INCA V7.2 New Functions

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INCA V7.2 New Functions INCA V7.2 New functions At a Glance Acquisition of tens of thousands of signals from the ECU at high cycle rates by means of the new FETK interface Connection to several FETK ECUs plus CAN, CAN FD, LIN, or FlexRay vehicle busses in parallel by new ES89x ECU and Bus Interface Modules Easy centrally controlled automated INCA installa- tions by using Windows® The flexible software tools in the ETAS The comprehensive measurements can be Installer INCA product family are designed for saved in compressed form in ASAM MDF electronic control unit (ECU) calibration V4.1 format without loss of quality, which Support of Windows® 10 and diagnostics and to record ECU meas- allows file sizes to be reduced by up to 60 urement data. As INCA was developed percent. For fast inputting of data, the further, new functions were provided measurement files can be indexed, and quarterly in the form of service packs from INCA V7.2 supports MDF-compliant index- version 7.1 on. All these functions are con- ing. In conjunction with the MDA meas- tained in INCA V7.2. In addition to the urement data analysis tool, a proprietary Microsoft Windows® 7, 8, and 8.1 opera- indexing system is also offered as an alter- ting systems, the new version native, one that allows very large meas- also supports Windows® 10. urement files to be input quickly into MDA. Recording large volumes of ECU data To facilitate the quick preparation of meas- Used in conjunction with the ETAS FETK-T urements with many variables, ETAS has interface for high-performance control speeded up the loading of extensive exper- units and the new ES891/ES892 interface iments and the opening of the variable se- modules, INCA V7.2 allows users to re- lection dialog. In addition, the mechanisms cord data at high cycle rates. During test for selecting variables were expanded to trips, more than 56,000 different variables allow users to quickly and easily select can now be simultaneously captured and many signals and assign measurement ras- recorded from the ECU. ters. For example, users can select meas- urement variables for a function or a group as a block. Conversely, the variable search function was increased in size. Now When exchanging calibration data using and EXTENDED_SET_PARAMETER com- the windows in an experiment that con- data management systems such as AVL mands, ASCII and 32-bit integer data tain the searched variable are visually CRETA™, calibration values are now taken can be transferred. This means, for example, highlighted. If a variable is not found, the directly from the ECU HEX files and no that the ECU software version or status user can switch directly from the search to longer stored separately in CDF descrip- information can be communicated to the the variable selection dialog. When this tion files. That increases the data exchange test bench. Independently of this, the char- happens, the search filter is adopted auto- rate by between 20 and 30 percent. The acteristic values that are displayed in an matically. What’s more, the display quality INCA-QM-BASIC (Basic Quality and experiment’s editors are now updated au- of experiments was improved and the Maturity Tracking) add-on now supports tomatically even when they are changed whole experiment environment features metadata for process description, such as remotely via ASAP3 or COM-API (Com- greater screen contrast. The frames of ac- statistical information or comments that ponent Object Model API). tive display windows are color-highlighted, can be left in CDF files. Users can display, whereas the colors of inactive displays edit, and filter the metadata in the CDM New interface options match the background. In inactive win- (Calibration Data Manager). dows, the control fields are hidden so that As well as supporting the new FETK inter- window names can be displayed more ef- Use on the test bench faces and ES89x modules, INCA V7.2 fectively. To optimize the area ratio of offers numerous other attractive hardware measurement display and legend for virtual Using the INCA-MCE (Measurement and options. With the new ETAS ES583 mod- oscilloscopes, users can adjust the font size Calibration Embedded) add-on for the ules, a handy pocket-sized USB FlexRay inter- in the legend between 6 and 14 points. ES910 Prototyping and Interface Module face is available for INCA. Then there is its And to make binary measurement values and INCA, a real-time connection can be counterpart, the ES581.4 USB CAN Bus easier to read, 4-bit number sections in established between test bench and ECU. Interface, which now allows both the display are separated by spaces. INCA-MCE now also supports ECU meas- channels to be used in parallel by two app- urement rasters containing signals with a lications, such as INCA and BUSMASTER. Calibration data and quality manage- total length of more than 1,024 bytes. ment During the configuration of the ES910 For processing the high-precision position- module, all measurement and calibration al data of the modern GALILEO and INCA’s CDM (Calibration Data Manager) variables of an INCA experiment can now GLONASS global navigation systems, enables users to choose among various be added automatically. In addition, as INCA V7.2 supports the extensions of ver- options with respect to accuracy when with INCA, ETK ECUs with limited cali- sion 4.1 of the NMEA 0183 standard for comparing different ECU data. With INCA bration RAM can be calibrated. For this global navigation satellite system (GNSS) V7.2, users can carry out the comparison purpose, the RAM can be managed either receivers. with an accuracy that can be stored in the by INCA or by the user. Accordingly, when corresponding ASAM A2L file. When com- preparing experiments, the calibratable For CAN FD applications, the ES523, paring data records with different accur- variables can be either suggested auto- ES891, and ES892 ECU and Bus Interface acy specifications, the highest is used. In matically by INCA based on defined criteria Modules are available for bus monitoring A2L ECU description files, the upper and or selected manually by the user. To maxi- and for calibration and diagnostics using lower limits for characteristic values can mize the number of variables available in the XCP-on-CAN FD and UDS-on-CAN FD be specified, which can now be optionally the RAM, memory space that is no longer protocols. In addition, INCA now also sup- checked by INCA when importing cali- required is automatically freed up. ports LIN V2.2 and SAE J2602 LDF files bration data. Alternatively, the check can for monitoring signals transmitted on LIN also be carried out for already imported Because the expanded ASAP3 interface sup- buses. The monitoring of J1939 CAN sig- data. ports the new EXTENDED_GET_PARAMETER nals is possible with INCA V7.2 for data rates of 250 kBaud and 500 kBaud. J1939 in polling mode. To do this, INCA cyclically signals, which use CAN messages’ 29-bit reads in data that the ECU writes to identifier for coding and multiplexing in- addresses to which the respective meas- formation, are treated as conventional urement variables are assigned. As an ex- measurement signals during INCA operation, tension to the DAQ-based measurement such as when users select variables. method, INCA provides improved formulas for calculating computing load ASAM MCD compliant and RAM requirements in the course of dynamic measurement raster tests even for With the transformer mechanism, which is multi-core ECUs. specified in version V1.7 of the ASAM MCD-2 MC (ASAP2) standard, INCA V7.2 As well as supporting ASAM standards, can display complex ECU program cali- INCA can now also process descriptions of bration objects in an application-optimized CAN and CAN FD networks that are com- form. To this end, the ECU software pliant with AUTOSAR Release 4.1. manufacturer provides specific transform- Figure 1: ations in the form of a DLL (dynamic link ECU flash programming library). In addition, the new INCA version Variables selection dialog: users can easily recognize whether all, some, or no supports multi-dimensional characteristic From version V7.2 upward, INCA can now measurement variables of a function/group are selected. and measurement variable fields. The field also program ECU flash memories using dimension here is stored in the A2L file UDS (Unified Diagnostic Services) via using the new ASAM MCD-2MC keyword FlexRay and via XCP over Ethernet. In the “MATRIX_DIM”. When calibrating func- ProF scripts that INCA uses for program- tion models, it makes sense to map the ming, the delay period for the deletion of names of model parameters to the desig- existing memory content, for which XCP nations of the corresponding characteristic specifies a value of around 65 seconds, variables in the ECU. For this purpose, can now be configured by the XCP com- INCA supports the new ASAP2 keyword mand “PROGRAM_CLEAR”. Figure 2: “MODEL_LINK” in A2L and CDF (Calibration Data Format) files. For flash programming binary files in the Variables selection dialog: users can select all measurement variables of one or Motorola S19 format, INCA now supports multiple functions/groups for an experiment at the same time. INCA adds the INCA V7.2 supports the first parts of the the S6 3-byte data format as well as the measurement variables to the default raster. new version 1.3 of the ASAM MCD-1 XCP S5 2-byte data format. Transmitting larger communication protocol, including the blocks of data shortens the programming new XCP AML for A2L files and error cor- times. rection in accordance with the new XCP error codes on CAN, CAN FD, FlexRay, and For comparing individual bits of variables, Ethernet transport layers.
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