Vol. 152 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2006 No. 23 House of Representatives The House met at 2 p.m. and was Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- ly flawed human rights mechanisms in called to order by the Speaker pro tem- nal stands approved. that body. We thought that once and pore (Mr. ADERHOLT). f for all repressive regimes would be held f accountable for their crimes. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE However, our hopes were quickly DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the dashed last Thursday when the latest PRO TEMPORE gentlewoman from North Carolina (Ms. proposal for the new Human Rights Council was made public. Rather than The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- FOXX) come forward and lead the House taking the time to do something con- fore the House the following commu- in the Pledge of Allegiance. structive, to make things right, the nication from the Speaker: Ms. FOXX led the Pledge of Alle- international community chose con- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, giance as follows: sensus over substance. There was a Washington, DC, February 28, 2006. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the I hereby appoint the Honorable ROBERT B. race to the lowest common denomi- United States of America, and to the Repub- nator. And the result? A flawed pro- ADERHOLT to act as Speaker pro tempore on lic for which it stands, one nation under God, this day. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. posal which empowers dictatorships J. DENNIS HASTERT, while weakening democratic countries Speaker of the House of Representatives. f such as the United States and Israel. f COMMUNICATION FROM THE Much more work needs to be done, CLERK OF THE HOUSE Mr. Speaker. We must ensure that the PRAYER new council is not mere cosmetic The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- changes, but true reform. Let us sup- Coughlin, offered the following prayer: fore the House the following commu- port our U.S. Ambassador, John ‘‘Oh, Lord, You have examined me nication from the Clerk of the House of Bolton, by rejecting this so-called re- and You know me through and Representatives: form. It is nothing but a farce. through. You discern even my thoughts OFFICE OF THE CLERK, f from afar.’’ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Washington, DC, February 17, 2006. BUSH ADMINISTRATION IGNORES It is our nature, Lord God of heaven Hon. J. DENNIS HASTERT, THE LAW ON SECURING OUR and earth, to hold us in Your living The Speaker, House of Representatives, PORTS presence always. It is our nature to Washington, DC. (Mr. PALLONE asked and was given think of You or think of others only DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per- permission to address the House for 1 momentarily. So fixed on ourselves. So mission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II of minute and to revise and extend his re- limited are we. the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- tives, the Clerk received the following mes- marks.) Be with each of us, that we may be Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, the our very best, and prove ourselves wor- sage from the Secretary of the Senate on February 17, 2006, at 1:45 p.m.: Bush administration should have never thy of Your love and Your grace. Be That the Senate agreed to H. Con. Res. 345. approved a deal to allow the United with Congress and its work and delib- With best wishes, I am, Arab Emirates to operate at least six erations today, that this government Sincerely, major U.S. ports. The administration may merit the trust of the American KAREN L. HAAS, claims it went through the proper proc- people and manifest the strength of the Clerk of the House. ess in approving the deal, but the ad- democracy to the nations of the world. f ministration did not conduct a 45-day Without You, O Lord, we can do investigation that is legally required. UNITED NATIONS HUMAN RIGHTS nothing. With You and in You we can It would be nice if someone over at the COUNCIL establish a kingdom of peace, goodness White House would actually read the and justice now and forever. Amen. (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was laws passed here in Congress. f given permission to address the House If the Bush administration had done for 1 minute and to revise and extend its homework, they would have discov- THE JOURNAL her remarks.) ered that a 45-day investigation is The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, a mandatory in cases like this where the Chair has examined the Journal of the year ago we were filled with hope that company is controlled by a foreign gov- last day’s proceedings and announces the proposed United Nations Human ernment and the acquisition could af- to the House his approval thereof. Rights Council would correct the deep- fect our national security.

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H392 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 28, 2006 Had Congress not expressed outrage I plan to support legislation to pro- in the Senate, called for a complete with the plan, a 45-day investigation vide congressional oversight for such cancellation of the contract without would not be taking place today. How- important decisions in the future and regard to the fact that since 9/11 the ever, investigation is simply not to put a hold on this deal unless and United Arab Emirates has been a enough. I have absolutely no con- until Congress satisfies itself, as the strong ally of the United States, pro- fidence that the Bush administration administration has, that America’s in- viding a safe harbor for more than 500 will conduct a proper investigation terests and security will not be imper- of our ships to be refueled and readied. without pressure from Congress. Demo- iled. For my part, I joined those in Con- crats and Republicans here in the f gress who called for a thorough inves- House must stand against this pro- tigation of this contract in the next posal. We already know our ports are STATUS OF THE ECONOMY month and a half and in an agreement vulnerable. We should not add to that (Mr. CARTER asked and was given reached this weekend between the ad- vulnerability by turning our port oper- permission to address the House for 1 ministration, Congress, and the compa- ations over to another country. minute and to revise and extend his re- nies involved of a 45-day review to go f marks.) forward. Mr. CARTER. Mr. Speaker, my son But in order for this contract to be OUR ECONOMY IS DOING GREAT Johnny and his new bride bought a moved forward, the American people (Ms. FOXX asked and was given per- house last fall. He is a baseball coach must be absolutely certain that doing mission to address the House for 1 at our local high school. He has joined so will not compromise the methods minute.) a record number of people, the largest and practices that the Coast Guard, Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, our econ- in the history of the United States, Customs, and Homeland Security em- omy is doing great. But Americans will who own their own home. The great ploy to protect our ports. not find that out from the Main Street American Dream, to own your own f media. New York Times, January 2006: home. the U.S. economy slowed sharply at the The naysayers say the economy is OUR ECONOMY end of 2005. struggling, but the facts do not prove (Mr. GINGREY asked and was given Atlanta Journal Constitution, Janu- out to be the truth. More people own permission to address the House for 1 ary 2006: economic growth slows to a their own home in America than at any minute and to revise and extend his re- snail’s pace. time in the history of our Nation. marks.) The New York Times again, January We are growing. We have an unem- Mr. GINGREY. Mr. Speaker, I rise 2006: pockets of concern slow a strong ployment rate of 4.7 percent, and that today to applaud the Republican fiscal U.S. economy. is one of the lowest in history. Texas policies that have led the United But what the facts show, the U.S. unemployment is at an all-time low in States economy to an expansion rate of economy grew 3.1 percent during 2005. modern history. Our economy grew a 3.5 percent in 2005. Over the last year The unemployment rate is 4.7 percent, solid 4.1 percent in the third quarter, we have experienced real economic suc- the lowest since July 2001. The Congressional Budget Office the 10th straight quarter of GDP at a cesses as a result of our legislation projects economic growth at 3.6 per- rate above 3 percent. that puts American families first. We are producing more. We are grow- In 2005 we witnessed historically low cent in 2006. Personal incomes grew ing more. We are providing more jobs. unemployment rates, a GDP growth above inflation last year in 49 out of 50 We need to prevent the tax increases rate of 4.3 percent, and 30 straight States. Two million jobs were created that many in this body wish to make. months of employment gains. It is no last year, and more Americans are We need to make sure that we main- wonder consumer confidence rose last working than ever before. Average tain a good tax structure and keep the month to the highest level in several weekly earnings grew faster in 2005 tax cuts in position so that this growth years. The current unemployment rate than the average growth during the will continue. It is good for the Amer- of 4.7 percent is lower than the average Clinton years. Do not believe the headlines. Our ican Dream. rates in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. economy is the envy of the industri- f Our policies, Mr. Speaker, are work- ing. And just last month our payroll alized world, and we are doing great. PORT ACQUISITION employment rose by another 193,000 f (Mr. PENCE asked and was given per- jobs. PORT SECURITY mission to address the House for 1 Mr. Speaker, our economy is strong. (Mr. FEENEY asked and was given minute and to revise and extend his re- Household net worth is at an all-time permission to address the House for 1 marks.) high. Construction spending is at an minute.) Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, it is said all-time high. Homeownership is at an Mr. FEENEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to that Washington does two things well, all-time high. express my concern with the potential nothing and overreact. And both have I think we can all see the trend de- port management transfer to Dubai been in high relief in the last week in veloping here. As a Congress, we must Ports World. our Nation’s Capital. adhere to the principles of lower taxes Less than 1 month ago, our President Americans learned just a few days and more responsible government stood in front of us and told us that ago of the approval by the Committee spending. These are the policies that homeland security was the number one on Foreign Investment of the United have a proven track record of growing issue this Nation faces. And, in fact, States that a company owned by the our economy. I am greatly encouraged this administration has a strong and United Arab Emirates had purchased that economic forecasters project our great record in defending our home- the ability to operate ports in six robust economy will continue in 2006. land. major American cities. f But last week, when I was home, Those on the do-nothing side argued Americans throughout my district ex- very quickly that the contract had RECOGNIZING PRESIDENT BUSH’S pressed deep concern that this fast been vetted in the CFIUS program, a HISTORIC TRIP TO INDIA track deal had not been given the type 30-day perfunctory review. They argued (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina of scrutiny that all of us took a con- that no more review was necessary, de- asked and was given permission to ad- stitutional oath to do when we said we spite the fact that the UAE had been dress the House for 1 minute and to re- would protect our country. the home to the banks that funneled vise and extend his remarks.) I need to say that, although the money to the 19 hijackers on 9/11 and, Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. United Arab Emirates has been re- in fact, had endorsed the Taliban gov- Speaker, while preparing for his up- cently a good friend, including a friend ernment in Afghanistan before that at- coming visit to India, President Bush in the war on terror, this deal deserves tack. recently highlighted the unique role much more discourse and much more On the overreact side, many in Con- India is playing in the 21st century. As scrutiny before it goes forward. gress, especially, it seems, Democrats the largest democracy in the world and

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H393 one of the largest economies in the There was no objection. ance with the subpoena is inconsistent with the precedents and privileges of the House. world, India possesses a rare combina- f tion of freedom and innovation which Sincerely, COMMUNICATION FROM THE URT ELDON is paving the way for the country’s C W , CLERK OF THE HOUSE Member of Congress. bright future. The United States already shares a The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- f strong strategic partnership with fore the House the following commu- PORT SECURITY India, enhanced by the extraordinary nication from the Clerk of the House of (Ms. DELAURO asked and was given success of 2.2 million Indian-Ameri- Representatives: permission to address the House for 1 cans. Our nations are working together OFFICE OF THE CLERK, minute.) to defeat the global threat of ter- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, the idea rorism, support democracy around the Washington, DC, February 17, 2006. that any foreign government could world, and encourage fair trade. Last Hon. J. DENNIS HASTERT, control our ports sets off alarm bells year, exports from America to India in- The Speaker, House of Representatives, Washington, DC. for many Americans. And it ought to. creased by 30 percent, clearly indi- DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per- Our Nation’s ports are among our most cating a bright future for U.S.-India mission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II of critical infrastructure. trade with mutual benefit. the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- And that is why I cannot fathom why By traveling to India this week, tives, the Clerk received the following mes- the Bush administration would will- President Bush is taking another step sage from the Secretary of the Senate on ingly transfer the operation of 20 U.S. to cement the bonds of this strong rela- February 17, 2006, at 1:25 p.m.: ports to a company owned by the tionship. I appreciate his leadership, That the Senate passed without amend- United Arab Emirates, a country who and I am confident that he will witness ment H.R. 4745. With best wishes, I am, may be an ally today but has had a the same positive developments I saw Sincerely, checkered past when it comes to sup- during my recent trip to India. KAREN L. HAAS, porting terrorism. In approving the In conclusion, God bless our troops, Clerk of the House. and we will never forget September 11. transaction, we see once again how the f administration conducts business be- f b 1415 hind a veil of secrecy, cutting corners, SECURING OUR HOMELAND failing to follow the law and acting at ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER the behest of not the American citizens (Mrs. BLACKBURN asked and was PRO TEMPORE given permission to address the House but industry. Indeed, they only agreed The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. for 1 minute and to revise and extend to the 45-day review the law requires ADERHOLT). Pursuant to clause 4 of rule her remarks.) after the company suggested it. And Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, we I, Speaker pro tempore TOM DAVIS while mid-level officials were signing are hearing a good bit about national signed the following enrolled bill on off on this deal, the President was security today; and whether it is ports Friday, February 17, 2006: nominating a top DP World executive or the PATRIOT Act, we know that H.R. 4745, making supplemental ap- to serve in his administration, a bla- there are things that we in this body propriations for fiscal year 2006 for the tant conflict of interest. can do and steps we can take to be cer- Small Business Administration’s dis- Mr. Speaker, despite the fact that tain that America is a safer place for aster loans program, and for other pur- Dubai Ports World says there will be a our children, for our families to live, to poses. firewall between the company and its work, to enjoy our lives. f U.S. ports, make no mistake, their em- Mr. Speaker, the PATRIOT Act as it APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO ployees will be operating these ports as comes back around and as we hear MEXICO-UNITED STATES INTER- of Thursday. more about this and hear more about PARLIAMENTARY GROUP And whether the issue is ports, the the reauthorization of this, I would en- Iraq War, the wiretapping of American The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- courage our colleagues to remember citizens, what concerns me is this Re- ant to 22 U.S.C. 276h, and the order of this is a tool that has proven to be suc- publican Congress has never once asked the House of December 18, 2005, the cessful and useful in our national secu- this administration the tough ques- Chair announces on February 16, 2006, rity. It has proven to be a useful tool in tions. It has to. Congress must not the Speaker appointed the following keeping America safe. It has proven to once again give in to a policy that is Members of the House to the Mexico- be useful to law enforcement. It de- clearly not in the public interest. United States Interparliamentary serves reauthorization. It deserves re- Group: f consideration, and I encourage all Mr. KOLBE, Arizona, Chairman ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Members of this body to support reau- Mr. MCCAUL, Texas, Vice Chairman PRO TEMPORE thorization of the PATRIOT Act. f f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- COMMUNICATION FROM THE HON. ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair RESIGNATION AS MEMBER OF CURT WELDON, MEMBER OF CON- will postpone further proceedings COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND GRESS today on motions to suspend the rules THE WORKFORCE on which a recorded vote or the yeas The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- and nays are ordered, or on which the fore the House the following commu- fore the House the following resigna- vote is objected to under clause 6 of nication from the Honorable CURT tion as a member of the Committee on rule XX. WELDON, Member of Congress: Education and the Workforce: Record votes on postponed questions CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, will be taken after 6:30 p.m. today. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Washington, DC, February 16, 2006. Washington, DC, February 17, 2006. f Hon. J. DENNIS HASTERT, Hon. J. DENNIS HASTERT, FACILITATING SHAREHOLDER Speaker, U.S. House of Representatives, Speaker, House of Representatives, U.S. Capitol, Washington, DC. Washington, DC. CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSALS DEAR MR. SPEAKER, Effective today, Feb- DEAR MR. SPEAKER: This is to notify you TO MAKE SETTLEMENT COMMON ruary 16th, I resign my seat on the Com- formally, pursuant to Rule VIII of the Rules STOCK AVAILABLE UNDER THE mittee on Education pending my appoint- of the House of Representatives, that I have ALASKA NATIVE CLAIMS SET- ment to the Committee on Transportation been served with a subpoena for testimony and Infrastructure. TLEMENT ACT and documents issued by the U.S. District Sincerely, Court for the Eastern District of Pennsyl- Mr. RENZI. Mr. Speaker, I move to JOHN BARROW. vania. suspend the rules and pass the Senate The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without After consultation with the Office of Gen- bill (S. 449) to facilitate shareholder objection, the resignation is accepted. eral Counsel, I have determined that compli- consideration of proposals to make

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H394 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 28, 2006 Settlement Common Stock under the Although S. 449 has neither been the The Clerk read as follows: Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act subject of a hearing nor a markup in H.R. 1096 available to missed enrollees, eligible the Committee on Resources, it is sen- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- elders, and eligible persons born after sible legislation which seeks to allow resentatives of the United States of America in December 18, 1971, and for other pur- for expanded partition by Alaska Na- Congress assembled, poses. tives in the Native corporations estab- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. The Clerk read as follows: lished pursuant to the Alaska Native This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Act Commemo- S. 449 Claims Settlement Act of 1971. I am rating the LITE, or Lifetime Innovations of Thomas Edison’’. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- not aware of any opposition to S. 449 resentatives of the United States of America in and urge support for its passage. SEC. 2. PURPOSES. Congress assembled, The purposes of this Act are— Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Speaker, I rise (1) to recognize and pay tribute to Thomas SECTION 1. TECHNICAL AMENDMENT TO ALASKA in support of S. 449, a bill to facilitate share- Alva Edison and his innovations; and NATIVE CLAIMS SETTLEMENT ACT. holder consideration of proposals to make set- (2) to preserve, protect, restore, and enhance Section 36(d)(3) of the Alaska Native the Edison National Historic Site to ensure pub- Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1629b) is tlement common stock under the Alaska Na- lic use and enjoyment of the Site as an edu- amended— tive Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) available cational, scientific, and cultural center. (1) by striking ‘‘(d)(3)’’ and inserting ‘‘(3)’’; to missed enrollees, eligible elders, and eligi- (2) in the matter preceding subparagraph ble persons born after December 18, 1971. SEC. 3. THOMAS EDISON NATIONAL HISTORICAL PARK. (A), by striking ‘‘of this section’’ and insert- The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established the ing ‘‘or an amendment to articles of incorpo- (ANCSA), as originally enacted, limited Alaska Thomas Edison National Historical Park as a ration under section 7(g)(1)(B)’’; Native Regional Corporations from enrolling unit of the National Park System (hereafter the (3) in subparagraph (A)— Natives born after December 18, 1971, as ‘‘Historical Park’’). (A) by striking ‘‘, or’’ and inserting ‘‘; or’’; shareholders in their respective corporations. (b) BOUNDARIES.—The Historical Park shall be and Subsequent amendments to ANCSA have al- comprised of— (B) by striking ‘‘such resolution’’ and in- (1) all property owned by the United States in serting ‘‘the resolution or amendment to ar- lowed Regional Corporations to include Na- tives born after December 18, 1971 (often re- the Edison National Historic Site as well as all ticles of incorporation’’; and property authorized to be acquired by the Sec- (4) in subparagraph (B), by striking ‘‘such ferred to as ‘‘New Natives’’ or ‘‘Shareholder retary of the Interior for inclusion in the Edison resolution’’ and inserting ‘‘the resolution or Descendants’’), if existing shareholders of the National Historic Site before the date of the en- amendment to articles of incorporation’’. Corporation adopt a resolution at an annual actment of this Act, as generally depicted on the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- meeting. Thus far, very few Native Corpora- map entitled the ‘‘Edison National Historic ant to the rule, the gentleman from Ar- tions have adopted resolutions to include Site’’, numbered 20003B, and dated April 1977; izona (Mr. RENZI) and the gentleman Shareholder Descendants, in part because the and (2) all property authorized to be acquired for from West Virginia (Mr. RAHALL) each standard of adopting a resolution is too high. will control 20 minutes. As the law now exists, Alaska Native Cor- inclusion in the Historical Park by this Act or porations (ANCs) may issue new stock to chil- other law enacted after the date of the enact- The Chair recognizes the gentleman ment of this Act. from Arizona. dren of their original shareholders born after (c) MAP.—The map of the Historical Park GENERAL LEAVE 1971 and missed enrollees and additional shall be on file and available for public inspec- Mr. RENZI. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- stock to Native Elders, but they may not do so tion in the appropriate offices of the National mous consent that all Members may unless a majority of the corporation’s shares Park Service. have 5 legislative days within which to approve such a change at a meeting of the SEC. 4. ADMINISTRATION. revise and extend their remarks and in- corporation’s shareholders. However, because (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall admin- clude extraneous material on the bill not all shareholders attend corporation meet- ister the Historical Park in accordance with this ings, it is difficult at any meeting to achieve a Act and with the provisions of law generally ap- under consideration. plicable to units of the National Park System, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there vote in which a majority of all shareholders, including the Acts entitled ‘‘An Act to establish objection to the request of the gen- whether or not represented at the meeting, a National Park Service, and for other pur- tleman from Arizona? agree to have new stock issued. poses,’’ approved August 25, 1916 (39 Stat. 535; There was no objection. S. 449 amends the law to require that only 16 U.S.C. 1 et seq.) and ‘‘An Act to provide for Mr. RENZI. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- a majority of shares represented at the meet- the preservation of historic American sites, self such time as I may consume. ing itself assent to the issuance of new stock, buildings, objects, and antiquities of national Mr. Speaker, S. 449, which is spon- so long as a quorum is present, in order for significance, and for other purposes,’’ approved sored by Alaska Senator LISA MUR- new stock to be issued. August 21, 1935 (16 U.S.C. 461 et seq.). (b) ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY.— KOWSKI, corrects a problem related to Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to vote (1) REAL PROPERTY.—The Secretary may ac- the issuance of stock by Native cor- in favor of this important legislation. quire land or interests in land within the bound- porations pursuant to the Native Alas- Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, I yield aries of the Historical Park, from willing sellers ka Claims Settlement Act of 1971. back the balance of my time. only, by donation, purchase with donated or The bill eases certain restrictions Mr. RENZI. Mr. Speaker, I yield back appropriated funds, or exchange. placed on Native corporations that the balance of my time. (2) PERSONAL PROPERTY.—The Secretary may have made it practically impossible for The SPEAKER pro tempore. The acquire personal property associated with, and many of them to issue new stock to question is on the motion offered by appropriate for, interpretation of the Historical young Alaska Natives. The same legis- the gentleman from Arizona (Mr. Park. (c) COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS.—The Sec- lation has already been passed by the RENZI) that the House suspend the retary may consult and enter into cooperative House as part of H.R. 3351, the Native rules and pass the Senate bill, S. 449. agreements with interested entities and individ- American Technical Corrections Act. The question was taken; and (two- uals to provide for the preservation, develop- In passing this bill today, we should thirds having voted in favor thereof) ment, interpretation, and use of the Historical recognize and applaud the efforts of the the rules were suspended and the Sen- Park. congressman for all of Alaska, Mr. ate bill was passed. (d) REPEAL OF SUPERSEDED LAW.—Public Law 87–628 (76 Stat. 428), regarding the establishment YOUNG, who has labored for years to A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. and administration of the Edison National His- bring this bill before the House today. toric Site, is repealed. I urge adoption of the bill. f (e) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of ACT COMMEMORATING THE LITE, map, regulation, document, paper, or other my time. record of the United States to the ‘‘Edison Na- Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, I yield OR LIFETIME INNOVATIONS OF THOMAS EDISON tional Historic Site’’ shall be deemed to be a ref- myself such time as I may consume. erence to the ‘‘Thomas Edison National Histor- (Mr. RAHALL asked and was given Mr. RENZI. Mr. Speaker, I move to ical Park’’. permission to revise and extend his re- suspend the rules and pass the bill SEC. 5. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. marks.) (H.R. 1096) to establish the Thomas There is authorized to be appropriated such Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, S. 449 is Edison National Historical Park in the sums as may be necessary to carry out this Act. noncontroversial legislation to make it State of New Jersey as the successor to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- easier for Alaska Native corporations the Edison National Historic Site, as ant to the rule, the gentleman from Ar- to issue new stock. amended. izona (Mr. RENZI) and the gentleman

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H395 from West Virginia (Mr. RAHALL) each this as well, Congressman DONALD Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, today I will control 20 minutes. PAYNE and Congressman BILL rise in strong support of H.R. 1096, the The Chair recognizes the gentleman PASCRELL for all their work in joining Act Commemorating the Lifetime In- from Arizona. with me in sponsoring this important novations of Thomas Edison. The GENERAL LEAVE legislation. Thomas Edison Historic Site in West Mr. RENZI. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- Tom Edison’s contributions, most no- Orange, New Jersey is a national his- mous consent that all Members may tably the incandescent light bulb, the toric treasure, and I am privileged to have 5 legislative days within which to motion picture camera, and the phono- have it located in my congressional revise and extend their remarks and in- graph, have had a profound effect on district and have had the pleasure of clude extraneous material on the bill the way people live their lives around visiting the site on a number of occa- under consideration. the world. In fact, Life Magazine once sions. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there honored him as the most important in- The laboratory complex consists of objection to the request of the gen- dividual for the last 1,000 years. buildings that date back to 1887. These tleman from Arizona? The Thomas Edison National His- labs house the technology and the There was no objection. toric Site in West Orange, New Jersey technological innovations and artifacts Mr. RENZI. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- is a national treasure, encompassing that changed the course of not only self such time as I may consume. Edison’s home of 45 years, his labora- America but the entire world. We have H.R. 1096 redesignates the Edison Na- tories and offices, and a vast collection visitors from throughout the world tional Historic site as the Thomas Edi- of artifacts and historic documents. that come to the site, many from Asian son National Historic Park. The park Since 1997, the Edison Preservation countries where technology has become will encompass all lands currently con- Foundation has successfully partnered a very important part of their develop- tained in the historic site and property with the National Park Service to pro- ment and in many instances even bow designated for inclusion by the Sec- vide resources for the restoration of to the statue and pictures of Thomas retary of the Interior prior to passage the site’s historic buildings, artifacts Edison because they revere the impor- of this act. and such, and plans to establish an en- tance of technology that has really Typically, an historic site is consid- dowment to support it for future oper- lighted the world through his inven- ered by the National Park Service to ation including education programs for tions. The labs house the technology contain a single historical feature, children. This partnership is really a and innovations. And from the light while generally a National Historic great example of the public/private bulb to the motion picture camera, Park extends beyond single properties partnership working together and can Edison’s unparalleled innovations are or buildings. Based on this definition, serve as a role model for other pro- being preserved for current and future Edison Historic Site will be more ap- grams in the future considering scarce generations. The first movie was made propriately designated as a National financial Federal resources. there, the Black Maria it is called, and Historic Park. Supporters of the park Unfortunately, both the historic the movie studio is as it was over 100 anticipate that this redesignation will structures where Edison lived and years ago. The light bulb, the phono- bring more attention, visitation, and worked and irreplaceable treasures graph and records that were cast there revenue to the Edison Historic Site. they now hold are at serious risk due at this site all need to be preserved. Over the years, I have witnessed a I urge my colleagues to support H.R. to extensive water and damage and positive impact of this unit of the Na- 1096. age-related decay. Although the site tional Park Service. The Edison lab- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of historically has been a major education oratory complex has opened its doors my time. destination for students from around Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, I yield the region, the need for renovations and resources to assisting in the edu- cation of the community, particularly myself such time as I may consume. has led to a temporary closure of the (Mr. RAHALL asked and was given site to visitors. While private support our young people who have had an op- permission to revise and extend his re- through the efforts of the Edison Pres- portunity to study and to have innova- tive lessons there. As a former teacher, marks.) ervation Foundation is crucial to ef- Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, the leg- forts to restore the site, a long-term I am well aware of the value of having acy left by Thomas Edison is among commitment from the Federal Govern- a piece of history accessible to aug- ment the learning process by providing the most important in American his- ment is also necessary for future suc- lesson plans for teachers, hosting on- tory. Through his generosity, the Na- cess. So to ensure this long-term com- site and virtual tours, and facilitating tional Park Service is able to interpret mitment, we have H.R. 1096, which programs and activities for students. the legacy for future generations, and commemorates Edison’s lifetime ac- The Edison site has provided an invalu- H.R. 1096 will help further that impor- complishments; redesignates, con- able learning experience for these tant goal. sistent with the National Park Service young people. In addition to the sponsor, other guidelines, the Edison Historic Site as Thomas Edison devoted his life to members of the New Jersey delegation, the National Historic Park; and au- technological innovations. His work including Representatives ROB AN- thorizes appropriations for the support ethic and commitment to improving DREWS, FRANK PALLONE, DONALD of the site. This legislation will enable the quality of life for others is a lesson PAYNE, and BILL PASCRELL, are to be the Edison site to more effectively that is extremely applicable today. commended for their efforts in bring- compete for scarce Federal funds and it Edison’s improvement on the telephone ing this legislation to the floor. would also strengthen the Edison Pres- and telegraph machines put him on the I urge our colleagues to support H.R. ervation Foundation’s ability to raise cutting edge of communications tech- 1096. private dollars. nology. As we in Congress consider the Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Finally, Thomas Edison’s legacy is reauthorization of the 1996 Tele- my time. an important component of the history communications Act, Edison’s legacy Mr. RENZI. Mr. Speaker, I yield such of the State of New Jersey and the reminds us of how far we have come. time as he may consume to the gen- United States. So it is important that This June we will celebrate the re- tleman from New Jersey (Mr. GAR- this Congress affirm its support for the opening of the Edison complex. For 2 RETT), the author of the bill. Edison site by advancing this legisla- years the National Park Service and Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey. Mr. tion. the Thomas Edison Preservation Foun- Speaker, I rise today in support of H.R. Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 dation have worked together to restore 1096, a piece of legislation that benefits minutes to the gentleman from New and revitalize this historic site. an important historic landmark from Jersey (Mr. PAYNE) and commend him my home State of New Jersey, the for his excellent leadership on this leg- b 1430 Thomas Edison National Historic Site. islation. Over 400,000 artifacts and 5 million I also want to thank my colleagues (Mr. PAYNE asked and was given pages of documents that trace Edison’s from the other side of the aisle for permission to revise and extend his re- process of inventions have been dete- their support and their hard work on marks.) riorating due to poor environmental

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H396 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 28, 2006 conditions and age-related decay. Many now know today that the Coast Guard Edison National Historic Site. I congratulate years ago, I made a request to allocate has indicated that they are not sure my colleague SCOTT GARRETT for introducing an appropriations to address these that there is not a potential for there this worthy legislation. It has been a privilege issues, and we were able to get $5 mil- to be a security risk in light of port op- to work closely with Representative GARRETT lion about 10 years ago. The result is erations being in the hands of foreign and Representative DON PAYNE, whose district what we see today. entities. houses a large portion of the Edison site, to I am very appreciative that my col- My concern, of course, in this whole preserve this national treasure. leagues approve this appeal. The re- debate is the fact that we are dealing I am proud that I represent a region of New pairs and enhancements of this cen- with foreign entities in one of our most Jersey that has given birth to some of the tury-old building will improve the difficult areas to secure. We know that greatest innovations in our Nation’s history: preservation of the priceless artifacts, a ship laden with weapons of mass de- Thomas Edison’s Glenmont estate in West Or- ensuring that this treasure will remain struction can be volatile and dan- ange and the Great Falls National Historic Dis- an educational and cultural destina- gerous. trict in Paterson—America’s First Industrial tion for generations to come. Passage Mr. RENZI. Mr. Speaker, will the City. Each of these impressive areas—only 10 of this bill will ensure the long-term gentlewoman yield? miles apart—sprang from the imagination of success of the Edison Historical Site Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. I will two of the great pioneers in American history: and demonstrate the congressional not yield at this point. Thomas Edison and Alexander Hamilton. Both commitment to our history. I urge my POINT OF ORDER of these sites—the Edison National Historic colleagues to support this important Mr. RENZI. Mr. Speaker, I raise a Site and the Great Falls Historic District—have legislation. point of order on the germaneness of been included among the most endangered Mr. RENZI. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the subject matter. historic areas in our Nation. The artifacts of the balance of my time. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. both sites are in terrible physical condition and Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 ADERHOLT). The gentleman will state are in grave peril of being lost to the country minutes to the gentlewoman from his point of order. forever. Texas (Ms. JACKSON-LEE). Mr. RENZI. Mr. Speaker, although I Together, these majestic places tell the in- Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. appreciate very much the gentle- spiring story of the rise of the greatest techno- Speaker, it gives me great pleasure to woman’s comments as they relate to logical and economic power the world has be able to thank my good friend from Thomas Edison and in particular her ever known. I strongly believe that it is the role New Jersey, Mr. PAYNE, for his elo- teaching, which enlightened me on his of the Federal Government to partner with the quence in commenting on this very im- being the greatest inventor in Amer- local community to preserve the glory of these portant site that will be established. ican history, I would ask that we look places for all future generations to behold. The site is a national historic treasure at the germaneness of the subject mat- Although these sites are both close to my and contains the world’s largest collec- ter and confine debate to the relevance heart, I want to specifically voice my support tions of materials related to Thomas of the subject matter, please. for the preservation and rehabilitation of the Edison. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Edison National Historic Site, which embodies As a member of the House Science tleman is correct. Debate should be Edison’s legacy as a pioneer of American Committee, clearly we should use confined to the pending question. technology. The Edison National Historic Site, every opportunity to focus on Amer- Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. encompassing Edison’s home and laboratory ica’s researchers and inventors and em- Speaker, as my good friend from the complex, is regarded as one of America’s phasize that Thomas Edison is one of Republican side wishes to extinguish original research and development facilities. America’s greatest inventors, who has debate, let me just indicate, as I start- Half of Edison’s astonishing 1,093 patents shown not only his love for research ed out before, that Thomas Edison rep- were earned during the 44 years he lived in and invention, but his inexhaustible resents innovativeness. Unfortunately, West Orange. energy and genius that produced 1,093 our present administration is not inno- The classic inventions created at this site in- patents in his lifetime, frankly, more vative. clude the phonograph, electric generating sys- than any other American. So, Mr. Speaker, I am hoping that tems, the dry storage battery, and the motion Just this weekend we spent time in my colleagues will join me in being in- picture camera. Edison left a vast collection of the city of Houston with the State of novative by not yielding to any com- artifacts, models, photographs, drawings, and the Black Union, and one of the issues promises that may quash the thought- furnishings at the Edison site. In addition, he dealt with the digital divide among Af- fulness that we would have in dealing left nearly 3,500 notebooks documenting every rican Americans. The idea of high- with our homeland security, which, of experiment, idea, failure, observation and lighting the importance of invention course, also involves technology. business strategy of his long career. and the importance of technology of I hope that we will have a reasonable Even as Thomas Edison lives on as one of that time by establishing and making debate. My good friend from the other the leading visionaries of our time, his home better the Edison National Historical side of the aisle, I hope he will engage and labs have tragically fallen into severe dis- Site is, I think, an asset not only to in this debate so that legislation that I repair due to age-related decay. The public the Nation but certainly to the place am offering that is creative, that deals and private sector must work together to en- where it is lodged. I frankly think that with putting a moratorium on any of sure that adults and young people alike will al- America is a Nation that has great cre- these operations owned by foreign enti- ways be able to rediscover the genius of Edi- ativity, and I am proud to be an Amer- ties, a study by the GAO, a study by son and the impact he has had on all of our ican for that very reason. We are prob- Homeland Security about our security, daily lives. The support of the National Park lem-solvers. I hope that we will have the oppor- Service has enabled the Edison Preservation Mr. Speaker, as we celebrate the fur- tunity, Mr. Speaker, to be relevant at Foundation to create a vital public-private part- ther recognition of the works of Thom- another time. nership to maintain the site as a major com- as Edison by establishing the Thomas Again, let me say I congratulate the munity and educational resource. Edison National Historical Park in the sponsors of this legislation dealing Despite this progress, Congressional sup- State of New Jersey, it causes me to be with the Thomas Edison National His- port through H.R. 1096 is vital to the Edison moved to comment on some of the torical Park. It exudes innovativeness site’s long-term success. The legislation is an statements that have been made ear- and respect for creativity in America. important symbol of Congress’s commitment lier on the floor of the House and the It is sad to say that the last week’s to preserving the legacy of one of America’s week’s events as relates to signs of activities and our failures for Amer- most influential inventors and to restoring a showing that we are not creative in our ica’s ports show no creativity. It is Federal site that is a historic landmark. I urge governance of America today, that is, time for Congress to be as creative as the House of Representatives to move forward of course, the debate and the recogni- it can be in securing the Nation’s and approve this important legislation. tion of the recent contract with UAE homeland. Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, I yield as relates to the taking over of a num- Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I wish to in- back the balance of my time. ber of ports throughout America. clude these in the extension of remarks. Mr. RENZI. Mr. Speaker, I have no Frankly, let me just say that this is I want to speak in strong support of H.R. additional speakers, and I yield back not a debate about the UAE, though we 1096—legislation to help restore the Thomas the balance of my time.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H397 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The Chair recognizes the gentleman cant number of 18th century French colonial question is on the motion offered by from Arizona. structures. the gentleman from Arizona (Mr. GENERAL LEAVE Included in the proposed site study are two RENZI) that the House suspend the Mr. RENZI. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- of the only five remaining vertical log houses rules and pass the bill, H.R. 1096, as mous consent that all Members may known to survive in North America. amended. have 5 legislative days within which to Built around 1800, each stands together on The question was taken. revise and extend their remarks and in- their original sites, standing as a reflection of The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the clude extraneous material on the bill our history, which needs to be preserved for opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of under consideration. our future. those present have voted in the affirm- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there In addition to these two homes, historic ative. objection to the request of the gen- downtown Ste. Genevieve, as well as a com- Mr. RENZI. Mr. Speaker, on that I tleman from Arizona? mon field used by French settlers, known as demand the yeas and nays. There was no objection. Le Grand Champ, are further examples of the The yeas and nays were ordered. Mr. RENZI. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- history and tradition that exists in Ste. Gene- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- self such time as I may consume. vieve County. ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the Mr. Speaker, H.R. 1728, introduced by This bill is important because the study will Chair’s prior announcement, further Congressman RUSS CARNAHAN of Mis- not only ensure the preservation of local colo- proceedings on this question will be souri and amended by the Resources nial history, but it will result in economic devel- postponed. Committee, would authorize the Sec- opment from increased tourism and entrepre- f retary of the Interior to conduct a neurship. STE. GENEVIEVE COUNTY NA- study of the feasibility of designating I’d like to thank Chairman POMBO and Rank- TIONAL HISTORIC SITE STUDY the French Colonial Heritage Area in ing Member RAHALL for their work on this bill. ACT OF 2005 eastern Missouri as a unit of the Na- I would also like to thank my colleague and tional Park System. This area contains co-sponsor, Congresswoman EMERSON for her Mr. RENZI. Mr. Speaker, I move to some of the only existing examples of support. suspend the rules and pass the bill the French colonial period settlement Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, I yield (H.R. 1728) to authorize the Secretary in North America dating to circa 1785. back the balance of my time. of the Interior to study the suitability I urge adoption of the bill. Mr. RENZI. Mr. Speaker, I yield back and feasibility of designating the Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of the balance of my time. French Colonial Heritage Area in the my time. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The State of Missouri as a unit of the Na- Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, I yield question is on the motion offered by tional Park System, and for other pur- myself such time as I may consume. the gentleman from Arizona (Mr. poses, as amended. (Mr. RAHALL asked and was given RENZI) that the House suspend the The Clerk read as follows: permission to revise and extend his re- rules and pass the bill, H.R. 1728, as H.R. 1728 marks.) amended. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, I do com- The question was taken; and (two- resentatives of the United States of America in mend the gentleman from Missouri, Congress assembled, thirds having voted in favor thereof) Representative CARNAHAN, for valuing the rules were suspended and the bill, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. the historic and cultural resources This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Ste. Gene- as amended, was passed. vieve County National Historic Site Study which make his district unique and for The title of the bill was amended so Act of 2005’’. seeking ways to interpret and share as to read: ‘‘A bill to authorize the Sec- SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. those resources more broadly. retary of the Interior to study the suit- In this Act: I spoke with him personally on the ability and feasibility of designating (1) AREA.—The term ‘‘Area’’ means Ste. phone last night. He is in his district at portions of Ste. Genevieve County in Genevieve County, Missouri, which includes the current time attending very impor- the State of Missouri as a unit of the the Bequette-Ribault, St. Gemme- tant activities, but this legislation is National Park System, and for other Amoureaux, and Wilhauk homes, and the re- just as important to him. Otherwise, he purposes.’’. lated and supporting historical assets lo- would be here speaking on this person- cated in Ste. Genevieve County, Missouri. A motion to reconsider was laid on ally. (2) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ the table. If the study we are authorizing today means the Secretary of the Interior, acting f through the Director of the National Park should support such a move, we look Service. forward to working with Representa- RECOGNIZING THE CREATION OF SEC. 3. STUDY. tive CARNAHAN on legislation to make THE NASCAR-HISTORICALLY (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 3 years this area a unit of the National Park BLACK COLLEGES AND UNIVER- after the date on which funds are made avail- System. SITIES CONSORTIUM able to carry out this Act, the Secretary I urge my colleagues to support H.R. Mr. KELLER. Mr. Speaker, I move to shall, in consultation with the State of Mis- 1728. suspend the rules and agree to the reso- souri— Mr. CARNAHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today (1) complete a study on the suitability and lution (H. Res. 677) recognizing the cre- feasibility of designating the Area as a unit in support of H.R. 1728, the Ste. Genevieve ation of the NASCAR-Historically of the National Park System, which shall in- County National Historic Site Study Act of Black Colleges and Universities Con- clude the potential impact that designation 2005. sortium. of the area as a unit of the National Park This bill will authorize the Secretary of the The Clerk read as follows: System is likely to have on land within the Interior to study the feasibility of designating H. RES. 677 proposed area or bordering the proposed area areas within Ste. Genevieve County, Missouri, that is privately owned at the time that the Whereas the Bureau of Labor Statistics re- as a unit of the National Park System. ports that, while there are 1.3 million auto- study is conducted; and This study is important to the area, as it will (2) submit to the Committee on Resources motive technicians currently employed, in- of the House of Representatives and the help preserve the great history in the region. dustry figures confirm that an additional Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Ste. Genevieve’s historical significance de- 50,000 technicians are needed to fill open po- of the Senate a report describing the findings rives from French colonial settlement in Mis- sitions each year; of the study. souri. Whereas the National Automotive Dealers (b) CONTENTS.—The study under subsection It was an outpost of the French empire and Association reports that 57 percent of their (a) shall be conducted in accordance with demonstrates France’s efforts to colonize the dealers’ operating profit is generated by Public Law 91–383 (16 U.S.C. 1a–1 et seq.). central region of North America. their parts and service departments; that The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- dealers consider it difficult to find a quali- Today, Ste. Genevieve remains steeped in fied technician; and that 42 percent of all ant to the rule, the gentleman from Ar- French tradition, both culturally and dealer technicians have been engaged in that izona (Mr. RENZI) and the gentleman architecturally. line of work less than one year; from West Virginia (Mr. RAHALL) each The historic region in Ste. Genevieve has a Whereas the National Association for will control 20 minutes. rich collection of resources, including a signifi- Stock Car Auto Racing, Inc. (‘‘NASCAR’’),

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H398 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 28, 2006 the NASCAR Universal Technical Institute, There was no objection. tween NASCAR and Historically Black and a collaboration of Historically Black Mr. KELLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield Colleges and Universities. This part- Colleges and Universities (‘‘HBCUs’’) have myself such time as I may consume. nership is aimed at increasing the agreed to create a strategic alliance focused Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong number and quality of job opportuni- on increasing the number and quality of job support of H. Res. 677, a measure to opportunities for African-American students ties for African American students in in key racing and other related automotive recognize the creation of the NASCAR- the NASCAR workforce, as well as business activities including automotive en- Historically Black Colleges and Uni- other related fields, including auto- gineering and technology, automotive safe- versities Consortium. I thank the gen- motive engineering and technology, ty, sports marketing, and other automotive tleman from Alabama (Mr. ROGERS) for automotive safety, sports marketing industry areas; offering this legislation and for his sup- and other automotive industry areas. Whereas NASCAR and its partner HBCUs port of this important partnership. b 1445 are establishing a formal structure to in- It is fitting that we are considering crease the number and quality of job oppor- this resolution on the final day of This year, 2006, marks NASCAR’s tunities for African-American students with Black History Month, 4 weeks during 57th year of racing. Sadly, during its 57 NASCAR in key racing and other related years, NASCAR has had just five black automotive business activities through the which our Nation has celebrated the NASCAR Universal Training Institute and countless contributions of African drivers to ever compete in a Cup Series the NASCAR Diversity Internship Program; Americans to our Nation’s history. race. Whereas NASCAR has agreed to efforts to Historically Black Colleges and Uni- In 1963, Wendell Scott finished 10th enhance the identification of employment versities, or HBCUs, have played an im- or better in the points standings three opportunities with NASCAR such as Intern- portant role in enriching the lives of times, and came away with the victory. ships, full time jobs, including entry level not just African Americans, but our en- However, Scott did not receive his tro- management positions, part-time jobs for tire country. In fact, President Bush phy until a month after the fact. college students, and post-graduate job Second place finisher , placement for students pursuing under- once noted, ‘‘Our Historically Black graduate and graduate degrees at partner Colleges and Universities opened the who was white, was awarded the trophy HBCUs; door to knowledge when other doors in fear of fan uproar. Today, nearly 45 Whereas NASCAR and its partner HBCUs were barred. And today they offer ex- years later, the number of black have developed a program to increase aware- citing opportunities to young people to NASCAR fans have increased, but mi- ness, access to, and participation by African- contribute to their country.’’ nority drivers and automotive techni- American students in the NASCAR Universal While compromising only 3 percent cians are still nearly nonexistent. Training Institute and NASCAR Diversity of our Nation’s 2- and 4-year institu- According to an ESPN poll, approxi- Internship Program by partner HBCUs for mately 6.6 million NASCAR fans are the racing and other related automotive in- tions, HBCUs are responsible for pro- dustries; and ducing 28 percent of all bachelor’s de- black, yet no black driver has com- Whereas NASCAR and the partner HBCUs grees, 15 percent of all master’s de- peted at the Cup Series level since will seek opportunities to establish and en- grees, and 17 percent of all first profes- Willie T. Ribbs ran three races 20 years hance the funding of targeted job develop- sional degrees earned by African Amer- ago. ment activities by partner HBCUs, and to icans. And through its new partnership The on-track program is not generate support for the HBCUs in their ef- with the popular sport of NASCAR, the NASCAR’s only effort at diversifying forts to enhance curriculum development in impact of HBCUs is sure to grow. the predominately white sport. sports marketing, finance, human resource NASCAR offers awards, diversity schol- management and other automotive industry The new NASCAR-HBCU Consortium areas: Now, therefore, be it will promote diversity throughout arships to minority undergraduate and Resolved, That the House of Representa- NASCAR, including its marketing, graduate students attending HBCUs. tives— service, and engineering departments. The scholarship program is in its (1) recognizes the National Association for This is particularly meaningful as our sixth year, and the NASCAR diversity Stock Car Auto Racing, Inc., the NASCAR Nation seeks to increase the number of internship program is in its seventh Universal Technical Institute, and a collabo- students studying math and science in year. The internship program is a 10- ration of Historically Black Colleges and college. According to the Department week paid summer internship that in- Universities, and their creation of a stra- troduces minority students to tegic alliance to increase the number and of Education’s most recent figures, quality of job opportunities for African- only about 9 percent of students receiv- NASCAR and various career opportuni- American students in key racing and other ing a bachelor’s degree in math or ties throughout the industry. related automotive business activities; science are African Americans, so the Many of the summer interns have (2) commends NASCAR, the NASCAR Uni- creation of this consortium could not graduated and are currently pursuing versal Technical Institute, the NASCAR have come at a better time. engineering and sports management Technical Training Institute, and the His- The United States must produce careers. As the automotive industry torically Black Colleges and Universities, for more students interested in math and grows and becomes more techno- their efforts to increase the number and logically demanding in the coming dec- quality of job opportunities for African- science in order for our Nation to excel American students in key racing and other in an increasingly global economy. ades, this partnership between related automotive business activities; and HBCUs are sure to be at the forefront NASCAR and Historically Black Col- (3) encourages the Departments of Edu- of this effort. leges and Universities will become in- cation and Labor and other appropriate Mr. Speaker, I applaud NASCAR for creasingly vital. agencies of the Federal government to sup- recognizing the contributions HBCUs Mr. Speaker, I support the resolution port this effort. have made to American education and and urge my colleagues to do so. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- culture and, more importantly, the Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of ant to the rule, the gentleman from contributions they will make in the fu- my time. Florida (Mr. KELLER) and the gen- ture. I am proud that the House has Mr. KELLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield as tleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) each taken the lead in promoting the efforts much time as he may consume to the will control 20 minutes. of this consortium, which will ensure author of this important resolution, The Chair recognizes the gentleman new and exciting career opportunities the gentleman from Alabama (Mr. ROG- from Florida. for undergraduate and graduate stu- ERS). GENERAL LEAVE dents attending HBCUs. I ask my col- Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speak- Mr. KELLER. Mr. Speaker, I ask leagues to support this resolution. er, I rise today in strong support of H. unanimous consent that all Members Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Res. 677, a resolution recognizing the may have 5 legislative days within my time. importance of the NASCAR–HBCU Con- which to revise and extend their re- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I sortium. On February 8, 2006, the Na- marks and include extraneous material yield myself such time as I may con- tional Association for Stock Car Auto on H. Res. 677. sume. Racing, NASCAR, announced a new The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H. collaboration with Historically Black objection to the request of the gen- Res. 677, which recognizes the creation Colleges and Universities and the Uni- tleman from Florida? of the recently formed partnership be- versal Technical Institute.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H399 The effort, known as the NASCAR– cuss and debate this on the last day of North Carolina and in the area from HBCU Consortium, focuses on increas- commemorating African American His- which I come. ing the number of job opportunities for tory Month. The second thing that converges here African American students in racing, Let me point out what is most excit- is the recognition that I have five His- technology, automotive safety and ing about this effort. One, HBCUs are torically Black Colleges and Univer- sports marketing. I am especially known to be one of the greatest re- sities in my district, and two of them pleased that over 40 Members of Con- sources for talented African American have already become a part of this gress have joined my colleague, Rep- students and others. In addition, His- partnership and will benefit from resentative WATT, and me in intro- torically Black Colleges are found NASCAR’s diversity initiative: North ducing this resolution. mostly in the South, where it is known Carolina A&T State University in Being from Alabama, I have firsthand that the NASCAR effort is most pop- Greensboro, North Carolina, and Win- knowledge of many of the partners in ular, but also the heart of that effort. ston-Salem State University in Win- this consortium. As a race fan, I have Of course, it combines education, ston-Salem, North Carolina. spent many days at the Talladega skills and job opportunity. So this Representative DAVIS has indicated Super Speedway, a facility that I am partnership is all that we would ask it the history of NASCAR when it comes proud to represent here in Congress. In to be. We now look to the Department to drivers, and that is important, but I addition, I have the honor of rep- of Education to really engage itself in want to emphasize that this is not only resenting three of the leading HBCUs whatever efforts are necessary to pro- about having drivers in the cars. in the Nation: Talladega College, Ala- mote, encourage and facilitate this NASCAR is a massive conglomerate of bama State University, and Tuskegee partnership. Let us provide the nec- entities, and a lot of people view University. Their excellence and com- essary resources, governmental if at NASCAR or motor sports as just the mitment to education are known all, necessary to ensure that the part- guys that are out there running around across our Nation. nership continues. the track or the guys in the pits. There In Alabama, we have been blessed by Finally, let me say, let me encourage are marketing opportunities, there are a thriving and growing automotive in- the young people who might be listen- accounting opportunities; this is a dustry. Both Honda and Hyundai have ing to this debate that the opportunity major corporate undertaking here. built large plants in my congressional now stands for you to put your intern- There are engineering opportunities. district, and they employ thousands of ship, full-time jobs, including entry- I was so very impressed when I went Alabamians with good jobs at good level management positions, part-time to one of the shops there to know that wages. jobs and postgraduate job placement this is not just somebody putting a car Mr. Speaker, it is critical that all our for students pursuing undergraduate out there, it is massaging the toler- young folks have the skills to compete and graduate degrees at partner ances and doing what is necessary to for these jobs. This new partnership HBCUs. get those cars, engineering-wise, to should help more of tomorrow’s work- The skills would be, of course, the perform at their maximum perform- ers take advantage of these new oppor- technical aspects of this business, and ance level. So we think this has tre- tunities. that is relating to the automotive busi- mendous potential for job opportuni- I also call on the United States De- ness activities, including automotive ties for an increase of diversity. partments of Education and Labor to engineering and technology, auto- Now, is this unique? It may be some- support this consortium as well. And motive safety, sports marketing and what unique for NASCAR, but it is cer- finally I would like to thank Speaker other automotive industry areas. tainly not unique for the Congressional HASTERT for his participation at the Mr. Speaker, as I conclude, I want to Black Caucus. The Congressional Black announcement of this consortium. congratulate my colleagues and also Caucus, which I am honored to chair, Also I wish to thank Majority Leader say that this is, of course, planting the has been in the forefront of pushing job BOEHNER and Chairman MCKEON for ex- seeds. I have been discussing with my opportunities in every area of our lives: pediting this resolution for consider- universities in Texas the idea of look- in the sports arena, in the business ation. With that, I respectfully ask the ing at sports management to cover the arena, in the financial services arena, House for its support of this resolution. NFL, the NBA, and American baseball. you just name it, go down the list. So, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I These are important economic engines, for us, this is not a unique program, it yield such time as she might consume and it is certainly a very important is a natural progression and an expan- to the gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. step that this resolution, H. Res. 677, is sion of what we set out to do. JACKSON-LEE). going forward, partnering HBCUs with And then, finally, I would just say Ms. JACKSON-LEE. Mr. Speaker, I NASCAR. that, as most things, this is at its bot- want to thank the gentleman for his Mr. KELLER. Mr. Speaker, I do not tom line about money. leadership in managing this legislation have any more speakers, and reserve If we can take the fan base of as it comes to the floor, and let me the balance of my time. NASCAR and superimpose on it all of give my appreciation to Mr. ROGERS Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, the African American potential that is and Mr. WATT for really pinpointing an it is my pleasure now to yield such out there, so that there is an equal area that has such vast popularity and time as he may consume to the cospon- amount of customer and fan base in the recognition and finding in it an oppor- sor of this resolution and the chairman African American community as there tunity for education and jobs. of the Congressional Black Caucus, is in other communities, you will see This partnership between NASCAR, Representative MEL WATT. the same thing happen in NASCAR the National Association for Stock Car Mr. WATT. Mr. Speaker, I thank the that you saw happen when Tiger Woods Auto Racing, as well as the HBCUs, is gentleman, Mr. DAVIS, for yielding the became the superstar that he is in golf. close to a partnership longing to be es- time. You will see the same thing happen tablished. I am honored to be an original co- in NASCAR that has happened in foot- This relationship that deals with a sponsor with my friend, Congressman ball and basketball and baseball and sport that has come to be one of the ROGERS from Alabama, of this legisla- other sports. They have recognized most popular in the United States of tion. Some people probably are won- that there is a customer base out there America, one that probably has the dering why this kind of interesting co- that, if they take advantage of it, can greatest Sunday afternoon or Saturday alition has come together. be cultivated if people who look like afternoon audience of any of our Well, for me, it is about having the the customers are involved in it. sports, and maybe our sports combined, Lowes Motor Speedway in Charlotte, So we dare not delude ourselves that now can stand as a symbol of oppor- North Carolina, not inside my congres- this is all about just goodwill. This is tunity and civil rights. sional district, it is actually in an ad- about money at its base. And it is It is a symbol now of a combination joining congressional district rep- about the American way, the capital of the needs of the NASCAR sports in- resented by one of my other North way of doing things. dustry, and Historically Black Col- Carolina colleagues. But we know the We support that. We are not adverse leges. How important it is that we dis- value of NASCAR and motor sports in to it. We are not opposing it. We are

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H400 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 28, 2006 supporters of that. We think this is a Whereas the 1966 Texas Western team of alongside their fellow white soldiers. way to do it. (Detroit, Michigan), Orsten Blacks were not, however, playing bas- I want to congratulate my good Artis (Gary, Indiana), Togo Railey (El Paso, ketball at many schools in the South, Texas), Willie Worsley (New York, New friend, Mr. ROGERS. And when we intro- where de facto segregation still York), David Palacio (El Paso, Texas), Dick duced this resolution, a stream of my Myers (Peabody, Kansas), Harry Flournoy reigned. colleagues came immediately to sup- (Gary, Indiana), Louis Baudoin (Albu- For , coach of the Texas port the resolution. querque, New Mexico), (New Western Miners men’s basketball team, I thank Speaker HASTERT for joining York, New York), Jerry Armstrong a person’s race did not matter. To him us at the press conference where this (Eagleville, Missouri), Willie Cager (New ability on the basketball court was rolled out. And I thank the leader- York, New York), and David ‘‘Big Daddy’’ mattered more than the color of the ship on both sides of the aisle for expe- Lattin (Houston, Texas) finished the basket- player’s skin. To Coach Haskins, the diting this resolution to the floor of ball season 28–1; only thing that really mattered was Whereas on March 19, 1966, Coach Don the House. Haskins’ all-black starting line-up, the first winning. This was the philosophy Coach b 1500 such line-up to ever appear in a major cham- pionship contest, defeated the heavily-fa- Haskins used on the night of March 19, It does not cost us any money. All we vored University of Kentucky to win the 1966. That night the Texas Western are doing is congratulating, encour- NCAA Basketball Championship, an event Miners made history by defeating the aging private enterprise to be more di- defined by many as the ‘‘Brown v. Board of number-one-ranked, all-white Univer- verse in their customer base, in their Education of athletics’’; sity of Kentucky Wildcats for the employment base, in their opportuni- Whereas the Miners’ victory accelerated NCAA basketball championship, a ties that are extended to all Ameri- the pace of racial integration in college ath- game of historical significance because letics and contributed to the expansion of cans. That is what this is all about. It no other college team at the time had deserves our unqualified support, and I the civil rights movement into the realm of sports; ever started five black players in a encourage my colleagues to support it Whereas when recounting his historic im- major championship contest. In fact, without even thinking about it a sec- pact on diversity in college sports, Don when Texas Western defeated Ken- ond time. Haskins said, ‘‘I just played my best guys, tucky 72–65, a game still celebrated as Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I like any coach would do.’’; and one of the biggest college basketball have no further requests for time, and Whereas over the course of his career Don upsets in NCAA history, there were no I yield back the balance of my time. Haskins also coached the Miners to 32 win- black basketball players in the South- ning seasons, seven Western Athletic Con- Mr. KELLER. Mr. Speaker, I have no eastern or Atlantic Coast Conferences. further requests for time, and I yield ference championships, four Western Ath- letic Conference tournament titles, and 21 This remarkable triumph helped shift back the balance of my time. post-season appearances, creating a proud the national perception of black ath- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. tradition of college basketball success and letes and helped bring about the wide- CONAWAY). The question is on the mo- community spirit in El Paso that persists to spread desegregation of college sports. tion offered by the gentleman from this day and winning entry into the In turn, the desegregation of college Florida (Mr. KELLER) that the House Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame sports helped to spread greater equal- suspend the rules and agree to the reso- in 1997: Now, therefore, be it ity throughout American society. Resolved, That the House of Representa- lution, H. Res. 677. Mr. Speaker, the man behind Texas The question was taken; and (two- tives celebrates the 40th anniversary of Texas Western’s 1966 NCAA Basketball Western’s success is Don Haskins. His thirds having voted in favor thereof) Championship and recognizes the 38-year reign at Texas Western, now the rules were suspended and the reso- groundbreaking impact of the title game vic- the University of Texas El Paso, al- lution was agreed to. tory on diversity in sports and civil rights in lowed him to become one of the A motion to reconsider was laid on America. winningest coaches in NCAA history. the table. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- He amassed a 719–354 record, 32 winning f ant to the rule, the gentleman from seasons, seven Western Athletic Con- CELEBRATING THE 40TH ANNIVER- Florida (Mr. KELLER) and the gen- ference Championships, four Western SARY OF TEXAS WESTERN’S 1966 tleman from Texas (Mr. HINOJOSA) each Athletic Tournament titles, and 21 NCAA BASKETBALL CHAMPION- will control 20 minutes. post-season appearances. In 1997, Coach SHIP The Chair recognizes the gentleman Haskins was inducted into the from Florida. Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Mr. KELLER. Mr. Speaker, I move to GENERAL LEAVE Fame. He retired from coaching in 1999. suspend the rules and agree to the reso- Mr. KELLER. Mr. Speaker, I ask Coach Don Haskins is truly a living lution (H. Res. 668) celebrating the 40th unanimous consent that all Members legend in college sports. He believed anniversary of Texas Western’s 1966 may have 5 legislative days within that as a coach he should recruit the NCAA Basketball Championship and which to revise and extend their re- best raw talent he could find no matter recognizing the groundbreaking impact marks on H. Res. 668. the player’s race, background, or life of the title game victory on diversity The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there story. If not for the colorblind dream of in sports and civil rights in America, objection to the request of the gen- Coach Haskins to win basketball games as amended. tleman from Florida? with his team’s most talented players, The Clerk read as follows: There was no objection. history may not have been made on the H. RES. 668 Mr. KELLER. Mr. Speaker, I yield night of March 19, 1966. Whereas Don Haskins was a high school myself such time as I may consume. I want to thank my colleague from basketball star at Enid High School in Enid, It gives me great pleasure to rise in Texas (Mr. REYES) for introducing this Oklahoma, a college standout at Oklahoma support of House Resolution 668, which legislation and bringing forth a lesser A&M (now Oklahoma State) under his men- celebrates the 40th anniversary of known, yet significant, piece of history tor, Coach Hank Iba, and a successful Texas high school basketball coach, amassing a Texas Western’s 1966 NCAA basketball in college athletics. I am happy to join 157–41 win-loss record coaching Benjamin, championship and recognize the my colleagues in celebrating the 40th Hedley, and Dumas High Schools; groundbreaking impact of the title anniversary of Texas Western’s 1966 Whereas in 1961 Don Haskins became the game victory on diversity in sports and NCAA basketball championship. I ask coach of the men’s basketball team at Texas civil rights in America. my colleagues to support this resolu- Western College, which was later renamed Texas Western’s victory occurred 40 tion. the University of Texas at El Paso; years ago, 1966, during the midst of the Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Whereas early in the 1965–1966 basketball civil rights movement to end discrimi- my time. season Don Haskins told Texas Western nation against blacks. The 1954 Brown president Joseph Ray, ‘‘The way our boys Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I yield line up now, my six best boys are black. If I v. Board of Education decision and the myself such time as I may consume. leave two or three of them out because Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed insti- Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege to rise they’re black, they’ll know it. [And] the tutional racial segregation. In Viet- in support of H. Res. 668, a resolution white boys will know it.’’; nam, blacks were fighting and dying to celebrate the 40th anniversary of

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H401 Texas Western’s 1966 NCAA basketball Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I yield ground, I found extraordinary signifi- championship. 61⁄2 minutes to my friend and colleague cance in that 1966 game. I am proud to join my colleague and from El Paso, Texas (Mr. REYES), the b 1515 very good friend, the resolution’s au- author of this legislation. thor, Congressman SILVESTRE REYES Mr. REYES. Mr. Speaker, I thank my I was a Texas Western student during from El Paso, in commemorating the colleague from Texas and also the gen- the fall semester of 1965 and had an op- 40th anniversary of this watershed tleman from Florida for allowing us portunity to see these great players event in our struggle for racial equal- the time to speak here on this very im- play. Shortly thereafter, I was drafted ity. portant event, not just for El Paso and into the Army and eventually went on On March 19, 1966, Texas Western Col- not just for Texas but for our whole to fight in Vietnam. In March of 1966, I lege’s Coach Don Haskins led an all- country, for a whole generation of was still in El Paso, only stationed at black starting lineup to a 72–65 win players and those that have benefited Fort Bliss doing basic training. For over an all-white team from the bas- from their accomplishments. those of us who were in the military at ketball powerhouse, University of Ken- I rise today in strong support, Mr. the time, the hypocrisy of America’s tucky. For Coach Haskins, he was sim- Speaker, of H. Res. 668, a resolution racial policies were very clear. We saw ply putting his best players on the that celebrates the 40th anniversary of a country that would not hesitate to floor. For the Nation, he delivered the Texas Western’s 1966 NCAA basketball send black and Hispanic soldiers to message that in competition, talent championship, recognizing the fight and die in foreign wars, but would and ability mattered more than race. groundbreaking impact of that title not fight for us back at home. This is a lesson that we are still learn- game victory on diversity in sports Coach Haskins’ and the Miners’ vic- ing today. and, of course, on the impact, as my tory helped reveal to a nation the ab- The young men who took Texas colleagues have stated, of civil rights surdity of racism and the futility of Western College to a 28–1 championship in America. segregation. season braved racism and hostile I am proud to have introduced this I returned from Vietnam and chose a crowds to carry their team and their bill and honored to have the oppor- career in public service and a career in college to victory. I invite you to see tunity to speak in this Chamber today which my successes followed from my this 1966 team photo in front of Memo- about the importance of what a basket- abilities and my own hard work. Of rial Gym, courtesy of the University of ball team and a coach achieved 40 years course, I found that life does not abide Texas El Paso. These champions were ago. by that perfect rule of a game like bas- Bobby Joe Hill, Orsten Artis, Togo This afternoon I want to thank Lead- ketball, but I remain inspired today by Railey, Willie Worsley, David Palacio, er BOEHNER and Chairman MCKEON and Texas Western’s win, and I know that I Dick Meyers, Harry Flournoy, Louis Ranking Member MILLER for their sup- would not have had the opportunities I Baudoin, Nevil Shed, Jerry Armstrong, port in bringing this very important did have had it not been for the cour- Willie Cager, and David Lattin. legislation to the floor. age of people like Don Haskins and his It is fitting that on this 40th anniver- On March 19, 1966, the Miners of Miners. sary of the 1966 Miners breaking the Texas Western, which is now UTEP, led Today, a university, a city and a color barrier in the NCAA champion- by Coach Don Haskins, defeated the country are improved by the achieve- ship game, that we reflect on how far University of Kentucky at Cole Field ment of that 1966 team. Soon after that we have come and how far we have yet House in College Park, Maryland. This championship, Texas Western became to go. College enrollments are at an significant championship game gave the University of Texas at El Paso or, all-time high; and yet black, Hispanic, the NCAA basketball championship at as we call it now, UTEP, and its bas- and low-income students are not en- a crucial time to Texas Western Col- ketball program continued to thrive rolling and graduating at the rates we lege. under Coach Haskins until his retire- need for our Nation to put its best At a time when the bitter politics of ment, as my colleagues have said, in players on the floor. racism dictated to many coaches 1999. Coach Haskins eventually led Texas Western College is now the around the country who got to play, UTEP to 32 winning seasons, seven University of Texas El Paso. As an in- Coach Haskins started five black play- Western Athletic Conference cham- stitution, it continues to lead the ers in the NCAA basketball champion- pionships, four Western Athletic Con- charge in developing our best talents ship game, the first time in America ference tournament titles, and 21 post- without regard to race, ethnicity, or that this country had seen an all-black season appearances. family income. The University of starting lineup in a major champion- Last year, the Miners won 27 games, Texas El Paso is one of our Nation’s ship contest. 16 at our own Don Haskins Center in El leading Hispanic-serving institutions: In 1966, as a strengthening civil Paso, named after the great coach, and 72 percent of its students are Hispanic. rights movement met poisonous polit- they also earned a spot in the NCAA It is third in the Nation for producing ical dispute and violence, the Miners tournament. This year, they are again Hispanic undergraduates, and is also were clearly able to demonstrate to a near the top of their conference, a tes- rated the top engineering school for Nation and the sports world the virtue tament to the enduring tradition of Hispanics. Since 1988, it has been led by of desegregation and equality. college basketball success created by a Latina, Dr. Diana Natalicio, a top ad- As the athletic establishment abided Don Haskins. ministrator and a trailblazer by any- by that unwritten rule that said, play The university itself has been trans- one’s measure. two on the road, three if you are really formed from a small mining school The University of Texas El Paso, in behind, referring of course to black into a hub of academic excellence and the spirit of the 1966 championship players, Coach Haskins looked past the world-class research. El Paso, long Miners, continues to break barriers and color of the players’ skin and con- proud of its Miners and its NCAA continues to refuse to let race, eth- centrated on winning games and even- championship, has enjoyed the atten- nicity, or family income trump talent tually the national championship. tion of a nation this year, as millions and hard work. Years later Coach Haskins would say, of Americans have fallen in love with I hope that all my colleagues will ‘‘I just played my best guys like any the Miners through the recently re- join me in celebrating this milestone coach would do.’’ That simple prin- leased film ‘‘Glory Road,’’ which is cur- in college athletics and racial equality. cipled courage changed the course of rently being shown around the country. Please join me in saluting the Miners American athletics and provided an It is especially important for us to on the 40th anniversary of their NCAA important advance in the struggle of honor the 1966 Miners today on the eve championship, and I urge you to vote civil rights in our Nation. of their accomplishment, here shown in for this legislation. The Texas Western’s championship that championship game against Ken- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of was an event defined by many as the tucky. We must revise our historical my time. Brown v. Board of Education of ath- injustice, the injustice of a group of Mr. KELLER. Mr. Speaker, I reserve letics. Like many whose lives were con- men being judged by who they were, the balance of my time. strained by their appearance and back- not how they played.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H402 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 28, 2006 At the time, the Texas Western Min- support this resolution and urge its young men and women to work to- ers were denied an opportunity to ap- passage. gether. pear on the Ed Sullivan Show, but just Mr. KELLER. Mr. Speaker, I have no I want to congratulate the manager last week I want to commend President further speakers, and I will continue to of this bill, Congressman HINOJOSA, and Bush and First Lady Laura Bush as reserve the balance of my time at this congratulate Congressman REYES, for they honored this team at the White point. their wisdom in saluting these young House, shown here in this photograph Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I yield men, and I am delighted to have been with the President, the original mem- such time as she may consume to an- an original cosponsor. bers of that 1966 championship team. other good friend and colleague from Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of the pro- So this afternoon I want to congratu- the great State of Texas, Congress- posed bill, H. Res. 668, ‘‘Celebrating the 40th late Coach Don Haskins, Bobby Joe woman SHEILA JACKSON-LEE of Hous- anniversary of Texas Western’s 1966 National Hill, Orsten Artis, Togo Railey, Willie ton. Collegiate Athletic Association Basketball Worsley, David Palacio, Dick Myers, Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Championship victory.’’ Harry Flournoy, Louis Baudoin, Nevil Speaker, let me thank my dear friend On March 19, 1966, Coach Don Haskins Shed, Jerry Armstrong, Willie Cager, from Texas, Congressman HINOJOSA, and his Texas Western College Miners ad- and David ‘‘Big Daddy’’ Lattin on the and of course, allow me to add my vanced to the NCAA Championship game occasion of the 40th anniversary of very, very, very sincere congratula- against the segregated, all-White University of their NCAA championship and for all of tions and appreciations to my friend Kentucky Wildcats. Coach Haskins made the their successes in their lives. Today, and Representative from El Paso, the decision to put in an all-Black starting lineup, we also remember, of course, Bobby Honorable SILVESTRE REYES. something that had never been done before. Joe Hill who died and was unable to be For those of you who are trying to He made the announcement prior to the game and was thought to be a fool. It was the in this photograph here in 2002. get your eyes and your ears focused on So, Mr. Speaker, I strongly urge my this debate, let me just remind you of notion at the time that a team had to have at colleagues to support H. Res. 668. a celebrated movie by the name of least one White player on the lineup to have Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I am ‘‘Glory Road.’’ Today, we have the op- a shot at winning a game, let alone the Na- pleased to yield 4 minutes to the dis- portunity to celebrate the real deal, tional Championship. Coach Haskins and his tinguished gentleman from Illinois the real thing, and that team was TW Miners shattered that school of thought with their win against the Wildcats. (Mr. DAVIS). known as Texas Western, now known The victory on the court was not only a vic- (Mr. DAVIS of Illinois asked and was as the University of Texas at El Paso. tory for the Miners, but a victory for civil rights. given permission to revise and extend Just think of 40 years ago, 1966, or 2 When Coach Haskins made the decision to his remarks.) years after the 1964 Civil Rights Act, 1 start an all-Black lineup, he did so not to make Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I year after the 1965 Voting Rights Act a statement about racial equality, but in his want to thank the gentleman from and 3 years after the tragedy of the own words to ‘‘play my five best players. Race Texas (Mr. HINOJOSA) for yielding me four little girls in Birmingham. This was a tumultuous time in America’s didn’t matter to me.’’ time, and I want to extend serious, se- The team’s win was much more than simply history, and so the idea of a coach, al- rious commendations to the gentleman a win on the basketball court signaling that a beit the right idea, to place on the from Texas (Mr. REYES) for his intro- change had taken place in collegiate sports. duction of this resolution, for his keen court of a basketball championship The bold step taken by Don Haskins acceler- insight and the opportunity to note game five black boys, young men, to be ated the pace that athletic teams were being progress in our country. able to play against the favored team, integrated throughout the South. Forty years ago, on March 19, 1966, the University of Kentucky, was in The team’s success did not come without a the Texas Western basketball team, itself a shocking, shocking occurrence. price. After the win Coach Haskins received the Miners, defeated the University of But yet Don Haskins, a courageous or over 40,000 hate mail letters, illustrating the Kentucky at Cole Field House in Col- just a wise leader, decided to put his climate of hostility towards African Americans lege Park, Maryland, to win the NCAA best foot forward, and out of that came in the South during that time. basketball championship. the 1966 Texas Western team. The team’s accomplishments both paralleled This victory marked the first time Might I congratulate all of the play- and contributed to the landmark events being that an all-black starting lineup ap- ers: Bobby Joe Hill, Orsten Artis, Togo made in the civil rights movement at the time. peared in a major championship ath- Railey, Willie Worsley, David Palacio, Basketball historian Neil Isaacs has called it letic contest. Dick Myers, Harry Flournoy, Louis the ‘‘Brown v. Board of Education of college Often regarded as the Brown v. Board Baudoin, Nevil Shed, Jerry Armstrong, basketball . . . Since that time, no pretender of Education of sports, the Miners’ vic- Willie Cager, and right from the great to basketball eminence has ever drawn a color tory over the heavily favored Wildcats city of Houston, now the fourth largest line in its recruiting.’’ ushered college basketball specifically, city in the Nation, David ‘‘Big Daddy’’ I am proud to say that one of the most influ- and sports more generally, into the Lattin. ential players on the team, David Latin, hails civil rights movement. Prior to this We are delighted to be able to join from my district of Houston. The massive 6′7″ event, athletics remained largely insu- my colleagues from Texas to say that Center, paved the way for the team, scoring lated from the civil rights swell. we are proud of that measure of civil 16 points in the title game. As a testament to This bill recognizes the historic ac- rights history. We salute certainly the Latin’s skill, he advanced to the NBA as a complishment of Coach Don Haskins wisdom of Don Haskins, and remind first-round pick to play for the San Francisco and the 12 players from the 1966 team. America that sports and the playing Warriors. These players deserve recognition field, whether they be courts, or tennis The memory of the team and their magnifi- today, and two of the gentlemen are courts, whether they be the NFL play- cent 1966 NCAA Championship win has re- close neighbors to my congressional ing field or whether they be the base- cently been captured in the Disney film ‘‘Glory district, Orsten Artis and Harry ball field or the soccer field, we know Road.’’ The memory of Coach Haskins has Flournoy, both from Gary, Indiana. that sports generate character and in- been solidified by his induction into the These men finished the basketball tegrity, but it also develops Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame for his re- season with an impressive 28–1 record. teamsmanship. So the idea of the markable achievements as a coach. Ultimately, Coach Haskins led the youngsters of America today playing As a Member of Congress deeply con- Miners to 33 winning seasons and 21 on the playing fields of athletic Amer- cerned with advancing the causes of civil lib- post-season appearances. ica hopefully will create the new civil erties and a co-sponsor of H. Con. Res. 59, a This resolution recognizes the incred- rights movement. And as a city that bill similar to the one before us, which recog- ible effect that the 1966 NCAA basket- just experienced the All Star Game, I nized both the teams and players of African- ball championship of Texas Western, can tell you the whole game of basket- American basketball teams for their achieve- now the University of Texas at El ball certainly represents diversity as ment and contribution to basketball and to the Paso, had on promoting diversity in we have our young men, and many of Nation prior to the integration of the white pro- sports and accelerating racial integra- those who have come from foreign fessional leagues, I ask my colleagues to join tion in college sports. I am pleased to lands, but it also is an opportunity for with me in support of H. Res. 668.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H403 Today we should rise and honor the mem- Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to The Texas Western Miners’ victory was a ory of both the Texas Western College team thank Congressman SILVESTRE REYES for of- watershed moment for diversity in college ath- and their coach, Don Haskins, who led them fering House Resolution 668, a resolution letics. It helped expand the civil rights move- to a National Championship, and in doing so which celebrates this year’s 40th anniversary ment into the realm of sports. On January 13, advanced the cause of civil rights and de- of Texas Western’s 1966 NCAA Basketball 2006, Walt Disney Pictures released Glory creased segregation in athletics. Championship. Road, which tells the story of the historic 1966 Mr. GONZALEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in The year of 1966 marked a number of season and pays tribute to the dedication and strong support of H. Res. 668 to give recogni- ‘‘firsts’’ by African Americans. The Honorable bravery of Coach Haskins. tion where recognition is long overdue. With Robert C. Weaver became the first African Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Speaker, I have this resolution, Congress applauds the American Cabinet member with his appoint- no more speakers, and I yield back the groundbreaking significance of the 1966 ment as Secretary of Housing and Urban De- balance of my time. NCAA Division I men’s basketball champion- velopment, Edward Brooke became the first Mr. KELLER. Mr. Speaker, I also ship in which Texas Western upset the heavily popularly elected African American to the yield back the balance of my time. favored University of Kentucky. That year, the United States Senate, and it also marked the The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Miners had an all-Black starting line-up, a first first time a collegiate basketball team, the CONAWAY). The question is on the mo- in a national championship competition that Texas Western Miners, sporting an all African tion offered by the gentleman from helped change the perception of Black ath- American line-up won the NCAA Men’s Divi- Florida (Mr. KELLER) that the House letes. sion I Basketball Championship. suspend the rules and agree to the reso- Texas Western Coach Don Haskins and his What made this victory important, and what lution, H. Res. 668, as amended. players may not have set out to change his- we are commemorating here today, is not the The question was taken. tory, but they did. The 1966 championship fact that a team starting all African American The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the game helped pave the way for integration of student athletes beat a team of all White stu- opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of athletics, opening sports to the civil rights dent athletes. We commemorate rather, the those present have voted in the affirm- movement, often being dubbed, the Brown v. closing of one more chapter of segregation ative. Board of Education of sports. The next sea- and bigotry to a new chapter where we judge Mr. KELLER. Mr. Speaker, on that I son, the Southwest Conference was inte- an individual on the content of their character demand the yeas and nays. grated, and in 1967–68, Vanderbilt broke the and qualifications and not on the color of their The yeas and nays were ordered. Southeast Conference color barrier. skin. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Unfortunately, it has taken decades before The Texas Western Miners, in their victory ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the Coach Haskins and his players’ achievements over the University of Kentucky Wildcats, Chair’s prior announcement, further have been recognized. In 1966 there were no opened up numerous opportunities for student proceedings on this question will be trips to the White House or appearances on athletes of all races and creeds to attend col- postponed. the Ed Sullivan show, both customary for na- lege, participate in sports, and become eligible f tional champions. The team did not even re- for athletic scholarships. The fact that the im- ceive national championship rings until their pact that this victory did so much to change MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT 20-year reunion in 1986. the perception of African-American athletes A message in writing from the Presi- It is time to recognize the profound contribu- and to the desegregation of intercolle- dent of the United States was commu- tion to the civil rights movement that this game giate sports, has lead many people to label nicated to the House by Mr. Sherman spurred, and to recognize the 1966 NCAA Di- this historic event as the Brown v. Board of Williams, one of his secretaries. vision I men’s basketball champions, the Education of athletics. f Texas Western Miners. I urge my colleagues Finally, any tribute to the Minors would be in joining me in supporting this bipartisan leg- incomplete without acknowledging their coach, LOUIS BRAILLE BICENTENNIAL— islation. Don Haskins. Coach Haskins is to be com- BRAILLE LITERACY COMMEMO- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. mended for his continued commitment to build RATIVE COIN ACT Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the 1966 on the foundation of integration that he inher- Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, I move to sus- Texas Western Men’s Basketball Team. Their ited at Texas Western—the first college in a pend the rules and pass the bill (H.R. NCAA championship victory over Kentucky Southern state to integrate its athletic teams— 2872) to require the Secretary of the forever changed college athletics. and for his courage in facing collegiate basket- Treasury to mint coins in commemora- Even though it had been over a decade ball’s racial issues directly. tion of Louis Braille, as amended. since Brown v. Board of Education, many col- Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, today I rec- The Clerk read as follows: leges had lagged behind on implementing in- ognize the 40th anniversary of Texas West- H.R. 2872 tegration into their athletics programs. In 1966, ern’s 1966 NCAA Basketball Championship. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- college basketball players were often recruited The title game had a profound impact on the resentatives of the United States of America in on the basis of their skin color rather than state of racial integration in sports and civil Congress assembled, playing ability. Texas Western coach Bob rights in America. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Haskins did not succumb to pressures to start On March 16, 1966, Coach Don Haskins led This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Louis his White players. He simply played his best the first ever all-Black starting lineup to play in Braille Bicentennial—Braille Literacy Com- players regardless of skin color. a major championship contest in a victory over memorative Coin Act’’. This resulted in the first time an all-Black the heavily-favored Kentucky Wildcats. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. starting line-up participated in a major athletic Coach Haskins played high school basket- The Congress finds as follows: championship contest. The impact was felt ball in Enid, Oklahoma, and in college at Okla- (1) Louis Braille, who invented the Braille throughout the country when little-known homa A&M (now Oklahoma State). He then method for reading and writing by the blind Texas Western upset legendary all-White Ken- became a successful high school basketball that has allowed millions of blind people to tucky. coach in Texas. Haskins was a coach at be literate participants in their societies, Perhaps most important in this victory was Dumas High School before becoming the was born in Coupvray, a small village near Paris, on January 4, 1809. the stereotypes and misconceptions that were head of the men’s team at Texas Western (2) Braille lost his sight at the age of three broken down. For many, the assumption re- College, now the University of Texas at El after injuring himself with an awl in the mained that Black players would not be skilled Paso, in 1961. shop of his father Rene, a maker of harnesses or smart enough to successfully compete Haskins coached the Miners to 33 winning and other objects of leather. against White players. Bob Haskins and Texas seasons over the course of his career with the (3) A youth who was both intelligent and Western proved on a national stage that Black Miners. He won seven Western Athletic Con- creative and was blessed with dedicated par- players can win and are as smart and talented ference championships, four Western Athletic ents, a thoughtful local priest and an ener- as their White counterparts. Conference tournament titles, and made 21 getic local schoolteacher, Braille adapted to the situation and attended local school with The 1966 Texas Western men’s basketball post-season appearances. He established a other youths of his age, an unheard-of prac- team opened the doors for schools that had proud winning tradition in the community of El tice for a blind child of the period. stalled in implementing integration policies into Paso that still exists today. Coach Haskins (4) At the age of 10, when his schooling oth- their athletics programs; breaking down bar- was voted in to the Naismith Memorial Basket- erwise would have stopped, Braille—with the riers and forever changing college athletics. ball Hall of Fame in 1997. aid of the priest and schoolteacher—was

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given a scholarship by a local nobleman and flit across my mind for speeches, messages (b) MINT FACILITY.—Only 1 facility of the went to Paris to attend the Royal Institute and manuscripts.’’. United States Mint may be used to strike for Blind Children where he became the (19) While rapid technological advances in any particular quality of the coins minted youngest pupil. the 20th Century have greatly aided the under this Act. (5) At the school, most instruction was blind in many ways by speeding access to in- (c) PERIOD FOR ISSUANCE.—The Secretary oral but Braille found there were books for formation, each advance has seen a commen- may issue coins minted under this Act only the blind—large, expensive-to-produce books surate drop in the teaching of Braille, to the during the 1-year period beginning on Janu- in which the text was of large letters em- point that only about 10 percent of blind stu- ary 1, 2009. bossed upon the page. dents today are taught the system. SEC. 6. SALE OF COINS. (6) Soon Braille had read all 14 books in the (20) However, for the blind not to know (a) SALE PRICE.—The coins issued under school, but thirsted for more. Braille is in itself a handicap, because lit- this Act shall be sold by the Secretary at a (7) A captain in Napoleon’s army, Charles eracy is the ability to read and the ability to price equal to the sum of— Barbier de la Serre, had invented ‘‘night write and the ability to do the two inter- (1) the face value of the coins; writing’’, a method for communicating on actively. (2) the surcharge provided in section 7(a) the battlefield amidst the thick smoke of (21) The National Federation of the Blind, with respect to such coins; and combat or at night without lighting a the Nation’s oldest membership organization (3) the cost of designing and issuing the match—which would aid enemy gunners— consisting of blind members, has been a coins (including labor, materials, dies, use of that used dots and dashes that were felt and champion of the Braille code, of Braille lit- machinery, overhead expenses, marketing, interpreted with the fingers, and later adapt- eracy for all blind people and of the memory and shipping). ed the method for use by the blind, calling it of Louis Braille, and continues its Braille (b) BULK SALES.—The Secretary shall Sonography because it represented words by literacy efforts today through its divisions make bulk sales of the coins issued under sounds, rather than spelling. emphasizing Braille literacy, emphasizing this Act at a reasonable discount. (8) Braille adopted the Sonography method education of blind children and emphasizing (c) PREPAID ORDERS.— instantly but soon recognized that the basis employment of the blind. (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall ac- in sound and the large number of dots—as (22) Braille literacy aids the blind in tak- cept prepaid orders for the coins minted many as 12—used to represent words was too ing responsible and self-sufficient roles in so- under this Act before the issuance of such cumbersome. ciety, such as employment: while 70 percent coins. (9) By the age of 15, and using a blunt awl, of the blind are unemployed, 85 percent of (2) DISCOUNT.—Sale prices with respect to the same sort of tool that had blinded him, the employed blind are Braille-literate. prepaid orders under paragraph (1) shall be Braille had developed what is essentially SEC. 3. COIN SPECIFICATIONS. at a reasonable discount. modern Braille, a code that uses no more (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of the than 6 dots in a ‘‘cell’’ of 2 columns of 3 dots SEC. 7. SURCHARGES. Treasury (hereafter in this Act referred to as each to represent each letter and contains a (a) SURCHARGE REQUIRED.—All sales of the ‘‘Secretary’’) shall mint and issue not system of punctuation and of ‘‘contractions’’ coins under this Act shall include a sur- more than 400,000 $1 coins bearing the de- to speed writing and reading. charge of $10 per coin. signs specified in section 4(a), each of which (10) In contrast to the bulky books con- (b) DISTRIBUTION.—Subject to section sisting of large embossed letters, Braille shall— 5134(f) of title 31, United States Code, all sur- books can contain as many as 1000 char- (1) weigh 26.73 grams; charges which are received by the Secretary acters or contractions on a standard 11-by- (2) have a diameter of 1.500 inches; and from the sale of coins issued under this Act 12-inch page of heavy paper, and to this day (3) contain 90 percent silver and 10 percent shall be promptly paid by the Secretary to Braille can be punched with an awl-like copper. the the National Federation of the Blind to ‘‘stylus’’ into paper held in a metal ‘‘slate’’ (b) LEGAL TENDER.—The coins minted further its programs to promote Braille lit- that is very similar to the ones that Louis under this Act shall be legal tender, as pro- eracy. Braille adapted from Barbier’s original vided in section 5103 of title 31, United States (c) AUDITS.—The National Federation of ‘‘night writing’’ devices. Code. the Blind shall be subject to the audit re- (c) NUMISMATIC ITEMS.—For purposes of (11) Also a talented organist who supported quirements of section 5134(f)(2) of title 31, himself by giving concerts, Braille went on section 5134 of title 31, United States Code, United States Code, with regard to the to develop the Braille representation of all coins minted under this Act shall be con- amounts received by the National Federa- music and in 1829 published the first-ever sidered to be numismatic items. tion under subsection (b). Braille book, a manual about how to read SEC. 4. DESIGN OF COINS. (d) LIMITATION.—Notwithstanding sub- and write music. (a) DESIGN REQUIREMENTS.— section (a), no surcharge may be included (12) 8 years later, in 1837, Braille followed (1) IN GENERAL.—The design of the coins with respect to the issuance under this Act that publication with another book detailing minted under this Act shall be emblematic of any coin during a calendar year if, as of a system of representation of mathematics. of the life and legacy of Louis Braille. the time of such issuance, the issuance of (13) Braille’s talents were quickly recog- (2) OBVERSE.—The design on the obverse such coin would result in the number of com- nized, and at 17 he was made the first blind shall bear a representation of the image of memorative coin programs issued during apprentice teacher at the school, where he Louis Braille. such year to exceed the annual 2 commemo- taught algebra, grammar, music, and geog- (3) REVERSE.—The design on the reverse rative coin program issuance limitation raphy. shall emphasize Braille literacy and shall under section 5112(m)(1) of title 31, United (14) He and two blind classmates, his specifically include the word for Braille in States Code (as in effect on the date of the friends who probably were the first people to Braille code (the Braille capital sign and the enactment of this Act). The Secretary of the learn to read and write Braille, later became letters Brl) represented in a way that sub- Treasury may issue guidance to carry out the first three blind full professors at the stantially complies with section 3 of Speci- this subsection. school. fication 800 of the National Library Service The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- (15) However, despite the fact that many for the Blind and Physically Handicapped of blind people enthusiastically adopted the the Library of Congress specifications for ant to the rule, the gentleman from system of writing and reading, there was Braille, and is tactilely indiscernible from Ohio (Mr. NEY) and the gentleman from great skepticism among sighted people about printed or written Braille. Massachusetts (Mr. FRANK) each will the real usefulness of Braille’s code, and even (4) DESIGNATION AND INSCRIPTIONS.—On control 20 minutes. at the Royal Institute, it was not taught each coin minted under this Act there shall The Chair recognizes the gentleman until after his death on January 6, 1852. be— from Ohio. (16) Braille did not start to spread widely (A) a designation of the value of the coin; Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself until 1868 when a group of British men—later (B) an inscription of the year ‘‘2009’’; and such time as I may consume. (C) inscriptions of the words ‘‘Liberty’’, to become known as the Royal National In- Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support stitute for the Blind—began publicizing and ‘‘In God We Trust’’, ‘‘United States of Amer- teaching the system. ica’’, and ‘‘E Pluribus Unum’’. of H.R. 2872, a bill designed to advance (17) Braille did not become the official and (b) SELECTION.—The design for the coins a nationwide Bsraille literacy cam- sole method of reading and writing for blind minted under this Act shall be— paign by honoring Louis Braille with a United States citizens until the 20th Cen- (1) selected by the Secretary after con- commemorative coin to be issued in tury. sultation with the Commission of Fine Arts 2009, the bicentennial year of his birth. (18) Helen Keller, a Braille reader of an- and the National Federation of the Blind; Louis Braille created the code of other generation, said: ‘‘Braille has been a and raised dots for reading and writing that (2) reviewed by the Citizens Coinage Advi- most precious aid to me in many ways. It bears his name and brings literacy, made my going to college possible—it was sory Committee. the only method by which I could take notes SEC. 5. ISSUANCE OF COINS. independence, and productivity to the on lectures. All my examination papers were (a) QUALITY OF COINS.—Coins minted under blind. copied for me in this system. I use Braille as this Act shall be issued in uncirculated and Born in 1809, Louis Braille became a spider uses its web—to catch thoughts that proof qualities. blind due to an accident in his father’s

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H405 workshop. By believing in the capacity unyielding support on that bill helped I appreciate the gentleman from Mas- of the blind to learn, Braille dem- that dream become a reality for the sachusetts being here today on this bill onstrated an understanding of blind- Nation’s blind. and all the input and work he has done ness that was extraordinarily enlight- Again, with this bill, the National on it. ened and positive for the times in Federation of the Blind put their grass- I urge my colleagues to support this which he lived. roots network into action to build legislation to create the Louis Braille Blind people today would be far less overwhelming support for this com- commemorative coin and help advance likely to achieve the goals of independ- memorative coin. I’m confident this Braille literacy nationwide. ence and productive living without the same grass-roots network will raise the Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of positive contributions Louis Braille matching funds required and effec- my time. made and the example he set through- tively promote Braille literacy on a na- Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. Mr. out his life. Today, blind members of tionwide basis with the proceeds from Speaker, I yield myself such time as I society are teachers, doctors, lawyers, this coin’s surcharge. may consume, and I agree with the scientists, mathematicians and much, The National Federation of the Blind words of the gentleman from Ohio. much more because of Louis Braille. currently fosters Braille literacy in a First of all, let me express the re- A means of achieving literacy is vital number of ways: from mentoring pro- grets of our colleague from Maryland for everyone, including, of course, peo- grams, in which experienced Braille (Mr. CARDIN) who was a major sponsor ple who are blind. Therefore, effective readers as volunteers teach and encour- of this bill and who, I think, is the Rep- use of Braille is one of the most essen- age novices, to publishing instructions resentative of the National Federation tial skills for blind people to achieve for schoolchildren, to research in effec- of the Blind. He very much wanted to success. Research shows that more tive methods of teaching and learning be here. He had a previous engagement, than 90 percent of employed persons Braille, to one-on-one Braille instruc- and he stayed here until the very last who are blind use Braille. tion in residential training centers. minute. I know he has a statement for Effective use of Braille is as impor- Literacy in Braille is emphasized the RECORD, but I did want to convey tant to the blind as independent mobil- throughout its programs and services to people his having made an extraor- ity, knowledge in the use of adaptive as an essential tool for blind persons to dinary effort to be here personally. technology, and the core belief that participate successfully in modern so- As I said, I agree with what the gen- equality, opportunity and security are ciety. tleman from Ohio said. I will say that truly possible for all people who are The Federation emphatically links I had inquired as to whether or not blind. competence in the basic skills of blind- there might be some alternative fi- The Louis Braille Commemorative ness, like Braille, to its broader under- nancing arrangement. I appreciate this Coin will feature representation of the standing of blindness, a condition is a first-rate organization that makes image of Louis Braille on one side and feared above most others by society. enormous contributions. There are will include the word for Braille in ac- When blindness occurs, the federation some other organizations that work in tual Braille code on the other side. The seeks, through its nationwide member- the field as well. But it was not pos- inclusion of Braille code on the com- ship, to reach individuals, children, or sible to work out, and I did memorative coin is a significant and adults who experience sight loss to not want to stand in the way of this historic aspect of this bill. convey the message that while blind- very important legislation, both in In addition, all sales of the Braille ness is not sought by anyone, obvi- terms of commemorating Louis Braille Commemorative Coin will include a ously, everyone can successfully handle and in terms of making the funding surcharge of $10 per coin, which will be lack of sight with proper training and available. distributed to the National Federation alternative skills, combined with a So I give this legislation my support. of the Blind to promote Braille lit- can-do attitude. Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. I rise in sup- eracy. As a condition of receiving the But even with that effort, only about port of the proposed legislation of H.R. 2872, proceeds from this surcharge, the Na- 10 percent of blind children are taught recognizing Louis Braille Bicentennial Braille tional Federation of the Blind will be Braille. Issuance of the Louis Braille literacy Commemorative Coin Act. subject to annual audits to ensure that commemorative coin can aid that ef- Louis Braille invented the Braille method for these proceeds, of course, are being fort, forming a springboard for a na- reading and writing by the blind that has al- spent for the authorized purpose and tionwide Braille literacy campaign lowed millions of blind people to be literate will be required to raise matching drawing all these strands together and participants in their societies. Braille, who lost funds from private sources. focusing the joint energy of thousands his sight at the age of three after injuring him- of volunteers powered by a big idea, re- self with an awl in the shop of his father, rec- 1530 b sulting in high-profile attention to the ognized that the basis in sound and the large If all the coins authorized under this literacy crisis amongst the blind while number of dots as many as 12 used to rep- bill are sold, the surcharges could gen- helping this broad volunteer corps to resent words was too cumbersome. He devel- erate up to $4 million plus the match- attract social attention to the positive oped a code that uses no more than 6 dots in ing $4 million that the National Fed- thrust of the federation. a cell of 2 columns of 3 dots, each to rep- eration of the Blind would be required The story of Braille as a literacy tool resent each letter and contain a system of to raise privately. That is potentially and the story of the federation in em- punctuation and of contractions to speed writ- $8 million to promote Braille literacy phasizing participation are parallel. ing and reading. He later published another for all people in the country who are in Given the proper tools, we humans can book detailing a system of representation of need of Braille literacy. The Nation’s overcome apparently insurmountable mathematics. blind would greatly benefit by this in- obstacles and achieve great things. Braille’s talents were quickly recognized and vestment in Braille literacy. Louis Braille, the man, did so. Hun- at 17, he was made the first blind apprentice The National Federation of the Blind dreds of thousands of blind Americans teacher at the school, where he taught alge- has committed to raising their share of do so every day. Hundreds of thousands bra, grammar, music and geography. these funds and promoting Braille lit- of blind Americans could do so much However, despite the fact that many blind eracy with the proceeds. Based on our more if they had the tool of literacy people enthusiastically adopted the system of work with the NFB in the past, I know easily at hand and the can-do attitude writing and reading, but there was great skep- they are up to this task. I worked very to accompany it. ticism among sighted people about the real closely with the NFB on the Help Honoring Louis Braille and pro- usefulness of Braille code. His literacy aids the America Vote Act, Mr. HOYER and I moting literacy for the blind will have blind in taking responsible and self-sufficient both did, and Senators DODD and BOND lasting value for our society. roles in society, such as employment. While and MCCONNELL in the Senate, in order I want to thank Congressman BEN 70% of the blind are unemployed, 85% of the to ensure that voting booths were CARDIN for his cosponsorship of this employed blind are Braille-literate. equipped to allow the blind to vote important bill, and I want to thank I propose that Secretary of the Treasury independently without outside assist- over 300-some of our colleagues who mint and issue no more than 400,000 one dol- ance. Their grass-roots advocacy and have actually signed on to the bill, and lar coins bearing specific designs. The design

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of the coins minted under this Act shall be em- blind. Braille readers can read up to 400 I also submit for the RECORD the following blematic of the life and legacy of Louis Braille words per minute, comparable to the speed of exchange of correspondence: and the design on the obverse shall bear a print readers. Braille is also essential for note- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, representation of the image of Louis Braille. taking, mathematics and the study of foreign COMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL SERVICES, I support H.R. 2872 for many foregoing rea- languages. Moreover, the computerization of Washington, DC, February 27, 2006. sons and I urge my colleagues to follow suit. Braille allows users to write much more rapidly Hon. WILLIAM M. THOMAS, Mr. CARDIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong than in the past. Chairman, Committee on Ways and Means, support of H.R. 2872, and I want to thank my Commemorating the contributions of Louis House of Representatives, Longworth House Braille is a worthy goal. Office Building, Washington, DC. colleague, the gentleman from Ohio, for his DEAR CHAIRMAN THOMAS: I am writing con- leadership on this bill. It has been a pleasure Increasing awareness of Braille and broad- cerning H.R. 2872, the ‘‘Louis Braille Bicen- to work with him in advancing this important ening opportunities for use as an educational tennial-Braille Literacy Commemorative legislation. I also want to extend my apprecia- tool are two other pivotal goals that this legis- Coin Act,’’ which was introduced in the tion to Chairman OXLEY and Ranking Member lation will help achieve. House and referred to the Committee on Fi- FRANK, of the Financial Services Committee, I want to thank my colleagues for their re- nancial Services on June 13, 2005. It is my ex- for their support. sounding support of H.R. 2872 and urge the pectation that this bill be scheduled for floor This bipartisan bill celebrates the achieve- House to help further the legacy of Louis consideration in the near future. Braille by voting for this bill. As you know, section 7 of the bill estab- ments of Louis Braille, who created a system lishes a surcharge for the sale of commemo- of reading and writing for the blind that has Mr. OXLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of H.R. 2872, the ‘‘Louis Braille Bicen- rative coins that are minted under the bill. I gained widespread acceptance since his death acknowledge your committee’s jurisdictional more than one hundred fifty years ago. To tennial—Braille Literacy Commemorative Coin interest in such surcharges as revenue mat- mark the 200th anniversary of his birth in Act,’’ introduced by my colleague, the gen- ters. However, I request that your com- 1809, this bill authorizes the minting of $1 tleman from Ohio, Mr. NEY. mittee forego action on H.R. 2872 in order to Mr. Speaker, I confess I learned something coins bearing the image of Braille himself and allow the bill to come to the floor expedi- reading this legislation. All of us know some emphasizing Braille literacy. tiously. I appreciate your cooperation in so blind people, and all of us, of course, see doing, and agree that your decision to forego I want to particularly express my deep ap- Braille writing in elevators and elsewhere as further action on this bill will not prejudice preciation to the National Federation of the we move through our daily lives. the Committee on Ways and Means with re- Blind for their vital advocacy for more than 1.3 But sitting down and reading the story of the spect to its jurisdictional prerogatives on million blind persons in the United States. courage and the intelligence it must have this or similar legislation. I would support Since its inception in 1940, the National Fed- taken for a young blind man 200 years ago in your request for conferees on those provi- eration for the Blind has worked tirelessly to sions within your jurisdiction should this France to fight for an education for himself bill be the subject of a House-Senate con- battle discrimination, increase public aware- when many sighted kids his age weren’t get- ness, and develop and support technological ference. ting even a high school education, is remark- I will include a copy of this letter and your advances. able. And doing it when there were very few response in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD when The NFP also distributes The Braille Mon- books printed for the blind—those only with this bill is considered by the House. Thank itor, a monthly news publication, as well as giant embossed letters—must have been ex- you again for your assistance. online resources and a quarterly publication cruciatingly slow and taken a huge amount of Yours truly, for the parents of blind children. With more self-discipline. To have discovered and modi- MICHAEL G. OXLEY, Chairman. than 50,000 members and affiliates in every fied a method of communication used by the state across America, NFB has led the way in Army into something that could easily be re- demonstrating its ability to serve the interests HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, produced and read—and more importantly COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS, of the blind population. written by the blind, which was not really the Washington, DC, February 27, 2006. This bill holds special significance for me, case with those giant embossed letters—was Hon. MICHAEL G. OXLEY, as the National Federation of the Blind is a truly revolutionary breakthrough. Chairman, Committee on Financial Services, headquartered in my Congressional district, in As a result, Mr. Speaker, long before the Rayburn House Office Building, Wash- Baltimore, Maryland. amazing technology that we all take for grant- ington, DC. Dr. Marc Maurer, who has served as Presi- ed, the blind who were taught to read and DEAR CHAIRMAN OXLEY: Thank you for your letter regarding H.R. 2872, the ‘‘Louis dent of the National Federation of the Blind for write Braille were able to live normal lives and 20 years, has shown exemplary leadership of Braille Bicentennial-Braille Literacy Com- participate fully in society. Still, and this is memorative Coin Act,’’ which is scheduled this organization, as has the NFB’s First Vice something else I learned, despite all the inde- for Floor action on Tuesday, February 28, President, Joyce Scanlan, an active member pendence that reading and writing Braille con- 2006. since 1970. Sharon Maneki, President of the fers on the blind, only about 10 percent of As you noted, the Committee on Ways and Maryland Chapter, has been instrumental in blind children are taught Braille. Thus, I sup- Means maintains jurisdiction over matters advancing the cause of blind persons through- port the provision in the bill that devotes in- that concern raising revenue. H.R. 2872 con- out our state. I would also like to thank Jesse come from surcharges on the sale of these tains a provision that establishes a sur- Hartle of the NFB for his hard work on behalf coins to a Braille Literacy Program operated charge for the sale of commemorative coins of the organization. that are minted under the bill, and thus falls by the National Federation of the Blind. And I within the jurisdiction of the Committee on I am pleased to note that H.R. 2872 is co- think it is important to note that the silver dol- Ways and Means. However, in order to expe- sponsored by the entire Maryland delegation, lar coins that would be produced under this bill dite this bill for floor consideration, the as well as by more than 300 members of the would all bear, on their reverse, a full-sized Committee will forgo action. This is being House. Braille abbreviation for Braille—the raised dots done with the understanding that it does not The NFB’s mission statement declares that that form the letters BRL. in any way prejudice the Committee with re- ‘‘the real problem of blindness is not the loss Mr. Speaker, this commemorative coin pro- spect to the appointment of conferees or its of eyesight but the misunderstanding and lack gram, like all those that pass through the Fi- jurisdictional prerogatives on this bill or of information which exist.’’ As part of this mis- nancial Services Committee, proceeds at no similar legislation. I appreciate and agree to your offer to in- sion, the NFB has been campaigning to in- cost to the taxpayer and requires the bene- clude this exchange of letters on this matter crease awareness of the Braille system of ficiary, in this case the NFB, to raise from pri- in the Congressional Record during floor communication. vate sources an amount equal to or greater consideration. The Braille code became dominant in the than the amount of surcharge income that will Best regards, United States during the 20th century, and it be received, and also demands strict post-dis- BILL THOMAS, served as a gateway to education for the bursement audit process to ensure that the Chairman. blind. funds are used for their statutorily intended Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. In recent years the Braille code has been in purpose. In this case, I have no doubt that the Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance declining use among the blind population. It is NFB can raise the matching funds and will use of my time. currently taught to only about ten percent of the income to really very effectively raise the Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield back blind students and is usually not taught at all profile of Braille literacy. the balance of my time. to the elderly. And so, Mr. Speaker, noting that 302 Mem- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. The NFB holds as one of its major goals the bers of the House have co-sponsored this bill, CONAWAY). The question is on the mo- reintroduction of Braille into education for the I urge its immediate passage. tion offered by the gentleman from

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H407 Ohio (Mr. NEY) that the House suspend General Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., United Airmen, Inc., exists primarily to motivate the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 2872, as States Air Force, the late General Daniel and inspire young Americans to become par- amended. ‘‘Chappie’’ James, , ticipants in our Nation’s society and its The question was taken; and (two- our Nation’s first Black 4-star general, and democratic process, and to preserve the his- Major General , United States tory of their legacy. thirds having voted in favor thereof) Air Force (retired). (17) The have several me- the rules were suspended and the bill, (7) 450 Black fighter pilots under the com- morials in place to perpetuate the memory as amended, was passed. mand of then Colonel Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., of who they were and what they accom- A motion to reconsider was laid on fought in World War II aerial battles over plished, including— the table. North Africa, Sicily, and Europe, flying, in (A) , Inc., National succession, P–40, P–39, P–47, and P–51 air- f Scholarship Fund for high school seniors craft. These gallant men flew 15,553 sorties who excel in mathematics, but need finan- AUTHORIZING THE PRESIDENT TO and 1,578 missions with the 12th Tactical Air cial assistance to begin a college program; AWARD A CONGRESSIONAL GOLD Force and the 15th Strategic Air Force. (B) a museum in historic Fort Wayne in MEDAL TO THE TUSKEGEE AIR- (8) Colonel Davis later became the first Detroit, Michigan; MEN Black flag officer of the United States Air (C) Memorial Park at the Air Force Mu- Force, retired as a 3-star general, and was seum at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, I move to sus- honored with a 4th star in retirement by Dayton, Ohio; pend the rules and pass the bill (H.R. President William J. Clinton. (D) a statue of a Tuskegee Airman in the 1259) to authorize the President to (9) German pilots, who both feared and re- Honor Park at the United States Air Force award a gold medal on behalf of the spected the Tuskegee Airmen, called them Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado; and Congress, collectively, to the Tuskegee the ‘‘Schwartze Vogelmenschen’’ (or ‘‘Black (E) a National Historic Site at Moton Birdmen’’). White American bomber crews Field, where primary flight training was per- Airmen in recognition of their unique reverently referred to them as the ‘‘Black military record, which inspired revolu- formed under contract with the Tuskegee In- Redtail Angels’’, because of the bright red stitute. tionary reform in the Armed Forces, as painted on the tail assemblies of their fight- SEC. 2. CONGRESSIONAL GOLD MEDAL. amended. er aircraft and because of their reputation (a) AWARD AUTHORIZED.—The Speaker of for not losing bombers to enemy fighters as The Clerk read as follows: the House of Representatives and the Presi- they provided close escort for bombing mis- H.R. 1259 dent pro tempore of the Senate shall make sions over strategic targets in Europe. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- appropriate arrangements for the award, on (10) The 99th Fighter Squadron, after hav- resentatives of the United States of America in behalf of the Congress, of a single gold medal ing distinguished itself over North Africa, Congress assembled, of appropriate design in honor of the Sicily, and Italy, joined 3 other Black squad- Tuskegee Airmen, collectively, in recogni- SECTION 1. FINDINGS. rons, the 100th, the 301st, and the 302nd, des- The Congress finds the following: ignated as the 332nd Fighter Group. They tion of their unique military record, which (1) In 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt then comprised the largest fighter unit in inspired revolutionary reform in the Armed overruled his top generals and ordered the the 15th Air Force. From Italian bases, they Forces. (b) DESIGN AND STRIKING.—For the pur- creation of an all Black flight training pro- destroyed many enemy targets on the gram. President Roosevelt took this action ground and at sea, including a German de- poses of the award referred to in subsection one day after the NAACP filed suit on behalf stroyer in strafing attacks, and they de- (a), the Secretary of the Treasury (hereafter of Howard University student Yancy Wil- stroyed numerous enemy aircraft in the air in this Act referred to as the ‘‘Secretary’’) liams and others in Federal court to force and on the ground. shall strike the gold medal with suitable em- the Department of War to accept Black pilot (11) 66 of these pilots were killed in com- blems, devices, and inscriptions, to be deter- trainees. Yancy Williams had a civilian pi- bat, while another 32 were either forced down mined by the Secretary. lot’s license and had earned an engineering or shot down and captured to become pris- (c) SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION.— degree. Years later, Major Yancy Williams oners of war. These Black airmen came home (1) IN GENERAL.—Following the award of participated in an air surveillance project with 150 Distinguished Flying Crosses, the gold medal in honor of the Tuskegee Air- created by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Bronze Stars, Silver Stars, and Legions of men under subsection (a), the gold medal (2) Due to the rigid system of racial seg- Merit, one Presidential Unit Citation, and shall be given to the Smithsonian Institu- regation that prevailed in the United States the Red Star of Yugoslavia. tion, where it will be displayed as appro- during World War II, Black military pilots (12) Other Black pilots, navigators, bom- priate and made available for research. were trained at a separate airfield built near bardiers and crewman who were trained for (2) SENSE OF THE CONGRESS.—It is the sense Tuskegee, Alabama. They became known as medium bombardment duty as the 477th of the Congress that the Smithsonian Insti- the ‘‘Tuskegee Airmen’’. Bomber Group (Medium) were joined by vet- tution should make the gold medal received (3) The Tuskegee Airmen inspired revolu- erans of the 332nd Fighter Group to form the under paragraph (1) available for display tionary reform in the Armed Forces, paving 477th Composite Group, flying the B–25 and elsewhere, particularly at other appropriate the way for full racial integration in the P–47 aircraft. The demands of the members locations associated with the Tuskegee Air- Armed Forces. They overcame the enormous of the 477th Composite Group for parity in men. challenges of prejudice and discrimination, treatment and for recognition as competent SEC. 3. DUPLICATE MEDALS. succeeding, despite obstacles that threat- military professionals, combined with the Under such regulations as the Secretary ened failure. magnificent wartime records of the 99th may prescribe, the Secretary may strike and (4) From all accounts, the training of the Fighter Squadron and the 332nd Fighter sell duplicates in bronze of the gold medal Tuskegee Airmen was an experiment estab- Group, led to a review of the racial policies struck under section 2, at a price sufficient lished to prove that so-called ‘‘coloreds’’ of the Department of War. to cover the costs of the medals, including were incapable of operating expensive and (13) In September 1947, the United States labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, and complex combat aircraft. Studies commis- Air Force, as a separate service, reactivated overhead expenses. sioned by the Army War College between 1924 the 332d Fighter Group under the Tactical SEC. 4. NATIONAL MEDALS. and 1939 concluded that Blacks were unfit for Air command. Members of the 332d Fighter Medals struck pursuant to this Act are na- leadership roles and incapable of aviation. Group were ‘‘Top Guns’’ in the 1st annual Air tional medals for purposes of chapter 51 of Instead, the Tuskegee Airmen excelled. Force Gunnery Meet in 1949. title 31, United States Code. (5) Overall, some 992 Black pilots grad- (14) For every Black pilot, there were 12 SEC. 5. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS; uated from the pilot training program of the other civilian or military Black men and PROCEEDS OF SALE. Tuskegee Army Air Field, with the last class women performing ground support duties. (a) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— finishing in June 1946, 450 of whom served in Many of these men and women remained in There is authorized to be charged against the combat. The first class of cadets began in the military service during the post-World United States Mint Public Enterprise Fund, July 1941 with 13 airmen, all of whom had War II era and spearheaded the integration an amount not to exceed $30,000 to pay for college degrees, some with Ph.D. degrees, of the Armed Forces of the United States. the cost of the medals authorized under sec- and all of whom had pilot’s licenses. One of (15) Major achievements are attributed to tion 2. the graduates was Captain Benjamin O. many of those who returned to civilian life (b) PROCEEDS OF SALE.—Amounts received Davis Jr., a United States Military Academy and earned leadership positions and respect from the sale of duplicate bronze medals graduate. Four aviation cadets were commis- as businessmen, corporate executives, reli- under section 3 shall be deposited in the sioned as second lieutenants, and 5 received gious leaders, lawyers, doctors, educators, United States Mint Public Enterprise Fund. Army Air Corps silver pilot wings. bankers, and political leaders. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- (6) That the experiment achieved success (16) A period of nearly 30 years of anonym- rather than the expected failure is further ity for the Tuskegee Airmen was ended in ant to the rule, the gentleman from evidenced by the eventual promotion of 3 of 1972 with the founding of Tuskegee Airmen, Ohio (Mr. NEY) and the gentleman from these pioneers through the commissioned of- Inc., in Detroit, Michigan. Organized as a North Carolina (Mr. WATT) each will ficer ranks to flag rank, including the late non-military and nonprofit entity, Tuskegee control 20 minutes.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H408 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 28, 2006 The Chair recognizes the gentleman to appropriate sites: perhaps to Moton so far in providing her leadership for from Ohio. Field in Alabama, where they trained, those who survived and for those who Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself or to the Air Force Academy, where a continue to serve. such time as I may consume. statute of a Tuskegee Airman stands in We have 300 cosponsors of this bill in Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support Honor Park. this body, and I am thoroughly con- of H.R. 1259, introduced by the gen- Rarely, Mr. Speaker, do we get to do vinced, Mr. Speaker, that the only rea- tleman from New York (Mr. RANGEL), something in this great Chamber that son we do not have the rest is that which would award a Congressional is so widely supported, so appropriate, somebody on staff did not handle this Gold Medal, the highest honor the Con- and so long overdue. It is a pleasure to right. Because there has been no one gress can bestow, on the Tuskegee Air- be here today with Mr. WATT, who is that has not felt proud to be able to men. managing the bill, and also again with say three things: thank you, thank Frankly, Mr. Speaker, this award is Mr. RANGEL and the many sponsors of you, thank you. long, long overdue. Pilots of the 99th this. Also, I can tell you that we were It is absolutely amazing how great Fighter Squadron, including the first there for the 60th anniversary with Mr. this country is when you find young group of black pilots who trained at RANGEL and the Speaker and leaders, Americans, black as they may be, vic- the little airstrip in Alabama near and my wife and Mrs. Rangel, and it tims of racism though they may be, Tuskegee College, and later the 100th, was a pleasure to be there on that his- fighting to be able to defend this coun- 301st, and 302nd, were not even ex- toric day with our congressional dele- try against the Germans and the pected by some to be capable of meet- gation. Italians and against the Japanese. ing the challenge. Cruelly, studies I commend Mr. RANGEL and the other The NAACP fought and won the op- commissioned by the Army War Col- Members for supporting this, and I portunity for this group of young peo- lege in the 1920s and 1930s speculated urge immediate passage of H.R. 1259. ple to be trained, even though the that African Americans were capable Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Army had already ruled that they neither of military leadership nor of my time. could not be black airmen, or colored flying increasingly complex fighter air- Mr. WATT. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- airmen or Negro airmen. So they won craft. self such time as I may consume. the right to put their lives on the line Tell that theory to Lee A. Archer, Mr. Speaker, I am a proud cosponsor and share in the sacrifice to which this the young man from Yonkers who grew of this bill, but that is not why I am great Republic was attached. up dreaming of being a fighter pilot here. I am here because of the proto- I have to thank BARNEY FRANK. He and reading comic books about the gal- cols of the House. The protocols of the gave me all the questions to ask Chair- lant fighter pilots of the First World House say that a bill goes through a man OXLEY so that I could get the War. flew 169 combat mis- committee and somebody on that com- right answers in order to expedite the sions in his P–40 Tomahawk, P–39 mittee should be controlling time. But bill. And MIKE OXLEY has just been ab- Cobra, P–47 Thunderbolt, and his P–51 the protocols of the House sometimes solutely terrific, as has the Speaker in Mustang, known as the Macon Belle. put you in a position that you know making sure that we guided this He became an ace, notching five you are inadequate to effectively do, through the parliamentary procedure downed enemy aircraft in his career. and that is my position today, because to be where we are today. Tell that also to then-Captain Ben- the real person who should be being And talking about bipartisanship, jamin O. Davis, Jr., a West Point grad, honored by controlling time is the per- Mr. HUNTER, the chairman of the De- who was one of the first 13 pilots son who was the original cosponsor of fense Committee, joined in with Mr. trained near Tuskegee and became the this, my good friend and colleague, SKELTON, the ranking Democrat, to first black flag officer in the Air Force, Representative RANGEL. send a letter to all of his colleagues retiring with three stars and being So I want to proudly say that I am a asking them to see their way clear to granted a fourth in retirement by strong supporter of this bill, but I want support this bill. President Clinton. to yield immediately to my colleague And, of course, the last is something Tell that to Lieutenant Clarence from New York, Representative RAN- that I have to thank Secretary Rums- ‘‘Lucky’’ Luster, who destroyed three GEL, as much time as he may consume. feld for. My book is not completed, and German planes and earned a Distin- (Mr. RANGEL asked and was given I am glad it is not, so I can thank him guished Flying Cross the day Archer permission to revise and extend his re- publicly for sending out a letter to the notched his first victory. marks.) House and Senate recommending a gold In all, Mr. Speaker, these men, who Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, the mod- medal for the historic Tuskegee Air- were not supposed to be able to , esty of the chairman of the Congres- men. They fought not really just for came home from piloting their distinc- sional Black Caucus amazes even me, black folks, but they fought for a bet- tive, red-tailed fighters with 150 Distin- because destiny would have it that this ter America. They fought for a better guished Flying Crosses, Bronze and Sil- is the last day of African History world. They were pioneers not only in ver Stars and Legions of Merit, a Presi- Month and he is the chairman of the fighting the war, but in showing and dential Unit Citation, and even the Red historic Congressional Black Caucus. giving self-esteem to so many younger Star of Yugoslavia. They also came So that shatters protocol, and I thank people, inspiring them to do what so home with the knowledge that no one him for his friendship, his support and many Americans just dream of doing, could plausibly assert that a seg- the leadership that he has given to all and that is to fly a plane in the defense regated armed services made any sense, Americans through the Congressional of their country. and integration soon followed. Black Caucus. Even though they were denied all After the war, these men became Today probably will be one of the types of recognition during the time business and political and civic leaders, closest days to bipartisanship that this that they served, and even though they many quite successful both in and out- august body has seen in a long, long were subjected to all types of scourges side the military, blazing trails at time. And, of course, Chairman NEY is by other people, they still continued to home the way they had blazed the right: what a historic day that was fight. There were 450 Tuskegee Airmen trails in the skies of North Africa and when we went and saw how many tens that served with the 99th Fighter Europe. Today, Mr. Speaker, we are of thousands of Americans were pre- Squadron and were able to then join here during Black History Month to pared to give up their lives, knowing with the 332nd Fighter Group in the add one more honor to that list. the dangers of the Normandy beach- 15th Air Force. The legislation before us, cospon- head. sored by 308 Members of the House, We were there with Sam Gibbons and b 1545 seeks to award a Congressional Gold the leadership, and it did make all of They flew 15,500 combat sorties, in- Medal to the Tuskegee Airmen as a us so proud to be Americans that day. cluding more than 6,000 missions for group and give it to the Smithsonian We were not Republicans, Democrats the 99th Squadron before July 1944. for display, with provisions that the or liberals; we were just so proud that Sixty-six pilots lost their lives and medal may be loaned out temporarily we had this great Nation that had gone were killed in action. Thirty-two were

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H409 downed or became prisoners of war. should never be an issue with those here to Walter Reed in the United And among the outfit they received 150 people that should not have to put States. Distinguished Flying Crosses, 744 Air their lives on the line to be respected When I was there in February, they Medals, eight Purple Hearts and 14 as being Americans who are fully enti- had performed 19,000 such transfers Bronze Stars. tled to all of the benefits. from the battlefield with one inter- My colleagues, in all of the time that And to the Members today, I am cer- transfer death. I had an opportunity to they were protecting American bomb- tain that I speak for the members of go back in August of this past year, in ers on their missions from the United the Tuskegee Airmen, let this be the 2005: 27,000 patient transfers, again only States to Europe, in all of that time, beginning. As we say thank you, let me the one intertransfer death. no matter how many times that they never have to apologize for forgetting Clearly, these men and women are were shot down, they never lost a someone or not giving them an oppor- following that great tradition that was bomber, never lost a United States tunity. Let this be the day where started by the 99th Fighter Squadron. bomber throughout World War II. They Democrats and Republicans can come Well, sadly today, only 200 of the origi- set an example for all of us somehow to together, ranking Members and major- nal Tuskegee Airmen are still with us. try to follow, and that is that the ity Members, in saying as we look at I am fortunate to have three of these vestiges of slavery were not over then the past and see where we made mis- courageous men living in the district and they are not over now. And cer- takes; let this be the guidance to pro- that I represent: Mr. Don Elder, Mr. tainly, when we take a look at those vide leadership for all of us to avoid Robert McDaniel and Mr. Claude Platt. brave young men and women that are the opportunities in the future. Recently, the Claude R. Platt VFW fighting in Iraq, we cannot tell whether To all of you who have supported the Tuskegee Airmen chapter was formed. they are Republican or Democrats; and bill, on behalf of those survivors and And I am confident that others will we do not care whether they are Black, their families of the Tuskegee Airmen, benefit greatly from this chapter’s rich White, or Brown. They are sharing the I say three things: thank you, thank history and legacy. sacrifices that this great Nation is in- you, and thank you very much. Gentlemen, thank you very much for volved in. Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 31⁄2 your service and your dedication to I am so proud that because of my minutes to the gentleman from Texas your country. I am honored and privi- age, my community and my friendship, (Mr. BURGESS). leged to represent you before the that the spirit of the Tuskegee Airmen Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I thank United States Congress. is not involved with history books with the chairman and I thank my col- Mr. Speaker, the mayor of my town me because one of those great airmen league, the ranking member, Mr. RAN- of Highland Village, Texas, back home happens to be one of my very, very best GEL, for his dedication and persever- is the son of a Tuskegee Airman. friends, and that is . ance in obtaining the highest congres- Mayor Bill Lawrence was born and Percy not only flew the planes but he sional honor for one of the most coura- grew up in Tuskegee, Alabama; and his was involved in intelligence and he geous groups of Americans, the father served proudly with the 99th provided the leadership, not just in the Tuskegee Airmen. At a time when civil Fighter Squadron. service, but became a leader in the rights were still being denied and seg- The 26th Congressional District of civil rights movement and became a regation persisted through many parts Texas also pays tribute to the brave friend and advocate in support of Mal- of our country, the Tuskegee Airmen men through the National Cowboys of colm X, became the borough president bravely fought and gave their lives Color museum located in Fort Worth, of Manhattan, ran for mayor, and then abroad for freedom and liberty that Texas. A wing of the museum is dedi- when that did not work out, started sadly oftentimes they did not receive cated to the Claude R. Platt VFW out in business to become one of the here at home. Tuskegee Airmen chapter. The wing is most successful people in communica- Before 1940, the African Americans the home of a number of personal arti- tion that we have had in the city and were denied the right to fly with the facts, autographed paintings of the air- in the country. United States military. However, from men in training, proclamations and And so, what did that mean to a 1942 to 1946, the Tuskegee Airmen grad- other items of recognition. CHARLIE RANGEL, who came from a de- uated 992 airmen from the pilot train- Mr. Speaker, if you are ever in north pressed community? We had one sym- ing program of the Tuskegee Army air- Texas, Mr. Ranking Member, if you are bol of hope. It was not World War II. It field, while 450 served in combat. ever in north Texas, I encourage you to was restoring the Apollo Theater, and For every African American pilot, visit this museum and learn more he brought back the Apollo, and with there were 10 other civilian or military about the sacrifices and the contribu- the empowerment zones, I invite all of African American men and women on tions of these heroic Americans. you to be my guest in seeing the res- the ground performing support duties. Mr. Speaker, once again I want to toration of a historic beautiful commu- Many of them remained in the military thank Ranking Member RANGEL for his nity, Harlem. And Percy Sutton is the during the post-World War II era and bringing forth this legislation honoring father and the creator of giving that spearheaded the integration of the the Tuskegee Airmen for their service type of leadership to my hometown. armed services with the integration of and dedication to our country. We can- What about ? the Air Force in 1949. not say it enough. Thank you. Thank Listen carefully. Roscoe Brown, with Mr. Speaker, I had the opportunity you. Thank you. a single-engine fighter, was the first to go to Iraq about a year ago and vis- Mr. WATT. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 American to shoot down a German jet, ited with the 332nd Fighter Group, the minutes and 10 seconds to the gentle- with a propeller plane, was the first to follow-on from the 99th Fighter Squad- woman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON-LEE). shoot down a German jet fighter plane. ron that was the Tuskegee Airmen and (Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas asked And after this, he did not give up his had a chance to visit with the wonder- and was given permission to revise and struggle. He continued in education, ful men and women who make up that extend her remarks.) became president of a university, and 332nd Fighter Squadron. What a group Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. today still teaches in the Harlem com- they are. And they certainly recognize Speaker, let me thank the distin- munity. their roots. They recognize the herit- guished gentleman from North Caro- Lee Archer. As you pointed out, Mr. age, the valiant heritage of the 99th lina. Let me, as well, appreciate the Chairman, a guy who dreamed as a kid Fighter Squadron. In fact, Balad air fact, as Mr. RANGEL has said, that we and fulfilled that dream and then fi- base, where this fighter group is sta- have a bipartisan moment. I thank the nally went into business and even tioned in Iraq, is the site for the Air chairman, Mr. NEY, for his support and today, even though he is retired, pro- Force’s contingent aeromedical staging leadership. vides the leadership for small business facilities where all the casualties in Mr. RANGEL, might I acknowledge people and others. Iraq are brought to this central staging you for a brilliant stroke of patriotic As we salute these people today, it facility, stabilized, flown from Balad to genius, for you have recognized that gives us an opportunity to think about Landstuhl, Germany and then subse- those who battled on the forefront of today and tomorrow, where color quently flown from Landstuhl back World War II, who may have worn a

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H410 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 28, 2006 different skin color, came home not in the Tuskegee Airmen’s 99th Fighter Squadron. At the end of the war, the Tuskegee dishonor, but not with much honor. Clearly, the experiment, as it was called, was Airmen returned to an America that And so I am very humbled to have been an unqualified success. was as segregated as the one they had one of the cosponsors to join you in the The Tuskegee Airmen were awarded three left. recognition, collectively, of the num- Presidential Unit Citations, 150 Distinguished b 1600 bers of airmen who can claim Flying Crosses and Legions of Merit, along Tuskegee, Alabama and the Tuskegee with the Red Star of Yugoslavia, nine Purple Some of the veterans became leaders Institute as a starting point of them Hearts, 14 Bronze Stars and more than 700 in the fight for desegregation, both being able to reach their dreams of Air medals and clusters. It goes without ques- military and civilian. With their own serving on the front lines in World War tion that the Tuskegee Airmen are deserving community, they offered pride and en- II and fighting for their America. of the Congressional Gold Medal. couragement. And to the white com- As Mr. RANGEL said earlier, these in- I would like to thank Congressman RANGEL munity they offered an example of the dividuals suffered in a segregated for his work in bringing this legislation to the equality of men. The Air Force became America and, in fact, were rejected and floor of Congress, and his efforts in gathering desegregated in April of 1948. Unfortu- rebuffed when they asked to join the 308 cosigners. This is an important, and long nately, the rest of the Nation would United States military to sacrifice overdue piece of legislation. I ask my col- take much longer. But there is no their lives. But they were persistent, leagues from both sides of the aisle to give doubt that the example, profes- and they got called to be the Tuskegee their support to H.R. 1259, authorizing ‘‘the sionalism, and expertise of the Airmen and there were personnel sent President to award a gold medal on behalf of Tuskegee Airmen hastened that day. from Washington to train them. And the Congress, collectively, to the Tuskegee It is fitting today, then, Mr. Speaker, sometimes they were thinking, why did Airmen . . .’’ that this bill would bestow the Con- I get this assignment? But now we are Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 min- gressional Gold Medal, our body’s high- here today to honor them with a Con- utes to the distinguished gentleman est expression of national appreciation gressional Gold Medal, some 992 black from Michigan (Mr. SCHWARZ). for distinguished achievements and pilots, and then of course, any number Mr. SCHWARZ of Michigan. Mr. contributions, upon the members of the of civilians who were likewise engaged. Speaker, I have had the pleasure of Tuskegee Airmen in recognition of Thirty years after the war was over, meeting the Tuskegee Airmen, the sur- their service to our country during you heard nothing about the Tuskegee vivors, on a number of occasions. A World War II and in the years after Airmen. And then, of course, they did number of them live in my home State that conflict. They are living examples the wise thing by establishing the first of Michigan, especially Major General of what is possible when racism is de- club. Lucius Theus, who lived in Detroit, a feated and opportunities are equally I too have a personal story, because I distinguished member of the Tuskegee available to all members of our great am proud to say that my father-in-law, Airmen. They last rallied in Michigan country. Phillip Ferguson Lee, was a Tuskegee at Jackson, Michigan, in the summer Mr. WATT. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 Airman; and from the time of my mar- of 2004; and our colleague from the minutes to the gentleman from South riage in the early years, what an honor other body, Senator MCCAIN, and I Carolina (Mr. SPRATT). to travel around him or to meet those were privileged to be at that meeting Mr. SPRATT. Mr. Speaker, I thank gentlemen. I was honored to be able to and greet the airmen. the gentleman for yielding. see those gentlemen in their distin- As the unit approached its first year Mr. Speaker, I cannot rise to the guished jackets, senior as they were, in action, it learned that it was being heights of CHARLIE RANGEL, but I rise but proud and strong. Thank you, Mr. transferred to the 332nd Fighter Group, in tribute to the Tuskegee Airmen. For RANGEL. Thank you to the Tuskegee a unit activated at Tuskegee in mid- years, it seems we have considered bills Airmen. Thank you, America, for rec- 1942 and transferred to Michigan in 1943 honoring the contributions of these he- ognizing these battle-worn soldiers. where it conducted training at roic airmen. It is about time this one God bless them and God bless America. Selfridge Air Base and Oscoda Air passed and passed with huge support. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. 1259, Base, both in the eastern side, on the Their achievements in support of our ‘‘to authorize the President to award a gold eastern side of the State of Michigan, efforts in World War II have inspired medal on behalf of the Congress, collectively, before deploying to Italy. The 332nd books and movies. They have earned to the Tuskegee Airmen in recognition of their was composed of four African American decorations and awards for valor that unique military record, which inspired revolu- squadrons, the 99th 100th, 301st, and are too numerous to cite. As Mr. RAN- tionary reform in the Armed Forces.’’ 302nd under the command of Colonel GEL noted, 992 graduated from pilot On July 19, 1941 the American Air Force Davis. training at Tuskegee; 450 went overseas created an all black flight training program at Not long after arriving in Italy, the to North Africa and Italy; some 150 the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. The members of the 332nd were heavily in- died either in training or in combat Tuskegee Airmen were not only unique in their volved in combat missions. Assigned to missions. And yet, though they were military record, but they inspired revolutionary bomber escort with the 15th Air Force, shot down, not a single bomber, as Mr. reform in the Armed Forces, paving the way it escorted the bombers on missions RANGEL noted, among the many they for integration of the armed services in the around Italy, flew on the raids to the escorted was ever shot down. U.S. access oil refineries in Ploesti, Roma- While their accomplishments have The first class of cadets began in July 1941 nia, and strafed German troops retreat- been recognized by the military, the with 13 men, all of whom had college degrees, ing from Greece. It established a rep- military in truth cannot adequately some with PhD’s and all had pilot’s licenses. utation for protecting its bombers. The honor all of their accomplishments be- From all accounts, the training of the pilots always followed Colonel Davis’ cause these men fought and won other Tuskegee Airmen was an experiment estab- orders. Your job is to protect the battles that were not military in na- lished to prove that ‘‘coloreds’’ were incapable bombers and not chase enemy aircraft ture. They defied those who thought of operating expensive and complex combat for personal glory, he said. The Ger- they lacked the intelligence, the skills, aircraft. Stationed in the segregated South, the mans called the 332nd the Schwartze the courage, even the patriotism to fly black cadets were denied rifles. Vogrl Menshen, the black birdmen, and and fight. Their courage in the air is The Tuskegee Airmen were credited with began to see a plane with a red tail as legendary, but their courage on the 261 aircraft destroyed, 148 aircraft damaged, something to fear. ground and in our society made their 15,553 combat sorties and 1,578 missions On March 24, 1945, the 332nd went on achievements in the air all the more over Italy and North Africa. They destroyed or the longest mission flown by the 15th meaningful and remarkable. damaged over 950 units of ground transpor- Air Force to the Daimler-Benz Today, the impact of the Tuskegee tation and escorted more than 200 bombing tankworks in Berlin. On this mission, Airmen reaches far beyond the skies of missions. ‘‘We proved that the antidote to rac- it downed three of the new Messer- Italy and North Africa. Their service ism is excellence in performance,’’ said retired schmitt ME–262 jet fighters. The group led to social changes in our country Lt. Col. , who started his military received a distinguished unit citation that include the integration of our career as a pilot and maintenance officer with for its performance that day. Armed Forces. In 1948, Harry Truman

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H411 signed Executive Order 9981, directing Once again, I congratulate Congress- from Raleigh, North Carolina, my good equality of treatment and opportunity man RANGEL for introducing this his- friend Dr. Harold Webb, whom I have in all of the armed services. President toric resolution of acknowledgment. known forever, and Walter Chavis; Truman’s order ended racial segrega- Mr. WATT. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 from Smithfield, North Carolina, tion in the military and was a major minutes to the gentleman from Geor- Hernando Palmer; and from Dudley, step towards ending racial segregation gia (Mr. SCOTT). North Carolina, Wilson Eagleson, II. in the United States of America. Mr. SCOTT of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I want to thank my colleague, Rep- Today, we recognize the Tuskegee I thank Mr. WATT and certainly Mr. resentative RANGEL, again for taking Airmen for valor in battle, but also for RANGEL for their leadership on this, the lead in putting all this together to accomplishments that succeeded, that and Mr. NEY of Ohio for his leadership make this a truly bipartisan recogni- transcended the battlefield like Execu- on this. tion of truly heroic and brave airmen. tive Order 9981. The Tuskegee Airmen, What an honor it is for me to stand Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance the 99th Fighter Squadron and the 332d here and to speak some words about of my time. Fighter Group, not only deserve the the extraordinary contributions that Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, in conclusion, Congressional Gold Medal, they will the Tuskegee Airmen have made. Let let me just say it is a great day for the add luster to it. me begin by simply setting the stage, Tuskegee Airmen. It is a great day for I salute the Tuskegee Airmen and I because I think it is very important for the United States, and it is a shining urge all of my colleagues to support us to understand the environment, the day for this institution of the House. this bill. time that this activity happened in I think that if you look at the quote Mr. WATT. Mr. Speaker, I yield 21⁄4 American history, for us to truly un- from Langston Hughes, a great African minutes to the gentlewoman from Cali- derstand the significance of the American poet, ‘‘Dream your dreams, fornia (Ms. WATSON). Tuskegee Airmen. Let us go back for a but be willing to pay the sacrifice to Ms. WATSON. Mr. Speaker, on July moment to that time, and let us take a make them come true,’’ our veterans 19, 1941, the United States military look at what was going on at that have done that historically throughout began a revolutionary program in Ala- time. the history of this country, and the bama to train black Americans as mili- In 1921, Benjamin O. Davis had early Tuskegee Airmen have done that. Again, I thank Congressman RANGEL tary pilots. The program helped change on, as one of our leading African Amer- for giving them the honor they so military culture and negative percep- icans in the military, put forward the much deserve. tions of blacks in the military, espe- proposition that black men should be Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of cially the Air Corps. trained to fight, but yet there was The Division of Aeronautics of H.R. 1259, authorizing the President to award great hesitation. As a matter of fact, Tuskegee Institute, the famed school of a gold medal on behalf of the Congress to the the Federal Government issued a study learning founded by Booker T. Wash- Tuskegee Airmen. At a time when their coun- which said that African American men ington in 1881, and I am a descendant of try did not see fit to protect their rights, these were incapable, did not have the skill, his, conducted flight training for aspir- brave young men nonetheless served valiantly ing black pilots; and my cousin, still the courage, the fortitude, and, in fact, on behalf of all American citizens. alive, living here, Ira O’Neal, was one they felt inferior to white people, so During the Second World War, African- of those pilots. The first classes of that they did not have the courage to Americans were essentially second-class citi- Tuskegee Airmen were trained to be do this, this at a time in 1921 when the zens in American society, and unfortunately fighter pilots for the famous 99th first woman to even get a license to fly this characterization did not end at the water’s Fighter Squadron slated for combat was an African American woman by edge. Not permitted to train as aviators with duty in North Africa. By the end of the the name of Bessie Queenie Coleman, their white comrades during World War II, 992 war, 992 men had graduated from pilot and she flew as a daredevil. brave young men completed pilot training at training at Tuskegee, 450 of whom were Circle back to 1941. It was not until Tuskegee’s Moton Field, at the school found- sent overseas for combat assignment. I then that they gave the Tuskegee Air- ed by Booker T. Washington; 450 of these air- should also note that 16,000 men and men an opportunity at Tuskegee Insti- men were sent overseas for combat assign- women supported the Tuskegee Airmen tute in Tuskegee, Alabama, founded by ment, and 66 gave their lives during combat program. Booker T. Washington. flights. Mr. Speaker, the 450 pilots that flew And the story tells it all. For there is The Tuskegee Airmen populated the famed combat missions over North Africa and no greater story of freedom and Amer- 99th Fighter Squadron and saw combat duty Europe, five of them live in the 33rd ican democracy than that story of the in North Africa. Others joined the 332nd Fight- Congressional District of Los Angeles Tuskegee Airmen who, with bravery er Group, which flew missions from bases in and Culver City, which I represent. And and courage, went and fought for the Italy. Still others served similarly important they are Wilbert Johnson, William B. freedom of this country and the world roles as mechanics, gunners, and engineers. Ellis, Elbert T. Hudson, Samuel R. while yet back at home African Amer- Among these brave airmen are several indi- Hughes, and Roger B. Duncan. ican citizens were second-class citi- viduals whose stories begin or end in the 12th Mr. Speaker, although pilots that zens. Congressional District of New Jersey. As a flew twin-engine aircraft did not see So when we talk about the Tuskegee young man, Robert Griffin worked at the local combat, it does not take away from the Airmen, it is more than just their fly- airport in Princeton, New Jersey, washing and barriers that broke because of their ing. It is their extraordinary stand for refueling airplanes, earning just a few precious service. In my district there is an indi- courage in the face of difficulty. We sa- minutes of flying time per week. Though the vidual that flew twin-engine bombers. lute the Tuskegee Airmen. Air Force would not train him as a fighter pilot He is Oscar H. York. Mr. WATT. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- due to his race, he eventually found a home Many others who were not pilots sup- self the balance of my time, and I will at the Tuskegee Institute, becoming one of the ported the Tuskegee Institute and are not take it all. first black flight mechanics. He later served in original members of the Tuskegee Air- Mr. Speaker, I do want to note and the U.S. Air Force after integration, and flew men. These individuals also live in my pay tribute to what I am told are ap- refueling and support missions for 13 years. district. And they are Floyd J. proximately 20 Tuskegee Airmen, who A current resident of Ewing, New Jersey— Cawthon, Jerry T. Hodges, Jr., Flora are still living and reside in North Retired Lieutenant Colonel Edward Harris—re- M. Lane, John Lehman, Theodore G. Carolina, and mention some of their ceived his pilot’s license from Tuskegee Insti- Lumpkin, Jr., Levi H. Thornhill, and names, from my congressional district tute and Tuskegee Army Air Base in 1944. He Albert L. Wallace. two of them: from Greensboro, Harvey served 27 years in the U.S. Air Force and re- Mr. Speaker, I want to acknowledge Alexander; from Salisbury, Fred Wil- tired as commander of the 2017 Communica- both the historic as well as the heroic son. And from other parts of the State, tions Group at McGuire Air Force Base. He role all members of the Tuskegee Air- I do not have all of their names, but I subsequently served in the New Jersey De- men played in securing our Nation’s do want to pay tribute to the ones that partment of Community Affairs, and currently freedom as well as changing our Na- I have: from Lenoir, North Carolina, resides in Ewing with his wife Delores. tion’s culture and perception of African George Shade; from Durham, William Mr. Speaker, the Tuskegee Airmen are true Americans. MacDonald and Dr. Stuart Fulbright; testament to the selfless sacrifice and brave

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service that the U.S. Armed Forces seek to in- Services as well as Chairman DUNCAN thought would fail in combat, instead accom- still in its soldiers, sailors, and airmen. I rise in HUNTER and Ranking Member IKE SKELTON of plished an outstanding combat record. They support of H.R. 1259, and commend all those the Armed Services Committee who made a flew over 15,000 combat sorties, including who would stand tall for their country before bipartisan appeal to the entire House in sup- more than 6,000 missions for the 99th Squad- their country would not stand tall for them. port of this bill. I would be remiss not to men- ron prior to July 1944. They destroyed 111 Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I rise tion Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld who German airplanes in the air and another 150 in strong support of H.R. 1259. By authorizing commended this bill to the Members of the on the ground. They destroyed 950 railcars, the Tuskegee Airmen to receive the Congres- House. trucks and other motor vehicles and sunk one sional Gold Medal, we are not only recog- WHO ARE THE TUSKEGEE AIRMEN? destroyer with P–47 machine gun fire. They nizing an exemplary military record, but also The term ‘‘Tuskegee Airmen’’ refers to all established a sterling record: No United States strength of character in the face of prejudice who were involved in a program the War De- bombers were lost under escort of the 332nd, and racism. The Tuskegee Airmen, a unit of partment established as a segregated unit in a unique achievement. 1,000 African American pilots, were America’s the Army Air Force (AAF) which was termed Sixty-six Tuskegee pilots were killed in ac- first black military airmen. Trained at the ‘‘Tuskegee Experiment.’’ The program tion or accidents; thirty-two were downed and Tuskegee Army Air Field in Tuskegee, Ala- began on July 19, 1941 with primary training became prisoners of war. Among them the bama, these men had to overcome biased no- for the first flying cadets but it went on to train Tuskegee pilots received 150 Distinguished tions of their fighting ability. African Americans to fly and maintain combat Flying Crosses, 744 Air Medals, 8 Purple After graduation from pilot training at aircraft. The Tuskegee Airmen included pilots, Hearts and 14 Bronze Stars. Tuskegee, 450 members of the unit were sent navigators and bombardiers. The Black fighter group, the 332nd, was overseas for combat assignments. These men Before 1940 African Americans were barred made up of the 99th, 301st and 302nd Fighter saw extensive action, completing 15,000 mis- from flying in the United States Army. African squadrons. Individually and collectively the sions between 1941–1946 without losing one Americans were believed to be lacking in Tuskegee Airmen revealed the racism, bigotry American bomber during any escort mission. qualifications for combat duty. In 1941, Presi- and the lie underlying the conclusion of the Collectively they earned more than 744 med- dent Franklin D. Roosevelt overruled his top 1925 Army War College Study that Blacks als and their heroic service led to the greater generals and ordered the creation of an all lacked intelligence and were cowardly under achievement of integrating the U.S. Armed Black flight training program. This action fol- combat conditions; and therefore they would Forces—a watershed event in American his- lowed a pioneering civil rights lawsuit the never be able to fly aircraft of any type. Al- tory. Their brave actions broke forever the NAACP filed in Federal Court on behalf of though African American could work at un- myths that allowed segregation, inequity and Yancy Williams and others to force the De- skilled jobs in segregated units in World War injustice toward African-Americans to exist in partment of War to accept African American II, the Army War College’s conclusion that our military. pilot trainees. they could not handle aircraft in combat had Today, the remaining survivors, now in their On July 19, 1941, the Army Air Force (AAF) kept them from any training. 80’s, are role models to generations of young began a program in Alabama to train black African American civil rights advocates men and women both in and outside of the Americans as military pilots. Due to the rigid raised their voices against this racism. The military. The Tuskegee Airmen persevered system of racial segregation that prevailed in NAACP sued the government on behalf of and by sharing their stories have taught gen- the United States during World War II, Black Yancy Williams to allow him to be accepted as erations of Americans about the high price of military pilots were trained at a separate air- an aviation cadet. The Tuskegee Experiment freedom. field, Moton Field, built by Tuskegee Institute was a response to civil rights advocacy. It is They were dedicated and determined young in Alabama. The Primary flight training was a lasting tribute to these early civil rights pio- men who came from every section of the conducted by the Division of Aeronautics of neers and the NAACP that Blacks finally al- country. I am particularly proud to recognize Tuskegee Institute. lowed to train the day after Yancy Williams the 38 airmen who were from the State of Vir- When the first classes of Tuskegee Airmen filed his lawsuit. ginia, 10 of whom are still living. The living Vir- were completed, they were trained to be fight- The Tuskegee Airmen overcame segrega- ginia Tuskegee Airmen are of er pilots for the famous 99th Fighter Squad- tion and prejudice to become one of the most Petersburg, Wiley Selden of Norfolk, Grant ron, slated for duty in North Africa. Additional highly respected fighter groups of World War Williams of Hampton, Ezra Hill of Hampton, pilots were assigned to the 332d Fight Group II. They proved conclusively that Black Ameri- Francis Home of Hampton, Theodore Wilson which flew combat along with the 99th Squad- cans could fly and maintain sophisticated com- of Roanoke, William Green of Staunton, Carl ron from bases in Italy. bat aircraft. The Tuskegee Airmen’s achieve- Johnson of Charlottesville, Augustus Palmer of The first aviation cadet class began in July ments, together with the men and women who Newport News and Floyd Carter of Norfolk. 1941 and completed training nine months later supported them, paved the way for full integra- These men served as trailblazers in the ef- in March 1942. Thirteen started in the first tion in the United States Military. forts to create equal rights and equal treat- class. Five successfully completed the train- The outstanding record of Tuskegee Airmen ment for all people. It is my honor to thank ing, one of them being Captain Benjamin O. in World War II was accomplished by men them for their service, legacy and rich herit- Davis, Jr., a West Point Academy graduate. whose names will forever live in hallowed age. The other four were commissioned second memory. Each one accepted the challenge, Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay lieutenants, and all five received Army Air proudly displayed his skill and determination homage to the Tuskegee Airmen, whose out- Corps silver pilot wings. while suffering humiliation and indignation standing valor in World War II inspired revolu- From 1942 through 1946, 994 pilots grad- caused by frequent experiences of racism and tionary reform in the U.S. Armed Services. uated at the TAAF receiving commissions and bigotry, at home and overseas. These airmen H.R. 1259 which I introduced on March 10, pilot wings. Black navigators, bombardiers and fought two wars—one against a military force 2005 recognizes these achievements and on gunnery crews were trained at selected mili- overseas and the other against racism at behalf of the people of the United States con- tary bases elsewhere in the United States. home and abroad. They fought for rights of ferring upon the Tuskegee Airmen the Con- Mechanics were trained at Chanute Air Base the people of the United States, when they gressional Gold Medal, Congress’ highest in Rantoul, Illinois until facilities were in place were not entitled to those rights themselves. award. Today, I stand before this House with in 1942 at the Tuskegee Army Air Force Base. The outstanding record of Tuskegee Airmen unbounded joy and pride as we prepare to Four hundred and fifty of the pilots who in World War II was accomplished by men enact this legislation honoring the Tuskegee were trained at TAAF served overseas in ei- whose names will forever live in hallowed Airmen who are still with us and honoring ther the 99th Pursuit Squadron (later the 99th memory. I am proud that my Colleagues in the those who have passed on. I feel the joy of Fighter Squadron) or the 332nd Fighter Group. House of Representatives have been sup- the wives and widows sons and daughters of The 99th Fighter Squadron trained in and flew portive of this bipartisan bill to honor these Tuskegee Airmen who have waited a long P–40 Warhawk aircraft in combat in North Afri- men of valor. time for this day. ca, Sicily and Italy from April 1943 until July Mr. TERRY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in I wish to thank the more than 300 Members 1944 when they were transferred to the 332nd support of H.R. 1259, a Resolution authorizing of the House who signed on as cosponsors Fighter Group in the 15th Air Force. the President to award a gold medal on behalf making this a truly bipartisan effort. I wish to Nine-hundred and ninety-two Black pilots of the Congress to the Tuskegee Airmen. commend particularly Chairman MICHAEL graduated from the pilot training program of This recognition of the Tuskegee Airmen, OXLEY and Ranking Member BARNEY FRANK, the TAAF, with the last class finishing in June members of an elite group who fought val- of the authorizing Committee on Financial 1946. The Tuskegee Airmen who many iantly for America’s freedoms overseas while

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H413 overcoming racial discrimination, is long over- March 1942. African American navigators, In all, between 1942 and 1946, 926 black due. Their story deserves to be told often, not bombardiers, gunnery crews, maintenance, in- pilots earned their wings and commissions just during this month of February, to remind structors, and mechanics were trained to be and 450 of those pilots saw combat during all Americans of the many sacrifices made members of the 332nd Fighter group. World War II. As a result of their combat serv- along the way by Americans of color in the The Tuskegee Airmen overcame segrega- ice, the Tuskegee Airmen logged 15,533 sor- military who faced discrimination here at tion and prejudice. Nine hundred and ninety- ties in the skies over North Africa, Italy and home. four pilots received commissions and pilot Germany. They destroyed or damaged 409 I have the privilege of representing four wings. Four hundred and fifty pilots served enemy aircraft, fuel and ammunitions dumps Tuskegee Airmen who reside in my Congres- overseas in North Africa, Sicily and Italy. The and escorted 200 bomber missions. In total, sional District: Robert Holts, Ralph Orduna, Tuskegee Airmen combat record is impres- the Tuskegee Airmen were awarded 150 Dis- and Charles Lane, all of Omaha and just sive, including 66 pilots killed in action; 32 pi- tinguished Flying Crosses, 8 Purple Hearts, 14 south of Omaha in Bellevue, Harry Tull. A fifth lots captured; no bombers lost while being es- Bronze Stars, 744 Air Medals and Clusters Airman, , lives in nearby Lincoln, corted by the 332nd, a unique achievement; and 3 Distinguished Unit Citations. This record Nebraska. I am especially proud to note that 111 German airplanes were destroyed in the is a soaring achievement that speaks to the Colonel Lane of Omaha was the youngest air, and 150 German airplanes were destroyed depth of talent, heart and courage that they all black fighter in World War II. His daughter, on the ground. exemplified. There were also huge human Karen Davis, is a longtime member of my Dis- The Tuskegee Airmen proved conclusively costs for their sacrifice as the Airmen suffered trict Office staff. that African Americans could fly and maintain 66 combat deaths, and 33 were captured as I also want to mention Omaha native sophisticated combat aircraft. The Tuskegee prisoners of war. The sacrifice and contribu- Alphonza Davis, who graduated from Omaha Airmen received numerous honors, including: tions of the Tuskegee Airmen were the cata- Tech High School and later Omaha University. 150 Distinguished Flying Crosses; 850 Med- lyst for President Truman issuing Executive He finished first in his class at Tuskegee and als; 14 Bronze Stars; and 9 Purple Hearts. Order 9981, which as of July 26, 1948, deseg- was chosen squadron leader. He was killed in By the end of World War II, the 332nd be- regated the United States Armed Forces. combat in 1944 while over Germany. The local came one of the most highly respected fighter The Tuskegee Airmen’s contribution to this Tuskegee Airmen chapter in Omaha is named squadron despite prejudice and social equal- country is immeasurable. Their display of her- after him. ity. The Tuskegee Airmen’s achievements oism and perseverance deserves our eternal Mr. Speaker, the story of the Tuskegee Air- must be remembered in the spirit of the heroic gratitude. The Tuskegee Airmen are indeed men was written in the context of racial seg- Air Force role in the global war on terrorism. justified of receiving Congress’s highest honor, regation that existed in our country during With this in mind, I stand today to support the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor. World War II. African Americans who wanted H.R. 1259 to express the sense of Congress Mr. OXLEY. Mr. Speaker, they never lost a to fly in the military were trained at a separate that the U.S. Air Force should never forget the bomber. location near Tuskegee, Alabama. The courage of the Tuskegee Airmen by honoring The African-American fighter pilots we know Tuskegee Airmen, known as the be- them with a Congressional Gold Medal. today as the Tuskegee Airmen, flew more cause of the crimson tails on their aircraft, Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, today I rise in than 15,000 sorties, mostly bomber-support were the first squadron of African American strong support of H.R. 1259, which authorizes missions, over North Africa, Sicily and Europe combat pilots in the U.S. military. Nearly 1,000 the President to award the Tuskegee Airmen during World War II. They downed roughly men had graduated from pilot training at with the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor. 500 enemy aircraft, and sank a destroyer— Tuskegee by the end of the war. In 1941, an experiment that began as an effort and they destroyed an awful lot of prejudice in Under the command of Colonel Benjamin to prove the validity of a 1925 study that the process. It wasn’t easy. More than 10 percent—66— Davis, Jr., these aviators served in combat in claimed African Americans lacked both the in- campaigns in North Africa, Sicily and Europe. were killed; 32 were downed and became pris- telligence and courage to fly planes during Colonel Davis later became the first African oners of war. But all thousand or so who were combat, finished as a monumental testament American general in the U.S. Air Force. trained at Moton Field near the old Tuskegee that African Americans had both the aptitude, The Tuskegee Airmen and their record of College in Alabama, now , skill and valor, to not only become military pi- success during the war are unmatched. Not a were heroes, whether or not they were among lots, but to meet and exceed any challenge single American bomber protected by the Red the 450 or so who saw combat duty. So were presented. I also want to take this time to Tails was ever shot down by enemy aircraft. the roughly 12 black men and women who By war’s end, the Tuskegee Airmen had flown thank and congratulate my good friend and served as mechanics or other support crew for over 15,000 sorties, completed over 1,500 colleague, Representative CHARLIE RANGEL for each pilot, and their black comrades who flew missions, destroyed more than 260 enemy air- introducing this legislation. in medium bombers during the war. craft, and more than 1,000 enemy vehicles on The story of the Tuskegee Airmen began Mr. Speaker, no one—man or woman, the ground. The Airmen were awarded 744 Air when Yancy Williams, a Howard college stu- adults or the near-child drummer boys of the Medals, 150 Distinguished Flying Crosses, 14 dent sued the U.S. Government for the right to Civil and Revolutionary Wars—no one who Bronze Stars, and 8 Purple Hearts. participate as an aviation cadet. The Govern- goes to war in the defense of this country and I join my colleagues in recognizing the ment was forced to either prove that blacks the liberty for which it stands can be described Tuskegee Airmen for their gallant and heroic could not learn to fly or to accept them into as anything but valiant and courageous. But achievements and urge adoption of H.R. 1259. their civilian pilot training program. As a result, usually, Mr. Speaker, the only fight these he- The award of gold medals to these national a separate, all-black training facility was built roes have is with the enemy. heroes is only a small token of the thanks they by the Army Air Corps at Tuskegee Army Air- The trailblazers of the first class of 13, all richly deserve for their service to our Nation. field. Though great racism existed at that time, college grads and pilots, who went through Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. and many of the original instructors were fighter pilot training at Moton Field in the sum- Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of H.R. white, there was very little bias and prejudice mer of 1941, and all who came after them, 1259, which recognizes the Tuskegee Airmen reported by instructors during the training. also had to fight prejudice. They beat that for their exemplary performance during World The first class of the Tuskegee Airmen enemy as soundly as they beat the Axis, and War II, and for paving the way for full integra- graduated 5 of 13 cadets, who were made a it was not long after the war that the armed tion of the U.S. military. I commend Mr. RAN- part of the famous 99th Fighting Squadron. services of this country became integrated. GEL for H.R. 1259, which recognizes the Additional pilots were assigned to the 332nd While the brave Tuskegee Airmen were rec- Tuskegee Airmen with a Congressional Gold Fighter Group. Though it was 8 months after ognized by their comrades in arms, and re- Medal. the second class graduated, the 99th Fighting spected and feared by enemy pilots, they The Tuskegee Airmen were the Nation’s Squadron finally deployed to the North Africa were relatively unknown after the war until the first African-American fighter pilots at a time as a part of the Allied Armies. The Airmen formation in 1972 of the Tuskegee Airmen Inc. when many people thought that African Amer- soon built their reputation as both talented and Today, besides the scholarship fund it spon- ican men lacked intelligence, skill, courage, fearless. The Germans nicknamed them sors, there are several memorials to the Air- and patriotism to become pilots. In spite of ad- ‘‘Schawarte Vogelmenshen’’ or Black Birdmen, men, including one at the Air Force Museum versity and limited opportunities, the Tuskegee they also earned the nickname, Redtail An- at Dayton in my home State of Ohio. Today, Airmen defied stereotypes and played a sig- gels, from American bombing crews, due to we will approve legislation to award a Con- nificant role in U.S. military history. their reputation for being the only unit who gressional Gold Medal to these brave men as The first Tuskegee Airmen aviation class never lost a bomber to enemy fighters during a group, and give the medal to the Smithso- began in July 1941 and completed training escort missions. nian Institution.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H414 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 28, 2006 Mr. Speaker, the Congressional Gold Medal The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. necessary to continue this national is the highest honor Congress bestows. It has CONAWAY). The question is on the mo- emergency and to maintain in force the gone to military heroes, including General tion offered by the gentleman from sanctions to respond to this threat. George Washington, and heroes of the fight Ohio (Mr. NEY) that the House suspend GEORGE W. BUSH. against prejudice. Thus, it is only fitting—and the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 1259, as THE WHITE HOUSE, February 27, 2006. long overdue—that we recognize the amended. f Tuskegee Airmen in this manner, and do so The question was taken. during Black History Month. The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the RECESS It is for those reasons, Mr. Speaker, that I opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- rise in strong support of H.R. 1259, introduced those present have voted in the affirm- ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair by the gentleman from New York, that would ative. declares the House in recess until ap- award a Congressional Gold Medal to the Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, on that I de- proximately 6:30 p.m. today. Tuskegee Airmen, and ask for its immediate mand the yeas and nays. Accordingly (at 4 o’clock and 15 min- passage. The yeas and nays were ordered. utes p.m.), the House stood in recess Mr. STEARNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- until approximately 6:30 p.m. strong support of H.R. 1259. This resolution ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the authorizes the President to award a gold Chair’s prior announcement, further f medal on behalf of Congress to the Tuskegee proceedings on this question will be b 1830 Airmen in recognition of their unique military postponed. record, which inspired revolutionary reform in f AFTER RECESS the Armed Forces. GENERAL LEAVE The recess having expired, the House As a veteran of the United States Air Force, was called to order by the Speaker pro Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- I am proud to be a co-sponsor of this impor- tempore (Mr. DENT) at 6 o’clock and 30 tant resolution. I thank the gentleman from mous consent that all Members may minutes p.m. New York for introducing it and urge my col- have 5 legislative days within which to leagues’ support. revise and extend their remarks on f Prior to the Tuskegee Airmen, all combat pi- H.R. 1259 and H.R. 2872 and to insert ex- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER lots had been white. In 1941, President Frank- traneous material thereon. PRO TEMPORE lin D. Roosevelt ordered the creation of an all The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there black flight training program to train black objection to the request of the gen- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Americans as military pilots. Due to the rigid tleman from Ohio? ant to clause 8 of rule XX, proceedings system of racial segregation that prevailed in There was no objection. will resume on motions to suspend the the United States during World War II, black f rules previously postponed. Votes will be taken in the following military pilots were trained at a separate air- CONTINUATION OF NATIONAL field built near Tuskegee, Alabama. The Divi- order: EMERGENCY WITH RESPECT TO H.R. 1096, by the yeas and nays; sion of Aeronautics of Tuskegee Institute, the ZIMBABWE—MESSAGE FROM THE H. Res. 668, by the yeas and nays; famed school founded by Booker T. Wash- PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED H.R. 1259, by the yeas and nays. ington in 1881, conducted primary flight train- STATES (H. DOC. NO. 109–93) The first and third electronic votes ing. Thus, they became known as the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- will be conducted as 15-minute votes. Tuskegee Airmen. The second vote in this series will be a The first classes of Tuskegee Airmen were fore the House the following message trained to be fighter pilots for the famous 99th from the President of the United 5-minute vote. Fighter Squadron, slated for combat duty in States; which was read and, together f with the accompanying papers, without North Africa. Additional pilots were assigned to ACT COMMEMORATING THE LITE, the 332nd Fighter Group, which flew combat objection, referred to the Committee on International Relations and ordered OR LIFETIME INNOVATIONS OF along with the 99th Squadron from bases in THOMAS EDISON Italy. to be printed: Due to the success of the program, in Sep- To the Congress of the United States: The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tember 1943, a twin-engine training program Section 202(d) of the National Emer- pending business is the question of sus- was begun at Tuskegee to provide bomber pi- gencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides pending the rules and passing the bill, lots. However, World War II ended before for the automatic termination of a na- H.R. 1096, as amended. these men were able to get into combat. tional emergency unless, prior to the The Clerk read the title of the bill. By the end of the war, 992 men had grad- anniversary date of its declaration, the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The uated from pilot training at Tuskegee, 450 of President publishes in the Federal Reg- question is on the motion offered by whom were sent overseas for combat assign- ister and transmits to the Congress a the gentleman from Arizona (Mr. ment. During the same period, approximately notice stating that the emergency is to RENZI) that the House suspend the 150 lost their lives while in training or on com- continue in effect beyond the anniver- rules and pass the bill, H.R. 1096, as bat flights. sary date. In accordance with this pro- amended, on which the yeas and nays The Tuskegee Airmen inspired revolutionary vision, I have sent to the Federal are ordered. reform in the Armed Forces, paving the way The vote was taken by electronic de- Reqister for publication the enclosed for full racial integration in the Armed Forces. vice, and there were—yeas 399, nays 1, notice stating that the national emer- They overcame the enormous challenges of not voting 32, as follows: gency blocking the property of persons prejudice and discrimination, succeeding, de- [Roll No. 14] spite obstacles that threatened failure. Yet, undermining democratic processes or institutions in Zimbabwe is to con- YEAS—399 their impact can be felt far beyond the U.S. Ackerman Berkley Boucher Armed Forces into nearly every aspect of tinue in effect beyond March 6, 2006. The most recent notice continuing this Aderholt Berman Boustany American life. The strength and courage of the Akin Berry Boyd Tuskegee Airmen serve as an inspiration to all emergency was published in the Federal Alexander Bilirakis Bradley (NH) Register on March 4, 2005 (70 FR 10859). Andrews Bishop (GA) Brady (PA) Americans, regardless of skin color or nation- Baca Bishop (NY) Brady (TX) ality. The crisis constituted by the actions and policies of certain members of the Bachus Bishop (UT) Brown (OH) It remains critically important for all Ameri- Baird Blackburn Brown (SC) cans to know the Tuskegee Airmen’s story Government of Zimbabwe and other Baker Blumenauer Brown-Waite, and the struggles these men went through and persons to undermine Zimbabwe’s Baldwin Blunt Ginny ultimately overcame. I encourage everyone to democratic processes or institutions Barrett (SC) Boehlert Burgess has not been resolved. These actions Barrow Boehner Burton (IN) learn more about these remarkable and inspi- Bartlett (MD) Bonilla Butterfield rational men and urge my colleagues to sup- and policies pose a continuing unusual Barton (TX) Bono Buyer port this important resolution. and extraordinary threat to the foreign Bass Boozman Calvert Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield back policy of the United States. For these Bean Boren Camp (MI) the balance of my time. reasons, I have determined that it is Becerra Boswell Campbell (CA)

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H415 Cannon Hastings (WA) Melancon Smith (WA) Thompson (MS) Watt Cannon Hayes Michaud Cantor Hayes Mica Snyder Thornberry Waxman Cantor Hayworth Miller (FL) Capito Hayworth Michaud Sodrel Tiahrt Weiner Capito Hefley Miller (MI) Capps Hefley Miller (FL) Solis Tiberi Weldon (FL) Capps Hensarling Miller (NC) Capuano Hensarling Miller (MI) Souder Towns Weldon (PA) Capuano Herger Miller, George Cardin Herger Miller (NC) Spratt Turner Weller Cardin Herseth Mollohan Cardoza Herseth Miller, George Stark Udall (CO) Westmoreland Cardoza Higgins Moore (KS) Carnahan Higgins Mollohan Stearns Udall (NM) Wexler Carnahan Hinojosa Moore (WI) Strickland Upton Carson Hobson Moran (KS) Carson Hinojosa Moore (KS) Whitfield Stupak Van Hollen Carter Hoekstra Murphy Carter Hobson Moore (WI) Wicker Case Hoekstra Moran (KS) Sullivan Vela´ zquez Case Holden Murtha Wilson (NM) Castle Holden Murphy Tancredo Visclosky Castle Holt Musgrave Wilson (SC) Chabot Holt Murtha Tanner Walden (OR) Chabot Honda Napolitano Wolf Chandler Honda Musgrave Tauscher Walsh Chandler Hooley Neal (MA) Woolsey Chocola Hooley Napolitano Taylor (MS) Wamp Chocola Hostettler Neugebauer Clay Hostettler Neal (MA) Taylor (NC) Wasserman Wu Clay Hoyer Ney Cleaver Hoyer Neugebauer Terry Schultz Wynn Cleaver Hulshof Northup Clyburn Hulshof Ney Thomas Waters Young (AK) Clyburn Hunter Norwood Coble Hunter Northup Thompson (CA) Watson Young (FL) Coble Hyde Nunes Cole (OK) Inglis (SC) Nussle Cole (OK) Hyde Norwood NAYS—1 Conaway Inglis (SC) Nunes Conaway Inslee Oberstar Conyers Inslee Nussle Paul Conyers Israel Obey Cooper Issa Olver Cooper Israel Oberstar NOT VOTING—32 Cramer Issa Obey Cramer Jackson (IL) Ortiz Crenshaw Jackson (IL) Olver Abercrombie Doolittle Moran (VA) Crenshaw Jackson-Lee Oxley Crowley Jackson-Lee Ortiz Allen Evans Myrick Crowley (TX) Pallone Cubin (TX) Otter Beauprez Ford Nadler Cubin Jefferson Pascrell Cuellar Jefferson Oxley Biggert Gutierrez Osborne Cuellar Jenkins Pastor Culberson Jenkins Pallone Bonner Hinchey Owens Culberson Jindal Paul Cummings Jindal Pascrell Brown, Corrine Istook Rohrabacher Cummings Johnson (CT) Payne Davis (AL) Johnson (CT) Pastor Costa Lucas Roybal-Allard Davis (AL) Johnson (IL) Pearce Davis (CA) Johnson, E. B. Pelosi Davis (CA) Johnson (IL) Payne Costello McCollum (MN) Rush Davis (IL) Johnson, Sam Pence Davis (IL) Johnson, E. B. Pearce Davis (FL) Millender- Skelton Davis (KY) Jones (NC) Peterson (MN) Davis (KY) Johnson, Sam Pelosi DeLay McDonald Sweeney Davis (TN) Jones (OH) Peterson (PA) Davis (TN) Jones (NC) Pence Diaz-Balart, M. Miller, Gary Tierney Davis, Jo Ann Kanjorski Petri Davis, Jo Ann Jones (OH) Peterson (MN) Davis, Tom Kaptur Pickering Davis, Tom Kanjorski Peterson (PA) b 1854 Deal (GA) Keller Pitts Deal (GA) Kaptur Petri DeFazio Kelly Platts DeFazio Keller Pickering So (two-thirds of those voting having DeGette Kennedy (MN) Poe DeGette Kelly Pitts responded in the affirmative) the rules Delahunt Kennedy (RI) Pombo Delahunt Kennedy (MN) Platts were suspended and the bill, as amend- DeLauro Kildee Pomeroy Kennedy (RI) DeLauro Poe ed, was passed. Dent Kilpatrick (MI) Porter Dent Kildee Pombo Diaz-Balart, L. Kind Price (GA) Diaz-Balart, L. Kilpatrick (MI) Pomeroy The result of the vote was announced as above recorded. Dicks King (IA) Price (NC) Dicks Kind Porter Dingell King (NY) Pryce (OH) Dingell King (IA) Price (GA) A motion to reconsider was laid on Doggett Kingston Putnam Doggett King (NY) Price (NC) the table. Doyle Kirk Radanovich Doyle Kingston Pryce (OH) Drake Kline Rahall Drake Kirk Putnam f Dreier Knollenberg Ramstad Dreier Kline Radanovich Duncan Kolbe Rangel Duncan Knollenberg Rahall CELEBRATING THE 40TH ANNIVER- Edwards Kucinich Regula Edwards Kolbe Ramstad SARY OF TEXAS WESTERN’S 1966 Ehlers Kuhl (NY) Rehberg Ehlers Kucinich Rangel Emanuel LaHood Reichert Emanuel Kuhl (NY) Regula NCAA BASKETBALL CHAMPION- Emerson Langevin Renzi Emerson LaHood Rehberg SHIP Engel Lantos Reyes Engel Langevin Reichert English (PA) Larsen (WA) Reynolds English (PA) Lantos Renzi The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Eshoo Larson (CT) Rogers (AL) Eshoo Larsen (WA) Reyes DENT). The pending business is the Etheridge Latham Rogers (KY) Etheridge Larson (CT) Reynolds question of suspending the rules and Everett LaTourette Rogers (MI) Everett Latham Rogers (AL) agreeing to the resolution, H. Res. 668, Farr Leach Ros-Lehtinen Farr LaTourette Rogers (KY) Fattah Lee Ross Fattah Leach Rogers (MI) as amended. Feeney Levin Rothman Feeney Lee Ros-Lehtinen The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Ferguson Lewis (CA) Royce Ferguson Levin Ross tion. Filner Lewis (GA) Ruppersberger Filner Lewis (CA) Rothman Fitzpatrick (PA) Lewis (KY) Ryan (OH) Fitzpatrick (PA) Lewis (GA) Royce The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Flake Linder Ryan (WI) Flake Lewis (KY) Ruppersberger question is on the motion offered by Foley Lipinski Ryun (KS) Foley Linder Ryan (OH) the gentleman from Florida (Mr. KEL- Forbes LoBiondo Sabo Forbes Lipinski Ryan (WI) LER) that the House suspend the rules Fortenberry Lofgren, Zoe Salazar Fortenberry LoBiondo Ryun (KS) Fossella Lowey Sa´ nchez, Linda Fossella Lofgren, Zoe Sabo and agree to the resolution, H. Res. 668, Foxx Lungren, Daniel T. Foxx Lowey Salazar as amended, on which the yeas and Frank (MA) E. Sanchez, Loretta ´ Frank (MA) Lungren, Daniel Sanchez, Linda nays are ordered. Franks (AZ) Lynch Sanders Franks (AZ) E. T. Frelinghuysen Mack Saxton Frelinghuysen Lynch Sanchez, Loretta This will be a 5-minute vote. Gallegly Maloney Schakowsky Gallegly Mack Sanders The vote was taken by electronic de- Garrett (NJ) Manzullo Schiff Garrett (NJ) Maloney Saxton vice, and there were—yeas 397, nays 0, Gerlach Marchant Schmidt Gerlach Manzullo Schakowsky not voting 35, as follows: Gibbons Markey Schwartz (PA) Gibbons Marchant Schiff Gilchrest Marshall Schwarz (MI) Gilchrest Markey Schmidt [Roll No. 15] Gillmor Matheson Scott (GA) Gillmor Marshall Schwartz (PA) YEAS—397 Gingrey Matsui Scott (VA) Gingrey Matheson Schwarz (MI) Gonzalez McCarthy Sensenbrenner Gohmert Matsui Scott (GA) Ackerman Berkley Boucher Goode McCaul (TX) Serrano Gonzalez McCarthy Scott (VA) Aderholt Berman Boustany Goodlatte McCotter Sessions Goode McCaul (TX) Sensenbrenner Akin Berry Boyd Gordon McCrery Shadegg Goodlatte McCotter Serrano Alexander Bilirakis Bradley (NH) Granger McDermott Shaw Gordon McCrery Sessions Allen Bishop (GA) Brady (PA) Graves McGovern Shays Granger McDermott Shadegg Andrews Bishop (NY) Brady (TX) Green (WI) McHenry Sherman Graves McGovern Shaw Baca Bishop (UT) Brown (OH) Green, Al McHugh Sherwood Green (WI) McHenry Shays Bachus Blackburn Brown (SC) Green, Gene McIntyre Shimkus Green, Al McHugh Sherman Baird Blumenauer Brown-Waite, Grijalva McKeon Shuster Green, Gene McIntyre Sherwood Baker Blunt Ginny Gutknecht McKinney Simmons Grijalva McKeon Shimkus Baldwin Boehlert Burgess Hall McMorris Simpson Gutknecht McKinney Shuster Barrett (SC) Boehner Burton (IN) Harman McNulty Slaughter Hall McMorris Simmons Barrow Bonilla Butterfield Harris Meehan Smith (NJ) Harman McNulty Simpson Bartlett (MD) Bono Buyer Hart Meek (FL) Smith (TX) Harris Meehan Slaughter Barton (TX) Boozman Calvert Hastings (FL) Meeks (NY) Smith (WA) Hart Meek (FL) Smith (NJ) Bean Boren Camp (MI) Hastings (WA) Mica Snyder Hastings (FL) Meeks (NY) Smith (TX) Becerra Boswell Campbell (CA)

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H416 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 28, 2006 Sodrel Tiahrt Watt Cramer Jackson (IL) Ortiz Towns Wasserman Wexler Solis Tiberi Waxman Crenshaw Jackson-Lee Otter Turner Schultz Whitfield Souder Tierney Weiner Crowley (TX) Oxley Udall (CO) Waters Wicker Spratt Towns Weldon (FL) Cubin Jefferson Pallone Udall (NM) Watson Wilson (NM) Stark Turner Weldon (PA) Cuellar Jenkins Pascrell Upton Watt Wilson (SC) Stearns Udall (CO) Weller Culberson Jindal Pastor Van Hollen Waxman Wolf Strickland Udall (NM) Westmoreland Cummings Johnson (CT) Paul Vela´ zquez Weiner Woolsey Stupak Upton Wexler Davis (AL) Johnson (IL) Payne Visclosky Weldon (FL) Wu Sullivan Van Hollen Whitfield Davis (CA) Johnson, E. B. Pearce Walden (OR) Weldon (PA) Wynn Tancredo Vela´ zquez Wicker Davis (IL) Johnson, Sam Pelosi Walsh Weller Young (AK) Tanner Visclosky Wilson (NM) Davis (KY) Jones (NC) Pence Wamp Westmoreland Young (FL) Tauscher Walden (OR) Wilson (SC) Davis (TN) Jones (OH) Peterson (MN) NOT VOTING—32 Taylor (MS) Walsh Wolf Davis, Jo Ann Kanjorski Peterson (PA) Taylor (NC) Wamp Woolsey Davis, Tom Kaptur Petri Abercrombie Evans Miller, Gary Thomas Wasserman Wu Deal (GA) Keller Pickering Beauprez Ford Moran (VA) Thompson (CA) Schultz Wynn DeFazio Kelly Pitts Biggert Gingrey Myrick Thompson (MS) Waters Young (AK) DeGette Kennedy (MN) Platts Bonner Gutierrez Nadler Thornberry Watson Young (FL) Delahunt Kennedy (RI) Poe Brown, Corrine Hinchey Osborne Costa Istook Owens NOT VOTING—35 DeLauro Kildee Pombo Dent Kilpatrick (MI) Pomeroy Costello Kirk Rohrabacher Abercrombie Evans Moran (VA) Diaz-Balart, L. Kind Porter Davis (FL) Lucas Roybal-Allard Bass Ford Myrick Dicks King (IA) Price (GA) DeLay McCollum (MN) Rush Beauprez Gohmert Nadler Dingell King (NY) Price (NC) Diaz-Balart, M. Millender- Skelton Biggert Gutierrez Osborne Doggett Kingston Pryce (OH) Doolittle McDonald Sweeney Bonner Hinchey Otter Doyle Kline Putnam b 1920 Brown, Corrine Istook Owens Drake Knollenberg Radanovich Costa Lucas Rohrabacher Dreier Kolbe Rahall So (two-thirds of those voting having Costello McCollum (MN) Roybal-Allard Duncan Kucinich Ramstad responded in the affirmative) the rules Davis (FL) Melancon Rush Edwards Kuhl (NY) Rangel DeLay Millender- Skelton Ehlers LaHood Regula were suspended and the bill, as amend- Diaz-Balart, M. McDonald Sweeney Emanuel Langevin Rehberg ed, was passed. Doolittle Miller, Gary Terry Emerson Lantos Reichert The result of the vote was announced Engel Larsen (WA) Renzi as above recorded. b 1903 English (PA) Larson (CT) Reyes The title of the bill was amended so Eshoo Latham Reynolds So (two-thirds of those voting having Etheridge LaTourette Rogers (AL) as to read: ‘‘A Bill to award a congres- responded in the affirmative) the rules Everett Leach Rogers (KY) sional gold medal on behalf of the were suspended and the resolution, as Farr Lee Rogers (MI) Tuskegee Airmen, collectively, in rec- amended, was agreed to. Fattah Levin Ros-Lehtinen Feeney Lewis (CA) Ross ognition of their unique military The result of the vote was announced Ferguson Lewis (GA) Rothman record, which inspired revolutionary as above recorded. Filner Lewis (KY) Royce reform in the Armed Forces’’. A motion to reconsider was laid on Fitzpatrick (PA) Linder Ruppersberger A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. Flake Lipinski Ryan (OH) Foley LoBiondo Ryan (WI) the table. f Forbes Lofgren, Zoe Ryun (KS) f Fortenberry Lowey Sabo PERSONAL EXPLANATION AUTHORIZING THE PRESIDENT TO Fossella Lungren, Daniel Salazar Foxx E. Sa´ nchez, Linda Mr. GUTIERREZ. Mr. Speaker, I was un- AWARD A CONGRESSIONAL GOLD Frank (MA) Lynch T. MEDAL TO THE TUSKEGEE AIR- Franks (AZ) Mack Sanchez, Loretta avoidably absent from this Chamber today. I MEN Frelinghuysen Maloney Sanders would like the RECORD to show that, had I Gallegly Manzullo Saxton been present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Garrett (NJ) Marchant Schakowsky rollcall votes 14, 15 and 16. DENT). The pending business is the Gerlach Markey Schiff Gibbons Marshall Schmidt f question of suspending the rules and Gilchrest Matheson Schwartz (PA) passing the bill, H.R. 1259, as amended. Gillmor Matsui Schwarz (MI) FOREIGN COUNTRIES OWNING The Clerk read the title of the bill. Gohmert McCarthy Scott (GA) AMERICAN PORTS The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Gonzalez McCaul (TX) Scott (VA) Goode McCotter Sensenbrenner (Mr. POE asked and was given per- question is on the motion offered by Goodlatte McCrery Serrano mission to address the House for 1 the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. NEY) Gordon McDermott Sessions minute.) that the House suspend the rules and Granger McGovern Shadegg Mr. POE. Mr. Speaker, the decision Graves McHenry Shaw pass the bill, H.R. 1259, as amended, on Green (WI) McHugh Shays to let a United Arab Emirates-owned which the yeas and nays are ordered. Green, Al McIntyre Sherman company take over operations at U.S. The vote was taken by electronic de- Green, Gene McKeon Sherwood ports is dangerous and defies common vice, and there were—yeas 400, nays 0, Grijalva McKinney Shimkus Gutknecht McMorris Shuster sense. This is a matter of domestic se- not voting 32, as follows: Hall McNulty Simmons curity. The UAE, although our alleged [Roll No. 16] Harman Meehan Simpson friends now, recognized the Taliban, Harris Meek (FL) Slaughter laundered money to 9/11 terrorists, and YEAS—400 Hart Meeks (NY) Smith (NJ) Ackerman Blackburn Camp (MI) Hastings (FL) Melancon Smith (TX) continues to participate in the Arab Aderholt Blumenauer Campbell (CA) Hastings (WA) Mica Smith (WA) boycott against Israel. Akin Blunt Cannon Hayes Michaud Snyder These same foreign entities would Alexander Boehlert Cantor Hayworth Miller (FL) Sodrel have access to U.S. manifests showing Allen Boehner Capito Hefley Miller (MI) Solis Andrews Bonilla Capps Hensarling Miller (NC) Souder what cargo is being shipped and where Baca Bono Capuano Herger Miller, George Spratt and when it is going. This decision af- Bachus Boozman Cardin Herseth Mollohan Stark fects military terminals in my district, Baird Boren Cardoza Higgins Moore (KS) Stearns Baker Boswell Carnahan Hinojosa Moore (WI) Strickland like the port of Beaumont, where one- Baldwin Boucher Carson Hobson Moran (KS) Stupak third of all military cargo deployed to Barrett (SC) Boustany Carter Hoekstra Murphy Sullivan and from Iraq comes through this port. Barrow Boyd Case Holden Murtha Tancredo Even the Coast Guard seems to be un- Bartlett (MD) Bradley (NH) Castle Holt Musgrave Tanner Barton (TX) Brady (PA) Chabot Honda Napolitano Tauscher easy about this decision. There is an Bass Brady (TX) Chandler Hooley Neal (MA) Taylor (MS) inherent problem and a national secu- Bean Brown (OH) Chocola Hostettler Neugebauer Taylor (NC) rity risk in having state-owned foreign Becerra Brown (SC) Clay Hoyer Ney Terry Berkley Brown-Waite, Cleaver Hulshof Northup Thomas companies buying interest in American Berman Ginny Clyburn Hunter Norwood Thompson (CA) ports. This decision is unwise. We are Berry Burgess Coble Hyde Nunes Thompson (MS) putting a fox in our own hen house, and Bilirakis Burton (IN) Cole (OK) Inglis (SC) Nussle Thornberry this decision ought not to be. Bishop (GA) Butterfield Conaway Inslee Oberstar Tiahrt Bishop (NY) Buyer Conyers Israel Obey Tiberi Mr. Speaker, allowing a foreign- Bishop (UT) Calvert Cooper Issa Olver Tierney owned business to infiltrate our ports

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H417 is just a risky business. And that’s just THE AMERICAN PEOPLE GET IT ST. OLAF COLLEGE the way it is. (Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas asked Kraig R. Lothe, Christopher D. Stillion, f and was given permission to address Sarah A. Chambers, Elizabeth M. Kidd, the House for 1 minute and to revise Megan M. Gregory, Leah A. Gross, Anne E. NATIONAL SECURITY AND OUR Fraser, Autumn A. Notter, Matthew M. TRADE AGREEMENTS and extend her remarks.) Toburen, Leslie A. Nechville, Colin T. Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Forman, Aaron D. Gerber, Erik N. Peterson, (Mr. BROWN of Ohio asked and was Speaker, I think it is important, as we given permission to address the House Jenell C. Stewart, Kai M. Logan, Kari L. have participated in the rising thunder Lewis, and Micheal J. Miller. for 1 minute and to revise and extend of the discussion of port ownership CARLETON COLLEGE his remarks.) around America, to say that the Amer- Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I Susan E. Johnson, Katherine L. Jumbe, ican people get it. What they get is applaud the House Republican leader- Nicholas Boekelheide, Katherine M. Valaas, that we are in a new day after 9/11. We ship for finally standing up to the Robert A. Valaas, Jesse M. Lamarre-Vincent, want to make sure that our constitu- Sara A. Lehoullier, April K. Wilhelm, Nich- President and saying no on this agree- olas R. Kasparek, Theodore J. Stroomer, ment, this $6.8 billion contract with tional rights are protected, but we also want to make sure the homeland is se- Carl G. Ebeling, Ambrosia D. Mosby, and El- the company from the United Arab liot T. Hoel. Emirates. cure. That is the promise that this ad- The problem, however, is more funda- ministration made to the American f people. And, frankly, to know that our mental than just stopping this one. It SPECIAL ORDERS is what happens with national security ports are subjected to the potential of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under in our trade agreements. We are in the being bought and sold on the open mar- the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- middle of negotiating a trade agree- ket is a frightening concept. ment with the United Arab Emirates. It is well known that a tanker uary 4, 2005, and under a previous order If this trade agreement had already massed with weapons of mass destruc- of the House, the following Members been signed, we could not back out of tion at any one of our ports could be will be recognized for 5 minutes each. this deal with this United Arab Emir- probably more devastating than the f ates country. It would be an unfair horrific events of 9/11. Tomorrow, I will The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a trade practice. introduce legislation that will ask for a previous order of the House, the gen- The administration and the Congress moratorium for the Nation’s ports and tleman from Minnesota (Mr. RAMSTAD) have it exactly backwards. Before sign- the buying and selling to foreign enti- is recognized for 5 minutes. ing trade agreements, before negoti- ties, not entities in the Middle East, (Mr. RAMSTAD addressed the House. ating a new trade agreement, we need a not entities in Europe, but all foreign His remarks will appear hereafter in provision to address national security entities. I will ask, as well, for a GAO the Extensions of Remarks.) concerns first. That means a review study to determine what is the status about all the implications of national of security for our ports. And finally, I f security before we sign these trade will ask for a report on the security LETTER FROM NAJIM ABDULLAH agreements. That is why I am intro- status of the 10 largest ports in Amer- ABID AL-JIBOURI ducing legislation tonight to do just ica. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a that. Let’s give a solution. We don’t need contracts that sell away our security. previous order of the House, the gen- f tleman from Iowa (Mr. KING) is recog- f HONORING MARGARET ROGERS nized for 5 minutes. GHIOTTO OF BROOKSVILLE, HONORING NATIONAL PEACE Mr. KING of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I FLORIDA CORPS WEEK AND THE 45TH AN- have with me a letter written by Najim (Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE of Flor- NIVERSARY OF THE PEACE Abdullah Abid Al-Jibouri, the mayor of ida asked and was given permission to CORPS Tall ’Afar, Iraq who saluted the Third address the House for 1 minute and to (Mr. KLINE asked and was given per- Armored Cavalry Regiment. The mayor revise and extend her remarks.) mission to address the House for 1 of Tall ’Afar saw that the United Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE of Flor- minute and to revise and extend his re- States soldiers were sacrificing and ida. Mr. Speaker, tomorrow is March 1, marks.) turning that city into a city that had and each March we celebrate the Mr. KLINE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today an opportunity for freedom and pros- achievements of our American women to recognize the nearly 8,000 Peace perity, has carefully penned this letter, during Women’s History Month. Corps volunteers who served in more and a letter to the Third Armored Cav- This year I want to take the oppor- than 70 countries across the globe last alry Regiment. tunity to honor Margaret Rogers year. More specifically, to celebrate It states: ‘‘In the name of God, the Ghiotto from Brooksville, Florida. A National Peace Corps Week, I would compassionate and merciful, to the decorated and accomplished business like to acknowledge the 30 Peace Corps courageous men and women of the leader and humanitarian, she deserves volunteers in Minnesota’s Second Con- Third Armored Cavalry Regiment, who special recognition for her good work gressional District who graduated from have changed the city of Tall ’Afar and deeds throughout her 89 years. She St. Olaf or Carleton Colleges, which an- from a ghost town in which terrorists was a pillar in the Hernando County nually are among the Nation’s small spread death and destruction, to a se- community until her death earlier last college leaders in providing volunteers cure city flourishing with life. To the month. Her story is an inspiration to to the Peace Corps. lion hearts who liberated our city from all Americans, but especially women. The Peace Corps, celebrating its 45th the grasp of terrorists who were be- Known by her friends and family as anniversary, provides practical assist- heading men, women and children in Weenie, her success as a business- ance to host countries by sharing the streets for many months. To those woman came at a time when a woman’s America’s most precious resource, its who spread smiles on the faces of our place was supposed to be in the home. people. I commend the Peace Corps vol- children and gave us restored hope She owned and managed Rogers Christ- unteers for teaching those throughout through their personal sacrifice and mas House, as well as Jennings House the developing world how to build a brave fighting and gave new life to the in Brooksville, Florida, that is on the better life for themselves, their chil- city after hopelessness darkened our National Register. dren, and their communities. days and stole our confidence in our It was with great reverence and ad- We should take time to honor these ability to re-establish our city. Our miration that friends, family, and selfless volunteers for their valuable city was the main base of operations members of the community paid their service. for Abu Mousab Al Zarqawi. respects to Margaret on February 18, Mr. Speaker, I include for the 2006. Margaret’s story is an inspiration RECORD a list of Peace Corps volun- b 1930 not only to women business owners but teers from Minnesota’s Second Dis- ‘‘The city was completely held hos- to all residents throughout the Nation. trict. tage in the hands of his henchmen. Our

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H418 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 28, 2006 schools, governmental services, busi- ment, I haven’t the words to describe But then, when they were backed nesses, and offices were closed. Our the courage of its officer and soldiers. I into a corner and their funding was streets were silent, and no one dared to pray to God to grant happiness and probably threatened by the White walk them. health to these legendary heroes and House, the Coast Guard said, ‘‘The DP ‘‘Our people were barricaded in their their brave families.’’ World’s acquisition of PNO in and of homes out of fear; death awaited them Mr. Speaker, there are no words that itself does not pose a significant threat around every corner. can improve upon this letter. to U.S. assets in ports in the conti- ‘‘Terrorists occupied and controlled f nental United States.’’ Notice the qual- the only hospital in the city. Their sav- ification. ‘‘In and of itself.’’ agery reached such a level that they PORT SECURITY The Coast Guard knows that we do stuffed the corpses of children with ex- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. not know who owns the ships. The plosives and tossed them into the DENT). Under a previous order of the Coast Guard knows that we do not streets in order to kill grieving parents House, the gentleman from Oregon (Mr. know who crews those ships. The Coast attempting to retrieve the bodies of DEFAZIO) is recognized for 5 minutes. Guard knows that we do not know their young. Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, for more what is on those ships. So they are say- ‘‘This was the situation of our city than a decade I have been expressing ing this is another level of concern, until God prepared and delivered unto concern about our ports and our port this government which supported the them the courageous soldiers of the security. Let me explain. Taliban, Mr. Khan and his nuclear pro- Third Armored Cavalry Regiment, who The United States has signed onto liferation, actually controlling the liberated this city, ridding it of international agreements, consensus physical facilities. If all that other Zarqawi’s followers after harsh fight- agreements, where we allow ships to be stuff was taken care of, if we knew who ing, killing many terrorists, and forc- owned secretly and flagged under flags owned the ships, if we knew who ing the remaining butchers to flee the of convenience from countries that crewed the ships, if we knew exactly city like rats to the surrounding areas, barely exist, Liberia, other countries, what was on the ships, if it was tam- where the bravery of other Third Ar- like Malta and Panama, who look at it per-proof sealed, then maybe you could mored Cavalry Regiment soldiers in as a way to make money, but care think about this. Sinjar, Rabiah, Zumar, and Avgani fi- nothing about safety and security. And Now, the President says he did not nally destroyed them. even they will freely admit they do not know a thing about it, but he knows it ‘‘I have met many soldiers of the know who owns these ships. was absolutely fine because all his peo- Third Armored Cavalry Regiment; they Osama bin Laden may own a fleet of ple took care of it. You would think are not only courageous men and freighters. We are not allowed to know that that might have included the Sec- women, but avenging angels sent by that, but they can sail into a U.S. port retary of Defense. He says he did not The God Himself to fight the evil of under a Liberian, Panamanian, or Mal- know a thing about it, but he knows it terrorism. tese flag. That is a concern. We do not is just fine too. And now they say, well, ‘‘The leaders of this Regiment, Colo- know who the crews are on these ships. we will have a review for 45 days, but nel McMaster, Colonel Armstrong, After an accident on my coast, where we know it is just fine. We just need Lieutenant Colonel Hickey, Lieutenant I started investigating the credentials that time to tell people it is just fine. Colonel Gibson, and Lieutenant Colo- of the Filipino captain, I found out This is plain and simple the Bush ad- nel Reilly embody courage, strength, that at an International Maritime Or- ministration once more putting com- vision, and wisdom. Officers and sol- ganization-approved school in the Phil- merce, putting multinational cor- diers alike bristle with the confidence ippines, which has never been visited or porate profits ahead of the safety and and character of knights in a bygone inspected, which does not exist; any- security of the American people. This era. body, any terrorist, anybody, can buy is about a free trade deal they are ne- ‘‘The mission they have accom- gotiating with the UAE. This is about plished, by means of a unique military captain’s papers for about $2,500 and they are a captain. So if Osama bin our huge and growing trade deficit operation, stands among the finest where more and more foreign countries military feats to date in Operation Laden owns a ship, a terrorist buys fake papers, he is now a captain on are going to be coming back here, buy- Iraqi Freedom and truly deserves to be ing up critical assets in the United studied in military science. This mili- that ship. Well, but there must be measures to States of America, because we have a tary operation was clean, with little totally failed trade policy under this collateral damage, despite the ferocity secure the cargo. Well, not really. We require a manifest, a piece of paper, or administration. of the enemy. With the skill and preci- And what do they want to do? They sion of surgeons they dealt with the in this day and age, an electronic transmission of a list of what is in the want to do more of it, and now they terrorist cancers in the city without want to allow people to buy terminals causing unnecessary damage. containers on that ship. Now, that is pretty hard to phony up. in our ports and jeopardize the security ‘‘God bless this brave Regiment; God of the American people. bless the families who dedicated these But then they put these little seals on there that a 6-year-old kid could peel Enough is enough. It is time to stop brave men and women. From the bot- this madness. tom of our hearts, we thank the fami- off and open up if the container has f lies. They have given us something we been inspected. It would be too expen- will never forget. sive, $1 to $2 per container, to have U.N. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL ‘‘To the families of those who have tamper-proof seals. So we cannot have Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I given their holy blood for our land, we tamper-proof seals. So we do not know ask unanimous consent to claim the all bow to you in reverence and to the who owns the ships. We do not know time of the gentlewoman from North who crews the ships, and we do not souls of your loved ones. Their sacrifice Carolina (Ms. FOXX). was not in vain. know what is on the cargo on those The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ‘‘They are not dead, but alive, and ships that are coming into U.S. waters. objection to the request of the gentle- their souls hovering around us every Then we have the ‘‘thin blue line,’’ woman from Florida? second of every minute. They will the United States Coast Guard. Here There was no objection. never be forgotten for giving their pre- are the concerns they raised about this The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a cious lives. They have sacrificed that UAE deal: The Coast Guard said, previous order of the House, the gentle- which is most valuable. ‘‘There are many intelligence gaps con- woman from Florida (Ms. ROS- ‘‘We see them in the smile of every cerning the potential for DPW or PNO LEHTINEN) is recognized for 5 minutes. child and in every flower growing in assets to support terrorist operations Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I this land. Let America, their families, that preclude the completion of a thor- rise today to voice my objections to and the world be proud of their sac- ough threat assessment. The breadth of the proposed United Nations Human rifice for humanity and life. the intelligence gaps also infer poten- Rights Council. ‘‘Finally, no matter how much I tial unknown threats against a large The proposal offered by the U.N. Gen- write or speak about this brave Regi- number of potential vulnerabilities.’’ eral Assembly President is a far cry

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H419 from the reforms that we envisioned would become targets for these special NICS system cost two of my constitu- just a year ago. If adopted as is, the sessions. It would also require members ents their lives. proposed Council could continue the to rotate off every two terms, which On March 8, 2002, Peter Troy pur- U.N.’s roll down to irrelevance and means that every 6 years the United chased a .22 caliber semi-automatic would inhibit the efforts of the United States would be off the council. rifle. He had a history of mental health States to promote and protect human The United States must stand firm problems, and his own mother had a re- rights worldwide. against these attempts. I commend straining order against him as a result Mr. Speaker, in creating the United John Bolton, the U.S. Ambassador to of his violence. It was illegal for him to Nations, an entity born from the ashes the United Nations, for doing just that purchase a gun, but like so many oth- of the Holocaust and the struggle and raising the bar for other demo- ers, he simply slipped through the against tyranny in World War II, the cratic nations to do the same. We must cracks in the NICS system. Four days nations of the world committed them- make it clear to the United Nations later Peter Troy walked into our Lady selves to one goal: ‘‘Never again.’’ We that we will not accept a simple reshuf- of Peace Church in Lynbrook, New would never again tolerate violations fling of the deck chairs on the Titanic. York, opened fire and killed Reverend of fundamental freedoms and liberties We will not be pressured into a hasty Lawrence Penzes and Eileen Tosner. endowed to each and every human vote on this Human Rights Council Peter Troy had no business buying a being. A Commission on Human Rights while much needs to be done, much gun, and the system created to prevent was established to ensure that we needs to be reconsidered and studied. him from doing so failed. would not waver in this commitment. Let us recall our promise of ‘‘Never It sought to protect the oppressed again.’’ Let us ask ourselves, does the while holding the oppressors account- proposed U.N. Human Rights Council b 1945 able for their actions. However, this fulfill that promise? If it does not, then It is only a matter of time before the commission has become a rogue’s gal- let us make every effort to ensure that system’s failings provide larger trage- lery, a country club for pariah states, a it does. We must prevent the Human dies. We must fix the NICS system. speaker’s forum for dictators. Rights Council from also being hi- While we lay the responsibility for the No farmer would designate a fox to jacked and manipulated into a tool of NICS system on the States, many of guard his henhouse. No member of the oppression and tyranny, rather than our States’ budgets are already over- international community in 1945 would standing for freedom and democracy. burdened and will have even fewer re- have Heimler serve as a judge in Nur- f sources if the President’s budget passes emberg; yet the United Nations deemed as is intact, which is why I introduced NICS it acceptable and credible to have the H.R. 1415, the NICS Improvement Act. likes of China, Cuba, Iran, and Sudan The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a This legislation will provide grants to sit on its Human Rights Commis- previous order of the House, the gentle- to States to update the NICS system. sion. woman from New York (Mrs. MCCAR- States would be able to update their We had to take action. As a result, THY) is recognized for 5 minutes. NICS database to include felons, people the U.N. Reform Act was adopted by Mrs. MCCARTHY. Mr. Speaker, the with certain mental and emotional dis- the House not once but twice, and it clock is ticking on the 109th Congress abilities, and domestic abusers. We contained provisions to fundamentally and still we have done nothing to stop need the NICS Improvement Act to be- reform the entities dealing with human illegal guns from getting into the come law, and we need more bills like rights at the United Nations. The hands of criminals. this to pass. These are ideas that im- Henry Hyde bill called for the United I am not proposing anything new pose no new restrictions open gun own- States to leverage our influence as well about laws or a ban on certain weap- ers, but give the government the tools as our financial contributions to the ons, but helping our States enforce the to ensure existing laws are enforced. In United Nations in order to ensure that current law that prevents criminals fact, the NICS Improvement Act al- countries could only serve with mem- from buying guns. ready passed this House in the 107th bers of any human rights body if they NICS, the National Instant Criminal Congress by a voice vote. It came uphold the values embodied in the Uni- Background Check System, is the data- through the Judiciary Committee with versal Declaration of Human Rights. base used to check potential firearms no dissenting votes. The bill had the We provided specific criteria for buyers for any criminal record or his- endorsement of the National Rifle As- membership, criteria which seemed ob- tory of mental illness. In large, NICS sociation. Unfortunately, the other vious, even self-evident, or so we has been a success. Since 1994 more body never acted upon the bill. thought. than 700,000 individuals were denied a This is commonsense gun legislation It appears that it was not so obvious, gun for failing a background check. we can all agree on. This bill will save not so self-evident, given that the cur- The background check goes back to the lives while not infringing on anybody’s rent proposals for the U.N. Human 1968 Gun Control Act, and that would second amendment rights. Rights Council have no concrete basically be what we are enforcing. human rights prerequisite for member- However, the NICS system is only as Mr. Speaker, I call Congress to act ship. But that is just the tip of the ice- good as the information that the quickly on H.R. 1415. We can prevent berg. There are other areas of grave States provide. Twenty-five States tragedies throughout this Nation. Cer- concern. have automated less than 60 percent of tainly we hear the NRA talking all the The draft for the creation of the U.N. their felony convictions into the NICS time about enforcing the laws on the Human Rights Council does not estab- system. That means that 40 percent of books. We can do this if we enforce the lish criteria for membership. All mem- people are not in the system that laws on the books. If we bring up the bers of the U.N. would be eligible for should be denied guns. In these States NICS system the way it is supposed to membership. This means that gross many felons will not turn up on the be, we can save lives. human rights violators could easily NICS system and would be able to pur- One thing that people don’t talk serve on the newly renamed council. It chase guns with no questions asked. about, with the injuries and the deaths would give greater power and influence In 13 States domestic violence re- that we see in this Nation from daily to certain regional groupings. These straining orders are not necessarily put gun violence, it is costing our medical nations would hold 55 percent of the into the NICS system. Common sense system, our health care system over $2 votes, therefore marginalizing the in- would dictate that you do not sell a billion a year. That is money that can fluence of Western democracy while gun to someone who has been served certainly be better spent on other heightening the collective power of with a restraining order. health care issues. despotic regimes. Thirty-three States have not auto- Mr. Speaker, I am hoping that the It also makes it easier to call for spe- mated or do not share mental health House will see its way to take this im- cial sessions of the council. Due to the records that would disqualify certain portant information, bring the NICS new composition of the council, demo- individuals from purchasing a gun. system up to where it should be, and cratic nations such as ours and Israel Sadly, this particular loophole in the let us save lives.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H420 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 28, 2006 HONORING R. PHILIP HANES Some folks from the Penland School the Iraq war. For 3 years, we have The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. of Craft suggested that they consider heard the President respond to ques- DAVIS of Kentucky). Under a previous northwest North Carolina and advised tions about his handling of the war in order of the House, the gentlewoman Mr. and Mrs. Kamm to talk to Philip Iraq with, ‘‘Who are you going to be- from North Carolina (Ms. FOXX) is rec- Hanes. It turns out that on their return lieve, me or your own eyes?’’ Kind of ognized for 5 minutes. flight, a representative from the like what Groucho Marx used to say. Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I rise to- Penland School was randomly assigned For 3 years, we have seen the Presi- night in honor of one of my constitu- a seat next to none other than Mr. dent and his supporters celebrate mile- ents, Mr. R. Philip Hanes of Winston- Hanes. Mr. Hanes loved the idea of es- stones in Iraq as an indication that the Salem, North Carolina, as we celebrate tablishing a teapot museum in north- insurgency was ‘‘in its last throes,’’ his 80th birthday. west North Carolina. He contacted the while the insurgency actually con- Mr. Hanes is a truly remarkable man Kamms, pitched the idea and brought tinues to grow and persist. who has accomplished more than most them to Sparta. And the rest is his- While the administration keeps try- people could if given several lifetimes. tory. ing to spin its way out of Iraq, we keep He is the former chief executive officer The planned Sparta Teapot Museum witnessing the truth. Today, for in- of Hanes Companies, Incorporated. will be the permanent home for the stance, John Negroponte told the Sen- However, despite his tremendous suc- Kamms’ teapots. Their collection will ate Armed Services Committee, ‘‘Even cess in the business world, he is best help revitalize Sparta and the rest of if a broad and inclusive national gov- known for his passion, leadership, and Alleghany County, which saw four of ernment emerges, there will almost support for the arts. its five largest employers close their certainly be a lag time before we see As a leader of the American arts doors. The museum will be the only any dampening effect on the insur- council movement that began in the specialty teapot museum in the coun- gency.’’ In other words, even if we es- 1950s, Mr. Hanes has served on the try and will encourage economic devel- tablish a functioning government and boards of over 50 national, State and opment by drawing in a large number democracy, the insurgency in Iraq will local art agencies, most notably as the of tourists to Sparta each year. persist, just the opposite of what the founding member of the National Coun- In addition to his accomplishments administration has been telling us. cil on the Arts and as the founder and in the arts, Mr. Hanes’ love for the Mr. Speaker, it is time that the first chairman of the North Carolina great outdoors led him to establish President acknowledge what we can all Arts Council. three national conservation organiza- see with our own eyes every night, that He has also served on the boards of tions and serve on the boards of 19 oth- the administration’s failure to secure many world-renowned organizations, ers. When he wasn’t busy working on the peace early in Iraq has led Iraq to such as the Museum of Modern Art, the all these projects, Mr. Hanes somehow the brink it is in today. Had we secured New York City Ballet, the National En- managed to find time to write a pop- not just the war, but the first days of dowment for the Arts, the Kennedy ular novel, ‘‘How to Get Anyone to Do the occupation with a plan for that oc- Center For the Performing Arts, and Anything.’’ In his book, Mr. Hanes cupation and actually secured the too many others to list. shares the wisdom he has gained country and had not allowed the first Mr. Hanes, who attended the Univer- throughout many years during his im- levels of insurgency to grow, to metas- sity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill pressive career. tasize to what we have today, we would and graduated from Yale University, Philip Hanes and his wife, Charlotte, never have what we have now. But we was the founder of the Yale University are true treasures in the fifth district. went in with a plan for the war with Committee on Music, a board member I want to wish him a happy birthday not a single idea, not an iota of any- at the Brevard School of Music, and an and thank him for all of the wonderful thing to do on the occupation. advisory council member at the Cor- things that he has done to help pro- Three years ago, brave men and nell University Graduate School of mote the arts and conservation in the women of the American Armed Forces Business in the Arts Administration State of North Carolina and through- fought brilliantly until defeating Sad- Division. out the country, and to wish him dam Hussein and his army. But the He is the recipient of three Presi- many, many more. President failed to plan for the peace, dential appointments from Presidents and he failed to work quickly to estab- f Kennedy, Johnson and Ford, three hon- lish order in Iraq and left it leaderless. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a orary degrees and 24 art awards. These In fact, many of our troops were on the previous order of the House, the gen- awards include the National Medal of sidelines as looting went rampant tleman from Indiana (Mr. BURTON) is Arts presented by President Bush in throughout Iraq, leading in that stage recognized for 5 minutes. 1991 for Mr. Hanes’ role as a founder of every way sequentially to what we (Mr. BURTON of Indiana addressed community arts programs across the have today. And why did it fail? Be- the House. His remarks will appear Nation. cause he didn’t listen to what we knew Mr. Hanes was instrumental in estab- hereafter in the Extensions of Re- we had to do. lishing the North Carolina School of marks.) For the past 3 years, the President the Arts; the Southeastern Center for f has maintained that if the American Contemporary Arts, SECCA; and the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a leaders in Iraq needed more troops, all Roger L. Stevens Center for the Per- previous order of the House, the gentle- they had to do was ask. Just last week forming Arts in Winston-Salem, North woman from Connecticut (Ms. the President said, ‘‘I will determine Carolina. DELAURO) is recognized for 5 minutes. the troop levels in Iraq based on the He was a founder of the North Caro- (Ms. DELAURO addressed the House. recommendations of our commanders, lina Governor’s Council on Business, Her remarks will appear hereafter in not based only the politics of Wash- Arts and Humanities and a founder of the Extensions of Remarks.) ington, D.C.’’ the Winston-Salem Arts Council. In ad- f Paul Bremer, the Ambassador to dition, he and his wife, Charlotte, are Iraq, the President’s top man in Iraq, the namesakes of an art gallery at TIME FOR A CHANGE IN POLICY IN called for more boots on the ground in Wake Forest University. IRAQ the days following the invasion and Mr. Hanes also played a tremendous Mr. EMANUEL. Mr Speaker, I ask was ignored. On page 10 of Paul role in bringing the Sparta Teapot Mu- unanimous consent to speak out of Bremer’s book, ‘‘My Year in Iraq,’’ seum to northwest North Carolina. order. Paul Bremer writes that he was Sonny and Gloria Kamm of Los Ange- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without alarmed by a report stating that we did les, California, had been collecting objection, the gentleman from Illinois not have enough troops on the ground unique teapots for over 25 years and is recognized for 5 minutes. to stabilize the country. had been looking to relocate their col- There was no objection. The report said: ‘‘The population of lection to a community where it could Mr. EMANUEL. Mr. Speaker, March Iraq today is nearly 25 million. The make a serious economic impact. 19 will mark the 3-year anniversary of population would require 500,000 troops

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H421 on the ground to meet a standard of 20 officers representing law enforcement on America’s families, communities troops per 1,000. This number is more organizations with over 100,000 mem- and our economy. Abuse of this drug than three times the number of foreign bers from every congressional district has swept across our Nation like a ter- troops now deployed in Iraq.’’ in the country were on Capitol Hill lob- rible storm that leaves in its wake bro- Paul Bremer writes: ‘‘I found the bying to save Byrne-JAG formula ken families, endangered children, conclusions persuasive and troubling. grants, police officers just outside the overcrowded jails, degraded environ- That afternoon, I had a summary of town of Monticello in my district in ment and communities begging for the draft copied and sent down the cor- Minnesota were proving why the short- help. ridor to Don Rumsfeld. ‘I think you sighted elimination of the Byrne-JAG I cannot overstate the problems this should consider this,’ I said in my program must be rejected. drug creates. As Attorney General cover memo. I have never heard back During a mid-afternoon traffic stop Alberto Gonzalez said in July of 2005, from him about the report.’’ involving several individuals from in terms of damage to our children and Now, I am not here to help sell books Washington State in a vehicle likely to our society, methamphetamine is for Paul Bremer, but the President’s stolen in California, a Minnesota State now the most dangerous drug in Amer- top man asked for more troops to suc- trooper noticed the smell of meth com- ica. That is why, Mr. Speaker, I was ceed in Iraq and never got an answer ing from a car. terribly disappointed to see that the from either the President of the United After a brief search of the car with a President’s budget for fiscal year 2007 States or from the Secretary of De- trained drug dog, an elaborate trunk- completely cut funding for the Byrnes fense. When Secretary Don Rumsfeld latch device wired to the car’s air con- Justice Assistance Grants. completely ignores the man who is in ditioning knob was discovered and This program has been cited by State charge of America’s most important eight sealed packages and one large and local governments across the coun- policy mission, we have a problem. ziploc bag of meth were located in the try as critical in their efforts to com- A few days later, Paul Bremer got a car’s passenger-side air bag compart- bat meth. In essence, it represents the chance to air his concerns to the Presi- ment. In all, more than 11.5 pounds of combined effort among Federal, State dent: ‘‘There is one other important meth worth over $1 million was taken and local governments to create safer issue, Mr. President. Troop levels.’’ off our streets, along with several traf- communities. In my State the funding Troop levels never increased. The fickers who profit from dealing this has helped fund the State’s drug task troop level never got up. In Iraq, poison. force and helped fund local community Bremer’s worst fears were realized, and Mr. Speaker, 11.5 pounds of meth is crime prevention projects. State officials back home have in- he writes: ‘‘According to CENTCOM the equivalent of over 45,000 hits. One formed me that eliminating this pro- briefings in Qatar, we didn’t yet have hit of meth is enough to form an addic- gram could reduce criminal justice enough troops in Baghdad to secure tion more difficult to break than even funding to Tennessee by a total of $11 key tactical objectives, traffic circles, heroin. million and eliminate 170 much needed bridges, power plants, banks and muni- Mr. Speaker, I commend the police individual projects across our State. tion dumps, and also patrol the officers who made this bust and kept That is why I have joined with Rep- streets.’’ this staggering amount of meth out of resentative KENNEDY and many of our We will never know for sure if more the community in my district and like- other colleagues in urging the House troops would have secured Baghdad in ly those of many of my colleagues. Budget Committee to include at least time to prevent the insurgency we see However, Mr. Speaker, imagine how $900 million for the Edward Byrnes Me- today, but we do know that the Presi- much meth they were not able to catch morial Justice Assistance Grant pro- dent’s top man had asked for help and because of the devastating cuts to the gram in the budget resolution for fiscal the President failed to respond, and the Byrne-JAG program. year 2007, which is still $200 million Secretary of Defense failed to respond; For the second year in a row, the ad- less than the program’s authorized and today we are seeing the results of ministration has singled out the level of $1.1 billion. that failure. And we do know that Byrne-JAG program for elimination, We must fight this elicit drug head 136,000 men and women who are there despite the fact that local police and on. Just as we need to give our soldiers now do not have the support that they the communities they protect praise serving in Afghanistan and Iraq the need. the valuable source of crime-fighting tools and resources needed for success, If you look today in the New York grant money it provides. so too must we give our local law en- Times in a poll done by Mr. Zogby, the Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to forcement officials the tools they need American troops don’t think we have join Representative LEE TERRY and me to fight the war on drugs. enough troops. They also don’t think in our letter to the Budget Committee This program is a tool our local law we should continue to stay there at the urging in the strongest terms that the enforcement officers desperately need. level that we are there. President’s proposal to eliminate Congress must restore the funding. The Retired Army Lieutenant General Byrne-JAG grants not be followed and risk in not doing so is simply too scary Bill Odom, former head of the National that this critical program to protect and the threat to our children’s future Security Agency, said that the inva- our communities from drugs and vio- is too great. sion of Iraq ‘‘will turn out to be the lent crime be funded at no less than I thank the gentleman for yielding greatest single strategic disaster in $900 million in the fiscal year 2007 me time. U.S. foreign policy.’’ budget cycle. f Lawrence Wilkerson, former Sec- b 2000 retary of State Colin Powell’s chief of THE STATE OF BEGGARDOM staff at the State Department, said Mr. Speaker, I yield the balance of The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. President Bush’s foreign policy was my time to my colleague who has been CONAWAY). Under a previous order of ‘‘ruinous’’ and said that ‘‘we have a leader on this issue, Representative the House, the gentlewoman from Ohio courted disaster in Iraq, North Korea, DAVIS of Tennessee. (Ms. KAPTUR) is recognized for 5 min- and in Iran.’’ Mr. DAVIS of Tennessee. Mr. Speak- utes. Mr. Speaker, it is time for a change er, I thank the gentleman for yielding Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, let me in policy. me the time. ask the ‘‘why’’ question tonight. Why f Congressman KENNEDY has been a would the United States allow itself to real leader and a fighter for the be reduced to a state of beggardom in RETAIN BYRNE-JAG GRANTS Brynes-JAG funding and methamphet- the Dubai ports deal? The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a amine issues in general. I applaud his The definition of a beggar is a person, previous order of the House, the gen- efforts and his continued concern about in this case a country, that lives by tleman from Minnesota (Mr. KENNEDY) our families and our Nation and cer- asking others for help or charity. So is recognized for 5 minutes. tainly the States that we represent. why would the United States allow Mr. KENNEDY of Minnesota. Mr. Mr. Speaker, methamphetamine itself, a nation that created Social Se- Speaker, on February 16, while police abuse continues to be a growing plague curity, won World War II, landed a man

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H422 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 28, 2006 on the moon, why would our Nation let Curious developments happen too. fices. But this week when the PA- itself be reduced to beggary and the Why did George Bush, Sr. accept a mil- TRIOT Act passes, inside the PATRIOT Nation, to beggardom? lion-dollar contribution to his Presi- Act is the Combat Methamphetamine Why would any level of our govern- dential library in Texas from the Epidemic Elimination Act, the largest ment seek foreign ownership or leasing United Arab Emirates? Who was buy- and most comprehensive legislation of any of America’s key assets, our ing favor with whom and for what? ever done by a United States Congress ports, airports, railroads, turnpikes, in- What is so shocking is that the vast on methamphetamine. dustrial plants, even endowments to majority of Americans oppose Nearly 20 years ago there were some Presidential libraries? Why would we beggardom, oppose the leasing of U.S. attempts to regulate some of what was do it, ever? But why would you do it ports to any foreign interests, surely then called ‘‘crank’’ and some vari- particularly when we are a nation at by those who could not prevent infil- ations of methamphetamine that had war? tration of their citizens to this country already started in Asia and had been in The answer is simple. It appears our on 9/11. Hawaii and had trickled in, even a dec- Nation cannot afford to stand on its Americans want to be independent. ade ago or a little longer, into the West own two feet anymore. We beg foreign They love freedom, not beggardom. The Coast, in Oregon and Washington State investment because we cannot pay our World Ports debacle is the latest evi- and California, but had not really hit own way. Our jobs and productive dence America’s corporate and polit- the United States in full force. wealth and manufacturing and agri- ical elites, sometimes the same people, Then over the last several years, culture are being shipped offshore are selling out America’s independ- Members of Congress have been coming every day. Our piggy bank is empty. ence, making deals with undemocratic here frustrated with the fact that our So our assets are being sold or leased kingdoms. administration, from the Republican to foreign interests. Our savings are Seven sheiks run the United Arab standpoint and from the Nation’s, our drained. Our national debt is sky- Emirates. It is not a democratic coun- present administration had not been rocketing. So our society is selling off, try. Dubai World Ports is a govern- responding aggressively enough to the releasing our crown jewels. Methamphetamine Act, and how to ad- I do not agree with this. I have been ment-owned enterprise. Why should it compete with free enterprise in this dress the control of pseudoephedrine in fighting it ever since our Nation start- the United States, as well as the country? That country does not recog- ed to sell more and more of our U.S. ephedra and pseudoephedra that was nize Israel, and it does not allow Chris- debt securities to foreign interests, coming into the United States that was tian crosses to be erected anywhere in- who now own half, half of the debt of making and going into the mom-and- side the borders of that nation. Who this Nation, and we pay them over $300 pop meth labs, as well as the crystal could believe that a nation that sent billion a year in interest and it is sky- meth. two terrorists into our Trade Towers rocketing. Senators TALENT and FEINSTEIN in- Some people who get elected, even and whose banks laundered money for troduced a bill on the Senate side to do Presidents, do not think that there are 9/11 will now manage some of our major what many States were doing, and that certain fundamentals in accounting ports. Insanity. is, put pseudoephedrine behind the that you must follow. They think that Some people say our intelligence counter. Majority Whip BLUNT intro- you can avoid responsibility in borrow- services failed us. I say our elected duced similar legislation in the House. and-spend abandon. They think you leaders have failed us, starting in the In addition, Members from both par- can avoid responsibility. They mix up Oval Office. They fail us time and ties introduced many different bills. their love of money, frankly anybody’s again because they are blinded by their Congresswoman HOOLEY and Rep- money, even foreign interests’ money, own beggary. They used to say you resentative KENNEDY, in particular, led with freedom’s discipline. They some- could buy people here in Washington the effort to try to go beyond just put- how think it will all work out. for a lunch. Wow, has the bar been ting something behind the counter, but Well, America has been pushed to the raised. to try to regulate international legisla- edge of its financial resources with America, awake. Patrick Henry’s tion; and their bills were incorporated over $7 trillion in debt, which is rising. clarion had it right, give me liberty or in a more comprehensive bill that then The war in Iraq has cost billions too give me death, no beggary, no also absorbed the Blunt-Talent-Fein- much. We were told we would be out of beggardom, no sellout of our Republic. stein bill. there in 6 months. f This all was attached to the PA- We are lectured by a President that The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a TRIOT Act. And I would have just as we should become energy independent, previous order of the House, the gen- soon had a free debate here on the yet during his presidency he has made tleman from California (Mr. DREIER) is House floor and dealt with this, but us more dependent on foreign sources recognized for 5 minutes. part of the thing is that as we moved of oil, so we borrow and spend to make (Mr. DREIER addressed the House. this meth bill through, we came under up the difference. And we are paying tremendous counterattack from the more and more for imported fuel and His remarks will appear hereafter in the Extensions of Remarks.) pharmaceutical industry that did not going deeper into debt with oil im- want any limitations on pseudo- ports, now the largest share of our f ephedrine in the United States. trade gap. THE COMBAT METHAMPHETAMINE We came under heavy attack from Budget numbers do not lie. Trade EPIDEMIC ELIMINATION ACT the China lobby and the Mexico lobby statistics do not lie. Who do you think that did not want the threat of decerti- is financing America’s beggardom? The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a fication on them if they did not cooper- Foreign interests. The kind of folks previous order of the House, the gen- ate on controlling pseudoephedrine. who own Dubai Ports World. Trade tleman from Indiana (Mr. SOUDER) is What this bill will do is limit the deficits are exploding as we witness the recognized for 5 minutes. daily purchase, it will limit the month- import deluge into our country. Last Mr. SOUDER. Mr. Speaker, much of ly purchase, require purchasers to show year nearly a trillion dollars in trade what we do here in Congress is very ID and sign in a log book. debt, staggering, hard to find anything contentious. Our 1-minutes and 5-min- Therefore, as Indiana passes a law, made here anymore. utes tend to reflect a lot of those deep people will no longer be able to go to So now we are in the fire sale phase. divisions. And while we sometimes Michigan and Ohio to get their Rent out the ports, lease the Indiana share basic views, I think that they get pseudoephedrine and continue to kind Turnpike, sell off the auto industry, carried to extremes sometimes on of supply the raw material for all of print the stationery in China. To live House debate. the mom-and-pop labs, 900 last year in so recklessly and to spend so wildly I want talk about something we have the State of Indiana, whereas Ohio does exact a price. It forces America to actually done in a bipartisan way. We only had 300, which, by the way, was a be reduced from our birthright of inde- often hear that we do not do anything growth from 30. pendence and the discipline that that here in a bipartisan fashion and that But we go beyond just the control of entails to a sorry state of beggardom. all we can agree on are naming post of- pseudoephedrine and the few remaining

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H423 States that did not have that control. United States and prevention people Iraq believe we should leave and we We closed loopholes in existing import- who have been saying, when are you should leave soon, with less than a export and wholesale regulations, not going to do something on meth? Well, quarter agreeing with President Bush only the main markets, but the spot this week we are. that we should stay as long as it takes. market. There are basically only nine f Here you see a complete folly that is plants in the entire world that manu- our policy. Our preemptive occupation OPERATIONS IN IRAQ facture pseudoephedrine. We need lit the original match that grew into China and India and several of the Eu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a this uncontainable inferno. We do not ropean countries, and the Czech Repub- previous order of the House, the gentle- have a hose to put it out. In fact, we lic recently closed down their plant; we woman from California (Ms. WOOLSEY) pour gasoline on the fire every single need to regulate this, know how many is recognized for 5 minutes. day, a fire that is destroying Iraq, kill- quantities are coming through. We Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, one ing our soldiers, sending them home need to do better control on the south- cannot doubt that the American objec- wounded almost beyond repair. And for west border, where much of what pours tive in Iraq has failed. Those are not what reason? If we are doing more in from other nations in the world, my words. They were written last week harm than good, if we are a force for Mexico basically puts a minimum of 40 by William F. Buckley, the godfather resentment and divisiveness, rather tons of raw pseudoephedrine beyond of modern American conservatism. than peace and stability, what are we what they use in the United States In a column entitled, It Did Not doing there? that is used in mom-and-pop labs. Work, Mr. Buckley urges an acknowl- Mr. Speaker, it has never been clear- We also try to address not only the edgment of defeat in Iraq. If President er that it is time to bring our troops precursors for the mom-and-pop labs, Bush has lost William F. Buckley, then home. but what immediately moves in behind. his Iraq policy is in a heap of trouble. f As we have seen in Oklahoma, as we By the way, I am eager to see if Mr. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. have seen in many other States, and Buckley is labeled a treasonous cow- CONAWAY). Under a previous order of even in my State where the mom-and- ard, as my friend and colleague Mr. the House, the gentleman from Cali- pop labs go down, the crystal meth MURTHA was when he made similar fornia (Mr. GEORGE MILLER) is recog- comes in behind. points a few months ago. nized for 5 minutes. The crystal meth is even more potent b 2015 (Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California to the individuals. It is not as dan- addressed the House. His remarks will Who could blame Mr. Buckley, or gerous to the environment. It is not as appear hereafter in the Extensions of anyone else with a pulse, for that mat- dangerous to our local law enforcement Remarks.) ter, at arriving at this conclusion? people. You do not see explosions in f homes that kill and maim little kids. While we were away for our district But to the individual user, crystal work period, the bombing of a Shiite STUCK IN THE MIDDLE OF A CIVIL meth is even more damaging than the shrine ignited the most gruesome car- WAR homemade meth, because it is pure and nage that Iraq has ever seen since the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a even more addictive. And this often war began nearly 3 years ago. The previous order of the House, the gen- moves in behind. Washington Post reported on its front tleman from Washington (Mr. So then the treatment programs are page this morning that a staggering MCDERMOTT) is recognized for 5 min- stressed, the highways still have people 1,300 people died in last week’s sec- utes. on it, that is why in addition to the be- tarian violence. Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, we hind-the-counter, we have got to go to ‘‘Hundreds of unclaimed dead lay at are engaged in a great civil war. How- the raw pseudoephedrine that is going the morgue at midday Monday,’’ The ever, not our civil war but the Iraqis’ into the crystal meth labs in Mexico Post reported, ‘‘blood-caked men who civil war. We are caught in the middle and some of the super labs that are had been shot, knifed, garroted or ap- of it. And there are some people who still left in the West. parently suffocated by the plastic bags say that we do not have a plan, the We have increased and toughened still over their heads. Many of the bod- Democrats have no plan. penalties against meth traffickers and ies were sprawled with their hands still Well, today JACK MURTHA sent smugglers. We authorized the meth hot bound.’’ around again to us a Dear Colleague. spots program, something the adminis- Is this what ‘‘freedom on the march’’ That is a method by which we in the tration continues to try to zero out, looks like, Mr. Speaker? House talk to one another; we let our and we have never had it authorized. But we should not be surprised. It is colleagues know what we think or This authorizes that program which not as if no one saw this coming. Those what is going on. JACK sent one around makes it much harder for the adminis- of us who opposed the Iraq war before with his plan to pull the troops out of tration to try to eliminate it, as well it even started warned that an invasion Iraq. Nobody is paying any attention as increases funding in the authorizing would open up a Pandora’s Box of eth- to JACK MURTHA. They make fun of for drug courts, for the drug endan- nic strife that we would be unable to him as not being a patriot or some- gered children program and programs tame, that could lead to full-blown thing but they are missing the point. to assist pregnant women addicted to civil war. We are deeper and deeper and deeper in meth. The administration’s Iraq policy is a this war and there is no end. This is an historic step. When the tragic blunder of historic proportions. I Now, the American people have no Senate passes the PATRIOT Act to- can hardly believe that we have sac- excuse, nor does the Congress have any morrow, there will be lots of debate rificed 2,300 Americans and spent a excuse for not knowing what we are about the PATRIOT Act and all of quarter of a trillion dollars all so Iraq into, because they put out from the that. But inside that bill is the most could slip into chaos and lawlessness, Pentagon every year something called significant bipartisan effort we have with the political process now hanging the ‘‘Quadrennial Defense Review.’’ ever done in the United States Con- by the flimsiest of threads. That is to tell us what we are going to gress on methamphetamine. My heart weeps for our soldiers who do for the next 4 years. They have And I am thrilled that it is finally have been put in this impossible situa- changed the language. They are not going to become law after languishing tion. Various news reports describe going to call it the war on terror any- and battling and watching all of the some of our troops as hanging back more. It is now called ‘‘The Long War.’’ different interests try to defeat this. during last week’s violence. Why? Be- And the one just put out and presented This is a triumph for bipartisanship. It cause rather than being able to calm to the Congress outlines plans for 20 is a triumph for locals who came to us the uprisings, they know that their years into the future. and asked this to be done. It is a tri- very presence is actually one of the This administration has no intention umph to all of our narcotics officers main catalysts for the violence in the whatsoever to pull out of Iraq or to around the United States and all of the first place. No wonder a new poll shows pull the bases out of Iraq, or to do any- drug treatment people around the that our servicemen and -women in thing as sensible as what JACK MURTHA

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H424 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 28, 2006 has laid in front of the President. THE DETERIORATING SITUATION tributing to the murders. It is clear Worse than that, they are going to in- IN IRAQ that some Iraqis have joined the Iraq crease this. They are looking beyond The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Army to continue family or tribal Afghanistan and Iraq. previous order of the House, the gentle- feuds under the protection of the Iraqi It is in the editorial today in The woman from California (Ms. WATERS) is military uniform and that many Iraqis Guardian, which is a newspaper from recognized for 5 minutes. do not trust the military because of England: ‘‘Looking beyond Iraq and Ms. WATERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to- ethnic divisions. Iran battlefields, U.S. commanders en- night to address the deteriorating situ- This is a stark difference from the visage a war unlimited in time and ation in Iraq. Over the past 10 days, we President’s words that the Iraqis are space against global Islamic extre- have seen a country on the brink of successfully assuming the role of pro- mism. ‘The struggle may well be civil war slide into civil war. tecting their fellow countrymen. It is fought in dozens of other countries si- On February 22, a bomb exploded at very interesting to note that the very multaneously and for many years to the Golden Mosque causing significant week that Iraq has seen the most vio- come.’’’ damage to one of Shiite Islam’s holiest lent sectarian violence in years, the How are they going to do that? Very shrines and setting off the latest and Defense Department announced that simply. They are going to continue to most violent sectarian violence since the number of Iraqi Army battalions spend us into debt. There will not be a the war began in 2003. capable of fighting the insurgency dime to fix what is going on in New Or- Since the war began, we have wit- without U.S. help had fallen from one leans or the health care system or the nessed almost daily bombings in Iraq. to none since September 2005. educational system or anything else. Thousands of IEDs have been exploded. Last summer, a defense official Hundreds of suicide bombings have claimed that there were three battal- Listen to what is in that report. They been staged. Tragically, the number of ions ready to take on the insurgency. want 15 percent more special forces, an such attacks has grown each year, a However, in September 2005, General extra 3,700 people in black operations, stark contrast to the Vice President’s George Casey, the top U.S. commander in PsyOps and civil affairs units. That prewar assessment that we would be in Iraq, told the Senate Armed Services is an increase of 33 percent. They will greeted as liberators. Committee that the number of Iraqi have people to run in and go and run According to the U.S. Department of battalions capable of fighting inde- these countries. They want nearly dou- Defense, the number of insurgent at- pendently of U.S. troops had dropped ble the number of unmanned aerial tacks on our soldiers, Iraqi security from three to one. Therefore, despite 3 drones. forces, and civilians increased 29 per- years and more than $260 billion, we Now, consider what an aerial drone cent in 2005 when compared to 2004. find that the number continues to de- is. That is something you take off in Specifically, the number of car bombs crease. this country or take off somewhere, increased to 873 in 2005, more than Now, the President is asking Con- you fly over a country and somebody twice of the number of car bombs in gress to pass a supplemental appropria- thousands of miles away says, drop the 2004, and the number of suicide car tions request of $75 billion for the Iraq bomb over there at Seventh and Vine. bombs went to 411 from 133. war, the war on terrorism, and the gulf Now, consider what we are planning. Conservative estimates suggest that coast recovery efforts. The lion’s share We are planning to invade countries more than 30,000 Iraqi men, women and of this money, about $63 billion, is for from the air without even being there. children have been killed since the war the Iraq war. If this bill passes, the It will be like war games, like kids sit- began. Unfortunately, Iraqis are not total amount we will have spent on the ting in the front room with their little the only ones caught up in these at- war will be over $350 billion. board games. That is what we are talk- tacks. More than 2,296 U.S. soldiers The President is asking us to spend $350 ing about. We are talking about taking have died in Iraq and more than 16,825 billion a war that his Administration claimed our Trident nuclear submarines and re- have been injured. And I am sorry, I do would be of minimal cost to American tax- fitting them, not to shoot up nuclear not have the number of amputees or payers. missiles, but to send up regular mis- suicides tonight. But they are serious. Perhaps worse, the President wants to siles. So they will pull alongside a Our very presence in Iraq fuels the spend hundreds of billions of dollars on this country and fire a bunch of rockets death, destruction and has helped cre- war at a time when the Congress is pushing into the country and they will fix ate the civil war which now endangers through tens of billions of dollars in cuts to them. This is what is going on. And millions of lives. These are not just my Medicare, education, Community Development America is sitting quietly by and words. The same thoughts and senti- Block Grants and other important programs. watching this happen. ments are being echoed throughout Mr. Speaker, the Administration has failed. It We are allowing the President and a conservative America. is long past time for our troops to come home. very small number of people, Mr. It was said here earlier tonight, Wil- Civil war has broken out—we can not expect Speaker, to make decisions. We have a liam F. Buckley, Jr., the founder of our soldiers to try to sort out which side is Vice President who says he can now ‘‘The National Review’’ recently wrote, which in this civil war and we should not take leak secret material anytime he fig- ‘‘One cannot doubt that the American sides. I urge the President to conclude this ures he can use it. Use it to get us into objective in Iraq has failed.’’ war and bring our troops home. Bill Kristol, one of the war’s staunch- another war. There are an awful lot of f people on this floor, Mr. Speaker, who est defenders recently said, ‘‘We have are very worried about the next 6 not had a serious 3-year effort to fight b 2030 months in Iran because there is an a war in Iraq.’’ Even columnist George Will recently MARKING THE 18TH ANNIVERSARY election coming. And the only way you OF THE SUMGAIT MASSACRES can get the people to vote the Repub- described Iraq in this manner. ‘‘This is The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. licans back in is by making them a civil war,’’ he said. The bombing of the Golden Mosque CONAWAY). Under a previous order of afraid. This is a vote of confidence on pushed Iraq over the edge. Thousands the House, the gentleman from New George Bush. And the people will have of Iraqis are in the streets protesting Jersey (Mr. PALLONE) is recognized for to vote ‘‘no’’ to get rid of them. and others are attacking their histor- 5 minutes. ical enemies in retaliation to the Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, today f bombing of the Golden Mosque. marks a tragic anniversary for Arme- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a According to today’s Washington nians around the world. In late Feb- previous order of the House, the gen- Post, more than 1,300 individuals have ruary of 1988, in the town of Sumgait, tleman from Texas (Mr. PAUL) is recog- been killed, and more than 1,000 Sunni Azerbaijan, an organized attack on the nized for 5 minutes. mosques have been attacked since last Armenians of the town was carried out (Mr. PAUL addressed the House. His week’s bombing of the Golden Mosque. by Azerbaijani nationals. This 3-day remarks will appear hereafter in the Instead of putting a stop to the vio- rampage left dozens dead and hundreds Extensions of Remarks.) lence, Iraq’s security forces are con- injured.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H425 Mr. Speaker, I stand today to recog- Union, but they still exist as a way to For example, the United States nize the massacres in Sumgait, Azer- starve the Armenian economy. The Trade Representative right now is cur- baijan, and the continued Turkish and United States should do more to en- rently negotiating a trade deal with Azeri aggression against the Armenian courage the Turkish and Azerbaijani the United Arab Emirates. That trade people. Governments to stop their illegal deal would already have been in effect This massacre left dozens of Arme- blockade of Armenia. if it had been negotiated, passed by the nians dead, a majority of whom were Mr. Speaker, today, as the protesters Senate, passed by the House and signed set on fire alive after being beaten and walk the cold route from the Turkish by the President. It would likely have tortured. Hundreds of innocent people embassy to the Azerbaijani embassy, been declared illegal and unfair trade received injuries of different severity the message should be heard loud and practice for us to cancel that $6.8 bil- and became physically impaired. clear. It is time for the United States lion deal. Women, among them minors, were to do all that it can and to flex its geo- The administration has it exactly abused. More than 200 apartments were political muscle in order to send a mes- backwards. Security needs to go in robbed, dozens of cars were destroyed sage that ethnically charged genocides, these trade agreements before they are and burned, dozens of art and crafts illegal blockades of sovereign nations signed, not pass a trade agreement and studios, shops and kiosks were demol- and the constant harassment of the Ar- then hope for the best to protect the ished, and thousands of people became menian people will not be tolerated. homeland. refugees. This anniversary reminds us yet Other trade pacts negotiated by the Mr. Speaker, these crimes were never again of the historical injustice the Ar- Bush administration have given foreign adequately prosecuted by the Govern- menian people have faced, unfortu- governments, and even foreign compa- ment of Azerbaijan, and most of its or- nately, throughout their history. nies, the right to sue the U.S. for gov- ganizers and executors were simply set f ernment actions that cost the company free. Despite the attempt by the Gov- money. There is no reason to believe ernment of Azerbaijan to cover up THE TRANSEA ACT that such suits could not be filed in these crimes, enough brave witnesses The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a some cases to block homeland security came forward to give an accurate ac- previous order of the House, the gen- policies. Those suits would be heard by count of the offenses. tleman from Ohio (Mr. BROWN) is rec- an international tribunal meaning that The Sumgait massacres are just an- ognized for 5 minutes. the U.S. would no longer have inde- other in a long line of Azerbaijan’s ag- Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, pendent control over our own national gressions against the Armenian people. the Bush administration recently ap- security decisions. The events in Sumgait were preceded proved a deal, as we all know, that al- Before we implement the UAE agree- by a wave of Anti-Armenian rallies lowed the operation of six U.S. ports to ment, the one that the U.S.T.R. is ne- that shook the city in February 1988. be taken over by Dubai Ports World, a gotiating today or any other free trade Almost the entire territory of the city, state-owned company controlled by the agreement, we should have a full un- with a population of 250,000, became an Government of the United Arab Emir- derstanding of homeland security con- arena for mass violence against its Ar- ates, a $6.8 billion contract. sequences. menian population. The administration’s handling of this That is why I introduced today the The attacks also marked the begin- deal has drawn criticism from Repub- Trade-Related America National Secu- ning of the violent Armenian-Azer- licans and Democrats alike, and right- rity Enhancement and Accountability baijani conflict, which claimed nearly ly so. Act, the TRANSEA bill. My bill would 30,000 lives and left over 1 million refu- The 9/11 Commission’s final report do several things: require a systematic gees. The continued hostilities in Azer- warns of the United Arab Emirates’ homeland security review of trade baijan and the military aggression record of support for terrorism and its agreements, with sign-off from the U.S. against the Armenians of Nagorno links to September 11, both strategic Trade Representative, the Homeland Karabakh in 1992 through 1994 led to and financial. Security Department and other respon- the disappearance of a 450,000-strong The Congressional Research Service sible agencies, and with reporting to Armenian community in Azerbaijan noted the UAE was named as a point of Congress. within a span of just a few years. shipment for illegal nuclear compo- Second, it would require that all fu- Mr. Speaker, today many Armenians nents sold by Pakistan. ture agreements include a national se- marked the anniversary of the Sumgait The U.S. Coast Guard told the admin- curity waiver, allowing the President massacre by organizing a march here istration, referring to the United Arab to suspend an agreement or any provi- in Washington from the embassy of Emirates-controlled ports, that, sion of an agreement if the President Turkey to the embassy of Azerbaijan in ‘‘There are many intelligence gaps, determines that the agreement creates order to highlight the continued Turk- concerning the potential for DPW or a homeland security vulnerability. ish and Azeri aggression toward the Ar- PNO assets to support terrorist oper- Third, it would create an independent menian people. ations.’’ trade security commission to watchdog The aggression I speak of, however, is These and other more serious con- trade policy from a homeland security still happening in a number of ways cerns may have been overlooked, as the perspective and report to Congress on even today. There continues to be an administration rushed its review of potential threats. organized effort to destroy historically this deal, but what this instance really Last, it would to allow Congress to sacred Armenian sites by the Govern- highlights is a much broader and force action if the administration fails ment of Azerbaijan. Recently, there longer-term concern, the lack of a sys- to respond to a homeland security has been a documented video, evidenc- tematic process for the review of home- warning from the commission. ing the systematic destruction of a land security issues associated with It is absurd to require that our con- more than 1,000-year-old cemetery and America’s international trade policy. stituents remove their shoes at the air- historic carved stone crosses in the In a post-9/11 world, trade agreements port, but not require that multibillion southern Nakhichevan region of Djulfa. are no longer just vehicles for eco- dollar trade agreements undergo sys- There are also continued attempts by nomic development. Trade agreements, tematic homeland security review. Turkey and Azerbaijan to strangle Ar- to be sure, lower tariffs in open mar- The TRANSEA Act is an important menia’s economy and its people’s abil- kets, but they also can lower our de- step toward a policy that reflects the ity to survive through economic ag- fenses as they open our ports and open realities of a post-9/11 world. I urge my gressions. The over 10-year blockade of our infrastructure and open our trans- colleagues to support this important Armenia by Turkey and Azerbaijan portation and supply lines. legislation. cuts off a valuable trade route through In the post-9/11 world, America’s f the country and further isolates Arme- trade policies and America’s homeland The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a nia. These blockades have been de- security policies cannot exist separate previous order of the House, the gen- nounced by the United States, the from each other and in isolation. The tleman from Maryland (Mr. WYNN) is United Nations and the European risk is simply too great. recognized for 5 minutes.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H426 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 28, 2006 (Mr. WYNN addressed the House. His ical use from these embryos that are gee, it ought to be possible to take a remarks will appear hereafter in the going to be discarded anyhow. cell from the early embryo and it Extensions of Remarks.) That is a tough position to put pro- would not even know it. And that is be- f life people in, and the reason that cause all the cells in the early embryo most, but not all, pro-life advocates are are what we call totipotent or at least EMBRYONIC STEM CELL opposed to this is because they view pluripotent. Totipotent means they RESEARCH this as the beginning of a slippery can produce another embryo if you The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under slope. Today, you are permitting the take the cell out, and pluripotent the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- use of surplus embryos that are going means they can produce all of the cell uary 4, 2005, the gentleman from Mary- to be discarded anyhow; tomorrow, you types that make up the body. By the land (Mr. BARTLETT) is recognized for might be producing embryos. They time they are pluripotent, they have 60 minutes as the designee of the ma- may be stronger, younger. You may be lost the ability to coordinate all of the jority leader. producing embryos just so you can dis- different kind of cells into an inte- Mr. BARTLETT of Maryland. Mr. card them so you could use them for grated individual, so they could not Speaker, very shortly now the juvenile medical research. produce an embryo. diabetes people will be coming through I remembered the juvenile diabetes I asked the researchers at NIH, the Congress. They do this every year, groups that come through, the children should it not be possible to take a cell I believe. and their parents when, in 2000, I went from an early embryo without killing I look forward to this visit with real- to the National Institutes of Health the embryo, probably without hurting ly mixed emotions. These children when they had a briefing for Members the embryo, since in every set of iden- come in with this disease that has and of Congress and staff on embryonic tical twins half of the cells have been will change their lives. Many of them stem cell research, the potentials and taken away from the embryo. are so brittle that they have to have a the challenge. There were a number of And by the way, Mr. Speaker, one of pump embedded under their skin that staff there. I think that I was the only those is a clone. I guess you can decide pumps insulin, because the sugar may Member of Congress who was there. which one of those identical twins you go violently up or down with poten- I went there from a somewhat un- would identify as the clone, but clearly tially disastrous effects on the person. usual background, a different back- one of them is a clone, and both of Many times a day they may have to ground than the average Member of them develop into what appears to be, get a droplet of blood to determine the Congress, because in a former life, I by observations over hundreds of years sugar level. went to school and got a doctorate in and more recently many years of inten- They will appeal to us, as they have human physiology. I got it not in a sive physiological and medical observa- every year for the past 5 years, please medical school but at an arts and tion, what appear to be perfectly nor- vote for Federal funds for embryonic sciences campus, and so we had to take mal human beings. stem cell research because they be- a great variety of courses. And so I asked the researcher at NIH, lieve, like the loved ones of many other shouldn’t it be possible to take a cell types of patients, that there could b 2045 from an early embryo without killing truly be miracle cures from embryonic Things like limnology and ich- the embryo, probably without hurting stem cells. They will tell us that there thyology and cytology and proto- it? And they said, yes, they thought are several hundred thousand embryos zoology and advanced genetics. And that should be possible. So a few days out there that are frozen in fertility one of the courses I took was advanced after that I happened to be at an event clinics. embryology. And in that course I had when the President was there, and I I have a daughter-in-law who is going an opportunity to study and learn knew that he was laboring with a deci- through that process now. They har- something about the process which is sion, a very difficult decision, of vest eggs. They fertilize the eggs. so familiar to anybody who has studied whether he was going to permit Fed- First, they have to give a hormone biology in life, that is, the development eral dollars to be used in embryonic treatment to the prospective mother so of the embryo and how this process stem cell research when presently at that there will be the production of goes. that time the only source of embryonic more than just the one egg that is pro- I recognized that occasionally in hu- stem cells resulted from the destruc- duced normally per month. They will mans in the early embryo, sometimes tion of an embryo. harvest a number of eggs, 8, 10, 12 eggs. at the two-cell stage and sometimes So I told the President about the Then they will fertilize those eggs, and later, and you can tell by how the ba- meeting at NIH and about my discus- they will watch their growth in the bies present whether they share an sion with the researchers there, and a laboratory, and they will choose two or amnion or simply share the chorion; few days later I got a call from Karl three of what look like the strongest how they present at birth you can tell Rove. The President had remembered fertilized eggs, and then they will im- at roughly what time in the develop- that conversation and turned the fol- plant those in the prospective mother. ment of the embryo did it split. And low-up over to Karl Rove, and Mr. Rove The remaining eggs are frozen. It each of those halves of the original em- told me that he had gone to NIH and costs money to keep them there. The bryo, either one cell if it was a two-cell had spoken with the investigators family may pay for that process be- stage, or multiple cells if it was further there, and they had told him that that cause these little embryos that are im- along in the development before it was not possible. I said, Karl, either planted may not take, and they may split, each half produces what appears they are funning you or they misunder- need to do it again, and frozen, they to be a perfectly normal baby. We call stood your question, because these are could last quite a while, and they may them identical twins. And there are the same people that can go into an in- want to have another child. So they tens of thousands of them out there dividual cell and take out the nucleus will pay to keep them frozen for a and a great deal of scientific interest is and put another nucleus in that cell. while; but by and by, time and changes in these twins. And they are telling you they cannot in the family, they will see no further And a lot of research has been done, take a cell or two out of a big embryo? need to keep them frozen. When they because when you are looking at two So he went back and asked them cease doing that, then the laboratory genetically identical people, you have again and came back and called me a must either dispose of the embryos or an opportunity to make some studies second time and said, Roscoe, they tell bear the expense of keeping them fro- and observations that you would have me that they cannot do that. I won- zen. to use a great many more subjects to dered at the time what had happened. So each year a number of these em- make using the usual genetic different And a couple of years later, when the bryos are discarded, and there has been subjects. researchers at NIH were in my office, an appeal, which has been bought into And so recognizing that you could they somewhat sheepishly admitted by some of my very good friends in the take half of the cells away from the that they had permitted Mr. Rove to Congress, that from a ethical perspec- original embryo and each half produced believe something that wasn’t quite tive, why should we not get some med- a perfectly normal baby, I rationalized, true. Because what they had told him

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H427 was that they weren’t sure that they land for his legislation, H.R. 3144, and divide and become an embryo; you get could produce a stem cell line from a for allowing me to spend a little time beyond that stage to what he describes single cell taken from an early embryo. with him this evening as we try to ex- as pluripotent. That is exactly what my bill had pro- plain to our colleagues what we are And the difference in those two capa- posed to do, was to determine, with talking about here and what is the es- bilities in those embryonic cells is animals, whether in fact that was pos- sence of the Bartlett bill. hugely important to the pro-life com- sible or not. They had not meant for I think the gentleman is correct that munity. And he, of course, has done him to believe that it was not possible the perception among those of us who such a great job tonight, and I com- to take a cell from an early embryo. are strongly pro-life, and I think most mend him for that, of explaining how Now, I cannot get inside their head of my colleagues on both sides of the in nature this occurs with the division to tell you, Mr. Speaker, why they per- aisle sort of know each other’s former of a multi-cell embryo to become iden- mitted Mr. Rove to go away with this profession before we came to this au- tical twins; and it is, I think, a good misconception, I can only tell you that gust body, and I practiced medicine, explanation. And I think that is prob- I think that if I were in their place, I not just an M.D., but specializing in ob- ably what is important, in response to would have judged that the President stetrics and gynecology; and so over a your question, my good friend from might very well make the decision that 26-year period, doing the average num- Maryland, is this educational process. it was okay to use these discarded em- ber of deliveries a doctor would do in a And I know you have worked on this. bryos. Because, after all, they were year, that amounts to over 5,000; and I do not know how many times you going to be discarded anyhow, and the very proudly I can stand here tonight have done this Special Order, but you potential for life-saving medical appli- and say that I am pro-life and have have honored me in giving me an op- cations was so great that I think that never performed an abortion. portunity to participate with you and they may have rationalized that the But I think that in response to the get into a colloquy and discuss some of President was going to issue an execu- gentleman’s question, people that are these issues. This is the way to do it. tive order which would make possible pro-life know that embryonic stem cell This is the seed corn. This is what gets the use of Federal funds in the study of research that was ongoing before Presi- it started. It is a matter of under- embryonic stem cells taken from these dent Bush made his decision 2 or 3 standing that there is an alternative to surplus embryos. That, of course, is not years ago, that those stem cell lines destruction of human life for the bet- what the President did. were indeed obtained from this so- terment of other lives. I am happy to be joined this evening called excess. Really not excess. Can- b 2100 by Dr. GINGREY, and I wanted to engage not tell that to the Snowflake babies Mr. BARTLETT of Maryland. Dr. him in a dialogue, because I think that that have been adopted, those embryos, GINGREY, thank you very much. the same kind of an emotional response and there are close to 100 of those pre- There is another consequence of this that might have permitted the re- cious children alive today, but the pro- understandable emotional reaction on searchers at NIH to permit this discus- life community, indeed, everybody un- the part of the pro-life community, and sion to result in a misconception by derstood that the stem cell lines that that is the statement that is made over Mr. Rove, that an analogous emotional were created were created from the de- and over again that we have, I think it response on the part of many pro-life struction of embryos that were pro- is up to 70-some now, treatments or advocates makes it very difficult for duced utilizing artificial reproductive cures from adult stem cells and none them to even talk about the potential technology that the gentleman from from embryonic stem cells; therefore, of any form of embryonic stem cell re- Maryland so adequately explained. why would you want to bother looking search because they are so conditioned And of course those children, and I at embryonic stem cells? that the only way in the past that we say children, they are embryos, but The reason we have 70-some treat- have been able to get embryonic stem they certainly become children. They ments from adult stem cells is we have cells was by destroying an embryo, and become fetuses, and they become chil- been working with them for about 3 so they equate any discussion of em- dren, and they become young adults, decades and we have been working with bryonic stem cell research as requiring and they become middle-aged and sen- embryonic stem cells for just a little the destruction of an embryo. ior citizens. They are human life. And, over 6 years. A newborn baby cannot The President has a bioethics council basically, what the President said is run a marathon, and there just has not that published a white paper in which those that have already been destroyed been time for the medical community they talked about four different tech- to create these cell lines, we will allow to develop the potential from embry- niques, potentially bioethically accept- researchers, our scientists, to apply for onic stem cells. able that could produce embryonic grants to conduct the research on I will be the first to tell you that this stem cells without destroying an em- those cell lines, those embryonic stem research may be very disappointing. I bryo. And I wonder what is the best ap- cells, but not to destroy any more life; hope that it will not be, because these proach, because we want to carry ev- to put a moratorium on that and to ab- cells really want to divide, and like an erybody along with us. I want no one to solutely not continue to destroy life. obstreperous teenager, they may be be offended that what we are pro- In fact, in 1999, President Clinton’s very difficult to control. But the hope posing, what has been proposed as a National Bioethics Advisory Commis- is that since embryonic stem cells can matter of fact by the President’s coun- sion, NBAC, acknowledged broad agree- certainly make any and every tissue cil on bioethics is a violation of our ment in our society that early human and, potentially, organ in the body, fundamental belief that life is sacred. embryos ‘‘deserve respect as a form of they ought to have the greatest poten- Every life is sacred, and particularly human life.’’ They recommended fund- tial. the least of these, this totally defense- ing of embryonic stem cell research And I wonder what we need to do so less embryo. Their life is sacred, and only if there were no alternatives. But that the statement is not repeated that we must protect that. what Congressman BARTLETT is talking it is really silly to talk about embry- So the research that I am proposing, about tonight, of course, is an alter- onic stem cell research because we that my colleague has been supporting, native, a viable, if I can use that term, have 70-some treatments or cures from does exactly that. And I am wondering a viable alternative. And that is what adult stem cells and none yet from em- what is the best way to bring this com- he has outlined for us in this legisla- bryonic stem cells. That is, of course, a munity along with us so that they un- tion, and I know he will talk about true statement, but you need to put it derstand that there are potential tech- that. in context. The reason for it is we have niques that could be used for producing But the important point is that peo- been working for more than 3 decades embryonic stem cells that will not con- ple who are pro-life understand this, with adult stem cells and just a little sist of destroying or even hurting the that taking a cell or two from an em- over 6 years with embryonic stem cells. embryo. What do you think is the best bryo, once it has gotten to the point And I want our community to have way to approach this? where those cells are not totipotent, credibility at the end of the day. Mr. GINGREY. Well, first of all, let that you are not literally taking How do we meet this emotional chal- me thank the gentleman from Mary- maybe something that in itself could lenge?

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H428 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 28, 2006 Mr. GINGREY. Mr. Speaker, if the And these children now are starting thrombocytes, all of those can be pro- gentleman will yield, I think it really out with the absolute certainty that duced. is a good point that you are making they are not going to have the quality Now, you can take an adult stem cell that we have been utilizing adult stem of life of other children because just re- and trick it into believing that it has cells for a long time, for many years, placing the insulin does not cure diabe- not gone through all of this differentia- and whether we are talking about cells tes. It controls many of the effects, but tion, that it is somewhere back here so that are obtained from bone marrow or there will still be consequences to the that it can now make tissues other from blood, even, of course, some um- diabetic. than just the ones that it was destined bilical cells. But as the gentleman And as you mentioned, there is the to make and the organ from which you points out, there have been some real hope that with embryonic stem cells took it. And these are the techniques great success stories reported: cancers, we could grow Islet of Langerhan tis- that are used in adult stem cell re- including ovarian and testicular can- sues. And you would not have to put search and treatment. cer; leukemia; Hodgkin’s disease; those back into the pancreas. You The next chart shows a little more stroke; heart disease; Parkinson’s dis- could, as a matter of fact, put them in detail in this development process, and ease; as the gentleman mentioned, ju- the groin or under the arm or under the this shows it in the reproductive tract venile diabetes; Crohn’s disease, an in- skin, anywhere. They just have to have of the female. Here is the ovary from flammatory disease of the bowel which access to circulation. They will which the egg is released. And the egg can be so devastating. produce the insulin. The circulation now starts a long journey down And I think ROSCOE BARTLETT, the will pick up the insulin, and then it through the fallopian tube. It will be 7 gentleman from Maryland, mentioned flows to the liver and the cells of the to 10 days before it finally implants in maybe 58, in total, success stories. But body where it does its miracle work. the uterus. The sperm, of course, the earliest cell, I think, has the great- But this is the reason that they are makes its way from the vagina up est potential, and that is basically the so enthusiastic about embryonic stem through the uterus and through the fal- point that the congressman is making cell research, because of all of the dis- lopian tube, and it fertilizes the egg. It and why his bill, H.R. 3144, to provide eases out there. And we spend more shows it very correctly here. Fertiliza- funding, very necessary funding, to do money on diabetes than any other dis- tion occurs well up in the fallopian the basic and applied research starting ease in the country, and there is prob- tube. A little later down and it cannot in animal models to show that you in- ably more debility and suffering from be fertilized. deed can take these, again, not diabetes than any other disease in the And this shows the production of the totipotential but pluripotential, so not country. And that is why they are so zygote. It shows the first cleavage to another embryo, but something that adamant in their desire that we permit produce a two-cell mass. At this point has gone beyond that stage that does Federal dollars to be spent, because these two cells could separate to not have the capability in and of itself with the power of NIH and the peer re- produce two embryos, two babies. We of becoming a human being. That is view, and they have created miracles in know them as identical twins. Or it can what we want to say to the pro-life the past, they hope they can do an- go on to split into four cells and eight community. cells, and I will come back to the eight So we are taking, though, the very other one. I would like to just look for a mo- earliest beyond that stage cell, and cell in just a moment because that is ment at the physiology, and the chart, there is no telling what tissue it can the one medically that is of consider- boy, this is really abbreviated. I will develop into, whether we are talking able interest. Then it becomes a morula. You see it about brain tissue and trying to treat show you a little more expanded one in there, the compacted morula. And then people, God rest his soul, like Chris- a moment. But the two gametes come together you get the inner-cell mass, which you topher Reeves or other people with spi- and produce what is called a zygote, nal cord injuries, or someone with se- saw a pretty good picture of in the pre- and this is the fertilized cell. It now vere Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s vious slide. And, of course, what we are has half the genes from the mother and or juvenile diabetes where you create talking about is what goes on in the half the genes from the father. And islet cells that you can transplant into laboratory now in a petri dish. You fer- a person’s pancreas that, because of a then that fertilized cell grows through tilize it there rather than in the repro- genetic defect, has no islet cells. several stages, and they have skipped ductive tract, but the same sequence of So that is really, I think, the answer, the morula stage here and they go development occurs. And they simply to say why it is worth the effort, why right to the blastula and then to the take the inner-cell mass out of the em- it is absolutely worth the effort. First gastrula. And here you start the dif- bryo and squash it and kill it and take and foremost, you do not have to take ferentiation into the three germ layers. the cells out to produce a stem cell human life for the betterment of other Every tissue of our body develops line. human lives, and we want to build on from one of the three germ layers: the In the laboratory, in in vitro fer- the success of utilization of adult stem endoderm, that is what is inside; and tilization, they grow the embryos up to cells and go that extra mile, and this is the mesoderm, that is what is in the the eight-cell stage, and it is at that what this bill will do, allow us to do middle; and the ectoderm. Very inter- stage that they have the most luck in the basic research, fund it with Federal estingly, the parts of the adult body implanting them in the uterus of the dollars so we can get to that point. that develop from ectoderm is our skin female. Several years ago in England, a Mr. BARTLETT of Maryland. Thank and our nervous tissue. Most of this, by clinic there began taking a cell, and you very much. I appreciate your men- weight, develops from mesoderm. All sometimes they got two, from the tioning the diabetes, particularly juve- the muscles, all the bones develop from eight-cell stage, and they did a nile diabetes. mesoderm. And here you see at the bot- preimplantation genetic diagnosis on it The deficiency, of course, is in the tom are derivatives of the ectoderm because if you had the option of mak- Islet of Langerhan cells, named after and the mesoderm and the endoderm, ing sure that your baby was not going the German scientist who first saw and then the unique cells, the germ to have a genetic defect like trisomy them. They are like little islands scat- cells, the sperm in the male and the 21, mongolism, for instance, you cer- tered through the pancreas. I have no egg in the female. tainly would want to avoid that if you idea why they are in the pancreas. Now, adult stem cells, when you hear could. They have no relationship to the physi- people talk about adult stem cells, They do a preimplantation genetic ology of the pancreas; they just happen what they are talking about is a cell diagnosis, and if there is no genetic de- to be there, and they are not producing down here, and one of the easiest ones fect, they then take the remaining six enough insulin. But replacing the insu- to talk about are adult stem cells that or seven cells and implant them, and lin does not cure diabetes because the have to do with making blood, and now worldwide I suspect there have person who has diabetes will end up these stem cells found in the bone mar- been more than 2,000 babies born. with eye problems, circulatory prob- row primarily can produce a variety of There is a clinic just outside Wash- lems, toes that they lose, gangrene, cells. The polymorpho-nuclear leu- ington, in Virginia, and a year ago I and so forth. kocytes, the erythrocytes, the spent more than a half hour talking

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H429 with two of the physicians there who twins develop later, when it splits embryo to create an embryonic stem have been doing this technique. So we later. You can see that because they cell line. This is very equivalent to now are producing babies with this each have their own amnion. They taking organs from a cadaver. technique, with the assurance that share a chorion, of course, but they There may be some question as to there will not be any genetic defects. each have their own amnion. whether you can get a really good Another really good use of that cell Let me see the next one, which shows strong cell from an embryo that is in a that you take from that, and I have to how you have what are called fraternal day or two going to be dead, but it is credit Mr. Dorflinger with this, the twins. Here you have two eggs pro- possible that you could do that. My bill spokesman for the Conference of duced by the mother, ordinarily only actually asks for Federal dollars to ex- Catholic Bishops, and he suggested one, sometimes two, sometimes three, plore all of these techniques with ani- that the most ethical reason for taking but ordinarily only one egg, unless you mal models. a cell from the early embryo, even are giving some hormone treatment. I was talking to one of the research- more ethically defensible than doing a Then those are now presented in sepa- ers, Dr. Hurlbut, the other day. This is preimplantation genetic diagnosis, rate chorions. They, of course, have Dr. Landry’s proposal. I noted that I would be making a repair kit. That is their own amnion, which is the tissues would be enormously surprised if what sort of the goal when you freeze the around the baby which contains the we found in the great apes was not cord blood, and we had a bill that ev- fluid in which the baby floats, and the going to be what we found in humans, erybody but one voted for that gave tissue around that is called the and he agreed that he too would be Federal dollars for freezing cord blood. amnion. enormously surprised. Those will not be embryonic stem There are four techniques in the It may be somewhat humbling, but cells. They will be adult stem cells, but white paper. I would like to look at the we share a vast majority of our organs at least they are closer to the genetic technique that I have been looking with the great apes, the chimpanzees identity of that person than other cells about. Number two in the white paper. and orangutans and gorillas. You have to look to see genetic differences. They would be. And more than 2,000 times They credit me with suggesting that. have the same number of chro- worldwide now we have had a perfectly There is a little footnote: ‘‘A similar mosomes, and we share many, many, normal baby from that process. idea was proposed by Representative most, 90-odd percent of all the chro- So what I had proposed to the people ROSCOE BARTLETT of Maryland as far mosomes. So it would be very unlikely has, in fact, been done. And what I en- back as 2001,’’ and I think I actually that what we found in animals would vision at the end of the day in our bill, talked to the President before that. not occur in humans. H.R. 3144, does not support experimen- They say it may be some time before stem cell lines can be reliably derived We have a couple more charts that tation in humans. It is only animal ex- address this. There has been a lot of perimentations to verify that these from single cells. We have two inves- tigators, Landry and Verlinsky, who thought given to this, and I think that procedures are, in fact, doable and effi- we have one; let’s look at the one that claim that they have done that. cacious and that the embryo is not actually shows the depiction, yes, that harmed. You see, these cells love company, and they don’t behave well if they are one. Let us look at that one. That shows what happens in these b 2115 alone and they don’t have company, so cells, these embryos, in just a couple of This technique and three other tech- that is why there was the concern that days. They go from a perfectly normal niques are included in the white paper maybe you could not develop an em- looking embryo to a dead embryo, but prepared by the President’s council on bryonic stem cell line from a single there are clues that that is a certain bioethics, alternative sources of human cell. But these two investigators have result that the experts can see in these pluripotent stem cells. done it in a very clever way. They pro- cells. Dr. Gingrey mentioned totipotent vide company for the cells, and then So this is a potentially viable, I be- and pluripotent, and I would like to they separate the company, these are lieve ethically acceptable technique, spend a moment talking about that. other types of cells, they separate the very analogous to taking organs from a Totipotent means that the cell you embryonic cells from the other cells cadaver. This is simply taking cells take could produce another embryo. that provided company for them to en- from what would be the equivalent in Pluripotent means that it could courage them to continue the division an embryo of a cadaver, an embryo produce all the cells, tissues, organs of process. that will not live, that will die. the body; but it does not have the capa- A second technique, as a matter of There is another technique, and I bility to organize them into a person. fact it was number one, mine was num- would like to submit two papers here Ethically, if you took a cell that was ber two, the first technique that they for the RECORD, and these are papers totipotent, you would simply be cre- talked about is a really interesting describing another technique, a very ating a new embryo, and so the argu- one. What this does is to propose the interesting one. This is Dr. Hurlbut’s ment starts all over again. So you need use of cells from an embryo much like contribution. to take a cell from a stage where it is we use organs from a cadaver. Every- Researchers can take an oocyte, that just pluripotent, not totipotent. body is familiar with that, and there is the egg from a mother, and they can I am assured by the research commu- are many people that have a will that take the nucleus out of that oocyte and nity that no one has ever been success- say you can harvest their organs to place a nucleus from an ordinary cell, ful in developing an embryo with a cell benefit somebody if that would be use- like a skin cell, inside the cell, and taken from the eighth stage. You see, ful. then with a little shock treatment you these cells know, and I use that term When you create these embryos in can trick the cell into believing that it advisedly, know that ultimately they the laboratory, not all of them are ro- was fertilized, and it will go on to de- are going to differentiate, and appar- bust. A fair percentage of them never velop into an individual. That is how ently that differentiation problem has make it. They divide through a few we got Dolly the Sheep. It is called started well before you see the three stages for a few days and then just die. cloning. germ layers developing, because be- This proposal is if you determine that Dr. Hurlbut’s suggestion is, and this tween the fourth stage and the eight- the embryo is moribund, and there is is called epigenetic nuclear transfer, cell stage, they have lost their ability pretty good scientific evidence that that he alters that. The nucleus that to be totipotent. They can now only be you can do that with quite some cer- you place in the cell has an induced ge- pluripotent. As Dr. Gingrey pointed tainty, kind of equivalent to deter- netic defect. They alter one of the out, it is very essential that ethically mining a person is brain dead and genes so that the result cannot produce you take cells that could only be therefore there is no chance that they an embryo. pluripotent. can go on with life as we know it, and There are things that happen in some I have two quick slides here that his proposal is that if you determine mothers where you have growths and look at the development of twins. This that the embryo is not going to make they will have teeth and hair, but it is the two intercell masses. These are it, that it will die, but before it dies, certainly is not a baby. It is not coordi- when the twins develop, the identical you then take a cell or cells from the nated. You can turn off this gene so

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H430 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 28, 2006 that what you have produced is not an What this would do is provide for sure that in fact these techniques can embryo, could not be a baby. that baby, then a child, then an adult, occur. We want to make sure that It is very interesting that the way throughout its life the potential that if there is no negative effect on the em- you turn that off is by RNA, ribo- it had diabetes, you could develop bryo. nucleic acid, rather than deoxy ribo- other Langerhans cells from its repair There should not be, Mr. Speaker, nucleic acid, which is what is in the kit that are genetically absolutely unless you think that identical twins nucleus and what makes up the genes identical to the person so there would are somehow deficient, there should and chromosomes. The RNA is out in now be no threat of rejection. This not be any medical effect, because we the cytoplasm, and I am not so sure would clearly, clearly be miracle medi- have, over hundreds of years, tens of that a clone is going to be that iden- cine. thousands of identical twins, all of tical to the original because the RNA, I think we have gotten by the ethical which appear to be perfectly normal the cytoplasmic RNA, is going to be objections, because whether or not you human beings. different; and the cytoplasmic RNA has believe that parents ought to use in The potential for healing, medical a big influence because it can turn on vitro fertilization, these parents have applications in embryonic stem cells is and turn off genes. This is the tech- decided to do that. Whether or not you just incredibly great, which is why the nique used for doing this. believe they should take a cell to big interest in this. It is why the peo- This, I think, is from Nature Maga- produce a repair kit, these parents ple at NIH would really like funding for zine, one of the premier scientific jour- have decided to do that. So they have this. It is why the groups that will nals. It is the British equivalent to our already made those two decisions, both come to see us, the juvenile diabetic Science Magazine. It is really multi- of which I think are ethical. groups that come to see us, will be ad- disciplinary and very discriminating in b 2130 vocating so strongly for research with the articles that it prints. embryonic stem cells, because this The bottom sequence here shows Parents really want a child when really could be a big, big breakthrough. what he would do. He is producing they will go to the extent of in vitro It could provide miracle cures that something that cannot be a baby be- fertilization. As I mentioned, my we can only dream of today. We need to cause the gene that is responsible for daughter-in-law is going through that. make very sure that we are not cross- the organization of these various types And after the surgery for harvesting of ing ethical bounds, that we are purely of cells into a coherent human being is the cells, she cannot even drive a car ethical. turned off. By the way, whether he for quite a while. This is not a casual Mr. Speaker, I am very concerned turns that off in the cymatic nucleus procedure. that none of my friends in the pro-life before he puts it in the cell so you So these are loving parents who want community be offended by any of this avoid the argument that you are alter- a child. And I think it would be very research, which is why the animal ex- ing an embryo, because it is not an em- rational that they would want that perimentation first, with a clear bio- bryo, it is just a nucleus from a skin child to have a repair kit if they could, ethical look at this. cell and he turns off the gene there, and we are simply asking for a few sur- I appreciate very much this oppor- and then he takes the cell out of an oo- plus cells from the repair kit. tunity to discuss this. Mr. Speaker, I I should mention the fourth proce- cyte and places this nucleus from the include for the RECORD the articles I skin cell with the genetic alteration, dure that is in this white paper, and referenced earlier. that is the dedifferentiation of the places it in there. This is also a poten- PRODUCTION OF PLURIPOTENT STEM CELLS BY adult cells. This dedifferentiation is a tially viable technique. OOCYTE ASSISTED REPROGRAMMING play on differentiation, and what hap- All of these, by the way, you can As described in the President’s Council on argue that you may have some ethical pens is that the single cell produced by Bioethics’ recent White Paper, altered nu- problem with it. You may argue that the union of two gametes, called the clear transfer (ANT) is a broad conceptual you are intentionally creating a freak zygote, this cell now differentiates. It proposal for producing pluripotent stem cells here just so you can harvest the cells produces tissues that are endoderm, without creating and destroying embryos. In from it. But since you are doing this from which the lining of your intes- the description set forth below, we outline a before you place the nucleus in the oo- tinal tract and lungs and the lining of research program for a form of ANT that cyte, you are simply altering the nu- your blood vessels will come, the meso- should allow us to produce pluripotent stem derm and so forth. So they have dif- cells without creating or destroying human cleus in a skin cell, I think you can get embryos and without producing an entity by the ethical arguments. ferentiated. that undergoes or mimics embryonic devel- Let us go back for a moment to the You can now potentially get the opment. The method of alteration here pro- ethical arguments, because they are equivalent of an embryonic stem cell if posed (oocyte assisted reprogramming) very important. I want to make sure you can simply take one of these adult would immediately produce a cell with posi- that sensitivities of nobody in the pro- cells and trick it into believing that it tive characteristics and a type of organiza- life community are violated. has not differentiated. What you will tion that from the beginning would be clear- The technique that I suggested to the do is dedifferentiate it. ly and unambiguously distinct from, and in- President and the one that is described I do not know how consistently you compatible with, those of an embryo. Incapa- can do that, but that is why we need to ble of being or becoming an embryo, the cell in our bill, we would not get the stem produced would itself be a pluripotent cell cells until several things had happened do the research. On occasion you can that could be cultured to establish a over which we have no control and no do that, and I do not know how consist- pluripotent stem cell line. Significantly, this influence. The first thing is that a cou- ently you can do it. I do not know how cell would not be totipotent, as a zygote is. ple has decided that they are going to viable the tissues will be once you have Our proposal is for initial research using do in vitro fertilization. In addition, done it, but that is the reason that you only nonhuman animal cells. If, but only if, they have decided that they want to do research. such research establishes beyond a reason- create a repair kit for their baby. They I would just like to again mention able doubt that oocyte assisted reprogram- that our bill, 3144, does not provide any ming can reliably be used to produce may or may not decide that they want pluripotent stem cells without creating em- to do a pre-implantation genetic diag- Federal funds for any work on humans. bryos, would we support research on human nosis. It is only animal experimentation. And cells. By the way, you can do both of those it would provide Federal money for With few exceptions all human cells con- in the same cell. You simply culture working on all of the techniques that tain a complete human genome, i.e. the com- the cell and you have now more than the President’s Council on Bioethics plete DNA sequence characteristic of the one, ultimately many, so you can take indicated might be ethically acceptable human species. Specifically, one-celled a cell for pre-implantation genetic di- under the right circumstances. human embryos, pluripotent human embry- agnosis. They will have made the deci- Of course, one of the things that is onic stem (or ES) cells, multipotent human adult stem cells, and differentiated (special- sion they want a repair kit. All we are very much involved in whether it is ized) adult human cells such as neurons all asking for is a few surplus cells, one ethical or not is, does it do harm to the contain a complete human genome. Thus, will do, a few would be better, a few baby? And that is why the animal ex- possession of a human genome is a necessary surplus cells from their repair kit. perimentation first. We want to make but not sufficient condition for defining a

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H431 human embryo with its inherent dignity. stem cell: the somatic-cell nucleus would be Medicine, Center for Clinical Bioethics, Rather the nature of each cell depends on its formed into a pluripotent stem-cell nucleus Georgetown University Medical Center, epigenetic state, i.e. which subset of the ap- and never pass through an embryonic stage. Washington, D.C. proximately thirty thousand human genes is Therefore, unlike some other proposed meth- Paul J. Hoehner, M.D., M.A., FAHA, Har- switched on or off and, if on, at what level. ods of ANT, this method would achieve its vey Fellow in Theology, Ethics and Culture, For example, the gene for albumin, a liver objective not by a gene deletion that pre- The University of Virginia Graduate School specific protein, is found both in human em- cludes embryonic organization in the cell of Arts and Sciences, Associate Professor of bryos and in adult human liver cells called produced, but rather by a positive trans- Anesthesiology, The University of Virginia hepatocytes. However, neither the messenger formation that generates, ab initio, a cell Health Sciences Center, Charlottesville, Vir- RNA (mRNA) for albumin nor the protein with the distinctive molecular characteris- ginia. itself is found in single-celled embryos be- tics and developmental behavior of a William B. Hurlbut, M.D., Consulting Pro- cause in them the gene is silenced. pluripotent cell, not a totipotent embryo. fessor in the Program in Human Biology, This fundamental observation has given This should allow us to produce a Stanford University, Palo Alto, California. rise to the concepts of cell fate plasticity pluripotent stem cell line with controlled ge- John F. Kilner, Ph.D., President, The Cen- and epigenetic ‘‘reprogramming.’’ If success- netic characteristics. ter for Bioethics and Human Dignity, 2065 ful, reprogramming converts a cell from one ENDORSERS Half Day Road, Bannockburn, Illinois. kind to another by changing its epigenetic Institutional affiliations are provided for Patrick Lee, Ph.D., Professor of Philos- state. The ability to clone animals, such as ophy, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Dolly the sheep, by transfer of a specialized purposes of identification only and do not necessarily represent the views of organiza- Steubenville, Ohio. adult nucleus to an enucleated oocyte dem- William E. May, Ph.D., Michael J. onstrates the power of epigenetic reprogram- tions with which endorsers are affiliated. En- dorsers who are not themselves specialists in McGivney Professor of Moral Theology, John ming: the oocyte cytoplasm is sufficient to Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and reprogram the somatic nucleus to a biomedical science do not put themselves forward as experts in that field. Their en- Family at The Catholic University of Amer- totipotent state. Human cloning has been ica, Washington, D.C. proposed as a means of generating human dorsement of the proposal pertains to the ethics of ANT-OAR, assuming its technical Rev. Gonzalo Miranda, L.C., Ph.L., S.T.D., embryos whose pluripotent stem cells would Dean of Bioethics, Regina Apostolorum Pon- be used in scientific and medical research. feasibility. Hadley Arkes, Ph.D., Edward N. Ney Pro- tifical Athenaeum, Rome, Italy. Here, through a form of altered nuclear C. Ben Mitchell, Ph.D., Associate Professor transfer, we propose to utilize the power of fessor of Jurisprudence and American Insti- tutions, Amherst College, Amherst, Massa- of Bioethics & Contemporary Culture, Trin- epigenetic reprogramming in combination ity International University, Bannockburn, with controlled alterations in gene expres- chusetts. Rev. Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco, O.P., Illinois. sion to directly produce pluripotent cells Most Reverend John J. Myers, J.C.D., D.D., using adult somatic nuclei, without gener- Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology, Provi- Roman Catholic Archbishop of Newark, New ating and subsequently destroying embryos. dence College, Providence, Rhode Island. Jersey. How do pluripotent stem cells differ from Rev. Thomas Berg, L.C., Ph.D., Executive totipotent single-celled embryos? Several Director, The Westchester Institute for Eth- Chris Oleson, Ph.D., Associate Professor of key transcription factors essential for estab- ics and the Human Person, Thornwood, New Philosophy, Center for Higher Studies, lishing and maintaining the pluripotent be- York. Thornwood, New York. havior of ES cells have been identified. Im- E. Christian Brugger, D. Phil., Assistant Rev. Tad Pacholczyk, Ph.D., Director of portantly, some of these are specifically ex- Professor of Theology, Institute for Psycho- Education, The National Catholic Bioethics pressed only in pluripotent cells, such as em- logical Sciences, Arlington, Virginia. Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. bryonic stem cells or the cells found in the Nigel M. de S. Cameron, Ph.D., President, Rev. Peter F. Ryan, S.J., S.T.D., Associate inner-cell-mass (ICM) of the week-old em- Institute on Biotechnology and the Human Professor of Moral Theology, Mount St. bryo or blastocyst. They are not expressed in Future, Research Professor of Bioethics, Chi- Mary’s University, Emmitsburg, Maryland. oocytes or single-celled embryos. Expression cago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute William L. Saunders, J.D., Senior Fellow of these factors therefore positively defines of Technology, Chicago, Illinois. and Director, The Center for Human Life & and distinguishes mere pluripotent cells Joseph Capizzi, Ph.D., Catholic University Bioethics, The Family Research Council, from embryos. These factors instruct a cell of America, Fellow, Culture of Life Founda- Washington, DC. to have the identity of a pluripotent cell. tion, Washington, D.C. David Stevens, M.D., M.A., Executive Di- Currently, the best studied example is the Maureen L. Condic, Ph.D., Associate Pro- rector, Christian Medical & Dental Associa- homeodomain transcription factor called fessor of Neurobiology, University of Utah, tions, Bristol, Tennessee. nanog (Mitsui, Tokuzawa et al. 2003*). Nanog School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah. Rev. Msgr. Stuart W. Swetland, S.T.D., Di- Samuel B. Condic, M.A., Department of So- is not present in oocytes or single-celled em- rector, The Newman Foundation, Adjunct cial Sciences, University of Houston—Down- bryos, but first becomes expressed weakly in Associate Professor, University of Illinois at town, Houston, Texas. the morula and then highly in the ICM Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois. Rev. Kevin T. FitzGerald, S.J., Ph.D., Dr. (Mitsui, Tokuzawa et al. 2003; Hatano, Tada M. Edward Whelan III, J.D., President, David P. Lauler Chair in Catholic Health et al. 2005). Deletion of nanog does not pre- Ethics and Public Policy Center, Wash- Care Ethics, Center for Clinical Bioethics vent early cleavage stages of embryogenesis ington, DC. Research, Associate Professor Department of including formation of the ICM but does pre- Rev. Thomas Williams, L.C., Ph.L., S.T.D., Oncology, Georgetown University Medical vent the formation of an epiblast (Mitsui, Dean of Theology, Regina Apostolorum Pon- Center, Washington, D.C. tifical Athenaeum, Rome, Italy. Tokuzawa et al. 2003). ES cells in which Rev. Kevin Flannery, S.J., D.Phil., Dean of nanog is blocked lose their pluripotency— the Philosophy Faculty, Pontifical Grego- which clearly shows that nanog is a positive RESEARCHERS OFFER PROOF-OF-CONCEPT FOR rian University, Rome, Italy. ALTERED NUCLEAR TRANSFER factor instructing cells to be pluripotent, i.e. Edward J. Furton, Ph.D., Ethicist, The Na- CAMBRIDGE, MA, Oct. 17, 2005.—Scientists to behave like an ES cell. Furthermore, ES tional Catholic Bioethics Center, Philadel- at Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Re- cells which constitutively express nanog can phia, Pennsylvania. no longer be differentiated, i.e. are forced to Robert P. George, J.D., D.Phil., McCor- search have successfully demonstrated that remain in their undifferentiated state mick Professor of Jurisprudence, Princeton a theoretical—and controversial—technique (Mitsui, Tokuzawa et al. 2003). University, Princeton, New Jersey. for generating embryonic stem cells is in- We propose a procedure that combines epi- Timothy George, Th.D., Dean, Beeson Di- deed possible, at least in mice. genetic reprogramming of a somatic nucleus vinity School, Samford University, Bir- The theory, called altered nuclear transfer with forced expression of transcription fac- mingham, Alabama. (ANT), proposes that researchers first create tors characteristic of embryonic stem cells, Alfonso Go´ mez-Lobo, Dr. phil., Ryan Pro- genetically altered embryos that are unable to produce a pluripotent stem cell. As a re- fessor of Metaphysics and Moral Philosophy, to implant in a uterus, and then extract sult of this procedure, nanog and/or other, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. stem cells from these embryos. Because the similar factors, would be expressed at high Germain Grisez, Ph.D., Flynn Professor of embryos cannot implant, they are by defini- levels in somatic cells prior to nuclear trans- Christian Ethics, Mount Saint Mary’s Uni- tion not ‘‘potential’’ human lives. Some sug- fer, to bias the somatic nucleus towards a versity, Emmitsburg, Maryland. gest that this would quell the protests of pluripotent stem cell state. Such altered Markus Grompe, M.D., Director, Oregon critics who claim that embryonic stem cell nuclei would then be epigenetically repro- Stem Cell Center, Portland, Oregon. research necessitates the destruction of grammed by transplantation into enucleated John M. Haas, Ph.D., President, The Na- human life. Scientists and ethicists have de- oocytes. Alternatively or concomitantly, the tional Catholic Bioethics Center, Philadel- bated the merits of this approach, but so far mRNA for these same factors could be intro- phia, Pennsylvania. it has not been achieved. duced into the oocyte prior to nuclear trans- Robert Hamerton-Kelly, Th.D., Dean of the ‘‘The purpose of our study was to provide a fer. This procedure could ensure that the epi- Chapel (Retired), Stanford University, Palo scientific basis for the ethical debate,’’ says genetic state of the resulting single cell Alto, California. Whitehead Member Rudolf Jaenisch, lead au- would immediately be different from that of John Collins Harvey, M.D., Ph.D., Senior thor on the paper that will be published in an embryo and like that of a pluripotent Research Scholar and Professor Emeritus of the October 16 online edition of the journal

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H432 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 28, 2006 Nature. ‘‘Our work is the first proof-of-prin- BLUE DOG COALITION AND THE Now, originally what FEMA had in- ciple study to show that altered nuclear BUDGET tended to do was use this as a staging transfer not only works but is extremely ef- area and homes would be coming and ficient.’’ The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. First proposed by William Hurlbut, Stan- DAVIS of Kentucky). Under the Speak- homes would be going. They would ford University professor and member of the er’s announced policy of January 4, have room for them on these inactive President’s Council on Bioethics, ANT has 2005, the gentleman from Arkansas runways. But today only 25 percent of been described as an ethical alternative to (Mr. ROSS) is recognized for 60 minutes them sit on these inactive runways. As somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), also as the designee of the minority leader. you can see, many of them, in fact 75 known as therapeutic cloning. percent of them, are sitting in cow pas- For SCNT, a donor nucleus, for example Mr. ROSS. Mr. Speaker, I rise this one taken from a skin cell, is implanted into evening to talk about our budget, to tures around the airport. a donor egg cell from which the nucleus had talk about our debt, to talk about our If you were to stack these manufac- been removed. This egg cell is then tricked deficit. tured homes, a few of them are 80 feet into thinking it has been fertilized. That As a member of the fiscally conserv- long, most of them are 60 feet, if you causes it to grow into a blastocyst—a mass ative Democratic Blue Dog Coalition, a were to stack them end to end, they of about 100 cells—from which stem cells are group of 37 fiscally conservative Demo- would stretch 172 miles. They would removed. These embryonic stem cells can di- crats, we are here as a group to hold stretch from the Texas-Arkansas bor- vide and replicate themselves indefinitely, our government accountable for the and they can also form any type of tissue in der at the Red River all of the way to the human body. However, to cull these stem reckless spending, the record deficits, the Arkansas-Mississippi border at the cells, the blastocyst must be destroyed, and the lack of fiscal discipline that we Mississippi River. which some critics insist is tantamount to see in our Nation’s government these These manufactured homes, every destroying a human life. days. single one of them, are fully furnished, The procedure theorized by Hurlbut is A good example of that, Mr. Speaker, beds, mattresses, box springs, dining similar to SCNT, but with one crucial twist: can be found in my district, in fact, in room, sofa, end tables, coffee tables, Before the donor nucleus is transferred into my hometown where I grew up and fin- the egg cell, its DNA is altered so that the fully furnished. Yet at the same time, resulting blastocyst has no chance of ever ished high school, Hope, Arkansas. As FEMA has announced that they are becoming a viable embryo. As a result, a you may know, we had the most costly planning on March 1 to evict, or in ‘‘potential human being’’ is not destroyed natural disaster ever in our Nation’s early March, they plan to evict some once stem cells have been extracted. history hit us about 6 months ago, that 12,000 people from hotel rooms, and yet Jaenisch—a firm supporter of all forms of of course being Hurricane Katrina. FEMA is sitting, sitting on 10,777 human embryonic stem cell research—has Mr. Speaker, let me tell you that my brand-new, fully furnished manufac- shown that technical concerns about this ap- heart goes out for the victims of Hurri- tured homes. They are just sitting on proach can be overcome. cane Katrina, many who remain home- Jaenisch and Alexander Meissner, a grad- less today. I am real proud of the peo- them at the Hope airport in Hope, Ar- uate student in his lab, focused on a gene kansas, some 450 miles from the eye of called Cdx2, which enables an embryo to ple of my congressional district, the 4th District of Arkansas, who opened the storm. grow a placenta. In order to create a blasto- Stanley McKenzie is from the New cyst that cannot implant in a uterus, the re- up their arms and their homes and Orleans area. I have been talking with searchers disabled Cdx2 in mouse cells. their communities. Some people re- They accomplished this with a technique ferred to them as evacuees. We called Stanley. Stanley is one of the victims called RNA interference, or RNAi. Here, them our neighbors, our neighbors of Hurricane Katrina who, some 6 short interfering RNA (siRNA) molecules are months after the storm, remains in a designed to target an individual gene and from Louisiana and Mississippi who came to Arkansas to seek refuge. hotel room in Monticello, Arkansas. disrupt its ability to produce protein. In ef- Stanley and I talked this evening. fect, the gene is shut off. Jaenisch and Meiss- A few weeks, perhaps a couple of ner designed a particular form of siRNA that months, after Hurricane Katrina, Stanley explained to me that he did shut off this gene in the donor nucleus and FEMA, the Federal Emergency Man- not want to be in a hotel room. He then incorporated itself into all the cells agement Agency, showed up at city wanted to be in a manufactured home comprising the blastocyst. As a result, all of hall in Hope, Arkansas, and explained and has a location in Monticello to put the resulting mouse blastocysts were incapa- that they were aware that Hope owned one of these manufactured homes ble of implantation. which are being stored about 2 hours However, once the stem cells had been ex- an old World War II airport, airfield tracted from the blastocysts, Cdx2 was still and accompanying pasture, and they west of Monticello. disabled in each of these new cells, some- understood that many of those run- And yet FEMA says he cannot have thing that needed to be repaired in order for ways were now inactive. And they pro- one. FEMA says he cannot borrow one these cells to be useful. To correct this, ceeded to explain how they were buy- for the next 18 months, as the program Meissner deleted the siRNA molecule by ing some 20,000 manufactured homes, calls for. transferring a plasmid into each cell. (A and they wanted to use the old World They do not give these things away. plasmid is a unit of DNA that can replicate They let people use them for up to 18 in a cell apart from the nucleus. Plasmids War II airport, the inactive runways at are usually found in bacteria, and they are a the airport there in Hope, Arkansas, as months, which is a whole other issue; staple for recombinant DNA techniques.) The what they called a FEMA staging area, that being, FEMA says the 18 months stem cells resulting from this procedure and that manufactured homes and they start from the date of the Federal dec- proved to be just as robust and versatile as would be coming and they would be laration, not the date that the people stem cells procured in the more traditional going, going to the people who lost actually receive the home. So every fashion. one of those 10,777 homes have an expi- ‘‘The success of this procedure in no way their homes and everything they owned precludes the need to pursue all forms of in Louisiana and Mississippi. ration date on them. The date does not human embryonic stem cell research,’’ says Well, Mr. Speaker, they did come. begin, the 18-month window for people Jaenisch, who is also a professor of biology Here is an aerial photo of what has to live in them while they try to sort at MIT. ‘‘Human embryonic stem cells are come to Hope, Arkansas. According to through their life and find a place to extraordinarily complicated. If we are ever FEMA’s most recent count, 10,777 man- live after losing everything they own to realize their therapeutic potential, we ufactured homes have come to this so- in Hurricane Katrina, does not start must use all known tools and techniques in called FEMA staging area in my home- from the time they receive a home, it order to explore the mechanisms that give these cells such startling characteristics. ‘‘ town where I grew up, Hope, Arkansas. starts from the time of the Federal ANT, Jaenisch emphasizes, is a modifica- I now live some 16 miles from there in declaration. tion, but not an alternative, to nuclear Prescott. So each day those homes sit at the transfer, since the approach requires addi- I have been there, Mr. Speaker. I airport and at the pasture in Hope is a tional manipulations of the donor cells. He have seen these 10,777 manufactured day that no one can ever live in them. hopes that this modification may help re- homes. They came. But not a single So I am calling on FEMA to revise solve some of the issues surrounding work one left, not one. Not one home left for their policy for the 18 months to begin with embryonic stem cells and allow federal the people they were intended for. To funding. at the time in which people are able to This research was supported by the Na- put it another way, it is $431 million actually obtain one of these homes. tional Institutes of Health/National Cancer worth of manufactured homes sitting Now, what they tell Stanley is, he Institute. in a cow pasture in Hope, Arkansas. cannot have one, even though he has

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H433 got a place to put it, because he has plan for budget reform. One of those Congressman DENNIS CARDOZA of Cali- got a place to put it in Arkansas, that plans is to require agencies to put their fornia, who just happened to have been he would have to move back to Lou- fiscal house in order. on the trip with me to Hope, Arkansas, isiana in order to be able to use one of b 2145 to see those 10,707 manufactured homes these manufactured homes for 18 just sitting in that cow pasture and 450 months. And they say that they will Mr. Speaker, I believe it is time for miles from the people that really need not put them in Louisiana because FEMA to put their fiscal house in them in Louisiana and Mississippi. FEMA refuses to put these manufac- order. There is a lot of talk about the Mr. CARDOZA. Thank you very tured homes in a flood zone. President’s budget. As you may know, much for recognizing me, Congressman Well, you know, I have got news for Mr. Speaker, the President has sub- ROSS. It is truly an honor to be your FEMA. Everybody that lost their home mitted to Congress a $2.8 trillion budg- friend and to have traveled with you to and everything they own, there is a et. This budget provides us with the your district recently. It was a shame reason for it. They lived in a flood largest budget deficit ever in our Na- that we had to witness what we did zone. And so they are saying, if you tion’s history for the 6th year in a row. when we witnessed those trailers sit- $423 billion in red ink; $423 billion in want to get a manufactured home, ting there, a government expenditure deficit spending. Compare that to fiscal FEMA says we will let you use one for of nearly half a billion dollars with no year 2006 when the budget deficit was up to 18 months, but you have got to person in America being benefited by $318 billion. provide land. And people who own land that. It was really an outrage. The current national debt today, just I am so pleased that I serve with you own land in what? A flood zone. a few moments ago, was And FEMA refuses to place these as a member of the Blue Dog Coalition. $8,251,355,000,000. For every man, temporarily in a flood zone for 18 I am very pleased I am one of the Blue woman, and child in America, includ- months, and yet they have amassed Dog co-chairs. ing those who have been born since I The Blue Dogs are a group of 37 con- 10,777 of them just sitting in a pasture got up here this evening, each person’s in Hope, an area that is prone and will servative Democrats who are com- share of the national debt is $27,674. mitted to fiscal responsibility and re- probably be under a tornado warning With each passing year this Presi- about once every 10 days for the next 3 forming the broken budget process in dent and this administration and this Washington. Our top priority is fixing months. Republican Congress have given us the It is time for FEMA to get their act the gross mismanagement of our Na- largest budget deficit ever in our Na- tion’s finances. As moderates and fiscal together. And they are now saying that tion’s history. they are going to move some of these, hawks, the Blue Dogs have tried to It is hard to believe now, but in 1998 reach across the aisle and engage in a some 300 to 400 as I understand will be through 2001, President Clinton gave moved from Hope, some 450 miles from real debate for fiscal responsibility. this Nation its first balanced budget in The 2006 budget is something of a the eye of the storm, to Louisiana. about 40 years. In 2001, we had a sur- sham. We need to return to honesty That is good. But they also announced plus and every year since we have had and accountability in this budget. I am they are getting ready to move another a deficit, not only a deficit but the deeply concerned with the continued 2,200 homes into Hope on top of the largest deficit ever in our Nation’s his- deficit spending, the complete dis- 10,777 we already have. tory. regard for fiscally responsible policies I am asking FEMA to move all 10,777 Mr. Speaker, the total national debt and a fundamentally dishonest budget of those homes out of Hope and to the from 1789 to 2000 was $5.63 trillion. But process. people who need them, people who lost by 2010 the total national debt will The President proposed, as you said, everything they owned in Louisiana have increased to $10.98 trillion. This is Mr. ROSS, a $2.7 trillion budget which and Mississippi as a result of Hurricane a doubling of the 2011 year debt in just will decrease domestic spending a bit, Katrina. 10 years. yet leave massive $355 billion deficits. The last response I got from FEMA Interest payments, this administra- This $355 billion is not the whole story, was, the travel trailers work great. tion, this Congress is borrowing nearly though. They put out 72,000 travel trailers and $1 billion every single day; $260 million The President’s figures deliberately are getting ready to put out 10,000 every day going into Iraq; $33 million leave out the cost of our efforts in Iraq more. They have purchased another every day is going to Afghanistan. and Afghanistan and the potential fu- 10,000 travel trailers. Other money that we are borrowing is ture cost of rebuilding this gulf region If that is not enough, they are now going to pay for tax cuts for those that we have talked about tonight that accepting bids. They are getting ready earning over $400,000 a year. But if that is in so dire need of our work. It also to spend between $6 and $8 million lay- is not enough that we are borrowing leaves out a growing problem for Amer- ing gravel, on up to 290 acres at the air- some $1 billion a day, we are also icans and that is the alternative min- port in this cow pasture at Hope, Ar- spending about a half a billion dollars imum tax. All these costs are going to kansas. There have been reports that a day simply paying interest on the na- drive up the deficit even further. these manufactured homes are dam- tional debt. That is what we call the The President’s budget is a nice aged, that they are sinking. Not yet, debt tax, D-E-B-T; and it is one tax break from reality TV, but it is a harsh but it is true that they are literally that cannot go away until we get our reality for our Nation; and it does sitting in a pasture, or at least 75 per- Nation’s fiscal house in order. nothing to make the Federal Govern- cent of them are sitting in a pasture. A half a billion dollars a day going to ment more accountable to taxpayer And that is what they look like. You pay interest on the national debt. Give dollars. can see the fence, the cow pasture. me 3 days’ interest on the national Mr. ROSS, I just want to thank you They are just sitting there in a pas- debt and I can build I–49 through Ar- again for your leadership and taking us ture, some 10,777 manufactured homes kansas. Give me another 3 days’ inter- down there and for having the gump- sitting in a pasture, when we have got est and I can build I–69 through Arkan- tion to bring camera crews down there 12,000 families about to be evicted from sas. I could build 200 brand-new ele- and expose this national tragedy of hotel rooms all across this country by mentary schools every day in America these trailers in your district. I just FEMA. just with the interest that we are pay- hope that FEMA will listen to our It is time for FEMA to get its act to- ing on the national debt. pleas from that day when we talked gether. And my response and my plea Mr. Speaker, if that is not enough, if about what needed to be done, what to FEMA is, you know, do not spend $6 that is not enough, this President, this should be done. I applaud your efforts or $8 million laying gravel in a cow administration, this Republican Con- in this area and thank you for being pasture. Let us get these manufactured gress in 5 short year has borrowed more such a worthy advocate for our Na- homes to the people who need them, to money from foreign central banks and tion’s fiscal policies. the victims of Hurricane Katrina. foreign investors than the previous 42 Mr. ROSS. I appreciate the gen- Now, I raise this issue because as a Presidents combined. tleman from California for his leader- member of the fiscally conservative At this time I would like to recognize ship as co-chair of the Blue Dog Coali- Blue Dog Coalition, we have a 12-point the co-chair of the Blue Dog Coalition, tion for joining us this evening for this

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H434 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 28, 2006 discussion of the budget, the debt, and has borrowed more money from foreign b 2200 the deficit. I appreciate your traveling central banks, from foreign investors Here we are in the 21st century, rock- to my district and witnessing some- in the past 5 years than the previous 42 ing and reeling from this unfortunate thing that is absolutely reprehensible. Presidents combined. situation we find ourselves in of bor- You want to talk about something To have 10,777 brand-new manufactured rowing this exorbitant amount of that is critical to our national secu- homes, fully furnished, sitting in a cow money from foreign governments. pasture in Hope, Arkansas, when rity, you let these foreign countries like China and Japan and OPEC, you Mr. ROSS. I thank the gentleman FEMA is getting ready to evict 12,000 from Georgia and welcome him to stay people from hotel rooms in this coun- wonder why gas prices are so high. If we let these countries continue to buy and join us in a conversation about the try and their only response is, well, we budget and the debt and the deficit as are not going to put them in flood our debt, they are going to have a huge influence on our monetary policy. the evening goes on. zones and everybody that needs them As I mentioned earlier, the Blue Dog lives in a flood zone so we will spend 6 There you can see Japan, this is as of November 2005, it has gone up since Coalition is a group of 37 fiscally con- to $8 million putting gravel on the cow servative Democrats. What we are all pasture so we can store them for a fu- then. Japan, $682.8 billion of our loans that they own. China, $249.8 billion; about is trying to restore some com- ture natural disaster. mon sense and fiscal discipline to our That is the craziest thing I have ever United Kingdom, $223.2 billion; Carib- Nation’s government. heard of, and that is the kind of exam- bean, $115.3 billion; Taiwan, $71.3 bil- For those who have questions or ple of how we must require agencies to lion; OPEC, $67.8 billion; Korea, $66.5 comments for the Blue Dog Coalition, put their fiscal house in order and to billion; Germany, $65.7 billion; Canada we are here every Tuesday night. It is get their act together. That is part of $53.8 billion. To put it another way, if China de- not always the same time, but every the 12-point plan for meaningful budget cides, as my friend and founding mem- Tuesday night, we are here. I am here reform that is being offered up by the ber of the Blue Dog Coalition says so with different members of the Blue Dog fiscally conservative Blue Dog Coali- eloquently, we are in such a mess right Coalition. If you have got a question or tion. now that if China which is loaning us I recognize the gentleman from Geor- a comment for us relating to the budg- money, if China decides to invade Tai- et, the debt, the deficit or my manufac- gia (Mr. SCOTT), a fellow Blue Dog, my wan, we will have to borrow even more friend. tured homes stacked up in a cow pas- money from China to defend Taiwan. Mr. SCOTT of Georgia. Thank you so ture in Hope, Arkansas, you can e-mail That is the situation our Nation is in us at [email protected]. much, Mr. ROSS. It is always a pleasure today as we continue to borrow about to come and be a party to our efforts At this time, it is with great pleasure half the debt, which is running about a here on behalf of the Blue Dog Coali- that I recognize a new Member of Con- billion a day which means we are bor- tion as we work very hard to try to gress, a real leader in Congress, a mem- rowing about a half a billion dollars a bring some reason and sanity to this ber of the Blue Dog Coalition, someone day from foreign central banks and who came to Congress and said our whole issue of our budget, our obliga- from foreign investors to fund tax cuts tions, our responsibilities to the people budget, our debt, our deficit is out of in this country for those who earn over control; I want to help restore some of this country, and our allies and part- $400,000 a year. ners around the world. common sense and fiscal discipline. Mr. SCOTT of Georgia. And when you She is someone that has recently be- I have just returned from Iraq and mention those tax cuts, the other ter- Afghanistan and Pakistan on an ex- come an outspoken advocate for restor- rible stab at the American people is ing common sense to our government, traordinary trip. And I went firsthand that to make these tax cuts permanent so that I could see exactly what it was a new member of our fiscally conserv- means to borrow more money from ative Blue Dog Coalition, Congress- like on the ground, where I could talk these countries on top of what we are to our soldiers, where I could be there woman MELISSA BEAN from Illinois. borrowing. And to offset those tax cuts Ms. BEAN. Mr. Speaker, I thank the with them, where I could also talk to in the Federal budget, the President gentleman from Arkansas (Mr. ROSS) the generals and see what was going and the Republican administration is on. so much for recognizing me and letting advocating cutting the very programs me join my colleagues on the impor- As I got there, it was very interesting that the people of America need and tant issue of the rampant fiscal irre- for me to have one extraordinary expe- are hurting for. sponsibility in this Congress. rience. We went into Camp Victory, You mention Katrina in your dis- and I ate dinner with our soldiers. And trict. I am from Georgia. We are the When I came to Congress, I came to this solder grabbed me and hugged me third largest recipient of evacuees from bring what I thought was a real-world so tight. It is a moment I will never this terrible, terrible, terrible tragedy. business perspective to government be- forget as long as I live. As he was hug- But the fact of the matter is that we cause, in the business world, I spent ging me, we both were in tears and he are not responding to the needs of the over 20 years in the high-tech industry, said to me, Congressman SCOTT, when I American people when we look at this but it certainly was not unique. In that am hugging you, it is like hugging a budget and the cuts: $19 billion cuts to industry, accountability is more than piece of home. student loan programs; over $200 mil- just a word. Business leaders expect to I can tell you I will never forget that. lion just from the first phase to child be held accountable to their share- Mr. ROSS, do you know what crosses care programs, for the seniors. On top holders, their customers, their employ- my mind as we look at that situation of that, the cuts that hurt the most to ees and to their communities. But in with the debt? It is that that soldier me at a time of war is the cut to our this Congress, accountability is just a that hugged me, those soldiers that are veterans to offset for the tax cuts. catch phrase, usually directed else- going out and giving their lives every The point that I think we want to where. Demands to personal responsi- day on the battlefields of Afghanistan bring home to the American people to- bility or corporate accountability and Iraq, their salaries are being paid night is that we have a terrible situa- abound, but rarely congressional ac- for by borrowed money from Com- tion that is ratcheting at the founda- countability or fiscal responsibility. munist China, from Japan, from for- tions of our country and that is a lack Instead of sticking to the motto, ‘‘If eign countries. As a matter of fact, 90 of financial security and a lack of fi- it is worth doing, it is worth paying percent of every dime that we are nancial responsibility. The architect of for,’’ this administration and this Con- spending in this country today for our our financial system was none other gress has turned the largest budget government to carry on its business is than Alexander Hamilton, and Alex- surplus in history into the largest def- being borrowed from foreign countries. ander Hamilton it was who laid out the icit in history, with a reckless borrow- Mr. ROSS. If the gentleman would credit system, laid out the debtor sys- and-spend profligacy. yield, you make a very valid point. I tem. He said, woe it will be to us in the For the last 4 years, our Federal Gov- have a chart here to demonstrate the future if we become dependent on for- ernment has produced the four biggest fact that I mentioned earlier, this ad- eign sources to finance our govern- deficits in history, and the estimated ministration, this Republican Congress ment. He was adamant about that. 2006 deficit of $423 billion is projected

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H435 to be the largest of all. As our col- ment, housing, urban development, the American people are faced with league, DENNIS CARDOZA, just men- health and human services, while in- today with a budget that is squarely tioned, we are even leaving out some of creasing fees paid by veterans and not responsive nor responsible to the the facts. Medicare premiums paid by seniors. needs of the American people, with an It would be a considerably bigger def- The President said in his State of the administration that, quite frankly, on icit if we considered an AMT fix, which Union that he was committed to pro- so many important issues, has dem- is one that is important and will affect viding affordable health care for Amer- onstrated that they are completely out the constituents in my district who do icans. However, this budget includes to lunch and out of touch. not want to pay the higher taxes with- increases in Medicare premiums, cuts The point is that the American peo- out that fix. It is also not including the to Medicaid and Medicare, and a mis- ple deserve better. There is a day of realistic costs for ongoing operations guided plan for health savings accounts reckoning coming, and I assure you in Iraq and Afghanistan. that will shift more of the cost of that that reckoning is coming this The American people expect more health care onto beneficiaries. year, in the year 2006. I think this is from Congress. They expect fiscal re- The fiscal year 2007 budget includes going to be one of the most important sponsibility and common sense. They tax cuts for those earning over $400,000 elections that we have had in a long, expect us to return to the pay-as-you- a year, but it fails to include a repair long time, because all of the facts that go budget rules that we had enacted in to the alternative minimum tax, which you have just pointed out, in terms of the past that helped us establish a sur- affects way too many middle-income FEMA, in terms of what is happening plus, however briefly. It is a simple people year after year after year after in the Middle East and here lately in concept with a proven track record. year, and should be addressed by this terms of those who were asleep at the The budget enforcement rules of the Congress. switch when the deal was cut, in terms 1990s were an important part of getting In fact, the only good news I can find of the port security, all show a consid- the budget back into balance. It was in the budget is, according to the erable lack of judgment and a lack of done on a bipartisan basis. Those pay- President’s budget, we will have won responsibility to the American people. as-you-go rules were tested and they the peace and brought the troops home That has been a characteristic within worked. We are now in a one-party sys- from Iraq and Afghanistan by October this administration, especially in the tem, and we have thrown them out. 1. What I mean by that is, the Presi- area dealing with one of the most pre- Accountability in government should dent, according to his budget, has not cious responsibilities we have, which is be more than a catch phrase, particu- provided for a single dime in funding determining and being responsible for larly when the national debt is now at for our operations in Afghanistan or how we spend the taxpayers’ money. $8.2 trillion, which, by the way, com- Iraq beginning October 1, which obvi- For this administration in the last 5 putes to roughly $27,000 of national ously means one of two things: that he years to have squandered a surplus, the debt per American. has provided us with a phony budget, facts are there. They are plain as one I spoke to some seventh graders in one that is not meaningful; or that he can see. my district the other day, and they really believes that we are going to ac- When the Clinton administration left were astounded to find that each of tually have brought all the men and office, there was a surplus of billions them, their personal share of our na- women in uniform home and completed and billions of dollars, and now in this tional debt is $27,000. They were ready our mission and won the battle and last year the deficit has been shot up for us to do something about it. We created peace and democracies in those over $4 trillion. There is a reckoning need to do something about it and let regions in Afghanistan and Iraq be- for that, and I am here to tell you that them know that the buck stops here. tween now and October 1. as a Member of Congress, the American Mr. ROSS. Mr. Speaker, I thank the The Blue Dog Coalition used to offer people are looking for Members of Con- gentlewoman from Illinois for joining up a budget every year. It is difficult gress to stand up for them and to do our discussion and debate this evening. for us to do that now because we refuse what it is we need to do, that we were As we look toward the fiscal year to provide a budget that is not mean- elected to do. It is Congress that is 2007 budget that the President recently ingful; and it also does not make sense charged with the responsibility of over- submitted to Congress, and this is what for us to provide a budget that com- sight. It is Congress whose decision it we are referring to here, the ‘‘Fiscal pares apples with oranges. If this ad- is, by the Constitution, to determine Year 2007 Budget of the United States ministration and this President would how the tax dollars are spent. That is Government,’’ I cannot help but think give us a meaningful budget, one that our responsibility. about the fact that over the last 4 accounts for the cost of Iraq and Af- I am here to tell you that collec- years this administration has produced ghanistan, one that addresses Medicare tively, as a body, we have not done our the four largest deficits ever in our Na- and all the other pressing issues in this job. We need to correct that, and under tion’s history. Nation, then we could do the same. the leadership of the Blue Dogs, we are The 2006 deficit of $423 billion is pro- But what we believe must happen as asserting that leadership, to say bring jected to be the largest of all, $105 bil- fiscally conservative Democrats, we it home to us. lion larger than the 2005 deficit. The are tired of all the partisan bickering We have got the plan, pay-as-you-go. 2006 deficit, without the Social Secu- that goes on in this place. It does not Parents, families, all across this coun- rity surplus, is over $600 billion. They matter if it is a Democratic idea or a try, they cannot go out here. We tell always like to count the Social Secu- Republican idea. I want it to be a com- them all the time, be responsible. Mom rity trust fund to make it look like the mon-sense idea, and I ask myself does and dads that are sitting at the kitch- deficit is really less than it really is. it make sense for the people that send en table tonight scratching their No wonder that I could not get a vote me here to be their voice and to rep- heads, how are we going to pay this or a hearing on the first bill I filed as resent them. without money, they do not have the a Member of Congress, a bill to tell the What we believe must happen, before luxury of putting out a debt ceiling. politicians in Washington to keep their either party can offer up a meaningful They do not have the luxury of going hands off the Social Security trust budget, is, we have got to have budget and borrowing unlimited amounts from fund. reform, and that is what the Blue Dogs foreign governments for our most basic When this administration took office, are offering up, 12 points to budget re- services. it inherited a projected 10-year surplus form. We have discussed them in the When you combine that with the of $5.6 trillion. This surplus has become past. If time permits, I will discuss trade deficit and you combine that a $3.3 trillion deficit, which now brings them even more here this evening, but with our willingness to turn our secu- this to a total of $8.2 trillion in deficit, I yield to the gentleman from Georgia rity for our ports over to foreign coun- an embarrassing reversal of some $8.9 (Mr. SCOTT). tries, and especially countries with trillion. If that is not enough, the fis- Mr. SCOTT of Georgia. Absolutely, Arab and Islamic roots and connec- cal year 2007 proposed budget includes and just responding to your very elo- tions, when we are in a terrorist war cuts to education, Medicare, Medicaid, quent description of the status quo, of with Islamic and Arabic countries, let transportation, justice, law enforce- the situation and the landscape that it be said and let it be plain, we do not

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H436 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 28, 2006 wish to discriminate against anybody under former President Bush in fiscal such a higher rate than education because you are Arab or Islamic. year 1992. And then under President spending, than homeland security But does it make good judgment to Clinton we started seeing the debt, the spending, and than veterans benefits in turn our security over to a country deficit, come down. Finally, in fiscal the President’s 2007 budget. And when that has had a record of financial year 1998, we had the first balanced they realize those are the priorities transactions supporting terrorists or a budget in about 40 years, $69 billion in that we are making and those are the country where two of the terrorists the black. In 1999, $125 billion in the decisions we are making, and as more came from that attacked this country? black. The year 2000, $236 billion in the people understand this, they are going That is sort of like after the bombing black. Fiscal year 2001, $128.2 billion in to become even more frustrated. of Pearl Harbor, turning over the secu- the black. Mr. ROSS. Very good points, and I rity of Pearl Harbor to the Japanese. Then, under this Republican-led Con- thank the gentlewoman for sharing The only reason I am mentioning gress, this administration, $157.8 bil- that with us. that is to show that the same mind-set lion in the red, $377.6 billion in the red, In this new budget the President has that allowed this to happen for our $412.1 billion in the red, $319 billion in given us, domestic non-homeland dis- ports, the same mind-set that allowed the red, $323 billion in the red; and, of cretionary spending is cut by $5.3 bil- the FEMA to happen, to have those course, for fiscal year 2007, we all know lion below the 2006 level and $16.8 bil- trailers setting up unused in Hope, Ar- that unfortunately the deficit is pro- lion below the level needed to maintain kansas, at Fort Gillem in Georgia, fail- jected to be $423 billion. And that is the purchasing power at the 2006 level. ure after failure of judgment, it is the not counting what it would be if they Over 5 years this budget includes re- same mind-set that has gotten us into counted the Social Security trust fund. ductions or eliminations in 141 Federal this record deficit and debt. There is a If they were to count the Social Secu- programs, 91 of which are eliminated in reckoning. rity trust fund, it would be well in ex- their entirety, and 42 programs in the America’s looking for leadership on cess, well in excess of $600 billion. Department of Education alone. That this, and that leadership must come It is time to restore some fiscal dis- is 42 programs within the Department from us, Blue Dogs, and the Demo- cipline to our Nation’s government. We of Education that are eliminated under cratic Party. have a 12-point plan that will accom- the President’s budget for fiscal year Mr. ROSS. Mr. Speaker, I thank the plish that. 2007. gentleman from Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentle- The budget includes $77 billion in I might mention part of our 12-point woman from Illinois. gross mandatory spending cuts over 5 plan for meaningful budget reform, and Ms. BEAN. I thank my colleague, Mr. years through a combination of service we are still waiting for the first Repub- Speaker. It is interesting, I mentioned reductions and fee increases, as we lican Member of Congress to sign on to earlier that I spent some time with talked about, increasing deductibles our bills that address these issues, but some seventh graders in my district; and copayments and premiums for our point number one is real simple: Re- and when we are with these young stu- Medicare beneficiaries, and increasing quire a balanced budget. dents, as my colleague mentioned, they prescription drug copayments and en- I spent 10 years in the State Senate. are looking to us to demonstrate lead- rollment fees for America’s veterans. Forty-nine States in this Nation re- ership and to also act like the adults For America’s veterans. quire a balanced budget. they would expect us to act like and I submit to you, Mr. Speaker, that it demonstrate some fiscal sense. is time for this Nation to keep its 2215 b When I talked to them about the promises to our veterans, especially at I know in our home in Prescott, Ar- $27,674 of the national debt that they a time when we are creating a new gen- kansas, my family and I, we sit around each share, they were saying, well, eration of veterans that are coming the kitchen table and work out our then, how come you guys keep spend- home from Iraq and Afghanistan, vet- family budget. My wife and I own a ing more than you have? And I said, be- erans that we should embrace and sup- family pharmacy and home medical cause we are not adhering to the rules port and provide them the health care equipment business in our hometown, we once did before that forced us to do that they deserve and that they were and our banker requires us to have a that, that forced us to make tough de- promised when they signed up to serve balanced budget. I don’t believe it is cisions. And we talked about how in and protect and defend our Nation. asking too much for our Nation and its their family budgets they have to I mentioned Medicare. The Presi- leaders here in Congress to do what 49 make those decisions. Sometimes dent’s budget calls for cuts to Medicare States do, what most companies and going to the movies fits in the budget to the tune of $36 billion over 5 years businesses, large and small, in America and sometimes it doesn’t. But Mom and $105 billion over 10 years. Mean- do, and what most families sitting and Dad try to make sure that they are while, Medicare part D, as we all know, around the kitchen table struggle to do not spending more than they have per- is failing our seniors and has serious but must do and do, and that is have a sonally so as to avoid getting into flaws in the system that must be balanced budget. That would address a debt. They understood what that ironed out. And Medicaid, in addition lot of our problems. meant in their families, and they were, to last year’s budget reconciliation Another is don’t let Congress buy on frankly, pretty shocked. package that just passed this body, credit. The gentleman from Georgia But it is not just the kids that are budget cuts to Medicaid include $17 bil- mentioned earlier PAYGO. That is Pay worried. I talk to businesses in my dis- lion more over 5 years and $42 billion As You Go. If you want to create a new trict, and they are very concerned. over 10 years. That is in the President’s program that is going to cost money, They understand that deficits matter. budget for fiscal year 2007. you have to show us at the same time Not everybody understands it, but In my home State of Arkansas, half where you are going to cut spending business people understand that access of the children are on Medicaid. Eight somewhere else. If you are going to cut to capital fuels their growth; and that out of 10 seniors in a nursing home are taxes, you have to show us in times while at this moment interest rates on Medicaid. One in five people in my when we don’t have a surplus where have been kept down, that can’t last home State of Arkansas, at some point you are going to cut programs to pay forever while we become even more de- during the past 12 months, have been for those tax cuts. It is called Pay As pendent on foreign capital to float our on Medicaid. Medicare and Medicaid You Go. spending habits. So business people are the very programs we should be And you can see here we did not have have concerns. funding, not cutting. PAYGO rules in place in this body, in My colleague also mentioned the And I submit to folks that if you this United States House of Represent- debt tax, and I think that is an impor- think Medicaid is something that pro- atives Chamber; those rules were not in tant issue that most people don’t ap- vides health insurance for folks on wel- place during the Reagan years. You see preciate. I have one chart here, and I fare and that it will never apply to the red. We had deficits ranging from don’t know if my colleague has this up you, think again. If you have a quarter $128 billion in 1992. They hit $221 billion there, but I don’t think people realize million dollars in the bank the day you in fiscal year 1986. It was $290 billion that net interest is projected to be at retire, and most people where I come

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H437 from don’t, and if you go in the nursing Now, you mentioned a couple of The other point that you mentioned home the day you retire, not 10, 20, or points that I think the American peo- that I want to bring attention to is the 30 years later, in less than 8 years you ple need to perhaps home in on. One children. And my colleague just men- are on Medicaid, the health insurance you mentioned was the veterans. It is tioned it about our children, those chil- program for the poor, the disabled, and so important for us to point out that dren that you talked with in school. the elderly. That is wrong. these budget cuts that the President is And I know when you looked in the It is wrong to cut taxes for those offering to offset tax cuts, which he is eyes of those children, I know you had earning over $400,000 a year when you going to have to borrow most of the to say, what a shame it is that this def- have to cut Medicaid, whereas eight money for, are not offset by these icit, that this budget, that this bill is out of 10 seniors in my State are on budget cuts. But the one that hurts me going to have to be paid for by them. Medicaid if they are in a nursing home. so much is the veterans. You pointed it Somebody has to pay this, and it is our It is wrong to cut health care for the out. children that have to pay it. poor, the disabled, and the elderly to Another issue that the administra- Ms. BEAN. It is so true. And essen- pay for tax cuts for those earning over tion is standing and blocking the door tially what they were saying and what $400,000 a year. of is this: I was over in Iraq and Af- we talked about is much like if I were And, look, back in times of surplus, ghanistan, hugging the soldiers, look- to go get a credit card in my children’s when we had a surplus before 9/11, be- ing at them facing death every day, name and go out and spend money on fore Iraq, and before Afghanistan, I sent in harm’s way. If those soldiers things for myself and my husband but voted for the largest tax cut in over 20 get hurt, if they get a wound, shrapnel, say to my kids, my daughters, when years. We had a surplus. We really were a bullet and they get disability and you are 18 and you get a job, you get to giving people some of their money then they have to resign from the pay for what I have spent on the credit back. But we no longer have a surplus. Army and retire, do you know that card. That is what we are doing with We have had 9/11, we have had Iraq, and they have to go and make a choice be- these future generations. we have had Afghanistan. It may make tween whether they get their retire- b 2230 for good politics, but it makes for hor- ment pay or their disability? That is rible fiscal policy to borrow money wrong. That is shameful. And kids understand the injustice of from China to give those earning over Our veterans should not have to that. They expect better from us, abso- $400,000 a year a tax cut and leave our choose. We should pass this concurrent lutely. And they were wishing they children with the bill. receipts bill. And I might add that we were old enough to vote so they could No Child Left Behind is funded at have both Democrats and Republicans, do something about it. $15.4 billion below the authorized level. over 300 signatures. Why hasn’t that Mr. SCOTT of Georgia. I will tell you And you know how things work in this bill passed? one thing. I have just come back from town. If it were a Democratic idea, I Mr. ROSS. If the gentleman will my district and I have talked and had would understand the President cut- yield. Let me make sure I understand town hall meetings, and I have had op- ting it; but this is his plan. He came to this correctly. If you serve your coun- portunities to meet people at our Washington on this idea of No Child try and earn a pension, but you also churches, and people are in tune. They Left Behind and reforming education. are injured while you are serving your are tuned in to what is happening in It is his plan. He told us what it would country, then you have to choose one this capital. cost, and now he has even cut his own I am here to tell you they are very program by $15.4 billion below the au- or the other? You cannot receive both? Mr. SCOTT of Georgia. That is what concerned about the port security situ- thorized level. it is right now, yes. ation. They are very concerned about Schoolteachers, parents, students, this deficit. They are very concerned every weekend when I’m home, talk to Mr. ROSS. So the gentleman is tell- ing me that over 300 Members of this about the failure and inaction in me about how No Child Left Behind has Katrina. This is a whole region of this failed them and failed their school. It body have signed onto legislation to fix great country that has been dev- is time for this Congress to properly that? astated, and the response has been ex- and adequately fund education. Be- Mr. SCOTT of Georgia. Yes, both tremely wanting. And the American cause I can tell you, as we continue to Democrats and Republicans. people are expecting us to respond to lose these muscle jobs to places like Mr. ROSS. And it only takes 218 to that. Mexico and China, it is the brain jobs, pass a bill? Mr. SCOTT of Georgia. Yes, sir. Now, President Bush does not have to the jobs that are going to require our Mr. ROSS. And yet the Republican run again. He does not have to face the children to be competitive, that are the leadership fails to bring the bill to the voters. But you do, Mr. ROSS, and I do, jobs of the future in this Nation, and floor for a vote? and you, Ms. BEAN. We have to do that. we’ve got to better prepare our chil- Mr. SCOTT of Georgia. Absolutely. The Framers of the Constitution made dren for them. I yield to the gentleman from Geor- And the President of this country has it clear. That is one of the reasons why gia. not lifted a finger to move it. If they we in this House are, in my estimation, Mr. SCOTT of Georgia. What a great did, it would move. At a time when we the most powerful body, because we challenge and what a great opportunity are depending so strongly on these vet- have to go out every other year and re- we have at this time in history in this erans, on our military. get our contract. That gives us an awe- country to move us forward to the next And let me just add, these are men some power. That is why this Chamber phase, to a higher calling, to a more and women who have braved this op- is more directly in touch with the significant meaning of the greatness of portunity by volunteering. And these American people, because we have to this country, to build on that founda- are men and women that we have to set go out there every other year. tion that we have. But before we can do a standard for in the future to get Mr. ROSS. Every weekend. that, I agree with my colleague, we other young men and women to volun- Mr. SCOTT of Georgia. Every year, have got to balance our books. teer. Not only in terms of benefits such but we are on the ballot every other We cannot go on this way, running as this and putting their lives in year where they have to give their ver- our government and running our Na- harm’s way, but our military is becom- dict. tion on borrowed money from these ing so sophisticated, so technologically And, finally, Mr. ROSS, you made the foreign governments. That has to stop, savvy. Our instruments, our equip- point concerning the deficit, the debt, especially at a point when we are in ment, our weapons systems require the money we are borrowing from for- the shape that we are in in the rest of trained computer savvy, technically eign countries. But I think it is impor- the world. Double that with our trade trained and equipped, skilled personnel tant for the American people to under- deficit. Double that with our war on that are in high commands elsewhere. stand that just the interest, just the terror. Double that with our fight for So the least we have got to begin to interest that we are paying Japan and petroleum and energy costs, which we pay close attention to is how we are China and Germany and other coun- are so dependent on foreign countries treating our resources right here at tries in the Middle East, just the inter- for as well. home. est we are paying them is more than

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H438 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 28, 2006 what we are paying for our own home- working in a positive manner, that we And this evening you have heard the land security. And that is a very unfor- are optimistic about the Nation’s fu- other side talk about budgetary cuts in tunate situation, but it drives home ture in spite of some things that you the area of defense spending and spend- the point of the very dangerous posi- hear from some of our friends on the ing on veterans. So, at home, if I were tion that we are in. Should any of other side of the aisle. sitting there listening, I would say, these countries feel that they could get When I go home and I talk to con- well, my goodness, they must have ad- us, they can get us because of our lack stituents, I oftentimes hear them say, dressed the amount of money that was of financial responsibility and fiscal se- What is going on up there? Why all the going to the military or decreased the curity. negativity? Why all the pessimism? amount of money going to veterans. Mr. ROSS. Mr. Speaker, I thank the Why all the misinformation that we Mr. Speaker, is that not what you gentleman from Georgia for joining us appear to hear all the time? And I com- would think? That is what I would this evening, and I thank the gentle- miserate with them. So this Official think if I heard that. But here we have woman from Illinois for joining us. Truth Squad is an attempt to try to the Defense Department appropriation, As members of the fiscally conserv- bring some light to truth, to some of budgetary authority from Congress ative Blue Dog Coalition, we are 37 the information that we believe the from the year 2000 projected through strong. There are 37 of us in this town American people ought to have in con- 2007. In 2000 it was $287 billion. In 2001 that are committed to trying to get trast to some of the things that you it was $303 billion. That does not sound our fiscal house in order, to once again have heard, even here tonight. like a cut to me. In 2002, $328 billion. have a nation that knows how to live I am pleased to hear the Blue Dogs That is real money. That does not within its means. present a proposal or two. They talk sound like a cut to me. In 2003, $365 bil- If you have questions or comments about being fiscally conservative. They lion. that you want us to answer next Tues- talk about being fiscal hawks. But my Remember, down here in 2000 we were day night, you can e-mail them to us recollection is a little bit to the con- at $287 billion. at [email protected]. trary of that. There is a wonderful So these are the actual numbers. Fis- At the beginning of our hour, I point- quote that I like from Daniel Patrick cal year 2006, $411 billion of budgetary ed out that the debt as of today is Moynihan, a former United States Sen- authority for the Department of De- $8,251,355,000,000. That is ator from New York, Democrat. And he fense. Mr. Speaker, that is not a cut. $8,251,355,000,000. Every man, woman, was such a cogent individual. He was That is responsible spending on the and child in America, their share of the one of those individuals who worked part of the United States Congress. national debt is $27,674. And it con- for the truth regardless of where it led. And I am proud of the support that we tinues to grow. It continues to grow. In And he had this wonderful quote. He have given to our military. And I am fact, just in this last hour our Nation’s said, ‘‘Everyone is entitled to their proud of the support that we continue own opinion but not their own facts.’’ debt has increased by $41.666 million. to give to veterans. Everyone is entitled to their own opin- You have heard this evening that So, obviously, you see when we started ion but not their own facts. And I real- veterans’ budgets were cut. Here are an hour ago it was $8,251,355,000,000, ly think that that kind of crystallizes the numbers, the actual numbers, from and, unfortunately, it has increased to what we have heard in this Chamber 1984 through 2005, and I want to draw $8.293 trillion. Just another example of over the past few minutes. your attention to what has happened in how our Nation must get its fiscal You have heard the other side talk the last 10 years. In 1994 discretionary house in order. about deficit spending and how we spending for veterans: $17.2 billion; I think it is very appropriate that we ought not be spending into the deficit, 1995, $17.6 billion; 2005, $30.7 billion. spend a little bit of time changing and they are right. They are right. But Mr. Speaker, I do not know what these numbers and letting people see when they had an opportunity to de- arithmetic they are using. I do not that in the hour that we have stood crease spending by nearly $40 billion know where they went to school, but I here talking about our Nation’s debt just a few short weeks ago, not a single do know that that is not a cut in any- and deficit and getting our fiscal house one of them, not one of them, voted for body’s book. in order, we have seen the Nation’s it. A $39.8 billion decrease in spending So when we get this kind of misin- debt go up by $41.666 million. The debt and not a single one voted in favor of formation, this kind of disinformation, now in our Nation $8,251,293,000,000. it. it does not contribute to the public de- f You heard them talk about the alter- bate. It is not honest. It is not truthful. AMERICAN HERITAGE native minimum tax and how it is an So the Official Truth Squad is here to unjust tax and it needs to go away, and try to bring some truth to the situa- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. they are right. They are right. A col- tion. AVIS D of Kentucky). Under the Speak- league of mine, Congressman ENGLISH, This is veterans’ medical care, and er’s announced policy of January 4, has a bill, H.R. 1186, that would repeal you heard it talked about this evening, 2005, the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. the alternative minimum tax. Not a how we have these incredible cuts in PRICE) is recognized for half the time single Democrat on that bill, not a sin- medical care for veterans. Mr. Speaker, remaining until midnight, approxi- gle cosponsor from that side of the here are the numbers: 1994, $15.6 bil- mately 42 minutes. aisle. lion; 2005, $29.9 billion. Mr. Speaker, Mr. PRICE of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I You hear them talk about the need that is not a cut. It is an appropriate, appreciate the opportunity to come to balance the budget and not spend so responsible move by Congress to take and chat with the House and to maybe much money, and they are right. They care of those who are protecting our set the record straight a little bit. are absolutely right. But when the pro- freedoms. As a freshman Member of the House, posals are put on the table to do away So remember what Mr. Moynihan we have 24, 25 freshmen on our side of with programs that are wasteful or do said, You are welcome to your own the aisle, and over the past 13 months away with programs that have signifi- opinions but you are not welcome to we have grown a little weary with what cant abuse, where are they? Nowhere your own facts. we see as the amount of misinforma- to be found. So I would like to highlight this tion and disinformation that we so of- So you are entitled to your own opin- evening what is called the politics of tentimes see brought by the other side, ions, but you are not entitled to your division that seems to be practiced by so we have developed what we call the own facts. And to crystallize that a lit- so many here in Washington, and it is Official Truth Squad. And so I am here tle more because the disinformation disheartening and it does a disservice to bring you some messages with some that we heard over and over about to all of us. We are going to talk to- of my colleagues from the Official budgetary cuts really does a disservice night in a positive way about America. Truth Squad, which is an effort to try to the debate, does a disservice to the We are going to talk in a positive way to embrace the American Dream, to discussion, does a disservice to the about our future. We are going to talk embrace the American vision, and to American people, because when you in a positive way about our Founding present to the American people and our look at the numbers, when you look at Fathers and about our history and colleagues the story that Congress is the truth, that is not what is going on. about our heritage.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H439 And just to identify the destruction about our history. You look back, tell the way you rode.’’ He said, ‘‘I per- of the politics of division that is so there was a school I read not too long sonally shot at you around 17 times. I often practiced here, I have got a quote ago that was going to change their traveled this distance to meet the man from Abraham Lincoln that I would name away from George Washington, that God would not let die.’’ like to share with you and it is kind of and I thought how tragic. They do not This was a man who was prepared for his philosophy on the social fabric. He know history. that. Through it all, through that hor- said: ‘‘You cannot bring about pros- You go back, and above the Speaker’s ror of that event, you look back and perity by discouraging thrift. You can- head up here, we see ‘‘In God We see how that was worked together for not strengthen the weak by weakening Trust.’’ George Washington, there was good. He saw how the British reacted the strong. You cannot help the wage a time when he was in desperate need, when they were under fire. He saw ef- earner by pulling down the wage payer. and he prayed to that God in whom we fective tactics. But, even more so, all You cannot encourage the brotherhood trust. those people saw him. They saw his of man by encouraging class hatred. Going back to 1755, a young man in gallantry, his bravery, his courage, his You cannot help the poor by destroying his early twenties, Washington was leadership. They knew this was a guy the rich. You cannot keep out of trou- headed up toward Fort Duquesne with that they could trust, even in his early ble by spending more than you earn. about 100 American soldiers and about twenties. You cannot build character and cour- 1,300 British soldiers. As they pro- So as we move toward the 1776 time, age by taking away man’s initiative ceeded up through Pennsylvania, they in the days when he would lead this and independence. You cannot help had to go through a wooded area, a country, a lot of people don’t realize, men permanently by doing for them large wooded area, and there was a ra- but he was just the man for just such a what they could do for themselves.’’ vine that they marched through. There time. Mr. Speaker, I was talking to a group Mr. Speaker, the politics of division were 85 soldiers on horseback, those of youth from Grace Community has no place in the public arena. It were the officers, and that included School there in Tyler. Those kids know does a disservice to our Nation. It does George Washington. so much about our history. They know. a disservice to the debate. Frankly, it As they made their way through, the But not every school teaches the his- is an embarrassment for the individ- Indians and French were lying in wait, tory. I am proud to have a school like uals that practice it. this was the French and Indian War, that in my city in Tyler where they So I encourage all Members of Con- and here this young man with boldness, gallantry, was on horseback, he led his know those kinds of things. gress, Republican, Democrat, all of my But after 1776, after the Declaration soldiers. When the ambush started, it colleagues, to go about our debates and of Independence was signed, things was horrible. Bodies were flying every- the discussions that we have and the looked so grim that the signers of the where, bullets taking them out. challenges that we face in this Nation Declaration of Independence knew that After about 2 hours, there were over in a positive and honest and truthful if their troops failed, they were all 700 who had died. There were 84 of the manner. Then we can get to the right dead people. Their families were dead, 85 officers that had been shot off their solutions. everything they owned would be taken, horses. Only one remained. That was As I mentioned, the Official Truth their lives, their fortunes, their sacred George Washington. Finally, after a Squad comes almost every evening honor, everything would be gone. Yet couple of hours, the remaining British since we began the first of the year and they put their trust in George Wash- and Americans retreated from the talks about some positive aspects of ington, along with the God that we woods, and when they got a good dis- America, talks about the importance of trust. honesty and truthfulness in the debate. tance away, they reformed and re- On December 27, 1776, when things And tonight we are going to con- treated, I believe it was back to Mary- looked so bleak and they knew that centrate on our heritage, our American land. shortly, just a matter of a week or so, heritage, our wonderful American her- There was a letter that Washington the enlistment of these men would be itage. wrote back to his mother and brother up, they knew if they headed home as accounting what happened. There are b 2245 they were intending to do, all was lost. other accounts that seem to all tell the So they passed a resolution as a Conti- I have been joined by a number of same story. But Washington wrote that nental Congress that basically gave colleagues tonight, and they are going when he took off his hat and shook his Washington all the power that they to share a story or two about maybe head, bullet fragments fell out of his had, power to pay money, to make or- the Founding Fathers, some heritage hair, but there wasn’t a scratch on ders, to tell people to do whatever. that we have. I hope that what that him. He said when he took off his vest, Then, interestingly, the letter that ac- will do is inspire some of our col- there were bullet holes in his inves- companied that resolution that they leagues to remember the principles tigate, but not a scratch on him. As he sent to Washington included this line. that brought our Nation about and re- wrote to his mother and brother, he It said, ‘‘Happy it is for this country member, remember, the ideals that we said, ‘‘Truly God was with me,’’ that that the general of their forces could are bound to uphold. God in whom we trust. be safely entrusted with the most un- With that, I am honored to yield to Fast forward 15 years later. Wash- limited power, and neither personal se- my good friend LOUIE GOHMERT from ington and a friend of his named Dr. curity, liberty nor property be in the the great State of Texas. He is a judge Craig were going up through Pennsyl- least degree endangered thereby.’’ by profession and is a member of the vania. Washington was going to go by Mr. Speaker, I know my good friend freshman class as well, and has just a and show him this place where this from Georgia feels the same way. I wealth of knowledge about American horrible thing happened, where so trust so many people, but I don’t know history and our heritage. Congressman many people died. of a single person in this country right GOHMERT, please share a few words As they approached the woods, they now I would trust with that kind of with us. were met by a group of Indians, and it power. But that is what George Wash- Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, I appre- turned out an old Indian chief was with ington had. ciate my good friend from Georgia, the them. They had a council fire, and dur- One of my favorite paintings, as I eminent physician, healing not only ing that time the chief disclosed that was telling the group from Tyler ear- bodies in the past, but coming in and 15 years earlier, he too had been in that lier today, from Grace Community healing with the good elixir of truth. wood, and that he had heard Wash- Church, is the painting of Washington We appreciate that tonight, Mr. Speak- ington was coming to that area so he coming back in to the Continental Con- er, and we appreciate the opportunity journeyed to meet him. gress saying here is all the power back. to be here. He said, ‘‘I gave the order to my Nobody had ever done that before. You are talking about truth, and you braves to shoot at you, because we This was a guy that had won the war. have the poster that says the Official could see you coming from a distance He had won the day. He was entitled to Truth Squad. Something that has been and I knew if we shot you, that your be called czar, emperor, dictator, phar- neglected for far too long is the truth men would flee in fear. We could just aoh, whatever he wanted to be called.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H440 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 28, 2006 Yet he came back in and, just as the Nation strong was on what he called b 2300 resolution and the cover letter said, teaching the science of government. He Far too often we Americans take our they knew he could be trusted. He said a primary object should be the freedom for granted. We forget about came back in and said here is all the education of our youth in the science the heroes before us that gave us this power back. It is yours. I am going of government. By that he meant right, this privilege, this ability. back to Mount Vernon, and he did. learning about government, learning Thomas Jefferson said, ‘‘The price of Some people don’t realize just how about our republic. freedom is eternal vigilance.’’ He knew, brave he was. At the battle of Prince- He went on to say, ‘‘In a republic, even as freedom was being brought to ton, January 3, 1777, a young soldier what species of knowledge can be our new country, that our very freedom wrote, and it is a recorded part of our equally important and what duty more would be constantly at risk. history, ‘‘The sight of Washington set pressing than communicating or teach- ‘‘Those who expect to reap the bless- an example of courage such as I have ing it to those who are to be the future ings of freedom must, like men, under- never seen. I shall never forget what I guardians of the liberties of our coun- go the fatigue of supporting it,’’ said felt when I saw him brave all the dan- try?’’ Thomas Paine. As we stand here to- gers of the field and his important life That is why it is important that I night, the Official Truth Squad, sur- hanging as if it were by a single hair think we come here this evening and rounded by the glorious testament of with a thousand deaths flying around talk about our heritage, talk about our our democracy and freedom, we must him. Believe me, I thought not of my- history, talk about the wonder of be mindful, mindful that democracy is self.’’ That is not a picture we see America. on the march, mindful that 50 million much these days. It has been said if you want to see people are newly free thanks to our ef- Nathaniel Green wrote, ‘‘He will be the future of a nation and what it will forts in Iraq and Afghanistan. the deliverer of his own country.’’ be, look at what the children are being Let me repeat that. Fifty million The Pennsylvania Journal wrote of taught. So we hope by some small people have the same opportunity that Washington in 1777 as the revolution measure to assist in the education of we have to taste and drink freedom, went on, ‘‘If Washington had been born all of us and to remind us about the but most importantly, mindful that in the days of idolatry, he would be wonder and the beauty and the awe of much more needs to be done. Tonight, worshipped as a god. If there are spots our Nation and its heritage. the oppressed are dying at the hands of on his character, they are like the I am joined now by Congresswoman evil in far too many places around the spots on the sun, only discernible by JEAN SCHMIDT. Congresswoman world, in the camps of Darfur, in the the magnifying powers of a telescope.’’ SCHMIDT is a fellow freshman and an jails of Havana, in political prisons in As David McCollough wrote, ‘‘With- active participant in the Official Truth Asia. out Washington’s leadership and unre- Squad. We are so pleased to have her Dwight David Eisenhower once said, lenting persistence, the Revolution al- join us this evening and bring some ‘‘History does not long entrust the care most certainly would have failed.’’ comments about our heritage and of freedom to the weak or the timid. That is the kind of heritage we have. about the principles of our wonderful We did not chose to lead this fight, his- That is the kind of truthful, honest, Republic. tory has chosen us. Only we have the courageous man that helped start this Mrs. SCHMIDT. Thank you so much. power needed to spread freedom. We in- country and to whom we owe so much. Tonight, I really want to talk about deed have been given the responsi- In conclusion, as our good friend and what I believe freedom is all about. As bility.’’ fellow Republican, we didn’t know him we sit in this beautiful Chamber, we Our forefathers knew that when they personally, but God rest his soul, what must be mindful that we are the were participating in this grand experi- a legacy, Abraham Lincoln, said in his luckiest people in the world to live in ment so many years ago. We have been second inaugural, ‘‘With malice toward the greatest Nation in the universe. handed that torch. History will judge none, with charity for all, with firm- So I stand here tonight on the floor not what we say, but what we do. ness in the right as God gives us to see of this great Chamber like thousands of I am honored to be here tonight to the right, let us strive on to finish the Representatives before me as living speak about this very important prin- work we are in, to bind up the Nation’s proof that democracy works. I share ciple, because if we do not continue to wounds, to care for him who shall have the same love for my country as my 37 lead this march, someone will come borne the battle and for his widow and predecessors from the Ohio Second and take that torch from us. his orphan, to do all which may Congressional District. I am the 38th Thank you for giving me this oppor- achieve and cherish a just and lasting Member of Congress from my district tunity to speak my mind in the great- peace among ourselves, and with all and the first woman. And I may be the est Nation, in the greatest chamber. nations.’’ first to wear high heels, but I am not Mr. PRICE of Georgia. Thank you, God has blessed America. Mr. Speak- alone in my support of this great coun- Congresswoman SCHMIDT. It is just a er, it is my prayer that will continue. try and for all that it stands. pleasure to hear your words and the I thank my good friend from Georgia Our country was founded on the prin- very inspiring words. for yielding to allow me to address ciples of freedom: freedom to pursue You talk about freedom being infec- those comments. life, liberty and happiness; freedom to tious. It truly is. But you also talked Mr. PRICE of Georgia. Thank you so bear arms; freedom to voice your opin- about freedom not being free, and that much, Congressman GOHMERT, for ion in the market square, or in this the price of freedom, the price of lib- bringing us those words and the inspir- very Chamber; freedom to print what erty, is eternal vigilance. ing stories of American history. You you decide to be printed is fit to be I am proud to stand with you this have highlighted one of my absolute fa- printed. evening and continue, continue to try vorites with Washington withstanding Freedom is a wonderful thing. It is to assist others to appreciate the fact the onslaught of the attack and then an infectious thing. Millions of the op- that that eternal vigilance is necessary meeting the Indian chief years later pressed around the world yearn for this now, as never before frankly. and the Indian chief telling him that very thing called freedom: free from So we appreciate so much your words he understood and knew and it was oppression, free from terror, free from this evening and your participation. clear that Washington had been tyranny. Freedom is a powerful drink. Mr. Speaker, I am also joined this touched by the hand of God. That just It spills 1 million people into the evening by another fellow freshman, is so inspiring when we hear those streets of downtown Beirut demanding Congresswoman FOXX from North Caro- words. to be free from the rule of Syria and its lina, just a great, great member of the Washington himself talked a lot dictator. It causes men to take up arms freshman class, an individual whom I about our Nation. He talked a lot against their oppressors on the streets respect highly, who spent a number of about what it took to preserve the Na- of Baghdad and Kabul. Just the dream years in the education community, un- tion. He was concerned that the Nation of freedom caused men and women to derstands what it means to impart the might have difficulty in the future, and risk their lives by organizing opposi- importance of our heritage, of Amer- he felt that the only way to keep our tion in places like Beijing and Havana. ican principles and fundamentals.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H441 I welcome you this evening and look one piece from Ellis, or maybe a couple want to promote the general welfare, forward to your words. of pieces from the book Founding but that is not the primary goal of the Ms. FOXX. Thank you, Congressman Brothers. I do highly recommend it as Federal government. It is to provide PRICE. It is a real pleasure to be here something so easy to read. for the common defense. tonight. I am grateful for the words of But he said, No one had ever estab- Promoting the general welfare can be our colleagues earlier, Congressman lished a republican government on the done in lots of different ways. And I GOHMERT and Congresswoman SCHMIDT. scale of the United States. And the have heard some people on the other I appreciate what they have said, and overwhelming judgment of the most re- side say we should change those words you. I am really proud to be a part of spected authorities was that it could around and say, provide for the general the Official Truth Squad. not be done. welfare and promote the common de- And while I did not hear all of the Well, here we are over 200 years later fense. I think that that is one of the comments that were made just prior to proving that it can be done. But it is problems that we are having in our our beginning our session here, I did our job as representatives of the people country these days. want to respond to one thing that you to make sure that this wonderful ex- And the other piece of the Constitu- said. That is that we all are entitled to periment in liberty is sustained. And tion that I want to read tonight that I our opinions, but the facts are the as, again, our colleague from Ohio said, think is a part of tying back into our facts. And it is important that we get it is a great honor to serve here. being the Official Truth Squad is the facts straight here. And I think And some people may not know this, amendment 1 to the Constitution: many of the things that we are re- and I think it is important to know, ‘‘Congress shall make no law respect- sponding to are things that have been that the only way anybody can serve in ing the establishment of religion or purported to be facts which are not the United States House of Representa- prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or facts at all. And I think it is important tives is to be elected. People can be ap- abridging the freedom of speech or of that we set the record straight. pointed to every other office in the the press or the right of the people I also noted tonight in the presen- United States, but they cannot be ap- peaceably to assembly and to petition tation by the Blue Dog Coalition that pointed to serve in the United States the government for a redress of griev- they are very concerned about the def- House of Representatives. One must be ances.’’ I find that in most days, when people icit, but they want to do away with the elected, and we are elected every 2 want to quote the first amendment, tax cuts and spend more money. years. they often quote that first phrase and The problem with the deficit is that And I hope in this course of time, as leave out the second phrase. And I we are spending too much, and we need we talk about the principles of this think that that is so important; I think to cut back on the spending. And that country, that we will do something it is a part of tying back again to the is a fundamental issue. I think it is that I do not think people do often Truth Squad. pretty much a fundamental law of eco- enough, that is read the Constitution. I Many times you hear people quote, nomics, which I do not think can be think it is helpful for us to reflect on ‘‘Congress shall make no law respect- done away with simply by talking the Constitution. And as we talk about ing the establishment of religion,’’ that about it. I think that we are going to the Truth Squad, I want to read two says we should take the words ‘‘In God have to come to grips with it. pieces from the Constitution tonight, We Trust’’ off of our money, the words As our colleague from Ohio was say- and then turn it back to you, Mr. ‘‘Under God’’ out of our pledge. But ing, it is such a great honor to be able PRICE, to conclude our time here. what is so important is the second half to serve in this House. And I want to But I think so often even the Con- of that sentence, ‘‘or prohibiting the say that I grew up in a house in west- stitution itself is not quoted accu- free exercise thereof.’’ ern North Carolina with no electricity, rately. And I think that part of our job Unfortunately, those who would take no running water, about as poor as should be to remind the people what away our freedoms are the ones who so anybody you will ever meet. And it is the Constitution says, and how it is the often leave off the second half of that a true miracle that someone with my basis for everything else that we do. phrase. And it is extremely important background could come here and rep- Now I am going to read just the Pre- that we not distort the words of the resent the 5th District of North Caro- amble to the Constitution. And by the Constitution. And it is important I lina. And I am in awe every day of the way, I borrowed this from the Parlia- think that our Truth Squad remind fact that I have this great opportunity mentarian. And I find it interesting people of those words so often, and I and am grateful for it. that we tie back to Mr. Jefferson and think we need to do that. And I think about the way this coun- the Founding Fathers. This is, in one I hope we will in our sharing things try was formed, and I think it is impor- manual, the Constitution, Jefferson’s with the people talk more about the tant that we talk a little bit about Manual, and the Rules of the House of Constitution and how the truth of the that. Representatives. Constitution itself has been distorted I am troubled that so few people even As I understand it, in almost every by some of our colleagues. know the basis of our government. Peo- elected body in the United States, they Mr. PRICE of Georgia. Thank you so ple do not know the Constitution. They go back to Jefferson’s Manual when much, Congresswoman FOXX. I tell you, do not know the basis of our laws. They there is any dispute on whether the it does my heart good to listen to your do not know the history of this coun- rules apply or not. And so I think the comments about the Constitution, try. And I want to talk some more fact that we do that is a great tribute about our Founding Fathers, and the about that, but I know we are not to again our Founding Fathers and par- kinds of things that they held dear. going to have as much time tonight as ticularly Mr. Jefferson and the care he I want to just highlight again that we had thought we would originally, so took with these things. Preamble, the first line of the Pre- I am going to make a recommendation Let me read the Preamble: amble, ‘‘We the people of the United of a couple of books which I think are ‘‘We the people of the United States States in order to form a more perfect wonderful books to read. in order to form a more perfect union, union.’’ Anything by David McCullough is establish justice, ensure domestic tran- The Founding Fathers used these great. I know that he was being quoted quility, provide for the common de- words to remind us that preserving the earlier. I had a chance to read 1776 re- fense, promote the general welfare and Constitution that they created is as cently, which is the story of the first secure the blessings of liberty to our- difficult, maybe even more so, as writ- year of the revolution, and it is won- selves and our posterity do ordain and ing and ratifying it in the late 1780s. derful. establish this Constitution for the The words remind us that it is we the And tonight I was reviewing the United States of America.’’ people that educate ourselves on the Founding Brothers by Joseph Ellis. I think that the key words for me issues, become involved in choosing our And he talks a lot about the things here are ‘‘provide for the common de- leaders, and committed, those leaders, that came together to make the United fense.’’ That is the role of the Federal make sure the leaders are committed States possible, to make the Revolu- government. That is the number one to governing by constitutional prin- tion possible. And I do want to quote role of the Federal government. We do ciples. And again the issues that we

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H442 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 28, 2006 face today are equally as dangerous as forgotten God. We have forgotten the institutions, fraternal, social, civic and those that the Founders faced. gracious hand which has preserved us religious, that have been so vital in our I wanted to highlight very briefly an- in peace and multiplied and enriched progress, the many national organiza- other document that is one of our and strengthened us. And we have vain- tions and the community and grass- founding documents, that is the Dec- ly imagined in the deceitfulness of our roots organizations around the country laration of Independence. One of the hearts that all these blessings were that have been and continue to be the early paragraphs in the Declaration I produced by some superior wisdom and backbone of the African American think crystallizes something that is in- virtue of our own. community. Often times these organi- credibly important, we all know those ‘‘Intoxicated with unbroken success, zations have stepped in when the Fed- words, but I think it is important to re- we have become too self-sufficient to eral, State, and local governments peat them: feel the necessity of redeeming and have failed to provide the necessary ‘‘We hold these truths to be self-evi- preserving grace, too proud to pray to services, and for that they are to be dent, that all men are created equal, the God that made us. It behooves us commended, most recently in the that they are endowed by their Creator then to humble ourselves before the of- aftermath of the Hurricane Katrina with certain unalienable rights, among fended power and to confess our na- disaster. these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit tional sins and to pray for clemency Finally, Mr. Speaker, I have often of Happiness,’’ and ‘‘that to secure and forgiveness.’’ said that Black History Month is about these rights, Governments are insti- Mr. Speaker, we live in a wonderful the future, a time to assess and ac- tuted among Men, deriving their just and a wondrous Nation, a Nation that knowledge that there is no place for powers from the consent of the gov- has blessed more individuals on the complacency and no time to rest. For erned.’’ face of the Earth than any nation in that reason, the Congressional Black Incredible, powerful words. the history of mankind. It is our privi- Caucus continues to focus its agenda But the message here that I always lege to serve in the United States and our efforts on closing and elimi- harken back to is that the power that House of Representatives and to bring nating disparities that continue to government has is derived from the this message of hope and optimism and exist in every aspect of our lives. people, because the people derive their positive speaking to the American peo- It is now my pleasure to recognize power from the Almighty, and the ple. some of my colleagues to help us cele- power that people have they then cede f brate this Black History Month cele- to government. It is not the other way bration. I yield to the gentleman from HONORING BLACK HISTORY around. Georgia (Mr. SCOTT). MONTH Mr. SCOTT of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, b 2315 The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. let me just commend Mr. WATT as We do not believe that government DAVIS of Kentucky). Under the Speak- chairman of our Congressional Black has power and gives it to people. We be- er’s announced policy of January 4, Caucus for providing leadership in this lieve that people, because of the inher- 2005, the gentleman from North Caro- important celebration and observance ent power from the Almighty and be- lina (Mr. WATT) is recognized for the of the great and extraordinary con- cause of the inherent quality of life, time remaining before midnight, ap- tributions that African Americans have that power and cede it to the Fed- proximately 42 minutes. have made and continue to make in eral Government and to the State gov- Mr. WATT. Mr. Speaker, as chair of America and throughout the world. ernment to bring about the kind of the Congressional Black Caucus, it is a No race of people has come through things that Congresswoman FOXX great pleasure for me to lead this an- the ordeal and the circumstances of talked about. nual Special Order of the Congressional slavery, of Jim Crowism, of racism, of The founding of our Nation truly is Black Caucus in honor of Black His- de facto segregation, and in spite of all tied to a reliance on a higher authority tory Month. The theme for this year’s these obstacles made extraordinary and everyone at the time knew that. African American history month is contributions in every field of endeav- We have gotten a bit away from that, ‘‘Celebrating community, a tribute to or: business, medicine, the arts, sports, and I think one of the things that is in- black fraternal, social and civic insti- politics, business. cumbent upon us as leaders is to make tutions.’’ And it is dedicated to explor- Today we are here to highlight espe- certain that we remember that and ing the impact that these civic organi- cially the role of fraternities in our that we remind people of that and that zations have had on the evolution of community. Nowhere is that more par- we talk about it freely and openly African American life and history. ticular than within the African Amer- make certain that everyone under- A word or two about the history of ican community, for the African Amer- stands and appreciates the importance Black History Month. The celebration ican fraternities were brought about of the Almighty. of Black History Month started in 1926 not as a result or a need for social edi- One of the items that I will close as the vision of Dr. Carter G. Woodson fication or for frivolity; but those fra- with that moves me so every time I who, out of frustration from not find- ternities that came about in the Afri- read it is Lincoln’s Proclamation for a ing references to black history in any can American community came about National Day of Fasting and Prayer. of our history books, launched an ini- because of great need at a time of ex- There are a couple of portions of that tiative to highlight the many out- traordinary struggle and circumstance that I find incredibly eloquent. I quote standing contributions of African within the African American commu- from the proclamation: American people throughout the his- nity. ‘‘It is the duty of nations, as well as tory of the United States. This year we Such was the case with all of our fra- of men, to own their dependence on the are celebrating the 80th anniversary of ternities and certainly with the frater- overruling power of God, and to confess Black History Month. nity that I am a member of, which is their sins and transgressions in humble Initially, black history started off as the first fraternity and the oldest fra- sorrow, yet with assured hope that gen- a 1-week event during the second week ternity, the Alpha Phi Alpha frater- uine repentance will lead to mercy and of February because it marked the nity. I would like to spend just a few pardon, and to recognize the sublime birthdays of two men who greatly in- moments talking about this fraternity truth announced in the holy scriptures fluenced black people in this country, because this was the first fraternity, and proven by all history that those Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lin- and its development exemplifies all fra- nations only are blessed whose God is coln. However, as time passed, it was ternities and the importance of their Lord. clear that one week was not sufficient contribution. ‘‘We have been the recipients of the to highlight the achievements of black In 1905 in Ithica, New York, a group choicest bounties of heaven. We have people and eventually the celebration of African American students at Cor- been preserved these many years in became known as Black History nell were so devastated with the racism peace and prosperity. We have grown in Month. and prejudice at that institution that numbers, wealth and power as no other Mr. Speaker, this year during Black they found themselves in, that half of nation has ever grown. But we have History Month, we are celebrating the the six refused to come back in 1906;

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H443 but three did and others joined them in distinguished organizations with the nity continue to provide service to Af- 1906 and they came together to form support of those organizations. rican Americans as a whole and the the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity. Seven I share membership in Alpha Phi United States in general. African American men, seven African Alpha with my distinguished colleague Carter G. Woodson, known as the fa- American men that we affectionately from Georgia and six other Members of ther of Black History, was born in refer to as the 7 Jewels: Brother Callis Congress. As my colleague mentioned, Buckingham County, Virginia, to and Brother Chapman and Brother Alpha Phi Alpha was the first colle- former slaves. He reminded us of the Jones and Brother Kelley, Brother giate black fraternity. I am proud to be importance of commemorating African Murray, Brother Ogle, and Brother a long-time and life member of Alpha American contributions when he stat- Tandy. Seven. Phi Alpha. And since its founding in ed, ‘‘If a race has no history, if it has There is something about that num- 1906, Alpha Phi Alpha and all black fra- no worthwhile tradition, it becomes a ber seven. That is God’s number, the ternities and sororities have supplied a negligible factor in the thought of the number of completeness. As we know, voice and vision to the struggle of Afri- world, and it stands in danger of being we had to march around the walls of can Americans and people of color exterminated.’’ Jericho 70 times. The Bible says you around the world. As we celebrate African American must forgive your neighbor 70 times 7. For example, one of the long-stand- History Month, let us recognize the There are 7 days in the week; 7 holes in ing programs sponsored by Alpha Phi achievement and traditions of African our head: nose, two eyes, two nostrils, Alpha is ‘‘Go to high school, go to col- Americans and let us never forget the two ears. Seven is completeness. And lege.’’ Another is ‘‘A voteless people is members of black fraternal, social, and that is why I believe that these frater- a hopeless people.’’ They encouraged civic organizations that pursued un- nities were God’s gift at an important education and voter registration. More chartered paths and paid for the free- time that they came on the scene. Be- recent projects for Alpha Phi Alpha is dom that we hold so dear. fore the civil rights movement, before Project Alpha, promoting responsi- Again, Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the others, these men formed the orga- bility among African American males my colleague from North Carolina for nization and came to produce some of in all aspects of health care. organizing this Special Order so that the outstanding leaders in all fields. Before the formation of college fra- we can recognize these organizations Frederick Douglass and W.E.B. DuBois ternities, the very first African Amer- appropriately. and Thurgood Marshall were all mem- ican fraternity, Sigma Pi Phi, was Mr. WATT. Mr. Speaker, I thank the bers, as were Duke Ellington and Adam formed in 1904 in Philadelphia by a gentleman from Virginia for his elo- Clayton Powell and Martin Luther group of physicians and dentists. This quence, and let me just add a few com- King, Jr. Scores and hundreds of lead- organization was created for college ments while we are waiting for one ers in every sphere and activity of life and professionally educated African other Member to come and join in this were there. Americans including college presi- Special Order. So as we celebrate Black History dents, Congressmen, cabinet members, I actually tend to agree with one of Month, let us celebrate it where it and nationally prominent figures such our recent actors who started to ques- means the most. And if these members as W.E.B. DuBois and Martin Luther tion the whole concept of Black His- of our fraternity were here, they would King, Jr. I am also a member of Sigma tory Month, not because it is not im- say to us in their words, those very Pi Phi. portant to all of us, but because the ac- precious words that, well, my brothers complishments of African Americans b 2330 and my sisters, you see, life for me are so profound and so diffuse in every ain’t been no crystal stair. It’s had There are countless other organiza- aspect of our lives that it is quite obvi- tacks in it and splinters, boards torn tions that have existed for the purpose ous that the same thing that happened up. No carpet on the floor, bare. But all of improving economic status, spiritual with Black History Week, that we the while, I’s been a climbing on and well-being, and civil rights of all Amer- found that there just was not sufficient reaching landings and turning corners, icans. The Free African Society was to do justice to those accomplish- and sometimes going in the dark where founded in 1787; the National Negro ments, is now happening to Black His- there ain’t been no light. So, boy, don’t Business League was founded in 1900; tory Month. A month is not sufficient you stop. Don’t you sit down on the the National Afro-American Council in to do justice to a discussion and an em- steps because you finds it’s kinda hard. 1903; the Niagara Movement, the fore- phasis and a highlighting of those ac- Don’t you fall now while I still going. runner of the National Association for complishments. I still climbing on, honey. And life for the Advancement of Colored People, So, as we continue to celebrate Black me ain’t been no crystal stair. NAACP, was well under way by 1905. History Month, we should continue to Life was no crystal stair for those The members of these and many recognize that Black History Week, who started our African American other organizations have addressed the which became Black History Month, in Greek fraternities and sororities. But most serious moral challenges facing and of itself is a recognition that we because they had that vision to keep Americans today. The contribution of simply have not done what we should going, they made an impact on the African American social and civic or- be doing throughout our history to ac- lives of African Americans, on the lives ganizations has included everything knowledge the important contributions of the people of the United States of from scholarships to social reconstruc- that African Americans have made. America, and on the lives of the people tion. The members of these organiza- We could spend hours here on the of the world. On this Black History tions have confronted the handicaps, floor, had we the time, on any of the Month we are say thank you to our the restrictions, the persecutions, the subjects which are the title of this Greek letter organizations, the African prejudices, the inequities in the oppor- Black History Month: black frater- American fraternities and sororities tunities faced by people of color. nities, African American sororities, so- who have helped us so greatly. Thanks to the relentless efforts of cial organizations, civic institutions, Mr. WATT. Mr. Speaker, I yield to African American member organiza- religious institutions. We could spend the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. tions, there are more people of color days talking about the sororities, BOBBY SCOTT). today in corporate, Federal, State and Alpha Kappa Alpha, which my wife Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, municipal offices than ever before. The happens to be a member of; Delta I thank my colleague from North Caro- work of members of Alpha Phi Alpha, Sigma Theta; the Zetas. The whole list lina for organizing this Special Order Sigma Pi Phi and other organizations of sororities, they go on and on. Most so that we can give appropriate rec- has had a huge impact over the last 100 of them sprang out of a need for serv- ognition to black fraternal, social, and years, but our work is far from over. ice, a recognition that there were not civic organizations. In the 21st century, we will continue social responsibilities, but civic and African Americans have been in the to work for political, economic and so- important unfinished business that forefront of significant change in cial change. It is imperative that all needed to be attended to. Organizations American society, and many of those fraternal, social and civic organiza- of various kinds, headed by powerful leading the fight were members of very tions in the African American commu- women in our country, the Council of

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The COINTEL was the draw them together. that have grown out of a need to em- counter-intelligence program, and it b 2345 phasize and uplift the community so was the program utilized in the early that perhaps what was previously re- parts of the civil rights movement, Most recently, we have discovered a ferred to in the prior Special Order moving into the black student move- new phenomenon called the State of here, about the Preamble to the Con- ment, the Black Panthers, and frankly, the Black Union, which was established stitution, really would be made a liv- it was an effort focused on black activ- by Tavis Smiley and is in its 7th year, ing, viable document, equality and jus- ists who were perceived to be agitators, another vehicle to capture the intellec- tice for all. Many of these organiza- a small piece of African American his- tual thought and the practices of not tions sprang out of that. tory that was rarely focused on. In only the civil and civic organizations We could spend a week, a month or fact, Martin Luther King was the tar- but also individual philosophers, acad- two talking about the churches, the re- get of COINTELPRO, and rather than emicians, physicians, and emerging ligious denominations, the AMEs, the understand the movement and under- leaders. I am very grateful that this AME, African Methodist Episcopal stand the voice of Dr. King, who spoke last one was held in Houston, Texas. Zion denomination or the African eloquently about nonviolence, this pro- I cite this because I believe more and Methodist Episcopal denomination, gram was a program that ignored the more we must confront the theory that which formed because African Amer- value of the movement and viewed black history should not be relegated ican people either were not welcome in them as threats to America’s security to one month; but, frankly, we should the white religious institutions or be- and democracy. be engaged in the thinkings of our his- cause those religious institutions were The COINTELPRO’s treatment of tory all throughout the year and con- not providing the kind of freedom of Martin Luther King described, and de- tinue to press the envelope, if you will, expression or the level of equality. tailed in the COINTELPRO paper, is that more and more curricula should Even though they were talking the the most egregious example in what be including black history. talk, they were not necessarily walk- was attempted in his case. It belongs in And let me just say to you that what ing the walk throughout our history. television fiction, where shadowy gov- I have discovered over the recent years So all of these things are extremely ernment forces are at work, that no is that black history in our schools’ important. Perhaps we do not do jus- one can discover ironically a con- curricula around America, African tice to any of them in the short period spiracy theory had been used all too American history, is not moving up; it of time we have this evening, but we often in such drama. In essence, Dr. is being dumbed down. Some would say should never forget that all of them are King, in this instance, was considered it is because of the cost cuts that many extremely important. an enemy of the State. school districts have to make, that Again, Black History Month is not The issue of lynching as well plays a they are cutting music and cutting the only about reflecting on the past, it is very large part in our history. I know arts and many times cutting athletics about the challenges, the lack of equal- that today we pay tribute to many of and that the teaching of black history ity that exists today that we must con- our civic organizations, sororities and has taken a back seat. We must be tinue to confront going into the future. fraternities and our organizations that more than sensitized to the fact that We should never lose sight of that. captured the sentiment of African there are young people today, no mat- With that, I see that my colleague ter what their race or color, creed or from the great State of Texas (Ms. Americans, such as the NAACP, the Urban League, the many fraternities religion, that are being educated in JACKSON-LEE) has arrived, and so I will America’s schools with no iota, no un- now yield to her for her expressions in and sororities, 100 Black Men, the Na- tional Council of Negro Women, the derstanding whatsoever of this rich this Black History Month Special history of African Americans, not even Order. Congress of Black Political Women, the sense of our early slave history and Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. many organizations that have created how we first came to this country in Speaker, let me thank the chairman of a pathway for African Americans to the Congressional Black Caucus for walk across very troubled waters. bondage. Many of the freedom fighters at that being enormously astute to ensure that But we must also weed in and out of there is a marker in the history pages those very great historical perspectives time, from Harriet Tubman to Nat Turner to Sojourner Truth, and the list of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD that of those organizations to know that Members of Congress, and particularly they, too, lived alongside challenges of abolitionists, including Frederick Members of the Congressional Black like lynchings in the early 1900’s, and Douglass, who established the frame- Caucus, rose to ensure that we com- in this book, it recounts the stories of work of freedom, our children today memorated African American History. what lynching actually meant. In fact, are not learning about that particular There has been some controversy on we have heard some people call it an history. That is much cause for pause. this month over the years. Most re- act of terror. Why? Because it was an So I hope as Members of Congress rise cently, one of our more respected ac- effort to terrorize southern blacks on to the floor of the House to commemo- tors made mention of a very valuable plantations and in the rural south rate the African American history here point, that black history, African right after Reconstruction in order to in America that we will also have a American history need not be com- stop the progress that had been made consciousness, as we have in the past, memorated in one month. In fact, it is through reconstruction and in moving and that our voices will be heard that American history, and I frankly agree into the 20th century. it is unacceptable that the teaching of with those words. I think it is impor- So, as we reflect on black history, it black history is not on the upsurge, on tant, however, that we take the oppor- is important to look forward and then, the rise, but yet on the decline. tunity to let others know that we have of course, to travel down memory lane. One of the issues, of course, that we not forgotten. What I most want to say about our hope will come out of the fact that we In the course of reading and review- civic and civil and fraternities and so- are commemorating African American ing what remarks I might make this rorities as organizations, I pay tribute history, is that respectively we will all evening, I came across a very inter- to you because you are primarily the be challenging our school districts and esting book entitled, ‘‘The African infrastructure of our community. When making an assessment of what children American Bookshelf,’’ that categorizes there is a need, these organizations are are learning because of the value, the or catalogs, ‘‘50 Must Reads From Be- called upon. When there is a fight for importance, if you will, of learning fore the Civil War Through Today,’’ social justice, these organizations are that kind of history. and I wish to share briefly some of the called upon. When, for example, we en- The idea of freedom also is an early words and stories in this book, but the gage in a legislative strategy, such as idea, and I want to cite again some of first I would go to is of more recent the reauthorization of the Voter Rights the early freedom fighters, like Harriet vintage, which talks about Act, we call upon these civil and civil Tubman. I have a little silver pin that COINTELPRO. rights organizations to help formulate is an F that stands for freedom. Harriet

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She has an enor- colleagues, Representative DAVID bian poet and story teller; and Abram Han- mously important story, and she is an SCOTT from Georgia, Representative nibal, the soldier and commander of 18th cen- exciting personality because she helped BOBBY SCOTT from Virginia, and Rep- tury Russia to Chaka who led South Africa to free any number of escaped slaves. resentative JACKSON-Lee from Texas. until his assassination in 1828 all exemplify In fact, she escaped in the summer of There were a number of our Members and indicate historic contributions to society. 1849. who would have loved to have partici- ‘‘Their presence and deeds underscore an es- This was a time when America sold pated in this Special Order this sential reality: Blacks have been part and par- its soul for a cross of gold, even though evening. Unfortunately, it turned out cel of world history, from exploration and revo- William Jennings Bryan didn’t make that we were the fourth Special Order lution to scientific and other achievements.’’ the expression famous for half a cen- of the evening, and it is approaching Other notable achievements encompass tury later. True, there were white con- midnight so they are not here. pioneering the making of iron, valuable works ductors of the Underground Railroad Mr. Speaker, I am delighted to honor of art, carved stones into historic ornaments who gave their lives to see to it that the memory of all of our great heroes and statues, the conversion of oil-bearing black people were able to trickle out of and sheroes that have gone before, our plants for both medical and dietary purposes. slavery, but Harriet Tubman took this organizations, our civic fraternities, Early contributions also include developing ce- to heart. She became the general, Gen- sororities, churches who have contrib- real and transformation of a wild plant into cot- eral Tubman, who guided frightened uted so much to our progress, but also ton which led to the art of weaving. Addition- slaves into freedom in the North. She recognize that there are many miles to ally, people of color are among the earliest did this continuously over and over and go before we sleep. farmers who produced wheat, groundnuts, over again. Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, our nation’s his- yams and watermelon. I have read previously that when a tory is interwoven with the accomplishments Other accomplishments within the past 150 slave was too frightened to go forward, and contributions of African Americans—from years, include performing the first open heart she threatened that slave with his or Hank Aaron, Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Arm- surgery, produced scientific evidence of cell her life: you die here or you go to free- strong to George Washington Carver, W.E.B. life and metabolism, pioneered in blood plas- dom. So she was a strong personality Du Bois, and Maya Angelou—and because of ma preservation, invented the inhalers used that really captured the spirit of Afri- their efforts our nation is stronger. The African by rescue workers at disaster sites, created can Americans. Through all kinds of American community recently lost two of its communication devices that allowed conversa- leaders and as we mourn the passing of Rosa trials and tribulations, we have over- tions between fast moving trains, invented ma- Parks and Coretta Scott King, we should be come the obstacles that have faced us. chines that allowed for the mass production of reminded that we must continue the civil rights We now come upon the 21st century, shoes and improved the efficiency of lubri- work they devoted their lives to. What better and we have two important struggles cating systems used in large industry today. right before us. One of those struggles way to celebrate the legacy of these leaders This impressive list is not exhaustive of all includes the reauthorization of the and all of those who have worked to ensure the global contributions of people of color. racial justice than by reauthorizing the expiring Voting Rights Act of 1965; and I think However, it illustrates the vital contributions to portions of the Voting Rights Act. The struggle it is imperative that we energize the America and the world. As we think about de- for civil rights continues today and we must populace, all walks of life, to begin to mocracy in this country, people of color have make certain that all citizens not only have the raise their voices in support of the been at the fore in pursuing ‘‘A more perfect right to vote, but that their ability to vote is work of this Congress, the good work of Union.’’ Consider Rosa Parks who refused to protected. this Congress to move forward and re- Although the Voting Rights Act has been es- give up her seat on a bus, which sparked the authorize the Voting Rights Act of sential in protecting the voting rights of minori- Montgomery County Bus Boycott and the Civil 1965. ties, additional safeguards are necessary to Rights Movement. Also, it would be hard to Then we have, in conclusion, one of ensure that every citizen is included in the think about American Democracy without Mar- the most challenging mountains to election process. I remain committed to fur- tin Luther King Jr. and his leadership and climb: to be able to heal and to bring thering the causes of the Civil Rights Move- dream to bring the ideals of democracy into back to normalcy the gulf region. That ment and will work hard in the coming months reality for all Americans. will be a smear on the pages of Amer- to guarantee the right to vote for every citizen. In his 1970 essay, ‘‘What America Would ica’s history in how that community I hope that this month we will celebrate the Be Like Without Blacks,’’ Ralph Ellison argued and those communities were treated lives of all of the strong and determined men that ‘‘Whatever else the true American is, he and how they are being treated. So it and women who have worked to ensure is somehow Black.’’ will go down in the pages of black his- equality for all Americans. [CaribEditorial, Feb. 7, 2006] tory, because as we know, the faces of Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, celebrating IMPORTANT ROLE OF PEOPLE OF AFRICAN the individuals being shown during Black History Month is an opportunity to reflect DESCENT Hurricane Katrina were African Ameri- upon the innumerable contributions that The name Dr. G. Carter Woodson means cans. Blacks have made to the advancement of little to most Americans, West Indians or Af- We have challenges to go forward; American society and culture. People of color ricans. Indeed, only a minority of people in but as we go forward in our challenges Virginia, Woodson’s birthplace, ever heard of whether from the homeland in Africa, the Car- the former coal miner who graduated high to make their lives better, to pass om- ibbean, Latin America or North America, they nibus bill H.R. 4197, work done by the school at the age of 21 years, but later have been more than instrumental in shaping earned a Ph.D. from Harvard University in Congressional Black Caucus to make the social complexion of America and human- 1912, around the time when thousands of the Katrina survivors whole with hous- ity. West Indians, especially Jamaicans and Bar- ing, education, the environment, com- It was Carter G. Woodson in 1926 who initi- badians, were immigrating to Panama to pensation and the right to return, we ated ‘‘Negro History Week’’ in the United help build the world-famous canal. must do it in the backdrop of the his- States to promote ‘‘a better understanding of But, as more and more people, Black and tory of a people who never turned away the contributions’’ of Blacks to human civiliza- White in the United States, the Caribbean, from suffering, never turned away from Canada, Africa, and elsewhere observe Black tion. This noble effort 80 years ago has been History Month, they are learning that it was trials and tribulations, and never successful in informing people all over the Dr. Woodson who initiated ‘‘Negro History turned away from challenges. world about the numerous contributions of Week’’ in 1926 in the U.S. to promote ‘‘a bet- We have a history to stand upon. It is Blacks. It has also aided in reshaping and ne- ter understanding of the contributions’’ of a history that America should cherish, gating distortions that historians have in many Blacks to human civilization. and we should continue to honor it at cases intentionally promulgated. Black History Woodson’s fledgling effort 80 years ago has the same time that we teach our chil- Month continues to amplify accurate depic- since become an international phenomenon, dren. And, frankly, I believe that if we tions and narratives about a myriad of global one in which millions of people, Black and are to embrace the history of all peo- White, observe Black History Month. Carib- endeavors. These undertakings have dras- bean and African nations may have joined ple, we will make America a better tically improved the daily lives and landscape the observances a bit late, but we believe in place to live. of the world. the old adage better late than never. With that, I yield back to the distin- Individuals such as Pianky, the military ge- For, in the process, Black History Month is guished gentleman. nius and Black King of Nubia who conquered helping to shape our thinking and negate the

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Mr. Speaker, every Undoubtedly, Black History Month is the future—Black History not for a month, but bringing to the fore important and accurate February, Americans celebrate Black History for a lifetime! narratives about the multifaceted chapters Month. This tribute dates back to 1926 and is f Blacks have written in advancing global credited to a Harvard scholar named Carter G. human development. Woodson. The son of former slaves, Woodson GENERAL LEAVE From their ancestral homeland in Africa dedicated his life to ensuring that black history Mr. WATT. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- to North America, the Caribbean, Latin was accurately documented and disseminated. mous consent that all Members may America, and other parts of the world, people In an effort to bring national attention to the of color have been instrumental in improv- have 5 legislative days in which to re- contributions of black Americans, Woodson or- ing the daily lives of human beings every- vise and extend their remarks and in- ganized the first annual Negro History Week in where. clude extraneous material on the sub- 1926. He chose the second week of February Names that run the gamut from Pianky, ject of this Special Order today related the military genius and Black King of Nubia in honor of the birthdays of pivotal black sup- to Black History Month. who conquered Egypt around 700 BC; Antar, porters Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lin- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. the African-Arabian poet and storyteller; coln. From Jackie Robinson to Tiger Woods, DAVIS of Kentucky). Is there objection and Abram Hannibal, the soldier and com- Harriet Tubman to Barack Obama, Black His- to the request of the gentleman from mander of 18th century Russia to Chaka who tory Month pays tribute to inspirational African led and forged the proud Black nation of North Carolina? Americans from the past, as well as those South Africa until his assassination in 1828 There was no objection. dot the pages of history. who will continue to make history well into the Their presence and deeds underscore an es- future. f sential reality: Blacks have been part and For 1 month, people of African descent in LEAVE OF ABSENCE parcel of world history and were present America are recognized for their contributions. from exploration and revolution to scientific The irony of recognizing and paying tribute to By unanimous consent, leave of ab- and other achievements. people of African descent in America is that sence was granted to: Blacks from Africa pioneered in the mak- Mr. ABERCROMBIE (at the request of ing of iron, fashioned precious stones into we are recognizing all people of the Earth. Af- rica represents all people of the world. Every Ms. PELOSI) for today on account of ill- historic ornaments, statues, and valuable ness. works of art; and used oil-bearing plants for person born since creation, every person alive both medicinal and dietary purposes. The de- today, and every person born in the future Mr. HINCHEY (at the request of Ms. veloped cereal and transformed a wild plant was, is, and will be of African descent. The gift PELOSI) for today and March 1 on ac- into cotton, thus opening up the world to the Africa has provided the world is humanity and count of illness. art of weaving. They were among the world’s civilization. Ms. MCCOLLUM of Minnesota (at the first farmers, producing wheat, groundnuts, Be that as it may, Black History has been request of Ms. PELOSI) for today on ac- yams, watermelons, and possibly coffee. count of illness. In the past 150 years, Black inventors and presented and accepted as a fragmented Ms. MILLENDER-MCDONALD (at the re- pioneers created the key devices that per- afterthought. It is celebrated for 1 month and/ fected the overall lubrication systems used or mentioned with a couple of lines in a text quest of Ms. PELOSI) for today on ac- in large industry today; invented the lasting or Social Studies course outline. In most in- count of official business in the dis- machine that revolutionized the mass pro- stances, the references begin with slavery and trict. duction of shoes; created the means to com- end with the Civil Rights Era and Dr. Martin Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD (at the request municate between fast-moving trains; came Luther King, Jr. A question I ask high school of Ms. PELOSI) for today on account of up with the inhalators used by rescuers at students is, ‘‘What were slaves before they illness. sites where disasters have occurred; per- Mrs. BIGGERT (at the request of Mr. formed the first successful open-heart sur- became slaves?’’ Their response, 90 percent BOEHNER) for today on account of ill- gery; produced scientific evidence of cell life of the time, is ‘‘nothing.’’ It appears many of and metabolism; and pioneered in blood plas- our youth believe their ancestors fell out of the ness. ma preservation, more commonly called sky as slaves. Mr. GARY G. MILLER of California (at blood banks. Black History is world history. Old and new the request of Mr. BOEHNER) for today These are but a handful of the exploits of research on Africa and its place in human his- and the balance of the week on account Blacks, deeds which were previously shunted tory has proved that Africa is the birthplace of of illness. aside but have since been recognized through Mr. OSBORNE (at the request of Mr. the study of history by and of Blacks. Along mankind and was, for many centuries, in the forefront of human progress. African or Black BOEHNER) for today on account of busi- the way that historical record gained promi- ness in the district. nence in books, scholarly papers and presen- History must be looked at anew and seen in tations in classrooms, libraries, newspaper its relationship to world history as only the his- Mr. ROHRABACHER (at the request of and magazine columns, and in special radio tory of the first and second rise of Europe. Mr. BOEHNER) for today on account of and television programs. Yet, the history of Africa was already old when illness. If knowledge is power, then it stands to Europe was born. Until quite recently, it was f reason that we in the United States, the Car- rather generally assumed, even among well- ibbean and Africa have much to gain from SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED the information and the results of academic educated persons in the West, that the con- and scientific inquiry, which Black History tinent of Africa was a great expanse of land, By unanimous consent, permission to Month and other observances inspire. mostly jungle, inhabited by savages and fierce address the House, following the legis- People everywhere owe Woodson a debt a beasts. It was not realized that great civiliza- lative program and any special orders gratitude for his pioneering action that ef- tions could have existed there, or that great heretofore entered, was granted to: fectively promoted the institutionalization kings could have ruled there in might and wis- (The following Members (at the re- of Black History as an academic discipline dom over vast empires. Today, many of us, as quest of Mr. DEFAZIO) to revise and ex- and as a vehicle that has made us all aware tend their remarks and include extra- of the truth of the valuable contributions of the descendants of queens and kings of Afri- Blacks to international development. ca, refuse to identify with the Motherland of all neous material:) He was driven to act because he com- people. We begin with 1619 and slavery. We Mr. DEFAZIO, for 5 minutes, today. plained in the 1930s that while white histo- identify with 370 years of physical and mental Mrs. MCCARTHY, for 5 minutes, today. rians used textbooks to persuade students bondage as opposed to three thousands years Ms. DELAURO, for 5 minutes, today. and others that Blacks couldn’t ‘‘subject of uninterrupted civilizations. Our story is ev- Ms. KAPTUR, for 5 minutes, today. passion to reason,’’ they failed to teach them eryone’s story. Our story begins with the wor- Mr. EMANUEL, for 5 minutes, today. the authentic stories of African achieve- shipping of one God, builders of the pyramids, Ms. WOOLSEY, for 5 minutes, today. ment. Dr. Woodson argued, quite correctly, that and builders of the first cities and universities. Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California, for the knowledge of ‘‘real history’’ would lib- To reverse our fall from being builders of 5 minutes, today. erate people of African descent from mental pyramids to project dwellers; to reverse our Ms. WATERS, for 5 minutes, today. slavery and inspire to demand social equal- fall from being controllers of our own destiny Mr. PALLONE, for 5 minutes, today.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H447 Mr. BROWN of Ohio, for 5 minutes, for FY 2006 supplemental appropriations for of the American Red Cross for the financial today. the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce. year ending June 30, 2005, pursuant to 36 Mr. MCDERMOTT, for 5 minutes, Defense, Homeland Security, Housing and U.S.C. 300110; to the Committee on Inter- today. Urban Development, Interior, Justice, Vet- national Relations. erans Affairs, the Corps of Engineers, the En- 6303. A letter from the Assistant Sectrary Mr. WYNN, for 5 minutes, today. vironmental Protection Agency, the General for Legislative Affairs, Department of State, (The following Members (at the re- Services Administration and the Small Busi- transmitting notification that effective De- quest of Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) to revise ness Administration; (H. Doc. No. 109–89); to cember 11, 2005, the 15% Danger Pay Allow- and extend their remarks and include the Committee on Appropriations and or- ance for Dushanbe, Tajikistan was termi- extraneous material:) dered to be printed. nated based on improved security conditions, Mr. OSBORNE, for 5 minutes, March 1. 6291. A communication from the President pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 5928; to the Committee on International Relations. Mr. RAMSTAD, for 5 minutes, today. of the United States, transmitting a request for FY 2006 supplemental appropriations for 6304. A letter from the Assistant Legal Ad- Mr. ENGLISH of Pennsylvania, for 5 viser for Treaty Affairs, Department of minutes, March 1. ongoing military and intelligence operations in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Oper- State, transmitting Copies of international Mr. KING of Iowa, for 5 minutes, ation Enduring Freedom, and selected other agreements, other than treaties, entered into today. international activities; (H. Doc. No. 109–90); by the United States, pursuant to 1 U.S.C. Mr. POE, for 5 minutes, March 1 and to the Committee on Appropriations and or- 112b(a); to the Committee on International 2. dered to be printed. Relations. 6305. A communication from the President Ms. FOXX, for 5 minutes, today. 6292. A letter from the Under Secretary for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, De- of the United States, transmitting a report Mr. MCCAUL of Texas, for 5 minutes, including matters relating to the interdic- March 1. partment of Defense, transmitting the re- quired report on the Warranty Claims Recov- tion of aircraft engaged in illicit drug traf- Mr. BURTON of Indiana, for 5 minutes, ery Pilot Program, pursuant to Public Law ficking, pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 2291–4; (H. Doc. today and March 1 and 2. 105–85, section 391; to the Committee on No. 109–91); to the Committee on Inter- national Relations and ordered to be printed. Mr. DREIER, for 5 minutes, today and Armed Services. 6306. A letter from the Deputy Director, March 1 and 2. 6293. A letter from the Under Secretary for Defense Security Cooperation Agency, trans- Mr. KENNEDY of Minnesota, for 5 min- Personnel and Readiness, Department of De- mitting the FY 2005 annual report on Mili- fense, transmitting authorization of the en- utes, today. tary Assistance, Military Exports, and Mili- closed list of officers to wear the insignia of Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, for 5 minutes, tary Imports for Fiscal Year 2005, as required the grade of brigadier general accordance today and March 1. by Section 655 of the Foreign Assistance Act with title 10, United States Code, section 777; Mr. PAUL, for 5 minutes, today and of 1961 (FAA), as enacted 10 February 1996, by to the Committee on Armed Services. Section 1324 of Pub. L. 104-106, and 21 July March 1 and 2. 6294. A letter from the Under Secretary for 1996, by Section 148 of Pub. L. 104-164; to the Mr. SOUDER, for 5 minutes, today and Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, De- March 1 and 2. Committee on International Relations. partment of Defense, transmitting notifica- 6307. A letter from the Under Secretary for Mr. WELDON of Florida, for 5 minutes, tion that the T700-GE-401 and -401C Turbo- Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, De- March 1. shaft engines are commercial items and, partment of Defense, transmitting in accord- f therefore, are excluded from core logistics ance with Section 647(b) of Division F of the capability requirements, as well as the jus- Consolidated Appropriations Act, FY 2004, ENROLLED BILL SIGNED tification for such a decision, pursuant to 10 Pub. L. 108-199, the Department’s report on Mrs. Haas, Clerk of the House, re- U.S.C. 2464(c); to the Committee on Armed competitive sourcing efforts for FY 2005; to Services. the Committee on Government Reform. ported and found truly enrolled a bill 6295. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- of the House of the following title, 6308. A letter from the General Counsel, ment of Defense, transmitting a letter on the Department of Housing and Urban Develop- which was thereupon signed by the approved retirement of Lieutenant General ment, transmitting a report pursuant to the Speaker pro tempore, Mr. TOM DAVIS of David W. Barno, United States Army, and his Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998; to the Virginia: advancement to the grade of lieutenant gen- Committee on Government Reform. H.R. 4745. An act making supplemental ap- eral on the retired list; to the Committee on 6309. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- propriations for fiscal year 2006 for the Small Armed Services. ment of Housing and Urban Development, Business Administration’s disaster loans 6296. A letter from the Chairman, Board of transmitting a copy of the Government Na- program, and for other purposes. Governors of the Federal Reserve System, tional Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae) transmitting the Board’s semiannual Mone- management report for the fiscal year ended f tary Policy Report pursuant to Pub. L. 106– September 30, 2005, pursuant to 31 U.S.C. BILL PRESENTED TO THE 569; to the Committee on Financial Services. 9106; to the Committee on Government Re- PRESIDENT 6297. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- form. ment of Commerce, transmitting the annual 6310. A letter from the Director, Office of Karen L. Haas, Clerk of the House re- report on the Emergency Steel Loan Guar- Management and Budget, transmitting the ports that on February 17, 2006, she pre- antee Program, as required by Section 101(i) 2006 Federal Financial Management Report sented to the President of the United of Chapter 1 of Pub. L. 106-51; to the Com- as required by the Chief Financial Officers States, for his approval, the following mittee on Financial Services. (CFO) Act of 1990, marking the 14th report bill. 6298. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- submitted by the Office of Management and ment of Commerce, transmitting the annual Budget (OMB) on the government-wide sta- H.R. 4745. Making supplemental appropria- report on the Emergency Oil and Gas Guar- tus of financial management, pursuant to 31 tions for fiscal year 2006 for the Small Busi- anteed Loan Program as required by Section U.S.C. 3512; to the Committee on Govern- ness Administration’s disaster loans pro- 201(h) of Chapter 2 of Pub. L. 106-51; to the ment Reform. gram, and for other purposes. Committee on Financial Services. 6311. A letter from the Acting Assistant f 6299. A letter from the Acting Chairman Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks, and President, Export-Import Bank, trans- Department of the Interior, transmitting a ADJOURNMENT mitting a draft of the legislation necessary draft of a joint resolution entitled, ‘‘Approv- Mr. WATT. Mr. Speaker, I move that to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank of ing the location of a Dwight D. Eisenhower the House do now adjourn. the United States; to the Committee on Fi- Memorial in the Nation’s Capital.’’; to the The motion was agreed to; accord- nancial Services. Committee on Resources. 6300. A letter from the Deputy Director, 6312. A letter from the Director, Depart- ingly (at 11 o’clock and 54 minutes Defense Security Cooperation Agency, trans- ment of the Interior, transmitting the De- p.m.), the House adjourned until to- mitting reports in accordance with Section partment’s final rule — Implementation of morrow, Wednesday, March 1, 2006, at 36(a) of the Arms Export Control Act, pursu- the Equal Access to Justice Act in Agency 10 a.m. ant to 22 U.S.C. 2776(a); to the Committee on Proceedings (RIN: 1094-AA49) received Feb- f International Relations. ruary 8, 2006, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 6301. A letter from the Deputy Director, 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Resources. EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, Defense Security Cooperation Agency, trans- 6313. A letter from the Acting Assistant ETC. mitting reports in accordance with Section Secretary for Land and Minerals Manage- Under clause 8 of rule XII, executive 36(a) of the Arms Export Control Act, pursu- ment, Department of the Interior, transmit- ant to 22 U.S.C. 2776(a); to the Committee on ting a copy of the report entitled, ‘‘Com- communications were taken from the International Relations. prehensive Inventory of U.S. OCS Oil and Speaker’s table and referred as follows: 6302. A letter from the Principal Deputy Natural Gas Resources’’ as required by Sec- 6290. A communication from the President for Personnel and Readiness, Department of tion 357 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005; to of the United States, transmitting requests Defense, transmitting a report on the audit the Committee on Resources.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE H448 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 28, 2006 6314. A letter from the Deputy Chief for Na- and Modifications to the Deposit Rules [TD — Recomputed Differential Earnings Rate tional Forest System, Department of Agri- 9239] (RIN: 1545-BE00) received January 4, for Mutual Life Insurance Companies [Notice culture, transmitting the 2004 Report to Con- 2006, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the 2006-18] received February 6, 2006, pursuant gress for Granite Watershed Enhancement Committee on Ways and Means. to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on and Protection Stewardship Project, pursu- 6325. A letter from the Chief, Publications Ways and Means. ant to Public Law 105–821; to the Committee and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue 6336. A letter from the Chief, Publications on Resources. Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue 6315. A letter from the Director, National — Revision of Income Tax Regulations under Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, sections 367, 884, and 6038B dealing with stat- — Weighted Average Interest Rate Update transmitting the 2005 report on the Appor- utory mergers or consolidations under sec- [Notice 2006-19] received February 16, 2006, tionment of Membership on the Regional tion 368(a)(1)(A) involving one or more for- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- Fishery Management Councils pursuant to eign corporations, and guidance necessary to mittee on Ways and Means. section 302 (b)(2)(B) of the Magnuson-Stevens facilitate business electronic filing under 6337. A letter from the Chief, Publications Fishery Conservation and Management Act; section 6038B [TD 9243] (RIN: 1545-BA65) re- and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue to the Committee on Resources. ceived January 26, 2006, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule 6316. A letter from the President and Chief 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Ways and — Electricity Produced From Certain Re- Executive Officer, Little League Baseball, Means. transmitting the Annual Report of Little 6326. A letter from the Chief, Publications newable Resources (Rev. Rul. 2006-9) received League Baseball, Incorporated for the fiscal and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue February 8, 2006, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. year ending September 30, 2005, pursuant to Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Ways and 36 U.S.C. 1084(b); to the Committee on the — Allocation and Apportionment of Ex- Means. Judiciary. penses Alternative Method for Determining 6338. A letter from the Chief, Publications 6317. A letter from the Director, Office of Tax Book Value of Assets [TD 9247] (RIN: and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Legislative Affairs, Railroad Retirement 1545-BF23) received January 30, 2006, pursu- Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule Board, transmitting a copy of a draft bill en- ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee — Appeals Settlement Guidelines: Notional titled, ‘‘To amend the Railroad Retirement on Ways and Means. Principal Contracts (UIL No. 9300.20-00) re- Act to provide for continued payment of rail- 6327. A letter from the Chief, Publications ceived February 16, 2006, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. road retirement annuities by the Depart- and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Ways and ment of the Treasury and for other pur- Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule Means. poses’’; to the Committee on Transportation — Clarification of Definitions [TD 9246] (RIN: 6339. A letter from the Chief, Publications and Infrastructure. 1545-BD37) received January 30, 3006, pursu- and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue 6318. A communication from the President ant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule of the United States, transmitting notifica- on Ways and Means. — Tax Avoidance Using Notional Principal tion of his intention to designate Liberia as 6328. A letter from the Chief, Publications Contacts [Notice 2006-16] received February a beneficiary developing country under the and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue 16, 2006, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule the Committee on Ways and Means. pursuant to Public Law 104–188, section — Last-in, First-out Inventories (Rev. Rul. 6340. A letter from the Chief, Publications 1952(a)(110 Stat. 1917); (H. Doc. No. 109–92); to 2006-6) received January 30, 2006, pursuant to and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue the Committee on Ways and Means and or- 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule dered to be printed. Ways and Means. — Postponement of Deadline for Making an 6319. A letter from the United States Trade 6329. A letter from the Chief, Publications Election to Deduct Certain Losses Attrib- Representative, Executive Office of the and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue utable to Hurricane Katrina, Rita, and President, transmitting a report on supple- Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule Wilma [Notice 2006-17] received February 22, mentary views from the agricultural policy — Escrow Funds and Other Similar Funds 2006, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the and technical advisory committees (Grains, [TD 9249] (RIN: 1545-AR82) received February Committee on Ways and Means. Feed and Oilseeds; Processed Foods; Sweet- 6, 2006, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to eners; and Tobacco, Cotton and Peanuts) on the Committee on Ways and Means. 6341. A letter from the Chief, Publications the United States-Peru Trade Promotion 6330. A letter from the Chief, Publications and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Agreement; to the Committee on Ways and and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule Means. Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule — Determination of Issue Price in the Case 6320. A letter from the United States Trade — Residence Rules Involving U.S. Posses- of Certain Debt Instruments Issued for Prop- Representative, Executive Office of the sions [TD 9248] (RIN: 1545-BC86) received Feb- erty (Rev. Rul. 2006-10) received February 22, President, transmitting the reports of the ruary 6, 2006, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 2006, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Ways and Committee on Ways and Means. Negotiations, and the policy, sectoral and Means. 6342. A letter from the Chief, Publications functional trade committees chartered under 6331. A letter from the Chief, Publications and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue those Acts, on the United States-Peru Trade and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule Promotion Agreement, pursuant to Section Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule — Clean Renewable Energy Bonds [Notice 2104(e) of the Trade Act of 2002 and Section — Announcement of rules adopting a reason- 2006-7] received February 22, 2006, pursuant 135(e) of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended; able cause standard for section 1503(d) filings to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on to the Committee on Ways and Means. [Notice 2006-13] received February 6, 2006, Ways and Means. 6321. A letter from the Acting Chief, Publi- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- 6343. A letter from the Chief, Publications cations and Regulations Branch, Internal mittee on Ways and Means. and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Revenue Service, transmitting the Service’s 6332. A letter from the Chief, Publications Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule final rule — Weighted Average Interest Rate and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue — Application of Section 367 in Cross Border Update [Notice 2006-8] received January 20, Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule Section 304 Transactions; Certain Transfers 2006, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the — Redemption Bogus Optional Basis Tax of Stock Involving Foreign Corporations [TD Committee on Ways and Means. Shelter (UIL No: 9300.42-00) received Feb- 9250] (RIN: 1545-BD46) received February 22, 6322. A letter from the Acting Chief, Publi- ruary 6, 2006, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 2006, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the cations and Regulations Branch, Internal 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Ways and Committee on Ways and Means. Revenue Service, transmitting the Service’s Means. final rule — Designated Roth contributions 6333. A letter from the Chief, Publications 6344. A letter from the Regulations Officer, to cash or deferred arrangements under sec- and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Social Security Administration, transmit- tion 401(k) [TD 9237] (RIN: 1545-BE05) re- Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule ting the Administration’s final rule — Work ceived January 4, 2006, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. — Extension of June 28, 2005, Safe Harbor Activity of Persons Working as Members of 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Ways and Date [Notice 2006-15] received February 6, Advisory Committees Established Under the Means. 2006, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) 6323. A letter from the Acting Chief, Publi- Committee on Ways and Means. (RIN: 0960-AG07) received January 30, 2006, cations and Regulations Branch, Internal 6334. A letter from the Chief, Publications pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- Revenue Service, transmitting the Service’s and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue mittee on Ways and Means. final rule — Revenue Procedure Updates Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule 6345. A letter from the Regulations Officer, (Rev. Proc. 2006-7) received January 3, 2006, — Administrative, Procedural, and Miscella- Social Security Administration, transmit- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- neous (Rev. Proc. 2006-16) received February ting the Administration’s final rule — Re- mittee on Ways and Means. 6, 2006, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to vised Medical Criteria for Evaluating Cardio- 6324. A letter from the Chief, Publications the Committee on Ways and Means. vascular Impairments (RIN: 0960-AD48) re- and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue 6335. A letter from the Chief, Publications ceived January 17, 2006, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Ways and — Time for Filing Employment Tax Returns Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule Means.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:31 Nov 18, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORDCX\T37X$J0E\H28FE6.REC H28FE6 ccoleman on PROD1PC71 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H449

6346. A letter from the Regulations Officer, GOHMERT, Mr. GORDON, Mr. GENE GERLACH, Mr. GILCHREST, Mr. GOR- Social Security Administration, transmit- GREEN of Texas, Mr. AL GREEN of DON, Mr. GRAVES, Mr. HALL, Mr. ting the Administration’s final rule — Rep- Texas, Ms. HARMAN, Ms. HERSETH, HAYES, Mr. HEFLEY, Mr. HERGER, Ms. resentation of Parties; Recognition, Dis- Mr. HOLT, Ms. HOOLEY, Ms. JACKSON- HERSETH, Mr. HIGGINS, Mr. HOEK- qualification, and Reinstatement of Rep- LEE of Texas, Mr. JINDAL, Mr. SAM STRA, Mr. HOLDEN, Mr. HONDA, Mr. resentative (RIN: 0960-AG15) received Janu- JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. KENNEDY of HOYER, Mr. HYDE, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE ary 11, 2006, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Rhode Island, Mr. KING of Iowa, Mr. JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. JOHNSON of Il- to the Committee on Ways and Means. LANGEVIN, Mr. LANTOS, Mr. LARSON linois, Ms. KAPTUR, Mrs. KELLY, Mr. f of Connecticut, Mr. LOBIONDO, Mrs. KENNEDY of Minnesota, Mr. KOLBE, LOWEY, Mr. LYNCH, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. Mr. LANTOS, Mr. LARSEN of Wash- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON MARSHALL, Ms. MATSUI, Mrs. MCCAR- ington, Mr. LATOURETTE, Mr. LEACH, PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS THY, Mr. MCCAUL of Texas, Mr. Mr. LEWIS of California, Mr. MCCOTTER, Mr. MCDERMOTT, Mr. MCCOTTER, Mr. MCCRERY, Mr. MACK, Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of MCGOVERN, Mr. MCNULTY, Mr. MEEK Mr. MARCHANT, Mr. MICA, Mr. committees were delivered to the Clerk of Florida, Mr. MICHAUD, Mr. NADLER, MICHAUD, Mr. GARY G. MILLER of for printing and reference to the proper Mr. NEY, Mr. ORTIZ, Mr. PALLONE, California, Mr. GEORGE MILLER of calendar, as follows: Mr. PASCRELL, Mr. PENCE, Mr. California, Mr. MILLER of Florida, Mr. BARTON of Texas: Committee on En- PLATTS, Mr. POMEROY, Mr. RAMSTAD, Mr. MORAN of Kansas, Mr. NADLER, ergy and Commerce. H.R. 4167. A bill to Mr. REICHERT, Mr. REYNOLDS, Mr. Mr. NEY, Ms. NORTON, Mr. OBEY, Mr. amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic ROTHMAN, Mr. RUPPERSBERGER, Mr. ORTIZ, Mr. OSBORNE, Mr. PASCRELL, Act to provide for uniform food safety warn- SHAYS, Mr. SIMMONS, Mr. SMITH of Mr. PETRI, Mr. PORTER, Mr. REGULA, ing notification requirements, and for other New Jersey, Mr. SOUDER, Mr. Mr. PLATTS, Mr. RAHALL, Mr. RAN- purposes (Rept. 109–379). Referred to the SWEENEY, Mr. TANCREDO, Mr. THOMP- GEL, Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky, Mr. Committee of the Whole House on the State SON of Mississippi, Mr. TIBERI, Mr. ROSS, Mr. SALAZAR, Mr. SAXTON, Mrs. of the Union. UDALL of New Mexico, Mr. VAN SCHMIDT, Ms. SCHWARTZ of Pennsyl- HOLLEN, Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, vania, Mr. SENSENBRENNER, Mr. f Mr. WELDON of Pennsylvania, Mr. SHAW, Mr. SHERWOOD, Mr. SHIMKUS, REPORTED BILLS SEQUENTIALLY WESTMORELAND, and Mr. WOLF): Mr. SMITH of New Jersey, Mr. SHU- REFERRED H.R. 4807. A bill to require an investigation STER, Mr. SIMMONS, Mr. SKELTON, Mr. under the Defense Production Act of 1950 of SNYDER, Mr. SODREL, Mrs. TAUSCHER, Under clause 2 of rule XII, bills and the acquisition by Dubai Ports World of the Mr. THOMAS, Mr. TOWNS, Mr. UPTON, reports were delivered to the Clerk for Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Mr. WALSH, Mr. WAXMAN, Mr. printing, and bills referred as follows: Company, and for other purposes; to the WEINER, Mr. WELDON of Pennsyl- Mr. POMBO: Committee on Resources. Committee on Financial Services, and in ad- vania, Mr. WESTMORELAND, Mr. WICK- dition to the Committees on Energy and H.R. 1071. A bill to direct the Secretary of ER, Mr. WOLF, and Mr. YOUNG of Flor- Commerce, International Relations, and Energy to make incentive payments to the ida): Homeland Security, for a period to be subse- owners or operators of qualified desalination quently determined by the Speaker, in each H.R. 4811. A bill to designate the facility of facilities to partially offset the cost of elec- case for consideration of such provisions as the United States Postal Service located at trical energy required to operate such facili- fall within the jurisdiction of the committee 215 West Industrial Park Road in Harrison, ties, and for other purposes; with an amend- concerned. Arkansas, as the ‘‘John Paul Hammer- ment, (Rept. 109–380, Pt. 1); Referred to the By Mr. JONES of North Carolina (for schmidt Post Office Building’’; to the Com- Committee on Energy and Commerce for a himself and Mr. KILDEE): mittee on Government Reform. period ending not later than March 31, 2006, H.R. 4808. A bill to prohibit the importa- By Mr. BROWN of Ohio (for himself, for consideration of such provisions of the tion of motor vehicles of the People’s Repub- Mr. MICHAUD, Mr. STRICKLAND, Ms. bill and amendment as fall within the juris- lic of China until the tariff rates that China LEE, Mr. GRIJALVA, and Mr. HOLDEN): diction of that committee pursuant to clause imposes on motor vehicles of the United 1(f), rule X Ordered to be printed. H.R. 4812. A bill to provide greater ac- States are equal to the rates of duty applica- countability in reviewing the national secu- f ble to motor vehicles of the People’s Repub- rity considerations of free trade agreements; lic of China under the Harmonized Tariff to the Committee on Ways and Means, and in PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Schedule of the United States; to the Com- addition to the Committee on Rules, for a mittee on Ways and Means. Under clause 2 of rule XII, public period to be subsequently determined by the By Mrs. MILLER of Michigan (for her- bills and resolutions were introduced Speaker, in each case for consideration of self and Mr. LYNCH): and severally referred, as follows: H.R. 4809. A bill to amend the provisions of such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- By Mr. JOHNSON of Illinois (for him- chapter 35 of title 44, United States Code, tion of the committee concerned. self, Mr. HASTERT, Mr. KIRK, Mr. commonly referred to as the Paperwork Re- By Mr. FOLEY (for himself, Mr. EMANUEL, Mrs. BIGGERT, Mr. LIPIN- duction Act, to ensure usability and clarity THOMPSON of Mississippi, Mr. BROWN SKI, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. of information disseminated by Federal of Ohio, Mrs. BONO, Mr. MCCOTTER, SHIMKUS, Mr. WELLER, Mr. COSTELLO, agencies, and to facilitate compliance with Mr. RUPPERSBERGER, Mr. FOSSELLA, Mr. GUTIERREZ, Mr. MANZULLO, Ms. Federal paperwork requirements; to the Mr. BERRY, Mr. SAM JOHNSON of BEAN, Mr. EVANS, Mr. LAHOOD, Ms. Committee on Government Reform. Texas, Mr. MICHAUD, Mr. WU, Mr. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. RUSH, Mr. JACKSON By Mr. BISHOP of Utah: TIBERI, Mr. SHAYS, Mr. FEENEY, Mr. of Illinois, and Mr. HYDE): H.R. 4810. A bill to amend the provisions of DAVIS of Tennessee, Mr. LOBIONDO, H.R. 4805. A bill to designate the facility of the Higher Education Act of 1965 relating to Mr. WOLF, Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin, the United States Postal Service located at Academic Competitiveness Grants to pre- Mr. WAMP, Mr. WEXLER, Mr. DEFAZIO, 105 North Quincy Street in Clinton, Illinois, serve State authority over secondary school Mr. TERRY, Mr. HOLDEN, Mr. SIM- as the ‘‘Gene Vance Post Office Building’’; to curricula; to the Committee on Education MONS, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. ROSS, Mrs. the Committee on Government Reform. and the Workforce. EMERSON, Mr. BROWN of South Caro- By Mr. ANDREWS: By Mr. BOOZMAN (for himself, Mr. lina, Mr. MCGOVERN, Ms. HARRIS, and H.R. 4806. A bill to prohibit defense con- HASTERT, Mr. YOUNG of Alaska, Mr. Mr. DAVIS of Kentucky): tractors from requiring licenses or fees for OBERSTAR, Mr. ACKERMAN, Mr. BACH- H.R. 4813. A bill to amend the Defense Pro- use of military likenesses and designations; US, Mr. BAIRD, Mr. BAKER, Ms. BERK- duction Act of 1950 to improve national secu- to the Committee on Armed Services. LEY, Mr. BERMAN, Mr. BERRY, Mr. rity and clarify congressional intent with re- By Mr. KING of New York (for himself, BILIRAKIS, Mr. BISHOP of New York, spect to the review process for certain merg- Mr. ADERHOLT, Mr. BACHUS, Mr. BAR- Mr. BLUMENAUER, Mr. BOEHLERT, Mr. ers and acquisitions, and for other purposes; ROW, Mr. BERRY, Mr. BILIRAKIS, Mr. BOSWELL, Mr. BOUSTANY, Mr. BRAD- to the Committee on Financial Services, and BOSWELL, Mr. BRADLEY of New Hamp- LEY of New Hampshire, Mr. BRADY of in addition to the Committees on Energy and shire, Mr. BROWN of South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ms. CORRINE BROWN of Commerce, and International Relations, for Mr. BROWN of Ohio, Ms. GINNY Florida, Mr. BROWN of South Caro- a period to be subsequently determined by BROWN-WAITE of Florida, Mr. lina, Ms. CARSON, Mr. CHANDLER, Mr. the Speaker, in each case for consideration CAPUANO, Mr. CLEAVER, Mr. COLE of COBLE, Mr. CONYERS, Mr. COSTELLO, of such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- Oklahoma, Mr. CUMMINGS, Mrs. JO Mr. CUMMINGS, Mr. DEFAZIO, Mr. tion of the committee concerned. ANN DAVIS of Virginia, Mr. DAVIS of DENT, Mr. DICKS, Mr. DINGELL, Mr. By Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey: Florida, Mr. DEFAZIO, Ms. DELAURO, DREIER, Mr. DUNCAN, Mr. EHLERS, Mr. Mr. DICKS, Mr. DOOLITTLE, Mr. FRANK EVANS, Mr. ENGLISH of Pennsylvania, H.R. 4814. A bill to amend section 721 of the of Massachusetts, Mr. GARRETT of Mr. FILNER, Mr. FORTUN˜ O, Mr. FRANK Defense Production Act of 1950 to suspend all New Jersey, Mr. GIBBONS, Mr. of Massachusetts, Mr. GALLEGLY, Mr. proposed mergers, acquisitions, or takeovers

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by foreign persons until certain determina- World); to the Committee on Financial Serv- H.R. 363: Mr. WYNN, Mr. BROWN of Ohio, tions are made; to the Committee on Finan- ices, and in addition to the Committees on and Mr. REYES. cial Services, and in addition to the Commit- Energy and Commerce, and International H.R. 398: Mr. CLAY. tees on Energy and Commerce, and Inter- Relations, for a period to be subsequently de- H.R. 500: Mr. ISTOOK and Mr. GOHMERT. national Relations, for a period to be subse- termined by the Speaker, in each case for H.R. 515: Mr. KUHL of New York, Mr. MEEK quently determined by the Speaker, in each consideration of such provisions as fall with- of Florida, and Mr. ROSS. case for consideration of such provisions as in the jurisdiction of the committee con- H.R. 550: Mr. WALDEN of Oregon. fall within the jurisdiction of the committee cerned. H.R. 552: Mr. JENKINS and Mr. ALEXANDER. concerned. By Mr. THOMPSON of California: H.R. 561: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. By Mr. GILLMOR: H. Con. Res. 348. Concurrent resolution ex- H.R. 615: Ms. MCCOLLUM of Minnesota and H.R. 4815. A bill to establish a National Sex pressing the sense of Congress with respect Ms. HART. Offender Risk Classification Task Force to to accomplishing the mission in Iraq; to the H.R. 633: Mr. KILDEE. create guidelines for the establishment of a Committee on International Relations, and H.R. 769: Mr. EVANS, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, and risk-based sex offender classification system in addition to the Committee on Armed Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. for use in sex offender registries; to the Com- Services, for a period to be subsequently de- H.R. 857: Mr. BROWN of South Carolina. mittee on the Judiciary. termined by the Speaker, in each case for H.R. 865: Mr. TANCREDO. By Mr. HAYWORTH: consideration of such provisions as fall with- H.R. 874: Mr. GOODLATTE and Mr. GINGREY. H.R. 4816. A bill to amend chapter 27 of in the jurisdiction of the committee con- H.R. 880: Mr. KENNEDY of Minnesota and title 18, United States Code, to prohibit the cerned. Mr. JEFFERSON. unauthorized construction of tunnels be- By Mr. HYDE (for himself and Mr. LAN- H.R. 884: Mr. GUTIERREZ and Mr. SALAZAR. tween the United States and another coun- TOS): H.R. 898: Mr. FOSSELLA, Mr. YOUNG of Alas- try; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H. Res. 697. A resolution congratulating ka, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. CUELLAR, and Mr. By Mr. HAYWORTH: the people and Government of Italy, the WALSH. H.R. 4817. A bill to prohibit entities owned Torino Olympic Organizing Committee, the H.R. 986: Mr. CUMMINGS. or controlled by foreign governments from International Olympic Committee, the H.R. 998: Mr. GOHMERT and Ms. JACKSON- carrying out operations at seaports in the United States Olympic Committee, the 2006 LEE of Texas. United States; to the Committee on Trans- United States Olympic Team, and all inter- H.R. 1002: Mr. CARDIN and Mr. LIPINSKI. portation and Infrastructure, and in addition national athletes upon the successful com- H.R. 1053: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mrs. MILLER of to the Committee on International Rela- pletion of the 2006 Olympic Winter Games in Michigan, and Mr. MCKEON. tions, for a period to be subsequently deter- Turin, Italy; to the Committee on Inter- H.R. 1100: Mr. MCCOTTER. mined by the Speaker, in each case for con- national Relations. H.R. 1188: Mr. PAYNE, Mr. ANDREWS, Mr. sideration of such provisions as fall within By Mr. KNOLLENBERG: BISHOP of New York, and Ms. MCKINNEY. the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. H. Res. 698. A resolution expressing the H.R. 1249: Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin, Mr. By Mr. HEFLEY: sense of the House of Representatives that PLATTS, and Mr. WELLER. H.R. 4818. A bill to establish the South all Americans should participate in a mo- H.R. 1258: Mrs. CUBIN. Park National Heritage Area in the State of ment of silence to reflect upon the service H.R. 1259: Mr. MURPHY and Mr. DEAL of Colorado, and for other purposes; to the and sacrifice of members of the United Georgia. Committee on Resources. States Armed Forces both at home and H.R. 1288: Mrs. BIGGERT. By Mr. LEACH: abroad; to the Committee on Armed Serv- H.R. 1290: Mr. BISHOP of New York. H.R. 4819. A bill to amend the Federal Elec- ices. H.R. 1322: Mr. WYNN, Mr. ALLEN, Mr. MUR- tion Campaign Act of 1971 to prohibit By Mr. PRICE of North Carolina (for THA, and Mr. PAYNE. nonparty multicandidate political commit- himself, Mr. MOLLOHAN, Mr. RAHALL, H.R. 1323: Mr. WYNN and Mr. BARROW. tees from making contributions in support of Mr. OSBORNE, Mr. LANGEVIN, Mr. H.R. 1330: Mr. GRIJALVA and Mr. CONYERS. campaigns for election for Federal office, KENNEDY of Rhode Island, Mr. BROWN H.R. 1357: Mr. BEAUPREZ, Mrs. DRAKE, Mr. and for other purposes; to the Committee on of Ohio, Ms. BORDALLO, Mr. GOHMERT, Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- House Administration. ETHERIDGE, Mr. CHANDLER, Mr. fornia, Miss MCMORRIS, Mr. BONNER, Mr. By Mr. MARKEY: GRIJALVA, Mr. HIGGINS, Ms. ESHOO, CARTER, Mr. COLE of Oklahoma, Mr. ˜ H.R. 4820. A bill to amend the Defense Pro- Mr. HOLT, Ms. MATSUI, Mr. OTTER, CULBERSON, Mr. Fortuno, Mr. FLAKE, Ms. duction Act of 1950 to strengthen the re- Mr. PETERSON of Minnesota, Mr. HARRIS, and Mr. ISSA. quirements relating to investigations under MCINTYRE, and Mr. DAVIS of Illinois): H.R. 1375: Mr. KUCINICH. such Act, and for other purposes; to the Com- H. Res. 699. A resolution supporting the H.R. 1418: Mr. FILNER. mittee on Financial Services, and in addi- goals and ideals of National Entrepreneur- H.R. 1424: Mr. THOMPSON of California. tion to the Committees on Energy and Com- ship Week and encouraging the implementa- H.R. 1431: Mr. CONYERS, Mr. RUSH, Mr. merce, International Relations, and Home- tion of entrepreneurship education programs MCGOVERN, Mr. DOYLE, Mr. DOGGETT, Mr. land Security, for a period to be subse- in elementary and secondary schools and in- KILDEE, Mr. ROTHMAN, Mr. ENGLISH of Penn- quently determined by the Speaker, in each stitutions of higher education through the sylvania, Mr. LEWIS of Georgia, Ms. KAPTUR, case for consideration of such provisions as United States; to the Committee on Edu- Mr. SCOTT of Virginia, Mr. KUCINICH, Mr. fall within the jurisdiction of the committee cation and the Workforce. FITZPATRICK of Pennsylvania, and Ms. concerned. By Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN (for herself SCHAKOWSKY. By Mr. PALLONE (for himself, Mr. and Mr. WEXLER): H.R. 1462: Mr. ENGLISH of Pennsylvania and LOBIONDO, Mr. SAXTON, Mr. ANDREWS, H. Res. 700. A resolution supporting an up- Mr. MCCOTTER. Mr. PAYNE, and Mr. HINCHEY): grade in Israel’s relationship with NATO to H.R. 1558: Mrs. MCCARTHY. H.R. 4821. A bill to amend section 10501 of that of a leading member of NATO’s Indi- H.R. 1578: Mr. WILSON of South Carolina, title 49, United States Code, to exclude solid vidual Cooperation Program, as a first step Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey, Mr. ORTIZ, Ms. waste disposal from the jurisdiction of the toward Israel’s inclusion in NATO as a full ESHOO, Mr. POMEROY, Ms. CORRINE BROWN of Surface Transportation Board; to the Com- member with all corresponding rights, privi- Florida, and Mr. TANCREDO. mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- leges, and responsibilities; to the Committee H.R. 1591: Mr. JOHNSON of Illinois. ture. on International Relations. H.R. 1607: Mrs. MUSGRAVE. By Mr. SESSIONS: H.R. 1621: Mr. BROWN of Ohio. H.R. 4822. A bill to amend the Energy Pol- f H.R. 1690: Mrs. WILSON of New Mexico. icy and Conservation Act to permit develop- ADDITIONAL SPONSORS H.R. 1696: Mr. SWEENEY. ment of necessary technology to reduce en- H.R. 1704: Ms. HART. ergy demand through more efficient Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors H.R. 1709: Mr. CAPUANO. torchiere lighting; to the Committee on En- were added to public bills and resolu- H.R. 1951: Mr. MILLER of North Carolina, ergy and Commerce. tions as follows: Mr. AKIN, Ms. CARSON, Mr. TURNER, Mr. By Mr. VISCLOSKY (for himself and H.R. 23: Mrs. CAPITO. PAUL, and Mr. KILDEE. Mr. EMANUEL): H.R. 25: Mr. MORAN of Kansas. H.R. 1955: Mr. BROWN of Ohio. H.R. 4823. A bill to establish a United H.R. 30: Mr. NEY and Mr. BISHOP of Geor- H.R. 1957: Mr. BASS. States-Poland parliamentary youth ex- gia. H.R. 2048: Ms. CARSON and Mr. HONDA. change program, and for other purposes; to H.R. 87: Mr. ANDREWS, Mr. Pascrell, and H.R. 2063: Mr. PUTNAM and Mr. SOUDER. the Committee on International Relations. Mr. LOBIONDO. H.R. 2178: Ms. MCKINNEY. By Ms. HARMAN: H.R. 110: Mr. FATTAH. H.R. 2206: Mr. FATTAH, Mr. THOMPSON of H.J. Res. 79. A joint resolution dis- H.R. 115: Mr. FATTAH. California, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Mrs. CAPPS, approving the results of the review con- H.R. 198: Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. JOHNSON of Illinois, and Ms. BALDWIN. ducted by the Committee on Foreign Invest- H.R. 282: Mr. HOLDEN, Mr. DEAL of Georgia, H.R. 2317: Mr. POE. ment in the United States (CFIUS) into the and Mr. OLVER. H.R. 2369: Mr. FITZPATRICK of Pennsyl- purchase of Peninsular and Oriental Steam H.R. 303: Mr. SIMMONS, Mr. SULLIVAN, and vania, Ms. WATSON, Mr. STRICKLAND, Ms. Navigation (P&O) by Dubai Ports World (DP Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. BORDALLO, Mr. POE, Mr. JONES of North

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Carolina, Mr. LEWIS of Kentucky, Mr. H.R. 3962: Mr. BURGESS, Mr. UPTON, Mr. H.R. 4736: Mr. SHAYS. GILCHREST, Mr. BISHOP of New York, Mr. SANDERS, and Ms. BORDALLO. H.R. 4737: Mr. WEXLER. HOSTETTLER, Mr. TIERNEY, Mr. DUNCAN, Mr. H.R. 3964: Ms. MCKINNEY. H.R. 4747: Ms. MILLENDER-MCDONALD, Ms. TANNER, Mr. RUPPERSBERGER, Mr. GARRETT H.R. 3973: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. ROS-LEHTINEN, Mr. MCNULTY, Mrs. MCCAR- of New Jersey, Mr. FERGUSON, Mr. SPRATT, H.R. 4005: Mr. PLATTS, Ms. CARSON, Mr. THY, Mrs. LOWEY, Mr. SAXTON, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. GIBBONS, Mr. SIMPSON, Mr. KUHL of New BROWN of Ohio, Ms. CORRINE BROWN of Flor- Mr. WAXMAN, and Ms. SOLIS. York, Mr. FORD, Mr. CONAWAY, Mr. FLAKE, ida, Mr. TOWNS, Mr. ACKERMAN, Mr. DENT, H.R. 4749: Mr. SKELTON and Ms. MATSUI. Mr. MORAN of Kansas, Mrs. LOWEY, Ms. and Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. H.R. 4755: Mr. ACKERMAN, Mr. MATHESON, BALDWIN, Mr. LOBIONDO, Mr. SHIMKUS, Mrs. H.R. 4019: Mr. TANNER, Mr. MATHESON, Mr. Mr. DOYLE, Mr. POE, Mr. BAIRD, Mr. CLAY, CAPPS, Mr. UPTON, Mrs. MILLER of Michigan, ROYCE, Mr. HOLDEN, Mr. SOUDER, and Ms. Ms. DEGETTE, Ms. PRYCE of Ohio, Ms. Mr. PUTNAM, Mrs. MUSGRAVE, Mr. MILLER of HART. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Mrs. MCCARTHY, Mr. North Carolina, Mr. CUELLAR, Mr. PETRI, Ms. H.R. 4023: Ms. HERSETH, Mr. CROWLEY, Mr. CLEAVER, Mrs. CAPPS, Ms. LEE, Mr. FORTUN˜ O, EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. HASTINGS of Florida, Mr. UDALL of Colorado, Mr. RUPPERSBERGER, Ms. CORRINE BROWN of BONILLA, Mr. BECERRA, Mr. PICKERING, Ms. Mr. BAIRD, Mr. MEEK of Florida, Mr. Florida, Mrs. TAUSCHER, Mr. BOUCHER, Mr. PRYCE of Ohio, Mr. SHUSTER, Mr. CALVERT, TIERNEY, Mrs. MALONEY, Ms. ESHOO, Ms. POMEROY, Mr. COSTA, Mr. MCDERMOTT, Mr. Mrs. JONES of Ohio, Ms. WOOLSEY, Mr. WIL- MATSUI, Mr. RAMSTAD, Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ KLINE, Mr. DAVIS of Florida, Mr. HASTINGS of SON of South Carolina, Mr. SIMMONS, Mr. of California, Mr. OWENS, Mr. CUMMINGS, Ms. Florida, Mr. CARNAHAN, Mr. WOLF, Mr. HIGGINS, Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of California, WATSON, Mr. SHAYS, Mr. CLAY, Mr. CAPUANO, DICKS, Ms. HART, Mr. MEEKS of New York, Mr. MEEHAN, Mr. HOLDEN, Mr. YOUNG of Alas- Mr. FORD, and Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. OWENS, Mr. SABO, Mr. BARRETT of South ka, Mrs. WILSON of New Mexico, Mr. UDALL H.R. 4025: Mr. GREEN of Wisconsin. Carolina, and Mr. CROWLEY. of New Mexico, Mr. SCHIFF, of New Mexico, H.R. 4026: Mr. ACKERMAN. H.R. 4761: Mr. BACHUS, Mr. COLE of Okla- Mr. SCHIFF, Mr. ISRAEL, and Mr. GILLMOR. H.R. 4059: Mr. HIGGINS and Mr. SANDERS. homa, and Mr. CANTOR. H.R. 2421: Mr. WYNN, Mr. PLATTS, Mr. MEE- H.R. 4158: Mr. MCGOVERN. H.R. 4772: Mr. NEUGEBAUER. HAN, Mr. CUMMINGS, Mr. UDALL of Colorado, H.R. 4166: Mr. WEXLER. H.R. 4774: Mrs. MILLER of Michigan and Mr. and Mrs. MCCARTHY. H.R. 4188: Mr. MICHAUD and Mr. FORD. KIRK. H.R. 2471: Mr. FORD. H.R. 4197: Mr. BROWN of Ohio, Ms. MATSUI, H.R. 4778: Mr. CASE. H.R. 2488: Mr. MOORE of Kansas. Mr. HOYER, and Ms. SOLIS. H.R. 4793: Mr. BASS, Ms. HERSETH, Mr. H.R. 2521: Mr. FATTAH and Mr. H.R. 4211: Mr. RUSH and Ms. KILPATRICK of SANDERS, Mr. FOSSELLA, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. LATOURETTE. Michigan. MCHUGH, Mr. WALSH, Mr. BRADLEY of New H.R. 2534: Mr. HEFLEY. H.R. 4229: Mr. MOORE of Kansas, Ms. ROY- Hampshire, Mr. KIND, Mr. SIMMONS, Mr. H.R. 2553: Ms. DELAURO. BAL-ALLARD, Mr. OLVER, and Mrs. TAUSCHER. NEAL of Massachusetts, Mr. RYAN of Ohio, H.R. 2561: Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. H.R. 4259: Mr. REYES. Mr. DELAHUNT, Mr. COSTELLO, Mr. MCNULTY, H.R. 2568: Mr. RAHALL. H.R. 4298: Mrs. CHRISTENSEN, Mr. Mr. SWEENEY, and Mr. KING of New York. H.R. 2669: Mr. CASTLE. MCCOTTER, Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas, and H.R. 4800: Mr. STUPAK. H.R. 2679: Mr. PLATTS, Mr. RADANOVICH, Mr. ABERCROMBIE. H.J. Res. 3: Mr. BEAUPREZ. Mr. MORAN of Kansas, Mr. RYUN of Kansas, H.R. 4341: Mr. KING of Iowa, Mr. H.J. Res. 16: Mr. GOHMERT. and Mr. TANCREDO. BUTTERFIELD, Mr. BONNER, and Mr. RENZI. H.J. Res. 67: Mr. NORWOOD. H.R. 2684: Mr. KUHL of New York, Mr. H.R. 4384: Mr. VAN HOLLEN and Ms. LEE. H.J. Res. 78: Mr. WILSON of South Carolina MCDERMOTT, Mr. CASE, Mrs. JOHNSON of Con- H.R. 4398: Mr. CLAY. and Mrs. EMERSON. necticut, Mr. MOORE of Kansas, Mr. SAXTON, H.R. 4422: Mrs. WILSON of New Mexico. H. Con. Res. 42: Mr. MARCHANT and Mr. Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. KUCINICH, and Mr. LAHOOD. H.R. 4452: Ms. KILPATRICK of Michigan and GREEN of Wisconsin. H.R. 2716: Mr. KIND and Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Ms. MATSUI. H. Con. Res. 172: Mr. FORD and Mr. H.R. 2717: Mr. GORDON. H.R. 4479: Mr. TIERNEY and Ms. LEE. WEXLER. H.R. 2719: Mrs. TAUSCHER. H.R. 4493: Mr. ORTIZ. H. Con. Res. 299: Mr. GRIJALVA and Ms. H.R. 2727: Ms. SLAUGHTER. H.R. 4517: Mr. LEWIS of Georgia, Ms. ROS- DEGETTE. H.R. 2788: Mr. MURTHA. LEHTINEN, and Mr. FEENEY. H. Con. Res. 318: Mr. GRIJALVA. H.R. 2872: Mr. BILIRAKIS, Mr. REHBERG, Ms. H.R. 4542: Mr. MORAN of Virginia, Mr. H. Con. Res. 320: Mr. BURTON of Indiana, DEGETTE, Mr. FORTENBERRY, Mr. TIERNEY, BECERRA, Mrs. MALONEY, Mr. MCCAUL of Mr. TOM DAVIS of Virginia, Mr. FRANKS of Mr. GINGREY, and Mr. NEAL of Massachu- Texas, Mr. NEAL of Massachusetts, Mr. SABO, Arizona, Mr. LANTOS, Ms. ZOE LOFGREN of setts. and Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. California, Mr. MCCOTTER, Mr. PAYNE, Mr. H.R. 3038: Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. H.R. 4546: Mr. WALSH. PITTS, Mr. ROHRABACHER, Mr. ROTHMAN, Ms. H.R. 3063: Ms. DEGETTE. H.R. 4547: Mr. PICKERING, Mr. CUELLAR, Mr. ROS-LEHTINEN, Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- H.R. 3145: Ms. CORRINE BROWN of Florida CANNON, Mr. ALEXANDER, Mr. FEENEY, Mr. fornia, and Mr. WEXLER. and Mr. SCOTT of Georgia. PETERSON of Minnesota, Mr. ROSS, Mr. BRAD- H. Con. Res. 335: Ms. MATSUI, Mr. WEXLER, H.R. 3189: Mr. PAYNE. LEY of New Hampshire, Mr. RAHALL, Mr. Mr. DAVIS of Alabama, Mr. DELAHUNT, Mr. H.R. 3248: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. MICHAUD, WESTMORELAND, and Mr. GINGREY. CARDOZA, Mr. WAXMAN, Ms. MILLENDER- Mr. SHAYS, Mr. KIND, Mr. RAHALL, Mr. H.R. 4597: Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas, Mr. MCDONALD, Ms. SLAUGHTER, Ms. BALDWIN, BONNER, Mr. SOUDER, and Mr. BACHUS. BISHOP of Georgia, Mr. GEORGE MILLER of H.R. 3255: Mr. WILSON of South Carolina Mrs. NAPOLITANO, and Mr. SANDERS. California, Mr. HONDA, Mr. RAHALL, Mr. SUL- H. Con. Res. 336: Mr. MCGOVERN and Mr. and Mr. EHLERS. LIVAN, and Mr. ROHRABACHER. H.R. 3307: Mr. RAHALL. GORDON. H.R. 4621: Mrs. MYRICK, Mr. JONES of North H.R. 3352: Mr. ENGLISH of Pennsylvania, H. Con. Res. 338: Mr. MCCOTTER, Mr. Carolina, Mr. DAVIS of Tennessee, Mr. BOYD, Mr. MCCOTTER, Mr. ALEXANDER, and Mr. RA- ENGEL, and Mr. WELLER. and Mr. POE. HALL. H. Con. Res. 340: Mr. MCNULTY, Mr. WU, OORE H.R. 3361: Mr. STRICKLAND. H.R. 4623: Ms. M of Wisconsin. Mr. LYNCH, Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Mrs. H.R. 3427: Mr. SAXTON. H.R. 4672: Mr. GORDON. MALONEY, Mr. TOM DAVIS of Virginia, Mr. H.R. 3476: Mr. PASTOR, Mr. BRADY of Penn- H.R. 4673: Mr. LEACH. WEXLER, Mr. MARKEY, and Mr. VAN HOLLEN. sylvania, Mr. ALEXANDER, Mr. EVANS, Mr. H.R. 4677: Mr. DENT. H. Con. Res. 343: Mr. HIGGINS. ALLEN, and Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. H.R. 4681: Mr. YOUNG of Florida, Mr. H. Con. Res. 346: Mr. GARRETT of New Jer- H.R. 3478: Mr. LOBIONDO, Mr. BROWN of BUTTERFIELD, Mr. ENGLISH of Pennsylvania, sey, Mr. WELLER, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. Ohio, Mr. ROHRABACHER, and Mr. HOLDEN. Mr. KINGSTON, Mr. SHAW, Mr. BONNER, Mr. FOSSELLA, and Mr. BONNER. H.R. 3547: Mr. JEFFERSON. PLATTS, Mr. DEAL of Georgia, Mr. HOLDEN, H. Res. 85: Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. UDALL of Col- H.R. 3590: Mr. PASTOR. Mr. ETHERIDGE, Mr. LOBIONDO, Mr. SAXTON, orado, Ms. MILLENDER-MCDONALD, and Mrs. H.R. 3616: Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. MARCHANT, Mr. STEARNS, Mr. SENSEN- EMERSON. H.R. 3639: Ms. DEGETTE. BRENNER, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. TOM DAVIS of H. Res. 526: Ms. MILLENDER-MCDONALD, Mr. H.R. 3658: Mr. HASTINGS of Florida, Mr. Virginia, Mr. FORD, and Mr. ALEXANDER. MCKEON, and Mr. WICKER. OWENS, Ms. KILPATRICK of Michigan, Mr. H.R. 4685: Mr. CUELLAR. H. Res. 556: Ms. MCKINNEY. LYNCH, Mr. RUSH, Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, H.R. 4695: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mrs. MCCAR- H. Res. 589: Ms. HART. and Mr. LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART of Florida. THY, Mr. WAXMAN, Mr. GRIJALVA, Ms. MCKIN- H. Res. 608: Mr. GORDON and Mr. SMITH of H.R. 3734: Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. NEY, and Mr. RANGEL. New Jersey. H.R. 3762: Ms. Linda T. Sa´ nchez of Cali- H.R. 4696: Mr. DENT. H. Res. 638: Mr. ALLEN, Mr. BECERRA, Mr. fornia and Mr. NADLER. H.R. 4708: Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. BOSWELL, Ms. CORRINE BROWN of Florida, Mr. H.R. 3779: Mr. MOORE of Kansas and Mr. H.R. 4725: Mr. PAUL, Mr. CAMP of Michigan, BUTTERFIELD, Mrs. CAPPS, Mr. CAPUANO, Mr. KILDEE. Mr. COBLE, Mr. GUTKNECHT, Mr. SAXTON, Mr. CARNAHAN, Mr. COOPER, Mr. DELAHUNT, Ms. H.R. 3837: Mr. STARK and Mr. MOORE of SMITH of Texas, Mr. THORNBERRY, Mr. WICK- DELAURO, Mr. EDWARDS, Mr. ENGEL, Mr. Kansas. ER, Mrs. CAPITO, and Mr. COLE of Oklahoma. FATTAH, Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts, Mr. AL H.R. 3883: Mr. MILLER of North Carolina, H.R. 4729: Mr. LYNCH, Mr. HIGGINS, Mr. GREEN of Texas, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. HINCHEY, Mr. LUCAS, Mr. YOUNG of Alaska, and Mr. ENGLISH of Pennsylvania, Mr. CONYERS, and Mr. HINOJOSA, Mr. HONDA, Mr. INSLEE, Mr. ABERCROMBIE. Mr. KILDEE. JACKSON of Illinois, Ms. JACKSON-LEE of

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Texas, Ms. KAPTUR, Mr. KUCINICH, Mr. H. Res. 643: Mr. WAXMAN and Mr. MICHAUD. EVANS, Mr. BURGESS, Mr. KIRK, Mr. CROW- LARSON of Connecticut, Ms. LEE, Mr. LEVIN, H. Res. 645: Ms. LEE. LEY, Mr. TERRY, Mr. SULLIVAN, Mr. BRADY of Mr. LEWIS of Georgia, Ms. MCCOLLUM of Min- H. Res. 647: Ms. BORDALLO. Texas, Mr. BARRETT of South Carolina, Mr. nesota, Mr. MCDERMOTT, Mr. MCGOVERN, Ms. H. Res. 658: Mr. REYES, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. HULSHOF, and Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. MCKINNEY, Ms. MATSUI, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, FARR, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Mr. KUCINICH, Mr. H. Res. 675: Mr. MEEKS of New York, Mr. Mr. OWENS, Mr. PASTOR, Mr. PAYNE, Ms. BAIRD, Mr. ACKERMAN, Mr. PAYNE, Ms. LEE, ROTHMAN, Mr. OBERSTAR, and Ms. PELOSI, Mr. PRICE of North Carolina, Mr. and Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. REICHERT, Mr. RUSH, Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ H. Res. 672: Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. H. Res. 677: Mr. SCOTT of Georgia, Mr. of California, Mr. SCOTT of Virginia, Mr. H. Res. 673: Mr. BOOZMAN, Mr. LIPINSKI, Mr. FORD, Mrs. JONES of Ohio, and Ms. WATERS. SERRANO, Mr. SHERMAN, Mr. SMITH of Wash- SHAYS, Mr. WELLER, Mr. PALLONE, Mr. H. Res. 691: Mr. LEWIS of Georgia, Mr. ington, Mr. SNYDER, Ms. SOLIS, Mr. TIERNEY, CONAWAY, Ms. BEAN, Mrs. BIGGERT, Mr. LIN- MCCOTTER, and Mr. PAYNE. Mr. TOWNS, Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, Ms. WATSON, Mr. COLN DIAZ-BALART of Florida, Mr. BURTON of H. Res. 693: Mr. NEAL of Massachusetts, Ms. WATT, and Ms. WOOLSEY. Indiana, Mr. LANTOS, Mr. LAHOOD, Mr. DAVIS BORDALLO, Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas, Ms. H. Res. 641: Mr. OWENS. of Kentucky, Mr. SMITH of New Jersey, Mr. NORTON, and Mr. CLEAVER.

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Vol. 152 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2006 No. 23 Senate The Senate met at 9:45 a.m. and was APPOINTMENT OF ACTING be invoked, and therefore we have an called to order by the Honorable PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE agreement that the vote on passage of GEORGE ALLEN, a Senator from the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the bill will occur at 10 a.m. tomorrow, State of Virginia. clerk will please read a communication on Wednesday. On Wednesday, in addition to the PA- to the Senate from the President pro PRAYER TRIOT Act amendments bill, we will tempore (Mr. STEVENS). return to the conference report on the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Today’s The legislative clerk read as follows: underlying PATRIOT Act. That con- prayer will by offered by the guest U.S. SENATE, Chaplain, Bishop Steven E. Wright, Na- ference report will require an addi- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, tional cloture vote and we will have tional Chaplain for the American Le- Washington, DC, February 28, 2006. gion, from Layton, UT. To the Senate: that vote on Wednesday afternoon. I remind my colleagues that on The guest Chaplain offered the fol- Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, Wednesday we will have a joint meet- lowing prayer: of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby ing with the House of Representatives Let us pray: appoint the Honorable GEORGE ALLEN, a Sen- ator from the State of Virginia, to perform in order to hear an address by the Our Father who art in heaven, we the duties of the Chair. Prime Minister of Italy. That address humbly thank Thee for untold bless- TED STEVENS, will begin at 11 o’clock tomorrow ings poured out upon the people of this President pro tempore. morning, and therefore Senators are great Nation. From our earliest begin- Mr. ALLEN thereupon assumed the asked to gather in the Senate Chamber nings, we have placed our trust in Thy Chair as Acting President pro tempore. at 10:30 so we can proceed together at power to guide and defend us. We reaf- f 10:40 to the Hall of the House of Rep- firm that trust as we seek Thy resentatives. I will have more to say strength, Thy wisdom, Thy inspiration, RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME about the remaining schedule for this and Thy love to be upon our Senators The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- week and the next at the close of busi- in their deliberations and efforts and pore. Under the previous order, the ness today. decisions this day. leadership time is reserved. We thank Thee for the valiant men f and women of our Armed Forces, as f RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY well as for our veterans, and ask Thee RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY LEADER to bless them and their families with LEADER The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- safety and with Thy comforting love. pore. The Democratic leader is recog- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- We pray likewise for each individual nized. pore. The majority leader is recog- and family unit, and ask Thee to par- f ticularly bless fathers and mothers nized. with ability to instill virtue in its f APPOINTMENT OF CONFEREES ON PENSION REFORM many forms in their children. SCHEDULE We express our love and gratitude for Mr. REID. Mr. President, employer- Thy tender mercies in all our trials and Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, today we sponsored pension plans have been a challenges, and do so with a concluding will begin with a period for morning critical part of employment security moment of silence, allowing each to business for up to 60 minutes. Fol- for America’s workers. Over 40 million offer the personal benediction of his lowing that time, the Senate will re- Americans rely on these pension plans and her own heart and faith. sume debate on S. 2271, the PATRIOT that promise a monthly retirement Amen. Act amendments legislation. The de- benefit for life. Increasingly, the re- bate will be equally divided until the f tirement security offered by pension hour of 12:30, and at 12:30 the Senate plans is at risk, and more and more PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE will recess until 2:15 p.m. for the week- employers opt out of offering pension The Honorable GEORGE ALLEN, a Sen- ly policy meetings. When we reconvene plans because of increased costs and ator from the State of Virginia, led the at 2:15, there will be 15 minutes for growing administrative difficulties. Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: closing remarks prior to the cloture Further complicating the situation is I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the vote, which is scheduled for 2:30. That the fact that the agency that insures United States of America, and to the Repub- cloture vote on the PATRIOT Act workers’ pensions, the Pension Benefit lic for which it stands, one nation under God, amendments bill will be the first vote Guaranty Corporation, faces huge defi- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. of the day. We fully expect cloture to cits as a result of the termination of

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:44 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE6.000 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE S1512 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 28, 2006 pension plans throughout the country. with the majority leader to reach THE PATRIOT ACT These pension plans were maintained agreement on a limited number of Mr. BOND. Mr. President, I come to by companies in the troubled steel and amendments. Democrats also worked the floor today to speak about the war airline industries. to limit debate so the bill could move on terror, progress in Iraq, and the PA- For all these reasons and more, we forward. Democrats did not have to TRIOT Act. In spite of the negative know that Congress must act on pen- forego their rights to offer amend- press you see on the nightly news, Iraq sion reform legislation so employees ments to the pension bill, but we did. is progressing toward the goal of being can continue to count on the retire- Democrats didn’t have to forego their independent, free, and democratic. It ment security provided by employer- rights to debate issues raised by this has been nearly 3 years since our brave sponsored pension plans. That is why legislation, but we did. There are any men and women in the military and Senate Democrats strongly supported number of steps that can be taken to our other agencies freed a people from pension reform legislation and were slow down the progress of legislation if the grip of a tyrannical and murderous eager to go to conference on this bill. a Member of the Senate is so inclined. dictator and began to work to establish We recognize this is an important bill Democrats have not chosen to take any a democratic society in the heart of and strongly believe the Senate and of these steps and are not choosing to the Middle East. In doing so, they are House must get to work immediately take any of these steps now. also making the world and all of us to hammer out the compromises nec- We are eager to go to conference on much safer. essary to produce a final bill. this legislation and we are not con- Since then, the people of Iraq have Senators agree. I think, from our per- testing the Republicans’ desire to have set up a constitutional government and spective, we are united, Democrats and a two-vote advantage in the con- braved death by voting in free elec- Republicans. Senate Democrats believe ference. The majority leader set the tions. we can and should name conferees margin at 7 to 5. We believe fairness is Surely more remains to be done, but right now, this morning, and send the 8 to 6. All we are asking is that each let there be no doubt, progress is being bill to the House so they can name committee which is a party to this leg- made. But challenges remain. We rec- their conferees. Nevertheless, some re- islation be adequately represented. We ognize that and we must. cent press reports on the status of the believe that appointing 14 conferees in The recent bombing of a mosque in pension reform bill have suggested that a ratio of 8 to 6 gives the Senate the Samarra has highlighted the chal- Democrats are preventing this bill best opportunity to bring back a bill lenges Iraq continues to face. Who did from moving to conference. from the conference that will garner it? I wish to take a few minutes and cor- strong support by the Senate. Following the attack, a prominent rect this record. We strongly support The majority leader has said he will Iraqi Shiite cleric, al-Sistani, recog- the improvements this legislation will go 9 to 6. That is not fair, to have a nizing the hallmarks of al-Qaida, bring to our private pension system. three-vote advantage. I urge the major- called, for the first time, for street We support improvements this legisla- ity to consider its opposition to our demonstrations against the bombing, tion will bring, improvements to our very reasonable request so we can get and thousands of his angry supporters private pension system. We want to im- to work on this legislation. Together protested, shouting slogans against al- prove pension funding so employees we can improve our Nation’s pension Qaida and its supporters, accusing will know their employer’s pension system and make America better. them of fueling hatred and violence, promise will be fulfilled. Democrats be- Mr. President, simply it is this: Are which is surely what they did. lieve it is important to provide cer- we going to go to conference on this News of the attack only underscores tainty to employers who are trying to bill? We want to go. Arbitrarily, the why we are in Iraq and what is at plan their pension costs. Democrats be- majority leader said it will be a 7-to-5 stake. When our delegation met with lieve it is important to clarify the ratio. We wanted 8 to 6. We will go to Sunni, Shiite, and Kurd leaders last conference right now. It doesn’t seem rules governing cash balance pension month in Baghdad, those leaders recog- fair. We are not holding up the con- plans so older workers are protected. nized, as our able Ambassador empha- ference. We are not holding up the con- Democrats believe it is important we sized, the dangers of sectarian violence. ference as indicated by the fact that we act quickly to provide relief to those They committed to work together, are willing to go from 7 to 5 to 8 to 6. knowing that they have to bring about airlines that want to maintain their The distinguished Senator from Ten- a national unity government. pension plans but need some time to nessee comes back with the suggestion Recent news reports suggest that recover from the downturn following that, well, we will go 9 to 6. That isn’t with the intervention of enlightened the attacks of 9/11. Democrats believe fair. We want to go to conference, but leaders such as al-Sistani, people are it is imperative that we shore up the fi- we want at least to have a semblance beginning to work together again. But nances of the PBGC. of fairness. We are willing to go with the disturbing news of the bombing of In other words, Democrats want this the two-vote margin but not three the mosque and resulting reactions and bill to go to conference today, and we votes. killings simply seems to embolden all can do that if the majority will agree the hand-wringing naysayers who have to a reasonable number of conferees. f incessantly talked of civil war in Iraq Throughout this process, Senate Demo- MORNING BUSINESS and American withdrawal. A greater crats have worked closely with Repub- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- lesson, however, lies within this tragic licans to move pension reform legisla- pore. Under the previous order, there development. tion in an expedited manner. The pen- will be a period for the transaction of Simply put, what is the alternative? sion reform bill was reported by the Fi- morning business for up to 1 hour, the Is America to retreat from Iraq and nance Committee by voice vote on July first half of the time under the control simply seek to be left alone and leave 26 of last year. The HELP Committee of the majority leader or his designee the world’s problems to others to fix? reported the bill on September 28 by a and the second half of the time under In the age of bin Laden, al-Zarqawi, vote of 18 to 2. After consideration, the the control of the Democratic leader or and al-Sistani, that is a course Amer- two committee bills had to be rec- his designee. ica and the world cannot afford to onciled into one proposal. Senators The Senator from Missouri. take. We should have learned our les- ENZI, GRASSLEY, KENNEDY, and BAUCUS f son on 9/11. worked long and hard on a bipartisan As the Wall Street Journal recently basis to produce that legislation. At ORDER FOR FILING DEADLINE pointed out, the fact is that under the each step during this process, Demo- Mr. BOND. Mr. President, I ask unan- Bush administration’s policy, four crats worked with the Republicans to imous consent that the filing deadline democratic governments have come to produce a bipartisan bill. for first-degree amendments to S. 2271 power in the Middle East—Iraq, Af- When it came time to consider the occur at 12 noon today. ghanistan, Lebanon, and Palestine. Yes bill on the Senate floor, Democrats The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- these democracies will face serious again worked to move this legislation pore. Without objection, it is so or- challenges along the way, from insur- forward. Senate Democrats worked dered. gents to bloody ethnic feuding.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:00 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.002 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1513 These are very serious challenges, tools, to them we entrust our safety, to States has known. It is cheap, potent, and we are witnessing these challenges them we owe our freedoms, to them we and available everywhere. right now. owe our lives. During the past decade, while law en- Let us be blunt. There is always the Why would we not give them the forcement officers continue to bust possibility that a murderous dictator tools they need to hold terror at bay? record numbers of clandestine labs, can come to power in a democracy. Why should we slow their hunt for ter- methamphetamine use in some com- That is how Hitler got in, in Germany. ror suspects here at home? Why would munities has increased by as much as No one said this approach is perfect. It we take from them the tools that have 300 percent. isn’t, especially when Hamas wins in aided in the capture of over 400 ter- The PATRIOT Act reauthorization Palestine. But democracy isn’t sup- rorist suspects? includes the most comprehensive posed to be perfect or easy or smooth. Renewing the PATRIOT Act will do antimeth package ever introduced in It was not such as we set up our Gov- this and more. It strikes a balance be- the Congress by my colleagues Senator ernment. tween national security and personal JIM TALENT of Missouri and Senator But what is the alternative to pro- liberties. In the words of our colleagues DIANNE FEINSTEIN of California. This moting democracy, no matter how on the other side of the aisle, it is a Combat Meth Act will make certain le- great the challenges become? I submit better bill now than it was before. gitimate consumers have access to the there is no viable alternative. It is de- Negotiators have addressed many medicine they need while cutting off mocracy, and only democracy, that concerns. A balance has been struck on the meth cooks from the large amounts will offer these countries the possi- national security letters. Nondisclo- of ingredients they need to cook meth. bility of greater civic freedoms, greater sure requirements prevent terrorists For all of these reasons, we must re- economic freedoms, and the hope for a from learning the progress of investiga- authorize the PATRIOT Act now. Our politically moderate future. tions and investigative techniques. terror fighters cannot wait, our ports It is only because of American lead- New language allows recipients of NSL cannot wait, and our communities suf- ership, our brave soldiers, our brave ci- letters to overturn the nondisclosure fering from the scourge of meth cannot vilians, and the hopeful leadership, the requirements, if a judge finds there is wait. I yield the floor. enlightened leadership of people such no reason to believe that disclosures The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- may endanger the national security of as Hamid Karzai, Jalal Talabani, and pore. The Senator from Nevada is rec- the United States, interfere with crimi- Saad Hariri that these countries and ognized. their people stand a chance of a better nal, counterterrorism or counterintel- life and the world stands a chance to be ligence investigation, interfere with f a safer place. Along with it, America diplomatic relations or endanger the MILITARY RECRUITERS stands a chance of having important life or physical safety of any person. Mr. ENSIGN. Mr. President, I rise to friends in a part of the world that in Could we allow anything else? speak about a very important issue— the past has been no friend to America. Language was added clarifying that access for our military recruiters on Some of my colleagues have said we libraries, where functioning in their our high school campuses. need to get out of Iraq. I agree—as soon traditional roles, are not subject to na- Later today, I will introduce a reso- as we train the Iraqi military and the tional security letters. The agreement lution in support of our military re- police to ensure security but not until removes the requirement that a person cruiters. that is done. inform the FBI of the identity of any I rise and stand here today in a coun- But even when Iraq is stabilized, we attorney to whom disclosure was made try free from tyranny, free from dicta- will continue to see the threat of vio- or will be made to obtain legal advice torship, and free from oppression. I lence from the Islamofascists such as or assistance. stand here today protected by the al-Qaida, Ansar al-Islam, Jamia For those of us who care about port rights that are guaranteed to me by Islamia. security—quite a few people have been the Constitution of the United States. As President Bush warned, this is talking about it—this legislation in- I am free to stand here because I am going to be a decade-long war. Thus, cludes the Reducing Crime and Ter- protected by the men and women of our our battles will go on overseas to deny rorism at America’s Seaports Act of nation’s Armed Forces. It is because of foreign safe havens to murderous ter- 2005. our Nation’s military that I enjoy the rorist groups. Those who join me in supporting this freedoms that are laid out in our coun- At home, the threat is still grim. And measure will make it a Federal crime try’s Constitution. with recent disclosures, regrettably, of to use fraud or false pretenses to enter These freedoms are enjoyed by every our most sensitive intelligence, accord- America’s ports; establish a new, gen- citizen of this great country. ing to CIA Director Porter Goss, we eral Federal crime to interfere forcibly The No Child Left Behind Act con- have experienced very severe damage with inspections of vessels by Federal tains a provision that provides mili- to our capabilities. law enforcement or resist arrest or pro- tary recruiters and college and univer- It is even more important now that vide law enforcement officers with sity recruiters with access to some stu- we provide our domestic law enforce- false information; add ‘‘passenger ves- dent information. The intent behind ment agencies the tools they need. sels’’ to the forms of mass transit pro- this provision was to ensure that mili- That is why it is imperative we pass tected against terrorist attacks under tary recruiters were put on a level the PATRIOT Act as soon as possible. Federal law; make it a Federal crime playing field with recruiters from our It is past time that we do so. 9/11 was to place any substance or device in the Nation’s colleges and universities. At not so long ago that we should have navigable waters of the United States the time this language was included in forgotten what it felt like that day. with the intent to damage a vessel or NCLB military recruiters across the You know and I know what it was its cargo or to interfere with maritime country were being denied access to like. We all need to remember. The re- commerce; and make it a Federal student information that college and sults of hamstringing our domestic in- crime to transport explosives, biologi- university recruiters were given full telligence abilities are not so distant. cal, chemical, radioactive weapons or access to. The reasons we passed the PATRIOT nuclear material aboard a vessel in the The text contained in No Child Left Act have not gone away. United States, in waters subject to Behind is very simple. It states that I am glad that an overwhelming U.S. jurisdiction on the high seas or ‘‘each local educational agency receiv- number of Senators will join together aboard a vessel of the United States. ing assistance under this Act shall pro- to provide our terror fighters with the In addition, I care very deeply about vide, on a request made by military re- tools they need. For those for whom fighting the drug scourge sweeping cruiters or an institution of higher this was a hard decision, I applaud rural America, especially in the Mid- education, access to secondary school your courage. However, our actions west. Folks in my State know all too students’ names, addresses, and tele- pale in comparison to the courage exer- well that methamphetamine is perhaps phone listings.’’ cised by those of us who protect us the most deadly, fiercely addictive, and Recently, there have been numerous every day. It is to them we give these rapidly spreading drug the United news reports on this topic. The debate

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:44 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.003 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE S1514 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 28, 2006 has swirled around a provision also in Some parents are concerned about re- about drugs, letting them drive, and NCLB that allows a student or parent ports of recruiter abuse. In fact, fol- about preparing them for a life after to request that contact information lowing televised reports of recruiter mom and dad. But when we shield not be released to recruiters. School abuse, the U.S. Army stopped recruit- young adults from the things that districts are required to inform parents ing activities for one day to review pro- scare us as parents, we belittle our and students that they have the option cedures that its 7,500 recruiters use. children. It is our responsibility to to make this request. In one case the network reported a share the world with our children, in In some areas the debate on this pro- recruiter suggesting how a volunteer many cases, the good with the bad. It vision has gone much further. The city might cheat to pass a drug test, and in is our responsibility to instill in them of San Francisco recently voted in another, a sergeant threatened a pros- a sense of pride in our country and in favor of Measure I, a symbolic measure pect with arrest if he didn’t report to a the freedom we enjoy. that opposes, but does not forbid, mili- recruiting station. Two cases out of We cannot shield our children from tary recruiting on public high school or 7,500 Army recruiters operating out of information about military service be- college campuses. The city cannot for- some 1,700 recruiting stations nation- cause in doing so, we underestimate bid military recruiting at public high wide prompted the Army to stand our children’s capacity to judge for schools as doing so would put the down, to refocus recruiters on their themselves what their future should schools at risk of losing all federal mission, reinforcing the Army’s core be. It is vital that our young adults in funding. I cannot fathom why the city values, and ensure its procedures were high school have access not only to fu- passed this Measure. Students in San carried out consistently at all recruit- ture employment and educational op- Francisco should have access to the ing stations. It sounds like a pretty re- portunities but also to the opportuni- same information that all other stu- sponsible reaction to me. It sounds like ties provided in the U.S. military. And dents have, and should be allowed to an institution concerned about doing most importantly, it is absolutely nec- hear what the military has to offer things the right way. essary that our Nation’s military have them. We must not forget the brave young the opportunity to recruit the best and I understand the concerns sur- men and women who do sign up for a the brightest our Nation has to offer. If rounding privacy of personal informa- tour of duty with the military. They we continue to discriminate against tion in today’s society. However, I find swear to uphold and to protect the our military recruiters, we risk under- it appalling that people have taken Constitution. We must not forget they mining the well-being of our military. this provision and used it to rally take that duty seriously. They protect We risk fracturing the base on which against our troops, against our mili- each and every one of us from outside our Army, our Navy, our Air Force and tary system, and against our Presi- threats, not just threats of violence our Marines is built. It is vital that re- dent. but also threats to our constitutionally cruiters have access to our Nation’s We are here today because we are se- protected freedoms of speech and reli- young adults to continue the traditions cured by the presence of our military gion. of our Armed Forces. that protects our freedoms. My ques- In his book ‘‘The Greatest Genera- I yield the floor. tion is why are we so frightened by the tion,’’ Tom Brokaw recounts a genera- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- very instrument that helps keep us tion of Americans who sacrificed all pore. The Senator from Florida. free? they had to preserve our freedoms. Mr. NELSON of Florida. Mr. Presi- Service in our armed forces is 100 per- Young men even went so far as to lie dent, I ask unanimous consent to speak cent voluntary and has been since the about their age so they could enjoy the as in morning business. end of the Vietnam War. In order to honor of fighting for our country in The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- maintain a voluntary force, the serv- World War II. Their country needed pore. I inform the Senator from Florida ices must offer incentives to allow them, and they responded with uncom- that there is approximately 8 minutes them to compete with the private sec- mon valor and courage. The crucible of remaining of the time reserved for the tor for young, bright students about to war formed who we are as a country majority leader; there is 30 minutes re- graduate from high school. Recruiters today. Today, our soldiers, sailors, air- served for the Democratic leader. The search for the best and the brightest in men, and marines stand on the shoul- Senator may request to speak out of our Nation’s high schools to keep our ders of those warriors. We celebrate turn and have his time allocated to- forces strong and able to fight the their accomplishments in movies and ward the Democratic leader’s time. forces that are against our way of life. books. We regale them with the honors Mr. NELSON of Florida. I ask unani- In the last 30 years, millions of young they earned and deserve. I wonder what mous consent to do so. Americans have been given technical sort of message we are sending to to- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- skills, received money for college tui- day’s youth if we honor the soldiers of pore. Without objection, it is so or- tion and preferred loans for first-time yesterday but shun the soldiers of dered. home purchases by choosing to serve in today. The Senator from Florida is recog- our military. Not only are these young My fear is that freedom is becoming nized. soldiers given skills that can lead them almost too free, too entitled to more f to future employment, they are also and more Americans. As long as we are given unique leadership training. Our free to switch cell phone service or CONFISCATION OF SENIORS’ military trains leaders not just for download music from any Web site, we PRESCRIPTION DRUGS war, but for success in life. believe our freedoms are intact. But Mr. NELSON of Florida. Mr. Presi- Yet, it is perplexing to me that many freedom is about so much more than dent, I share with the Senate that parents today seem to look at military that. Freedom is having the ability to there have been a couple of occurrences service as being akin to joining a rad- speak our mind and stand for what we in Florida over the course of this recess ical cult or a violent gang. Military re- believe. Freedom means having the that might be worth noting. cruiters are going to our Nation’s high right to publicly disagree with the de- The first is, seniors were assured by schools to inform high school students cisions of elected leaders. Freedom is a the Food and Drug Administration 2 of the opportunities that are available right, but it comes with a responsi- years ago that our senior citizens in our Armed Forces. Military recruit- bility. would not be harassed by the confisca- ers are on campuses to provide infor- As a parent, I have the direct respon- tion of their prescription drugs when mation to students that is often not sibility to teach my children about the they order those prescriptions by the available in the mainstream media or honor in serving our fellow man, our Internet or by mail from Canada for a in many high school counseling offices. community, and in serving our coun- limited supply. The Food and Drug Ad- Military recruiters are on high school try. As parents, from the time our chil- ministration assured me that the over- campuses to dispel the many myths dren are born, we worry about their all intent of the law was to stop the that surround service opportunities in health, the friends they keep, the deci- massive purchases of drugs out of State the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Ma- sions they make, and the grades they in which they would go on the black rines and Coast Guard. bring home from school. We worry market, but that for senior citizens

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:00 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.005 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1515 seeking a 90-day supply, since the pre- the votes to change the law, in the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under scriptions are so much cheaper order- meantime, some of our senior citizens the previous order, the time until 12:30 ing them through Canada, there was who have trouble making financial p.m. will be equally divided. not going to be the harassment of the ends meet have to buy their drugs The Senator from Texas is recog- confiscations. through Canada at a much reduced nized. That has dramatically changed. Over price. Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I wish the course of the last week and a half, I bring this to the attention of the to speak about the USA PATRIOT Act. I have received over 100 complaints of Senate. I bring it to the attention of As you know, the Senate has recently senior citizens from all over Florida Customs, as I have through correspond- agreed to another temporary extension having their prescriptions, when or- ence. It is time to stop harassing our of this act. We have twice since Decem- dered by mail or Internet from Canada, senior citizens. ber been in a position of having to confiscated. This is serious business. I yield the floor and suggest the ab- offer, instead of permanent reauthor- This could be a matter of life and death sence of a quorum. ization, a temporary fix. Yet at a time for senior citizens who cannot afford to The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. when so many in this body are con- pay the retail price and are depending COLEMAN). The clerk will call the roll. tinuing to talk about security, this one on that medicine in order to help them The assistant legislative clerk pro- piece of legislation, in my humble with whatever their ailments are—in ceeded to call the roll. opinion, has been more important in some cases, life-threatening situations. Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, I ask terms of protecting the security of the Fortunately, we have not had any one unanimous consent that the order for United States than anything else we of those reported to me, but the harass- the quorum call be rescinded. have done since September 11. ment has started. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without This critical law, which, of course, I certainly hope there is no connec- objection, it is so ordered. provides law enforcement agencies tion between this spike in the number Mr. MENENDEZ. I ask unanimous with the vital tools necessary to fight of instances with Customs taking sen- consent to have 12 minutes in morning and win the war on terror, should not ior citizens’ prescriptions. I hope there business. be allowed to expire. I, frankly, am at is no connection between that and try- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without a loss to explain why we are spending ing to force senior citizens into the objection, it is so ordered. so much time trying to get to final clo- Medicare prescription drug benefit, the Mr. MENENDEZ. I thank the Chair. sure on this legislation when the mer- Medicare Part D. Naturally, seniors are (The remarks of Mr. MENENDEZ per- its of the legislation seem to be so ob- quite resistant to the new plan. taining to the introduction of S. 2334 vious—primarily by providing tools to We have talked in the Senate over are located in today’s RECORD under law enforcement and intelligence agen- and over, and I have offered amend- ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and cies of this country, tools that are al- ments, all of which have had a major- Joint Resolutions.’’) ready in broad use in other aspects of ity vote, but under the parliamentary The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- law enforcement investigations. procedure of having to waive the Budg- ator from Texas is recognized. Unfortunately, it seems to me that et Act, I had to get 60 votes. I have got- there has been a certain amount of f ten over 50 but not the 60 votes needed hysteria whipped up over this to cause in order to delay the implementation ORDER FOR FILING DEADLINE people to have unreasonable fear and of the prescription drug benefit, the Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask concern about civil liberties, when, in deadline for signing up, which is May unanimous consent that the filing fact, the balance between security and 15. deadline for all amendments to S. 2271 civil liberties has been struck in an en- Naturally, seniors are resistant be- occur at 12 noon today. tirely appropriate way in this legisla- cause they do not understand it. They The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there tion. We must make it a top priority of the are confused and in some cases bewil- objection? Senate to reauthorize this legislation dered. They have 40 to 50 plans to pick Without objection, it is so ordered. as soon as possible, as it would be un- from. They are confused and they are Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I yield conscionable to compromise the safety frightened because if they do not pick back the remaining Republican time of the American people and undermine a plan by the May deadline, they will for morning business. be penalized 1 percent a month or 12 the progress we have made since 9/11 percent a year, or if they pick the f and delay critical investigations. wrong plan, they are stuck with that CONCLUSION OF MORNING An agreement reached in December plan for a year and they have the fear BUSINESS between the House and Senate con- that suddenly the need to change their ferees preserved the provisions of this The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning prescription by their doctor may occur act which have made America safer business is now closed. and the formulary they pick may not since 9/11 while increasing congres- cover the new prescription. f sional and judicial oversight, which This resistance is a fact. I hope we do USA PATRIOT ACT ADDITIONAL should alleviate the concerns of those not see any of this harassment con- REAUTHORIZING AMENDMENTS who believe the law enforcement tools nected with trying to force seniors into ACT OF 2006 somehow endanger civil liberties. And the prescription drug bill. even recently, the White House and I call on the Department of Home- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under leaders of the House and Senate have land Security, Customs, to stop the previous order, the Senate will re- made additional concessions in an at- harassing our senior citizens by confis- sume consideration of S. 2271, which tempt to reach a final agreement to re- cating their prescriptions for purchase the clerk will report. authorize the PATRIOT Act. of a short supply, which is bought at so The bill clerk read as follows: Unfortunately, it seems that there much of a reduced cost. A bill (S. 2271) to clarify that individuals are a few who are continuing in their That is not the total answer, just who receive FISA orders can challenge non- effort to stop reauthorization of the getting the drugs from Canada. That is disclosure requirements, that individuals PATRIOT Act, insisting on imposing bandaiding the problem. The problem who receive national security letters are not their will on a bipartisan majority of required to disclose the name of their attor- is having a Medicare prescription drug ney, that libraries are not wire or electronic the Senate, the House, and the Presi- benefit offered to senior citizens where communication service providers unless they dent of the United States. The handful Medicare can use its huge buying provide specific services, and for other pur- of diehards who continue to oppose this power of bulk purchases in order to poses. legislation are simply unwilling to ac- bring down the price of the drugs, as Pending: cept the compromise that has been the Veterans’ Administration has been Frist Amendment No. 2895, to establish the agreed to by both Houses of Congress, doing for the last two decades. But enactment date of the Act. despite efforts from all quarters to try until we can get to that point, until we Frist Amendment No. 2896 (to Amendment to accommodate reasonable concerns. can change the law, until we can get No. 2895), of a perfecting nature. Most reasonable people would agree

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:00 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.006 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE S1516 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 28, 2006 that it is a practical impossibility for temic abuses of any of the act’s provi- An individual has been convicted of each legislator to get every single sions. perjury and illegally acting as an agent thing they want out of any particular I support these recent concessions of the former Government of Iraq by a piece of legislation, but that doesn’t that have made this bill what it is jury in January of 2004. mean the American people should be today—and one in particular. Before And the executive director of the Illi- left with nothing and be stripped bare these changes, a recipient of a 215 order nois-based Benevolence International of the protections the PATRIOT Act seemingly could challenge the non- Foundation, who has had a long- has been so effective at delivering. disclosure obligation at any time. The standing relationship with Osama bin The art of compromise is, at times, a new revisions make clear that a recipi- Laden, pleaded guilty to racketeering bitter pill, particularly when matters ent cannot challenge this requirement and furthermore admitted that he di- of such profound consequence as our for 1 year, and it ensures that the con- verted thousands of dollars from his national security and waging the war clusive presumption applies to these charity organization to support Islamic on terror hang in the balance. I person- orders as well—something that was not militant groups in Bosnia and ally supported leaving sections 215, 213, clear before reaching this compromise Chechnya. and other provisions of the PATRIOT agreement. These tools simply must remain Act alone. I also wanted to add admin- The remaining changes seemed to me available to those on the front lines istrative subpoenas to the PATRIOT to be quite sensible; that is, recipients who continue to wage the war on ter- Act and to add judicial review for na- of a 215 order or a national security let- ror. The very safety of our Nation de- tional security letters. ter do not have to tell the FBI that pends on it. I also feel very strongly about ensur- they have or will consult an attorney I would like to share with my col- ing that the 9/11 Commission’s rec- or that a library is not an electronic or leagues—and perhaps some of them ommendations with regard to risk- wire communications provider unless, have seen this op-ed piece—a piece based funding for homeland security of course, they happen to be such a pro- written by Debra Burlingame, the sis- grant moneys are implemented and vider. ter of Charles F. ‘‘Chic’’ Burlingame personally pushed for such a provision Prior to the PATRIOT Act, we know III, the pilot of American Airlines during these negotiations. Senator there were barriers that seriously hin- flight 77 which crashed into the Pen- SPECTER made it clear to me that he dered information sharing among law tagon on September 11, 2001. This op-ed would try to seek consensus but that enforcement agencies and intelligence was originally published in the Wall my demands would not be met in all re- agencies, and those barriers imperiled Street Journal, and I believe it articu- gards. our Nation. This was described by Pat- lates precisely why this legislation While I did not get everything I rick Fitzgerald in his testimony before must be reauthorized without delay. wanted and while I believe what I the Senate Judiciary Committee. I I will read an excerpt, and I ask wanted was in the best interests of my quote: unanimous consent that the complete country, I support this bill. I am sim- I was on a prosecution team in New York op-ed be printed in the RECORD fol- ply unwilling to return the American that began a criminal investigation of lowing my remarks. people to the pre-9/11 law enforcement Osama bin Laden in early 1996. The team— The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. tools which so poorly served our na- prosecutors and FBI agents assigned to the SUNUNU). Without objection, it is so or- tional interests at that time. And criminal case—had access to a number of dered. while this legislation is not perfect in sources. We could talk to citizens. We could (See exhibit 1.) talk to local police officers. We could talk to every regard, it represents what I be- foreign police officers. Even foreign intel- Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, Ms. lieve are the best efforts of the Con- ligence personnel. We could talk to foreign Burlingame writes: gress to arrive at an acceptable com- citizens. And we did all of those things as A mere four-and-a-half years after victims promise. often as we could. We could even talk to al- were forced to choose between being burned The national security has been well Qaida members—and we did. We actually alive and jumping from 90 stories, it is frank- served by the PATRIOT Act since its called several members and associates of al- ly shocking that there is anyone in Wash- original passage in a way that is both Qaida to testify before a grand jury in New ington who would politicize the Patriot Act. consistent with our national values York. And we even debriefed al-Qaida mem- It is an insult to those who died to tell the American people that the organization pos- and the protection of civil liberties. bers overseas who agreed to become cooper- ating witnesses. But there was one group of ing the greatest threat to their liberty is not The war on terror must be waged in a people we were not permitted to talk to. al Qaeda but the FBI. Hearing any member manner consistent with American val- Who? The FBI agents across the street from of Congress actually crow about ‘‘killing’’ or ues and American principles. us in lower Manhattan assigned to a parallel ‘‘playing chicken’’ with this critical legisla- The hysteria over this legislation is intelligence investigation of Osama bin tion is as disturbing today as it would have simply hard for me to understand. The Laden and al-Qaida. We could not learn what been when Ground Zero was still smoldering. fact that people in too many instances information they had gathered. That was the Today we know in far greater detail what have not focused on the hard-fought at- wall. not having it cost us. tempts to balance our security and I am confident I am not the only one She continues: civil liberty concerns is, I believe, a who is astounded at that statement. The Senate will soon convene hearings on disservice to the American people. This Consider our progress in the war on renewal of the Patriot Act— debate does not concern a typical pol- terror since the PATRIOT Act’s enact- And indeed we had those hearings— icy disagreement about taxes or other ment: Information sharing between in- and the NSA terrorist surveillance program. issues; in fact, the stakes are much telligence and law enforcement per- A minority of Senators want to gamble with higher. sonnel has been critical in dismantling American lives and ‘‘fix’’ national security The PATRIOT Act was enacted in terrorist operations, including the laws which they can’t show are broken. They 2001 by an overwhelming bipartisan Portland Seven in Oregon, as well as a seek to eliminate or weaken anti-terrorism margin—98 to 1 in the Senate and 357 to terrorist cell in Lackawanna, NY. measures which take into account that the 66 in the House. At that time, Senators It has helped prosecute several people Cold War in its slow-moving, analog world of landlines and stationary targets is gone. The on both sides of the aisle agreed that involved in an al-Qaida drugs-for-weap- threat we face today is a completely new this legislation struck a wise and care- ons scheme in San Diego, two of whom paradigm of global terrorist networks oper- ful balance between national security have already pleaded guilty. ating in a high-velocity digital age using the and civil liberties. Furthermore, nine associates of an Web and fiber-optic technology. After four- The law, to date, has had a successful al-Qaida-associated Northern Virginia and-a-half years without another terrorist track record. In addition to helping violent extremist group were convicted attack, these senators think we’re safe prevent any terrorist attacks in this and sentenced to prison terms ranging enough to cave in to the same civil liberties country since 9/11 and playing such a from 4 years to life. lobby that supported that deadly FISA wall in the first place. What if they, like those critical role in dismantling several ter- Two Yemeni citizens have been lawyers and judges, are simply wrong? rorist cells within the United States, charged and convicted for conspiring to Why should we allow enemies to annihilate the Department of Justice inspector provide material support to al-Qaida us simply because we lack the clarity or re- general has consistently found no sys- and Hamas. solve to strike a reasonable balance between

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:44 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.008 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1517 a healthy skepticism of government power Today we know in far greater detail what Meanwhile, the media, mouthing phrases and the need to take proactive measures to not having it cost us. like ‘‘Article II authority,’’ ‘‘separation of protect ourselves from such threats? The Critics contend that the Patriot Act was powers’’ and ‘‘right to privacy,’’ are pre- mantra of civil-liberties hard-liners is to rushed into law in a moment of panic. The senting the issues as if politics have nothing ‘‘question authority’’—even when it is com- truth is, the policies and guidelines it cor- to do with what is driving the subject matter ing to our rescue—then blame that same au- rected had a long, troubled history and ev- and its coverage. They want us to forget four thority when, hamstrung by civil liberties erybody who had to deal with them knew it. years of relentless ‘‘connect-the-dots’’ re- laws, it fails to save us. . . .More Americans The ‘‘wall’’ was a tortuous set of rules pro- porting about the missed chances that should not die because the peace-at-any-cost mulgated by Justice Department lawyers in ‘‘could have prevented 9/11.’’ They have dis- fringe and antigovernment paranoids still 1995 and imagined into law by the Foreign counted the relevance of references to the fighting the ghost of Nixon hate George Bush Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court. two 9/11 hijackers who lived in San Diego. more than they fear al Qaeda. Ask the Amer- Conceived as an added protection for civil But not too long ago, the media itself re- ican people what they want. They will say liberties provisions already built into the ported that phone records revealed that five that they want the commander in chief to statute, it was the wall and its real-world or six of the hijackers made extensive calls use all reasonable means to catch the people ramifications that hardened the failure-to- overseas. share culture between agencies, allowing NBC News aired an ‘‘exclusive’’ story in who are trying to rain terror on our cities. early information about 9/11 hijackers Khalid 2004 that dramatically recounted how al- Those who cite the soaring principle of indi- al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi to fall Hazmi and al-Mihdhar, the San Diego terror- vidual liberty do not appear to appreciate through the cracks. More perversely, even ists who would later hijack American Air- that our enemies are not seeking to destroy after the significance of these terrorists and lines flight 77 and fly it into the Pentagon, individuals, but rather whole populations. their presence in the country was known by received more than a dozen calls from an al She concludes: the FBI’s intelligence division, the wall pre- Qaeda ‘‘switchboard’’ inside Yemen where al- The public has listened to years of stinging vented it from talking to its own criminal Mihdhar’s brother-in-law lived. The house re- revelations detailing how the government division in order to hunt them down. ceived calls from Osama Bin Laden and re- tied its own hands in stopping the dev- Furthermore, it was the impenetrable layed them to operatives around the world. astating attacks of September 11. It is an ir- FISA guidelines and fear of provoking the Senior correspondent Lisa Myers told the responsible violation of the public trust for FISA court’s wrath if they were transgressed shocking story of how, ‘‘The NSA had the ac- members of Congress to weaken the Patriot that discouraged risk-averse FBI supervisors tual phone number in the United States that Act or jeopardize the NSA terrorist surveil- from applying for a FISA search warrant in the switchboard was calling, but didn’t de- lance program because of the same illusory the Zacarias Moussaoui case. The search, fi- ploy that equipment, fearing it would be ac- theories that cost us so dearly before, or nally conducted on the afternoon of 9/11, pro- cused of domestic spying.’’ Back then, the worse, for rank partisan advantage. If they duced names and phone numbers of people in NBC script didn’t describe it as ‘‘spying on do, and our country sustains yet another cat- the thick of the 9/11 plot, so many fertile Americans.’’ Instead, it was called one of the astrophic attack that these antiterrorism clues that investigators believe that at least ‘‘missed opportunities that could have saved tools could have prevented, the phrase ‘‘con- one airplane, if not all four, could have been 3,000 lives.’’ nect the dots’’ will resonate again—but this saved. Another example of opportunistic coverage time it will refer to the trail of innocent In 2002, FISA’s appellate level Court of Re- concerns the Patriot Act’s ‘‘library provi- American blood which leads directly to the view examined the entire statutory scheme sion.’’ News reports have given plenty of ink Senate floor. for issuing warrants in national security in- and airtime to the ACLU’s unsupported vestigations and declared the ‘‘wall’’ a non- claims that the government has abused this I urge my colleagues to heed the sensical piece of legal overkill, based neither important records provision. But how many words of Ms. Burlingame. And today I on express statutory language nor reason- Americans know that several of the hijack- join my voice with hers and the mil- able interpretation of the FISA statute. The ers repeatedly accessed computers at public lions of Americans who are calling for lower court’s attempt to micromanage the libraries in New Jersey and Florida, using us to do our duty and to do our utmost execution of national security warrants was personal Internet accounts to carry out the to protect this country and the Amer- deemed an assertion of authority which nei- conspiracy? Al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi logged ther Congress or the Constitution granted it. on four times at a college library in New Jer- ican people. In other words, those lawyers and judges who sey where they purchased airline tickets for Mr. President, I yield the floor. created, implemented and so assiduously en- AA 77 and later confirmed their reservations EXHIBIT 1 forced the FISA guidelines were wrong and on Aug. 30. In light of this, it is ridiculous to [From opinionjournal.com, Jan. 30, 2006] the American people paid dearly for it. suggest that the Justice Department has the OUR RIGHT TO SECURITY Despite this history, some members of time, resources or interest in ‘‘investigating (By Debra Burlingame) Congress contend that this process-heavy the reading habits of law abiding citizens.’’ court is agile enough to rule on quickly We now have the ability to put remote con- One of the most excruciating images of the needed National Security Agency (NSA) trol cameras on the surface of Mars. Why September 11 attacks is the sight of a man electronic surveillance warrants. This is a should we allow enemies to annihilate us who was trapped in one of the World Trade dubious claim. Getting a FISA warrant re- simply because we lack the clarity or resolve Center towers. Stripped of his suit jacket quires a multistep review involving several to strike a reasonable balance between a and tie and hanging on to what appears to be lawyers at different offices within the De- healthy skepticism of government power and his office curtains, he is seen trying to lower partment of Justice. It can take days, weeks, the need to take proactive measures to pro- himself outside a window to the floor imme- even months if there is a legal dispute be- tect ourselves from such threats? The diately below. Frantically kicking his legs in tween the principals. ‘‘Emergency’’ 72-hour mantra of civil-liberties hard-liners is to an effort to find a purchase, he loses his grip, intercepts require sign-offs by NSA lawyers ‘‘question authority’’—even when it is com- and falls. and preapproval by the attorney general be- ing to our rescue—then blame that same au- That horrific scene and thousands more fore surveillance can be initiated. Clearly, thority when, hamstrung by civil liberties were the images that awakened a sleeping this is not conducive to what Gen. Michael laws, it fails to save us. The old laws that nation on that long, brutal morning. Instead Hayden, principal deputy director of na- would prevent FBI agents from stopping the of overwhelming fear or paralyzing self- tional intelligence, calls ‘‘hot pursuit’’ of al next al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi were built on doubt, the attacks were met with defiance, Qaeda conversations. the bedrock of a 35-year history of dark, de- unity and a sense of moral purpose. Fol- The Senate will soon convene hearings on feating mistrust. More Americans should not lowing the heroic example of ordinary citi- renewal of the Patriot Act and the NSA ter- die because the peace-at-any-cost fringe and zens who put their fellow human beings and rorist surveillance program. A minority of antigovernment paranoids still fighting the the public good ahead of themselves, the senators want to gamble with American lives ghost of Nixon hate George Bush more than country’s leaders cast aside politics and per- and ‘‘fix’’ national security laws, which they they fear al Qaeda. Ask the American people sonal ambition and enacted the USA Patriot can’t show are broken. They seek to elimi- what they want. They will say that they Act just 45 days later. nate or weaken anti-terrorism measures want the commander in chief to use all rea- A mere four-and-a-half years after victims which take into account that the Cold War sonable means to catch the people who are were forced to choose between being burned and its slow-moving, analog world of trying to rain terror on our cities. Those who alive and jumping from 90 stories, it is frank- landlines and stationary targets is gone. The cite the soaring principle of individual lib- ly shocking that there is anyone in Wash- threat we face today is a completely new erty do not appear to appreciate that our en- ington who would politicize the Patriot Act. paradigm of global terrorist networks oper- emies are not seeking to destroy individuals, It is an insult to those who died to tell the ating in a high-velocity digital age using the but whole populations. American people that the organization pos- Web and fiber-optic technology. After four- Three weeks before 9/11, an FBI agent with ing the greatest threat to their liberty is not and-a-half years without another terrorist the bin Laden case squad in New York al Qaeda but the FBI. Hearing any member attack, these senators think we’re safe learned that al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi were of Congress actually crow about ‘‘killing’’ or enough to cave in to the same civil liberties in this country. He pleaded with the national ‘‘playing chicken’’ with this critical legisla- lobby that supported that deadly FISA wall security gatekeepers in Washington to tion is as disturbing today as it would have in the first place. What if they, like those launch a nationwide manhunt and was sum- been when Ground Zero was still smoldering. lawyers and judges, are simply wrong? marily told to stand down. When the FISA

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:00 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.009 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE S1518 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 28, 2006 Court of Review tore down the wall in 2002, Since this deal was announced, edi- ernment should be required to convince a it included in its ruling the agent’s Aug. 29, torial pages of newspapers also have judge that the records they are seeking have 2001, email to FBI headquarters: ‘‘Whatever pointed out how minimal these changes some connection to a suspected terrorist or spy. has happened to this—someday someone will are and have urged Senators not to die—and wall or not—the public will not un- Next, we discussed gag orders, both derstand why we were not more effective and change their votes. Let me read a few examples. for section 215 orders and national se- throwing every resource we had at certain curity letters: problems. Let’s hope the National Security The editorial board of the Roanoke The draft conference report does not per- Law Unit will stand behind their decisions Times in Virginia had this to say on mit the recipient of a section 215 order to then, especially since the biggest threat to February 11: challenge its automatic, permanent gag us now, [bin Laden], is getting the most ‘pro- A compromise that is expected to clear the order. Courts have held that similar restric- tection.’’’ way for the law’s reauthorization is a vic- tions violate the First Amendment. The re- The public has listened to years of stinging tory of fear over strength. The ‘‘com- cipient of a section 215 order is entitled to revelations detailing how the government promise’’ the White House and congressional meaningful judicial review of the gag order. tied its own hands in stopping the dev- leaders reached this week on reauthorization The draft conference report does not pro- astating attacks of September 11. It is an ir- of the USA PATRIOT Act is a compromise of vide meaningful judicial review of an NSL’s responsible violation of the public trust for the basic freedoms that define this Nation. gag order. It requires the court to accept as members of Congress to weaken the Patriot The Bush administration has made a few conclusive the Government’s assertion that Act or jeopardize the NSA terrorist surveil- minor concessions, enough to give the hand- a gag order should not be lifted, unless the lance program because of the same illusory ful of defiant Senate Republicans and some court determines the Government is acting theories that cost us so dearly before, or of their Democratic allies cover to extend in bad faith. The recipients of NSLs are enti- worse, for rank partisan advantage. If they the broad antiterrorism bill and claim they tled to meaningful judicial review of a gag do, and our country sustains yet another cat- have done what they could to protect the order. astrophic attack that these antiterrorism civil liberties of innocent Americans. They We then moved on to national secu- tools could have prevented, the phrase ‘‘con- have not. rity letters more generally. The draft nect the dots’’ will resonate again—but this time it will refer to the trail of innocent That same day from the New York conference report does not sunset the American blood which leads directly to the Times we heard this: NSL authority. In light of recent rev- Senate floor. The PATRIOT Act has been one of the few elations about possible abuses of NSLs, Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I sug- issues on which Congress has shown back- the NSL provision should sunset in no gest the absence of a quorum. bone lately. Last year, it refused to renew more than 4 years when the Congress The PRESIDING OFFICER. The expiring parts of the act until greater civil will have an opportunity to review the liberties protections were added. But key clerk will call the roll. use of this power. members of the Senate have now caved, Finally, we addressed sneak-and-peek The bill clerk proceeded to call the agreeing to renew these provisions in ex- search warrants. The draft conference roll. change for only minimal improvements. At a report requires the Government to no- Mr. FEINGOLD. Mr. President, I ask time when the public is growing increasingly tify the target of a sneak-and-peek unanimous consent that the order for concerned about the lawlessness of the Bush search no earlier than 30 days after the the quorum call be rescinded. administration’s domestic spying, the Sen- search rather than within 7 days as the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ate should insist that any reauthorization Senate bill provides and as pre-PA- objection, it is so ordered. agreement do more to protect Americans Mr. FEINGOLD. Mr. President, later against improper secret searches. TRIOT Act judicial decisions required. The conference report should include a today we will have a cloture vote on S. From my own home State, this is presumption that notice will be pro- 2271. We should not end debate on this from the Wisconsin State Journal on vided within a significantly shorter pe- bill, and we should not pass this bill. February 18: riod in order to protect fourth amend- Doing so will only help implement the In recent weeks, Senators have worked ment rights. The availability of addi- deeply flawed deal that was struck with the White House to produce a com- tional 90-day extensions means that a with the White House to reauthorize promise. However, the compromise remains shorter initial timeframe should not be the PATRIOT Act without enacting far short of what is required to protect Americans’ civil liberties. Regrettably, the a hardship on the Government. the core civil liberties protections for Senate has backed down from its earlier Again, these quotes are from a letter which so many of us have fought. So I stand and is poised to pass the inadequate we sent late last year. Now, you might urge my colleagues to vote no on clo- bill. ask, in this newly announced deal on ture. These editorial boards and millions the PATRIOT Act, have any of these Everybody in this body wants to re- of Americans across the country recog- five problems been solved? authorize the PATRIOT Act. Many of nize what everybody in this body al- The answer is no, not a single one. the expiring provisions are entirely ready knows: that this deal makes only Only one of these issues has even been noncontroversial. But we also need to minor—yes, cosmetic—changes to the partially addressed by this deal, but it fix the provisions that went too far, conference report that was blocked in has not been fixed. that do not contain the checks and bal- December. The deal is woefully inad- This deal only makes a few small ances necessary to protect our rights equate, and let me explain why. changes. First, it would permit judicial and freedoms. This reauthorization I start by reminding my colleagues of review of section 215 gag orders, but process is our chance to get it right, the context for this deal. Back in No- under conditions that would make it and moving forward with this bill vember and December, when so many very difficult for anyone to obtain takes us one step closer to wasting of us were fighting for improvements meaningful judicial review. Under the that chance. to the conference report, we made very deal, judicial review can only take Back in December, 46 Senators voted clear what we were asking for. We laid place after a year has passed, and it against cloture on the PATRIOT Act out five issues that needed to be ad- can only be successful if the recipient conference report. I think it is clear by dressed to get our support, and I am of the section 215 order proves that the now that the deal makes only minor going to read quickly excerpts from a Government has acted in bad faith. As changes to that conference report, letter we sent explaining our concerns many have argued in the context of the which remains as flawed today as it because I think it will help dem- national security letters, now that is a was 2 months ago. The Senator from onstrate why this deal is so bad and so virtually impossible standard to meet. Pennsylvania, the chairman of the Ju- inadequate. Here are the problems we We need meaningful judicial review of diciary Committee and the primary identified and the changes we asked for these gag orders, not just the illusion proponent of the conference report in several months ago. of it. this body, was quoted as saying that On section 215, we said: Second, the deal would specifically the changes that the White House allow the Government to serve na- The draft conference report would allow agreed to were ‘‘cosmetic.’’ And then the Government to obtain sensitive personal tional security letters on libraries if he said, according to the AP: information on a mere showing of relevance. the library comes within the current But sometimes cosmetics will make a This would allow Government fishing expedi- requirements of the NSL statute. This beauty out of a beast and provide enough tions. As business groups like the U.S. is a provision that appears to just re- cover for Senators to change their vote. Chamber of Commerce have argued, the Gov- state current law. Even the American

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:44 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE6.004 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1519 Library Association has called it noth- right. The bill we are considering today This would not limit the types of ing other than a fig leaf. amends a law that hasn’t even been records that the Government could ob- Third, the deal would clarify that passed by the Senate, much less signed tain, and it does not go as far to pro- people who receive a national security into law. As I understand it, this bill, tect law-abiding Americans as I might letter or a section 215 order would not should both Houses of Congress pass it, prefer, but it would make sure the Gov- have to tell the FBI if they consult will have to sit on the President’s desk ernment cannot go on fishing expedi- with an attorney. Now, this last change unsigned until the President signs the tions into the records of innocent peo- is a positive step, but it is only one rel- conference report bill into law. ple. atively minor change. So that is what The proponents of this deal want to The conference report did away with we are left with: one relatively minor effectively amend the conference re- this delicate compromise, replacing the improvement. That is nowhere near port which couldn’t pass the Senate in three-prong test with a simple and enough. December, even though conference re- quite broad relevance standard which Ordinarily, when we debate a flawed ports are unamendable, and they want could arguably justify the collection of bill such as this one, we at least have to do it by circumventing the regular all kinds of information about per- the chance to improve it on the Senate legislative process with a bill that no fectly law-abiding Americans. floor by offering amendments, and I one is being allowed to amend, even Of all the concerns that have been have been trying to do just that to though the bill did not go through raised about the PATRIOT Act since it make sure we don’t miss the oppor- committee, let alone a conference. How was passed in 2001, section 215 is the tunity to address the core problem is that fair? Why should a handful of one that has received the most public with the PATRIOT Act that so many of members of this body be able to amend attention, and rightly so. A reauthor- us have been fighting to fix. Before the an unamendable conference report with ization bill that doesn’t fix this provi- recess, I filed four amendments to S. a deal struck by the White House, and sion, in my view, has no credibility. 2271, but I was prevented from calling then prevent the Senate from working My second amendment is amendment them up because the majority leader its will on that deal? No. 2893, which would ensure the recipi- used the procedural tactic of filling the How can one group of Senators ents of business records orders under amendment tree in order to prevent amend the conference report but pre- section 215 of the PATRIOT Act and Senators from offering and getting vent other Senators from trying to do also recipients of national security let- votes on amendments. Using proce- the same thing? How is that possible? ters can get meaningful judicial review dural maneuvers like this to prevent The answer is that it is not possible of the gag orders they are subject to. the Senate from debating and voting unless the Senate lets it happen. And Under the conference report, as modi- on amendments is an insult to the in- the vote we will have later today is the fied by the Sununu bill, recipients of stitution, and it is an insult to every vote where we will find out if the Sen- these documents would theoretically one of my colleagues. We are being told ate will let it happen. have the ability to challenge the gag that we have no choice but to accept I hope even colleagues who may sup- orders in court, but the standard for the deal that a few Members cut with port the deal will oppose such a sham getting the gag orders overturned the White House, without being al- process. It makes no sense to agree to would be virtually impossible to meet. lowed to even try to change a single end debate without a guarantee that In order to prevail in challenging the word. we will be allowed to actually try to NSL or section 215 gag order, the re- We do have a choice—to oppose clo- improve the bill, and it is a discourtesy cipient would have to prove that any ture on this bill and insist that any to all Senators, not just me, to try to certification by the Government that deal include meaningful civil liberties ram through controversial legislation disclosure would harm national secu- protections. I don’t know if the major- without the chance to improve it. rity or impair diplomatic relations was ity leader fears that my amendments My amendments are limited and rea- made in bad faith. There would be what would actually pass or if he just wants sonable. I spoke about them at length many have called a conclusive pre- to protect Senators from having to ex- before the recess, but let me just take sumption that the gag order stands, plain why they oppose basic protec- a few minutes to explain again what unless the recipient can prove that the tions for law-abiding Americans, but they would do. Government acted in bad faith. Again, that should not be how the Senate does First, amendment No. 2892 would im- I simply don’t think that anyone could its business. Offering, debating, and plement the standard for obtaining sec- reasonably call this meaningful judi- voting on amendments is what the Sen- tion 215 orders that was in the Senate cial review. ate is supposed to be all about. That is bill that the Judiciary Committee ap- My amendment would eliminate the how we are supposed to craft legisla- proved by a vote of 18 to 0, and that bad faith showing currently required tion. Trying to ram this deal through was agreed to in the Senate without for overturning both section 215 and without a real amending process is a objection. This is obviously a very rea- NSL gag orders. And it would no longer cynical maneuver that we should all sonable amendment that every Senator require recipients of section 215 orders reject, regardless of how we may feel in one way or another has basically to wait a year before they can chal- about the merits of the bill. supported. lenge the accompanying gag orders, If my colleagues want to vote against It took hard work, but the Judiciary which is actually a new requirement in my amendments, that is their right. Committee came up with language on the Sununu bill. But no one has the right to turn this section 215 that protects innocent My third amendment, amendment body into a rubberstamp. Americans, while also allowing the No. 2891, would add to the conference Let’s take a step back and consider Government to do what it needs to do report one additional 4-year sunset pro- the process that got us here today. As to investigate and prevent terrorism. vision. It would sunset the national se- we know, conference reports are not The Senate standard would require the curity letter authorities that were ex- amendable. They come to this body as Government to convince a judge that a panded by the PATRIOT Act. It would a take-it-or-leave-it proposition. Those person has some connection to ter- simply add that sunset to the already are the rules, and we all understand rorism or espionage before obtaining existing 4-year sunsets that are in the them and play by them. In December, their sensitive records. conference report with respect to sec- we understood that. In December, we The Senate standard is the following: tion 206, section 215, and the so-called just said no. We said no to the PA- One, that the records pertain to a ter- lone wolf provision. TRIOT Act conference report. rorist or spy; two, that the records per- National security letters, or NSLs, Now we have a new bill, the product tain to an individual in contact with or are finally starting to get the atten- of a side deal with the White House, known to a suspected terrorist or spy; tion they deserve. This authority was that is essentially an amendment to or—and I emphasize ‘‘or’’—three, that expanded by sections 358 and 505 of the the conference report. It is even draft- the records are relevant to the activi- PATRIOT Act. The issue of NSLs has ed that way. Each section of the bill ties of a suspected terrorist or spy. flown under the radar for years, even amends the underlying law, as amend- That is the standard my amendment though many of us have been trying to ed by the conference report. That is would impose. bring more public attention to it.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:00 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.022 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE S1520 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 28, 2006 National security letters are issued but there is an alternative to the us, a bill that I introduced and the de- by the FBI to businesses to obtain cer- lengthy and uncertain legislative proc- tails of which I helped work out over a tain kinds of records without any— ess that awaits the chairman’s new period of 5 or 6 weeks following the any—sort of court approval whatso- bill, and that is to simply allow the delay of the conference report to reau- ever. NSLs can be used to obtain three Senate to vote on my amendments this thorize the PATRIOT Act at the end of types of business records: subscriber week. The chairman could offer them last year. and transactional information related with me. We could make a pretty pow- I recognize that this legislation, like to Internet and phone usage; credit re- erful team on this issue, maybe. We almost any piece of legislation that is ports; and financial records, a category have the perfect and logical vehicle for dealt with in Congress and in the Sen- that has been expanded to include these amendments to the PATRIOT ate, in particular, represents a com- records from all kinds of everyday Act before us right now. All we need to promise. If you pursue every piece of businesses such as jewelers, car deal- do is add the chairman’s reasonable legislation insisting that you get ev- ers, travel agents, and even casinos. proposals to this bill and send it to the erything you asked for in that bill, in This is a very broad power. I can think House, where it would almost certainly all likelihood you will never get any- of no reason Congress would not want pass if the leadership would simply thing you are seeking, and you cer- to place a sunset on these authorities allow it to be voted on. tainly would not be able to count on to ensure we have the opportunity to These provisions, most of which come the long-term support of others in this take a close look at them. right out of the bill that passed the institution who might have requests or Finally, my fourth amendment, Senate without objection last July, initiatives with which you might not amendment No. 2894, concerns so-called could become law in a matter of weeks agree. A compromise is always nec- sneak-and-peek searches, whereby the rather than a year or more from now, if essary. Government can secretly search peo- ever. But I think in this case the legisla- ple’s houses in everyday criminal in- My amendments and Senator SPEC- tion represents a substantial step for- vestigations and not provide notice of TER’s bill are simply what the bipar- the search until afterward. The key tisan group asked for back in December ward in terms of better safeguarding issue here is how long the Government when we blocked the PATRIOT Act re- our civil liberties from where we were should be allowed to wait, at least in authorization conference report. Our with the current law and, equally im- most cases, before it notifies individ- requests were reasonable then, and portant, allows us to lock in, to get en- uals that their homes have been they are reasonable now. The only rea- acted into law a number of other im- searched. The Senate bill said 7 days, 7 son we are considering a package that provements that many of us worked days should be the presumption, with doesn’t include them is that the White very hard on in a bipartisan way. the ability to get extensions if nec- House played hardball, and the decision I understand that Senator FEINGOLD essary, but the conference report does was made by some to capitulate. doesn’t support the legislation. That is away with that and instead allows a Mr. President, I oppose the flawed certainly his right, his prerogative. delay of 30 days in most cases. deal we are being asked to ratify, and But I think he shortchanges the nature My amendment would restore the I oppose the sham process that the of these improvements. key component in the Senate com- Senate is facing here. We still have not I want to touch on the three ele- promise by requiring that subjects of fixed some of the most significant ments of this bill so that all Senators sneak-and-peek searches be notified of problems of the PATRIOT Act, and if and the public understand how these the search within 7 days unless a judge we allow the conference report to go three provisions take us forward. grants an extension of that time be- through, the chairman’s sincere hopes Maybe the agreement represented in cause there is good reason to still keep notwithstanding, I fear that we will this bill does not move us as far for- the search secret. lose that chance for at least another 4 ward as he or I or others in the Senate It makes no other change in the con- years. So I must oppose cloture on this might like, but its moves us forward ference report other than changing 30 bill, which will allow the deal to go for- nonetheless. days to 7 days. ward. First, in this bill, we create an ex- Those are my amendments. They are Before I yield the floor, let me ask plicit review of the gag order that ac- eminently reasonable. They are con- one more time for unanimous consent companies a 215 subpoena. He has criti- sistent with provisions that we ap- to set the pending amendments aside cized the fact that there is a 12-month proved in the Senate last year or they so that I may call up amendment No. waiting period for taking that gag were central to the concerns raised by 2892, the amendment to modify the order before a judge. so many Senators late last year. So standard for section 215 orders. In our legislation, the SAFE Act, we these are obviously not extreme ideas, The PRESIDING OFFICER. In my had a 3-month waiting period. We and the Senate should be allowed to capacity as Senator from New Hamp- asked for a 3-month waiting period, vote on these four amendments. All of shire, I object. and we ended up with a 12-month wait- us have as much right as the Senators Objection is heard. ing period. That is the nature of com- who struck a deal with the White Mr. FEINGOLD. Mr. President, that promise, but we did get an explicit ju- House to try to amend the conference objection says it all. I urge my col- dicial review of the gag order. I think report. leagues to vote no on cloture, not only the principle that any gag order be I am happy to report that the Sen- because this deal is flawed but also be- ator from Pennsylvania, the chairman given an opportunity for review before cause of the tactics being used to pre- a judge is not only a step forward but of the Judiciary Committee, thinks vent votes on reasonable, relevant these are reasonable amendments, too. a victory on principle, which is ex- amendments—reasonable, relevant tremely important in this legislation, In fact, he thinks they are so reason- amendments that would improve the able that late yesterday he announced and I think it will guide us in the fu- flawed bill we are debating. ture when we might deal with similar that he is going to combine them into I yield the floor and I suggest the ab- questions. a single bill and introduce it today and sence of a quorum. try to move it through the Judiciary The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Second, we struck a provision in the Committee. That is right. The chair- clerk will call the roll. delayed conference report that requires man of the Judiciary Committee, the The legislative clerk proceeded to the recipient of a national security let- chief proponent in this body of the PA- call the roll. ter to disclose the name of their attor- TRIOT Act reauthorization conference Mr. SUNUNU. Mr. President, I ask ney to the FBI. That is a provision that report and of the White House deal the unanimous consent that the order for doesn’t occur anywhere else in the law. Senate is being asked to ratify, has the quorum call be dispensed with. It is a provision that I think could taken the four amendments I just de- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. have discouraged people from seeking scribed and, with a few minor tweaks, BURR). Without objection, it is so or- legal advice. And in the case of a na- he has introduced them as a bill. dered. tional security letter—a subpoena I must say, I guess I am flattered Mr. SUNUNU. Mr. President, I want issued without the approval of a and, of course, I will support that bill, to speak briefly about the bill before judge—we are not talking about a few

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:00 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.023 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1521 dozen subpoenas or a few dozen individ- step forward in the very areas that gained improvements in a number of uals or businesses affected; we are talk- were raised as concerns at the end of other areas in the conference report. I ing about tens of thousands. Striking the session. In conversations with Sen- talked about the 215 standard and the that requirement regarding the recipi- ator FEINGOLD and Senator CRAIG and fact we were not successful in changing ent of an NSL notifying the FBI the others after we defeated cloture on the the standard as it exists in current law. name of their attorney, I think, again, conference report in December, we We were successful, though, in getting is a very important step forward not came back to the four priorities about into the conference report the require- only in encouraging people to seek which most of our discussions with the ment that a statement of facts is pro- legal advice but also a very important administration took place. We made vided, a statement of articulable facts principle to set down in this bill. progress on two of those priorities and supporting the 215 subpoena request. A third improvement which was not added the provision clarifying the ap- We now have minimization require- even considered in the remarks of Sen- plicability of national security letters ments in the conference report that re- ator FEINGOLD is clarification that a li- to libraries. That is a real success, in- quire the Justice Department to elimi- brary engaged in the traditional role of deed. nate extraneous information, informa- lending books, providing books to pa- It is unfortunate in this debate on tion collected on innocent Americans, trons in digital format, or providing the underlying bill has included lan- and to report to Congress exactly how access to the Internet, is not subject to guage such as ‘‘capitulation’’ and ‘‘cav- that is done. We were successful in add- ing.’’ But it certainly does not bother a national security letter. This is an ing clarity to the roving wiretap provi- me. I am very comfortable with the important clarification of congres- sion so it is less likely to be abused or process we used to get these improve- sional intent, an important clarifica- misused. We were able to improve the ments. I am certainly very comfortable tion of the existing law which, unfortu- sneak-and-peek search warrant. with the stand I took, the priorities I nately, is not clear on this point. Senator FEINGOLD indicated we sup- raised, and the end result as far as this It is not clear because the underlying ported a 7-day notification period. In reauthorization process goes. The con- law uses definitions that were written the bill we have a 30-day notification ference report is a significant improve- 20 years ago before the age of the Inter- period. The original PATRIOT Act con- net. I hope the Judiciary Committee ment over current law and the bill be- fore us today is a significant improve- tains no specific requirement on notice will take up a full review and evalua- ment to the conference report. How- other than that notice must be given tion of the definitions and the stand- ever, it is unfair to those Members who to the subject of a search ‘‘in a reason- ards regarding technology and the un- might not have had the opportunity to able amount of time,’’ which I think derlying law that is referenced here. In work directly on these issues in Judici- everyone would recognize leaves things lieu of that, the least we can do is pro- ary or directly in our working group to the whim of a prosecutor or a judge vide clarification as to how and when but feel this is a good, appropriate im- unnecessarily. this law applies to institutions such as provement and a good compromise, to We have 4-year sunsets for the most libraries. We have done so in a positive suggest that they are only changing controversial provisions of this bill, in- and meaningful way. their vote for political reasons. There cluding the 215 subpoena power, the There are two areas Senator FEIN- were many individuals—Democrats and roving wiretaps, and the lone wolf pro- GOLD mentioned where we had not Republicans—who were never willing visions. made progress. I am more than willing to take a stand on this issue, even Through the work of Senator LEAHY, to recognize we did not get everything though they may have agreed with in particular, we were able to get a asked for, even as we significantly im- criminal penalty for inadvertent dis- Senator FEINGOLD, me, or others, about proved the conference report. One is our concerns. They may have wished closure of national security letters the standard of conclusive presumption the issue would go away. There were dropped from the conference report. All which is a standard he does not sup- some Members who claimed to support of these represent significant changes port. I do not support imposing this us but, frankly, when given the oppor- from the original act, significant standard of inclusive presumption for tunity to weigh in with the administra- changes included in the conference re- overturning the 215 and NSL gag or- tion or to help move the process for- port. And in addition to the three ders, but the fact remains, as was ward, they chose not to. changes in this underlying legislation, pointed out by Chairman SPECTER dur- It is unfair to criticize those who we have a better product and one that ing our original debate at the end of worked with us—Democrats and Re- will receive strong bipartisan support. last year, that this is a standard that publicans—to push this issue forward, I look forward to passage of the bill. was in the Senate bill that was passed to make these improvements, to sud- I was pleased to work with my col- unanimously last summer. It is quite denly bring their motivation into ques- leagues on both sides of the aisle in challenging tactically to try to nego- tion when they decide to support a getting this done. In doing so, in forc- tiate out a provision that all Senators compromise. I do not think that serves ing us to take more time and forcing supported and voted for in the original the institution of the Senate well, es- the administration to add additional Senate bill. pecially as we had before the recess a protections for civil liberties to the The second issue is the most prob- 93-to-6 vote to move forward. We have legislation and putting together a bi- lematic, the one where I would like to leadership on both sides of the aisle partisan group willing to demand these have made more progress. That is in supporting this package. I think the ul- things, we sent an important message, changing the standard for getting a 215 timate vote on final passage of my bill a message that we have a group willing subpoena from one of mere relevance and the delayed conference report will to work in Congress to achieve these to terrorism investigation, as is the yield a very strong bipartisan agree- improvements and a message to the ad- current law and the standard in the ment also. ministration that when we are dealing conference report, to having a clear We can take issue with the level of with these issues, they need to be en- connection to a suspected or known progress that was made, we can take gaged and active and working toward terrorist or foreign power. We did not issue with the underlying substance of consensus from the very beginning of succeed in getting an improvement to the original PATRIOT Act, the con- the process. the standard itself. However, through ference report, or these additional im- I yield the floor and suggest the ab- the course of negotiations, because of provements, but everyone I have dealt sence of a quorum. the work done by me and Senator FEIN- with in this process has worked in a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The GOLD and others, we were able to get very direct, straightforward way. clerk will call the roll. other requirements and criteria to be There has been a desire to find common The assistant legislative clerk pro- met by the government before a 215 ground, and in finding that common ceeded to call the roll. subpoena can be issued which I will ground, to come to a consensus that al- Mr. FEINGOLD. Mr. President, I ask speak to in a moment. lowed this conference report to move unanimous consent that the order for These three provisions, again, are forward. the quorum call be rescinded. significant steps forward from the de- In addition to the three improve- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without layed conference report. They are a ments I described, we had previously objection, it is so ordered.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:00 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.025 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE S1522 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 28, 2006 RECESS said no. He has filled the amendment XXII, the Chair lays before the Senate The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under tree, effectively blocking me or any the pending cloture motion, which the the previous order, the hour of 12:30 other Senator from trying to improve clerk will report. p.m. having arisen, the Senate stands this bill during debate. The majority The assistant legislative clerk read in recess until 2:15 p.m. leader has told us the conference report as follows: Thereupon, the Senate, at 12:30 p.m., will be amended by this deal cut with CLOTURE MOTION recessed until 2:14 p.m. and reassem- the White House by a few Senators, and We the undersigned Senators, in accord- there is nothing the rest of us can do ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the bled when called to order by the Pre- Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby siding Officer (Mr. VOINOVICH). about it. But, of course, there is something we move to bring to a close debate on S. 2271: to f can do about it. We can reject this par- clarify that individuals who receive FISA or- ders can challenge nondisclosure require- USA PATRIOT ACT ADDITIONAL liamentary game. These kinds of ments, that individuals who receive national REAUTHORIZING AMENDMENTS strong-arm tactics are not right. They security letters are not required to disclose ACT OF 2006—Continued are an abuse of the process. They are the name of their attorney, that libraries are beneath the Senate, and I hope my col- not wire or electronic communication serv- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The leagues will send a strong message that ice providers unless they provide specific Chair, in his capacity as a Senator it will not be tolerated on this bill or services, and for other purposes. from the State of Ohio, suggests the any other bill. So I urge my colleagues Bill Frist, Arlen Specter, Thad Cochran, absence of a quorum. to vote no on cloture and to allow the Richard Burr, Mel Martinez, Jim The clerk will call the roll. Bunning, Jon Kyl, Craig Thomas, Mike Senate to consider amendments to im- Crapo, David Vitter, Bob Bennett, The assistant legislative clerk pro- prove the PATRIOT Act. ceeded to call the roll. Norm Coleman, Michael B. Enzi, Mr. President, I yield the floor and Lindsey Graham, Jeff Sessions, Saxby Mr. FEINGOLD. Mr. President, I ask suggest the absence of a quorum. Chambliss, John Cornyn, John Thune. unanimous consent that the order for The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. REID. Mr. President, I rise to ex- the quorum call be rescinded. objection, it is so ordered. The clerk plain why I will oppose cloture on the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without will call the roll. PATRIOT Act Amendments Act. In objection, it is so ordered. The assistant legislative clerk pro- brief, I will vote against cloture to reg- Mr. FEINGOLD. Mr. President, in a ceeded to call the roll. ister my objection to the procedural few minutes the Senate is going to vote Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask maneuver under which Senators have on whether one small group of Sen- unanimous consent that the order for been blocked from offering any amend- ators, with the blessing of the majority the quorum call be rescinded. ments to this bill. leader, can effectively amend a con- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without While I will vote against cloture, I ference report while other Senators are objection, it is so ordered. nonetheless support the underlying bill precluded from offering amendments f offered by the Senator from New by a procedural tactic. I urge my col- Hampshire, which improves the PA- leagues, regardless of their views on MAKING AVAILABLE FUNDS FOR THE LOW-INCOME HOME ENERGY TRIOT Act. The Sununu bill puts in the White House deal or PATRIOT Act place more checks on the expanded au- reauthorization, to vote against clo- ASSISTANCE PROGRAM, 2006—MO- TION TO PROCEED thorities granted to the Government ture. Senators should not be precluded by the PATRIOT Act, without inter- CLOTURE MOTION from offering amendments to impor- fering with the Government’s ability to Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I now tant pieces of legislation. protect Americans from terrorism. move to proceed to Calendar No. 363, S. In December, 46 Senators voted I support the PATRIOT Act. I voted 2320, the LIHEAP bill, and I send a clo- against cloture on the PATRIOT Act for it in 2001, and I voted for a reau- ture motion to the desk. reauthorization conference report. The thorization bill that passed the Senate The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- deal we are asked to bless today makes unanimously last summer. In Decem- ture motion having been presented only minor or, in the words of the Sen- ber, however, I voted against cloture under rule XXII, the Chair directs the ator from Pennsylvania, ‘‘cosmetic’’ on a conference report to reauthorize clerk to read the motion. changes to that conference report. But the PATRIOT Act. I opposed that bill regardless of whether you agree with The assistant legislative clerk read as follows: because it returned from the House- me that the deal does not address the Senate conference without adequate CLOTURE MOTION key civil liberties issues identified as checks to protect the privacy of inno- problems with the conference report in We the undersigned Senators, in accord- ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the cent Americans. December, there is no question this is a In my view Congress should give the deal the vast majority of the Senate Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby move to bring to a close debate on the mo- executive branch the tools it needs to had no role in. A few Senators worked tion to proceed to S. 2320: a bill to make fight terrorism, combined with strong out a few changes with the White available funds included in the Deficit Re- oversight to protect against Govern- House, and we are now being asked to duction Act of 2005 for the Low-Income Home ment overreaching and abuse of these take it or leave it. That is not how the Energy Assistance Program for fiscal year tools. Senate is supposed to work. 2006, and for other purposes. Senator SUNUNU has negotiated sev- I have filed four reasonable amend- Bill Frist, Lindsey Graham, John War- eral needed improvements with the ments. They reflect provisions that ner, Norm Coleman, Lisa Murkowski, White House. His bill would allow for were included in the bill the Senate George Allen, Lamar Alexander, Eliza- beth Dole, Rick Santorum, Susan Col- judicial review of the gag order im- passed in July without objection or lins, Mitch McConnell, Ted Stevens, posed by the PATRIOT Act when the that were central to the concerns Christopher Bond, George Voinovich, Government seeks business records. It raised by so many Senators late last John Thune, Johnny Isakson, Orrin would also restrict Federal access to li- year. They are so reasonable the Sen- Hatch, Craig Thomas. brary records, and it would eliminate ator from Pennsylvania plans to intro- Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I now the requirement that recipients of a duce a bill incorporating them and has withdraw the motion. national security letter tell the FBI pledged to pursue it after the con- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The mo- the identity of any lawyer they con- ference report becomes law. There is no tion to proceed is withdrawn. sult. reason we should put off addressing f The Sununu bill is a step in the right these important concerns that long direction, and therefore I will support when we could be debating and voting USA PATRIOT ACT ADDITIONAL it. on them this week. REAUTHORIZING AMENDMENTS Of course even a good bill can be im- I am also willing to have time agree- ACT OF 2006—Continued proved. That is why we have an amend- ments limiting debate on my amend- CLOTURE MOTION ment process in the Senate. The junior ments as long as they get votes. But, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Senator from Wisconsin has tried to again, the majority leader has simply the previous order, pursuant to rule offer a small number of relevant

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:00 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.027 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1523 amendments that I believe would make Specter Talent Vitter PAT LEAHY have heard about his grand- Stevens Thomas Voinovich this bill even better. I am disappointed Sununu Thune Warner children. He is not bashful about brag- that he has been denied that oppor- ging on his grandchildren. His newest tunity by a procedural maneuver NAYS—30 grandchild was born earlier this known as ‘‘filling the amendment Akaka Durbin Menendez month—in fact, about 27, 28 days ago. Baucus Feingold Mikulski I don’t think could ask for tree.’’ Bayh Harkin Murray This is a very bad practice. It runs Bingaman Jeffords Obama anyone better than PAT LEAHY. I have against the basic nature of the Senate. Boxer Kennedy Reed been very impressed with his work. On The hallmark of the Senate is free Byrd Kerry Reid the Judiciary Committee, he has been Cantwell Lautenberg Salazar speech and open debate. Rule XXII es- Dayton Leahy Sarbanes an advocate for fairness. He has worked tablishes a process for cutting off de- Dodd Levin Stabenow with us on judges. It has been difficult bate and amendments, but rule XXII Dorgan Lieberman Wyden and tiresome at times, but he has al- should rarely be invoked before any NOT VOTING—1 ways done what I believe to be an out- amendments have been offered. There Inouye standing job and a fair job. is no reason to truncate Senate debate For farmers, his work on issues relat- The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this ing to dairy has been historic. He has on this important bill in this unusual vote, the yeas are 69, the nays are 30. fashion. saved hundreds of family farms just in Three-fifths of the Senators duly cho- Vermont, and thousands and thousands I will vote against cloture to register sen and sworn having voted in the af- my objection to this flawed process. around the country in his work on agri- firmative, the motion is agreed to. culture. His environmental credentials I expect that cloture will be invoked The Democratic leader. and that the Sununu bill will pass. I are unsurpassed by anyone. SENATOR LEAHY’S12,000TH VOTE also expect that the PATRIOT Act re- Some would question his musical Mr. REID. Mr. President, today PAT authorization will pass, now that it has taste, but as far as I am concerned, LEAHY, senior Senator from Vermont, been improved. But the passage of that is also great. Emmylou Harris, to reached a Senate milestone, to say the these measures should not be the end whom he introduced me, is my favor- least. A few minutes ago he cast his of our work. The Senate should con- ite. I think I met her personally be- 12,000th vote. He has voted in the Sen- tinue the effort to strengthen civil lib- cause of a birthday party PAT LEAHY ate 12,000 times. This is quite an ac- erties in the war on terror. had. Then, of course, I am happy to say complishment. He joins a very elite I welcome the bill of Senator SPEC- that PAT LEAHY and I are Deadheads. club, led by the distinguished senior TER which includes many of the im- He is a wonderful man and a great Senator from West Virginia, Senator provements Senator FEINGOLD seeks. I Senator. I congratulate him on reach- BYRD, who has voted more than 17,000 look forward to working with him to ing this milestone and look forward to times; Senator KENNEDY, more than have his legislation enacted into law as watching him cast thousands of votes 14,000 times; Senator INOUYE, more soon as possible. in the years ahead. than 14,000 times; Senator STEVENS, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- In this and other areas, we should more than 14,000 times; Senators BIDEN ator from Pennsylvania. give the Government the tools it needs and DOMENICI, just over 12,000 times. Mr. SPECTER. Mr. President, I join to protect our national security, while PAT LEAHY came to the Senate in in paying tribute to the distinguished placing sensible checks on the arbi- 1974, the youngest Senator in Vermont Senator from Vermont, Senator LEAHY. trary exercise of executive power. history and the only Democrat ever Our friendship precedes the service of The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- elected to the U.S. Senate in the entire both of us in the Senate. I first met imous consent, the mandatory quorum history of the State of Vermont—the Senator LEAHY at the National District call has been waived. only one, the first and only. He has Attorneys Convention in Philadelphia The question is, Is it the sense of the been in the Senate 32 years. In each of in 1970. Senator LEAHY was the district Senate that debate on S. 2271, the USA those votes, Senator LEAHY voted to attorney of Burlington, VT, and I was PATRIOT Act Additional Reauthor- make Vermont a better and stronger the district attorney of Philadelphia. izing Amendments Act of 2006, shall be place. That friendship was renewed when I brought to a close? The yeas and nays Senator LEAHY has a lot of things in was elected to the Senate in 1980. Sen- are mandatory under the rule. The mind when he comes to cast a vote, but ator LEAHY had already been here for 6 clerk will call the roll. No. 1 on the list is Vermont. That is years. We have worked together for 25 The assistant legislative clerk called one of the principal reasons Vermont is years plus on Judiciary and Appropria- the roll. a great place to live, work, and raise a tions and on the Subcommittee on Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the family. Labor, Health, Human Services and Senator from Hawaii (Mr. INOUYE) nec- I have worked very closely with PAT Education. It has been a very close essarily absent. LEAHY. He is a Senator’s Senator. He is working relationship, and never as The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. able to be as partisan as any Senator close as it has been for the past 14 COLEMAN). Are there any other Sen- we have, but he is also a person who months as we have worked together on ators in the Chamber desiring to vote? can be as bipartisan as any Senator the Judiciary Committee with some The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 69, who has ever served in the Senate. The very significant accomplishments for nays 30, as follows: first example of that is his work with the Senate and for the American peo- [Rollcall Vote No. 23 Leg.] his colleague, the chairman of the Ju- ple. YEAS—69 diciary Committee, ARLEN SPECTER of Last year, when I had a problem or Alexander Craig Kyl Pennsylvania. two, besides working with Senator Allard Crapo Landrieu I like PAT LEAHY for lots of reasons. LEAHY on the administration of the Ju- Allen DeMint Lincoln His legislative skills, of course, are one diciary Committee I had a period where Bennett DeWine Lott Biden Dole Lugar of the reasons. But, to me, everything I was bald. On our frequent visits to- Bond Domenici Martinez pales when I think of his wife Marcelle. gether, the only way we could be dis- Brownback Ensign McCain She is a wonderful human being. PAT tinguished was by the color of our ties. Bunning Enzi McConnell LEAHY is who he is because of the wife I usually wore red and he customarily Burns Feinstein Murkowski Burr Frist Nelson (FL) he has chosen. They have been married wore green, so people knew who was Carper Graham Nelson (NE) more than 40 years. She is a registered who. Chafee Grassley Pryor nurse. Marcelle Leahy is as kind and Earlier today I received this picture Chambliss Gregg Roberts Clinton Hagel Rockefeller gentle as anyone would expect a nurse of Senator LEAHY with his new grand- Coburn Hatch Santorum to be. I care about her a great deal. son. The grandson is a few weeks old, Cochran Hutchison Schumer PAT and Marcelle are very proud of but I am pleased to report to C–SPAN Coleman Inhofe Sessions their three children and certainly very viewers, if there are any, that the Collins Isakson Shelby Conrad Johnson Smith proud of their grandchildren. All of us grandson has more hair than Senator Cornyn Kohl Snowe who have been in talking distance of LEAHY.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:44 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE6.001 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE S1524 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 28, 2006 PAT LEAHY is a great Senator and he known around the world for that. It We speak of what we bring to this is a great friend. It is a great achieve- has been an extraordinary crusade. He body. We all come from different back- ment to cast 12,000 votes. I have been deserves enormous credit for leading it grounds. It is not just our political here for a good many of them, and he and is widely known around the world background; it is how we are raised, it has even been right some of the time. I for that. is what our faith is. And if we believe am delighted to join in praising my I thank him for his extraordinary in the best of what we learned when we good friend Senator PAT LEAHY. service over the last 14 years in which were being raised or the best of what it The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- I have been associated with him. It has is we believe in, then we have to help jority leader. been a pleasure to work with him every these people who will never be helped Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, when you year. I, too, wish him 12,000 more votes. otherwise, and I have been proud to do reflect back to that many votes, that I yield the floor. that. I like to think what was instilled many thousands of votes, very quickly The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- in me by my parents, Howard and Alba you could go back and look at various ator from Vermont. Leahy or in Marcelle by her parents, Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, it is hard issues PAT LEAHY has been involved Phil and Cecile Pomerleau, brought with. I think that is important to do. It to put in words what I feel as I listen about some of this, or just the upbring- reflects a great legacy for our country, to my good friends, HARRY REID and ing in the special little State of what he has stood for, the values and ARLEN SPECTER, BILL FRIST and MITCH Vermont. MCCONNELL, saying such nice things. principles. I will close with this. I didn’t expect I wish to add to the accolades what I They are friends. We work together. to say anything, but I was kind of over- have found, and that is, as I have gone HARRY—I should say, following Senate whelmed by what was said by a dear around the world over the last several protocol, the distinguished Senator friend like ARLEN SPECTER, whom I years in humanitarian causes, part of from Nevada, Senator REID—was kind have known since we were both pros- enough to first and foremost mention which is done as official CODELs as a ecutors, a job that some days we think my wife Marcelle. There is no conceiv- Senator but even more than that as a was the best job we ever had. It made able way I could have accomplished volunteer physician, going on the me reflect on what a great honor it is any of this without Marcelle. She has for all of us, Republicans and Demo- ground into communities, into villages been my guiding light for well over 40 crats and Independents, to serve in this all over the world, what is interesting years. Nothing I have done could I have body. Only 100 of us get a chance to do to me—people don’t care about the ma- accomplished without her. it at any one time, and someday we jority leader, they don’t care about the Senator SPECTER was kind enough to will be replaced by others. What an typical names you hear from the Sen- hold up the picture of the latest mem- honor it is to be here and what a re- ate floor, but PAT LEAHY’s name comes ber of our clan, Patrick Lucas Jackson. sponsibility it is. up again and again from the under- I think of that because I came here I have seen the Senate go through served, from the people who have suf- holding the actual pictures in my mind many changes, but I have also seen the fered the tragedy of landmine injuries. of my three children, Kevin, Alicia, and personal relationships the press doesn’t It is remarkable. It is something we Mark, and their spouses, Carolyn, Law- see, the public doesn’t see, the personal don’t talk about on the floor a lot. But rence, and Kristine, but also the pic- relationships we have built across the to have real people thousands of miles tures of four wonderful grandchildren: aisle and with each other. When we do, away coming forward with his name re- Roan, Francesca, Sophia, and now Pat- the country is better, the Senate is flects the great legacy he leaves, that rick. To have them mentioned I realize better, and people’s lives are better. he continues to leave, and I am sure there is another generation, and I hope I must say that I was awed and hum- there will be another 12,000 votes as we their children will be proud of what bled the first day I walked on the floor come forward. their father does, but I especially hope as a 34-year-old to be sworn in, where I do want to express both to him and the grandchildren, who will be the hope 30 minutes before I was the State’s at- to Marcelle, a nurse, who greatly influ- of our future, will feel the same way. torney sitting in a county in Vermont enced his life and for whom he has so BILL FRIST, the distinguished Repub- and 30 minutes later was then the jun- much love that he expresses so directly lican leader, and Senator MITCH ior Senator from Vermont. I still feel to so many of us in casual conversa- MCCONNELL, the distinguished deputy that same awe every time I walk on tions or the sorts of occasions that peo- Republican leader, were kind to speak this floor. The day I stop feeling that ple don’t see—that is the PAT LEAHY I of the landmine issue and things we awe, I will stop walking here. want to recognize today—congratula- worked out together—both of them With that, I have said more than tions. being Senators who have done so much Vermonters usually do. I yield the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- in that same area. floor. jority whip. Sometimes we deal in issues people I suggest the absence of a quorum. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, it look at as just local issues or issues The PRESIDING OFFICER. The has been my distinct pleasure to be ei- that affect only a few. What we have clerk will call the roll. The assistant legislative clerk pro- ther the ranking member of the For- done in this case—Senator MCCONNELL, eign Operations Subcommittee or the ceeded to call the roll. who was so good to move to name the Mr. BUNNING. Mr. President, I ask chairman with my good friend PAT war victims fund the Leahy War Vic- unanimous consent that the order for LEAHY. Part of what Senate etiquette tims Fund—is something I will never the quorum call be rescinded. tells us is we are supposed to refer to forget; Senator FRIST, who voluntarily The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without each other as ‘‘my good friend,’’ but in goes into parts of Africa and elsewhere objection, it is so ordered. the case of PAT LEAHY, it is not only to use his medical skills. We talk of Mr. BUNNING. Mr. President, I come Senate etiquette but it is the case that these kinds of things—the landmine to the floor to speak about the PA- he has become a good friend. issue; things Senator MCCONNELL and I TRIOT Act. I support the reauthoriza- Twelve thousand votes is quite an ac- have done to bring medicine to parts of tion of this law. It is vital we reauthor- complishment, but beyond that, I have the world that never see it; efforts to ize it and make it permanent. Finally, enjoyed the spirit of bipartisanship eradicate polio, childhood diseases, to we will be able to move this reauthor- with which we have pursued each For- bring to people the ability to actually ization forward with a series of votes eign Operations Appropriations bill for feed themselves. The people we help this week. It has been lingering out each of the last 14 years, whether he don’t contribute to campaigns. When there too long, especially since the was chairman or I was chairman. We Senator MCCONNELL and I pass a bill House passed it over 2 months ago. tried to develop the expenditures of the here on the floor, they don’t know who The Senate needs to be taken seri- Federal Government in a way that we are. They do not know whether it is ously in the domestic fight against ter- made sense for America and also had Republicans or Democrats. None of rorism. Two months is too long to an impact on the rest of the world. them know that. We will never meet wait. I fear our delays have sent the The majority leader has mentioned most of them, but we like to think—I wrong message to our antiterrorism in- the landmine crusade Senator LEAHY like to think—we have made their lives vestigators and prosecutors as well as has led for a long time. He is indeed better. those who would do us harm.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:14 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.037 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1525 In this body I hear a lot of critics of Just last week, we were reminded difficult choices, establish priorities the President and his efforts to fight that there are those in America who and try to set our Nation on a course terrorism. Those critics always have want to do us harm. Three men in Ohio to prosperity. problems but rarely do they have any were indicted for conspiring to commit Unfortunately, the President’s recent solutions other than to do nothing. acts of terrorism, including trying to submission of his fiscal year 2007 budg- Doing nothing led us to 9/11, and we make bomb vests that could be used on et and subsequent request for supple- would be foolish to go back. the battlefield in Iraq or in a shopping mental appropriations for the ongoing The PATRIOT Act was one of the mall in America. The enemy is not war in Iraq do not reflect the priorities first things we did after September 11 sleeping, and now is not the time for us our Nation needs to move ahead, and it to make sure something like that to lose our resolve. makes the wrong choices in spending never happens again. It passed the Sen- Under the PATRIOT Act, we have and saving. ate 98 to 1. This Chamber can be pretty captured over 400 terrorist suspects. Taken together, they represent a cal- partisan at times, but at that time 98 That is a lot of people who want to do lous disregard for fiscal reality and a Senators thought it went far enough to us harm. Over 200 terrorists have been failure to prioritize our country’s most protect civil liberties. convicted or pled guilty in investiga- important needs. But now we hear how the PATRIOT tions helped by the PATRIOT Act. No American family would dare man- Act is bad. The conference report we Using the PATRIOT Act, our inves- age their finances this way, and I am received in December makes perma- tigators have seized cash and drugs on the floor today to say that we must nent most of the expiring provisions of being used to fund terrorism. They take a different course. the existing law but with additional have also captured weapons and broke In the 3 years since the start of Oper- protections for civil liberties. But that up plans to smuggle weapons into the ation Iraqi Freedom, our country and was not enough, and 47 Senators fili- country, including antiaircraft mis- Congress have stood with the President bustered the bill. So here we are today, siles. in staunch support of our troops. 2 months later, about to pass some Home-grown terrorists have been While we are both proud and duty- changes to the conference report and caught, also. The list of successes goes bound to provide the resources our men finally send something to the Presi- on and on. There are terrorists behind and women in uniform need to do their dent. bars instead of advancing plots against jobs safely and effectively, it is dis- Now, do not get me wrong. I think us because of the PATRIOT Act tools ingenuous to continue to ask for the improvements in the conference re- and, more importantly, there are many ‘‘emergency’’ spending to pay for mili- port are positive. We absolutely should Americans alive who may be dead if tary action that has been ongoing for write protections into the law where those terrorists were successful in car- years. they do not tie the FBI’s hands in stop- rying out their plots. Year in and year out, the President ping terrorist attacks. But the FBI was We need the PATRIOT Act. We need asks the Congress to provide the re- not using the PATRIOT Act to bother to get it reauthorized and signed into sources for his Iraq policy outside the law-abiding Americans. We did not law. Our terrorist investigators need bounds of the traditional budget proc- need to delay the law for 2 months. their tools to be permanent. This gives ess, and in each one of those years, And we do not need to rewrite it from them certainty. We need to send a concerns over accountability swell and scratch, as some of my colleagues in strong message to the terrorists that demands for a plan that will allow our the body are suggesting. we will come after them with every- troops to fulfill their mission and re- It is important to protect Americans’ thing we can. turn home go unanswered. civil liberties, and the original PA- I urge my colleagues to support these Like every American, we all want to TRIOT Act and the updated one do bills and to drop their obstruction so succeed in our mission in Iraq. We this. But I think some Senators are we can do our job to protect all Ameri- want to achieve our military and pol- missing the point. Civil liberties do not cans. icy goals, and to bring our troops home mean much when you are dead. And I yield the floor and suggest the ab- safely. that is what the PATRIOT Act is sence of a quorum. We know that this will require sac- about: stopping us from ending up dead The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. MAR- rifice and that a U.S. presence will be at the hands of terrorists. TINEZ). The clerk will call the roll. required for some period of time. Some Senators make the PATRIOT The legislative clerk proceeded to Despite these obvious facts, the ad- Act sound like some huge expansion of call the roll. ministration continues to operate from law enforcement powers. That is sim- Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, I ask the pretense that the cost of this ongo- ply not true. The PATRIOT Act unanimous consent the order for the ing war is unknowable and thus re- brought our laws up to date with mod- quorum call be rescinded. quires emergency spending. ern technology. It gave antiterrorist The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The continued adherence to this pol- investigators the same tools as other objection, it is so ordered. icy deliberately misleads the American investigators, and it tore down the ar- Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, I ask people about the cost of this war. tificial wall between intelligence and unanimous consent to speak as in But it also misses a central point, law enforcement. In other words, it re- morning business for 10 minutes. the real emergency is here at home in moved the legal barriers that kept us The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without our classrooms, in communities from from being able to prevent things like objection, it is so ordered. the Gulf Coast to the Pacific North- the September 11 attacks. BUDGET PRIORITIES west, in our hospitals, and in our As Senators, it is our job to fix the Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, as we firehouses. laws when they put Americans in dan- return from the President’s Day recess, The Senate has shown unwavering ger. It is sad that it took September 11 the Senate will be debating the future support for our men and women fight- for those problems to be exposed. But direction of our country. ing overseas. These heroes deserve it is even sadder still that some want This debate will come in the form of every bit of aid we can provide—be it to second-guess those changes and turn the discussions we have on the Federal the best body armor, the best equip- our antiterror laws into a partisan Government’s budget. ment, or the best pay and health care. issue. But the safety of Americans is A budget is a statement of our prior- Time and again Democrats have not a partisan issue. We have to do ev- ities. Families across our country stood shoulder to shoulder with the erything we can within the Constitu- make difficult decisions every day Bush administration to do just that— tion to protect Americans from both while living within their own budgets, and in many cases we have pushed to foreign and domestic threats. We all choosing one priority over another and provide more than the President re- swore an oath to do so when we joined working hard to fulfill their own Amer- quested for our troops, our veterans, this body. ican dream. and their families. The PATRIOT Act is critical to pro- Likewise, our national budget and My concern—and I know many of my tecting Americans, and now is the time the way we spend tax dollars reflects colleagues share it as well—is that to pass this bill once and for all. our priorities as a Nation. We make while we provide the best for our men

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:14 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.040 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE S1526 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 28, 2006 and women overseas, we are doing far strong and secure in meeting those PRESCRIPTION DRUGS less for the men, women and children challenges head-on. Today, our efforts Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, during fighting to get ahead on our own in this regard are woefully inadequate. this President’s Day recess, I journeyed shores. To be strong in the future—to have to Illinois and made stops in several They too deserve the best—the best the ability to fight the wars of the fu- cities. There were many places to visit, education, the best health care, and ture, create the economy of the future, but I chose to visit drugstores. In each the best protection from terrorist at- and lead the world in human liberty one of these towns, large and small, I tack. I don’t think anyone in this and freedom—we must create an envi- sought out pharmacists—whether it Chamber today can honestly say that ronment of hope and opportunity here was Collinsville, IL, or Decatur, IL, or we are achieving that goal. at home. And yes, this is an emer- Chicago—to talk about the Medicare I am here to say that this Senator gency. prescription Part D plan. I thought the will not stand idly by as we send bil- We all support our troops, and we pharmacist was the right person to lions to support and protect the heroes will support the President’s efforts to speak to because these pharmacists are overseas while cutting basic needs for provide for their well-being and to en- on the front line in health care. Across the heroes waking up every morning sure that they have the tools and re- America, many Americans view the across our great Nation trying to pro- sources they need to carry out their pharmacist as their friend when it vide themselves and their children a missions. comes to their medical conditions and better life. We can and must do both. But, candidly, we must be able to their health. So they have a good, So, as the Senate prepares to con- both support our troops and create a trusting relationship. sider the budget and support our country full of hope and optimism for Also, of course, Medicare prescription troops, I am going to ask that we stand them to return to. Part D is the first time we are trying up to protect and support hard working To accomplish this we need to make to provide prescription drugs to people American families right here at home. changes in policy and allocation of re- under Medicare, something we should That means: Providing affordable, ac- sources, and I am going to demand that have done from the beginning, but we cessible health care for every Amer- we consider these important questions are doing now. We are not doing it very ican, ensuring the best education for when we debate the budget and the well. our young people, taking care of our Iraq war supplemental appropriations What I learned during my visit to Il- veterans when they return home, request. linois is the fact that there are thou- sands of people in my home State who pointing our Nation down a path to- As I have said before on this floor, are struggling to make the right deci- ward energy, independence, and pro- the Federal budget is the statement of sion when it comes to their Medicare tecting our homeland from both terror- our priorities as a people, and it should prescription drug program. They are ists and natural disasters. be a moral, thoughtful document. struggling because there are some The costs of mismanagement, corrup- Today, America’s need for sound fis- choices, and the choices are very dif- tion, and lack of investment at home cal policy and a solid commitment to ficult to evaluate. In Illinois, there are are creating a crisis of confidence in prosperity at home is not being met. about 42 different plans from which our current path among the American We can do better. If the President seniors can choose. If you seek the in- people. We must change course. and the majority won’t lead our coun- formation on the plan, you are directed There is precedent in our Nation’s try toward a more hopeful, prosperous to a Web site. A Web site may be of history for future oriented investment future, then we will. value to many people who are following during difficult times—in fact, trou- Mr. President, I yield the floor. I sug- the Senate proceedings, but to many bled times demand that we don’t just gest the absence of a quorum. senior citizens it is terror incognito; it wallow in current events, but better The PRESIDING OFFICER. The is unknown territory. prepare for our future. clerk will call the roll. The bill clerk proceeded to call the Only one in four senior citizens have In 1862, our great Country was torn ever logged onto a computer. They do apart. The Civil War defined our Na- roll. Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, I ask not have the luxury of going to the ap- tion and determined our future. But unanimous consent that the order for propriate Web site using their mouse to war was not the only thing that was the quorum call be dispensed with. click through the options trying to fig- debated that year, and war was not the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ure out the best choice. They are only thing that determined our Na- objection, it is so ordered. lucky, in many cases, to have one of tion’s fate: 1862 was also the year that Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, I ask their kids who will sit with them and legislation creating the land-grant col- unanimous consent to speak and have work through the options. lege system was passed by Congress my speech recorded as if in morning But, I tell you, some of the profes- and signed into law by President Lin- business. I will use the time allotted sional people I run into, educated peo- coln. with my hour postcloture. ple I run into, quickly tell me that this Think of it, in the midst of war, when The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without is not an easy thing to navigate. With the Union’s very existence was in ques- objection, it is so ordered. 42 plans, you had better make the right tion, our leaders took the forward (The remarks of Mr. DORGAN per- choice. looking step of establishing a path by taining to the introduction of S. 2341 Most seniors start with the basic which average Americans could im- are printed in today’s RECORD under drug they are currently taking and prove themselves and contribute to the ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and they go to the prescription drug plan welfare of our Nation. And you know Joint Resolutions.’’) to see if that drug is offered by the what—it worked. Mr. DORGAN. I suggest the absence drug plan. Then they calculate the Today, those same land-grant col- of a quorum. prices of the drugs to try to determine leges and universities are the envy of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The how much they are going to have to the world because of the great edu- clerk will call the roll. spend to get into the program, or once cation they provide many Americans The assistant legislative clerk pro- in the program how they will pay for and the economic benefit they provide ceeded to call the roll. their drugs. What they come to learn, to our country. Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask to their chagrin, is that many of the Today, we too, are in the grip of war, unanimous consent that the order for drugs which are part of the formulary and there are forces arrayed against us the quorum call be dispensed with. or the drugs that are being offered in a that seek to do us real and lasting The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. program today are changed tomorrow. harm—we must combat our enemies CHAMBLISS). Without objection, it is so The drug you needed, the drug you are with every ounce of energy we have. ordered. looking for may be discontinued to- But like previous generations of Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask morrow. American leaders, we also have an obli- unanimous consent to speak as if in In other words, instead of a discount gation to prepare the American people morning business. you may have to pay the full price. It for the challenges we will confront in The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without is really a classic bait-and-switch situ- the future and to ensure that we are objection, it is so ordered. ation.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:44 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE6.007 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1527 Second, the price that is quoted to private sector wants to compete and So, now, this woman having gone you for this drug may change as well. offer an alternative, they could have. I through all of these surgeries, all of It is like following the stock market. would have voted for that. But Medi- this medical care, has to reach into her You have had two different plans. care should have been able to offer the pocket and pay out $2,900 before the These seniors are trying to choose the basic fundamental model plan that Medicare plan kicks in again. right one. The drugs that are covered every senior could turn to, and it Could we have dreamed up a more can change day to day. The prices can would have been successful because complex and convoluted approach to change day to day. And seniors have to Medicare, with the potential of bar- providing prescription drugs to sen- make their choice and live with it for gaining for 40 million senior citizens, iors? a year. could sit down with that drug company I learned during the course of my It is fundamentally unfair. It is un- and tell them you can’t raise the price visit that many of these seniors are fair that the drug plans can change of drugs 10 percent a year, we just desperate. They know they have to de- right as these seniors have made their won’t let you under the plan. cide by May 15 to sign up for a plan. choice. And the seniors can’t change You know what happened. The same Some of them are not taking drugs at their drug plan for a year. thing happened in Canada. That is ex- this moment but are afraid if they do I have introduced legislation that actly what the Canadian Government not sign up for some plan and start would give senior citizens that option, did to these same American drug com- paying for it that they will be penal- an option that if the price of the drug panies. They told them if they wanted ized, which is part of the law as well. to sell to the Canadian health plan, goes up 10 percent or more, or it is So they are trying to decide what the they couldn’t keep raising the cost of dropped from the formulary, you can best decision might be. the drugs every single year. change your plan without a penalty. I I really wish my colleagues in Con- think that is only reasonable. That is why exactly the same drugs manufactured in the United States sell gress would get out of these marble I also have to tell you that many of halls and get into some drugstores. I these pharmacists are at their wit’s for a fraction of the cost in Canada be- cause the Canadian Government wish they would stop listening to lob- end. They care for these people. They byists and start listening to phar- really do. These are customers of a life- stepped in. When we tried to do that on the floor macists. If they did, they would realize time, and they come to these drug- what a bad law this is. This was passed stores—some of them—distraught over of the Senate, the pharmaceutical com- panies fought us and won big time. 2 years ago. We were supposed to have what they are going through with all the time in the world to get this Medicare prescription Part D, and the Now we have 500 plans across America trying to negotiate better prices. And right, make sure that when the mo- pharmacist tries to help. He gets on ment came that this plan went into the phone. He may call that drug plan you know what that means: You don’t get the discount, the bulk discount, place nothing like this would occur. and try to make sure that the seniors Yet it does. are being treated fairly. He may ignore and the lower prices that can occur. We know the VA had already tried Some of the, I guess, most painful the plan, which says don’t give some this. They offered the veterans who stories involve victims who are in nurs- tablets over the course of a month, and come to veterans clinics and hospitals ing homes—people who have really give the person what he knows they prescription drugs at reduced rates be- spent down everything they have in need. cause they bargained with the same life. They have nothing left. How do These are things he does at his own drug companies, but these drug compa- they live? Social Security, Medicare, peril in terms of his own financial well- nies didn’t want to give up their power and Medicaid. Medicaid, of course, is being. in this negotiation. So they insisted I talked to one pharmacist who said health insurance for the poorest among that Medicare would not write a basic that the drug Ambien, which is used by us. plan. They insisted that there be 500 some who can’t sleep at night had been These poor people who usually don’t plans across America. They knew they prescribed, and one of the seniors who have many friends, other than maybe a would make more money that way. couple of family members, are sick in signed onto one of the plans brought in I am sure they will—but at the ex- his monthly prescription for Ambien the nursing homes. Many of them are pense of senior citizens and taxpayers. caught in the middle of this Medicare and was told he could only have 18 There is also this strange, inex- pills. prescription Part D and what it does to plicable, indefensible element in Medi- them. Someone takes their prescrip- So the plan decided that whatever care prescription Part D known as the the doctor had said notwithstanding, tion to a pharmacy and finds out they donut hole. The donut hole says as fol- will not fill a month’s prescription, whatever the condition, the senior cit- lows: Once you have spent out of pock- only 10 days, and Governors across izen, 12 days out of 30, was not going to et $2,200 for prescription drugs during America have had to step in to protect have their medication. the course of a year, you are on your these people, these poor people, lit- That is the kind of thing these sen- own—no protection, no payment. Ev- erally poor people, who need a helping iors are facing. It is no wonder, to me, erything from that point on is out of hand. that the seniors I meet and the phar- pocket. Until you have spent an addi- macists who are trying to help them tional $2,900 and reached $5,100 total What a sad turn of events. What are really upset about this plan. They spending, then the plan kicks in and is could have been a source of pride for understand, as I do, that this plan generous to you. America, for seniors, for all has turned wasn’t written for senior citizens. This The donut hole means that seniors out to be a national embarrassment, an plan was written for health insurance truly in need of medication can find embarrassment that could have been companies that make these plans themselves at some point during the avoided. available, as well as the pharma- course of a year reaching into their My colleagues have to understand ceutical companies. They are the big savings to pay for their prescription unless and until we work to make winners in many respects, first, be- drugs. How often does that occur? Medicare prescription drugs Part D a cause Medicare is not offering an over- When I went to the Order of Saint program that reaches out and helps all plan for every senior to choose. I Francis Health Center in Peoria, IL, I people, a program that is simple, fair, think that is where we should have met with the pharmacy, Wayne Beck- gives true discounts on their prescrip- started. man, and his wife Bev. I asked Bev if tions, then we have not done a service We have a Medicare plan in America. they had run into anyone who is con- to our seniors. These men and women People were brought into it in a matter cerned about this donut hole where are parents and grandparents, the of a few months, and it has worked they already spent out $2,200. She said: greatest generation who served in very well for 40 years. There could have There was a woman in here yesterday America’s past in so many different been a Medicare prescription drug plan who already reached $2,200 in the ways. How can we put them in this pre- which would have been the basic tem- month of February. She was a trans- dicament? They, unfortunately, had to plate, the standard model that is avail- plant patient. She needed expensive go to the back of the line when it came able to every senior. If someone in the medication. to passage of this bill. The prescription

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:14 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.048 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE S1528 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 28, 2006 drug companies, as well as the insur- ica celebrates the achievements, con- Indeed, America is blessed to have in- ance companies, were the ones that tributions, and history of the African- dividuals like Mr. Higgs selflessly serv- wrote the bill. American community. ing his fellow citizens. I know what we have to do. We have In previous years, I have had the I congratulate Mr. Higgs for his con- to take from this calendar, after we honor of joining my colleague Con- tributions to his community. And I finish the PATRIOT Act, we have to gressman John Lewis on his civil thank him for carrying forward the push aside all the special interest legis- rights pilgrimage to Alabama and Ten- torch of social justice. lation. We spent a week and a half on nessee. As we close this month of celebra- a bill last week, the clash of the special It is an extraordinary journey that tion, let us remember that the move- interest titans over asbestos. We have changes all who partake. ment is not over. So much has changed to set those aside and say, for at least It connects us to our history, our ge- in so very short a time. But the great a week, instead of taking up special in- ography, our shame and redemption, hope of the movement has yet to be re- terest legislation, we are going to take and to the astonishing bravery and alized: full equality not only before the up the Medicare prescription drug bill. commitment of the civil rights leaders law, but in the lives of every citizen. We are going to make this work. We who fought for America’s honor: Mar- It is citizens like Mr. Higgs who are are going to finally put something to- tin Luther King, Jr., his wife Coretta working to make that happen. gether that is an honor to the people Scott, Rosa Parks, the Greensboro I close with a quote from the great who are part of our Medicare system. Four, to name a few. Dr. King. I don’t know if we can do that. When Their willingness to face violence In his historic speech following the the President signed this bill, people and intimidation, injustice and oppres- march to Selma, the Reverend told his said: You are going to have to change sion, with steadfast love and bravery fellow freedom marchers, some parts of it. He said: I am not transformed America. We must come to see that the end we seek going to touch it, not a word. Indeed, it led to a great awakening is a society at peace with itself, a society The President should show a little that continues to reverberate around that can live with its conscience. And that humility. All of us in public life should the world. will be a day not of the white man, not of the This year, as we celebrate those ex- black man. That will be the day of man as from time to time. As we look at this man. Medicare prescription drug program, traordinary individuals and events, let we know it is not working for America, us also recognize the exceptional lead- f it is not working for seniors. It is caus- ers in our midst who toil every day for RECOGNITION OF NATIONAL AFRI- ing much too much heartache, much justice and racial reconciliation. CAN AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH too much concern. This year, I have the pleasure of pre- This much I will say I have learned, senting Mr. Jeffrey T. Higgs of Mem- Mr. SARBANES. Mr. President, having been in public life a few years. phis, TN, with my office’s first ever ‘‘Celebrating Community: A Tribute to There is one thing about senior citi- American New Trailblazer Award in Black Fraternal, Social and Civic In- zens, they know who is on their side. honor of Black History Month. stitutions’’ is the theme this year of They have long memories. I might add, In January, my office sent out re- African American History Month. On they vote. If the leaders in Congress, quests to over 200 recipients of our Af- this last day of the Month I want to the Republican leaders, the President’s rican-American leader’s newsletter. We pay a special tribute to the Alpha Phi own party, do not understand how asked our readers to nominate individ- Alpha, which is the oldest of the Afri- badly this Medicare prescription Part uals of extraordinary character and can American Greek-letter collegiate D program is working, some of the sen- achievement. fraternities and sororities. Alpha, iors may give them their medicine in We received the nominations of pub- which I am proud to say has its head- November. They have to understand we lished authors, clergy, local commu- quarters in Baltimore, this year cele- have a responsibility to these people, nity leaders, and business profes- brates its centennial. For the past one not to the lobbyists in the hallway who sionals. All were deserving candidates hundred years Alpha has upheld the represent the drug companies. They are and I am both humbled by and proud of principles of scholarship, fellowship, doing quite well, thank you. their example of service. good character and the uplifting of hu- We have a responsibility to the peo- After culling through the nomina- manity principles that command our ple whom we were sent to represent. tions, we chose Mr. Higgs for his out- respect and admiration. They may not have a lobbyist, but they standing work as executive director of It has been my privilege to work have a vote and a voice and we will LeMoyne-Owen College Community closely with Alpha in the effort to es- hear from them. Development Corporation. tablish an appropriate memorial to Dr. I suggest the absence of a quorum. For over 15 years, Mr. Higgs has been Martin Luther King, Jr. in our Nation’s The PRESIDING OFFICER. The involved in urban community housing, Capital. More than 20 years ago I intro- clerk will call the roll. economic development and micro lend- duced legislation to assure that a The legislative clerk proceeded to ing. monument would be built, and it took call the roll. As CEO of the multi-million-dollar a decade to get the legislation enacted. Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, I organization, he has led the efforts to Since 1996, when the bill was signed ask unanimous consent that the order revitalize the community surrounding into law, we have moved steadily for- for the quorum call be rescinded. LeMoyne-Owen College. ward. The site on the Mall is set, lying The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Among his many development between the Memorial to President THUNE). Without objection, it is so or- projects, he led the renovation of the Franklin Roosevelt and the Lincoln dered. historic JE Walker House. Today, the Memorial. The magnificent design is in building serves as a community re- hand. The challenging work of raising f source center for housing development, the necessary funds continues, and in MORNING BUSINESS computer training, economic develop- this Alpha and the other African Amer- Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, I ment and investment. ican campus organizations play a vital ask unanimous consent that there now Currently, Mr. Higgs is leading the role. I look forward to the day, not too be a period for the transaction of morn- charge for 2 major capital projects gen- far in the future, when we will have on ing business, with Senators permitted erating over $25 million in economic the Mall a monument worthy of Dr. to speak for up to 10 minutes each. activity. King’s legacy, to remind us and future The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without His sponsor for the award, Bridget generations of the struggles the civil objection, it is so ordered. Chisolm, President and CEO of BBC rights movement endured, and to in- f Consulting, wrote to tell us that Mr. spire us all to continue the movement. Higgs is, ‘‘truly a Renaissance man and Even as we celebrate our progress to- BLACK HISTORY MONTH community trailblazer. We are blessed ward a memorial to Dr. King, we Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, each year, to have such a leader striving to make mourn the loss of two great Americans, during the month of February, Amer- a good city great.’’ Rosa Parks and Coretta Scott King.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:14 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.050 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1529 When Rosa Parks died 4 months ago, News did a story about an American This week, I hope that we can take all Americans mourned her passing. soldier named Vernon Baker who an important step to reach out to them Fifty years ago, with a singular coura- fought in Italy in World War II. Mr. and let them know that help is avail- geous act that in the words of the New Baker is now 86 years old. He was just able. Inadequate information, mis- York Times became a ‘‘mythic event,’’ a young man on the day in 1945 when understandings, or shame should never she galvanized the civil rights move- he wiped out three Nazi machine gun be a barrier to recovery. ment and helped to write a new and nests and took out an enemy observa- For this reason, I proudly sponsored hopeful chapter in our history. As the tion post. Eating Disorders Information and Edu- Times put it, ‘‘(W)hat seems a simple Mr. Baker came home from the war cation Act of 1997 and the very first gesture of defiance so many years later without much fanfare. But like the 1.7 Senate resolution, S. Res. 197, to des- was in fact a dangerous, even reckless million other Black soldiers who ignate a National Eating Disorders move’’ at the time. Her steadfastness served our Nation during World War II, Awareness Day. And it is the same rea- in the face of harsh and unjust laws he came home a changed man. After son I rise today. I hope that my col- struck a chord in the nation’s con- fighting on foreign soil against an leagues will join me in this effort to science and challenged us to build a so- enemy that claimed superiority to improve eating disorder awareness, ciety worthy of the principles on which other races, these men could no longer prevention, and treatment. it was founded. When Ms. Parks was accept second-class treatment in their Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- awarded the Congressional Gold Medal own country. sent that a letter from Ms. Chelsey in 1999, I was honored to have an oppor- World War II was the catalyst that fi- Cogil, a resident of Zephyr Cove, NV, tunity to meet her. At the time of her nally convinced a significant portion of be printed in the RECORD. death I joined with my Senate col- the American people that segregation There being no objection, the mate- leagues in honoring her at her memo- was wrong. It was the beginning of the rial was ordered to be printed in the rial service. end of segregation in our Nation. RECORD, as follows: We lost a second courageous leader After World War II, 432 Americans DEAR SENATOR REID: Hello! My name is with the death more recently of were awarded the Congressional Medal Chelsey Cogil and I am writing to inform you Coretta Scott King. She was a student of Honor. Not one of them was African that National Eating Disorders Awareness at the New England Conservatory of Week is coming up next month starting on American. Finally, in 1997, the Govern- February 26th and lasting until March 4th. Music with plans for a musical career ment bestowed our Nation’s highest when she met her future husband, but Coming from a family where eating dis- medal on six Black veterans of World orders run common, I know first hand the she was from the beginning his stead- War II. Vernon Baker was the only one importance of spreading eating disorder fast partner in the arduous fight for of those men still alive to accept his awareness and prevention. civil rights and a more decent and hu- award. I would be absolutely delighted if you mane society. After Dr. King’s death Mr. Baker’s story mirrors Black his- would make a statement, in support of Na- she continued the fight with the quiet tional Eating Disorders Awareness Week, tory in our Nation in the last half of about the importance of spreading eating dignity and determination that were the 20th century. It is a story of deter- her hallmarks. It was a privilege to disorders awareness. Below are some statis- mination and hope. During World War tics that I encourage you to read. work with Mrs. King on the legislation II, African Americans fought to keep Thank you for your time and help! establishing Martin Luther King day as our Nation free, even when their own Very Sincerely, a national holiday; I deeply regret that freedom was not fully enjoyed. In the CHELSEY COGIL, she could not live long enough to see same way, the ideas and talent of Afri- Zephyr Cove, NV. the memorial to her husband built as The Renfrew Center Foundation for Eating can Americans have always enriched well. Disorders, ‘‘Eating Disorders 101 Guide: A Last month we honored Dr. Martin American life, even as their own lives Summary of Issues, Statistics and Re- Luther King and his legacy. If he were were impoverished by racism and the sources,’’ published September 2002, revised vestiges of slavery. October 2003, http://www.renfrew.org: 1 in 5 with us today, Dr. King would be deep- women struggle with an eating disorder or ly gratified by the national tributes From the Nobel laureate Toni Morri- son to the great composer Duke Elling- disordered eating; Up to 24 million people paid to Ms. Parks and Mrs. King. In the suffer from an eating disorder in the United 50 years since Martin Luther King, Jr., ton, from the brilliant jurist Thurgood Marshall to my old friend Larry Doby, States; Up to 70 million people world wide Coretta Scott King and Rosa Parks struggle with an eating disorder; Nearly half first challenged the Nation to live up the first Black baseball player in the of all Americans personally know someone to its founding principles, we have American League, from the uplifting with an eating disorder; Eating disorders come a long way. We have changed our leadership of Martin Luther King, Jr., have the highest mortality rate of any men- laws fundamentally to assure the to the heroism of Vernon Baker, Afri- tal illness; The mortality rate associated with anorexia nervosa is 12 times higher rights of all Americans. We have can Americans have inspired and en- lightened our Nation. than the death rate of ALL causes of death worked together—at the local, State for females 15–24 years old. Anorexia is the and national level—to create hope and I join the people of New Jersey in celebrating the contributions of Afri- 3rd most common chronic illness among ado- opportunity where there was none, and lescents; Eating disorders are higher among to guarantee respect for every person. can American citizens during Black young women with type 1 diabetes than The role of the Black fraternal, so- History Month. among young women in the general popu- cial and civic institutions in bringing f lation. about these changes cannot be over- NATIONAL EATING DISORDERS f stated. Over the years they have fought WEEK IN RECOGNITION OF AMERICAN for justice in courts of law and in the HEART MONTH court of public opinion, and worked Mr. REID. Mr. President, I rise today tirelessly to promote equality and op- in recognition of National Eating Dis- Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, Feb- portunity for all. orders Awareness Week to heighten ruary is American Heart Month. As co- Still, much remains to be done. awareness and emphasize prevention of chair of the Congressional Heart and Working together we continue to build eating disorders. Stroke Coalition, I rise today to urge the society for which Rosa Parks and More than 10 million Americans my colleagues to commit to the fight Coretta Scott King stood, and fought. today struggle with eating disorders, against this devastating disease. Success in this effort is the finest trib- including anorexia nervosa, bulimia Heart disease remains the Nation’s ute we can pay to them. nervosa, and compulsive eating. Not leading cause of death. Stroke is the Mr. LAUTENBERG. Mr. President, I only do these serious illnesses afflict No. 3 killer. More than 70 million rise to recognize Black History Month people of all races and socioeconomic adults in the United States suffer from and pay tribute to the enormous and groups, eating disorders are now strik- heart disease, stroke, or other cardio- varied contributions African Ameri- ing more men and children. The harm vascular diseases. Cardiovascular dis- cans have made to our Nation. to the victims and their families can be eases will cost our Nation an estimated The other evening, on the final night tragically devastating, yet too often $403 billion in 2006, including more than of the Olympics, Tom Brokaw of NBC they continue to suffer in silence. $250 billion in direct medical costs.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:14 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.031 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE S1530 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 28, 2006 Although we need to continue to fund services that improve the lives of their accounts in an attempt to combat re- research to unlock the many mysteries members. Without credit unions, even fund anticipation loans, RALs. While that remain, we can make real progress more of our constituents would be sus- the earned income tax credit, EITC, in the fight against cardiovascular dis- ceptible to predatory lending and high- helps working families meet their food, eases by applying the knowledge that cost financial services. For example, clothing, housing, transportation, and we already have today. A recent study individuals that lack credit union or education needs, EITC refunds are un- funded by the National Heart, Lung bank accounts are considered to be necessarily diminished by excessive use and Blood Institute found that by quit- unbanked. The unbanked rely on alter- of RALs. Interest rates on RALs can ting smoking, reducing obesity and native financial service providers to range from 97 percent to more than controlling blood pressure and choles- cash checks, pay bills, send remit- 2,000 percent. Considering the low re- terol levels, you can add 10 years to tances, utilize payday loans, and ob- payment risk of this type of loan, the your life. tain credit. However, their earnings are interest rates and fees charged on this Thanks to our prior investments in unnecessarily diminished in the proc- type of product are not justified. Often, cardiovascular research and prevention ess by their reliance on these high- those who take out RALs are lower in- programs, we are now at a point where cost, and often predatory, financial come families for whom these costs are we have the tools in hand to make sub- services. These hardworking families a particular burden. stantial progress. Yet, we find our- can ill-afford this hit to their pay- checks. Not having a credit union or I have introduced the Taxpayer selves at a crossroads. As the popu- Abuse Prevention Act, which would re- lation ages, the number of Americans bank account prevents families from being able to save securely to prepare strict predatory practices associated affected by cardiovascular diseases will with RALs and expand access to main- rapidly increase if we don’t take the for the loss of a job, a family illness, a down payment on a first home, or edu- stream financial services. The bill right steps today. It is estimated that would expand the eligibility of elec- by 2050, the number of deaths from cation expenses for their children. I am proud that we have credit tronic transfer accounts, ETA, which heart disease will increase by nearly unions in Hawaii that provide innova- are low-cost accounts at banks and 130 percent. tive services to more effectively meet credit unions intended for recipients of Now is the time to redouble our ef- the needs of their members such as of- certain Federal benefit payments, to forts to fight heart disease, stroke and fering payday loan alternatives to include EITC benefits. These accounts other cardiovascular diseases, not back members of the armed services. Payday will allow taxpayers to receive direct away from our commitment. Yet, the loans are small cash loans repaid by deposit refunds into an account with- President’s budget proposal for fiscal borrowers’ postdated checks or bor- out the need for a refund anticipation year 2007 would cut funding for medical rowers’ authorizations to make elec- loan. Additionally, my bill would man- research and cardiovascular disease tronic debits against existing financial date that low- and moderate-income prevention programs. accounts. Typically, the principal for taxpayers be provided opportunities to The administration has even pro- payday loans is in the range of $100 to open low-cost accounts at federally in- posed eliminating a program to help $500 with full payment due in 2 weeks. sured banks or credit unions via appro- rural communities purchase automated Finance charges on payday loans are priate tax forms. Providing taxpayers external defibrillators, AEDs. Last normally in the range of $15 to $30 per with the option of opening a bank or year, over my objection, Congress cut $100 borrowed, which translates into credit union account through the use funding for this program by more than triple digit interest rates of 390 percent of tax forms provides an alternative to 80 percent. This makes no sense to me. to 780 percent when expressed as an an- RALs and immediate access to finan- AEDs are small, laptop size devices nual percentage rate, APR. A common cial opportunities found at banks and that help restore normal heart func- practice is loan flipping, which is the credit unions. tion after cardiac arrest. AEDs save renewing of loans at maturity by pay- In addition, I have worked with my lives, especially when placed in areas ing additional fees without any prin- friend, the Senator from New Mexico, where large numbers of people con- cipal reduction. This practice often Mr. BINGAMAN, on the Taxpayer Protec- gregate and in rural communities creates a cycle of debt that is hard to tion and Assistance Act. The legisla- where emergency medical personnel break. Furthermore payday lenders tion includes a provision that author- are not readily available. often locate near military bases be- izes a grant program to link tax prepa- That is why I was pleased to see the cause they know that a military serv- Architect of the Capitol announce last ration services with the opening of a icemember’s government paychecks bank or credit union account. This will month that AEDs will be placed around represent a reliable source of fees and the Capitol complex. However, I find it help encourage the estimated four mil- military personnel may be court mar- lion unbanked EITC recipients to es- highly ironic that Congress decided to shaled or dishonorably discharged for purchase AEDs for its own buildings tablish a relationship with a main- failing to repay their debt. stream financial institution. In turn, while slashing funding for programs I am proud that the Windward Com- they will no longer be forced to pay the that help rural communities purchase munity Federal Credit Union in Kailua, excessive fees RAL providers assess. the same devices. on the island of Oahu, has developed an Once the previously unbanked have es- In the next several weeks, we will affordable alternative to payday loans. tablished a credit union or bank ac- have a serious debate in the Senate I commend the staff of the Windward count, they will be able to benefit from about the administration’s budget pro- Community Federal Credit Union for posal. The decisions we will make will their outstanding program which bene- the wide range of financial services clearly show our priorities. I urge my fits the marines and other members that mainstream financial institutions colleagues to make the fight against that they serve. I have introduced leg- provide. heart disease, stroke and other cardio- islation that would encourage credit I will continue to work to expand ac- vascular diseases a top priority. unions and other financial institutions cess to mainstream financial institu- f to offer this sort of low-cost, short- tions so that more individuals can ben- term credit product. S. 1347, the Low- efit from lower cost opportunities HAWAII CREDIT UNION LEAGUE Cost Alternatives to Payday Loans found at credit unions and banks. I Mr. AKAKA. Mr. President, every Act, would promote low-cost alter- thank the representatives from the Ha- year, members of the Hawaii Credit natives to payday loans by authorizing waii Credit Union League for all of Union League meet with me during the Secretary of the Treasury to award their work in providing financial serv- their trip to Washington, DC. They demonstration project grants. I will ices and increasing the financial lit- keep me abreast of their work in Ha- continue to work with my colleagues eracy knowledge of their members. I waii by providing affordable financial on the Banking, Housing, and Urban also will continue to work to enact leg- services to their members. I would like Affairs Committee to enact this impor- islation that promotes the utilization to recognize credit unions and other tant legislation. of the services of credit unions and mainstream financial services organi- I also have included efforts to in- banks so that even more people can im- zations that provide access to financial crease access to credit union and bank prove their lives by having access to

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:14 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.046 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1531 low-cost accounts, cheaper remit- This was the situation of our city until fish habitat—has become accepted by tances, less expensive loans, and in- God prepared and delivered unto them the the public not only as a worthy endeav- sured savings accounts. courageous soldiers of the 3rd Armored Cav- or but also as a fundamental expecta- alry Regiment, who liberated this city, rid- f tion of government providing for its ding it of Zarqawi’s followers after harsh citizens. It is our responsibility to pro- fighting, killing many terrorists, and forcing LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT vide adequate protection to ensure that ENHANCEMENT ACT OF 2005 the remaining butchers to flee the city like rats to the surrounding areas, where the our freshwater resources are able to en- Mr. SMITH. Mr. President, I rise bravery of other 3rd ACR soldiers in Sinjar, hance human health, contribute to the today to speak about the need for hate Rabiah, Zumar and Avgani finally destroyed economy, and help the environment. crimes legislation. Each Congress, Sen- them. Despite being one of our Nation’s ator KENNEDY and I introduce hate I have met many soldiers of the 3rd Ar- bedrock environmental laws, the Clean crimes legislation that would add new mored Cavalry Regiment; they are not only Water Act faces new and unprecedented categories to current hate crimes law, courageous men and women, but avenging challenges. sending a signal that violence of any angels sent by The God Himself to fight the The Supreme Court recently heard kind is unacceptable in our society. evil of terrorism. two Clean Water Act cases, the out- The leaders of this Regiment; COL come of which will have significant im- Likewise, each Congress I have come to McMaster, COL Armstrong, LTC Hickey, the floor to highlight a separate hate LTC Gibson, and LTC Reilly embody cour- plications for Federal efforts to protect crime that has occurred in our coun- age, strength, vision and wisdom. Officers the Nation’s waters from pollution and try. and soldiers alike bristle with the confidence destruction. Fortunately, an unprece- On June 15, 2005, Dwan Prince was and character of knights in a bygone era. dented array of local, State, regional, savagely beaten by three men as Prince The mission they have accomplished, by and national officials, professional or- stood outside of his apartment building means of a unique military operation, stands ganizations, and public interest groups in New York, NY. The apparent moti- among the finest military feats to date in from across the country and the polit- vation for the attack was Prince’s sex- Operation Iraqi Freedom, and truly deserves ical spectrum have joined in the de- to be studied in military science. This mili- ual orientation. According to police, fense of the Clean Water Act. The un- tary operation was clean, with little collat- paralleled collection of interested par- the three attackers shouted anti-gay eral damage, despite the ferocity of the slurs throughout the attack on Prince. enemy. With the skill and precision of sur- ties includes the attorneys general of I believe that the Government’s first geons they dealt with the terrorist cancers 33 States plus the District of Columbia; duty is to defend its citizens, to defend in the city without causing unnecessary four former Administrators of the En- them against the harms that are born damage. vironmental Protection Agency—Rus- out of hate. The Local Law Enforce- God bless this brave Regiment; God bless sell Train, Douglas Costle, William ment Enhancement Act is a symbol the families who dedicated these brave men Reilly, and Carol Browner; nine cur- that can become substance. I believe and women. From the bottom of our hearts rent and former members of the U.S. we thank the families. They have given us that by passing this legislation and Senate and U.S. House of Representa- something we will never forget. To the fami- tives who were directly involved in the changing current law, we can change lies of those who have given their holy blood hearts and minds as well. for our land, we all bow to you in reverence passage of the 1972 Act and its reaffir- mation in 1977; the Association of f and to the souls of your loved ones. Their sacrifice was not in vain. They are not dead, State Wetlands Managers, the Associa- LETTER ON THIRD ARMORED but alive, and their souls hovering around us tion of State Floodplain Managers, the CAVALRY REGIMENT every second of every minute. They will Association of State and Interstate Mr. SANTORUM. Mr. President, I never be forgotten for giving their precious Water Pollution Control Administra- rise today to share with my colleagues lives. They have sacrificed that which is tors, and the International Association a letter written by the mayor of Tall- most valuable. We see them in the smile of of Fish and Wildlife Agencies; numer- every child, and in every flower growing in ous hunting, fishing, wildlife and out- at Afar, Ninewa, Iraq, concerning the this land. Let America, their families, and 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment of the the world be proud of their sacrifice for hu- door recreation organizations and busi- U.S. Army. This unit of brave soldiers manity and life. nesses, including Ducks Unlimited, the is completing its second deployment to Finally, no matter how much I write or National Wildlife Federation, Trout Iraq. As the unit prepares to come speak about this brave Regiment, I haven’t Unlimited, the American Sportsfishing home, they have recently received this the words to describe the courage of its offi- Association, Bass Pro Shops, the Orvis letter from the mayor of that city: cers and soldiers. I pray to God to grant hap- Company, and the Wildlife Manage- piness and health to these legendary heroes In the Name of God the Compassionate and ment Institute, among others; and a and their brave families. Merciful To the Courageous Men and Women number of local, regional, and national NAJIM ABDULLAH ABID AL-JIBOURI of the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, who environmental groups. All of these in- Mayor of Tall-at Afar, Ninewa, Iraq. have changed the city of Tall-at Afar from a terests filed briefs expressing strong ghost town, in which terrorists spread death This mayor’s gratitude towards the support of the Clean Water Act’s core and destruction, to a secure city flourishing soldiers of the 3rd Armored Calvary safeguard: the requirement to obtain a with life. Regiment speaks volumes of the sac- permit before discharging pollutants To the lion-hearts who liberated our city rifice and bravery that all of our sol- into waters of the United States. from the grasp of terrorists who were be- diers are displaying in Iraq. Our service heading men, women and children in the With such strong support for the streets for many months. To those who men and women are making a dif- Clean Water Act, which is grounded in spread smiles on the faces of our children, ference in Iraq by spreading democracy the language, history, and purpose of and gave us restored hope, through their per- and fighting the terrorists. These sol- the law itself, I hope that the Supreme sonal sacrifice and brave fighting, and gave diers ought to be proud of their ef- Court will follow its own precedent and new life to the city after hopelessness dark- forts—we certainly are, and so are the reaffirm Federal protections for ened our days, and stole our confidence in Iraqis. streams, headwaters, tributaries, and our ability to reestablish our city. wetlands that have long been covered Our city was the main base of operations f by the Act. for Abu Mousab Al Zarqawi. The city was CLEAN WATER AUTHORITY Whatever the outcome of these crit- completely held hostage in the hands of his RESTORATION ACT henchmen. Our schools, governmental serv- ical cases, Congress must reaffirm the ices, businesses and offices were closed. Mr. FEINGOLD. Mr. President, for historical scope of the Clean Water Our streets were silent, and no one dared the last 33 years, the American people Act. The best way to do this is through to walk them. Our people were barricaded in have relied upon the Clean Water Act passage of the Clean Water Authority their homes out of fear; death awaited them to protect and restore the health of the Restoration Act, S. 912. This bill sim- around every corner. Terrorists occupied and Nation’s waters. The primary goal of ply confirms that the Act has always controlled the only hospital in the city. the act to make rivers, streams, wet- Their savagery reached such a level that covered all of these waters, consistent they stuffed the corpses of children with ex- lands, lakes, and coastal waters safe with Congress’s clear intent, by codi- plosives and tossed them into the streets in for fishing, swimming and other recre- fying the regulatory definition of ‘‘wa- order to kill grieving parents attempting to ation, suitable for our drinking water ters of the United States’’ that has retrieve the bodies of their young. supply, and available for wildlife and been in use since 1973.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:14 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.047 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE S1532 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 28, 2006 The bill addresses protections for cer- Eric Michaels, Radio Vermont’s gen- lived in WDEV’s broadcast area (which ex- tain so-called isolated streams and eral manager and vice-president, every tends south to Route 4 and north nearly to wetlands in the wake of the Supreme month during his daily morning show. the Canadian border) to listen to the station for even a few hours without hearing the Court’s 2001 decision in Solid Waste The connection that WDEV and the voice of someone the listener knows. It Agency of Northern Cook County v. voices it carries have to the commu- might be Dan DiLena reading his menu from Army Corps of Engineers and will help nity is as distinctive and unique as the Red Kettle in Northfield or Ben Koenig to ward off any future legal challenges Vermont is to our country. of the Country Bookshop in Plainfield sing- to the scope of the act. Vermont Life recently published a ing about his store in a hokey Caribbean ac- Our Nation’s streams, ponds, isolated well-crafted piece, ‘‘Community Radio cent. It might be Ed from Morrisville, wetlands, and other bodies of water are Speaks,’’ featuring the history and phoning in to ‘‘The Trading Post’’ at 6:30 too important to not take action to highlights of WDEV’s 75 years on the a.m. to sell an old-fashioned grinding wheel and a prickly pear cactus. It might be a protect them. We owe future genera- air. birthday wish going out to someone the lis- tions nothing less than healthy waters. I join my fellow Vermonters in con- tener works with. Or a caller to any one of f gratulating Ken, Eric, and all the peo- the talk shows: ‘‘The Mark Johnson Show,’’ ple who, in 75 successful years, have WDEV: SOUNDS LIKE HOME Morrow’s ‘‘True North’’ or progressive activ- made WDEV a station with a true ist Anthony Pollina’s ‘‘Equal Time.’’ If you Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, 2006 touch for its Vermont audience. listen to WDEV long enough you will get a marks the 75th anniversary of a true I ask unanimous consent the article sense of what your neighbors are doing and Vermont treasure. Locally owned and be printed in the RECORD. thinking. Which is a pretty good way to not operated, WDEV of Waterbury, VT, There being no objection, the mate- only define community but to keep it alive and well. first came to the airwaves on July 16, rial was ordered to be printed in the At the heart of this rich local stew is the 1931. Its continuing and expanded pres- RECORD, as follows: station owner and president, Kenley Dean ence in Central Vermont and the [From Vermont Life, Spring 2006] Squier, who, at 70, has made a national name Champlain Valley ever since then is a for himself (and was part of two Emmy- COMMUNITY RADIO SPEAKS rare and stellar example these days of award winning broadcast teams) as a tele- (By Marialisa Calta) the invaluable resources that inde- vision broadcaster covering stock-car racing ‘‘Rural radio is important to people,’’ in- and other sports for CBS, NBC, ABC, ESPN, pendent, community-based media can tones Eric Michaels in his mellifluous radio- offer. Fox, Turner Broadcasting and the Speed announcer’s voice. He is taking a break from Channel, among others. Squier is a walking WDEV station owner and President his duties as on-the-road producer of WDEV’s conundrum, a serious fan of jazz and clas- Ken Squier took the reins of WDEV ‘‘Music to Go to the Dump By,’’ broad- sical music with a deep background in the from his parents, Guila and Lloyd, who casting, on this particular Saturday in Sep- auto racing world of NASCAR. He is a man first operated the station at the same tember, from the Tunbridge World’s Fair. equally at home interviewing, say, Governor time my own parents were operating a ‘‘We feel that if we are out in the commu- Jim Douglas about fuel shortages or health small Waterbury newspaper nearby, nity, working hard, people will know us and care or hosting ‘‘Music to Go to the Dump and his parents and mine were friends. respect us. We take our work very seri- By,’’ and reading advertising copy (includ- ously.’’ A cow in a nearby 4–H exhibit moos If things had gone differently Ken and ing, full disclosure, an ad for this magazine, loudly, and Michaels, fiddling with his equip- a sponsor). He employs an enormous—by cor- I might have had a media conglom- ment, sends a song over the airwaves, a porately held radio standards—staff of more erate in the making. Growing up in the country-western tune called ‘‘I Don’t Look than 30 yet he is famously cheap; Bryan station’s studios, Ken’s life was steeped Good Naked Anymore.’’ Pfeiffer, who cohosts ‘‘For the Birds,’’ (a in the culture and the craft of commu- There, in a nutshell, is the contradiction— show about birding), loves to joke about the nity radio. He understood WDEV’s role and the strength—of WDEV, which cele- single light bulb that Squier allows, the bulb in community life, and when he as- brates 75 years of broadcasting from Stowe that all the broadcasters purportedly have to Street in Waterbury this July. Smart local sumed operation of the station, his ap- share, unscrewing it from one broadcast commentary is mixed with ridiculous tunes. booth and taking it to another. proach to community-based program- Conservative local pundit Laurie Morrow’s It is not unusual for Squier, in a single ming became the foundation of the sta- show, ‘‘True North,’’ broadcasting an hour or broadcast, to support the death penalty, tion’s lineup. Today the residents of two before nationally known liberal icon criticize the Bush administration and ful- Waterbury and its surrounding commu- Amy Goodman’s ‘‘Democracy Now.’’ Patsy minate about the rise of corporate monopo- nities turn the dial to WDEV to find Kline, the Texas Tuba Band, stock car racing lies. His station may broadcast conservative everything from a trading post to buy from Barre’s Thunder Road and Harwood Ann Coulter and independent Congressman and sell their goods and treasures, to Union High School boy’s basketball share Bernie Sanders in the same morning. ‘‘It’s as airspace with Miles Davis, Red Sox baseball, such off-beat program offerings as if Rush Limbaugh and Al Franken shared a state legislative reports and Mozart. brain,’’ wrote McKibben. ‘‘Music to Go to the Dump By.’’ WDEV It’s the place on the dial (550 AM, 96.1 FM ‘‘His watchword is ‘relevant,’’’ says Mark is the place to go for everything from and 96.5 FM) where a Vermonter can tune in Johnson, who has been hosting a two-hour local news to high school sports to for the Dow Jones average of the milk prices. weekday call-in show on the station since school closings. It has become a vital Where the Associated Press delivers news 1998. ‘‘It’s all about what’s meaningful to the source of news, information and enter- from the world, and Bethany Dunbar, an edi- community.’’ tainment to its devoted audience. tor at The Barton Chronicle, delivers the And you can describe ‘‘meaningful’’ in dif- WDEV is an authentic piece of the news from the Northeast Kingdom. ferent ways. The All Men’s Moscow Marching A listener whose normal fare comes from Transistor Radio Band, for example, depends Vermont that we cherish. ‘‘dedicated’’ channels—all-sports, all-talk, on WDEV to provide music for its parade up Under Ken’s guidance and initiative, all-country-music, all-jazz—and who acci- the main street of the village of Moscow WDEV has broadened its scope, becom- dentally tuned in to WDEV might find the every July 4th. Farmers depend on weather- ing the anchor for the Radio Vermont station bewildering, if not downright schizo- man Roger Hill’s forecasts for haying. Kids Group, which now operates stations de- phrenic. But, as Middlebury College pro- tune in on snowy mornings to hear about voted to classical and country music, fessor and author Bill McKibben points out, school closings. Representative Sanders re- as well as news, sports and community the hodgepodge of views, opinion, musical calls that once, when he was on the air, a events. It has taken to the web, where styles, reports (sports, business, agriculture, station newscaster interrupted him to in- politics, news) pretty much reflects the form listeners about an accident on Main WDEV now streams two of its most hodgepodge of views, opinion, musical tastes Street in Waterbury. popular morning news programs, ‘‘The and interests that make up the average Squier was born to radio; for Christmas Morning News Service’’ and ‘‘The Mark Vermont community. 1935, his parents Guila and Lloyd Squier Johnson Show.’’ McKibben, who included WDEV in a story (then the program director) sent out a holi- Ken has shepherded WDEV through about the virtues of a life lived on a small day card depicting the infant Ken in front of the years with his acute sensitivity to scale that he wrote for Harper’s Magazine a set of building blocks spelling out the call the local perspective. I have always en- two years ago, said that when you listen to letters WDEV. The station itself was only joyed stopping in to the station for a the station ‘‘you hear . . . things that other four years old, having been started in 1931 by people are interested in. Which is pretty the visionary Harry Whitehill, owner and op- quick chat, or greeting Ken and the much the definition of community.’’ erator of the Waterbury Record and the station’s longtime personalities at You also hear—and this may be WDEV’s Stowe Journal. Whitehill was a man of many local events, from parades to political genius—the actual voices of the community. trades; he sold stationary, pens and ink, rallies. I look forward to chatting with It is nearly impossible for anyone who has party gods and wrapping paper from his

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:44 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.035 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1533 newspaper headquarters at 9 Stowe Street in games, Norwich University hockey, local tus of a program, and the gauge of the Waterbury. He was also Vermont’s Collector motor sports events, Red Sox games and Mayor on any issue that any member of Customs, an active post during Prohibi- Mountaineers baseball—WDEV has pioneered of the DC Appropriations Sub- tion and a job that brought him frequently ‘‘sporting events’’ that have become commu- committee could ask for. to St. Albans. In 1929, Whitehill heard nity institutions: the Winter Croquet Tour- Vermont’s first commercial radio station, nament, Opening Day at the ABCD Deer Gregory McCarthy exemplifies the WDQM, there, and, reasoning that ‘‘more Camp, Opening Day at Perch Camp (an ice- public service that fuels a government people can hear than can read,’’ he returned fishing extravaganza), the State Agency of which serves the people. It is this type to his newspaper to proclaim: ‘‘We need a Transportation Snow Plow Championships of public service that benefits students radio station.’’ ‘‘Radio was big city . . . and the Joe’s Pond Ice Out competition, to in the District of Columbia especially. worldly stuff,’’ writes Squier, who chronicled name a few. Through Gregory’s hard work, he navi- the birth of the station in an unpublished There is no doubt in this era of corporately gated the strong and varying positions history of WDEV. On July 16, 1931, the dulcet owned radio stations that a locally owned of Members of Congress and local offi- tones of Miss Kate Lyons of Waterbury Cen- station like WDEV and its Radio Vermont ter singing ‘‘The Rose in the Garden’’ were affiliates (WLVB–FM in Morrisville, a coun- cials in order to create the first feder- sent over the airwaves, marking the sta- try station, and WCVT–FM, a classical music ally sponsored, private school voucher tion’s official launch. The antenna was a station in Stowe) are anomalies. program. While I have been a tough copper wire strung from the newspaper office An analogy can be made, in fact, between critic of the program, I have always to a nearby funeral parlor. the physical landscape and the aural land- said that Gregory and the city rep- It was a glorious venture, an opportunity, scape of Vermont. Think of corporate-owned resented the District’s constituents as U.S. Senator Warren R. Austin put it, ‘‘to stations—what Mark Johnson calls ‘‘elec- well by seeking more school options, sell a cow or an idea, quickly to a great num- tronic jukeboxes’’—as sprawl. Public radio is and through their tireless discussion ber of people.’’ The engineer for that first analogous to state parks and land in con- broadcast was 28-year-old Lloyd Squier, the servation trusts. WDEV is analogous to the and debate came a program that sup- son of the Whitehills’’ housekeeper. The working landscape. Like tractors and ma- ports traditional public schools and young Squier (now known as ‘‘The Old nure pits, it’s not always pretty. But it’s public charter schools, as well as pri- Squier’’ and frequently heard on the station real. And it’s distinctive. vate school scholarships. Gregory’s ef- via old recordings) soon moved up to pro- ‘‘It’s a station that understands the com- forts to improve education for District gram director responsible for an entire hour munity and understands what the real issues residents have not been limited to ele- of airtime a day. Fred Somers & Sons Hard- are,’’ says Congressman Sanders. He has held ware (still on Main Street in Montpelier) was mentary and secondary alternatives. hearings on the recent trends in communica- Similarly, he has worked to authorize an early sponsor. tion law that enable large media conglom- Within a year, the station was broad- erates to own large numbers of stations. and fund college grants for more than casting local sports, legislative hearings and ‘‘Local ownership of media is increasingly 8,000 DC residents so that those who other events of note. By 1936, the WDEV of- important and increasingly rare,’’ he said in wish to pursue a degree of higher edu- fices were a ‘‘mini-media Mecca’’ according a telephone interview. ‘‘When it goes, some- cation may see their dreams become a to Ken Squier, complete with Western Union, thing valuable is lost.’’ New England Telephone and Telegraph Co., reality. Loyal listeners would say that ‘‘some- the radio station and the newspapers all Gregory McCarthy shepherded these thing’’ is a piece of Vermont. under the same roof. ‘‘Because of radio, peo- and numerous other programs through ple can live among the most beautiful hills f a frequently arduous District of Colum- on earth, our own Vermont hills, and yet in HONORING GREGORY McCARTHY’S bia appropriations process. The resi- an instant feel the pulse of world affairs by SERVICE TO THE DISTRICT dents of the District have benefited simply turning a switch,’’ said then-Lieuten- greatly from his years of public serv- ant Governor George Aiken in dedicating a Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, when ice. When the year 2006 draws to an new tower and transmitter that year. I began serving on the Senate Appro- Nowadays, what makes WDEV stand out is end, a new mayor will be elected and a priations Subcommittee on the Dis- new staff of dedicated public servants not that it brings us world news, but that— trict of Columbia in January of 2001, unlike the huge networks of radio stations will work to improve this great city. my knowledge of the city’s relation- fed formatted shows from a remote central As this new crew weaves their way location—it brings us the local happenings. ship with Congress was limited to through charted and uncharted terri- The staff, on any given day, might be broad- someone who had lived here for only a tories, they will build on the positive casting from a State House hearing, the few years. I quickly learned, however, relationships that Mayor Williams, opening of the Farm Show or a county fair, not only the workings of the com- Gregory McCarthy, and other members a race at Thunder Road (which Ken Squier mittee, but also the unique relation- co-owns), a high school hockey game, a rib- of the Mayor’s staff have worked so ship between the District of Columbia hard to create. As Mr. McCarthy leaves bon-cutting at a local lumber store or from and the Congress. One of the first peo- a phone booth in downtown Montpelier, as the District of Columbia government ple who helped me learn of this rela- Michaels did during the flood of 1992. (Mi- for his next challenge, I offer him my chael’s phoned-in report—replete with opera- tionship and how to best serve the Dis- congratulations and best wishes. From tor’s request for additional coins—aired on trict was the energetic, dedicated chief my own experience in working with the morning of the flood when the rising wa- advocate for DC Mayor Anthony Wil- him, I know that Gregory will succeed ters prevented him from getting through the liams, Mr. Gregory McCarthy. in whatever he pursues next. city). Events like the flood, in fact, under- Behind all of the big ideas, the hours score the station’s importance; Squier en- of debate and the finely cut deals, f listed every employee—from the news staff there is the staff. The staff must work ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS to the sales reps—as reporters that day. The payoff came when then-Governor Howard the long hours to merge the big ideas and the little details into policy and Dean, asked at a press conference how he NEW YORK YMCAS was keeping abreast of flood news, answered legislation that achieves the goals set that he had been listening to WDEV. forth by their boss. Gregory McCarthy ∑ Mrs. CLINTON. Mr. President, I Another of the station’s strengths is the was an exemplary staffer who did all of would like to take this opportunity to number of unforgettable radio personalities this and more. Gregory has worked recognize the excellent work New York who have taken on larger-than-life charac- tirelessly on behalf of the Nation’s YMCAs are doing to build healthier teristics in listeners’ minds: Buster the Won- Capital to create policy that benefited communities. They are taking impor- der Dog (Squier’s own border collie); the sta- tion’s country band, the Radio Rangers; the city, met the needs of the elected tant steps to address health problems, Farmer Dave; the Old Squier; Ma Ferguson; officials of the District of Columbia, such as obesity, smoking, and physical Glen Plaid; Seymour Clearly and Spike the and satisfied the oversight function of inactivity, by participating in the Pio- Cat. Past and current broadcasters—the late the Congress. While working in the neering Healthier Communities ‘‘Cousin Harold’’ Grout (who hosted ‘‘The Mayor’s Office, he helped build the Project, Gulick Project, YMCA Trading Post’’ for at least 30 years), the late credibility of the city, from the Halls Healthy Kids Day, and Steps to a Rusty Parker (who suffered a fatal heart at- of Congress, to the many visitors to HealthierUS partnership. These tack in 1982 while broadcasting the morning the capital city, to the bond rating projects are part of the initiative, news) and many more—seem like old friends to regular listeners. agencies. And all the while, Gregory YMCA Activate America, whose goal is In addition to sports of local interest—70 served as the best source for a history to promote healthy living among mil- local high school basketball and hockey lesson on the District, the current sta- lions of Americans.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:44 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE6.015 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE S1534 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 28, 2006 The Pioneering Healthier Commu- weight loss management program, cer, and depression, not to mention low nities Project—a partnership with the among other things. Through the Steps self-esteem, academic problems, and Centers for Disease Control and Pre- program, the Rockland County YMCA discrimination. I have urged making vention—brings leaders together to is improving nutritious offerings at childhood obesity a real priority for promote cultural and environmental snack time in child care programs families, schools, government and busi- changes in neighborhoods supportive of called ‘‘healthy snack Wednesdays.’’ nesses and outlined steps to do this, in- healthy lifestyles. Each year YMCAs The Watertown Family YMCA has cluding educating parents and children are selected to convene teams of rep- teamed up with the Steps program to about the importance of a healthy life- resentatives from the government and implement Kids NutriFit, a project style, restoring physical education pro- public health and private sectors to im- that will increase physical activity in grams during and after school hours, prove healthy living. This year, the children ages 5 to 12 by engaging them and enlisting health care professionals YMCAs of Rye and Greater Rochester in traditional play and teaching them to join the antiobesity campaign. were selected and convened teams, re- about healthy snacking. Working with the Eating Disorders Co- sulting in creative plans to help young- Many health problems are linked to alition, I sponsored a congressional sters. For example, the Rye YMCA im- habits common in American lifestyles, briefing called Schools, Students, Obe- plemented the Fitkids Program to in- including overeating, underexercising, sity and Eating Disorders to raise crease healthy menu choices and pro- and poor diets. YMCAs in New York awareness of obesity, eating disorders, mote physical activity and healthy and their community partners are vig- and physical activity in school-age eating in four school systems. The orously promoting healthy lifestyle youth. YMCA of Greater Rochester introduced choices and behaviors through innova- I am dedicated to promoting safe and the Coordinated Approach to Child tive programs. I applaud their hard fit lifestyles in our children and to Health, CATCH, Program, which pro- work and dedication to build healthy fighting for healthier and stronger motes physical activity and healthy families and communities in New York communities. Together we can combat food choices and prevents tobacco use and look forward to continuing to work the health problems afflicting our in children, as well as the Family with them. youth today and create a better, more Cooks Program, which teaches children As an advocate for strong and promising future. I commend the exem- using a hands-on approach to nutri- healthy children and families, I will plary efforts of New York YMCAs as tious cooking. continue to fight for increased funding they contribute to this mission on In addition, YMCAs in greater New for programs that promote access to many fronts.∑ York and greater Rochester are par- healthy food and nutrition education f ticipating in the Gulick Project—an in our schools and communities. Spe- TRIBUTE TO JANET ALTMAN initiative that is dramatically improv- cifically, I have supported Farm-To- SPRAGENS ing the way they work with individuals Cafeteria programs, which promote ∑ and families to support healthy living. using locally grown produce in school Mrs. CLINTON. Mr. President, on Through the Gulick Project, YMCAs in cafeterias through community grants, February 19, 2006, our Nation lost a New York and in other States are en- and the USDA Team Nutrition pro- great lawyer, educator, advocate, and hancing their programs, facilities, and gram, which funds coordinated efforts public servant. Janet Altman Spragens staff to effectively meet the needs of between Federal, State and local enti- was a lifelong resident of Washington, those who want to be active and ties to offer nutrition education to DC, and a professor at American Uni- healthy but continuously stop and children. Through my own Farm-to- versity’s Washington College of Law start the process. Cutting-edge work at Fork initiative, I also have been work- for 33 years. I met Janet when she was a young four YMCA branches in Prospect Park, ing to get local New York State graduate student at Northwestern Uni- Cross Island, Long Island city and West produce in schools, colleges, and uni- versity and taught social studies at my Side, as well as at other Gulick YMCAs versities. Healthy food options in alma mater, Maine South High School in the Nation, is leading to the devel- school cafeterias teach kids about good in Park Ridge, IL. She was a Wellesley opment of best practices. nutrition and the importance of agri- graduate, and as I was making choices Moreover, YMCAs in New York are culture, as well as support local farms about where I would go to college, she actively involved in YMCA Healthy by keeping food dollars within the urged me to consider Wellesley. I am Kids Day, a grassroots event that en- community. courages children and families to adopt Obesity, which has doubled in chil- grateful to Janet for helping me make and uphold behaviors that support dren and tripled in adolescents over the that important decision in my life. Janet went on to law school and de- healthy living through fun and engag- last two decades, is another serious veloped an expertise in tax law. She ing activities. Healthy Kids Day recog- health issue I am committed to ad- used that expertise to benefit our Na- nizes that there is local help for par- dressing. Last year, I reintroduced the tion’s underserved taxpayers by advo- ents, from schools to public libraries Improved Nutrition and Physical Ac- cating for them in Congress and, in and YMCAs. In 2006, more than a half tivity Act, IMPACT Act, that awards 1990, founding the Federal Tax Clinic. million people will participate in grants to train primary care physicians The clinic continues to operate today Healthy Kids Day with events in more and other health professionals in iden- and the American Bar Association’s than 1,300 communities across the tifying, treating, and preventing obe- Tax Section called it one of the ear- country. sity and eating disorders and allows liest and most successful low-income New York YMCAs are also engaged in States to use preventive health and taxpayer clinics in the country. a variety of health initiatives through health services block grants for activi- Janet Altman Spragens made a dif- partnerships with the Steps to a ties and community education pro- ference in the lives of many Americans HealthierUS, which offers grants to ad- grams targeting obesity and eating dis- who never will have the pleasure and dress health problems like obesity and orders. This bill also promotes funding privilege of knowing her. I join her asthma and risk factors like physical programs that encourage healthy eat- family and friends in mourning her loss inactivity and poor nutrition. For in- ing and physical activity and col- and ask that her obituary in the Wash- stance, Broome County YMCA has lecting and analyzing data to deter- ington Post be printed in the RECORD. partnered with the Steps program to mine the fitness levels and energy ex- The material follows: develop Mission Meltaway, an 8-week penditures of children. [From the Washington Post, Feb. 22, 2006] program that educates participants on I have used nonlegislative avenues to JANET SPRAGENS, 62; LAW PROFESSOR SET UP ways to control weight. This partner- address obesity and eating disorders as TAX CLINIC TO AID POOR ship has also established nutrition and well. I wrote an article in the New (By Joe Holley) physical activity policies for all YMCA York Daily News last summer high- Janet R. Spragens, 62, a tax professor at afterschool programs. Similarly, the lighting long-term physical and emo- American University’s Washington College Chautauqua County YMCA has joined tional problems that can result from of Law and the founder of the nation’s first with the Steps program to create a childhood obesity, such as cardio- tax clinic for low-income taxpayers, died wellness resource center and expand a vascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, can- Feb. 19 of cancer at her home in the District.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:21 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.011 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1535 Ms. Spragens joined the faculty of the Survivors include two daughters, Robin years, the Provisional Accelerated Washington College of Law in fall 1973 and Spragens Trepanier of Washington and Lee Learning Center has been an out- founded the Federal Tax Clinic in 1990. Its Spragens of Los Angeles; her mother, Sophie standing community center for service purpose is to provide third-year law students B. Altman of Washington; two sisters, Susan and support. the opportunity to learn by doing instead of Altman of Washington and Nancy Altman of just reading legal theory and to provide as- Bethesda; and a brother, Robert Altman of The PAL Center was the vision of Dr. sistance to people who frequently are not Potomac.∑ Mildred Dalton Henry, a retired pro- served well by the legal system. fessor emeritus from California State ‘‘Janet came to realize that the tax system f University at San Bernardino. In Au- is a place where low- and moderate-income IN HONOR OF ED MCNAMARA gust 1983, Dr. Henry, community resi- taxpayers don’t have the resources to pro- dent Alonza Thompson, and other tect themselves,’’ said Andy Pike, an asso- ∑ Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, last week, members of the community worked to- ciate dean at the law school. Michigan lost a distinguished public The clinic’s clients have included cab- servant and a visionary leader, and I gether to establish a community-based drivers, single working mothers, travel lost a good friend. Ed McNamara learning center. agents, construction workers, retirees, high Today, these PAL Center founders passed away at the age of 79 after a school teachers, household workers and oth- can look back at 20 successful years of lifetime of service to our State, includ- ers who find themselves caught up in the community outreach and mentorship ing 16 years as Wayne County execu- complexity of the nation’s administrative that has changed the lives of many. and judicial systems. As Ms. Spragens told a tive and 17 years as mayor of Livonia. Many students have written about the House committee in 2001, many are non- He fought relentlessly to make Michi- gratitude and fond memories they hold English speakers who are frightened and con- gan a better place, and he succeeded in for the PAL Center and the positive ef- fused. The clinic charges no fees for its serv- ways small and large. And as he made ices. fect it had on their lives. a difference in the lives of average peo- Since the clinic was founded, participation At the PAL Center, individuals from ple, he did so with a sparkle in his eye in it has been ‘‘standing-room only,’’ said its throughout the community can receive and humor on his lips. supervising attorney, Nancy Abramowitz, re- quality educational services and indi- ferring both to students and clients. The pro- Ed was an old pol in the best sense of vidual life assistance and support. The gram’s success has spawned others at law the word. He loved his constituents, he PAL Center values cultural diversity schools across the nation. loved serving them, and he made a dif- and strives to assist individuals from Born in Washington into a family of law- ference in their lives. Ed brought yers, Ms. Spragens considered becoming a all walks of life. In many communities health care to the poor, saved a coun- teacher before deciding to pursue a career as throughout our Nation, troubling situ- tywide bus system, and revitalized the a lawyer who taught. She received a bach- ations have forced many individuals to county’s parks. He paved the roads, elor’s degree from Wellesley College in 1964 go without the assistance that could and a master’s degree in education from helped save the Rouge River, and made change their lives. In San Bernardino, Northwestern University in 1965. She re- big investments in the people and in- these same individuals can count on ceived a law degree from George Washington frastructure of Southeastern Michigan. the PAL Center to help them plan for University Law School in 1968. When Ed took office as county execu- As a student teacher during her year at and take action to face life’s chal- tive, Wayne County, which includes the Northwestern, she taught future Sen. Hillary lenges and plan for successful futures. Rodham Clinton (D–N.Y.), then a high school city of Detroit, was facing a $135 mil- I applaud the service and dedication senior. In her memoir, ‘‘Living History,’’ lion deficit. Ed quickly eliminated that of the community heroes at the Center Clinton credits Ms. Spragens with urging her red ink and revived the county’s bond to broaden her horizons by leaving the Mid- for Provisional Accelerated Learning rating as a first step toward the great- in San Bernardino. Their efforts have west and attending college in the East. Like er revitalization he envisioned. Ed Ms. Spragens, Clinton chose Wellesley. made a lasting impression on their During her third year of law school, Ms. McNamara never stopped believing in community, and set a standard for our Spragens served as a clerk to U.S. District Wayne County, and we will be reaping nation. Please join me in honoring Judge Oliver Gasch. She was an attorney the rewards of that leadership for years them on their 20th anniversary.∑ with the appellate section of the Justice De- to come. Just this month, Detroit partment’s tax division before joining the hosted the Super Bowl at Ford Field, f faculty of the Washington College of Law in which Ed helped to build. Last year, RECOGNIZING THE WILLIAMS 1973. At the time, she was the only female Detroit hosted Major League Baseball’s INSTITUTE member of the full-time faculty. Federal funding for the tax clinic, thanks All-Star Game at Comerica Park, ∑ Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I am to Ms. Spragens’ efforts, came about almost which Ed helped to build. And visitors very pleased to take a few moments to accidentally. Testifying in 1997 before the to each of these events flew into the recognize the work of The Williams In- National Commission on Restructuring the Detroit Metro Airport terminal named stitute—formerly the Williams Internal Revenue Service, she was asked in his honor, which Ed helped to build. Project—on Sexual Orientation Law what could be done to alleviate tax problems Ed’s legacy will also live on in the and Public Policy at UCLA Law confronting the working poor. many people he has inspired and ‘‘She said, somewhat offhandedly, just pro- School, as it gathers for its Fifth An- vide funds to create more clinics for the pro- mentored, including the Governor of nual Update. vision of services to this needy population Michigan. Like them, I have learned so Founded 5 years ago with the gen- across the country,’’ Abramowitz noted. much from him in the years that I have erous support of Charles R. Williams, ‘‘The rest is history.’’ known him. It has been a joy to know the Williams Institute produces sub- Ms. Spragens also was concerned about un- a man of such energy, talent, kindness, stantive scholarship on matters per- ethical tax preparers who prey on low-in- and warmth. taining to sexual orientation law and come taxpayers and about the complexities Ed’s abundant good nature spread of the earned income tax credit, which is de- public policy. The first and only insti- signed to help the working poor. ‘‘They are hope and opportunity for the multitude tution of its kind in the United States, just overwhelmed by the complexity,’’ she that he touched. His life demonstrated the institute produces scholarship on told The Washington Post in 2001. what a difference one person can make. sexual orientation issues through the Ms. Spragens served as executive director He will be greatly missed by the people collaborative efforts of scholars, of the American Tax Policy Institute from he loved and led. Our thoughts and judges, advocates, and students. Those 1996 to 2001, was a member of the council for prayers are with his wife Lucille and working for the Williams Institute the American Bar Association section on his children and grandchildren.∑ taxation since 1999 and had chaired the sec- have published an array of documents tion’s low-income taxpayer and teaching tax- f ranging from amicus briefs that have ation committees. She was director of the proved useful in key court cases to Israel program at the Washington College of TRIBUTE TO CENTER FOR PROVI- books that have helped legal scholars Law and was visiting professor of law at the SIONAL ACCELERATED LEARN- comprehend the ramifications of a con- University of Haifa Faculty of Law in 2000. ING stantly evolving body of law. For her work on behalf of low-income tax- ∑ Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I rise Educating members of the legal com- payers, she received the 2006 ABA Section on Taxation Pro Bono Award. today to recognize the Center for Pro- munity in America through continuing Her marriage to Jeffrey Spragens ended in visional Accelerated Learning, PAL, in legal education, lectures, symposia, divorce. San Bernardino, CA. For the past 20 classes, and speakers is a critical part

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:44 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE6.012 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE S1536 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 28, 2006 of the Williams Institute’s mission. tion has made great strides toward tol- into internment camps until the end of This focus on disseminating informa- erance and inclusion. World War II. Mr. Tatsuno and his fam- tion, coupled with the intellectual and In 1983, as part of Fred Korematsu’s ily were forced to move to the Topaz material resources of UCLA, has made successful petition to the Federal Dis- Relocation Center, an internment the Williams Institute into a national trict Court in San Francisco to over- camp in Topaz, AZ. Over the next 3 center for the interdisciplinary explo- turn his conviction for violating evacu- years, Mr. Tatsuno secretly filmed life ration of sexual orientation law and ation orders, the court also ruled that in the camp with an 8-millimeter Bell policy matters by scholars, judges, the internment of American citizens of & Howell camera that Walter practitioners, advocates, and students. Japanese descent during World War II Honderick, his supervisor at the in- The Williams Institute actively was legally unsupportable. In 1989, Con- ternment camp’s co-op store, helped strives to produce well-informed young gress passed legislation formally apolo- smuggle in. Because the camera was lawyers. To this end, student involve- gizing for the internment of Japanese- forbidden, Mr. Tatsuno kept it hidden ment in the organization is of para- American citizens during World War II in a shoe box, taking it out only when mount importance. Students partake and authorized a reparations fund for guards were not looking. These images in research with faculty scholars and internment survivors. Though we still of daily life in Topaz—of church serv- contribute to the wide breadth of have further to go to assure equality ices, of people gardening, of birthday scholarship produced by the Williams for all, most Americans now realize celebrations—have left viewers with a Institute. that diversity is one of our country’s stark image of what life was like dur- I invite my colleagues to join me in greatest strengths. ing those hard years. commending the work of the Williams When the Japanese community re- After the Tatsuno family was re- Institute. In a nation where equal turned to San Francisco after World leased from the internment camp, Mr. treatment under the law is a central War II, it was difficult to rebuild the Tatsuno’s footage of life in Topaz was tenet of citizenship, the Williams Insti- extensive community that existed be- turned into a 48-minute silent film, tute plays a critical role in ensuring fore the war. However, despite the ‘‘Topaz.’’ In 1996, the Library of Con- that America lives by its creed.∑ many barriers, the Japanese commu- gress placed ‘‘Topaz’’ on its National Film Registry, which was established f nity did rebuild Japantown. And al- though San Francisco’s Japantown is in 1989 by Congress to preserve cul- IN CELEBRATION OF THE CENTEN- smaller today than it was in the past, turally, historically, or aesthetically NIAL ANNIVERSARY OF SAN it still plays a large and important role significant films. Mr. Tatsuno’s film is FRANCISCO’S JAPANTOWN in our community. Not only does it one of only two home movies on the ∑ Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I take serve as a reminder of our past, it pro- registry’s 425-film list; the other film is this opportunity to recognize the cen- vides us with an opportunity to cele- Abraham Zapruder’s footage of the tennial anniversary of San Francisco’s brate the history, challenges, tri- John F. Kennedy assassination. The historic Japantown. Today San Fran- umphs, and contributions of the Japa- original footage for ‘‘Topaz’’ is now a part of the permanent collection at the cisco’s Japantown is one of only three nese-American community in San Japanese American National Museum remaining Japantowns in California. Francisco. The other two are in Los Angeles and For 100 years, San Francisco’s in Los Angeles. After the war, Mr. Tatsuno helped his San Jose. For the past 100 years, Japantown has served as a cultural re- father reopen Nichi Bei Bussan and Japantown has been an integral part of source for the San Francisco Bay area took over the business when his father San Francisco’s rich and diverse cul- and California. I thank the San Fran- retired. Through this work, Mr. tural history. At 100 years old, it is the cisco Japantown community for its Tatsuno became a prominent and re- first and oldest Japantown in the con- many efforts to educate the commu- tinental United States. spected businessman and civic leader nity about Japanese culture and tradi- in San Francisco and San Jose, where The first Japanese immigrants ar- tions. I congratulate them on their rived in San Francisco in the 1860s. he eventually made his home. He also centennial anniversary and wish them remained engaged and interested in Originally settling in the South Park ∑ another 100 years of success. film. His compassion and thoughtful- and Chinatown areas, the Japanese f community relocated to the Western ness inspired many others and he will Addition after the great earthquake IN MEMORIAM TO DAVE TATSUNO be deeply missed. Mr. Tatsuno is survived by three and fire of 1906 destroyed much of San ∑ Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I take daughters, Arlene Damron, Valerie Francisco. When Japantown relocated this opportunity to honor the life of Sermon, and Melanie Cochran; two to the Western Addition in 1906, the Dave Tatsuno, whose courageous docu- sons, Rod Tatsuno and Sheridan Japanese community had the oppor- mentation of life in a Japanese-Amer- Tatsuno; his sister, Chiye Watanabe; tunity to grow. More Japanese busi- ican internment camp contributed im- four grandchildren; and two great- nesses, shops, churches, schools, res- mensely to our knowledge of this dark grandchildren. I extend my deepest taurants, and hotels moved to the area time in U.S. history. Mr. Tatsuno sympathies to his family. and supported community develop- passed away on January 26, 2006. He Dave Tatsuno played down the im- ment. Before long, the area became was 92. portance of his role in chronicling the known as Nihonmachi, or Japantown. Mr. Tatsuno, born in 1913 to a family history of the Japanese-American in- At the height of its growth in 1940, who had come to the United States in ternment camps, always giving credit more than 5,000 Japanese lived in the late 19th century, was raised in San to Walter Honderick. But Dave Japantown, and there were more than Francisco, in my home State of Cali- Tatsuno will long be remembered for 200 Japanese-owned businesses. fornia. Mr. Tatsuno changed his first his courage and perseverance in dif- We are not proud of what happened name from Masaharu to Dave when he ficult times. His film will have a last- to the Japanese-American community successfully ran for student body presi- ing effect on many generations to during World War II in the early 1940s. dent of his junior high school; come.∑ In 1942, President Franklin D. Roo- Masaharu was too long to fit on his f sevelt signed Executive Order 9066, campaign posters. In 1936, Mr. Tatsuno which forced ‘‘all persons of Japanese graduated from UC Berkeley with a de- RECOGNIZING WESTSIDE CENTER ancestry, including aliens and non- gree in business and went to work at FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING aliens’’ into internment camps until Nichi Bei Bussan, a department store ∑ Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I am the end of World War II. The intern- in San Francisco that his father found- very pleased to take a few moments to ment was fueled by racism and war ed. recognize the tremendous accomplish- hysteria and will forever tarnish our After Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in ments of the Westside Center for Inde- country’s history. As time has proved, 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt pendent Living, WCIL, based in Santa there was no excuse for our Govern- signed Executive Order 9066, which Monica and Los Angeles, as this unique ment’s decision to intern American forced ‘‘all persons of Japanese ances- organization celebrates its 30th year of citizens. Since those dark days, our Na- try, including aliens and non-aliens’’ service.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:44 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.020 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1537 WCIL has devoted innumerable hours at the helm of the largest air-pollution City of Salida, Officer Scott was merci- and incredible effort toward giving sen- control district in the Nation, he will lessly murdered in the line of duty dur- ior citizens and members of our com- soon retire as the air pollution control ing a traffic stop. munity with disabilities the gift of officer and executive director of the The California Highway Patrol was independence. The WCIL was founded San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Con- in Officer Scott’s bloodlines. Officer in 1976 during the height of the ‘‘inde- trol District, SJAPCD. During his ten- Scott’s father, Sergeant William Scott, pendent living movement.’’ Originating ure, the district grew from a fledgling as well as two uncles, are proud retired in Berkeley in 1970, the independent union of regional air boards into one of California Highway Patrol veterans. living movement has strived to provide the Nation’s most active air-pollution Officer Scott was to celebrate his 5- disabled persons with the opportunity control districts. year anniversary with the California to manage their own lives. Today, cen- After completing his undergraduate Highway Patrol on February 19. Officer ters such as the WCIL have become a and graduate studies at California Scott dutifully served the citizens and vital staple of urban life across the Na- State University, Fullerton, David communities of Stanislaus and San tion. built a solid resume in public service Joaquin counties with great dedication Through an array of innovative before he assumed the leadership of the and integrity. Officer Scott’s commit- methods, the center allows seniors and SJAPCD in 1991. He served as the act- ment to help others, combined with his disabled persons to become more fully ing city manager for Foster City, CA, passion for law enforcement, enabled integrated into our community. One budget director and director of policy him to become a model California such technique is the peer training sys- development for Fresno County, as well Highway Patrol officer. Officer Scott’s tem, whereby veterans of the independ- as deputy county administrative offi- colleagues shall always remember his ence training program share their test- cer for Fresno County before lending gregarious nature and commitment to ed knowledge with people who are new his considerable talents to improving his job. to the program. Such pairing instills a air quality in the Central Valley. Officer Scott is survived by his fa- sense of confidence in new participants, David accepted the challenge to ad- ther, William Scott, and his mother, as it lets them know that they are not dress and solve the air-quality issues in Judith. When he was not on duty, Offi- alone and that others like them have a region that perennially rank among cer Scott enjoyed spending time with succeeded in leading a more inde- the worst nationwide in summertime his neighbors, especially the children pendent life. smog and wintertime particulate pollu- who would often play darts and watch WCIL’s Advocacy Action Group tion. Under his stewardship, the Valley sporting events in his garage. Officer works with the disabled community air basin has made great strides in re- Earl Harwood Scott served the State of and elected officials to modernize ex- ducing ozone exceedances, as it has California with honor and distinction isting disability legislation. The group seen a 50-percent reduction in the emis- and fulfilled his oath as an officer of collects the ideas and complaints of sions from statutory sources. The the law. His contributions and dedica- disabled people and transforms them SJAPCD has implemented programs tion to law enforcement are greatly ap- into substantive legislation. Through such as the ‘‘Check Before You Burn’’ preciated and will serve as a shining true grassroots campaigning and issue winter wood-burning restriction pro- example of his legacy. advocacy, the group ensures that elect- gram; a system to reduce smoke emis- We shall always be grateful for Offi- ed officials stay abreast of current ac- sions from agricultural burning, and cer Scott’s heroic service and the sac- cessibility issues in their community. creating cost-effective rules to encour- rifices he made while serving the com- Recognizing the necessity for infor- age conservation management prac- munity and protecting the people he mation regarding accessibility tices for farms. loved.∑ throughout Los Angeles, the WCIL, in During his tenure as the head of the partnership with UCLA, has estab- San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Con- f lished Living Independently in Los An- trol District, David has earned a rep- HONORING THE LIFE OF ANDREA geles, LILA. LILA provides a host of utation as a skilled consensus-builder BRONFMAN useful information regarding the acces- who forged partnerships between inter- sibility of public and private places, ests which seldom agreed. Under his ∑ Mr. LAUTENBERG. Mr. President, I community organizations working for leadership, the air-pollution district rise today to pay tribute to Andrea the betterment of those with disabil- has distributed over $ to im- Bronfman, a respected philanthropist ities, and advocacy groups. Thanks to plement a myriad of projects to reduce and a dear friend. Andrea passed away LILA, numerous disabled persons are serious air pollution in the region. on January 23, 2006, at the age of 60. better equipped to navigate Los Ange- David Crow’s efforts, and those of the Born in Great Britain in 1945, Andrea les. talented staff that he helped build, are quickly demonstrated remarkable com- The center provides invaluable edu- helping to improve the air quality in passion for those in need and an ardent cational services, including public California’s Central Valley, one of the desire to improve the world around her. awareness about the Americans with fastest growing regions in the Nation. She was married to Charles Bronfman Disabilities Act. Countless businesses, Throughout his career, David Crow in 1982, and together they raised five community organizations, and local has proven to be a highly effective ad- children and six grandchildren. While community members credit WCIL for ministrator who was committed to pro- their wonderful family was certainly helping them to ensure that buildings tecting the public’s health. As he gets one of Andrea’s proudest achievements, and offices are accessible for Ameri- set to spend more time with his wife she will also be fondly remembered for cans with disabilities. Vicky and sons, Ryan and Matthew, I her generous nature, her passion for I am pleased to join the thousands of wish him continued success and good life, and her multitude of charitable beneficiaries of this important organi- luck in all his future endeavors.∑ endeavors. zation in commending the Westside f Andrea’s philanthropy benefited citi- Center for Independent Living. The zens of all countries and faiths, but she CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL Center’s work has bettered the lives of is best known for her activism within OFFICER EARL HARWOOD SCOTT countless disabled and senior citizens the Jewish community and her devo- and has enabled them to participate ∑ Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, today I tion to Israel, Jewish life, and the Jew- more fully in our community. The cen- rise to honor the memory of a dedi- ish people. In addition to serving on ter’s efforts have clearly shown that ‘‘a cated public servant, Officer Earl Har- the boards of several well-respected disability need not be disabling.’’∑ wood Scott of the California Highway Jewish organizations, she and Charles f Patrol. Officer Earl Harwood Scott cofounded Birthright Israel, a program spent nearly 5 years with the Cali- that offers young adults a chance to TRIBUTE TO DAVID L. CROW fornia Highway Patrol, providing the travel to Israel and experience the ∑ Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I rise to citizens of California with safety and roots of their ancestry firsthand. As a pay tribute to the distinguished public service. On the morning of February 17, result of these good works and her un- service of David L. Crow. After 15 years 2006, while on motor patrol near the dying devotion to Jewish life, Andrea

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:21 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.015 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE S1538 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 28, 2006 was named an honorary citizen of Jeru- mining democratic processes or insti- the Board’s semiannual report entitled salem in 2002 and was given the key to tutions in Zimbabwe is to continue in ‘‘Monetary Policy Report’’; to the Com- the city by then-Mayor Ehud Olmert. effect beyond March 6, 2006. The most mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- fairs. Throughout her life, Andrea proved recent notice continuing this emer- EC–5782. A communication from the Acting herself to be a true pillar of decency gency was published in the Federal Reg- Director, Office of Surface Mining, Depart- and generosity both within the Jewish ister on March 4, 2005 (70 FR 10859). ment of the Interior, transmitting, pursuant community and outside of it. Not con- The crisis constituted by the actions to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Texas tent just to fund projects, Andrea was and policies of certain members of the Regulatory Program’’ (Docket No. TX–055– actively involved in the community Government of Zimbabwe and other FOR) received on February 16, 2006; to the and was constantly devising new un- persons to undermine Zimbabwe’s Committee on Energy and Natural Re- sources. dertakings that would benefit society democratic processes or institutions EC–5783. A communication from the Sec- and help more people. Most recently has not been resolved. These actions retary of Transportation, transmitting, pur- she served as founder and deputy chair- and policies pose a continuing unusual suant to law, a report relative to the United man of The Gift of New York, a non- and extraordinary threat to the foreign States Merchant Marine Academy’s Board of profit initiative that provided free ad- policy of the United States. For these Visitors; to the Committee on Commerce, mission to concerts, theatrical produc- reasons, I have determined that it is Science, and Transportation. EC–5784. A communication from the Chief, tions, and sporting events to the fami- necessary to continue this national Publications and Regulations Branch, Inter- lies of those who died at the World emergency and to maintain in force the nal Revenue Service, Department of the Trade Center in 2001. Andrea recog- sanctions to respond to this threat. Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the nized that grief is not an emotion that GEORGE W. BUSH. report of a rule entitled ‘‘Notice Providing subsides after a few months. Long after THE WHITE HOUSE, February 27, 2006. Examples of Non-Reportable Transactions the rubble of 9/11 had been cleared, she f and a Reporting Safe Harbor for Certain Re- ensured that the bereaved families portable Transactions, Involving Notional EXECUTIVE AND OTHER Principal Contracts’’ (Notice 2006–16) re- knew that their loss and heartache had COMMUNICATIONS ceived on February 16, 2006; to the Com- not been forgotten. mittee on Finance. Our hearts go out to Andrea’s family The following communications were EC–5785. A communication from the Assist- and friends as they deal with the inevi- laid before the Senate, together with ant Secretary for Legislative Affairs, De- table pain and sadness that come from accompanying papers, reports, and doc- partment of State, transmitting, pursuant to an unexpected death. To mitigate that uments, and were referred as indicated: law, a report relative to U.S. military per- pain somewhat, we can remember and EC–5774. A communication from the Chief, sonnel and U.S. civilian contractors involved Publications and Regulations Branch, Inter- in the anti-narcotics campaign in Colombia; be grateful that Andrea lived a life to the Committee on Foreign Relations. filled with love, kindness, and compas- nal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the EC–5786. A communication from the Assist- sion. Her dedication to humanitarian report of a rule entitled ‘‘Weighted Average ant Administrator, Office of Administration causes and deep devotion to her faith Interest Rate Update’’ (Notice 2006–19) re- and Resources Management, Environmental served as an inspiration to everyone ceived on February 16, 2006; to the Com- Protection Agency, transmitting, pursuant who knew her and benefited from her mittee on Finance. to law, the Agency’s 2005 Competitive Sourcing Report; to the Committee on Envi- achievements and generosity. While EC–5775. A communication from the Chief, Publications and Regulations Branch, Inter- ronment and Public Works. her determination and spirit will be EC–5787. A communication from the Prin- nal Revenue Service, Department of the missed, her legacy will live on through cipal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Envi- the millions of people her work has report of a rule entitled ‘‘Appeals Settle- ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, touched. ment Guidelines: Notional Principal Con- pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled I ask my colleagues to join me in tracts’’ (UIL: 9300.20–00) received on Feb- paying tribute to Mrs. Andrea ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality ruary 16, 2006; to the Committee on Finance. Implementation Plans; Georgia Update to EC–5776. A communication from the Regu- Bronfman and the legacy she left to Materials Incorporated by Reference’’ (FRL philanthropy and caring about people lations Coordinator, Office of the Secretary, No. 8022–4) received on February 22, 2006; to whether she knew them or not.∑ Department of Health and Human Services, the Committee on Environment and Public transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of f Works. a rule entitled ‘‘HIPAA Administrative Sim- EC–5788. A communication from the Prin- REPORT RELATIVE TO THE CON- plification: Enforcement’’ (RIN0991–AB29) re- cipal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office ceived on February 16, 2006; to the Com- of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Envi- TINUATION OF THE NATIONAL mittee on Finance. EMERGENCY BLOCKING PROP- ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, EC–5777. A communication from the Under pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ERTY OF PERSONS UNDER- Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Read- ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality MINING DEMOCRATIC PROC- iness, transmitting, authorization of 4 offi- Implementation Plans; Indiana; Dearborn ESSES OR INSTITUTIONS IN cers to wear the insignia of the grade of brig- County Sulfur Dioxide Emission Limits’’ ZIMBABWE—PM 41 adier general in accordance with title 10, (FRL No. 8036–3) received on February 22, United States Code, section 777; to the Com- The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- 2006; to the Committee on Environment and mittee on Armed Services. Public Works. fore the Senate the following message EC–5778. A communication from the Sec- EC–5789. A communication from the Prin- from the President of the United retary of Health and Human Services, trans- cipal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office States, together with an accompanying mitting, pursuant to law, a report entitled of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Envi- report; which was referred to the Com- ‘‘Report to Congress on Head Start Moni- ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, mittee on Banking, Housing, and toring for Fiscal Year 2004’’; to the Com- pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled Urban Affairs. mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Implementa- Pensions. tion Plans and Designation of Areas for Air To the Congress of the United States: EC–5779. A communication from the Om- Quality Planning Purposes; Arizona’’ (FRL Section 202(d) of the National Emer- budsman for Part E, Energy Employees Com- No. 8022–5) received on February 22, 2006; to gencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides pensation Program, Department of Labor, the Committee on Environment and Public transmitting, pursuant to law, the Ombuds- for the automatic termination of a na- Works. man’s 2005 First Annual Report; to the Com- EC–5790. A communication from the Prin- tional emergency unless, prior to the mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and cipal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office anniversary date of its declaration, the Pensions. of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Envi- President publishes in the Federal Reg- EC–5780. A communication from the Chair- ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, ister and transmits to the Congress a man and President (Acting), Export Import pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled notice stating that the emergency is to Bank of the United States, transmitting, ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Implementa- continue in effect beyond the anniver- pursuant to law, a report relative to trans- tion Plans; State of Iowa’’ (FRL No. 8037–9) sary date. In accordance with this pro- actions involving U.S. exports to India; to received on February 22, 2006; to the Com- the Committee on Banking, Housing, and mittee on Environment and Public Works. vision, I have sent to the Federal Reg- Urban Affairs. EC–5791. A communication from the Prin- ister for publication the enclosed notice EC–5781. A communication from the Chair- cipal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office stating that the national emergency man of the Board of Governors, Federal Re- of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Envi- blocking the property of persons under- serve System, transmitting, pursuant to law, ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting,

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:44 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.012 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1539 pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled EC–5799. A communication from the Prin- EC–5809. A communication from the Assist- ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Implementa- cipal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office ant Attorney General for Administration, tion Plans; Wisconsin; Wisconsin Construc- of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Envi- Justice Management Division, Department tion Permit Permanency SIP Revision’’ ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, of Justice, transmitting, pursuant to law, (FRL No. 8037–6) received on February 22, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Exemption of 2006; to the Committee on Environment and ‘‘TSCA Inventory Update Reporting Par- Privacy Act System of Records for the Bu- Public Works. tially Exempted Chemicals List; Addition of reau of Prisons: ‘Inmate Electronic Message EC–5792. A communication from the Prin- Certain Vegetable-based Oils, Soybean Meal, Record System (JUSTICE/BOP–013)’’’ (AAG/ cipal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office and Xylitol’’ ((RIN2070–AC61) (FRL No. 7760– A Order No. 004–2006) received on February of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Envi- 7)) received on February 22, 2006; to the Com- 27, 2006; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, mittee on Environment and Public Works. EC–5810. A communication from the Direc- pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled EC–5800. A communication from the Prin- tor, Regulations and Rulings Division, Alco- ‘‘Indian General Assistance Program 2006 cipal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office hol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, Grants Administration Guidance’’ (FRL No. of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Envi- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of 8024–7) received on February 22, 2006; to the ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, a rule entitled ‘‘Establishment of the Covelo Committee on Environment and Public pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled Viticultural Area’’ ((RIN1513–AA90) (T.D. Works. ‘‘Notice of Availability of Final Aquatic Life TTB–42)) received on February 27, 2006; to the EC–5793. A communication from the Prin- Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Committee on the Judiciary. cipal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office Nonylphenol’’ (FRL No. 8035–8) received on EC–5811. A communication from the Direc- of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Envi- February 22, 2006; to the Committee on Envi- tor, Regulations and Rulings Division, Alco- ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, ronment and Public Works. hol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled EC–5801. A communication from the Prin- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of ‘‘New Hampshire: Final Authorization of cipal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office a rule entitled ‘‘Establishment of the Rattle- State Hazardous Waste Management Pro- of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Envi- snake Hills Viticultural Area’’ ((RIN1513– gram Revisions’’ (FRL No. 8038–3) received ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, AA77) (T.D. TTB–43)) received on February on February 22, 2006; to the Committee on pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled 27, 2006; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Environment and Public Works. ‘‘Notice of Availability of Final Rec- EC–5812. A communication from the Acting EC–5794. A communication from the Prin- ommended Aquatic Life Ambient Water Assistant to the Secretary, Office of Regula- cipal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office Quality Criteria for Diazinon’’ (FRL No. tion Policy and Management, Department of of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Envi- 8035–9) received on February 22, 2006; to the Veterans Affairs, transmitting, pursuant to ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, Committee on Environment and Public law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Filipino pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled Works. Veterans’ Benefits Improvements’’ (RIN2900– ‘‘State Implementation Plan Revision and EC–5802. A communication from the Prin- AK65) received on February 27, 2006; to the Alternate Permit Program; Territory of cipal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. Guam’’ (FRL No. 8030–3) received on Feb- of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Envi- f ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, ruary 22, 2006; to the Committee on Environ- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ment and Public Works. pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled EC–5795. A communication from the Prin- ‘‘Pesticide Management and Disposal; Stand- The following reports of committees cipal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office ards for Pesticide Containers and Contain- were submitted: ment; Notification to the Secretary of Agri- of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Envi- By Mr. ENZI, from the Committee on ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, culture’’ ((RIN2070–AB95) (FRL No. 7749–1)) received on February 22, 2006; to the Com- Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled Report to accompany S. 1614, a bill to ex- mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- ‘‘Approval and Disapproval and Promulga- tend the authorization of programs under tion of Air Quality Implementation Plans; estry. EC–5803. A communication from the Ad- the Higher Education Act of 1965, and for Colorado; Affirmative Defense Provisions for ministrator, Food Safety and Inspection other purposes (Rept. No. 109–218). Startup and Shutdown; Common Provisions Service, Department of Agriculture, trans- f Regulation and Regulation No. 1’’ (FRL No. mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule 8029–7) received on February 22, 2006; to the entitled ‘‘Ante-Mortem Inspection of INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND Committee on Environment and Public Horses’’ (RIN0583–AD21) received on Feb- JOINT RESOLUTIONS Works. EC–5796. A communication from the Prin- ruary 27, 2006; to the Committee on Agri- The following bills and joint resolu- cipal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. tions were introduced, read the first EC–5804. A communication from the Ad- of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Envi- and second times by unanimous con- ministrator, Food Safety and Inspection ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, Service, Department of Agriculture, trans- sent, and referred as indicated: pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule By Mr. MENENDEZ (for himself, Mrs. ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of State Imple- entitled ‘‘Changes in Fees for Meat, Poultry, CLINTON, Mr. LAUTENBERG, Mr. NEL- mentation Plans; Texas; Revision to the and Egg Products Inspection Services—Fis- SON of Florida, and Mrs. BOXER): Rate of Progress Plan for the Beaumont/Port cal Years 2006–2008’’ (RIN0583–AD12) received S. 2334. A bill to ensure the security of Arthur Ozone Nonattainment Area’’ (FRL on February 27, 2006; to the Committee on United States ports, and for other purposes; No. 8034–7) received on February 22, 2006; to Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and the Committee on Environment and Public EC–5805. A communication from the Chair- Urban Affairs. Works. man, Farm Credit System Insurance Cor- By Mr. BAYH: EC–5797. A communication from the Prin- poration, transmitting, pursuant to law, the S. 2335. A bill to clarify the role of the Di- cipal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office report of a rule entitled ‘‘Golden Parachute rector of National Intelligence, amend the of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Envi- and Indemnification Payments’’ (RIN3055– Defense Production Act of 1950 to clarify the ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, AA08) received on February 27, 2006; to the notification and investigation requirements, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and and for other purposes; to the Committee on ‘‘Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives: Re- Forestry. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. moval of Reformulated Gasoline Oxygen EC–5806. A communication from the Chair- By Mr. SALAZAR: Content Requirement for California Gasoline man, Federal Election Commission, trans- S. 2336. A bill to establish the South Park and Revision of Commingling Prohibition to mitting, pursuant to law, the Commission’s National Heritage Area in the State of Colo- Address Non-Oxygenated Reformulated Gas- annual report regarding the implementation rado, and for other purposes; to the Com- oline in California’’ (FRL No. 8035–2) received of the Government in the Sunshine Act for mittee on Energy and Natural Resources. on February 22, 2006; to the Committee on calendar year 2005; to the Committee on By Mr. LIEBERMAN (for himself, Ms. Environment and Public Works. Rules and Administration. SNOWE, Mr. DEWINE, Mr. KERRY, Mr. EC–5798. A communication from the Prin- EC–5807. A communication from the Assist- AKAKA, and Mr. DURBIN): cipal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office ant Attorney General, Office of Legislative S. 2337. A bill to increase access to postsec- of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Envi- Affairs, Department of Justice, transmit- ondary education, and for other purposes; to ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, ting, pursuant to law, the Department’s Buy the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled American Report for Fiscal Year 2004; to the and Pensions. ‘‘Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives: Re- Committee on the Judiciary. By Mrs. MURRAY (for herself, Ms. moval of Reformulated Gasoline Oxygen EC–5808. A communication from the Assist- CANTWELL, and Mr. WYDEN): Content Requirement and Revision of Com- ant Attorney General, Office of Legislative S. 2338. A bill to extend the authority of mingling Prohibition to Address Non- Affairs, Department of Justice, transmit- the Secretary of the Army to accept and ex- Oxygenated Reformulated Gasoline’’ (FRL ting, pursuant to law, the Fiscal Year 2004 pend funds contributed by non-Federal pub- No. 8035–1) received on February 22, 2006; to Annual Report to Congress for the Office of lic entities to expedite the processing of per- the Committee on Environment and Public Justice Programs’ Bureau of Justice Assist- mits; to the Committee on Environment and Works. ance; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Public Works.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:44 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE6.019 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE S1540 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 28, 2006 By Mr. COBURN: (Mr. MENENDEZ) was added as a cospon- the Individuals with Disabilities Edu- S. 2339. A bill to reauthorize the HIV sor of S. 471, a bill to amend the Public cation Act to provide full Federal fund- Health Care Services Program under title 26 Health Service Act to provide for ing of such part. of the Public Health Service Act; to the S. 2197 Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and human embryonic stem cell research. Pensions. S. 709 At the request of Mr. DOMENICI, the By Mr. SPECTER (for himself, Mr. At the request of Mr. DEWINE, the names of the Senator from Iowa (Mr. COLEMAN, and Mr. ISAKSON): name of the Senator from Maine (Ms. HARKIN) and the Senator from Arkan- S. 2340. A bill to amend title XVIII of the SNOWE) was added as a cosponsor of S. sas (Mrs. LINCOLN) were added as co- Social Security Act to preserve access to 709, a bill to amend the Public Health sponsors of S. 2197, a bill to improve community cancer care by Medicare bene- Service Act to establish a grant pro- the global competitiveness of the ficiaries; to the Committee on Finance. gram to provide supportive services in United States in science and energy By Mr. DORGAN: technology, to strengthen basic re- S. 2341. A bill to prohibit the merger, ac- permanent supportive housing for quisition, or takeover of Peninsular and Ori- chronically homeless individuals, and search programs at the Department of ental Steam Navigation Company by Dubai for other purposes. Energy, and to provide support for mathematics and science education at Ports World; to the Committee on Banking, S. 1052 Housing, and Urban Affairs. all levels through the resources avail- At the request of Mr. NELSON of Flor- f able through the Department of En- ida, his name was added as a cosponsor ergy, including at the National Labora- SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND of S. 1052, a bill to improve transpor- tories. SENATE RESOLUTIONS tation security, and for other purposes. S. 2198 S. 1112 The following concurrent resolutions At the request of Mr. DOMENICI, the and Senate resolutions were read, and At the request of Mr. GRASSLEY, the names of the Senator from Iowa (Mr. referred (or acted upon), as indicated: name of the Senator from Nebraska HARKIN) and the Senator from Arkan- By Ms. COLLINS (for herself, Mr. (Mr. NELSON) was added as a cosponsor sas (Mrs. LINCOLN) were added as co- REED, and Mr. LAUTENBERG): of S. 1112, a bill to make permanent the sponsors of S. 2198, a bill to ensure the S. Res. 384. A resolution designating March enhanced educational savings provi- United States successfully competes in 2, 2006, as ‘‘Read Across America Day’’; con- sions for qualified tuition programs en- the 21st century global economy. sidered and agreed to. acted as part of the Economic Growth S. 2199 By Mr. ENSIGN: and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of At the request of Mr. DOMENICI, the S. Res. 385. A resolution expressing the 2001. gratitude and appreciation to the men and names of the Senator from Iowa (Mr. women of the Armed Forces who serve as S. 1528 HARKIN) and the Senator from Arkan- military recruiters, commending their self- At the request of Mr. MCCONNELL, sas (Mrs. LINCOLN) were added as co- less service in recruiting young men and the name of the Senator from Utah sponsors of S. 2199, a bill to amend the women to serve in the United States mili- (Mr. HATCH) was added as a cosponsor Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to pro- tary, particularly in support of the global of S. 1528, a bill to amend the Internal vide tax incentives to promote research war on terrorism; to the Committee on Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for the and development, innovation, and con- Armed Services. By Mr. KERRY: tax treatment of horses, and for other tinuing education. S. Con. Res. 82. A concurrent resolution to purposes. S. 2200 establish a procedure for the appointment of S. 1791 At the request of Mr. LUGAR, the an independent Congressional Ethics Office At the request of Mr. SMITH, the name of the Senator from Maryland to investigate ethics violations in the Senate names of the Senator from Virginia (Ms. MIKULSKI) was added as a cospon- and the House of Representatives; to the (Mr. ALLEN) and the Senator from sor of S. 2200, a bill to establish a Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- United States-Poland parliamentary ernmental Affairs. South Carolina (Mr. GRAHAM) were added as cosponsors of S. 1791, a bill to youth exchange program, and for other f amend the Internal Revenue Code of purposes. ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS 1986 to allow a deduction for qualified S. 2201 BAMA S. 337 timber gains. At the request of Mr. O , the names of the Senator from South Da- At the request of Mr. GRAHAM, the S. 1881 kota (Mr. JOHNSON), the Senator from name of the Senator from Maryland At the request of Mrs. FEINSTEIN, the Rhode Island (Mr. REED) and the Sen- (Ms. MIKULSKI) was added as a cospon- name of the Senator from New Jersey ator from Connecticut (Mr. DODD) were sor of S. 337, a bill to amend title 10, (Mr. MENENDEZ) was added as a cospon- added as cosponsors of S. 2201, a bill to United States Code, to revise the age sor of S. 1881, a bill to require the Sec- amend title 49, United States Code, to and service requirements for eligibility retary of the Treasury to mint coins in modify the mediation and implementa- to receive retired pay for non-regular commemoration of the Old Mint at San tion requirements of section 40122 re- service, to expand certain authorities Francisco otherwise known as the garding changes in the Federal Avia- to provide health care benefits for Re- ‘‘Granite Lady’’, and for other pur- tion Administration personnel manage- serves and their families, and for other poses. ment system, and for other purposes. purposes. S. 2123 S. 2231 S. 345 At the request of Mr. ALLARD, the At the request of Mr. BYRD, the name At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the name of the Senator from South Da- of the Senator from Connecticut (Mr. kota (Mr. JOHNSON) was added as a co- name of the Senator from Michigan DODD) was added as a cosponsor of S. (Mr. LEVIN) was added as a cosponsor of sponsor of S. 2123, a bill to modernize 2231, a bill to direct the Secretary of S. 345, a bill to amend title XVIII of the the manufactured housing loan insur- Labor to prescribe additional coal mine Social Security Act to deliver a mean- ance program under title I of the Na- safety standards, to require additional ingful benefit and lower prescription tional Housing Act. penalties for habitual violators, and for drug prices under the medicare pro- S. 2178 other purposes. gram. At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the S. 2259 S. 408 name of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. At the request of Mr. OBAMA, the At the request of Mr. DEWINE, the DURBIN) was added as a cosponsor of S. name of the Senator from Massachu- name of the Senator from Maine (Ms. 2178, a bill to make the stealing and setts (Mr. KERRY) was added as a co- COLLINS) was added as a cosponsor of S. selling of telephone records a criminal sponsor of S. 2259, a bill to establish an 408, a bill to provide for programs and offense. Office of Public Integrity in the Con- activities with respect to the preven- S. 2185 gress and a Congressional Ethics En- tion of underage drinking. At the request of Mr. HAGEL, the forcement Commission. S. 471 name of the Senator from Maryland S. 2284 At the request of Mr. SPECTER, the (Mr. SARBANES) was added as a cospon- At the request of Ms. MIKULSKI, the name of the Senator from New Jersey sor of S. 2185, a bill to amend part B of name of the Senator from Colorado

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:44 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE6.023 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1541 (Mr. SALAZAR) was added as a cospon- SNOWE) was added as a cosponsor of S. Never again should Congress learn sor of S. 2284, a bill to extend the ter- Res. 236, a resolution recognizing the about the sale of a key U.S. infrastruc- mination date for the exemption of re- need to pursue research into the ture asset to a foreign state-owned turning workers from the numerical causes, a treatment, and an eventual company only after the deal is done. limitations for temporary workers. cure for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, And never again can we compromise S. 2291 supporting the goals and ideals of Na- national security by turning our port At the request of Mr. KENNEDY, the tional Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis operations over to another country, name of the Senator from Maryland Awareness Week, and for other pur- whether friend or foe. Our message with this legislation (Ms. MIKULSKI) was added as a cospon- poses. today is clear: Never again. sor of S. 2291, a bill to provide for the S. RES. 373 I think all Americans instinctively establishment of a biodefense injury At the request of Mr. BIDEN, the name of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. know we cannot simply turn over our compensation program and to provide critical national security infrastruc- DEWINE) was added as a cosponsor of S. indemnification for producers of coun- ture such as terminal operations at our Res. 373, a resolution expressing the termeasures. ports to a foreign government. Foreign sense of the Senate that the Senate S. 2302 governments act very differently than should continue to support the Na- At the request of Mrs. CLINTON, her even foreign companies. Foreign gov- tional Domestic Violence Hotline, a name was added as a cosponsor of S. ernments act in their own national in- critical national resource that saves 2302, a bill to establish the Federal terests and in their own national secu- lives each day, and commemorate its Emergency Management Agency as an rity interests. Privately held foreign independent agency, and for other pur- 10th anniversary. companies are controlled by stock- poses. f holders and answer to the needs of the S. 2305 STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED market, not the needs of a government. At the request of Mr. AKAKA, the BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS One must only study the way in which Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has names of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. By Mr. MENENDEZ (for himself, DURBIN) and the Senator from Massa- used his state-owned oil company to Mrs. CLINTON, Mr. LAUTENBERG, chusetts (Mr. KENNEDY) were added as pursue the interests of the Government Mr. NELSON of Florida, and Mrs. cosponsors of S. 2305, a bill to amend of Venezuela to understand that state- BOXER): title XIX of the Social Security Act to S. 2334. A bill to ensure the security owned companies often behave very differently than publicly traded ones. repeal the amendments made by the of United States ports, and for other That is why our legislation bans for- Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 requiring purposes; to the Committee on Bank- documentation evidencing citizenship eign governments from owning, leas- ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs. ing, or operating any facilities in our or nationality as a condition for re- Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, I am ports. We believe that just as we would ceipt of medical assistance under the proud that I have introduced today not turn over the operations of our air- Medicaid program. along with Senators CLINTON, LAUTEN- port facilities to a foreign government, S. 2307 BERG, NELSON, and BOXER legislation why should we turn the operations of At the request of Mr. HARKIN, the that would guarantee that foreign gov- our ports, which are the biggest hole in name of the Senator from Iowa (Mr. ernments cannot control the oper- our national security blanket, over to GRASSLEY) was added as a cosponsor of ations of the ports of the United a foreign government. S. 2307, a bill to enhance fair and open States. I thank Senator CLINTON for The opponents of this thought proc- competition in the production and sale her leadership on this issue as we fight ess, of this bill, like to argue this is the of agricultural commodities. together, along with Senator SCHUMER reality of global trade. But the people S. 2320 and others, to keep the Port of New making this argument are the same At the request of Ms. SNOWE, the York/New Jersey safe. ones who constantly remind us that names of the Senator from Pennsyl- I think we all know why public at- the world has changed since September vania (Mr. SANTORUM) and the Senator tention has been focused on this deal 11 and that we must adapt our security from New Hampshire (Mr. SUNUNU) over the past 2 weeks. Our ports are the response accordingly. Whatever hap- were added as cosponsors of S. 2320, a gateway to this country. They are the pened before September 11, the world bill to make available funds included gateway for much that we eat, that we has changed since then and we cannot in the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 for drink, that we wear, drive, and use on rely on our old methods of looking at the Low-Income Home Energy Assist- a daily basis. But just as they bring in the world in a traditional way. ance Program for fiscal year 2006, and goods we enjoy, the ports are also our One of the things the September 11 for other purposes. Achilles’ heel, the vulnerability that Commission told us was to think out- could be exploited in an attempt to S. 2321 side of the box. A simple envelope be- bring us down if terrorists transport a At the request of Mr. SANTORUM, the came a weapon of great injury when it nuclear, biological, or chemical weapon names of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. was filled with anthrax; an airplane to our ports. That is why our legisla- WYDEN) and the Senator from New used to travel commercially or for tion sets a new standard for the future Mexico (Mr. BINGAMAN) were added as pleasure was turned into a weapon of control of our ports. cosponsors of S. 2321, a bill to require mass destruction. Think outside the Our legislation would protect our na- the Secretary of the Treasury to mint box. And if we cannot think outside the tional security by keeping our ports coins in commemoration of Louis box in the context of understanding from falling into the hands of foreign Braille. how the ports in the United States, in governments. Our legislation bans for- the hands of a foreign government in S. 2333 eign government-owned companies an operational capacity, can have a se- At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the from operating in our ports and re- curity consequence, we are in trouble names of the Senator from Florida (Mr. quires the President to report to Con- in this post-September 11 world. This is NELSON), the Senator from Hawaii (Mr. gress on how to manage national secu- an area in which security must take AKAKA) and the Senator from South rity risks arising from any existing priority over commercial transactions. Dakota (Mr. JOHNSON) were added as port contracts. Our legislation would Make no mistake about it; the legis- cosponsors of S. 2333, a bill to require also end the secrecy associated with lation is urgently needed, and I am an investigation under the Defense the Dubai deal by making the execu- writing the President today expressing Production Act of 1950 of the acquisi- tive branch notify Congress as well as my concern that this new 45-day review tion by Dubai Ports World of the Pe- State and local officials of future deals. leaves the President with no authority ninsular and Oriental Steam Naviga- The legislation also includes a new to act to stop Dubai Ports World from tion Company, and for other purposes. public comment period. taking control of United States port S. RES. 236 Never again should the American operations. I am not sure that is clear At the request of Mr. COLEMAN, the public find out about a secret deal with this 45-day review. This trans- name of the Senator from Maine (Ms. through the newspapers after the fact. action was set to close on March 2, and

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:21 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE6.024 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE S1542 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 28, 2006 we want to stop the clock now and ports on the eastern seaboard. For all gether across party lines and across make sure that 45-day investigative re- the money the Nation has poured into States to fight for the safety and secu- view period is precedent to the fulfill- improving our security, several critical rity of our families. Our ports are on ment of that agreement. links in the chain have been ignored, the front lines in our fight against ter- We also believe it is time to end the and this week the spotlight has shone rorism, and with this legislation, we secrecy surrounding these deals. This brightly on one aspect of the problem: say we will never again allow a deal secrecy apparently allowed the execu- our ports, the port of entry for thou- which would compromise the national tive branch to ignore our own laws. sands of containers every day, holding security of our ports, the safety of New These laws require a 45-day investiga- everything from clothing to elec- Jersey, or the security of the United tion of deals involving government- tronics. But these containers could States. owned companies which could affect also contain much more dangerous I urge my fellow Senators on both national security. Clearly a deal to cargo such as a nuclear, chemical, or sides of the aisle to join with us in this turn over part of our port operations to biological weapon. legislation. a foreign government-owned company The bottom line is we don’t know I ask unanimous consent that the would impact national security. We what is in the vast majority of con- text of the bill be printed in the know the Coast Guard warned the ad- tainers entering this country because RECORD. ministration that there were intel- despite repeated warnings from secu- There being no objection, the bill was ligence gaps that made it impossible to rity experts from both within and with- ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as determine the threats raised by the out our Government, only 1 out of follows: deal. Yet it is only now, after enor- every 20 containers that passes through S. 2334 mous external pressure, that this 45- our ports is screened, and 95 percent re- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- day review period may be carried out. ceive no screening whatsoever other resentatives of the United States of America in But starting an investigation that than a cursory glance at a cargo mani- Congress assembled, should have already been carried out fest. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. under the law is not enough, and that It is crucial that we also develop a This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Port Secu- is why, from my position on the Bank- national transportation plan that in- rity Act of 2006’’. ing Committee, during hearings later cludes a comprehensive strategy for SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON LEASES OF REAL PROP- this week, I plan to seek to discover protecting our ports. A weapon of mass ERTY AND FACILITIES AT UNITED why the law wasn’t followed. I am destruction detonated in a shipping STATES PORTS BY FOREIGN GOV- looking forward to working with both container at the Port of New York/New ERNMENT-OWNED ENTITIES. (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 271(d) of the De- the chairman and ranking member to Jersey or any other seaport could fense Production Act of 1950 (50 U.S.C. App. come up with comprehensive solutions cause tens of thousands of casualties 2170(d)) is amended— to these problems that emanated under and economic losses approaching a tril- (1) by striking ‘‘Subject to subsection (d)’’ the Committee on Foreign Investment lion dollars. According to the U.S. and inserting the following: in the United States. Coast Guard, $5.4 billion will be needed ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to subsection As I said before, I am also concerned over the next 10 years for port security. (e)’’; and about the secrecy in this process. Many Yet since the 9/11 attacks, Congress has (2) by adding at the end the following new New Jersey residents have written or provided less than $800 million. paragraph: called me asking why the process in ap- This is not a new problem, and it ‘‘(2) PROHIBITION ON LEASES OF REAL PROP- ERTY AND FACILITIES AT UNITED STATES PORTS should not be surprising that the ad- proving the deal was so secretive and BY FOREIGN GOVERNMENT-OWNED ENTITIES.— why Congress was kept in the dark. It ministration has let this problem fes- The President shall prohibit any merger, ac- is clear to me, to the people of New ter. They have continuously focused on quisition, or takeover described in sub- Jersey, using their common sense, and the security of only one aspect of our section (a)(1) that will result in any entity to the American public that we must critical infrastructure to the detriment that is owned or controlled by a foreign gov- have transparency and openness as we of the rest. That is something we can ernment leasing, operating, managing, or address these national security issues. no longer continue to accept. owning real property or facilities at a United Without our legislation, the com- In New Jersey we face the reality of States port.’’. (b) REPORT REQUIRED.— mittee that reviews this process failures in our national security every (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 30 days doesn’t even have to tell Congress day when we look across the river at after the date of the enactment of this Act, about the deal until after it has made Ground Zero and mourn the loss of the President shall submit to Congress a re- a decision. And even after they make a over 700 fellow New Jerseyans who died port on the leasing, operating, managing, or decision, they have no obligation to in- on September 11, 2001. The problem of owning real property or facilities at United form the American public. In the par- port security is not in some distant fu- States ports by entities that are owned or ticular case of the Dubai Ports deal, ture or some distant issue but an ev- controlled by foreign governments. the committee sent out no information eryday reality, as we look at our own (2) CONTENT.—The report required under port which brings in hundreds of thou- paragraph (1) shall include— and the press only learned about it (A) a list of all entities that are owned or when Dubai Ports World decided to put sands of containers from around the controlled by foreign governments that are out its own press release. That is why world every day: 145 million tons last leasing, operating, managing, or owning real our legislation would require the noti- year from over 5,000 ships. This is a property or facilities at United States ports; fication of Congress, State, and local port that generates over 200,000 jobs (B) an assessment of the national security authorities where appropriate, as well and $25 billion of economic activity. It threat posed by such activities; and as a public comment period to allow is a great economic engine. It is also a (C) recommendations for any legislation in the public impacted by any future great risk. response to such threat. deals to share their concerns with the In today’s reality, a foreign govern- SEC. 3. INCREASED TRANSPARENCY OF MANDA- ment, if it were to be operating the fa- TORY INVESTIGATIONS. Federal Government. Section 271(b) of the Defense Production These are basic reforms which I cilities at one of those ports and sim- Act of 1950 (50 U.S.C. App. 2170(b)) is amend- think most Americans would agree ply wanted to do something as benign ed— seem necessary, almost obvious when maybe as shutting it down at a critical (1) by redesignating paragraphs (1) and (2) it comes to protecting our ports. The moment, such as when we are sending as subparagraphs (A) and (B), respectively; fight to secure our ports cannot and supplies to our troops in the field—we (2) by striking ‘‘The President’’ and insert- will not end with this legislation. use our commercial ports increasingly ing the following: Let me be clear: Our ports are not se- to send military equipment and sup- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The President’’; cure. I have been arguing on this for plies to back our troops in the field— (3) by adding at the end the following new paragraphs: quite a long time as a former Member imagine if it were shut down at a crit- ‘‘(2) NOTIFICATION TO CONGRESS.—Not later of the House of Representatives rep- ical moment when we needed those than one day after commencing an investiga- resenting the Port of Elizabeth and supplies to be generated across the sea. tion under paragraph (1), the President shall Newark, the third largest port, the That is why we have to face these re- provide notice of the investigation and rel- Port of New York/New Jersey and other alities together. We must stand to- evant information regarding the proposed

VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:21 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.017 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1543 merger, acquisition, or takeover, including ment official for the intelligence com- lege. More than 70 percent of high relevant ownership records to— munity in our Nation, that any risk in school graduates enter two and four ‘‘(A) the Majority Leader and Minority this transaction was low. Certainly, year colleges, but at least 28 percent Leader of the Senate; that was useful information to have, immediately take remedial English or ‘‘(B) the Speaker and Minority Leader of math courses. At some point during the House of Representatives; and I anticipate that we will continue ‘‘(C) the Chairmen and Ranking Members to hear more as the Homeland Security their college years, 53 percent of stu- of the Committee on Finance, the Com- and Governmental Affairs Sub- dents will take one remedial English or mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- committee continues to look into this math class if not more. For low-income ment Affairs, the Committee on Banking, transaction, and I trust we will do our and minority students, the percentage Housing, and Urban Affairs, the Committee due diligence during this 45-day review is higher. States require a certain num- on Armed Services, and the Select Com- period. ber of English and math courses to be mittee on Intelligence of the Senate; But I hope we don’t make this a po- completed prior to graduation, how- ‘‘(D) the Chairmen and Ranking Members ever, the certainty of course content of the Committee on Ways and Means, the litical football. I hope we don’t paint this with such a broad brush that we reflecting the knowledge and skills im- Committee on Homeland Security, the Com- portant for college success is not en- mittee on Financial Services, the Committee consider any Arab nation our enemy on Armed Services, and the Permanent Se- when, in fact, this Nation has been an sured. lect Committee on Intelligence of the House ally in the global war on terror. I hope Students find themselves taking high of Representatives; and we will make our judgments based on school courses lacking in rigor and ‘‘(E) the Members of Congress representing behavior and not where someone comes challenging content, particularly in the States and districts affected by the pro- from or their ethnicity or other origins the areas of math and science. If asked, posed transaction. 39 percent of students who have gone because, of course, fanning the flames ‘‘(3) NOTIFICATION TO PUBLIC OFFICIALS OF on to a postsecondary institution will of prejudice based upon those sorts of INVESTIGATIONS OF PROPOSED TRANSACTIONS admit they were not adequately pre- considerations would be inappropriate AFFECTING UNITED STATES PORTS.—In the case pared for college and there were gaps in entirely. of an investigation under paragraph (1) of a their overall preparation. College in- proposed merger, acquisition, or takeover that will result in any entity that is owned By Mr. LIEBERMAN (for himself, structors estimate that 42 percent of or controlled by a foreign government leas- Ms. SNOWE, Mr. DEWINE, Mr. their students are not adequately pre- pared. The quality and intensity of the ing, operating, managing, or owning real KERRY, Mr. AKAKA, and Mr. secondary school curriculum are the property or facilities at a United States port, DURBIN): the President shall, not later than one day S. 2337. A bill to increase access to most significant predictors of college after commencing an investigation under postsecondary education, and for other success; and are more significant than paragraph (1), notify the Governors and purposes; to the Committee on Health, race, socioeconomic status, secondary heads of relevant government agencies of the school grade point average, or ACT and States in which such ports are located and Education, Labor, and Pensions. Mr. LIEBERMAN. Mr. President, I SAT scores. These findings are particu- provide to such Governors and relevant agen- larly significant for minority groups cy heads information regarding the proposed rise today to introduce, along with enrolling in college. Students who en- merger, acquisition, or takeover, including Senators SNOWE, AKAKA, KERRY, DUR- gage in challenging secondary relevant ownership records. BIN, and DEWINE, the College Pathway coursework will attend and persist in ‘‘(4) PUBLIC COMMENTS.— Act of 2006. The intent of this bill is to pursuing higher education at a greater ‘‘(A) SOLICITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTS.— provide a means of addressing the crit- Not later than 7 days after commencing an rate than those who follow programs of ical issue of college access and postsec- investigation under paragraph (1), the Presi- study that are not rigorous in content. ondary academic success. College ac- dent shall publish in the Federal Register a All states have English and mathe- description of the proposed merger, acquisi- cess for all will continue to be a strug- matics standards and assessments at tion, or takeover, including a solicitation for gle until the predictors of successful the high school level, yet assessment public comments on such proposed merger, college performance are assimilated standards and tests often do not reflect acquisition, or takeover. into high school curricula. The degree ‘‘(B) SUMMARY OF PUBLIC COMMENTS.—Not the demands put on students in post- to which high school students are suc- secondary education and in the work- later than 10 days prior to the completion of cessfully prepared for college continues an investigation under paragraph (1), the place. High school curricula must be President shall publish in the Federal Reg- to be at the forefront of educational aligned with college entry require- ister a summary of the public comments re- concerns. Reports abound repeating the ments. The American Diploma Project ceived pursuant to subparagraph (A).’’. same message: our high school stu- states that the challenge ahead is to SEC. 4. TECHNICAL CORRECTION. dents, particularly students from low- create a system of assessments and Section 271(e) of the Defense Production income and minority populations, are graduation requirements that consid- Act of 1950 (50 U.S.C. App. 2170(e)) is amended not being adequately prepared for the ered together signify readiness for col- by striking ‘‘subsection (c)’’ and inserting challenges of postsecondary education. ‘‘subsection (d)’’. lege and work. We, as Federal policy- The College Pathway Act seeks to fos- makers, have an essential role to play SEC. 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. ter alliances among the interested and The amendments made by this Act shall in making this a reality and creating apply to any merger, acquisition, or take- integral stakeholders in the edu- college access for all. over considered on or after October 1, 2005 cational arena to create consistency in In part, the misalignment between under section 271 of the Defense Production content and assessment standards be- postsecondary institutions and high Act of 1950 (50 U.S.C. App. 2170). tween P–12 and higher education. We school stems from current governance Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I am do this by encouraging the establish- systems in place for P–12 educational glad to hear our new colleague from ment of P–16 Commissions. We must systems and higher education. Both New Jersey talking about our national rise to the challenge and forge a path- systems are generally governed, fi- security, and certainly this is one sub- way to enhance both college access and nanced and operated differently. This ject which always concerns us. It is the academic success. gap must be bridged between the two primary role of our National Govern- Postsecondary education is an impor- systems. Creating a pipeline of shared ment to provide for the security of the tant aspiration for most students and information between the two entities American people. I hope that in the de- the future strength of our economy and and the business community will pro- bate, though, about the control of our workforce will largely depend on the mote an exchange of necessary and use- ports, we don’t operate on the basis of postsecondary educational attainments ful information. Working to align looking for political advantage but, of students across the country regard- standards from the early grades rather, we take a calm and deliberate less of ethnicity or economic status. through grade 12 recognizes that skill review of the facts. High school preparation is a major part acquisition and content assimilation I heard this morning, in the Armed of the problem. Published reports on build one upon the other and acknowl- Services Committee, from the Director the status of this topic stress the lack edges that high-school graduation and of National Intelligence, who said that of preparedness of high school grad- college success is a culmination of after a review of this transaction, it uates for postsecondary education. preparation originating in the begin- was his opinion, as the lead Govern- Most will need remedial help in col- ning years of school. Aligning curricula

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:09 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE6.025 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE S1544 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 28, 2006 across school levels creates a more students, and a decrease in the percent- cation, many students (nearly 1 in 3) enroll seamless education and ensures that age of college students requiring reme- in developmental coursework, and more than students are prepared for each subse- dial coursework, particularly with re- half will take at least 1 class of develop- quent grade with particular attention spect to math, science, and engineer- mental coursework before leaving postsec- ondary education. Students who need to take to math, science, and engineering. ing. a class of developmental coursework in col- Aligning P–12 and postsecondary edu- The College Pathway Act of 2006 lege have less than a 40 percent chance of cation would reduce the number of stu- awards grants to States to establish P– completing their course of study, and stu- dents who arrive at college needing re- 16 Commissions in order to align P–12 dents who take 3 or more classes of develop- medial coursework. outcomes with postsecondary institu- mental coursework face reducing their pros- The need to develop high-quality tions’ expectations. The Commissions pects of completing their course of study to data systems is also critical to improv- under the leadership of the governor or less than 1 in 5. ing high school student outcomes. Ac- governor’s designee, will convene (6) The quality and intensity of the sec- countability for high school graduation stakeholders of the statewide P–12 edu- ondary school curriculum— numbers and drop-out rates is critical cation and higher education commu- (A) are the most significant predictors of college success; and to addressing education reform in our nity, and may include parent groups, (B) are more significant than race, socio- high schools. Currently reports have State legislative representatives, and economic status, secondary school grade indicated that the quality of high particularly members of the business point average, or ACT and SAT scores. school graduation and drop-out data is community. The commissions’ goal to (7) States around the Nation have devel- often not reliable and does not reflect create a mission addressing college oped secondary school academic standards, the actual numbers. preparation will be the first and crit- but there is often no relationship between Tracking student growth over time ical step of this process. those standards and institutional expecta- using longitudinal student-unit data- Many States across our country have tions for college-level study. Students, fami- bases will provide the most accurate already seen the wisdom of a P–16 com- lies, and school personnel need information mission and have been working on to address the gap that exists between satis- information for policy decisions and fying various kindergarten through grade 12 assessments. Furthermore, information goals and implementation. The results, standards and meeting the standards that in- provided about student achievement although preliminary for many States, dicate success in higher education. The lack over time can be linked to teachers, are vastly encouraging. Our bill will of clear information affects all students, but programs and schools serving those provide support both to States with ex- the effect is particularly grave for students students. The National Governor’s As- isting P–16 bodies, or States seeking to living in poverty who are more reliant on sociation (NGA) recently convened a establish such commissions. It will schools and public sources of information to Task Force on State High School Grad- give priority to the States also seeking gauge their preparedness for college-level work. uation Data—which included represent- to establish or enhance data systems. The College Pathway Act of 2006 can (8) Numerous reports have cited the need atives from the American Federation to improve mathematics and science of Teachers, the Business Roundtable, offer States an opportunity to craft a achievement in prekindergarten through the Council of Chief State School Offi- vision that will reach all students over grade 12. cers, the Education Commission of the time so that their educational pathway (9) Current data systems are not designed States, the Educational Testing Serv- of access to and success in college will to measure the efficacy of State actions in- ice, the Education Trust, the National be ensured. tended to prepare students to enter and suc- Association of State Boards of Edu- I urge my colleagues to act favorably ceed in postsecondary education. State-level data systems usually contain only data re- cation, the National Conference of on this measure. I ask unanimous con- sent that the text of this bill be printed lated to kindergarten through grade 12, and State Legislatures, the National Edu- often are not compatible with postsecondary cation Association, Standard and in the RECORD. There being no objection, the text of education data systems. Poor’s and the State Higher Education the bill was ordered to be printed in SEC. 3. PURPOSES. Executive Officers—to make rec- the RECORD, as follows: The purposes of this Act are the following: ommendations about how States can (1) To broaden the focus of Federal, State, develop a high-quality, comparable S. 2337 and local higher education programs to pro- high school graduation measure, as Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- mote academic success in postsecondary edu- well as complementary indicators of resentatives of the United States of America in cation, particularly with respect to mathe- Congress assembled, student progress and outcomes and matics, science, and engineering. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. (2) To increase the percentage of low-in- data systems capable of collecting, This Act may be cited as the ‘‘College come and minority students who are aca- analyzing, and reporting the data Pathway Act of 2006’’. demically prepared to enter and successfully States need. The task force members SEC. 2. FINDINGS. complete postsecondary-level general edu- concurred as a group on their mission Congress finds the following: cation coursework. and devised a compact to implement (1) Postsecondary education is an impor- (3) To decrease the percentage of students efforts to guide States in developing tant aspiration for most students and the fu- requiring developmental coursework through high quality data-systems ideally using ture strength of the United States economy grants that enable States to coordinate the a longitudinal student unit record data and workforce will largely depend on the public prekindergarten through grade 12 edu- postsecondary educational attainments of cation system and the postsecondary edu- system. This compact was signed by 51 all people of the United States, regardless of cation system— governors in all States and Puerto sex, race, or ethnic background. (A) to ensure that covered institutions ar- Rico. The ultimate goal is better out- (2) Parents and students recognize the ticulate and publicize the prerequisite skills comes for students. Better information value of postsecondary education. Ninety- and knowledge expected of incoming postsec- can lead to better policies and program seven percent of secondary school students ondary students attending covered institu- implementation. Our bill therefore in- expect to attend college, and more than 75 tions, in order to provide students and other cludes incentives for States to develop percent of secondary school graduates enroll interested parties with accurate information or enhance such data systems. in some postsecondary education within 2 pertaining to the students’ necessary prep- The College Pathway Act supplies a years of secondary school graduation. arations for postsecondary education; (3) Notwithstanding those expectations, (B) to establish and implement middle remedy to the critical issue of the dis- only 32 percent of students graduate from school and secondary school course enroll- connect existing between high school secondary school adequately prepared to ment guidelines— outcomes and college expectations. enter a 4-year institution of higher edu- (i) to ensure that public secondary school Through the formation of partnerships cation. Students living in poverty and stu- students, in all major racial and ethnic between P–12 and higher education sys- dents of color are roughly half as likely to be groups, and income levels, complete aca- tems in the States, academic success in college-ready. demic courses linked with academic success postsecondary education becomes the (4) Despite the reality that most students at the postsecondary level; and priority agenda item for reform. We an- will enter college after secondary school, (ii) to increase the percentage of students secondary school graduation requirements in each major racial group, ethnic group, and ticipate that P–16 Commissions will are not aligned with the expectations of income level who graduate from secondary bring about an increase in the percent- postsecondary education. school and enter postsecondary education age of academically prepared students, (5) Rather than beginning college-level with the academic preparation necessary to particularly low-income and minority work upon entering postsecondary edu- successfully complete postsecondary-level

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:09 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE6.029 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1545

general education coursework, particularly (b) AWARD BASIS.—In determining the ap- the policymaking ability to meet the re- with respect to mathematics, science, and proval and amount of a grant under sub- quirements of this section. engineering; section (a), the Secretary shall give priority (2) EXISTING COMMISSION.—The State may (C) to implement programs and policies to an application from a State that desires designate an existing coordinating body or that increase secondary school graduation the grant to establish a P–16 education stew- commission as the State P–16 education rates; and ardship system described in subsection stewardship commission for purposes of this (D) to collect and analyze disaggregated (a)(1)(B). Act, if the body or commission meets, or is longitudinal student data throughout P–16 (c) PERIOD OF GRANTS.— amended to meet, the basic requirements of education in order to— (1) STATES ESTABLISHING P–16 EDUCATION this section. (i) understand and improve students’ STEWARDSHIP SYSTEMS.—Each grant made progress throughout the P–16 education sys- under this section to a State to establish a (b) MEMBERSHIP.— tem; P–16 education stewardship system described (1) COMPOSITION.—Each P–16 education (ii) understand problems and needs in subsection (a)(1)(B) shall be awarded for a stewardship commission shall be composed throughout the P–16 education system; and period of 5 years. of the Governor of the State, or the designee (iii) align prekindergarten through grade (2) STATES ESTABLISHING P–16 EDUCATION of the Governor, and the stakeholders of the 12 academic standards and higher education STEWARDSHIP COMMISSIONS.—Each grant statewide education community, as deter- standards so that more students are prepared made under this section to a State to estab- mined by the Governor or the designee of the to successfully complete postsecondary-level lish a P–16 education stewardship commis- Governor, such as— general education coursework. sion described in subsection (a)(1)(A) shall be (A) the chief State official responsible for SEC. 4. DEFINITIONS. awarded for a period of 3 years. administering prekindergarten through In this Act: SEC. 6. STATE APPLICATION AND PLAN. grade 12 education in the State; (1) IN GENERAL.—The terms ‘‘local edu- (a) IN GENERAL.—A State desiring a grant (B) the chief State official of the entity cational agency’’, ‘‘parent’’, ‘‘secondary under section 5 shall submit an application primarily responsible for the supervision of school’’, and ‘‘State’’ have the meanings to the Secretary at such time, in such man- institutions of higher education in the State; given the terms in section 9101 of the Ele- ner, and containing such information as the (C) bipartisan representation from the mentary and Secondary Education Act of Secretary may reasonably require. State legislative committee with jurisdic- 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801). (b) CONTENTS.—Each application submitted tion over prekindergarten through grade 12 (2) ACADEMIC ASSESSMENTS.—The term under this section shall include, at a min- education and higher education; ‘‘academic assessments’’ means the aca- imum, the following: (D) representatives of 2- and 4-year institu- demic assessments implemented by a State (1) A demonstration that the State, not tions of higher education in the State; educational agency pursuant to section later than 5 months after receiving grant (E) representatives of the business commu- 1111(b)(3) of the Elementary and Secondary funds under this Act, will establish a P–16 nity; and Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6311(b)(3)). education stewardship commission described (F) at the discretion of the Governor, or (3) ACADEMIC STANDARDS.—The term ‘‘aca- in section 7. the designee of the Governor, representatives (2) For a State applying for a grant under demic standards’’ means the challenging from prekindergarten through grade 12 and academic content standards and challenging section 5(a)(1)(B), a demonstration that the higher education governing boards and other student academic achievement standards State, not later than 2 years after receiving organizations. adopted by a State pursuant to section grant funds under this Act, will implement, (2) CHAIRPERSON; MEETINGS.—The Governor 1111(b)(1) of the Elementary and Secondary expand, or improve a P–16 education data of the State, or the designee of the Governor, Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6311(b)(1)). system described in section 8. shall serve as chairperson of the P–16 edu- (4) COVERED INSTITUTION.—The term ‘‘cov- (3) A demonstration that the State will ered institution’’ means an institution of work with the State P–16 education steward- cation stewardship commission and shall higher education that participates in a pro- ship commission and others as necessary to convene regular meetings of the commission. gram under title IV of the Higher Education examine the relationship among the content (c) DUTIES OF THE COMMISSION.— Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1070 et seq.). of postsecondary education admission and (1) MEETINGS OF COVERED INSTITUTIONS.— (5) DEVELOPMENTAL COURSEWORK.—The placement exams, the prerequisite skills and (A) IN GENERAL.—Each State P–16 edu- term ‘‘developmental coursework’’ means knowledge required to successfully take cation stewardship commission shall con- coursework that a student is required to postsecondary-level general education vene regular meetings of the covered institu- complete in order to attain prerequisite coursework, the prekindergarten through tions in the State for the purpose of assess- knowledge or skills necessary for entrance grade 12 courses and academic factors associ- ing and reaching consensus regarding— into a postsecondary degree or certification ated with academic success at the postsec- (i) the prerequisite skills and knowledge program. ondary level, particularly with respect to expected of incoming freshmen to success- (6) INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION.—The mathematics, science, and engineering, and fully engage in and complete postsecondary- term ‘‘institution of higher education’’ has existing academic standards and academic level general education coursework without the meaning given the term in section 102 of assessments. the prior need to enroll in developmental the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. (4) A description of how the State will, coursework, particularly with respect to 1002). using the information from the State P–16 mathematics, science, and engineering; and (7) P–16 EDUCATION.—The term ‘‘P–16 edu- education stewardship commission, increase (ii) patterns of coursework and other aca- cation’’ means the educational system from the percentage of students taking courses demic factors that demonstrate the highest that have the highest correlation of aca- prekindergarten through the conferring of a correlation with success in completing post- baccalaureate degree. demic success at the postsecondary level, for secondary-level general education course- (8) P–16 EDUCATOR.—The term ‘‘P–16 educa- each of the following groups of students: work and degree or certification programs. tor’’ means an individual teaching in P–16 (A) Economically disadvantaged students. (B) FINDINGS OF COVERED INSTITUTIONS.— education. (B) Students from each major racial and The covered institutions shall communicate (9) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ ethnic group. to the P–16 education stewardship commis- means the Secretary of Education. (C) Students with disabilities. sion the findings of the covered institutions, (10) STUDENT.—The term ‘‘student’’ means (D) Students with limited English pro- any student enrolled in a public school. ficiency. which— (i) shall include the consensus on the pre- SEC. 5. P–16 EDUCATION STEWARDSHIP SYSTEM (5) A description of how the State will dis- GRANTS. tribute the information in the P–16 edu- requisite skills and knowledge, patterns of coursework, and other academic factors de- (a) PROGRAM AUTHORIZED.—From amounts cation stewardship commission’s report appropriated under section 10 for a fiscal under section 7(c)(4) to the public in the scribed in subparagraph (A); year, and subject to subsection (b), the Sec- State, including public secondary schools, (ii) shall address, at minimum, the subjects retary shall award grants, on a competitive local educational agencies, school coun- of reading, mathematics, science, grammar, basis, to States to enable the States— selors, P–16 educators, institutions of higher and writing, and may cover additional aca- (1) to establish— education, students, and parents. demic content areas; (A) P–16 education stewardship commis- (6) An assurance that the State will con- (iii) shall be descriptive of content and sions in accordance with section 7; or tinue to pursue effective P–16 education purpose, and shall not be limited to a simple (B) P–16 education stewardship systems alignment strategies after the end of the listing of secondary course names; and consisting of— grant period. (iv) may be different for 2- and 4-year insti- (i) a P–16 education stewardship commis- SEC. 7. P–16 EDUCATION STEWARDSHIP COMMIS- tutions of higher education. sion in accordance with section 7; and SION. (2) COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS.—Not (ii) a P–16 education data system in accord- (a) P–16 EDUCATION STEWARDSHIP COMMIS- later than 18 months after a State receives a ance with section 8; and SION.— grant under section 5, and annually there- (2) to carry out the activities and programs (1) IN GENERAL.—Each State receiving a after for each year in the grant period, the described in the State application and plan grant under section 5 shall establish a P–16 State P–16 education stewardship commis- submitted under section 6. education stewardship commission that has sion shall—

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:44 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE6.026 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE S1546 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 28, 2006 (A) develop recommendations regarding data system for purposes of this section if to this issue. The bill we introduce the prerequisite skills and knowledge, pat- such data system produces valid and reliable today is the product of our combined terns of coursework, and other academic fac- information that satisfies the requirements efforts. tors described in paragraph (1)(A); and of subsection (b). Today, 97 percent of secondary school (B) develop recommendations and enact SEC. 9. REPORTS; TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. students expect to attend college, how- policies to increase the success rate of stu- (a) STATE REPORTS.— dents in the students’ transition from sec- ever, high school students are not pre- (1) ANNUAL REPORT.—Each State that re- pared academically for the rigors of ondary school to postsecondary education. ceives a grant under section 5 shall submit (3) COMMISSION FINDINGS.—Not later than 3 an annual report to the Secretary for each college coursework. Although States years after a State receives a grant under year of the grant period that shall include a around the country have developed section 5(a)(1)(B), the State P–16 education description of the activities undertaken high school standards, there is often a stewardship commission shall— under the grant to improve academic readi- disconnect that exists between high (A) compile and interpret the findings from ness for postsecondary-level general edu- school standards and college expecta- the P–16 education data system; and cation coursework and course completion. (B) include the compilation and interpreta- tions. Today, 53 percent of post-sec- (2) DISSEMINATION.—Each State shall pre- ondary students require remedial tion of the findings in the report described in pare, publish, and widely disseminate the re- paragraph (4)(A). English or mathematics. Graduation port described in paragraph (1) to the public (4) REPORTS.— in the State, including secondary schools, rates for those requiring remedial (A) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 18 months local educational agencies, school coun- classes are less then 40 percent. And after a State receives a grant under section selors, P–16 educators, institutions of higher that is why Senator LEIBERMAN and I 5, and annually thereafter for each year in education, students, and parents. are working together in response to the the grant period, the State P–16 education (b) SECRETARY REPORTS.— stewardship commission shall prepare and concerns that too many students start (1) ANNUAL REPORT.—The Secretary shall submit to the Secretary a clear and concise college without the proper tools. submit an annual report to Congress that in- report that shall include the recommenda- Part of the problem is that colleges cludes— tions described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) and high schools generally have sepa- (A) findings from the State reports sub- of paragraph (2). rate statewide governing boards for mitted under subsection (a)(1); (B) DISTRIBUTION TO THE PUBLIC.—Not later (B) a description of the actions taken by their pre-kindergarten through 12th than 60 days after the submission of a report the Department of Education to assist grade and higher education systems. under subparagraph (A), each State P–16 edu- States with creating P–16 education steward- The College Pathway Act awards cation stewardship commission shall publish ship commissions and P–16 education data grants enabling States the opportunity and widely distribute the information in the systems; report to the public in the State, including— of a voluntary establishment of pre- (C) a description of the actions and incen- (i) all public secondary schools and local kindergarten through the 16th grade tives planned by the States’ P–16 education educational agencies; commissions in States, consisting of stewardship commissions— (ii) school counselors; representatives of the pre-kindergarten (i) to help States align academic stand- (iii) P–16 educators; ards, courses, and academic assessments through 12th grade and higher edu- (iv) institutions of higher education; and with postsecondary academic expectations, cation communities, the governor’s of- (v) students and parents, especially stu- courses, and assessments; fice, appropriate State legislators and dents entering grade 9 in the next academic (ii) to help States increase the percentage members of the business community. year and the parents of such students, to as- of minority and low-income students pre- sist the students and the parents in making These partnerships within the commis- pared to enter and succeed at the postsec- informed and strategic course enrollment de- sion would promote academic success ondary level; and cisions. in postsecondary education, increase (iii) to reduce postsecondary develop- SEC. 8. P–16 EDUCATION DATA SYSTEM. the percentage of academically pre- mental coursework enrollment rates of mi- (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—Not later than 2 years nority and low-income students; pared low-income and minority stu- after a State receives a grant under section (D) a description of the actions and incen- dents, and decrease the percentage of 5(a)(1)(B), the State shall establish a State- college students requiring remedial level longitudinal data system that provides tives planned to help States reduce postsec- each student, upon enrollment in a public ondary developmental coursework enroll- coursework, particularly with respect school or in a covered institution in the ment rates; to math, science and engineering. State, with a unique identifier that is re- (E) an assessment of the effectiveness of P- This commission offers a framework tained throughout the student’s enrollment 16 education stewardship commissions in im- for aligning lower, middle and high in P–16 education in the State. proving college readiness and eliminating school curriculum and assessment (b) FUNCTIONS OF DATA SYSTEM.—The State the need for developmental coursework; and standards with post-secondary expecta- (F) recommendations regarding how to shall, through the implementation of the tions. Students who are properly pre- data system described in subsection (a), make the P–16 education stewardship com- carry out the following: missions more effective, and whether the es- pared before entering college are far (1) Identify factors that correlate to stu- tablishment of such commissions should be more likely to succeed in college. In- dents’ ability to successfully engage in and encouraged throughout the United States. deed, many States across the Nation complete postsecondary-level general edu- (2) AVAILABILITY.—The Secretary shall are looking to the pre-kindergarten cation coursework without the need for prior make the annual report described in para- through 12th grade concept to improve developmental coursework. graph (1) available to the public and to each alignment. Federal funding for estab- (2) Implement procedures to track develop- State and institution of higher education. lishment of pre-kindergarten through (c) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.—The Secretary mental coursework enrollment rates. 12th grade commissions would allow (3) Implement procedures to assist with shall provide, upon request, technical assist- identifying correlations between course-tak- ance to States and institutions of higher States to implement or expand their ing patterns in public secondary education education seeking technical assistance under current programs. In addition, many and increased academic performance in high- this Act. States are attempting to improve data er education. SEC. 10. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. collection systems in order to better (4) Implement procedures to assist with There are authorized to be appropriated to evaluate those programs that lead to identifying the points at which students exit carry out this Act $55,000,000 for fiscal year success. Our bill would also offer sup- the P–16 education system, including the as- 2007 and such sums as may be necessary for port to those States which voluntarily similation of valid and reliable secondary each of fiscal years 2008 through 2011. seek to enhance and improve the effec- school dropout data. Ms. SNOWE. Mr. President, I rise (5) Incorporate data to track postsec- tiveness of their data systems. We be- ondary degree and certification completion today to talk about a bill that will im- lieve that by promoting coordination rates and student persistence patterns. prove college access by creating a of grades pre-kindergarten through (6) Ensure that the data system is compli- framework to ensure that high school 12th grade, States will better align edu- ant with the Family Educational Rights and graduates amass the skills and knowl- cation systems helping to ensure that Privacy Act of 1974 (20 U.S.C. 1232g). edge they need to succeed in college— all students are prepared to success- (7) Disaggregate the data described in para- the College Pathway Act. My col- fully engage in and complete post-sec- graphs (1) through (5) by race, ethnicity, in- league, Senator LIEBERMAN, and I have ondary level coursework. come level, sex, secondary school attended, been working hand-in-hand to identify Our Nation must make a solid com- and type of institution of higher education attended. the degree to which high school stu- mitment to ensuring that every indi- (c) EXISTING DATA SYSTEMS.—A State may dents are unsuccessfully prepared for vidual has the opportunity to pursue a employ, coordinate, or revise an existing college and develop practical solutions higher education. We should pursue

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:56 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE6.026 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1547 policies that will prepare students to www.p20hawaii.org. A main goal of the Modernization Act was signed into law begin their college career. I believe initiative is to prepare my State’s by President Bush. This legislation that education is the great equalizer in learners to succeed in a society fast be- contained numerous provisions that our society that gives every citizen of coming more global, technological and were beneficial to America’s seniors our Nation the same opportunity to complex. Ultimately, it seeks to im- and medical facilities; however, it also succeed in the global economy of the prove the quality of life for all of Ha- provided a reduction to Medicare’s re- 21st century. That’s why I will con- waii. imbursement for oncology treatment. tinue to target access to higher edu- I am pleased to support this effort The provisions sought to bring a bal- cation for America’s students. The Col- and work toward providing this and ance to the reimbursement for the cost lege Pathway Act will help to further similar programs in other states with of cancer drugs and services. Previous this goal. the resources to achieve their aims. to the implementation of the law, CMS Mr. AKAKA. Mr. President, I would The Lieberman-Snowe bill does this, reimbursed the cost of cancer treat- like to voice my strong support as an and I look forward to working with my ment drugs at a very high level. This original cosponsor of The College Path- colleagues toward its enactment. level provided sufficient funding to way Act, introduced by my colleagues supplement the costs of care, storage of from Connecticut and Maine, Senators By Mr. SPECTER (for himself, the prescription drugs, and the costs of LIEBERMAN and SNOWE. I greatly appre- Mr. COLEMAN, and Mr. ISAKSON): cancer care services, which were not ciate their foresight in creating legis- S. 2340. A bill to amend title XVIII of being provided adequate funding. The lation that will help Hawaii and other the Social Security Act to preserve ac- law enacted reimbursement reductions states bring greater links between edu- cess to community cancer care by for the cost of prescription drugs while cation at all levels, as well as with Medicare beneficiaries; to the Com- increasing the funding provided for business and industry. mittee on Finance. cancer care services; however, that in- I know the field of education well, Mr. SPECTER. Mr. President, I have crease did not sufficiently offset having served as a teacher, vice prin- sought recognition today to introduce oncologists’ losses from the reduction cipal, principal, and school adminis- the Community Cancer Care Preserva- in cancer drug reimbursement. trator in Hawaii before holding public tion Act, which will ensure Medicare The Congressional Budget Office esti- mated that Medicare reimbursements office. I taught at the elementary, mid- beneficiaries’ access to community- to oncologists would be reduced by dle, and secondary levels, and continue based cancer treatment and provide $4.2 billion from 2004–2013. to hold great interest in developments Medicare reimbursement assistance for PricewaterhouseCoopers estimates in these areas, as well as in early child- oncologists providing vital cancer care that reductions will reach $15.7 billion hood and higher education. From these services. Cancer takes a great toll on our over that time. This increased reduc- experiences, I have advocated that edu- tion will have a debilitating effect on cation should be an interconnected friends, families, and our Nation. In the United States, cancer causes one oncologists’ ability to provide cancer pathway, from pre-kindergarten treatment to Medicare beneficiaries, out of every four deaths and was re- through postsecondary levels and be- especially those in the community set- sponsible for 570,000 deaths last year. In yond, into the workforce. ting. We need all stakeholders in edu- 2005, over 2 million new cases of cancer For 2006, the Centers for Medicare cation and the labor force to work to- were diagnosed, the most prevalent of and Medicaid Services (CMS) estimates gether, seamlessly. The LIEBERMAN- which were breast, prostate, lung, and that the beneficiary reimbursement for SNOWE bill will help to further this colorectal. services provided by community cancer very aim in Hawaii and other States While these statistics are daunting, care will be cut by 6.6 percent, a $200 to with existing entities, and to assist the rate of cancer deaths in the United $300 million reduction. However, this other States in meeting similar, mean- States has decreased since 1993. This reimbursement reduction may be larg- ingful goals through the creation of decrease is the result of earlier detec- er than estimated. CMS did not factor similar entities. By encouraging States tion and diagnosis, more effective and in the delay in drug manufacturer price to establish P–16, or as in Hawaii’s targeted cancer therapies, and greater increases for cancer therapies and the case, P–20 commissions, to align lower, accessibility to quality care provided bad debt of beneficiaries who may not middle, and high school curricular and by oncologists. These vital services pay their Medicare 20 percent co-insur- assessment standards with what is ex- have allowed millions of individuals to ance payment. When accounting for pected in higher education, we will bet- lead healthy and productive lives after these reductions, the overall cut to ter assure college readiness and reach a successfully battling cancer. cancer care will likely exceed $300 mil- fundamental goal: greater rates of col- In 2004, 42.7 million individuals were lion. lege completion. enrolled in Medicare; of those bene- The Medicare Prescription Drug and To describe the Hawaii P–20 initia- ficiaries over 29 percent have had can- Modernization Act mandated a transi- tive in more detail, the initiative cer during their lives, 12.5 million tional increase of 32 percent in service brings together public and private edu- beneficiaries. With such a large per- fees in 2004, falling to 3 percent in 2005, cators at all levels, working in collabo- centage of our seniors facing this hor- and 0 percent in 2006. This was done to ration with representatives of state rible disease, the need for access to provide time for CMS to pay for essen- government, the business community, community cancer care is critical. tial unpaid medical services, such as labor, and educational support agencies Community cancer clinics treat 84 pharmacy facilities and treatment to focus on improving learner achieve- percent of Americans with cancer. planning. In 2005, CMS created a cancer ment. Its vision statement says, all Ha- Community cancer centers are free- care demonstration project as a quality waii residents will be educated, caring, standing outpatient facilities that pro- enhancement initiative to examine the self-sufficient, and able to contribute vide comprehensive cancer care in the effects of oncology drugs on patients. to their families, to the economy, and physician’s office setting located in pa- This demonstration project also pro- to the common good, and will be en- tients’ communities. These clinics are vided $300 million in critical funding couraged to continue learning through- especially critical in rural areas where because CMS had not increased the re- out their lives. access to larger cancer clinics is not imbursement for essential unpaid med- The initiative, which recently un- available. They provide patients with ical services. On June 29, 2005, I sent a veiled its strategic plan, is a joint com- earlier diagnosis, more effective cancer letter with 38 other Senators to Presi- mitment of the Hawaii Department of therapies, and innovative supportive dent Bush requesting an extension to Education, the Good Beginnings Alli- care that reduces fatigue, nausea/vom- the demonstration project through ance, and the University of Hawaii, iting, and pain. The accessibility of 2006. CMS, however, announced a new working with a statewide P–20 Council treatment in the hands of skilled com- oncology demonstration project for to develop a seamless system of edu- munity oncologists has decreased the 2006 that examines the quality of can- cational delivery. I encourage anyone cancer mortality rate. cer care in relation to treatment guide- with interest in this effort to view On December 8, 2003, the Medicare lines, but at $180–$210 million less than the details of the plan at Prescription Drug Improvement and the previous funding level.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:44 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE6.031 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE S1548 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 28, 2006 Accordingly, I am introducing legis- account for the storage and care of on- ernment do a 45-day review of the cir- lation to provide community cology drugs. cumstances of whether a United Arab oncologists with the tools to withstand 5. Reports Regarding Cancer Care: Emirates company should be managing the CMS reforms brought forth under The legislation would also require a re- America’s ports. Speaking for myself, I the Medicare Prescription Drug and port from the Secretary of Health and don’t need 45 days to understand this. I Modernization Act. The bill’s $1.7 bil- Human Services on a plan to increase don’t need 45 minutes to understand it. lion price tag, over the next 5 years, is the number of cancer patients in clin- I know a bad idea when I see one. a relatively small cost in the face of ical trails and a Congressional Budget The President has made up his mind. the vast reductions in CMS’s reim- Office Report on the effects of the President Bush has said he will veto bursement to oncologists. Let me brief- Medicare Prescription Drug Improve- any legislation that is offered here in ly summarize the provisions of this leg- ment and Modernization Act of 2003 on the Congress that would upset this deal islation. cancer care. These reports will assist which would allow the company owned 1. Sales Price Updates: Currently, Congress and the Administration in its by the United Arab Emirates to man- CMS updates the prices for cancer future decisions impacting cancer care. age America’s ports. If the President treatment drugs quarterly. This delay As Chairman of the Labor, Health feels he should veto a piece of legisla- in price updating forces community and Human Services, and Education tion, that is his right. He has not ve- cancer clinics to often pay increased (LHHS) Appropriations Subcommittee, toed any bill since he became President prices for prescription drugs for up to I have sought to increase funding for of the United States, but if his propo- six months without increased reim- the National Institutes of Health (NIH) sition is he wants to veto a piece of leg- bursement. This legislation requires and the National Cancer Institute islation and turn over America’s sea- the sales price for oncology drug reim- (NCI). Since becoming Chairman of the ports, six of America’s large seaports, bursement be updated as changes occur LHHS Subcommittee, the funding for to management by the United Arab in the price to provide a more accurate NIH has increased from $11.3 billion in Emirates, so be it. But I think the reimbursement to oncologists for the fiscal year 1996 to $29.4 billion in 2006, President would be making a very seri- cost of drugs. This will provide a reim- an increase of 147 percent, while fund- ous mistake. bursement to oncologists that is fair ing for the NCI increased from $2.3 bil- Our country is under a terrorist and reflective of market costs. lion in fiscal year 1996 to $4.9 billion in threat. We get regular briefings on that 2. Removal of the Prompt Pay Dis- 2006, an increase of 113 percent. in the Senate, and the American people count: The prompt pay discount is a On February 16, 2005, I was diagnosed know that from watching the news. We discount from the wholesaler to the with stage IVB Hodgkin’s lymphoma understand the terrorist threats take physician for prompt payment on pre- and had my first chemotherapy treat- the form of threat to air travel because ment two days later. I had a total of 12 scription drugs. This is a benefit for the terrorists, as we know, last used treatments, my last on July 22, 2005, physicians that operate an efficient commercial jet airplanes to fly into and tests following that final treat- and organized practice and allows them the World Trade Center towers in New ment concluded that I am cancer free. to gain extra revenue as an incentive York City. We understand the threats As a recipient of cancer treatment for for conducting business in that man- at our airports. That is why when you Hodgkin’s lymphoma cancer, I have an ner. The current average sales price for go to the airport and try to board a acute understanding of the problems prescription drugs from CMS takes plane they have you take off your belt, that confront patients as well as physi- into account the prompt pay discount take off your shoes, and run you provided by wholesalers. The inclusion cians that administer their care. This legislation provides Medicare through a metal detector. There is of these funds, which are not guaran- reimbursement assistance for commu- great concern about the threat of ter- teed unless the practice operates in a nity oncologists and ensures Medicare rorism and security at our airports. very efficient way, decreases the beneficiaries’ access to community- There is also great concern about se- amount of reimbursement from CMS. based cancer treatment. I encourage curity at our seaports. My legislation would remove the dis- I have spoken, I am guessing, about a my colleagues to work with Senators count from the CMS average sales price dozen times on the floor of this Senate COLEMAN, ISAKSON and me to move this requiring CMS to reimburse legislation forward promptly. about the security at our seaports oncologists at the price they pay for since the time of the 9/11 attacks. drugs without the inclusion of dis- By Mr. DORGAN: I recall shortly after 9/11 when a fel- counts. S. 2341. A bill to prohibit the merger, low from a Middle East country de- 3. Quality Care Demonstration acquisition, or takeover of Peninsular cided to ship himself in a container on Project Extension: The quality care and Oriental Steam Navigation Com- a container ship. He got inside a con- demonstration project provided infor- pany by Dubai Ports World; to the tainer, and he got loaded on a con- mation to CMS that was gathered by Committee on Banking, Housing, and tainer ship. Here was this man with a oncologists about the effects of oncol- Urban Affairs. container. He had a cot to sleep on, he ogy drugs on patients. This project was Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, the had a GPS device, a radio, a supply of altered and funds were reduced pro- Commerce Committee is having a hear- water, and he was shipping himself, I vided to conduct the informational ing this afternoon—and I have been at believe, to Canada, and there was con- interviews to oncologists. The bill a portion of that hearing—dealing with cern that he was a terrorist and he was would extend the 2005 quality cancer the question of Dubai Ports World, going to enter the country by shipping care demonstration project through which is a company largely owned by himself in a container on a container 2006. The project collects information the United Arab Emirates. This is a ship. from cancer patients on the effects of company that has been given the green I have spoken here, I suppose, almost cancer treatment including fatigue, light by this administration to manage a dozen times talking about the danger nausea/vomiting, and the treatment of six of America’s largest seaports. of having anywhere from 5.7 to 5.9 mil- these symptoms. This has caused a substantial amount lion containers coming into this coun- 4. Increase in Payments for of controversy and discussion. In the try every year, millions of containers Oncological Drug Storage: The CMS re- last couple of days some of that con- on a container ship coming into this imbursement for oncology prescription troversy has been resolved, at least in country every year, and somewhere drugs does not provide adequate fund- the minds of some, because the com- around 4 percent of them and perhaps ing for storage and care needs. The pre- pany owned by the United Arab Emir- as much as 5 percent are inspected; the scription drugs for cancer care often ates has asked the administration for a rest are not. require special provisions including re- 45-day review of the circumstances of I went to a port facility once. We frigeration and handling as some drugs this deal, and they will not take con- don’t have ports in North Dakota. But that are highly toxic. These special trol of the management of the Amer- I went to a port facility to visit and see provisions result in an increased cost, ican ports for these 45 days. what the security was. They were which is why my legislation provides a It is rather unusual for a company to showing me a container they had taken two percent increase in payments to be asking that the United States Gov- off a ship. The container they opened

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:09 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE6.033 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1549 happened to be frozen broccoli from Camp, a desert hunting camp being used by any country. It is just recognizing the Poland, bags and bags and bags of fro- visitors from a Gulf State. Public sources obvious. zen broccoli. I said, How do you know have stated that those terrorists were from Something else that has not been what is in the middle of this container? the United Arab Emirates. talked about should be talked about. I see there are bags of frozen broccoli. I will not read all of this. We have moved at a full gallop toward How do you know that is all that is According to the reports, the mili- globalization. We are in a global econ- here in the container? Well, we don’t tary was doing targeting work to hit omy, we are told. Well, the fact that we know. That is why we are inspecting the camp where Osama bin Laden was are in a global economy should not per- this particular container. How many thought to be, to hit it with cruise mis- suade us not to think. One of the ques- containers do you inspect? We know siles. But no strike was launched. And tions ought to be raised by all is—aside the answer to that. Out of every 100, 96 Mr. bin Laden apparently soon moved from the national security interests, are not inspected. on and the immediate strike plans be- which are significant interests—one of That is a threat to our country’s sea- came moot. the other questions is, why would our ports. According to the CIA and defense of- country not have the capability to pro- What about a terrorist organization ficials, the reason the strike was not vide its own port management, its own deciding they want to try to steal a nu- launched against bin Laden was that port security? clear weapon someplace? After all, policymakers were concerned about the There are certain things we do that there are tens of thousands of them— danger that a strike would kill a prince we know we must do. Again, go to the somewhere, we believe, between 20,000 from the United Arab Emirates who airport and see what they tell you and 30,000 nuclear weapons that exist in was visiting with bin Laden. about your shoes and belt and see a lit- this world. Steal a nuclear weapon and The 9–11 Commission report also tle 6-year-old boy spread-eagle against put it in a container, on a container talks about an official airplane for the the wall being ‘‘wanded’’ and ask your- ship and run it up to a dock, appear at United Arab Emirates at a landing self: Why is that happening? Because one of America’s major cities. What strip there. They believed the UAE offi- we have decided there is a security about the prospect of that happening? cials were visiting with Mr. bin Laden. threat at airports. Terrorists use a Then we would not see 3,000 deaths. No, So apparently, any opportunity for this commercial airliner as a guided missile we would see 100,000 deaths or more. country to target Mr. bin Laden before to destroy buildings in our country and Seaport security is a very serious 9/11 was in part fouled by the relation- to murder Americans. So we have issue. ship between at least some in the issues of national security to respond Now, in the midst of all of these Royal Family of the United Arab Emir- to a threat with airport screening. issues of national security, we hear ates and Mr. bin Laden. What about our seaports? Does any- that something called CFIUS—the One of our Cabinet officers said, Well, one think there is any less danger with Committee on Foreign Investments in this issue is not just about national se- somewhere around 5.7 to 5.9 million the United States, composed of some 12 curity, but also about trade and about containers coming into our country, Federal agencies coming together as a commerce. with 96 percent of them not having committee, evaluating foreign invest- Look, trade and commerce do not been screened? Does anyone think ment in the United States—decided it ever trump national security. If there there is less danger to America to have is all right if this company called are national security issues, then they just one of those containers be pulled Dubai Ports World, a company owned have to be dealt with and have to be up slowly at an American pier or port by the United Arab Emirates, is al- recognized. or dock that has a weapon of mass de- lowed to manage six of America’s larg- We are told, Well, everyone signed off struction? est ports, including ports in New York, on this; there is not a problem here. We are spending billions and billions New Jersey, Miami, Louisiana, and But now we find out today that not ev- of dollars building an antiballistic mis- Maryland. erybody did sign off on this. Yesterday sile defense system that does not work, That is not all right with me. we found out that the Coast Guard ex- regrettably. We have spent billions of I just came from a committee hear- pressed reservations about the deal in a dollars and are spending billions more ing where we had some people say, secret report, which had already been trying to hit a bullet with a bullet be- Well, you are going to offend somebody made public. The report said: cause we are concerned that a rogue here. The United Arab Emirates is a There are many intelligence gaps con- nation or a terrorist will get hold of a country that has been very helpful to cerning the potential for DPW or PNO assets ballistic missile, put on its tip a nu- us in the fight on terrorism. The last to support terrorist operations. That pre- clear weapon, and send it to us some- cludes an overall threat assessment of the where around 15,000 miles per hour. By thing we want to do is offend them. potential DPW and PNO ports merger. What about offending common sense? far, the more significant threat is for a Should we be offending common sense So don’t tell me that the Coast ship to pull up at one of our docks at here in the Senate? I don’t think so. Guard signed off on this. They raised about 5 miles per hour, leaded with Common sense would say to us when questions about it, as they should containers, most of which have never threatened by terrorist threats, secu- have. been inspected, containing in one cir- I have a GAO report that I showed a rity in this country ought to be secu- cumstance a weapon of mass destruc- few moments ago in the Commerce rity provided by the United States. We tion. That is by far a more significant Committee. This is the title of the July can’t provide for our own security in threat to our country. 2005 GAO report: ‘‘The DOD Cannot En- our management of U.S. ports? I have spoken, I suppose, a dozen sure its Oversight of Contractors Under The United Arab Emirates is prob- times over the years since 2001 about Foreign Influence is Sufficient.’’ ably a perfectly wonderful country. It port security. Not because we have any If the Department of Defense cannot is not a democracy, I will tell you. And ports in North Dakota, because we do ensure proper oversight of foreign con- two of the hijackers on 9/11/2001 were not. But it is obvious to me that if you tractors, the Department of Homeland UAE citizens. And the United Arab are going to begin to provide security Security can? I don’t think so. The De- Emirates was only one of three coun- for this country, we do not just do it by partment of Homeland Security, after tries that recognized the Taliban Gov- metal detectors at airports; we do it at all, responded to Hurricane Katrina. ernment which played host to Osama seaports and rail security, as well. And Look at the mess they made with that. bin Laden in Afghanistan. with respect to seaports, it seems com- Now they are saying, even though the Let me read something from the 9/11 pletely illogical to me from a national Department of Defense cannot ensure Commission report. On page 137: security standpoint that we would de- oversight of foreign contractors, Home- cide to turn over to foreign countries Early in 1999, the CIA received a recording land Security is going to be able to do that Osama bin Laden was spending much of the management of our ports, our sea- his time at one of several camps in the Af- that with respect to the security of our ports. ghanistan desert south of Kandahar. At the ports? I don’t think so. People have said today: Are you kid- beginning of February, bin Laden was report- So national security is an issue. And ding? This is done all the time, for edly located at the vicinity of Sheik Ali saying so is not a slap in the face at God’s sake. Get a life. This is going on

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:09 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.043 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE S1550 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 28, 2006 everywhere. You do not understand the sense. And it seems to me, in this coun- tain things that a country must hang global economy. We have had other try there is a deep reservoir of common on to to remain a strong economic countries managing our seaports. sense at the local cafe or down at the power, a world economic power. This has become an issue that most hardware store to say it would make Maybe this, also, in addition to the American people recognize is a prob- the most sense, given the fact we are lem. But a number of Members in the targeted by terrorists, it would make national security issues—which I think Congress do not recognize it as a prob- the most sense for our country to take are very important—maybe it is also lem. Some do. But I heard opening responsibility for itself. This is not an opportunity to wake up and answer statements at a committee hearing about globalism. It is not about the the question: What is appropriate in a suggesting this debate is about racial global economy. It is not about offend- global economy? Is everything on the profiling, it is about offending a good ing someone. It is about deciding as a table? Everything for sale? Everything neighbor. Well, that is all nonsense. country to assume responsibility for up for trading and grabs? Is offshoring This is about demanding at least some your security. just fine, notwithstanding what it level of common sense be used in estab- Let me make one other point. Yes, means to the American economy? lishing public policy. we need friends. Yes, we need the The President says: We did the right United Arab Emirates to be our friend Perhaps, if we use this opportunity to thing. I have already made up my and other countries as well to cooper- ask those questions, we will have done mind, he says, and we approved it. And ate with us. But wouldn’t it have been this country a favor. I will veto anything that would over- nice, for example, if we had more co- turn that approval. In the meantime, I will introduce the operation when Dr. Kahn in Pakistan simplest piece of legislation introduced Then he says, when asked by the was arranging to have nuclear mate- on this subject. It simply says: ‘‘Just company that is owned by the United rials and nuclear plans and nuclear Arab Emirates to review it for 45 more parts sent around to North Korea and say no.’’ days, the President says: Yes, we will to Iran and to other countries? Our review it for 45 more days. But, again, children will pay for that, unfortu- f he put out a statement today saying: nately. And most of that material went I’ve already made up my mind. through the United Arab Emirates’ SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS At a committee hearing this after- noon, others on the committee said: ports. Wouldn’t it have been nice if we had Well, some of you have already made more friends? We need more friends. up your mind. Shame on you. SENATE RESOLUTION 384—DESIG- As I said, it would not take me 45 But, it seems to me, we ought not buy days to figure it out. It does not take friendship by deciding that we will put NATING MARCH 2, 2006, AS ‘‘READ 45 minutes to figure it out. We ought a company controlled by the United ACROSS AMERICA DAY’’ Arab Emirates in the position of man- to, as a country, be able to find ways to Ms. COLLINS (for herself, Mr. REED, manage our seaports. And we ought to, aging America’s ports. Once again, this and Mr. LAUTENBERG) submitted the as a country, take responsibility for is merely common sense. following resolution; which was consid- our own national security. After all, it The GAO report of last summer is not every country in the world where ought to be instructive to us. If the De- ered and agreed to: partment of Defense cannot ensure its you pin a little pin on the map that S. RES. 384 says: Here’s target one, here’s the oversight of contractors under foreign influence, how on Earth can Homeland Whereas reading is a basic requirement for bull’s eye of the target for terrorists. quality education and professional success, They want to attack this country. This Security ensure oversight of a con- tractor that is owned by a foreign gov- and is a source of pleasure throughout life; is where they want to attack. We un- Whereas the people of the United States derstand that. ernment in the Middle East? How on must be able to read if the United States is All of us feel fortunate we have not Earth can we expect that to happen? to remain competitive in the global econ- been attacked again since 2001. But we I come to the Senate to talk a lot omy; all know, as well, that there is much about trade. In this age of globalism Whereas Congress, through the No Child yet to do. Seaport security is one of people say: You are just a xenophobic Left Behind Act of 2001 (Public Law 107–110) those areas in which we have to do isolationist stooge who does not get it. and the Reading First, Early Reading First, much better. The world has changed. It is a global and Improving Literacy Through School Li- My colleague who sat behind me world. Everyone does everything every- braries programs, has placed great emphasis some years, Senator Fritz Hollings where. on reading intervention and providing addi- from South Carolina, would come to It seems to me it is not inappropriate tional resources for reading assistance; and the Senate and speak at great length even in a global economy to pursue our Whereas more than 40 national associa- about this. He would offer funding for own interests from time to time, and tions concerned about reading and education have joined with the National Education As- more seaport security. It was routinely that is especially true when it deals with the subject of terrorism. Does the sociation to use March 2, the anniversary of turned down. All of us offered this and the birth of Theodor Geisel, also known as were routinely turned down. We did not global economy mean that you outsource or offshore everything? Is Dr. Seuss, to celebrate reading: Now, there- have the money. And we are inspecting fore, be it 4 to 5 percent. there anything you cannot do without? Someday, God forbid, if something Some 15 years ago, I used to question Resolved, That the Senate— (1) designates March 2, 2006, as ‘‘Read happens at a seaport, we will all stand Carla Hills, the trade ambassador, at Across America Day’’; and scratch our heads and say: Why various hearings. Managed trade was anathema to her, and it has been to (2) honors Theodor Geisel, also known as didn’t we try to find a way to do this Dr. Seuss, for his success in encouraging virtually every administration. Yet better, more inspections? Why didn’t children to discover the joy of reading; we understand that is more vulnerable virtually every country we do trade (3) encourages parents to read with their even than airport security? Why didn’t with has managed trade. They have children for at least 30 minutes on Read we figure that out? managed trade with a set of objectives. Across America Day in honor of Dr. Seuss This is an opportunity. I understand I used to continually ask Carla Hill: Is and in celebration of reading; and this will be controversial. I understand there anything the loss of which would (4) encourages the people of the United the President is going to be upset if the give you problems? States to observe the day with appropriate Congress takes action. For example, if, in a completely open ceremonies and activities. I will offer legislation today that is system of trade we lost our entire steel very simple. It does not tiptoe around industry—it was gone, no steel mill 45 days and all these things. It just and no steel produced domestically— says this should not happen. would that give you a problem? The an- If that offends someone, I am sorry. swer was, no, whatever happens, hap- But I do not want to offend common pens. That is nonsense. There are cer-

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:09 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.044 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1551 SENATE RESOLUTION 385—EX- SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- gaged in the performance of the duties of the PRESSING THE GRATITUDE AND TION 82—TO ESTABLISH A PRO- Congressional Ethics Officer. APPRECIATION TO THE MEN AND CEDURE FOR THE APPOINTMENT (2) TRAVEL EXPENSES.—The Congressional OF INDEPENDENT CONGRES- Ethics Officer and members of the Congres- WOMEN OF THE ARMED FORCES sional Ethics Officer staff shall be allowed WHO SERVE AS MILITARY RE- SIONAL ETHICS OFFICE TO IN- travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of CRUITERS, COMMENDING THEIR VESTIGATE ETHICS VIOLATIONS subsistence, at rates authorized for employ- SELFLESS SERVICE IN RECRUIT- IN THE SENATE AND THE HOUSE ees of agencies under subchapter I of chapter ING YOUNG MEN AND WOMAN TO OF REPRESENTATIVES 57 of title 5, United States Code, while away SERVE IN THE UNITED STATES Mr. KERRY submitted the following from their homes or regular places of busi- ness in the performance of services for the MILITARY, PARTICULARLY IN concurrent resolution; which was re- Congressional Ethics Officer. SUPPORT OF THE GLOBAL WAR ferred to the Committee on Homeland (g) STAFF.— ON TERRORISM Security and Governmental Affairs: (1) IN GENERAL.—The Congressional Ethics S. CON. RES. 82 Officer may, without regard to the civil serv- Mr. ENSIGN submitted the following Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- ice laws and regulations, appoint, and termi- resolution; which was referred to the resentatives concurring), nate an executive director and such other ad- Committee on Armed Services: SECTION 1. CONGRESSIONAL ETHICS OFFICER. ditional personnel as are necessary to enable the Congressional Ethics Officer to perform (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established S. RES. 385 in the legislative branch an independent au- his or her duties. The staff of the Congres- Whereas the Armed Forces are an all vol- thority to be known as the Congressional sional Ethics Office shall be nonpartisan. unteer force, which makes recruiting the Ethics Office to be headed by a Congressional (2) STAFF COMPENSATION.—The Congres- necessary number of volunteers for each in- Ethics Officer. sional Ethics Officer may fix the compensa- tion of the executive director and other per- dividual service a challenging task; (b) MEMBERSHIP.— sonnel without regard to the provisions of Whereas the military recruiters have en- (1) IN GENERAL.—The Congressional Ethics chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of abled the individual branches of the Armed Officer shall be appointed in accordance with paragraph (2). title 5, United States Code, relating to clas- Forces to meet the demands of the modern sification of positions and General Schedule battlefield through the enlistment of quality (2) APPOINTMENT.—The majority leader of the Senate, the minority leader of the Sen- pay rates, except that the rate of pay for the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines; executive director and other personnel may Whereas military recruiters work long ate, the Speaker of the House of Representa- tives, the minority leader of the House of not exceed the rate payable for level V of the strenuous hours, in rural and urban areas of Representatives, the chairman and ranking Executive Schedule under section 5316 of the country, and away from the traditional member of the Committee on Standards of that title. military support systems; Official Conduct of the House of Representa- (3) DETAILEES.—Any Federal Government Whereas military recruiters, like many of tives, and the chairman and the ranking employee may be detailed to the Congres- their deployed colleagues, have forfeited and member of the Select Committee on Ethics sional Ethics Officer without reimburse- sacrificed time with their families and of the Senate shall nominate the Congres- ment, and such detail shall be without inter- placed their mission above all else; sional Ethics Officer at the beginning of a ruption or loss of civil service status or Whereas military recruiters support the Congress. The Congressional Ethics Officer privilege. global war on terrorism by filling our Na- shall be confirmed by both the Senate and (4) TEMPORARY SERVICES.—The Congres- tion’s military ranks with qualified per- the House of Representatives. sional Ethics Officer may procure temporary sonnel needed to combat and eradicate ter- (c) TERMS.— and intermittent services under section rorists through military power; (1) IN GENERAL.—The Congressional Ethics 3109(b) of title 5, United States Code, at rates Whereas, in the past fiscal year, military Officer shall serve a term of 2 years and may for individuals that do not exceed the daily equivalent of the annual rate of basic pay recruiters provided the Nation with more be reappointed for 2 additional terms. prescribed for level V of the Executive than 200,000 new active duty, reserve, officer, (2) DEATH OR RESIGNATION.—In the case of Schedule under section 5316 of that title. and enlisted accessions; the death or resignation of the Congressional (5) STAFFING.—Except at a time when addi- Whereas military recruiters have provided Ethics Officer a successor shall be appointed in the same manner to serve the remaining tional personnel are needed to assist the young men and women across the Nation the Congressional Ethics Officer in his or her re- opportunity to further their education term of that Congressional Ethics Officer. (d) REMOVAL.—The Congressional Ethics view of a particular request for review under through the use of congressionally mandated Officer may be removed only by resolution of section 2, the total number of staff personnel incentives such as the Montgomery GI Bill, the Senate or the House of Representatives. employed by or detailed to the Congressional and various college loan repayment pro- (e) DUTIES.—It shall be the duty of the Ethics Officer under this subsection shall not grams, thereby allowing returning veterans Congressional Ethics Officer to— exceed 50. greater opportunity to achieve their full po- (1) receive requests for review of an allega- (h) INAPPLICABILITY OF THE FEDERAL ADVI- tential as successful members of society; tion described in section 2(b); SORY COMMITTEE ACT.—The Federal Advisory Whereas military recruiters are the face (2) make such informal preliminary inquir- Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.) shall not and voice of the Armed Forces in commu- ies in response to such a request as the Con- apply to the Commission. nities in every State across the Nation, as gressional Ethics Officer deems to be appro- SEC. 2. REVIEW OF ALLEGATIONS OF MIS- well as Puerto Rico, Europe, Korea, and priate; CONDUCT AND VIOLATIONS OF ETH- Guam; (3) if, as a result of those inquiries, the ICS LAWS. Whereas military recruiters develop close Congressional Ethics Officer determines that (a) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section, working relationships with families, schools, a full investigation is not warranted, submit the term ‘‘officer or employee of Congress’’ business professionals, and numerous civic a report pursuant to section 2(f); and means— organizations; (4) if, as a result of those inquiries, the (1) an elected officer of the Senate or the Whereas military recruiters are an essen- Congressional Ethics Officer determines that House of Representatives who is not a mem- tial element of the Department of Defense there is probable cause, the Congressional ber of the Senate or the House of Represent- atives; and play a key role in the security of our Na- Ethics Officer— (2) an employee of the Senate or the House tion: Now, therefore, be it (A) may determine a full investigation is warranted and conduct such investigation; of Representatives, any committee or sub- Resolved, That the Senate— and committee of the Senate or the House of (1) commends the men and women of our (B) shall provide a full report of the inves- Representatives, or any member of the Sen- Armed Forces who serve as military recruit- tigation which shall be available for public ate or the House of Representatives; ers for their service to our country and their inspection to either the Select Committee on (3) an employee of the Vice President if dedicated, professional, and noteworthy per- Ethics of the Senate or the Committee on such employee’s compensation is disbursed formance of duty during difficult times of Standards of Official Conduct of the House of by the Secretary of the Senate; and sustained combat and the global war on ter- Representatives. (4) an employee of a joint committee of rorism; and (f) COMPENSATION OF CONGRESSIONAL ETH- Congress. (2) reaffirms its commitment to supporting ICS OFFICER.— (b) REQUEST FOR REVIEW.—Any person, in- all aspects of the recruiting services of the (1) IN GENERAL.—The Congressional Ethics cluding a person who is not an officer or em- Armed Forces, by providing sufficient legis- Officer shall be compensated at a rate equal ployee of Congress, may present to the Con- lative support and incentives in order that to the daily equivalent of the annual rate of gressional Ethics Officer a request to review basic pay prescribed for level IV of the Exec- and investigate an allegation of— recruiters may continue to meet and exceed utive Schedule under section 5315 of title 5, (1) improper conduct that may reflect upon the personnel requirements of the Armed United States Code, for each day (including the Senate or the House of Representatives; Forces. travel time) during which he or she is en- (2) a significant violation of law;

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:09 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE6.039 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE S1552 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 28, 2006 (3) a violation of the Senate Code of Offi- conduct that was alleged in the request for The Congressional Inspector General cial Conduct (rules XXXIV, XXXV, XXXVII, review and sworn statement. will not be able to accept new charges XXXVIII, XXXIX, XL, XLI, and XLII of the SEC. 3. ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES. filed 30 days prior to a primary election Standing Rules of the Senate) or the ethics The Congressional Ethics Officer shall— for which the Member of Congress in rules of the House of Representatives; or (1) periodically report to Congress any question is a candidate or 60 days prior (4) a significant violation of a rule or regu- changes to the ethics law and regulations lation of the Senate or the House of Rep- governing Congress that the Congressional to a general election for which the resentatives, relating to the conduct of a Ethics Officer determines would improve the Member of Congress is a candidate. person in the performance of his or her du- investigation and enforcement of such laws The Congressional Inspector General ties as a member, officer, or employee of the and regulations; and will also provide periodic reports to Senate or the House of Representatives. (2) provide an annual report to Congress on Congress on how to update our ethics (c) SWORN STATEMENT.— the number of ethics complaints and a de- laws and how to improve the investiga- (1) IN GENERAL.—A request for review under scription of the ethics investigations under- tion and enforcement of current ethics subsection (b) shall be accompanied by a taken during the prior year. laws. Finally, it would release an an- sworn statement, made under penalty of per- Mr. KERRY. Mr. President, today I nual report of violations by Members of jury under the laws of the United States, of am submitting a concurrent resolution facts within the personal knowledge of the Congress and Congressional staff. person making the statement alleging im- establishing an independent Congres- I also strongly support other legisla- proper conduct or a violation described in sional Inspector General to investigate tion to develop independent oversight subsection (b). ethics violations in the Senate and the of the Congressional ethics process in- (2) FALSE STATEMENT.—If the Congres- House of Representatives. cluding the Congressional Ethics En- sional Ethics Officer determines that any Every Member of Congress must be forcement Commission Act of 2006 that part of a sworn statement presented under held to the highest ethical standards. was introduced by Senator OBAMA ear- paragraph (1) may have been a false state- Those who violate the public trust lier this year. I look forward to work- ment made knowingly and willfully, the Con- must be held accountable for their ac- gressional Ethics Officer may refer the mat- ing with my colleagues to develop eth- ter to the Attorney General for prosecution. tions. Unfortunately, our current sys- ics reform legislation in the upcoming (d) PROTECTION FROM FRIVOLOUS tem does not measure up. Too often, months. CHARGES.— Congress has been unable or unwilling We need to change the way business (1) IN GENERAL.—Any person who— to effectively investigate or appro- is done in Washington. We must con- (A) knowingly files with the Congressional priately punish those Members who vince the American people that our Ethics Office a false complaint of mis- commit serious ethical violations. government responds to the needs of conduct on the part of any legislator or any In December 2005, an NBC/Wall Street our people, not to special interests. other person shall be subject to a $10,000 fine Journal poll showed that just five per- This resolution will help restore the or the cost of the preliminary review, which- cent of Americans believe all Members ever is greater, and up to 1 year in prison; or faith of the American people in their (B) encourages another person to file a of Congress are honest and trust- government. Together we can work to false complaint of misconduct on the part of worthy. The same poll showed that change our government for the better. any legislator or other person shall be sub- most Americans believe that most f ject to a $10,000 fine or the cost of the pre- Members of Congress are dishonest and liminary review, whichever is greater, and are not trustworthy. NOTICES OF HEARINGS/MEETINGS up to 1 year in prison. This is simply unacceptable. We have COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS (2) SUBSEQUENT COMPLAINTS.—Any person to restore the faith of the American Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, I would subject to either of the penalties in para- people in the Congress. Thus, I am sub- graph (1) may not file a complaint with the like to announce that the Committee Congressional Ethics Office again. mitting a resolution to establish an on Indian Affairs will meet on Wednes- (3) BAN ON FILINGS PRIOR TO ELECTION.—The independent Congressional Inspector day, March 1, 2006, at 9:30 a.m., in room Congressional Ethics Office may not accept General with the authority to inves- 106 of the Dirksen Senate Office Build- charges filed in the— tigate and punish violations of the eth- ing to conduct a joint oversight hear- (A) 30 days prior to a primary election for ics rules by Members of Congress, Con- ing with the House Committee on Re- which the Member in question is a candidate; gressional staff and the Capitol Police. sources on the Settlement of Cobell v. and The Congressional Inspector General Norton. (B) 60 days prior to a general election for will make a preliminary investigation Those wishing additional information which the Member in question is a candidate. into all ethical misconduct allegations (e) SUBPOENA.—The Congressional Ethics may contact the Indian Affairs Com- officer may bring a civil action to enforce a to determine whether there is probable mittee at 224–2251. subpoena only when directed to do so by the cause that a full investigation is war- f adoption of a resolution by the Senate or the ranted. The Congressional Inspector House of Representatives, as appropriate. General has expansive authority to in- AUTHORITIES FOR COMMITTEES (f) REFERRAL OF REPORTS TO THE SELECT vestigate ethics allegations, including TO MEET COMMITTEE ON ETHICS OF THE SENATE, THE improper conduct that may reflect COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE ON STANDARDS OF OFFICIAL CON- upon the Senate or House of Represent- Mr. BUNNING. Mr. President, I ask DUCT OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OR atives, significant violations of law, unanimous consent that the Com- THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE.— violations of the Senate Code of Offi- mittee on Armed Services be author- (1) IN GENERAL.—If, after making prelimi- nary inquiries, the Congressional Ethics Offi- cial Conduct or the ethics rules of the ized to meet during the session of the cer finds probable cause that a violation of House of Representatives, and viola- Senate on February 28, 2006, at 9:30 the ethics rules has occurred, the Congres- tions of Congressional rules or regula- a.m., to receive testimony on current sional Ethics Officer shall submit to the tions relating to the conduct of Mem- and future worldwide threats to the na- members of the Senate, members of the bers in their performance of official du- tional security of the United States. House of Representatives, and the Depart- ties. If a full investigation is war- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ment of Justice a report that— ranted, a public report will be devel- objection, it is so ordered. (A) states findings of fact made as a result oped for the House and Senate Ethics COMMITTEE ON BANKING HOUSING AND URBAN of the inquiries; , , (B) states any conclusions that may be Committees or the Justice Department AFFAIRS drawn with respect to whether there is sub- describing any credible evidence of im- Mr. BUNNING. Mr. President, I ask stantial credible evidence that improper con- proper conduct or a violation of law. unanimous consent that the Com- duct or a violation of law may have oc- To insure that this new ethics proc- mittee on Banking, Housing, and curred; and ess is not abused, anyone who know- Urban Affairs be authorized to meet (C) states its reasons for concluding that ingly files a false ethics complaint will during the session of the Senate on further investigation is not warranted. be subject to a $10,000 fine or the costs February 28, 2006, at 10:30 a.m., to con- (2) NO ACTION.—After submission of a re- incurred by the investigation, which- duct a hearing on the evaluation of the port under paragraph (1), no action may be taken in the Senate or the House of Rep- ever is greater. They could also be sub- administration’s FY 07 Budget for the resentatives to impose a sanction on a per- ject to up to one year in prison and will Federal Transmit Administration. son who was the subject of the Congressional be banned from making further com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Ethics Officer’s inquiries on the basis of any plaints. objection, it is so ordered.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:09 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE6.039 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1553 COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND stitutional Law, Duquesne University public of Italy, into the House Chamber TRANSPORTATION School of Law, Pittsburgh, PA; Doug- for a joint meeting tomorrow. Mr. BUNNING. Mr. President. I ask las W. Kmiec, Professor, Pepperdine The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without unanimous consent that the Com- University School of Law, Malibu, CA; objection, it is so ordered. mittee on Commerce, Science, and Bruce Fein, Fein & Fein, Washington, Transportation be authorized to meet DC; Robert F. Turner, Associate Direc- f on February 28, 2006, at 10 a.m. on USF tor, Center for National Security Law, Contributions. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, NATIONAL SIBLING CONNECTION The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without VA; Robert Levy, Senior Fellow in DAY objection, it is so ordered. Constitutional Studies, CATO Insti- COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND tute, Washington, DC. Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, I TRANSPORTATION The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ask unanimous consent that the Judi- Mr. BUNNING. Mr. President. I ask objection, it is so ordered. ciary Committee be discharged from further consideration of S. Res. 381 and unanimous consent that the Com- COMMITTEE ON RULES AND ADMINISTRATION that the Senate proceed to its imme- mittee on Commerce, Science, and Mr. BUNNING. Mr. President, I ask diate consideration. Transportation be authorized to meet unanimous consent that the Com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without on February 28, 2006, at 2:45 p.m., on mittee on Rules and Administration be objection, it is so ordered. The clerk Security of Terminal Operations at authorized to meet during the session will report the resolution by title. U.S. Ports. of the Senate on Tuesday, February 28, The legislative clerk read as follows: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without 2006, at 9:30 a.m., to mark up an origi- objection, it is so ordered. nal bill to make the legislative process A resolution (S. Res. 381) designating March 1, 2006, as National Sibling Connec- COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL more transparent. tion Day. RESOURCES The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. BUNNING. Mr. President, I ask objection, it is so ordered. There being no objection, the Senate proceeded to consider the resolution. unanimous consent that the Com- COMMITTEE ON VETERANS’ AFFAIRS mittee on Energy and Natural Re- Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, I Mr. BUNNING. Mr. President, I ask ask unanimous consent that the reso- sources be authorized to meet during unanimous consent that the Com- the session of the Senate on Tuesday, lution be agreed to, the preamble be mittee on Veterans’ Affairs be author- agreed to, the motion to reconsider be February 28 at 10 a.m. ized to meet during the session of the The purpose of this hearing is to re- laid upon the table, and that any state- Senate on Tuesday, February 28, 2006, ments relating to the resolution be view the proposed FY 2007 Forest Serv- to hear the legislative presentation of ice Budget. printed in the RECORD. the Disabled American Veterans. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The hearing will take place in room objection, it is so ordered. objection, it is so ordered. 216 of the Hart Senate Office Building The resolution (S. Res. 381) was COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR, at 2 p.m. AND PENSIONS agreed to. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The preamble was agreed to. Mr. BUNNING. Mr. President, I ask objection, it is so ordered. unanimous consent that the Com- The resolution, with its preamble, SUBCOMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT OF GOVERNMENT reads as follows: mittee on Health, Education, Labor, MANAGEMENT, THE FEDERAL WORKFORCE, S. RES. 381 and Pensions, Subcommittee on Edu- AND THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA cation and Early Childhood Develop- Mr. BUNNING. Mr. President, I ask Whereas sibling relationships are among ment, be authorized to hold a hearing unanimous consent that the Sub- the longest lasting and most significant rela- tionships in life; during the session of the Senate on committee on Oversight of Government Tuesday, February 28, 2006, at 10 a.m. Whereas brothers and sisters share history, Management, the Federal Workforce, memories, and traditions that bind them to- in SD–430. and the District of Columbia be author- gether as family; The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ized to meet on Tuesday, February 28, Whereas it is estimated that over 65 per- objection, it is so ordered. 2006, at 10 a.m. for a hearing entitled, cent of children in foster care have siblings, COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS ‘‘Enhancing Educational and Economic and are often separated when they are placed Mr. SPECTER. Mr. President, I ask Opportunity in the District of Colum- in the foster care system, adopted, or con- unanimous consent that the Com- bia.’’ fronted with different kinship placements; Whereas children in foster care have a mittee on Indian Affairs be authorized The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without greater risk of emotional disturbance, dif- to meet on Tuesday, February 28, 2006, objection, it is so ordered. ficulties in school, and problems with rela- at 9:30 a.m., in room 485 of the Russell SUBCOMMITTEE ON WATER AND POWER tionships than their peers; Senate Office Building to conduct an Mr. BUNNING. Mr. President, I ask Whereas the separation of siblings as chil- oversight hearing on Off-Reservation unanimous consent that the Sub- dren causes additional grief and loss; Gaming: Land into Trust and the Two- committee on Water and Power be au- Whereas organizations and private volun- teers advocate for the preservation of sibling Part Determination. thorized to meet during the session of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without relationships in foster care settings and pro- the Senate on Tuesday, February 28 at vide siblings in foster care with the oppor- objection, it is so ordered. 2:30 p.m. tunity to reunite; COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY The purpose of the hearing is to re- Whereas Camp to Belong, a nonprofit orga- Mr. BUNNING. Mr. President, I ask ceive testimony on the Bureau of Rec- nization founded in 1995 by Lynn Price, unanimous consent that the Com- lamation’s Reuse and Recycling Pro- heightens public awareness of the need to mittee on the Judiciary be authorized gram (title XVI of P.L. 102–575). preserve sibling relationships in foster care to meet to conduct a hearing on ‘‘War- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without settings and gives siblings in foster care the opportunity to reunite; and time Executive Power and the NSA’s objection, it is so ordered. Whereas Camp to Belong has reunited over Surveillance Authority II’’ on Tuesday, f 2,000 separated siblings across the United February 28, 2006, at 9:30 a.m., in the APPOINTMENT OF ESCORT States, the United States Virgin Islands, and Dirksen Senate Office Building Room Canada: Now, therefore, be it 226. The witness list is attached. COMMITTEE Resolved, That the Senate— Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, I (1) designates March 1, 2006, as ‘‘Siblings Witnesses ask unanimous consent that the Presi- Connection Day’’; The Honorable R. James Woolsey, dent of the Senate be authorized to ap- (2) encourages the people of the United Vice President Global Strategic Secu- point a committee on the part of the States to celebrate sibling relationships on this day; and rity Division, Booz Allen Hamilton, Senate to join with a like committee (3) supports efforts to respect and preserve McLean, VA; Harold Hongju Koh, Dean, on the part of the House of Representa- those sibling relationships that are at risk of Yale Law School, New Haven, CT; Ken tives to escort the Honorable Silvio being disrupted due to the placement of chil- Gormley, Associate Professor of Con- Berlusconi, Prime Minister of the Re- dren into the foster care system.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:44 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE6.041 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE S1554 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 28, 2006 READ ACROSS AMERICA DAY Whereas more than 40 national associa- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, I tions concerned about reading and education objection, it is so ordered. have joined with the National Education As- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- sociation to use March 2, the anniversary of f ate proceed to the consideration of S. the birth of Theodor Geisel, also known as Res. 384, which was submitted earlier Dr. Seuss, to celebrate reading: Now, there- PROGRAM today. fore, be it The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Resolved, That the Senate— Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, clerk will report the resolution by (1) designates March 2, 2006, as ‘‘Read today the Senate voted for cloture on title. Across America Day’’; the PATRIOT Act amendments bill. The legislative clerk read as follows: (2) honors Theodor Geisel, also known as Tomorrow morning at 10 a.m., there A resolution (S. Res. 384) designating Dr. Seuss, for his success in encouraging will be a vote on passage of the bill. March 2, 2006, as ‘‘Read Across America children to discover the joy of reading; Following the vote, Senators will gath- Day.’’ (3) encourages parents to read with their er in the Senate Chamber at 10:30 and children for at least 30 minutes on Read There being no objection, the Senate Across America Day in honor of Dr. Seuss proceed as a body to the Hall of the proceeded to consider the resolution. and in celebration of reading; and House of Representatives for a joint Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, I (4) encourages the people of the United meeting of Congress with Italian Prime ask unanimous consent that the reso- States to observe the day with appropriate Minister Berlusconi. Members should lution be agreed to, the preamble be ceremonies and activities. plan their schedules accordingly. Fol- agreed to, and the motion to reconsider lowing that joint meeting, we will pro- be laid upon the table. f ceed to the PATRIOT Act conference The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without report. It may be necessary to have a ORDERS FOR WEDNESDAY, MARCH objection, it is so ordered. couple of procedural votes prior to the The resolution (S. Res. 384) was 1, 2006 vote on invoking cloture on the PA- agreed to. Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, I The preamble was agreed to. TRIOT Act conference report. I would The resolution, with its preamble, ask unanimous consent that when the expect those votes to begin sometime reads as follows: Senate completes its business today, it shortly after noon when the Senate re- stand in adjournment until 9:30 a.m. on S. RES. 384 convenes following the joint meeting. Wednesday, March 1. I further ask that Whereas reading is a basic requirement for following the prayer and the pledge, f quality education and professional success, the morning hour be deemed expired, and is a source of pleasure throughout life; ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 9:30 A.M. Whereas the people of the United States the Journal of proceedings be approved must be able to read if the United States is to date, the time for the two leaders be TOMORROW to remain competitive in the global econ- reserved, and the Senate then resume Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, if omy; consideration of S. 2271, the PATRIOT there is no further business to come be- Whereas Congress, through the No Child Act amendments bill, and that the fore the Senate, I ask unanimous con- Left Behind Act of 2001 (Public Law 107–110) time be equally divided until the 10 sent that the Senate stand in adjourn- and the Reading First, Early Reading First, and Improving Literacy Through School Li- a.m. vote on passage. I further ask that ment under the previous order. braries programs, has placed great emphasis following the vote, the Senate stand in There being no objection, the Senate, on reading intervention and providing addi- recess until 12 noon for a joint meeting at 7:19 p.m., adjourned until Wednes- tional resources for reading assistance; and of Congress. day, March 1, 2006, at 9:30 a.m.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:09 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G28FE6.052 S28FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with SENATE February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E203 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

HONORING THE LIFE OF TED many improvements within the county, and respected small businessman, Captain Gordon SMITH I know he will be remembered as one of the made the financial sacrifice to answer his Na- best legislators we have had in Chautauqua tion’s call to duty in December 2003, and upon County.’’ HON. BRIAN HIGGINS He continued with, ‘‘Following Ted’s re- returning from Iraq a year later was awarded OF NEW YORK tirement, he returned to the classroom and the prestigious Bronze Star Medal. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES continued his love affair with teaching. I had His family, friends, and the Iraqi children he the privilege of participating in many of lovingly helped will remember Captain Gordon Tuesday, February 28, 2006 Ted’s Student Success Seminars where I wit- for his selfless dedication to them, our country, Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to nessed the relationship he was able to de- and a free Iraq. He is deeply missed by all honor the life of Mr. Ted Smith, a life-long velop with students. In addition to teaching who knew him. resident of Chautauqua County and a truly re- in his retirement, Ted carries out a number The Wilson family extends its deepest sym- markable man. of research assignments for us that resulted pathy to the Gordon family. in establishment of several of our newest PAYING TRIBUTE TO TED SMITH academic programs including professional pi- f (By Manley J. Anderson) loting, occupational therapy, and dental hy- HUMAN RIGHTS IN BURMA: WHERE Two well-known local public figures have giene.’’ shared their thoughts about R. Theodore DeCinque said, ‘‘On a personal note, Ted ARE WE NOW AND WHAT DO WE ‘‘Ted’’ Smith who was an integral part of was always there to provide me with insight DO NEXT? their lives for several years. Those paying re- and wisdom, and he often would send me membrance and tribute to their late, long- short notes from Busti or Florida that were HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH time colleague are Joseph Gerace Sr., New always on target and helpful. I will miss that OF NEW JERSEY York State Supreme Court Justice now serv- guidance.’’ The college leader said, ‘‘JCC and ing as a judicial hearing officer; and Dr. our larger community have lost a dear friend IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Gregory T. DeCinque, Jamestown Commu- and colleague, and our heartfelt sympathy Tuesday, February 28, 2006 nity College president speaking for the goes out to Pat and the entire Smith fam- area’s academic community. ily.’’ He closed with, ‘‘Information on serv- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, on Gerace said he and Smith campaigned to- ices for Ted will be shared with you as it be- Tuesday, February 7, I chaired a hearing on gether years ago for the Chautauqua County comes available. the current human rights situation in Burma, Legislature, representing the Busti/North Ted was a man who fully understood how to and what the U.S. and the international com- Harmony area. ‘‘Ted in just about every re- munity can and must do to improve that situa- spect was one of the most outstanding people live to its fullest and that, Mr. Speaker, is why I rise to honor him today. tion. I’ve ever met,’’ the jurist said. ‘‘He was the After 40 years of brutal military dictator- kind of public official we wish we had in all f positions: honest, straightforward and caring ships, the human rights situation in Burma is about the community.’’ IN MEMORY OF CPT SANDOR L. frightening. That nation’s current military junta, ‘‘He was Mr. Environment,’’ Gerace said, GORDON in power for over 17 years, is an abysmal fail- ‘‘and I feel we may still be waiting for the ure on every conceivable level. sewer districts except for Ted Smith, who HON. JOE WILSON It has ruined a beautiful and naturally rich also was known as Mr. Integrity. We cam- land. According to the State Department’s OF SOUTH CAROLINA paigned together for the Chautauqua County most recent Human Rights Country Report: Legislature, knocking on doors, and Ted IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES More than 4 decades of economic mis- took on a county-wide assignment with the Tuesday, February 28, 2006 management and endemic corruption have landfill, closing open dumps and developing a resulted in widespread poverty, poor health solid waste plan that was the envy of the Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- care, declining education levels, poor infra- area and so effective the private sector want- er, with the death of CPT Sandor Lebron Gor- structure, and continuously deteriorating ed to buy it.’’ don in a tragic car accident on Sunday, No- economic conditions. During the year, poor The jurist closed with, ‘‘He was an all- vember 27, 2005, our State lost a true South around guy with a great sense of humor. He economic policymaking, lingering con- was truly the Mark Twain of our era and he Carolina hero. sequences of the 2003 private banking sector always used humor to make the best of a sit- Captain Gordon led a selfless life, dem- collapse, and the economic consequences of uation.’’ ‘‘It is with deep sadness that I share onstrated by his commitment to his family and international sanctions further weakened with you that Ted Smith passed away late his country. The son of Reverend and Mrs. the economy. The estimated annual per cap- yesterday (Thursday) at Hamot Medical Cen- Sammie L. Gordon of Orangeburg, SC, Gor- ita income was approximately $225. Most of ter as the result of a heart attack he suffered the population of more than 50 million live don grew up in a home where love, hard work in rural areas at subsistence levels. Sunday evening,’’ DeCinque said. and concern for others were cherished and ‘‘Ted was among the early faculty who es- honored. It was these characteristics that The Heritage Foundation ranked Iran and tablished JCC as the premiere community North Korea as the only countries with more college in New York,’’ he said. ‘‘Whether as made him successful in life. As a husband, his wife and college sweet- restrictive economies than that of Burma. a faculty member, founding dean of the But economic misery is probably the least of Cattaraugus County Campus, dean of aca- heart, the former Angela Nicole Strong called the problems faced by Burma’s long-suffering demic affairs, or retiree, Ted’s contributions him her ‘‘very best friend.’’ His son James to JCC are legend.’’ praised his father for the love and concern he people. DeCinque continued with, ‘‘Ted led JCC gave him and his little brother Simeon. My son Citizens still did not have the right to through the development phase of many aca- Alan and the men of the 3d of the 178th Field criticize or change their government . . . Se- demic programs as well as the growth of our curity forces continued to carry out extraju- Cattaraugus County Campus, our outreach Artillery Battalion who served with Captain dicial killings. Disappearances continued, into Pennsylvania, and our Dunkirk center.’’ Gordon in Iraq said of him ‘‘Sandor always and security forces raped, tortured, beat, and The academician pointed out, ‘‘Ted was had a smile to share, an ear to listen, and a otherwise abused prisoners and detainees. recognized with the SUNY Chancellor’s hand to shake. He was a selfless humani- Citizens were subjected to arbitrary arrest Award for Excellence in Teaching in 1975 and tarian who volunteered to leave the safety of without appeal.—2004 STATE DEPARTMENT the JCC Foundation’s John D. Hamilton his base to take school supplies, clothes, food HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT. Award in 2001. He is among the select few to and water to the neediest Iraqi children living There are more than 1,100 political pris- receive these highest honors associated with nearby.’’ oners in Burma, who are abused and tortured. the college.’’ DeCinque went on with, ‘‘Ted was highly Captain Gordon was a member of Omega Seven are reported to have died in custody regarded throughout the state both as an ed- Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated, the NAACP, last year, and just last month a 38-year-old ucator and a political leader. His service on and was voted ‘‘Top 20 under 40 Midlands democratic activist died in custody due to in- the Chautauqua County Legislature led to Successful Businessmen’’ for the year 2005. A adequate medical attention.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.001 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E204 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 28, 2006 Over 15 years ago the National League for killing tens of thousands, driving hundreds of His Bureau has kept attention focused on Democracy, led by Nobel laureate Aung San thousands, perhaps millions, of others into Burma when most have forgotten it. We also Suu Kyi and other democratic forces, won an exile as refugees or within Burma as displaced heard testimony from Assistant Secretary of overwhelming victory in free elections, 82 per- persons. It has destroyed over 2,500 villages, State Christopher Hill, who is the chief execu- cent. The junta refused to accept the results and uses rape as an instrument of policy. And tor of our President’s policy to change Burma. or to call Parliament into session. Instead it to wage these wars, it has resorted to con- Additional witnesses included: Mr. Bo Kyi, of imprisoned many activists, including Aung San scription of children: more than 70,000 child the Assistance Association of Political Pris- Suu Kyi, who has spent 10 years under house soldiers may be serving, in horrible cir- oners, a former political prisoner himself, who arrest. Her current house arrest is tantamount cumstances, in Burma’s bloated army. described his own torments, and the ongoing to solitary confinement. She has been cruelly The U.N. Special Rapporteur for Human struggles of democracy activists in Burma and kept away from her children, and her husband, Rights, Sergio Pinheiro, has not been allowed in exile; Naw Win Yee, a leading member of who died abroad. For 15 years the junta has into Burma for 2 years. In January 2006, U.N. the Shan Women’s Action Network, an organi- cynically proclaimed its intention to draft a new Special Envoy to Burma Razali Ismail re- zation comprised of refugee women living in constitution via a national convention, with no signed his post after nearly 5 years, since the Thailand that works for human rights, freedom participation by the people’s democratic rep- junta has not allowed him into the country for and democracy in Burma and also works to resentatives. That national convention has 2 years. elevate the roles of women in Burmese politics again been adjourned, with no constitution, With such a record, it is no wonder that the and society. SWAN produced a ground break- and no freedom, in sight. U.S. has a wide array of sanctions in place ing report on the military regime’s use of rape Since 1999, the U.S. Secretary of State has against Burma, many of which must be re- as a weapon of war in Burma that was subse- designated Burma as a ‘‘Country of Particular newed this year. And many wonder, can any quently corroborated by the U.S. State Depart- Concern’’ under the International Religious progress be made? Yet in the midst of so ment; Mr. Tom Malinowski, the Washington Freedom Act for particularly severe violations much darkness, there has been light this year. Advocacy Director for Human Rights Watch, of religious freedom. In September 2005, Nobel Laureates Arch- who urged the U.S. to keep the pressure on According to the U.S. Department of State, bishop Desmond Tutu and former Czech the Burmese regime; and Ms. Anastasia Burma continues to be a Tier 3 Country for President Vaclav Havel released a major re- Brown, the Director of Refugee Programs, Mi- human trafficking, and ‘‘the junta’s policy of port documenting Burma’s human rights prob- gration and Refugee Services for the United using forced labor is a driving factor behind lems as a threat to regional peace and secu- States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Burma’s large trafficking problem.’’ The ILO rity. USCCB, who had just returned from a visit to has condemned Burma’s use of forced labor, In December, with the strong support of the the Burmese refugee camps in Thailand, and and the ILO representative in Burma has re- United States, U.N. Undersecretary for Polit- made an urgent and eloquent plea for quick ceived death threats. Burma has threatened to ical Affairs Ibrahim Gambari, in the unusual action to resolve the problems of the resettle- quit the ILO. Burma regularly prosecutes those but significant presence of Secretary General ment of Burmese refugees. All the witnesses who complain about forced labor. Last Octo- Kofi Annan, personally gave the Security provided strong confirmation that Congress ber, Burma sentenced a 34-year-old woman to Council its first-ever briefing on the situation in needs to stay closely involved in the ongoing 20 months in prison for ‘‘criminal intimidation’’ Burma, a possible first step towards tougher human rights tragedy in Burma. of local officials. Her offense? She had the te- international action. He went on record that f merity to initiate the first successful prosecu- the Burmese junta imprisons dissidents, ig- tion for use of forced labor in Burma. She had nores basic human rights, and is steering the MOURNING THE LOSS OF ELI lodged a complaint in 2004 against local gov- country ‘‘towards a humanitarian crisis.’’ SEGAL ernment officials over their use of forced labor The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, on a road construction project. She exercised ASEAN, which Burma joined in 1997, has fi- HON. RAHM EMANUEL her right to do this under new regulations in- nally moved from a posture of ‘‘constructive OF ILLINOIS troduced by the government to appease the engagement,’’ without sanctions or diplomatic IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES International Labor Organization, ILO. She is pressure, to a more proactive approach to pro- Tuesday, February 28, 2006 now in prison, and her appeal was summarily mote change. denied. But most of all, we owe this progress to this Mr. EMANUEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Burma is high on the list of uncooperative administration. Secretary of State honor the memory of my dear friend Eli Segal. drug-producing or transiting countries, and Condoleezza Rice, Assistant Secretary of I offer my sincerest condolences to his wife of there is evidence of military and government State Christopher Hill, and even more impor- 40 years, Phyllis, his brother, Alan, and his involvement in the narcotics traffic. Burma pro- tantly, President George Bush, have been re- children, Mora and Jonathan. We have lost a duces about 80 percent of Southeast Asia’s lentless in making the world face up to the ap- tremendous political mind, tireless social advo- heroin, and is one of the largest producers of palling disaster in Burma. We have just begun, cate, a loving husband and father, and a self- methamphetamines in the world. It exports its and we have a long way to go, but we in Con- less friend who, as President and Senator illicit narcotics throughout China and South- gress are determined to support these efforts CLINTON said, ‘‘lived his life as a man for oth- east and Central Asia. to bring peace and freedom to the heroic Bur- ers.’’ And as Burma’s heroin circulates through mese people, who, in the face of so much per- Eli was born in Brooklyn in 1942, headed to Asia, so does HIV/AIDS, which Burma refuses secution and suffering, still persist in their res- Massachusetts for undergraduate work at to take seriously as a domestic problem, al- olute struggle for justice. Brandeis University, and graduated from the though the U.N. estimated in 1999 that over The next logical step to take is for the U.S., University of Michigan’s law school in 1967, half a million adults had HIV. According to one which is currently President of the Security making an impact at each stop along the way. estimate, Burma spent only $22,000 in 2004 Council, to introduce a Security Council Reso- Washington, DC, though, is where Eli’s foot- to help AIDS victims. In 2005, the regime lution calling on Burma, in the strongest pos- print is most clearly visible. tightened restrictions on NGOs and U.N. sible terms: to release Aung San Suu Kyi and Eli’s work as a campaign strategist is well agency staff providing humanitarian assistance other political prisoners; implement a program documented, from his time on the late Eugene in Burma. The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tu- for national reconciliation that includes the Na- McCarthy’s staff in 1968 through his work for berculosis and Malaria announced in August tional League for Democracy; and grant imme- General Wesley Clark during the 2004 elec- that it was terminating its $98 million program diate and unhindered access to all parts of tion. It was during George McGovern’s cam- on the ground that ‘‘its grants to the country Burma for U.N. relief agencies and other inter- paign, though, that Eli hired a young man cannot be managed in a way that ensures ef- national humanitarian organizations. named William Clinton to run the campaign’s fective program implementation.’’ The French Such a resolution should include a timeline Texas operations, and I am extraordinarily contingent of medical aid group Medecin Sans for compliance and punitive sanctions if the thankful that Eli made that decision. If not for Frontieres reportedly plans to withdraw from SPDC fails to comply. that particular hire, I probably would not have Burma because of restrictions imposed on ac- We heard testimony from Assistant Sec- had the chance to work so closely with Eli dur- cess to villagers. retary of State Barry Lowenkron, of the Bu- ing the Clinton administration, and I would not The military’s self-justification for its dec- reau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor. be fortunate enough to count myself as one of ades of arbitrary rule is to protect Burma from It was Mr. Lowenkron’s first time before this the thousands of people whose lives were ‘‘instability.’’ Yet for 40 years it has waged House, and we look forward to a very fruitful touched by Eli. Then again, if President Clin- endless war on the nation’s ethnic minorities, collaboration on the vital issues he promotes. ton had not hired Eli to help run his campaign

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.005 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E205 in 1992, it is entirely possible that none of us iors on the structure of American government emerging leader in the community. Mr. Speak- would have worked in the White House any- and its processes. Post #100 also provides er, I thank you for this opportunity to highlight way. flag etiquette classes for grade-school children the achievements of Joshua Carpenter and I Following his work on the campaign trail for and sponsors the Americanism in Government am pleased to join with members of the com- President Clinton, Eli became an incredible program, as well as oratorical programs. munity to congratulate him on being named asset to the administration, creating the These competitions test the knowledge and the 2006 ‘‘Youth of the Year.’’ I wish him con- AmeriCorps program and heading the Welfare public speaking abilities of tenth, eleventh, and tinued success and happiness in all of his fu- to Work Partnership. These and other accom- twelfth grade students, allowing the winners to ture endeavors. plishments are why he received the Presi- advance to compete at district, State, regional, f dential Citizens Medal for service to the Nation and national levels. in 2000 and the respect of his peers long be- Throughout the past 75 years, American Le- CELEBRATING THE BIRTH OF fore then. gion Post #100 has installed 37 commanders, ELLA BRIDGES STEGMAIER It was during this time that I came to know 4 of which have gone on to serve as first dis- Eli well. The common bond of working to- trict commanders. These men are: Ralph HON. JOE WILSON gether in the White House was obviously a Becktel (1934), Jay Hott (1968), Hank Cook OF SOUTH CAROLINA contributing factor, but Eli and I became (1992), and John Wrolen (2001). At their 75th IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES friends not because of circumstances, but be- anniversary celebration, Post #100 will honor Tuesday, February 28, 2006 cause of character. He truly was an incredible all living past commanders for their service. They are: Robert Pifferitti, Albert Kinsey, Al- Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- person, and I consider myself to be privileged er, today I am happy to congratulate Paige to have worked with him in the Clinton Admin- fred Hanson, Jr., Robert Wilson, John Wrolen, Terry Szostek, Richard Davies, Ronald and Christian Stegmaier of Chapin, SC, on the istration. I consider it to be an even greater birth of their new baby daughter. Ella Bridges honor that we continued to be friends after our Blaney, and Evin Eakins. All of these past commanders and district commanders should Stegmaier was born on February 16, 2006, at time in the White House. 3:10 p.m., weighing 7 pounds and 8 ounces Mr. Speaker, all of us who knew Eli Segal be honored for their service and dedication to and measuring 20 inches. Ella has been born will always remember his warmth, compas- veterans and the community. into a loving home, where she will be raised sion, and insight. Eli was taken from us too Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and my other by parents who are devoted to her well-being early, and we surely will miss him, but we distinguished colleagues join me in congratu- and bright future. Her birth is a blessing. were fortunate to have him in our lives while lating the members of the East Gary Memorial we did. Neither he nor his impact will be for- American Legion Post #100 on the 75th anni- f gotten. versary of their noble organization. These giv- THE INTERNET IN CHINA f ing and selfless individuals continue to dedi- cate their time and unrelenting efforts to serve TRIBUTE TO EAST GARY MEMO- local veterans and their community. I am HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH OF NEW JERSEY RIAL AMERICAN LEGION POST proud to represent them in Congress. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 100 f Tuesday, February 28, 2006 RECOGNIZING JOSHUA CAR- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY PENTER, EDEN’S ‘‘YOUTH OF yesterday I chaired a hearing on the Internet OF INDIANA THE YEAR’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in China regarding an issue that is deeply troubling to me, and I believe, to the American Tuesday, February 28, 2006 HON. BRIAN HIGGINS people: that American technology and know- Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with OF NEW YORK how is substantially enabling repressive re- great respect and admiration that I wish to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gimes in China and elsewhere in the world to congratulate the members of the East Gary Tuesday, February 28, 2006 cruelly exploit and abuse their own citizens. Memorial American Legion Post #100 as they Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Over the years, I have held 25 hearings on celebrate their 75th Diamond Jubilee Birthday. recognize Joshua Carpenter, a young man human rights abuses in China, and while Chi- To commemorate this special occasion, Post who was named town of Eden 2006 ‘‘Youth of na’s economy has improved somewhat, the #100 will be having an anniversary dinner on the Year.’’ human rights situation remains abysmal. So- Saturday, March 11, 2006 at the Post #100 Josh has demonstrated leadership and out- called economic reform has utterly failed to re- American Legion Hall in Lake Station, Indiana. standing service to his school, community, and sult in the protection of freedom of speech, ex- The East Gary Memorial American Legion at the Boys and Girls Club of Eden in par- pression, or assembly. The Laogai system of Post #100 was chartered in 1931. Since its in- ticular. Joshua became an active member of forced labor camps is still full with an esti- ception, the members of Post #100 have dedi- the Boys and Girls Club the year of its incep- mated 6 million people; the Chinese govern- cated themselves to the mission of serving tion in 2002. He and his peers benefited from ment permits a horrifying trade in human or- veterans and the community. Post #100 mem- the experiences they shared at the club; there- gans; the PRC’s draconian one-child-per-cou- bers go above and beyond to serve veterans, fore, Joshua decided that he would like to ple policy has made brothers and sisters ille- as evidenced by their continued work with the work at the Boys and Girls Club to share gal and coerced abortion commonplace; and Indiana Veterans Home in Lafayette, Indiana; these experiences with other young members. political and religious dissidents are systemati- the Knightstown Soldiers and Sailors Home in He brings energy and enthusiasm to each ac- cally persecuted and tortured. Knightstown, Indiana; and the Hines VA Hos- tivity and acts as a mentor for others. Similarly, while the Internet has opened up pital in Hines, Illinois, where they provide visi- In addition to the work he does with the commercial opportunities and provided access tation and assistance to veterans in need. In Boys and Girls Club, Carpenter is actively in- to vast amounts of information for people the addition, Post #100 has always been very ac- volved in the community where he lives. He world over, the Internet has also become a tive in various POW/MIA programs. Post #100 participates in the ICC Church Youth group malicious tool: a cyber sledgehammer of re- has also taken an active role in promoting and volunteers at the PTA-sponsored festivals pression of the government of China. As soon local public service by sponsoring a law en- as well as at family events that are held at the as the promise of the Internet began to be ful- forcement officer/firefighter/EMT competition, school. filled—when brave Chinese began to e-mail of which present Commander John Wrolen Joshua is an outstanding Eden High School each other and others about human rights serves as District Chairman and State Co- senior. He has a keen interest in learning issues and corruption by government lead- Chairman. about other cultures and expands his aware- ers—the Party cracked down. To date, an esti- Currently, Post #100 and its members also ness through his participation in the Model mated 49 cyber-dissidents and 32 journalists support the following youth programs: Amer- United Nations Club. He was named to the have been imprisoned by the PRC for merely ican Legion Baseball, Boy Scouts of America, National Honor Society during his junior year posting information on the Internet critical of Girl Scouts of America, the Special Olympics, and remains active in several NHS-sponsored the regime. And that’s likely to be only the tip and several programs that focus on patriotism programs. Additionally, Josh is a leading of the iceberg. and American government. In particular, they member of the tennis team. Tragically, history shows us that American are active in Hoosier Boys’ and Girls’ State, a I am proud to honor Joshua Carpenter companies and their subsidiaries have pro- program that aims to educate high school jun- today, an outstanding young man and an vided the technology to crush human rights in

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.009 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E206 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 28, 2006 the past. Edwin Black’s book IBM and the Hol- ‘‘China torture’’ or ‘‘Falun Gong,’’ the search mote human rights. This is why I have intro- ocaust reveals the dark story of IBM’s stra- results are blocked, or you are redirected to a duced HR 4780, the Global Online Freedom tegic alliance with Nazi Germany. Thanks to misleading site, and the user’s computer can Act of 2006, to promote freedom of expression IBM’s enabling technologies, from programs be frozen for unspecified periods of time. on the Internet. for identification and cataloging to the use of Cisco has provided the Chinese government There are some encouraging and innovative IBM’s punch card technology, Hitler and the with the technology necessary to filter Internet public and private efforts already underway in Third Reich were able to automate the geno- content through its creation of Policenet, one this area. Electronic Frontier Foundation, for cide of the Jews. of the tools the regime uses to control the instance, allows Windows-based computers to U.S. technology companies today are en- Internet. Cisco holds 60 percent of the Chi- become proxies for Internet users, circum- gaged in a similar sickening collaboration, de- nese market for routers, switches, and other venting local Internet restrictions. Through the capitating the voice of the dissidents. In 2005, sophisticated networking gear, and its esti- efforts of the U.S. Broadcasting Board of Gov- Yahoo’s cooperation with Chinese secret po- mated revenue from China, according to ernors’ fund of a mere $100,000, VOA and lice led to the imprisonment of the cyber-dis- Derek Bambauer of Legal Affairs, is estimated Radio Free Asia’s Web sites are accessible to sident Shi Tao. And this was not the first time. to be $500 million annually. Yet Cisco has Chinese Internet users through proxy servers According to Reporters Without Borders, also done little creative thinking to try to mini- because of the technology of Dynaweb and Yahoo also handed over data to Chinese au- mize the likelihood that its products will be UltraReach. thorities on another of its users, Li Zhi. Li Zhi used repressively, such as limiting eaves- Earlier this month, the technology firm was sentenced on December 10, 2003 to dropping abilities to specific computer ad- Anonymizer announced that it is developing a eight years in prison for ‘‘inciting subversion.’’ dresses. new anti-censorship technology that will en- His ‘‘crime’’ was to criticize in online discus- Similarly, Google censors what are able Chinese citizens to safely access the en- sion groups and articles the well-known cor- euphemistically called ‘‘politically sensitive’’ tire Internet filter-free. The solution will provide ruption of local officials. terms, such as ‘‘democracy,’’ ‘‘China human Women and men are going to the gulag and rights,’’ ‘‘China torture’’ and the like on its new a regularly changing URL so that users can being tortured as a direct result of information Chinese search site, Google.cn. Let’s take a likely access the uncensored Internet. In addi- handed over to Chinese officials. When Yahoo look at what this means in practice. A search tion, users’ identities are apparently protected was asked to explain its actions, Yahoo said for terms such as ‘‘Tiananmen Square’’ pro- from online monitoring by the Chinese regime. that it must adhere to local laws in all coun- duces two very different results. The one from Lance Cottrell of Anonymizer said it ‘‘is not tries where it operates. But my response to Google.cn shows a picture of a smiling couple, willing to sit idly by while the freedom of the that is: if the secret police a half century ago but the results from Google.com show scores Internet is slowly crushed. We take pride in asked where Anne Frank was hiding, would of photos depicting the mayhem and brutality the fact that our online privacy and security the correct answer be to hand over the infor- of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre. An- solutions provide access to global information mation in order to comply with local laws? other example: let’s look at ‘‘China and tor- for those under the thumb of repressive re- These are not victimless crimes. We must ture.’’ Google has said that some information gimes.’’ stand with the oppressed, not the oppressors. is better than nothing. But in this case, the lim- In conclusion, I am hopeful that the hearing I was recently on a news show talking about ited information displayed amounts to was the beginning of a different sort of dia- Google and China. The question was asked, disinformation. A half truth is not the truth—it logue—a discussion on how American high- ‘‘Should it be business’ concern to promote is a lie. And a lie is worse than nothing. It is tech firms can partner with the U.S. govern- democracy in foreign nations?’’ That’s not nec- hard not to draw the conclusion that Google ment and human rights activists to bring down essarily the right question. The more appro- has seriously compromised its ‘‘Don’t Be Evil’’ the Great Firewall of China, and on how priate question today is, ‘‘Should business en- policy. It has become evil’s accomplice. America’s greatest software engineers can able the continuation of repressive dictator- Not surprisingly, Americans, not just Chi- use their intelligence to create innovative new ships by partnering with a corrupt and cruel nese, are also the victims of this censorship. products to protect dissidents and promote secret police and by cooperating with laws On an informal request from the Chinese gov- human rights. that violate basic human rights?’’ ernment, Microsoft on December 30, 2005 I would also like to recognize and honor the I believe that two of the most essential pil- shut down the blog of Zhao Jing because the work of Dr. John S. Aird, a distinguished lars that prop up totalitarian regimes are the content of Zhao’s blog on MSN Spaces was American whose immeasurable contributions secret police and propaganda. Yet for the offensive to the PRC. Zhao had tried to orga- as a scholar, population expert, and defender sake of market share and profits, leading U.S. nize a walk-off of journalists at the Beijing of human rights have changed the lives of so companies like Google, Yahoo, Cisco and News after their editor was fired for reporting many over the course of his career. Microsoft have compromised both the integrity on clashes between Chinese citizens and po- It was with great sadness that I learned of of their product and their duties as responsible lice in southern China. However, Microsoft Dr. Aird’s death last October. His passing rep- corporate citizens. They have aided and abet- shut down the blog not only in China, but ev- resents a grave loss for all of us who are com- ted the Chinese regime to prop up both of erywhere. It not only censored Chinese ac- mitted to ensuring human rights around the these pillars, propagating the message of the cess to information, but American access to world, and his tremendous work in this and dictatorship unabated and supporting the se- information, a step it has only recently pulled other fields will not be forgotten. cret police in a myriad of ways, including sur- back from. Like Yahoo, MSN defended its de- Dr. Aird, former Senior Research Specialist veillance and invasion of privacy, in order to cision by asserting that MSN is committed to on China at the U.S. Census Bureau, served effectuate the massive crackdown on its citi- complying with ‘‘local laws, norms, and indus- for 28 years as that organization’s resident ex- zens. try practices in China.’’ Regrettably, I haven’t pert on the population of China. He was a Through an approach that monitors, filters, been able to find an MSN statement on its forthright and vehement critic of the Chinese and blocks content with the use of technology commitment to global laws, norms, and indus- government’s coercive one-child family plan- and human monitors, the Chinese people try practices protecting human rights in China. have little access to uncensored information Standing for human rights has never been ning policy. about any political or human rights topic, un- easy or without cost. It seems that companies During his retirement, Dr. Aird worked as a less of course, Big Brother wants them to see have always resisted having to abide by eth- full-time volunteer. He provided expert testi- it. Google.cn, China’s search engine, is guar- ical standards, yet we have seen the success mony in immigration courts for 415 families, anteed to take you to the virtual land of deceit, of such agreements as the Sullivan principles helping Chinese citizens fleeing their country’s disinformation and the big lie. As such, the in South Africa and MacBride principles in coercive family planning programming to se- Chinese government utilizes the technology of Northern Ireland. I, and many of my col- cure asylum in the United States. U.S. IT companies combined with human cen- leagues on both sides of the aisle, would wel- John S. Aird was truly one of the most in- sors—led by an estimated force of 30,000 come leadership by the corporations to de- formed and outspoken opponents of China’s cyber police—to control information in China. velop a code of conduct which would spell out one-child policy. He testified before this and Web sites that provide the Chinese people how they could operate in China and other re- other Congressional committees on numerous news about their country and the world, such pressive countries while not harming citizens occasions, and I believe my colleagues would as BBC, much of CNN, as well as Voice of and respecting human rights. But I believe our join me in saying that his insights were con- America and Radio Free Asia, are regularly government also has a major role to play in sistently persuasive and well-considered, and blocked in China. In addition, when a user en- this critical area, and that a more comprehen- proved invaluable to our work on human rights ters a forbidden word, such as ‘‘democracy,’’ sive framework is needed to protect and pro- in China.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.013 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E207 RECOGNIZING R.S. OWENS & Pastor Cato Brooks, Jr. of the Tree of Life Tree of Life Community Development Cor- COMPANY Missionary Baptist Church In Gary, Indiana, poration. In this capacity, she and her housing and his wife, Mrs. Bettye Brooks. The mem- development partner have successfully HON. RAHM EMANUEL bers of the Tree of Life Missionary Baptist rehabbed over 600 housing units in Gary, East OF ILLINOIS Church will be honoring Pastor and Mrs. Chicago, and South Bend, Indiana. In addition, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Brooks throughout the month of March for Mrs. Brooks serves as the administrator for Tuesday, February 28, 2006 their many years of service to the congrega- Treasure’s Child Development Center and was Mr. EMANUEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tion. recognized for her efforts in 1993 with the Pastor Brooks was born in Forrest City, Ar- recognize the exceptional craftsmanship of Athena Award by the Gary Chamber of Com- kansas, where he attended Steward Elemen- R.S. Owens & Company, the manufacturers of merce. Mrs. Brooks also serves in many other tary School and Lincoln High School. During the Academy Awards for over 20 years. I am capacities within the church and the commu- high school, Pastor Brooks proved himself to proud to have ‘‘Oscar’’ as a constituent, and I nity. She is a Sunday School teacher, a trust- be a stellar athlete, having been honored as hope my colleagues will join me in watching ee, Executive Director of Development and an All-State football and basketball player. For the work of R.S. Owens & Company arrive in Training, Finance Coordinator, and First Cook his efforts in athletics, in 1999, Pastor Brooks Hollywood from Chicago. at the church. She is also a past president of was honored by his hometown and inducted With the Oscars soon approaching, tele- the Ernie Pyle PTA and the Inter-Denomina- into the Hall of Fame. Following high school, vision sets around the Nation will be tuned in tion Association of Minister Wives’ and Wid- Pastor Brooks attended Southern University in to watch movie stars as they stroll down the ows’ of Gary and Vicinity. red carpet, hoping to receive the Academy Baton Rouge, LA and then answered the call to serve a tour of duty in the U.S. Army. Upon Most impressively, the Brooks’s never let Award, an internationally recognized symbol of their accomplishments get in the way of their excellence in film. While the main attraction of completion of his tour, he returned to school at family. Pastor and Mrs. Brooks are also the the night may be the directors, actors, and film the University of Kansas, seeking a degree in Sociology. Pastor Brooks has also attended proud parents of 6 children and 13 grand- makers receiving the awards, the 131⁄2 inch, children. gold-plated statuettes hold an important place the Mid-America Baptist Seminary, Ouachita in the night’s event and traditions. Baptist University, and Indiana Christian Uni- Mr. Speaker, at this time I ask that you and R.S. Owens is the Chicago-based award- versity, where he earned a bachelor’s and a my other distinguished colleagues join me in manufacturing company responsible for pro- master’s Degree, as well as a doctorate of di- congratulating Pastor and Mrs. Cato Brooks, ducing the world-renowned Academy Award. vinity. Pastor Brooks also received his Ph.D. Jr. as they are honored for their service and Since they were recommended for the manu- in Communiology from California Western Uni- ministry throughout the month of March. Their facturing of the award in 1983, the academy versity of Palo Alto, CA. years of service have touched and improved Pastor Brooks began his ministry on Janu- has selected R.S. Owens to produce the the lives of all whom they have served. Their ary 26, 1969. He served as Pastor of the statuettes year after year, in recognition of unselfish and lifelong dedication is worthy of Greater Friendship Missionary Baptist Church their fine work in the field of award design and the highest commendation, and I am proud to in Little Rock, Arkansas from 1970 to 1977 be- production and of their exemplary dedication represent them in Congress. to the craft. fore relocating to serve as Pastor of the First Baptist Church in East Chicago, Indiana; 18 R.S. Owens has been involved in awards f manufacturing since 1938. It began, as many months later, Pastor Brooks organized the great things do, as a small idea from an enter- Tree of Life Missionary Baptist Church, serv- HONORING DR. LILLIAN VITANZA prising man, Owen Siegel. His idea has grown ing a congregation of only 26 members, where NEY FOR BEING AWARDED THE from a small dream into one of the most suc- he continues to serve today as Senior Pastor. PAUL HARRIS FELLOW AWARD cessful award manufacturing companies in the He is also the Chairman of the Tree of Life United States. Community Development Corporation and While so many companies in the manufac- Care Center and a former Chaplain for the HON. BRIAN HIGGINS turing field have turned to automated machine Gary Police Department. OF NEW YORK work, R.S. Owens has remained grounded pri- Pastor Brooks has also achieved many ac- marily in handwork. The company employs colades and accomplishments throughout his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES workers who are masters in their craft, and lifetime. To name a few, Pastor Brooks has Tuesday, February 28, 2006 take great pride in their work—pride that is been recognized by the NAACP, A Walk With- evident in the quality of award they continually out Fear, for his efforts in the civil rights move- Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to produce in a field where the product is so ment, and on May 23, 2004, he was elected honor Dr. Lillian Vitanza Ney of Jamestown, closely scrutinized as to allow no errors in Moderator of the Northern Indiana Missionary NY, for being awarded the Paul Harris Fellow workmanship. Baptist District Association. In addition, Pastor award, the Rotary Club’s highest honor. Mr. Speaker, it is with great pleasure that I Brooks published his first book, Studies in recognize the excellent craftsmanship of R.S. Ephesians, in September 2003. The Paul Harris Fellow recognition is given Owens & Company in their production of the The youngest of 9 children, Bettye Brooks to show appreciation for contributions to the Academy Award. The company’s fine work was born in Little Rock, Arkansas, where she Rotary Club’s charitable and education pro- and dedication make it an excellent example attended the Little Rock public schools. She gram. A contribution of $1,000 was given on of flourishing businesses throughout Chicago. later attended Arkansas Baptist College, Hen- behalf of Dr. Ney. It is an honor to know that such an innovative derson State Teachers’ College, Philander Dr. Ney is a graduate of Jamestown High and responsible company calls Chicago its Smith College, and Indiana University North- School and Wells College. She earned her home. On behalf of the Fifth District of Illinois west. Mrs. Brooks has a degree in Business medical degree from State University at Buf- and the city of Chicago, I congratulate R.S. Administration and is a certified Personnel falo. She serves as wellness director, cardi- Owens on their continued excellence in their Management Specialist, Housing Counselor, ology director, medical education director and field, and look forward to the showcase of this and Housing Development Professional. vice president of medical affairs at WCA Hos- year’s batch of awards at the ceremony this Mrs. Brooks has held several positions in pital and is a member of several professional March. government and community service through- organizations. out her professional career. She has been a f Dr. Ney is also highly involved in the com- Grants Management Supervisor for the City of TRIBUTE TO PASTOR CATO munity she served as a city councilwoman in- Little Rock, a State Planner for the State of BROOKS, JR. cluding being the first female city council Arkansas, serving under then-Governor Bill president. She was one of the founding mem- Clinton, a personnel director for Pulaski Coun- HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY ty, AR, a Regional Program Specialist for the bers of the Jamestown Area Youth Orchestra OF INDIANA National Urban League, and an Employment and is a board member for several community IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Specialist for the Lake County Job Training organizations. Tuesday, February 28, 2006 Corporation. Dr. Ney has shown great dedication and ex- Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with After coming to Tree of Life in 1991, Mrs. cellence in her work and community. That is great pride and sincerity that I wish to honor Brooks became the Executive Director of the why, Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor her today.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.017 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E208 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 28, 2006 CELEBRATING THE BIRTH OF atmosphere and rampant official corruption. In is quite real and very important for the welfare ELIZABETH CARROLL ESKEW late 1989, Charles Taylor, a former member of of its 3 neighbors. The Bush administration the Doe government and an escapee from a and Congress must take these facts into ac- HON. JOE WILSON prison in America, began an insurgency that count in developing policies and programs to OF SOUTH CAROLINA eventually toppled the Doe government in respond to Liberia’s new, post-election reali- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1990. Several years of factional fighting dev- ties. astated the capital city of Monrovia, as well as f Tuesday, February 28, 2006 much of the country. Following a rather shaky Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- cease-fire, a 1997 election brought Charles IKE WEATHERLY ESSAY WINNERS er, today I am happy to congratulate Lisa and Taylor to power. By that time, more than Tucker Eskew of Alexandria, VA, on the birth 150,000 of his countrymen had died in the HON. MIKE PENCE of their new baby daughter. Elizabeth Carroll fighting, and more than half the population had OF INDIANA Eskew was born on February 23, 2006, at been displaced. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 3:56 p.m., weighing 7 pounds and 1 ounce. The Taylor regime was a disaster for Libe- Tuesday, February 28, 2006 Elizabeth has been born into a loving home, ria. Taylor and his government looted the Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise this morning where she will be raised by parents who are treasury and Liberia’s natural resources. Polit- on the last day of Black History Month to con- devoted to her well-being and bright future. ical opponents were jailed, or in the case of gratulate Chandler Boys, Brynden Danner and Her birth is a blessing. Sam Dokie and his family members, they were Tristen Horton. These three fine students from f killed. However, Taylor also was a catastrophe Anderson, Indiana were recently named win- for its West African neighbors. Rebels who ELLEN JOHNSON-SIRLEAF ELECT- ners in the Ike Weatherly Essay Contest. had been supported by Taylor have desta- Ike Weatherly was a school board member ED AS FIRST FEMALE PRESI- bilized Sierra Leone, Guinea and Cote DENT OF INDEPENDENT AFRICA and respected community leader in East Cen- d’Ivoire. tral Indiana. The Essay Contest held in his Taylor’s crimes against his own people stim- honor is part of the curriculum to help students HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH ulated an insurgency that eventually led to his better understand the achievements of Afri- OF NEW JERSEY negotiated exile in Nigeria. His crimes against can-Americans in our Nation’s rich history. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the region led first to United Nations sanctions Chandler, Brynden and Tristen wrote care- Tuesday, February 28, 2006 in 2001 for his support of the Revolutionary fully crafted and insightful essays detailing the United Front rebels in Sierra Leone and sub- accomplishments of three of American his- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, on sequently to an indictment for war crimes by tory’s Black leaders. I had the pleasure of January 16, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf was sworn the UN-sponsored war crimes tribunal in Si- speaking with each of them when they ap- in as the first elected female president in the erra Leone in 2003. peared on the ‘‘WHBU Morning Show with Le- history of independent Africa. Mrs. Sirleaf had The issue of Taylor’s extradition to the Si- land Franklin and Bret Busby’’ last week. run against Charles Taylor in 1997, but lost, at erra Leone Special Court remains high on the Chandler Boys of Eastside Elementary least partly due to the impression that Taylor agenda of the U.S. Government. Neverthe- wrote about Medgar Evers, a 1950s civil rights would return to war if he failed to win the elec- less, there are internal issues facing the new leader and Army veteran who taught the im- tion. Following the election, Mrs. Sirleaf spent government in Liberia that also are pressing, portance of education, religion and hard work. a great deal of time outside Liberia, and many and that was the main focus of our hearing Brynden Danner of Liberty Christian School observers felt her gender and her supposed last week on Liberia and the impact of its elec- wrote about the struggles faced by Charles lack of common touch would prevent her from tion on West Africa. Cooper, the first Black athlete drafted by the ever being elected President. During the Taylor regime, and apparently Boston Celtics. In 2005, former international soccer star also during the transitional government head- And Tristen Horton of Erskine Elementary George Weah captured the imagination of ed by Gyude Bryant, corruption became a way wrote about Lonnie G. Johnson, an Air Force many inside and outside Liberia, who felt that of life in Liberia. Illegal logging and mining and veteran and NASA scientist who is noted as his connection with Liberia’s youth made him just plain theft of government resources were the inventor of the super soaker water gun. an almost inevitable winner, despite his lack of commonplace. In fact, the transitional govern- Mr. Speaker, I again congratulate Chandler, education and political experience. However, ment officials reportedly took furniture, com- Brynden and Tristen for their fine work in hon- in the run-off election between the two, Mrs. puters and even rugs and light fixtures when oring America’s Black leaders and wish to Sirleaf employed modem campaign tech- they left office just a couple of weeks ago. In submit their essays into the CONGRESSIONAL niques, including polling, message develop- one of her first acts as President, Mrs. Sirleaf RECORD. ment and targeted campaigning to achieve a fired the entire staff of the Ministry of Finance MEDGAR EVERS stunning victory. Her connection with women for corruption and told the officials to stay in (By Chandler Boys) voters may have made not only the difference the country pending an audit. The ministry and Medgar Evers was born on July 2, 1925 in in her election, but also may pave the way for the Central Bank significantly differ as to the Decatur, Mississippi. Medgar would grow up other female candidates throughout Africa. amount of money on hand for government op- in the Depression of the 1930’s. His father Now that she is leading this West African erations. worked in a sawmill. His mother was a laun- nation, the question is: What can she do to Those funds are desperately needed to re- dress. He was the youngest of four children. turn it around from the chaos and poverty into pair Liberia’s roads, water systems and power In their home they believed in education, re- which it had fallen? From its independence in supply—all of which suffered from years of ligion, and hard work. Medgar went to all black schools. Medgar and his siblings had to 1847 until 1980, Liberia was ruled by the de- warfare and neglect. The Sirleaf government walk a long way to school. They did not have scendants of former slaves from the United will have to examine all contracts to determine many school supplies. Their schools had few States. They managed to turn this nation into if they are in the best interest of the nation teachers, many students, small classrooms, an economic engine, using the country’s and rationally exploit Liberia’s resources. Too and old books. wealth of natural resources. Abundant sources many of the population of 3 million remain dis- In 1942, Medgar joined the United States of water and fertile soil supported rubber, palm placed, and 85 percent of Liberia’s people are Army. He joined the Army to see the world. oil and tropical fruit plantations, as well as unemployed and 80 percent live below the He was in World War II. He fought in France some of the richest timber supplies in Africa. and Great Britain with a segregated group. poverty line. About 70 percent of the popu- When he returned home from the war he reg- Liberia’s mountains contained some of the lation survives on agriculture, which remains istered to vote. But angry whites wouldn’t highest quality iron ore in the world, and there disrupted due to the lingering impact of the let him. were significant deposits of diamonds and war. Evers returned to school on the G.I. bill. gold. If Liberia is to recover from its long night- He finished high school and college. He met Unfortunately, the so-called Americo-Libe- mare, the United States will have to take the his wife, Myrlie Beasley, during this time. rians denied the descendants of the indige- lead among the international community to as- During school he was elected into many stu- dent offices and joined many sports teams. nous people their benefit from Liberia’s natural sist in that restoration. That will require focus In December 1954, he was elected to be the wealth and their fair share of political power. and consistency in America’s engagement. NAACP state field secretary. His family The 1980 coup by then-Sergeant Samuel Doe Liberians feel a kinship to America that moved to Jackson. Myrlie was made the sec- led to the ascendancy of indigenous ethnic Americans do not share with Liberia. Never- retary. Evers faced many challenges. He in- groups, but it also led to a poisonous political theless, our country’s relationship with Liberia vestigated racial murders and cases of abuse

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.020 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E209 of black victims. He tried to convince local E. Rich who passed away peacefully on his son, Bob Rich Jr. But Western New York youth to get more involved. Statewide mem- Wednesday, February 15, 2006. He was a lov- will sorely miss Robert E. Rich. bership of the NAACP chapters almost dou- ing and dedicated husband, father, grand- bled from 1956 to 1959. f On June 12, 1963, Medgar Evers was shot in father and great-grandfather. He was an in- spiring colleague and friend. He was an ath- IN MEMORY OF CORRIN FITTS the back in his driveway. He was coming BOWERS home. He died later that night. On June 22, letics enthusiast. He was an innovative and 1963 Byron Beckwith was arrested for shoot- legendary entrepreneur and founder. And, he ing Evers. Beckwith had two trials with all- was a generous and compassionate commu- HON. JOE WILSON white juries. They ended with a hung jury. In nity and industry advocate. OF SOUTH CAROLINA February 1994, Beckwith was found guilty Mr. Rich began his path to frozen food in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and sentenced to life in prison. Beckwith dustry fame in 1935 as owner and operator of Tuesday, February 28, 2006 died there. Medgar Evers was a hard working Wilber Farms Dairy. In 1945, while serving as man. He was loved very much by his family. the war food Administrator in Michigan, he Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- er, all South Carolinians mourn the loss of the THE STAR WHO COULDN’T SHINE learned about successful research at the late Corrin Fitts Bowers of Estill who was the (By Brynden Danner) George Washington Carver Institute on the devoted husband of the beloved Mary Eleanor Charles H. Cooper was an N.B.A. basketball use of soybeans to create innovative food star who was never allowed to let his talent products. After investigating the use of soy- Bowers who served with distinction as Office shine. On April 25, 1950, Cooper was the first beans, he developed the world’s first non-dairy Manager in the Second Congressional District black player to be drafted by the Boston whipped topping. Rich’s industry-leading rep- Office for ARTHUR RAVENEL, FLOYD SPENCE, Celtics. He played on a N.B.A. team for six utation was as a family-owned business dedi- and JOE WILSON. hard years where race was more important cated to treating customers around the world The following obituary ran in The State than his skills. like family. He was also committed to con- newspaper on February 23, 2006: Owners of white only hotels refused to rent tinuing the company’s aggressive worldwide Corrin Fitts Bowers, 77, died February 22, a room to Cooper separating him from his 2006, surrounded by his loving family. He was teammates on long trips. When they played growth while maintaining its headquarters in born July 5, 1928, in Luray, South Carolina, games in the southern states, the Celtics Buffalo, NY. to Grover Ford Bowers and Corinne Fitts were told to leave Cooper behind. Cooper’s In 1965, Mr. Rich was a charter member of Bowers. He was the grandson of Louisa John- teammates supported his right to play and a group which attempted to bring a National ston and Dr. Paul Ford Eve Bowers and that made the violence grow more and more. Hockey League franchise to Buffalo. In 1972, Francis Gray and Eugene deTreville Fitts, Black players received very little national through Rich Products, he purchased the all of Luray. attention. Even though Cooper played four naming rights of the new football stadium for He attended school in Luray and Estill, years for Boston, one year for the Milwaukee the Buffalo Bills. In 1988, he authorized the where he finished high school in 1945. He at- Hawks and one year for the Fort Wayne Pis- tended both the University of South Carolina tons he was never recognized for his great purchase which kept the Buffalo Bisons, the and Newberry College. He was the owner of athletic talent. Triple-A affiliate of the Cleveland Indians, in the hat that became the Bronze Derby, Cooper ended his career with a bad feeling town. Under his chairmanship of the Bisons, Newberry and Presbyterian Colleges’ much about basketball. All of the racial teasing the city constructed Pilot Field, which is now contended sports trophy. hurt him very deeply. He decided not to have Dunn Tire Park, which has become a source He was a lifelong farmer who farmed the bad feelings about people who treated him so of city pride and national attention. family land and grew cotton, corn, peaches badly. In 1961 Cooper got his masters degree Rich founded and headed up the University and watermelons. He served for many years in social work. Nine years later he was on the Production Credit Board in Walter- named the first black person to head a city at Buffalo’s Christmas Scholarship Fund which made 30 annual scholarships available to out- boro. He served as a member of Hampton government agency. He became the director County’s ASCA as well as the State Board of parks and recreation in Pittsburgh. At the standing scholar-athletes. In 1991, he was in- under President Jimmy Carter. In Estill, Mr. time of his death in 1984, he was an officer of ducted into the inaugural class of the Greater Bowers was the Democratic Committee Pittsburgh National Bank. Buffalo Sports Hall of Fame. Chairman for 10 years. In 1960 he placed in Chuck Cooper is an inspiration to me be- Mr. Rich continued his commitment to his the ‘‘Outstanding Young Farmers Award’’ cause he suffered many hard times in his life Buffalo home in 1989 with the decision to ren- and won the State Cotton—5 acre contest. He but never gave up. His story will always be a ovate and redevelop the historic 1200 Niagara served for many years on the S.C. District great lesson for me to remember. Street complex on the banks of the Niagara Housing Committee #2 as the chairman. He River on the city’s West Side. Today, the served as the first President of the Estill LONNIE G. JOHNSON, WATER GUN MAKER Jaycees and Co-Chairman of the 1964 Water- (By Tristen Horton) state-of-the-art facility is home to the Rich Re- melon Festival, which was held in Estill. Mr. Lonnie G. Johnson invented the world fa- search Center, hailed as the industry’s finest, Bowers was instrumental in bringing astro- mous water gun, the super soaker. For years the Rich Renaissance Niagara Atrium and nauts Gus Grissom and John Young to Estill Lonnie G. Johnson has been inventing things Conference Center, site of weddings, ban- on Mendel Rivers’ Day. He was one of the for NASA and other organizations; but he quets and business meetings, the Rich founders of Patrick Henry Academy, serving has achieved his greatest fame with his Wellness Center, and the Rich’s Family Cen- as the first temporary chairman. He served squirt gun, the super soaker. ter, Western New York’s first on-site child on the board of Patrick Henry for many Johnson started a childhood of creating daycare center which celebrated its 10th anni- years and remained a Trustee until his with inventing things out of old appliances. death. versary in 1999. Corrin Bowers was a member of In his senior year of high school, he won an In 2004, Rich’s made a significant pledge to around the world competition for a remote Lawtonville Baptist Church and served as an controlled robot he had built out of junkyard the National Restaurant Association Edu- active and inactive deacon there for 50 years. scraps. He went on to more formal training cational Foundation to establish the Robert E. He taught Sunday School, Training Union at Tuskegee University where he first earned Rich Aspiring Entrepreneurs Scholarship. Four and was chairman of the Building Committee a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and then scholarships each year support the continued several times. Mr. Bowers served on one pas- M.S. in Nuclear Engineering. Soon after, education of undergraduate students pursuing tor search committee and sang bass in the Lonnie G. Johnson joined the U.S. Air Force. careers in the restaurant and foodservice in- church choir. In the Air Force, he became advanced in dustry. Corrin and his family were avid hunters who loved to entertain. He and his two space systems. In 2005, Rich Products celebrated its 60th I am really happy he invented the super brothers, Grover and ‘‘Det,’’ were the soaker water gun because it’s just plain fun. birthday posting annual sales in excess of Lowcountry jitterbuggers. A girl cousin once $2.5 billion. The company sells more than f said, ‘‘You have not lived if you haven’t been 2,300 products in more than 85 countries and to a dance with one of the Bowers boys.’’ TRIBUTE TO ROBERT E. RICH employs more than 7,000 Associates world- Corrin was a charter member of the Monday wide, including more than 1,300 in its head- Night Couple’s Bridge Club for 56 years. He HON. BRIAN HIGGINS quarters in Buffalo, NY. was also a member of Estill Supper Club as Frozen food industry pioneer, architect of well as the Estill Lions Club. OF NEW YORK Corrin Bowers is survived by his wife of 56 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the nation’s largest family-owned frozen foods years, Mary Eleanor Wiggins Bowers; his manufacturer, sportsman, and community Tuesday, February 28, 2006 brother, Grover Ford Bowers (Macie); a son leader all describe Robert E. Rich. Rich Prod- Corrin Fitts Bowers, junior (Sallie) of Estill, Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ucts will continue to grow and thrive as a fam- daughters, Sharon Bowers Green (Roy) also honor prominent Buffalo businessman Robert ily business under the ongoing leadership of of Estill, and ‘‘Liz’’ Bowers Palles (Mitch)

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.025 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E210 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 28, 2006 and Graham Bowers Solana (Mark) of Savan- She opened and operated emergency shelters Delaware County Radio Committee, his work nah, Georgia; three granddaughters, Mary and provided leadership to more than 1,300 laid the foundation for the county-wide fire re- Crane Palles of Columbia, Louisa Sims Bow- volunteers from the area. sponse radio and the 911 service. ers of Estill and Mary Tippins Solana of Sa- Mr. Speaker, I hope Congress joins me in Within the community, Mr. Ward served the vannah; eight grandsons, John C. Green (Deana) of Jacksonville, Florida, Corrin J. recognizing the public service of Cerese Teel. borough of Chester Heights in numerous ca- Green (Hanna) of Columbia, South Carolina, The strength of our Nation dwells not in the pacities, including Fire Marshal, Council Mem- and Andrew N. Green, Mitchell D. Palles III, halls of the Capitol but the hearts of our peo- ber and President of Borough Council. In later and Corrin Fitts Bowers III, all of Columbia; ple. Cerese loved her neighbors and served years, he used his expertise from the fire serv- Joe, Henry and Gray Solana of Savannah; them. Mississippi has been blessed by her ice to serve as Coordinator of Emergency Pre- one guardian son, Thomas W. Folk, junior work and we honor her for her dedication, vi- paredness. (Jan) of Barnwell; two greatgrandsons, Pat- sion and compassion. Mr. Ward’s service activities also included a rick Bowers Green and William Fitts Green very active role in the Boy Scouts of Troop of Jacksonville, Florida; four nieces, Martha f B. Simons (Paul) of Aiken, Laurie W. Hanna 260, where as a boy he earned his Eagle IN MEMORY OF SAMUEL B. WARD, Scout. His leadership on the troop committee (Chris) of Estill, Stephanie W. Bates (Rob) of JR., LONGTIME CHESTER Chapin, and Tracy Wiggins of Columbia; provided opportunities for boys of the area to seven nephews, deTreville Bowers (Polly) HEIGHTS FIRE CHIEF WITH A experience adventure activities and other and Dr. Ford Bowers (Susan) both of Chapin, LEGACY OF PUBLIC SERVICE, projects to enhance their scouting life. His South Carolina, Ransey Bowers (Mary Wells) COMPASSION, COURAGE, AND other community involvement included various and Tison Bowers (Julie) of Columbia, Bill DEDICATION service organizations, including the Lions, Jay- Bowers (Val) of Savannah, Georgia, Grover cees, Veterans of Foreign Wars and Bowers III (Derbi) of Okatie, South Carolina, and Bob Wiggins (Rachael) of Estill, South HON. CURT WELDON Concordville Rotary. Carolina; one brother in law, R.G. ‘‘Bro’’ OF PENNSYLVANIA Mr. Ward worked throughout his career as a Wiggins (Kay) of Estill, South Carolina. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES metal fabricator, eventually founding his own First cousins, Betty Fitts, Cecilia Baker of Tuesday, February 28, 2006 business, which had a reputation for quality Estill, Mary Eleanor Rouse, Robert and and innovation for more than 34 years. Mary Bowers of Luray; Paul Bowers of Mr. WELDON of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, He married the former Mary Frances Allenda1e; Frances F. DeLoach of Beaufort; I rise today with great sadness and tremen- Ahearn, his high school and college sweet- Deloris F. Jenkins of Barnwell, SC., dous gratitude to honor the life of my good heart, in 1951, who died in 1995. He is sur- Franklena Geiger of Atlanta, Georgia and friend, Samuel B. Ward, a longtime Chester vived by one daughter, Joan and four sons, Araminta E. Harris of Salisbury, N.C. He was Heights Fire Chief, veteran, engineer and predeceased by his brother, deTreville Bow- Steven, James, Lawrence and Joseph, and ers and survived by his wife, Evelyn community leader. As his family, friends and one sister, Polly (Madeline); and seven grand- Pendarvis Bowers Kuebler. The pallbearers neighbors mourn the passing of Sam Ward, I children. for Corrin Bowers are his grandsons with his want to take a few moments today to remem- Mr. Speaker, the 7th Congressional District nephews standing nearby, in a group. The ber his work and the difference he made in has lost an exceptional public servant, and I honorary pallbearers include: Harry Hanna, the community he served so bravely and self- have lost a good friend. I wish Chief Ward’s Montague Laffitte, Dr. Luke Laffitte, Clarke lessly. family, my heartfelt condolences and may they Baker, Paul Peeples, Dr. J.D. Rouse, junior, Mr. Ward was born in Chester, but grew up Ashley Bush, Dr. Harrison L. Peeples, Lester find comfort in knowing that the many people in Chester Heights, a community with whom he impacted deeply value his dedication and Cook, Richard Mixson, George Barber, Coy he had a life-long affiliation. After enlisting at Johnston, Bill Ratcliff, Bill Stewart, Clyde generosity and the example of his life and Eltzroth, Harold Mack, Bill Sprague, Homer the end of World War II, he attended Pennsyl- work. Chief Samuel B. Ward exemplified the Peeples, Mendel Davis, Billy Wier, Billy vania Military College, now Widener Univer- spirit of service that has made this country Yonce, Bart Waller, Randolph Murdaugh III, sity, where he played football and received a great. This man was a genuine community Lee Bowers, Karl Bowers, Hughsie E. Long, Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engi- leader. He not only did his job well, he loved Tony Reardon, Hugh T. Lightsey, Damian neering. it, and the community he served. We are safer Centgraf, John D. Carswell, his faithful em- Commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the ployees and his kind and loving caregiver because of his life and service. I am person- Ordinance Corps, he was detailed to the In- ally grateful to have known Chief Ward as a Jerrod Steven Wilson. Visitation will begin fantry and served in Korea as a Heavy Mortar at 3 p.m. Thursday, February 23, 2006, at 362 friend, and mourn his passing. Wyman Blvd. in Estill, South Carolina and Platoon Leader and Executive Officer, earning f continue until 1 p.m. Friday when Mr. Bow- his Combat Infantry Badge. After returning ers will be taken to the church. from Korea, he was assigned to the Tank and SUPPORT FOR JAVITS-WAGNER- Funeral is 3 p.m. Friday, February 24, 2006, Automotive Command in Michigan before O’DAY PROGRAM at Lawtonville Baptist Church with Rev- leaving the military and returning to Chester erend. Dr. James Norris, officiating. Heights. HON. LYNN A. WESTMORELAND Burial: Lawntonville Cemetery. After his military service, he returned to the The family requests in lieu of flowers, me- OF GEORGIA morials be made to Lawtonville Baptist fledgling Chester Heights Volunteer Fire Com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pany, and was elected to positions of increas- Church Parsonage Building Fund, P.O. Box Tuesday, February 28, 2006 1057, Estill, SC 29918. ing leadership including Engineer, Assistant f Fire Chief, and finally Fire Chief, a position he Mr. WESTMORELAND. Mr. Speaker, I held for 35 years. would like to share with my colleagues a star- RECOGNIZING THE SERVICE OF Firefighting is a matter of life and death, and tling statistic—the 50 percent unemployment CERESE TEEL individuals like Sam Ward assume an enor- rate of people with disabilities in this country. mous responsibility when they accept the job For those with severe disabilities, the number HON. CHARLES W. ‘‘CHIP’’ PICKERING of running a fire department. They are respon- is even graver at 70 percent. OF MISSISSIPPI sible for the lives, homes, and livelihoods of It is easy to focus on the disability of a per- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES thousands of citizens throughout their commu- son, not the ability. But people with disabilities nity. And on a day-to-day basis they become want to work, and can work. We must recog- Tuesday, February 28, 2006 directly responsible for the health and welfare nize the potential of all Americans, and pro- Mr. PICKERING. Mr. Speaker, last month, of all the men and women they supervise. vide the opportunities needed to allow people Cerese Teel retired as executive director of Chief Ward discharged his enormous respon- with disabilities to become self-sufficient, inde- the Oktibbeha County chapter of the American sibilities with real distinction. During his 35 pendent, tax-paying citizens. Red Cross. Through 7 years of ice storms, years as chief, a good department became To that end, I am proud to support employ- wind storms and the mother of all storms— even better. Chief Ward was respected for his ment opportunities for people with disabilities, Hurricane Katrina—Cerese served her com- commitment to public safety and his ability to particularly through the Javits-Wagner-O’Day, munity with diligence and a noble spirit. get things done. JWOD, Program. During her time as executive director, she An innovator in the fire service, he devel- The JWOD Program uses the purchasing oversaw the chapter’s expansion as they oped the first workable portable Air Bank in power of the Federal Government to buy prod- moved into new headquarters and purchased the county, a system which recharges the air ucts and services from participating, commu- and outfitted an emergency response vehicle. packs worn by firefighters. As chairman of the nity-based nonprofit agencies dedicated to

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.030 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E211 training and employing individuals with disabil- the project by a unanimous vote then again In his earlier years, Jack was a mason or ities. in 1985, 1987, 1989 and 1996. as he would say, a bricky. (Jack belonged to The people who are blind or who have other Jack, although small in stature, pursued local 31 in Lowell) He was a strong union this project with the vigor of a small army. man (as was his dad). Whenever Jack ran for severe disabilities who work under the JWOD He had the boundless energy, as seen by political office he would make sure that the Program are given the opportunity to acquire the different positions he held throughout union bugs would appear on all his literature job skills and training, receive good wages his political and non-political activities. and anyone he backed for political office and benefits and gain greater independence Jack was elected to the Sewer Commission must have the union bug on their literature and quality of life. This program allows people in 1980. as well or got his wrath. with disabilities enjoy full participation in their He became a selectman in 1982; his mom Jack was a good listener, he read a lot, he community and can market their JWOD- was so proud of him at that accomplishment always updated himself on current events, he that she would introduce Jack to everyone was also, to say the least, an impatient driv- learned skills into other public and private sec- she met, this is my son ‘‘the selectman.’’ He er. tor jobs. is and will continue to be Chairman of the When I say Jack was a good listener I In the United States, the program serves Chelmsford Sewer Commission. He holds the mean he would evaluate the situation, ask 40,000 people with disabilities and generated distinction of being the longest continuous the right questions and decide on the ap- approximately $280 million in wages earned serving chairman of any board in the town of proach on how to handle the problem. As and nearly $1.5 billion in products sold. In Chelmsford. someone said to me the other say, if you called Jack Emerson with a problem, you Georgia alone, approximately 1,000 people At one time in the mid eighties, Jack was the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, knew he would take care of it. with disabilities earned nearly $3 million in Chairman of the Sewer Commission, and As- Jack would read the papers and political wages last year as a result of JWOD. sistant Director of Public Health in the same journals and the project contracts. He would It is with great pleasure that I recognize the year. You could say he had the whole town go over the contracts with a fine tooth comb great contributions of American workers with wrapped up in his hands. Jack was on the and inevitably would find errors. Whether it disabilities and I encourage others to do so on Board of Registrars, Dog Pound Committee, was misspelled words, wrong sentence struc- February 23, which is National Disability Day. Town Meeting Representative, Lowell Re- ture, or pricing errors. Jack was involved in gional Transit Authority Board, and member all aspects of the project. More importantly, let us all remember every- Wherever we went Jack had to drive, it day that every person has ability. Everyone of the Chelmsford Elks, Advisory Board of Camp Paul and Good Friends Incorporated, was like his security blanket. If you have has something to share for the greater good. and Catholic Charities. How Jack did all this ever driven with him, you know it is quite an America truly works best when all Americans is beyond comprehension. The only solution experience. No need to call it road rage, just work. I commend the JWOD Program, its sup- I can find is it must have been his mom’s ‘‘Jack’’ rage. Thankfully, we all survived. I have given you some of the background of porters, and its participants for making a dif- chicken soup that kept him going. (She made Jack Emerson the man, some of which you the best.) ference where it is needed most. already know, some you might have read in I first met John Patrick Emerson, Jr. f the newspapers. Now I want to tell you about (known affectionately by his friends as ‘‘the something you may not know about Jack Flea’’) in Jack’s Diner. I started going there TRIBUTE TO JOHN ‘‘JACK’’ Emerson the Person. EMERSON when I first moved to town, (yes, I am a I had the privilege and honor of being his blow-in, but so was Jack—he moved here friend for 26 years; we talked or saw each from Lowell in the fifties, so I feel I am in other almost everyday. So I can talk from HON. MARTIN T. MEEHAN good company.) I would go in for my morn- experience. OF MASSACHUSETTS ing coffee and happen to sit next to this man You know anyone that loved animals had IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES who was holding court, discussing politics to be a good person. Jack loved his dogs. and this sewer project. It was Jack Emerson. Through the years he had 6 dogs, Cocoa, Tuesday, February 28, 2006 He introduced himself, we talked, and the Cory, Courtney, Toto, Chelsea and Commish. Mr. MEEHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay rest was history. We enjoyed each other’s He loved them, but his all time favorite was special tribute to John ‘‘Jack’’ Emerson who company and over the years we became best Cocoa. They were so close that when Jack of friends. developed Pancreatitis, so did Cocoa. Cocoa passed away on December 29, 2005 at the I learned more about Jack’s passion to es- age of 64. Jack was a loving father and hus- is the first dog in the country, or maybe tablish a sewer program for the town of even the world to have a pump station band, an outstanding public servant, and Chelmsford and how he felt the need to help named after him. The Cocoa Emerson Pump friend and mentor to many, including myself. people less fortunate than himself. Jack con- Station located next to the town dog pound I ask unanimous consent to enter into the vinced me to run for the sewer commission on Old North Road. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD the eulogy given by in 1984 and we have been together since that In 1959, Jack graduated Chelmsford High Jack’s good friend Barry Balan on January 3, first campaign. School where he had many friends, though Speaking of politics, some people may be 2006. none as close as Sam Parks, Paul Lehayes, surprised to know Jack Emerson was a Dem- and Bobby Hughes. They remain close Jack Emerson, a devoted husband, caring ocrat (as was his Dad before him and pres- friends to this day. father, man of compassion, civic leader, ently his brothers Packy and Danny and his Jack’s charity knew no bounds, whether it mentor and colleague. A man I am proud to sister Ellen, although Jack would say Ellen’s was giving to the Secret Santa Fund, or call my friend. politics were even further to the left than being his own Santa by adopting a family at There are not enough words to describe his.) Jack was as passionate about his poli- Christmas, or Thanksgiving. His charity did this man, who has made such an impact on tics as he was about helping people. Jack not stop all year long; he was involved with this community and all who met him. Know- would rather cast a ballot for a yellow dog Good Friends, Inc., Camp Paul and Catholic ing Jack for 26 years, I will give you a before he would vote for anyone who was not charities. He was most affected when chil- glimpse into the man who has made a dif- a Democrat. dren were involved. Jack was the most car- ference in so many people’s lives. Although he was a Democrat, he did tran- ing and giving person I have ever met. The Lowell Sun called Jack a man of vi- scend party lines when it came to helping He was a fun loving person with sharp with sion, but I believe he was also a visionary. the people of Chelmsford. and a keen sense of humor. He loved music Webster defines a visionary as not founded He was a master at reading people and sit- from the fifties and sixties; it was one of his on fact, imaginary, and impractical, having uations. Before going to town meetings for a passions. On one occasion he had the radio idealistic goals or aims incapable of realiza- crucial vote on the project, Jack would say on in the wagon playing ‘‘Tuti Fruti tion. ‘‘all we have to do is be up front with the Alaroody’’. I asked him how he liked the He had the uncanny ability to take some- voters, if we tell them the facts and are hon- type of music the kids of today enjoy. He thing that was idealistic and incapable of re- est and tell the why, we should have no prob- said hard rock, rap, and heavy metal just alization and make it real. Thus was born lem, they will give you the vote we need and don’t make any sense, so I said Tuti Fruti the Chelmsford Sewer Project. People told you know they did. That philosophy has held Alaroody does, we both had a laugh over him that it was impractical, it would cost fast throughout Jack’s career and is still that. too much, and it would bring too much held by his friends on the commission. Jack had many talents, one of them being growth to this suburban community of In 1996, Jack walked up to the town meet- dancing. I think if he had a second vocation, Chelmsford. It would change life as people ing floor microphone and said he needed he would have been a dance instructor. He knew it. Jack, in his own inevitable way forty-nine million dollars to proceed with loved dancing. Once he got on the dance floor took up the challenge and for four long years the project and that if need be, he was pre- and started his feet moving, he would dance he went on cable TV to every church, syna- pared to give a lengthy presentations to all night. gogue, civic group, or gathering of two or show them how it would be used. In three Jack was an avid golfer as are his two more people, to sell the town on the sewer minutes the motion was seconded and passed brothers. He was a member of Mt. Pleasant project. In 1984, town meeting rewarded his unanimously. That was Jack; prepared, Golf Club for over 30 years. He and his broth- efforts and appropriated the first funds for truthful, trustworthy. ers would often play in tournaments. When

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.034 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E212 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 28, 2006 Jack, George and Danny were playing golf fame for good people, Jack would be your upon the world’s canvas our promise to together, you might think World War III had first choice. If they gave out a friend of the change the lives of people around the globe broken out. Its amazing to me they all sur- year award, Jack’s name would be on the with the most outstanding health education, vived. On the golf course they were fierce plaque. And if they gave out awards for de- compassionate care and superior science as competitors, but off they had each other’s voted husband and father, Jack would be the we confidently fulfill the obligations of our love and admiration. One year at Mt. Pleas- first in line. sacred oaths. ant, Jack and Briana entered the father- Well my friend, you have come to the end Let no one doubt that our faculty is com- daughter golf tournament and came in first. of a long hard fought journey. You put up posed of men and women who are devoted Jack thought he had another natural golfer the good fight as always. It’s time for us to healthcare professionals, educators and re- in the Emerson family. say so long, but not goodbye. You will be searchers of extraordinary competence and Briana breaking with Emerson tradition able to rest knowing that what you started integrity. We believe that every human life decided to take up dance instead of golf and will be carried on. We, your community will is precious and that this great institution Jack supported her in that endeavor. watch over Peggy and Briana, as I am sure and its members are obligated and com- He was devoted to his family, his mom you will be watching over us. Say hello to mitted to providing everyone with the best Betty and his dad John Sr., he loved his your mom, dad, brother Charlie, and all your care and leadership possible. Our care for the brothers; Charlie, Packy and Danny (Dennis) friends who are with you. I know if God body is strengthened by our faith in the in- and his sister Ellen. He loved all his nieces, needs a waste water system, you’ll be the trinsic worth of every human soul. There- nephews and cousins. If they needed a help- guy to start the project. So Mr. Chairman, fore, our current practices provide important ing hand, Jack was there and they were you will be deeply missed by all who knew and lifegiving care to individuals, insight there for Jack. you. I love you. So long old friend. and direction to communities, and research I mentioned how he loved children, well Peggy has asked me to read a prayer that that provides the hope that tomorrow will be Briana, Joe Maher and I had the great honor Jack liked. It was read at his dear friend Ira better than today. of being with your father in the hospital Park’s mass: Those of us who have dedicated our lives to when you were born, all you had to do was the health professions, indeed our vocations, I’d like the memory of me to be a happy one look at his face and you could see his excite- believe that we are making a difference. We I’d like to leave an afterglow of smiles when ment and energy. When the nurse came in all benefit from an understanding of the life is done and said ‘‘Mr. Emerson, you’re a daddy’’ past, the experiences of the present and the I’d like to leave an echo Whispering softly Jack jumped out of his chair and ran down intellectual curiosity that discovers and in- down the ways, the hall to see his beautiful baby daughter. vents those things that will enrich and Of happy times and laughing times and Briana, you are the light of his life, he loved strengthen our future. We believe firmly in bright sunny days you so much. He would talk about your our mission, and we are convinced that our I’d like the tears of those who Grieve, to dry dance recitals and especially the last one he faculty, staff and students are transcending before the sun saw you perform. He was really not up to par all expectations as they make the world a Of happy memories that I leave When life is that night, but he knew he wanted to see you better place in which to work and live. Our dance again. done. efforts have just begun, and the fruits of our You have grown up to be a beautiful young f labor shall have no end. lady with the compassion and love that was What then are the guiding principles of our part of your father. You now carry the ban- TRIBUTE TO DR. NANCY DICKEY organization that lead us to distinction in ner for dad. And as you grow up and have education programs, prominence in scientific children of your own, I know the legacy he research, and innovation? And, what are the has left will be carried forward. HON. CHET EDWARDS guiding principles that make our care of One evening Peggy’s brother, Connie OF TEXAS Stone, brought his friend home, by the name those who suffer illness more compassionate, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of John Emerson. Connie introduced his sis- comprehensive and successful? We pursue excellence in all we do. We are ter to John and it started a relationship that Tuesday, February 28, 2006 committed to providing the best care imag- lasted 40 years. Peggy, what can I say, your devotion to Jack was unquestionable; you Mr. EDWARDS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to inable for all Texans. We have a special call- have been Jack’s backbone. At times it was honor a champion for medical research and ing and duty to serve with sincerity and very difficult for you, through all his ups and health care innovation in this country, Dr. compassion the rural and under-served popu- downs with his health, but I know Jack loved Nancy Dickey, president of the Texas A&M lations in the great State of Texas. When one you and adored you; you were his wife, his University Health Science Center. The prin- person in our state is without needed care, we all suffer. If we know anything from friend and his nurse. I often told Jack that cipled work of Dr. Dickey is testament to ex- he married a saint. He would retort, ‘‘Barry, quantum physics, it is that everything in the cellence in medicine and scientific research universe is connected in one way or another. what are you talking about.’’ I would tell that will undoubtedly save countless lives. him ‘‘who else would put up with you but a Therefore, we intend to see to it that our saint.’’ He would say ‘‘you know, you’re While the pursuit of excellence character- connections are cared for with expertise and right.’’ Peggy, you have a beautiful daughter izes the mission of the students and faculty of excellence. who you have nurtured into a wonderful the Texas A&M Health Science Center, it is We are convinced that the myriad of multi- young woman and I know you will look for- their passionate commitment to the care of form fibers composing the human body make ward to the day that you tell you grand- it stronger, just as the diverse population of their fellow human beings that defines them our state make our mosaic stronger, better children all about their grandfather the se- and forges their vision for the future. There is lectman. and more beautiful. We take pride in the cul- You cannot put down in words what Jack no question that the architect of that vision is tural diversity found in Texas and we are Emerson has meant to this community, his Dr. Nancy Dickey. privileged to serve with tenderness and un- family, his friends and the people he has As a graduate of Texas A&M, it is my privi- derstanding all people, regardless of race, re- helped along the way. Jack Emerson leaves a lege to honor the work of Dr. Nancy Dickey ligion, cultural heritage or gender. We do not legacy that few people can claim. He started and I personally want to thank her for the limit our inquiries or services based upon a project that few people thought would suc- shining example to us all and wish her well in preconceived ideas or outdated conceptions of who is and who is not worthy. Every per- ceed, and because of his tenacity, it has suc- her future endeavors. ceeded, And along the way his success was son is worthy, and we are eternally invested recognized at the local and national levels. Mr. Speaker, at this time, I would like to in the solemn American promise of serving He was awarded the collection systems by enter into the RECORD a speech by Dr. Dickey everyone fairly, equally and honorably. the New England Environmental Association that serves as a powerful reminder of the im- We will never compromise our integrity or in 1994. In 1995 the national organization, portance of vital medical research in this coun- our academic freedom. We are steadfast in Water Environmental Association presented try and the groundbreaking work of the Texas our enduring commitment to honor and de- him with the national award in New Orleans. A&M University Health Science Center. cency in all we do. And, our good reputation He was voted man of the year for his accom- is best assured by transparency and account- plishments by the Chelmsford Chapter of the TEXAS A&M INAUGURAL CONVOCATION SPEECH BY ability in our every transaction and relation- Elks. In 2000 he was voted into the PRESIDENT AND VICE CHANCELLOR DR. NANCY W. ship. Our academic freedom fosters the nec- Chelmsford Hall of Fame. On October thir- DICKEY essary environment to promote lively dis- tieth of this year, at an emotional ceremony, Today we are making history. course and scientific inquiry. We cherish the Jack had just been released from the hos- We are assembled at this convocation not freedom to express informed viewpoints pital the day before; he was recognized by his only to celebrate our accomplishments and without fear, and we will never shrink from fellow Democrats and received the Greater honor our outstanding faculty, but also to our duties and responsibilities to our col- Lowell Area Distinguished Democrat award. affirm the honorable principles that guide us leagues and fellow citizens. His legacy lives on in his wife, daughter, toward our vision of excellence in medicine We trust in active collaboration and con- friends and the people of Chelmsford. and the healthcare professions. Let this day tinued professional development. Our re- If they gave out awards for Mr. Chelmsford forever be remembered as the day that the search, teaching and services are strength- it would be to Jack. If they had a hall of Texas A&M Health Science Center branded ened and enhanced by our relationships at

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.038 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E213 the personal and institutional levels. We cultural differences, deserve the benefits of portant and productive work of Alpha Phi take pride in our colleagues’ work and we compassionate care, superior science and ex- Alpha and other organizations began decades champion the growth and development of all ceptional education. ago, yet there is still much work to be done. those whose commitment to the health pro- Our health care professionals must main- fessions is intertwined with our enlightened tain and build upon their intellectual curi- We must redouble our efforts to provide the vision and valorous mission. osity. The future belongs to those who are African American community, and all of our Our principles of excellence, service to all, willing to be a part of the world, learn some- communities, with the tools needed to ensure diversity, integrity, academic freedom, col- thing new everyday, challenge the status that each individual has the opportunity to laboration and lifelong learning form the quo, break down unethical barriers, dem- achieve his or her full God-given potential. foundation from which the high vision and onstrate integrity at every juncture, and During Black History Month, we must recom- important mission of Texas A&M’s Health lead by supreme example. mit ourselves to supporting the ideals of Alpha Science Center is to rise to even greater na- Our faculty and students have a splendid Phi Alpha and other great institutions as we tional importance. We are unshakable in our destiny before them because they have the commitment to these principles because gifts and the will to forge a future in which continue to strive for a better America.’’ they define who we are. they will make the world a better and more f And, let me speak for a moment about who humane place. This is the future of which I PERSONAL EXPLANATION we are. The Health Science Center has an dream, this is the future that is possible, and outstanding faculty, including sixteen Re- this is the future that you will bring about. gents’ Professors and four Distinguished Pro- This is our commitment to and our hope for HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY fessors. We have faculty who have received the Texas A&M University’s Health Science OF CALIFORNIA national and international awards and Center. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES grants, faculty who represent the cutting f edge in their areas of study, and faculty who Tuesday, February 28, 2006 serve on national boards and organizations, TRIBUTE TO BLACK HISTORY Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, I was un- thereby influencing public policy in signifi- MONTH avoidably detained and missed rollcall votes cant ways. And, we have, if I may say so in all modesty, the first woman President of Nos. 12 and 13. Had I been present, I would The American Medical Association. HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN have voted ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall vote No. 12 and Our faculty does not have the advantages OF MARYLAND ‘‘no’’ on rollcall vote No. 13. of organizations and institutions with long f histories and traditions, but their genius, ef- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES forts and results demonstrate fully the Tuesday, February 28, 2006 NATIONAL DISABILITY DAY wealth of talent and brains we possess and of RECOGNITION which we are so very proud. In fact, I am Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, Black His- humbled by the many gifts possessed by our tory Month gives us an opportunity to reflect faculty. on and celebrate the historical accomplish- HON. TOM PRICE Our students are very special indeed. We ments of African Americans. This year’s na- OF GEORGIA graduate very bright healthcare profes- tional theme—‘‘Celebrating Community: A IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sionals who are not only devoted to caring Tribute to Black Fraternal, Social, and Civil In- Tuesday, February 28, 2006 for their patients and communities, but who stitutions’’—reminds us that the strength of the also see themselves as guardians of the pub- Mr. PRICE of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, re- lic good. They embrace their destinies as African American community is rooted in its cently we recognized National Disability Day. leaders and gladly accept their important fraternal and civic organizations. I’d like to share with my colleagues the many roles as citizens of a larger community. I have been privileged to have the oppor- barriers to employment that people with dis- We must never forget that professional, tunity to work with many of African American abilities face, such as transportation, environ- cultural and social competence go hand in fraternal and social organizations that are ac- ment, and stereotyping, though 11 years have hand. We teach our young people the values tive in my congressional district. They all do and behaviors that are consistent with their passed since the landmark passage of the important work that makes a tangible dif- Americans with Disabilities Act. expectations and responsibilities in their ference to the quality of life in our community. professions. We seek and enroll students People with disabilities continue to battle a from all walks of life whose inherent com- This year is the 100th anniversary of Alpha 50 percent nationwide unemployment rate, passion and desire to serve ensure that they Phi Alpha, and I would like to take this oppor- and for those with severe disabilities, the rate will adopt the best, tryout the unusual, and tunity to highlight this fraternity’s activities and is a shocking 70 percent. The key to changing leave our institution with mature confidence initiatives in my district. Alpha Phi Alpha is this statistic is to focus on the ability of an in- in their extraordinary abilities to meet the dedicated to serving others and to inspiring dividual, rather than the disability. challenges and opportunities their profes- and empowering people to achieve success in Hiring a deserving, qualified individual with a sions present now and tomorrow. And, as a all aspects of their lives. One of its distin- disability is not a charity. It’s a smart economic result of our commitment and our students’ guishing achievements is the establishment of determination to be leaders, we are con- decision. When a person with a disability is fidently and proudly producing tomorrow’s the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Founda- employed, they are transformed from a wel- leaders in the healthcare professions. tion Project, which will pay tribute to one of fare recipient to a tax payer, and that positive Texas A&M Health Science Center has the most influential figures in American history economic benefit ripples out to all tax-paying adopted and published its vision, mission and who worked to lead our nation towards greater citizens. principles, with the appropriate goals, objec- justice and unity. The group’s deep commit- The Javits-Wagner-O’Day (JWOD) Program tives and strategies attached thereto in ment to community empowerment through its in particular has been a critical force in assist- honor of this inaugural convocation. The numerous programs supporting education—its Pathways to Excellence 2015 is our declara- ing people with disabilities and creating self- tion of our belief in who we are and what we scholarship and mentoring programs and its sufficient, independent productive members of are to become. We take pride in its publica- efforts to inspire and motivate black youth society. The JWOD Program uses the pur- tion, we honor those who helped write it, and through its Career Fairs and Black Youth chasing power of the Federal Government to we are devoted to seeing it carried out. Achievement recognition programs—have buy products and services from community- In closing, let me state emphatically that made a difference to countless young people. based nonprofit agencies dedicated to training I am merely one of many here today. I am For many years, I have welcomed the op- and employing individuals with disabilities. The humbled and inspired by your devotion, portunity to attend the Montgomery County labor and dreams. Our future is joined, and people employed on JWOD contracts acquire we march forward individually and collec- Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity’s annual valuable job skills and training, receive good tively toward a future that is based upon Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Breakfast wages and benefits, and gain greater inde- ethics and science with the care of others program. This event, the success of which is pendence. foremost in our hearts and minds. evident in the consistent growth in the number The program serves 40,000 people with dis- In a world where business claims more and of attendees and the county-wide praise it re- abilities nationwide. Last year it generated ap- more of our professions, we must never for- ceives, is a service to Montgomery County. proximately $280 million in wages earned and get that love and compassion must attend This gathering provides an opportunity for our nearly $1.5 billion in products sold. In Georgia the care and service that we provide. Our doctors, scientists and educators must not community to rededicate itself to achieving alone, approximately 1,000 people with dis- live in sterile environments ignorant of the equality and justice for all. abilities earned nearly $3 million in wages last daily toils of those whom they serve. We are Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity’s impressive list year as a result of JWOD. devoted to the precept that all people, re- of members includes Justice Thurgood Mar- This is a program that truly makes a dif- gardless of geography, economic status or shall and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The im- ference in the nation and in Georgia. I’m

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.041 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E214 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 28, 2006 proud to recognize its impact on National Dis- of the next one. Fighting terror requires that educate and bring useful information to peo- ability Day. we look forward, and what keeps me up at ple, especially youth, people of color and f night is the possibility of a radiological bomb women.’’ or human terrorist entering our ports in an Representative Walker believes it critical to INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT ON uninspected container. get civil rights issues back into the public’s JOINT RESOLUTION When it comes to port security, we should eye. Disparities in poverty and the justice sys- have solid answers, not lingering questions. In tem are too great to stand idly by, she said. HON. JANE HARMAN this Era of Terror, there remains a constant Representative Keith Ellison was born in OF CALIFORNIA threat to our homeland. We don’t have the lux- Detroit, attended Wayne State University and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ury of waiting to harden the obvious vulner- then came to Minneapolis to attend the Uni- versity of Minnesota Law School. As a stu- Tuesday, February 28, 2006 able targets. I have visited the Los Angeles/Long Beach dent, he first got involved in the anti-Apartheid Ms. HARMAN. Mr. Speaker, last week I port complex many times. I have authored and movement. He and his wife have four children. stood at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long co-authored bipartisan port security legislation. ‘‘I was raised in a household where I was Beach, the largest container port complex in Representative DAN LUNGREN and I will intro- encouraged to question things,’’ he said. His the nation, with my good friend Senator SUSAN duce a comprehensive bill soon to ensure a grandfather had worked for voting rights, and COLLINS, the chair of the Senate Committee coordinated approach to maritime and cargo Ellison grew up listening to stories of those ex- on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- security through the authorization of key secu- periences. Ellison’s activism continued, and fairs. rity programs and initiatives, as well as a dedi- evolved into his profession as a trial lawyer, We both have championed the fight to cated funding grant program to shore up secu- working on death penalty cases in Louisiana, strengthen security at our ports. As of last rity gaps that exist at our Nation’s ports. Sen- as well as indigent defense work. Today at the week, neither of us had been briefed on the ators COLLINS, LIEBERMAN, and COLEMAN have Ellison Law Office, his legal work consists of review conducted by the Committee on For- introduced similar legislation in the Senate, criminal cases, civil rights cases and family eign Investment in the United States, CFIUS, and both bills will be the subject of hearings law. into the sale of stevedoring and terminal oper- in this Congress. Ellison was first elected to the Minnesota ations of many major eastern seaboard and This resolution on CFIUS is prudent; so are House of Representatives in 2002. He said Gulf Coast ports to a state-owned firm from our efforts to legislate enhanced port security. that instead of cajoling and persuading gov- Dubai. This sale would not only affect the six I urge its support. ernment leaders to pursue worthy programs, he was determined to work for change from major US port terminal facility leases that have f been reported, but additional operations in 15 inside the system. other locations, including ports shipping mili- TRIBUTE TO MINNESOTA STATE ‘‘When you’re a community activist, you pro- tary materiel. REPRESENTATIVES NEVA WALK- pose change,’’ he said. ‘‘But when you’re in Last week, we stated our concerns about ER AND KEITH ELLISON office as a public official, you make the the announced sale and our plan to issue a change.’’ As one of two black Representatives Joint Resolution of Disapproval. HON. MARTIN OLAV SABO in Minnesota, Ellison believes he helps to im- Today, I am introducing in the House the OF MINNESOTA prove the level of engagement for people of color in the state. ‘‘I think all people need to Joint Resolution which Senator COLLINS intro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES duced yesterday, S.J. Res. 32. This resolution have equal access to their government.’’ would do three things. First, it officially dis- Tuesday, February 28, 2006 He continues to work on issues of environ- approves of CFIUS’s initial review of the Dubai Mr. SABO. Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to mental justice, equal justice in the courts, vot- Ports World deal. Second, it requires CFIUS celebrate Black History Month by recognizing ing rights, and public safety. He is also a co- to rescind its previous decision and conduct a distinguished Minnesota legislators who are founder of the Environmental Justice Advo- formal 45-day investigation. Third, it requires civil and human rights leaders: Minnesota cates of Minnesota, which deals with environ- that CFIUS brief the Congress before allowing State Representatives Neva Walker and Keith mental hazards posed by pollution. the deal to proceed, if in fact that is the deci- Ellison. Ellison believes that the civil rights move- sion after a full, complete and proper evalua- Representative Neva Walker was born and ment forever changed America, but that Amer- tion of the national security risks posed by this raised in Minneapolis, and attended the Uni- icans must still work for economic, health, arrangement. versity of Minnesota. A ‘‘community baby,’’ as educational and social equality for all people. Since Senator COLLINS and I announced our referred to by elders, Walker comes from a Mr. Speaker, Neva Walker and Keith Ellison intentions last week, there has been some family deeply involved in the community, espe- are dedicated public servants who are making progress. Dubai Ports World has agreed to a cially the Sabathani Community Center which unique contributions to their communities, secondary review, the Administration has is a pillar of the community and a source of working for all people, but especially African agreed to a 45-day assessment of the sale, assistance to many. Walker grew up with this Americans and other people of color, women, and, beginning this week, some committees of sort of activism, and she now embodies it her- and the poor. They are committed to bringing Congress will now be briefed. self. the promise of America to all its people, and But the bad news is that this process got as Representative Walker was encouraged to work day in and day out to achieve that ideal. far as it did, and that it took deep bipartisan run for office when lobbying Minneapolis City I commend them for their activism and their concern to have Congress brought into the Hall on housing issues. When she learned that service in the Minnesota Legislature, and their loop. When our country considers these im- no African American woman had served in the dedication to making their communities, our portant deals, Congress should be on the front Minnesota Legislature, this firmed her resolve State, and our world a better place. lines, not the back bench. to run for office. In 2000, Neva Walker was f And as we heard yesterday from a Senate elected to the Minnesota House where she IN MEMORIAM THEODORE R. briefing, the U.S. Coast Guard cited their con- continues to address disparities of all kinds: ‘‘TED’’ SWEM cerns over the deal at the time. The U.S. health, poverty, racial profiling and out-of- Coast Guard plays a critical role in ensuring home placement. the security of our ports, and their reservations Representative Walker has a son, and is the HON. MARK UDALL OF COLORADO make me question why this deal was ap- youngest of seven children herself. In addition IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES proved as quickly as it was. to her service in the State House, Rep. Walker This issue has also served to highlight the contributes with many community involve- Tuesday, February 28, 2006 fact that our Nation’s ports remain inad- ments such as the Blaisdell YMCA board, the Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, on equately protected. ‘‘GirlsBEST’’ initiative through the Women’s February 7th, America lost one of its con- As a member of both the House Intelligence Foundation of Minnesota, and the Minneapolis servation leaders with the passing of Theo- and Homeland Security Committees, I have Youth Coordinating Board. She takes every dore R. Swem—known to everyone as consistently worked to improve our national opportunity reach out to people, speaking to ‘‘Ted’’—whose long career was marked by the security, and believe much remains to be groups that range from children in daycare to highest standards of dedication to the public done. When we focus 9 out of 10 transpor- college students. interest. tation security dollars on aviation security, we ‘‘I consider myself a seed planter,’’ Walker Born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on December fall into the trap of fighting the last war instead said about her efforts. ‘‘I’m always trying to 6, 1917, he attended Coe College, in Iowa

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:54 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.045 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E215 and received his Bachelor of Science in For- He was the recipient of the Meritorious and ness Month because of President Abraham estry from Iowa State University in Ames. Distinguished Service Award of the Depart- Lincoln’s Birthday. Lincoln is believed to have After completing one year of graduate work at ment of Interior, was recognized in 1981 by been affected by Marfan syndrome because of the Biology School at Harvard University, he the Japanese Government by receiving the the many outward signs of the disorder he went to work for the Colorado State Game 50th Anniversary Award for his distinctive work portrays. People with this condition are fre- and Fish Department, and eventually became in their behalf, and received the Robert Mar- quently taller than other non-affected members the Coordinator for the Federal Aid to the shall Award from the Wilderness Society on of their family with disproportionately long Wildlife Restoration Program. their 50th Anniversary—the Society’s highest limbs, fingers and toes. They often have an in- In 1946, he went to work at the Regional award presented to a private citizen. dented or protruding chest bone, a curved Office of the Bureau of Reclamation, where he Ted also received the Alaska National Parks spine, flat feet, a high arched palate and loose was responsible for wildlife, recreation, and Conservation Leadership Award and recogni- joints. land use planning in reclamation projects in a tion for his initial work on the making of the Other famous people with the Marfan syn- four state region. Klondike Goldrush an International Park be- drome include Jonathan Larson, the Tony During the 1950s, Ted worked with other tween the United States and Canada. Award-winning playwright of the Broadway conservationists to encourage Colorado legis- At the time of his death, he was living in musical Rent; Flo Hyman, captain of the U.S. lators to enact legislation to establish a state Colorado, where he had served on the Bureau Olympic Volleyball team who won a gold park system. Thanks to the efforts of Ted and of Land Management Land Disposal Com- medal in 1984, Charles de Gaulle, Rachmani- this group, today all Coloradans—and our visi- mittee for Clear Creek County, and performed noff, and Mary Queen of Scots. tors as well—can enjoy State Parks through- work on the Task Force for Evergreen Lake, Mr. Speaker, according to the National out Colorado. as well as on some of the Open Space areas Marfan Foundation, in my district in Pennsyl- In 1957, Ted joined the National Park Serv- in Jefferson County. vania there are approximately 190 families ice and steadily ascended to various planning Ted and his wife Helen were married 57 that have to live with this disorder and the fear positions, eventually becoming the Assistant years. Their four children now live in Denver, of dying at an early age. Director for Cooperative Activities in 1964. In Alaska, and Brazil. I hope the sadness of their According to the Centers for Disease Con- this capacity, he was responsible for studying loss is tempered by pride in their father’s trol, approximately 14,000 people die each potential areas, and master planning existing record of achievement and the many lasting year of aortic aneurysms and dissections, 20 areas of the National Park System, Wilder- gifts he has left to our country and the world. percent of which can be contributed to those ness, Federal Agency and State Assistance, f carrying a genetic disorder such as the Marfan Park Practice and the International Affairs Pro- syndrome. grams of the Service. RECOGNIZING FEBRUARY AS NA- Due to lack of medical awareness about the The large number of additions to the Na- TIONAL MARFAN AWARENESS tional Park System during the middle and late MONTH disorder, many people still die undiagnosed 1960s reflect the magnitude of this activity. and untreated. In September 1969, Ted became Super- HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK I rise today to commend those working in intendent of the National Capital Region of the my district and State who work tirelessly on OF PENNSYLVANIA this issue in the hopes of one day finding a National Park Service. In March 1971, he be- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES came the Assistant Director to the Director. cure for Marfan syndrome. From 1972 to 1976, Ted was responsible for Tuesday, February 28, 2006 Mr. Speaker, I encourage my colleagues to the National Park Service program activity in Mr. FITZPATRICK of Pennsylvania. Mr. join me and the National Marfan Foundation in Alaska as related to the Alaska Native Claims Speaker, I rise today to speak in recognition of raising awareness of this potentially life threat- Settlement Act, and was key to development February as National Marfan Awareness ening disorder. I look forward to working with of National Park areas in Alaska. Month and to pay tribute the thousands of members on both sides of the aisle to in- During this period, he became Chairman of people across the nation who are living with crease federal support for critical research and the Alaska Planning Group for the Department the Marfan syndrome and related connective prevention programs aimed at improving the of Interior and coordinated the multi-agency tissue disorders. quality of life for Marfan syndrome patients effort that produced the 28 ‘‘Four System’’ leg- The National Marfan Foundation is cele- and their families. islative proposals and related Environmental brating it’s twenty-fifth anniversary this year f Impact Statements as submitted to Congress and continues to dedicate itself to saving lives, by the Secretary of the Interior, Rogers C.B. and improving the quality of life for individuals IN MEMORY OF EDWARD R. Morton, in December 1973. In February 1976, and families affected by Marfan syndrome and CUMMINGS Ted retired from the National Park Service. related disorders by raising awareness, pro- Ted’s work thus set the stage for enactment viding support and fostering research. HON. TOM LANTOS of the Alaska National Interest Lands Con- This year marks the 15th annual National OF CALIFORNIA servation Act, which was signed into law by Marfan Awareness Month, a national aware- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES President Carter on December 2, 1980. This ness campaign which focuses on Marfan syn- Tuesday, February 28, 2006 Act is often called the most significant land drome, a genetic disorder of the connective conservation measure in the history of our na- tissue that can affect the skeleton, eyes, heart Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor tion. The statute protected over 100 million and blood vessels. Because of the disorder, the life of Edward R. Cummings of Maryland acres of federal lands in Alaska, doubling the the aorta, the large artery that carries blood and lament his untimely passing. Mr. Speaker, size of the country’s national park and refuge away from the heart is weakened and prone to we all know of the many unsung heroes that system and tripling the amount of land des- enlargement and rupture, which is often fatal. make this great institution work, the staff and ignated as wilderness. It is estimated that 200,000 people in the advisers who labor in obscurity but without While with the National Park Service Ted U.S. are affected by the Marfan syndrome or whom we could not do our work to represent was Chairman of the United States Section, a related connective tissue disorder. Marfan the American people. It is even more so in the Joint Japan-United States Panel on National syndrome is often hereditary, but 25 percent Executive Branch, where an individual can Parks and Equivalent Reserves. He was also of affected people are the first in their family spend a whole career and never be introduced a member of the Canadian-United States to have the disorder. It affects both male and to the wider public, laboring not for the rec- Committee on National Parks; a Board Mem- females and all ethnicities. Thousands do not ognition that drives so many in the public ber of the Wilderness Society Governing even know that they are affected and if left sphere but instead toiling to uphold the public Council; a member of the International Union undiagnosed, it can result in an early sudden interest to and to serve his country. Our gov- Conservation of Nature; and Chairman of the death from aortic dissection. ernment cannot function without such individ- Commission on National Parks and Protected There is no cure for Marfan syndrome, but uals and it is they who can bring order and Areas. with an early diagnosis, proper treatment and sanity to an ever changing kaleidoscope of fig- After his retirement he was president of the careful management of the disorder, the life ures who pass through the United States Gov- Wilderness Society Governing Council from span can be extended into the 70s. Without a ernment as elections occur and administra- 1978 to 1980; a Board Member of American diagnosis and treatment, people may die as tions change. Rivers, Inc.; and Management Consultant to early as their 20s, 30s or 40s. Mr. Speaker, yesterday this Nation lost such Silvertip Consulting and the Defenders of In addition, to National Heart Month, Feb- a person, a remarkable public servant and a Wildlife. ruary was designated National Marfan Aware- remarkable human being, Edward R.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:54 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.050 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E216 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 28, 2006 Cummings. Mr. Cummings served his country made an invaluable contribution to this nation where law school is but a starting point and it for over 30 years, first with the U.S. Army and and to humankind. is the learning from one’s colleagues that is then with the U.S. Department of State. Mr. Let me just cite three accomplishments that the most important basis for success, Mr. Cummings earned a bachelor’s degree from can be directly related to Mr. Cummings that Cummings has served as ‘‘master’’ to many Johns Hopkins University in 1972, and then may not be his most important but have spe- ‘‘apprentices’’ who are now serving their own became an active military officer in 1972, cial significance to some of my colleagues in distinguished careers in many walks of life (al- where he completed training to become an air- this body. First, Mr. Cummings was instru- though Mr. Cummings would have dismissed borne ranger, one of this Nation’s elite forces. mental in fashioning the compromise that al- those terms, calling everyone ‘‘colleagues’’). Instead of what surely would have been a dis- lowed the United States to become a party to This is a legacy that will last beyond Mr. tinguished career in armed combat, Mr. the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Cummings final horizon. And with his personal Cummings took another path and with the Rights of the Child on the involvement of chil- warmth and his many avocations such as support of the U.S. military, entered George dren in armed conflict. For those who did not opera, mountain climbing and skiing, Mr. Washington University Law School. He studied follow that debate, most countries around the Cummings was admired by all who knew him. a variety of subjects that were directly relevant world wanted to ban the recruitment of any in- to legal work in the international sphere, such dividual under the age of 18. However, be- Mr. Speaker, it is tragic that just at a time as international law, Chinese law, human cause the United States recruits students in when Mr. Cummings was considering moving rights law, diplomatic and consular law, and high school, the U.S. military insisted that the on to a new stage in his career and life, he United Nations law, and served on the G.W. age be reduced to 17. This position put the was diagnosed in December 2004 with an un- international law journal. In 1975, he grad- United States in the posture of preventing an treatable form of pancreatic cancer which took uated first in his class of 317 students. international consensus and seeming to be in him from us just yesterday. From all reports, Mr. Cummings was on active duty with the league with those who were not committed to his efforts to combat this illness and to show U.S. Army until 1979, graduating from judge banning this terrible abuse at all. It was Ed grace in the face of death itself demonstrated advocate general’s schools, and serving in the Cummings who originated the idea of allowing once again why Mr. Cummings is respected Office of the Judge Advocate General where voluntary recruitment of 17 year olds but not and loved, and our heart goes out to his wife he represented the Department of Defense at allowing them in combat until they were 18, and life partner, Clair, during this difficult time. a number of international negotiations related creating an international consensus that put While Mr. Cummings was a clear example to the Law of War. He remained in the Army the focus where it always should have been, to all of us of a life well-lived, his tragic end Reserve from 1979 to 2000, assigned to the on militias that conscript 12, 13 and 14 year is still a loss for all of us. We can only be War Crimes and Prisoners of War Branch of olds. thankful that this fellow traveler was able to do the Office of the Judge Advocate General. He Mr. Cummings also worked for decades on so much for his friends and acquaintances retired as a lieutenant colonel. enhancing the substance and image of the and for his country while he was with us. In 1979, because of his distinguished rep- laws of war. One life long accomplishment in resentation of the Defense Department and this area was the recent decision by the coun- f his exceptional contributions to the U.S. dele- tries that are party to the Geneva Conventions gations in which he participated, Mr. to create a new symbol in addition to the red IN HONOR OF EARLINE MILES Cummings was invited to join the Office of the cross and red crescent to allow the Israeli so- Legal Adviser of the U.S. Department of State ciety, the Magen David Adom, to become an where, over the course of nearly twenty five official member of the Red Cross community. HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS years, he has served as an attorney and ad- This success, which will do much to erase a OF TEXAS viser to numerous U.S. officials throughout the small but important irritant in this country’s re- Government. Among other positions, he has lation to the International Committee on the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES been the Assistant Legal Adviser for Politico- Red Cross, was due in large part to Mr. Military Affairs, Assistant Legal Adviser for Cummings 20 year dedication to achieving this Tuesday, February 28, 2006 Nonproliferation, Assistant Legal Adviser for end. Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Arms Control and Verification, and Counselor Another of his major accomplishments was pay tribute to a woman who can only be de- for Legal Affairs at the U.S. Mission in Gene- his success in persuading the international scribed as truly American, Earline Miles. va. From 2000 to the present, he has served community to agree on the extension of the as the U.S. Head of Delegation to negotiations Conventional Weapons Convention to all Ms. Miles began her academic career by at- relating to the Convention on Conventional forms of armed conflict, whether international tending I.M. Terrell High School. From here, Weapons. Appointed to the Senior Executive or internal in character. It has been in the sav- she graduated from Huston-Tillotson College Service in 1987, Mr. Cummings has received age internal armed conflicts of past decades in Austin, Texas then obtained her law degree numerous awards for superior service to the that the civilian population has suffered most from the Thurgood Marshall School of Law in Department of State and has written on such from the indiscriminate use of conventional Houston, Texas. Ms. Miles then turned her subjects as the law of belligerent occupation, weapons, and Mr. Cummings efforts will help sights to education by becoming an instructor war crimes, arms control, international human- to mitigate and limit this lamentable carnage. at Tarrant County College teaching business itarian law, and extradition. These three examples of a much deeper law. But this description of his career does not and richer career represent all that was excep- Ms. Miles was involved in the civil rights do justice to his accomplishments. Last year, tional about Mr. Cummings’s service to this movement in which she was a strong advo- after he was diagnosed with the pancreatic country. Using his full grasp of the complex cate of equality for all people. During her em- cancer that killed him yesterday, George issues he dealt with, his deft understanding of ployment in Fort Worth, Texas, she was a de- Washington University Law School organized the U.S. military and the mechanisms of gov- termined worker for minority hiring initiatives. It a symposium entitled Lawyers and War in ernment, his keen eye for cutting through the was through Ms. Miles’ hard work that count- honor of Mr. Cummings, which was held on issues to find a way through controversy, his less disadvantaged people were able to now September 30, 2005. Mr. Cummings was for- strong personal relationships with individuals find employment. tunate not only to hear a set of knowledgeable across our government and around the world, Ms. Miles’ community has benefited a great remarks, but to hear the gratitude of his col- and his unwavering commitment to accomplish deal through her involvement in many organi- leagues and proteges and to reflect on the his mission, Mr. Cummings was able to ac- zations. She has done extensive volunteer amazing set of accomplishments that he par- complish these three difficult goals, thereby in- work through her community. Even though Ms. ticipated in. Whether it was negotiating status creasing both stature and national security of Miles is now retired, she still dutifully works for of forces agreements to protect our troops the United States. There are countless other her community by collecting food, clothing, abroad, helping draft the first set of com- successes of this sort which would take up and essential supplies for the homeless. prehensive sanctions against South Africa dur- pages of this record if they were described in ing the apartheid era, supporting and then full. Today, we honor Earline Miles for her com- leading negotiations to control the use of con- Finally, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Cummings was an mitment to education and her dedication to ventional weapons that might cause unneces- extraordinary human being. His colleagues helping others. She will always be remem- sary suffering, or aiding in the positive devel- and friends speak personally and movingly bered for her kindness and generosity to oth- opments in international human rights and about his commitment to others as individuals ers, and may she serve as a role model for international humanitarian law, Mr. Cummings and as attorneys. If the law remains a place others in the future.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K28FE8.002 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E217 TRIBUTE TO DENNIS WEAVER— 75 years after its formation. Since its incep- life. Known as the ‘‘Friendly City,’’ Fortuna is HOLLYWOOD ACTOR AND AVID tion, CSEA has been instrumental in making host to a wealth of events, including the an- ENVIRONMENTALIST certain state workers have the protections and nual Fortuna Rodeo, Auto Expo, Paddle to the benefits they deserve. CSEA helped create Headwaters, a vibrant farmer’s market and HON. JOHN T. SALAZAR the first retirement system for state workers, Daffodil Festival. OF COLORADO advocated for a mandated forty hour work- Fortuna contributes to the economic vitality IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES week and helped obtain voter approval of the of the region and is an important partner in Merit System for state service, all of which has Humboldt County. As Fortuna continues to Tuesday, February 28, 2006 contributed to a well qualified and motivated grow and flourish it will certainly enjoy another Mr. SALAZAR. Mr. Speaker, I stand before state workforce. one hundred years of prosperity. you today to offer my condolences to the fam- CSEA has also contributed to the health Mr. Speaker, it is appropriate at this time ily and friends of Dennis Weaver, who have care of public sector employees. Since 1938, that we recognize the city of Fortuna on the recently suffered the tragic loss of a great they have provided state workers with medical occasion of its 100th anniversary. man. Mr. Weaver passed away on Friday, insurance, as the state did not provide such f February 26th at his home in Ridgeway, Colo- benefits until 1962. Today, CSEA serves its IN RECOGNITION OF DENTON BIO- rado. members by offering California state employ- DIESEL INDUSTRIES OF GREAT- Mr. Weaver was perhaps most famous for ees access to affordable homeowner’s, life ER DALLAS his role as Chester Good on ‘‘Gunsmoke’’ and and dental insurance. for the T.V. series ‘‘McCloud,’’ though he ap- As an organization, CSEA has also played peared in many T.V. movies, films, and even a pivotal role in ensuring state and university HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS released his own country music album. As a employees are entitled to collective bar- OF TEXAS fan of Western classics, I was continually im- gaining. CSEA successfully lobbied for pas- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pressed by Mr. Weaver’s talent on screen and sage of the Dills Act and the Berman Act in Tuesday, February 28, 2006 his ability to bring laughter and happiness to the 1970s, both of which extended collective Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, it is my great millions of Americans. bargaining rights to public employees. honor to recognize Denton Biodiesel Industries The passing of Mr. Weaver strikes a more Mr. Speaker, I am honored to congratulate of Greater Dallas and its achievement of being personal chord because he was such an in- CSEA President J.J. Jelincic, as well as the awarded the 2005 Project of the Year by the volved member of the Colorado community. In association’s thousands of members on United States Environmental Protection Agen- addition to his work as an actor, Mr. Weaver CSEA’s 75th anniversary. I ask all my col- cy’s Landfill Methane Outreach Program. The was also a dedicated activist for many envi- leagues to join me and honor CSEA, as well award acknowledges outstanding landfill gas ronmental and humanitarian causes. He as- as the fine work that California state employ- recovery projects that make energy out of this sisted in founding Love is Feeding Everyone, ees do everyday otherwise harmful air pollutant. a program which currently helps to feed f Biodiesel fuels are primarily composed of 150,000 hungry people a week in Los Angeles TRIBUTE TO CENTENNIAL CELE- renewable and recycled vegetable oils. This County. He has been honored by Haven Hills, project serves as an innovator since it is the a shelter for battered women, and the Pacific BRATION OF THE CITY OF FOR- TUNA nation’s first public-private partnership of its Lodge Boys’ Home. In addition, he was on the kind for biodiesel production. This relatively Advisory Board of the ‘‘Center for Environ- new Biodiesel Industry has the largest network mental Solutions,’’ and even resided in his HON. MIKE THOMPSON of company-owned and operated biodiesel own environmentally friendly solar-powered OF CALIFORNIA production facilities in the world. house that he and his wife built in my Con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I am proud to represent a company that is gressional District. Tuesday, February 28, 2006 so strongly committed to quality products and Though I only had the good fortune of meet- a positive work environment. I congratulate Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, ing Mr. Weaver once, I was struck by his sin- Denton Biodiesel Industries and wish them I rise today in recognition of the 100th anniver- cerity and his dedication. His talent as an continued success in their future endeavors. actor is to be admired and his role in the com- sary of the city of Fortuna in Humboldt Coun- f munity has been invaluable. He will be greatly ty, California. missed, not only by his close friends and fam- Originally named Slide, later Springville, VICE PRESIDENT CHENEY: RESIGN ily, but also by the millions of lives he touched Fortuna, was incorporated on February 20, FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR COUNTRY through his work onscreen and his role in the 1906. Meaning ‘‘good fortune,’’ it is an appro- community. priate name for this unique and vibrant com- HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL munity situated on the banks of the beautiful f OF NEW YORK Eel River in the heart of the Eel River Valley. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING CSEA ON ITS 75TH After its incorporation the town became well ANNIVERSARY established with a city council, a night watch- Tuesday, February 28, 2006 man and a fire and water committee. The Eel Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise to intro- HON. DORIS O. MATSUI River Valley Lumber Company and the Hum- duce into the RECORD an opinion piece by Bob OF CALIFORNIA boldt Milling Company were two of Fortuna’s Herbert in the February 16, 2006 edition of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES largest employers and in 1909 the prominent The New York Times entitled ‘‘Mr. Vice Presi- Rohner family donated land for the first city dent, It’s Time to Go.’’ Tuesday, February 28, 2006 park. Fortuna became a regular railroad stop Anyone who has been a long-time reader of Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to between Eureka and San Francisco in 1914. Mr. Herbert’s columns in the Times as I have congratulate the members of the California The railroad provided an important link to the knows Mr. Herbert has deplored the unshared State Employees Association on the 75th an- rest of the world and allowed travelers easy sacrifice of this war, the fact that it is one niversary of the organization’s founding. access to this verdant region. small percentage of the people of this country CSEA currently represents over 140,000 Fortuna was known for its agricultural excel- who bear the burden of the war. He has been California state employees and retirees. Mem- lence and fish from the Eel River, but timber consistent in his criticism of the hubris of this bers include a wide variety of hardworking was the proud and primary industry of the administration and the secrecy surrounding state employees, from front line service pro- area. Logging and lumber mills provided many everything it does. This is the most secretive viders to university professors. California resi- jobs and the area became more populated as administration in the Nation’s history. Mr. CHE- dents depend on CSEA members for a wide the town became more prosperous. People NEY is if not the designer of this secrecy pol- variety of state services, members ensure ev- moved to Fortuna with the prospect of good icy, is certainly the most prominent member of erything from a safe drinking water supply to jobs and a pleasant town in which to raise the administration using the policy which he the speedy processing of our tax returns. their families. clearly believes allows him to keep secrets not Without their hard work the business of the Fortuna remains a family community with a only from the Congress, but also from the state would not get done. rich cultural heritage, excellent schools and President. It is a testament to the organization’s impor- beautiful parks. The citizens are proud of their Before the hunting incident now before the tance and leadership that it continues to thrive town and volunteer to enrich Fortuna’s daily public’s very interested eye, there are many

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.053 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E218 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 28, 2006

examples of Mr. CHENEY’s policy of not telling [From the New York Times, Feb. 16, 2006] tragic) as his actions in Texas over the week- anyone anything. Going as far back as Mr. MR. VICE PRESIDENT, IT’S TIME TO GO end, and who has now become an object of re- lentless ridicule, cannot by any reasonable CHENEY’s meetings with the Energy mogul’s (By Bob Herbert) measure be thought of as an asset to the na- who helped him shape this country’s lopsided It’s time for Dick Cheney to step down—for tion or to the president he serves. energy policies in which Exxon Mobile posted the sake of the country and for the sake of The Bush administration would benefit the greatest profits ever made in the history of the Bush administration. Mr. Cheney’s bumbling conduct at the from new thinking and new perspectives on this country last year when energy prices were the war in Iraq, the potential threat from so high some of America’s poor have to de- upscale Armstrong Ranch in South Texas seemed hilarious at first. But when we Iran, the nation’s readiness to cope with an- pend on the charity of Hugo Chavez of Ven- learned that Harry Whittington had suffered other terror attack, the development of a ezuela to make it through the winter. a mild heart attack after being shot by the comprehensive energy policy and other im- Mr. CHENEY is so secretive he implemented vice president in a hunting accident, it be- portant issues. and managed a system of CIA prisons and came clear that a more sober assessment of President Bush’s approval ratings have torture cites in Europe called ‘‘black sites’’ the fiasco at the ranch and, inevitably, Mr. dropped below 40 percent in recent polls. Cheney’s controversial and even bizarre be- Even Republicans are openly criticizing the which violated not only our laws and treaties administration’s conduct of the war, its re- but those of the European Union. And prac- havior as vice president was in order. There’s a reason Dick Cheney is obsessive sponse to Hurricane Katrina and assorted tically no one in the Congress of the United about shunning the spotlight. His record is other failures and debacles. States knew anything about these prisons until not the kind you want to hold up for intense Dick Cheney is a constant reminder of the Washington Post disclosed their existence. scrutiny. those things the White House would most Mr. I. ‘‘Scooter’’ Libby just disclosed at his More than anyone else, he was fanatical like to forget: the bullying, the intelligence perjury trial that Mr. CHENEY gave him classi- about massaging and distorting the intel- failures, the inability to pacify Iraq, the mis- fied information to give to the press. That was ligence that plunged us into the flaming use of classified information and the breath- classified information about an undercover se- quagmire of Iraq. He insisted that Saddam taking incompetence that seems to be spread Hussein had chemical and biological weapons throughout the administration. cret service agent, Valerie Plame. and was hot on the trail of nukes. He Mr. Cheney would do his nation and his Since the Congress and the public know pounded away at the false suggestion that president a service by packing his bags and only egregious examples of what exposures Iraq was somehow linked to Al Qaeda. And heading back to Wyoming. He’s become a by whistles blowers and the press has made he spread the word that the war he wanted so joke. But not a funny one. in the interest of the public’s greater good, we, badly would be a cakewalk. ‘‘I really do believe,’’ he told Tim Russert, the American people, know nothing of the Vice f President’s doings of the last 6 years. That is ‘‘that we will be greeted as liberators.’’ Well, he got his war. And while the na- a scary thought. CELEBRATING THE SESQUINTEN- tion’s brave young soldiers and marines were NIAL OF THE SAN MATEO SHER- This hunting accident, in which Mr. CHENEY bouncing around Iraq in shamefully vulner- defied all White House protocol by not inform- able Humvees and other vehicles, dodging IFF’S OFFICE ing the President, the White House Press Of- bullets, bombs and improvised explosive de- fice, the Police or Sheriff until at least 24 vices, Mr. Cheney (a gold-medal winner in HON. TOM LANTOS hours after the shooting, has reinforced the the acquisition of wartime deferments) felt perfectly comfortable packing his fancy 28- OF CALIFORNIA opinion that Mr. CHENEY is out of control. That gauge Perazzi shotgun and heading off to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is, he is above the law, rules and regulations Texas with a covey of fat cats to shoot quail. of ordinary mortals. He doesn’t even have to Matters went haywire, of course, when he Tuesday, February 28, 2006 do what the President wants him to do. He shot Mr. Whittington instead. isn’t just above the law; he is the law. That was the moment when the legend of Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, it is with great The story had many conflicting versions as the tough, hawkish, take-no-prisoners vice pride that I rise today to celebrate the San they were told by the owner of the ranch, the president began morphing into the less-than- Mateo County Sheriff’s Department on their doctors treating the shooting victim, Scott heroic image of a reckless, scowling incom- Sesquicentennial Anniversary. The Depart- petent who mistook his buddy for a bird. McClelland and finally, CHENEY himself. This ment is the oldest and largest law enforce- This story is never going away. Harry ment agency in San Mateo County, California, has opened the White House to increasingly Whittington is Dick Cheney’s Monica. When hard questions about the inconsistencies in Mr. Whittington dies (hopefully many years located in my Congressional District. these stories. The White House can’t reconcile from now, and from natural causes), he will The San Mateo County Sheriff’s Department these differences because, it appears, Mr. be remembered as the hunting companion history begins with the formation of the County CHENEY feels he doesn’t have to explain any- who was shot by the vice president of the of San Mateo in 1856. Residents of the Penin- thing to the President or the White House United States. This tale will stick to Mr. sula watched as John W. Ackerson was sworn Cheney like Krazy Glue, and that’s bad news Press Secretary. Mr. CHENEY is an official who in as the first sheriff of San Mateo County. He for the Bush administration. had three total staff members, an Undersheriff, works for the people of the United States. But The shooting and Mr. Cheney’s highhanded don’t try to tell him that. It doesn’t fit with his behavior in its immediate aftermath fit per- bailiff of the Courts and a jailer. There weren’t view of himself or the way he carries out his fectly with the stereotype of him as a power- even patrol duties for the office. office of Vice President. ful but dangerous figure who is viewed by Mr. Speaker, today, from those humble be- Mr. Herbert points out in his op-ed piece: many as a dark force within the administra- ginnings, the San Mateo Sheriff’s Office has ‘‘The shooting and Mr. Cheney’s high-handed tion. He doesn’t even give lip service to the grown to a force of 450 officers and is respon- behavior in its immediate aftermath fit perfectly idea of transparency in his public or private sible for everything from patrolling the county life. This is the man who fought all the way with the stereotype of him as a powerful but to the Supreme Court to keep his White to running the courts and the correctional fa- dangerous figure who is viewed by many as a House meetings with energy industry cilities. They have exemplary task forces, spe- dark force within the administration. He honchos as secret as the Manhattan Project. cializing in narcotics, regional terrorist threat doesn’t even give lip service to the idea of (Along the way he went duck hunting at a assessment and emergency services among transparency in his private of public life . . .’’ private camp in rural Louisiana with Justice others. Today, the Sheriff’s Office is still the DICK CHENEY is a constant reminder of Antonin Scalia.) Chief Law Enforcement Agency of the County those things the White House would like most This is also the man whose closest and of San Mateo. most trusted aide, Lewis ‘‘Scooter’’ Libby, to forget: the bullying, the intelligence failures, has been indicted for perjury and obstruction Mr. Speaker, since 1993 the Sheriff’s Office the inability to pacify Iraq (Mr. CHENEY told of justice as a result of the investigation has been most ably led by Sheriff Don Tim Russert: ‘‘I really do believe, that we will into the outing of a C.I.A. undercover opera- Horsley. In fact, Sheriff Horsley picked out the be greeted as liberators,’’ he said) the misuse tive, Valerie Wilson. badge marking the 150th anniversary of the of classified information and the breathtaking Mr. Cheney is arrogant, defiant and at Sheriff’s Office. The commemorative badge incompetence that spread through the admin- times blatantly vulgar. He once told Senator replicates the Old West style that Sheriff istration. Patrick Leahy to perform a crude act upon Ackerson would have worn. I dearly appre- himself. I agree with Mr. Herbert’s conclusion: ‘‘Mr. A vice president who insists on writing his ciate their extraordinary service that they pro- Cheney would do his nation and his president own rules, who shudders at the very idea of vide to the County and I ask my colleagues to a service by packing his bags and heading transparency in government, whose judg- join me in paying tribute to the San Mateo back to Wyoming. He’s become a joke. But ment on crucial policy issues has been as Sheriff’s Office for the honorable duty they not a funny one.’’ wildly off the mark (and infinitely more have performed for the last 150 years.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.057 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E219 HONORING MICHEL A. LAJOIE The Open Cities Health Center has become ple he showed as an outstanding educator FIRE CHIEF, LEWISTON FIRE DE- one of the largest nonprofit community health and citizen. He had a dedication to educate PARTMENT centers in the Twin Cities. The center was one his students both in and out of the classroom of the first in the State of Minnesota to focus that will not be forgotten. HON. MICHAEL H. MICHAUD on providing health care to low-income resi- Outside of school, Joseph is very active in OF MAINE dents, predominantly people of color. A group the community. He and his wife were longtime IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Saint Paul residents began the center in a costume and makeup directors for the church basement in Saint Paul’s Rondo neigh- Helldorado parade and other local events. He Tuesday, February 28, 2006 borhood in 1967. Stokes and Vann addressed also cofounded the Las Vegas Little Theater in Mr. MICHAUD. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to the health needs of our most at-risk citizens 1945, helped to form the Las Vegas Class- honor Chief Michel A. Lajoie of the Lewiston when no one else would. The all-volunteer room Teacher Association, and championed Fire Department. Chief Lajoie began his ca- clinic started out by providing immunizations the construction of the old Las Vegas High reer as a firefighter in the Lewiston Fire De- and basic health education to African-Ameri- School auditorium in 1953, where the first partment in 1970. After taking a short break to cans. classes of what is now University of Nevada, pursue a career in the automotive industry in Today, due in part to Federal and local gov- Las Vegas were held. Joseph long performed 1972, Michel Lajoie returned to the Lewiston ernment grants over the years, the center has as a member of the Westerner Quartet and Fire Department in 1976 and rose through the greatly expanded its outreach and become a was, for 11 years, a member of the inter- ranks of lieutenant, captain, and deputy chief, well-known, multi-lingual clinic that continues nationally renowned Desert Chorale. An avid before finally becoming chief in 1994. This to serve the African-American community as collector of rocks and gems, even at the age year he retires, having served over 30 years well as members of the East African, South- of 99, when he visits area schools to talk to in Lewiston. east Asian, and Caucasian communities. The students on behalf of the Las Vegas Gem Chief Lajoie exemplifies what it means to be center provides a wide array of important Club, he at times meets youngsters whose a public servant. In addition to managing a de- physical, mental health, and dental services to grandparents were his former students. partment of 79 uniformed and civilian per- residents from all over the Twin Cities. Mr. Speaker, I am honored to recognize Jo- sonnel, he has earned an Associate Degree in Mr. Speaker, please join me in paying trib- seph E. Thiriot. He has lived his life full of in- Fire Science from Southern Maine Community ute to the vital work of the Open Cities Health tegrity, enthusiasm, and hard work, dedicating College and is a graduate of the Androscoggin Center. We must all work together to increase it to education, family, students, and the com- Leadership Development Institute. Chief Lajoie access to screenings and preventive care munity. He has been a mentor and inspiration is a member of a Standing Ad-Hoc Committee treatment for all Americans. I commend the to hundreds of students and to his family and for the State of Maine Bureau of Labor Stand- Open Cities Health Center for working to elimi- I congratulate him today at the dedication of ards and has been instrumental in the contin- nate the damaging health disparities that con- Joseph E. Thiriot Elementary School. ued review and updating of the standards and tinue to exist among racial and ethnic groups. requirements governing the State of Maine’s f f Fire Service. His colleagues in Maine selected Chief PAYING TRIBUTE TO JOSEPH E. HONORING OF FRANK STATON Lajoie as Fire Chief of the Year in 2003 and THIRIOT also nominated him for Fire Chief of the Year in 2003 for the Fire Chiefs Magazine. Chief HON. JON C. PORTER HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS Lajoie has served as President of the New OF NEVADA OF TEXAS England Division of the International Associa- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion of Fire Chiefs, representing the fire serv- Tuesday, February 28, 2006 ice and the Fire Chiefs throughout the States Tuesday, February 28, 2006 of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massa- Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to chusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. He honor Joseph E. Thiriot for 33 years of teach- pay tribute to a man who can only be de- also has served as President of the Maine ing in Nevada and a lifetime full of goodwill scribed as truly American, Frank Staton. and service to the community. Joseph is rec- Fire Chiefs Association, representing the fire Originally a California native, Mr. Staton ognized today at the dedication of Joseph E. service and Fire Chiefs throughout the State moved to Fort Worth, Texas during his early Thiriot Elementary School which opened Sep- of Maine and he currently holds Board posi- childhood years. After graduating from I.M. tember 19, 2005. tions in several professional associations. Terrell High School and Wiley College in Mar- Joseph was born August 20, 1906, in Provo, I am proud to honor Chief Lajoie as he em- shall, Texas, Mr. Staton embarked on his ca- UT. When he was 13 he moved to Nevada barks on a very well deserved retirement. The reer as an educator in Fort Worth. Mr. Staton and graduated from a one-room schoolhouse City of Lewiston and the State of Maine will worked for the Fort Worth Independent School in Pahranagat Valley in Lincoln County. He miss him. District for more than 40 years. It was at this earned a teaching degree from Brigham f school district where he had served as a Young University in 1930 and a masters of teacher, coach, and as a specialist on drug HONORING OPEN CITIES HEALTH arts from Northwestern University. He then education for youths. CENTER taught school in Lincoln County from 1932 to 39. The following year, Joseph and his wife, During Mr. Staton’s tenure as an educator, HON. BETTY McCOLLUM Ellen, also a longtime Las Vegas High School he served as a board member of The Fort teacher, moved to Las Vegas, where they Worth Transportation Authority and was in- OF MINNESOTA volved with United Community Centers, Long- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES raised three children, all Las Vegas High School graduates. He finished his teaching ca- horn Council of the Boy Scouts of America, Tuesday, February 28, 2006 reer in 1966, after 26 years at Las Vegas High American Heart Association, Safe Haven, the Ms. MCCOLLUM of Minnesota. Mr. Speak- School. Some of the subjects that Joseph Fort Worth Classroom Teachers Association, er, I rise today to honor the ground-breaking taught include drama, english literature, gram- and other organizations. work of the Open Cities Health Center. In a fit- mar, stagecraft, play production, debate, pub- Needless to say, Mr. Staton has touched ting celebration of African American History lic speaking, chorus and typing. He also head- the lives of countless individuals as well as the Month, Ms. Mary Stokes and Mrs. Timothy O. ed the Debate team and the Glee Club. community at large through his tireless efforts Vann will be remembered and celebrated at Joseph’s students remember him for the fun to promote education. Mr. Staton is now re- an awards ceremony on February 24, 2006. and exciting classes that he taught and the tired, but he still remains active in Our Mother These two pioneering African-American long hours he put in after school to direct of Mercy Catholic Church since 1939. women founded the center, providing the vi- large productions, have extra rehearsals for Today, we honor Frank Staton for his com- sion to provide culturally competent health the next choir concert or to help prepare for mitment to education. He will always be re- care—a vision that has grown into a vital re- an upcoming debate. During these long hours membered for his kindness and generosity to source in the Twin Cities community for nearly students not only received help for their re- others, and may he serve as a role model for four decades. spective activity but benefited from the exam- others in the future.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.061 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E220 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 28, 2006 RECOGNIZING THE ATHLETES OF rent facility in October 1956 and became in- Both Al and Kathy were instrumental in THE XX WINTER OLYMPICS corporated in 1959. leading the citizen’s committee that success- FROM COLORADO’S THIRD CON- Reverend White Henderson became Pastor fully turned out voters to approve a parcel tax GRESSIONAL DISTRICT in 1960 and took steps to greatly expand the to help pay the operating expenses of the church. Under his leadership a new edifice local hospital four years ago. HON. JOHN T. SALAZAR was constructed and a chapel was purchased Mr. Speaker, Al and Kathy Mazza represent OF COLORADO and relocated to its current site. The church the character and spirit of the City of Sonoma IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES continued to expand in 1968 when Reverend and it is therefore appropriate that we honor Eugene Washington became Pastor. His lead- them today as the 2006 Alcalde and Tuesday, February 28, 2006 ership and guidance resulted in the construc- Alcaldesa. Mr. SALAZAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tion of additional classrooms and a social hall. f congratulate and commend the twelve Winter Throughout the history of Mt. Olive Mis- Olympic athletes from Colorado’s Third Dis- sionary Baptist Church, the congregation has IN MEMORY OF DR. PHILLIP trict. been dedicated to making a positive impact on O’BRYAN MONTGOMERY, JR. Their devotion to country and athletic excel- the lives of Sacramento residents. The Church lence is truly exemplary and is deserving of has always been a comforting place of refuge HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS our fullest respect and gratitude. And so, I for people in need, providing assistance spir- OF TEXAS honor the following persons as great athletes, itually, mentally and physically. During the cur- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES great Coloradoans, great Americans . . . rent tenure of Pastor Washington, the church Tuesday, February 28, 2006 Gretchen Bleiler from Aspen, who competed has established numerous ministries in the Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to in the Women’s Snowboarding competition; Sacramento region. These outreach programs give tribute to Dr. Phillip O’Bryan Montgomery, Jason Smith from Basalt, who competed in the have included prison ministry, convalescent Jr. from Dallas, Texas in the 26th Congres- Men’s Snowboarding competition; Lanny and ministry, youth outreach and counseling pro- sional District of Texas, for his lifelong con- Tracy Barnes from Durango, who competed in grams. tributions to his community and to medicine. the Biathlon competition; Rebecca Dussault Mr. Speaker, I am truly privileged to con- Dr. Montgomery passed away on Saturday, from Gunnison, who competed in the Cross- gratulate the congregation of Mt. Olive Mis- December 17, 2005. Country Skiing competition; Clint Jones from sionary Baptist Church as they gather to cele- I would like to recognize and celebrate Dr. Steamboat Springs, who competed in the Ski- brate their 50th church anniversary. The Sac- Montgomery’s life today. Dr. Montgomery ing Jump competition; Caroline Lavive from ramento region has greatly benefited from graduated from Southern Methodist University Steamboat Springs, who competed in the Al- having their strong community leadership and with a BS in engineering in 1942 before at- pine Skiing competition; Todd Lodwick from compassionate hearts. I ask all of my col- tending medical school at Columbia University Steamboat Springs, who competed in the Nor- leagues to join with me today in wishing Mt. in 1945. Upon completing his internship at the dic Combined Skiing competition; Travis Olive Missionary Baptist Church continued Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital in Coopers- Mayer from Steamboat Springs, who com- success and happiness in all future endeav- town, NY, Dr. Montgomery became a Captain peted in the Freestyle Skiing competition; ors. in the Army Medical Corps. Tommy Schwall from Steamboat Springs, who f When Dr. Montgomery returned to Dallas, competed in the Skiing Jump competition; he became a tenured professor of pathology Johnny Spillane from Steamboat Springs, who RECOGNIZING AL AND KATHY MAZZA OF SONOMA, CALIFORNIA in 1961 at UT Southwestern Medical School. competed in the Nordic Combined Skiing com- From 1962–1963, he was President of the petition; and Ryan St. Onge also from Steam- Dallas County Hospital District Medical Staff. boat Springs, who competed in the Freestyle HON. MIKE THOMPSON In addition, Dr. Montgomery was the Executive Skiing competition. OF CALIFORNIA Director of the Cancer Center and ultimately Their hard work and determination has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES named the Ashbel Smith Professor of Pathol- earned them the title of Olympic athletes and Tuesday, February 28, 2006 ogy in 1991. During his time as Special Assist- sports heroes. They have made all of us in Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, ant to the Chancellor of the University of Colorado and the United States very proud. Texas, he was responsible for planning the Once again, I would like to extend a hearty I rise today to recognize two extraordinary in- dividuals who have jointly been named the campuses of UT Dallas, University of Houston congratulations to all of them. Medical School, University of Texas Medical f City of Sonoma’s 2006 Alcalde and Alcaldesa, or Honorary Mayors. Branch at Galveston, and the expansion of UT HONORING MT. OLIVE MISSIONARY Al and Kathy Mazza are the ultimate power Southwestern Medical School Campus. Dr. Montgomery had published over 100 BAPTIST CHURCH ON ITS 50TH couple. Al was the Fire Chief for the City of scholarly papers in the course of his prolific ANNIVERSARY Sonoma when he met and married Kathy, a career. One of these published papers of his city employee, 18 years ago. Between them, evolved out of an experiment on NASA’s there has scarcely been a special event or HON. DORIS O. MATSUI Skylab in which he himself was the principal project in which they have not been involved. OF CALIFORNIA investigator of living cells in zero gravity. Dr. Al was born and raised in Sonoma. After he IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Montgomery was an avid traveler who had a retired as Fire Chief, he was elected to the very devout love of nature. His magnetic and Tuesday, February 28, 2006 City Council, where he twice served as mayor. vivacious personality has allowed him to be Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in He has been President of the Sonoma Fire sorely missed by friends and family. tribute to the congregation of Mt. Olive Mis- Chief’s Association and developed the I respected him as a fellow doctor and was sionary Baptist Church on the 50th anniver- Sonoma Valley Firemed System, which inte- honored to represent him here in Congress. I sary of their church. This congregation has grated existing emergency response agencies extend my sympathies to his family and served the Del Paso Heights neighborhood into one system. friends. and Sacramento region since 1956. As mem- His civic activities include membership in bers of the Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist con- the Chamber of Commerce, the ‘‘Field of f gregation gather to celebrate 50 years of com- Dreams’’ Committee to build ball fields for city CELEBRATION OF GRENADA’S munity service, I ask all of my colleagues to youth, the Sonoma Valley Athletic Club and INDEPENDENCE join me in saluting this outstanding congrega- Sonoma Valley Little League. tion. Kathy worked for the City of Sonoma for 17 HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL The Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church years. Since her retirement, she has served OF NEW YORK was founded in Del Paso Heights in February as Vice President of the Sonoma Plaza Foun- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of 1956. The Church was established and or- dation’s Red & White Ball, which has raised ganized by Reverend Je Petiway, Reverend more than $750,000 for downtown improve- Tuesday, February 28, 2006 Powell and Reverend Eddie Phillips. Reverend ments and to local non-profit organizations. Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to Mack Smith was the parish’s first Pastor and Kathy has also been actively involved with pay tribute to the tri-island state of Grenada the church became a member of the St. Johns the Valley of the Moon Teen Center and the which celebrated its 32nd anniversary of inde- District association. The church bought its cur- Sonoma County Mental Health Clinic. pendence Tuesday, February 7 and to enter

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.065 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E221 into the Record a Caribnews editorial cele- precise, the People’s Revolutionary Govern- As Lincolnville opens a modern new school brating how the country has overcome obsta- ment turned on itself, killing its leader, building, it honors its past by displaying an old cles to persevere during its young existence. Maurice Bishop and several of his ministers bell, formerly housed in the old school build- Grenadians are resilient people who are and senior government officials. The result- ing. The old bell will be a reminder of the ing turmoil, including a dust-to-dawn curfew dealing with trying times. As the editorial imposed by the military triggered an inva- many teachers, staff, and students who were reads, ‘‘Like many of its neighbors in and out sion or a U.S. ‘‘rescue mission,’’ depending a part of the old school. It will challenge the of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean on your point of view. The country then set Lincolnville community to continue its long tra- States, OECS, Grenada is facing some seri- out to rebuild itself and by any measure, it dition of quality education. ous economic and social challenges. Crime had succeeded. Its housing stock improved The school bell is named for Rufus Knight, has reared its ugly head and the galloping by leaps and bounds; the infrastructure ex- a former teacher at the old Lincolnville school. economic expectations of its young people are panded and upgraded; the health and edu- The bell was honored in a poem by his great- adding to the list of worries which need urgent cation profiles brightened; and the economy grandson, John A. Knight, which was read at was on a growth path. the school opening: attention.’’ The editorial continues, ‘‘As if those Then along came Ivan. This is the bell that called to us to drink at weren’t enough, it has a pile of debt on its Like many of its neighbors in and out of springs of learning. books to manage and reduce it.’’ the Organization of Eastern Caribbean This is the voice of the silver tongue that Despite these social issues and a violent States, OECS, Grenada is facing some seri- satisfied our yearning. political uprising in 1983 that subsequently led ous economic and social challenges. Crime to a U.S. military presence and later the disas- has reared its ugly head and the galloping The tocsin sound of wisdom this ancient bell trous results of Hurricane Ivan, the people of economic expectations of its young people awakened and horizons of us rural folks no longer were forsaken. Greneda have never faltered in showing the are adding to the list of worries, which need will to advance their country. Today, urgent attention. As if those weren’t enough, The light of education Our knowledge is ex- it has a pile of debt on its books to manage panding. This ancient bell awoke in us Grenadians continue to embrace their current and reduce. deep thoughts of understanding. stable parliamentarian, democratic government But it has many things going for it as well. And, for many generations we did study and and highly respect the civil liberties afforded to The nation has a stable political environ- excel with the beauteous sounding of them. As the editorial explains, ‘‘Grenada, a ment that’s based on the rule of law and par- this old bell. liamentary democracy. Its respect for peo- nation, which has had more than its fair share f of difficulties, has shown an amazing ability to ple’s civil liberties hasn’t been tarnished by see the glass as being half full when others any abusive practices and the main opposi- IN RECOGNITION OF THE WORK OF looking on consider it half empty.’’ tion forces led by the National Democratic HUMAN RIGHTS ADVOCATE JOHN Congress are keeping Dr. Mitchell and his P. SALZBERG, PH.D. It is this glowing optimism and resolve that government on their toes. makes the island of ‘‘spice’’ such a treasured As in the case of its OECS neighbors Gre- nation in our global community. Mr. Speaker, nada must make good on its pledge to join HON. BETTY McCOLLUM please join me again in congratulating the Caribbean Single Market later this year. OF MINNESOTA Grenadians in the United States, abroad and It should have come home to Grenadians by IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in their native homeland on their thirty-second now that they can’t afford to remain outside Tuesday, February 28, 2006 anniversary of their glorious independence. of the CSM and survive in a globalized world. It must also move to recognize the Caribbean Ms. MCCOLLUM of Minnesota. Mr. Speak- MUCH TO CELEBRATE ON ANNIVERSARY OF Court of Justice, CCJ, as the judicial body of er, I rise today to honor John Salzberg, Ph.D., INDEPENDENCE last resort, a move that would end its long- as he retires from his lifelong work of pro- One of the most heart-warming scenes is standing relationship with the Privy Council that of a small country, rising from the moting human rights around the world. in London. Just as important, it must con- Thousands of torture survivors and human ashes left behind by natural and national tinue to place education high on its agenda. disasters, picking up the pieces, if you will, rights advocates around the world are forever The investment in education, which got a indebted to the tireless work of Mr. Salzberg and showing neighbors, even the wider world major boost during the days of the People’s the stuff of which resilience and legends are Revolutionary Government, is paying off in throughout his 30–year career in the field of made. the form of a strong human resource base. human rights. John Salzberg completed his Grenadians are one such people. After Hur- Grenada, a nation, which has had more doctoral dissertation in human rights in 1973 ricane Ivan struck in 2004 and devastated the than its fair share of difficulties, has shown from New York University. Following his edu- land of ‘‘spice,’’ killing 39 persons, leaving an amazing ability to see the glass as being cation, John spent several years working for thousands homeless and wiping out almost half full when others looking on consider it former Congressman Don Fraser, D–MN, as all of its infrastructure while coming close half empty. That positive approach to life to tearing out the soul of its inhabitants, a staff on the House Subcommittee on Inter- has worked well for its people in the past and collective will emerge once again, deter- national Organizations. In this capacity, John we are confident that with more inter- mined to rebuild and make the country of Salzberg aided in the groundbreaking work on national and regional help it would do so 90,000 people even better than before. again. human rights undertaken by Congressman Although Grenada, Carriacou and Petit Grenadians abroad, whether in New York, Fraser, which led to the creation of a Bureau Martinique, the tri-island state, is far from Miami, London, Toronto, Birmingham or of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs in reaching its goal of a complete recovery, it is Port of Spain have been a well of support the State Department in 1976. John traveled well on the way, so much so that Standard & from which the country has drawn some of with Congressman Fraser on what was the Poor’s, Wall Street’s premiere credit rating its succor. They too deserve praise at this firm, recently hailed the efforts to return first official human rights investigation mission time of celebrations. the country’s finances to a manageable and to South Korea and Indonesia in the late Happy Independence anniversary. sound foundation. 1970s. In addition, while working for Con- That’s quite an achievement in less than f gressman Fraser, John assisted in the drafting two years. of the legislation which mandated the annual CELEBRATING THE OPENING OF Aided by Caribbean help, international as- human rights report now issued by the State THE LINCOLNVILLE CENTRAL sistance and led by Dr. Keith Mitchell, Department each year. Prime Minister, the government reached out SCHOOL AND THE RUFUS After working for Congressman Fraser, John to civil society, the trade unions, the church KNIGHT BELL and other limbs of society. In the process, went on to work at that same Bureau of the administration marshaled the energy of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs for 4 the young and the middle-aged and the wis- HON. MICHAEL H. MICHAUD years, to ensure it fulfilled the mission in- dom of the senior folk to chart a new course OF MAINE tended by Congressman Fraser’s legislation. and write a new chapter in the nation’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Most recently, John used his knowledge of colorful history. the legislative and policy process, and his Tuesday, February 28, 2006 So, when it observed the 32nd anniversary dedication to justice and equality, as an advo- of independence on February 7 with church Mr. MICHAUD. Mr. Speaker, early in No- cate for the Center for Victims of Torture. John services, military parades, special games and vember I had the pleasure of attending the began working for the Center for Victims of other activities, it was clear that Grenada opening of the Lincolnville Central School in Torture in 1992, first as a volunteer and then had much to thank God for and to celebrate. Grenada, the most southerly of the chain Lincolnville, ME. In Lincolnville, as in so many as its representative on Capitol Hill. As an ad- of Windward Islands, has traveled this road small towns across this country, the local ele- vocate for victims of torture, John was a major of disaster and rehabilitation before. Almost mentary school is an important part of the force behind the drafting, promotion and even- a quarter of a century ago, October 1983 to be community. tual passage of the Torture Victims Relief Act

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.069 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E222 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 28, 2006 in 1998, and its reauthorization in 2005. This in fiscal year 1997 to more than $602 million sions, and he has been commissioned by sev- legislation provides needed resources to cen- in fiscal year 2004. Most recently, his leader- eral foreign governments as well as the U.S. ters and organizations around the world that ship in chairing the consolidation feasibility to commemorate important people and events. work to assist victims of torture in their reha- process has led to the establishment of the One of Paul Collins’ most celebrated works bilitation and in rebuilding their lives. University of Colorado at Denver and Health is the 18-foot by 8-foot mural of Grand Rapids Sciences Center, creating the leading re- John is a soft-spoken, humble, and ex- native, President Gerald R. Ford, displayed in search university in the Rocky Mountain re- tremely effective man dedicated to seeing an the Gerald R. Ford International Airport. Mr. gion with over $350 million in extramural fund- end to human rights abuses in the world. In Collins was awarded the mural commission in ing. his retirement, the human rights community is 1975. His finished product captures the var- Dr. Shore and his wife Chris truly believe in losing a true champion. Thank you, John ious facets of President Ford’s life as a hus- Salzberg, for your 30 years of service on be- the role of the new Fitzsimons campus and band, father and athlete. Upon its unveiling, half of the millions of victims of cruel and inhu- generously contributed to the Fitzsimons De- the mural attracted national attention and crit- mane human rights abuses around the world. velopment, helping to build the Shore Family ical acclaim and was applauded by Newsweek Forum, a state-of-the-art auditorium located in f Magazine for its strong and dignified presen- the Nighthorse Campbell Native Health Build- tation of Gerald R. Ford. Mr. Collins is be- PAYING TRIBUTE TO CHANCELLOR ing. lieved to be the first African-American artist to JAMES H. SHORE, M.D. Mr. Speaker, I am honored to recognize Dr. James H. Shore for his extraordinary leader- paint the portrait of a sitting president. ship and distinguished service to the Univer- In 1981, Mr. Collins created the Ford Mu- HON. JON C. PORTER sity of Colorado. seum Commemorative Poster which was cop- OF NEVADA f ied from the mural to help raise funds for the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids, Tuesday, February 28, 2006 RECOGNIZING LORI WALKER Michigan. More than 1,000 posters were sold to help raise funds for the museum. Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS honor Dr. James Shore for his devoted service Also of note among Mr. Collin’s lifetime OF TEXAS as the first chancellor of the University of Col- achievements is the groundbreaking success orado at Denver and Health Sciences Center IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and importance of his work, The Voices of (UCDHSC). Dr. Shore has provided unwaver- Tuesday, February 28, 2006 Israel, conceived in the 1970s as a way to ing leadership to the UCDHSC campus Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to help renew the relationship between America’s through a period of significant transition. recognize Lori Walker for her commitment to Black and Jewish communities during the civil Since 1985, Dr. Shore has committed his the people and city of Flower Mound, TX. Mrs. rights movement. The work depicts the history considerable skills, time and energy to the Walker is a very active and respected member of the people of Israel. This 25 piece collection University of Colorado in a variety of leader- of her community who was recently selected has toured in Israel and all over the U.S. ship posts, including interim executive vice as ‘‘Citizen of the Year.’’ Mr. Collins has also made good use of his chancellor for the Health Sciences Center, in- The honor and dedication of Mrs. Walker to excellent artistic skill to create symbols and terim director of the University of Colorado her community serves as an example to us all. designs, whose meanings and importance ex- Hospital, superintendent of the Colorado Psy- Her service extends from volunteering on the tend beyond his actual works. In this regard, chiatric Hospital, and chairman of the Depart- Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors to Mr. Collins designed the Martin Luther King, ment of Psychiatry. Dr. Shore has also served overseeing children’s religious education as a Jr. Peace Prize Medal, which is awarded year- as chair of the University of Colorado Hospital Sunday school teacher for the Triesch United ly to an individual who has contributed to the Board, and is a member of the board of direc- Methodist Church. cause of world peace. This important symbol tors for the Children’s Hospital and the Additionally, Mrs. Walker’s efforts extend to has been awarded to such notable people as Fitzsimons Redevelopment Authority. assisting government officials. She served as former President Jimmy Carter, Archbishop I would like to recognize Dr. Shore for his executive assistant for Congressman TOM Desmond Tutu and the late Rosa Parks. Simi- tireless efforts to positively affect campus cul- DELAY in Washington, DC, and continued her larly, Collins also created the American ture and environment, as well as for his signifi- political career by working in San Francisco as Woman Commemorative Plaque, honoring as- cant influence on its current and future leaders a field representative for U.S. Senator John tronaut Sally Ride, the first woman in space. by modeling management skill, civil discourse, Seymour and for our local Texas State Sen- Throughout his long and distinguished ca- active listening, time management and a keen ator Jane Nelson as her district director and reer, Mr. Paul Collins has deservedly received sense of timing. As chancellor, he actively campaign manager. many awards and honors. A few of his many supported diversity by reorganizing the Health It is the servant leadership of Mrs. Walker, distinctions include the Tadlow Fine Art Sciences Center’s Diversity Program, securing and those like her, which truly makes our Na- Award, the People’s Choice Award in Paris, additional scholarship funds and encouraging tion great. Once again, Mr. Speaker, it is my and his election as one of the top 20 painters all schools to increase the recruitment of a honor to recognize Flower Mound’s ‘‘Citizen of in America as voted by the Watson and Guptill more diversified student body, faculty and the Year,’’ Lori Walker. staff. He also received the United States Pub- Publication. f lic Health Service Commendation Medal for It is right, then, that we continue to honor his work with American Indians. HONORING MR. PAUL COLLINS the artist and the individual, Paul Collins. Mr. Dr. Shore’s contributions to the development Collins’ works, in a nod to his skill and ability and building of the formidable Fitzsimons cam- HON. HENRY J. HYDE to capture the essence of human characteris- pus cannot be overstated. He was instru- OF ILLINOIS tics and spirit, have been commissioned to mental in securing legislative authorization for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES represent and symbolize some of the most im- $202 million in certificates of participation, led portant figures and events in this country. Mr. the development of the initial Fitzsimons mas- Tuesday, February 28, 2006 Collins’ work as an artist is matched only by ter plan, and has played a key role in accel- Mr. HYDE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today on the his contributions as a humanitarian, as evi- erating the move process. Dr. Shore cham- last day of Black History Month to commend denced through his continued service as a pioned the raising of $2.3 billion in capital re- the works of a great African-American artist, teacher and lecturer in Michigan area schools sources from multiple sources, including State, Mr. Paul Collins of Grand Rapids, Michigan. on the value of art and his life experiences, Federal, gifts, campus cash, and partner allo- Mr. Collins has had a long and distinguished the establishment of his own scholarship pro- cations. He also worked tirelessly to secure career painting portraits of individuals from all grams, and the creation of the Paul Collins the move of the Children’s Hospital to over the world. It has been said that Mr. Col- Humanitarian Award in 2000. Through his own Fitzsimons. lins’ work seeks to recognize and express the merit, dedication and long and distinguished With Dr. Shore at the helm the growth of essential human dignity and worth of others. career of success, Paul Collins has assuredly total institutional revenue of the Heath Mr. Collins’ talent has been awarded and gained a position of honor and distinction in Sciences Center increased from $330 million recognized internationally on numerous occa- our country.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.072 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E223 IN RECOGNITION OF THE 45TH AN- the council opened the doors of their facilities the 1972 NAIA Outdoor Track & Field Cham- NIVERSARY OF THE PEACE for the entertainment of the troops stationed at pionship in Billings, Montana. His record still CORPS AND IN CELEBRATION OF the Granite City Engineering Depot. stands today. NATIONAL PEACE CORPS WEEK After World War II, membership grew rap- As a relay team member, Black won na- idly. During the 1950’s a circle of the Daugh- tional championships in the 1970 NCAA out- HON. ELLEN O. TAUSCHER ters of Isabella was established for the wives door 440-yard relay and the 1972 NAIA OF CALIFORNIA and daughters of members and a circle of the 4x100m (39.5 seconds) and 4x400m (3:04.8 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Columbian Squires was formed to promote minutes) relays. Both of these relay times still youth activities. stand as meet records for hand-timing. For his Tuesday, February 28, 2006 Social and athletic activities for members efforts, he was selected as the 1972 NAIA Mrs. TAUSCHER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today and their families expanded and grew but Championships Herbert B. Marett Outstanding in celebration of National Peace Corps Week service and acts of charity continued to be the Performer. For the last 10 years, Black has and to congratulate the 7,800 Peace Corp Vol- cornerstones of the council. The first chairman been a personal trainer in Coral Gables. unteers—including 31 of my constituents— of Catholic Charities in the Tri Cities area was Larry Black is survived by his wife who are serving their country today in 72 a past Grand Knight and members continued Cheresse, 4 daughters and 2 grandsons. I countries around the world. to be driving forces in this organization. know that my colleagues join me in sending to More than 182,000 Peace Corps Volunteers Council 1098 has been a significant sup- Larry Black’s family our deepest condolences have served in 138 countries since the organi- porter of community, charitable and edu- for their loss, and in celebrating the life of a zation’s inception in 1961. Every year, thou- cational organizations. The Council has di- man of extraordinary ability who had the dis- sands of selfless volunteers share their time rectly contributed in excess of $100,000 annu- cipline and desire to hone his talents so finely and talents by serving as teachers, business ally in support of local Catholic education and that he became the best in the nation and in advisors, information technology consultants, provided more than $60,000 in scholarships the world. health and HIV/AIDS educators, and youth annually. They have also contributed more f and agriculture workers. than $15,000 a year to developmentally chal- In addition to serving countries around the lenged service organizations. HONORING SANDRA MACKINNON globe, 272 Peace Corps’ Crisis Corps Volun- While they have always focused on helping COSENZA ON THE OCCASION OF teers were deployed to the Gulf Coast in the those within their community, Council 1098 HER RETIREMENT wake of Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita. has also extended its helping hands to those These volunteers assisted the Federal Emer- in need outside their boundaries. In response HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO gency Management Agency with hurricane re- to the devastation wrought by Hurricane OF CONNECTICUT sponse efforts. The deployment of Peace Katrina, the Council raised $50,000 in Katrina IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Corps’ Volunteers within the United States Relief and continues to provide on-going sup- Tuesday, February 28, 2006 was a historic first, and a great help in man- port to Brother Knights on the gulf coast. aging this national disaster. Tri Cities Knights of Columbus Council 1098 Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, it is with great I praise our nation’s Peace Corps volunteers has seen many changes through the last 100 pleasure that I rise today to join the many who serve their country and the world as hu- years but they have always stayed true to the family, friends and colleagues who have gath- manitarians, devoting themselves to transfer- Knights of Columbus goals of Charity, Unity ered to honor a very special woman, and my ring life-changing knowledge and skills to the and Fraternity. dear friend, Sandra MacKinnon Cosenza, as people of other nations. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me she celebrates her retirement. After more than Mr. Speaker, I salute the hundreds of thou- in honoring the 100th Anniversary of the Tri thirty-four years of dedicated service, Sandy sands of men and women of this nation who Cities Knights of Columbus Council 1098 and will be leaving Area Cooperative Education have selflessly served abroad as Peace Corps wish the best to them for continued service in Services, one of six educational service cen- Volunteers. On this 45th Anniversary of the the future. ters that were formed under Connecticut State Peace Corps, I am especially proud to rep- f Statute in 1970. A result of recognizing that resent 31 such volunteers and I offer them my school districts must work together to meet the sincere gratitude. TRIBUTE TO THE LATE LARRY ever-changing needs of local education sys- BLACK, OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST tems, these centers provide an environment f where quality programs can be planned, de- HONORING THE 100TH ANNIVER- HON. KENDRICK B. MEEK veloped and implemented—giving our young SARY OF THE TRI CITIES OF FLORIDA people access to the best educational oppor- KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tunities possible. 1098 Education is the cornerstone of success and Tuesday, February 28, 2006 the most critical link between our young peo- HON. JERRY F. COSTELLO Mr. MEEK of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise to ple and their futures. Throughout our country, OF ILLINOIS bring to the attention of my colleagues the we look to our towns and cities to provide IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES passing of a Miami native and a sports leg- these invaluable skills to our children. That is end, sprint star Larry Black, who died last what ACES is all about and its success would Tuesday, February 28, 2006 Wednesday, February 15, 2006. not have been possible without Sandy. As Mr. COSTELLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Born on July 20, 1951 in Miami, Florida, former Executive Director Peter Young re- ask my colleagues to join me in recognizing Larry Black was an athlete of extraordinary cently described, for the first twenty years of the 100th Anniversary of the Tri Cities Knights ability and striking grace. He didn’t run as fast its existence, Sandy was the heart of the of Columbus Council 1098. as the wind; he was faster. ACES Personnel office—advertising vacan- In 1906, with an initial enrollment of 58 While still a student at North Carolina Cen- cies, processing applications, providing ori- members, the Tri Cities Knights of Columbus tral University, Larry Black won two medals at entation for new hires and ensuring that staff Council 1098 was formed. The first Grand the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich. He won not only received their benefits but also met Knight was Mr. E. J. Sweeney and the early a gold medal for running the lead leg of Team their specific needs. Everyone consulted with meetings were held in a hall in Madison, Illi- USA’s winning the 4x400 relay squad, and he Sandy and welcomed her advice and sugges- nois before moving to neighboring Granite also captured the silver medal in the 200 me- tions. In addition, she built and improved staff City. ters event, which he ran in 20.19 seconds. spirit by organizing social events and took The years before World War I saw steady Larry Black was an 11-time collegiate All- special care to provide the Governing Board growth in membership and the establishment American who won four individual national with all that they needed. of the Knights of Columbus as a presence championships and was a part of 3 national Beyond her administrative skills was her within the Tri Cities community. During the championship relay teams. He won NCAA out- commitment to the students of ACES. Though Great Depression and World War II, member- door titles in 1971 (220-yard) and 1972 many of them will never know, Sandy’s gen- ship dwindled and it was only through the de- (200m), and the NAIA indoor 60-yard dash uine care and concern for their education both termination of the few dedicated members that crown in 1974. Black also set the NAIA Cham- inside and outside the classroom made all the the council survived. While most social activi- pionship meet record in the 200m dash in difference in their lives. She began a Jesse ties for the members ceased during the war, 1972 (20.0 seconds) to help the Eagles win tree which allowed staff to contribute clothing

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.077 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E224 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 28, 2006 and other gifts at Christmas for students who to the U.S. State Department for use in the HONORING THE 100TH ANNIVER- came from families in need. She fostered the preparation of its late reports to the oversight SARY OF THE RADNOR FIRE notion of Holiday cards for ACES—cards de- committees. COMPANY, SERVING RADNOR signed by students which were used as an Although the second and third reports for AND PARTS OF DELAWARE, outreach tool to the school districts which they the International Covenant on Civil and Polit- MONTGOMERY AND CHESTER serve. It is from these special contributions to ical Rights (ICCPR) treaty were due in 1998 COUNTY, PA the ACES students that Sandy was able to and 2003, the U.S. State Department did not pass on a very unique lesson—they learned file a report until October 21, 2005. According HON. CURT WELDON the value and reward of giving back to their to the MCLI, this combined second and third OF PENNSYLVANIA community. It is easy to see why Sandy will report fails to contain various instances of U.S. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES be missed by staff and students alike. human rights violations and lack of enforce- Tuesday, February 28, 2006 In addition to her career at ACES, Sandy ment measures. The combined U.S. Report has been married to her wonderful husband, will be discussed by the U.N. Human Rights Mr. WELDON of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, Henry, for forty-two years and has raised two Committee in March 2006 in New York and it is a great honor for me to rise today to con- exceptional daughters, Robyn and Jennifer. will be examined in greater detail by the com- gratulate the Radnor Fire Company for 100 She has also recently become a grand- mittee in the summer of 2006 in Geneva. years of dedicated service to the residents of mother—a role which no doubt she will happily The Challenging report raises important en- Radnor, Tredyffrin and the surrounding com- dedicate more of her time to in her retirement. forcement and reporting violations committed munities in Pennsylvania. On a historical note, after 30 years of serv- I could not speak about Sandy without also by the U.S. I encourage my colleagues to read ice in 1904, the Wayne Hose Company & personally thanking her for her many years of this report for more information. The U.S. must Wayne Chemical Company disbanded leaving special friendship. She is more than a friend— comply with the treaties it signed in order to no fire protection for the community. Following she is family. Words cannot begin to express protect the rights of individuals both domesti- a devastating fire that completely destroyed my appreciation and gratitude for the tireless cally and abroad and to realign the U.S. with the Wayne Suburban newspaper building in support she has shown to me and my family. the principles it was founded on. I appreciate March of 1906, 24 men organized the Radnor And so, it is with deep admiration and affec- the work of MCLI to promote and protect Fire Company to protect the community and tion that I stand today to join her husband, human rights around the globe and congratu- incorporated on March 15, 1906. Henry; her children, Robyn and Jennifer; her late them on this report. son-in-law, Kevin, her grandson, Ian; family, The Wayne steam plant agreed to sound the steam whistle if there was a fire and it friends and colleagues in extending my sin- f cere congratulations to Sandra Cosenza as sounded its first alarm on May 24, 1906 for a she celebrates her retirement. Sandy is a re- HONORING CAROLYN MEEKER working house fire near Strafford train station. markable woman whose generosity and com- In that first year of existence the Radnor Fire passion has left an indelible mark on the lives Company responded to 13 fire calls. of all of those who know her and many that do HON. MICHAEL BILIRAKIS In 1907, looking to improve the firefighting not. Though she will be enjoying her retire- OF FLORIDA capabilities the members were tasked to find ment years, I am certain that Sandy will con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a motorized fire truck. Since none existed at tinue to touch the lives of others—her extraor- that time they drew specifications and The dinary warmth and kind heart making all the Tuesday, February 28, 2006 Knox Company was hired to build the first mo- difference. I am happy to extend my very best Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to torized fire pump in the United States. wishes to her for many more years of health honor Carolyn Meeker, a community champion The firefighters of the Radnor Fire Company and happiness. whose activism has been missed by those in have an impressive record when it comes to f the small community for which she once firefighting. The fire company has fought such fought. spectacular blazes including four at Villanova TRIBUTE TO MEIKLEJOHN CIVIL University, six at Valley Forge Military Acad- Carolyn Meeker was a community treasure LIBERTIES INSTITUTE emy, the Pennsylvania Fire Works Company in the tiny town of Lutz, located in my con- explosion in Devon, the Wayne Opera House, gressional district. A native New Yorker, she Caley Nursing Home and crashes of P–40 HON. BARBARA LEE moved to Lutz in the mid-1960s and quickly fighter planes during World War II. During that OF CALIFORNIA became immersed in issues affecting her and time, the fire company manpower was aug- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES her neighbors. She led the charge against mented by a ‘‘school boy fireman’’—Rick Tuesday, February 28, 2006 suburban sprawl and excessive development. Taddeo, who is still a member today. She successfully restricted zoning laws and Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to high- The first ambulance was purchased in 1947 helped impose limitations on public well field light the efforts of the Meiklejohn Civil Liberties with funds raised by the Rotary Club following pumping. Institute (MCLI), a non-profit organization in the death of a Radnor firefighter. By the my district. The MCLI, founded in 1965, is a Mrs. Meeker became a regular at 1970’s the fire company was responding to think tank that works on national and inter- Hillsborough County Commission meetings. 390 fire and 890 ambulance calls annually. national human rights issues as they relate to She firmly, but politely, shared her well-rea- Today they answer nearly 800 fire and 4,000 the U.S. In 1995, the Institute’s Human Rights soned arguments with commissioners, many ambulance calls annually. Reporting Project began using U.S. treaties as of whom favored that which she opposed. Her From its beginning with a horse-drawn fire tools to work for human rights. arguments often carried the day because, as apparatus to the first motorized firefighting In 2005, the MCLI issued a report entitled a long-time friend once noted, she let facts, equipment to its modern new trucks of today, Challenging U.S. Human Rights Violations not emotion, guide her. Radnor is a leader in firefighting capabilities Since 9/11 in response to the failure of the She eventually ran for the Commission her- and continues to protect the citizens of U.S. government to submit timely and accu- self, narrowly losing the election but nonethe- Radnor, portions of Tredyffrin and the sur- rate reports to the United Nations (UN). Ac- less continuing her crusade to protect the rural rounding communities. cording to 3 U.N. treaties ratified by the U.S. lifestyle which so many in Lutz love. She sub- I would like to take this opportunity to thank in 1992 and 1994, the U.S. is required to sub- sequently served on many County-appointed all those who have dedicated not only their mit regular reports to U.N. oversight commit- boards working for better growth management. time, but also their lives, to the safety of all tees about human rights abuses and enforce- She also headed the Lutz Civic Association. Radnor residents as well as surrounding com- ment measures at the local, State, and Fed- She died in 2003 after a determined fight munities. As a former fire chief in Marcus eral levels. against cancer. Hook, I am aware of the risks firefighters face On March 15, 2005, the Berkeley City Mr. Speaker, Carolyn Meeker was a shining each day, under intense pressure, in life or Council passed Resolution 62,841 in which example of what community service and citi- death situations. Our thanks and appreciation the City Council resolved to submit a copy of zenship is all about. Her life reminds me that can never repay those who put their lives on Challenging to the U.S. State Department, the we all share a responsibility to be civic-minded the line to ensure our safety. I am proud to U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, and to fight for that in which we believe. Many recognize and commend the tremendous com- and the UN Human Rights Committee. On of my constituents are better off because she mitment, courage and dedication of the March 31, 2005, MCLI presented Challenging did. Radnor Fire Company members who continue

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.080 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E225 to reflect the same spirit in which the depart- an indelible mark on our community and I Today, I am just one of many Delawareans ment was established more than 100 years have no doubt that they will continue to have who would like to take this opportunity to say ago. I am honored to rise today to extend my a positive impact on the city for many years to a sincere thank you to them for their service thanks for what the members of the Radnor come. That is why I am pleased to stand and sacrifice on our behalf. When they were Fire Company do each day and congratulate today to join the many who have gathered to needed, they answered their country’s call, them on this milestone anniversary. extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to proving once again that extraordinary individ- f Carroll Brown and the West Haven Black Coa- uals live within each generation of Americans. lition for their invaluable contributions. My sin- TRIBUTE TO THE WEST HAVEN cere and heart-felt congratulations as they cel- f BLACK COALITION AS THEY CEL- ebrate this very special milestone. EBRATE THEIR 20TH ANNIVER- THE ‘‘PORT OPERATIONS REQUIRE f SARY TOUGH SCRUTINY’’ (PORTS) ACT TRIBUTE TO SERGEANT DIMITRI STATEMENT OF INTRODUCTION HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO MUSCAT OF CONNECTICUT HON. EDWARD J. MARKEY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. THOMAS G. TANCREDO OF MASSACHUSETTS OF COLORADO Tuesday, February 28, 2006 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, in so many Tuesday, February 28, 2006 communities across this nation, civic organiza- Tuesday, February 28, 2006 Mr. MARKEY. Mr. Speaker, today I am in- tions have been founded in an effort to ad- Mr. TANCREDO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today troducing the Port Operations Require Tough vance the local African-American community. to pay tribute to a fallen soldier from Aurora, Scrutiny (PORTS) Act to ensure that decisions For the last twenty years, the City of West Colorado, Sergeant Dimitri Muscat. Sergeant about the sale of critical U.S. infrastructure Haven, Connecticut has been home to the Muscat died on February 24 in Balad, Iraq. He such as ports are thoroughly reviewed so that West Haven Black Coalition—an organization was just 21 years old. the homeland security consequences of these that has not only helped to promote African- Sergeant Muscat was born in Russia and transactions are not brushed aside in favor of American involvement in the community, but came to Colorado when he was only 12 years commercial interests. has also worked diligently to improve the com- old. According to his stepfather, serving in the munity and quality of life for all West Haven Army to defend America was something The Bush Administration’s recent decision to residents. Dimitri had wanted to do since he was approve the sale of British port operator Pe- We begin each year celebrating the life and young—and he joined the Army at 17. Dimitri ninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation to Dubai lessons of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther was serving as a gunner on his unit’s tank Ports World, a company owned by the govern- King followed by the celebration of Black His- when he died. ment of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has tory Month. It could not be more fitting that the Dimitri is survived by his mother, stepfather raised significant homeland security concerns. West Haven Black Coalition’s anniversary co- and his sister. This decision also has shined a light on a lit- incides with these festivities. In the last two Sergeant Muscat was assigned to C Com- tle-known committee at the Treasury Depart- decades, under the leadership of founder and pany, 1st Batallion, 8th Infantry Regiment, 4th ment and the secretive process it uses to president Carroll Brown, the West Haven Infantry Division based in Fort Carson, Colo- make decisions that can have important con- Black Coalition has gone a long way in bring- rado. He was in his second tour in Iraq when sequences for the security of our Nation. ing life to the legacy of Dr. King and address- he died. Clearly, the UAE port deal did not receive ing social, political, and economic issues Dimitri served his adopted country with the scrutiny it deserved. The 9/11 Commission through active participation in the government courage and valor, fighting for the cause of identified the government of the UAE—the and community. Dr. King once said, ‘‘Life’s freedom. same entity that would operate major functions most persistent and urgent question is what The American and Iraqi people owe Dimitri at 6 U.S. ports—as a ‘‘persistent counterter- are you going to do for others.’’ Dr. King de- and his family a great debt of gratitude for his rorism problem’’. Two of the 9/11 hijackers voted his life—indeed gave his life—to working service and his sacrifice. were from the UAE. The 9/11 Commission for others. Despite our best intentions, it is not We extend our heartfelt sympathy and sin- concluded that the UAE banking system was always easy to find the time for community cere condolences to all who knew and loved used as a conduit for funds for the September service. With so much going on in our daily Dimitri. 11th attacks. The UAE was a key transfer point for illegal shipments of nuclear compo- lives it can be a challenge which is why I have f a deep admiration for those among us who nents to Iran, North Korea and Libya. The take the time to give something back and to TRIBUTE TO THE MARINES OF UAE was one of only three nations to recog- share our talents with others. For 20 years, BULK FUEL COMPANY BRAVO nize the legitimacy of the Taliban government the West Haven Black Coalition has done just and still does not recognize the State of Israel. that. HON. MICHAEL N. CASTLE Despite all of these warning signs, the pro- It was not so long ago that minorities faced OF DELAWARE posed port deal did not even trigger a 45-day seemingly overwhelming obstacles to justice IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES investigation, which is provided in current law and equality. While our nation has taken great and should have been interpreted as being strides, there is still work to be done—this has Tuesday, February 28, 2006 mandatory when foreign governments—wheth- become the mission of the West Haven Black Mr. CASTLE. Mr. Speaker, it is with great er involving the UAE, the UK, the Ukraine or Coalition. Actively encouraging African-Ameri- pleasure that I rise today to pay tribute to the any other nation—seek mergers, acquisitions cans to not only run for public office but serve five returning Marines of Bulk Fuel Company or similar transactions that could affect U.S. in city government, developing and imple- Bravo, based in Wilmington, Delaware. During national security. Nevertheless, when asked menting community enrichment projects the past seven months, the five Marines of about the UAE port deal last week, Defense throughout the city, and making opportunity Bulk Fuel Company Bravo answered the call Secretary Rumsfeld said, ‘‘I am reluctant to real for our students by providing college to duty in a highly volatile and dangerous re- make judgments based on the minimal scholarships—these are just some of the ways gion of Iraq. Their efforts contributed to the amount of information I have because I just that the West Haven Black Coalition has made safety and security of an emerging democracy heard about this over the weekend.’’ (Defense a difference. and our own great nation. With this sacrifice Department news briefing, 2/21/06). Perhaps more important than the physical they have inspired others—including their fam- It is unacceptable that President Bush, the impact the West Haven Black Coalition has ily, friends, and neighbors. Secretary of Homeland Security, the Secretary had on our community is the inspiring mes- As Americans, we are mindful of what we of Defense, and the Secretary of the Treasury sage that their good work has passed on to a have lost, but we are deeply grateful for all were not informed of the UAE port deal until new generation. Your participation, your serv- that cannot be destroyed. It is Marines like after it was approved and had caused wide- ice—in school, in government, or in the com- those of Bulk Fuel Company Bravo who sus- spread public outrage. President Bush has re- munity—gives you a strong voice and empow- tain and invigorate the timeless values, prin- peatedly told the American people that 9/11 ers you to make a difference. In its first 20 ciples, and extraordinary character that define changed his thinking, and extraordinary meas- years, the West Haven Black Coalition has left our great nation. ures, such as warrantless wiretapping of

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.084 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E226 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 28, 2006 American citizens, are required to keep Amer- afford to be lax in our oversight of the shipping For his masterful play and his genuine cre- ica safe. How, then, could the Bush Adminis- and handling of these containers. This Admin- ativity I ask that my colleagues join me in giv- tration have overlooked such an obvious istration’s scrutiny of this UAE deal is just like ing a final farewell to the Godfather of Latin homeland security threat? their treatment of tons of cargos at our door: Jazz, Mr. Ray Barretto. My legislation would strengthen the process insufficient, incomplete and incomprehensible, f for assessing the national security impact of given the security threats we face.’’ foreign ownership of critical U.S. infrastructure. As the DP World decision illustrates, the HONORING THE CONSERVATION Specifically, the legislation would: CFIUS process urgently needs to be over- EFFORTS OF ROBERT Limit Takeovers of Critical Homeland Infra- hauled. I urge consideration of this legislation EASTERBROOK structure. In cases where the purchaser is a so that we can increase the scrutiny of trans- government-owned company based in a for- actions that could create serious homeland se- HON. JOHN D. DINGELL eign country, the transaction must be ap- curity risks. Commerce must not be permitted OF MICHIGAN proved not only by CFIUS, but also by the to trump common sense. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES President and be subject to congressional re- f Tuesday, February 28, 2006 view. If the purchaser is a foreign company, but TRIBUTE TO MR. RAY BARRETTO Mr. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to not government-controlled, the transaction pay tribute to Robert Easterbrook for his con- must undergo a 45-day investigation and be HON. JOSE´ E. SERRANO tributions to wildlife conservation and pro- found to not undermine national security be- OF NEW YORK tecting the freedom to hunt. fore it can be approved. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES As a member of the Safari Club for over 20 Increase the 30-day Evaluation Period. Ac- years and as founding member of the Detroit Tuesday, February 28, 2006 cording to the Government Accountability Of- Chapter of Safari Club International (SCI), fice (GAO), ‘‘Several officials [participating in Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, it is with great Robert’s passion for conservation education the CFIUS process] commented that, in com- sympathy that I rise today to say goodbye to has been an invaluable resource to the state plex cases, it is difficult to complete analyses a Latin Jazz legend and a wonderful man. Mr. of Michigan. Mr. Easterbrook’s nature study . . .within 23 days.’’ CFIUS’s guidance re- Ray Barretto passed away on Friday, Feb- outdoor center and camp hosts over 4,200 un- quires member agencies to determine if they ruary 17, 2006 at the age of 76. Ray was the derprivileged children every year. His work are likely to object to the transaction by the first Hispanic to record a Latin song which be- with troubled teenagers has been credited with 23rd day of the 30-day review period. The leg- came a ‘‘hit’’ on the American Billboard changing many of their lives for the better. He islation would double this initial evaluation pe- Charts. Although he has gone, his musical in- also founded the ‘‘Great Lakes Bowfishing riod to 60 days and permit any participant to fluence will live on for generations to come. Championship,’’ a fundraising event benefiting be granted an automatic 10-day extension, Surely that is a mark of a great life. the children’s camp that has been recognized separate from CFIUS’s 45-day investigatory Like many Puerto Ricans, Ray’s parents as one of the largest of its kind. period. moved to New York in the early 1920’s in Robert is also well-known for his commit- Require Reports to Congress. According to search of a better life. Raised in Spanish Har- ment and dedication to sportsmens’ issues. Treasury Department regulations, CFIUS re- lem, he was deeply influenced by his mother’s He has been honored by both the Michigan views of any proposed transactions are con- love of music and by the jazz music of musi- House and Senate for his input on bipartisan fidential, and there is no congressional over- cians such as Duke Ellington and Count legislation. His Sportsmen Against Hunger sight of CFIUS decisions. The legislation Basie. In 1946 at the age of 17, he joined the program encourages hunters to donate their would require CFIUS to report annually to Army and was stationed in Germany where he meat to the hungry and has been adopted by Congress on the number of notifications it re- met Belgian musician Fats Sadi. However, it 4 other states. ceived during the year and the action taken was not until he heard ‘‘Manteca’’ recorded by Over the past 30 years Robert Easterbrook after each notification. Dizzy Gillespie and Cuban percussionist, has been awarded Special Conservationist of As security experts and the 9/11 Commis- Chano Pozo, that he realized music was his the Year Award by the Michigan United Con- sion have pointed out, our ports are a vulner- true calling in life. servation Club, the Ted Nugent World Bow- able entry point that could be exploited by ter- After returning to New York in 1949, Ray hunters Lifetime Representative Award and rorists to strike our country. Almost none of began to visit clubs where he participated in the Outstanding SCI member, among other the cargo that enters U.S. ports is ever in- jam sessions and perfected his conga playing. awards. He has also served on various com- spected. While the federal government is ulti- It wasn’t long before the likes of Charlie mittees dedicated to conservation efforts, in- mately responsible for security at ports, much Parker, Jose Curbelo and Tito Puente began cluding the World Wildlife Foundation, the of the day-to-day security responsibilities, such to ask him to play with their bands. Ray American Archery Council and the Michigan as hiring security guards and ensuring ade- opened the door for other Latin percussionists Involvement Committee. quate access controls and fencing are in to appear in jazz groups, creating a sound un- Mr. Easterbrook’s many accomplishments place, are delegated to the companies that op- like any other. serve as a lasting example of excellence in erate at the port. The port operator also has Over the years Ray achieved international conservationism. Michigan has been well- access to real-time sensitive intelligence of the superstardom and released nearly 2 dozen al- served by Robert Easterbook. The residents of continuous movement of ships, their cargoes bums with the Fania label from the late-60s Michigan will appreciate Mr. Easterbrook’s and the millions of containers they are stored until salsa’s popularity peaked in the mid work to protect our great state for generations in; the identity of their shippers and inside 1980’s. In 1975 he was nominated for a to come. knowledge about the security in place at the Grammy Award for the song ‘‘Barretto,’’ and in I would like to thank Robert for his dedi- ports. 1990, he finally won a Grammy for the album cated service both to Safari Club International While oversight of these private operators is ‘‘Ritmo en el Corazo´n’’ (Rhythm in the Heart), and to the State of Michigan. the responsibility of the Department of Secu- which featured the vocals of the late great f rity, the Bush Administration is nickel and Celia Cruz. In 1999, Ray was inducted into the diming our port security by proposing a budget International Latin Music Hall of Fame and in TRIBUTE TO NATIONAL WOMEN’S that eliminates millions in port security grants. January 2006 he was named one of the Na- CONFIDENCE DAY This is a wrong-headed decision that only tional Endowment for the Arts’ Jazz Masters of leaves our country vulnerable to a devastating 2006, the Nation’s highest jazz honor. HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY attack, such as a nuclear weapon or dirty Mr. Speaker, Rays fusing of Afro-Caribbean OF NEW YORK bomb being detonated in our country. rhythms with jazz created a whole new genre IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES We know that terrorists are seeking to use of music that has not only entertained us but U.S. ports as a route to launch a devastating also helped to unite people from diverse back- Tuesday, February 28, 2006 nuclear attack on U.S. soil—one of the millen- grounds in a common love for the sound. The Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to ex- nium bombers entered the United States bonds that he worked to create over the years press my gratitude to the YWCA USA and ac- through the Port of Boston in an attempt to are, as one of his most popular tunes is enti- claimed performer Queen Latifah for their joint bomb buildings on the West Coast. Cargo tled, ‘‘Indestructible.’’ I thank him for having efforts to create National Women’s Confidence containers represent a cheap, deadly method the courage to ask, ‘‘why not,’’ when others Day this Spring. This day will help raise public for delivering bombs on U.S. soil—we cannot asked ‘‘why.’’ awareness and celebrate the positive impact

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.088 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E227 of confidence in women’s personal and profes- Membership of the MDA grew at rapid rates setts. Competing with the team in Italy that sional lives. during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s due to year, Alex won the 1,000 meter race. The impact of cultivating confidence in the annual meetings, the inclusion of local dental The following year he became the Junior individual lives of women across America can- groups in the state and the publication of a American record holder in the 1,500 meter not be understated. Self-confidence, coupled monthly Journal, still in circulation today. and 3,000 meter competitions in Calgary. As a with self-respect, are vitally important charac- In the 1930’s during the Great Depression, member of the U.S. Junior World Cup team teristics that empower women and help them the dental industry was hit hard along with the Izy won a Silver Medal as a participant on the to become successful in all areas of their entire economy. However, the MDA made a relay team in 2003. Two years later he won a lives. strong recovery by helping recruit dentists for Bronze Medal in Beijing as a member of the When women are confident, society bene- military service as well as finding ways to en- U.S. World Championships Relay Team. After fits. Our Nation’s history has been shaped by sure local communities had dental service. finishing second overall in the lap time trials at women whose strong will, determination, and Throughout the 1940’s and on into the 60’s the Marquette Training Center, Alex was given self-confidence has allowed them to break the MDA took up a number of causes includ- a slot on the U.S. Olympic Team fulfilling his down barriers, speak their minds, and stand ing the promotion of community water fluorida- 1994 dream to become an Olympian. up for their beliefs. tion and promoting employer-paid dental cov- He competed twice in the 2006 Olympics, I hope my colleagues will join me in cele- erage and third party plans, which eventually first in the Men’s 1,500 meter race and the brating National Women’s Confidence Day on led to expanded dental coverage in Michigan. second time in the Men’s Relay. As an integral the first Tuesday in April. This momentous day The 1980’s served as an opportunity to con- part of the relay team, Alex was able to pull will serve as a reminder for women to believe tinue the MDA’s pursuit of higher professional the team from fourth place to third place dur- in themselves and remain confident every day; standards for their profession. A campaign ing one of his laps around the track. Along an opportunity for women to get involved in began in 1984 to advocate the importance of with fellow teammates, J.P. Kepka, Rusty helping other women live more fulfilling lives dental care and to urge the public to visit their Smith, and Apolo Anton Ohno, Alex was able and; a fitting tribute to women who contribute dentist every 6 months, a now widely accept- to maintain momentum during the fast paced through education, self-empowerment, men- ed practice. The MDA worked to mandate relay and win the Bronze Medal with a time of toring, and volunteer work to helping others continuing dental education for licensed dental 6:47.990. gain confidence and self-esteem. professionals, further accomplishing their goal A 2002 graduate of Bay City Western High Again, I wish to express my deep apprecia- to promote education in the profession. School, Alex credits his entire family as his tion to the YWCA USA, Queen Latifah, and Mr. Speaker, the Michigan Dental Associa- strongest influence and support. Many of his others who support cultivating women’s con- tion has represented the profession of den- relatives were able to travel to Turin to watch fidence. I invite everyone to join me in cele- tistry and the professionals it serves excep- him compete. In tribute to his parents, Alan brating the positive impact confidence has on tionally well with foresight and vision over the and JoAnn Izykowski, Alex presented the bou- women’s personal and professional lives this last 150 years. They have successfully taught quet given to him during the medal ceremony Spring, on National Women’s Confidence Day. America that the importance of good oral to his mother. He remarked, ‘‘Just showing f health is key to overall health. With over 75 some respect.’’ percent of Michigan dentists as members, the Mr. Speaker, I ask the House of Represent- TRIBUTE TO THE 150TH ANNIVER- MDA continues to focus on their message of atives to rise to their feet and join me, the Bay SARY OF THE MICHIGAN DENTAL ‘‘Dental Care is Primary Care’’ and work with City community, and the State of Michigan in ASSOCIATION the State of Michigan to ‘‘promote professional welcoming home a tremendous athlete, an in- ethics, dental coverage to the uninsured and spirational role model, and a fierce competitor, HON. BART STUPAK disadvantaged, and to monitor in the discipli- Alex Izykowski. Please join me in applauding OF MICHIGAN nary process.’’ With those values in mind, I his achievements as he takes his place in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ask the United States House of Representa- history of our Nation. Tuesday, February 28, 2006 tives to join me in congratulating the Michigan f Dental Association and its 5,801 members— Mr. STUPAK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to 2005, on their sesquicentennial celebration of RECOGNIZING THE NATION’S EYE honor an organization in Michigan that single- raising the standards of the profession of den- BANKS DURING NATIONAL EYE handedly brought dentistry from a journey- tistry in Michigan and the United States. I wish DONOR MONTH man’s trade, as it was called, to a respected them all the best in the future toward another profession. The Michigan Dental Association, successful 150 years. HON. CHARLIE NORWOOD MDA, will celebrate 150 years of being the f OF GEORGIA foundation for the education of dentists and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES professional development of their health care TRIBUTE TO ALEX IZYKOWSKI specialty on March 1 of this year. The MDA is Tuesday, February 28, 2006 the oldest continuous State dental society in HON. DALE E. KILDEE Mr. NORWOOD. Mr. Speaker, it is my the United States. OF MICHIGAN honor today to bring attention to the fact that What began as 14 dentists venturing to De- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 2006 is National Eye Donor Month. As troit on horseback through the harsh Michigan a Member of the Energy and Commerce Com- winter on January 8, 1856, would far surpass Tuesday, February 28, 2006 mittee’s Subcommittee on Health and a recipi- their dream of creating an association of den- Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I ask the House ent of organ donation myself, I am firmly com- tists to elevate the significance of their medical of Representatives to join me today in hon- mitted to promoting organ, eye, and tissue do- profession. The MDA first pursued their dream oring Alex Izykowski of Bay City, Michigan. nation. by promoting education and professional Alex is a member of the Men’s 5,000 Meter I have been blessed with the same gift thou- standards by requiring all members to be Short Track Relay Team that won the Bronze sands of transplant recipients have received: graduates of dental school. Finding it difficult Medal at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, the gift of life. Sometimes that gift comes in to demand such a requirement without a den- Italy on February 25th. the form of a longer life. Other times, in the tal school in the State, they worked with the Alex, nicknamed ‘‘Izy,’’ started speed skat- case of cornea transplant recipients for exam- Michigan Legislature to appropriate funds to ing at the age of eleven after watching the ple, the gift is one of enhanced life, or the sim- start a dental school at the University of Michi- 1994 Winter Olympics from Lillehammer, Nor- ple ability to continue every day activities. The gan. way. His first foray onto the ice was on bor- recipient is allowed the opportunity to enjoy In the MDA’s endless quest to raise the rep- rowed skates. Determined to succeed and one one of the things so many of us take for grant- utation of the dental profession, they began day become an Olympian he continued to ed—a chance to see the world around us. working in 1867 toward legislation that would practice and entered his first competition in Few of us know personally the challenges as- require dentists practicing in the State of 1995. One year later he placed fifth at the jun- sociated with lost vision, but the fact that our Michigan to register with a State board of den- ior nationals. Always striving to do better, he Nation’s eye banks exist and have helped so tistry, weeding out those practicing unauthor- set three state juvenile outdoor records in many Americans is a testament to their good ized methods. In 1883, Governor Josiah W. 1997 and in 2001, Alex was named to the work. As our Nation’s seniors live longer and Begole signed the first dental practice act to U.S. Junior Short Track team at the U.S. vision issues confront the baby boom genera- enact such requirements. Championship held in Walpole, Massachu- tion in record numbers, the challenge will grow

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.092 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E228 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 28, 2006 and the work of our Nation’s eye banks will EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR FULL tant, over 2 million NYSP participants, and prove even more important. I know they are FISCAL YEAR 2007 FUNDING OF their families, know that it works. up to this new challenge and Congress must THE NATIONAL YOUTH SPORTS I strongly encourage all of my colleagues, stand behind them. PROGRAM/RECOGNIZING THE especially those serving on the budget and OUTSTANDING WORK OF THE appropriations committees, to reject the Presi- The first successful transplant of cornea tis- MOREHOUSE COLLEGE NATIONAL dent’s proposed elimination of the NYSP pro- sue was made more than one hundred years YOUTH SPORTS PROGRAM gram, and provide full funding for FY07. ago. Since then, advancements in medical f technology have been phenomenal. Cornea HON. JOHN LEWIS TRIBUTE TO MARCIA S. SMITH transplants are now among the most common OF GEORGIA and most successful transplant procedures. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. SHERWOOD BOEHLERT More than one million people, ranging in age Tuesday, February 28, 2006 from nine days to 107 years old, have re- OF NEW YORK Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ceived eye tissue transplants. in vehement opposition to the proposed elimi- Tuesday, February 28, 2006 All eye banks are not-for-profit organizations nation of National Youth Sports Program that are community-based and work with local (NYSP) funding, contained in the President’s Mr. BOEHLERT. Mr. Speaker, today I would philanthropic organizations, such as Lions Budget Request, for the second year in a row. like to draw our colleagues’ attention to the Clubs, to educate citizens on the importance I am concerned that some of my colleagues pending retirement of Marcia S. Smith from of donation. The community-based reach may not understand the severity of the situa- the Congressional Research Service after over thirty years of service to Congress. Marcia is helps contribute to their success. Eye banks tion that NYSP is facing. If Congress does not provide full FY07 funding for NYSP, the pro- one of the preeminent and most highly re- facilitate approximately 46,000 sight-restoring gram will be forced to close its doors. This will spected policy analysts in her field, and while transplants each year. In my home state of result in 75,000 of our nation’s most vulner- she will remain an active figure in space and Georgia, over 1,000 Georgians have been able youth, being left behind next summer. telecommunications policy at the National given the gift of sight with the help of the NYSP uses sports instruction and competi- Academy of Sciences, her intelligence, exper- Georgia Eye bank and our ocular transplant tion, as a vehicle to enhance self-esteem and tise, objectivity and balance will be greatly physicians. Their success is a testament to respect, among boys and girls from low-in- missed on both sides of Capitol Hill. their hard work but it also indicates that Con- come households. Established in 1969, with a Marcia Smith began her career at the Con- gress must join eye banks in the struggle they $3 million funding commitment from the White gressional Research Service in 1975, after face everyday. House, NYSP has provided over 2 million par- graduating from Syracuse University with a ticipants with instruction in career and edu- degree in political science. She quickly be- The Eye Bank Association of America has cational opportunities, and exposure to the came an accomplished and adept analyst in been vital in advancing the cause of eye do- college environment for nearly four decades. space and aerospace policy, rising to Spe- nation for the past 45 years. Their efforts to Because I have witnessed, firsthand, the dif- cialist in Aerospace and Telecommunications raise awareness and support for eye donation ference that the NYSP program has made in Policy, first in the Science Policy Research Di- have done wonders for the development of the lives of under served youth in my Con- vision, and then in the Resources, Science safe and effective transplants. This year marks gressional District I cannot, in good con- and Industry Division, of CRS. In her service the 23rd anniversary of Eye Donor Month. science, sit idly by as this essential program is to Congress, she has provided background dismantled. In my Congressional District, and analytic reports, memoranda, committee If you are not yet an anatomical gift donor, Morehouse College has done an outstanding prints and expert testimony to Members of I encourage you to become one. I know all too job of running the NYSP program for nearly Congress and committees of the U.S. Con- well what may seem like a simple check on a four decades, serving over 10,000 children gress on matters concerning U.S. and foreign card can mean to those awaiting a life-saving throughout Atlanta. The Morehouse College military and civilian space activities, and on or life-enhancing donation. I continue my call NYSP program is unique, because it has telecommunications issues (and formerly on and challenge to all Americans to discuss this taken great pains to maintain a balance be- nuclear energy). issue with their families and consider becom- tween athletics and academics. Similar to Marcia has been a mentor and advisor to ing an organ, eye, and tissue donor. Such NYSP programs throughout the nation, More- over a dozen CRS analysts and researchers conversations must take place around the house College offers instruction focusing on during her time in that organization. She was kitchen table, not after a loved one is gone. sports. However, it also includes additional in- Section Head for Space and Defense Tech- nologies from 1987–1991, and Section Head The process of becoming a donor takes just a struction in areas such as: nutrition, drug awareness and prevention, creative writing, for Energy, Aerospace and Transportation few minutes, but its impact can last a lifetime and leadership development. Technologies from 1984–1985. for recipients. I also hope that people consider The NYSP program has a tremendous im- To give my colleagues an idea of how pro- the merits of donating not just solid organs, pact on the youth that it serves in my Con- lific and proficient Marcia Smith has been dur- but tissue and corneas as well. As our eye gressional District. By placing NYSP partici- ing service to Congress, she has authored or banks have proven, being able to give the gift pants in academic settings, where they re- coauthored over 160 reports and articles on of sight is truly a testament to our medical ad- ceive hundreds of hours of exposure to the space, nuclear energy, and telecommuni- vancement. benefits of higher education, the participants cations policies and issues. She has testified as an expert witness before House and Sen- As this month goes on, I encourage my col- begin to believe that they, too, can succeed in college and beyond. Furthermore, the men- ate Committees nearly 20 times, a significant leagues to recognize the success of eye toring relationships established between the number of those times in front of the com- banks across our Nation and work to increase teaching/coaching staff, college student volun- mittee I chair, the Committee on Science. local awareness about corneal transplants and teers, and NYSP participants, have resulted in I would like to point out 2 instances in which the importance of donation. Transplants that hundreds of former NYSP participants return- Marcia has served both Congress and her give the gift of sight change Americans’ lives ing to work in the program at Morehouse Col- country in an exemplary manner. In both in- every day, and we must do everything in our lege as student volunteers. stances, these were circumstances marked by power to support this effort. I, for one, will do Mr. Speaker, NYSP is not asking for a tragedy—when the Space Shuttle Challenger my part and hope you will join me in saluting handout from Congress. In fact, in 2005 NYSP was lost at launch on January 28, 1986, and our Nation’s eye banks during Eye Donor secured two-thirds of its operating expenses again when the Space Shuttle Columbia was Month. from other public and private sources, such as lost during re-entry on February 1, 2003. With- the National Collegiate Athletic Association in hours of the Challenger disaster, Marcia (NCAA) and the 202 selected institutions of was briefing congressional staff and talking to higher education with which it partners. The Members of Congress about the technical, Administration knows that NYSP works. Con- policy, and human costs of this accident. She gress knows that NYSP works. Institutions of was widely interviewed and quoted by the na- higher learning in 47 states and the District of tional and international news media. And in Columbia know that NYSP works. Most impor- the painful months following the accident,

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.095 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E229 Marcia worked with Congress to provide over- Policy and Space Forum, and is a contributing Year. I join our island community in cele- sight, investigation, and new policy directions editor for the Smithsonian Institution’s Air & brating her distinction. Kristal, we are all proud in our national space program. Space magazine. She is listed in several of you and we wish you continued prosperity. In 2003, the unthinkable happened again— ‘‘Who’s Who’’ directories, including Who’s another shuttle disaster. And while this oc- Who in the World, Who’s Who of American f curred on a Saturday, Marcia spent the entire Women, and American Men and Women of weekend in her office, writing a report that de- Science. IN HONOR OF THE 890TH tailed the Columbia program, what we knew Marcia Smith was also a founder of Women TRANSPORTATION COMPANY then of the accident, and potential congres- in Aerospace, was its President (1987) and sional outcomes for re-examining the purpose member of its Board of Directors (1984–1990), HON. MARK GREEN and scope of human space flight. This report and is an Emeritus Member. Women in Aero- OF WISCONSIN was ready for Congress first thing the fol- space is a nonprofit organization dedicated to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lowing Monday morning. promoting the advancement of women in aero- Let me also add that Marcia has helped space and recognizing their achievements. In Tuesday, February 28, 2006 Congress in so many other areas of space September 2003, I had the honor of pre- Mr. GREEN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, it is policy that has brought us as a nation forward. senting Marcia with the Women in Aerospace my honor and privilege to recognize before She has worked with us on the Mission to Lifetime Achievement Award. In my remarks, I this House the courageous men and women Planet Mars, international space policy and commented that her unselfishness and service of the 890th Transportation Company, who issues revolving around the International to her country served as models for everyone just days ago returned from their deployment Space Station, and the President Bush’s Na- who works for Congress and therefore their overseas. tional Space Policy. She is an expert on the country. That holds true today as it did then. For nearly one year, the Ashwaubenon, NASA budget, and has a working and ency- And, as a founding member of Women in Wisconsin-based 890th served under perilous clopedic knowledge of space launches and Aerospace, Marcia has clearly made a mark conditions in Iraq, delivering vital supplies to flights, going back to the Sputnik launches and on supporting the role of women professionals their comrades throughout the country. The the Mercury Program. in the space community. vast majority of their missions took place in In addition, Marcia Smith has exemplified Marcia once said of her position at CRS, the Sunni Triangle—home to some of the the type of professional growth and develop- that working for Congress, she was extremely most intense violence in Iraq. However, de- ment that we in Congress have come to ex- busy, put in long hours, often became ex- spite the threat of roadside bombs and sur- pect from senior-level policy experts at the hausted—but never bored. Members of Con- prise attacks, the brave men and women of Congressional Research Service. From 1985– gress and the Committees they serve on have this unit faithfully and successfully executed 1986, Ms. Smith took a leave of absence to been the beneficiaries of this work ethic, high their duties. And, although they encountered serve as Executive Director of the U.S. Na- levels of thoroughness and competence, and enemy engagement on nearly 40 percent of tional Commission on Space. The Commis- keen analytical skills. I would ask that my col- their missions, the unit suffered zero casual- sion, created by Congress and its members leagues on both sides of the aisle recognize ties. appointed by the President, developed long and thank Marcia Smith for the contributions Mr. Speaker, there’s no question the 890th term (50 year) goals for the civilian space pro- she has made during her time with the Con- Transportation Company helped nourish the gram under the chairmanship of (the late) gressional Research Service, and her out- seeds of freedom and democracy in Iraq, and former NASA Administrator Thomas Paine. standing performance and service to Con- their service and sacrifice are to be com- The Commission published its results in the gress, and for the American people. mended. It is my honor to recognize their report Pioneering the Space Frontier. f brave efforts today, and on behalf of the citi- Marcia Smith has continued her professional zens of Wisconsin’s Eighth Congressional Dis- accomplishments even as she makes this CONGRATULATING KRISTAL KOGA ON BEING NAMED GUAM’S 2006 trict, I say thank you. They are our genuine transition in her career. She is a Trustee of heroes. the International Academy of Astronautics WOMEN IN BUSINESS CHAMPION OF THE YEAR (and co-chairs the Space Activities and Soci- f ety Committee, and is a member of the Inter- national Space Policies and Plans Committee HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO HONORING ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA and the Scientific-Legal Liaison Committee). OF GUAM SORORITY, INC. AND THE IMPOR- She has been a member of the Committee on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TANCE OF BLACK FRATERNAL, Human Exploration (CHEX) of the U.S. Na- Tuesday, February 28, 2006 SOCIAL AND CIVIC INSTITUTIONS tional Academy of Sciences’ Space Studies Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Board (1992–93, 1996–97). She is a Fellow of to congratulate and commend Ms. Kristal HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON the American Institute of Aeronautics and As- Koga, on being named 2006 Women in Busi- OF TEXAS tronautics (AIAA). She serves on AIAA’s Eth- ness Champion of the Year by the United IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ical Conduct Panel, and the International Ac- States Small Business Administration Guam Tuesday, February 28, 2006 tivities Committee; was a member of the Inter- Branch Office. national Space Year Committee (1989–1992), Ms. Koga is an accomplished designer and Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. the Public Policy Committee (1982–1989) and owns the ‘‘Kristal Kollection’’ clothing line. Her Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the impor- the Space Systems Technical Committee hard work and keen business sense has made tance of black fraternal, social and civic institu- (1986–1989); was an AIAA Distinguished Lec- her a well known and well established busi- tions to the African-American community and turer (1983–1988); and was a member of the nesswoman on Guam. Her commitment to use to America as a whole. 2006 marks the 100th Council of AIAA’s National Capital Section her vast skills and knowledge to foster and anniversary of Alpha Phi Alpha, the first con- (1994–1996). She is a member of the Ket- mentor young women pursuing careers in tinuous, collegiate black Greek letter fraternity. tering Group of space observers. She is a Fel- business is what makes her especially deserv- This is remarkable when you think of the so- low of the British Interplanetary Society. She is ing of this recognition as ‘‘Women in Business cial and political climate of 1906—where we a member of the Board of Directors of the Champion.’’ were almost 50 years away from Brown v. International Institute of Space Law (IISL) and Ms. Koga is serving, or has served in nu- Board of Education or Rosa Parks refusing to of the Association of U.S. Members of the merous organizations dedicated to improving give up her bus seat. During this era of Jim IISL. She was President of the American As- the lives of women around the world, including Crow, black fraternal, social and civic institu- tronautical Society (1985–1986), on its Board the Soroptimist International of the Marianas, tions refused to accept this imposed inferiority, of Directors (1982–1985), and Executive Com- where she is a current member and served as and banded together to provide support and mittee (1982–1987,1988–1989). She is a Life the immediate past-president; the Federation promote solutions. Member of the New York Academy of of Asian Pacific Women’s Association, where I am a proud member of Alpha Kappa Sciences and the Washington Academy of she is currently serving as treasurer; and the Alpha, the oldest black Greek letter fraternity Sciences (Board of Directors, 1988–1989). Guam Council of Women’s Clubs, where she founded by collegiate women. Founded in She is a member of Sigma Xi (the honorary serves as the vice president. 1908 at Howard University, AKA was estab- scientific research society). Ms. Smith serves I congratulate Kristal for being selected as lished in order to provide social and intellec- on the editorial boards of the journals Space the 2006 Women in Business Champion of the tual enrichment through member interactions.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.099 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E230 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 28, 2006 Throughout the years, AKA’s purpose has ex- his recognition with his wife Kathy and his chil- This evening, in honor of Black History panded as it strives to promote high scholas- dren. Uncle Alfred, we are all proud of you Month, I would like to call the House’s atten- tics and ethical standards, vocational and ca- and we wish you continued prosperity. tion to four distinguished African-Americans reer guidance, health services and the ad- f entities that made major contributions to my vancement of human and civil rights. Led by congressional district, city of Dallas as well as national Basileus, Norma S. White, Alpha IN RECOGNITION OF MILLER the State and our country. Kappa Alpha focuses on five national targets ELECTRIC CREDIT UNION First, Mr. President, I would call your atten- including: education, health, the black family, tion to Dallas Black Dance Theatre celebrates economics, and the arts. Most importantly the HON. MARK GREEN its 29th season as the oldest, continuously op- women of AKA seek to make a difference in OF WISCONSIN erating professional dance company in Dallas. our communities and to be of supreme service IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The ensemble, a contemporary modern dance to all of mankind. Tuesday, February 28, 2006 company, consists of 14 professional dancers performing a mixed repertory of modern, jazz, When you look at AKA’s distinguished mem- Mr. GREEN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, it is ethnic and spiritual works by nationally and bership it is easy to see its impact on Amer- my honor and pleasure to recognize before internationally known choreographers which ica. Amongst these women are: Coretta Scott this House Miller Electric Credit Union, which include: Alvin Ailey, Talley Beatty, Donald King, Rosa Parks, Maya Angelou, Toni Morri- was recently awarded the Desjardins Youth Fi- Byrd, Alonzo King, Milton Myers, Elisa Monte, son, Ella Fitzgerald, and Dr. Mae Jemison— nancial Education Award for its extraordinary Donald McKayle, Kevin Jeff, Christopher Hug- just to name a few. service to its members and the community of gins, Jessica Lang, Bruce Wood, David Par- The impact of black fraternal, social and Appleton, Wisconsin. civic organization is truly immeasurable. They Helping young people learn the value of sons and Darryl Sneed. The company and have brought together and inspired the lead- money is one of the most significant social company’s dancers have studied, trained and ers that have made America what it is today. and economic challenges we face as a nation. performed with some of the pre-eminent per- f Despite the principles of thrift and prudence formers and teachers in the American dance embraced by our parents and grandparents, world. CONGRATULATING ALFRED K.Y. Second, Mr. Speaker, I would like to recog- today the importance of saving is being over- LAM ON BEING NAMED GUAM’S nize the African American Museum which has shadowed by the ease at which folks can 2006 MINORITY SMALL BUSINESS more than 25 years, has stood as a cultural spend. And, as a result millions of Americans CHAMPION OF THE YEAR beacon in Dallas and the Southwestern United have charged and financed their way into a States. Started in 1974 as a part of the Bishop life of debt and financial turmoil. HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO Fortunately, there are folks out there work- College Special Collection, the Museum has OF GUAM ing to break the spending cycle. Miller Electric operated independently since 1979. The African American Museum is the only IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Credit Union spends hours upon hours teach- museum in the Southwestern United States Tuesday, February 28, 2006 ing individuals lessons on financial education. devoted to the preservation and display of Af- They’ve created innovative programs to help Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today rican American artistic, cultural and historical their members, young and old, learn how to to congratulate and commend Mr. Alfred K.Y. materials. It also has one of the largest African budget and save for important purchases Lam, affectionately known to everyone on American folk art collections in the United down the road. One program in particular—the Guam as ‘‘Uncle Alfred,’’ on being named the States. The African American Museum incor- Undersea Saver’s Club—gives prizes to kids 2006 Minority Small Business Champion of porates a wide variety of visual art forms and who make a habit out of depositing, rather the Year by the United States Small Business historical documents that portray the African than withdrawing, money in their savings ac- Administration Guam Branch Office. American experience in the United States, Alfred’s entrepreneurial spirit, diligence, and count. Mr. Speaker, Miller Electric Credit Union has Southwest, and Dallas. perseverance have made him a successful The main objective of the Museum is the been a valued member of the Appleton com- businessman on Guam, but his commitment to presentation of meaningful experiences for munity for nearly 60 years, and its 2,800 the development and promotion of other mi- children and adults who would not ordinarily member-owners are a testament to its suc- nority businesses over the last 30 years visit a museum. The rich heritage of black art cess. I congratulate them on receiving this makes him deserving of the Minority Small and history is housed in four vaulted galleries, outstanding honor, and wish them continued Business Champion of the Year award. augmented by a research library. Living Afri- success in the years to come. Since coming to Guam in 1972, Alfred has can American culture is experienced through operated his own business, finding a wealth of f entertaining and educational programs pre- business opportunity in Guam’s burgeoning TRIBUTE TO BLACK HISTORY sented in the theater, studio arts area and shipping industry. Even in those early days, MONTH classrooms. The Museum’s permanent collec- Alfred saw the need to nurture other small tions include African art; African American fine businesses for the benefit of the entire com- HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON art; magazine, historical, political and commu- munity. OF TEXAS nity archives. From 1974 to 1976, he served as the vice Third, I would like to recognize the Black IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES president of the United Chinese Association, Academy of Arts and Letters, Inc. (TBAAL) is and was the charter president of the Asian Pa- Tuesday, February 28, 2006 a Dallas-based multi-disciplined cultural arts cific Lions Club in 1982. During this time, Al- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. institution. TBAAL’s primary objectives have fred also helped form the Sea Transport Asso- Mr. Speaker, I am most pleased to join my been to stimulate an increased awareness of ciation, which was created to promote and sta- colleagues and millions of Americans in com- Black artistic accomplishments rooted in the bilize the shipping market between Guam and memorating African-American History Month African culture among the races; to honor the Far East for the benefit of Chinese mer- and particularly this year’s theme ‘‘Celebrating those who have made significant and con- chants and Guam’s economy as a whole. Community: A Tribute to Black Fraternal, So- tinuing contributions in the arts and letters of For the last two years, Alfred has also cial and Civic Institutions’’. This theme as an- the past and present and; to identify, encour- served as president of the Chinese Chamber nounced by the Association for the Study of age and support young, promising talented of Commerce, which has begun to form alli- Afro-American Life and History (ASALH) is artists and scholars in Black arts and letters. ances with other Chinese Chambers of Com- most appropriate and timely as we enter a After more than two decades of producing merce in Hong Kong, Mainland China, and new millennium and hopefully a new and even and presenting programs in music, theater, Los Angeles. brighter era of African-American progress. dance, film, television and video, literature and Alfred is a proven business leader, and con- Mr. President, I rise today to recognize Feb- visual arts throughout the United States, tinues to be an inspiration to the next genera- ruary as Black History Month and to honor the TBAAL has continued to create strong ties tion of businessmen on Guam, including the rich cultural heritage of African-Americans in among many emerging and well known artists 2005 Small Business Person of the Year, Dallas and my State of Texas. In the arts or and scholars. In the organization’s early his- George Lai of Quality Distributors. letters, history, business, sport, or education, tory (1977), it established a professional Resi- I congratulate Alfred for being selected as Greater Metroplex’s African-American commu- dent Touring Company called the Third World the 2006 Minority Small Business Champion nity has made a significant and lasting impact Players. Renowned actress Regina Taylor was of the Year for Guam. Our island celebrates on our Nation’s culture. a member of that company in 1978 and other

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.103 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E231 artists such as Erykah Badu are a product of Crisostomo of Guam and to commend him on PERSONAL EXPLANATION the Academy. being honored as the 2006 Small Business The ‘cultural icon’ of the Dallas/Fort Worth Person of the Year. Each year the U.S. Small HON. EARL BLUMENAUER area, TBAAL presents and produces exciting Business Administration Guam Branch Office OF OREGON cultural arts programs annually in dance, the- solicits nominations from our community for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES atre, music, literary, fine, and visual arts. Local Tuesday, February 28, 2006 and emerging artists participate in TBAAL pro- this award. This year Mr. Crisostomo has grams, and noted artists and celebrities have earned this distinction and his nomination will Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, had I participated such as: Oleta Adams, Debbie go forward for national recognition as well. been present for the votes on Wednesday, Allen, Maya Angelou, Roy Ayers, Akin Mr. Crisostomo, who family, friends, employ- February 15, 2006, I would have voted as fol- Babatunde, Obba Babatunde, Erykah Badu, ees, and customers know as ‘‘Joey,’’ is widely lows: Rollcall Vote 10: I would have voted in favor Romare Bearden, The Barrett Sisters, Angela recognized and well respected within our is- Bofill, Avery Brooks, Cab Calloway, Bill Cosby, of H.R. 4745, making supplemental appropria- land community as a formidable and success- Ruby Dee, Ossie Davis*, Mari Evans, Antonio tions for FY 2006 for the Small Business Ad- Fargas, Kim Fields, Lou Gossett, William ful business leader. His has an impressive ministration’s disaster loan program. Greaves, Alex Haley, Irma P. Hall, Tramaine record of experience in the sales and auto- Rollcall Vote 11: I would have voted in favor Hawkins, Jennifer Holliday, Linda Hopkins, motive industries and he has built a reputation of S. Con. Res. 79, expressing the sense of Kim Jordan, Ella Joyce, Eartha Kitt, Dr. C. Eric of hard work and strong leadership. Congress that no United States assistance Lincoln, Les McCann, Barbara McNair, Garrett The son of Jose R. and Rosario Sanchez should be provided directly to the Palestinian Authority if any representative political party Morris, Roger Mosley, Tyler Perry, Florence Crisostomo, Joey grew up in a military family holding a majority of parliamentary seats with- Quivar, Phylicia Rashad, Dan Rather, Esther and developed an interest in cars and motor- Rolle, Sonia Sanchez, Karen Clark-Sheard, in the Palestinian Authority maintains a posi- cycles at an early stage in life. He graduated KiKi Shephard, Carole Simpson, Mavis Sta- tion calling for the destruction of Israel. ples, Glenn Turman, Cicely Tyson, Albertina from John F. Kennedy High School in 1977, Had I been present for the votes on Thurs- Walker, Margaret Walker*, Dionne Warwick, and began working at a local company on the day, February 16, 2006, I would have voted as Lillias White, Hal Williams, Nancy Wilson, island stocking auto parts and assembling mo- follows: . Vickie Winans, the late James Cleveland and torcycles. After spending several years in Rollcall Vote 12: I would have voted in favor many more. Idaho and Hawaii in the industry, he returned of H. Con. Res. 341, condemning the Govern- TBAAL is the only African-American multi- to his home island of Guam in 1992 to work ment of Iran for violating its international nu- clear nonproliferation obligations and express- disciplined cultural arts organization in the in car sales and to serve as the sales man- ing support for efforts to report Iran to the country housed inside a major convention cen- ager for two local companies. In 1999, the ter, which increases the awareness of African United Nations Security Council. local Chrysler dealership folded but Joey was American cultural history. Rollcall Vote 13: I would have voted against Finally, Mr. Speaker, I like to recognize the instrumental in securing the parts and service the ruling of the Chair tabling the privileged Dallas Youth Council of the National Associa- agreement with Chrysler International to en- resolution by Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi tion for the Advancement of Colored People sure the Chrysler name remained on Guam. on the budget reconciliation spending cuts leg- (NAACP). The purpose of the Youth Council is Despite weak economic conditions, Joey islation. to inform youth of the problems affecting Black successfully took risk and opened Cars Plus, f people and other minority groups as well as LLC. Joey demonstrated his ability to start up TRIBUTE TO ERIN LAVERY, WIN- work towards those measures to advance the a new business from the bottom. Today, Cars NER OF THE PRUDENTIAL SPIR- economic, educational, social, and political IT OF COMMUNITY AWARDS status of African Americans and other minority Plus has grown from a service and parts com- groups and to stimulate an appreciation of the pany to a full line car dealership. Joey has African American contribution to civilization. I guided the company over consecutive years of HON. NICK J. RAHALL II commend Bosha Jagers, President, Tayana record growth, and the business has ex- OF WEST VIRGINIA White, 1st Vice President, Crystal Armstrong, panded in employees, size, and sales. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2nd Vice President; Danielle Whyte, Sec- Joey is not only a strong and successful Tuesday, February 28, 2006 retary; Nucleous Johnson, Treasurer and business leader on our island. He has contrib- Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, I would like to Linda Darden-Lydia, Youth Advisor for their uted to our community in many ways with cor- recognize Erin Lavery, of Huntington, WV for hard work in my district towards betterment of being named a top honoree in the 2006 Pru- younger generation. porate sponsorships, board memberships, and his personal time. He is an active member of dential Spirit of Community Award. I would like Let me just say in closing, that Black History to congratulate and honor this innovative the Guam Chamber of Commerce and the Month should be a time for reflection and ap- young woman who has shown exemplary vol- preciation; a time to reflect on the accomplish- Guam Visitor’s Bureau Sports Tourism Com- unteer service in her community. ments of African-Americans throughout this mittee. In particular, he has devoted his time Ms. Lavery is being recognized for orga- country and throughout our history, accom- to youth programs and youth organizations. nizing a monthlong nutrition and physical fit- plishments that often were made in the face of Among the many organizations that have ben- ness education program that included the use racism, of poverty, and unequal opportunity. It efited from his contributions are Guam’s Youth of pedometers by all 1,600 students and fac- should be a time to increase our awareness Life Program, the Guam Juvenile Drug Court ulty at Huntington High School. As an athlete and understanding of African-American history Program, Operation Outreach USA, the Guam and lifelong volunteer, Erin wanted to help and culture, and a time to reaffirm our under- Football Association, the Global Young Lead- classmates and staff members develop a com- standing of our rich cultural diversity, our com- mitment to healthy eating habits and physical mitment to social equality, and our support of ers Conference, the Guam Girls Fast Pitch Softball League, the Boy Scouts of America, activity. Motivated by the high rate of obesity racial justice. that is prevalent in West Virginia, she states the Make-a-Wish Foundation, the American f that she wanted to take a proactive stand to Red Cross, and the American Cancer Society. COMMENDING JOSEPH do something about the problem. CRISOSTOMO UPON HIS BEING As an avid racer, Joey has also promoted Erin had heard about a small pilot program NAMED GUAM’S SMALL BUSI- Guam internationally having competed in using pedometers at a nearby school, and NESS PERSON OF THE YEAR FOR many races. Today we take this occasion to thought that idea could be of a comprehensive 2006 recognize Joey’s achievements and his con- health education program for her entire tributions to our community. I join his wife, school. She developed handouts and a video to introduce her program, and then recruited Joyce, his daughters, Lenora and Jennifer, HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO student volunteers to help her distribute pe- OF GUAM and his son, Joey, in honoring his accomplish- dometers donated by the county health de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ments and in commending him as the Small partment to all students and teachers, along Tuesday, February 28, 2006 Business Person of the Year for 2006. Our with sheets for them to record the number of Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today community wishes him the best of success as steps taken each week. To encourage partici- to recognize the achievements of Mr. Joseph he pursues future endeavors. pation, Erin publicized the program through

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.107 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E232 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 28, 2006 school and community media, and awarded lent man. On behalf of my colleagues in the TRIBUTE TO SAMUEL J. random prizes for turning in completed record House of Representatives and all of the resi- TENENBAUM sheets. She also hung 252 large posters of dents of Florida’s 23rd Congressional District, nutrition and fitness information all over the I congratulate Pat for this honor and wish him HON. JAMES E. CLYBURN school, and arranged for taste tests and fit- health, happiness, and continued success in OF SOUTH CAROLINA ness demonstrations during lunch. After she the future. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES had collected and analyzed their data, Erin Tuesday, February 28, 2006 found that 35 percent of the participants had f increased their activity level, and 62 percent Mr. CLYBURN. Mr. Speaker, I would like to said they were more motivated to live a HONORING THE LIFETIME OF pay tribute to a man who has embraced God’s healthier lifestyle. ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF CHUCK WU admonition to ‘‘do unto others as you would The program that brought this innovative have them do unto you’’ as his personal young woman to our attention—The Prudential motto. Samuel J. Tenenbaum has been hon- Spirit of Community Awards—was created by HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO ored as the United Way of the Midlands’ Hu- Prudential Financial in partnership with the OF GUAM manitarian of the Year, and I can think of no National Association of Secondary School one more deserving of this recognition. Principals in 1995 to show youth volunteers IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sam and I have been friends longer than I that their contributions are critically important Tuesday, February 28, 2006 would like to remember. He has always been and highly valued, and to inspire other young a loyal supporter and constant advisor, wheth- people to follow their example. Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today er I seek his advice or not. He and his wife Ms. Lavery should be extremely proud to to honor the lifetime of accomplishments of Inez are dear friends and true kindred spirits. have been singled out from the thousands of Mr. Wu Jia Chi, affectionately known to us on So when the news images of the devastation dedicated volunteers who participated in this Guam as ‘‘Chuck Wu’’ and to recognize his in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina years program. I fully applaud Ms. Lavery for humanitarianism. Mr. Wu was born in Taipei, spurred me to call on Columbia Mayor Bob her initiative in seeking to make her commu- Taiwan on February 21, 1921. He immigrated Coble to initiate an effort in South Carolina to nity, and West Virginia as a whole, a better to Guam in 1971 and opened a small busi- welcome those displaced by this enormous place to live, and for the positive impact she ness in Harmon. His business was the first of tragedy, we both immediately asked Sam to has had on the lives of others. She has dem- many successful enterprises he has estab- lead the operation that became known as onstrated a level of commitment and accom- lished on Guam during the last quarter cen- South Carolina—S.C.—Cares. plishment that is truly extraordinary in today’s tury. Today Mr. Wu is a well respected resi- Under Sam’s leadership, S.C. Cares be- world, and deserves our sincere admiration dent on our island of Guam and in the Pacific came the model for an effective response to a and respect. Her actions show that young Region. His entrepreneurial spirit, his commit- natural disaster. He assembled thousands of Americans can—and do—play important roles ment to his family, and his dedication to our volunteers, every service provider imaginable, in our communities, and that America’s com- community inspires us all. and public and private sector organizations to munity spirit continues to hold tremendous Mr. Wu is a pioneer in the business commu- be housed at a community center to provide a promise for the future. nity on Guam and is a leader within his own one-stop-shop to meet each and every need f Chinese community. His vision and determina- of our guests from the gulf coast. Sam’s ad- herence to the golden rule meant our guests RECOGNIZING THE DEDICATION OF tion have contributed to his success, and he would stay in hotel rooms not shelters. He THE E. PAT LARKINS COMMU- has used this success to help many nonprofit provided them with dignity, sustenance, and NITY CENTER IN POMPANO organizations and worthwhile causes. He is many times his own personal emotional or fi- BEACH, FLORIDA one who has given back to the community through his involvement and his time. He is a nancial support. Sam worked around the dynamic force and his efforts and volunteerism clock, not because he had to, but because he HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS have helped civic organizations on our island couldn’t sleep until he knew the needs of all OF FLORIDA on many occasions. our guests were met. Sam was the heart and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Wu has never lost his firm belief in the soul of S.C. Cares, and he embodies the Tuesday, February 28, 2006 importance of preserving cultural traditions enormity of the compassion this community Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I and customs. He established the Chinese has to offer. Although the S.C. Cares center closed its rise today to honor Mr. E. Pat Larkins, Com- School of Guam in 1978 and served as the doors nearly 3 months ago, Sam is still in- missioner of the City of Pompano Beach, Flor- school’s principal for 7 years. He continues to volved with the gulf coast guests that remain ida, on the occasion of the dedication of the advocate for the improvement of our schools in the Midlands. He is also taking the experi- E. Pat Larkins Community Center. Commis- and the development of our young students, ence of S.C. Cares, and transforming it into an sioner Larkins has been a good friend to me both within the Chinese community and ongoing effort to address homelessness in and to the citizens of Pompano Beach for throughout our island. more than 20 years. South Carolina’s capitol city. Sam knows that Born to a carpenter father and a mother Mr. Wu’s commitment to serving and lead- if our community could show such compassion who picked beans for a living, Pat has piled ing the Chinese community was recognized in for strangers from the gulf coast, we can ex- success on top of success throughout his life. his appointment as a commissioner for Over- tend the same graciousness to those who are In the process, he has made possible opportu- seas Chinese Affairs since 1991. He was also homeless in our town. He is working with nities for African-Americans they would not the president of the Chinese School Founda- Mayor Coble to create an operation similar to have seen otherwise. In 1971, at a time when tion of Guam from 1989 to 1993. Moreover, the S.C. Cares center for Columbia’s home- black-owned companies found it difficult to from 1985 to 1989, Mr. Wu was the president less that would provide social services, med- make headway in the construction industry, of the United Chinese Association of Guam. ical services, counseling, job training, and Pat Larkins helped start the Broward Minority Mr. Wu also served as president of the Sea other programs in a one-stop-shop setting. Ac- Contractors’ Association to promote the inter- Transport Association of Guam from 1982 to cess to services and the support of a commu- ests of African-American builders. 1985. In 1993 he was honored as the U.S. nity can go a long way to transforming those In 1985, Pat became the first black mayor of Small Business Advocate of the Year. who have been forgotten back into productive the City of Pompano Beach. In all, he has Mr. Wu has made a lasting impression on citizens. Sam’s compassion is as limitless as been elected 10 times, for a total of 20 years, our island of Guam and his leadership in our his vision. during which he has also served three terms community has improved our island signifi- After working 33 years in his family’s busi- as Vice Mayor. Pat Larkins has been recog- cantly. I join his wife Shiu-Fong Lai-Wu, his ness, Chatham Steel Corporation, Sam retired nized numerous times as a fine citizen and an sons, Fong, Albert, John, and Thomas, his in 2000 and dedicated himself to his commu- enormous credit to his city and to the people daughters-in-law, Shaina, Sandra, and Janet, nity. Currently he serves on 19 boards and of Broward County, Florida. He is a great and his grandchildren, Vera, Valerie, Stefanie, commissions, which demonstrate the diversity American, and I am proud to call him my Alexander, Sophia, Shaun, Chucky, Kaile, and of his passions. His love of his faith manifests friend. Tommy, and all the people of Guam, in com- in his membership of the governing boards of Today’s naming of the E. Pat Larkins Com- mending Chuck Wu for his lifetime of accom- the Columbia Jewish Federation and the Anti- munity Center is a fitting tribute to this excel- plishments. Defamation League of B’Nai B’Rith, Southeast

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.111 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E233 Region. His devotion to animals is exemplified TRIBUTE TO ALEXANDRA States, and it has operated without interruption in his service as the development chair for Pet MCGREGOR ever since. The Byzantine style church which Project. His dedication to education is clear was completed on the site and dedicated in from his membership on the Allen University HON. JOE KNOLLENBERG 1917 remains a house of worship to this day. Presidential Advisory Board and Junior OF MICHIGAN This week in my district, thousands of Hel- lenic American families will commemorate the Achievement. His commitment to social IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES causes runs the gamut from his chairmanship 100th anniversary of St. Vasilios Greek Ortho- of the Alston Wilkes Foundation and member- Tuesday, February 28, 2006 dox Church with religious services and festivi- ship on Habitat for Humanity’s board. And Mr. KNOLLENBERG. Mr. Speaker, I rise ties. I congratulate the clergy and the con- these only touch the surface of his many cur- today to pay tribute to a young constituent of gregation of St. Vasilios for reaching this note- rent associations, and the 50 previous boards mine, Alexandra McGregor, and to speak to worthy milestone. The church continues to be and commissions on which he has served. her efforts to support our troops, both at home a vibrant part of the Greek community in Pea- Sam’s list of awards is just as impressive. and aboard. body, serving as a house of worship and a Back in 1978, the Columbia Record recog- A few weeks ago I came across a story of gathering place. The church provides a vital nized him as one of 10 for the Future. Obvi- a young girl starting a grassroots effort, for a link to the past and to the Greek homeland, its ously that prophecy has been fulfilled. He has ‘‘National Support the Troops Day.’’ After culture and religion. Through its school and won numerous awards for his contributions to watching a news report of a fallen: soldier; Al- the celebration of the rich heritage and lan- the arts, for his philanthropy, and for his com- exandra was inspired to contact her local, guage of Greece, the people of St. Vasilios munity service. Governor Dick Riley bestowed State, and Federal officials with her idea. I are ensuring that the values and traditions South Carolina’s highest honor, the Order of stand here today because of Alexandra and upon which the church was founded will live the Palmetto, on Sam in 1985. More than two her efforts. on for future generations. decades later, Sam is continuing his life-long Throughout the calendar year Americans set f dedication to his community and its people. aside days to honor great patriots, leaders, Mr. Speaker, I invite you and my colleagues and fallen soldiers who have given their lives PERSONAL EXPLANATION to join me in applauding Samuel Tenenbaum to defend the freedom that Americans cherish. for his lifetime of service. As my father, a fun- These men and women should be honored HON. CHARLES A. GONZALEZ damentalist minister, once counseled me, ‘‘the and I, like all of my colleagues, honor their OF TEXAS world would much rather see a sermon than to memory with my work in this great body. How- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hear one.’’ Sam has been providing a living ever, we as Americans do not have an official Tuesday, February 28, 2006 example of the Golden Rule his entire life, and day to salute our active-duty soldiers. Today, Mr. GONZALEZ. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall his recognition as the Humanitarian of the there are over one million men and women Year is just another affirmation of his leader- Nos. 5, 6, 7, had I been present, I would have who serve our country. These brave individ- voted ‘‘yes.’’ ship and compassion. uals deserve our respect and admiration for f f their courage to protect all Americans. TRIBUTE TO MAJOR (RETIRED) With Alexandra as my inspiration, today I INTRODUCTION OF THE FOREIGN GEORGE SMALL am introducing a resolution that would mark INVESTMENT SECURITY IM- March 26th, ‘‘Support The Troops Day.’’ With PROVEMENT ACT HON. JIM GIBBONS this resolution I ask all Americans to partici- pate in a moment of silence on March 26th to OF NEVADA HON. PETER T. KING honor the hard work and accomplishments of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NEW YORK our soldiers both at home and aboard. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, February 28, 2006 f Tuesday, February 28, 2006 Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to take this opportunity to recognize a constituent COMMEMORATING THE 100TH ANNI- Mr. KING of New York. Mr. Speaker, I rise of mine, Major, Retired, George Small. At 98 VERSARY OF THE SAINT to speak in support the Foreign Investment years of age, Major Small is the oldest living VASILIOS GREEK ORTHODOX Security Improvement Act of 2006, a bill to survivor of the Bataan Death March in the CHURCH IN PEABODY, MASSA- make certain that there is a full and complete State of Nevada. CHUSETTS investigation into the national security implica- Major Small entered active duty for the U.S. tions of the proposed acquisition of U.S. port Army on April 25, 1941 where he trained to be HON. JOHN F. TIERNEY terminal operations by Dubai Ports (DP) a Chemical Warfare Officer. He was assigned OF MASSACHUSETTS World—and to ensure Congress’ crucial over- stateside until he was transferred to Manila, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sight role with respect to this transaction. I in- Philippines 6 weeks before the start of World troduce this legislation today with support of Tuesday, February 28, 2006 War II and came to Bataan on December 24, my Ranking Member of the Committee on 1941 where he was assigned to the 31st In- Mr. TIERNEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today as Homeland Security, the Honorable BENNY fantry. The 31st was involved in the intense a proud member of the Congressional Caucus THOMPSON, and 80 bipartisan colleagues. fighting until their surrender on April 9, 1942. on Hellenic Issues, to honor the 100th anni- This legislation, and the message it sends After the Bataan Death march, Major Smalls versary of the Saint Vasilios Greek Orthodox about the importance of the national security spent 3 years and 5 months as a POW in five Church in Peabody, Massachusetts. The local concerns with the proposed deal, is crucial different camps until his liberation on Sep- Greek population, with St. Vasilios as one of given what appears to be the cursory review tember 10, 1945. its bedrock institutions, has been and con- of the serious national security questions that Major Small was discharged from the Army tinues to be a vital part of the Peabody com- exist regarding the acquisition of port terminal on November 26, 1946 and remained in the munity. operations by a company that is wholly-owned Army Reserve until his retirement on March 1, The first Greek immigrants arrived in Pea- by the Government of Dubai. 1968. Major Small earned the American De- body at the turn of the last century. As their SERIOUS NATIONAL SECURITY CONCERNS EXIST OVER DP fense Service Medal, with bronze star, the numbers increased, they pooled their re- WORLD ACQUISITION American Campaign Medal, the Asiatic Pacific sources to buy their first property, a simple On February 13, 2006, shareholders from Campaign Medal, with 2 bronze stars, the Dis- wooden building on Walnut Street which they Peninsular and Oriental Steamship Navigation tinguished Unit Badge, with 2 oak leaf clus- modeled into a house of worship. On February Co. (P&O) approved an acquisition proposal ters, the Combat Infantry Badge, The Phil- 26, 1906, they were incorporated and char- from DP World, a port operations company ippine Liberation Ribbon, with bronze star, the tered by the Commonwealth of Massachu- owned by the government of Dubai, a member WWII Victory Medal, and the POW Medal. setts, naming their parish ‘‘St. Vasilios.’’ of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The deal Please join me in congratulating this great By 1912, the parish relocated to a larger would position DP World to conduct terminal Nevadan for the sacrifices he has made for property on what is now called Paleologos operations at six U.S. ports: the Port of New this country and to extend him our wishes for Street. There they built a new church, and York and New Jersey, the Port of New Orle- continued health and prosperity as he cele- soon after built a school for teaching their chil- ans, the Port of Miami, the Port of Baltimore, brates his 98th birthday. Congratulations, dren Greek culture and language. This was the Port of Philadelphia, and the Port of New- Major George Small. only the sixth such school in the United ark.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.114 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E234 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 28, 2006 I have serious concerns over the national DP World and the Administration recently Guard assessments of foreign ports where DP security implications of the proposed takeover announced an agreement to subject the DP World operates, (2) background checks of DP of U.S. port operations by a government who World deal to a 45-day CFIUS investigation. World officers and security personnel, (3) an less than five years ago was documented as While this announcement is a step in the right evaluation of the impact of port security by DP having significant ties to terrorism. As the 9/11 direction there remain a number of serious World’s control of U.S. port operations, and (4) Commission reported, money used to carry questions about the company and its security consultation with the U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. out the September 11th attacks was funneled practices that must be answered before the Customs and Border Protection, the Secretary through UAE banks, many of the hijackers deal can proceed. Congress must be made of Homeland Security and State and local offi- traveled to the U.S. from the UAE, at least aware of the findings so that we can be cer- cials, an evaluation of the impact on national one of the hijackers was born in the UAE, and tain our nation’s homeland security is not security of DP World operations at affected the UAE was used as a crossroads for the being undermined. U.S. ports. Following the 45-day review, the shipment of nuclear material to Iran. As this 45-day investigation begins, more bill would require, within fifteen days, a report I recognize that the UAE has provided sig- questions exist than answers. I stress that this to Congress providing the detailed findings of nificant assistance to our efforts in the War on 45-day investigation must not be viewed as a the investigation and the Presidential deter- Terror since 9/11. I commend the UAE for its 45-day campaign to ‘‘educate’’ Congress on mination. Congress would then have 30 days willingness to be an ally in the War on Terror, the limited work that has already been done to reverse an approval of the transaction including military cooperation, intelligence by CFIUS. I am troubled by recent statements through legislation. sharing and money laundering prevention and of senior administration officials that suggest I encourage its continued efforts in securing that the focus of these 45 days should be on At a minimum, CFIUS should use this legis- our world. However, these positive commit- addressing so-called misconceptions of Con- lation to inform its investigation and subse- ments do not mean that we should ignore the gress. Rather, this 45-day review must be vig- quent notification of Congress. As Chairman of real security concerns that exist with respect orously pursued by all relevant federal agen- the Committee on Homeland Security, I intend to this transaction. cies to scrutinize the work that has been done to work with my Committee Members to ag- Late last year, DP World and P&O re- on the proposed DP World transaction, con- gressively scrutinize the findings of CFIUS fol- quested that the Committee for Financial In- duct additional reviews where appropriate, and lowing its investigation, including a thorough vestment in the United States (CFIUS) review extract additional commitments from the com- review of the intelligence assessments utilized. the transaction for national security concerns. pany where necessary. BROADER CONCERNS EXIST WITH THE CFIUS PROCESS CFIUS, an interagency committee chaired by Consistent with the legislation I introduce the Department of Treasury and with members today, I expect CFIUS to review U.S. Coast While the legislation introduced today only from twelve other agencies, was established Guard assessments of foreign ports where DP addresses the short-term concerns with the by Executive Order in 1975 and assigned to World operates, perform background checks CFIUS review of the DP World transaction, I carry out the national security reviews man- of DP World officers and security personnel, believe the current controversy has revealed dated under Section 721 of the Defense Pro- and to provide a thorough review of national that the larger CFIUS review framework is bro- duction Act of 1950. Current law requires security and port security impacts—in con- ken. Beyond the review of the proposed DP CFIUS to review proposed foreign acquisitions sultation with state and local officials respon- World transaction, I want to make clear that I to evaluate national security concerns during a sible for port security. It is essential that intend to work with my colleagues in the Con- 30–day initial review period. If national security CFIUS recognize the significant concerns that gress to conduct a comprehensive review of concerns remain after this initial review period, exist regarding U.S. critical infrastructure—an the CFIUS process and ensure that the Fed- the statute requires a more thorough 45–day area of national security that has not tradition- eral Government’s review of foreign invest- investigation, followed by a Presidential eval- ally been recognized in the CFIUS process. I ments properly account for the security con- uation of the proposed transaction. In the case expect CFIUS to fully investigate the financing cerns of a post-9/11 world. I specifically note of DP World, the Committee incredibly raised and control of DP World, including the involve- several concerns that I have with respect to no national security objections to the proposed ment of UAE and Dubai government officials the CFIUS process: deal after a 30–day review period, and the in company operations particularly current and The current statute was enacted at the end more detailed 45–day investigation was not former government officials that may have ties of the cold war in the 1980s, when encour- triggered. to terrorist organizations and/or the Taliban. I aging foreign investment was a priority. The Members of Congress, state and local offi- expect that CFIUS will review the company 9/11 attacks changed our thinking and high- cials responsible for port security and the pub- structure and the potential for terrorist sympa- lighted the need to more carefully scrutinize thizers to infiltrate company operations—in- lic at large were understandably shocked to national security concerns. first learn from press reports that this trans- cluding port operations in the U.S. We must action had been approved in thirty days, with- take all appropriate steps to ensure that al- Current CFIUS practices effectively nullify out a formal investigation and without any at- Qa’ida and other terrorist organizations are not the statute’s requirement for a more extensive tempt by the Administration to provide basic learning about our vulnerabilities based on ac- investigation where national security concerns information on the deal in advance. I was also cess to DP World operations. are raised with respect to a transaction involv- shocked to learn that the CFIUS approval was Finally, I urge CFIUS to make clear that this ing a foreign government-controlled entity. made by mid-level officials and that senior de- 45-day investigation is a serious, thorough re- Current CFIUS practices create an incentive cision makers in the Administration—including view that will address all relevant national se- to avoid the formal 45-day investigation and the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the curity concerns and to assert the right of the subsequent Presidential decision because of a Treasury, Secretary Homeland Security and President to block the deal or extract addi- perceived negative impact on foreign invest- the President of the United States—were not tional assurances should national security con- ment and a conflict with the U.S. open invest- informed until they became aware of the cerns require such actions. It is crucial that the ment policy. CFIUS approval via press reports. It also ap- President make clear that CFIUS will not pre- The compressed 30-day initial review period pears that state and local officials who over- judge the results of this investigation. effectively provides CFIUS with only 23 days see the affected ports were never consulted or CONGRESS MUST STAND READY TO ACT to review all national security issues presented otherwise informed of the DP World acquisi- While I am encouraged by recent develop- by a proposed transaction. tion. ments taken to voluntarily begin an investiga- In response to considerable public pressure tion, I believe Congress must nonetheless ‘‘National security’’ is defined narrowly under over the past few weeks, the Administration stand ready to act pending the results of the CFIUS regulations, and does not explicitly em- and DP World have come forward to offer only 45-day investigation. The Foreign Investment brace concerns over U.S. critical infrastruc- limited information on the details of the 30-day Security Improvement Act of 2006 would im- ture. While the Departments of Homeland Se- CFIUS review, the national security concerns pose an immediate suspension of existing curity, Justice and Defense have moved to uti- examined, and the measures taken to address CFIUS approval of the DP World transaction lize an expanded view of national security, those concerns. For informed judgments to be granted on January 17, 2006; require a 45-day there is concern that many of the CFIUS made, significantly more information is need- CFIUS investigation of the DP World trans- members rely on an overly constrained ‘‘pre- ed. action, to include (1) a review of U.S. Coast 9/11’’ view of national security.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.121 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E235 From 1997 through 2004, CFIUS received humanitarian efforts such as drilling wells, vac- Elementary School to support and encourage notices for 451 proposed or completed acqui- cinating herds, or raising crops. student achievement and raise school-wide sitions. The committee initiated only eight in- Today, her family, friends, and country say standardized rest scores. Kekaha Elementary vestigations during that period. their final goodbye to Airman Good. She School serves a community of 3,700 resi- Enforcement of assurances provided during leaves a daughter, Tabitha, who has her dents, dominated by low-income, native Ha- CFIUS review is the responsibility of the agen- mother’s magnificent smile. waiian and immigrant families. At the school, cy requesting those assurances. It is not clear Mr. Speaker, I rise today to acknowledge 11 percent of the student body speak English whether sufficient resources are devoted to Senior Airman Alecia Good for fearlessly sac- as a second language, 49 percent are Native ensure parties to a transaction live up to their rificing her own life in order to protect our free- Hawaiian (a historically disadvantaged group), commitments. doms from the evils of terrorism. I invite my and 62 percent qualify for free or reduced Congress is only notified when a full 45-day colleagues to join me in a moment of silence lunches due to low-income status. Many stu- investigation and Presidential decision are for Airman Good as well as all of the men and dents live in single-parent homes or face situ- completed. The lack of notification has led to women who lost their lives in the recent heli- ations that are not conducive to learning. the situation where the concerns of senior Ad- copter crash while serving in the Combined As part of their partnership, the credit union ministration officials, Members of Congress Joint Task Force Horn of Africa mission. and the school established the Maximum and the general public cannot be expressed f Communication Journal program, also known until after a deal is done. This lack of trans- HONORING THE DEDICATED parency must change. as the MAX Program. The MAX Program has Possible long-term CFIUS reforms to con- SERVICE OF LIBBY JOHNSON become the cornerstone to learning at the sider include the following: school, as students must keep a journal of Elevate the Secretary of Homeland Security HON. BART GORDON class activities and homework, including notes to serve as co-chair of CFIUS (the Secretary OF TENNESSEE and notices from teachers and the school. of the Treasury is the current chair) to in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Each student is then required to have his/her parents or guardians read and sign the MAX crease emphasis on security issues; Tuesday, February 28, 2006 Abolish the current statutory interpretation notebook each week. This ensures commu- Mr. GORDON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to by CFIUS by imposing a standard 75-day re- nication between the students, parents, teach- thank Libby Johnson for her tremendous serv- view, rather than the two-tiered 30/45 day ers, and the school. ice to Tennessee’s Sixth Congressional Dis- structure, providing additional time for review trict while working in my Washington, D.C., of- With the incentive of prizes that include and removing the negative stigma associated fice. boogie boards, movie passes and bicycles, with an investigation; After serving as my executive assistant, the students are instructed to write in their MAX Expand Congressional notification and over- Sumner County native is moving on to greener journals and have their parents read and sign sight with respect to CFIUS reviews; pastures. Her last day is today, and although it every week. In order to earn a chance to win Revise the statutory factors to be consid- my staff and I are sad to see Libby go, we are a prize, students have to write in their MAX ered in CFIUS national security reviews to in- glad she has taken a job that will further her journals and have their parents read and sign clude critical infrastructure concerns; and career and is worthy of her incredible abilities. it every week. Prizes were also given to the Require vigorous agency oversight and en- Libby’s conscientious work ethic and incom- class with the highest percentage of com- forcement of letters of assurance provided by parable enthusiasm have served her well in pleted and signed journals. Prizes are given at parties to a transaction. the fast-paced world of Congress. Those the school’s monthly assembly. Often, parents Mr. Speaker, I want to thank my Ranking same abilities also have gained her the re- and guardians attend these assemblies. Member, Mr. Thompson, for his support in de- spect of her colleagues. Now, she will share veloping this legislation, and I look forward to By all measures, this program has been a her tremendous abilities and experience with a working with him to ensure that our national great success. The program’s goal of 80 per- new employer, who should be ecstatic over security is not undermined by the proposed cent student participation has been achieved having found such a fine person. for the past four semesters and, more impor- DP World acquisition. I urge the Administration As busy as she has been, Libby always to be diligent in investigating this transaction tantly, Kekaha Elementary School has took time to say a kind word to those around achieved passing levels in the State of Hawaii and to recognize Congress’ important role in her. It seems she has never met a stranger safeguarding our national security. standardized tests each of the last two times during her time on the Hill. With her vivacious the tests have been administered. f personality and contagious smile, she certainly has made a lasting impression on virtually ev- Students and parents alike are excited and HONORING AIRMAN ALECIA GOOD have a sense of accomplishment. Billy Smith, FOR HER AIR FORCE SERVICE eryone she has met. Libby, you have endeared yourself to me the principal of Kekaha Elementary School, and my staff. We will miss you and wish you explained: ‘‘The celebration assemblies are HON. CATHY McMORRIS well in your future endeavors. fun and crazy. Parents are invited to attend OF WASHINGTON and the kids are happy and excited.’’ Students f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES have become more responsible as they see CONGRATULATIONS TO KEKAHA Tuesday, February 28, 2006 tangible results for their MAX participation. FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Miss McMORRIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Dora Maxwell is recognized as one of the to posthumously recognize Senior Airman HON. ED CASE original pioneers of the credit union move- Alecia Good for her bravery and heroism while ment. This award was created to promote so- OF HAWAII serving to protect our freedoms. Airman Good cial responsibility among credit unions by for- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES was recently deployed from the 92nd Commu- mally recognizing and celebrating their social nication Squadron at Fairchild Air Force Base Tuesday, February 28, 2006 achievements. The Dora Maxwell Social Re- to the Combined Joint Task Force Horn of Af- Mr. CASE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- sponsibility Recognition Award is awarded to rica. On February 17, 2006, Airman Good ognize and congratulate the Kekaha Federal credit unions, based on seven asset-size cat- gave her life with eight Marines and another Credit Union on winning the 2005 Dora Max- egories, and to specific chapters for out- Air Force Airman when two U.S. Marine Corps well Social Responsibility Award. standing social responsibility projects in the helicopters crashed into the Gulf of Aden off Chartered in 1938 to serve the employees community in which they are located. the coast of northern Djibouti. of the Kekaha Sugar Company, the Kekaha I want to recognize and commend Kekaha Airman Good was known to her family and Federal Credit Union has expanded its mem- Federal Credit Union not only for sponsoring friends at Fairchild for her positive outlook on bership to include all businesses and individ- this important and innovative program, but for life. She loved her country and was proud to uals throughout the island of Kauai. It also receiving this national recognition by the Cred- serve it. In December, she volunteered to de- acts as a Community Development Credit it Union National Association. This award is ploy to Africa. Her mission was to provide sat- Union, catering to the financial needs of low- just another example of the great work and ellite communication support for United States income individuals. The Kekaha Federal Credit strong personal relationships that our credit military personnel training allied countries how Union has over 1,500 members. unions provide their respective communities, to defend themselves against terrorism. The In January 2004, the Kekaha Federal Credit and represents a perfect union of the very Joint Task Force also worked with families in Union initiated a partnership with the Kekaha best of credit unions and community service.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:29 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28FE8.124 E28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS Tuesday, February 28, 2006 Daily Digest Senate LIHEAP Funding—Cloture Motion: Senate began Chamber Action consideration of the motion to proceed to consider- Routine Proceedings, pages S1511–S1554 ation of S. 2320, to make available funds included Measures Introduced: Eight bills and three resolu- in the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 for the Low- tions were introduced, as follows: S. 2334–2341, S. Income Home Energy Assistance Program for fiscal Res. 384–385, and S. Con. Res. 82. Pages S1539–40 year 2006. Page S1522 Measures Reported: A motion was entered to close further debate on Report to accompany S. 1614, to extend the au- the motion to proceed to consideration of the bill thorization of programs under the Higher Education and, in accordance with the provisions of rule XXII Act of 1965. (S. Rept. No. 109–218) Page S1539 of the Standing Rules of the Senate, a vote on clo- Measures Passed: ture will occur on Thursday, March 2, 2006. Page S1522 National Sibling Connection Day: Committee Subsequently, the motion to proceed was with- on the Judiciary was discharged from further consid- drawn. Page S1522 eration of S. Res. 381, designating March 1, 2006, as National Sibling Connection Day, and the resolu- Escort Committee Agreement: A unanimous-con- tion was then agreed to. Page S1553 sent agreement was reached providing that the Presi- dent of the Senate be authorized to appoint a com- Read Across America Day: Senate agreed to S. Res. 384, designating March 2, 2006, as ‘‘Read mittee on the part of the Senate to join with a like committee on the part of the House of Representa- Across America Day’’. Page S1554 tives to escort the Honorable Silvio Berlusconi, USA PATRIOT Act Additional Reauthorizing Prime Minister of the Republic of Italy, into the Amendments: Senate continued consideration of S. House Chamber for the joint meeting on Wednes- 2271, to clarify that individuals who receive FISA day, March 1, 2006. Page S1553 orders can challenge nondisclosure requirements, that individuals who receive national security letters are Messages From the President: Senate received the not required to disclose the name of their attorney, following message from the President of the United that libraries are not wire or electronic communica- States: tion service providers unless they provide specific Transmitting, pursuant to law, a report relative to services, taking action on the following amendments the continuation of the national emergency blocking proposed thereto: Pages S1515–28 property of persons undermining democratic proc- Pending: esses or institutions in Zimbabwe; which was re- Frist Amendment No. 2895, to establish the en- ferred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and actment date of the Act. Page S1515 Urban Affairs. (PM–41) Page S1538 Frist Amendment No. 2896 (to Amendment No. Executive Communications: Pages S1538–39 2895), of a perfecting nature. Page S1515 During consideration of this measure today, Senate Additional Cosponsors: Pages S1540–41 also took the following action: Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: By 69 yeas to 30 nays (Vote No. 23), three-fifths Pages S1541–52 of those Senators duly chosen and sworn, having voted in the affirmative, Senate agreed to the motion Additional Statements: Pages S1533–38 to close further debate on the bill. Pages S1522–23 Notices of Hearings/Meetings: Page S1552 A unanimous-consent agreement was reached pro- Authorities for Committees To Meet: viding for further consideration of the bill at 9:30 Pages S1552–53 a.m. on Wednesday, March 1, 2006, with a vote on final passage of the bill to occur at 10 a.m. Record Votes: One record vote was taken today. Page S1554 (Total—23) Page S1523 D131

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:27 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D28FE6.REC D28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with DIGEST D132 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST February 28, 2006 Adjournment: Senate convened at 9:45 a.m., and, W. Garnett, CTIA—The Wireless Association, adjourned at 7:19 p.m., until 9:30 a.m., on Wednes- Washington, D.C. day, March 1, 2006. (For Senate’s program, see the PORT SECURITY remarks of the Acting Majority Leader in today’s Record on page S1554.) Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the secu- rity of terminal operations at U.S. ports, after receiv- Committee Meetings ing testimony from Michael P. Jackson, Deputy Sec- (Committees not listed did not meet) retary, Admiral Jayson Ahern, Assistant Commis- sioner, Field Operations, Customs and Border Pro- APPROPRIATIONS: DEPARTMENT OF tection, and Rear Admiral Thomas H. Gilmour, As- HOMELAND SECURITY sistant Commandant for Prevention, United States Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Home- Coast Guard, all of the Department of Homeland Se- land Security concluded a hearing to examine pro- curity; H. Edward Bilkey, DP World, Dubai, United posed budget estimates for fiscal year 2007 for the Arab Emirates; Robert Scavone, P&O Ports North Department of Homeland Security, after receiving America, Inc, Iselin, New Jersey; Tay Yoshitani, Na- testimony from Michael Chertoff, Secretary of Home- tional Association of Waterfront Employers, and land Security. Christopher Koch, World Shipping Council, both of Washington, D.C.; and Michael Mitre, International U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY Longshore and Warehouse Union, Los Angeles, Cali- Committee on Armed Services: Committee concluded fornia. open and closed hearings to examine current and fu- ture worldwide threats to the national security of the FOREST SERVICE BUDGET United States, after receiving testimony from John Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: Committee D. Negroponte, Director, and General Michael V. concluded a hearing to examine the President’s pro- Hayden, USAF, Principal Deputy Director, both of posed budget request for fiscal year 2007 for the the Office of National Intelligence; and Lieutenant Forest Service, after receiving testimony from Dale General Michael D. Maples, USA, Director, Defense Bosworth, Chief, Forest Service, and Mark Rey, Intelligence Agency. Under Secretary Natural Resources and Environ- FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION ment, both of the Department of Agriculture. BUDGET WATER REUSE AND RECYCLING PROGRAM Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: Sub- Committee concluded a hearing to examine the committee on Water and Power concluded a hearing President’s proposed budget request for fiscal year to examine the current status of the Bureau of Rec- 2007 for the Federal Transit Administration, Depart- lamation Reuse and Recycling Program (Title XVI ment of Transportation, after receiving testimony of Public Law 102–575), after receiving testimony from Sandra Bushue, Deputy Administrator, Federal from John W. Keys, III, Commissioner, Bureau of Transit Administration, Department of Transpor- Reclamation, Department of the Interior; Betsy A. tation; Mayor Patrick L. McCrory, Charlotte, North Cody, Specialist in Natural Resources Policy, Re- Carolina, on behalf of the United States Conference sources, Science, and Industry Division, Congres- of Mayors; and William Millar, American Public sional Research Service, Library of Congress; Virginia Transportation Association, Washington, D.C. Grebbien, Orange County Water District, Fountain UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND Valley, California; Thomas F. Donnelly, National CONTRIBUTIONS Water Resources Association, Arlington, Virginia; and Richard Atwater, Inland Empire Utilities Agen- Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: cy, Chino, California, on behalf of the WateRuse As- Committee concluded a hearing to examine proposed sociation. reforms of the Universal Service Fund (USF) con- tribution system, including the distribution side of DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE ACCESS the universal service equation, and wireless carriers ACT providing mobile broadband services, after receiving Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- testimony from Glen Post, CenturyTel, Inc., Monroe, fairs: Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Louisiana; Tom Simmons, Midcontinent Commu- Management, the Federal Workforce, and the Dis- nications, Sioux Falls, South Dakota; Trent Boaldin, trict of Columbia concluded a hearing to examine S. Epic Touch Company, Elkhart, Kansas; Bonnie 2060, to extend the District of Columbia College Cramer, AARP, Raleigh, North Carolina; and Paul Access Act of 1999 and make certain improvements,

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:27 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D28FE6.REC D28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with DIGEST February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D133 S. 1838, to provide for the sale, acquisition, convey- NSA SURVEILLANCE AUTHORITY ance, and exchange of certain real property in the Committee on the Judiciary: Committee resumed hear- District of Columbia to facilitate the utilization, de- ings to examine issues relating to wartime executive velopment, and redevelopment of such property, and power and the NSA’s surveillance authority, receiv- H.R. 3508, to authorize improvements in the oper- ing testimony from R. James Woolsey, Booz Allen ation of the government of the District of Columbia, Hamilton, McLean, Virginia, Former Director of after receiving testimony from Mayor Anthony A. Central Intelligence; Harold Hongju Koh, Yale Law William, Washington, D.C.; Sally L. Stroup, Assist- School, New Haven, Connecticut; Ken Gormley, ant Secretary of Education for Postsecondary Edu- Duquesne University School of Law, Pittsburgh, cation; and Paul Hoffman, Deputy Assistant Sec- Pennsylvania; Douglas W. Kmiec, Pepperdine Uni- retary of the Interior for Fish and Wildlife and versity, Malibu, California; Bruce Fein, Fein and Parks. Fein, and Robert A. Levy, Cato Institute, both of Washington, D.C.; and Robert F. Turner, University OFF-RESERVATION GAMING of Virginia Center for National Security Law, Char- Committee on Indian Affairs: Committee concluded an lottesville. oversight hearing to examine Indian gaming activi- Hearings recessed subject to the call. ties, focusing on land into trust and the two-part de- BUSINESS MEETING termination related to off-reservation gaming, after Committee on Rules and Administration: Committee or- receiving testimony from George T. Skibine, Acting dered favorably reported an original bill to provide Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Policy greater transparency in the legislative process. and Economic Development for Indian Affairs; Ron Suppah, Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS Reservation of Oregon, Pendleton; Cheryle A. Ken- Committee on Veterans Affairs: Committee concluded a nedy, Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Com- hearing to examine certain legislative recommenda- munity of Oregon, Grand Ronde; Carol York, Hood tions and concerns of wartime service-connected dis- River County Commissioner, Hood River, Oregon; abled veterans, after receiving testimony from Paul Michael Lang, Friends of the Columbia Gorge, Port- W. Jackson, David W. Gorman, and Joseph A. land, Oregon; and Cheryl Schmit, Stand Up for Cali- Violante, all of the Disabled American Veterans, fornia, Penryn. Washington, D.C. h House of Representatives Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein he Chamber Action appointed Representative Aderholt to act as Speaker Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 19 pub- Pro Tempore for today. Page H391 lic bills, H.R. 4805–4823; and 6 resolutions, H.J. Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Res. 79; H. Con. Res. 348; and H. Res. 697–700 Group—Appointment: The Chair announced the were introduced. Pages H449–50 Speaker’s appointment of the following Members to Additional Cosponsors: Pages H450–52 the Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group: Reports Filed: Reports were filed today as follows: Representatives Kolbe, Chairman and Representative McCaul of Texas, Vice-Chairman. Page H393 H.R. 4167, to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to provide for uniform food safety Committee Resignation: Read a letter from Rep- warning notification requirements (H. Rept. resentative Barrow wherein he resigned from the 109–379); and Committee on Education pending his appointment H.R. 1071, to direct the Secretary of Energy to to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastruc- make incentive payments to the owners or operators ture, effective immediately. Page H393 of qualified desalination facilities to partially offset Suspensions: The House agreed to suspend the rules the cost of electrical energy required to operate such and pass the following measures: facilities, with an amendment (H. Rept. 109–380, A bill to facilitate shareholder consideration of Pt. 1). Page H449 proposals to make Settlement Common Stock under

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:27 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D28FE6.REC D28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with DIGEST D134 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST February 28, 2006 the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act available behalf of the Congress, collectively, to the Tuskegee to missed enrollees, eligible elders, and eligible per- Airmen in recognition of their unique military sons born after December 18, 1971: S. 449, to fa- record, which inspired revolutionary reform in the cilitate shareholder consideration of proposals to Armed Forces, by a yea and nay vote of 400 yeas make Settlement Common Stock under the Alaska with none voting ‘‘nay’’, Roll No. 16. Native Claims Settlement Act available to missed Pages H407–14, H416 enrollees, eligible elders, and eligible persons born Agreed to amend the title so as to read: ‘‘To after December 18, 1971—clearing the measure for award a congressional gold medal on behalf of the the President; Pages H393–94 Tuskegee Airmen, collectively, in recognition of Act Commemorating the LITE: H.R. 1096, their unique military record, which inspired revolu- amended, to establish the Thomas Edison National tionary reform in the Armed Forces.’’. Page H416 Historical Park in the State of New Jersey as the Presidential Message: Read a message from the successor to the Edison National Historic Site, by a President wherein he notified Congress of the con- yea-and-nay vote of 399 yeas to 1 nay, Roll No. 14; tinuation of the national emergency blocking the Pages H394–97, H414–15 property of persons undermining democratic proc- French Colonial Heritage National Historic Site esses or institutions in Zimbabwe—referred to the Study Act of 2005: H.R. 1728, amended, to author- Committee on International Relations and ordered ize the Secretary of the Interior to study the suit- printed (H. Doc. 109–93). Page H414 ability and feasibility of designating the French Co- Discharge Petition: Representative Barrow moved lonial Heritage Area in the State of Missouri as a to discharge the Committee on Rules from the con- unit of the National Park System; Page H397 sideration of H. Res. 614, providing for the consid- Agreed to amend the title so as to read: ‘‘To au- eration of H.R. 2429, to amend the Fair Labor thorize the Secretary of the Interior to study the Standards Act of 1938 to provide for an increase in suitability and feasibility of designating portions of the Federal minimum wage (Discharge Petition No. Ste. Genevieve Country in the State of Missouri as 11). a unit of the National Park System, and for other Recess: The House recessed at 4:15 p.m. and recon- purposes.’’. Page H397 vened at 6:30 p.m. Page H414 Recognizing the creation of the NASCAR-His- Senate Message: Message received from the Senate torically Black Colleges and Universities Consor- by the Clerk and subsequently presented to the tium: H. Res. 677, to recognize the creation of the House today appears on pages H391, H393. NASCAR-Historically Black Colleges and Univer- sities Consortium; Pages H397–H400 Senate Referral: S. 2141 was referred to the Com- mittee on Financial Services and the Committee on Celebrating the 40th anniversary of Texas the Judiciary. Western’s 1966 NCAA Basketball Championship and recognizing the groundbreaking impact of the Quorum Calls—Votes: Three yea and nay votes de- title game victory on diversity in sports and civil veloped during the proceedings of today and appear rights in America: H. Res. 668, amended, to cele- on pages H414–15, H415–16, H416. There were no brate the 40th anniversary of Texas Western’s 1966 quorum calls. NCAA Basketball Championship and recognizing Adjournment: The House met at 2 p.m. and ad- the groundbreaking impact of the title game victory journed at 11:54 p.m. on diversity in sports and civil rights in America, by a yea-and-nay vote of 397 yeas with none voting ‘‘nay’’, Roll No. 15; Pages H400–03, H415–16 Committee Meetings Louis Braille Bicentennial—Braille Literacy AIR FORCE AIR REFUELING Commemorative Coin Act: H.R. 2872, amended, to RECAPITALIZATION require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Protec- in commemoration of Louis Braille; and tion Forces held a hearing on the U.S. Air Force on Pages H403–07 Aerial Refueling Recapitalization Requirements. Tes- Authorizing the President to award a gold timony was heard from the following officials of the medal on behalf of the Congress, collectively, to the Department of the Air Force: LTG Christopher Tuskegee Airmen in recognition of their unique Kelly, USAF, Vice Commander, Air Mobility Com- military record, which inspired revolutionary re- mand; LTG Donald Hoffman, USAF, Military Dep- form in the Armed Forces: H.R. 1259, amended, to uty, Office of the Assistant Secretary, Air Force (Ac- authorize the President to award a gold medal on quisition); and LTG Donald J. Wetekam, USAF,

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:27 Mar 01, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D28FE6.REC D28FEPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with DIGEST February 28, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D135 Deputy Chief of Staff, Logistics, Installations and DOD’S INTELLIGENCE BUDGET; Mission Support; and a public witness. ACCORDANCE WITH THE FRAMEWORK HURRICANE RECOVERY/FAIR HOUSING Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Held a hear- Committee on Financial Services: Subcommittee on ing on the Department of Defense’s Intelligence Housing and Community Opportunity held a hear- Budget. Testimony was heard from Stephen ing entitled ‘‘Fair Housing Issues in the Gulf Coast Cambone, Under Secretary (Intelligence), Depart- in the Aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.’’ ment of Defense. Testimony was heard from Kim Kendrick, Assistant The Committee also met in executive session con- Secretary, Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, De- cerning Accordance with the Framework. partment of Housing and Urban Development; and f public witnesses. NEW PUBLIC LAWS PROGRESS SINCE 9/11—HEALTH RESPONSE (For last listing of Public Laws, see DAILY DIGEST, p. D 125) TO TERRORIST ATTACKS S. 1989, to designate the facility of the United Committee on Government Reform: Subcommittee on States Postal Service located at 57 Rolfe Square in National Security, Emerging Threats, and Inter- Cranston, Rhode Island, shall be known and des- national Relations held a hearing entitled ‘‘Progress ignated as the ‘‘Holly A. Charette Post Office’’. Since 9/11: Protecting Public Health and Safety Signed on February 27, 2006. (Public Law 109–175) Against Terrorist Attacks.’’ Testimony was heard from Cynthia Bascetta, Director, Health Care, GAO; f John Howard, M.D., Director, National Institute for COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR WEDNESDAY, Occupational Health, Centers for Disease Control MARCH 1, 2006 and Prevention, Department of Health and Human (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) Services; and public witnesses. Senate MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Legis- Committee on International Relations: Subcommittee on lative Branch, to hold hearings to examine proposed Africa, Global Human Rights and International Op- budget estimates for fiscal year 2007 for the Library of erations approved for full Committee action the fol- Congress, Open World Leadership Council, and Govern- lowing measures: H.R. 3189, amended, Central Asia ment Accountability Office, 10:30 a.m., SD–138. Democracy and Human Rights Act of 2005; H. Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Con. Res, 320, amended, Calling on the Govern- Education, and Related Agencies, to hold hearings to ex- ment of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to imme- amine proposed budget estimates for fiscal year 2007 for diately and unconditionally release Dr. Pham Hong the Department of Education, 10:30 a.m., SD–124. Son and other political prisoners and prisoners of Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Per- conscience; H. Res. 578, Concerning the Govern- sonnel, to hold hearings to examine active component, re- serve component, and civilian personnel programs in re- ment of Romania’s ban on intercountry adoptions view of the defense authorization request for fiscal year and the welfare of orphaned or abandoned children 2007, 9:30 a.m., SR–232A. in Romania; and H. Res. 675, Expressing dis- Subcommittee on Airland, to hold hearings to examine approval of the Arab League’s decision to hold its Army Transformation and the future combat systems ac- 2006 summit in Khartoum, Sudan and calling on quisition strategy in review of the defense authorization the Arab League, the Government of Sudan, the Su- request for fiscal year 2007 and the future years defense danese rebels, and the world community to do all program, 2:30 p.m., SR–232A. they can to end acts of genocide in the Darfur region Full Committee, business meeting to consider pending of Sudan. military nominations, 4 p.m., SR–222. Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: to OVERSIGHT—AFT GUN SHOW hold hearings to examine regulatory relief proposals, 10 ENFORCEMENT a.m., SD–538. Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Crime, Committee on the Budget: to hold hearings to examine the Terrorism, and Homeland Security continued over- President’s budgetary proposals for fiscal year 2007 for the Department of Health and Human Services, 10 a.m., sight hearings on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, SD–608. Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) Part 2: Gun Show Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Sub- Enforcement. Testimony was heard from Michael R. committee on Disaster Prevention and Prediction, to hold Bouchard, Assistant Director (Field Operations), Bu- hearings to examine winter storms, 2:30 p.m., SD–562. reau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: to hold an Department of Justice; and public witnesses. oversight hearing to examine the state of the economies

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and fiscal affairs in the Territories of Guam, American Subcommittee on Science, the Departments of State, Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Is- Justice, and Commerce, and Related Agencies, on FCC, lands, and the United States Virgin Islands, 9:30 a.m., 2 p.m., H–309 Capitol. SD–366. Committee on Armed Services, hearing on the Fiscal Year Subcommittee on Public Lands and Forests, to hold 2007 National Defense Authorization Budget Request for hearings to examine the role of the Forest Service and the Department of the Air Force, 10 a.m., to hold a hear- other Federal agencies in protecting the health and wel- ing on the Fiscal Year 2007 National Defense Authoriza- fare of foreign guest workers carrying out tree planting tion Budget Request for the Department of the Navy, 2 and other service contracts on National Health System p.m., and to mark up H. Res. 645, Requesting the Presi- lands, and to consider related Forest Service guidance and dent and directing the Secretary of Defense to transmit contract modifications issued in recent weeks, 2:30 p.m., to the House of Representatives all information in the SD–366. possession of the President or the Secretary of Defense re- Committee on Environment and Public Works: to hold hear- lating to the collection of information pertaining to per- ings to examine the status of the Yucca Mountain sons inside the United States without obtaining court-or- Project, 2:30 p.m., SD–628. dered warrants authorizing the collection of such informa- Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: Sub- tion and relating to the policy of the United States with committee on Education and Early Childhood Develop- respect to the gathering of counterterrorism intelligence ment, to continue hearings to examine S. 2198, to ensure within the United States, 6:30 p.m., 2118 Rayburn. the United States successfully competes in the 21st cen- Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, hearing on the Fis- tury global economy, 10 a.m., SD–430. cal Year 2007 National Defense Authorization Budget Full Committee, to hold hearings to examine reauthor- Request for the Department of Energy’s Atomic Energy ization of the Ryan White CARE Act relating to fighting Defense Activities, 4:30 p.m., 2212 Rayburn. the AIDS epidemic of today, 3 p.m., SD–430. Committee on the Budget, hearing on the Department of Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Defense Budget Priorities Fiscal Year 2007, 9:30 a.m., to hold hearings to examine the President’s proposed 210 Cannon. budget request for fiscal year 2007 for the Department Committee on Education and the Workforce, Subcommittee of Homeland Security, 9:30 a.m., SD–342. on Workforce Protections, hearing entitled ‘‘Evaluating Committee on Indian Affairs: to hold joint hearings with Health and Safety Regulations in the American Mining the House Committee on Resources to examine the settle- Industry,’’ 12 p.m., 2175 Rayburn. ment of Cobell v. Norton, 9:30 a.m., SD–106. Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Immigra- Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection, hearing en- tion, Border Security and Citizenship, with the Sub- titled ‘‘Car Title Fraud: Issues and Approaches for Keep- committee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Se- ing Consumers Safe on the Road,’’ 10 a.m., 2123 Ray- curity, to hold joint hearings to examine Federal strate- burn. gies to end border violence, 9 a.m., SD–226. Subcommittee on Health, hearing entitled ‘‘Medicare Full Committee, to hold hearings to examine the Part D: Implementation of the New Drug Benefit,’’ 2 nominations of Norman Randy Smith, of Idaho, to be p.m., 2123 Rayburn. United States Circuit Judge for the Ninth Circuit, and Committee on Financial Services, Subcommittee on Do- Patrick Joseph Schiltz, to be United States District Judge mestic and International Monetary Policy, Trade, and for the District of Minnesota, 2 p.m., SD–226. Technology, hearing entitled ‘‘Foreign Investment, Jobs Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship: to hold and National Security: The CFIUS Process,’’ 2 p.m., 2128 hearings to examine the nomination of Eric M. Thorson, Rayburn. of Virginia, to be Inspector General, Small Business Ad- Committee on Government Reform, Subcommittee on En- ministration, 2 p.m., SR–428A. ergy and Resources, hearing entitled ‘‘Oil and Gas Royal- Select Committee on Intelligence: to receive a closed brief- ties: The Facts, The Remedies,’’ 2 p.m., 2154 Rayburn. ing to examine certain intelligence matters, 2:30 p.m., Subcommittee on Federalism and the Census, hearing SH–219. entitled ‘‘Apportionment in the Balance: A Look Into the Progress of the 2010 Decennial Census,’’ 10 a.m., 2154 House Rayburn. Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Agri- Subcommittee on Government Management, Finance, culture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administra- and Accountability, hearing entitled ‘‘U.S. Fiscal Outlook tion, and Related Agencies, on Office of Inspector Gen- and the FY 2005 Governmentwide Financial Statements,’’ eral, 9:30 a.m., 2362A Rayburn. 2 p.m., 2247 Rayburn. Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs, hearing entitled Agencies, on Secretary of the Interior, 9 a.m., B–308 ‘‘Plain English Regulations: Helping the American Public Rayburn. Understand the Rules,’’ 10 a.m., 2247 Rayburn. Subcommittee on Military Quality of Life, and Vet- Committee on Homeland Security, executive briefing on erans Affairs, and Related Agencies, on public witnesses, the acquisition of terminal operations in six United States 10 a.m., H–143 Capitol. ports by Dubai Port World, 5:30 p.m., H–405 Capitol.

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Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Science, Committee on Rules, to consider H.R. 4167, National and Technology, hearing entitled ‘‘The State of Interoper- Uniformity for Food Act of 2005, 2:30 p.m., H–313 able Communications: Perspectives From State and Local Capitol. Governments,’’ 2 p.m., 311 Cannon. Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Sub- Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Courts, the committee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation, Internet, and Intellectual Property, to mark up the fol- oversight hearing on the United States Coast Guard and lowing measures: H.R. 4742, To amend title 35, United the Federal Maritime Commission Fiscal Year Budget Re- States Code, to allow the Director of the Patent and quests, 10 a.m., 2167 Rayburn. Trademark Office to waive statutory provisions governing Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment, patents and trademarks in certain emergencies; and S. oversight hearing on Agency Budgets and Priorities for 1785, Vessel Hull Design Protection Amendments of Fiscal Year 2007 for the following Agencies: the U.S. 2005, 12 p.m., 2141 Rayburn. Army Corps of Engineers, the Natural Resources Con- Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and servation Service and the Saint Lawrence Seaway Develop- Claims, to begin hearings entitled ‘‘The Energy Employ- ment Corporation, 2 p.m., 2167 Rayburn. ees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act— Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Health, Are We Fulfilling the Promise We Made to These Vet- hearing on MedPAC’s March Report on Medicare Pay- erans of the Cold War When We Created the Program,’’ Part 1, 4 p.m., 2141 Rayburn. ment Policies, 3 p.m., 1100 Longworth. Committee on Resources, Subcommittee on Water and Joint Meetings Power, oversight hearing entitled ‘‘How the Federal Mar- keting Administrations Are Implementing the Energy Joint Meetings: Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, to Policy Act of 2005 and An Assessment of the Proposed hold joint hearings with the House Committee on Re- Fiscal Year Budgets for These Agencies,’’ 2 p.m., 1324 sources to examine the settlement of Cobell v. Norton, Longworth. 9:30 a.m., SD–106.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, March 1 10 a.m., Wednesday, March 1

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Wednesday: Senate will continue consider- Program for Wednesday: The House will convene in ation of S. 2271, USA PATRIOT Act Additional Reau- Joint Meeting with the Senate for the purpose of receiv- thorizing Amendments Act, with a vote on final passage ing the Honorable Silvio Berlusconi, Prime Minister of of the bill to occur at 10 a.m. the Republic of Italy. Afterwards, the House will begin Following the joint meeting, Senate will resume con- consideration of the following suspensions: (1) H. Con. sideration of the conference report to accompany H.R. Res. 316—Raising awareness and encouraging prevention 3199, USA PATRIOT, Terrorism Prevention Reauthor- of stalking by establishing January 2006 as ‘‘National ization Act, with votes on certain procedural matters re- Stalking Awareness Month’’; (2) H. Res. 357—Honoring lating to cloture. Justice Sandra Day O’Connor; (3) H. Con. Res. 335— (At 10:30 a.m., Senators will meet in the Senate Chamber Honoring and praising the National Association for the to proceed to the House of Representatives for a Joint Meeting Advancement of Colored People on the occasion of its of Congress, to begin at 11 a.m., to receive an address from 97th anniversary; and (4) S. 2271—USA PATRIOT Act Silvio Berlusconi, Prime Minister of Italy.) Additional Reauthorizing Amendments Act of 2006.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Hastings, Alcee L., Fla., E232 Porter, Jon C., Nev., E219, E222 Higgins, Brian, N.Y., E203, E205, E207, E209 Price, Tom, Ga., E213 Bilirakis, Michael, Fla., E224 Hyde, Henry J., Ill., E222 Rahall, Nick J., II, W.Va., E231 Blumenauer, Earl, Ore., E231 Johnson, Eddie Bernice, Tex., E229, E230 Rangel, Charles B., N.Y., E217, E220 Boehlert, Sherwood, N.Y., E228 Kildee, Dale E., Mich., E227 Sabo, Martin Olav, Minn., E214 Bordallo, Madeleine Z., Guam, E229, E230, E231, E232 King, Peter T., N.Y., E233 Salazar, John T., Colo., E217, E220 Burgess, Michael C., Tex., E216, E217, E219, E220, E222 Knollenberg, Joe, Mich., E233 Serrano, Jose´ E., N.Y., E226 Case, Ed, Hawaii, E235 Lantos, Tom, Calif., E215, E218 Smith, Christopher H., N.J., E203, E205, E208 Castle, Michael N., Del., E225 Lee, Barbara, Calif., E224 Stupak, Bart, Mich., E227 Clyburn, James E., S.C., E232 Lewis, John, Ga., E228 Tancredo, Thomas G., Colo., E225 Costello, Jerry F., Ill., E223 McCollum, Betty, Minn., E219, E221 Tauscher, Ellen O., Calif., E223 DeLauro, Rosa L., Conn., E223, E225 McMorris, Cathy, Wash., E235 Thompson, Mike, Calif., E217, E220 Dingell, John D., Mich., E226 Maloney, Carolyn B., N.Y., E226 Tierney, John F., Mass., E233 Edwards, Chet, Tex., E212 Markey, Edward J., Mass., E225 Udall, Mark, Colo., E214 Emanuel, Rahm, Ill., E204, E207 Matsui, Doris O., Calif., E217, E220 Van Hollen, Chris, Md., E213 Fitzpatrick, Michael G., Pa., E215 Meehan, Martin T., Mass., E211 Visclosky, Peter J., Ind., E205, E207 Gibbons, Jim, Nev., E233 Meek, Kendrick B., Fla., E223 Weldon, Curt, Pa., E210, E224 Gonzalez, Charles A., Tex., E233 Michaud, Michael H., Me., E219, E221 Westmoreland, Lynn A., Mac, Ga., E210 Gordon, Bart, Tenn., E235 Norwood, Charlie, Ga., E227 Wilson, Joe, S.C., E203, E205, E208, E209 Green, Mark, Wisc., E229, E230 Pence, Mike, Ind., E208 Woolsey, Lynn C., Calif., E213 Harman, Jane, Calif., E214 Pickering, Charles W. ‘‘Chip’’, Miss., E210

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