Harriet Beecner Stowe 'S CABIN




r . V J • •-' ,; W • W • NORTON & COMPAM'i New fork • London Contents

Preface vii A Note on the Text x Acknowledgments x The Text of Uncle Tom's Cabin First-Edition Title Page xii Preface xiii Table of Contents xv . List of Illustrations xix Uncle Tom's Cabin I Backgrounds and Contexts Map: The Eastern United States in the Antebellum Period 411 Slave Sale Announcements 412 Escaped Slave Advertisements 416 Abolition Posters 418 Visual Records of Torture 420 J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur • [A Visitor's Description of 's Atrocity] 422 David Walker • From. Appeal, In Four Articles 423 • Life of Josiah Henson 426 • A Slave Auction Described by a Slave, 1841 435 Henrietta King • [A Freeperson's Memory of Slavery's Horror] 437 • The Trials of Girlhood 439 • Another Kidnapping, 1844 442 • The Flight of Ellen and William Craft, 1849 443 Harriet Beecher Stowe • Letter to the Abolitionist Eliza Cabot Follen 444 • From A Key To "Uncle Tom's Cabin" , 446 Uncle Tom 446 The Execution of Justice 453 • Appeal to the Women of the Free States 459 vi CONTENTS

Martin Delany • From Blake; or, The Huts of America George M. Frederickson • Uncle Tom and the Anglo-Saxons: Romantic Racialism in the North George Cruikshank • Illustrations for Uncle Tom's Cabin • Tom reading his Bible. • The poor bleeding heart. • Emmeline about to be sold to the highest bidder. Thomas F. Gossett • Anti—Uncle Tom Literature Mary C. Henderson • [Tom-Shows] Tom-Show Poster Criticism NINETEENTH-CENTURY REVIEWS AND RECEPTION George Sand • Review of Uncle Tom's Cabin William G. Allen • [About Uncle Tom's Cabin] Ethiop • Review of Uncle Tom's Cabin George F. Holmes • Review of Uncle Tom's Cabin Anonymous • Review of Uncle Tom's Cabin Charles Dudley Warner • [Uncle Tom's Cabin a Half Century Later] Frances Ellen Watkins [Harper] • Eliza Harris Helen Gray Cone • [Harriet Beecher Stowe and American Women Writers] Paul Laurence Dunbar • Harriet Beecher Stowe G. Grant Williams • Reminiscences of the Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe and Her Family MODERN CRITICAL VIEWS James Baldwin • Everybody's Protest Novel Jane P. Tompkins • Sentimental Power: Uncle Tom's Cabin and the Politics of Literary History Robert S. Levine • Uncle Tom's Cabin in ' Paper: An Analysis of Reception Sophia Cantave • Who Gets to Create the Lasting Images? The Problem of Black Representation in Uncle Tom's Cabin Susan M. Ryan • Charity Begins at Home: Stowe's Antislavery Novels and the Forms of Benevolent Citizenship

Harriet Beecher Stowe: A Chronology A Brief Time Line of Slavery in America Selected Bibliography