CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 23 December 15, 2009
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31850 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 23 December 15, 2009 FIRST RESPONDER ANTI-TER- ERS). I am pleased to serve with Mr. trained at the CDP. In fact, this year RORISM TRAINING RESOURCES ROGERS on the Emergency Communica- the CDP celebrated its 500,000th grad- ACT tions, Preparedness, and Response Sub- uate. Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I move committee. He is the ranking member Like other first responder training to suspend the rules and pass the bill and works with us in a very bipartisan centers, often the CDP receives offers (H.R. 3978) to amend the Implementing manner. I thank him for his service. of donations, such as railcars, trailers, Recommendations of the 9/11 Commis- Mr. ROGERS’ district is home to the and emergency response equipment, to sion Act of 2007 to authorize the Sec- Center For Domestic Preparedness. It assist their training courses. However, retary of Homeland Security to accept is the premier training site for our Na- since the CDP’s activities are con- and use gifts for otherwise authorized tion’s first responders, and it is the De- ducted under the 9/11 Act of 2007 rather activities of the Center for Domestic partment of Homeland Security’s only than the Stafford Act, the CDP lacks Preparedness that are related to pre- federally chartered weapons of mass the legal authority to accept donations paredness for and response to ter- destruction training center. that could further training resources. rorism, and for other purposes. DHS has facilitated training at the My bill fixes that problem. It amends The Clerk read the title of the bill. center for thousands of first responders the 9/11 Act so that the CDP may ac- The text of the bill is as follows: from all 50 States, territories and the cept donations of property and services H.R. 3978 District of Columbia. Given the cen- for antiterrorism and training activi- ter’s prominence in the first respond- ties. It’s a win-win for our first re- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the United States of America in ers’ community, it often receives offers sponders, the taxpayer, and this impor- Congress assembled, of gifts and donations from a variety of tant east Alabama training facility. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. sources. These donations and services I would like to thank my good friend This Act may be cited as the ‘‘First Re- include training, displays, emergency from Texas (Mr. CUELLAR) for sup- sponder Anti-Terrorism Training Resources response equipment, and offers of guest porting this bill and holding a markup Act’’. lectures. in the subcommittee last month. I SEC. 2. ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS FOR FIRST RE- would also like to thank the full com- b 1100 SPONDER TERRORISM PREPARED- mittee chairman, Mr. THOMPSON, for NESS AND RESPONSE TRAINING. These donations and gifts would holding a markup in the full com- Section 1204 of the Implementing Rec- strengthen the center’s ability to offer mittee. ommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of high-quality emergency response train- 2007 (6 U.S.C. 1102) is amended by adding at I urge my colleagues to support this the end the following new subsection: ing. important measure. ‘‘(f) ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS.— Unfortunately, the center currently Mr. Speaker, I have no further re- ‘‘(1) AUTHORITY.—Notwithstanding section lacks the legal authority at this time quests for time, and I yield back the 873(b) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 to accept these types of services. H.R. balance of my time. U.S.C. 453(b)), the Secretary may accept and 3978 will permit the Secretary of Home- Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- use gifts of property, both real and personal, land Security to accept and use gifts er, I rise in support of H.R. 3978, legislation and may accept gifts of services, including for otherwise authorized activities of that would permit the Center for Domestic Pre- from guest lecturers, for otherwise author- the Center for Domestic Preparedness ized activities of the Center for Domestic paredness to accept gifts and donations in Preparedness that are related to prepared- that are related to preparedness for order to better train our Nation’s first respond- ness for and response to terrorism. and in response to terrorism. ers. As Chairman of the Committee on Home- ‘‘(2) REPORT.—The Secretary shall report The legislation further directs DHS land Security, I am pleased that the House is annually to the Committee on Homeland Se- to report annually to the Congress on considering this legislation today, and I urge curity of the House of Representatives and any gifts that were accepted in the pre- my colleagues to support its passage. the Committee on Homeland Security and ceding year and how they have contrib- Mr. Speaker, the Federal Emergency Man- Governmental Affairs of the Senate— uted to the center’s mission. Other agement Agency’s Center for Domestic Pre- ‘‘(A) any gifts that were accepted under DHS-supported training centers are this subsection in the preceding year; paredness, Center, is the Nation’s leading all- ‘‘(B) how such gifts contribute to the mis- permitted to accept gifts and dona- hazards first-responder training center. Lo- sion of the Center for Domestic Prepared- tions, and it is past due to give the cated in Anniston, Alabama, the Center has ness; and Center for Domestic Preparedness the provided emergency response training to first ‘‘(C) the amount of Federal savings that same authority. responders in all fifty States and territories, as were generated from the acceptance of such I urge all my colleagues to support well as Federal Government employees, for- gifts.’’. H.R. 3978. eign officials, and private entities. The Center The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of is especially well-known internationally for its ant to the rule, the gentleman from my time. weapons of mass destruction training facility. Texas (Mr. CUELLAR) and the gen- Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speak- The Center often receives offers of donated tleman from Alabama (Mr. ROGERS) er, I yield myself such time as I may goods and services, such as training displays, each will control 20 minutes. consume. response equipment, and trailers. These dona- The Chair recognizes the gentleman Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong tions would allow the Center to offer stronger from Texas. support of the First Responder Anti- training opportunities at a lower cost to the GENERAL LEAVE Terrorism Training Resources Act. Department of Homeland Security, DHS, and Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I ask H.R. 3978, which I introduced last the American taxpayer. Regrettably, the Cen- unanimous consent that all Members month, ensures that first responders ter does not have the legal authority to accept may have 5 legislative days within who train at East Alabama’s Center for gifts that would enhance its ability to deliver which to revise and extend their re- Domestic Preparedness have access to superior training. marks and insert extraneous materials even better training resources. As H.R. 3978 would amend the Implementing on the bill under consideration. many here know, the Center for Do- Recommendations of the 9/11 CommissionAct The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there mestic Preparedness, located in my of 2007 to permit the Center to receive do- objection to the request of the gen- district in Anniston, Alabama, delivers nated gifts and services that are related to tleman from Texas? one-of-a-kind training to America’s preparedness for and response to terrorism. There was no objection. emergency responders. It’s our Na- The legislation further calls on the Secretary of Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise in tion’s premier all-hazards training cen- Homeland Security to annually report to Con- support of this bill and yield myself ter. It’s also the only federally char- gress on gifts accepted and how such gifts such time as I may consume. tered weapons of mass destruction contribute to the mission of the Center. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong training center in the Nation. Respond- Other DHS training centers, such as the support of H.R. 3978, which is sponsored ers from all 50 States, the District of Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, al- by my friend from Alabama (Mr. ROG- Columbia, and the U.S. territories have ready have the authority to accept gifts and VerDate Mar 15 2010 13:27 Oct 10, 2012 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\H15DE9.000 H15DE9 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD December 15, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 23 31851 donations. It is only appropriate that the Cen- The text of the resolution is as fol- nizing the 50th year of the recording of ter also have this authority. lows: one of the legendary jazz tunes, one of Mr. Speaker, H.R. 3978 is a straight-forward H. RES. 894 the most important too of the 20th cen- piece of legislation that will pay immediate Whereas, on August 17, 1959, Miles Davis, tury, that was an album called ‘‘Kind dividends for our first responder community. I Jimmy Cobb, Bill Evans, Wynton Kelly, Paul of Blue.’’ It was recorded in New York, support its passage and encourage my col- Chambers, John Coltrane, and Julian ‘‘Can- a Manhattan church turned recording leagues to support it as well. nonball’’ Adderley collaborated to record the studio—and there were six other people Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I yield album ‘‘Kind of Blue’’; with Miles Davis: John Coltrane; Ju- Whereas ‘‘Kind of Blue’’ ranks 12th on the myself such time as I may consume.