Published by Fusion Energy Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Building 9201-2 P.O. Box 2009 Oak Ridge, TN 37831-8071, USA Editor: James A. Rome Issue 67 January 2000 E-Mail:
[email protected] Phone (865) 574-1306 Fax: (865) 574-7624 On the Web at 1–1.5 T, the vacuum rotational transform is 0.3–0.8 with First plasmas in Heliotron J low magnetic shear, and the magnetic well depth is 1.5% at the plasma edge. Heating systems include 0.5-MW The Heliotron J Group is very happy to announce that at ECH, 1.5-MW neutral beam injection (NBI), and 2.5-MW 7:06 PM on Thursday, 2 December 1999, Heliotron J ion cyclotron resonant frequency heating (ICRH). achieved its first hydrogen discharge by using 1 kW of T. Obiki, F. Sano, K. Kondo,* M. Wakatani,* T. Mizuuchi, 2.45-GHz electron cyclotron heating (ECH) at a magnetic K. Hanatani, Y. Nakamura,* K. Nagasaki, H. Okada, M. Naka- field of 500 G, for discharge cleaning. At 3:57 PM on suga,* S. Besshou,* and M. Yokoyama** Wednesday, 8 December, Heliotron J achieved its first E-mail:
[email protected] 53.2-GHz ECH plasma with 300 kW of heating power at a field of 1 T, with an ECH pulse length of about 10 ms. The Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, Japan *Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University, Japan pulse length is now being increased shot by shot. Figure 1 **National Institute for Fusion Science, Toki, Japan shows the 53.2-GHz ECH plasma as viewed through one of the tangential ports.