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BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY:COIMBATORE-641046 DEPARTMENT of EXTENSION and CAREER GUIDANCE B.Voc B.Voc. Multimedia and Animation - (UD) –2017-18 onwards Annexure No.76A Page 1 of 29 SCAA Dt.03.07.2017 BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY:COIMBATORE-641046 DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION AND CAREER GUIDANCE B.Voc. MULTIMEDIA AND ANIMATION (For the students admitted from the academic year 2017-18 onwards) SCHEME OF EXAMINATIONS Lecture / Practical Marks for Hrs Duration Total S.No SUBJECT of Exam CREDITS Marks in Hours IA Exam Lecture Practical / Practical Field Work Field Year I - Semester I 1 Part-I: jkpo; I 3 3 25 75 100 3* 2 Part-II: English-I 3 3 25 75 100 3* Core 1 – Computer Fundamentals for 6 3 25 75 100 6** 3 Graphic Designers 4 Core 2 – Learning Principles and Methods 6 3 25 75 100 6** Core lab - 1 – HTML, CSS, ADOBE 6 3 40 60 100 6** 5 PHOTOSHOP, ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR 6 Allied I – Mathematics I 4 3 25 75 100 4* Foundation Course : Environmental Studies 2 2 - 50 50 2* 7 (Tamil/English) # ***Open source Learning – Spoken Tutorial NC Total Credits 24 6 30 Year I- Semester II 8 Part-I: jkpo; II 3 3 25 75 100 3* 9 Part-II: English-II 3 3 25 75 100 3* 10 Core 3 – E-Commerce 6 3 25 75 100 6** Core 4 - WEB DESIGNING, PHP AND 6 3 25 75 100 6** 11 MYSQL Core lab – 2 Web Designing Lab (DREAMWEAVER,FLASH,SWISH MAX)– 6 3 40 60 100 6** 12 MY SQL, PHP 13 Allied II – Mathematics II 4 3 25 75 100 4* 14 Value Education – Human Rights # 2 2 - 50 50 2* ***Open source Learning – Spoken Tutorial NC Total Credits 24 6 30 Year II - Semester III 15 Core 5 – Java Programming 4 3 25 75 100 4** 16 Core 6 – Advanced PHP and CMS 6 3 25 75 100 6** 17 Core 7 - Visual Communication 4 3 25 75 100 4** 18 Core lab – 3 Java Programming 4 3 40 60 100 4** 19 Aos 1 –Management Information Systems 5 3 25 75 100 5* Allied III – Educational Technology and 5 3 25 75 100 5* 20 Communication B.Voc. Multimedia and Animation - (UD) –2017-18 onwards Annexure No.76A Page 2 of 29 SCAA Dt.03.07.2017 Tamil@/Advanced Tamil # or Non-major 2 Elective I - Yoga for Human Excellence #/ 2 50 50 2* 21 Women Rights# / Constitution India # ***Open source Learning –Spoken Tutorial NC Total Credits 26 4 30 Year II - Semester IV Core 8 – Internet Programming and Web 6 3 25 75 100 6* 22 Technology 23 Core 9 – 3D Modeling and Animation 6 3 25 75 100 6** 24 Core lab 4 – 3DS MAX 4 3 40 60 100 4** 25 Core lab - 5 ASP.NET LAB 4 3 40 60 100 4** 26 Aos 2 – E-Publishing and E-Tutoring 4 3 25 75 100 4* Tamil@/Advanced Tamil or Non-major 2 2 50 50 2* 27 elective II (# General Awareness) 28 Internship ^ 4 100 4** ***Open source Learning – Spoken Tutorial NC Total Credits 22 8 30 Year III Semester V Core 10 – Fundamentals of Creative 4 3 25 75 100 4* 29 Multimedia Core 11 – Animation, Rigging, Texturing 6 3 25 75 100 6** 30 using MAYA Core 12 – Multimedia Audio & Video 6 3 25 75 100 6** 31 Technology 32 Core lab - 6 Animation lab using MAYA 6 3 40 60 100 6** 33 Core 13 - Computer Graphics 4 3 25 75 100 4* Aos 3–Multimedia Design Principles & 4 3 25 75 100 4* 34 Authoring ***Open source Learning – Spoken Tutorial NC Total Credits 24 6 30 Year III- Semester VI Core 14 - 3D GAMES SCRIPTING & 6 3 25 75 100 6** 35 VIRTOOLS SDK BASICS 36 Core 15 – Multimedia Security 6 3 25 75 100 6* 37 Core lab 7 – Virtool lab 6 3 40 60 100 6** Core 16 - Entrepreneurship Development 6 3 25 75 100 6* 38 and project management 39 Project Work and Viva Voce ^ 6 40 60 100 6** ***Open source Learning – Spoken Tutorial NC Total Credits 24 6 30 Grand Total Credits for Three Years 3700 180 *General Component – 12 Credits ** Skill Component – 18 Credits *** Non-credit course – Open source Learning through spoken tutorial and assessment by MHRD, GoI @ No University Examination. Only Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) # No Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA), only University Examination ^ Project work/Internship: For Report 80% Marks and Viva-voce 20% marks B.Voc. Multimedia and Animation - (UD) –2017-18 onwards Annexure No.76A Page 3 of 29 SCAA Dt.03.07.2017 ghlj;jpl;lk; - Kjw;gUtk; - gFjp - I – jkpo; - I (2017-2018Mk; fy;tpahz;L Kjy; Nrh;Nthh;f;FhpaJ) (nra;As;> rpWfij> ,yf;fpa tuyhW> ,yf;fzk;> nkhopngah;g;G) myF - I 1. ghujpahh; - GJikg; ngz; 2. ghujpjhrd; - mofpd; rphpg;G - jkpo; 3. fz;zjhrd; - fhyf;fzpjk; 4. Rujh - rpf;fdk; 5. fhrp Mde;jd; - ngU%r;R 6. ,d;Fyhg; - kDrq;flh ehq;f kDrq;flh myF - II 7. mg;Jy; uFkhd; - xg;gpy;yhj rKjhak; 8. mwpTkjp - el;Gf;fhyk; 9. eh.Kj;Jf;Fkhh; - mf;fhtpd; fbjk; 10. jhkiu - xU fjTk; nfhQ;rk; fs;spg;ghYk; 11. <NuhL jkpod;gd; - i`$f; ftpijfs; (10 ftpijfs;) 12. ehl;Lg;Gwg; ghly;fs; - njk;khq;F ghly;> njhopy; ghly; myF - III GJikg;gpj;jd; Kjy; ,iwad;G tiu -rpWfijj; njhFg;G -NCBH,ntspaPL. myF - IV - ,yf;fpa tuyhW GJf;ftpij> i`$f; ftpij - Njhw;wKk; tsh;;r;rpAk; gbkk;> FwpaPLfs; - gw;wpa tpsf;fq;fs;. rpWfijapd; Njhw;wKk; tsh;r;rpAk;. ,yf;fzk; : 1. nkhopj;jpwd;> nrhw;nghUs; NtWghL> u>w>y>s>o>e>z>d NtWgLj;jp mwpAk; Kiw. 2. njhlhpy; t*cr; nrhw;fis ePf;fp vOJjy;> kuGg; gpioia ePf;fp vOJjy; 3. cz;L> cs> csJ> md;W> my;y> my;yd;> my;yh; gad;ghL Xh;> xU gad;ghL 4. xUik> gd;ik njhlhpy; mikAk; tpjk;. myF - V nkhopngah;g;Gg; gFjp nghJg;gFjp> mYtyfg; gFjp> Mq;fpyj;jpypUe;J jkpopy; nkhopngah;j;jy;. B.Voc. Multimedia and Animation - (UD) –2017-18 onwards Annexure No.76A Page 4 of 29 SCAA Dt.03.07.2017 Semester I - Part II ENGLISH-I UNIT I:-Poetry 1.Where the mind is without Fear-Rabindranath Tagore 2. The Road not Taken-Robert Frost 3. The Village Schoolmaster-Oliver Goldsmith UNIT II: Prose 1. Spoken English and Broken English-G.B.Shaw 2. How to Avoid Foolish Opinion Bertrand Russell 3. At School –M.K. Gandhi UNIT III: Short Stories 1.Lalajee-Jim Corbett 2.A Hero-R.K.Narayan 3. A Day‟s Wait-Hemingway UNIT IV: One Act Plays 1.Refund-Fritz Karinthy 2. The Never Never Nest-Cedric Mounte UNIT V: Grammar and Composition 1. Parts of Speech Noun Pronoun Adjective Verb Adverb Preposition 2. Reading Comprehension(a Passage with 5 questions) Question Paper Pattern: Existing Pattern is to be followed. Reference: AROMA Board of Editors Publishers: New Century Book House (p) Ltd., 41B, SIDCO Industrial Estate Chennai-98. B.Voc. Multimedia and Animation - (UD) –2017-18 onwards Annexure No.76A Page 5 of 29 SCAA Dt.03.07.2017 SEMESTER I CORE I- COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS FOR GRAPHIC DESIGNERS UNIT I: Computer – Definition – User types (Individual,Organisation, Society) – Pheripheral Devices - Hardware Devices for Multimedia – Memory and Types- Cache Memory- Types of Software – Operating System- Programming Languages- Translator Programs – Application Software - Computer Graphics- What is computer Graphics – Common Uses of Computer Graphics (in Movies, Ads, Games, CAD-CAM, Multimedia, Virtual Reality, Special Effects, Video Games), Brief History – Vector Display Graphics- Raster Display Graphics-Ray Tracing- Realism- Multimedia-Virtual Reality- Application Programs for Computer Graphicsi UNIT 2: Operating Systems: Brief outline of DOS (Command Prompt Mode only) - Windows – UNIX/Linux – Mac OS- Types of operating Systems: Batch, Online and Real time system - Time sharing, Multiprogramming and Multiprocessing systems. Networking Basics - Sharing data anywhere, anytime - The uses of a network - Common types of networks - Hybrid networks – structure of network - Network topologies and protocols - Network media - Network hardware - Local and Wide Area Network – Internet – Extranet - E-mail and its uses - World Wide Web. UNIT 3: Data Processing and Database fundamentals Data Definition – Data Transformation- DataBase - Definition - Necessity of a database - Characteristics of database - DBMS - Types of database management systems - Logical data models - A brief Outline - Hierarchical model - Network model - Relational model - Object-oriented model - Comparison between various database models UNIT 4: Introduction to HTML 5 - Tags –Structure- Documents- Creating Forms- Tables- Managing Homepage -Browser pitfalls - Selecting Elements- Borders- Colors- Background- Namespace - CSS- Three ways to use CSS- Working with Templates– Media Queries- First code in Java Script- Variables-functions- If conditions and loops –using JQuery UI – Browser Detection- Comments – HTML5 –Structural Elements- New input elements- New Attibutes- Basic Shapes- Text and Shadow- Basic Animation-Add Video to Web Page UNIT 5: An Overview of Adobe Photoshop – What‟s new in Photoshop- Looking at the Work Area- Getting Images into Photoshop and ImageReady – Working with Color- Producing Consistent Color(Photoshop) – Making Color and Tonal Adjustments – Selecting – Transforming and Retouching – Drawing – Painting – Using Channels and Masks – Using Layers – Applying Filters for Special Effects – Using Type – Designing Web Pages – Creating Rollovers and Animations(ImageReady) – preparing Graphics for the Web – Saving and Exporting Images – Printing (Photoshop) – Automating Tasks – Macintosh Shortcuts – Windows Shortcuts – Help ILLUSTRATOR : Illustrator creating and designing of artwork such as logos, illustrations, brochures etc -Getting Started with Illustrator -Drawing, Editing and Symbol tools -Type of Formatting, Filters and Effects - Web Application and Image Integration using Illustrator. Reference Books: 1. Michael Miller, “Absolute Beginner‟s guide to computer Basics”, Fourth Edition, Pearson Education (2007) 2. Peter Norton,” Introduction to computers”, Sixth Edition Tata McGraw Hill (2007) 3.
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