Indrisek, Scott. ‘17 Shows You Need to See during Frieze Week in London’. Artsy Online. 01 October 2018

17 Shows You Need to See during Frieze Week in London

This week sees the opening of the 2018 edition of Frieze London and Frieze Masters, but there’s a wide array of art to be seen outside of Regent’s Park. Those looking for edgy, alternative fairs might head to the Anti Art Fair; anyone who appreciates art in uncommon, grand places can check out Yinka Shonibare’s temporary installation at the , or David Hockney’s new stained glass window at Abbey. But London’s galleries and museums are also bringing their A-game, and it’s worth carving out time on your calendar to take in some of the 17 exhibitions we’ve spotlighted below.


Michael Landy at Thomas Dane Gallery

October 2nd–November 17th 3 Duke Street

Michael Landy, National Gallery Associate Artist in Residence 2010–2011, Scaled Down 2018. Courtesy of Ben Westoby and Thomas Dane Gallery.

Part of the Young British Artists (YBAs), Michael Landy has never been too precious about the sanctity of his own work. His installations have often focused on the language of commerce, as well as destruction (his most famous piece, Break Down, 2001, involved the wholesale binning of his property). In his latest exhibition, “Scaled-Down,” he continues to prove that artists don’t need to obsessively hold onto everything they’ve ever made. He’s taken recent bodies of work—including drawings made in Athens—and squished them into cubes that resemble John Chamberlain’s crushed cars.