Programming Schedule - SATURDAY Schedule Version: 07/31/14

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Programming Schedule - SATURDAY Schedule Version: 07/31/14 August 8th - 10th, 2014 - MacEwan University City Centre Campus Programming Schedule - SATURDAY Schedule Version: 07/31/14 Room Purpose 09:00 AM 09:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 11:30 AM 12:00 PM 12:30 PM 01:00 PM 01:30 PM 02:00 PM 02:30 PM 03:00 PM 03:30 PM 04:00 PM 04:30 PM 05:00 PM 05:30 PM 06:00 PM 06:30 PM 07:00 PM 07:30 PM 08:00 PM 08:30 PM GYM Main Events Cosplay Contest Magistina Saga Concert TheIshter Solo Piano Edmonton Lolita Presents: A Lolita MPR Live Programming AMV Comedy Hour Monica Rial Q&A Cristina Vee Q&A Yukino Satsuki Q&A AMV Hell 7.0 Performance Fashion Show Mahou Shoujo: A History Why You Should Go Live and 6-212 Live Programming GINTAMA Appreciation RWBY Panel : Welcome to Beacon Japanese 101 of Magical Girls Work in Japan...RIGHT NOW! Touhou 13.5: Hopeless Masquerade 6-214 Live Programming Cosplay Scavenger Hunt Season 3 Super Konichi-WHA?! Fighters Kagerou Project: Decoded Cosplay Weapons Tournament History vs. Assassin's 8-211 Live Programming Take the Stage Preliminaries Cosplay Bingo Creed Art of Collecting Video Me, My Camera, Stage Presence: The Art 9-102 Live Programming Ask-A-Pony Panel Vocaloid 101 Game Products and Japan of Performance Super Fandom Crossover Mega Ask YEGDND Fantasy 9-103 Live Programming Cosplay Construction 101 Kingdom Hearts: End of the World Soundtrack Bingo Time Adventure Improv! 9-201 Live Programming Dangerously Devious: Ask-A-Villain Hetalia World Conference Copic Markers 101 Rebuild of Evangelion: You Foul Bachelor Frog Bingo Dramatical Murder: Dramatically Kingdom Hearts: After 9-202 Live Programming Can I Shoot It Yet? Utlimate MOE Battle Can (Not) Understand (MP) Awesome (18P) Dark (MP) 9-207/ Tea Ceremony Tea Ceremony Live Programming Flower Arrangement Open Mic Karaoke 208 (1st session) (2nd session) Anime Improv Workshop and Auditions Kendo and Naginata Figurines 101: 9-211 Live Programming Edmonton Gojukai Karate Club The Concurrency of the End of Evangelion with The 404s Introduction Figurines and You Anime According to From VO to Theatre to Film 404's Present Missing Epiosdes THIS IS STUPID: 9-323 Live Programming Vensy Q&A Karen Strassman Q&A Sailor Moon Crystal AMVs with Cherami Leigh of "Sword Art Online" Homestuck Oscars 6-132 Video El Hazard: The Wanderers 1-4 (Dub) Tears to Tiara 1-4 Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic 1-4 (Dub) Fate / Stay Night (TV) 1-4 (Dub) MÄR 1-4 (Dub) Guin Saga 1-4 (Dub) 6-152 Video (Crunchyroll) Ixion Saga DT 1-3 Erin 1-4 Log Horizon 1-4 Maoyu - Archenemy & Hero 1-4 RWBY 1-16 Brave 10 1-4 6-133 Video Peach Girl – Super Pop Love Hurricane 1-4 (Dub) Trigun 1-4 (Dub) Noir 1-4 (Dub) Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt 1-4 (18P) Is this a Zombie of the Dead 1-4 (Dub) (18P) OniAi 1-4 (18P) 6-153 Video Eureka Seven Ao 1-5 (Dub) Eyeshield 21 1-4 Aquarion Evol 1-4 (Dub) Robotics;Notes 1-4 (Dub) Tenchi Muyo! Tenchi Universe 1-4 Sakura Wars: The Movie 6-156 Video (Youth) Astro Boy 1-4 (Dub) The Everyday Tales of a Cat God 1-4 Wolf Children (Dub) Gakuen Alice 1-4 Summer Wars (Dub) Our Home's Fox Deity 1-4 8-207 Video Tournament Gaming Live Streaming Overflow 7-122 Table Top Gaming Pandemic King of Tokyo Splendor Settlers of Catan Avalon Smash Up Boss Monster Hanabi Tournament Signup Ultra Street Fighter IV (Singles) Mystery Game Tournament! Ultimate Marvel vs 3 (Singles), Injustice Gods Amongst Us 7-146 Tournament Gaming Super Smash Bros Melee (Singles) Super Smash Bros Melee (Singles) (Pools 9-16) Super Smash Bros Melee 7-284 Adventurer's Guild Cardfight Tournament Yugioh Advanced Format Tournament Weiss Schwarz Tournament 7-286 Card Gaming MTG Conspiracy draft Vendor Cherami Leigh & An Cafe & Monica Rial, Guest Autographs Yukino Satsuki Hall Karen Strassman Magistina Saga Cristina Vee & Vensy Schedule is subject to change without notice. Check Room Purpose 09:00 PM 09:30 PM 10:00 PM 10:30 PM 11:00 PM 11:30 PM 12:00 AM 12:30 AM 01:00 AM NOTES: Information Desk for changes during the event. Gym Main Events An Cafe Concert Saturday Night Dance LEGEND: Guest Events 8-207 Video Akira – The Feature Film (Dub) (18P) Kamisama Kiss 1-4 (Dub) All Other Live Events Entry to console gaming tournaments may be subject Zapp's Spaceship of Love Presents: Critical to fees per person per tournament. Mystery Science Fanfiction (18P) Video Programming 8-211 Live Programming Fail! - We Play D&D with the Audience! A valid A21 pass is required to compete in the console gaming tournament room. SERVICES ALL OTHER EVENTS ALL programming with "MP" and "18P" ratings require Registration, Prop Free-Play Console Microsoft Console ID at the door to get in. Information Vendor Hall Artist Alley Community Corner LAN Gaming Contest Room Check & Mechandise Gaming Room 109th St. Building 2nd 106th St. Building 109th St. Building Heart 106th St. Building Location Parkade 7-142 7-126 9-321 8-218 Floor - West Side Hallway Cafeteria (Main Floor) Cafeteria Stage 9:00 am X-Pass Cosplay Pre-Judging & Repair Saturday 8:00 am to 9:00 pm 8:00 am to 9:00 pm 9:30 am to 8:00 pm 10:00 am to 7:00 pm 10:00 am to 8:00 pm 10:00 am to 8:00 pm 10:00 am to 8:00 pm 10:00 am to 6:00 pm 9:00 am to 11:30 am.
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