Geological Survey Explanatory Report St Clair
e~'f3N TASMANIA DEPARTMENT OF MINES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY EXPLANATORY REPORT ONE MILE GEOLOGICAL MAP SERIES K'S5-1O-59 ST CLAIR A. B. Qm.L1Im lMIIBd aDder IIIdbortIr of '1'l1lI JIoaourIIIIII Em &L1IO'r1' RDC& M.BA., !fIr!etr lot IIIDa far Ttwutl' 1.. D... WILIaa'... 0.,. 9 PrI8ta-. ~ _Ie ... _ , ... (It) TASMANI A DEPA RTM ENT OF MINES II 'I I GEOLOGICAL SURVEY EXPLANATORY REPORT ONE MILE GEOLOG ICAL MAP SER IES K/55-10-59 ST CLAIR by A. B. GULLINE Issued under the authority of The Honourable ERIC ELLIOTI' REECE. M.H.A .. Minister for Mines for Tasmania 1965 Hej.:isten'd loy thl.' Po~tmaijte .. -Gel1el"al rOt, tI'Kn~mi~siun Ihrou)!ht the PUll! II all a book. D. E. \VII,KINSO:-;', GO\,(~ I ' nmell t Pl"inter, Ta"marnll. Preface The St Clair Quadrangle, to which this report refers, contains the southern continuation of the glaciated region already surveyed in the Du Cane Quadrangle immediately to the north. Like the Du Cane Quadrangle, the St Clair Quadrangle has little mineral wealth but much to interest the bushwalker, and in addition, its easier access brings it within the range of the tourist. Indeed, a large part of the State's biggest scenic reserve, the Cradle Mountaln Lake St Clair National Park, occurs in this Quadrangle. Economically, the chief interest is centered in peculiarities of topography and drainage, enabling development of natural and artificial storage lakes to assist in t he production of hydro-electricity so necessary for industrial expansion. The St Clair Map Sheet presents a wide range of interesting studies for a variety of geologists including especially those inter~ ested in geomorphology and engineering, and it is to be hoped that this report will be followed by fUrther study.
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