1 the Vasculum
THE VASCULUM APRIL, 1967 Vol. LII No. 1. Price 5/per annum, post free. Edited by T. C. DUNN, B.Sc. THE POPLARS, CHESTER-LE-STREET BY THE WAY Secretaries of Societies and other contributors to "The Vasculum" are invited to send their notes to the Editor before 15th June, 1967. OBITUARY NOTICE PROFESSOR JOHN WILLIAM HESLOP HARRISON, D.SC., F.R.S., F.R.S.E. On January 23rd 1967, Professor J. W. Heslop Harrison passed away at the age of 86, at his home in Birtley. After graduating at Armstrong College, University of Durham in 1903, he became a science master at Middlesbrough High School. During these school- teaching years, he carried on with his researches in his spare time. It was not long before his abilities in field studies, in both plants and insects, became widely known. It is not surprising, therefore, to find him returning to the University as a lecturer in zoology in 1919. His subsequent rise to fame was phenomenal. In 1926 he was appointed to a personal Readership in Genetics, the only one there has ever been at Newcastle. In 1927 he was appointed to the Chair of Botany, then in the very next year he gained his greatest distinction by becoming a Fellow of the Royal Society. During all this time and indeed until only a few years ago, research papers flowed from his pen at an unbelievable rate. His name must have appeared in every journal of biological subjects at one time or another. In addition, it must be remembered that he was one of the four founder editors of the "Vasculum" in 1915, one of the founder members of the Wallis Club in 1922, one of the founder members of the Northern Naturalists' Union in 1924 and the first Vice-President of the Naturalists' Trust of Northumberland and Durham.
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