Class of Sixty Tenn Harvard University Fiftietb Nniversary

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Class of Sixty Tenn Harvard University Fiftietb Nniversary — — 1862 C/a55 Report 1912 ’ C l a s s of S ix ty T en n H a r v a r d U n iv e r s ity Fift ie t b fin n iv e rs a ry ’ C a mt riage 7 am twentietb N ineteen Twelve C o n t e n t s T HE CLASS OF 1862 GRADU AT ES BIOGRAPHIES T EMPORARY MEMBERS BIRTHDAYS MARRIAGES CHILDREN DEATHS THE CLASS IN THE WAR ADDRESSES PORTRAITS OF TH E CLASS T b e C l a s s of 1 8 6 2 GRADUATES ARTHUR AMORY CHARLES CARROLL BALCH MURRA Y ROBERTS BALLOU LUTHER GUSTAVUS BARRETT WILLIAM FRANCIS BARTLE TT T R WARRE EARD 1870 I HAMA N B , JAME S VILA BLAKE EDWARD CARSON BOWMAN CHARLES BOYDEN SOLOMON HOYT BRACKETT WILLIAM TU FTS BRIGH AM JOSEPH PERRIN BURRAGE CLARK CARTER WILLIAM HOBBS CHADBOURN TH OMAS LINC OLN CHADBOURNE GEORGE EDWIN CHA PMAN JAMES GILMAN COLE CHARLE S JEROME COLEMAN TH OMAS BUCKMINSTER CURTIS BEN MAJOR DAVENPORT ALBERT EDWIN DAVIS JOH N RICHARD DENNE T T JOHN HOAG DILLINGHAM CHARLE S T ROWBRIDGE DWIGHT ALBERT WILLIAM EDMANDS JOHN HOWARD ELLIS EDWARD ELI ENSIGN HERCU LE S WARRE N FAY GEORGE ALFRE D FISKE SAMU EL EA T ON FIT ' ’ viii C A S S O F S I T Y —T O — W . L X E U . GEORGE ALBERT FLETCHER CHARLE S FOLLE N FOLSOM SHE PARD DE VERE U X GILBERT FRA NCIS WEBST ER GOSS JAM E S INGERSOLL GRA FT ON JAME S GRE EN CHARLE S E'RA GRE ENE CHA RLES EDWARD GRINNELL SAMUE L CU SHM A N HAVE N MAYO WILLIAMSON HA 'ELTINE WILLIAM H EDGE CHARLE S EDWARD HICKLING JOHN HODGE S FREDERICK LUC IAN HOSMER JOHN ELBRID GE H U D SON FREDERIC WOLTERS H U IDEKOPER HE NRY SHIPPEN HU IDEKOPER HENRY UPHAM JE FFRIE S DERMOT WARBUR T ON KEE GAN CHARLE S PARKER KEMP W AM H E R KER 1897 ILLI N Y , JEROME HENRY KIDDER EDWIN AU GUSTUS LE COMPTE EDWARD DELANO LINDSEY JAMES MILT ON LORING HENRY HORT ON M CBURNEY EDWARD WILLIAM M C CABE EDWARD DORR M C CARTHY HERBERT COWPLAND MASON HENRY MATHES BENJAMIN CROWNINSH IELD MIFFLIN ARTHUR HOWARD NICHOLS CHARLE S HUM E NOYE S FRA NCIS CUSHING NYE ARTHUR CORTLANDT PARKER GILBERT RU SSE LL PA YSON ROBERT SINGLE T ON PEABODY CHARLE S BURNHAM PORT ER NATHA NIEL APPLE T ON PRENTISS GE ORGE EAT ON PRIE ST T E M P OR A R Y M E M B E R S EDWARD DORR PRIT CHARD H ENRY PARKER 'UI NCY JOHN REA D ARTHU R REED JO SE PH SAMPSON REED FREDERIC WILLIAM ROGERS HENR Y MUNROE ROGERS HENRY ROPE S CHARLE S SPRAGUE SARGENT THR AR E T 1 9 WIN OP S G N , 8 2 EDWARD BABC OCK SAWTELL ARTHU R SIBLE Y FRA NCIS SKINNER CHARLES CARROLL SOULE JAME S HENRY STEARNS CHARLE S BRIGHAM ST ODDARD GOODWIN ATKIN S ST ONE GEORGE GROSVE NOR T ARBELL BENJAMIN HOLT T ICKNOR FREDERIC WILLIAM T ILT ON JABEz NE LSON T RA SK JOHN HARVEY T REA T EDWARD MORT ON T U CKE JOHN H E NRY T U CKER JOHN LANGDON WARD CHARLE S PICKARD WARE WILLIAM T UCKER WA SHBURN JOHN EA T ON WR ITING WILLIAM GRIGGS WILSON 60 39 99 TEMPORARY MEMBERS FRA NCIS BARNE S MARCU S ELMER BENNETT WILLIAM ANDREWS BROWNE LE WI S TILLMAN CARTER GONSALV O CLA GE TT AUGUSTUS CROCKER ’ x S S O F S I T Y —T W O — C L A X H . U. THA E S MARSHA R DD U LL B OOKS CROSS, ERE H U RT J MIA C IN, 1863 OSWALD HERBE RT ERNST NA THANIE L FAX ON FRANCIS LOWELL GARDNER E R A RRE T 3 H N Y B T GOING, 186 SAMU E L SHELT ON GOU LD , 1863 E BERT T EDGAR AD L HU CHINS, 1863 JOHN CHE CKLEY KEIGH LER MCPHERSON KENNEDY JOHN WITHERSPOON LA BOU ISSE EDWARD JOHN MARKS WILLIAM EDWARD MARSH WILLIAM FRANC IS MUNROE ISAA C HOWARD PA GE , 1864 GEORGE PERKINS CHARLE S HAMILTON PORTER P H ENRY MA SON T A YLOR WILLIAM JAMES T EMPLE EUGENE HENR Y T ITU S BE NJAMIN RODMAN WE LD CHARLES BARTLE TT WELLS JOHN WINTHROP, 1863 B iog r ap b ie s ARTH UR AMORY the second son ofJames Sullivan Am and Mary Copley (Greene) ory , was born in Boston , ’ f r 6 184 1. o . Di February , He fitted college at Epes S xwe ll s 1860 i school in Boston . In the summer of he v sited Green W i land ith a scientific expedition from Will ams College , a trip full ofinteresting and valuable experience . 1863 Am In September, , ory went to New York to engage - mi l in the dry goods com ssion business , as sa esman With i n lb . f Messrs . Slade and Co y On the d ssolutio o this firm , of in 1866, he became a partner in the house Upham , Tucker O . and C , a branch of the old Boston house of the same name , 1833 established in March , , under the name of Searle and 1877 Upham . In June , , he returned to Boston ; his firm T CO . 1 9 later became Dana , ucker and , and , in January , 8 6, Was m n Co . A ory, Brow e and He at one time president N CO . f . o the ashua Manufacturing , the Jackson CO , and US Ala the Indian Head M , at Cordova , . i Y 1865 Am f Wh le in New ork, in , ory was one o the founders of the Harvard Club of that city ; he also belonged to the Thursday Evening Whist Club , the Union Club , and In a the New York Club . Boston he w s a member of the Somerset Club , the Wednesday Evening Club , the Club f o Odd Volumes , and the Eastern Yacht Club . He was hi f 25 h C ef Marshal o his class at the t anniversary in 1887 . Am 133 ory died at his home , Marlborough St . , Boston , 9 19 11. August , 6 1866 He married , June , , Elizabeth Wilcox Ingersoll , f daughter o Charles Ingersoll , of Philadelphia . Mrs . Am 3 1905 . ory died March , CHILDREN Dec . 11 1867 R R R . d . 20 1 98. A THU AMO Y (H C , ; die Dec , 8 I ER R . 28 1869 . NG SOLL AMO Y (H C Nov , R A . 2 1871 ul 2 1910 . SUSAN AMO Y, ug , ; died J y . A S S O F ’ S I T Y —T — W H . C L X O . U E E R 21 1873 . TH L AMO Y, March , R . 22 1878 5 1881 SULLIVAN AMO Y, Feb , ; died May , . R R R Jr. 8 1898 W. A THU AMO Y, , married, June , , Mabel Sard, daughter of lb n N . Grange Sard, of A a y, Y R . 21 1904 B. SUSAN AMO Y was married, Nov , , to Edwin Bartlett, eldest son of 1862. William Francis Bartlett, of the class of Child: E OR R E . 5 1906 . B TTY AM Y BA TL TT, Dec , I ER A R 10 fi u . NG SOLL MO Y is in business in Boston, at Post Of ce Sq are HAR ES CARRO A CH son of W C L LL B L , illiam and in S e M . ( tone) Balch , was born N wburyport , ass , May 9 184 1. H . , He fitted for college at the Brown igh school His intention of coming to college was formed only a year before it was realized . Balch was drowned while bathing 2 1863 . at Salisbury Beach , Maine, August 7, R T A M U RA Y ROBER S B LLOU, son of Maturin M . and Mary A . A . (Roberts) Ballou , was born in Boston , 0 D ll’ l 1 184 . ixwe Ju y 2 , He fitted for college at E S s school , and with Rev . Luther Farnham and Sidney Willard . After graduation , he went into business as a broker , in i n 1870 partnership with M fili . In he became president of the Boston Stock Exchange , a position he held until his 1 00 retirement from business in 9 . 10 . Residence , Charles Street , Boston 1 186 B. Ballou married , December , 3, Lucretia Howland , l 89 f . 27 1 9 . o New Bedford Mrs Ballou died Ju y , CHILDREN R 12 1865 15 1898. MATU IN HOWLAND, March , ; died May , E E RR . 1 1866 . LIS MU AY, Oct , R R ES . 23 1870 . F ANKLIN BU G S, Jan , EL . 23 1870. MAB , Jan , R . C a MATU IN H BALLOU (son of Murray R ) the lass Baby, was an electric l engineer: he installed the electric- lighting plant in the Castle Square Theatre : he was at one time superintendent of the pumping station at the C H : hestnut ill Reservoir and he built several electric roads, including one dn N . W. in 1898 C a at Sy ey, S He died May, , in North arolina, le v Ballou who - r e a ing one son, Maturin Murray , is now twenty th e ye rs old ” and six feet one in height . LUTHER GUSTAVUS BARRETT, son of Luther Gustavus and Margaret (Ridley) Barrett , was born in n . 1 38 f Watertow , Mass , December 5 , 8 . Part o his early B A R R E T T 5 ’ u years were spent on his uncle s farm in St rbridge , greatly l influencing his subsequent life .
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