liLKSWMi\>\ 'i f'Ut 1\ul( rh~H>n. underp1nnt:d. a1r~ •t. I. Sw.. ta COf'fter Pla1:a For Foil Concellohon~ ){accoon \'a lie\ ..1 m 1lt•,; South Whllt" (jood t-ngm.. \,;..,,g St;toJ t·~rndlllOnt-<1. furmsht~l. """ fur 1 '"' fa$-f of Mol o_,.., 'O Ike Bv•t:k Apls. & Mob.le Homes pt·ts. !:l~ lots. S43·up. ~'·~ fllii-2!193 J7:nAa.13 w.>Od...O fldnn· Call 4:,7 -""'•2 1756Ae39 1 &167. ~5.-57~9. or 54.,._Z718 457-4422 BlhiBlA~l ~------RED RASPBERRIES FOR sale. DAILY BUS SERVICE from SEWING Ptck your own. White's Frandon Carbondale to Chicago-S21.4S ALTI.ATIONS Farms. Oraville. 684-6269. D J 1 1 White B 1725.148 ~~~~~~~~: s-Ec;.. ~:s12 sl::- 1f~~~~ FASHION D£SIGNING svJIIe $13 ~5 Contact Agent at 4S7· 8171 Gulf Transport Co 1502P39 CALLEYELYh RIDER WA.'IITED TO Portland­ 54t-7"3 Seattle area Leavmg somehmf! in r k'tober Cali Anne. S4!HJIJ61 or 549- 3294 leaH mf'S.Sage l738P3~ BECOME A BARTE:-.iDER ~ia~~~Ja~~t ~;~of~~::f.lsJ:~ Dirty Don's School oFBartendmg 349-30.16 Bl5i3E41

TYPI~G SERVICE· THOSE PEOPLE WHr) ordered Ml:RPHYSBORU. t'ast. rehable. efficient Ten years experience ~~~s ~~r ~!~~~~~:('b~~£~:~ f~~ and t1·00 am at thE' Student ~y~~~ ~~f~at10ns Cal~~~ke.:; Center's Gallery Lcun2e 1754.1:10 TYPI:'IiG MOSEY BACK ~~ft~ht:rr~~~o~.:'"t~~~~~.\~u":. AUCTIONS ~~;e~~ 009-:~~ per pa1~7 ~"Js Ia SALES regnancy Assistance I center· I Pn!pnant--NeedHelp? • Call 54IJ-154S : BEEFMASTER'S. SOW AC Mon •• Fri .. '-'""' \ ~le!:!t<::~~~~~~~oi~s~~~-x- 1654C31 CO~T~CT LESS ~~AR~RS ------Save on braJV! name hard or soft RIDERS WANTED WANTED: LEAD Gl!ITARIS1 Only 2 more years with vocal ab11i~ for establishea ~u~tr!t~~~:talor~~n~~~ {;~ Supplies. Box •453. Phoen1x. RIDE "'THE Sft.:DE:"T Transit" till its legal. ~!\e.:~:;~1u~rc~\\a~J~?or Anzona 85011 168-IE31 to Ch1ca2o and Suburbs. runs .auditions .. nd specifics. 937-2360. 1'\'en· weekend~ departs ~"nday 1655C30 Pt.:T YOLt DISSERTATIOS. 2pm~ returns Sunday. S3;> 75 From your gracious Thesis. or other manuscript m roundtnp 1$37.75 after -~ed­ RESIDENT COU!IiSELOR nesda ,. 1 T1 cket sales c . -.IY at thoughtful room­ NEEDED to work with disabled :~'h:;!n~;~c • 606 E. .f1~f~i; ALUMINUM CANS, PIE tins. foil needed. seu YOI!I' aluminum for 2(1 cents-pound at the So. Sl o-·erpass. ~ "Mystic" ~ near the Farmer's Market. Fnday's uam - Spm. BI66Jf'30,1 1 ~ (sof~~~:s;d~;: !~Pd;~eb~i; :is co 1 ~~ WANTED: CLASSIC CARS built before 1970 and craft displa ·s for I WSIU-FM's "Discovery test" I 9:00pm to J:OOam October lith. call Chuct M1lll'l', 453-4343. ext. 2i4. 1702F311 CARBONDALE ELKS CLUB . 220 West Jackson SALVAG Phone: 529-9545 PREGNANT? Con & Tru

I LOST I ~~R~~';,~\;;t~~:;~~\'oo ~Pr!;L;; i I Hangar 9, 511 S llhn01s An• Bti2iC30 ! LOST BLACK A:SD Wh1te Female I Cat. lake road v•c:1mty of DeSoto · Rev.·ard. Call:-.29-2811 or867-20:10 :-.fEED A PAPER Typed" IBM Bt73\IG33 Selectric. fast and accurate Reasonable Rates. 349-2258 147:E36 COYONE'S PIZ.Z.A Delivery Men Wonted. A-1 TV RENTA : TWO KEYS string with ta_$ Must have Cor & P"-. New Color $25 monthly 0~ Apply In Person. Black & White $15!y i ~~~~a:Ti~~~~ creek Hf~ 30 312 • S. IUINOIS WE BUY TV's Worlcing 1 f APPLY AFTI. •PMI 1 REWARD. RF.TURN OF Brown or not worlcin 457-7 Tri-fold wallet. i..-.;t at Rec. Center on Tuesday. cau jil"k Carter. 529- 9575. 1745G30 ABORTION-FINESf MEDICAL care. Immediate appointments. I ~~r~·aa,~~ ANNOUN~MENTS TYPING SERVICE-THESES Dissertations. papers on IBM Correcting Selectric. Competitive pr1cing. experienct'd. accurate. GRAND TOt.:RING A\.lTO Club guaranteed. 349-3911:;. 1495E38 meetmg this Thursday a• Bleu 3 TYPING: EXPERIENCED IN ~~::!~eiwo~: ~~i-e .!~~tc;:~~ attend: Information 529-Wt7. 529- ~~ fs:-:::\J~?J~ice. so:'~~::S I 13211. 173z.l:!9

Daily Egyptian. l>c·tober 3. 1980. Page 21 Tolll Robbins' faddislt fantasy is good book for college crowd

Bv Bill Turlev "Still Life" span more globe :'li~ws Editor • than ABC's W1de World of Jo'ads come and go among the ~'Review Sports. But basically. the plot college crowd. and now it's Tom revolves around a "sort of a Robbins' turn to be fashl{lnahle love storv" bt'twPen an ad­ And it's no mvsterv wh,·. Washington He writes mitted arid convicted bomber smce his latest novel. "Still Life glowingly about Psslocyh~> and a beautiful princess whose With Woodpecker." talks about mushrooms. a pschedt>hc fungi monarch parenrr. have been almost ewrythin(l an mtelh!Zent that grows rPadi!v m a wd d1sposed ar.d who 11re exiled m ]et-settmg preppie would want chmate ;'~;ow one hates to ac­ Robbins' hom•' territory m to he.1r cuse anyone of drug u.c;e, but Washington. The bombt'r is an Robbins· metaphorical hev. it's obvious what he does to outlawbutnot11crimmal •a fint' writing style lends itself to a paSs the time on those rainy hair that Robbms splits nicely 1 college student's psyche. nights when left alone with his The princt'ss is an ex-eollege Reason,.. hv" l'sualh·. a student typewriter. l!'s Ken Kesey all cht-erleader with high 1d!'als 1s stimulaied mtellectualh bv O\'E'r agam and a miscarriage in her past h1s stud1es. He - ~~ Remember the seem~ in But most importantly. both also !'ither sophisticated or :"ational Lampoon·s "Animal are rl.'dheads trytn!'( to be And he IS alway!' House.·· -whpre the h1p profes~or Rohbins draws a parallel looking for a good tim£• J!ets freshman Larry Krogt'r bet,..een rcdht·ads and tht> Robbms has packaged tht'se high for the first ttme" Th~~ mightier of tht' anc1ent t·oncepts and put thpn; mto heg,n dtscussmg how the :\hlk~· ei\"llizations. "Still L1fe .. Wa.:-- could be JU:t h1ghly crt•auve on some g1ant"s hand Ltke. wa~· 111 a ~pan>d out. mt£'llt'Ctual ""ow man That scenE' is a fine the only you're gomlo! to fa:o;t;~on lie ~rtte~ abnu~ I'Xample of the type ni fantas:­ fmd 11 There is. of course. a lot pHamtd i)('W!'r and nx·amt•. that Hobbms. bnngs to print more to tht' book and it's all a bt1lh mten•st.• ol the ia(!d1"h ,pt But hem!'( sophomonC" i:;;; ·r ~o grand timt-~ as all of Robbms· Hu! most of all. Robbins· t'ook~. had Klll t \"onnpgut arlnut~ to i~ooks are The qut·stiOn and .,,.peCiall,\ 'Still L!ie. · are ht-mg sophomoric ;mel ht'"« ht·en I"P:tlains. however. is he St:-tous a blast to rPad a l'Ollege intel!edual fad for about all thiS craziness' Rnbbms ha.n~elf ll\·e;; 111 a vears • Book courtesy of Book ,-mall. r amy rr wn in the state of - .-\h. but the plot. The scent-s m World. I Take the Corduroy Blazers '34~ orig. $42.00 Supertramp tour I Shetland I Denim Sweaters I Skirts for$9.49 '14- $20~ 5 17~ $10.99 for the tape. orig. to $28.00 f orig. to $36.00 "WELCOME PARENTS!"

A it.;a, 2 record set recorded on November 29, '979 at the Pavilion in Paris during the 1979 Supettramp Tour of the Wortd. On Sole now through October a. fiiil ~ ·~·'"' ... ~ ~ ~-·"--

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1-'aKt" :a. Oatly Egypttan. ! lt·tobt·r J. 1980 ,olicf' arrf'~t man c·onnf'c·tion with h thrf'ut c·n"'t• has been taken into connection with a at the Life Science earlv Wednesdav. This Weekend said. · I'''""""',-··'-~··"'"·'~ police received a report at 4:25 a.m. b was in Life Science building was searched SPLITWATER bomb was found. SIU-C said. formal charges have been CREEK age~~: K~rt ~~~~~~~~ said the man's name LIVE MUSIC TIL 4A.M. not be released until the -- llate's attorney has a chance to Open , look over the report." FRI.& SAT. on Old Rt. 13 near Murphysboro On(l· .four juror.'( 9pm-4am aelf'rted in Pontiac jail murder 1rild . CHICAGo-After nearly two leeks on puestioning pro pets four jurors were selected Tllursday in the Pontia.- prison riot murder trial. More than 30 prospective jurors have been excused since selection began on Sept. 18 to fill • panel of 12. plus alternates. On Wednesdav. a defense lawyer. Mary Anne Jackson, ,.,.as held in contempt for arguing w1th the judge over his method of questioning prospective jurors. l..awvers for the 10 inmate defendants repeatedly have cntlcized Circuit Court Judge Benjamin K. :\Iiller's in­ terrogation since jury selection began Sept 18 They contend the judge's questioning is too narrow to determine whether jurors are \ racially prejudiced or have " preconceptions about the case. The mmates are charged with 'murdering three guards during the July 22. 1978. riot at the . Pontiac correctional facility.

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ADULTS CHILDREN S3.49 (under 12) $1.99 \\lH• w.. uld t'\t'r l.'llt·,..,.. that .m unnd·. fmnch ol -DINE IN ONLY ~ i;un •U:- Lilt' Hl'er dnnkt·r:- \\< >U!rl "' o!llt'd;J\ ;l! •~t· io 1r a cb:-:-1,. pil"t")..'l"aph: ·nu,; plh"i"u~ 'HIIfllt'flt h.1,.. bt·,·n ,·;1ptun·d u: a big • 11"\" by:! r· 1 tJt·.tuuiul ,., ,[, •r L::,· B,·,·r corner of :\lunun J', •:-tl'r that·,.. Y• ••tr,; f, 11 trt.·t.·. Wall& Main Ju,;t,·ut '•ut tht· c• ·~ll.M •n. bt:mg ,;ur,· t•' md~Idt · v• 1Ur Phone 457-3515 11111l<' ;md ;1ddn ·":-. ;md ,..,·nd it t11: i.Itt- J;l't·r ,\ltm~ni (•.,,.tl'l'. B• •\. -HOURS- 1197:>. \hlwaukc,·. \\'1 :.:elL 3-tpm. Mon.-Thurs. un BEER FROM MIUER. ., 3-lOpm. Friday EVIII'ITHING ftiiiiiWA'IS WANTED\l .-r -it'. 1': .. t1am.-10pm. Saturday IN ABIER. AND LESS. C::..., ,.._ .. 1.. . I 11am.-9pm. Sundoy L-_:·~·.;;. ______J

Dally E~pllat.. October J. 191111. Pato!e 2:l Fire, disaster Isn't It about time someone -campus Briefs·- palcl attention to your bocly? sen·ice displa.\·s William H. Reed. from the Department of Psychology ofthe Your body Isn't like everyone else's••• University of Ulinois. will lecture on the behavioral side effects of scheduled ar .Uall cancer and its treatment 3-4:30 p.m. Friday in Room 121 of so why should your Fitness program be Tbe Carbondale Fire Lawson. All interested are invited. like everyone else's? Department and the Emergency Servtces and Telpro.the student radio and televisim:' pr~ul: jon companY. will If this question makes sense to you Disaster Agency will co-sponsor hold a general meeting at 6 p.m. FndaY m Roo~ 1046 of the a display of equipment and Communications Building. There will be a production after the you owe it to your body to information on fire prevention meeting. check out and disaster preparedness this the no-nonsense weekend at the University Mall. The SIU Collegiate FFA will be having a car wash fror_n 9_ a.m. to Randy Jackson, ESDA 1 p.m. Saturday at the Derby gas station at 509 S. DhooiS Ave., approach to a director, said the display is across from Dairy Queen. They are charguJ8 $1.50 for cars. $3 for beautiful and being held in conjunction with vans and 75 cents for dogs. Fire Prevention Week. Oct. 5- healthy body The Giant City State Pa~ Interpretive Pr~am is sponsori~ a 11. Jackson said his agency will candle dipping demonstration. a geolog~cal hake. and a campfare have literature available on program from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m .• Saturday at the park. AU After we get done paying attention to preparing for and reacting to programs are free and anyone is welcome to attend. your body, so will a lot of others. tornadoes, floods. nuclear disasters. earthquakes and Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity will be holding its Foun.:iers Day 1112 W. Mdin Carbondale 45 7-0241 winter stonns. He said survey Celebration at 7 p.m. Sunday at the Bleu F!a~be Lounge located at questionau·es on public S25 E. Main. AU interested persons are mvtted. awareness of differences ill various stonn watches and warnings and the proper steps The Accounting Society and Beta Alpha Psi, a national AYS to take for safety under each professional accounting organization. are sponsoring a picnic at 11 will also be distributed at the a.m. Sunday at Giant City State Park. Faculty, students, and their display. guests are invited to attend. Videotapes on storm and Winterm in SeviHa disaSter safety w1ii he shown at The Southern lllirr's Orienteering Club will host a meet at noon A YS Program for University Students the display. Sunday at the Devil's Kitchen Lake spillway. The purpose of the The Fire Department will meet is to introda:ce orienteering to beginners and to get previous Deporting from New York Dec. 28 have a pumper truck on display. members of the club back together. For details on how to get there, PRICE INCLUDES: a;ong with information on contact Cathy McManus at 45i-4568. smoke deta::-rs, wood-burning • 4 Semester hours credit stove safety and fire preven­ There are still openings for AEON's assertiveness training • Round-trip Airline Ticket tion. Jackson said. group. which begins :'donrlay. with date and time to be aMounced. • Lodging In Spanish Homes The ESDA will ~:so have a Pre-registration is required. For information, call 529--2211 or stop large map showmg the pa~ and • Classes with Native Professors h1ghlightmg the destruction of by AE0:-4 at 700 W. Main. • Full Tuition and F-s the faml'us Tri-State Tornado of Applications for the Washington Center for Learning Alter· • Entrance F-s to Museums, Monument!~ :\larch \8. 1925. Jadtson satd. nata\·es wmter a1td spring internship programs must be completed Tru-., storm smashed through before Oct. 15. Students completing applications for either Southern 1lhn01s on its way from :\hssouri to Indiana. program should contact Betsy Peterson at ~5506 as soon as $995.00 leaving 606 dead in IllinOis poss1ble. For information ond applications call campus rep· JackSOn said the display will The final day of regastration to be included in the radio-TV Bill Fisher 549-0197 · be open dunng regular mall "Graduate Bulletin" is Morn!ay Interested seniors should contact . Ask About Other AYS Programs business hours from Frida) through Sunday. ~\ark Uunham in the radio-TV office. * Spnng Semester 1981 * Sevilla in June *Academic Year 1981-82 _q;)ctivities- GEDE' .• MorTIS I a VICTIM l ~ home of the real falafel ,..k~~~zc::.':~~!~":a m.-5 p.m.. • • • t''---.:::.. Ballroom A. •c@\- y~.n-' L~:~.r~wr!;:. rs.JUm.. 8a .. m.. - ~reventing 0 BURGLARY 0 I GlE'E' Club meet1ng. 5:30-10·15 p m IS /USf OS easy OS LCXXING I Ballroom B · • your door! Afi;t~¥£., &ab. Elton John Concert. 8 p.m .. Arena. Marching Salulus. 3-5 p m .• Arena. - r --~r.;_\ Q ~• " It(~ Theater Department play. "The ~~t,w:~=ter~ot. •· a p.m., Carbondale Police Department SPCFilii!ArUPrintSale toam-4 BURGl10 ARY ANALYSIS GROUP p.m., Student Cent~r. 6 East Colege Street TCarbondale 549-2121 SPCEsc:alator "Open areaM1c.;. Talent Show, 11 ''t:'~~ :;· :;:a:==-~::::;;;;;:::3;::::;:::: . --:_ - ~- _ .-~ ~ 21U. ILLINOIS -1023 . . ·2. P m . Student Center. Enjoy H · k - ·::;; -;- "([j;:• • • ~ ~?'- :-·~ th Pauo. l:"'i-:;: •c ory Smoked Bor-B-0 ~- 2 ' E~hgF~~~~!n~ptG.i~i:~~. ~~.:-~:' ~~ CIOiT '~D G~~··A"";.;,. I· .------Buy One ------Shish Kabob, SPC him. Go•ng m Style ... 7 and 9 · :--:: ~~'- -_,.._ .. _ Out ~ 1 l P m · Student Center Auditonum - -- ~ SPC Late Show. "Th~ Song • .;? fRIDAY-SATURDAY SPECIAL -- -. 1 Fries and Coke, and get I Rema1ns The Same .. 11 p. )-'--""·~ To 51 1 ~ Student Ct-nter AuB meeting. 6-9 p.m., Maciur~w • S I A nENTION LADIES! Ira':::::; Moslem Organization Looking for a $UrwM" fit ··n meeung. 8-11 p.m .. OhiO Room Q woman'- h"k" I'"'"'• I Every Friday Night Panhellenic Council meeting, ~: I:. I lftl"' boot? 10:30 p.m .. Saline Room - ·~ • I lpm-11 :30pm ~~g-,:ez~ing. 7-9:30p.m.'Activiry ~ Try Gretchen 11. Muslim Student Association I DuMaroc presents a ~!':f'. 12:30-5;30 ;.m.. Activity 1 6 Male Revue For Ladles Onlyl Interva_rsity Christian Fellowship 1 Bring this ad in between 8- lOpm ~v~~~~~2J5-12:45 p.m., Ac- and get in lor r.oo1 ~ Chi Afpha meet~. 7:30-10:30 p.m. 1 s •.• ActiVIty Room B. . ' I (men welcome after JJ :30) Hellemc Student Association 1 ~eermg. 8-lOp.m.• Activity Room 1 Sunday Night--- 1 Amateur Night B~~\~~A~~RcMJms~ D $25 to eoch girl entrant os~oo~i,..ooon-3p.m .• Actmty l l 5 S. University 10il tnt: IS&~l·'-'' I I $1• to the girl winner Student Bible Fellowship meeting, 529 2313 I o.-._._~..,... 1-10 p.m .• Qlugley Hall Lounge. ~---·····liiiiiiiiiiliiiiiii.iiMii-~S~o~t-.~10-~6;.1 Pap M. DaLly Egyptian. October 3, 1;.. ------=-:'-"·· ------·...... , .. 11 ;SO fills 7 ~pots n Judidal Board Beginner or advanced. By studymg Spanish only, four hours a day, four days a week. for fourteen weeks, you will earn sixteen semester hours of college Spanish credit (That's four samesters worth r.t college Spantsh r Govt"rnant'e r.redit!J The cost is about the same as one semester in a U.S. college, $2,589. Whether you are a beg.nner or an advanced student. Thts IS a ngorous academic program from Feb y Randy Roguskl your Spamsh stud•es w•ll be greatly enhanced by oppor- Ito June 1, 1981. The cost of $2.589 .ncludes round trtp 1et aff Writer tunt!les not avatlable 1n a conventtonal classroom. Stand· fare to Sevtlle, Spa.n. from Toronto. Canada. as well as Seven positions on the ardtzed test scores of our students show that theor room. board. and tuttion_ Government grants and loans dicial Board for Governance Spamsh la,guage sktlls are better overall than those apply for eltgtble students_ ere filled by the Un­ obtamf'd by Amertcan students who completed standard You will 11ve wtth a Spamsh famtly ergraduate Student two year Spantsh programs '" Untied States colleges and FULLY ACCREDITED ganization at a Student umvers•toes nate meeting Wednesday ht. The J-Board for Govern• .mce a branch of USO which ·ews violations of USO by- SEMESTER IN SPAIN • sand election laws. A seven­ 2442 E. Collier S.E. Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506 .>tlilember quorum is required for (A Program of Trinity Christian College) , ~ board to hear cases. ~-. Students appointed to the · baerd are: Forrest Fairall. CALL TOLL FREE for full .nformation 1-aoo-253-9964 Hili or in art; B~verly Collingsworth, freshman in pre­ (In Mich .• or if toll free line inoperative call 1·616·942-2541 collect.) law; Ralph Locher. sophomore iD business administration; Clyde Schmelzer, freshman in pre-medicine; James Hietcla. Ml!ior in marketing; Gary Donaldson. senior in finance; " and Alan Kipnis. senior in ftllance. USO President Paul . llatalonis said 13 remaining tpots on the board will be filled SPECIAL SALUKI SALUTE liter_ He said the seven itions filled will enable the C rd to begin investigating the WE WILL BE OPEN ALL WEEKEND case of an East Campus student who claims she won a seat in the WITH SOME EXCELLENT ENTERTAINMENT · Student Senate in a USO elec­ ~ lion in April. FOR YOU AND YOUR PARENTS ... ;· Veronica Boone. sophomore •· n engineering. said she finished FRIDAY AFTERNOON IN THE BEER GARDEN: second in a race fw. three East Campus senate seats. Matalonis Progressive Beer 3-4 PM 10¢ Drafts SOc Pitcher said. however. that Boone was Specia I & 4-5 PM 20¢ Drafts $1.00 Pitchers disqualified when she violated election laws by failing to LIVE MUSIC 5·6 PM 30c: Drafts $1 .50 Pitchers , submit an expense account to .th 6-7 PM 40¢ Drafts $2.00 Pitchers uso. Wl The board is expected to 7-8 PM 50¢ Drafts $2.50 Pitchers make a decision on the case PAUL VALEK 8-Ciose 65¢ Drafts $3.00 Pitchers :J within two weeks, according to r Todd Rogers, executive FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHTS f assistant to the vice president. 1 In other action, the Student "Europe is one of Chicago's hottest ~nate passed a resolution in drawing club acts and for good reason ... ~ support of the Jackson County ' Action to Save Energy program their high-powered melodic rock and roll , and vowed to encourage student participation in the project. is as creative as it is dynamic." Jackson CASE is a fE-derally­ . .. Illinois Entertainer funded project designed to work COVER ONLY $1.00 WITH YOUR ELTON JOHN \lrith county residents to save energy. CONCERT TICKET S'!'UB Europe will also lte playing at the stadium Sat. afternoon after the game. MAGA BEAT THE HUSKIES ! Harvest of Art SUNDAY NIGHT: TWO BANDS ! COME ON DOWN AND DANCE YOUR SHOES OFF! Saturday October 4 10a.m.-Sp.m. 50¢ DRAFTS $1.00 COVER Faner Hall (BEER GARDEN & LARGE BAR BOTH OPEN AT 8PM THIS SUNDAY) Arcade

Craft Exhiltits FOLLOW Art Sales Gallery CRAFT Auction 11:00 FAD Country Store Children's Workshops Quilt Raffle RIFFRAFF RakuParty SKA, NEW WAVE & ROCK (For the uninitiated, SKA is the latest musical sound coming out of England· SIUMuseum a fusion of English Rock and Jamaican OpenAI/Dov Reggae)

Daily Egyptian, October 3. 1980. _Page 25 -Saluki Sports Slate--- Celtics' Cowens "I have an apprenticeship retires; eites available for a serious person." F~IDAY, OCTOBER 3 Baseball. exhibition game vs. Men's golf, first round of Murray State, 1:15 p.m .. Abe injuries us t•ause Husllie Invitational at Genoa. Martin Field. §ndi11idteally d~ik"yned Field hockey vs. SlU-E, 4:30 Intramural volleyball begins. Dave Cowens. worthy suc- p.m., Wham Field. Davies Gym and Recreation cessor to the Bill Russdl era of Men's cross country vs. Building. the Boston Celtics. has ended a 'Jiedding /?ll t:n?J Murray State, 4 p.m .. Midland MONDAY. OCTOBER & decade of accomplishment with Hills Country Club. Volleyball vs. Florissut the stunning announcement of Water polo at Dlinois Tour­ Valley Community College. 7:31.1 his retirement. nament, Champaign. p.m .. Davies Gym. Throughout his career. the 6-8 Women's tennis at Millikin Men's golf. final round -;,f ct:nter had been plagued by ~'[}Jtudc Tournament. Decatur. Badger Fall Invitational. back. leg and foot problems. In Intramural tennis mixed Madison. Wis. dropping his bombshell. he sa1d Intramural softball­ 529-23~1 doubles finals. 6 p.m .. pionships in men's, women's those injuries had taken their University Courts. toll. SAn'RDAY, OCTOBER 4 and co-ree di\isons. Cowens came to the Celtics 213 /7. f!fth;n~ Football vs Northern Illinois, Intramural noor hockey one year after the retirement of captains' meeting. 4 p.r_n . Parents' and Shrine Hospital Room 158 Recreation Russell. who led the team to 11 Day, 1:30 p.m.. McAndrew National Basketball Association Stadium. Building. titles in 13 seasons. had left a Women's cross countrv vs n'ESD. .\ Y. OCTOBER 7 gap at center. "I will buy or trade fer Eastern Illinois. 10 a.m .. Field Hockey at Southeast He made an immediate im­ scrap gold." Midland Hills Countrv Club. Missouri State. Cape Glrar- Men's golf. second ·round of pression. sharing the !'liBA ·s flag football Rookie-of-the-Year award with Huskie Imitational at Genoa detn~·r!~"ural Geoff Petrie. In 1972-73. he was Women's tennis at Millikin captains' me.eting. 4 p.m .. Tournament, Decatur. Recreation Bu1ldmg. the league's most valuable Water polo at Illinois Tour­ plaver and the following season nament. Champaign. TIIl"RSDAY. OCTOBER 9 he helped Boston to it."' fir.>t of Intramural badminton two titles durin~ his 10-year e~PEPM:S ~ Sl'!'\jD:\Y. OCTOBER 5 career. He was chosen to play in ~len's golf at Badger Fa:: singles entries due. Recreation lmitational. Madison. Wis Building. seven All-Star games. P"l~CE Toul!h Pont/wrs Serving the best (/)1.1.1~1· ~ in Chinese cooking ,"if't to cJmi/PTli!P ~RESTAURANT We have carry-outs. u·omPil lmrriers 4 Milet North of Rt. 13 On Hwy. 127 Huon. Sui. Thura ~10 pm Hours: ,._Thura ....10pm 51'1 1566 "" . Sel Sui ~11 1Conlinuf'd rrom Pagr 2!11 lOOS m •....,.. ~MDn Frl & Sat 6am-11pm Sun ...... ,... Corne, of Mo1or (red•' sturlt>nt. so she really ha!Jeehan and Dvane Don!.·v Chiclcen & Dumplings ··Ttl be sur?rt~t·d tf \,,Ia and including dessert $4 •95 Patt\· don't turn tn awfully f!oOO raceS ... Blackman ;.atd "Y0\.,"11 Children $2.45 hnd that Patty wt\1 n.'l very toul!h those first two mtle;. th:>n see· what she has left. ;-;;-!;: ·s Full Italian Menu A Pol.nwsiun RPs!uurortl gutty enough that shE''ll hang Beer& Wine nght with Patt\· After 4pm daily LUNCHEON BUFFET "Jean Meehan and Dvane ,. different specialties to Donlev should be much cioser "Bon Appitito" choose from daoly agam · to Pat tv and 1'ola ... dlackman added. "If not. it will from only $3.25 be becausl' Pattv and 1'ola are Banquet Space Louie & Mary Alic:e hanng such· tremendous Available (under management of races ... DeGasperl Call for Emperors Palace. Inc ) As f(lr a possible dual for the ;\1urd,\ie Sh< 1ppmq Ct>n!l'T ~,',!'J lt'! 3 top spot between 1'elson and Reservations 617-1121 Campbell. Blackman pointed out that the Saluki senior finished ahead of Campbell at ISl" by 30 seconds. "Part of it will depend on what we decide to have Lindv do:· the coach continued. "We may have her help Patty and ~ola ovPr the first mile."

Abram~ tallit>s 2 in exhibition ~arne Wavne !\brams' :Sational I Basketball Association career MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY appears to be in jeopardy I I ch~!n i~o~ethir~a~~~~d ~:~=~i I I I 1 2 3 4 June's !'liBA draft by the ALWAYS THE BEST LIVE MUSIC! Cleveland Cavaliers. played --~--~t-.1.. just eight minutes in the Cavs' I 101-100 overtime victurv over = 7 101 11 the Detroit Pistons WedD-av~ Kan~ It hasn't given Cunningham do her bit for the cause. Staff Writer any guilt complexes. because "I want to touch the ball at While her teammates battle she and everyone else knows least once during the game." Fantastic Falafil ·. for control of the little white ball she does her job well. But Cunningham said. "O,herwise. down at the other end of the it looks like I didn't do anything sometimes she feels downright Factory ~! 1 ·, .· field. the goaltender stands in uncomfortable coming to the "l have to be prepared front of the net. She's like a bench at halftime. becau;;e I may onl:v get one "THE HOME OF THE ORJGINALFALAFIL" ~ • • fixture there. unable to help "Evervbodv will come to the chance in the whole f,ame. and I GOOD THRU 10 10 80 ~ ~ score a goal or make a kPy pass. bench with sweat running down have to make the rr.ost of that MEATEATERS SPEOAL VEGETARIAN SPECIAL ~l But her chance for the big play their faces, aod here I come all one chance Otherwi!>e. I"m not : '-'a will come. and she'll have to cool and everything." Cun­ doing my job." Buy a Gyro, Fries Buy A Falafil. fries :-· ~ make the most of it. ningham said. 'While everyone Indeed. A goalie in any sport & A Colee And & A Colee And ~ Senior Kenda Cunningham is else works up a sweat during can be a hero or a goat. Get A Gyro FREEl Get A Falafil the Saluki field hockey team's the game. 1 have to do 1t ~l}metimes depending on only FREE! ;~ fixture in front of the goal. its beforehand. I have to get P:le or two saves thev're called last line of defense. and she's menta!ly and physically t.oon to make. Cunningham has been at it since she was a fresh­ HOURS prepared before the game." a lot of weight on her shoulders. .::..t,...::...f ~-- ~ man out of King's Park. N.Y. Cunningham. whose accent and she knows it. 11a.m.-3a.m. ··....:.... She's spent the past six years. reveals her New York state including high school. catching. "Dr. West (Women's Athletic 901 South Illinois Ave. _;~ ,. upbringing. admits that when Director Charlotte West' told kicking away. and battling that the Saluki defense is keeping me this "morning. "They better · • little white ball. That little ball. CARRY OUTS- 529-9581 '•.TJ~~l' the ball in the other end of the not score on vou tomorrow. though. has the disposition of a field, it can get r•'ighty lonely. Kenda.'" Cumiingham said. 254 OFF ALL SANDWICHES _, _. ... tiny shot put. Even the best goalies 7 "I have mv bruises. and I've "It's alwavs hard standing out daydrec.m. there for 7o minutes." broken mv 'nose a couple of "I try to play the whole game L------~~~l~~~~~~------times," CUnningham said. "but in my mind and wonder what I West was referring to the that'$ natural. When the ball would do if I were a forward or Salukis' game again<>t Sll'­ hits you, you know it." something." Cunningham said. Edwardsville at 4::;o p.m. And yet. before a game. "l have the best spot on the field Friday at Wham Field. At 6-1-1. Cunningham has to have her as far as seeing the potential SIU-C is off to a good start. but teammates gather around the our team has, though. I can see Coach Julee lllner's team is circle in front of the net. They when we have a chance to score hoping for even better fire shots continually. letting and how we formulate the "We have a lot of potential. her work out any prP-game plays." and Miss lllner's trying to bring butterflies that may have Even though she appreciates it out in us." Cunningham said. developed on the way to tht! a strong SIU-C defense that can "When we only beat teams like field. C~.:nningham knows on keep thf' pressure off. Cun­ Earlham College 1-o. we know some days that her goaltending ningham still likes the chance to we ronld have done better." abilities won't be call~ upon too often. so she'd better work presents up a sweat early. "They think you're crazy, but Friday Happy Hour 4:00-7:00pm I like to get kinda worked up before a game." Cunningham and said. "l have everyone shoot Friday and Saturday Nights against me before the game L>eeause I might have to stand with around for 20 minutes during a game while everyone else works.'· SIU priclclers reatl.l· RIFF .for home test !Continued from Pal(~ 28) RAFF week." SJU-C will still keep its two­ (formerly Rudy and the Bouquets) tight-end alignment and primarily run the ball against ~~i~·the 5H~c;~~::v ~e:;:f:if~ cornerbacks and 'sometimes ~HAPPY HOUR SPECIAL DAILY i utilize six down linemen and only three defensive racks. According to Dempsey, the 3-7 p.m. Huskies are running lean. fir:st. a passing team second. The Saluki defense must prepare for Pinball and Video Games two different styles of quar­ Rt. 13 terback: John Gibbors. a left­ handed. dropback passer. and 3 Miles E. of Carbondale 611 S. Illinois Rick Bridges, an option-running rollout passer. "We gave Giboons a hard time last year. but he's madE' a big improvement. He thro111s a lot of action passes like a spri!lt draw," Dempsey said. "We SIU Football Tickets On Sale Now! used to be able to play Bridges ~::.0~ tothJrr~nth~~aN.\!a~ The coach said the Huskie Ticlcets are on sale at the following locations and times: receivers like to run curls and intermediate pass routes. the Tickets Cfl sale at the Athletic Ticket Office 9 o.m.-4 p.m. Monday thru Friday, both types that have given the SJU-C secondary and finebackers the reserved and SIU student tickets. Saturday 9 a.m. untilll :30 a.m. most trouble. Their leading receivers are split end Mike Pinckney, also a kickoff and Tickets ore on sole at Student Center solicitation area on Thursday and Friday from 1 punt return specialist, and tight p.m. until4:30 p.m. prior to each home football game. Also on Saturday morning from end Jim Latanski. The leading Huskie runners 9 a.m. untilll :30 and then at Stadium. are fullback Alex Armato. who Dempsey calls an underrated player. and tailback Allen Ross. We have our drive-in window at the northwest cC\rner. across from parking garage ROS3 has carried for 290 vards open with all types of tickets on sole Saturday of game from 9 a.m. until noon when all this year and ran for 81 yards in last year's game at DeKalb seli at designated booths.

Saluki nine hosts Note: SIU student tickets will now also be available on game days at the ticket booth located at the Southwest corner of the Stadium. Murray State SECOND HOME GAME: The Saluki baseball team is scheduled to play an exhibition "Parents/Shrine Hospital Day" game against Murray State at Saturday, Oct. 4 vs. Northern Illinois, 1:30 p.m. 1: 15 p.m. Sunday at Abe Martin Field. Daily Eg)ptian, October 3, 1980. Page r1 Travel-weary gridders set for NIU By Rod Smith Sports EdltGr "Hey it's good to be back home again." This line from a John Denver tune is also applicable to the Saluki football team. which has traveled throughout the western UnitPd States in three of the past four weeks. Saturday's Parents' Day game with Northern Illinois. 2-2 this year. is only the second game SIU-C will flay in the friendly confines o McAndrew Stadium in the first eight weeks of the season. Kickoff is at 1:30 p.m. "TI1e kids like to play at home are coming on," Dempsey said. mi!>ieading. but u:;ually 1i and we always seem to play The Salukis. 1·2 in the you're winr.i"" '"· the stats better here." Coach Rey Missouri Valley and 2-2 overall. you're also ... mning sonw Dempsey said. ''The Northern­ received some good news and games. Southern rivalry is the biggest bad news this week, courtesy of "Our secondary has held 1n one I've been in since I came the l\t1ssouri Valley Conference some tough situations. They an· here. We have a lot of Chicago statistical service. The good getting better. It's not as bart a, players and many of them went news is that SIU-C is the No. 1 it may appear to be." he added to the same school as their rushing team in the Valley, ''I'm concerned about our kids." averaging 253 yards per game. turnovers. We have given It up The Salukis are 13-23-1 in the and ~eatures the conference's too many times and that put~ series against the Huskies. SlU­ top runner, tailback Walter pressure on our defense." e won last year, 21-ll. Poole. They were also pleased Dempsey admits that thi· ''This is a non-conference to know they are the top defense Salukis must start to pass ef game and if it were with a team against the run. allowing just fectively if they are to sta~ from the Far West or !iouth. we 107 yards rushing per game. competitivP. might do some experimenting. The bad news is the Salukis "We ..:an't contmuP at th1~ But Northern is different. Y.'e are last in passlotg offense. as pace of just running the ball. Wr want to win this one-bad." well as pass defense. SIU-C need to throw the ball 12 to :.~1 The fifth-year coach of the opponents have grabbed 70 times a game and be ab](• to Salukis said the intrastate passes this year, amassing 1.050 come up witll the 15· or 20-yard rivalry is important in terms of yards through the air. an gain insteaa ,.Jf foor yards each players' pride, as well as future average of more than 262 time ... Dempsey said. "Wen recruiting from the passing yards per game. been working harder With Chicagoland area. ''The thing I care about in Gerald th teams are in good winning a game. not a the receivers this week. I thmk ...,- conferences, but if we can win statistical category." Dem{!S4;y you'll see us throwing and this game, it helps boost our said. "The important thing IS in completing some passes this Staff pbo&o by Briaa H-e program and shows the future getting the big run or pass when 'f ·nnt•nu.-d nn t•a~t~ ~";' Senior Gerald Carr lets a pass fly during a practke snsioa. C~, college football players that we you need it. Statistics are who rushed for 105 yards and two toucbdowas last week agauw& Drake. will start at quarterback Saturday against NIU. EIU to challenge tt'omen harriers By SeoU Stahmer Country Club. But SIU-C Coach Swank and Julie Curry. Associate Sports Editor Claudia Blackman hasn't "Sperry has been improving Football ticket sales slow Eastern Illinois University chalked up the meet as a sure right along," Blackman sa rd. Studeni. ticket sales for Saturday's Parents' and Shrine doesn't have your typical defeat. "And one I expect to run well Ha:.pital Day football game between the Salukis and Northern Division II women's cross "If vou were a betting person. who hasn't been running well is Illinois are slower than normal. a men's athletics department country team. you' on Eastern. but if you Ruth Smith. Depending on her official said Thursday. The Panthers are more than were a wary person. you'd bet condition, she should push "The students seem to have forgotten about footl: :; since capable of competing with on Southern." Blackman said. Dawn." ifs been a almost a month since our last home g~me, Neoma Division I opponents, as their "At the time of the ISU meet. Although the Panthers' lineup Kinney. ticket manager for men's athletics. saic. fourth-place finish in last Eastern was that much better is formidable. Blackman thinks The Salukis defeated Eastern Illinois, 37-35. in L'leir home month's lllinois State's In­ than us. I haven't seen the EIU may be affected by the opener Sept. 13. The past two weekends. SIU-C has t-aveled to vitational indicates. At ISli. results lately, so I don't know hillv Midland Hills course. !'few Mexico State and Drake. Eastern finished ahead of the hoW they're perhrming now. tilting the meet in the Salukis' Kinney did say Saturday's attendance could possibly reach loth-place Salukis by 82 points. But I know how we've per­ fa·.-'lr. 18.000 in spite of the slow student sales. EIU also topped SIU in a dual formed. and we've been getting "In some meets. :\lidland Tickets for Saturday's 1:30 p.m. game can be purchased meet last year. 26-29. stronger e,·ery week." Hills dt.<>sn't really help us. but Friday and Saturday at the solicitation area in the Student With this information. you'd The Panthers wiU be led by particular:y because Eastern is Center and the athletics ticket office in the Lingle lfall wing of think that EIU would be rated a junior Dawn Campbell. a junior a young team. it might hell> us the Arena. prohibitive favorite in Satur­ college transfer. Other top Ell' Saturdav." she sa1d. "Da\\ n 1s a On Saturdav. tickets will also be available at the drive-in day's Saluki-Panther meet at runners are Gina Sperry. Ruth junior. "but she's a transfer ~indow at the northwest corner of McAndrew Stadium. 10:30 a.m. at Midland Hill" Smith ard freshmen Darlene !Continued on Page 261 COMING TO SIU liP I EN~~.~RS Exclusive slide photos of Mt. St. Helens' SYSTEM DESIGN SYSTEM PlANNING eruptions. Oct. 7 Student Center POWER PRODUCTION POWER PlANT DESIGN DATA PROCESSING Two geologists Dorothy Brown Stuffel ond Keitn Stuffel were flying over Mt. St. Helens in a small plane on May 18, just 1000 feet over the volcano If thiii?~P carPer a,..•as r,r{orPc;l vou 1od you ••ll hfl' when a catastrophic eruption blew away the rece1v1ng a B S 01 M S Elec!Hcal 01 B S ' de

Sponsored by He'll be STUDENTS FOR MIKE KIMMEL a great Authorized and paid for by the Students For Mike Kimmel State's For States Attorney, John Bruno. Chairman. Attorney.

Pag.. 28. llaily Egyptian. Octobff 3. 19110