Europaisches Patentamt ® J) European Patent Office © Publication number: 0 086 180 Office europeen des brevets A2


© Application number: 83830033.3 © int. ci.3: A 24 B 15/32 A 24 D 1/04 © Date of filing: 09.02.83

© Priority: 10.02.82 IT 8410782 © Applicant: Cornelio, Francesco Via Roma, 13 1-33030 Varmo (UdineHIT) © Date of publication of application: 17.08.83 Bulletin 83/33 © Inventor: Cornelio, Francesco Via Roma, 13 © Designated Contracting States: 1-33030 Varmo (UdineHIT) AT BE CH DE FR GB U NL SE © Representative: Cicogna, Franco Ufficio Internazionale Brevetti Dott.Prof . Franco Cicogna Via Visconti di Modrone, 14/A 1-20122 -MilanoliT)

© blend effective to discourage the bad habit of smoking and and the like obtained thereby. The smoking blend comprises or a tobacco surrogate material and a chemical substance or composition selected from solution formaldehyde (formole or formalin), adsorbed on the tobacco or tobacco surrogate material, or paraformaldehyde, having the formula (HCHO)n, wherein n is equal to or greater than 3. The present invention relates to a product effective to discourage the bad habit of


More specifically,it relates to a smoking

blend comprising tobacco or a tobacco surrogate

material and an antismoking chemical substance or

composition,effective for cigarettes and the like.

The invention also relates to cigarettes

and the like effective to discourage the bad habit

of smoking and comprising the mentioned blend.

According to the invention, the chemical

substance or compositiort,in powder,granulated or

solution form,is effective to provide,by sublimation

during the combustion of the or the

like,a gaseous product acting on the main respiratory

organs in such a way as to cause in the smoker

an annoying,though not dangeroua,feeling as well

as advantageous atiseptic and balmy effects.

The mentioned feelings,upon transmitting

to the brain of the smoker and storing therein,are

truly effective to permanently discourage the bad

habit of smoking. Several means and methods are already known for discouraging the bad habit of smoking, which are generally based on the principle of disgust against tobacco.

Im fact,im addition to hypnosis,needle-puactur- ing,mesotherapy consisting of injecting at the needle-puncturing points small doses of therapeutical substances,several method are known for causing disgust against smoke.

To this end,have been used,for examploe,

silver salts such as silver nitrate and proteinate,

in diluted solutions,provided for garging before


By that method the cigarette smoke becomes

disgustitg,thereby the smoker is compelled to

extinguish the cigarette.

On the other hand, the mentioned substances

are rather dangerous to health,because of their

toxicity.Moreover they are efficient only for a

reduced time.

Another method consists of orally administer-

img lobeline.

As it is known,lobeline is an alkaloid having a similar structure to aicotime and accordimgly it aots as an antagonist of micotime,there by providing a satiety feeling with respect to tobacco


However,also this method has not been

able of providing satisfactory results.

Yet other methods for discouraging the

deleterious effects of consist of

making less dangerous cigarettes, by using tobacco

blends of poor nicotine contents as well as special

filters consisting,for example, by denicotinized

tobacco leaves and accordingly effective to absorb

a great amount of nicotine.

Also the latter known means and methods,

however,have not been able of providing satisfactory

results,since their action is of a comparatively

short duration and not completely safe.Moreover

those methods and means cause abstinence side effects.

Accordingly,the task of the present invention

is to overcome the drawbacks of the known methods

and means heretofore used for discouraging the bad

habit of smokiag.

Within that task,it is a primary object of the present invention to afford a true possibility of quickly suppressing the smoking bad habit during the smoking itself.

According to one aspect of the present invention the thereitsbove mentioned task and object,as well as yet other objects which will become more apparent hereinafter are achieved by a smoking blend effective to discourage the bad habit df amokiag, characterized in that it comprises tobacco or a tobacco surrogate naterial and a chemical antismoking eubstanes which is effective to provide by sublimation, because of the cigarette heating,a gaseous product effective to locally act on the main respiratory organs in such a way as to discourage the bad habit of emoking,said

antismoking substance consisting of solid para-

formaldehyde or formic aldehyde,or related composi-

tions,having the formula (HCHO)a,wherein a is

equal to or greater than 3, said substance being

either mixed or not with carrier or excipient


According to another aspect of the invention

the above task and objects are also achieved by a cigarette or the like effective te discourage the bad habit of smokiag and prepared with the invention bletd, comprising tobacco or a tobacco surrogate naterial, and a chemical antiemoking substance or composition consiating ef solution formic aldehyde

(formole or formalia),having the formula HCHO, adsorbed on said tobacco or tobacco surrogate material,or eelid parafermaldehyde or formic aldehyde haviag the formula (HCHO)a,and related

compositions,wherein a is equal to or greater than


More specifically,the antismoking method

and blend according to the present invention are

effective to provide the smoker brain with annoying

feelings trnly discouraging the smoker from smoking.

In addition the iaveative antismoking method

is of a direct type,since the smoker is compelled

te stop smoking by smoking.

Moreover it does not cause any abstinence

syndroms and leaves the smoker quiet and tranquil

as he/she had never smoked.

Another advantage of the present invention

is that it does not cause any deleterious side

effects. Yet another advantage of the invention is that it provides antiseptic and balmy effects.

As it has been found, the inventive method is snch as to induce a cenditioned reflex effective to iahibit the smoker from continuing smoking.

The blend according to the invention,in fact,is such as to provide a disagreable stimulus repeating in the time and truly inhibiting the smoker from smoking.

Infact by emoxing,at time intervals,for

8-10 times, the blend according to the invention, an antagonist conditioned effect is established in the smoker,which compels the latter to reject the cigarette.

For making the cigarette or the like, the antiamoking substance or composition according to the inventiot,in the form of a solution-(formalin or formole)-may be mixed with other suitable carrier or excipient materials such as talc,menthol, and the like, therere by the subject substance is made solid, in such a way tnat it may be prepared in the form of powder, granulated material or solid plugs.

It has been found that the concentration of formaldehyde or paraformaldehyde in the subject smoking blend is not critiocal and may vary from 5 to 50% by weight, basea on the tobacco or tobacco surrogate ma terial.

There is preterred a concentration of

26% by weight, since that amount has provided optimal results.

. In order to understand more completely

the present inventiot, a preferred embodiment thereof

in the form of a cigarette will be thereinafter

illustrated in a more detailed way,with reference to

the accompanying drawiag, wheres:

figa.1 to 6 illustrate cross-sectional

views of antismoking cigsrettea, made in a known

way, and including the tobacco or the like antismoking

blend according to the present invention.

With reference to fig.1, the cigarette 10,

which may be made by any suitable known methods,

consists of a blend ll,according to the present

invention,wrapped in a cigarette paper 12.

At one end thereof the cigarette is

provided with a conventional filter 13.

It should be noted that the provision of

the filter 13 is an optional choice,and it may be emitted.

As it is shown in figure 1, the blend 11 comprises tobacco or a tobacco surrogate material, indicated at 111, and an antismoking substance or composition 112, in powder or granulated form, which substance is blended with the tobacco or tobacco surrogate material.

According to the inventioa, said antismoking substance or composition consists of solid para- formaldehyde or formic aldehyde, having the formula

(HCHO)n, or of solution formic aldehyde, (formole er formalin) having the formula HCHO, or related compositions, adsorbed on the tebacco or tobacco surrogate material, or mixed and made solid by carrier or excipient materials.

Said antismokiag substance or composition is effective to provide,by sublimation due to the cigarette heating,gaseous formic aldehyde, which acts on the mucous tissue of the main respiratory organs, by causing itch and disgust effects,which are aot dangerous for the health,as well as advantageous antiseptic and balmy effects.

As it is shown in fig.2 the antismoking

substance 112 is arranged in the center zone of the cigarette,accordiag to a longitudinal arrangement.

Figure 3 illustrates a variation therein the antismoking substance 112 is located in said cigarette 10 tnrough transversal layers distributed along the lenght of the cigarette itself.

Figure 4 illustrates anotner variation

of the antismoking cigarette 10 therela tne anti-

smoking substance 112 is arranged outside of the

tobacco or tobacco surrogate material 111,near the

cigarette paper 12,either in contact or not with the


It should be noted that said antismoking

substance may be contained in an envelope or

package 14(see fig.5) or 15 (fig.6) efrective to be

introduced into the cigarette during or after the

making thereof.

More specifically, the mentioned envelope

14 or 15 is made of paper or other suitable combusti-

bie materials effective to be gradually consumed

auring the comoustion of the cigarette.

The envelopes 14 or 15 may be arrangea at

the center or the cigarette 10(fig.5) or peripherical-

ly with respect to the tobacco or tobacco surrogate material, as it is shown in fig.6.

Thus a smoker may introduce the antismeking substance containing envelope or casing in tne selected cigarette, to quickly obtain the antismoking effects of the blend according to the present invention.

The invention as disclosed is susceptible to many modifications and variations falling within the scope thereof.

By way of example,the antismoking blend according to the present invention may be

smoked in pipes or water pipes (hookahs) or the like smoking means.

In addition it will be possible to prepare the antismoking substance or composition

in the form of a powder,granulated material or the

like,in a loose condition or in combustible cases or

in the form of solid plngs, provided for being

longitudinally introduced into the cigarettes during

or after the making thereof, writhout departing from

the spirit and scope of the present invention,as

defined in the accompanying claims. 1- A smoking blend effective to discburage the bad habit of smoking, characterizeci in that it comprises tobacco or a tobacco gurroga te material and a chemical antismoking substance which is effective to provide by sublimation,because of the cigarette heating,a gaseous product effective to locally act on the main respiratory organs in such a way as to discourage the bad habit of smoking, said anti- smoking substance consisting of solid paraformaldehyde

or formic aldehyde, or related compositions, having

the formula (HCHO)n,wnerein n is equal to or greater

than 3, said substance being either mixed or not

with carrier or excipient materials.

2- A smoking blend effective to discourage the bad

habit of smoking according to claim 1, characterized

in that said antismoking substance consists of

solution formic aldehyde (formole or formalin),

haviag the formula HCHO,or related compositions,

adsorbed on the tobacco or tobacco surrogate material,

said substance being either mixed or not with

carrier or excipient materials.

3- A smoking blena according to any preceding claims,

characterized in that said antismoxing substance is present in said blend in an amouat from 5 to

50% by weight based on the tobacco or tobacco surrogate material weight, said substance being preferably present in an amouat of 26% by weight.

4- A cigarette effective to discourage the bad habit of smoking, characterized in that it comprises an antismoKing substance according to any preceding claims 1 to 3, longitudinally arranged at the center of said cigarette, in a paper or other comoustible material envelope, arranged at the center of said cigarette,according to a longitudinal arrangement.

5- A cigarette effective to discourage the bad habit of smoking according to claim 4,characterized in that said antismoking substance is arranged in parallel superimposed layers and transversely and peripherically distributed in a longitudinal layer included between the cigarette paper and said tobacco or tobacco surrogate material.

6- A cigarette effective to discourage the bad habit of smoking according to claim 4,characterized in that said antismoking substance is packaged in a paper or other combustible material eavelope, arranged at the center of said cigarette, or peripherically of

the tobacco or tobacco surrogate material. 7- A blend effective to discourage the bad habit

of smoking, according to any preceding claims,

characterized in that said antismoking substance

is present in granulated form, in powder form or

combined granulated and powder form.

8- A blend effective to discourage the bad habit

of smoking, according to any preceding claime,

characterized in that it is arranged in a paper or

other combustible material envelope, effective to be

introduced in the commercial cigarettes.

9- A substance effective to discourage the bad habit

of smoking according to any preceding claims,

characterized in that said substance is packaged

in a paper or other combustible material envelope

effective to be introduced in the commercial cigarettes.

10-An antismoking substance according to any

preceding claims,characterized in that it has the

form of solid plugs effective to be longitudinally

inserted in said cigarettes during or after the

making thereof.