Essential Question How are Christians supposed to interact with people of other ?

Takeaway Christians who are knowledgeable and confident about their own can communicate and collaborate respectfully with people of other faiths.

Bible Passages Genesis 18:1–15 BACKGROUND Genesis 21:1–21 , Christianity, and all Youth need to know trace their heritage to Abraham—  Many adolescents have already begun to learn about the history and Judaism and Christianity through cultures of the world, and they will have some inklings about other Sarah and Isaac and Islam through through news reports about people from around the world. Hagar and Ishmael.

Unfortunately, reports that generally make the news tend to link Judaism, Christianity, and Islam "" with "fanaticism" or "extremism," leading youth to accept a value a relationship with one very biased view of the religions of the world. Rarely what we hear or personal and loving who see on the news or through social media is the fullness of the truth. interacts with individuals in time  Fortunately, adolescents tend to be curious about things beyond their and space to support and save normal experiences. Students will be intrigued to learn about other them. For Christians that saving people, their faiths, and their faith practices. They will have many of God is most clearly seen in questions, so part of this lesson is to help them learn where they can Jesus. The Bible includes many find more information and accurate information so they can satisfy ideas that all religions have in their curiosity. common. All of these religions teach their followers to care for  Be sure to point them to good resources such as Honoring Our Neighbor's Faith, (Augsburg Books, 1999). Most adolescents prefer their neighbor and help those in online resources. Check out (for Islam) or the website need. None of these religions advocate violence or war. (for Judaism) As we begin to hear the faiths of Youth Might Struggle with… other people, our first job is to  Why do we need to learn about other faiths while we are trying to know our own faith well enough to learn about our own? Jesus said, “love your neighbor.” How do you express our beliefs clearly to love someone if you don’t know them? How can you get to know someone who does not share them. them if you are afraid of them? These opportunities to hear from Our second job is to show respect those of different faith backgrounds tears down walls that often for those who do not believe what divide people. We invite our neighbors into a space of love and we believe so that we don't put hospitality so that we might show that same love and hospitality in them down and so that we can school, sports, work, or wherever we find ourselves. listen carefully to their faith statements. As we talk with people  Our world has become a global neighborhood. The people we of other faiths and listen to their encounter on a daily basis are very diverse in national origins and in statements of faith, we may find faith traditions. Your students have already begun to learn how to that Christian faith and other faiths meet and work with people of diverse backgrounds. They have also have many similarities amid the seen, and perhaps been taught, stereotypes of other peoples that are differences. far from accurate. After reading the above background information, what did you learn? What do you want kids to takeaway from this lesson? Tell one person what you learned about in this lesson? WILD ANIMALS Play with 3-4 small groups to make a LARGE group  Gather everyone in a large circle and ask them to close their eyes.  Explain that you will assign an animal to each person and they must find others who have been assigned the same animal without looking around and without talking. They must make the sound of the animal and listen for others who are making the same sound.  Assign animals to students so that each animal has at least three people making its sound—use animals with distinctive sounds, such as dog, cat, snake, pig, lion, monkey, frog, etc. Tell the group to begin their search. When they have found a match, stick together and keep searching until all matches are found.  Watch over the group, making sure no one strays too far away, and listen to the variety of calls until the like animals find each other and quiet down. This activity encourages participants to express themselves and also to listen carefully so that they can connect with others.

Debrief the game with these questions: ask Was it easy/hard to listen to others while you were also making your own animal sound? Why? ask What was the most helpful thing you did as you were seeking your animal group? ask What does this tell you about listening and speaking as you are getting to know other people?

ask your group: “How are Christians supposed to interact with people of other faiths?” If you are willing and have a story share an experience of talking to someone of a different faith about faith:  Were you nervous? Were either of you concerned that the other person would try to "convert"? Were you unsure that you would be able to share your faith accurately or well? What did you learn from the other person? What was the most important thing you shared with that person? How did the other person respond? What did you find in common?

Find the Key Passages in your Bibles: TRY TO READ IT LIKE A PLAY SCRIPT Genesis 18:1–15 underline it. highlight it. put stars by it. Read it like a script ask What are the surprises in this story? Explain that Jewish people believe to be the “great nation” promised to Sara and Abraham through Isaac.

Genesis 21:1–21 GUIDE—YOU READ THE STORY, BUT HAVE THEM LISTEN FOR the actions of the people and to consider why they might have done those things as you read the story. ask them three questions: "Who Acted?" "What action was taken," and "Why was that action taken." Explain that Muslim people consider themselves to be the "great nation" promised to Sara and Abraham through Ishmael.

ask If Jews are from Isaac, Muslims from Ishmael, where do Christians trace their roots?

Un-Scramble Use the handout to unscramble the word. Answers are here: 1) Judaism 9) companionship 2) 10) Abraham 3) Buddhism 11) Isaac 4) Islam 12) Jacob 5) Muslim 13) Mohammed 6) religion 14) Gautama Buddha 7) faith 15) Brahman 8) beliefs  Jews a different God from the God Christians worship. (False; they worship the same God. However, Jews do not believe that Jesus is God.)

 Buddhists believe that when they die they go to heaven. (False; they believe that those who meditate and act correctly can achieve a state of enlightenment or Nirvana.)

 The Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," is unique to Christianity. (False; some form of this rule is found in the teachings of most religions.)

 Muslims are all natives of the Middle East. (False; for centuries, many Muslims have been native to Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas.)

 Jesus was Jewish. (True. He grew up in a Jewish home. When to temple. Read the scriptures found in the . Never attempted to start a new religion. He was the image of God revealing to us the true nature of God and the true nature of being human.)

 Hinduism that there are many . (False; Hindus say that the many images and forms of deity in their religion are actually manifestations of one being—Brahman.)

 Abraham's son Ishmael is the ancestor of the Muslim people. (True)

 Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are related to one another. (True. Through Sarah and Abraham. Jews and Christians follow the line of Isaac and Muslims follow the line of Ishmael)

Pray With Your Small Group. If you don’t get to the activity, or the questions, or learning… get to the . Open in prayer or close in prayer. Doesn’t really matter. Just do it.

High/Low Prayer: Allow each person to share something that made them happy this week and something that bothered them this week. Guides: you lead them in prayer, by thanking God for the highs and asking God to help them in their lows.

Pray the ’s Prayer Our father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen.