
KGB to Ewen Project Hutt Stopbank Notice of Requirement, Resource Consent Application and Assessment of Environmental Effects Volume 1 KGB to Ewen Project Boulcott Hutt Stopbank

Notice of Requirement, Resource Consent Application and Assessment of Environmental Effects

Volume 1

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Flood Protection Please Contact: N/03/18/02 Greater Tracy Berghan (801 1045) Wellington March 2010 [Final ] PO Box 11646

T 04 384 5708 Report No:GW/FP/G/10/28 F 04 385 6960 W www.gw.govt.nz March 2010 Contents

Volume 1

Executive Summary vi

Part 1: Notice of Requirement (Form 18) and Resource Consent Application (Form 9)

Part 2: Supporting Information and Assessment of Effects on the Environment

1. Introduction 2 1.1 KGB to Ewen upgrade works 2 1.2 Boulcott and Hutt Golf Courses decision to merge 3 1.3 Report Structure 4

2 Statutory Process 5 2.1 Responsibilities of Greater Wellington Regional Council 5 2.1.1 Hutt River Floodplain Management Plan (HRFMP) 5 2.2 Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) 6 2.2.1 Notice of Requirement 6 2.2.2 Assessment of Effects on the Environment 8

3 Reasons why the Designation is Necessary 10 3.1 Mitigating the existing flood risk to the community 10 3.1.1 The Flood Problem 10 3.1.2 Impacts on the Community 11 3.1.3 The Present Situation - Existing Stopbank between Kennedy Good Bridge and Mills Street 11 3.2 Future Work 15 3.3 Future Certainty 15 3.4 Process 15

4 Physical Description of the Location and Site Area 16 4.1 The Hutt River 16 4.2 The Site Area 17 4.3 Designation Area 17 4.4 Site Location 19 4.5 Surrounding Area 20

5 Nature/Detailed Description of the Proposed Works 22 5.1 Proposed Works 22 5.1.1 Potential changes to the Proposed Works 23 5.2 Design Details 23 5.2.1 Stopbank Cross Section 23 5.2.2 Golf Friendly Stopbank Design (Golf Course Architecture) 24 5.2.3 Detailed Stopbank Design 25 5.2.4 Associated Works 28 5.2.5 Stopbank Crest Levels 28 5.3 Technical Investigations 29

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5.3.1 River and Floodplain Hydraulic Modelling 30 5.3.2 River Geomorphology 30 5.3.4 Geotechnical Investigation 31 5.3.5 Field Survey Check 31 5.3.6 Roading Design 32 5.3.7 Utilities and Underground Services 32 5.4 Stopbank Profile 33 5.4.1 Cross section 33 5.5 Material requirements 34 5.6 Construction Methodology 34 5.6.1 Construction General 34 5.6.2 Construction Fill 36 5.6.3 Year 1: Stopbank construction from Connolly Street to the 17th hole in the Hutt course and the low bund 37 5.6.4 Year 2: Stopbank from the 17th hole in the Hutt course to the northern end, Connolly Street realignment and the Safeway section 38 Connolly Street 40 5.6.5 Year 3: Continuation of Safeway and Connolly Street works and tiding up works 40

6 Assessment of Environmental Effects 42 6.1 Effects 42 6.2 Landscape and Visual Effects 42 6.2.1 Existing Environment 42 6.2.2 Effects of the Proposed Stopbank construction and Associated Works 43 6.2.2 Proposed Mitigation 44 6.3 Recreation and Public Access 44 6.3.1 Existing Environment 44 6.3.2 Effects of the Proposed Works 44 6.3.3 Proposed Mitigation 45 6.4 Neighbouring Community and Surrounding Land uses 45 6.4.1 Existing Environment 45 6.4.2 Effects of the Works 46 6.4.3 Proposed Mitigation 49 6.5 Short term /Construction effects 50 6.5.1 Landscape and visual 50 6.5.2 Recreational effects 51 6.5.3 Stormwater effects 51 6.6 values 52 6.6.1 Effects of the Proposed Works 54 6.6.2 Mitigation Measures 55 6.7 Flood Protection 55 6.7.1 The Existing Situation 55 6.7.2 Effects of the Proposed Works 56 6.8 Summary 59

7 Regional and District Plan Provisions 60 7.2 Proposed Wellington Regional Policy Statement 63 7.3 Wellington Regional Freshwater Plan 64 7.4 Hutt City District Plan 67 7.4.1 City of Lower Hutt District Plan - Activity Status 69 7.5 Matters of National Importance 74

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7.5.1 Purpose of the RMA 74 7.5.2 Matters of National Importance 75 7.6 Conclusion 75

8 Consideration of Alternatives 76 8.2.1 Transpower’s Melling Substation Option 77 8.2.2 Initial Alignments 2006 78 8.2.3 Alignment Combinations 79 8.2.4 Favoured Alignment from the MCA Process – End of 2006 80 8.2.5 Process 82 8.3 Phase 2 Feasibility Study: February to August 2007 84 8.3.1 Phase 2 Tasks 84 8.3.2 Phase 2 Stopbank Alignment Options 85 8.3.3 Phase 2 Outcomes 90 8.4.1 Phase 3 Outcomes – Boulcott Alternative Alignment 93 8.4.2 MCA May 2008 – Summary of Alignment Options 93 8.4.3 Outcome of MCA May 2008 99 8.5 Boulcott Alternative Alignment Option Adopted as the Preferred Alignment 99 8.6 Golf clubs merger agreement and modified alignment 99

9 Mitigation Measures and Suggested Conditions 101 9.1 Potential Mitigation Measures 101 9.2 Environmental Code of Practice 102 9.2.1 Noise 103 9.2.2 Dust 103 9.2.3 Water quality and quantity 103 9.2.4 Recreation 104 9.2.5 Cultural and Historic Sites 104 9.2.6 Proposed Monitoring 104 9.3 Suggested Conditions 104

10 Consultation 106 10.1 The Consultation Process 106 10.2 Boulcott Hutt Stopbank: Selecting the Preferred Alignment (April 2006 to March 2009) 106 10.2.1 Public consultation timeline 107 10.2.2 Consultation outcomes to March 2009 108 10.3 Consultation on the Proposed Boulcott Hutt Stopbank and Associated Works from (March 2009 to date) 114 10.3.1 Parties Directly Consulted 114 10.3.2 Public consultation timeline 115 10.3.3 Hutt Golf Club 115 10.3.4 Boulcott Golf Club 117 10.3.5 Local Residents 118 10.3.6 Boulcott School 130 10.3.7 Wellington Tenths Trust & Te Runanganui o Taranaki Whanui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika a Maui 133 10.3.8 Department of Conservation (DOC) 133 10.3.9 Fish and Game NZ 134 10.3.10 Transpower 134 10.3.11 Safeway Storage Limited 135

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10.3.12 Hutt City Council 137 10.3.14 Transport Agency (NZTA) 139 10.3.15 Utility Operators 140

11 Summary and Conclusions 141

12 References 142

Volume 2

13 Appendices Appendix 1: Resource Consents Consent No. WGN 980255 Consent No. WGN 060334

Appendix 2: Proposed Works Boulcott Reach: Melling Bridge to Kennedy-Good Bridge (Xs 0440-0660)

Appendix 3: Outline Plan of stopbank and associated works

Appendix 4: Photos

Appendix 5: Cross Sections – standard / golf friendly

Appendix 6: Chris Pitman’s Report from Phase 1

Appendix 7: Indicative Layout of Fairways after Construction and Indicative layout of the first year construction

Appendix 8: Boulcott Hutt Stopbank Typical Section Connolly Street Alignment Altered Stopbank and Road Plan, October 2009 / cross sections

Appendix 9: Layout plan of the stopbank near Hathaway Avenue and at the end of Boulcott Street

Appendix 10: Utilities Plan Overview

Appendix 11: Ariki Street Private Way – Stopbank location detail

Appendix 12: Cultural Impact Report

Appendix 13: Alternative Alignments considered for the Safeway Storage Site March 2010

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Executive Summary

Greater Wellington Regional Council1 (GW) intends to serve a Notice of Requirement to Hutt City Council (HCC) and lodge resource consent applications with GW in order to construct, upgrade and maintain the existing and proposed stopbanks between Fairway Drive and the Safeway Storage site, Lower Hutt and undertake associated works.

The purpose of this document is to describe the application in more detail and provide an Assessment of Effects on the Environment (AEE) in accordance with the Fourth Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991.

The process and information required for establishing the designation and obtaining resource consents are similar and hence the Notice of Requirement and resource consent applications are provided in Part 1 of this document with the supporting information accompanying both applications provided in Part 2. The plans and information provided in this notice and the accompanying documents also provides sufficient detail to fulfil the requirements of Section 176A (Outline Plan requirements) of the Resource Management Act 1991.

The purpose of the proposed works is to provide Hutt City and surrounding land with flood protection to with “Risk Based” 2300 cumec standard (1 in 440 year return period flood event) as detailed in the Hutt River Floodplain Management Plan (HRFMP2). The HRFMP, describes the Hutt River Design Standard in more detail and explains the different standards for new and upgraded stopbanks along the Hutt River

The proposed works which are the subject of this Notice of Requirement and resource consent application involve the following:

1) Extending the existing stopbank between Fairway Drive and Boulcott Street by constructing a further 1,100m of stopbank through the Hutt and Boulcott Golf Courses including golf course landscaping works and any other works necessary for the construction of the stopbank and reinstatement of the golf course features disrupted by construction works.

2) Upgrading the existing stopbank between Safeway Storage and Boulcott Street and any associated works.

3) Raising and realigning Connolly Street over the upgraded stopbank and any associated works, including removal of the house at 59 Connolly Street.

4) Constructing a small bund on the Hutt Golf Course along the boundary of the course and Harcourt Werry Drive.

5) Removal of the Boulcott clubrooms and green keepers shed.

1 Greater Wellington Regional Council is used for promotional purposes only, Wellington Regional Council remains the legal name of the Council and is used in the forms associated with these applications.

2 Refer to chapter 3, page 32, HRFMP and Section 2, page of this document

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6) Relocating, replacing and or upgrading stormwater drains, power cables, gas, telecom, sewer and water pipes, property access and associated infrastructure as necessary.

7) Diverting approximately 280 cumecs of the Hutt River in a 2800 cumec metre flood event.

8) Discharge of stormwater from an area of earthworks greater than 0.3 ha.

9) Taking up to 250,000 litres per day of water from the Hutt River for use during construction.

10) Temporary extension of an existing stormwater outflow pipe adjacent to Transpower’s Melling Substation.

Gravel extracted from the Hutt River will be used to construct part of the proposed stopbank. Gravel extraction from the river is authorised under Flood Protection’s existing resource consents WGN Consent Nos. WGN980255 and WGN060334 and does not form part of this application.

The proposed works are signalled in the Hutt River Floodplain Management Plan (HRFMP). The HRFMP was completed in 2001 and contains the overall strategy to mitigate the effects of flooding on the Hutt River floodplain.

The site that Greater Wellington Regional Council is proposing to designate can generally be described as land located on the true left bank of the Hutt River between Kennedy Good Bridge and the end of Mills Street, Lower Hutt. The designated area includes land which will be affected by the works associated with the construction of the stopbank and associated works.

The designation follows the eastern boundary of the Hutt Golf Course between Hathaway Ave and Fairway Drive before it dog legs around the Kennedy Good Bridge southern road approach. It then crosses Harcourt Werry Drive and extends as far as the existing river bank. From this point the designation follows the true left bank of the Hutt River heading south for approximately 1.65 kilometres as far as the end of Mills Street.

At Mills Street the designation heads east along the line of the existing stopbank between the northern boundary of properties in Mills St and Safeway Storage. The designation excludes Transpower’s Melling Substation and Safeway Storage site. The designation includes a thin parcel of land owned by GW at the rear of 48-54 Mills Street and 55-57 Connolly Street, 59 Connolly Street, Connolly Street itself as far south as 53 Connolly Street and the former Rentokil Site.

The designation then heads across Connolly Street following the line of the existing stopbank located in the Boulcott Golf Course before heading north toward the existing Boulcott Clubrooms as far as 1 Boulcott Street. The designation then heads east along the rear of Boulcott School until it turns north to meet up with the southern boundary of the Hutt Golf course. (Refer to Annexure 1 – Extent of Designation and Location Plan).

The designation will provide GW with the ability to upgrade, construct and maintain the existing and proposed stopbanks and associated works without the need to obtain resource consents from HCC in the future. GW is negotiating with landowners to obtain access to

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A designation does however, establish a process for land owners to require acquisition of the affected land. It also provides a process for GW to acquire the designated land under the Public Works Act 1981.

The designation affects the District Plan only. Resource consents are being concurrently applied for from GW for the works described above which affect the diversion of flood water, construction of a temporary culvert, taking water for construction purposes and any other consents required to facilitate the construction of the stopbank and associated works.

Part 1

Part 1 sets out the requirements of Forms 9 and 18 of the Resource Management Act 1991.

Part 2

Part 2 describes the reasons for, and description of the public work and the resource consent application, including its effects on the environment, in greater detail.

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