Von Hippel-Lindau Acts as a Metabolic Switch Controlling Nephron Progenitor Differentiation

Kasey Cargill,1,2,3 Shelby L. Hemker,1,2,3 Andrew Clugston,1,2,3,4 Anjana Murali,1,2 Elina Mukherjee,1,2 Jiao Liu,5,6 Daniel Bushnell,1,2 Andrew J. Bodnar,1,2 Zubaida Saifudeen,5,6 Jacqueline Ho,1,2,3 Carlton M. Bates,1,2,3 Dennis Kostka,1,3,4 Eric S. Goetzman,1,3,7 and Sunder Sims-Lucas1,2,3

1Rangos Research Center, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 2Division of Nephrology, Department of Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 3Department of Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 4Department of Developmental Biology and 7Division of Medical Genetics, Department of Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 5Section of Pediatric Nephrology, Department of Pediatrics and 6The Hypertension and Renal Centers of Excellence, Tulane University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, Louisiana

ABSTRACT Background Nephron progenitors, the cell population that give rise to the functional unit of the kidney, are metabolically active and self-renew under glycolytic conditions. A switch from to mitochon- drial respiration drives these cells toward differentiation, but the mechanisms that control this switch are poorly defined. Studies have demonstrated that kidney formation is highly dependent on oxygen concen- tration, which is largely regulated by von Hippel-Lindau (VHL; a protein component of a ubiquitin ligase complex) and hypoxia-inducible factors (a family of transcription factors activated by hypoxia). Methods To explore VHL as a regulator defining nephron progenitor self-renewal versus differentiation, we bred Six2-TGCtg mice with VHLlox/lox mice to generate mice with a conditional deletion of VHL from Six2+ nephron progenitors. We used histologic, immunofluorescence, RNA sequencing, and metabolic as- says to characterize kidneys from these mice and controls during development and up to postnatal day 21. Results By embryonic day 15.5, kidneys of nephron progenitor cell–specific VHL knockout mice begin to exhibit reduced maturation of nephron progenitors. Compared with controls, VHL knockout kidneys are smaller and developmentally delayed by postnatal day 1, and have about half the number of glomeruli at postnatal day 21. VHL knockout nephron progenitors also exhibit persistent Six2 and Wt1 expression, as well as decreased mitochondrial respiration and prolonged reliance on glycolysis. Conclusions Our findings identify a novel role for VHL in mediating nephron progenitor differentiation through metabolic regulation, and suggest that VHL is required for normal kidney development.

JASN 30: ccc–ccc, 2019. doi:

Nephron development initially involves reciprocal signaling between the ureteric epithelium (UE) and the cap mesenchyme (CM), a region comprising re- Received November 28, 2018. Accepted April 1, 2019. 1 nal cells known as nephron progenitors. These Published online ahead of print. Publication date available at nephron progenitors are under strict regulation ei- 2 ther to maintain a progenitor state or differentiate. Correspondence: Dr. Sunder Sims-Lucas, Division of Pediatric The transcription factor Six2 plays a major role in Nephrology, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, 4401 Penn Avenue, the maintenance of the proliferating progenitor Pittsburgh, PA 15224. Email: [email protected] – population.3 5 In self-renewing nephron progenitors, Copyright © 2019 by the American Society of Nephrology

JASN 30: ccc–ccc,2019 ISSN : 1046-6673/3007-ccc 1 BASIC RESEARCH both Six2 and the cofactor Cited1 are initially expressed; Significance Statement however, Cited1 expression becomes downregulated at the beginning of differentiation.2,3,6,7 As nephron progenitors Nephron progenitors, the self-renewing cells that give rise to mature, Six2 also becomes downregulated and the cells be- nephrons, are particularly metabolically active, relying primarily on gin to express differentiation markers indicating commit- glycolysis for energy generation early in development. As devel- opment progresses, nephron progenitors switch from glycolysis to 4,8 ment to a mesenchyme-to-epithelial transition (MET). mitochondrial respiration for energy—mediated by an unknown This transition, marked by Wnt4 expression, occurs as CM cells mechanism—and undergo differentiation. To study the potential make mature cell-cell contacts and ultimately form functional role in this metabolic shift of von Hippel-Lindau (VHL), a protein nephrons.9 The maturing nephron progenitors give rise to component of a ubiquitin ligase complex, the authors generated – fi VHL the nephron: a complex structure comprising a glomerulus nephron progenitor cell speci c knockout mice. In addition to identifying VHL as a critical regulator of nephron progenitors’ and epithelialized tubules that are connected to the collecting metabolic switching, the authors’ findings demonstrate that this duct system.10 switch also plays a large role in the differentiation process, and Kidney formation is highly dependent on oxygen concen- suggest that VHL is required for normal kidney development. tration11 and previous studies show that low levels of oxygen (hypoxia)canresultinrenalmalformationsincludingneph- Herein, we report an interrogation into the role of VHL/HIF ron deficit.12,13 The kidney initially develops in a relatively signaling in mediating nephron progenitor differentiation. hypoxic environment and as the vasculature perfuses, oxygen Global VHL knockout mice are embryonic lethal,16 suggest- levels increase.14 This tightly regulated change in oxygenation ing that VHL plays a critical role in embryonic development. coordinates with the inductive signals from the UE to drive To circumvent embryonic lethality, we generated nephron proliferation and subsequent differentiation of the nephron 2 2 progenitor-specific VHL knockout mice (VHLNP / )tointer- progenitors. Hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) play a large role rogate the role of VHL in nephron development. Our investiga- in mediating cellular responses to oxygen fluctuations. Al- tion reveals that loss of VHL results in metabolic dysregulation, though there are three HIF isoforms (HIF-1a,HIF-2a,and which inhibits nephron progenitor differentiation. HIF-3a), HIF-1a is considered the master regulator of devel- opmental responses to hypoxia.15 HIF-1a is known to stimu- late angiogenesis and maturation of the vasculature, which METHODS drives blood flow into hypoxic areas, thereby increasing oxygen concentration.14,16 Increases in oxygen facilitate HIF-1a’sdeg- Mouse Model radation via recruitment of von Hippel-Lindau (VHL),14,16 a We bred transgenic Six2-TGCtg mice [JAX009606; Tg(Six2-EGFP/ protein component of a ubiquitin ligase complex. If prenatal cre)1Amc/J]26 with VHL-floxed mice [JAX12933; B6.129S4(C)- exposure to pathologic hypoxia occurs in the nephron pro- Vhltm1Jae/J]27 to generate a deletion of VHL in Six2cre+ cells. genitors, VHL is not recruited to degrade HIF-1a,allowing The University of Pittsburgh Institutional Animal Care and Use for its sustained expression and transcriptional activation Committee approved all experiments (approval no. 16088935). of containing hypoxia-response elements (HREs).11–13 The genotyping primers for the Six2-TGCtg and Vhl alleles are Many confirmed HREs are found in genes that encode gly- listed in Supplemental Table 1. colytic .11,12,14 High rates of glycolysis allow progen- itor cells to rapidly undergo expansion through proliferation Western Blotting and nucleotide generation.15–17 However, as differentiating Kidneys were lysed in radioimmunoprecipitation assay buffer cells mature, they utilize mitochondrial respiration to maintain (ThermoFisher Scientific) and protein was quantified using a energy demands of the cell.17–19 HIF-1a is largely responsible Bradford assay (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA). Samples were electro- for the metabolic profile of progenitor cells and functions in a phoresed on Bolt 4%–12% Bis-Tris Plus Gels and transferred to dual role by promoting glycolysis as well as suppressing mi- 0.2 mm nitrocellulose membranes (ThermoFisher Scientific). tochondrial respiration.18,20,21 It has also been shown that Antibodies used include anti-VHL (1:250; Santa Cruz Biotech- nephron progenitors exhibit a gradual, decreased reliance nology), anti–HIF-1a (1:250; Novus), and anti-a/b-tubulin on glycolysis between embryonic day (E) 13.5 and 19.5.22 (1:1000; Cell Signaling Technology). Blots were imaged using a Although early-stage nephron progenitors rely heavily on ProteinSimple FluoroChem System (ProteinSimple) and quan- glycolysis,22 terminally differentiated nephrons have a unique tified using ImageJ (ImageJ/National Institutes of Health metabolic profile depending on the particular nephron seg- Image). ment.23 The proximal tubule segment, which is responsible for a majority of the reabsorption performed by the kidney, Histology and Immunostaining utilizes fatty acids, oxidative phosphorylation, and gluco- Renal histology was assessed at E13.5, E15.5, postnatal day 1 neogenesis to support these critical functions.23–25 For these (P1), and P21. Tissue was fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and reasons, we hypothesize that the switch from glycolysis to mi- processed in paraffin.28 Samples were sectioned at 4 mm tochondrial respiration is regulated via VHL-mediated HIF-1a and subjected to hematoxylin and eosin or immunostaining. degradation in nephron progenitors during development. The following primary antibodies or lectins were used at a 1:100

2 JASN JASN 30: ccc–ccc,2019 BASIC RESEARCH dilution unless indicated: anti-Six2 (Proteintech), anti-Ncam software package (version 37.41).34 Reads were aligned to (Sigma-Aldrich), anti-Glut1 (Abcam), anti–phospho-histone transcripts assembled from the mm10 genome (GRCm38, H3 (Cell Signaling), terminal deoxynucleotidyl – GENCODE M17)35 using the Spliced Transcripts Alignments mediated digoxigenin-deoxyuridine nick-end labeling (EMD to a Reference software package (version 2.5.3a).36 Data anal- Millipore), anti-Lef1 (Cell Signaling), anti-Sall1 (Abcam), anti- ysis was performed using R programming (version 3.4.3).37 Wt1 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology), anti-Jag1 (1:20; Santa Cruz Reads aligned to known transcripts were counted using the Biotechnology), anti-Pck1 (Proteintech), dolichos biflorus Bioconductor GenomicAlignments package (version 1.10.1).38 agglutinin (Vector Laboratories), and lotus tetragonolobus Differential expression between kidney samples was calcu- lectin (Vector Laboratories). Samples were imaged using a lated using the DESeq2 R package (version 1.18.1).39 Func- Leica microscope and LAS X software (Leica Microsystems). tional annotation analysis was performed using the DAVID database (release 6.8;,41 Data Three-Dimensional Reconstruction were deposited into Expression Omnibus (accession E13.5 embryos were collected for three-dimensional recon- number: GSE122900). structions of kidneys as previously described.29 Three- dimensional reconstruction was performed as described,29 Real-Time Quantitative PCR using a Zeiss Model Axio Imager M1 (Zeiss) microscope with RNA was extracted using a miRNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen) from Stereo Investigator Stereology image tracing software (MBF E17.5 kidneys. The Superscript First Strand cDNA kit (Invi- Bioscience). trogen) was used for cDNA synthesis and samples were ana- lyzed using a C1000 Thermal Cycler (Bio-Rad) to determine Physical Dissector/Fractionator Combination Method mRNA expression levels (normalized to Rn18s). The following for Glomeruli Counting genes were analyzed: Pgk1, Gapdh, Tpi1, Bnip3, Ddit4, Pdk1, P21 kidneys were fixed, processed, and serially sectioned at Eno1, Slc16a3, Cited1, Six2, Lef1, Sall1, Osr1, Eya1, Jag1, Sox9, 4 mm. Samples were subjected to hematoxylin and eosin stain- Foxd1,andWnt4 (Supplemental Table 1). ing.30 The nth (reference section) and nth+2 (lookup section) sections were counted for glomeruli as described,30,31 using a Magnetic-Activated Cell Sorting Isolation and Zeiss Model Axio Imager M1 (Zeiss) microscope with Stereo Seahorse Extracellular Flux Investigator Stereology image tracing software (MBF Nephron progenitors were isolated from P1 kidneys using Bioscience). magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS; Miltenyi Biotec) and cultured as previously described.3,22 Nephron progenitors Quantification of P1 Nephron Number were subjected to a mitochondrial stress test by flux analysis P1 kidneys were fixed, processed, and serially sectioned at on a XF24 Extracellular Flux Analyzer (Agilent Seahorse 4 mm. Samples were immunostained with anti-Wt1 (1:100; Technologies).22 XF sensor cartridges and assay medium Cell Signaling Technologies), and visualized using a Vectastain were prepared as previously described.22 Metabolic profiling ABC Kit (Vector Laboratories).32 Every 20 sections, Wt1+ was performed by measuring basal respiration for 25 minutes structures were identified from consecutive sections using a followed by the sequential injection of the substrates oligomy- Zeiss Model Axio Imager M1 (Zeiss) microscope with Stereo cin (1 mg/ml), cyanide p-trifluoromethoxy-phenylhydrazone Investigator Stereology image tracing software (MBF Bioscience). (0.3 mM), and rotenone (0.1 mM) with antimycin A (1 mM).22 Glomerular number was quantified using the equation by Data were normalized to cell number. Cullen-McEwen et al.30 Pyruvate Oxidation Serum Analysis P1 kidneys were homogenized in DMEM without supplemen- P21 mice were anesthetized and subject to cardiac puncture tation. Homogenates were incubated at 37°C with uniformly for blood collection. Serum was isolated by centrifugation labeled 14C-pyruvate in glass tubes sealed with rubber stoppers and samples were analyzed for urea nitrogen (Kansas State fitted with hanging baskets. The baskets held filter paper with University). potassium hydroxide (1M). After 30 minutes, perchloric acid (0.5M) was introduced and the reactions were incubated at 14 42,43 14 RNA-Sequencing 37°C for 1 hour to collect C-CO2. C-pyruvate incor- E17.5 kidneys were dissociated and sorted by FACS for GFP+ poration was measured by scintillation counting and normal- cells (Flow Cytometry Core). RNA was extracted using a ized to cellular protein content. miRNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen). The Health Sciences Sequencing Core at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Children’s Mitochondrial Density Hospital of Pittsburgh performed library construction and Kidneyswere digestedusing 0.3% collagenase to create a single- RNA-sequencing (single-end reads, 75 bp). Bioinformatics cell suspension. Then, 13106 cells were stained using 200 nM quality control was performed using FastQC (version 0.11.5),33 MitoTracker Red FM (ThermoFisher Scientific). Cells were an- and adapters were trimmed using BBDuk from the BBMap alyzed on a BD LSRFORTESSA cell analyzer (BD Biosciences).

JASN 30: ccc–ccc,2019 Von Hippel-Lindau Acts as a Metabolic Switch 3 BASIC RESEARCH

Mean fluorescence intensity was determined using FlowJo differences in kidney volume, UE volume, or glomerular software (version 10.1). volume (Figure 2, A–H). Next, we evaluated the expression of nephron progenitor Kidney Explants and renal vesicle markers through immunofluorescence stain- 2 2 2 E13.5 kidneys were cultured on 0.4 mm polyethylene tere- ing of E15.5 and P1 VHLNP+/ and VHLNP / kidneys as E15.5 phthalate membrane inserts as previously described.32 One is when we first observe a phenotype and P1 is largely an older kidney from each embryo was cultured in improved minimal progenitor population. Staining against the nephron progen- essential media (containing 50 mg/ml transferrin) alone and itor marker Six2 with Ncam to mark the nascent nephrons at the other was cultured in media containing 10 mMYN1 E15.5 (Figure 3, A and B) and P1 (Figure 3, C and D) revealed 2 2 inhibitor.22,32 After 72 hours kidneys were fixed in 4% para- that VHLNP / kidneys have persistent Six2 expression in formaldehyde for 1 hour. Kidneys were immunostained Ncam+ structures. Further, Ncam expression was also de- with antibodies against Six2 and Jag1, following previously creased at both E15.5 and P1, suggesting there may be alter- described methods.32 ations in cell adhesion between nephron progenitors (Figure 3, A–D). For these reasons, we quantified the number of Six2+ Statistical Analyses cells per cap at P1 and found an increase (P=0.006; Figure 3I). At least three biologic replicates were used for each experiment. Next, we performed immunostaining against Jag1 (differenti- Statistical significance was determined by a two-tailed t test ating structures) and quantified the number of Jag1+ structures (a=0.05), using GraphPad Prism 7. Where appropriate, data per P1 kidney. We saw a reduction in the number of Jag1+ are presented as mean6SEM. structures (P=0.008; Figure 3, E–H and J), which further sug- 2 2 gests that VHLNP / kidneys exhibit decreased differentiation. Additionally, we performed immunostaining for Wt1, Sall1, and RESULTS Lef1, which support these findings (Supplemental Figure 2). In 2 2 particular, persistent Wt1 expression in VHLNP / nephron pro- VHL Expression Is Required for Differentiation of genitors was consistent with maintenance of a progenitor-like Nephron Progenitors state (Supplemental Figure 2, A and B). To evaluate differentia- To determine the functional significance of VHL in nephron tion capacity, we performed unbiased, stereological counting of progenitors, we conditionally deleted VHL from Six2+ neph- Wt1+ glomeruli at P1 and found a 30% decrease (P=0.01; Figure ron progenitors by crossing transgenic Six2-TGCtg mice26 to 4A). Although there is a significant decrease in the number of VHLlox/lox mice27 (Figure 1A). This produced VHL wild-type nephrons, the kidney-to-body weight ratio at P1 was un- 2 2 2 [Six2-TGC+/+; VHLlox/lox (VHLNP+/+)], heterozygous knock- changed between VHLNP+/ and VHLNP / mice (Figure 4B). 2 out [Six2-TGC tg/+; VHL+/lox (VHLNP+/ )], and homozygous analysis of whole E17.5 kidneys showed no 2 2 knockout [Six2-TGC tg/+; VHLlox/lox (VHLNP / )] genotypes. differences in several nephron progenitor markers, including 2 Six2-TGCtg/+ embryos enabled GFP visualization in VHLNP+/ Cited1, Sall1, Eya1, Six2,andOsr1 (Figure 4C). Gene expres- 2 2 and VHLNP / animals. Because of a slight hypoplastic phe- sion analysis of the differentiation markers Lef1, Wnt4,and notype associated with the Six2GFPcre transgene,44 we used Jag1 revealed significant decreases in expression reflecting 2 VHLNP+/ littermate controls for all experiments. VHL pro- an inability to properly undergo differentiation (Figure 4C). tein expression (Figure 1B) and HIF-1a protein stabilization There were no changes in Foxd1 (stromal progenitors) or Sox9 2 2 2 (Figure 1C) in VHLNP+/ and VHLNP / kidneys confirmed (ureteric tip identity) gene expression (Figure 4C). Together, sufficient knockdown and stabilization, respectively. Moreover, this suggests that VHL does not induce profound alterations subsequent RNA-sequencing analysis (see below) validated during the self-renewal phase and likely plays a larger role in VHL knockout specifically in the nephron progenitors. the regulation of nephron progenitors that are poised to exit the 2 2 Histologic examination of VHLNP / kidneys did not progenitor niche. reveal any significant alterations in development at E13.5 To explore alterations in proliferation and cell death as a 2 2 (Figure 1, D and E). However, by E15.5 the VHLNP / kidneys possible causes of decreased differentiation, we performed im- begin to exhibit reduced maturation of the nephron progeni- munofluorescence staining with anti–phospho-histone H3 2 2 tors (Figure 1, F and G). By P1 VHLNP / kidneys are smaller and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase–mediated digoxi- and remain developmentally delayed (Figure 1, H and I, Sup- genin-deoxyuridine nick-end labeling, respectively. There plemental Figure 1) with fewer nephron progenitor-derived were no differences in proliferation or apoptosis (Supplemen- structures (see below). To determine the onset of the devel- tal Figure 3, A–P). We also performed cell cycle analysis on opmental phenotype, we performed three-dimensional re- P1 nephron progenitors using propidium iodide to investigate constructions of E13.5 kidneys to evaluate kidney size and potential irregularities in the cell cycle or senescence. Cell- maturation, which supported the histologic examination. cycle analysis showed no differences in G1/G0, S, or G2/M The number of glomerular structures, renal vesicles, and phases (Supplemental Figure 3, Q and R). Collectively, these immature glomeruli were not significantly altered be- data indicate that reductions in nephron number do not likely 2 2 2 tween VHLNP+/ and VHLNP / kidneys nor were there any stem from decreased proliferation, increased cell death, cell

4 JASN JASN 30: ccc–ccc,2019 BASIC RESEARCH

A VHL locus Six2-cre EGFP loxP Exon 1 loxP Exon 2

VHLNP-/- loxP Exon 2

B C NP+/- NP-/- NP+/- NP-/-



α/β tubulin α/β tubulin

*** * 0.3 0.6

0.2 0.4

0.1 0.2 Relative Quantification Relative Quantification

0.0 0.0 VHLNP+/- VHLNP-/- VHLNP+/- VHLNP-/-

E13.5 E15.5 P1 D F H NP +/- VHL

E G I NP -/- VHL

Figure 1. Conditional deletion of VHL from Six2+ nephron progenitors leads to HIF-1a stabilization and reduced nephron structures. (A) Experimental breeding strategy to obtain successful VHL deletion in nephron progenitors using Six2-TGCtg and VHLlox/lox mice. (B) 2 2 2 Whole kidney homogenates from P1 VHLNP+/ and VHLNP / mice subjected to Western blotting with antibodies against VHL and 2 2 2 a/b-tubulin to confirm VHL deletion; ***P,0.001; VHLNP+/ n=3; VHLNP / n=5. Error bars indicate SEM. (C) Whole kidney homogenates 2 2 2 from P1 VHLNP+/ and VHLNP / mice subjected to Western blotting with antibodies against HIF-1a and a/b-tubulin to confirm HIF-1a

JASN 30: ccc–ccc,2019 Von Hippel-Lindau Acts as a Metabolic Switch 5 BASIC RESEARCH

A Glomerular Structures at E13.5 B Tissue Volume at E13.5 80 8×107 VHLNP+/- 60 6×107 VHLNP-/- ) 3

40 4×107 Volume (um Structure Counts 20 2×107

0 0 All Glomerular Renal Immature Kidney Ureteric All Glomerular Structures Vesicles Glomeruli Epithelium Structures

Glomeruli UB + Glomeruli Semi-reconstruction CEG NP +/- VHL z z z

x y x y x y

DF H NP -/- VHL z z z y x y x y x

2 2 2 Figure 2. VHLNP / mice exhibit altered kidney development after E13.5. (A) Three-dimensional reconstruction of E13.5 VHLNP+/ and 2 2 VHLNP / kidneys showing glomerular structure formation. No significant differences in glomerular structure, renal vesicle formation, or 2 2 2 immature glomeruli number. (B) Three-dimensional reconstruction of E13.5 VHLNP+/ and VHLNP / kidneys showing tissue volume. No significant differences in kidney volume, UE volume, or glomerular volume. (C–H) Three-dimensional images depicting all glo- merular structures (green), ureteric branching patterns (pink), and a reconstruction of the kidneys. n=4. Error bars indicate SEM. UB, ureteric bud. cycle dysregulation, or cellular senescence before cessation of Supplemental Figure 4, A–C). Variance and expression of dis- 2 2 nephrogenesis in VHLNP / kidneys. tribution were estimated using DESeq2 and minus-average plotting (Supplemental Figure 4, D and E). We observed a NP2/2 VHL Nephron Progenitors Display Dysregulation downregulation of VHL,confirming efficient deletion of of Metabolic Gene Expression this loxP-flanked fragment by Cre recombinase (Supplemental To better understand the mechanisms underlying how VHL Figure 5A). Controlling the false discovery rate at 5% and focus- contributes to development, we performed RNA-sequencing ing on genes with at least two-fold up- or downregulation, we on E17.5 GFP+ nephron progenitors using FACS. Hierarchical found that 245 known genes were significantly altered: 222 of distance clustering and principal component analysis showed these genes were upregulated and only 23 were downregulated 2 2 2 2 2 clear grouping of VHLNP+/ and VHLNP / samples (n=4; in VHLNP / nephron progenitors (Figure 5A). The top stabilization; *P,0.05; n=4. Error bars indicate SEM. (D and E) Hematoxylin and eosin staining of kidneys sectioned at E13.5 appear developmentally normal. (F–I) Hematoxylin and eosin staining of kidneys sectioned at E15.5 and P1 exhibit hypoplasia and reduced developing glomeruli (arrows).

6 JASN JASN 30: ccc–ccc,2019 BASIC RESEARCH

E15.5 P1

VHLNP+/- VHLNP-/- VHLNP+/- VHLNP-/- ABCD Six2 / Ncam

E FGH Six2 / Jagged1

I J 24 ** 50 **

22 40 20 30 18 20 16 Six2+ Cells/Cap 10 14 Jagged1+ Structures

12 0 VHLNP+/- VHLNP-/- VHLNP+/- VHLNP-/-

2 2 Figure 3. VHLNP / kidneys exhibit Six2 misexpression, decreased cell adhesion, and fewer Jagged1+ structures. (A–D) E15.5 and P1 immunofluorescence staining with antibodies against Six2 (red) and Ncam (green) show prolonged expression of Six2 in Ncam+ 2 2 structures (arrowheads). Reduced Ncam staining was also shown in VHLNP / kidneys (*). (E–H) Six2 (red) and Jag1 (green) staining reveals expansion of Six2+ cells (+) and fewer Jag1+ structures (arrows). (I) The number of Six2+ cells per cap was significantly increased 2 2 in P1 VHLNP / kidneys. **P,0.01; n=3. Error bars indicate SEM. (J) The number of Jag1+ structures is significantly decreased in P1 2 2 VHLNP / kidneys. **P,0.01; n=3. Error bars indicate SEM. most-dysregulated genes included Bnip3l, Bnip3, Pgm2, can be found in Supplemental Table 2. Additionally, we vali- Fam162a, Pfkp, Slc2a3, Kbtbd11, Stc2, Adamts13,andMgarp dated several of the RNA-sequencing data results by real-time 2 2 2 (Supplemental Figure 5B). Functional enrichment analysis quantitative PCR using cDNA from VHLNP+/ and VHLNP / using DAVID ( generated the top whole kidneys (Figure 5D). most affected term pathways, which included NP2/2 glycolysis (16 genes; 45.7% of KEGG glycolysis/gluconeogen- VHL Nephron Progenitors Exhibit Decreased 2 esis genes; P=1.13310 21), cellular response to hypoxia Mitochondrial Respiration 2 (13 genes; 12.6% of KEGG HIF-1 genes; P=6.65310 10), RNA-sequencing data analysis implicated metabolic dysregu- and HIF-1a signaling pathway (12 genes; 11.4% of KEGG lation as a potential driver of defective nephron progenitor 2 2 2 HIF-1a genes; P=3.78310 8), among others (Figure 5B). differentiation in VHLNP / kidneys. To compare overall mi- 2 2 2 HIFs, the main targets of VHL, are known to transcriptionally tochondrial function, P1 VHLNP+/ and VHLNP / nephron activate genes containing HREs, several of which were found to progenitors were MACS-isolated and subjected to a mito- be altered, including those associated with glycolysis (Pgk1, chondrial stress test using a Seahorse XF24 extracellular flux Gapdh,andTpi1), hypoxia response (Bnip3 and Ddit4), analyzer to measure oxygen consumption.3,22 Oxygen con- and HIF-1a signaling (Pdk1 and Eno1) (Figure 5C, Supple- sumption is an indicator of mitochondrial respiration in the 2 2 mental Figure 5, C and D) in VHLNP / nephron progenitors. presence of a series of metabolic inhibitors and uncoupling A complete list of dysregulated genes in the HIF-1a pathway agents.42,45 Overall oxygen consumption, both before and

JASN 30: ccc–ccc,2019 Von Hippel-Lindau Acts as a Metabolic Switch 7 BASIC RESEARCH

A B 3000 * 1.0

0.8 2000 0.6

Nglom 0.4 1000 Mass (g) 0.2

0 0.0 VHLNP+/- VHLNP-/- VHLNP+/- VHLNP-/- C 200 VHLNP+/- VHLNP-/-

150 ***


50 % Normalized to Control

0 Cited 1 Sall1 Eya1 Six2 Osr1 Lef1 Wnt4 Jag1 Foxd1 Sox 9

2 2 2 2 Figure 4. VHLNP / kidneys display decreased differentiation. (A) VHLNP / kidneys have significantly fewer glomeruli (30% reduction) compared with littermate controls. *P,0.05; n=4. Error bars indicate SEM. (B) No significant differences in the kidney-to-body weight ratio at P1; n=3. (C) No significant differences in nephron progenitor gene expression (Cited1, Sall1, Eya1, Six2, Osr1). Renal vesicle genes (Lef1, Wnt4, Jag1) were all significantly increased. *P,0.05; n=4. Error bars indicate SEM. after substrate addition, resulted in decreased oxygen consump- both before and after substrate administration (Figure 7A). Basal tion rate (OCR) (Figure 6A). Basal oxygen consumption was extracellular acidification rate was increased (Figure 7B). 2 2 significantly decreased in VHLNP / nephron progenitors com- Moreover, the glycolytic response to oligomycin (mitochondrial 2 2 2 pared with VHLNP+/ littermate controls (Figure 6B). Moreover, respiration inhibitor) was significantly higher in VHLNP / 2 mitochondrial ATP-linked respiration was significantly decreased nephron progenitors compared with VHLNP+/ nephron pro- (Figure 6C). Nonmitochondrial respiration was also calculated genitors demonstrating increased glycolytic capacity (Figure 7C). by averaging the oxygen consumption after addition of rotenone/ We evaluated glycolytic dependence by culturing E13.5 kidney 2 2 antimycin A and was increased in VHLNP / nephron progenitors explants in media alone or media containing 10 mM Y1N (gly- (P=0.02). This indicates decreased reliance on the mitochondria colysis inhibitor) for 72 hours. Explants were then subjected to 2 2 for energy production. P1 VHLNP / kidneys also exhibited de- immunostaining against Six2 and Jag1 to mark the nephron creased mitochondrial pyruvate oxidation to CO2 (Figure 6D), progenitors and developing structures, respectively. Visual further confirming decreased mitochondrial . To identification of the number of differentiating structures re- 2 2 better understand the decrease in mitochondrial respiration, vealed (1) VHLNP / kidneys cultured in YN1 were capable of 2 2 we analyzed mitochondrial density by flow cytometry using differentiating whereas VHLNP / kidneys cultured in media 2 MitoTracker Red. There were no significant differences at P1 alone underwent minimal differentiation, and (2) VHLNP+/ 2 2 in mitochondrial density in the GFP+ cell population (Figure 6E). and VHLNP / kidneys cultured in YN1 differentiated similarly 2 2 This data indicates that P1 VHLNP / nephron progenitors ex- (Figure 7, D–G). This suggests that the differentiation pheno- 2 2 hibit decreased dependency on mitochondrial ATP for energy type arises from an inability of VHLNP / nephron progenitors production, which is not due to mitochondrial insufficiency. to metabolically switch from glycolysis to mitochondrial respi- ration during nephrogenesis, further validating the importance NP2/2 VHL Nephron Progenitors Exhibit of VHL during kidney development. Increased Glycolysis In addition to oxygen consumption, the Seahorse XF24 extra- VHL Deletion Results in Abnormalities of Juvenile cellular flux analyzer monitors the extracellular acidification Mouse Kidneys 2 2 2 2 rate, as an indicator of anaerobic glycolysis. VHLNP / MACS- VHLNP / mice experience premature death around P30; isolated nephron progenitors demonstrated increased glycolysis therefore we characterized the renal phenotype at P21.

8 JASN JASN 30: ccc–ccc,2019 BASIC RESEARCH

A Expression Change (LFC > 2, padj < 0.05) B Functional Annotation Enrichment VHLNP+/- VHLNP-/-

2 Glycolysis 16 genes Glycolytic process 16 genes 1 Glycolysis/ 17 genes

0 Carbon metabolism 16 genes

Biosynthesis of amino acids 14 genes -1 Biosynthesis of antibiotics 19 genes -2 Cellular response to hypoxia 13 genes

HIF-1α signaling pathway 12 genes

MHC class II protein complex 6 genes

Fructose & mannose metabolism 8 genes

051015 -Log10(FDR) Glycolysis Gene Expression C D 500 VHLNP+/- 3,000 * * VHLNP-/- 400

2,000 * 300

TPM * * * 200 * 1,000 *

100 % Normalized to Control

0 0

Pkm Tpi1 Pfkl Hk2 Pfkp Gck Pgk1 Gpi1 AldocEno1 Tpi1 Eno1b Pgam1Gapdh Pgk1 Bnip3 Ddit4 Pdk1 Eno1 Aldoart1 Aldoart2 Gapdh Slc16a3 VHLNP+/- VHLNP-/-

2 2 2 Figure 5. RNA-sequencing reveals genetic dysregulation in isolated VHLNP+/ and VHLNP / nephron progenitors. (A) Heat map 2 2 2 showing differential gene expression in VHLNP+/ and VHLNP / nephron progenitors. Cutoff for significance was set to LFC .2and P,0.05. (B) DAVID functional annotation enrichment analysis showing the pathways associated with the gene expression data. (C) Annotation-associated gene expression showing glycolysis gene dysregulation using DAVID analysis (Gene Ontology terms). (D) Real- time quantitative PCR validation of significantly dysregulated genes in the glycolysis, cellular response to hypoxia, and HIF-1a signaling pathways. *P,0.05; RNA-sequencing n=4; real-time quantitative PCR validation n=3. Error bars indicate SEM. FDR, false discovery rate; LFC, log fold change; TPM, transcripts per million.

To assess renal structure and function of the juvenile (P21) hypothesis, we performed immunostaining against Glut1 mice, we performed gross and histologic examinations, which (glycolysis) and Pck1 (gluconeogenesis), which did not reveal 2 revealed smaller kidneys with fewer glomerular struc- differences in protein expression between the VHLNP+/ and 2 2 tures (Figure 8, A–D, Supplemental Figure 6, A and B). The VHLNP / kidneys (Figure 8, E–H), suggesting that the de- 2 2 VHLNP / kidneys appeared to have decreased glomeruli and veloped tubules are functional. slight dilation of the proximal tubules (Figure 8, A–D), which To determine whether the defect we observed was specific is likely owing to a compensatory mechanism to overcome the to nephron progenitors or due to a defect in their differenti- reduction in nephron number.46 In fact, we found that the ation into renal vesicles, we generated a mouse model with a 2 2 VHLNP / kidneys have a 50% reduction in nephron number conditional deletion of VHL specifically in the renal vesicles 2 2 (P,0.001; Figure 8I). Although VHLNP / kidneys were utilizing a Wnt4creGFP47 using the same breeding strategy as 2 smaller than VHLNP+/ kidneys, the kidney-to-body weight described for our VHLNP model above. Interestingly, we did ratio was not different (Figure 6). Additionally, BUN concentra- not see significant alterations in body weight, kidney weight, 2 2 tion was significantly increased in VHLNP / mice (Figure 8J), or kidney histology (Supplemental Figure 7 and data not 2 whichwehypothesizedwasduetoglomerularinsufficiency shown) between heterozygous (VHLRV+/ ) and homozygous 2 2 and not a result of tubular malfunction. To evaluate this (VHLRV / ) mice. This suggests that VHL is dispensable in

JASN 30: ccc–ccc,2019 Von Hippel-Lindau Acts as a Metabolic Switch 9 BASIC RESEARCH

A 80 O F R+A B Basal Oxygen Consumption C ATP-linked Respiration * 60 60 * 40 VHLNP+/- VHLNP-/- 30 40 40 20 20 20 OCR (pMoles/min) 10 OCR (pMoles/min) OCR (pMoles/min) 0 0 0 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 VHLNP+/- VHLNP-/- VHLNP+/- VHLNP-/- Time [min]

DEPyruvate Oxidation Mitochondrial density 30 * 8

6 20 4 10 Relative MFI 2

pMoles/min/mg protein 0 0 VHLNP+/- VHLNP-/- VHLNP+/- VHLNP-/-

Figure 6. VHL deletion suppresses cellular oxygen consumption. (A) P1 MACS-isolated nephron progenitors were subjected to oxygen consumption (OCR) measurements in a Seahorse XF24 extracellular flux analyzer. Measurements of OCR were taken before and after sequential administration of the metabolic inhibitors oligomycin (ATP synthase inhibitor), cyanide p-trifluoromethoxy-phenylhydrazone (mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation uncoupler), and rotenone/antimycin A (respiratory chain inhibitors). (B) The average oxygen 2 2 consumption over the first 30 minutes produced the basal oxygen consumption, which was significantly decreased in VHLNP / nephron progenitors. (C) ATP-linked respiration was calculated by subtracting basal respiration by the average OCR after oligomycin NP2/2 14 addition. ATP-linked respiration was significantly decreased in VHL nephron progenitors. (D) Pyruvate oxidation to CO2 was 2 2 significantly decreased in VHLNP / whole tissue homogenates. *P,0.05; n=3. Error bars indicate SEM. (E) Mitochondrial density was not significantly altered P1 nephron progenitors. Error bars indicate SEM.

2 2 2 the differentiated renal vesicle, and thus also dispensable for VHLNP+/ and VHLNP / nephron progenitors. We conclude 2 2 nephron function. Taken together, we show that VHLNP / that the mitochondria are healthy and retain the ability to mice have malformations resulting in fewer glomeruli and re- function normally; however, they lack substrate (i.e.,pyru- duced renal function, which is not attributed to a postnatal vate) because of the HIF-mediated upregulation of PDK, defect and therefore results from the abnormal development which effectively blocks pyruvate utilization by the mitochon- of the nephron progenitors. dria. Instead of pyruvate shuttling into the mitochondria, it is preferentially converted into lactate and recycled back into the glycolytic pathway. The profound metabolic alteration DISCUSSION leads to decreased differentiation indicated by reduced nephron numbers at both P1 and P21. This model simulates From our study it is clear that the VHL/HIF pathway plays a pathologic hypoxia, which has previously shown to cause a major role in differentiation decisions during nephron pro- reduction in nephrons13; however, the underlying mechanisms genitor maturation. Our data reveals a previously unknown have not been previously identified. role for VHL in mediating metabolic switching during kidney It is well known that kidney formation is highly dependent development that is broadly applicable to other developing on oxygen concentration, which is largely regulated by VHL 2 2 systems. Mechanistically, our data suggests that VHL is re- and HIFs. Of particular interest is the fact that VHLNP / quired for nephron progenitors to adapt to increasing oxygen- nephron progenitors have access to oxygen, but remain unable 2 2 ation and, in response, alter their primary metabolism from to respond to the oxygen. We hypothesize that the VHLNP / glycolysis to oxidative phosphorylation. Moreover, we propose differentiation phenotype is due to prolonged maintenance this metabolic switching is an essential process for differenti- of a progenitor niche, as demonstrated by persistent Six2 ating nephron progenitors. Specifically, nephron progenitors and Wt1 expression and decreased nephron number. Six2- lacking VHL exhibit upregulated glycolysis and downregulated expressing cells represent a multipotent nephron progenitor mitochondrial respiration. Although mitochondrial respiration population expressed throughout kidney development,48,49 and was suppressed, mitochondrial density did not differ between Six2 must be downregulated to initiate MET.49,50 Furthermore,

10 JASN JASN 30: ccc–ccc,2019 BASIC RESEARCH

Basal ECAR Oligomycin-stimulated Glycolysis A 40 O F R+A B C 30 15 ** 30 20 10 20

10 5 10 ECAR (mpH/min) ECAR (mpH/min) ECAR (mpH/min)

0 0 0 0 1530456075 90 105 120 135 VHLNP+/- VHLNP-/- VHLNP+/- VHLNP-/- Time [min] VHLNP+/- VHLNP-/- Media Control YN1 Inhibitor D E NP +/- VHL


Figure 7. VHL deletion leads to increased glycolysis. (A) P1 MACS-isolated nephron progenitors were subjected to extracellular acidification (ECAR) measurements in a Seahorse XF24 extracellular flux analyzer as done in Figure 6. (B) Basal glycolysis was de- 2 2 termined by averaging the extracellular acidification over the first 30 minutes and exhibited an upregulated trend (P=0.09) in VHLNP / nephron progenitors. (C) Oligomycin-stimulated glycolysis was calculated by subtracting the basal ECAR from the average of the values 2 2 obtained after oligomycin addition. Oligomycin-stimulated glycolysis was significantly increased in VHLNP / nephron progenitors. 2 2 **P,0.01; n=3. Error bars indicate SEM. (D–G) Immunofluorescence staining of kidney explants revealed that in media alone VHLNP / 2 kidneys differentiated less than VHLNP+/ kidneys in media alone. When cultured in the presence of the glycolysis inhibitor YN1 both 2 2 2 VHLNP / and VHLNP+/ kidneys underwent similar levels of differentiation. F, FCCP (Carbonyl cyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone; O, Oligomycin; R+A, Rotenone & Antimycin A. another study has shown that HIF-1a blocks MET,51 anec- of normal differentiation; however, after this time they fail to essary process for differentiating nephron progenitors, undergo sufficient differentiation. A previous study by Wang which serves as another potential mechanism leading to de- et al.53 also investigated renal structure and function in Six2- creased nephron number. Although our model has a signif- creEGPF-VHL null mice for the purpose of studying renal cell icant reduction in nephron number, our data suggests that carcinoma. Although our model exhibits profound abnor- either a subset of nephron progenitors remain capable of malities, their mice are histologically normal and do not maturing into nephrons or that the differentiation process exhibit any malformations or dysfunction until approxi- 2 2 is not as efficient in VHLNP / mice. Similarly, when VHL is mately 4 months of age.53 We see an accelerated phenotype, deleted from Foxd1-expressing stromal progenitors, the re- whichweattributetodifferencesinmousebackground sulting offspring exhibit nephron deficit and postnatal death strains.54–56 by 14 days of age, which was attributed to increased HIF Another significant function of VHL-mediated HIF deg- expression.52 Our data shows that the nephrons that do radation is the regulation of metabolism. Previous interro- form are either derived from nephron progenitors that un- gations of HIF implicate it in the regulation of glycolysis and derwent differentiation early (before E15.5) or due to inef- oxidative phosphorylation.17,18 Although VHL has not been 2 2 ficient nephron progenitor differentiation. The VHLNP / interrogated as a regulator of metabolism in nephron progen- mice do not exhibit a profound phenotype until E15.5, itors, HIF-1a is a known mediator in other cell types, suggest- which we hypothesize is because of the physiologically hyp- ing that VHL must also play an important role in regulating oxic environment the kidneys are subjected to in early de- the metabolic profile of these progenitors. Moreover, VHL- velopment, before VHL is critical. Therefore in the absence related cancers exhibit similarly decreased mitochondrial res- of VHL before E15.5, the nephron progenitors are capable piration in favor of glycolic metabolism even in the presence

JASN 30: ccc–ccc,2019 Von Hippel-Lindau Acts as a Metabolic Switch 11 BASIC RESEARCH

A B EG NP +/- NP +/- VHL VHL

C D FH NP -/- NP -/- VHL VHL

I 15000 **** J 100 **** 80 10000 60

Nglom 40 5000 BUN mg/dL 20


2 2 Figure 8. VHLNP / mice exhibit a glomerular deficit at P21. (A–D) Hematoxylin and eosin staining of kidneys sectioned at P21 showing reduced nephron number (black arrows). (E–H) There are no differences in Glut1 or Pck1 expression in P21 kidneys. Lotus 2 2 2 2 2 tetragonolobus lectin (LTL) staining reveals proximal tubule dilation in VHLNP / + kidneys. (I) VHLNP+/ and VHLNP / glomerular counts at P21 revealed approximately 50% reduction in glomerular number (Nglom). ****P,0.001; n=4. Error bars indicate SEM. (J) 2 2 2 2 2 BUN levels are significantly higher in VHLNP / mice compared with littermate controls. ****P,0.001; VHLNP+/ n=8; VHLNP / n=6. Error bars indicate SEM.

of oxygen, a phenomenon known as the Warburg effect.57–59 glycolysis, mitochondrial respiration, and cell fate are 2 2 Although our VHLNP / model is not a cancer model, these ongoing. mice do exhibit severe alterations in the nephron progenitor metabolic profile consistent with the Warburg effect. In ad- dition to enhanced glycolysis, a previous study investigated ACKNOWLEDGMENTS the metabolic profiles of E13.5 and P0 nephron progenitors and showed that younger progenitors demonstrate a higher Cargill designed and performed experiments, provided intellec- dependence on glycolysis whereas older progenitors are tual input, performed data analysis, and wrote the entirety of the more dependent on oxidative phosphorylation.22 Our study manuscript.Dr.Hemker,Dr.Murali,Dr.Mukherjee,Dr.Bushnell, 2 2 suggests that the phenotype associated with the VHLNP / Dr. Bodnar, and Dr. Liu conducted experiments and provided mice can be attributed to metabolic alterations leading to intellectual input. Dr. Clugston and Dr. Kostka performed RNA- an inability of the cells to transition from glycolysis to oxi- sequencing data analysis and wrote RNA-sequencing methods. dative phosphorylation. Dr.Hemker,Dr.Bates,Dr.Ho,Dr.Saifudeen,Dr.Goetzman,and Insummary,ourstudysuggeststhatVHLiscrucialfor the Dr. Sims-Lucas edited the manuscript and provided intellectual metabolic switching required during progenitor cell differ- input to the project. All authors approved the final version of this entiation, and validates that strict regulation of oxygenation manuscript. is vital for cellular differentiation. Thus, VHL is also an The authors would like to thank the flow cytometry core at the essential mediator dictating proliferative, poised, and dif- University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Children’s Hospital of Pitts- ferentiating nephron progenitors and likely plays a critical burgh Rangos Research Center for assistance throughout this project. role in cell fate decisions. Additional mechanistic interro- This publication was made possible by our funding sources: gation to describe the roles of VHL and HIFs in anaerobic three-dimensional reconstruction experiments are supported by

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