— — 1862 C/a55 Report 1912

’ C l a s s of S ix ty T en n H a r v a r d U n iv e r s ity Fift ie t b fin n iv e rs a ry

’ C a mt riage 7 am twentietb N ineteen Twelve

C o n t e n t s










T b e C l a s s of 1 8 6 2











B iog r ap b ie s

ARTH UR AMORY the second son ofJames Sullivan Am and Mary Copley (Greene) ory , was born in , ’ f r 6 184 1. o . Di February , He fitted college at Epes S xwe ll s 1860 i school in Boston . In the summer of he v sited Green W i land ith a scientific expedition from Will ams College , a trip full ofinteresting and valuable experience . 1863 Am In September, , ory went to New York to engage

- mi l in the dry goods com ssion business , as sa esman With i n lb . f Messrs . Slade and Co y On the d ssolutio o this firm , of in 1866, he became a partner in the house Upham , Tucker

O . and C , a branch of the old Boston house of the same name , 1833 established in March , , under the name of Searle and 1877 Upham . In June , , he returned to Boston ; his firm

T CO . 1 9 later became Dana , ucker and , and , in January , 8 6, Was m n Co . A ory, Brow e and He at one time president

N CO . f . o the ashua Manufacturing , the Jackson CO , and US Ala the Indian Head M , at Cordova , . i Y 1865 Am f Wh le in New ork, in , ory was one o the founders of the Harvard Club of that city ; he also belonged to the Thursday Evening Whist Club , the Union Club , and In a the New York Club . Boston he w s a member of the

Somerset Club , the Wednesday Evening Club , the Club f o Odd Volumes , and the Eastern Yacht Club . He was hi f 25 h C ef Marshal o his class at the t anniversary in 1887 . Am 133 ory died at his home , Marlborough St . , Boston ,

9 19 11. August , 6 1866 He married , June , , Elizabeth Wilcox Ingersoll , f daughter o Charles Ingersoll , of Philadelphia . Mrs .

Am 3 1905 . ory died March ,


Dec . 11 1867 R R R . d . 20 1 98. A THU AMO Y (H C , ; die Dec , 8

I ER R . . 28 1869 . NG SOLL AMO Y (H C Nov ,

R A . 2 1871 ul 2 1910 . SUSAN AMO Y, ug , ; died J y . A S S O F ’ S I T Y —T — W H . C L X O . U

E E R 21 1873 . TH L AMO Y, March ,

R . 22 1878 5 1881 SULLIVAN AMO Y, Feb , ; died May , .

R R R Jr. 8 1898 W. A THU AMO Y, , married, June , , Mabel Sard, daughter of

lb n N . . Grange Sard, of A a y, Y

R . 21 1904 B. SUSAN AMO Y was married, Nov , , to Edwin Bartlett, eldest son of

1862. William Francis Bartlett, of the class of

Child: E OR R E . 5 1906 . B TTY AM Y BA TL TT, Dec ,

I ER A R 10 fi u . NG SOLL MO Y is in business in Boston, at Post Of ce Sq are

HAR ES CARRO A CH son of W C L LL B L , illiam and in S e M . ( tone) Balch , was born N wburyport , ass , May

9 184 1. H . , He fitted for college at the Brown igh school His intention of coming to college was formed only a year before it was realized . Balch was drowned while bathing

2 1863 . at Salisbury Beach , Maine, August 7,

R T A M U RA Y ROBER S B LLOU, son of Maturin M . and Mary A . A . (Roberts) Ballou , was born in Boston , 0 D ll’ l 1 184 . . . ixwe Ju y 2 , He fitted for college at E S s school , and with Rev . Luther Farnham and Sidney Willard .

After graduation , he went into business as a broker , in i n 1870 partnership with M fili . In he became president of the Boston Stock Exchange , a position he held until his 1 00 retirement from business in 9 .

10 . Residence , Charles Street , Boston

1 186 B. Ballou married , December , 3, Lucretia Howland , l 89 f . . 27 1 9 . o New Bedford Mrs Ballou died Ju y , CHILDREN

R 12 1865 15 1898. MATU IN HOWLAND, March , ; died May ,

E E RR . 1 1866 . LIS MU AY, Oct ,

R R ES . 23 1870 . F ANKLIN BU G S, Jan ,

EL . 23 1870. MAB , Jan ,

R . . C a MATU IN H BALLOU (son of Murray R ) the lass Baby, was an electric l engineer: he installed the electric- lighting plant in the Castle Square Theatre : he was at one time superintendent of the pumping station at the C H : hestnut ill Reservoir and he built several electric roads, including one

dn N . . W. in 1898 C a at Sy ey, S He died May, , in North arolina, le v

Ballou who - r e a ing one son, Maturin Murray , is now twenty th e ye rs old ” and six feet one in height .


Gustavus and Margaret (Ridley) Barrett , was born in

n . 1 38 f Watertow , Mass , December 5 , 8 . Part o his early B A R R E T T 5

’ u years were spent on his uncle s farm in St rbridge , greatly l influencing his subsequent life . He fitted for col ege at the

W S . In 1862 atertown High chool September , , he entered I N . Newton Theological nstitution at ewton Centre , Mass , graduating in 1865 . During the last year he spent some of three months in the army the James , in the service of the

. r i . 1 18 as U S Ch istian Comm ssion . September 7 , 65 , he w W ordained at atertown , Brother Lecompte assisting in the

. But services , though a good pastorate and a college Ne w T professorship in estament Interpretation invited , broken health compelled rest . Most of that autumn was 1866 passed in the South , and a large part of the next year , ,

u . 1 67 in travel in E rope Health restored , in December , 8 , he accepted a pastorate in Weston , Mass . , and subsequently W M s Y in inchester, as ; at Berean Church , New ork City ;

M . . South Abington (Whitman) , ass , and Concord , N H . — During the year 1885 1886 he was professor of Biblical Inter retation p and Classics in Shaw University , Raleigh , N. C . T I hen followed pastorates in Bristol , R . . ; Lowell and

i . S 1 4 M lford , Mass In eptember , 89 , he became president of lVIiss f n Jackson College , Jackson , , which o fice , after seve ’ teen years strenuous work and successful administration , S 30 19 1 he resigned eptember , 1. He h as returned to 6 , and resides at Sacramento St . , Cambridge , son While his , Herbert , finishes his last year at the Harvard n Law School ; intendi g thereafter , without further public to u h M 100 responsibility , enjoy a q iet ome in elrose , at

Vinton St . His summer address is Oak Bluffs , Mass . n 9 186 Barrett married , Ju e , 9 , Mary Annette Hawkes , of 16 18 Chelsea ; she died March , 77 , in Ne w York City . CHILDREN

RE E E 26 1870. FLO NC HAWK S, March ,

E R E R E . 1 8 1 76 21 1876 . G O G IDL Y, Feb , ; died July ,

E E E E E . 20 1877 19 1877 . H L N J ANN TT , Jan , ; died May ,

L RE E E RRE 1 1896 n F O NC HAWK S BA TT was married, May 7, , to Herbert Da iel

Casey . Child: N RRE E 15 1903 25 1908. ATHAN BA TT CAS Y, May , ; died April ,

n i l l Barrett married Ella Maria Short , of Da e son v i le ,

. 5 1 . 1 Conn , Sept , 885 .

ILD : ER ER L ER . 5 1886 CH H B T UTH , Dec , ; about to graduate from the Harvard

Law School . 6 A S S ’ S I T Y — — C L O F X T W O H . U .

* WILLIAM FRANCIS ARTLE TT f B , son o Charles H P Leonard and arriett ( lummer) Bartlett , was born at

. 6 184 0 . l Haverhill , Mass , June , His fami y moved to Boston soon afte r his birth ; and he fitted for college there

W. . . 1 1 1 at the private school of H Brooks April 7, 86 , he enlisted as private in the Fourth Battalion Massachusetts ili Volunteer M tia, stationed at Fort Independence , Boston f Harbor . On the formation o the Twentieth Regiment , 0 Bartlett was commissioned as captain , July 1 . He was f ’ o ff 21. 24 186 at the battle Ball s Blu , October April , 2, while before Yorktown , he received a wound in the left knee which necessitated the amputation of the leg . In 1862 of t September , , he took command For Briggs , Pitts

l - i fie d, Mass . , where the Forty ninth Reg ment was assembling November 10 he was chosen colonel of the regiment ; on h the departure oft e regiment for Ne w Orleans in January , Bartlett rode down Broadway with his crutch strapped to u n 1863 his back . In the assa lt o Port Hudson , May 27 , , n he was agai wounded , this time in the left wrist . After ’ the mustering - out of the Forty - ninth (a nine - months

- regiment) , Bartlett raised the Fifty seventh , which he took f 186 . to Virginia in April , 4 In the battle o the Wilderness ,

6 was i . 2 1864 May , he again sl ghtly wounded June 2 , , he

- was made a brigadier general , and in July took command

f . o a brigade in the Ninth Corps , then before Petersburg f 30 f At the assault o July , after the explosion o the mine ,

Bartlett was taken prisoner . He was in captivity two months ; from disease caused by the hardships of this period 1865 e t he never fully recovered . In June , , he r turned o i k f h act ve duty , ta ing command o the First Division of t e Ninth Corps ; but on July 14 the division was broken up and his active service was over . On being mustered out

16 1866 f - July , , he received the commission o major general

t 13 186 . by brevet , o date from March , 5 t On returning o civil life , Bartlett engaged at first in of the manufacture paper at Dalton , and in the manufacture f o iron at the Pomeroy Iron Works at West Stockbridge . Later he became president and general manager of the h Pow atan Iron Works at Richmond , Va. ; and for some years he spent his Winters in Richmond and his summers B A R T L E T T 7

Pittsfield at his home in , until his failing health forbade the change . He gave up business and led a very quiet d 1875 life , eclining , in , both the Republican nomination for governor and the Democratic nomination for lieutenant His governor . health was constantly failing ; and he died P fil itts e d 1876 . at his home in , December 17 , In l wi the years fol o ng the war , as during the four years

f . o conflict , Bartlett strove for the restoration of the Union

d- l He preached peace, goo wil , the rebuilding of the shattered fabric on the firm foundations of mutual respect and con n c e t s fide and loyalty o the Republic . Hi was the high h statesmanship that loo ked forward , t at recognized the of best qualities men , even of men who had erred , and sought to use them for the restoration oforder, the revival f ditfi o prosperity , and the solution of the numerous and — cult problems , political , social , and financial , involved in the restoration of the Southern States to their place in n 24 the Union . At the dedication of Memorial Hall , Ju e , ' 1 4 : 87 , he uttered these solemn words of warning Take r care lest y ou repel by injustice o r suspicion , o even by f i indi ference, the returning love ofmen wh o n ow speak w th ‘ ’ f i pride o that flag as our flag . The next Spr ng , at the centennial celebration at Lexington , after renewing his appeal , and paying a tribute to the good faith and loyalty to the reunited country of the leaders of the Southern : cause, he added These are the men by whom and through ” ou whom y must restore the South . 14 1865 Bartlett married , October , , Agnes Pomeroy , f o fPit fil . . daughter Robert Pomeroy , o ts e d Mrs Bartlett 16 1909 died February , . CHILDREN

E . 16 1866 . AGN S, Sept ,

R . 17 1869 . CA OLYN, Feb .

E R E . 26 1871. DWIN BA TL TT, Nov , R ER ER 20 1874 di 1903 OB T POM OY, March , ; ed in March,

WmLIAM R I c 20 1874 1906 . F ANC S. Mar h , ; died in May,

E . 24 1876 . DITH , Sept ,

E R E e n r Pittsfield AGN S BA TL TT marri d He ry A . F ancis, of They have one

son . . , J Dwight Francis

R R E e m H. Y. N. CA OLYN BA TL TT marri d Ja es Kidd, of Tivoli, They have four

r R ER ME H. r. Y J R ER P. . child en ; CA OL N POM OY KIDD, JA S KIDD, . OB T B KIDD, 8 C ’ — — L A S S O F S I X T Y T W O H . U .

1 1 04 . S E N . R E m . 2 9 e DWI B BA TL TT arried , Nov , usan Amory, daught r of our

as ma . E M R R E . 5 cl s te They had one daughter, B TTY A O Y BA TL TT, born Dec ,

1906 . Mrs . l di ul 1910. . B in s Bart ett ed in J y, Mr artlett is busine s in

Albany .

ER P. ET ma a 1900 . ROB T BARTL T rried, in Janu ry, , Ruth Hart Robinson They

E MER AR E . had one daughter, AGN S PO OY B TL TT

E ma m 1903 L . WILLIAM F. BARTL TT rried, in Dece ber, , Ella de ong

There is a bust ofBartlett in Alumni Hall . The bronze statue in the Memorial Hall in the State House in Boston

7 1904 . was dedicated May 2 , A memoir , by General F .

18 8. W . Palfrey, was published in 7

N EARD f ITHAMAR WARRE B , son o Ithamar War T a Pi fi ren and Mary Atkins ( odd) Beard , w s born in tts eld,

23 184 0 . N . H . , February , He fitted for college at the

Cambridge High School . At the end of the Junior year to he left college, intending enter the army , but gave that ’ r up on account of his father s health . He eceiVed his 1 0 flaw in f degree in 87 . He began the study o the o fice of as i to J . S . and G . F . Richards on , w adm tted the bar October 17 1864 1866 f r , , and in , after serving o a year as secretary f o the State Mutual Fire Insurance Company , he began the f 1867 practise o law in Lowell . In November , , he was f r elected Register ofDeeds o the Middlesex North District ,

r - 0 and was e elected in 187 . In 1866 , Beard joined the Protestant Episcopal Church , and studied as a candidate for the ministry . In September , 1872 f , he entered the senior class o the Protestant Episcopal

B. D . Theological School in Cambridge , graduating as , June

18 18 3 . 15 1 3 . , 7 Ordained deacon , June , 87 Called to be ’ 28 rector of St . James Church , South Groveland , July ,

18 3 1873 . Or 7 ; entered upon his duties in September, 1 6 1 187 . 1 87 dained to the priesthood June 2 , 4 November , , ’ he became rector of St . Thomas Church , Dover , N . H . 1899 In Beard gave up his parish at Dover , after twenty ’ three years service , and became chaplain of the Chapel of ’

G d . the oo Shepherd , on Blackwell s Island , New York City He regards his work at Dover as eminently successful in ' 1 2 M u every respect . In 88 he wrote : y life is the q iet and satisfactory life of a parish minister . I have done

10 ’ — — C L A S S O F S I X T Y T W O H . U .

1892 he became minister also of the Church ofAll Souls in l 1897 I l. Evanston , , serving both churches until , when he i i res gned from the Chicago church , reta ning that at Evans to i l n , which he has now served cont nuous y for nearly twenty ' h i i . T e years Soc ety is small , thriv ng , happy ; and my long ministry with them has been on e ofvery great happiness A to me . bout seven years ago my people built a stone chapel notable in this neighborhood for its solid construe ” tion and its very beautiful architecture . While minister for ing to the two churches , Blake was employed a time by M of organ and Wright , manufacturers rubber tires, as super in te n dent of their factory . In Chicago he took an active part in the work of the Associated Charities . : Blake has published books , as follows

1880 i mn C in W. C . n ( ) Un ty Hy s and horals, collaboration with Gan ett and '

. m L. Hos er 1884 i C F ; ( ) Unity Festivals , being serv ces for Easter, hristmas , Summer , Harvest; (1886) Manual Training in Education; (1887) Essays ; (1887 Poems; (1888) Legends from Story- Land; (1890) A Grateful Spirit and other sermons ;

189 1 1891 S . lifer ( ) Happiness from Thoughts and other sermons ; ( ) t So , with Other Worthies and Unworthies ; (1892) Natural Religion in sermons ; (1892) Book of hi 1893 1894 Wors p, in Readings, Songs, and Prayers ; ( ) More than Kin ; ( ) An Anchor 1894 vi of the Soul, a Study of Faith; ( ) Unity Ser ces and Songs, for Sunday Schools; (1898) Sonnets ; (1902) Songs ; (1904 ) Discoveries (a poetical work) ; (1907) The a 1909 L Months (a poetic l work, partly in prose) ; ( ) So ike Her Father, a drama ; ’ 19 10 - Go- m 1911 L B H - a ( ) A Merry Round, a co edy; ( ) The ady ertha s oney Broth, drama .

w n ot He has also ritten , but has yet printed, several ofhis volumes , both in prose and verse . Some songs have been set to music .

i 122 hi . Res dence , North Ashland Boulevard , C cago

1 6 Blake married , June 22, 8 9 , Abbie Frances Hovey , f o Haverhill , Mass .


E R E 29 1873 e . 12 1874 . AM S CA L TON, April , ; di d Oct ,

R E R ER 8 1876 . ACH L F AZI , June ,

R DEER N 8 1876 . UTH I G, June ,

E 26 1880 . 19 1882. ALIC , July , ; died Sept ,

E C C . CLINTON F . BLAK married Vida lements , of hicago

Children D R E 28 1900. : O OTHY AGN S , July ,

R ES . 6 1903 . F ANC ANNA, Sept ,

E V . 13 1907 . JAM S ILA, Sept ,

RACHEL F. BLAKE married Jerome Hamilton Mahony .

E . RUTH D . BLAK married Frederick A . Thomson — B O W M A N B O Y D E N — B R A C K E T T 11 * EDWARD CARSON BOWMAN was born in Dade

l Al a. 20 184 1. W Vi le , , March , His mother, a idow, came to

Massachusetts before he was five years old. In 185 1 he Fl in Cloud made a voyage to San Francisco in the y g , returning in 1855 by way ofPanama . He fitted for college ha at the C un cy Hall school in Boston . Soon after gradua tion , he entered the navy as acting assistant 1 3 paymaster . In the autumn of 86 he saw service on the Rio P P Grande, at the capture of Aransas ass and ort Cavallo ; and he was present at the capture ofthe forts at

. 1864 Vir in ia Mobile In he was on the steamer g . He 1 1 6 died at New Orleans , of yellow fever, October 7 8 4 .

* HAR E EN f C L S BOYD , son o Dwight and Maria A .

s . (Whiting) Boyden , wa born in Waltham , Mass , October

7 184 0 . h , He fitted for college at the C aun cy Hall School

n d . a with Mr Joseph Willard . After graduation he re mained in Cambridge a few months as a resident graduate ; in December he sailed for Europe , where he remained till S f1 6 h the pring o 8 5 . After is return he for a time sup erin i tended s lver mines in Nevada, then travelled again in

. his Europe On return he settled in Boston , spending his i summers n Stockbridge .

Boyden died suddenly in the train , on the way to Bev

1881. erly with his family, May 24 , 18 9 r n hi l Boyden married , February 25 , 7 , Cora C o w in s e d,

r hiel . daughter of George C . C ownin s d

CHARLES H . C . 19 1880 . m 14 1903 H r ( Feb , He arried, April , , a riet

Howard Ely .

Children : RR E R . 19 1904 . HA I T HOWA D, Oct ,

E CROWNINSHIELD 10 1910 . ANSTIC . May , H e is a stockbroker in Boston .

S L E T . O OMON HOYT BRACK T , son ofJosiah P and

E an in . Susan ( dm ds) Brackett , was born Framingham , Mass ,

5 1838 . September 2 , He fitted for college at Phillips Exeter A Academy , and entered college the Sophomore year . fter graduating , he taught school at Provincetown and at Stone 1868 as of ham , and in April , , w elected principal the high 12 ’ —T — A H . C L S S O F S I X T Y W O . U

N. . 18 scho ol in Keene , H In 75 he was appointed professor

u i in Ohn s ur V . of nat ral sc ences St . J b y Academy , t ; he afterwards became superintendent . Here he remained

l 1900 o . W ti l June , , when he moved t Claremont , Cal , here i 902 he found occupat on in an organ factory . In 1 he was teaching physics and chemistry in the high school at San Bernardin o ; he then taught for two years in the high 1903 school at Redlands . In he gave up teaching , settled in at Claremont , and has occupied himself surveying , the f fi . manufacture o scienti c apparatus , etc For many years ff i un fit d he has su ered from a spinal trouble , wh ch has te him for anything but light work . 0 B 2 18 4 . . rackett married , July , 6 , Mary A Thomas CHILDREN

RK R 16 1865 . FRANK PA HU ST, June ,

E N . 20 1868 . MAB L SUSA , Jan ,

R E E E Au . 8 1874 . 20 1902. MA Y C L ST , g , ; died Sept ,

E R Au . 17 1876 . JOHN H N Y, g ,

R . R E l F ANK P B ACK TT is professor of Mathematics at Pomona Col ege, Clare

mont . N E R R E S JOH H N Y B ACK TT is an electrical engineer in an Francisco .

I IAM TU TS RIGHAM f W LL F B , son o William Brig 1829 ham (H . C . ) and Margaret Austin (Brooks) Brigham , 4 8 1 was born in Boston , May 2 , 1 4 . He fitted for college at the Boston Latin School . He was class secretary till

1887 . , when Grinnell took his place After graduation he ’ f studied law in his father s o fice for eighteen months , and was then started for San Francisco , where he joined by Mr . mi f Horace Mann . After exploring the nes o Washoe and of i some the hot springs of Cal fornia and Nevada , they I M a sailed for the Hawaiian slands , where they arrived in y , f 1864 o . , and began a scientific exploration the Islands f A ter six months , Brigham was appointed professor of natural sciences in Oahu College ; but he resigned in Octo 1865 n d d ber , , a returne home by way of China , India ,

. 186 Egypt , and Europe He was admitted to the bar in 7 — 1868 1869 O Mr. In , on the death f Mann , he taught botany 1869 i for a time at Harvard College . In he went to Cal fornia P over the acific Railroad , then just opened , Visiting Salt f r Lake City and the Yosemite Valley . He was o six years B R I G H A M 13

f a member o the Boston school board , giving especial t attention o drawing in the public schools , then a new branch of instruction ; he organized evening drawing schools , and i 18 establ shed a Normal Art School . In 72 he visited Great Britain with the Japanese Embassy ; and in 1878 journeyed i w th a friend through southern France and northern Italy . During these years he delivered several courses of lectures n 18 o scientific subjects . In 76 he was appointed by the Hawaiian government honorary commissioner to the Cen tenn ial x i P d t n E h bition at hila elphia , o report o the geology

of . 1880 and mineralogy the kingdom In June , , he made to H i a second visit the awai an Islands , and made an ex of ploration the volcanoes Kilauea and Mauna Loa . For several years after his return he practised law in Boston , at the same time pursuing his Scientific studies , and pub lishin on g articles scientific subjects . He made a special of of i fl study the laws growth in the human body , as n u e nced by physical exercise and affected by race . He was also much interested in photography , in which he became

. 1886 highly skilful In July, , he was appointed consul in for Boston the Republic of Guatemala . 1888 t In Brigham went o Honolulu , to collect material f r f 0 o a history o the Islands . In 189 he became director of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum o f Polynesian n Eth ology and Natural History . T o this work he has de n voted himself ever since ; and u der his care the museum , ' oftwo - from a building small rooms and a picture gallery , has more than quadrupled in size , and by its collections , i scient fic works , and publications , has attained an honorable f place among the museums o the world . In 1896 Brigham th e s f went round world a econd time , making a study o ethnological museums , and marine zoological stations . This spring he has made a third Visit to Europe for the same

purpose . 9 19 12: He writes , March , As to the biography, there

is nothing, except that I have been writing up the con of i o tents this museum unt l my eyes have given ut, and I to am coming Boston to find an oculist . I hope to sail for Europe before M ay ’ Brigham s publications have been numerous , varied , ’ — — U . 14 C L A S S O F S I X T Y T W O H .

of and valuable . He early became a Fellow the American Academy of Arts and Sciences ; and he is Corresponding an d Honorary Member of many scientific societies , both 1905 in the United States and in Europe . In he received from Columbia University the honorary degree of Doctor in Science . : u Address Bernice Pauahi Bishop Muse m , Honolulu ,

Hawaiian Islands .

Brigham never married . Some years ago he adopted

1887 . as his son Frank E . Blaisdell , who died in

* E H ERRIN B RA E f JOS P P UR C , son o Joseph and P in Frances Sophia ( errin) Burrage , was born Boston , f P 1 2. r May 4 , 84 He fitted o college at hillips Andover W Academy . During his college life he lived in est Cam

t . 18 bridge , and walked daily o and from college May , mi i T 1863, he was com ss oned second lieutenant in the hirty i third Massachusetts Reg ment . He was killed at the battle

9 1863 . of Lookout Mountain , October 2 ,

LARK ARTER C C , son of Elisha and Harriet (Wilson)

16 184 1. Carter , was born in Boston , October , He fitted E m . . . d a s . for college with Mr T D n d , at Framingham , Mass f 1858 In the Spring o , Carter joined the Orthodox Church in that town . During the Junior winter vacation , he taught school at Charlton , Mass . S 186 1864 From eptember , 2, to April , , Carter was at

S. . Port Royal , C , as government superintendent of aban

don d S . e plantations , under General axton In September , 1864 T P , he entered the heological Seminary at rinceton . The long summer vacation of 1865 was spent at Charleston and Port Royal , investigating the condition of the freedmen , ’ under the auspices of the Pennsylvania Free dmen s Relief

. 15 1866 Association May , , he was licensed to preach the Gospel by the Plymouth Association of lVIin isters at Ply mouth ; and on October 1 he entered the Theological Insti

. W tute of Hartford , Conn , here he completed his preparatory d 186 1 18 stu ies in June , 7. February 3, 68, he was ordained and installed as pastor over the Trinity Congregational C A R T E R 15 M Church in Neponset , ass . ; was dismissed by council 1 1 69 i July , 8 ; preached during the four clos ng months of l that year at Rockvil e , Conn ; and was settled at Great 0 H . 27 187 . 18 2 . 7 Falls , N , April , In June, , he moved to

M . Lawrence , ass , where he supplied the pulpit of the Central

. 18 3 Church through that year In January , 7 , he was S C settled over the outh Congregational hurch , Lawrence , l 1888 where he remained ti l July , , when he accepted the post of city missionary and secretary of the Lawrence City i n i 1859 Bl iss o , a society establ shed in , but reorganized in 1885 on the principles of the Charity Organization Societies ofother cities . ' This change ofwork introduced me to an entirely new ’ outlook upon the world s needs , and brought me into inti mate relations with social workers throughout the country . I have served two years as an overseer of the poor ; was chairman o f the committee of personal relief in 1890 when a disastrous cyclone swept a portion of the city ; was for two years chairman of the Industrial Committee of the State Association of Congregational Churches of Massa chusetts ; was active in starting the Massachusetts State Conference of Charities ; have served on its committees and been Vice - pre sident ; have been president of the Boston Monday Evening Club and of the Essex North Congrega tion al Club ; am chaplain at the Lawrence jail ; am an agent of the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children ; as chairman of the Lawrence Sani tary Milk Committee I have had a study made of the infant mortality of the city , and have seen a reduction of the death rate procured in part by the work of the com mitte e in educating the public as to the importance of keeping milk clean , and in teaching mothers how to care for In their babies . these various positions I have felt with i ncreasing force the value of genuine Christianity , and have n ot seen , as I did when I was a pastor , the opportunity of the true minister of Christ . ' In addition to the regular routine ofan Office which under f takes to relieve distress , advise in di ficulty , and plan for the conquering of poverty , I have taken an interest in and lent my influence to the adv an cmg of various social 16 C A S S ’ I T Y —T — L O F S X W O H . U .

. r c of r h reforms The rest i tion child labo , the s orten ing Of the hours of employment o f women in manufacturing and ‘ l e s r of one f mercanti e stabli hments, the secu ing day o rest in v for f se en working men , the suppression o intempe rance , of and similar topics legislation , I have advocated be fore committees of the General Court .

Address: 206» s t L M E sex S reet , awrence , ass . Residence: 31 Bartlett Street , Andover, Mass . 19 18 0 Carter married , May , 7 , Emma Henrie tta Pease , f o . G f daughter Rev iles Pease , o Boston .


E E E . 14 1871. MAB L MOS L Y, Oct ,

RR E l 3 1873 . HA I T WILSON, Apri ,

E E 22 1875 . ALICE CL V LAND, March ,

E R R H . C . 9 1878. is r a Y. . . DWA D CLA K ( , June , He a sec et ry of the M C A

t m and in . Au . 3 1908 i e al ernately in A erica India He married, g , , Al c Olin

d D . m H . . Draper, aughter of r Willia Draper, of New York Children : DR ER 22 1909 WILLIAM AP , May , .

E R R 22 1909 . DWA D CLA K, May ,

I LIAM HO S HAD URN of W L BB C BO , son George and H r r Asenath ( obbs) Chadbou n , was born in Sanfo d , Maine , 1 f r l h February 184 . He fitted o col ege at t e Boston

» - h . Latin School . He was on e of t e class day marshals After graduation he was for a few years with Jordan and

Marsh ; afterwards he was in busine ss in Nashville . In on e 1872he moved to Wilmington , N . C . , and soo n became of the leaders in enterprises for the de velopment of that of Wilmin section . He was the promoter and builder the g o e ton , Chadb urn and Conway Railroad , and was its pr sident until it was absorbe d by th e Atlantic Coast Line . He was also prominently interested in the establishment of the e Wilmington Seacoast Railway . He has be n president ’ ofthe Citizens Building and Loan Association of Wilmin g 1 ofthe o r ton since 886 , and was general manager Chadb u n 1 n f o l Lumber CO . , o e o the largest and m st successfu enter prises of its kind in the State .

Chadbourn has also taken a part in public service . In 18 as 85 he was in the State Senate , and has served a director ' of the State Penitentiary , and as a trustee of the State in of University . He has been active all the enterprises for r the city of Wilmington , was an alderman four yea s ,

’ — S - U . C L A S O F S I X T Y T W O H . m AN L . B RNE m . W . D H NAH CHAD OU arried Fred enton, of Michigan, a ining

ha hi . engineer . They ve seven c ldren

. UR E m c assall. son THOMAS L CHADBO N arried Gra e W He has an adopted ,

Le Roy Chadbourne .

E L . UR E . CO. ALIC CHADBO N married Dr Robert Bruce Harkness, of Houghton ,

M chigan . They have a son .

E R . RNE . WALD MA A CHADBOU married Dolores 'uinones, of Havana

UM RE . B RNE m 11 1912 r H PH Y W CHAD OU arried, May , , Elizabeth Stu gis, of

Boston .

L . B R E W . RNE are i law 30 T. CHAD OU N and . A CHADBOU practis ng at Pine

Street, New York .

* GEORGE EDWIN CHAPMAN, son of Edmund A . and Harriet (Brown ) Chapman , was born in Cambridge ,

9 1 0 . October 2 , 84 He fitted for college at the Cambridge

mi . High School . He was on e of the class com ttee In 1 62 the Summer of 8 he sailed for Europe , and began study In g at the University of GOttin gen ; but failing health induced him to travel in Switzerland . Obtaining there n o 1863 relief, he returned home in June , , and after a year at t fin d Cambridge , went to Minnesota , hoping o the climate beneficial ; but he was again disappointed . He returned to 65 Cambridge , and died there February 3, 18 .

* AMES GI MAN O E of J L C L , son John Greenleaf and

a . Lavinia (Brooks) Cole , w s born in Woburn , Mass , March

9 184 1. S. . , After graduation he went to Port Royal , C , as ’ superintendent ofplantations ; he settled on Ladies Island . 1 04 He died February 2, 19

CHAR ES EROME CO EMAN was L J L , born in Cin in i 1 1 c n at . 15 84 . , Sept , After studying law at the Cincin farmm nati Law School , he went into business , tried g , an d i became connected with a large o l business in the West . 1 9 rof In January , 87 he returne d East , and took up the p es sion of music as a composer , organist , and teacher , at first

n . in Cincinnati , afterwards I New York

5 1910 . He died at Passaic , N . J. , Dec . ,

1863 . Coleman married , April 8, , Julia H Raynor ,

f . daughter of Henry Raynor , o Syracuse , N . Y . Mrs

909 . Coleman died June 21, 1 CHILDREN

E R R 29 1865 . H N Y WOODWA D, April ,

ER Au . 16 1866 . GILB T PAYSON, g , C U R T I S— D A V E N P O R T 19

N TER CURTIS T THOMAS B UCKMI S , son of homas C was Buckminster and Laura (Greenough) urtis , born in 9 184 2 was Boston , July 1 , . Before entering college , he ' ” il i ’ V at Mr . S l g s boarding school , Bellerive , at evey , Swit r nd z e la ; two brothers and our classmates , Gardner and

Mason , were there at the same time . He returned to Bos

ton when about fourteen , and finished his preparation for

college . On graduation he joined his parents in Paris , f and the next year began the study o medicine there . De i voting h mself with zeal to his studies , he attained great ' Ex success in his profession , serving for three years as ” terne and for five years (until 1872) as Interne des H Opi P in P taux , in the principal hospitals of aris . He was aris

during the siege by the German army , and with the French

army during the Commune , always busy with the ambu h ' ’ . 1 3 e lance corps In August , 87 , received his doctor s de gree, returned to Boston the next month , and took up the f 18 d practice o his profession . In 75 he was appointe sur geon to out- patients at the Massachusetts General Hospi

tal . A little later he was secretary o f a committee offive physicians appointed by the Mayor of Boston to report upon the causes and prevention ofthe high rate of mortal ity prevailing in the city ; the valuable report of the com mittee was written by Curtis . He was an active member of all the principal medical societies ; and was for a time on the editorial staff of the Medieal and Surgical Journ al

and published many treatises , reports , and reviews , both in ’ r f English and in French . (A full report of Curtis p o es si nal o activities appeared in the Fifth Class Report . ) 1881 He died in Boston , Dec . 11,

. n Curtis married , Oct 19 , 1875 , Anna Lo veri g , daughter

f . o . J S Lovering , of Boston .

* BEN MA OR DA f i J VENPORT, son o Will am and M as W Eliza Ann ( ajor) Davenport , w born in oodford

. 12 18 County , Ill , July , 37 . H e fitted for college at the

Ill M r. Walnut Grove Academy , . , and with Joseph in Willard , Boston . He joined the class in March , 1859 . After graduation he studied law at Eureka , Ill . , f f o . a and in the o fice E Van Buren , in Chic go , being ’ — - - 20 C L A S S O F S I X T Y T W O E . U .

I 1 66 1865 . n 8 admitted to the bar in March , April , , he went to Nebraska City , Neb . , where he practised law for i M r. . several years , in partnersh p with a Seymour As i N commissioner of immigrat on for ebraska , he was largely f instrumental in advertising the resources o the State . 18 1 Returning to Chicago in 7 , he became interested in real of estate , and was the manager and proprietor two hotels , being at the same time an active member ofthe Prohibition 1888 Party , and a leader in the Christian Church . In , owing to failing health , he went to Georgia, and engaged T in the real estate business , first at allapoosa , afterwards 16 1894 at Cedartown . Here he died , September , . 9 1868 Davenport married , September 2 , , Ellen Camp f H f . . o bell , daughter o Prof James C Campbell , opkins

1893 . ville , Ky . Mrs . Davenport died in September ,


E 28 1870 . BEN LLA, June ,

PBE . 10 1876 . CAM LLINA, Nov ,

MP E . 25 1878. WILLIAM CA B LL, Oct ,

I I f ALBERT EDW N DAV S, son o Ansel and Caroline

M . (Scott) Davis , was born in Westford , Mass . , December

9 . for . 23, 183 He fitted college at Westford Academy

After graduating he taught school , mostly at Westford , f where he was principal of the high school . He died o

19 1869 . consumption , January ,

* OHN RI HARD DENNETT son f J C , o John Richard and Mary Dalton Dennett , was born at Chatham , New

3 . r Brunswick , November 5 , 18 8 When he was four o five

O to o . years ld , his family came Massachusetts t live He h fitted for college at t e WOburn High School . He was the o z Class Poet ; also on e Of the editors of the Har ard Maga ine . i . su er n After graduating , he went to Port Royal , S C . , as p f 1864 tendent o plantations , remaining till March , , when

he returned north and entered the Harvard Law School . 65 In July , 18 , he became connected with the New York Na ion S t , at first as outhern correspondent , afterwards as 1870 assistant editor . In December , , he was appointed Assistant Professor of Rhetoric in Harvard College ; but D I L L I N G H A M —D W I G H T 21

18 2 the drudgery was distasteful to him, and in 7 he returned to the office of the Nation . His health was broken even before he left Cambridge ; but he continued to write up to the last month of his life . ’

6 1874 . He died at Fay s house in Westborough , November 2 ,

* HN HOAG DI INGHAM JO LL , son of Abram and H Lydia B . ( oag) Dillingham , was born in West Falmouth ,

1 1839 . f r Mass . , June , He fitted o college at the Falmouth d Academy . For about two and a half years after gra uating , M le Bra tle r u h he taught in the school of C . A . s, at t b o o g , H of Vt . e then began the study law at Cambridge , serving 1 65 also as proctor and private tutor ; but in September, 8 , of was appointed Assistant Professor Latin and Greek , and

b . 186 Li rarian , at Haverford College , Penn In August , 7, fM P he was appointed Professor o oral and olitical Science . 1878 hi In he resigned his professors p at Haverford , to take ’ up the duties of Principal of the Friends Select School for f h Boys , at Philadelphia . He was for a time editor o T e


15 19 10 . He died March , 0 1871 f Dillingham married , July 2 , , Mary Pim , o West

Chester, Pa .


Pm . 11 1873 . ANNA , Nov ,

L IA B. 22 1875 . YD , April ,

R E E . 21 1878 . MA Y DG , Oct ,

E 16 1880 . DITH, April .

. D M 1895 D . ANNA P ILLINGHA was married, in , to r Goodwin M . Brown, of

Falmouth, Mass .

L . D M m 1902 . L YDIA B ILLINGHA was arried, in June, , to Frederick T awrence .

R . D N 26 1907 . . MA Y E ILLI GHAM was married, June , , to Walter S Edge E D I 1902 H DITH ILL NGHAM was married, in April , , to Edward . Jacob .


. C . 1825 Dwight (H , ) and Elizabeth Amelia (White) Dwight , r M 6 18 2 a 4 . l was bo n in Boston , y , He fitted for co lege

. 1861 with Mr S . F . Smith . In he left college , and was 1 commissioned , October , as second lieutenant in the Sev ’ e ntieth Y New ork Regiment (Sickles Brigade) . At the n 30 1 6 seco d Battle of Bull Run , Aug . , 8 2, he was taken ’ — 22 C A S S I T - L O F S X Y T W O H . U .

f prisoner, and was confined or over three months in Libby

P . H e i D 6 rison was comm ssioned first lieutenant , ec . , H 1862. e went to Louisiana that winter on the staff of illi i his brother , Gen . W am Dw ght , and remained there 1 1864 li d till June , , when he was ob ge by ill health to resign . H e k returned to Broo line , where he lived until his death, holding for some years an appointment in the Boston Cus tom House .

10 1884 . He died March ,

. 18 1865 Dwight married , Oct , , Marianne H . Welch , f f daughter o Francis W . Welch , o Roxbury .


ER 20 1868. WILD , April ,

I IA D AN ALBERT W LL M E M DS, son of William E man Murray and Martha Adams (Tapley) d ds , was born

M . 9 1 0 84 . in Charlestown , ass , September , He fit ted for college at the Charlestown High School . In 1862 he was

- orderly sergeant of Company A , Forty fourth M assachu

. 1864 setts Regiment In July , , he was in business in New 1865 York . Since January , , he has been connected with the Bunker Hill National Bank (no w a branch of the Ameri can Trust as receiving and paying teller . In 1888 9 and 188 he was in the Somerville City Council , the second 1890 189 year as president ; and served as alderman in and 1. For the last seventeen years he has been overseer of the poor ; and for twelve years has served as treasurer of the . ' Edman ds writes : As graduates of Harvard we are t supposed , and justly , o contribute , more than those less favored in their training , to all that concerns the welfare

- ur ur . of our city , o country , and o fellow man Perhaps without too much egotism I may say I have at least tried ” to do my share .

Address : American Trust CO . , Charlestown , Mass .

1 . Residence: 55 Summer Street , Somerville , Mass

6 1872 . Edman ds married , June , , Mary B Bartlett ,

f . daughter of George E . Bartlett , o Lynn CHILDREN

R E 4 1873 28 1873 . MA TI , May , ; died July ,

E R E u 4 1875 . ALIC BA TL TT, J ly , — E L L I S E N S I G N 23

E E RE E . 23 1879 . AD LAID B CCA, Sept ,

R IR ER . 1 1885 . MA Y G DL , Sept ,

E . EDMANDS 1901 i L l . ALIC B was married, in , to Roll n Taylor inco n They : R E L 15 1905 have two children KATHA IN INCOLN, born June , , and

E E L i 25 1909 . AD LAID INCOLN, born Apr l ,

E E . EDMANDS 1901 AD LAID R was married, in , to John Percival Sylvester

. D. . . C 1895 Ph . o (H , , , of S merville

* OHN HARVARD E IS J LL , son of Rev . George E . E i . E . . B Ell s (H C and lizabeth ( ager) Ellis , was born

M . 9 1 1 84 . in Charlestown , ass , January , He fitted for i college with his father and at a private school in Cambr dge . 1 1862 September 7 , , he became a law student in the office P ofFrancis E . arker ; he entered the law school the next

M 1864 . 4 1 arch , and received his degree in October , 865 , 186 he was admitted to the bar, and in April , 7 opened an

Of . s Law Review fice He contributed article to the , and edited the works of M rs . Anne Bradstreet . After his mar ria e n i g he travelled in Europe , retur ng in a state of health i wh ch forbade the pursuit of his profession . He died May

3 , 1870 . i 25 1869 Ell s married , March , , Grace A . Little , daughter

L f . of James . Little , o Boston

E I ENSI N f EDWARD L G son o Edward F . and Jane

f . (Dewey) Ensign , was born in She field , Mass , September f f 1 1. or 29 , 84 He fitted college at She field schools , and at 12 186 Stockbridge . September , 2, he enlisted in the Forty ’ ninth Massachusetts (Bartlett s regiment) ; served in Loui siana under Gen . Banks ; returned and was mustered out

1863 . in September , In November he entered the Harvard

in 1865 . i Law School , taking his degree He was adm tted f 865 N to the Suf olk bar in February , 1 ; went to ew York fiic e f S and read law in the O o Martin and mith for a year , Y when he was admitted to the New ork bar . In April , f f 1866 o . . CO. , he joined the firm G F Devereux and , o

Davenport , Iowa , commission merchants in railroad sup of f hl plies ; he had charge their branch o fice at Ric and , f r to ac f Wis . He returned o a while the pr tice o law at ’ 4 T Y - T — 2 C I H . L A S S O F S X W O U .

d d Sheffield; but his health in uce him to travel , and he d S E . went to the ast Indies He ied at amarang , Java ,

4 18 . March 2 , 72

REN FA Y HERCULES WAR , son of Josiah and Mary W M . M W . (Warren) Fay , was born in estborough , ass , arch

Mr. W. . l 1 184 1. W 7 He fitted for college with F A len , at est

Newton . During his college course he founded the St . ’ id Paul s Society . He remained in Cambr ge for a time as i resident graduate , and then entered the Episcopal Theolog

N . cal School in ew York He was ordained deacon July 2, 1865 21 1865 ; priest , November , , and became rector of on Flatbush , L . I . Resigned account of ill health , in Jan

1 69 x d . uary , 867 In 18 he was studying at O for , England 3 1874 From November , 187 , to December , , he was rector of O N the parish f the Messiah , West ewton ; and of St . ’ 1883 Paul s Church , , from December , , to April , 1885 as i on , when he w obl ged to resign account of rheu to matic gout . He returned his home in Westborough , 8 1899 and died there January 2 , 17 1869 f Fay married , June , Elizabeth Johnston , o Ne w 3 18 9 York . Mrs . Fay died November 2 , 7 .


E E MAR RRE 17 1872. LISAB TH Y WA N, July ,

R A R . 27 1874 . JOHNSTON ICH D JOHN, Jan ,

R RE . 5 1876 . HA OLD JOHN WAR N, Jan ,

T R R E . 21 1877 . HO NTON OLIVER MAU IC , Feb ,

. F R FAY n B TH R . AY HA OLD J. W. is an engi eer in oston. O NTON O M is with

the New En gland Trust Co .

E R E A RED ISKE of G O G LF F , son George A . and

Au . . 14 184 Sarah W (Clapp) Fiske, was born in Boston , g , 1.

In 184 9 his family moved to Roxbury . He fitted for col lege at the Chan ney Hall School , where he received several

S . 29 1862 gold and silver medals . ept , , he enlisted as pri

- vate in the Forty first Massachusetts Regiment , was com 13 missioned as second lieutenant December , and went to

New Orleans on the staff of Gen . George L . Andrews . He H was . 2 present at the siege of Port udson , and on Oct 7 , 1863 , was commissioned first lieutenant in the Third 1864 Massachusetts Cavalry . In July , , after a Visit to

’ — 26 C A S S I T Y - L S O F X T W O H . U .

1862 i - i August , , he enl sted as private in the Thirty e ghth i Massachusetts Reg ment , and served under Gen . Banks in l 1863 was Louisiana . In Ju y , , he commissioned second

- M lieutenant in the Fifty sixth assachusetts (veterans) , b e 1864 1 came first lieutenant in June, , and in January , 865 , i il i was d scharged for disab ity contracted in the serv ce, A l his c i receiving , in pri of that year, omm ssion as captain . For many years he was engaged in the manufacture of ’ ” in NIil . Bent and Co s crackers , ton During the latter his part of life he was in the Custom House, Boston . He

i 6 1907 . died in M lton , March , 19 1873 Fletcher married , November , , Jennie F . Clapp ,

f P . o awtucket, R . I CHILDREN

E E ER 19 1875 . GRAC W BST , July ,

L R . 7 1877 i Dec . 27 1881. UCY MA I, Dec , d ed ,

R RE . 27 1879 . SA AH P STON, Oct ,

M UE 30 1881. SA L ADAMS, July ,

E E 27 1884 . J NNI CLAPP, March , * OM HAR E F EN O S . C L S OLL F L , son of Rev Nathaniel P nh all w Smith and An n Wendell ( e o ) Folsom , was born in

i . 3 184 2. Haverh ll , Mass , April , Before entering college he lived in Charlestown , and in Meadville , Penn . , afterwards

i . in Jamaica Pla n and Concord , Mass He fitted for

i . In 1862 college at Ph llips Exeter Academy June , , he went

t P . . o ort Royal , S C , and served three years as superintend h e ent of plantations , t first season in the employ of the f 1865 United States ; in the Spring o , he acted as general superintendent for the Government on Edisto Island and at Georgetown . 1 65 to In July , 8 , Folsom returned Boston and began f t the study of medicine . A ter a voyage o San Francisco h and back for his health (he returned before the mast) , e began practice in Boston . He served as assistant in the 1869 f . private office o Dr . Henry I Bowditch , and in was McLean In at the City Hospital . He was assistant at the — sane Asylum in 1872 1873 ; spent a year in study in Europe ; 1874 of and was appointed in September , , Secretary the

f f hi . was State Board o Health , o w ch Dr Bowditch Chair man . After another visit to Europe , to study the subject of - in on sewage disposal , he was appo ted a commission , with G I L B E R T 27

two engineers , to report a plan for the disposal of sewage of

Boston ; their recommendations were adopted. H e was also one of three experts appointed by the National Board ofHealth to report upon the sanitary conditions of Memphis

and the means to suppress yellow fever . From 1877 to 1885 1888 e 1882, and from to , he was L cturer at the Harvard

Medical School , on Hygiene and on Mental Diseases ; from 1882 1885 to , Assistant Professor of Mental Diseases . In 18 0 May , 8 , he became a member of the State Board of l Hea th , Lunacy and Charity ; and he was , for a short

time , a member of the National Board of Health . He w as one of th e Visiting physicians of the Boston City to A Hospital , and consulting physician the dams Nervine 1896 one of Asylum . In he was the commissioners ap pointed to investigate the charitable and reformatory

institutions of Massachusetts . For more than thirty years he pursued his profession in Boston as a general hi t practitioner , devoting mself especially o the treatment

ofmental disease . Folsom served as overseer of Harvard University from of 189 1 to 1903 . He was a Fellow the American Academy 1903 t 1905 ofArts and Sciences . From o he was president of the Harvard Medical Alumni Association . of During the last few years his life , Folsom gradually became more and more ofan invalid . He died at a hospital u 0 1907 in New York, Aug st 2 , , soon after his return from a f . o visit to England An account his activities as a physician , written by Dr . J . J . Putnam , may be found in the Proceed

. IV. ings of the American Academy , Vol XL 12 1886 Folsom married, May , , Martha Tucker Wash

of . . f burn , daughter William R P Washburn, o Boston , and sister ofour classmate .

D DE ERE X GI ERT f SHEPAR V U LB , son o Samuel ro n in shield Shepard and Sarah C w (Devereux) Gilbert , was

8 184 0 . born in Boston , July 2 , He fitted for college at the was 186 Boston Latin School . He a resident graduate in 3

1 6 . . and 8 4 . He then went to Port Royal , S C , purchased uf plantations near Bea ort, and resided there for several u years ; served as magistrate, selectman , and co nty com 28 ’ I T Y —T — C L A S S O F S X W O H . U .

S 1 missioner ; was admitted to the outh Carolina bar in 877, i f r i 1 and was appointed a trial just ce o Beaufort n 878 . A s fe w years later he wa engaged in mining in North Carolina . d Returning North , he live for some years in Salem and W Boston , passing several summers in estern North Carolina

S . 1 and on e season on nake River , Idaho In 889 he went to Ne w York , and was for three years editorially connected

of . with the Lockwood Press that city After December, 189 1 of En raver and Pri , he was for a time editor the g nter,

. 1892 i Boston Since he has lived at Salem, spend ng his ' affre summers in his cottage at J y , N . H . In the early f1899 e part o I passed sev ral months in the South , revisiting of my former home on the Sea Islands South Carolina, ‘ ’ w of our rene ing my friendship with Jimmy Cole , class , wh o alone remain ed in that locality of the score of Harvard men who were there in war times . In 1894 Gilbert became a member ofthe Massachusetts Society of the Sons of the American Revolution ; he has d n serve o its board of managers , and has been a delegate of the State Society at several congresses of the National

. Wh 1902 Society en the Harvard Union was organized in , he became a life - member ; he is also a life - member of the f Bostonian Society , and o the Bunker Hill Monument '

- Association , my great grandfather having served with dis tinction on that field . He is a member of the Essex

Institute, and is at present secretary of the Old Salem

Chapter , S . A . R .

res 1 . Add s: 6 Forrester Street, Salem , Mass l 2 1882 Gi bert married , June 2 , , at Salem, Clara Luisa F ll Emilio , daughter ofManuel and Isabel ( en e osa) Emilio .

R f FRANCIS WEBSTE GOSS, son o Ezekiel and H M mi . s . 3 Al ra D ( atch) Goss , wa born in Salem , ass , July , 184 i 2. He fitted for college in the Salem H gh School . In 1862 he was a teacher in Pennsylvania ; from 1863 to 1865 a teacher at Newport , R . I . He then entered the Harvard was Medical School . He house physician at the Boston 1868 1869 City Hospital , to ; has since been engaged in the 1875 1909 practice of medicine in Boston . From to , Goss served as secretary of the Massachusetts Medical Society , G R A F T O N — G R E E N 29

34 years , a far longer period than any of my predecessors since the incorporation of the society in A dre s : d s M . The Warren , Roxbury , ass

5 187 M of . Goss married , April 2 , 2, aria L . Draper , Salem

. di 4 18 5 . Mrs Goss ed May 2 , 7


R DR ER 23 1873 . 16 1879 . F ANCIS AP , July , ; died Jan ,

0 8 M r . . 1 1 Goss married , Jan , 78, s Helen Louise Young , f W. o B . daughter of James Hobbs , oston CHILD :

RI M E E . 12 1879 . MI A H L N, Dec ,

R . . 12 1905 MI IAM H GOSS was married, Dec , , to Bruce Thurber Shute; they

reside in .

AMES INGERSOLL GRA TON of J F , son Joseph and

16 184 1. Maria (Gurley) Grafton , was born in Boston , June ,

His father was a major in the United States Army . He

fitted for college at Nazareth , Pa . He left college in No e m er 1861 mi 1 v b , , was com ssioned , November , second lieutenant in the Second Massachusetts Regiment , and 1 1 f 862. o first lieutenant July 2 , At the battle Cedar M 9 186 ountain , August , 2, he was badly wounded in the head ; and was severely wounded again at Chancellorsville ,

1863 . a May , He w s then a captain , having received his 9 1 6 s commission November , 8 2. The Second wa with

Sherman in the march from Atlanta to North Carolina .

h . Av er borou . At ys g , N C , the first serious opposition to the

” of movement was encoun tered ; and here , on the morning 16 1865 i March , , Grafton was k lled while holding in check , i of w th a handful skirmishers , the advancing line of the i r enemy . L eutenant Samuel Stor ow (H . C . also f o the Second , was killed in the same engagement . With 1863 but one exception (E . L . Stevens , H . C . , killed at ’

M ll . . 1 Boykins s, S C , April 8, these were the last

Harvard men to fall in battle during the War Of the Rebellion .

AME RE J S G EN, son ofJames and Elizabeth (Swett)

was . 2 184 1. Green , born in Worcester, Mass , March , He for attended the public schools in Worcester , and fitted i of college at the Worcester High School . He wr tes himself as follows : ’ — — U . 30 C L A S S O F S I X T Y T W O H .

Entering college without condition , I set an example to myself in scholarship which I have quite failed to live up to . In school and college I was handicapped by weak eyes and insufficient strength to endure the sedentary life . As f on for we left college , the War o Secession had been going to i over a year , and I tried hard get nto the army upon the terms laid down by our family physician that I must not go into the ranks and have to carry a knapsack . By help of the drill we had had at the Cambridge Arsenal , I

s out W , helped , to drill the recruit in some towns of orcester but I failed to get any place for myself in the army . I was entered meanwhile as a law student in Dwight Foster ’ s Of I S fice in Worcester , and entered the Harvard Law chool , T h l after being away from Cambridge only a term . e aw school was full of many of the ablest men from Yale and other colleges as well as Harvard ; and While there was a as good deal of hard study in the school , there w little dis ci lin e p and no examination , and life was even more agree able there than in college . After getting my law degree in 1864 a ffi in , I spent a year in l w o ces New York City and was admitted to practice there . Then I travelled in the West of a good part a year , going as far as to Omaha , which f seemed very far in those days , for only thirty miles o the

Union Pacific Railroad had been built . Coming back to

Worcester I started to practise law , and have been labelled 1872 as a lawy er ever since . In I was sent abroad for my health , and stayed in Europe two years and a half till my father died in the summer of 1874 . I lived in Rome three winters , nine months in all , and as much more time in the rest ofItaly ; I went to Greece and as far as to Constanti n o le p , had a month on foot in Switzerland , a few months more in Germany and Austria , and travelled a little in

France and England . All this time I was very much in terested in architecture and the fine arts and modern languages . These studies were mostly new to me , and they had a perceptible influence upon my character and after life . Three years later I went back to Europe again , and spent a year in Spain and England . This year intensified my former interest in modern languages and the fine arts . 18 Coming home again in 78, I have lived ever since in G R E E N 31

law Worcester, occupied enough in and the care of real estate to spoil the possibility of cultivating my new tastes in any satisfactory way . As a sign , however , that those new influences were enduring , I would mention that I f as joined a little German club , the object o which w reading and talking in German , about seventeen years ago , and we t have kept the club going ever since . I have also risen o the shining height of president of our Alliance Francaise and to the pinnacle of president of our Worcester Society i i i of Ant quity , which is our local h storical soc ety . ' l in Not many years after sett ing down Worcester , I belonged to the Commonwealth Club of Boston with Sen ator Lodge and other young radicals of that time . I was for many years a member of the St . Botolph Club , and have belonged to the Massachusetts Reform Club almost ever since the first Cleveland campaign . ' in At the time of the British war South Africa , I wrote a pamphlet on that subject which was circulated freely in

America and England , and was even reprinted by the

British South African Association for further distribution . r f I have also written more o less o a biographical nature , including my recollections of the late Daniel H . Chamber of lain , governor South Carolina after the War, and sketches of our m departed classmates , T o Chadbourne , Coleman ,

C . E . Greene and Ker . ' n ur In writi g o obituaries , it is usual to show from we h whom are descended , and ow far ; so I will add that I am derived from John Tilley and his wife through their on M a ower daughter Elizabeth , who all came over the yfl , and from John Howland who came with them on this ship ’ and married the daughter . John s manner of comin g over is ’ ' thus described in Governor Bradford s History of Ply ” ‘ I dri f ir . n sun W mouth e of these stormes the inds were so e ce ,

ye seas so high , as they could not beare a knote of saile , i div r t th r. An but were forced to hull , for e ce days og e d l mi orm in one of them , as they thus lay at hu l , in a ghty st e , a lustie yonge man (called John Howland) coming upon c r in s some o casion above ye g att g , was , with a seele of ye shipe thrown e into [ye'sea ; but it pleased God yt he caught b - hi ould of ye tope saile halliards , w ch hunge over board , 32 ’ — — C L A S S O F S I X T Y T W O H . U .

rane out at length ; yet he held his h ould (though h e was sun drie fadomes under water) till he was hald up by ye same rope to ye brime of ye water , and then with a boat a ain e his hooke other means got into ye shipe g , life as ill saved ; and though he w something with it , yet he lived many years after , and became a profitable member both l ” in church c omon e we a th e . ' - N After I had been thus boat hooked into the e w World , T I was further descended from homas Dudley , the second governor of Massachusetts Bay ; from Rose Dunster , sister ofthe first president of Harvard College ; from Rev . f r John Woodbridge, an Oxford graduate , brother o the fi st alumnus named on our Harvard roll ; and from Lieut . h Phineas Upham , w o was fatally wounded at the storming f N ’ o arragansett Fort in King Philip s War . Captain

Samuel Green , another grandsire, and his son Thomas , were

f . of pioneers o Leicester ; Dr John Green , the next genera was tion , a pioneer of Worcester . He married a daughter of General Timothy Ruggles , a judge and the president of the Stamp Act Congress , and the most widely known and R most hated Loyalist of our neighborhood , in the ev olu tion ar - - y days ; while his son in law (Dr . Green) was a rebel beyond hope of pardon . 'Perhaps the most noteworthy fact about my family : n is this Three Dr . John Gree s , grandfather , father , and son , practised medicine continuously in Worcester for

- ninety eight years ; if we count in also Dr . Thomas Green , h of h ur fat er the eldest Dr . John , w o lived in o adjoining of n l of town Leicester , this o e continuous ine surgeons and physicians ministered to this neighborhood for on e hundred

- fi n e f and thirty v e years without a break . Of each o o the n four , moreover, it seems to be the u questioned contempo ran e ous Opinion that he was at the head ofhis profession . This record ofcontinuous public service is something satis

t . factory o contemplate . If my brother, Dr John Green f o St . hi Louis , and s son of the same name and place (both v f Har ard men) , are thought o in connection with these ro who preceded them , we have an unbroken record of p f i ” ess on al service of a high grade for six generations .

Address: 02 . 7 State Mutual Building , Worcester , Mass

34 ’ I T Y — — L A S S T W O . C S O F X H . U

M i u T ing in the assachusetts Inst t te of echnology . In 1884 hi he received from s university the degree of C E . He was the first president of the Michigan Association of Engi n r n 1880 e e s a d Surveyors , organized in ; he was a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers ; and was con n e k e ct d with various engineering , ban ing , and commercial

enterprises .

16 1903 . He died Oct . , 12 1872 Greene married , Sept . , , Florence Emerson , A i h daughter of lbert Emerson , of Bangor , Ma ne . S e lives i with her son and daughter at Ann Arbor , Mich gan . CHILDREN

ER E ER . 26 1874 . ALB T M SON Mich Aug ,

RE E E R . B. . 19 1878 . FLO NC W NTWO TH (A , Mich , May , ER REE E C ALB T E. G N is Professor of ivil Engineering in the University of

Michigan .


Andrews and Anna Almy (Cobb) Grinnell , was born in

184 1. Baltimore , May 7, He fitted for college at the of S University Maryland , School of Letters and ciences , and

n f . at the boardi g school o Mr John Prentiss . He was the : 1887 on f class orator and in the resignation o Brigham , two he became class secretary . The first years after

graduation he spent at the divinity school of Yale College . The following year he entered the Senior class in the Harvard

1865 . Divinity School , graduating in July , Immediately a afterwards he went abroad with his wife , spending year of GOttin n as student theology at ge , and returning to 9 1 6 n 1866 . 1 8 7 Bosto in October, On February , , he was ordained as pastor of the First Unitarian Church in Lowell . 1869 a He remained here till November , , when he w s in of stalled as pastor the Harvard Church , Charlestown . 31 18 3 This pastorate he resigned December , 7 ; but he con tin u 18 4 ed to preach in various places until August , 7 , when he retired from the ministry altogether . 18 4 In October , 7 , Grinnell entered the Harvard Law

LL. B. 1876 . School , taking his degree in June , From f f August to November he was in the o fice o Chandler , Ware and Hudson ; he was then admitted to the Suffolk bar , and

ffi 5 t. 30 opened an o ce at Court S , afterwards moving to H A V E N

Court St . , where he has remained ever since . In July , C f 1878, he was commissioned a master in hancery for Su folk

County ; reappointed in 1893 . Grinnell has published several books : a translation of ’ r n tations o the Li e o esus Uhlh orn s Modern Rep ese f f f J , in 1868 1883 P June , ; in , a book on the oor Debtor Law of Massa 1886 Law 1889 ch use tts ; in , a book on the of Deceit ; in , a book on the Massachusetts Practice Act ; and he has written

l i . He many articles for egal publ cations was for a time ,

1882 i the American Law Review . till December , , ed tor of 1871 In January , , he preached the election sermon in the 1 93 Old South Church ; in 8 , he delivered the Memorial i 189 Day oration at M lton ; in May , 7 , he gave an address f Phi before the General Convention o Alpha Delta , at NIillm n Providence . His residence for many years was in o t

Street , Roxbury . — 5 0 JM dd ess : ' c urt s treet . A r , Boston 11 1865 Grinnell married , July , , Elizabeth Tucker

. n Washburn , a sister of our classmate Mrs . Gri nell died

6 1909 . January 2 , CHILDREN

R E E R 30 1866 . CHA L S WALD WASHBU N, June ,

R R . C 1895 LL. B. . 14 1873 . F ANK WASHBU N (H ; , Dec ,

. . R E 93 L R E . CHA L S E W G INN LL is in business, at incoln Street Boston

R . R NNE 60 . F ANK W G I LL is a lawyer, at State Street, Boston He married, June

16 1908 . LE E R E , , Isabel Morison They have a daughter, SLI G INN LL, born

May 7 1911.

AM UE SHMAN HA VEN S L CU , son of James Hen rs i H de on and El zabeth (Cushman) aven , was born in Nau

19 184 3 . Voo , Ill February , He fitted for college at Phillips

Exeter Academy , and entered Sophomore . He was the

un . 20 1862 yo gest of the class September , , he was com missioned second lieutenant in the One Hundred and Sixty 1 63 second New York Regiment ; in February , 8 , first i lieutenant . About this t me he was invited by both Professor Cooke and Professor Peirce to return to Cam bridge and teach in the College ; but he preferred to remain in the service . While with his regiment before Port

Hudson , he became very ill , was removed to the hospital at of 5 Baton Rouge , and died there, diphtheria, June 2 , 1863 . ’ — - 36 U . C L A S S O F S I X T Y T W O H .

MA Y0 WI IAMSON HA'ELTINE of LL , son Mayo W and Frances A . ( illiamson) Hazeltine , was born in Boston ,

24 184 1. d April , After graduating , he stu ied for a while at Oxford ; then returned to New York and practised law in partnership with Washburn . ' 1878 H to In , azeltine , a perfect stranger , submitted Sun Mr . Dana , of the New York , certain specimens of book f criticisms and the like , and was at once o fered the literary ” editorship . His work included the leading book reviews

f . and many editorial articles , particularly on foreign a fairs r un For thi ty years he remained in the service ofthe S , an in defatigable writer , bringing to his task a store of learning and ofkn owledge ofmankind almost incredible in its dimen t sions . He possessed a gift of industry akin o genius ; and a retrospect ofhis work reveals a mass that would fill a library . He was a man of admirable personal qualities ,

- self contained and retiring in his habits , but sharing freely f in the agreeable associations o life , and endearing himself ” ' to many . Goldwin Smith wrote of him : The impartial

f . N t . un ity o his judgment was complete o to the S alone , ”

ur . but to o whole world ofletters , the loss is irreparable Hazeltine also did a large amount of writing for the

North American Review and other periodicals . He published ' ” : a few books Universities at Home and Abroad , Chats ” ' about Books , The American Woman in Europe, besides many smaller books and pamphlets .

c . 14 1909 . He died at Atlanti City , Sept , u h Hazeltine married Sophie B . Dallas ; they had a da g ter , Sophie D . Hazeltine .

WI IAM HEDGE LL , son ofThomas and Lydia (Good

was . . 6 84 0 . win) Hedge, born in Plymouth , Mass , Feb 2 , 1 for He fitted college at the Boston Latin School . He was f on o . e the class crew He was on the class committee, as u 1907 Treas rer , until , when he resigned , his place being n filled by the election of Read . After graduation he e listed

- in Company C . , Forty fourth Massachusetts Regiment ,

which served under General Foster in North Carolina . In 1 6 January, 8 3, he was commissioned first lieutenant . The a 6 regiment w s mustered out in June, 18 3 ; and in the fall H I C K L I N G 37

law f of that year , Hedge began the study of in the o fice of

an 35 . Wh iting d Russell , Court Street, Boston He at the same time took the course of study at the Harvard Law

B. 66 . of LL. 18 w School , receiving his degree in He as f admitted to the bar in the fall o that year . He has con inue t d the practice of law until the present time , at first 950 at 35 Court Street, lately at Tremont Building . ' r Outside of my profession , my p incipal interests have been centered in the Plymouth Public Library (of which I have been director an d either secretary or president for the past

i U . . o f th rty years) and in the work of the S Bureau Fisheries , obtaining my principal recreation each year by making frequent trips on board the U . S. Fisheries steamer Phala n op e during the winter months . His residence is in F r Plymouth . o over twenty years he has been interested in the Old Colony Natural History Society of Plymouth ; and he has been secretary ofthe Boston Provident Associa tion for nearly fifty years . 11 18 1 Hedge married , October , 7 , Catherine Elliott f f Russell , daughter o Nathaniel Russell , o Plymouth . CHILDREN

L . 4 72 R E 1 18 . UCIA USS LL, Dec ,

R E a 13 1876 . WILLIAM USS LL, Janu ry ,

ENR R ER 13 1876 . H Y OG S, January ,

The sons were educated at the Mass . Institute o fTechnology ; they are both

in the insurance business in Boston .

E R . E E . 11 1904 Doliber H N Y R H DG married, Oct , , Edith Heath , daughter of

. H Doliber . Thomas and Ada R ( eath) , of Brookline They have three c : E R E E E ER NE R E E E R hildren LLIOTT USS LL H DG , CATH I USS LL H DG , and P IS

CILLA HEATH HEDGE . They live in Brookline . He is president of the

Old Colony Insurance C o .

* HARLES EDWARD HICKLIN f C G, son o Charles

. Ed as R and Eliza B ( es) Hickling , w born in oxbury , April

24 184 1. . . . B , He fitted for college with Mr T G radford ,

1862 - fifth of Boston . In September, , he enlisted in the Forty M assachusetts Regiment , became sergeant in October , and n served with the regiment in North Carolina . After taki g an ’ di active part in Foster s expe tion to Goldsborough , he was seized with malarial fever ; after several weeks in hospital , i w th no apparent chance of recovery , his father brought He as n l i 3 him to Boston . w ho orab y d scharged February , 38 ’ — — C L A S S O F S I X T Y T W O H . U .

1863 . At home he slowly recovered , but with a paralysis i I of h s lower extremities . n October he made a voyage Mi ’ to St . Fayal , where , and at chael s , he was somewhat and benefited . But he never fully recovered , died in

R 1 1867 . oxbury , December 7 ,

* OHN HOD E f hn J G S, son o Jo and Mary Osgood

d wa M a . 8 (Delan ) Hodges , s born in Salem , ss , December , H 184 1. e fitted for college at the Salem High School . 1 18 1 M April 7, 6 , when the Eighth assachusetts was called ut o , Hodges joined his company , the Salem Light Infantry and served with the regiment till its return in August . August 22he was commissioned first lieutenant in 1862 the Nineteenth Massachusetts ; but in June , , he was obliged to resign on account of sickness contracted in

P . N wa the eninsular campaign By ovember , however , he s well enough to enter the service again , this time as major f ’ i o the Fiftieth Massachusetts , a nine months reg ment ; 1 62 his commission was signed November 7 , 8 . The regi n N ment was se t to e w Orleans , and served in the Port

Hudson campaign . On his return with the regiment in of1863 on the fall , he sought further service ; and February

1864 - f 2, , he was commissioned lieutenant colonel o the ’ - 30 Fifty ninth Massachusetts (Bartlett s) Regiment . July , 1864 P , at the explosion of the mine before etersburg , he i was severely wounded ; and , while wa ting in the crater ,

a . w s struck by a fragment of shell , and instantly killed

REDERI K U IAN HOSMER n F C L C , so of Charles and Susan (Carter) Hosmer , was born in Framingham,

. 16 184 0 . Mass , October , He fitted for college at the high school of his native town . The winter before entering

u . college he ta ght school in Lancaster, Mass , and again during the Sophomore winter ; in the winter ofJunior year ix f he taught in Sudbury , and for S weeks in the winter o the Senior year had temporary charge of the Houghton S chool , Bolton . On leaving college he was for two years

. 1864 master of the latter school From July , , to July , 1866 f , he was master o the Adams (Grammar) School ,

Dorchester at present the Harris School , Boston . This H O S M E R 39

position he resigned an d entered the Harvard Divinity

1866 . School in September , On completing his course here he accepted a call to the First Congregational Church and N M i . Society (Unitar an) in orthborough , ass , as associate

i i . m nister w th the venerable Dr Joseph Allen , and was his ordained by people without ecclesiastical coun cil ,

28 1869 . October , In 1872 H July , , osmer responded to an urgent call from S C i l C U i i the econd ongregat ona hurch ( nitar an) of Qu ncy , Ill i h ad . wh ch then been for two years without a settled minister and entered upon his pastorate the following n i 1877 i i October . I Apr l , he res gned th s charge for the i purpose of study and travel abroad . After e ghteen months d to in Europe he returne Boston , and the following month C became minister of the Church of the Unity , leveland , 0 . ’ Hosmer s Cleveland pastorate covered fourteen years . 1 1892 1 1893 ’ From September , , to October , (World s Fair W U C year) , he was secretary of the estern nitarian onference ,

whose headquarters were in Chicago . T h e following winter and spring he spent in Colorado and California ; and in 1894 to June , , he accepted a call the Church of the Unity , hi . s St Louis , succeeding in the pastorate friend , John C .

d wh . Learne , o had died six months before After five years Of service he resigned his pastorate with the intention of ' u taking a year free from reg lar harness , and spent the autumn of 1899 in his native Ne w England ; but in early 1900 January , , he accepted a call to take temporary charge

C al. of the First Unitarian Church , Berkeley , , then sud l his b e den y left without a minister . This move led to com i ing settled as min ster , and he remained in the pastorate until 1 1904 July , , and has since continued to reside in Berkeley . f 19 08 i In the Spring o , by nvitation of the faculty , Hosmer gave before the a course often lectures on Church Hymnody ; such a course hav ing been provided for by the generous gift of Mr . Horace

. S In l H S ears to the School . the fol owing June osmer was elected an honorary member of the Harvard Chapter Of the Phi Beta Kappa Society .

Along with occasional sermons and addresses , Hosmer ' has published : Th e Way of Life : a service book for Sun 4 0 C A ’ T Y —T W O — L S S O F S I X H . U .

f God : day schools , 1877 The Thought o in Hymn s and ” Poems , in connection with his friend , William C . Gannett '

. 885 (H U . 1 ; a Second Series under same title , ” 89 1 4 ; Unity Hymn s and Chorals , in joint editorship

Mr. . our with Gannett and J Vila Blake , classmate , Chicago ,

1880 . n ; and , with Mr Gannett as joi t editor, a much revised and enlarged edition of the same in 1911. ’ 24 27 nn Hosmer s address is Cha ing Way , Berkeley ,

* HN E RID E H UDSON s f JO LB G , on o John and i . a n n Elizabeth C (Hilliard) Hudson , w s born Ly n , August

3 1839 . , He attended the Lynn High School , but fin ished by himself his preparation for college . He graduated at 1862 t 1865 the head ofthe class . From o he was tutor in

Greek , Latin , and Ancient History at Cambridge, taking L at the same time the regular course at the aw School . ’ ufl lk He was admitted to the S o bar in October , 1866 . 1866 18 0 s From to 7 he wa with Chandler , Shattuck , and 4 1 0 Thayer , at Court Street , Boston ; in February , 87 , on

of . the retirement Mr Shattuck , the firm became Chandler ,

Thayer , and Hudson . In 1874 the name was changed to 1878 on Chandler , Ware , and Hudson ; and in , the dissolu of tion the firm , Hudson went into practice by himself . 9 He edited the U. S . Digest for 187 . M a 1880 al of In y , , Hudson became gener counsel the 1885 American Bell Telephone Company ; in August , , he n 1886 was appoi ted general manager ; in December , , vice d 1889 presi ent ; and in April , , he became president , a posi

1900 . tion which he held until his death in In September , 1887 he became also president of the American Telephone ' ” a and Telegr ph Company , the Long Distance company ,

1899 . which , in , absorbed the American Bell Company

Hudson was a Fellow ofthe American Academy , and a member of the British Association , the American Antiqua — rian Society , the New England Historic Genealogical Society , the Colonial Society of Massachusetts , the Bostonian H Society , the Virginia istorical Society , the American Insti of tute of Electrical Engineers , and the Bar Association the City of Boston ; he was also one of the corporation of

’ — — U . 4 2 C L A S S O F S I X T Y T W O H .

EK PER HENRY SHIPPEN H UID O , son of Edgar i k er in M il and Frances (Shippen) Hu de op , was born eadv le , ul 1 1839 He d l J y 7, . entere co lege with his brother in M 1 1862 i arch , 859 . In September , , he was l eutenant colonel of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Pennsylvania i l Volunteers . He lost his r ght arm at the batt e of Gettys

i . He burg , where he was in command of his reg ment ( is now the only graduate of Harvard College who lost a limb 22 1864 d in the service . ) February , , he was commissione 5 1864 colonel ; and on March , , was discharged on account i 17 1870 of d sability from wounds . September , he was

- N appointed major general , Twentieth Division ational

Guard of Pennsylvania . He is now the senior major general , retired , having served as such for eleven years . ' ” In 1874 he published a Manual of Service for the use of the Guard . In 1880 Huidekop e r was appointed postmaster at l f r Phi adelphia , and served o over five years (under four

- presidents and seven postmaster generals) until November , 18 5 8 . Among the measures suggested by him , and adopted of by the Government , were the raising the unit of weight

- - n for letters from half an ounce to o e ounce , and the sending ofnotices to addressees that letters were held for insufficient postage . During his administration, the Philadelphia post ffi 11 1888 o ce had a high reputation . On October , Senator Chace ofRhode Island said in the Senate : The Philadel ffi phia post o ce , which had been managed for eight years

Huid ko r as on h an ds .I by General e p e , w admitted all , believe , to - ffi have been the best managed post o ce in the world , not f even excepting the celebrated London o fice . General Huid ko r e p e had conducted his business pure—ly upon civil service reform principles . T here was n o charge there could — be no charge made of his management of the office . He was removed and the chairman of the Democratic ” City Committee ofPhiladelphia put in his place . 886 n 1888 Huideko er From January , 1 , to Ja uary , , p was vice - president and general manager of the Metropolitan n Ne w Y Telephone a d Telegraph Company , now the ork 1888 Telephone Company ; and since January , , he has been l n a specia agent of the American Bell Telepho e Company , J E FFR I E S 4 3

with residence at Philadelphia . He has been president of P il d an d is the Harvard Club of h a elphia , now president of P 1 9 the Netherlands Society of hiladelphia . From 8 8 to H 19 10 he was one of the Overseers of arvard College , and i M was consp cuous , among those living outside of assa

huse tts . c , for the regularity of his attendance at meetings He was one of the Commissioners appointed to build a monument at Gettysburg in honor of the Pennsylvania i H sold ers who fought there . e is the holder of one of the four congressional medals of honor given to veterans of ar l d ar the W of the Rebel ion , base upon record in the W H Department the only graduate of arvard so honored .

This was granted to Huide kop er for gallantry at Gettysburg .

Address : P. . 5 P l O Box 33, hi adelphia . Residence : 1710 Chestnut Street . H i k u de o e r 6 1864 . p married , October 2 , , Emma G P Evans , of hiladelphia . CHILDREN

EM ER R E . 12 1865 . MA G T UD , Oct ,

T . 2 1870 . HOMAS WALLIS, Feb ,

HUID P EMM . mi l ni EKO ER e . u A G married Prof ssor E M nroe S th, of Co umbia U

. ER R E R E IT 6 versity They have a daughter, G T UD MUN O SM H, born June ,

HENRY U HA E FR E f M I S o . P J F , son Dr John and A f 7 Ann Geyer ( mory) Je fries , was born in Boston , Dec . ,

184 0 . H e fitted for college at the Boston Latin School . d i f After gra uat on he was or a time in business in Boston . f M He then went into the house o Russell and Sturgis , at a

. 1874 an d nila He was in Boston in , was at the dedication of M l emorial Hal ; but he returned to Manila in the autumn . H Later he went to ong Kong, China , and was for a time

L r ik . w with the firm of Douglas , ap a and Co ; still later he as M i K i h i wa s a . agent of itsu B shi Goshi , a coll ery Some years i i i ago he retired from business ; he s st ll l ving at Hong Kong , ' fin e - h a looking man with a long white beard , w o spends ” u f d m ch o his time at the Hong Kong Club . He spen s his i n i H . summers Japan , return ng to ong Kong for the winter Addres : s H P . 111 Y ong Kong , . 0 Box ; okohama , care of B Hong Kong and Shanghai anking Corporation . ’ 4 4 — - C L A S S O F S I X T Y T W O H . U .

DE AR R EEGAN n of RMOT W B U TON K , so Patrick P ' and Hannah ( arsons) Keegan , was born in Boston , Aug . f 8 1 4 1. o 2 , 8 Hannah Keegan was daughter Israel Parsons 1862 of the Revolutionary Army . In October, , Keegan l went to Berlin , to study civil aw . He was matriculated at i i the un versity there , and stud ed about five months , when him his health compelled to desist from mental labor , and

to travel through Europe . After an absence of fifteen

months , he returned to Boston and renewed his law studies ;

but , after two years spent in recruiting his health , he re lin uish e d f i q all hopes o pursuing his chosen profess on , and of became a partner in the house Perkins , Livingstone , and l i d ’ Post , dea ers in ra lroa iron and general machinists

M . supplies , emphis , Tenn Keegan was in a branch house

at Cincinnati. He was for a time engaged in the manu f d facture o paper out of woo , under the invention of his In 1882 in . . . was brother, Dr V E . Keegan he the employ

f . . O . o E R Mudge , Sawyer , and C , New York , having charge

of the Victory Mills . Later he was alone in business as

commission merchant and manufacturer of cotton goods .

Several years ago he retired from business .

Addr s : . es University Club , New York

CHARLES PARKE KEMP, son of Hiram K . and

as ul 17 184 0 . Mary (Peaslee) Kemp , w born in Boston , J y

He fitted for college at the Boston Latin School , where he

' receiv ed a prize for a composition in Latin verse . In Sep

1862 . tember , , he entered the Af ’ ter a year s service at the Boston City Hospital , he began

the practice ofhis profession at Springfield , Mass . ; but in A 1879 he was obliged by ill health to give up practice . fter

a year spent at the South , much of the time on horseback

in the mountains , he settled at Rugby , Tenn . , where a ' ” colony had recently been established by the brothers ,

Thomas and W . Hastings Hughes . He remained at Rugby f r f till his death , frequently coming North o part o the

. . 1 1892. summer He died at Rugby, Feb 2,

WI LIA H NRY KER Bl s L M E was born in Natchez , is ,

16 184 1 1860 . Jan . , . He was in the university crew in He left college in the Spring of 1861 and served in the Con K I D D E R 4 5

18 federate Army ; but he received his degree in 97 . In Bl 1882 and 1887 he was living at Port Gibson , iss . 18 to In January , 77 Ker was induced by his neighbors 'T i organize a country public school . h s was the beginning ” - i teachin . 1879 to of my real l fe work , g From January , , 1889 December, , he was Superintendent of Public Education Bl s f b e for Claiborne County, is ; this o fice he resigned to ' ” n f N n l come pri cipal o the atchez I stitute , the city pub ic He school . was much interested in normal schools , espe i ll c a y summer schools , in the promotion of which he i busied h mself for many years , both as director and as teacher .

. 10 1897 was . n Feb , , Ker taken seriously ill He ever

his N NOV . 24 1902. recovered health , but died at atchez , , i f . 1 1871 o Ker , married , Feb , , Josephine Chamberla n

Natchez .


CHARLES BER . 7 1872 ie 1873 . CHAM LAIN, Sept , ; d d July,

. 8 1878. JOHN, Nov ,

Child: KER Jr. 5 1912 t . JOHN , , May , , at Por land, Oregon * ’ T AMELIA R ER . 14 1882 26 1912. A CH , Feb , ; died May ,

E R . 3 1887 i 1888 . WILLIAM H N Y, Aug , ; d ed June,

* ER J OME HENRY KIDDER, son of Camillus and

in . 26 184 2. (Herrick) Kidder , was born Baltimore , Oct ,

- . su erin After graduating , he went to Port Royal, S . C , as p

16 1863 . 31 tendent of plantations . From June , , to Jan , 1864 wa , he s a private in the Tenth Maryland Regiment . 1864 f i ’ In he began the study o medicine, receiving h s doctor s 1 66 degree from the University of Maryland in March , 8 . He was commissioned as assistant surgeon in the navy in

' 1866 r 1 1 June , ; in Ma ch , 87 , passed assistant surgeon ;

e 18 6 . e and surgeon in Jun , 7 He made two summer cruis s , in 1875 1879 mi and , doing work for the Fish Com ssion ; ' was with the Transit of Venus expedition to Kerguelen

Island , and made a report on the natural history of the island; and was on duty at the Naval Laboratory in New

York , and at the Bureau ofMedicine and Surgery in Wash

in ton . hi 1884 g He resigned s position in the navy in , and was mi appointed chemist to the Fish Com ssion , with a laboratory at the Smithsonian Institution . In 1876 he ’ — — 4 6 C L A S S O F S I X T Y T W O H . U . was elected an honorary member of the Phi Beta Kappa ; A in 1878 of the Bunker Hill ssociation .

A 8 1889 . H e died pril , 18 1878 Kidder married at Constantinople, Sept . , , M d of An ne Mary aynar , daughter of Horace Maynard ,

Tennessee .


NN E R . 13 1880 . A MAYNA D, Aug ,

E R R . C 1904 LL. B . 31 1882. H N Y MAYNA D (H ; Oct , D R L UR u 20 1884 O OTHY A A, J ne ,

R . . . ANNE M . KIDDE married Professor E B Wilson of Columbia University

N 1907 . They have a daughter, ANCY, born in

E R . ER 38 9th . H N Y M KIDD lives with his mother at West Street, New York

He is in the legal department of the United States Stee l Corporation .

D R L . ER a Lawrasor . O OTHY KIDD m rried Riggs , Jr a lawyer; they live in New

EDWIN A UGUSTUS LECOMP TE was born in Bos f 14 1835 . a or ton , Sept . , Before entering college he w s

L . C . six years with ittle , Brown , and O , booksellers He fitted himself for college , with the exception of the last year , spent M at the Pierce Academy , iddleborough . He was the class

. 1862 O chaplain In August , , he became pastor f the Fourth Hi Street Baptist Church , South Boston . s pastorate was 1869 very successful ; but in January , , he was called to the

First Baptist Church at Syracuse , N . Y . In September , 18 4 7 , he moved to Lowell , where he was pastor of the Wor 18 9 then Street Baptist Church until June , 7 , when he was 1 0 compelled by severe illness to resign . In January , 88 , to he ceased go out of doors ; the disease , consumption , gradually gained the mastery ; and he died quietly in his

M 2 1880 . library , arch , 24 1862 Lecompte married , July , , Frances Eliza Draper , f o W . indsor , Conn


R E . 10 1865 . F ANK DWIN, Nov ,

E E R E . 17 1868. AD LAID F ANC S, Aug , 2 ER . C . 4 1870 . 13 1907 . WALT AUGUSTUS (H , July , ; died Jan ,

DWARD E AN INDSEY E D L O L , son of Henry and M axfie ld Susan (Kempton) Lindsey , was born in New Bed

30 18 1. d ford , March , 4 He fitte for college at the schools L I N D S E Y 4 7

O O . f i f Ne w Bedford . He was the class dist A ter graduat ng

he entered the School of Fine Arts at Paris , where he i 1865 to rema ned until July , , when he returned Boston ,

f N. . . 186 and entered the O fice of J Bradlee , architect In 7 e he went to N w York , and engaged in the practice of his 6 T i . 18 8 profess on In he built the French heatre , also the ” - B fire . H Drexel uilding , almost the first of the proofs is i work on the completion , renovat on , and redecoration of the Equitable Life Insurance building attracted the atten f f i tion o some of the o ficers of the nsurance company , who were also trustees of Princeton University ; and in the Autumn

of 1876 he was appointed to the newly - created chair of

Architecture and Applied Art . My classes belong especially

to the students in the John C . Green School of Science ,

our technical branch of the college ; and - I lecture on art from the aesthetic point of View to the seniors in the academic

branch as well as those in the school . I have made some i progress , I th nk , in the technical branch ; and my depart i ment is favorably looked upon . From my profess onal d i d training , it was deeme w se that I shoul have charge of the material interests of the college ; and I divide with the an d treasurer the entire care responsibility , a heavy

- fiv e burden , as we have sixty acres and forty buildings , l most y large . I have been the architect , also , of some Six i or e ght structures for the college of much importance, on e that I hope will prove a model dormitory . 18 0 L ’ In 8 indsey s health broke down , from overwork and exposure to the typhoid epidemic at Princeton ; and he resigned his professorship , returning , when health per mitte d , to the practice of his profession in New York . His n principal work has bee upon dwellings , both in the city and in the country ; he has also been the architect of several large l d mercanti e buil ings , such as the Consolidated Exchange, L the building for the American ithograph Co . one of the strongest commercial buildings in the world and sev eral theatres , a department in which he is a recognized expert . He is also the in ventor of an accepted method of

fir - e . proof construction of floors , etc ' My Princeton work led me into archaeology and art s hi tory , and I have given many lectures on these subjects , ’ — 4 8 C A S S I T Y - L O F S X T W O E . U .

l P notab y in the New York ublic School lecture course . I in occupy myself my leisure time, as I have for more than in thirty years , perfecting my multitudinous notes and l n collections of il ustrations , runni g into thousands ; and it is my intention as soon as possible to connect myself with i some inst tution as professor , if I can so that I can have legitimate opportunity to complete somethin g worth i leaving beh nd me . '

. W . . Prof illiam R Ware, George B Post , and myself are the oldest living American architects of regular train ing .

r s 9 8 . Add es : 4 th Avenue , N Y . 5 R s ence: 17 . . e id Amity Street , Flushing , N Y u 1869 Lindsey married , in J ne , , Cornelia Howland Swift, f o New Bedford .


R . 13 1873 . 1900 . . E E . L LL N OLLINS, Jan , Since she has been Mrs E

Harrison .

* E I T N RIN JAM S M L O LO G, son of Charles E . and

St . l M . 16 Mary Young Loring , was born near Lou s , O , May ,

4 0 . f r . 18 He fitted o college at the High School of St Louis . in f After graduating , he read law the o fice o f Glover and

to . F Shepley, St . Louis , and was admitted the bar or several years he busied himself with educational matters , delivered lectures , wrote for the papers , erected buildings .

In 1885 he was elected to the General Assembly .

. . 24 190 . He died at St Louis , Jan , 7 26 18 4 l kh rr f Loring married , Oct . , 6 , Albertine G y c e , o

St . Louis .


R GLYCKHERR 10 1866 . CASIMI , June ,

E E Y 9 1868 . 2 1904 . H YD N OUNG, May , ; died Nov ,

T EO RE . 14 1870. H DO , Feb ,

ET E r 7 1872. H LYN WINN, Ap il ,

* HENRY HORTON MCBURNEY son of Charles M B n was and Rosine (Horton) c ur ey , born in Roxbury , ’

184 f r . . Mass . , Feb . 8, 3 . He fitted o college at A H Buck s school . He was stroke in the class crew, and chief marshal. 1862 P In September, , he went to aris , and studied chemistry n e for o e year with Wurtz , in the Ecole de M dicine ; thence

50 C A ’ — — L S S O F S I X T Y T W O H . U .

i mi unt l his death , devoting himself at first to cri nal cases , afterwards , and for the greater part ofhis life , to admiralty F practice . or several years he was in partnership with

. Dela n l B ri r 50 . Mr g e e e , at Wall Street He spent many summers in foreign travel , visiting Iceland , Italy , Greece ,

Egypt , Russia , and Palestine . He died at his home in i l P a n fie . 9 18 l d . 5 , N J Jan 2 , 9 . M c Carth in 189 1 y married, June , , Edith Wright , of P hiladelphia . HER R PLAND MASON BE T COW , son of Jonathan lan d M and Isabella Cowp (Weyman) ason , was born in

1 84 0 . l Boston , June , 1 He fitted for col ege with Professors

. 25 1861 i Lane and Lovering Nov . , , he was commiss oned M second lieutenant in the Twentieth assachusetts Regiment , o n and left college t join his regiment at Poolesville, o the l 1862 Potomac . In Ju y , , he returned home for a few weeks , very ill with malarial fever ; but rejoin ed his regiment (as ’ first lieutenant) in Sedgwick s Division , Second Corps , in ’ time for the battle of Chantilly and the covering ofPope s

. 6 1863 . retreat . Jan , , he was promoted to a captaincy 3 He was severely wounded at Gettysburg, July ; and in the 1 4 i Spring of 86 , finding that the injury would disqual fy him dis for further service , he resigned , and was honorably

M 23 1864 . charged , with the brevet rank of major , arch ,

1 1867 - March , , Mason entered the counting room of i 1 . n Lawrence and CO . , 7 Milk Street , Boston He was New York for five years ; but returned to Boston in the

18 3 M . Fall of 7 , and became treasurer of the Ipswich ills

d S . 24 1884 . He ied suddenly , at Stockbridge , ept , f . 6 1868 o Mason married , Oct , , Mary Gertrude Dana ,


E ER R E 19 1869 . MAB L G T UD , July ,

D . 0 18 3. H C . 3 7 PHILIP ANA ( . , Oct ,

E . 11 1878. JULIA APPL TON, Feb ,

. H . HENRY MA THES was born in Portsmouth , N ,

Sept . 4 , 1839 . He fitted for college at Phillips Exeter Acad

emy . He rowed in the class crew . After graduating , he

of . studied medicine with Dr . Coleman , Portsmouth

13 1904 . He died at Concord , N . H March , M I F F L I N — N I C H O L S 5 1

* N ROWNINSHIELD MI IN BENJAMI C FFL , son Cro wn in shield Mitflin Of Charles and Mary , was born in P 39 . d d . 7 18 Boston , Dec , He stu ie for some time in aris ,

55 L . returned in 18 , and fitted for college with Professor ane

1862 - Massach u In November , , he joined the Forty ninth ’ setts (Bartlett s regiment) as adjutant . The regiment ’ ’ of R u j oIn e d Augur s division Banks corps at Baton o ge ,

P d . La . , and took part in the campaign against ort Hu son ’ P Mitflin di l At the battle of lains Store , sp ayed great brav H Ma 1863 ery ; at the assault on Port udson , y 27 , he was with Bartlett when the latter was wounded . Later

Mitflin was detailed as aide - de - camp on the staff of

Gen . William Dwight . He fell sick during the summer , returned home , and was mustered out with his regiment

1 1863 . Sept . , Mitflin On returning to civil life , formed a partnership Mitflin with Ballou , under the name of Ballou and , bankers Th as 1872 and brokers . e partnership w dissolved in , and itfl in n M in continued the same busi ess , under the firm name i i li tfl O . d of B . C . M n and C He was much occupie with t s e rary pursuits , and wa a frequent contributor to the press on dramatic matters ; he also wrote a memoir of his father , remarkable for the skill and care with which it was pre was pared . For a year or two before his death his health poor ; trips to Europe afforded only partial relief ; early In 1880 he became a great sufferer ; and on June 16 of that year he died , at the Hotel Brunswick , in Boston . itfl M i N 18 9 . n married , in ovember, 6 , Sarah E Le arned , i fil fP s d . daughter of Edward Learned , o tt e , Mass

ARTH UR HOWARD NI H L i C O S, son of John Perk ns an d M N i ary Ann (Clarke) ichols , descendant in the s xth R d N o f in generation of ichar ichols , Ipswich , was born

. 9 8 0 H d Boston , Sept , 1 4 . e fitted for college at the En icott P i an d ubl c Latin schools . Upon graduation he began the i d f di . 186 stu y o me cine In September , 3 , he accompan ed classmate Munroe to Paris to study anatomy at the Ecole R 864 de M édic in e . eturning to Boston in the autumn of 1 M l S he entered the Harvard edica chool , serving as house M surgeon at the assachusetts General Hospital from April , 52 ’ — — U C L A S S O F S I X T Y T W O H . .

1865 1866 . , till May , , when he received his medical diploma 1866 hi In August, , he returned to Europe , continuing s

i . I 1 68 studies at Vienna and Berl n n September , 8 , he

H . began practice in Boston , and at Rye Beach , N . , during At 1 0 the summer months . his marriage he settled at 3 ,

Warren street , Roxbury , occupying the historical mansion 8 m known as the Warren House . In 1 85 he re oved to 55

Mount Vernon Street, Boston , In his professional work he has had considerable exp erience in medico - legal cases in volving personal injuries . He has always been interested in

- scientific change ringing upon tower bells , and has published

several papers relating to campanology . He is a member 1893 o f three London ringin g guilds . In he bought a

a . farm t Cornish , N . H , upon the Connecticut river , for f retirement during periods o vacation . He has made t numerous trips o Europe , and has visited also Cuba and

Porto Rico .

No . 11 1869 Nichols married , v , , Elizabeth Fisher, eldest daughter of Thomas J . Homer , Roxbury .

Reside e: 55 . . nc Mt Vernon St , Boston .


E . 11 1872. ROS STANDISH, Jan ,

R RKE . 21 1873. MA IAN CLA , Dec ,

E ER . 14 1875 6 1881. SIDN Y HOM , Nov , ; died July ,

R RE ER . 30 1879 . MA GA T HOM , Oct ,

R RE . N 27 1905 . f S . B MA GA T H ICHOLS married, April , Arthur A Shurtlef (

of Boston, landscape architect .

Children : E N 24 1906 . SIDN Y ICHOLS, March ,

R R . 1 1907 . SA AH PA SONS, Oct ,

ASA KEL 27 1909 . WILLIAM , March ,

ER . 18 1911. JOHN P KINS , Feb ,

CHAR E H ME N E L S U OY S, son of Charles and

Helen (Hume) Noyes , was born in Eastport , Maine , April

4 184 0 . , He fitted for college at the Eastport High School . After graduating he went to Chicago and engaged in the

grain business , in railroad business , and in the care of real estate ; at one time he was in the employ of the Internal

H T . Revenue Department . e lived at one time in oledo Finally he went to Colorado in search of health ; but died

M 5 1 9 . 2 4 . there , at Pueblo , arch , 8 He was never married N Y E — P A R K E R —P A Y S O N 53

* E FRANCIS C USHING NY , son of Tristram and

N e Ne w . 2 Sarah W. (Jenney) y , was born in Bedford , Aug ,

184 0 . He fitted for college at Phillips Exeter Academy , and entered our class in the Sophomore year . In September , 86 as C 1 2, he w secretary of the South ongregational Church ,

864 was law . Boston ; in July , 1 , he studying in New York 1865 He was admitted to the bar in , and practised there for some years , being connected with the Delamater Iron

Works .

22 19 10 . H e died in New York , April ,

N 13 1868 . y e married , April , , Mary Hay , of Philadelphia


E . 26 1869 . KAT HAY, Feb ,

ORE E . 25 1871. FL NC , Dec ,

R . 2 1873 . MA Y, Oct ,

* TLANDT ARKER ARTH UR COR P , son of William i and Lucy Cushing (Wh twell) Parker , was born in Boston , 0 21 184 . October , He fitted for college at the English High i of 1859 and Lat n schools . In the Spring he left college to 1861 go into business in Chicago ; but returned in , passed his examinations , and rejoined the class at the beginning

f . 21 1862 o the Senior year July , , he enlisted in the Thirty i third Massachusetts Reg ment , and was appointed orderly 3 1863 sergeant . March , , he was commissioned second lieutenant , and attached to the staff of General Meade . Va He was killed by guerillas near Bristow Station , . , on the

f 4 18 3 . night o Aug . 2 , 6

* GILBERT RUSSELL PA YSON son of Samuel hi Russell and Hannah Gilbert (Cus ng) Payson , was born

11 184 0 . in Boston , May , He fitted for college at E . S . ’

A . Dixwell s . u 2 1 62 school g , 8 , he entered the employ of

. C . CO . J Howe and , domestic commission merchants , 5 1 i S his Frankl n treet , Boston , devoting attention especially to 1 186 printed goods ; on Jan . , 7 , he was received into the

firm . He continued in that business connection until July 1 1874 of Whi , , when the firm te , Payson , and CO. was

f 4 3 . formed , with o fices at Avon Street He remained a member of this firm until his death . He was also a director ’ — — 54 O H . C L A S S O F S I X T Y T W U . of N one of the Hamilton ational Bank , the corporation fl l of the Su o k Savings Bank , and was on the standing committee of the Old South Society .

i 8 189 1. H e d ed at his home in Watertown , June , 12 1867 f Payson married , June , , Althea , daughter o

T f . Charles R . rain , o Framingham


ER R E . C . 10 1868. GILB T USS LL (H Oct , * E . 19 1870 25 1872. DITH, Oct , ; died March ,

E E R 5 1873. 3 L ANO , April ,

E 20 1875 . SAMU L CUSHING, April ,

R E FF R . C . . 1 1877 . CHA L S CLI O D (H , Feb ,

I ER . Jr. 21 1897 r G LB T R PAYSON, , married, April , , Ellen Holt Eld edge, daughter

l . of Henry Grosvenor Eldredge of Brook ine They have two children,

ER R E . un 14 E R R E R GILB T USS LL PAYSON (b J e , and H N Y G OSV NO a fin er E RE E . . 19 wh r L LD DG PAYSON (b Mar , He is g of ong Wharf,

Boston .

E E R i . . C . . L ANO PAYSON married Phil p S Parker (H , of Brookline They

: . R ER R E RKER E E R have four children PHILIP S PA K , G AC HAMILTON PA , L ANO


E C . Li . L SAMU L PAYSON married Elsie ncoln, daughter of William H incoln ,

of Brookline . They have two children : WILLIAM H . PAYSON and EDITH

PAYSON . O 25 1 05 R E C . 9 CHA L S PAYS N married, June , , Ethel Winslow Williams , daughter

m . C . l e a r : E of harles A Willia s, of Brook ine Th y h ve two child en ALTH A PAY

- s SON and HILDA PAYSON . He is in the cotton buying bu iness with Ingersoll

Amory in Boston .

* ER IN LET N E D O ROB T S G O P ABO Y, son f Jeremiah H P . ' D and Ellen M . ( anna) eabody , was born near anes

O. 12 1837 . H f r ville , , June , e fitted o college at Phillips

Andover Academy , delivering the valedictory , and entered 1857 of 1861 Harvard in with the class ; but , owing to sick

1862 . ness , joined the class of the next year After gradu L L B. d ating , he entered the law school , taking his egree

64 . 18 u . u in He practised at first in R tland , Vt b t in 1869 P a. November , , he moved to Germantown , , where he la 0 w 1 19 4 . continued in the practice of until his death , Oct . ,

N . 1866 ov 7 . 'Peabody married , , , Margaret A Goddard , of anesville , O .


R E . 9 186 CHA L S, Nov , 7. P O R T E R 55

RN AM RTER CHARLES B U H PO , son of Dr . James i P in B . and Harr et (Griggs) orter, was born Rutland , Vt. , 0 He i 19 184 . Jan . , came of a long l ne of distinguished

i . i P doctors , be ng seventh in descent from Dr Dan el orter ,

i . 0 d C 165 . who settle near Farm ngton , onn , about Fathers i i and sons , there have been e ghteen doctors n the family . P d ll l Our orter fitte for co ege at the schools of Rut and. H e

l i . d i was the c ass chor ster On gra uat ng , he entered the d M S d i 18 Harvar edical chool , gra uating n 65 ; during the last year he was house surgeon at the Massachusetts Gen H i 18 5 eral osp tal , and for three months in 6 he was at the S H in Armory quare ospital Washington , having the rank i S . . A . 866 of Acting Ass stant urgeon , U S From 1 to 1879 he was at the Harvard Medical School as Assistant Demonstrator an d Demonstrator in An atomy and Instructor in Sur gery ; from 1882 to 1887 he was Assistant Professor of S an d 1887 1903 urgery , from to , Professor of Clinical

- Surgery . H e was surgeon to out patients at the Massa ch usetts H 1866 18 5 General ospital from to 7 , when he was d i 0 ma e Visiting surgeon ; he res gned this post in 19 3 . He also held for some time a government appointment as i . In 1868 examining surgeon for pens ons , and again in

1870 i d i - d in , he vis te Europe, do ng post gra uate work Berlin ,

Vienna , and London . In i his add tion to work as teacher and as surgeon , Porter busied himself with general practice, being much valued as a physician by many Boston famih es . H d l e 5 St . 1 1909 ied at his home , Ar ington , Boston , May 2 , . 15 1865 Porter married , June , , Hattie A . Allen , of

Cambridge . CHILDREN :

R E E . . 1888 M . D . 9 H C . 1866 . CHA L S ALL N ( , ; , Sept ,

R E E I E E . 23 1868. HO T NS SAB LL , Oct ,

E E E . 21 1872. DITH LIS , Oct ,

R . 26 1874 . OSAMOND , Sept ,

R E . R ER i 13 1898 C CHA L S A PO T married, Apr l , , Margaret De ourcy Dewar, of

Glasgow . l Chi dren : CHARLES BURNHAM PORTER .



E . R ER OV . 14 1900 . . DITH E PO T was married, N , , to Dr Percy Musgrave


PERCY MUSGRAVE . 56 A ’ S I T —T — U . C L S S O F X Y W O H .

A THANIE A LE TON RENTISS N L PP P , son of Na i P n thaniel Appleton and Abiga l Welsh ( ayson) Pre tiss ,

in d . . 20 184 0 . H e was born An over , Mass , Aug , fitted for

P i i . d college at h ll ps Exeter Academy After gra uating , he

t . spent wo years tutoring and doing work for the U S . n i Sanitary Commission , then o e year at the Columb a Law : Ne w Ma 0 School he was admitted to the York bar , y 2 ,

. M 1864 . 28 18 1 , to the bar of the U S Supreme Court , arch , 7 . to He has belonged the firms of Newell , Denman , and an C i 1 Prentiss , d hambers , Boughton , and Prentiss ; s nce 884 9 he h as practised law without partners . Since 18 8 he has been on e of the Referees in Bankruptcy in the Southern

District ofNe w York . He has conducted some important international cases before the Department of State and

Arbitration Commissions at Washington . He was for some years a member of the executive committee of the Repub lican County Committee . Prentiss was for some time interested in the work of the Charity Organization Society . He was also one ofthe

Trustees of the Industrial Education Association , and of ’ of its successo r , the Teacher s College the City of New York ; and in March , 1895 , he was appointed a member of the f h f Board of Education o t e City o New York , continuing on the board until his appointment as Referee in Bank n f ruptcy . He is o e o the incorporators of the Harvard Club ofNe w York City ; also a member ofthe Century Associa tion , the Union League Club , the Phi Beta Kappa Alumni f 181 Association , the Society of the War o 2, the Veteran f Corps of Artillery , the Sons o the Revolution , the Society f N of o Colonial Wars , and the aval Order the United States . Resi ence : 39 5 h d East 7 t Street, New York , and East

Hampton , Long Island .

Address: 2 Rector Street . 26 1878 Prentiss married , June , , Margaret de Koven

f . . . 889 . Beach , o New York Mrs Prentiss died Feb 7 , 1

6 1 96 . Jan . , 8 , he married Mrs Alice (Bennett) de Koven , ’

f . o Burton , Somersetshire , England His wife s son , Louis

Besant de Koven (H . C . , lives with them ; there are no other children .

58 C L A S S ’ Y —T — H S I T W O . O F X U .

EDWARD DORR RITCHARD W P , son of illiam and P E . i lizabeth D (Knapp) r tchard , was born in Newburyport ,

. 3 38 H M M 18 . e ass , arch , fitted for college at the Ne w I 186 1 buryp ort schools . n 3 and 864 he was principal of 18 5 the high school at Fitchburg . In 6 he was in business

Ne wbur ort . H e Ne w Y in yp afterwards went to ork, and A 1904 22 . died there , pril ,

HENRY ARKER IN Y P 'U C , son of Edmund Quincy P . C . 1827 P (H , ) and Lucilla inckney ( arker) Quincy , was h B . 28 1838 . T e born in oston , Oct , family moved to Ded ’

E . 184 0 . . D l ham in He fitted for college at S ixwe l s school . f n He was one o the marshals o Class Day . After graduating ’ i P flrie he studied medic ne with rofessor Je s Wyman , and 1 in the Medical School , receiving his degree in 867 ; during the last year he was house surgeon at the Massachusetts — . 1867 1871 General Hospital He spent the years in Europe , f three years in the study o medicine at Vienna . He was at the Harvard Medical School from 1877 to 1883 as Assist 1883 1898 ant in Histology, from to as Instructor . H 11 18 9 e died in Boston , March , 9 . 20 1877 M Quincy married , June , ary Adams , daughter f o Charles Francis Adams , of Quincy .


D R . 4 1885 . O OTHY, Dec ,

E R 11 1888. LINO , March ,

HN READ f . JO , son o William and Sarah G (Atkins) 0 19 184 . Read , was born in Cambridge , May , He fitted for college at the Cambridge High School . He was one of the 1862 crew which defeated the Yale Sophomores at V ic Worcester , and which three times more that year was torious in prominent races . After graduation he entered the United States Navy 1862 was as paymaster , on Nov . 7 , , and attached to the Keokula United States ironclad ram , being on that vessel at the time she was shattered and sunk by the fire of Fort

Sumter and other Charleston forts , in the attack by Admiral ’ T h Keokula d 1863 . Dupont s fleet , April 7 , e , when lea ing the fleet , received ninety shots in thirty minutes , the white R E A D 59

heat Oi the battle , most of which went entirely through her i W deck and sides . He then jo ned the est Gulf squadron r n it it 1863 on the gunboat G a e C y , which was employed in T 1864 in blockading the coasts of Louisiana and exas , and participating in the different engagements in that depart

ff . ment . He was in ten di erent engagements M a 6 1864 On y , , in an engagement at Calcasieu Pass , T Louisiana , Read was captured and confined in exas , a of prisoner of war , for seven and a half months , most the i i time without shelter , in the open pr son camps G llespie and

H l in o f . Chapel il , and the open stockade Camp Groce 19 1864 Dec . , , he was released , broken in health , being one of only thirty - two survivors out of the one hundred and

eleven originally captured ; seventy- nin e having died from f neglect , exposure , and insu ficient food , being a loss of over U S seventy per cent . He was then ordered to the nited tates f Kearsar e ill re sloop o war g , but was obliged by health to

18 1865 . sign from the service , March , He returned to f of i Boston , and became a member o the firm Will am Read

and Sons . In 1872 he sailed for South America , going up ' the Amazon and Visiting the diflerent ports ofBrazil .

After the war Re ad was active in the public service . He was a member of the Cambridge Common Council in 1880 18 1 f f 18 2 1883 and 8 , o the Board o Aldermen in 8 and , ofthe Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1888 and wa the Senate in 1892 and 1893 . In the Senate he s chair of man the committees on military affairs , state water of supply , and federal relations , and also a member the

on n . committees banks and banki g , education , and prisons

In 1907 Read was elected treasurer of our class . He was chief marshal of the Cambridge fiftieth anniversary cele 96 bration in 18 . He was also chief marshal Of the naval procession ofthe Grand Army National Encampment held 1 0 P 56 in Boston in 9 4 . He is a member of ost — member and has been vice commander of the Bl ilitary Order ofthe Loyal Legion ; and member of Kearsarge Naval Vet

erans . He has been for twelve years past , and is now, a State Commissioner of the Massachusetts Nautical Train ing School and Sch oolship s Enterprise and Ranger; is trustee ’ of the National Sailors Home ; commander of the Massa 0 ’ — — T Y T O . 6 C L A S S O F S I X W H U . ch usetts Commandery ofthe Naval Order o fUnited States ; d C s an president of the Cambri ge ivil Service A sociation , d is a member of the National Council of the Civil Service f Reform League o the United States . He delivered the 1 00 Memorial address at Harvard in 9 . He was chosen on e of the electors of the Electoral College of Massachusetts 1909 in the first election of President Taft in , and has this year been elected a delegate to the National Presidential f P T Convention in Chicago in favor o resident aft . 0 Address : 1 7 . Washington Street , Boston

sid n ce: 55 C . Re e Appleton Street , ambridge 1 1865 Read married , October 7 , , Elise H . Welch of West

Newton .


ER R . 10 1870. JOHN B T AM, Dec ,

NOV . 17 1872. WILLIAM, ,

R 9 1881. HA OLD WILSON, May , ER R RE 1897 JOHN B T AM AD married, in , Grace Mary Goodwin, of Cambridge . R CHILDREN : JOHN BERT AM READ . R ELEANO GOODWIN READ . R E RICHA D W LCH READ .

E 2nd 1 06 m W . L R 9 . WILLIAM AD , married, in , Adelaide Su ner ood , of St ouis E E CHILDREN : ELIS W LCH READ .


R RE 1906 C . HA OLD WILSON AD married, in , May lement Parker, of Hartford R R E R CHILDRE N : ROBE T PA K READ .



ART R EED n f . H U R , so o Caleb and Mary E (Minot) 1 . 13 184 . for Reed , was born in Boston , Aug , He fitted 1862 college at the Boston Latin School . In September , ,

- fifth a he enlisted in the Forty Massachusetts Regiment , w s

- - appointed quarter master sergeant in October , served with i N as u the reg ment in orth Carolina, and w mustered o t in

1863 . 1868 July , In , he went into the insurance business in Boston , and has remained in this business ever since . Through his membership in the Harvard Glee Club in col n lege days , he became much i terested in vocal music , espe f c ially for male voices ; and he was one o the founders , in

1 1 o f - of 87 , of the Apollo Club Boston , a male voice club was fifty members , of which he the first secretary and f r virtually business manager , and so remained o twenty

fi . n v e years The club has been most successful , havi g had R E E D 61

imitators all over the country , some of which have adopted as one of of i its name . Reed w also the founders the Cec lia

- ofBoston , a mixed voice club of about one hundred members f of in its early days , o which he was one the managers for twenty years .

r . Add ess : 27 Kilby Street , Boston

B . Residence : Clinton Road , rookline

l . . 8 1866 W Reed married , Oct 2 , , E izabeth H ebster , of

Ma 3 1 0 . R 1 8 . 3 . . 7 Boston Mrs eed died in Paris , y , Dec , u ll m f Mc o o . 1 92 C o B . 8 , he married Mary H nt , rooklyn , N Y

M 7 1894 . his ARTHUR INOT, March , He is to celebrate father s semi 12 centena of graduation by entering Harvard in the fall of 19 .

* E H SAM SON REED of e JOS P P , son Sampson R ed

. . 1818 (H C , ) and Catherine (Clark) Reed , was born in

13 184 1. for Boston , Dec . , He fitted college at the Boston 1862 t P u r Latin School . In he went o ort Royal as s p e in ’ 1 tendent of plantations on Ladies Island . In 863 he was employed as a clerk in Chicago ; but soon returned to Port ’ I Royal , bought a plantation on Ladies sland , near Beaufort , and lived there and at Beaufort till his death , which took '

. 12 89 . 1 95 : place Jan , 1 7 In 8 he wrote I believe I can claim no other present honors except bein g Democratic county chairman , which simply seems to in volve labor and

d . con emnation It has been , however , I think , a rather unusual

i f r so - th ng , perhaps , in this State , o a called Northern man w to receive these honors . I as for some years lieutenant N in the Beaufort Artillery and aval Reserve , but have with l ” A drawn from the mi itary . t the time of his death he was treasurer of Beaufort County .

. 29 1870 . . Reed married , Dec , , Florence A D Scammon ,

f . f . daughter o J T . Scammon , o Chicago


E E . 13 18 1. FFI , Sept , 7

FRE . 17 1872. WINI D , Sept ,

R RE E . 13 1876 . MA Y FLO NC , Feb ,

R M . 14 1878 . CLA K SCA MON, Feb ,

l o . CLARK S. REED is iving in Chicag 62 ’ Y —T —H T U . C L A S S O F S I X W O .

* FREDERIC WI LIAM RO ERS L G , son of Octavius

T . T . and ( rask) Rogers , was born in Milton , Mass ,

15 184 0 . d . May , He fitte for college at Milton Academy 1863 in In he went into business Boston , and was for a time

O . 5 with the firm of Rogers , Shute , and C , 7 Summer Street . 1880 In January, , he went to New York , and went into 1893 business with Butler Brothers . About he went to Cali ia i forn , l ving at San Diego till a short time before his death .

S . 7 1886 . . Rogers married , ept , , Mrs M K . Leach , of

Boston .

15 1906 . He died at National City , Cal . , Feb . ,

HENRY M UNROE ROGER S, son of John Hicks and

C i S . Lucy ather ne ( mith) Rogers , was born in Boston , Feb

d l h . 27 1839 . He fitte for co lege at t e Boston Latin School 1865 as On the death of Chapman in , Rogers w chosen a

i . member of the class comm ttee , and later its Chairman i N V . 5 1862 O , , he was appo nted acting assistant paymaster Da li ht in the navy ; he served first on the y g , on blockade

ff W . . on Ascutn e duty o ilmington , N C ; afterwards the y and — the Wilderness participating in 1864 1865 in the movements resulting in the taking of Fort Fisher and Wilmington N. C . 0 . 1865 . . 30 1865 He left the service Nov 2 , Sept , , while on ’ r a th ee months leave of absence , he entered the law school 3 1867 at Cambridge , where he remained until April 2 , , taking his LL . B . degree that year . On the first of April , 186 f 7, he entered the law o fice of Messrs . Brooks and Ball , 4 0 State Street , Boston , remained there till the summer of 1869 S , and in September took an office at 4 2 Court treet , 1901 s where he remained until . He wa admitted to the f A 1 6 8 8 . Su folk bar in pril , 19 01 In June , , Rogers formed a partnership with Frank

A . North , under the name of Rogers and North , and took

89 S . i 1 1903 rooms at tate Street Apr l , , the firm became

Rogers , North , and Johnson , Melvin M . Johnson joining

. 19 07 the firm In December , , Rogers withdrew from the i O Of firm , reta ning , however , his ld fice ; the firm , still at

89 S S N . tate treet , is now Johnson and orth R ogers has travelled much , both on this continent and

- i abroad . He has crossed the Atlantic thirty e ght times . R O G E R S 63

B In 1903 he visited Honolulu , where he met righam ; Japan and China , where at Hong Kong he saw Jeffries ; thence I home by way of the Straits Settlements , Ceylon , ndia , T Egypt , urkey , Greece , Italy , and the Azores , spending considerable time in each country . Of his professional activities Rogers writes ' During my professional career , and especially while in the activities of admiralty practice , I have been engaged

- in i in many cases of far reach g mportance , especially those

in ill - f- i relat g to carriage by sea , b s o lad ng , marine insurance , and kindred subjects . 'I i have been before almost every k nd of a tribunal , from the Municipal Court of our city to the Supreme Court of In 1878 the United States . I was engaged in a suit for libel , perhaps the last case where such a combination of — circumstances could occur , as counsel for the plaintiff, a h a d mi former runaway slave , against a wealt y n pro nent B d citizen of oston , defen ant , wherein those who had formerly been slaves in the South were witnesses on on e side or the other . I was also the initiator of the criminal prosecution for barratry against the captain and for the indictments against merchants of Boston engaged i in a conspiracy to defraud marine insurance compan es , Mar eleste in the famous case of the y C , a cause which lasted for several weeks an d which was conducted with rare

W . r. U . . ability by arren K Blodgett, J , then assistant S

i H . Distr ct Attorney ( . U , In that case I was con i uou sp c s by my absence whenever the court was in session . 'My writings have been of a sporadic and ephemeral ; character, in the press and elsewhere ' My life has been and is full of varied interests and of associations of a somewhat unusual character ; from its variety I believe I have derived a better understanding of mankind than I should have had if I had confined myself exclusively to the routine of professional work . Whether this i : be so or not , my course was chosen del berately my interest l in my profession has never abated , and my de ight in travel i hi grows with my advancing years . W t n a twelve month I Y P of this writing , have visited ellowstone ark in the ” n north a d Cuba and Panama in the south . ’ 64 — - C L A S S O F S I X T Y T W O H . U .

19 11 In May, , Rogers was elected Senior Vice Com mander of the Massachusetts Commandery of the Loyal 19 11 Legion of the United States and in October , , a member ofthe Council of the National Commandery of the Loyal

Legion of the United States .

Address : 89 . State Street , Boston 24 18 Rogers married , April , 78, Clara Kathleen Barnett , L daughter of John and Eliza E . ( indley) Barnett of Chelten ham , England ; and he and his wife are still living at

309 . Beacon Street , Boston

E Y H NR ROPES, son of William and Mary Ann

16 1839 . (Codman) Ropes , was born near London , May ,

He fitted for college with Sidney Willard , in Boston . He f su fered during his college course from weak eyes , which interfered very much with his studies . He was in the

1860 . V . 25 1861 was University crew in NO , , he commis sion e d second lieutenant in the Twentieth Massachusetts

i 2 1862. Reg ment , and first lieutenant Oct . , He was with f the regiment through the campaigns o that year , from York town to Fredericksburg , and escaped with only slight 1863 wounds . But at Gettysburg , July 3 , , during a pause in the infantry conflict , he was killed by the premature explosion of a shell from one of our batteries .

HA S N f C RLES PRAGUE SARGE T, son o Ignatius and Henrietta (Grey) Sargent, was born in Boston , April l ’ 4 184 1. . Dix e l s 2 , He fitted for college chiefly at Epes S w 186 school in Boston . In November , 2, he was first lieu 864 tenant on the staff of General Banks ; in July , 1 , a cap tain . f Since 1872, Sargent has been Director o the Arnold 18 9 Arboretum , and , since , 7 Professor of Arboriculture , in 187 1873 Harvard University . From 2 to he was Professor of 8 3 8 9 e Horticulture , and from 1 7 to 1 7 , he was Dir ctor f o the Bo tanic Garden . In the interests of the Arboretum he has travelled in all parts of the Un ited States and has S made numerous Visits to Europe . H e passed the ummer and Autumn of 1902 in Japan ; in 1903 he travelled in the

Caucasus and through Siberia to China and Java , returning

66 A ’ S I T Y — O — C L S S O F X T W H . U .

logischen Gesellschaft . He is a corresponding member of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh and of the Société

Centrale Forestiere de Belgique , an associate member of a the Société Royale de Bot nique de Belgique , and a member f o the Société Botanique de France , and of the Société ’ i n ale Horticulture Nat o d de France . He is the author ofa Catalogue ofForest Trees ofNorth ” 1880 on America , , a Report the Forests of North America , being volume IX ofthe Final Reports of the Tenth Census S ' of the United tates , The Woods of the United ' of 89 —190 States , The Silva North America , 1 1 2, ' of The Forest Flora Japan , Trees and Shrubs , ' 1905 of Manual the Trees ofNorth America , ' t A Guide o the Arnold Arboretum , and of many

papers in scientific journals , chiefly on the woody plants a ofNorth America . He w s editor of Garden and Forest 1887 to 1897 from , and he has edited The Scientific Papers of of Bl i h ux Asa Gray , the Journal André c a , and the ' ” il nian Plantae W so ae .

o LL. D. He has received the degree f from Harvard , the ’ gold medal ofthe Société Nationale d Agriculture de France r of fo the Silva North America , and the Veitch memorial

medal (England) for services to scientific arboriculture . He

was the first recipient ofthe George R . White medal given through the Massachusetts Horticultural Society for service to horticulture . Residence: Warren Street , Brookline , Mass .

o . 6 8 3 Sargent married , N v 2 , 1 7 , Mary Robeson , daugh of ter Andrew Robeson , ofTiverton , R . I . CHILDREN

ET . 28 1 HENRI TA, Aug , 874 .

RE R E H . C . . 2 18 6 . AND W OB SON ( , Dec , 7

R 8 1878 . MA Y, April ,

R E PR E . 880. CHA L S S AGU (H C March 7, 1

E 26 1882. ALIC , March ,

For four years each ofmy boys was a member ofthe ’

n . Varsity squad , o e playing guard and the other centre

ENR E R E T 17 1895 Lo H . H I TTA SA G N was married, May , , to Guy well ( C

R R E . 25 1908 i MA Y SA G NT was married, Jan , , to Nathan el Bowditch Potter

. C . 1890 M .D. dau hter N (H , ; , They have two g s zg ATALIE , born

l 13 1909 R R E 1 911. Ju y , , and MA Y OB SON, born June , 1 S A R G E N T —S A W T E L L 67

3 1909 ANDREW ROBESON SARGENT married, Nov . , , Maria de Acosta, of New

York . 2 m E Jr. m 9 191 CHARLES S . SARG NT, , arried , May , , Dag ar Wetmore, of New

York .

ENT WINTHROP SARG , son of Henry Winthrop Sar 1830 in gent (H . C . ) and Carol e (Olmsted) Sargent , was

Y A 3 184 0 . was ol born in New ork, pril , He fitted for c lege by private tutors . On account of ill health he was obliged to leave college during the Senior year ; but , owing to to the kind efforts of my classmates , whom I have always ” 1892 been grateful , I was accorded my degree , in . He was

his . . 186 in the Law School two years , taking LL B degree in 4 .

After the death of his parents , he interested himself in of horticulture , and in the care his gardens at his old home, ” — - h on . f Wode n et e , Fishkill Hudson Here he has lived or the past thirty years , though spending many winters in

- fiv e of Boston . For twenty years he has been president the Highland Hospital at Fishkill , an active in stitution which he helped to build and to support . He has also f f been president o the Public Library , a director o the bank , and , for thirty years , warden of the Episcopal church . For twenty - one years my wife and I have been much interested in the Sargent Industrial School , founded and supported to by us . Here free instruction is given annually six hun dred young women and girls of the neighborhood ; the object of the School is to prepare the pupils for the e ffec of tive administration a private home, or to enable them to earn an independent livelihood . For several years Sargent has been somewhat of an ofli e 0 invalid . He gave up his c at 3 Court St . some years of l ago , and now spends most the year at his o d home , at

- - Fishkill on Hudson . 18 Ai . 2 73 Sargent married , Dec , , mée Rotch , daughter of

Benjamin S . Rotch and Annie Bigelow Rotch , of Boston .

ED ARD A COCK SAWTE W B B LL , son of Charles and i Ruth J . (Fairbanks) Sawtell , was born n Fitchburg , Mass . ,

26 184 0 . Sept . , He fitted for college at the Le icester Acad

. 1862 to . emy In September , , he went Port Royal , S C . , where he remained several years . In 1868 he was a law 68 ’ — — U . C L A S S O F S I X T Y T W O H .

18 1 student in Fitchburg . In March , 7 , he was admitted to the bar , and began the practice of law . After a few years

N . H . he moved to Manchester , , and found employment in a a mill . Some time go ill health compelled him to give up work ; an d he has been for the last few years at the Beacon i Hill Hosp tal in Manchester .

9 1874 . Sawtell married , Sept . , , Mary J Whitney , of

. a o New Lo ndon , N . H . Mrs Sawtell died some years g .

A TH R I EY R U S BL , son ofStephen and Anna (Emerson)

9 184 0 . Sibley , was born in Chelsea , Mass . , April , He fitted

H - for college at the Chelsea High School . e was bow oar 1862 1 65 ofthe class crew . From November , , to October , 8 , he served as acting assistant paymaster in the Mississippi squadron ; he was present at the running of the Vicksburg on blockade , the Red River expedition , and at the fight at

Arkansas Post . After the war he bought a steamboat , and had her ply between New Orleans and the mouth of the river . After the New Orleans riot he returned to

Chelsea, and went into business with his father , manu in factur . e g woolens H continued in this business , with

f 1908. O fices in Boston , till He has been employed by

Boston banks as expert accountant .

Residence : 18 . Grand View Avenue, Wollaston , Mass

O . 1 8 0 . . Sibley married , N V , 1 7 , Sara A Timmerman CHILDREN

R ER S . 15 1871. F ANK PALM , ept ,

RI T R 21 1873 . 30 1879 . MA ON ICKNO , March , ; died Aug ,

R R E ER . 15 1875 . A THU M SON, Feb ,

E . 2 1 . HEL N, Feb , 881

ERI E . 24 1883 . KATH N , Feb ,

R RE . 14 1884 . MA GA T, Dec ,

R ER HINCKLY 2 1887 . OB T , July ,

R . E m 1894 L L . F ANK P SIBL Y arried, April, , ouie inden; they have one child

R R . E 1906 La A THU E SIBL Y married, June, , ura Howard ; they have three

R R . E . R E E . children, A THU M SIBL Y, T CU TIS SIBL Y, and SIBL Y E E E wa u 1907 n H L N SIBL Y s married, J ne, , to Fra k Herbert Wright ; they have

R . R R R . two children, F ANCIS S W IGHT and MA Y W IGHT

RANCIS INNER n F SK , so of Francis and Elizabeth

a 3 18 0 . (Cochran) Skinner , w s born in Boston , Sept . , 4 He ’ D x ll fitted for college at E . S . i we s school . After gradua ’ tion he was for a time superintendent of his father s fac S O U L E 69

tories at Lewiston , Maine ; he then went into business with

18 0 . his father . In 7 he gave up active business He spent much time travelling in Europe , and also once made the circuit of the globe .

N V . 24 1905 . H e died in Boston , O , 15 1868 Skinner married , Oct . , , Eliza Blanchard Gard

f . of . ner, daughter o John L Gardner, Boston


R . 12 1869 . F ANCIS, Nov ,

R ER . 26 1871. GA DN , Aug ,

LE ARR SOU E CHAR S C OLL L , son of Richard Soule 1 32 W S (H . C . , 8 ) and Harriett ( insor) oule, was born in

25 184 2. Boston , June , He fitted for college at the Boston

Latin School and the Brookline High School . While a ’

a W . Freshman , he w s a collaborator on orcester s Dictionary In 186 1 he was on e ofthe party of students engaged in the ' River Observations at Concord , Mass ; (others were N P N e . . Hudson , ichols , y , C H orter , Pritchard , Stone , hi Trask , Ware , and G . P . Stevens , Near the end of s college course he became captain in the Thirty - third Massa h c use tts Regiment , but was not mustered into the United

States service . As the regiment filled up very slowly, he

l 6 t . . left it in Ju y , 18 2, and went o Port Royal , S C , to over f see plantations . Hearing o the formation of the Forty M fourth assachusetts Regiment , he returned to Boston in 2 October , enlisted as a private , and on October 2 was com missioned second lieutenant in Company B . When the

f - fifth Massa hu term of o fice expired , he joined the Fifty c d setts as captain of Company K, and remaine with it through A . t f H . . the war the battle o Honey ill , S C , he received a in slight flesh wound the arm . From May until August , 1865 , he was provost judge and superintendent of freedmen Th in South Carolina . e following winter he spent in

- Charleston , in the real estate agency business , returning A 1 866 . M in pril , In May he became a clerk with essrs . 1 CO . . 869 Little , Brown , and , Boston In October , , he went an d West , became the senior partner in the new firm of

Soule, Thomas , and Winsor , law and general booksellers in

. M O . 187 St Louis , In 7, during the serious riots in St . 70 ’ — — A H . U C L S S O F S I X T Y T W O .

ul Louis , lasting a week , So e commanded , as major , the ” hi University Club Battalion , w ch gave valuable assist

ance to the authorities . 1 187 S May , 8, oule accepted an offer of partnership from

n O . . Little , Brow , and C , sold out his interest in St Louis , ' 1881 and emigrated back to Boston . In he left Little ,

Brown and CO . , and formed the partnership of Soule and

Bugbee, for publishing , importing , and selling law books , at

. . 1884 37 Court St , Boston This partnership expired in , and Soule continued the same business alone , moving to 1890 the Freeman Place Chapel , Beacon St . In June , , f hi C O . o he established the Boston Book , w ch , from the n o beginning, he has been the president . The company is w

H M . t . located on Francis S , near the arvard edical School ' : The company has two specialties law books , and full sets

ofperiodicals on all subjects and in all languages . It deals

not only in this country , but also in Europe and all the 1883 ’ British Colonies . In Soule published The Lawyers

Reference Manual , a volume of legal bibliography ; a

second edition was issued in 1897 .

. wr While in St Louis , Soule ote two travesties , a‘s a skit for the University Club (ofwhich I was a founder) : Romeo ’ ml and Juliet , and Ha et Revamped , a Travesty without ’ a Pun . They made an unexpected hit for amateur rep re e a i n s nt t o . I was not pr‘oud of their literary quality ; but they seemed to have go .

In 1879 Soule joined the American Library Association , f and has since served actively in its different working o fices , ' fin i ally taking library architecture as a spec alty . On ”

i . this subject I have spoken , wr tten , and advised a lot Among his publications are 'Points of Agreement among ” ' i n i L brarians o Library Arch tecture , Library Rooms and ” ' ’ Buildings , and the article Library in Russell Sturgis s n ow Dictionary of Architecture and Building . He is ' 19 on (December , 11) engaged in preparing a volume ‘ ’ e x eri How to Plan a Library Building , to embody my p ence of forty years ; which I hope to live to finish and pub ”

. 19 12. lish The book will be published in June ,

For some years Soule has been employed , by library

trustees and others , as an expert adviser on library con S O U L E 7 1 struction and equipment : In this way I have been able l l to add considerab y to a dec ining income , by expert service which seemed to be successful and appreciated ; a perhaps unique example of altruistic work helping one materially in his old age . A few years ago his advice as to the proper appropriation for a new library building for Brookline saved that town about and more recently , as one of the H L 'I visitors to the arvard ibrary , have been able to give Al M in some work to ma ater , consulting with the special board of architects to suggest site an d plans for a newbuilding i i ” adequate to the needs and d gnity of the Univers ty . Soule reports that he has made over twenty business trips across the Atlantic : I have spent in all over a year i of my l fe in ocean travel , a good record for a poor sailor . 190 In 7 I Visited fourteen countries of Europe, interviewing leading lawyers and judges . Four months of this , using ”

di hi . ten fferent languages , was a strenuous polyglot w rl f About twenty years ago , Soule su fered from a serious f f attack o grippe , followed by a severe case o scarlet fever . 19 10 He has never been well since . In August , , he had a ll stroke of paralysis , from which he has partia y recovered ; f ' but he has to give up details o business , though I am ” allowed literary recreation . u Since he returned from St . Lo is , Soule has resided in k fif u hi in n Broo line , for the last teen years and n til t s spr g I his 5 u iq own house, 4 Warren Street, be a t y situated on the f l eastern shore o the o d reservoir . He has recently moved t o Wellington Terrace . 9 18 8 Soule married , Oct . , 7 , Louise Charless Farwell , of

St . Louis .


R R 1 1880 . UTH MAYNA D, April 7,

D R E IN R . 24 1881. O OTH A W SO , Oct ,

R E RR . 25 1883 . CHA L S CA OLL, Sept ,

RB R ul 28 1888 di l 30 1890 . BA A A, J y , ; ed Ju y ,

R . E 25 1912 m H . UTH M SOUL was married, May , , to Frederic Bou e Taylor, ( C

B. k . 1899 ; LL . , of Broo line

D R E . E 5 1909 i C ffn O OTH A W SOUL was married, May , , to Will am Balch o i '

. C . e . (H , of Brookline, nephew of our classmat Balch Their son,

L FF Jr. 20 1910 . WILLIAM BA CH CO IN, , was born May ,

C . C . E Jr. 1904 in SOUL , , graduated at Annapolis in ; he is now a lieutenant

. a 24 1909 . the navy M rch , , he married Oleta Pettigrove, of Seattle, Wash 72 A S S ’ T Y —T W O — C L O F S I X H . U .

A E R EA N n f . J MES H N Y ST R S, so o Orrin O and

Nancy Crawford (Valentine) Stearns , was born in Hancock ,

. 184 1. f r N . H , Jan . 9 , He fitted o college at various schools 1 in the West . He entered the Sophomore class in 859 . 1 6 was f f r In July , 8 4 , he principal o a school o young ladies u 1865 in Wisconsin . In J ly, , he was in the Union Telegraph

f . o fice in Chicago Afterwards he went to Freeport, Ill . , and became a member ofthe law firm ofNe ffand Stearns ; the firm is n ow Stearns and 'ipf . He was at one time f ' county judge . He writes , in May o this year , I am grow n o ing Old and lazy . I am longer a judge , and in fact have practically retired from law practice . I am afraid there is ” not much Show for my going East again .

A re 116 . dd ss: Oak Place , Freeport , Ill

18 9 . f Stearns married , in 6 , Ruth M Chapin , o Dubuque ,

Iowa .

HAR ES RIGHAM ST DDARD f C L B O , son o Isaac T Nelson and Martha Le Baron ( homas) Stoddard , was born

P . 1 4 . 4 8 2. in lymouth , Mass , Jan , He fitted for college at Concord , Mass . , and at Phillips Exeter Academy , Exeter , N f 186 H . o 2 . , entering the class at the beginning of the n Sophomore year . Immediately after graduation he e ’ te re d the quartermaster s department at Camps Ly nnfield

- fir t and Boxford , and was , at the formation of the Forty s f Regiment o Massachusetts Volunteers , commissioned first T . lieutenant and regimental , quartermaster his regiment s wa attached to the Banks expedition , sailing for New Orleans on the North Star with General Banks and his staff. In Louisiana it was mounted and its name changed to Third Massachusetts Cavalry ; it served through the

T P . I eche , ort Hudson , and Red River campaigns n the S f 1864 ummer o , Stoddard was promoted to be captain f . . . o and was detailed as A A . Q M the Second Brigade ,

Second Division , Nineteenth Army Corps ; serving in that f position and in command o his company at Petersburg , ’ and through Sheridan s campaign in the Shenandoah Valley . A He afterward received a commission as captain and . Q .

M . . . s , U S Volunteer , and was mustered out of service in 18 5 August , 6 .

74 ’ — — C L A S S O F S I X T Y T W O H . U .


n ll . . 8 1862 fitted for college at the Ch au cy Ha School Feb , , f r S he sailed o hip Island , as assistant quartermaster on the

Idaho n onstitution . transport , returning o the C In July , 1 2 d 86 , he entered the employ of T icknor and Fiel s , pub lish ers ; but in August he enlisted in the Forty - fifth Massa husetts c Regiment , being commissioned second lieutenant

13 . Sept . When the regiment went to Newbern in Novem ber , he was detained by sickness , but joined the regiment f M in December , and served with the garrison o Fort acon M 18 3 till ay , 6 , when he was commissioned second lieutenant in the Second Massachusetts Heavy Artillery , and was sent home to recruit . In August he was commissioned captain , and put in charge of the recruiting camp at Readville . In

October he returned to Newbern , where he remained till 1864 his resignation , April 17, . T icknor rejoined the firm ofTicknor and Fields , and in 1865 to took charge of the New York branch , returning

186 . 1 18 0 Boston in 7 May , 7 , he became a partner in the

firm of Fields , Osgood , and Co . He retired in February,

1878 o . , and was for a time with S . D . Warren and C ; but

1880 . T h joined the new firm ofJ . R . Osgood and Co . in e 1 f firm failed in May, 885 , and was succeeded by that o fflin . Bl i . Ticknor CO , and this by Houghton , , and Co

Address : 13 . Harris Avenue, Jamaica Plain 1 Ticknor married , June 8, 865 , Caroline C . Cushman ,

f f . daughter o Freeman L . Cushman , o Boston


R E . 1 1866 . CA OLIN , Sept ,

m . E ma 10 1868. , Sept ,

I D . 11 1881. W LLIAM AVIS, Jan ,

E J . 13 1882. B N AMIN HOLT, Sept ,

E E E M 28 1884 . M LIN CUSH AN, June ,

M . T R . 3 1906 . WILLIA D ICKNO married, Oct , , Ella Frances Wattles, of Canton

Children: M D T R . 15 1907. WILLIA AVIS ICKNO , Oct ,

BENJAMm N R 8 1909 . HOLT TICK O , Jan ,

E E E M T R m 20 1911 m i M LIN CUSH AN ICKNO arried, April , , Ja es Melv lle

Hunn ewell .

REDERI WI IAM TI T N F C LL L O , son of Benjamin 14 1839 and Lucinda (Newell) Tilton , was born May , , in M Cambridge , ass . He graduated in the English depart T I L T O N 75

in 1854 ment of the Cambridge High School , and entered

- the counting room of his brothers , who were engaged in business in Boston . He remained there nearly two years . He then returned to the High School and prepared for college in two years . Immediately after graduating from college he went abroad with our lamented Chapman for travel Af and further study . ter a trip through England , Scotland , d GOttin en Irelan , and parts of the continent , he went to g , i d entered the university , and stud e there nearly an academic 1863 year . Soon after his return , in the summer of , he was appointed instructor in Latin and Mathematics at the M H hl . an ig and Military Academy , in Worcester , ass In J 186 i uary, 7 , he was elected super ntendent of the public i f o . . scho ls of Newport, R I He held th s o fice until the

18 1 . . . Summer of 7 , when he was elected successor to Dr S H

T P li A . W aylor, as principal of hil ps Academy at ndover hile in Newport he represented Newport County in the first 1873 Rhode Island State Board of Education . In he was invited to assume the head - mastership of the Rogers

I. n School in Newport , R . , a new i stitution , founded from f f the endowment o the late William Sanford Rogers , o i Boston . Tilton res gned at Andover to accept this A position , and entered upon his new duties in the utumn f 18 3 o 7 . Tilton served many years in Newport as master of the Redwood Library and also as director of the People ’ s Li brary . He was long a member of the board of trustees of N the ewport Hospital , and served for several years as its 1 1 president . In 885 and 886 he travelled extensively with his il f fam y in Europe , having secured leave o absence for hi 1 0 ll t s period . In 89 he retired from a professional work , and lived with his family in Europe from 1890 to 1894 . Durin g this time two of his sons took German university on e W l degrees , , il iam , as Doctor ofPhilosophy , and the other ,

M i . Benjamin , as Doctor of edic ne Since his return to this country in 1894 he has lived in Cambridge . He has acted f f r as trustee o estates , and has served o many years as

- director of the Harvard Trust Company , and as vice presi dent and a member of the investment committee of a savings bank . Among the clubs with which he has been 6 ’ I Y —T O — 7 C L A S S O F S X T W H . U . associated are the Newport Reading Room and the Cam bridge Club .

d : o f . His present ad ress is Care Harvard Trust CO , Cam

d 86 . bridge , Mass . ; resi ence, Sparks Street l 1 1864 T Ju y 2 , , ilton married Ellen Trowbridge , of Cam

5 19 10 . bridge . Mrs . Tilton died January , CHILDREN

RE ER . 24 1868. WILLIAM F D IC, Feb ,

R E H . . 17 1869 . BENJAMIN TROWB IDG ( C , July ,

E E D . 29 1872. LL N MAU , Feb ,

N . C . 26 1878. EWELL WHITING (H Oct ,

r 1890 WILLIAM F . Tilton was at Harvard th ee years with the class of ; he is a

a . Ph . D. of Freiburg . He has written on historic l subjects He married

z C C . Eli abeth Hewes, of ambridge ; they live in ambridge

M . D. BENJAMIN T . TILTON holds a German degree of He is a surgeon in

C . . New York ity He married Anna Griggs, of Tacoma They have three

He artie . daughters, , Susan, and Maud

h . . E E . C . LL N M TILTON married ederic William Atherton (H , of Boston

T firm O. E E . C N W LL W ILTON is of the of Harding, Tilton , and , of New York,

Philadelphia, and Boston . He lives in New York . He married Mildred

. E E D E Bigelow, of New York They have two daughters, LL N and APHN .

A E'NE SON TRASK was J B L born in Freedom , 9 . 1 1831. as Me . , Oct , His early life w passed in the back of woods Maine in pioneer warfare . He fitted for college at Phillips Exeter Academy , and entered Harvard the

Sophomore year . After graduation he spent a year at

Port Royal , S . C . , another year as resident graduate at 1866 Cambridge , and graduated from the Divinity School in . r Having served a year as Indian agent in Colorado , he e turned to Cambridge in 1872; preached at West Cumming

. 18 3 ton , Mass , in 7 , was ordained in June, and settled in 1901 New Salem in November . In May , , he moved to of Orange . Here he spent the rest his life , occupying him i self with various literary , scientific , moral , and rel gious work ; he did a good deal of surveying in different parts of

. d the State He ied at the Massachusetts General Hospital , 0 8 19 9 . March , 16 18 3 Trask married , July , 7 , Lydia Maria Stratton ,

6 1900 . of Ne w Salem . Mrs . Trask died Aug . ,

* JOHN HARVEY TREA T s , son of James Augustu

Pi fil . . 23 . . rn Treat (H C , was b o in tts e d, N H , July , T U C K E 77

P A 1839 . He fitted for college at hillips ndover Academy . 1892 hi After graduation , until , he was in business with s i i father in Lawrence . H s interests were very v ar ous in H i character . e was an enthusiastic entomolog st and back woodsman ; he was much interested in history , genealogy , numismatics and inscriptions ; was a collector of rare books ; l mi and wrote several theo ogical treatises of a pole c character . In 1875 he was in Palestine with the American Exploration party ; the ancient coins collected on this trip were given

1887 l d H - l i i in to the New Eng an istoric Genea og cal Soc ety . In 1888 he gave to Harvard College his collection of works on Ritualism and Doctrinal Theology ; also his collection of 1901 u insects ; and , in , he gave the college a f nd to p ro cure every book on the Roman catacombs and the Christian antiquities ofItaly . He was a member of several histori cal and antiquarian societies .

Pi . 0 fil H NOV . 8 19 8 . He died at tts e d, N . , ,

EDWARD MORT T KE ON UC , son of Edward and M . a 3 Emily (Coburn) Tucke , was born in Lowell , Mass , y ,

184 0 . He fitted for college at the Lowell High School . 1863 In January , , he began business as a clerk for Messrs .

O . Wilson , Hamilton , and C , Boston , where he remained three years , and then became a partner of the firm of Hall , ul 186 Dame , and B lock ; he lived in Chicago until July , 8, 18 1 when he returned to Boston . In January , 7 , the name f o . the firm was changed to Dame, Tucke , and Co In 1872 e January , , he sold out his inter st , and , after a fe w

l . months spent in New York , returned to Lowel 1 4 In January , 87 , Tucke became secretary and treasurer f T ’ ’ o . the raders and Mechanics Insurance CO , a position f he still occupies . He has also been president o the Whittier Bl il ls le se x . Cotton , president of the Bl idd Trust Co in

Lowell , president ofthe Old Lowell National Bank (a posi tion held for many years by his father) , and president of the Lowell and Suburban Street Railway , now absorbed ’ is by the Massachusetts Electric Co s . He one of the Trus oi I S tees the City nstitution for avings , and a director in the Lowell Gas Light CO . Tucke has served as councilman and alderman at 8 ’ Y — — H 7 C L A S S O F S I X T T W O . U .

Lowell ; was in the Massachusetts Legislature in 1886 and 18 0 1887 ; and was elected to the State Senate in 9 .

Residence : 19 Varnum Street, Lowell .

Tucke married , Dec . 2, 1874 , Katharine Parker , of

Lowell .


E . 24 1875 5 1877 MILY, Aug , ; died May ,

R E . 10 1882 . 3 1885 . OW NA, Sept , ; died Jan ,

E R R ER 14 1884 di . 4 1884 . DWA D PA K , March , ; ed Oct ,

E R RE 10 1887 11 1911. DWA D HILD TH, June , ; died March ,

R ER 18 1890 . PA K , May ,

R 28 1892. KATHA INE , May ,

NR R f JOHN HE Y TUCKE , son o Ebenezer and s Eliza Bradly (Foster) Tucker, wa born in Cambridge,

19 1835 . Feb . , For several years before entering college he followed the occupation of a carriage - painter ; but in 1856 t he began o fit himself for college, finishing his studies at the Cambridge High School . Tucker had intended to study for the ministry ; but he decided that his country needed his services . In Sep

1862 r - tember , , he enlisted as a private in the Thi ty eighth i Massachusetts Reg ment , went with the regiment to n Louisiana , and was killed in the attack o Port Hudson , 27 8 3 May , 1 6 .

N JOH LANGB N A f . . O W RD, son o William R L and ’ . Buflalo . Y . Sophia A (Langdon) Ward , was born in , N ,

. 25 184 1. . Oct , He fitted for college at Salem , Mass , and

Portsmouth , N . H . 1 On April 15 , 861, Ward and Hodges , his classmate , pursuant to orders from the captain of the 'Salem Light Infantry (afterwards known as the Salem ouaves) , to which company they both belonged , left college and reported at Salem for active duty . The company was attached , as lun Company J, to the Eighth Regiment Massachusetts Vo M teer ilitia , the regiment that opened the way to Washing on ton Via Annapolis , and left Boston for Washington

18 1861. ' April , The ouaves , together with a detail from other companies of the regiment , were placed on board the old Constitution frigate at Annapolis , and , with the under W A R D 79 graduates of the Naval Academy and a few petty officers i i Ne w of the navy, brought the fr gate from Annapol s to

York ; then , returning to Washington , they were the first to enter that city by water after the war broke out . In

18 1 . September , 6 , Ward returned to college Af W ter graduation , ard began the study of law in Salem , 1862 Mass . ; but in September , , he raised a company of wa i which he s comm ssioned captain , and which was attached i M V to the Fift eth Regiment of assachusetts olunteers , of Th which Hodges was commissioned major . e regiment Y was attached to the Banks Exp edition , and left New ork N 1862 for e w Orleans in September , , serving in that depart n 1863 ment through the Port Hudson campaig . In July , , of T Ward was commissioned major the hird Infantry , Corps ’ Afri ue l f M f r d q , and detai ed as Commissary o usters o the corps on the staff of General George L . Andrews at Port 1 1 6 Hudson . H e resigned on July 2 , 8 4 , upon the consoli f dation o his regiment with another , and the breaking up f o the corps . He resumed the study of law under the late

Professor Dwight of the Columbia College Law School , was 1865 admitted to the bar in April , , and has since been a practising attorney in Ne w York . With the successive ' f Wa s afl firms o North , Ward , g t , and Ward , Hayden , f r Satterlee , he o nearly forty years was a tenant in the 1 0 Equitable Buildin g at 2 Broadway , until the building

u 19 12. was b rned in January , He is now with his firm 6 practising law at 1 Exchange Place . F r 1868 o three years , from January , , Ward was secre e l tary of the Union Leagu C ub of New York , In 1895 he was elected Senior Vice - Commander of the Commandery ofthe State of Ne w York of the Military Order of the Loyal of 19 10 Legion the United States , and in was elected its

- re 19 11. 190 19 10 commander, and elected in From 2 to

was N . 10 he commander of George Washington Post , o 3, of department New York , Grand Army of the Republic . In 19 10 he was elected president of the Dwight Alumni

r - 19 11 19 1 Association , and e elected in and 2.

In 1886 he crossed the ocean in the English - built yacht Miranda n . . , ow ed by his friend , George H B Hill , from t Cowes o New York as navigator . 80 C A S S ’ S I T Y —T W O — L O F X H . U . In 189 1 he accepted the Republican nomination for judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the City and Ne w county of York, meeting certain defeat , but by a l i sma ler major ty than was expected . Address : 16 P Exchange lace , New York . Residence : 125 74 th West Street .

W . 25 1871 ard married , Oct , , Ann Parry Ladd , second A daughter of lexander H . and Elizabeth W . (Jones) Ladd , f P O . ortsmouth , N . H


. 18 1872 i . A BOY, Sept , ; d ed the same day

EX DER LAD . 21 1874 . AL AN D, Jan ,

Bl I . 3 1 88 LES, Jan , 878; died Feb . 12, 1 1.

. 12 1880 . 13 1880 . A BOY, Dec , ; died Dec ,

E E . 12 1880. TH L, Dec ,

EX ER L R . 14 1904 C dl dl AL AND ADD WA D married, Dec , , aroline Du ey Ei itz, of

. hi d : M R D 2 E . 1 1908 O New York They have c l ren A ION UDL Y, Jan , , J HN L 25 1 1 AN . 9 1. GDON, Sept ,

E E WARD . 6 1910 C . TH L married, Aug , , arl A Mead, a practising lawyer in

C . : E E L . 2 the ity of New York They have one child LIZAB TH ADD, Sept ,


CHAR ES PICKARD WARE L , son of Henry Ware ,

. C . P r. W J , (H , and Mary Lovell ( ickard) are , was

. 11 184 0 8 born in Cambridge , Mass , June , . From 1 4 4 to 1 0 Bl il on 18 0 87 he lived in t ; since 7 in Brookline . He ’ fitted for college at T . Prentiss Allen s school at Sterling , ’ Dix ll . . we s . 1 and at E S school in Boston From July , 862,

A 1865 . C . to pril , , he was at Port Royal , S , as superintend

f n . ent o plantations o St Helena Island , the first season in the employ of the United States ; several of his letters ” e 0 appear in L tters from Port Royal , published in 19 6 . 1865 e an In M ay , , he b g to read law in Boston , in the office h

O . 1866 f William Brigham In February , , he entered the law school at Cambridge , where he remained one year . From 1867 to 1872 he taught a private school for boys in 1875—1876 Boston . In he helped to establish the Registra tion Bureau (now the Confidential Exchange) of the Asso ' i 187 l h c ate d Charities . In 7 he compi ed , with ot ers , Slave ” 8 18 0 Songs of the United States . From 1 77 to 8 he was

Instructor in English at Harvard College . Since November , 1889 Com , he has been with the American Bell Telephone

82 ’ — W — C L A S S O F S I X T Y T O H . U .

the Bunker Hill Fire Insurance Company at Charlestown . 1865 f In January , , he was made secretary o the company . f During the Summer and Fall o 1866 he was travelling,

finally settling in Cincinnati, , as agent for the Berk shire Life Insurance Company , in the meantime publishing several articles on the mathematical principles of life in surance . In the Spring of 1868 he returned to his farm in 1 9 West Dedham , and there remained until June, 86 , when he became clerk in the National Insurance Company in

Boston , where he remained un til the office was closed in 18 3 n f fir 7 , o account o losses sustain ed in the great Boston e

f 18 . o November, 72 The same Fall he was chosen president ofthe Dedham High School Association ; and in November , 18 3 1874 7 , delivered the annual address . In January, , he was chosen one ofthe surveyors ofthe Boston Fire Under ’ a h f 8 5 writers Union , position e held until the Fall o 1 7 , when the Union ceased active operations . In 1877 he pub lishe d a work ofreference for the use of insurance companies ' entitled A Schedule ofthe Buildings and their Occupancy on the Principal Streets and Wharves in the City ofBoston . In 1879 he became connected with the Shawmut Insurance

f . 8 Company o Boston In 1 82 he was in Buffalo , engaged in the general lake and canal transportation busin ess . In 1884 to July , , he returned Boston , and accepted the position o fChief Inspector ofthe Boston Board ofFire Underwriters .

In January , 1888, Whitin g left Boston to assume the position of manager of the New Orleans Board o f Fire Underwriters ; this position he retained until the Board S went to pieces in the pring of 1890 . At that time he was oflered the position ofSuperintendent ofthe Survey Depart f ment o the Boston Board ; but, having in the meantime been offered the secretaryship of the Philadelphia Fire

Underwriters Association , he accepted the latter position instead . After remaining here for two years , he returned f1 9 i in the Spring o 8 2to New Orleans , as the chief nspector

f - o the re organized New Orleans Board . In February , 1893 , he was elected secretary of the Crescent Insurance

Company of that city . After serving three years in this 1896 position he became interested , in the Spring of , in a mining venture in Central America , to which he devoted W I L S O N 83

l the next four years ; but , this having proved a fai ure, he re turned to the United States . S f 1901 W Since the ummer o , hiting has been connected with the rating department of the New York Fire In sur hi ance Exchange , devoting s attention more especially to the

- rating of the large , special hazard , manufacturing risks N Y 0 e w . M 19 located in ork City and Brooklyn In ay , 7 , he delivered an address on Rating Associations before the insurance class of New York University . A r s 1 3 dd es : 2 W Ne . illiams Street, w York

. 12 1885 Bl r . Whiting married , Jan , , s Elizabeth Carleton i (Pa ge) Pease , of Buffalo , daughter of James Henry Paige , i of e . . . . 20 190 . L wiston , N Y Mrs Wh ting died Dec , 7

I IAM GRIGGS WI SON f W LL L , son o Edward Chase and Emmeline Fuller (Griggs) Wilson , was born in Spring

. 4 184 2. field , Mass , March , He fitted for college at the

S . Brookline High chool After graduating , he entered the hi Law f . Harvard School , taking s degree o LL B . in 1864 . 1865 t In February , , he went o New York ; was a student for f of C e li a while in the o fice Marsh , o , and Wal s ; and , after t his admission o the bar, began practising law in part i 18 n e rsh p with Hamilton Wallis . In 79 the firm became W Marsh , ilson , and Wallis , afterwards , and still , Wilson 1 0 and Wallis . Mr . Wallis retired in 9 5 . My practice has been o fthe old- fashioned sort ; I do not look with favor on the commercial spirit which in these days has taken such hold upon the profession .

Wilson has been Judge Advocate in the First Brigade , Ne w 187 York National Guard ; and in January , 5 , he b e

li - f T came major , and later eutenant colonel , o the welfth 1 Infantry , resigning his commission in 884 . Addres : s 4 8 . . Wall Street , N Y Re i : h s dence 28 West 4 7t Street . 9 1869 Wilson married, April 2 , , Henrietta Crocheron , f Ne . 1 6 o w York . Mrs . Wilson died Feb 22, 87 .


V R N R C HER . 1870 . I GI IA C O ON, Feb ,

R RE E 1871. MA GA T CHAS , March,

E R E . 1873 d 2 1896 . DWA D CHAS , Sept , ; die May ,

E RI ETT . 1874 . H N A , Oct , 84 ’ S I T Y —T — C L A S S O F X W O H . U .

V R NI . a 1896 i d I GI A C WILSON was m rried, in , to Albert W lliam Er man, an w engineer connected ith the General Electric Company, Schenectady .

ER E R . ER . They have two sons, ALB T WILLIAM and DWA D W DMAN

M AR RE C . 1904 GA T WILSON was married, in , to Arthur Stanley Runyon, of

New York City . 1 1882 Wilson married , June , , Louise Sands , daughter f of John M . Sands , o Brooklyn .

M . 17 1884 . H m MALCOL SANDS, Nov , e is as yet un arried, and lives with

his parents . Temporary M ernhers of the Class

RAN IS ARNE F C B S entered Sophomore , and left college at the beginning of the Junior year . R L E MA CUS E MER BENN TT was born in Wayland ,

l 19 184 2. H e d Mr. W . Ju y , fitte for college with illiam F

Allen . He left college at the end of the Freshman year .

For a time he was in business in Foochow, China . On his return he became cashier of the Fourth National Bank of

. di 18 6 n Boston He ed in Cambridge, May 5 , 7 , leavi g two o i children , a b y and a g rl . ’ V in 1874 . Bennett married , , at St Luke s , Caterham alley , M hil Surrey , England , adame Madeleine Gertrude Sc ler , the i ui d sting shed pianist . * WILLIAM ANDREWS BROWNE was born in Bos 1 0 22 84 . ton , July , He left college at the end of the Fresh M i his man year and entered the edical School , tak ng degree

1864 . in He entered the medical department of the army , and was assigned to hospital duty at the camp at Readville . 1865 1 From to 868 he practised in Boston . In the Spring of 1868 l 1873 he went to Vienna , where he remained unti ,

. All m . . practising in the K K . ge Krankenhaus 1 9 He died in 8 7 .

EWI TI . Y . L S LLMAN CARTER was born in Troy , N ,

25 184 1. F N 15 1859 . March , He died at iskhill, . Y May , N CO SALVO CLAGETT was born in Upper Marlboro ,

. M 1 84 . Md , arch 7, 1 2 He left college at the end of the

Freshman year .

A U U TU R KE s . , G S S C OC R was born at Taunton , Ma s

. 6 184 0 Oct , . He left college at the end ofthe Sophomore year .

890 . He died in New York City , May 1, 1 ’ — — 86 A I T Y T W O H . C L S S O F S X U .


Thaddeus Marshall and Mary (Brooks) Cross , was born A 1 839 . t of in Saugus , May 7 , 1 the end the Freshman year he joined the class of 1863 ; and he graduated with New that class . He studied medicine in York, receiving D 8 . 18 the degree of M . in 6 from the Bellevue Hospital

Medical College .

Address: 35 28 . 2 West th Street , New York

* JEREMIAH CURTIN son of David and Ellen

as i . 6 (Furlong) Curtin , w born in Greenfield , W s , Sept ,

183 . 8 He entered college the second term Freshman . He

f1863 . joined the class o , graduating with that class He was n at o e time s ecretary of the American Legation at St .

Petersburg . He was best known for his knowledge of foreign languages and his translations from the Polish .

1 1872 . f He married , July 7 , Alma M Cardelle , o Warren ,

14 1906 . Vt . He died Dec . ,

R SWA D HER ERT E N T f . O L B S , son o Andrew H and

184 . Sarah (Otis) Ernst , was born in Cincinnati , June 27 2 f He left college at the end o the Sophomore year , and entered f West Point Academy , graduating, as first lieutenant o

186 . f engineers , in 4 He was with the Army o the Tennessee f r fo r f o a time ; then , about four years , he was in charge o

P ifi ' 1871 18 8 as work on the ac c Co ast . From to 7 he w r 1878 1886 was in st uctor at West Point . From to he engaged on the Bl ississippi improvement works ; for most ofthe time he had charge o fthe work between the 1 6 and Ohio rivers . In 88 he was transferred to Galveston , where he was busy for three years improvin g the harbors 1 9 of Texas . From 889 to 18 2 he was at Washington , in

f . 1892 charge o public buildings and grounds In March , , he was appointed Superintendent of West Point Academy ; 1898 he resigned in 1898 . In he saw service in the war with

Spain . 1867 1882 Ernst was commissioned captain in , major in ,

1 03 - on his colonel in February , 9 , and brigadier general

1906 . retirement from the army, June 27 Besides the f o f prosecution o public works , he has directed surveys — — P A X ONg—GA R D N E R G OI N G G OU L D 87

on r various rivers and harbors , has served sund y boards of n Bl issouri engineers , o the river and Isthmian Canal m Com issions , and has made special reports for various railways ; he has also served as chairman of the American H section of the International Waterways Commission . e is ' P ” the author ofa Manual of ractical Military Engineering . Ad s : 1 21 dres 3 W . Connecticut Avenue, ashington , D C .

N . 3 1 66 Ernst married , OV , 8 , Elizabeth Amory Le e ,

f . of M daughter o Gen William Raymond Le e , Roxbury , ass .


E E M R . 1 1867 . H L N A O Y, Sept ,

E BE LEE 17 1871. LIZA TH , Feb ,

* NA THANIE AX ON in . 2 L F was born Boston , Jan ,

18 0 . 4 He left college at the end of the Freshman year . 1903 He died Oct . 27, .

RAN I E ARDNER F C S LOW LL G was born in Boston ,

4 184 1. of . . June , He died diphtheria at Cotuit, Mass , Feb

10, 1861.

* HENRY ARRETT GOING son of hn B , Jo Kendal and Harriet (Barrett) Going , was born in Shirley, Mass . ’

1839 . March 7, He fitted for college at Lane and Lo vering s school in Cambridge . He entered Sophomore ; soon after i d of 1863 wards he jo ne the class , but did not graduate ; his health was poor ; he left college in his Junior year, and

w . spent the t o years in travel With improved health , he went in to the wool business in Boston , Flagg, Going , and 1880 CO . In January , , he received an appointment in the

Custom House which he held until 1886 . He died in Gro

. 14 19 11. ton, Mass , June ,

. 28 1867 Going married , Oct , , Nellie Lee Chambers ,

f f hi hi . daughter o Daniel Chambers , o P ladelp a They had three children .

A L LD was S M UEL SHE TON GOU born in Cambridge ,

1 184 3 . f Jan . , At the end o the Freshman year he left

1861 n 1863 . college, but returned in , and joi ed the class of 1862 M In September , , he enlisted in the Thirteenth assa ’ T Y —T — 88 I W O H . C L A S S O F S X U .

ch usetts Regiment , joined the regiment a few days before ’ e m an the battle ofAn ti ta , d was killed in that battle, Sept .

17, 1862.

R T HIN EDGAR ADELBE T H U C S, son of Hiram and i S N. Y . Cam lla (Holt) Hutchins , was born in pringfield , ,

June 27 184 3 . He left the class at the end of the first term f o the Sophomore year , and graduated with the class of Ne w d 1863 . He practised law in York , afterwar s in

Boston . He has been away from home for three years , on account Ofsickness . 19 1869 Hutchins married , Jan . , , Hattie C . Easter

T . brook . hey had six children


16 184 2. more, Jan . , He left college at the end of the

Sophomore year . He went into business in Baltimore ,

- at first in a commission dry goods house , afterwards , from

86 . 1 6 to the end of his life , as an insurance agent He died

30 1890 . in Baltimore , May , l 186 K i h er 7 . e g married , in November ,


E . 19 1868. S LINA, Aug ,

e i hl 1 6 Mrs . K g er died in April , 8 9 . He married again

1885 . in June ,

P P N KENNEDY MC HERSO was born in Chicago , 3 1 4 1 Feb . 2 , 8 . He left college at the end ofthe first term

Freshman .

* JOHN WITHERSPOON LABOUISSE of , son John Lab uisse Was Peter and Theodora Maria (Smith) o , born in M 19 1 1 a 84 . New Orleans , y , He fitted for college at the f schools o New Orleans , and entered Sophomore . He left 1 ’ college in the Spring of 186 , enlisted as a private in Dre ux s

Battalion , was elected captain , saw service in Virginia , T returned to New Orleans , assisted to organize the hir n h te e t Louisiana Regiment, and was elected one of its cap tains . He served through the entire war , part of the time

’ — 90 C A - L S S O F S I X T Y T W O H . U .

1908 Brewster in Chicago . In he was a market gardener in Newburyport . 1859 T n f Marsh married , in , Nellie oppa , o Newburyport .

1861. He had a son , born in


30 184 0 . ford , Mass . , April , He entered Sophomore . He f 1861 left college in the Autumn o , and joined the army of was the Ohio , as surgical dresser ; afterwards he with the tw Army ofthe Potomac . He spent o years studying medi

i of M . D. cine n Paris , and took his degree at Harvard in 1874 1866 . In June , , he became mentally deranged , and was sent to the hospital at Worcester . He was afterwards ’ removed to Dr . Howes establishment at Pepperell . He was found drowned in a brook at this place , May 9 , 1875 ; it is supposed that he died May 7 .

AAC HOWARD AGE IS P was born in Billerica , Mass . , f 9 18 0 . o Nov . , 4 He left college at the end the first term

f18 4 . Freshman . He graduated with the class o 6 He died

1866 . March 2,

R IN f . GEORGE PE K S, son o J Perkins , was born in

. f r . . 21 184 1 o Ipswich , Mass , Feb , He fitted college at the i Woburn High School . He left college n the Sophomore 1861 1864 year . From to he served in the Sixth New York

Battery . After the war , he was for six years master of a grammar school in Woburn ; afterwards for many years a ’ teacher in the Phillips School , Boston . He died at Woburn ,

15 1890 . Oct . ,

1882. His first wife died in April , He married again in 4 December , 188 .

AMI T N ORTER CHARLES H L O P was born in Lynn , f 3 184 . o NOV . , 2 He left college at the end the Sophomore 18 1862 year . He died at Melrose , Sept . , .

A N TA YL R PHENRY M SO O was born in Andover , f 19 184 0 . o Mass . , June , He left college at the end the

first term Freshman . T E M P L E —T I T U S —W E L D —W E L L S 9 1

* EM L WILLIAM JAMES T P E, son of Robert and

Katharine (James) Temple , was born at Albany , March 29 ,

f our . 184 2. A ter a year at Yale , he entered Sophomore class 1861 He was suspended in the Spring of , and did not return 5 18 1 to college ; but obtained , Aug , , 6 , a commission as ’ captain in the Seventeenth U . S . Infantry , Sykes Division ,

Army of the Potomac . He was killed at Chancellorsville , 1 1863 May , .

* ENE H N TI EUG E RY TUS was born in Boston , f 6 1 5 . Nov . 1 , 83 He left college at the end o the first term

Freshman . He entered the ministry . He died at George

M . 1 18 6 . town , ass , July 2 , 7

AMI R D AN E - BENJ N O M W LD, son of Francis

Minot and Elizabeth (Rodman) Weld, was born in Jamaica 1 f Plain , July 2, 84 2. He left college at the end o the Junior year . f ll f He was president o the Lyman Mi s , treasurer o the ll Oriental Print Works and Suncook Bl i s, and director in many other manufacturing and fin ancial corporations . He was especially interested in Forest Hills Cemetery, and spent much time in overseeing the management of its f afiairs and in the care o the grounds . hi 909 He died at s home in Jamaica Plain , Nov . 27 1 .

* CHARLE ART ETT E f S B L W LLS, son o Charles was Bartlett and Maria Louisa (Binney) Wells , born in

5 184 1. Boston , Sept . , He fitted for college at the Boston l f Latin School . He left col ege at the end o the Freshman 1 9 year , and went to farming in the West . In 87 he return ed to Boston , and entered the employ of the National Bell r Telephone Company . At fi st he had charge of their records ; afterwards he became cashier of the 'Telephone Despatch ” Company (the Boston company) , retaining the same E d position under its successor , the New nglan Telephone 189 and Telegraph Company , until May , 3, when on account of i ill health he res gned . 9 ’ I T Y —T O — 2 C L A S S O F S X W H . U .

’ suflerin After many years of g, borne with wonderful

3 190 . fortitude and cheerfulness , he died March , 2 9 1868 i Wells married , Aug . , , Lou sa Trumbull Blake . CHILD

L UI . 6 1869 . She 4 1889 ul r O SA Oct , was married, May , , to Gerald H l G ay

. C il r ER NE R E B (H They have three ch d en; G ALDI HULL, CHA L S .


* N WINTHR P H O . JO , son of Robert Charles (H C . , 1828 B was ) and Eliza Cabot ( lanchard) Winthrop , born in

0 184 1. 1863 Boston , June 2 , He joined the class of , gradu

n . ati g with that class After graduation , he engaged in farm ing at Stockbridge ; and he served one or two terms in the

Massachusetts Legislature . He died in Stockbridge, Sept .

18, 1895 . M 30 1864 Winthrop married , arch , , Isabella Copeland

f . Weyman , daughter o John Weyman

94 C A S ’ — — L S O F S I X T Y T W O H . U .

R E 7 184 1. R E . 30 184 2. G INN LL, May , P I ST, Jan ,

9 184 1. REE E . 12 184 2. BALCH, May , G N , Feb ,

Labouisse 19 184 1. 4 184 2. , May , WILSON, March ,

R 24 184 1. E ER 7 184 2 B IGHAM, May , FL TCH , March .

ar ner 4 184 1. Cla G d , June , gett, March 17, 184 2.

F 16 84 1. Tem le 2 1 R 1 9 84 2. G A TON, June , p , March ,

Winthro 20 184 1. 3 184 2. p , June , FOLSOM, April ,

E 12 184 1. RR E 4 184 2. STON , July , BU AG , May ,

. REE . 13 184 1. D 6 184 2. A D, Aug , WIGHT, May ,

E . 14 184 1. E u 25 184 2. FISK , Aug , SOUL , J ne ,

R . 15 184 1. Ernst 2 84 2. WASHBU N, Aug , , June 6, 1

EE . 28 184 1. Weld ul 2 184 2. K GAN, Aug , , J y ,

Wells . 5 184 1. oss 3 184 2. , Sept , G , July ,

E . 9 184 1. Bennett l 184 2. NSIGN, Sept , , Ju y 19 ,

EMA . 15 184 1. R l 19 184 2. COL N, Sept , CU TIS, Ju y ,

T R E . 29 184 1. T R . 3 184 2. A B LL, Sept , ICKNO , Aug ,

C . R ER . 16 184 1. ER . 26 184 2. CA T , Oct , KIDD , Oct ,

R . 25 184 1. C . H . Porter . 3 184 2. WA D, Oct , , Nov , l . 8 84 1. Gou . E 1 d 1 184 3 . HODG S, Dec , , Jan ,

. . REE . 13 184 1. R E . 8 184 3 . J S D, Dec , MCBU N Y, Feb ,

R . 4 184 2. E . 19 184 3 . STODDA D , Jan , HAV N, Feb ,

Kei hler . 16 184 2. Hutch ins 27 184 3 . g , Jan , , June ,

E . 21 184 2. BLAK , Jan , i 6 1866 . Elizabeth Wilcox Ingersoll . Philadelph a, June ,

L . e . 1 1863 . BALLOU ucretia B Howland New B dford, Dec ,

n C 9 1869 . Mary A nette Hawkes helsea , June , Ella Maria Short

15 , 1885 .

field 4 R E m Pitts . 1 1865 . BA TL TT Agnes Po eroy , Oct ,

8 8 . 0 0 i Lowell, Dec . 1 , 1 69 ; hi 22 . e . r v . . 1869 Abbie F ances Ho ) Haver ll, June ,

ra shiel Lo . 18 rownin d 25 9 . Co C ngwood, Feb , 7

20 18 4 . Mary A. Thomas July , 6 19 1870 Boston, May , .

R . P 31 1863 . CHADBOU N Adelaide S eters . Boston, May ,

EM i . S . Y. 8 COL AN Jul a H Raynor yracuse, N , April ,

1863 .

R I nn L . 19 1875 . CU T S A a overing Boston, Oct ,

29, 1868.

D AM Pim W Pa. ILLINGH Mary est Chester, , July

H . . . 18 1865 . Marianne Welch Roxbury, Oct ,

B . L n 6 1872. Mary Bartlett . yn , June ,

. L B . 25 1869 . Grace A ittle . oston, Mar ,

r D . 14 1870. Kate Washburn . . Roxbu y, ec ,

ni . C P I. . 19 Jen e F lapp . awtucket, R . , Nov ,

1873. ' l'i r B 12 1886 . FOLSOM Martha cker Washbu n oston, May ,

1 2. Maria L . Draper Salem, Apr . 25, 87

L . un B . 10 1878. Helen Yo g oston, Jan ,

W r B t ul 11 1865 . Elizabeth Tucker ashbu n . os on, J y ,

hi . . P SO e . p B Dallas . hiladelphia

C li . 11 1871. atherine El ott Russell . Plymouth, Oct ,

. H . . Eunice W Healey Hampton Falls, N . , Aug

23, 1871. 35 Erie, Pa. , Jan. 22, 1867.

ia . . Philadelph , Oct

n a S . 18 A ne Mary Maynard . Const ntinople, ept ,

1878. 96 ’ — — H C L A S S O F S I X T Y T W O . U .

LE C . l 24 . COMPTE Frances Eliza Draper Windsor, onn , Ju y


1869 . New Bedford, June,

Al i Gl ckh err . L . 26 1864 . bert ne y St ouis, Oct ,

. 16 186 . . r 7 Susan Sturgis Roxbu y, Jan ,

hi hi 1891. P ladelp a, June,

. 6 1868 . Mary Gertrude Dana . Boston, Oct ,

. L Pittsfield . 1869 . Sarah E earned . , Nov ,

. r NC V . 11 1869 . Elizabeth Fisher Homer Roxbu y, ,

i 13 1868 . Mary Hay Philadelphia, Apr l , 2 Althea Train Framingham, June 1 , 1867 .

' O. . E . o 7 P ABODY Margaret A G ddard anesville, , Nov ,

1866 .

R ER . C un 15 1865 . PO T Hattie A Allen ambridge, J e , 26 18 RE . 78 . P NTISS Margaret de Koven Beach New York, June ,

R E . . 30 1866 . P I ST Mary Wallis Whittier Sidney, Me , Sept ,

i 20 1877 . 'UINCY 'u ncy, June ,

. . 17 1865 . READ Elise H Welch West Newton, Oct ,

28 1866 . Elizabeth H . Webster Boston, Oct . , REE A’ D’ M ll m . 3 1892. . cCo o Mary H Brooklyn, Dec ,

REE . . r . . C i . 29 1870 . D, J S Flo ence A D Scammon h cago, Dec ,

R ER . . . . Le . 7 1886 . OG S, F W M K ach Boston, Sept ,

R ER . . C 24 1878. OG S, H M lara Kathleen Barnett Boston, April ,

R E C . . I. . 26 SA G NT, S Mary Robeson Tiverton, R , Nov ,

1873 .

R E . é B . 2 1873 . SA G NT, W Aim e Rotch oston, Dec ,

Lo . H . New ndon, N , Sept .

9 , 1874 .

. mm . . C . 1 1870 . Sara A Ti erman helsea, Nov ,

. . 15 1868. Eliza Blanchard Gardner . Boston, Oct ,

L s C . St. L . 9 1878 . oui e harless Farwell ouis, Oct ,

. C . 1869 . Ruth M hapin Dubuque, Iowa,

C C . C . 8 1865 . aroline ushman Boston, June ,

Cambridge, July 21, 1864 .

TR L 16 1873 . ASK ydia Maria Stratton New Salem, July , 2 Lowell, Dec . , 1874 .

L . . Ann Parry add Portsmouth, N H Oct

25, 1871.

L S . 1 1870 . Elizabeth awrence Appleton . Roxbury, ept ,

23 1871. Katharine Sedgwick Valerio . New York, Nov. , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mary Doughty

fialo . 12 18 C . Bu 85 . Elizabeth arleton (Paige) , Jan , Pease 29 1869 WILSON Henrietta Crocheron New York, April ,

L B 1 1882. ouise Sands rooklyn, June ,

98 A S S ’ S — — C L O F I X T Y T W O E . U .

RN E L . 5 1869 . CHADBOU Hannah incoln Oct , L l 2 1 18 . Thomas inco n March , 71

z . 4 18 4 . Eli a Gray Oct , 7 16 18 March , 79.

1903 . 3 . . C . 0 1882 Waldemar Arens (H ) Sept ,

21 1884 . Alexander Scammel March ,

. 4 1885 . Arthur Wallingford Nov , M 1 E 29 865 . COL AN Henry Woodward April ,

. 16 1866 . Gilbert Payson Aug , D ENP R 28 1870 AV O T Benella June , m Ca bellin a . . 10 1876 . p Nov ,

C . 25 1878. William ampbell Oct ,

D Nov . 11 1873 . ILLINGHAM Anna Pim , 22 18 5 . April , 7 .

. 21 1878. Oct ,

April 16, 1880 .

4 Alice Bartlett July , 1875 . 3 1 Adelaide Rebecca Sept . 2 , 879 .

Sept . 1, 1885 .

2. . 17 187 Elisabeth Mary Warren . July ,

n . 27 1874 . Joh ston Richard John Jan ,

n . 5 18 6 . Harold Joh Warren Jan , 7

. 21 1877 . Thornton Oliver Maurice . Feb ,

E C . C 1894 . 28 18 2. FISK George onverse (H ) Feb , 7

r 18 . 8 4 . f . C 97 . 15 1 7 Hen y Metcal (H ) Oct ,

Mary Elliot Aug . 31, 1879 .

E ER 19 1875 . FL TCH Grace Webster July ,

Dec . 7, 1877 .

. 27 1879 . Sarah Preston Oct ,

8 1. Samuel Adams July 30, 1 8

March 27 1884 .

23 1873 . Francis Draper . July ,

. 12 1879 . Miriam Helen Dec ,

10 1882. Mary Sprague June ,

e . C 1909 . . 9 1886 . Thomas Samu l (H ) Feb ,

REE E . 26 1874 . G N Albert Emerson Aug ,

19 1878 . Florence Wentworth May ,

R E C 30 1866 . G INN LL harles Ewald Washburn June , F . 14 1873 . rank Washburn Dec ,

HEDGE Lucia Russell William Russell Henry Rogers

HUIDEKOPER . F. W . Gracie

L . 1896 8 1874 . C . Frederic ouis (H ) March ,

Reginald Shippen (H . C 1898) May 24 , 1876 .

. S . H EKOPER . 86 H UID 12 1 5 . Emma Gertrude Oct . ,

2 1 7O. Thomas Wallis Feb . , 8

C C i 7 1872. harles hamberla n . Sept . ,

8 1878. Nov. ,

8 2. Pamelia Archer Feb . 14 , 1 8

Wi ' 3 1887 . lliam Henry Aug . , C H I L D R E N

. 13 1880 . KIDDER Anne Maynard Aug ,

H . . 1904 . 31 1882. r C . Henry Mayna d ( , ) Oct , Dorothy Laura

L MP i . 10 1865 . EC O TE Frank Edw n Nov ,

r . 1 1868 . Adelaide F ances Aug 7,

u H . C 1893 24 1870 . Walte r Aug stus ( ) July ,

8 3 . Jan . 13, 1 7

l ckh err 10 1866 . Casimir G y June ,

9 1868. Hayden Young May ,

18 0 . Feb . 14 , 7

8 2. April 7, 1 7

. 26 1867. MCBURNEY Oct ,

. 7 1870 . Oct ,

6 18 3 . Sept . , 7

19 1869 . Mabel Gertrude July ,

. C 1897 . . 30 1873 . Philip Dana (H ) Oct ,

11 18 8. Julia Appleton Feb . , 7

i . 11 1872. Rose Stand sh Jan ,

8 3 . Dec . 21, 1 7

Nov . 14 1875 . Sidney Homer ,

30 1879 . Margaret Homer Oct . ,

. 26 1869 . Kate Hay Feb ,

1 . Florence Dec . 25 , 871

. 2 1873 . Mary Oct ,

l . . 1890 . 0 868. s C . 1 1 PAYSON Gilbert Ru sel (H , ) Oct ,

. 19 1870 . Edith . Oct ,

18 3 . April 5, 7

C 20 1875 . Samuel ushing April ,

f . 1898 . 1 18 . C C . 77 Charles li ford (H ) Feb ,

B . 9 1867 . PEA ODY Charles Nov ,

H . C . . 9 1866 . Charles Allen ( , . Sept ,

. 23 1868. Hortense Isabella Oct ,

s . 21 1872. Edith Eli e Oct ,

. 26 1874 . Rosamond Sept ,

H . C . . . 10 1868. PRIEST George Wesley ( , Aug ,

. 3 1870 . Jessie Whittier Aug ,

H . . . 3 2. Benjamin Sidney ( C , 1895) Aug 2 , 187

. 13 1875 . Mabel Eaton Nov ,

ni . 26 1883 . Wi fred Morse Dec ,

Dorothy Dec . 4 , 1885 . n Eli or March 11, 1888 . m 5 r 189 . 10 8 0 . RE H . C . 1 7 AD John Bert a ( ) Dec ,

NOV . 17, 1872.

May 9 , 1881.

18 4 . March 7 , 9

13 8 . Sept . , 1 71

. 17 1872. Sept ,

Mary Florence Feb . 13, 1876 .

Feb . 14 , 1878. 2 Aug . 8, 1874 .

. C 1900 . 2 1876 . Andrew Robeson (H ) Dec ,

8 1878. April ,

C . 1 2 . H C 90 . 7 1880 harles Sprague ( ) March ,

26 1882. March , C A S S ’ — — L O F S I X T Y T W O E . U .

B EY S . 15 18 1. SI L Frank Palmer ept , 7

i 21 1873. Marion T cknor March ,

. 15 187 . Arthur Emerson Feb , 5

. 2 1881. Helen Feb , Katherine Margaret Robert Hinckly Francis Gardner SOULE Ruth Maynard Dorothea Winsor Charles Carroll Barbara Caroline

i . 11 1881. William Dav s Jan ,

amin . 13 Ban 1882. j Holt Sept ,

C 28 1884 . Emeline ushman June ,

T . 24 1868. ILTON Feb ,

July 17, 1869 .

Ellen Maud Feb . 29, 1872.

. 0 2 W H C 19 0 . . 6 1878. Newell hiting ( ) Oct ,

T E . 24 18 5 . UCK Aug , 7

Rowena Sept . 10, 1882.

14 1884 . Edward Parker May , Edward Hildreth June Parker May Katharine May

Alexander Ladd . Miles A boy

. 18 3 WAR E Henry (H C . 9 ) Mary Appleton Marion Susan William Mayhew Frank Alexander Brissengen Watson McLe ary WILSON Virginia Crocheron Margaret Chase Edward Chase Henrietta Malcolm Sands

102 C A S S O F ’ — — L S I X T Y T W O H . U .



Ma 8 . E E 5 1 76 LABOUI SSE . 7 1896 . B NN TT, y , , Dec ,

R NE 1897 . NR E Ma 7 1875 . B OW , MU O , y ,

Ma 15 1859 . ER L . T R E 2 1886 . CA T , y , PAG , March ,

ERK . 15 1890. P INS, Oct ,

Ma 1 1890 . R ER R ER C . H . . 18 1862. C OCK , y , PO T , , Sept ,

R N . 14 1906 . T R CU TI , Dec , AYLO

X N . 2 1903 . O 7 T E P E Ma 1 1863. FA , Oct , M L , y ,

R ER . 10 1861. T 21 1876 . GA DN , Feb , ITUS, July ,

GomG 14 19 11. EL NOV . 27 1909 . , June , W D, ,

. 17 1862. E 3 1902. GOULD , Sept , W LLS, March ,

KEI a 0 1890. 18 18 5 . GHLER M 3 R . 9 , y , WINTH OP, Sept , The Class in the War

' — Taken from Harvard Un iversity in the War of1861 1865 b Fran cis H Brown y .

These died in service . Their n ames are on the tablets in M emorial Hall.


M . 4 th . . . 17 1861. Private Batt Mass V , April ,

C ai 20th . . 10 1861. apt n Mass Vols , July ,

M . 19 1862. 4 9th . . NOV . Colonel Mass V , ,

57th . . . 17 1863 . Colonel Mass Vols , Aug - ,

. . . . 22 1864 . Brig General U S Vols , June ,

t . . . . . 13 1865 . Maj General U S Vols , March ,

ul 16 1866 . Resigned, J y ,

Pittsfield s . . 17 1876 . Died at , Ma s , Dec ,


. . . . N 30 1862. Act Asst Paymaster U S June ,

off L . . Died New Orleans , a , Oct


33d . . 7 1862 Private Mass Vols Aug ,

S L 33 18 1863. d . econd ieutenant Mass Vols May , l L n . . 29 1863. Ki led at ookout Mountain, Ten , Oct ,


a 4 . V . 13 1862. r L th . Fi st ieutenant and Adjut nt Mass ols , Dec ,

. 28 1863 . Mustered out Aug ,

1 1890. Died March ,

TR E CHARLES OWBRIDG DWIGHT . S 0 6 L 7 th . . . . 1 18 1. econd ieutenant N Y Vols , Oct ,

L 7oth . . . 1 1862. First ieutenant N Y Vols Dec ,

l 1 1864 . Discharged for disabi ity, June ,

l . 10 1884 . Died at Brook ine, Mass , March ,


4 4 th . M . . 2 2 P . S 1 186 . rivate Mass V , ept ,

18 1863. Mustered out June ,


P 4 9th . S M . 1 62 . 9 18 . rivate Mass V , ept . ,

1 1863 . Mustered out Sept . ,

24 1872. Died at Samarang, Java, March , 104 S ’ — — C L A S O F S I X T Y T W O H . U .

L . . A. 13 1864 . First ieutenant Engineers U S , June ,

t . C . . 13 1865 . aptain U S Vols March ,

. A. . Captain Engineers U . S , March 7, 1867

. S . A. 5 1882. Major Engineers U , May ,


P 4 l st . . S . 29 1862. rivate Mass Vols , ept ,

L 4 l st . . Dec . 13 1862. Second ieutenant Mass Vols , ,

L 3d . . 2 1863 . First ieutenant Mass Cav , Oct . 7

P S 2 1864 . . A ul 2 Major and Additional aymaster U . ., J y ,

. 23 1 6 Resigned Sept , 8 4 .

27 1903. Died Feb .


P 38th . . . 21 1862. rivate Mass Vols , Aug ,

S L 56th . V . 30 econd ieutenant Mass ols , July ,

L 56th . . 23 First ieutenant Mass Vols , June ,

s . 31 1865 . Discharged for di ability Jan ,

56th . . 3 1865 . Captain Mass Vols , April ,

ul 12 186 . Mustered out J y , 5

6 1907. Died March ,


L 2d . V . . 1 1861. Second ieutenant Mass ols , Nov ,

L 2d . . 21 1862. First ieutenant Mass Vols , July ,

2d s . . . 9 1862. Captain Mas Vols , Nov ,

Ave sb u h . a 16 1865 . Killed near ry oro g , N C M rch ,


L m 7th . S . . T . . 5 1865 . First ieutenant and 'uarter aster, U C , Jan ,

13 18 . Resigned Aug . , 66

D . 16 1903. ied Oct ,


S 162 . S . 20 18 2 L d . . 6 . econd ieutenant N Y Vols , ept ,

162d . . V . . 1863 . First Lieutenant N Y ols , Feb

L . 25 1863. Died at Baton Rouge, a , June ,


M . . 12 1 62 P 4 4 th . S 8 rivate Mass V. , ept , .

M . 5 6 r L 4 4 th . . . 1 18 3. Fi st ieutenant Mass V , Jan ,

18 1863. Mustered out June ,


P M . . 26 1862. 4 5th . . rivate Mass V , Sept ,

. 9 1863. Discharged for disability, Feb ,

. . 17 1867 . Died at Roxbury, Mass , Dec ,


M. 18 1861 L 8 . V. Private Salem ight Infantry, th Mass , April , .

. 1 1861. Mustered out Aug ,

106 ’ — — H C L A S S O F S I X T Y T W O . U .

L . . 57th . . . 5 1863. First ieutenant and 'M Mass Vols , Nov ,

l 30 1865 . Mustered out Ju y ,

29 1898. Died at Watertown, Mass ., June ,


. m . . 6 1862. . N Act Asst Pay aster U . S Nov ,

18 1865. Resigned March ,


. M . . 1862. 4 5th . 26 Private Mass V , Sept ,

s 7 1863 . Mu tered out July ,


. . . S . N Nov . 5 1862. Act Asst Paymaster U ,

20 1865 . Resigned Nov. ,


L 2oth . . . 25 1861. Second ieutenant Mass Vols , Nov ,

L 2oth . . . 2 1862. First ieutenant Mass Vols , Oct ,

r n . u 3 1863. Killed at Gettysbu g, Pen , J ly ,


. . 1 1862. Vol A . D . C . staff of Maj . Gen Banks, Nov . ,

Fi L 2d L . . 25 1863. rst ieutenant a Vols , June ,

C . . C . . . 15 1865 . aptain and A D U S Vols March ,

t . . . . 26 1865 . Major U S Vols , March ,

. 1865 . Mustered out Sept ,


. 4 1862. Act Asst . Paymaster U. S . N., Dec . ,

S . 21 1865 . Resigned ept ,


M. 25 L . 4 th B . a . V. First ieutenant and Adj att M ss , May ,

2 1862. Mustered out June ,

4 4 6 1862. Private th Mass . V. M Oct .

S L 4 4 th . . . 27 1862. econd ieutenant Mass V M Oct ,

e 18 1863. Must out June ,

C 55th as . . 19 1863. aptain M s Vols , June ,

. 2 1 5 . Mustered out Aug 9, 86


4 18 . r d 3d . Cav . First Lieutenant and '. M . 1: Mass Vols afte war s Mass ,

Sept . 1, 1862.

3d . . . 13 1864 . Captain Mass Cav , Aug ,

. . . . V . 11 1865 . Captain and A . 'M U S ols , March ,

. 14 1865 . Mustered out Aug ,


2 . . . 13 1862. Second Lieutenant d Mass Cav , Nov ,

L 2d . . 14 1863. First ieutenant Mass Cav , April ,

C a 2d . . 25 1864 . apt in Mass Cav , March ,

D Va. 18 1864 . ied at Falls Church, , July , T H E C L A S S I N T H E W A R 107


. 3d . Cav . 7 1865 . Asst Surgeon Mass , April ,

3d . Cav . . 9 1865. Surgeon Mass , Aug ,

28 1865 . Mustered out Dec . ,

C a 17 . . . . 5 1861. apt in th Inf U S A Aug ,

l C c Va. 1 1863. Kil ed at han ellorsville, , May ,


4 5 M . . 6 1862. th . . 2 Private Mass V , Sept ,

h M . . 26 1862. L 4 5t . . Second ieutenant Mass V , Sept ,

L 2d s . . A. 4 1863 . Second ieutenant Mas H , June ,

C 2d . . A. . 25 1863. aptain Mass H , Aug ,

17 1864 . Resigned April ,


ri 38th a . ul 31 1862. P vate M ss Vols J y ,

ill L . 27 1863. K ed at Port Hudson, a , May ,


. 8 s. M. 17 1861. r L . P ivate Salem ight Inf , th Mas V , April ,

st . 1 1861. Mu ered out Aug ,

5o h . M . . 15 1862. C t . aptain Mass V , Sept , ’ 3d C D Afri ue 20 1863. Major orps q , July ,

Resigned July 22, 1864 .

0 ’ — —H 11 C L A S S O F S I X T Y T W O . U .

H EE Kilb treet Bo ton linton ad ART UR R D, 27 y S , s ; C Ro ,

Brooklin e.

H ENRY M . ROGERS, 89 State St. , Boston; 309 Beacon Street.

O HARLES S. SARGE T arren Street Broo line Mass . PR F. C N , W , k ,

GE T sh ill- on - ud on WINT HROP SAR N , Fi k H s , New York . A E eac il Manc e B. B on l os ital er EDWARD S WT LL, H H p , h st ,

N. H .

E 8 Gran d iew n e ll M ARTHU R SIBL Y, 1 V Ave u , Wo aston , ass .

H S . S U E ellin ton errace Broo lin e Mass C ARLE C O L , W g T , k , .

Old ol ld r E . E S 30 B i JAM S H ST ARN , 8 C ony u ing, F eeport,

Illin ois .

H ES T AR Pl mouth National Ban l mouth C ARL B. S ODD D, y k, P y ,

Mass .

B AM H . T CK R 15 arris ven e a ica lain ENJ IN I NO , H A u , J ma P ,

Mass . d EDER C W. T T arvar Trust O. a brid e 6 FR I IL ON, H C , C m g ; 8 treet Sp arks S . KE r EDWARD M . T U C , 19 Varn um St eet, Lowell.

OHN LA G O WAR 16 Exchan e Place Ne Yor 1 5 J N D N D, g , w k; 2

West 74 th Street.

Mil r t r HA E S P. ARE 1 5 l C RL W , 2 k St eet, Bos on; 52Al erton St eet,

r l n e B ook i .

AM T . WAS BUR 59 all S r t t WILLI H N, W t ee , New York; 52 Eas

79th Street.

illia G ms tr et w . H . H T 1 3 JO N E W I IN , 2 W S e , Ne York

L AM . W SO 8 all treet Ne e t th WI LI G IL N, 4 W S , w York; 28 W s 4 7


B. R SS r DR . T . M . C O , 352 West 28th St eet, New York .

H . ER ST 1 n c i t E . SWA t G N O LD N , 132 Con e t cu Aven ue, Washing on .


att b r AR . ARKS l s u h EDW D J M , P g , New York .