

I Roach, Margaret G. Randall, Emma 1 W Henderson, Edna Marguate McLaren, i || 0 [ The june Bride BEAUTIFUL ALL YEAR M[NRIAL DAY WAS 74 HAll[ P[ItF[OI Frances Irene Reid, Lawrence Wood- 8. O[ ADUAI[8 i ruff, Seth Hunter, Edmund Rygievicz, i I. Spirea, of the bridal wreath type,

ooo,I|11. 1oooo i~ Pt, P[ S Irene Wilson, Bess W. Green, Joseph to increase its attractiveness after Pakoea. the flowering season is over, accord- Large Number Gathered Here Koylton Twp.--Bill Lanway, Mar- Commencement Exercises Will ing to the horticultural department Clayton Reid of Kingston Goes guerite Burns, Berthina Tewsbury, at Michigan State College. to Pay Tribute to Coun- Leonard Max Wilcox, Fern Lois Gro- Be Held Tuesday Evening, The summer pruning should re- to State Fair School from try's Heroes.' ner, Russell Sarles. June 10. move the smaller branches which Tuscola. Novesta Twp.--Weldon Pratt, Floyd have borne flowers and which have Boughton, Burton H. Allen, John few leaves 'upon them. It will some- REV. INGERSOLL GAVE Kloc, Delia J. Clark, Donnaline Clark, HON. W. H. PEARCE WILL times be necessary to remove a whole MILDRED ZWERK HAS Grace McKinnon, Karl Skotarczyk, cane from the shrub, but, usually, FINE ADDRESS AT CEMETERY BEST MARK IN COUNTY Harold Churchill, Helen Polheber, DELIVER ADDRESS TO CLASS only the ends of the branches need Beatrice Mudge, Lucille Curtis, Mary to be cut back to a point where Trigute to departed heroes wl~o W'axell, Maxine Homer, Francis there are vigorous, leafy side shoots. made the complete sacrifice for our Clayton Reid, son of Mr. and Mrs. Smentek, Aletha Wright, Hazel Mc- The members of the 1930 senior Many of these flowering branches country's cause was paid by a large Floyd Reid of Kingston towhship and Lean, Leland W. Kelley, Helen Fred- class of the Cass City High School, will have dead tips and their removal concourse" of citizens of this com- a pupil of Mrs. Burton Lee, secured erick, Alice Layman, Walter J. Kraw- numbering 44, will be graduated improves the appearance of the munity Friday afternoon. Many an average standing of 93.9% in the czyk. Tuesday evening, June 10, when the plant. The pruning permits the recent state fair and eighth grade Wells Twp.--Marion E. MacDonald, commencement exercises will be held hundreds paused from their daily lyounger wood to have a better tasks on Memorial Day to do honor examinations held in Tuscola county Paul Jakubowski, Casmier Kler, Cora at the high school auditorium. The chance to grow, and the bush will to the brave heroes who are peace- and will represent this county at the Jarvis, Maryann Waskiewiez, SteIla following" is the prog3°am for the eve- produce more flowers the year after state fair school at Detroit in Sep- Sydlik, Amelia Kulisz, Sophie Sovpel, ning: fully sleeping their last sleep. pruning. The day was an ideal one. Business t~nber, Martin O'Brien, son of Mr. Julia Kler, Frances Mis, Leon J. Bra- Grand March, "Aids" "' No pruning of the plant during the streets were lined with flags, many" and Mrs. W. O'Brien, Mayville, and a dy, Jacob Gusko, Alice Van Horn, Joe (G. Verdi) ...... Mrs. Glenn Folkert winter or early spring will be re- residences displayed the national pupil of Wm. Rogers in School Dist. Belicki, Hope Matkowski. Invocation ...... Rev. Win. Curtis quired if the summer pruning of the colors and the crowd assembled early No. 4, Fremont township, had a stand- Address ...... Hon. Webster H. Pearce, flowering" branches is practiced. West Sanilac County Eighth Grade to participate in the exercises of the - ing of 87.7 in these two examina- Supt. Phblie Instruction ) Graduates. afternoon. tions and will be the alternate rep- Sbng (Selected) ...... Guy W. Landon Wallace ...... 12 3 4 .333 The parade formed at the corner of resentative. t Argyle Township~Marjorie Kitch- Presentation of diplomas Kercher ...... 3 1 1 .333 Main and Seeger streets. Members Clayton Reid secured an average en, Edward Hiltaker, Edward Woyto- ...... Supt. L. D. Randall Vatters ...... 32 10 10 .312 of the Boy Scout troup under the lead- mark of 94.8 in the regular eighth rich, Avon S. Hunt, Ernest Behr, Rus- Benediction...... Bey. P. J. Allured Gowen ...... 23 ~ 7 .30~ OAR WR[C[[D[ND grade examination for rural school Greenleaf ...... 25 7 7 .280 INdUT[~ ership of Scoutmaster Curtis led the sell Kritzman, Flavel Smith, Get- The baccalaureate program will be ~UN~Y pupils and this is the highest mark Hunter ...... 8 2 2 .250 march and music was furnished by Turn to page 8. held at the audit?rium Sunday eve- H[L !N COU !Y ,JAIL Simmons ...... 4 I I .250 the fife and drum corps of Cass City of the boys in the county. Rheiny Hol- ning', June 8, at a union service of Ruhl' ...... 28 5 6 .215 [Lodge, L. O. L. The afternoon's ex- tatz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jljius Hol- local churches. Rev. C..W. Lyman, ~latz and a pupil of Earl Sarles in Accused of Beating Aged Tus- Shagena ...... 14 2 3 .214 n 'ercises were held at the monument pastor of the Evangelical church, will Wmo Ball, Mrs. Jas. Cra e and erected to the "Unknown Dead" at Dist. No. 1, Kingston, ehrned a mark cola CouPlg, Out of Savings Blades ...... 17 2 3 .177 deliver the address, his subject being Elkland cemetery. of 93.6, the second highest record for RED L[TIERI A7 Morris ...... 23 3 2 .086 Son Are Victims in Auto "Ambassadors of Good Will." of Nearly $2,200° Collision. Rev. P. J. Allured presided as boys. Otto Nigl, son of Mr. and Mrs. A union choir directed by Mrs. Andrew Nigl, and a pupil of Mrs. l chairmaa at the exercises. The - Caroline Fenn/Bigelow will Sing ST UI)ENTS Marjorie Schluchbier, teacher in Dist. FaR TU[[B to 1}o0 F0 HOME FOR l ence sang "America" as the opening' "Gloria in Excelsis" from "Twelfth 3, Denmark township, was third with John Millic, alleged confidence man, ' DECORATION DAY HOLIDAY When returning from a birthday number and prayer was offered by 93%. Rheiny Hollatz is the lad who was bound over to the circuit court party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Geo. Hill. This was followed by a vocal selection by Messrs. McNa- lost both legs in an accident in a hay Grand Lodge Officers to Confer in October for trial, or at an earlier 'Students home for Decoration and Howard McTag'gart early Sunday Gerber and Curtis, wfth Mrs. field on a farm near Wilmot a few session of the court if it is so con- t~_e week-end were: morning, Wiltiam Ball of" this place mee, Degree on Large Class McNamee serving as accompanist. vened. This was the.verdict of Jus- From Lansing Marshall Burt, had a head-on collision with a car years ago. Rev. "Bob" Ingersoll, in his address, • The highest standing secured by a Here June 27. tice .Frank St. Mary in the justice Andrew Schwegler, Raymond Wood driven by a Detroit man. girl in the eighth grade examinatio~ court hearing at Caro on Wednesday ,and the Misses Margaret Landon, Mr. Ball with his daughter, Mrs. reviewed historically the services ren- was 96.2. This was earned by Mil- afternoon. Bonds were fixed at $10,- IMabel Crandell, Harriett Tindale, James Crane, and her two sons, Har- dered by the country's defenders in Friday, June 27, will be a red let- the wars and spoke of the citizens' dred Zwerk, a pupil of Mrs. Marjorie 000: Millie was brought to Tuscola iVirginia Day, ,Catherine Hunt, Pau- old and Lavern, were coming south ter day among the Odd Fellow fra- obligation to them. The nation's SehIuchbier, teacher in Dist. 3, Den- county from' Bufffilo, ~ N. Y,¢ last i line Sandham, Helen Knight. on M-53, near the Sheridan Catholic ternity in the Thumb of Michigan dis- church. A Detroit car, going north at ideals, he said, were gradually lifted mark. Mildred is the daughter of Mr. week: I From Mr. Pleasant Mrs. Marie trict. That evening, representatives August, and Mrs. Joseph a high rate of speed and with bright bv the soldiers' sacrifice and unsel- and Mrs. Walter Zwerk. Ida Jo- Last Mr. °Sulliv)an, Mrs. John Zinnecker and of the 28 Odd Fellow lodges in Tusco- Revi, an aged Wells township couple, lights and a strong" spot light turned fish service. hengen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the Misses Florence Merchant, Leta l la, Huron and Sanilac counties will Were visited by two men who claimed to shine ahead of the Car, kept the ' The address was followed by a -vo- Edward Johengen, and a pupil of O'Dell Martha' Garety, Alexandra Imeet at Cass City to witness the con- they were dividing a legacy of $40,- center of the road. Mr: Ball, blinded cal solo by Mr. Gerber and the deco- Oneita Witkovsky, teacher in Dist. McRae, Margaret Kelley. ferring of the initiatory degree upon 000 among saving and deserving" by the glare, was unable to tell i ration of soldiers' graves by the Boy 5, Ahner township, was second with From Alma Clark Knapp. a class of candidates. The evening's people. When Revi turned over to t whether he was far enough to the ~Scouts. Several selections were mark of 93.2. Irene Hendrick, a [ From Ypsilanti~Frederick Brown, program and the degree work will be l them his savings amounting to }~ear- side and a collision was the result. I played on the chimes during the af- pupil of Norma Emmor/s, teacher in 'Miss Esther Dillman, Doris Bliss. 'under the supervision of grand lodge ly. $2,200.00, 'the, men promised to • Harold Crane, 14 years old, jumped. t ternoon by Mrs. Ingersoll. Dist. I, Elmwood, was third with 92.6. From Lapeer Normal Lorene Mc- i officers of the state. double the amount. One of the men I Lavern, 12, was thrown through the She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grath. " ] deAslar~ e t ~: mb:r Jufn if~:m2m j e ilo Each lodge in the district has been ]went with Revi ~t0 Caro, standing" windshield and received many seri- Theodore Hendrick of Cass City. i requested to secure candidates for this l ous cuts and bruises. Mrs. Crane has i spend the afternoon or the entire day ' Martin O'Brien, a pupil in Dist. 4, l aeross the street from the bank while ~meeting and it is expected that a~ I an injured back, a badly bruised ,here and the occasion was made a Fremont, was the onIy pupil in the I Revi withdrew his savings. The oth- BOND ISSUES VOTED DOWN i large number will be the recipients of I ankle, which was at first thought to time of visiting and renewing old county to receive a mark of" 100 in i er man remained at the farm with AT KINGSTON AND MARLETTE 'the i~itiatory degree of the fraterni- 1 'Mrs. Revi. When Revi came home be broken, and many cuts and acquaintances. civics. Twenty-four pupils in the bruises. Mr. Ball is confined to his county received 100% in arithmetic. With the money, the swindler then On Tuesday, voters in school dis- Officers of the local lodge have produced a package of money which bed at his home with three broken They"are: Chas. Thompson, Wisher, trict No. 4, frl., Koylton township, rented the high school auditorium for he said contained $2,200, but before ribs, a badly injured knee and cuts HIRED MEN ASK BOSS Dist. 6; Clayton Brink, Wisher 6; Ve- defeated the proposition to bond the the evening. This, they believe, will turning it over, made Mr. and Mrs. and bruises about the head, face and ra Bondarenko, Wisner 5; Margaret district for $50,000.00 in order to re- TO SEE GRAIN CROPS make an ideal place for this meeting. Revi get down on their knees and sands. Mrs. Crane and Lavern were Sehissler, Columbia 3; Lucy M. Dos- pair the school building in Kingston It is expected that 500 to 700 Odd Hon. Webster H. Pearce. swear that they would never divulge ticked up unconscious and hurried to ser, Elmwood 7; Norman Rutledge, village and build an addition to the Michigan farmers who wish to Fellows will be here to witness the the Morris hospital where they are Elmwood 7; Ernest A. Kelley, Elm- the secret of how they obtained the school. The vote stood 85 to 79. The check up on their hired hands' abili- degree work and listen to the pro- Mass" (Mozart) and "O Holy Father" money. While they were on their still patients. wood 2; John Kloe, Novesta 4; Della same propositon was defeated at a ty to produce wheat, oats, and barley gram to be rendered by the grand by Marchetti-Parks. Chorus members In the Detroit car were two men Clark, Novesta 4; Charlotte McFall, knees the man placed what they sup- special election held May 14 by a are invited by the farm crops depart- lodge 6ffieers. are Mesdames Earl Douglas, Chas. and two ladies. They were not in- Elmwood 3; Edna McLaren, Kingston I posed was more than $4,000 in a tin 80 62. : ment at Michigan State College to I Day, E. Hunter, P. A. Schenck, W. R. vote of to "ured. The Ball car, now a complete 5; Clayton Reid, Kingston 5; Wilbur l box and locked it. He explained he Marlette school voters defeated a visit the College Farm any day be- Curtis, Glenn Folkert and E. Pinney wreck, had not been out of the I would return in three days, open the $90,000 bond issue to build and equip tween June 20 and July 20 and in- MeNeal, Arbela 4; Ralph Draper, GRAY A POPULAR COLOR and the Misses Grace Beach, Alice garage since last year until Mr. Ball l box and hand them the $4,000. He an addition to Marlette high school spect the experimental plots. Millington 3; Jane Ward, Tuseola 1; FOR BUSINESS HOUSES Lammers, Elynore Bigelow and Lulu drove to the party Saturday night: Esther Stone, Tuscola 1; Marion E. I then left and failed to return. at a special election Tuesday night. Guides will be furnished by the de- Barton, and Rev. Allured, F. A. In justice court Wednesday, Revi Smith, Arbela 1; Irene Sehmitzer, The vote was 66 for the bond issue )artment to explain the reasons for Bigelow, G. A. Tindate, g.W. Lan- testified that he feared he and his Tuseola 2; Mildred Zwerk, Denmark Gray appears ~o be a popular color and 232 .against it. LIVE STOCK CLUB WILL the various plantings and the meth- don, A. C. Atwell, Virgil Logan, J. I. wife would be harmed if he failed to 3;' Erwin Schnetl, Denmark 3; Carl !for painting business houses in Cass ods used to test old varieties of Niergarth and E. W. Kercher. Mrs. comply to the directions of the two i MEET FRIDAY, JUNE 13 Hoerlein, Denmark 3; Nick Marx, City this spying. grains and to produce new, improved I. D. McCoy will play the "Marehe men. He explained that he worked4 Denmark 3; Mary Molnar, Gilford 1; Olive gray was used in making the NOTICE TO SCHOOL strains. Three or four hours are Orchestrelle," as the baccalaureate three days in making a key to open The first big meeting of the Cass Maurice Roller, Akron 2. improved appearance in the Pinney PARENTS AND PATRONS necessary to examine all the different march and will serve as accompanist the box. When it was finally open, the City Live Stock Club will be held at Three hundred ninety pupils in Tus- State Bank building. The front and experiments. A complete trip around for the chorus. aged couple found six one-dollar the high school building Friday, cola county were successful in passing west side of the building were paint- There will be no school on Thurs- the plots makes a journey of 11 miles. Rev. P. J. Allured will },'ire the in- bills wrapped about clippings of pa- June 13, when plans will be 'discussed the eighth grade examination. The ed in this color. da~ of next week. The pupils will re- Five acres of the plots are devoted vocation, Rev. W. R. Curtis will read per so cleverly that it appeared to be for the coming show. Officers desire a ~names of the successful ones in the Gray was used in painting the turn the following day at 9:00 to get to the testing of wheat varieties for the Scripture lesson and Bey. Geo. a huge roll of money. full attendance so they may secure eastern part of Tuscola county are woodwbrkbn the front of the Creguer their cards and then are excused. All yield and quality. The leading kinds Hill will offer prayer. The benedic- Two weeks ago, Sheriff Kirk read data to send to East Lansing. printed in the following paragraphs: Garage and gray was again the teachers will be in their rooms until from Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan tion will be pronounced by Bey. Al- in a newspaper that a man had been A ball game is called for 7:00 p. Almer Twp.~Frederick Darbee, Ida choice of color in relminting the 11:00 should any of the parents care are planted for comparison. lured. picked up by Buffalo police having a m. The business meeting will be held Johengen, Lawrqnce Starkey, Cleon of the Wood & Schenck Block. ~o see them about their children's The possibilities of mixed plant- wallet that contained rolls of paper at 8:00. Dennis, Wayne Spencer, Henry Stew- Class Day exercises will be held at work. ings of grains are also being tried with dollar bills on the outside, and art, Floyd Wilsie, Lester Binder, the auditorium on Monday evening, If any family in town should like to out. Plantings of barley and oats, letters in his pocket similar to the Harold A. Goudie, Lucinda H. Rick- 900 AT HOLY NAME June 9, when the following" program get high school boys or girls to stay Advertise it in the Chronicle. Turn to page 4. legacy told to Mr. and Mrs. Revi. The walt, Creta Dean, Gerald Miller, DIST. MEET SUNDAY will b~ given: with them next year, and have not at- Tuscola officer wired Buffalo officers Nick Popp, Theodore Jaques, Frank- Piano solo, "Liebestraume" ready arranged for them, send in your to send a picture of the man. The lin Parsell, Irene Kocsis, Letha R~th (Liszt) ...... Janet Allured name to my office or to Willis Camp- The Holy Name societies of St. picture was identified positively by C. C. H. S. Furnished High Point Humes, Carmen Campbell: Salutatory ...... Mildred Karr bell, and an effort will be made to find Columbkill parish of Sheridan and Mr. Revi as the likeness of one of the Columbia Twp.~Marguerite Fader, President's address ..... Robert Edgerton students for you: St. Pancratius parish of Cass City men who had swindled him. Man in 16 Tuscola Co. Track Meets Arthur Ch~, Luella B. Rhodes, Lo- were hosts to the Holy Name socie- Class history...... Alex Ross Anyone having bills against the rena A. Schwenk, Carteton Gostick, ties of the Bad Axe district at the Giftatory ...... Barbara Taylor school, present them before Monday In the 19 years that Cass City has Cass City led the athletes of the Vilas M. Abke, Kenneth H. Graham, Spring rally Sunday, June 1, at 3:00 Prophecy ...... Ira Gerou rATTERS LEADS LOCAL night, if possible. participated in the track and field county with 21~ points. John O. Smith, Newell H. Reming- Valedictory ...... Phyllis Lenzner Lo D. RANDALL. meets of the Tuscola County High p. m. in the parish hall at Sheridan. SCORERS" WITH 10 RUNS In 1919, Miller of Vassar was the ton, Madeline M. Muck, Margaret Delegates were present, from the Class will ...... Louis Chaffee School Athletic Association, the local highest individual point winner. Cass Schissler, Donald Griffin, Lydia Clara parishes and missions of Argyle, school has won the meet 14 times City school won the meet with 58 POLITICAL AN°NOUNcEMENT Ewald, M~try C. Ewald, Donald W. Austin, Bad Axe, Gagetown, Harbor Cass City FIigh School lost to and tied once for high honors, and in points. Calling, Carroll Ward, Frieda Spang- EXPLOSION CAUSED Flint Central on Memorial Day by Beach, Helena, Kinde, Rapson's Cor- 16 of the meets, Cass City furnished In 1920, Jas. K. Brooker of Cass ler, Kathleen Hare, Wilfred Bedore, the score of 8-2. The Maroons outhit To the Voters of Tuscola County~ ners, Palms, Deckerville, Forestville, TEACHER'S DEATH .~, the highest individual point winner. City won the highest honors with 30 George Miklovic, Frederick Sarow, the Class A Flint team 6-4, but nu- I wish to announce that I will be a Parisville, Pinnebog, Caseville, Port In 1907, Cass City secured over points and Cass City took the meet Karl Schultz, G!adys Stock. merous misplays in the field gave the candidate for the nomination for the Austin, Reese, Caro, Ruth, Sebe- Miss Bernice , 23, teacher half of the total number of points. with 57. Brooker, in- 1924, represent- Elkland Twp.~Mary Agnes Fletch- visitors the game. The Saginaw Val- }office of Register of Deeds on the waing, Pigeon, Ubly, Sheridan and in the Elmer school, who was burned Leslie Koepfgen led all contestants ed the University of Michigan in the er, Eli Martin, Edward Sowden, J. C. ley lads scored 3 in the first inning, • Republican ticket at the Primaries Cass City. It was estimated that in a kerosene explosion in her par- t with 29 points. Olympic track and field meet at Allen, Marjorie Stine, Marie Raw- without registering a safe hit. , Sept. 9, 1930. nearly nine hundred were present. ents' home near Snorer Saturday af- In 1908, Cass City and Caro each Paris, France, winning third in the son, Dorothy O'Dell, Thomas Short, Vat{ers pitched sensational ball, l Having had a number of years' The program included an address ternoon, died in Tweedie hospital, secured 73 points. pole vault at this world meet. Virginia Rawson, Nell Peddle, Norris holding the valley team to four hits. i experience as Deputy Register of i by Edward F. Burns of Detroit, se- In 1909, R. D. Keating won 21 In 1921, Cass City was successful Sandusky, Saturday night. Edgerton and Vatters each collected l Deeds I feel that I am qualified to Lounsbury. le,ctions by Our Lady of Lake Huron Miss Plaxton, who was spending points for Cass City and the local with 43~ of which Donald Seed se- Ellington Twp. Anna Kurtansky, two sa~e hits off the twists of Piazza, ]perform the duties of this office. orchestra, vocal numbers, and a the day with her parents, was clean- team took the meet with 97. cured 11. Gillies Brown of Cass City, Lawrence Perry, Anthony Maciak, A. playlet by the Junior Holy Name so- Flint ace. ing oil burners in a pan of kerosene Cass City closed the season by! ceivedY°UrandSupp°rtappreciated.Willbe thankfully re- In 1910, Clifford Gracey and Alex Wright of Millington and Van Petten C. Jacob, Cecil Jacob: ciety. At the conclusion of the exer- placed on a hot stove. The kerosene Miller each won 18 2-3 points for of Reese were close contenders, each Elmwood Twp. Pauline Living- trimming Millington 13~7 here Tues-I CARRIE HOGRAEvER. cises, Benediction of the Blessed boiled over, causing the explosion. Cass City and the school took the l one securing 10 points. A week later, ston, Irene Ernest A. Kel- day. The game was a hitting bee for ]~Advertisement. Hendrick, Sacrament was given in the church Her clothing was ignited. The fire meet with 73 2-3 points. Gillies Brown was the highest indi- ley, Clair O'Dell, Gertrude Orlowski, after which all were invited to the both clubs and the home team's was put out by her parents. In 1915, Caro won the meet with vidual point winner at the Tri-county Evelyn Milligan, John Turner, Lucy ability to hit them consistently won dining room in the parish hall where Funeral services were held at the A local committee interested in 38 points, Cass City following with meet with 15% points. Marie Dosser, Margaret E. MeCreedy, the game. This was the last appear- refreshments were served by the la- Snorer Evangelical church Wednes- county Y. M. C. A. Work met with 37. Everett Higgins of Cass City In 1922, Cass City brought home Norman E. Rutledge, Alvin C. Guild, ance of Vatters, Edgerton, Wallace, dies of St. Columbkill church. day. Miss Plaxton is survived by her Mr. Johns, a state "Y" officer, was highest individual point winner both the baseball and track trophies. Roberta Wills, Charlotte L. MacFall, ~Blades and Gowen in the baseball parents, one sister and two brothers. Wednesday evening to make plans for with 21¼. Donald Seed was again the highest Margaret F. Glougie, Lila Farson, Ira tuniform for the maroon and gray. a drive for funds for the county Cass City won the 1916 meet with individual point winner with 171~ to STEAL GROCERIES FROM OIL Edgerton leads the hitters for sec- Deneen, Willard J. Comment, Cecelia )roject. Another meeting of the com- 46, of which Ernest Wood secured his credit. The local team secured 58 Miklovich, Willis McGinn, Peter War- STATION AT CARR'S CORNERS ~ond year. Vatters leads scorers with Piano Tuning. mittee will be held this (Friday) 153£ points for the local school. points, over half of the total number rack, Merrivale E. MacFall. 10 runs. Arthur Walker of Cass City led all of the meet. Thieves entered the oil station of I expect to be at Cass City the evening. Kingston Twp.~Dan Gomery, Phil- H. P. Orr of Caro was in Cass City contestants with 181~ points in 1917, In 1923, local athletes carried home the Michigan Oil Co. at Carr's Cor- first of next week. Please leave or- Hitting Averages. ip Retherford, Arleon Retherfoicd, Wednesday and stated to the Chroni- and the local school won the meet the cup awarded at the 17th annual ners, On M-81, and carried away gro- ders with Mrs. Fred Bigelow. All, AB R H . pet Evelyn Cribley, Helen Adamczyk, cle that he had secured a sufficient with 73. meet of the Tuscola County High ceries valued from $18 to $20. A work guaranteed. Edward Gingrich, Edgerton ...... 32 8 17 .531 Frances Zajac, Mary Wojcieszyn, number of signatures of local men to In 1918, Cass City was again suc- I School Athletic Association. The Gerald Ward, Lucile McCool, Ione M. small quantity of cigarettes was also 300 Marsac St., Bay City, Mich.~ Johnson ...... 15 4 7 .466 form a Rotary Club at Cass City. cessful with 77 and Earl Gowen of Turn to page 3. Huntley, Clayton Reid, Leland James stolen ...... 1Advertisement. . Kelly ...... 30 9. 12 .400 9AGETWO CASS CITY CHRONI'CLE Cass City, Michigan, Friday, June 6, i930.

CASS CITY CHRONICLE Miss Lulu Barton spent Saturday Mrs. James McKenzie is spending BEAULEY. All report a good time. The evening Published Weekly. and Sunday at her home in Bad Axe. the week with relatives in Detroit. was spent in visiting and games Wesley and Miss Luella McBurney were playedi , The Tri-County Chronicle and Case Miss Mary Francis of Kingslmn is Beautiful June days. City Enterprise consolidated Apr. 20, employed in the l~ome of M. E. Ken- visited relatives in Argyle Saturday. I Quite a number from here attended Williard Ellicott has been having 1906. ney. Ethel Orr of Pigeon and Marie :the Baccalaureate service at the a serious attack of the measles the the Three Best @ ¢.0 @ James Doerr and children of San- Rawson were week-end guests of Lu- I Method{st church at Owendale Sun- past week. All Subscriptions Are Payable in dusky spent Friday with relatives cile Bailey. day evening.. Grant claims two of the Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Mellendorf and here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Palmateer and graduates.~Miss Agnes McLau~hlan Advance. children were Sunday visitors at the @, children of Rochester visited relatives and Clark Souden. Levi Helwig home in Elkland. Mr. Mrs. George Carolan of Gagetown o In Michigan--One •year, $1.75; six and friends here over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reader enter- and Mrs. Mellendorf and son, Stanley, $ :months, $1.00. was a guest of Miss Emma Lenzner FEEDS( Mrs. Philip Sharrard entertained rained over the week-end, Mr, and and Mr. and Mrs. Helwig called on OF Friday. Outside Michigan ~ In United Mrs. Leon Thourby and children and Dugald Brown in the afternoon. He States, one year, $2.00. In Canada, her bro£her and his wife, Mr. and i Miss Bertha Van Eldick of Lapeer Mrs. Frank Davis, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sprangle and is seriously ill. O ~ne year, $2.50. ,~nenf tbo weok-enct with C~ c!~ty ZiLi/L[iLii 2, imL::Z ~C%i%±}l o> ~fri'end,~. i clay. Sprangqe wiii spend the summer with metaled the baccalaureate sermon at ¢. Advertising rates made known on t William Rawson left last week for relatives here. Owendale Sunday evening. q~ Mrs. D. R. Graham and Mr. and o LITY Miss Dorothea Mellendorf re- "QU application. !Ann Arbor where he is receiving Mrs. Alex Graham were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Heron and Euli- o Entered as second class, matter medical care. turned home last Monday evening af- o $ Mr. and Mrs. William Lamb at Jeddo ta and Mr. and Mrs. Millington Mc- o Apr. 27, 1906, at the post office at t Mrs. M. M. Moore spent Sunday Saturday. Donald and children, Billy and Betty ter working the past two weeks at Cass CiW, Michigan, under the Act Lou, spent frorfi Friday until Sunday the Clarence Shantz home in South- Purina Dairy and Poultry Feeds ~f Congress of March 3, 1879. with her brother, • Angus McPhail, Mrs. L. R. Ide and Mr. and Mrs. o at Mr. Morris. with relatives in Grand Rapids. west Grant. $ H. F. Lenzner, Publisher. R. 8. Ide of Detroit visited at the John Stirton of Elkton will preach 1 The Past Noble Grands CIub meets home of their brother, James Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Campbell of in the Grant church next Sunday , I today (Friday) at the home of Mrs. Mahon, over the week-end. Chicago and Mrs. Ora Pallady of June 8, in the absence of our pastort William I. Moore. Lansing spent two days last week Farm Bureau Dairy and Poultry Miss Amy Boone 6f Flint and Miss Rev. Trask. with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore. }: Mr. and Mrs. William Messner of Geraldine Dykehuizen of St. Johns Mr. and Mrs. John MacCallum were g Detroit spent Sunday night and Mon- were guests of Miss Esther Tarnoski Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morris of Cass callers Monday evening at the t~ugh Feeds day with relatives here. from Thursday until Sunday. City were callers at the Jacob Hart- Crawford home in Brookfield.and Ar- t Mrs. 8. B. Young entertained nine Mr. and Mrs. Walter Buckner of sell home Sunday. nold and Vera MacCallum were cal- ladies at a dinner at the Wigwam at Detroit visited at the homes of Mr. Messrs. John and Philip Moore and lers at the Neff MacCallum home at Caro Saturday evening. and Mrs. R. N. McCullough and Mr. Master Martin and Lawrence Moore Bach Monday evening. Amco Dairy and Poultry Feed Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Burns (Harriet and Mrs. John West from Thursday attended church in Bad Axe Sunday Mr. Livee and son, Edwin, ~of Kin- i Deming) of Detroit were callers in until Sunday evening. iand had the pleasure of listening to de and Harvey BrRt and sons of town on Decoration Day. Dr. and Mrs. William Sturm and Rev. Julian West. Ivanhoe were Sunday visitors at the We have them at the right price. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Curvin and fami- Miss Mary Striffler of Detroit spent ! Win. McDonald of North Branch Ralph Britt home. ly of Pontiac visited Cass City from Friday until Sunday night with :was a Sunday evening visitor at the friends on Decoration day. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Striffler and home of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Martin. Alex Greenleaf left Monday for McHUGH. with relatives in Pigeon. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Maharg and Painsville,~ Ohio, where he will have Garrison IVioore and John BenkeI- FARM PRODUCE CO. Nora Mae spent Sunday afternoon employment. man of Detroit spent the week-end Miss Lottie West of Pontiac, Al- James Krake and Claud Mitchell i at their parental homes here. fred West and Miss Alta Boughner with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reader. were business callers in Bay City. on PHONE 54. Mrs. I. K. Reid left Sunday to I Word comes from San Jose, Cali- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McBurney and of St. Clair came Friday to spend Saturday: spend some time with relatives" and the week-end at the home of Miss fornia, announcing" the approaching friends in Detroit. daughter, Mavis, visited at the Edd marriage of iMss Marguerite Moore Rose' home at Argyl e Sunday after- and Mr. West's parents, Mr. and Mrs. were visitors at the E. Krake home , ...... ~*~;*~**~;*~**;~;~s**~*~*;**~*~;'~'~¢~:~:**~:~#¢~:~:~*:~4~*~`~**+~:* George West. to Bob Handee which will take place Miss Lorena Wilson of Northvfile noon. on Sunday. this' month. Miss Moore is the eldest spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schneider of George Darling, jr., transacted ~{[r. and Mrs. John Race and fami- daughter of Rev. and Mrs. W. L. Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson. Haines City, Florida, and Mr. and business in Detroit one day last week. ly of Pontiac visited Mr. Race's sis- 5{oore. Mrs. Kate Hall had as guests Sun- ter, Mrs. Walter Anthes, over the Mrs. Harve Dunham and three chil- John Hall and his mother made a dren of Bay City spent Decoration Mr. and Mrs. Hasket Blair were day Mr. and Mrs. Paul Swazye and week-end. '- business trip to Ann Arbor. ast " me eatre called to Canada Saturday to attend P Th 1 Day with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Heller A very impressive baptismal ser- Mrs. O. C. Swazye, all of Flint. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ewing of E. Fitzgerald, Manager CASS CITY and other friends here. the funeral of Mr. Blair's uncle, Mr. vice was held at Deadwater Sunday Mrs. Leslie McChesney of Pontiac Pontiac visited Mr. Ewing's mother, Ha,.ket. afternoon when several young people spent from Thursday until Saturday Mrs. Sarah Ewing, from Friday until Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Orr and chil- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JUNE 6 AND 7. were baptised. with relatives and friends here. Monday. dren of Pigeon were dinner guests of KEN MAYNARD IN Mr. and Mrs. Lester Barley Sunday. We are all glad to know that Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Van Winkle RESCUE. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Kenney and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Graham of De- Hall's health has greatly improved. and children and Mrs. Van Winkle "THE FIGHTING LEGION" sons, Jack and Clare, visited Mr. troit visited Mr. Graham's mother, The Komjoynus S. S. class will spent Sunday with relatives in Flint. A rip roaring two-fisted talking drama of the West. Kenney's brother, Nell Kenney, at La- Mrs. D. R. Graham, from Friday un- meet Friday evening, June 6, at the Mrs. Frank Ditlman and son, peer Sunday. Comedy--"She's a He." Talking. Comedy~"Rubeville." Talk- til Sunday. Maniey Endersbee home. lng. 15 and 35c. GeOrge, of Detroit spent from Thurs- Born Saturday, May 24, to Mr. and A pot luck dinner was enjoyed Children's Day exercises will be : aeori ¢ I N¢ Pa$sag¢$ ", day until Sunday night with Mr. Dill Mrs. Vernon Striffler of B~ttle Creek, Sunday at the farm home of Mr. and held at the Grant church on Sunday ~J & SUNDAY AND MONDAY~JUNE 8 AND 9. nlan. a son, who has been named Edward Mrs. Roy Allen. Those present be- afternoon, June 15, at 2:30 o'clock. e Whitney. WilHam E. Johnson i JOAN CRAWFORD IN Mrs. Harriett Boyes was hostess side the Allen family were Mr. and All are cordialiy invited to attend. to the Larkin Club Saturday after- Mrs. John Dillman, Frank Dillman, ("PusSyfoot") Mrs. Hiram Lewis, who had spent Ralph Britt purchased a new cul- g "UNTAMED" (All Talking) noon. A social time was enjoyed and Mrs. I. K. Reid, Mrs. Harriett Boyes Prohibition Lecturer. several weeks with her son, Ray Lew- tipacker from a Cass City dealer Sat- Her beauty and tempestuous acting have won her foremost a delicious supper served. and daughter, Miss Marjorie, Mr. ! Father, forgive them; for they & is, at Pontiac, returned to her home urday. place in sereendom's list of stars. R. A. McNamee entertained his here last week. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Mr. and Mrs. know not what they do.~Luke Cornedy--"Mickey's Big" Moment." Hollywood Review. Talk- son and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Frank Reid, all of Cass City, Mrs. I Wm. Parker of Bad Axe was a cal- 23:34. ing. 15 and 35c. Mr. and Mrs. George Hall, son, le.r in this vicinity Wednesday eve- McNamee and daughter, Aurelia, of Frederick, and granddaughter, Doro- Frank Dillman and George of De-i inns. I 13. bnicago over the week-end. thy Hall, of Inlay City were Cass troit and Miss Esther Dillman of I Corinthians TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10 AND 11. (Comp~le~ by the Bible Guild.) Frank Alexander of Flint and Mr. City visitors Friday. Ypsilanti. i Mr. and Mrs: John Combs and Wm. KATHRYN CRAWFORD AND JEAN HERSHOLT IN Ashmore, jr., were Bad Axe 'callers t~.,.., ...... ,..,...... o..,I~ and Mrs. Nick Alexander and two Curtis Hunt, Frank Haven and the A Bigham reunion was held Sun- Thursday morning. sons of Owendale visited Mr. and Misses Dorothy Tindale and Lulu day at the home of Mr. and MrS. Her- • "THE CLIMAX" Mrs. Butt Gowan Sunday. Barton attended the auto races at bert Bigham on Seventh street. Sun- Andrew Proudfoot of Detroit spent Taxed for Unfortunates All Talking and Singing Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richter and Indianapolis, Indiana, Friday. day was also the birthday of Mr. 1the past week at his parental home Taxes for the relief of the Door haw Bigham and the affair was a surprise here. been levied tn since 15T~. "Ace Scotland Yard." Last Chapter. 10 and 25c. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Richter and baby Mrs. R. J. Knight visited her ¢ of Bay City were guests of Mr. and daughters, the Misses Pauline, Ver- to him. Thirty-seven relatives were Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCa!lum and present, all of the Bigham family but Mrs. John Dillman Decoration Day. nita and Lucile Knight, at Lansing three children and Wm. and Howard ~--~: ...... 7 ...... ~e~-~ .... ~-~~ -=---~ Norine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Morley Smith spent Friday from Thursday until Sunday. MacCallum of" Pontiac spent from Herbert Bigham, and a brother, Roy Wednesday until Sunday with rela- and Saturday with Mr. Smith in De- Announcement has been made of Bigh'am, and his' wife and daughter tives around here and at Wolfton. troit. Mr. Smith accompanied her tl~e of a baby boy, Dale Ar- of Sandusky. The table was beautiful- They attended the funeral services of home Saturday night, returning to thur, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. r ly decorated with a large birthday Mrs. aMcCa]:lum's sister, Miss Ethel Detroit Sunday. Arthur Little Thursday, May 29; cake and roses. The cake was made Wolf, on Thursday at Pigeon. Mrs. Hattie Parmalee, Mr. and Mr. and M~.s Guy Rench and chil- by a brother, Harry Bigham, of Roy- Ralph Tebeau is working on the is Stride Mrs. Clarence Richardson of Pontiac dren spent the week-end with the par- al Oak. After dinner, the eogapany and Mrs. Frankie Mankin of Detroit Evangelical church in Owendale these rfu! ents of Mr. Rench, Mr. and Mrs. Van journeyed to the old Big'ham home- days. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Rench, and other relatives at Itha- stead 3 miles west and ½ mile south Bardwell Friday and Saturday. August Radloff was a busin4ss cal- ca. of Argyle where a p!easan~ afternoon ler in Owendale Friday afternoon.' Mrs. J. Bardwell, who has spent was spent, all returning to Cass Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wood had' as Stanley Mellendorf was a business ,\ several months with her daughter, City for lunch in the evening. Those guests from Thursday until Sunday caller in Pigeon Monday. Mrs. Hattie Parmalee, in Pontiac, re-- Mrs. Wood's sister, Miss Betty Ellen- present from out of town were Ed- Otto Schultz of Pigeon was a cal- turned Friday to spend the summer baas, of Grand Rapids and Charles win Bi4"ham, Mr. and Mrs. James D. with her son, Levi Bardwell. Heuer of Lansing. Watson of Port Huron, Mr. and Mrs. ler inthis vicinity Monday. air Bills Clyde Adams and son, Bobby, of De- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Britt and chil- lt p - Mr. arid Mrs. Fred Hall and four Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Burke and Dr. troit; Mr. and Mrs. Butt Lanway and dren were Owendale callers Saturday children of Flint visited from Thurs- and Mrs. P. A. Sehenck and daughter, evening. day until Sunday at the homes of Florence, spent Thursday night and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Hall, Mrs. Anna Friday at the Burke cottage at Case- Bigham and son, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- A nice crowd attended a miscel- Patterson and other relatives. ville. e Bigham and two children of laneous shower Friday evening for tiac; Stanley Bigham of Decker; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tebeau at their Mrs. S. Lenzner, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Mr. and Mrs. James DeLong an( NEw ~so-v~s lubricates gar G. Braun and son, Ted, all of and Mrs. James Bigham andihome. They received some lovely family of Pontiac were entertained a children of Berkley; Mr. and Mrs. presents. A self-served pot luck properly at all engine Detroit, and Dr. and Mrs. G. F. Lenz- the home of Mrs. DeLong's parents ~ry Bigt?am and three children of lunch was served consisting of temperatures. Some oils-- her of Bad Axe were guests at the F. Mr. and Mrs. Whitley McLean, fron Lenzner home on Decoration Day. ~al Oak. pickles, cakes, sandwiches and coffee. satisfactory at low tem- Thursday until Sunday. peratures~do not stand Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bigham and Miss Eleanor Nique, assistan up under intense heat. son, Lloyd Junior, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- chemist in the Woman's Medical col Others that are heat re- ence Bigham and two children of lege at Philadelphia, is spending th~ Royal Oak were guests at the Her- sisting refuse to flow in summer with her parents, Mr. an( coldweather. New Iso-Vis bert Bigham home from Thursday Mrs. O. W. Nique at Decker. until Sunday night. stridesfrom one end of the Wayne Bennett of Lansing and th~ thermometer to the other. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton McKellar and CHANNELDRAIN Misses Louise Lennon and Kathleer son, Gerald Robert, of Marine City Barber of Grand Rapids were week OF COP-R-LOY spent Decoration day with Mr. Mc- end guests of Raymond Wood al Kellar's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dun- the home of his parents, Mr. am can MeKellar, and with his sister, Mrs. L. I. Wood. Mrs. Edward Schwaderer. Mrs. M. M. Moore entertained Fri i:, X' o- Proof ...... Mr. and Mrs. Sim Bardwell had as day, Hugh E. Hunter of Marlette guests Decoration Day and the week- Mrs. L. Wilder of Vassar, Mrs. Geo end Mrs. Harry LePla, daughter, Coleman and two children of Detroit O GET a motor Elizabeth, and son, Jaekie, Mrs. J. A. and Mrs. Clayton of Pontiac ning T Young" and son, Earl, and Mrs. A. B. l-oil that would Wright, all of Detroit. Week-end guests at the home o~ Proof-- stand up under sizz- Word has been received that Rus- Mr. and Mrs. George Seed were Miss sell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aletha and Donald Seed, Walter Kil- Trouble ling heat and yet patrick, Miss Betty Phillips, and Mr King" of Pontiac, is a patient in Ford flow freely in cold Hospital, Detroit, with infantile and Mrs. Arthur Armour, all of Pon- ' " .... ' ' " ' Proof tiac, and Mrs. Della Lauderbach. paralysis. Mrs. King is the daughter Channeldrain Roofing is a step forward in metal roofing design weather, out engineers after long re- ture, this improved oil deposits far less of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Willis. Mrs. Lydia Starr entertained Deco- )ecause it is most successful in .preventing capillary attraction~ search, developed a newrefining process. ration day and the week-end Mr., and :endency of water seeping over the lap joints and getting beneath carbon that most oils. And by a special R. J. MeNamee, who had spent he roof.. two weeks with his son, R. A. Mc- Mrs. Jos. Clement and son, Kenneth, New Iso-Vis is a Wholly Distilled Oil. patented process, New Iso-Vis is pre- Namee, returned to his home at Lu- of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Channeldrain has a vertical barrier to rain water which goes No undistilled parts of the crude have to pared so that it will not thin out in your can, Ontario, last week. Mr. MeNu- Law and family of Royal Oak. Mrs. mder the lap. This is the famous channel wall and is seen in the nee is 89 years of age, but stood the Clement and Mrs. Law ale daughters llustration. The channel formed by the patented design of Channel- be added to give it body as is the case with crankcase. of Mrs. Starr. [rain Roofing is for the purpose of carrying off water that seeps or trip from and to his home very nice- most oils. Only in March was it put on New Iso-Vis will add miles to the life ly. Guests at the home of Mrs. Anna blown under the lap. When properly applied Channeldrain drains ,ff all the water that falls on the roof, and this roofiing is so simple the market.., after six months of the Mr. and Mrs. William Wetters and Patterson Thursday night and Fri- n design that no special experience is required to apply it. ofyour car. Your engine can be drained, son, Nbrris, of Detroit Spent from day were Mr. and Mrs. Hazen Patter- most careful checking: flushed and filled with New Iso-Vis at Thursday night until Sunday morn- son and two children, Mr. and Mrs. No roofing" sticks are required under the ridges, the vertical nember which is the channel wall furnishing adequate support for Besides its heat and coid resisting lea- ing with Mrs. Wetter's parents, Mr. Eldon Watkins and Mrs. Jennie Wat- Mling. any Standard Oil dealer or service station. and Mrs. John Caldwell. Sunday, they kins, all of Pontiac. Mrs. Hazen attended a Wetters reunion at Bay Patterson and children remained until Not only Jn design but in materia! itself Channeldrain is a dis- City. Sunday, visiting relatives in and inetive roofing. It is made of COP-R-LOY, the Copper Alloyed Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Randall near Case City. IteM, is coated with pure zinc by the hot galvanizing" process. You an apply Channeldrain yourself and enjoy the superior benefits from I entertained last week Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. D. McKellar, sr., Mrs. Jennie his modern patented roofing through long years to come. It will Homer Larabee and Mrs. Mary E. Nelson and Roy Sheridan, all of Port ave money for you. It is sold by responsible dealers. Randall, all of Lansing. Other Sun- Huron, spent from Thursday until (lay guests at the Randall home were Sunday with Mrs. McKellar's son, THIS ROOFING CARRIED IN 8TOCK BY ~fj3e New Polarlne also is pro. YIS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barclwell and Duncan McKellar. Other guests at e youewe ,oc, . family, Mrs. Fred Bardwell and John the Duncan McKellar home Saturday esses--giving it an efficiency ~ / ~//~ ~ ~'~ Spurgeon of Cass City; Mrs. Ted night and Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. BOHNsACK & SON Coleman and AIetha Spurgeon of De- James Hines and daughter, Betty CASS CITY, MICHIGAN troit. Jane, of St. Clair. ! I'1 I ...... ~TANDARD C Y i ' I 0 I I, 0 M P AN {Ind~'a~,~), i r ii II II I gin II ' i Cass City, Michigan, Friday, June 6, 1930.- CASS CITY CHRONICLE PAGE THREE.


52 More Planes for Navy The Mothers Return Mr. Ford's Recipe 5-Billion Dollar Infant Navy contracts for 52 fighting :planes, torpedo and bombing air- boats have been announced. They will

For the price of one modern bat- tleship, with comers and other equip- ment, the navy could buy 1,040 such fighting planes. Altogether they w~uld require crews smaller than one bvttles!fip crew and would cost far ~e~s in upkeep than one battleship. And one sfich bombing plane could .~i:.:k any battleship or other ship afloat. This nation needs at the least an :air fleet of 5,000 fighting planes, with an adequate fleet under water.

Peshawar is a long way from Buckingham palace, and once it would have been painful, slow work subdu- ing natives .in those far off valleys. But now the dull thud of exploding Royal Air Force bombs is heard in the hiding places of Haji and his 5iohammedan tribesmen, rebelling against Britain." And Haji's forces are melting away. Allah and his prophet are great, but they offer no weapon to fight fly- ing machines.

The ill'st pal-ty of 127 Gold Star e~ Mothers, having seen the graves of Donald Seed Everett .Higigns James K. Brooker Earl Gewen their dead sons, are on their way

home. { - They were too early for the poppies, ILaddie and Kenneth Richardson of ebout which pretty war poems were Co C. No S. Furnished High Peint !Royal Oak spent the week-end at the written, but they saw the white S. Nicol home. crosses, row on row, each marking Man in Tuscola Co. Track Mee s Miss Jeannette Bond, who has the grave of a dead American soldier. been teaching" the Rudd school near Concluded from first page. 10 points. Cass City athletes led the Marlette, is spending" a few weeks at number of points won by Cass City county teams with 63 points. President Hoover and the Navy de- iher home. • partment are to be congratulated on was 55~/h. Donald° Seed, a senior, In 1925, Cass City was first with the decision to allow our submarine was high point man for the third 57 1-3~ points and Glenn Hartwick, 1 NOVESTA. ,O-12 to take part in Sir ttubert Wi.1- year in succession, securing" in 1923 C. C. H. S., high point man with 21~. kins' work of exploration in the Arctic. three first places, one second and one In 1926, Harry •Severance and Warm weather is here at last .... Eventually our fleet of submarines third, besides participating as a Alfred Gowen, both ,of Cass City George Barker is on the sick list will be made useful in peace through member of the winning relay team. had a close race for the honors of this week. exploration of the oceans, seas, lakes The following year, Leo Hutchin- highest individual point winner. Sev- D. t~. Woolley and William Woolley ,m~d land under them. son of C. C. H. S. won the honors as erance was first with a fraction of a of Flint visited Sunday at the home high point man with 11. Competition point over his team mate. Severance, of Mr. and Mrs° Arthur Woolley. was close in 1924, Cross of Caro and Engineers and surveyors will map 15 7-12; Gowen, 15¼. Cass City Mr. and Mrs. George McArthur and Annibal of Fairgrove, each securing out the mountains and valleys lying* schools were first with a total of Mrs. John McArthur of Deford, Mrs. under the oceans. 44 1-3 points, Care second with 35 Guy Woolman and H. P. Woolman of And the future will see submarine and Vassar third with 25 1-3. Detroit were Sunday visitors at the prospectors, searching for mines and 'Care school won the 1927 county home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hender- oil wells, below the water, competing meet with 39~ points. Vassar was son on Sunday. with modern prospectors now search- second with 35 and Cass City third Miss Thelma Henderson returned ing for treasure and oil for nations with 26. Harry Severance of Cass to Bay City on Sunday afternoon af- by airplanes. City repeated his performance of ter spending Memorial Day and the 1926 in again being acclaimed the week-end at the home of her parents. Henry Ford says people must ke high point man of the 1927 'meet. "l ~p their spirits, American farm~ The Caro school athletes were~I GREENLEAFo ;must develop mass production !again successful in capturing the/ American factories do, wages m ~ imeet in 1928, having a three point HERE'S HOW THE C. C. H. S. BASEBALL TEAM LOOKED IN 1919 Nice springlike weather after our not be cut, and everybody must be 'imargin over Vassar. Caro 48 1½, Vas- r recent "winter." ~,bee~¢aL sar 45~ and Cass City 29. Robt. Ed- i Top row--Miller, Gracey, Keating, Graham. Second row--Bien, Wickware, Doerr, Striffler, Sutton. Third row--Lee °and Benkelman. Nearly everyone attended Memori- gerton of Cass City was individu- l al Day exercises from here. al high scorer with 13~ points. Sound advice for everybody except , Win. Pewell has purchased a new Hutchinson of Caro was the high ~he man out of a job, and the farmer, WICKWARE. Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Hunt and l Mr. and Mrs. Earl Futcher and tractor. who doesn't know how to get mass point man of the meet in 1929 with [ 14~/, points, and the Care school an-~ two children of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. I two children of Farmington visited production out of 50 acres. Crops are looking fine. nexed the track meet honors with a l Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Nicol entertained L. W. Stier and two children of La- relatives here the last of the week. Mr. Ford lets the workmen stand It is reported that Dougal Brown is still while their work passes in front total of 67 points, over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. F. peer, Mrs. Harry Clark and daugh- Mrs. Margaret Nicol, Mrs. Jean in poor health. Kennicker and Mrs. Ber~ Lusk and ter, Patricia, of Battle Creek~ Mrs. of them. The farmer can't stand still The Chronicle located halftone cuts Chase and daughter, Peggie, and Geo. i Mr. and Mrs. Girmus were visitors and make the rows of corn or cows of six of the high point winners oil two sons of Detroit. . Selina Brown of Cass City and Miss Nicol of Lansing', Mr. and Mrs. T. J.]in town last week. ?ass in front of him. the Cass City schools and these pic-I Mr. and Mrs. Arden Williams vis- Clara Bond of Flint visited at Chas. Nicol and daughters, Patricia andl Callers from Detroit were at the But Henry Ford is a genius and Robert Edgerton tures are printed on this page. !ited relatives in Clifford Sunday. ~Bond's last week-end. Juliet, of Detroit and Normaleen, Mills home Sunday. may find a way.

Wall street believes that J. P. Mer- Happenings of a .,. * Man, most powerful figure in American finance, is perfecting an enterprise tha~ will make his late father's big steel company look like a modest the Tri-County • investment. ,temsQUarterCenturyAg~l!i~from BARGAIN BASEMENT SPECIALS The new enterprise, called in Wall Chronicle of, Jun~ 2, 1905. !~ . ~: street slang "United Corp.," plans a five-billion-dollar corporation to in- special car to Brown City on Tuesday .:. ÷:. ' ,:. ****"*" ¢* ** elude practically everything in the to witness the ball games which were [:~ ~ WHITE PAPER ":'. TOILET PAPER *':" CHAIR ** HAIR NETS ** EASTMAN ** ¢** way of public utilities in the North played at that place that day. Cass .*** .~ .:. .:~ ~.~ ~ .~ ":* Atlantic region. City defeated Brown ,City by a6-1 .:.-:" .:.¢- NAPKINS -:. 2 ROLLS .:. 1~ ¢" 5C ~ NO. 2 CAMERAS ¢,~¢. * Steam power, water power, gas~ and score. the great distributing agencies would ¢. .:. 60 FOR ":" I0c " all be under one hat. Miss Alice J. Ross dosed a very °4* 5e -'**":" *I-" $100 -'.-:: *- successful term of school at the Hill- "~"";" ¢ ¢ ¢ "~""~'¢ ¢ "~°;"¢0 ";"O0 ";"¢" ~" z" ";" 4. *'~ 4* * 0 ¢* side school ih 'Elmwood township May 0 Mr. Ralph Budd, president of the •": *I*" lOe 26 with an entertainment a~d a ball Great Northern railway, with his son ¢* 0 0 •:'. PAINT ** MOP STICKS *¢. ** ~'. and some first-class railroad engineers, game in the afternoon, Miss Ross has :sailed f~)i• Europe, to be met by was delightfully •surprised at the LARGE . * 15 C ":" GREETING CARDS * * home' of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Burse representatives of the Soviet commis- i-:- ¢- ABSORBENT ,COTTON .:.* FLASH LIGHTS o¢. 10c 25c .:. ":*~ of all kinds *¢- * sar ,o/f raihvays at the Russian fron- on the evening of May 28 by pupils 0 0 * tier. 5[r. Budd will devote a year to of the school. They presented her . Per Box . planning reorganization of Russian with a gold pin a~ a token of remem- O O, $1 O0 ° 5c o o brance. •"*~ O o .~ *I* 4. ~ ¢* ¢.*:* railways on American lines. ¢. This shows that Russia knows Chas. D. Striffler had a barn rais- lOc something about business, whatever ing on his farm north of town you may think of her politics and Thursday. The structure is 40 by 60 social ,theories. feel ( ¢.,~.-;.-~-.~-,~--~..~.¢-;.*~.,;.¢-;-,~.~.0.~.~." ~.o ...... ,.~ WATER TUMBLERS ":"",:. BOTTLE CAPPERS ".:."" 10c 25c ~"".:. ROYAL SOCIETY FLOSS °.':" Hersey Young', who recently re- Not including real estate, the late turned from Northwest Canada, has TOOTH PASTE ":"*" : 6 FOR ""~ ~--~'~C "':. BOTTLE "~-:- 3 FOR "¢" Rodman Wanamaker left $60,000,000, entered the employ of the Cass City according to his executors. More in- City Grain Co. }! Colgates, Listerine or *° 25c o° o °oo 5c o'o Guy Woolman, who has been prin- teresting than the size of his fortune .:, -:. ,:. . . ,:. CURTAIN RODS ~ .:.':" is the fact that he worked hard, al- cipal of the Fostoria school for the most to 'the day of his death, at his past few years, has accepted a $600 own business, and at promotion of position as principal of the Reese °,.~ 1Oc °-:- °":- TIRE PATCHES ° 10 C °¢" • : "~*" aviation, l'n which he was a pioneer, high school. ¢. -.*. CLOTHES HANGERS . .... o . Large Assortment of * and other, work important to the Master Herman Doerr gave a par- lo public. ty on Thursday afternoon to a com- It is what a man does, not what pany of his boy friends. he has, that counts. Thos. H. Flint surprised his friends .:. .:. ,:. ,:. CLOTHES LINES . AND .~ a few days ago by slipping quietly ... o 5c ° 1Oc " ° 5c 10c " Encouraging news from away to Saginaw where he was says '~usiness girls" are fighting long united in marriage on Tuesday, May ° - c4u ° ° ° 10c " " skirts. The short skirt represents 16, to Miss Allie Haley of that city. common •sense, comfort, health, and Last week while Mr. Pearson of ~'{'..,,,:,m,f,~..~,,:,,:,¢,¢,:,.}.:,¢,4*,:,¢,,:,¢,.:,.:,,:**:,4*9 ":" -- ¢" ...... ~ ...... ~..:o:,, ,:,¢" HEAVY ":":" qoes not drag in germs. Urban was driving through Argyle, ";...... "~" HEAVY ":" FANCY ":" ¢'~'¢¢¢~'¢';'0¢¢*¢¢¢¢¢0¢¢'* ~ * ¢ his horse became frightened at a bi- ":" WINDOW SCREENS ,:- WHITE PLATES ¢* BUD VASES ¢~" HAIR PINS *-:- WHITE CUPS ~"":" Scientists of Lowell observatory are cycle and jumped over Mr. Herdell's said to have selected the name fence, throwing Mr. Pearson to the "Pluto" for the new planet. They ground. The frightened animal was ° 49c ° 15c ° 15c ° 5c ° 10c °" shouId make another selection. caught by Fred Striffier. Mr. Pearson ¢. ,**. ,I. ¢* *:* ¢* An American, Professor L'owell, pre- escaped with only a few bruises. dicted the discovery of the planet; an- The debate which was postponed Other American discovered it. It Is, several times on account of rain was therefore, an American planet and held Wednesday evening at Shabbo- should have been named for Newton, na. The ~ubject was, "Resolved that O whose law made the discovery possi- country life affords more and better .G & C FOLKERT, .Cass City ble, or for WashingtOn, Jefferson, Lin- advantage than city life." The affir-

} coln. Hoover or Theodore Roosevelt. mative .won. ',(~. i~0. by King Features Syndicate. Inc.) Cass City, Michigan, Friday, June 6, 1930. CASS CITY CHRONICLE PAGE FOUR Detroit spent Decoration Day with June 12. An invitation and welcome Myrtle Gree~leaf visited her aunt, Wm. Wagner and son, Edward, of last of the Pentecostal series of ser- his brothers and sister here. is extended to all. Mrs. Harry Tiller, in Care Friday. Imlay City spent from Thursday to mons. Sun]ay at :the home of Harry Niles. Sunday school at Ii:45. Cecil Mr• and Mrs. Alfred Karr of Gage= C. W. MePhail of Grand Rapids Mr. and Mrs. William Schwegler Ivliss Edna Wag~er, who had spent a Brown, Supt. town called at the J• H• McIntyre called on friends in Cass City and Ar- were callers in Saginaw Sunday af- week at the Niles home returned to B. Y. P. U. at 6:30. home Sunday. gyle on Decoration Day. ternoon. Imlay City with her father and Union baccalaureate service at the Mrs• Catherine Myers has been very Mrs. Percy Starr and son, Edward, Mrs. Willis Campbell and daughter, brother. high school auditorium in the eve- ill the past week and is still confined were visitors in Detroit and Almont Mary Jane, spent Tuesday and Mrs. J. D. Turner entertained ning. Rev. Lyman is the speaker. to her bed• Her many friends hope over the week end. dpcal "IIappe mng's + Wednesday with relatives in Flint• I At the invitation of the young peo- for her a speedy recovery. :._.:._. _ -+ + .... :,~...~ . + .... .-_ , ~ ~ ...... - _ ...... twelve girls Wednesday afternoon in ple of the Methodist church of Gage, H. O. Greenleaf left Friday to help honor of the twelfth birthday Of her The Willing Workers will meet at daughter, Esther. Out-door games t town, about 25 of the B. Y. P. U. the home of Miss Jennie McIntyre on Advertise it in the Chronicle .... ./ Mrs. J. S. McCrea returned Sunday Thelma Proctor of Flint spent the care for his brother, Clarence Green- Jwent there Tuesday evening and _ vcere played and a delightful birth- I from a month's stay in Flint. week-end with her aunt, Mrs. Audley leaf, who is ill at his home in Muir. spent a very pleasant evening. Games Kinnaird. Mr. and Mrs. George Battle and day supper was served. A cake bear- C. E. Patterson & Son's store front ing twelve candles adorned the table, were played the major part of the Mi~ Myrf.le M~y of Detroit was a ~milv have moved into the Harvey Carrie.s a newly pai~ted a!ad attract ~sther received l+na!~5; v~r5 i>~{~:;.~...... :+~ ...... c ...... ~ ~i~ guest at the john May home from Krug house on South Seeger street...... " ty lunch was sezved. Talks were giv- tive sign. Thursday untiI Sunday. Mrs. Celia Palmateer, Misses Emma g~±~• • __ en, followmg• the luncheon, by M rs. "Abie" Kline has moved his house- George W. Mann of. Ypsilanti ease and Gladys Lenzner and F. Lenzner n~~~-~HE WEEK Ed. Fischer, and Rev• Curtis. All hold goods to the rooms over the C. Monday to spend a few days with his were callers in Caseville and Bay ~,..~x-**_, ,.,~+ ~ _ ,, " came home feeling they had ra very D. St¥ittter store. sister, Mrs. M. L. Guliek. Port Sunday. • Myrtle Hegler. profitable evening. 4+ .I- Henry Thiel and two daughters of Mrs. George Mast of Sebewaing Dr. and Mrs. Peart Fleming" and Funeral services for Miss Myrtle St. Pmtcrahus. -- Church--Services • at Flint were Sunday •guests of Mr. and spent Decoration Day at the home of baby of Detroit visited relatives and E • Hegler were held _ Thursday...... after- ~u:uu~...... a. m. ever_v ~unoay excep~ ~ne Mrs. Burt Elliott. her nephew, H. F. Lenzner. friends in and near Cass City over ¢. noon at 2"30• at the Methoais~ cnurcn .....nrs~ ~unoay o~ eaen° - month., wmen' .... ~s *I- g* Mr. and Mrs. Owen Zapfe of Flint Mr. and+ Mrs. Ralph GaMner and the week-end. • m Cass City, conducted by Rev Gee. _, o an ~ m S ...... -----~" *I. g* • <~,~ O'UU ~. • I/Hi/~ly 15~IIUUI IlIIiII~Ul- visited Mr. Zapfe's parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Zinnecker of Barbara Jean of Monroe were over- Hill • Burial was in Elkland cemetery__ "la~ety I ...... a±~er services. ~nrls151an JJoc- *I* g* Mrs. Gus Zapfe, Sunday• Pontiac spent the week+end with Mr. Sunday guests at the home of Pas- Myrtle E • Hegler, daughter of Mr "ltrine every Saturday from 1:00 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ricker visited tor Curtis. Zinnecker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs.. Frank Hegler of Novestaluntfl. 2:00 p .....~ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Miss Bertha VanEldiek of Lapeet William Zinnecker. township, was born May 31, 1905, at t Rev Ft. Fitzpatrick, Pastor. Nique at Decker Sunday• spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lucy Longley

Mr. and Mrs. Asa J. Root. 2 na, of Saginaw and Mrs. Fiege of Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Wittwer of A. E. Bartlett, of this place. Concluded from first page. Grand Rapids were guests of Mrs. Bay City and Miss Henrietta Wittwer Mr. and Mrs. Howard MeKenzie of He was taken ill with lockjaw on oats and peas, spring wheat and flax, W. :D. Sehooley on Wednesday. of Ann Arbor were guests on Deco- Detroit spent from Friday until Sun- Wednesday evening, May 28, and was and barley and flax have been made AIa~ka Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hartman and ration Day at the home of Mr. and l day with Mr. McKenzie's mother, taken to Pleasan]; Home hospital to find if such combinations will be daughter, Ellen, of Saginaw spent Mrs. H. F. Lenzner. J Mrs. James McKenzie. where he passed away Thursday :profitable under Michigan conditions. ggO from Friday until Sunday at the Mrs. William Schawderer and Mrs. / Edward Raches and Andrew morning at the age of nine fears and A cross between a •variety of oats Sure Succor! SALMON homes of Fred and William Joos. Margaret Levagood have moved in- i Scldwegler, students at M. S• C• at five months• resistant to smut and a variety resis- to the east part of the George Hitch- Lansing, were guests at Mr. Schweg- He was a lively, sweet dispositioned tant to rust is growing on the plots. TALL CANS Forest Tyo, Owen Lovely, Abbie BOTTLE Ward, Mr. and Mrs. William-Ward cock residence on the corner of ler's home from Thursday until Sun- child and beloved by all who knew The cross was made in an attempt and daughter, and Miss Freeman, all Houghton and West street. day afternoon. him. He leaves his father and step- to •'produce a variety of oats which of Detroit, were Sunday guests of T. L. Tibbals and son, Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Taylor and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Darling will be immune to both diseases. of Ubly, his grandparents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Clem Tyo. Mrs. McMillan and Mr. and Mrs. Os- family, Mr. and Mrs. L. Bailey and As the number of people who are Mrs. A. E. Bartlett and Mr. and Mrs. ,:familiar with the crops work at the 24c wald F. Ehnis, all of Ann Arbor, and daughters and Miss Ethel Orr en- Mr. and Mrs. David Tyo enter- Gee. Darling, all of Cass City, and a Mr. and Mrs. Gale Lyons and daugh- joyed a fish dinner at the Taylor cot- i college is small, the crops depart- tained on Decoration Day Mr. and number of other relatives and friends. ter, Jeanne, of Toledo, Ohio, called tage at Caseville Friday. +merit at the college suggests that Mrs. Charles Phelps, Mr. and Mrs. Funeral services were .held from A. Henderson and Mr. and Mrs. E. on Cass City friends Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Dixon and visitors come in small groups rather :he Methodist church Sunday at two than individual.ly, so guides can be A. Geitgey, all of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Proctor" and daughter, Shirley, of Berkley visited o'clock, with Rev. Hill officiating. In- furnished without seriously interfer- son, John, of Ferndale, Mr. and Mrs. friends in Cass City Decoration Day. Mrs. Adeline Cummings and son, terment was made in Elkland ceme- in~" with their regular work. Saturday Specs s Judson, Mr. and Mrs• Arlie Spencer H. C. Broneman and daughter, Pa- Mrs. Dixon will be better known here tery. and two children and Miss Mina Cot- tricia, of Hutchinson, Kansas, and as Miss Gladys Parker. 4 lbs. Bananas ...... : ...... 25c belt, all of Belding, spent from Fri- Miss Thelma Proctor of Flint were Mrs. Blanche Ferguson and daugh- ELKLAND. 2 Mammoth Celery ...... 25e day until Sunday with Mrs. Cum- Decoration Day visitors of Mr. and i ter, Belva, Mr. and Mrs. James Ham- CHURCH CALENDAR. Mrs. R. S. Proctor. White Texas Onions, 5 lbs ...... 25e ming's sister, Mrs. D. C. Elliott, and ilton and two children of Detroit vis- Janaes Profit of Lansing is spend- Methodist Church--Class meeting, Head Lettuce ...... 10c other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Kirton enter- ited relatives and friends here and ing a few weeks at his home here. tained Mr. Kirton's brother and wife, .in Deford over week-end. 10:00. Lemons, dozen . .... 45c Saturday night and Sunday visi- the Helen. Knight of Lansing spent the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirton, of Morning worship, 10:30. tors at the home of Thos. Keenoy Mr. and Mrs. James Tennant enter- week-end with her parents, Mr. and Flint on Decoration Day and Mr. and Sunday school, 11:45. were Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Surprenant, tained their~ daughter, Mrs. Mrs. John Knight. the Misses Martha Wagner, Norma Mrs. Robert Kirton of Detroit on Epworth League, 6:30. Pulford, and granddaughters, Misses A Children's Day prey'ram will be Hopper and Vie Gathier and Stanley Saturday and Sunday. They als0 vis- Margaret and Isabelle Patterson, of No evening service. Baccalaureate given at the Bethel church Sunday, Heriek, Adrian Bixby and Harry ited other relatives near Cass City. service at the high school. Detroit from Thursday until Sunday. June 8, beginning at 12 o'clock. An Keenoy, all of Detroit. Mrs.. Leman Huff and son, Howard Thursday evening, prayer meeting. R. J. Campbell of Lapeer spent invitation is extended to all to come Huff, of Ortonville and Mrs. B. F. Bethel Church-- Children's Day Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wood and Thursday in Cass City. Mrs. Camp- and enjoy this hour with the. children. Moon of Oxford spent Monday with service, 12:00. their guests, Miss Betty Ellenbaas bell, who had spent a few days with George Hilt, Pastor. and Charles Heuer, Miss Bertha Van Cass City relatives. Mrs. Moon re- her mother, Mrs. Charles Talmadge, Eldick, and Raymond Wood and his mained %o spend a week here. Mrs. returned home with him Thursday ARGYLE. Decker M. E. Circuit--Shabbona guests, Wayne Bennett, Miss Barber Alvin Summers, who had spent two evening. Grist Screenings church--Sunday School at 10:30 a. m. and Miss Lemuon, enjoyed a six .weeks in Oxford and Ortonville, re- John McKichan and family of Ap- Published Every Friday Guests at the home of Albert Cre- Morning service at 11:30 a. m. Eve- o'clock dinner Friday xt the Wood turned to her home here with them plegate were Sunday visitors at the guer Tuesday evening were Mrs. ning service at 8:00 p.. m. Services cottage at Caseville. Monday. home of his father, Arehie McKichan. Vol. 5. June 6, 1930. No. 43. Amelia Boseli of San Diego, Cali- each week night at 8:00. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Steph~n enter- Edwin C. Fritz, son of Dr. and fornia, and Mrs. Anthony Creguer of Chas. B. Kolg, evangelist, will preach Miss Mable McKichan of Kingston tained on Decoration, Mr. and Mrs. Published in the in- be so superstitious." losses to a minimum-- Mrs. I. A. Fritz, is numbered among Gagetown, aunt and mother of Mr. at each Sunday service and through and Miss Nellie McKichan of Pontiac Wm. S. Dodge and son, Morris, Mr. terest of the People of "No superstition makes chicks grow the 43 students who will receive de- Creguer. the week. You are invited to attend spent over Decoration at their home and Mrs. George Chapman ,and fami- Cass City and vicinity about that. Saturday's faster and more even- grees from Alma College at the com- Mrs. Eliza Schwaderer and Mrs. daese services and help to make of here. ly and Chester Collins, all of Oxford, by the pay day." ly~builds health vigor mencement exercises to be held at Margaret Levagood entertained on them the success they should be. Mrs• Kate Hyle of Detroit is spend- . and resistance to dis- Mrs. Weste?by. of Wilmot, Mr. and Elkland Roller Mills that school Monday, June 9. Mr. Decoration Day Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Decker church--Sunday School at ing the week with her sister, Mrs. Ar- A baker can't make ease--starts chicks Mrs. Ward Kelley and family of Roy ,aymr, Editor Fritz has been a member of the Sargent and three children of Royal 10:30 a.m. Morning service at 11:30. chie MeKichan. bread out of alfalfa in-lright on the road to Mayville and Mr. and Mrs. Paul baseball team for two years and this Oak, Mrs. Nellie Justin and two sons Elmer church--Morning service at D'r. and Mrs. McNaughton visited Weather Report. stead of flour• And a lproductive maturity. year is included in the first golf team Dunlap and son, Junior, of Pontiac• hen can't make eggs 1 and Miss Jones of Detroit. 10:00 a.m. Sunday School at 11:00. the doctor's sister, Mrs. Dickinson, at Ab-so-10ot-ly ever sponsored at Alma. out of the wrong kind] Let us have that or- Mr. and Mrs. George Rohrbach, Archie Graham of Louisville, Ken- J'/ H. James, Pastor. Applegate Monday. Perfect• Ray Fleenor and Miss Phyllis .Barnes of material . either• I der for chicks at the Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Colwell at- lucky, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Graham Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Mr. and Wayne Buttermilk Egg!new low June price. spent Sunday in Pontiac where they tended a birthday dinner Sunday at and three children of Ann Arbor, Mr. Baptist Church--Wm• Curtis, Pas- Mrs, Claud Karr and son of Cass City Statements you'll mash certainly seems t __-- visited Mrs. Rohrbach's brother, Nor- never hear: Average • - + . the home of their daughter, Mrs. and Mrs. Curtis Graham and the tor. Preaching Sunday morning at were guests of Melvin McLean and Claude Sl~aw, at DeCker• The dinner man Kitchen• Mr. Kitchen is laid up Cass City Property ~Jriable, ;heitmsguhrte Zfs' As Abraham Lmcoln Misses Joanna and Mejessa Graham 10:30. Theme: "Pentecost, the Birth- sisters Sunday. once said, "You can't was in honor of the birthday of Mrs. with a broken leg. While helping to Owner: "Let's raise get the eggs. of Detroit visited Cass City relatives day of the Church." This will be the Lorn MeIntyre and son, Billy, of dig a cellar for a new building, the the taxes a few mills fuel all the public at Shaw and was a complete surprise to Friday. and do some improv- D .... " the same time" That's her. Guests were ~resent from Sagi- scraper flew around, striking him o you remember . • . Mrs. Ethel Farr and daughters, ing around this town." back when a girl who why.... coal is cheaper m naw, Detroit, Rochester, Snorer and. just above the ankle and breaking Jean and Jeanette, and Mrs. Mary .... sat wi th her dr~^~ ~ne summer.... wnen w~ Cass City. A beautiful birthday cake, the bone. Graves of Detroit spent from Friday The bigger the chick- J half way up to her arenv so rusneo. a gift from a daughter-in-law, was Joseph Dickinson, son of Mr. and until Sunday with Mrs. Farr's par- en the bigger the knee in the ballroom the centerpiece on the table. Mrs. price--and the morejwould have a dozen This spring raise Mrs. Lee Dickinson of this place, and ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Summerville, Shaw received a handsome purse profit. Wayne All l other girls rush up to your chicks the Wayne Miss Mary Alice McGinnis of Pitts- and other relatives and friends in from those present. burg, PennsylVania, were married Mash Buttermilk her and tell her to way. Then you'll know and near Cass City. Grower pays for itself! "pull 'em down?" why Wayne feeds are Donald Seed, who is employed in Friday, May 29, at the bride's home Guests at the home of M~. and by putting on those the Yellow Cab factory at Pontiac, in Pillsbury. Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson extra pounds• Give it a! j regarded so highly by Mrs. A. J. Root on Sunday were: was one of 12 men who drove 12 new spent Sunday night and Monday thorough trial this I Try it out for your-: poultrymen. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Root and season, self! While your dairy busses from the factory to Newark with Cass City relatives and left on sons, Lee and Elza, of Flint, Artemas cows are on'g'rass thisj There doesn't seem New Jersey. The party spent some a trip north, before returning to Root of Pingree, M). and Mrs. Jer- summer Ieeo ~nem ~ o be n r i time in New York City viewing the Pillsbury where they will make "Young man, can I ..... ~/..~ ~. it a y pat cular ome A. Root and sons, Junior, El- wayne ±o y2 ys umry reason why June prominent points of interest and then their home. get into the park Feed. it means better should be the month mer and Richard, and W. O. Root, all all returned in one to Pontiac• through that gate ?" condition for your for weddings. But Mr. Walker, field secretary of the of Cass City, M. H. Quick, sr., and "Guess so, lady: I Mr. Seed says he wouldn't give a cows, and a lot more I reason doesn't seem to Boy Scouts of Bay City district, was Frank Traey of Novesta. just saw a load of hay nickel for all of the mountainous present at the Scout meeting here go through." milk. Ilhave much to do with country he traveled and was pleased Monday evening, and after a very Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McKinley and weddings, anyway. daughter, Donna, Miss Laura Wright "I never use fancy %o see again the level stretches of spirited game of volley ball, all en- Here's a suggestion! of Detroit and Mrs• James Burger of cake flours to rocket Come+in and ask us Michigan. joyed a group meeting on the lawn If you live in town, Berkley, California, visited at the cookies any more," Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Proctor spent where many features of scouting park your car on the said a lady recently i about Wayne • horse Charles Wright home over the week- from Saturday until Monday evening were considered• It was also voted at side streets on busy when she came in to freed for the sake of end. Miss Ada Wright, who had your horses. Wayne with relatives in Bad Axe and at- this meeting to remember Vern nights. The country spent two weeks at her home here folks ought to have the get+ another sack of horse feeed is the best tended the golden anniversary of the Crane, who is in the hospital, being Tuscola flour, "they feed for calves that returned to Detroit Sunday evening. close-in spaces! Methodist church of that place• Three severely injured in an automobile aren't any finer than are old enough to eat Georgine Wright accompanied them ELKLAND this?' special church services were held wreck. grain. to spend two weeks with Detroit rel- "I can Swim pretty Sunday: Rev. Dr. Peter F. Stair, Pt. Mrs. C. O. Lenzner returned to her good," explains a small We're quoting a Huron, district superintendent, spoke home hereTuesday after visiting atives. friend of ours, "Only First Flapper: "Is GAS AND mighty good price on in the morning:. Rev. Julien S. West, several weeks with her daughter, The people of St. Pancratius church when I try to swim un- your boy friend a lady have had the interior of their church der water it kind of Cavalier coal just now. killer ?" Gaylord, former pastor, was the Mrs. H. Lee Pocklington, in Algonac You're sure to pay speaker in the afternoon• At the and With relatives in Fort Wayne re-decorated. The ceilings are in OIL CO., gets me when I Second Ditto: "I'll more later• Why not say he is. He starves night service, Mrs. Stair presented a and Decatur, Indiana. She was ac- ivory with light green blocking and breathe." save the difference ? 'em to deathV' companied to Cass City by her son- the side wails in light green with the dramatization of "The Ten Virgins." "And you wouldn't in-law, Mr. Pocklington. Mrs. Lydia dividing line in orchid. The wood- Cass City A banquet Monday night in the benin a journey on Wayne Buttermilk Elkland Roller church house was the final event of Royer, who has been visiting her work has also been revarnished. New Friday ?" All Mash Chick starter i the anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Proc- sister, Mrs. Lenzner, has gone to carpets and other improvements will "Not I." is different from any Mills tor were members .of the Methodist Springfield, Missouri, where she ex- be a~tded soon. Leo Tyo and Iva Lan- "I can't understand chick ration you ever t . church at Bad Axe before coming to pects to spend the summer with her dry of Detroit did the work at the why some people will fed. It reduces chick I Phone 15 Cass Ctty Cass City 17 years ago. daughter, Mrs. Eugene Adams. church.

$ Cass City, Michigan, Friday, June 6, 1930. CASS CITY CHRONICLE PAGE FIVE ~r

CONTINUE WAR UPON +WHITE FUR WRAP United States Department of Agricul- ture, is made entirely of white rabbit MICHIGAN BARBERRY FOR "DRESS UP" skins. White rabbit fur is also used very The war against the common bar- attractively in coats for babies and berry which harbors and spreads the -Coat Seems to Add Just little children. It has the merits of rust which attacks Michigan grain any fur coat--warmth and weather- Right Finishing Touch. crops will be continued this summer proof qualities--and is very appeal- in this state, according to F. B. Pow- .~Prepared by the United States Department ing for "dress up" occasions. Various l ers, state leader for barberry eradica- of Agriculture.) trade names are given to white rabbit "LKEI There is an especial charm about a as in the case of other rabbit pelts tion. • CASS CITY. MICHIGAN -white fur evening coat. It is appro= treated to imitate more expensive Michigan cut-over lands provide an ;priate with ~he type of garment worn furs. If the buyer knows exactly ideal location for the barberry, and ~or evening social Occasions, it is what she is getting, any of these imi- the detection of the seedlings and ~usually becoming, even in very cold Our Special Prices for June Selling tation furs will Drove useful and be- bushes in these areas requires the coming. late in the season and early in the ers states. Previous work in MicM- o ¢ *I+ **'* *~ fall, and for formal daytime occasions gan has resulted in the destruction ~f the owner wishes. GROWTH INDEX OF *I** MEN'S WORK SHIRTS *:****+ MEN'S WORK PANTS ¢" LADIES' CORSELETTES ~: GIRLS' SCHOOL DRESSES .;,X of 4,501,372 barberry plants. ¢+ +:+ :+~ + *I* For most people white fur means RIGHT NUTRITION Small seedlings which have not de- ¢*+:+ Plain Blues and Rl~cks +o *1 00!} $2.00 values ~ ana *1 + ,ermine, probably because in fairy tale veloped an extensive root system are *~+~ 50c 00 ", ~istory ermine has always been men- removed by digging, the state leader .:.-:+ Also Fancy Plaids .:..:+ value ® -:* , t~0~ $+ ® ~: ,:tally associated with royalty and con- Man's System Needs Protein, says, but large bushes are killed by -.sequently with functions of unusual ¢+ Sizes 14 to 20 .:. $2.25 $ ~(~ :G..o~..,-...+.:+.:+a¢..~¢~+++~.+,++++..,~++...,,..+.~,a~,~7 Calcium and Vitamines. applications of common salt. If the *:- *:" value . a.;y¢* *:+ ~. splendor. But few people have ever 1/trge bushes are dug up, there is + :been able to afford coats of real er- danger that sprouts will grow from +++ 69c ++ ...... ;.¢..:..:o:.¢+¢++¢.~.,~¢.+.:,~+~+.}¢+¢.+,~¢..~., ~: SHOE LACES ~ ,, mine, nor do most of us need such a (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) roots which are not removed. -:- All Sizes + :garment sufficiently often to justify .:. <+ <+ INFANTS' COTTON + ÷:, Teachers of home economics, exten- Each barberry bhsh is the center of *I* ~+* ~** *~ *+++ sion workers, and others engaged in infection for the rust of grains. The **.4`~,.;.4`;o;**~..~.¢.4`;,~+4`;**~+.~,,;..;+.;+.;,¢~.,~,;-~..~., ...... ,.+,. ,..~.4`.++ + .:+¢. MEN'S DRESS PANTS 4-¢+ UNDERSHIRTS ":"+ 6"~ pairs _P~+,~ "+*"¢. bringing about a better understanding rust lives over winter on the barberry *:- ":+ Over 200 pairs to choose.:. + of nutritional requirements have been and during favorable weather in the .:+ YOUNG MEN'S .:. + seeking suitable material to illustrate early summer the rust spores mature ,+.. +~. *I+ ~C ~I. the effect of right feeding. To meet on+ the barberry, are released, and in- + SHIRTS AND SHORTS .:. from; values to $6.00, ¢- .:-:,¢.¢.¢,¢+;;.¢+,:,,:-:,,t,,:.,4`:~.,:~.:,.:.¢.¢.+:+.:+¢+;~ this need the bureau of economics of fect any grain with which they come the United States Department of Ag- in contact. +:+: 49c +:.:i: ~-. ::':-:+:+:++:..:++.++,+:..:++++++++:+++:+.:. oN= ~o~ o~ +..~. + riculture has put out a series of nine +2 88 ++ Hot, damp weather favors the o ++++ ., + + so®,+ ++ + charts for classroom and lecture use. spread of the disease, and under fa- The set may be obtained for 50 cents ~+:~ +++~+:+++*+~:+~:*¢+4`++~**+++++¢+¢+¢+¢++~+¢+4`+~+:++4`:*¢+¢+4`+++++*+++~+:~~BOYS' OVERALLS +:+ +JC +:++~+ vorable conditions the rust spores +:+¢++ ¢++~ + .+*+++*+++**+ + + + + + + ¢<+++,+ ¢~+++¢, ¢+¢+¢+ + ...... + + + (do not use stamps), from the super- from one barberry bush will be the intendent documents, government of source of infection which may ruin HEAVY OVERALLS:+: e +**+++'++++'++'+*+4`+++++++'++"+<+'++++*+++*++++++++++ + + +-+ + + + + + + + +--+ ++ .+ +..+ ...... +-.+..+. ++...... ~+..+-.+.~g~+ ++ printing office, Washington, D. C. +Men's,++:+ Ladies' and Children's+ "vx++++~'~'+' + 50 + + many acres of grain. . + + + Dr. Hazel E. MunselI, who prepared The greatest amount of work on +:+ STRAW HATS +:+":+ Sizes 8 to 16 +:+ +:+ CHILDREN'S SOCKS AND ++:+ the charts, is in charge of the vita- +:+ +=+ +:+ ¢+ the barberry this summer will be ++,+++++,+++++++,+++ ++,+++ ++ ++ +.+,++++ ++++ • 4+ mine studies that are carried on by done in Presque Isle and Leelanau means of small experimental animals +++ 25e +++ 78e +++++ ++:+++ STOCKINGS +++ counties. --white rats and guinea pigs. It has ++:+ +":+ +:+ BATHING SUITS ++:+ One lo~ ++:+ been found that the physical develop- ment of these animals can be com- PERTINENT QUESTION pared with that of human beings, and ...... +++++++:+ ++++ CHILDREN'S +:++ + 49c +:++++ lt)c ¢++++ that they will eat the same foods. .:+ +:+ TURKISH BATH TOWELS +:+ +:+ + +ConsequentIy rats and guinea pigs are widely used, not only in connec- tion with research on vitamines in foods but on other food factors. ":++:+-:+ "~:/+~++ +:+::::+:++lOc 25c 39c :+:.:++':+.:..:+':+':++:+.:++.+++++++++.:++++:;+.:+.:++ ~,~,~,s- +,~+c A~ ++:+":+ +:+ +:+ +:+ CHILDREN'S SWEATERS + +:+ The human system needs especially + +:+ +:+ +=+ RAYON SOCKS +:+ "~hite Rabbit Fur Imitating Ermine +:+ 79c @. +~ +I+ +*~+ f.s Very Satisfactory for Dress Wear. sufficient amounts of protein, calcium, and other minerals, and vitamines. +~*+++.+++:...... •, • • ++++0++++++++++• ..... • + • • • .... +:+ .:+ $ each ¢++:+ 50c values + +**+...... + + + + + :~nvesting.\in one ~or ordinary use. At The new series of charts consists of +=+ +:++ ++°'+++GIRLS' ++++++++++++++'+'++ PERCALE + 1 ® O0 ¢+ ~.+ ~ar less expense a white coat of rabbit pictures contrasting the appearance *I+ ~I+ +:+ MEN'S + +:+ + fur can be worn for tSe same type of laboratory animals that have been +o + BLOO M E RS +:+,;,+~++~++~++~,,+~, ++++ +;*.++ ¢+ +z+++*, 4`;* ¢*, +;++~++;++;* +~++z+++ +++ 19c + +of occasion with very satisfactory given too little of each of these ma- "=+ DRESS SHIRTS + +:+ :+: - :+: effect. Over an evening dress of silk terials in their diet with that ~f ani- +:+ +:+ +:+ GOOSE FEATHERS +:+,:++:, 4`:. ¢+ ,++. ¢, ¢+¢.4`:+ ¢+ +:. +:~+¢++:+ +:<+:, +++, ¢++:+ ¢ ¢++:+¢+ +:+ ~r velvet, usually light colored or mals that have had enough of each + + lOe + ~rimmed with something that glitters for good development. A group of ~i: *~+ +Is K+ +I+ + + + +=+ lb. +:+ LADIES' COTTON HOSE + .enough to give a rich and sumptuous common foods supplying the factor 50c $1 0O + + 50 + + + ,;+~++++++++,.*.+++++++,.++++++++ ...... ,m+:**- + +*'+... C ++~+ + look to the costume, a white fur coat under discussion is also pictured on ~seems to add just the right finishing each chart to he]p the housewife when + + + , + + + $165 + ++T+~ • * * * • * 4` • • ~ ( • • * 4` * .*.+**.++.?,+?,4`?++.*.+~++~+ c 0 + + ~o-tlch. she goes to market. + $1 95 +++~+4`;*+*;++;++';*+;++';*++;++'h++"; *+'+.4`+++~++;++'+ . 4` 4` , + + ++ 10 15 25 ++**+ *I,+ ® ® +*I+ GIRLS' FANCY RAYON 4`i+,/+ + ++I* +*I+ ~abbit fur wears like rabbit fur, no ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + . + + . + + 4` + + + +~ ~ ÷;<%++++;++;++;++;++;*%,4`+*~,+++++++++;**+++;++,, +worse and no better. While it may Shirred Gloves +++ + ...... + BLOOMERS + ALL WOOL CAMPING ":" ...... + ,'~o~ be quite so durable as some of the He--I can live on your iove forever! Formal long gloves for afternoon +:+ MEN'S ATHLETIC + +:+ +:+ + .more costly furs, for this particular and evening are slightly shirred in. She That's all right, dear; but ++ ++ 49c ++ BLANKETS +:+ LADIES' RAYON HOSE +:+ :purpose that makes very little differ- what am I to live on while you live spacings down the steams so that ,+*+ *I* + +Is + -ence, for an evening wrap receives they may crush softly along the arms on my love? +:++ ~Mo~s~,++ +i:++ ...... +:+~ +4 95 + 35c 69 C + more care than most of our clothing, from elbow to wrist. This obviates + +*+++~ ~+ 4`;, %, 4`;+.;+ %+ ~;, 4`;+%+ %+ .~.+ ~+ ..;* *.~, 4`;+.;+ %+ 4`4+÷~+ %+ .~* *~, +~+4`~+ +++ <~ ++*+ + and in comparison with other fur gar- the diffieulty of keeping a straight Co-Operat~on + 39c ~+" 69c + + " + + ~ents worn on the street in all weath- glove wrinkled in the fashionable man- Boost yourself, but don't forget + +~++4`:+4`14.~.<++~I++>N+,+~.,+~.4`+~+++~+~ +~ ~.. + + . , ~+t. +++++++.4`~++~+.++.~+++.~+.~+4`++++,++~++,+++,+,4`+~+~+~+ + To boost your friend, too; + +=+ PERCALE +.+++ ...... + ...... ers, is not subjected to hard usage. ner. These gloves are of fine wash- By boosting him you're apt to get + + + +Is. + Whe coat in the picture, which was able suede in the most desirable colors Some boosting done for you. ++ ...... + ...... ++ Darks and lights ++:+ LADIES' WIDE GIRDLES +:++ MEN'S WORK SHOES +:++ ~aken by the biological survey of the and three different lengths. An Engilish-Speaklng Rooster +:++ Men's and Young Men's ,:++ 14 C yd. +:++:+ $1 00 +:++ ++:+ First Englishman (somewhere in +:+ ":+ +:+ +:+ $195 $295 + +++*+ CAPS + + + + + + +:++ W~TH EGGS PLENTIFUL. SERVE SOUFFLES France)--There he goes again--a + + + + rooster crowing. + New Assortment -+.... ~+~,~<+~+4`+~++.+~.,4`.~;.e~++:++~+:+ + ...... *++:++~+ + + +,+:+ + ++:,..~:++:++:,+:.+.+:<.+ .... + .+ +~:<...>.....+..P.l..<.4`+l-4`:+4`.+a.<..t.+~+ ...... +++ ++~+.~:.+..~+~++.4`~.4`* ...... -~~++~.*+ + ++-,--++-+*-+++++++- + ...... + l~ .>=. ~...... Second Englishman--Thank Gawd! +I+ +++ + + That's the first English I have heard +:+ Values $3.00--0ur price +:+ +:+ +:+ ~*+ ¢+¢ to +:++ GEORGETTE SILK +:++ BOYS' KNEE PANTS +:+ BOYS' HEAVY ++:+ since I have been in the blooming ¢+ +I+ +~+ +~+ +.I+ country. + + yd. + + *:+ ++I* '+"¢+® "~ + 49c O+ +~++ +~,~o ++.*+ wo+~ +.o++ +Is+ i} ~}:~:i:}:i:i:i?i:~ ~. Kept Tab on Her +p ...... +.+.++ ,+ .+.+¢.+ ,+fP +:+ +:+ +~+ Mrs. Knagg--You can't fool me. I ++++**~,?+..*+4`+*+4`;+++++;+%+,h+4`;+4`h++h.4`++,+,4`h++++4`;,+++*+ 4`+ 4`+ +.+: . + ++++ +~ 88c ++Is $1 ® 95 +÷~+ ....::':::::i ...... ::;~iii.:+ -': + + + + ~*+,?+#.4~?++.*+,..++,t+++~*.++ +t++*++÷.+*.+÷++÷+++*++++~+++<.++++++++÷++.~++ know you through and through. I ,I++~+ ,Is*~ + + + + + * ~ + ~+ + + + + + + + + ,+ 4` "* "+" +" "4` +*;+ +I++Is +I+~+ .*< + haven't been your wife 12 years for +:+ LADIES' +:+ ,+u...... -+--+--+.-+ ...... +.++~++.++..++4`.+++.++,.++,.++4`+...+.+4`.+++.+++.+++ + + + + + + + + + + 4`...... + + + + + + +¢+~ ...... +... +. +...... ,~,+:,,~, ...... + ~..... ~+,:+4`~++~++ nothing. ++.~ +:++I* TUB SILK + + +:+ Her Husband--I should say you +:+ HAND BAGS +:+ $1 ~ yd. +:++ BOYS' LONG PANTS ++:+ GIRLS' ~++++:* have not. Your monthly allowance +:+ Values to $2.25 +:+4`:+ ® *:+ +:+ +:+ checks will prove that. +:+ +:, -~ ~.~ +:+¢ New styles, all woo! +4`:+ DRESS SLIPPERS +:+

Hoped to Rouse Curiosity +:++:+ ~1,+ 4`:o,~.:+ ¢+ 4`:+ +:. ,:+ 4`,~ .:+ ¢. .:++:+ + + + + + + ¢. , + + +:++:+ Values to $3.75 Per Pair + +**+ + Wright--I'm writing my autobiog, ":+,Is 98c ~++" *I++ +1 ® 39 + ++ raphy. Bright--What have you that's inter- +:i:" ++++ '++- + +++++:+ ":+ '+++ ":+ + +:+ 4`:+ "+++4`:+:++ "+++++:+ + $*+ + ANCY PRINT RAYON +...... + $195 + +'+*+?+ 4`;+ 4`;+ 4`+* ++* 4`;*+;* 4`ha%*+ %* +~ *ha %+¢i+ 4`.;~+4`++% + *++4".;* 4"++ +';* 4"+* *;+ +'+++'.;+ *I* esting to tell? + + Wright--That's just it. People will + MEN'S GOLF KNICKERS "=+ yd. +:+ +=++~;+ ~+~ 4,*++ ¢+ 4,;+ ~+ ,;+ *;<+;+ *;<++, ,;, ¢<++*+++*+ ¢<+*** ¢+ ¢<~+++g+ +~ ":+ + + 39c ,=,++ TRAVELING BAGS +-+++...... :~+ buy my book out of curiosity. +IT $3.95 value ¢+ *~+ +:" +*-+ ":+ .:+ ,+, up CHILDREN S J Country Life +=+ +,. + + ,.*~+,:<+.*+ + ,+*++ + ***+¢, ¢+..+++*.++.*+ ++*<+:+ + +.*++ ¢+¢++ + + Our price, +...... + ...... + +O C +:+*=- + "Do you really enjoy country life, *I++:+ *I+ ~ +I* PLAY OXFORDS Cook a Souffle Slowly and Watch With Thermometer. old man ?" +++ +=+ $I®P"]"II+ +:+ 36-1NCH SHEETING + + "You bet I do." ~. + .:o+;+ +;++;,+;+,;+ .;++;<+;++;+ ,:+ ,+. ++++~. ¢+ 4`++++++;. ,~++- ~+ +~+ 4`~ 4`;<+~ + Per Pair + ~Prepared by the United States Department each kind from the buPeau of home of Agriculture. ) "What do you do with yourself in Why isn't the family treated more economies of the United States De- the evenings?" +:'+:++.+. . ++:++:+ 12 •c "d" "+"¢+ MEN'S AND BOYS' ~" $1 O0 +: ,often to the delicate and delicious dish partment of Agriculture: "I come to town."--Ilkeston Pioneer. +I+-*-1%++"..~++,+ ,. **.++** +** +.., + 4`,., + +*.+ + ,.*+ + 4`*.+ + 4`.*++ ¢.++ 4`~ ++ **.+ + ,+.+ + ~+ + +*., + ~, + ++*+¢+ ¢, ++**¢* ¢+ ~.+.,. ,:+ ¢+ ® ,:+ ,Io g+ ~*- 4`:+ +Is which the French appropriately call Cheese Souffle. - • *+ SILK TIES -:+ + .a "souffle" -- literally, "something 4 eggs ½ lb. American Masking Her Feelings +:+ MEN'S 2-PIECE ~++;+ 4`;+ ";+ ¢+ ";+ +:+ "~+ <" +~+ "+* +;++~++;+ ":+ ";* +'+ +~+ +~+ +~* 4`*+ +:+<+ +~* ~' +:+ :'I': ~ ,k ~ ~: :,k ~: 3k :+: +,k. +,k. +-,k. ~ +.,k. ~ ,,k ~ :,k .',k+ ..I: :~ + -Is + --*++;+*;+ +;+ + *;+";<+;+ + ¢<+*+++;<+;+ + ¢~+ ¢++ ¢+++++ ++*<+t<+h*+ ++*+ + blown," because it is so light and 1½ cups milk cheese Mrs. Goodpatter--It makes my heart 1 cup fine dry bread ~ tsp. salt +:+ UNDERWEAR +=+ + 50c values +=+ +:+ fluffy? One reason is that at some sea- crumbs ~ tsp. paprika ache to turn a hungry, homeless wan- +:+ +:+ MEN'S SUMMER UNION- +:+ ¢+ ":+ sons of the year eggs are scarce and 1 tbs. butter ~ drops tabasco derer from my door. +:+*:+ SHIRTS ...... 25c:i: SUITS *:" +:*+:+ LOOK OVER OUR ":+<+ :high, and a souffle depends for its spe- sauce Mrs. Topflat~Same. That's why ":+ + ~: 25c + + cial consistency on three to five stiffly we rented this apartment, where they Heat the milk, bread crumbs and -:* +:+ ASSORTMENT OF +:+ beaten egg whites. In the spring, how- can't get past the janitor. +:+-k**.<+ DRAWERS ...... 25c +++..'++BLACK 39c~:++4`..+++:,+:.+:.4`:.+:.++.,~¢++:.¢4`:.4`:+¢¢¢4`:++4`:.¢+¢:.::• ,++ ...... - ~: butter in a double boiler. Shave the ever, the hens begin to lay actively cheese into thin slices; add to the hot ~+,...... +,.+,4`+,++:+¢.+~,4`t+.,+.**+,++.t++,:+.+.+.t**t+4`t+**¢+¢+4`~~++W ~ T T P+ 69cI~+ +:+ +:+ again, and in February and March in .~+'%"P+4.~.,++,++,+~ +-+. +'.* "¢: + . + + + + + + + + -+ ++ ~.~..1~.1.~ ...... mixture and stir until the cheese has LOOKS LOGICAL +, ++:+ + LADIES' SILK DRESSES +, $1 ® 00 + ' most climates eggs are plentiful and ÷I* @ *Is ~I+ melted. Add this mixture to the well- +Is cheap. +Another explanation, perhaps, + MEN'S LIGHT WEIGHT " ' +"+ + beaten egg yolks. Season to taste with +**+ +++~:,+4`:++++++4`++++++++++++*+*~++++++4`++++*++++'+++~ + New summer styles + SLIPPERS FOR LADIES + lies in the idea held by many women *Is +Is *Is *Is 4`I+ paprika and tabasco. Fold into the that souffles are hard to make in + WORK HATS + + $+ ~+ +:+ +;+ stiffly beaten egg whites containing fact, that only experienced chefs +:+g+ +:+*Is MEN'S FANCY DRESS +g~ ~ o ~ +:+++;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++I* 4`I+ the salt; pour into a buttered dish and should attempt them; that in amateur bake in a very moderate oven (300 +:+ +:+ SOCKS +:+ + YOUNG MEN'S ,:+ hands they will fall as soon as they + 25c + + + + degrees Fahrenheit) for one hour, or are baked and so lose the very quaIity + + "~'¢+ ¢+¢+ ¢+ *t<-¢*¢+++¢+¢+ + + + +++ ¢+"+*+ + ¢++:+++ :~ + until set in the center. Serve immedi- + ,:+ SUITS +:+ ~or which they are Hked. :~,+,,++****+¢.,4`,~4`.,+4`,.,4`,~+4`~+***,,.,**.+++4`:,4`*.,4`:+¢,¢+¢,,~,¢+~~I~ ~' ~ and ~ ~' ~ ,:+ ~+ ¢+ ately. It's all in the knowing how. Long, + ~ +~)C e,~,~C + LADIES' SUMMER COATS+ + ea ~lt~ +:+ Chocolate Souffle. +++ slow cooking is one of the secrets of . LACE PANEL ® 5 eggs ½ cup dry making a perfect souffle. An oven fine ++++*++*;*+*+**;++;**;++;++;*+++*~+*;+*;*+;+*;+%++;++~++++%++;+ + +'~.+ + ~++ 2 tbs. flour bread crumbs ~I+ + ~ ~,o +:+: * thermometer is a help in maintaining 2 tbs. butter ~ cup sugar +:+ CURTAINS +*!" +"~: +4.95 +9.95 ++*...... +:+ an even low temperature. The very cup milk 1 tsp. vanilla + ~ + +:+ moderate oven heat of 300 degrees 1~ squares un- ~A tsp. salt sweetened choco- + MEN'S WORK SOCKS. +...... Farhenheit expands the air bubbles in +Is . +:++I* RAG RUGS +:+~+ late +Is+ • 89c ~++++++++++++++++'+'++++++++ + the egg whites and sets the light mix- + + ;+; GIRLS' SILK DRESSES +:+ +:+ ture throughout without toughening Melt the butter, blend the flour with ++.+g+,I+ ,;, ,;<+;,,;~+ ,;+ 4`;+ ,~+ ~;+ +~, 4,;o;<+;+ ++, +~+ ,;~ +;+ ,~+~+ *~* ~+ *+*+ *Is :it. When baked at very moderate it, add the milk, and cook until thick- + ~ 9c an~ 15C + 25C 69C +++++: heat for an hour or more a souffle ened, stirring constantly. Melt the + "Doctor, this husband of mine is + MEN'S LACE BOTTOM ++:+ ++.°"o++ ++:+ + which is served immediately will fall chocolate over steam and add to the insane." ¢+ +.++~.++:~z-~:<+~++q**++++..~+*~*+~++.i.<+=.++++++%+~+ + , +~-~ + + ~ ,+*++.?+..*+d:~*.+..*++..***?+-*+,?,~.++.++++,+++.?~+.?+.?**+++++,++ ~ but slightly. For a substantial souffle white sauce, together with the bread ...... %+ • +***5+-.++--++-+-+-+-+-++-++++++++++++++*** "Upon what grounds do you base +:+ BREECHES + +'2; + .~t,~ .~ .~t~trt~n~tttt~t~ "+*+*+*+¢*¢**:+¢*¢*~¢+¢+¢+¢+¢*¢o:~*¢+¢++:+¢+'I+4+¢*+X+4~ ~+ either a thick white sauce or bread crumbs and sugar. Add the hot mix- ~our belief, Madam?" + +ur, r~ + xa+r~m~uaz+ro.j+ + MEN'S + crumbs or both will act as binder for ture to the well-beaten egg yolks and "Why, the little shrimp actually has the ingredients. A souffle that con- beat thoroughly. Add the vanilla. the nerve at times to give me an ar- :+:+~0;i:value ...... +1 ® 79 Red, blue or whzte • ~i~,+'"~ LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES-:+":+¢+ SUSPENDERS+ ¢++ i rains bread crumbs will hold up better Fold the hot mixture into the stiffly gument." than one made with white sauce alone. beaten egg whites containing the salt. ,~+~0 +249 4c ~°~ :+; +1 each +:+,:+ +?++:+ Souffles made with cheese, vegeta- Bake in a buttered dish in a very mod- Edisonian Evolution + + 00 + 19e + g*,value .+. ® ";"+:+ ® O*:+ ' ~++ ble pulp, ground meat, or flaked fish erate oven (300 degrees Fahrenheit) Hush, little goldenrod, @ +¢+ .~ ~re attractive for the main dish ®L the for one and one-quarter hours, or un- Don't you cry-- ~++~+%++%*~+++q~+;++$++$+~*+;++`;++;~+++*~**~;~+~*;*'*`+++'+`++`'++'+~+''+`~++'+`++`:+ ...... + .... • ...... ,.-+ .+. *``*``+'`.`*"*`J'.*`~i+'+`*``+`z'`.++"+`~~*+~.*+~t+~t"t++q`++.`~1'~t++"t"+"m+"m~+I"t~:~g"~¢~+eI~++¢+e:+++:+¢"h~"+*¢++++'~+++ ,+-,--,--+ , ,+-+ + + ,--+-++ + ~.--,-.+ ,..,-++ ,-.+ ,--+ ,--,--+ +...... meal. Sweet souffles are used for des- til the mixture ~s well set in the cen- You'll be a b'loon tire I II I r t " I . ~ert. Herewith is a recipe for one of ter. Serve hot with hard sauce. By and by. PAGE SIX CASS CITY CHRONICLE Cass City, Michigan, Friday, Junel 6, 1930. I !held in the M. P. church Thursday several friends spent Sunday with and children from Harbor Beach, of Caro, Win. Petilprin of Ashmore, l GAGETOWN 1 evening, June 15. Pat Phelan and family. John Sullivan from Saginaw, Mr. and Mrs. Bovough of Detroit, Mr. and "ALONG GOOD WILL HIGHWAY" Mr. and Mrs. Selah Butler enter- Mike Kehoe is confined to his home Mrs. Isadore Morell from Ubly, Mr. Mrs. Fred Kenhnen of Ashmore, and tained the following for Sunday din- with rheumatism. and Mrs. Joseph Trudeau of Gage- many others. Grant King and Miss Victoria ner: Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Karr, Mrs. Mrs. Anna Fairman relieved the town, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Creguer Pryzlylo of Detroit spent Memorial and niece and nephew and Mr. and Hall, Mrs. Emerson Butler and Doris. operator at Owendale central tele- .~,,e..,..,..e.,..,..e..,..,..o..,..,..,..®..,.O..,..,..®..,..®..,..,.~ Day with the former's sister and Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. phone Saturday. Mrs. Albert Creguer and family of family, Mrs. N. E. Walrod. Chas. Robinson and family of Cass Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and son of Cass City, Mr. and Mrs. James Mar- Mrs. Agnes Dufty and daughter, City. Detroit were callers at the Wills ell and baby and Stanilaus Morell of $ Mrs. Litlian Madison, of Detroit Mr. and Mrs. Batchelden of Detroit, lhome. Mr. and Mrs. Walker of Argyle. spent Memorial Day with the for- Unionville were callers Sunday at William T. Gardiner Mr. and Mrs. Edmonds of Saginaw Death of Mrs. Comment~ mer's cousin, Mrs. N. E. Walrod.* and Mrs. Dudley McCarter and son of the Wills home. of Maine. * The Williamson school enjoyed a I Mr. and Mrs. Ned Hennessey, Mrs. Mrs. Henry Comment passed away i He hath showed thee, O man, Saginaw spent the week-end at the on Memorial Day after a two months' social afternoon with parents, pupils Geo.* B. Wallace home. Bridget Walsh and Mrs. Nellie Sug- what is good; and what doth the ~rt foaol~or, Tuo.~ctav. May 27. the !net spent Decoration day with illness with cancer. Funeral services Lord require of thee, but to do ...... ~..~...o ..o~...... ~ ~"~S ~/~b" qJ~'&Y~Or ~rie~cis her~ were h~d h~ ~. 2~ga'cha% thatch i~ justly, and io ~ove mercy, and to met Bernetg and Myrtie Bearss o~ Misses M. E. Burleigh and E. E. this village on Monday forenoon, ? walk humbly with ths:" God?~ Sting is the teacher. Detroit visited Sunday at Mr. and Miller were Bay City callers Friday. June 2, conducted by Rev. Fr. John Micah 6:8. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Karr visited Mrs. W. tbbtison's. Miss Nina Munro and Miss Ellen MeCullough, and interment was made Sunday with the farmer's uncle, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ballaugh of Carmondy of Owosso spent Friday, in St. Agatha% cemetery. Therefore all things whatsoever ~ Masters, of Silverwood, who is very Pontiac were guests at Mr. and Mrs. •Saturday and Sunday at the former's Julia Turney was born in Switzer- ye would that men should do to ill. H. Crawford's Sunday. parental home here. land 72 years ago. On Sept. 29, 1876, you, do ye even so to them; for Mr. and Mrs. James Murray and Mrs. P. Bartholomy and Lucile Mrs. Catherine Ryan and daugh- she was united in marriage with this is the law and the prophets. baby of Millington visited last week spent Sunday with relatives in De- ter, Bernadine, of Detroit spent Deco- Henry Comment and in 1878, they --Matthew 7:12. among Mrs. M's relatives. troit. ration day with friends here. moved from Anchorville, St. Clair m county, Michigan, to Tuscola county. Make your trip to market faster Clarence Wagner of Detroit spent Leo. Freeman ~ and Maurice Wood Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Karr and Finally, brethren, whatsoever Mrs. Comment was a member of the things are true, whatsoever things Friday, Saturday and Sunday with were in Saginaw Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mose Karr were callers and smoother! his sister, Mrs. R. Clara. at Mr. and Mrs. Art Deneen's of El- Blessed Virgin Sodality at Gagetown. are honest, whats6ever things are Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Potter of De- lington Friday. She will be long remembered for her just, whatsoever things are pure, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Leipprandt of AST, smooth motor car operation depends to a great troit visited the latter's parents, Mr. Howard Wideman of Pontiac spent kind acts to the shut-ins and sick and whatsoever things are lovely, Detroit spent the Week-end with Mr. extent on your motor oil. You must use not only and Mrs. Levi Hurd, Sunday. Decoration day and the week-end needy. "A lovely lady, indeed," is a whatsoevm- things are of good re- F and Mrs. J. L. Purdy. Mr. and Mrs. Lynton Facer and 'with his schoolmates in Brookfield. common remark in this community. port; if there be any virtue, and ..g good oil--but the correct grade of good oil to fit the, Mrs. John C. Munro of Albion ~ at- daughter, Shirley, of Dgtroit spent Julius Fischer visited a physician She leaves two sisters, three if there be any praise, think on degree of wear in your engine. tended the funeral of Miss Ethel Decoration Day with Mr. and Mrs. in Bay City Friday. brothers, three sons, Joseph Com- these things.--Philippians 4:8. The farther your car is driven, the more wear there is Wolff. She spent Friday with Mrs. George Russell. I Robert Mullen is at Miss Deacon's ment of Unionville, Frank Comment (Uomp~led by th~ Bible Guild,. in the engine~and it takes a heavier-bodied oil to seal Geo. Munro and called on a long list Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sharrock of !hospital with a broken leg. of Pontiac and Win. Comment of the power in the cylinders. That is the basis on which of old friends, leaving for Bad Axe Detroit were week-end guests at Mr. Mrs. Lila MeFall left Wednesday Gagetown, and three daughters, Mrs. Saturday where she will spend Sun- Sinclair Opaline Motor Oil is made and sold--according to and Mrs. Albert Russell's. for g week in Tampa, Florida. Agnes Bedore, Mrs. Hattie Wood and Advertise it in the Chronicle. day with Mrs. Chas. Munro. The eighth grade pupils of the • Dominican Sister will present her Mrs. Florence Lenhard. the Sinclair Law of Lubrication:~ Mr. and Mrs. B. Blondel spent Sun- Brookfield school are Maurice Wood, pupils in a recital Friday evening-- The following" are the relatives and **For every machine, of every degree of wear, there is a scientific day with Mr. and Mrs. Art Wood. Agnes La Pak, Maude Nichols, Anna an annual musical treat. Program friends from a distance who attend- Sinclair Oil to suit its speed and sad its power." Notice of Hearing Claims before i Mrs. Caroline Ross of Owendale Stone and Ira Hughes. will appear in next week's Chronicle. ed the funeral: Ephis Turney and Court.--State of Michigan, The Pro- This is worth thinking about--worth talking over with us. Art Wood, rural mail carrier, is John High passed away Monday Julius Turney, both of Anchorville. bate Court for the County of Tuscola. was a Sunday guest at Jay Craw- Tell us your mileage and we will be glad to show you how ford's home. taking a vacation, o Art Freeman is evening. Sunday, he enjoyed having Alex Vigomor, Mrs. David, Mrs. In the Matter of the Estat¢~ of Thomas Hennessey, easy it is to apply the correct grade of Sinclair Opaline Motor Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lenox of Detroit taking" his place on the route. his entire family at his home to cele- Henry Vigomor, all of Fairhaven, brate his birthday.-Death came sud- Deceased. Oil to your car. Your money's worth or your money back I. spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. Charlotte McFall received a mark Mrs. Parent of Windsor, Ont., ~Peter of i00 in the eighth grade state ex- denly, although Mr. High has been in Notice is hereby given that 4 and Mrs. P. McDonal& Comment of Anchorville, Mrs. Mary amination in arithmetic. Merrivale iI1 health several years. Obituary will Corbat, Mrs. Dick De-Care of Sagi- months from the 6th day of June A. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ballaugh of MeFall, eleven years old, passed 94% appear next week. naw, Bert and Henry Mosher and D. 1930, have been allowed for credi~ Pontiac spent the week-end with in the eighth grade state examina- Guests at the home of Mr. and tars to present their claims against Mary Burnoid of Detroit, Mrs. T. said deceased to said court for exami- Franz Chisholm and Mr. and Mrs. tionThe in followingthe same friendssubject. came to the Mrs. Anthony Creguer Sunday in Rose, Mr. Sherkey, and Mr. and Mrs. . OPALINE Chas. Ross. nation and adjustment, and that all :if: ¢ u s PAy o • ,., honor of Mrs. Amelia Bose!li, sister Alfred Foshie and son of Anchorville, creditors of said deceased are re- Miss Carolyn Purdy attended the Mose Kerr home Sunday to celebrate of Mrs. Creguer, of San Diego, Cali- Louise Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. quired to present their claims to said : M OXL • Alpha Gamma Delta May breakfast Mrs. Karr's birthday: Mr. and Mrs. fornia, were: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Peteprin, Mr. and Mrs. J. Krieser, court, at the probate office, in the at. the cabin of President and Mrs. i McEachin of Pontiac, Frank Agar of Storebeck and family of Kinde, Mr. All Knobloch, Miss May Bussure, all Village of Caro in said county, on or Seals Power at every Degree of Wea~ Robt. S. Shaw at East Lansing Fri-lAnn Arbor, Mr. and Mrs. E. Flint of and Mrs. Avis Creguer and Cyril of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle W!ere , before the 6th day of October A. D. -the ExT~ SE~vzCE-mater oig day morning. Following the break-lCass City, Mr. and Mrs. W. Law and Creguer from Filion, Mrs. Everine Mrs. Geo. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. 1930, and that said claims will be fast, a business meeting was held at ldaughter , Florence, of Wiekware and Frieburger and five children and Mr. Oliver Britton, Mary and Helefi heard by said court on Monday the Sold and Recommended by the chapter house. Miss Purdy was Mrs. Campbell of Pontiac. and Mrs. George Langenburg and Weire, all of Pontiac, Mr. and Mrs. 6th day of October A. D. 1930, at ten elected treasurer of the Alumnae Mr. and Mrs. Neff McLellan and children from Argyle, Mr. and Mrs. o'clock in the forenoon. ~Frank Comment and family of Ponti- Dated May 28, A. D. 1930. CASS CITY OIL AND GAS CO. Ciub. family of Plymouth spent Decoration Duncan Morell and Mr. and Mrs. lac, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Comment of Day with Mr. and Mrs. S. B: Calley. Dave Morell from Bad Axe, GUy GUY G, HILL, Distributors of Sinclair Products Stanley Asher, Mgr. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Freeman of IFlint, Harold Parsell, Miss Maline, Judge of Probate. The Misses Phelan of Detroit and MorelLfrom Detroit, Arthur Creguer Detroit • visited friends here several Eliza LaPratt, Mrs. S. Romain, all 6-6-3

days of last week. ---~ Miss Beatrice Freeman of Ypsilan- ti spent the week-end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Freeman. Mrs. Oscar Bouck entertained the Brookfield Ladies' Aid Wednesday, June 4. Dinner was served to a large > nmnber. The baccalaureate services will be We¢ e TXe = V?e invite you to be our guest at Kroger Time~a new and en- chanting radio program. You will be thrilted by exquisite music. ii Strange and interesting stcries of intrigue and romance in many lands will delight you. Hear the stories told by Uncle Joe each Wednesday evening at l ir il Laty Kroger Time--9:00 P. M. WLW WTAM W JR WIL KOV Nervousness and Constipation of 6 Years' Standing Yield To New Medicine~Four Bottles Bring PURE REFINED Health. DO i AllDlgl l at Real Savings SSCASUS.~D/~ "Konjola saved my life," said Mrs. Margaret Haynes, 2734 Fourth Dei Monte Peaches .... FRESHNESS street, Detroit. "I was a nervous wreck, so nervous that I could not De1 C rn bear to be in the company of my own 25 bag"lb. 1.30 Visit your nearest A&P store today... :you will be ddighted family. I frequently left the table at De| MonCe eas calls mealtime in order to be away from with the wide assortment of choice fruits and vegetables l

No. 2 Cans No. 2~9~ Cans , • i ii ii, mul i Rajah andwich Spread 15c for ° for i$ COUNTRY CLUB 2 25c 2 Baby Chick Feed, per ewt. i ...... ' ...... $2.39 S:?:i:i ...... :.:.:.:.:::::: :":======"::~;:~:i:;'.-:::::~ :i:i: )?i!ii::::.:..:. .:~i!~ii!iii!~i~iiiJii!i!~!i!iii!i!?!~i ::i!:i:!!iii~iiiiiii!?: :: :i :'::¢:::-):2 .!:::::::8!8!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::. ":i~;'~:!::?.!:i:i:::.~ :i: Pureed Fruits and Vegetables Scratch Feed per ewt ...... $2.19 ! Flour ~[i"l~ ~or Smooth Diets and Infant Feeding Oyster Shells, per cwt ...... 89e ~]~ New! Appetizing..Delicious..Ready to Serve

~J~fVl/ PUREED " " ! Spinach... Peas... Tomatoes... Prunes ~ ~1~ • O • • ~Iva~,-~'S..o~l k.~ Mixed Vegetables.:.Apricots with Beef ~Broth ~I~ 6-oz.cans ~_l~O~"~J i ,24 75c "~ Carrots with Pureed Tomatoes emd Salad Dressing qtjar 30 c :iiii Beef Broth

...... }!ii! / .... Babbitt's Cleanser cans I ~@ GINGER ALE rz~/~?)~ 2 bot~ 25c ~A. .... Country Club :Large bott.es ~ " ~ ~,~ SALADA TEA Alt Varieties 1/~-lb pkg 39c Mrs. Margaret •Haynes. ¢0,...... ~~~p Small Size, 3 for 25c ~ for ~ ~ VELVET PASTRY FLOUR 5.1b =ack 29C everyone and everything. I was un- Butter' Cream "Iced j , , PINEAPPLE Iona Sliced No. 2½ ca~ 25c able to eat and became terribly run " Peas, Tomatoes or Cake 2 down and was losing weight rapidly. ,, Green Beans BIRDsEYE MATCHES F.n Count 3 boxes 10C Kianey Beans Porkoou=, and o Beans.u 2 cans 15c oc: No matter what I tried nothing re- r~ Fla Country 10~ 1 lieved me until I took Konjola. kes Clpb "Before I took this medicine I was The Worlcl's 25 can terribly constipated. I was listless, Jello ., o e F:avors pkg'. 7c Largest Selling lb C sleepy ~and unable to do my work 3 25c < 8 O'clock Coffee Coffee properly. This had been going on ov- < er a period of fifteen years. ~I have Milk taken four bottles of Konjola and to- day my nerves are in much better Worth • PET or CARNATION MILK tail can 8C shape. I have an excellent appetite SPECIAL and am free from the misery of con- I ulg JELL-O Assorted Flavors pkg 7C stipation. I cannot say enough in $5.35 value for$1.89 KIRK'S SOAP CHIPS |ge pkg 19c praise of Konjola and I have all my Jap Rose Health Bail, value $4.50 3 can= friends taking it." Sugar BABBITT'S CLEANSER 10c When given a real trial over a 6 Ca~es Kirk's Flake White Soap P&G SOAP Kirk's Flake or Crystal WbAte 3 bars 10C period of from six to eight weeks, Pure Refined, lb. Konjola has made a record that 16~ 1 Package Kirk's Flake Chips would often challenge belief were Cakes Jap Rose Glycerin Soap the actual fact not known and veri- 1 Cake Kirk's Original Cocoa fied. S¢ Hardwater Castile IC& pACIRC* ;o • Konjola is sold in Cass City, Michi-. Diameter i~hHo They £ast? gan, at Burke's Drug Stare, and by mtr l" all the best druggists ~n all towns / ~hroughout this entire section.~Ad- YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE AT A KROGER STORE • ..... o~ -- " " X .... -s~ vertisement 6-6 ) d" Cass City, Michigan, Friday, June 6, 1930. ~w CASS CITY CHRONICLE PAGE SEVEI~ home of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Taylor George Lee and two nieces and a I DEFORD I of Hazel Park, Mich., May 27. Mrs. nephew of Pontiac spent Sunday N Taylor will be remembered as Han- with Mrs. Bertha Cooper. Other g •nah Evo of this place. N Quality, Service, Price. We Deliver. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Locke returned Sunday guests at the Cooper home COME, N N home Tuesday, after .completing a were Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gemmill of iN g trip of 750 miles. They visited at Mrs. Margaret Livingston of De- Cass City, and Mr. and Mrs. How- in and see our display of Modern Plumbing Fixtures and Charlevoix and other northern points. troit spent over the week-end at the ard Retherford. Washing Machines. N N They were accompanied on the trip C. J. Malcolm and Howard Rether- Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Locke re- iN N by Louis'. grandparents of Imlay ford homes. ° turned Tuesday from a trip to nor- LET US N Independent N Cit). Rev. C. Scott of Port Hope ate thern Michigan. g g Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster are supper at the John M cArthur home. Mrs. Samuel Sherk, Mrs. Harry overhaul your old bath room and make it Modern by in- Retherford and Mrs. Alice Rether- N N moving to Vassar this week. He visited H. Woolman, who is spend- stalling New Linoleum, New Faucets, and all Nickel Plated ;Y}~s j; 1)o .i.,'u.,4k an(i i(oy (;ourii~ ...... ition at Plea~uni, Hill on Tuesday ancl N Iwere at Ann Arbor this week. M r. anu ±wrs. ~llaS ~rausnaw ox Wednesda N N ] Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Dodge were at Detroit and Win. Salter of YMe I Y" g ,g Ann Arbor on Wednesday. spent Saturday with the former'sl ~ ~ .__ FIGURE N M. D. HARTT Telephone 149 N Mrs. Frank Hegle,r Was a caller at brother, Win. . t Notice of Hearing Claims before on Kohler or Kohler Fixtures in that new bath room you N g Lapeer Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stratton an-ICourt.~State of Michigan, The Pro- intend to put in. We have styles and prices to mee~ your Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bentley have as nounce the arrival of a youne" dau~h-I bate Court for the County of T~ascola. need. N N guests this week their daughter, Mrs. ter on May 30 at the Pleasant Home l In the Matter of the R. Rhoades and children of Muncie, Hospitak Mother and baby are doing t Estate of Nancy Fulton~ Deceased. YOUR PLU ING g 2 CANS FOR 15c Indiana. Mr. Bentley and H. D. Mal- fine. " / Notice is hereby given that 4 colm met them at Lapeer on Friday...... ' [months from the 23rd day of May A should be chosen as you .would your physician. N terit~i'naS(~fr;VtmrS'T~ur~2a~uret~?nsuen-iD. 1930, have been allowed for eredi-" C. J. Malcolm will celebrate his ...... % , ~ -itors to present their claims against *~ 0Z. aAR ...... 23e = 87th birthday June 6. Mr. Malcolm uay tnmr Dro~ner an~t Iami~y, ~ur. i said deceased to said court for ex- Let Us Figure on Your Plumbing .~ .~ and Mrs. A. A. Patterson and their''ammatmn " " and adjustment, and that N SOAP N leads an active life. This week he PALMOLIVE N finished painting his house which is a son and daughter Of Alma, Mich. all creditors of said deceased are re- two-story structure. He takes the Mr. and Mrs. Waxet are entertain-i quired to present their claims to said ~ganner C~ N i court, at the probate office, in the Vii- Matthew~ ~N high places with the agility of a ing Mr. and Mrs. T. Bur[an and son late of Caro in said'county, on or be- Phone 79 R 1-1. CA S ...... 25e young" man. This week they are in- and (laughter of Detroit. fore the 23rd day of September A. D. CASS CITY N a stalling a water pressure system. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kilgore are t930, and that said claims will 'be N~ P ~ G SOAP N Mr. and Mrs. Ira Howey and son, entertaining over the week-end Mr. heard by said court on Tuesday the Lester, and daughter, Miss Amy, and and Mrs. Smith and son, Donald 23rd day of September A. D. 1930, at N ...... 18c • John Yates of Detroit were Sunday Wolven, of Pontiac. The ladies are ten o'clock in the forenoon. visitors at the Warren Churchill sisters, i Dated May 23, A. D. 1930. GUY G. HILL, N ~OXES FO~ ...... i...... C N home. Pauline Roberts of Pontiac spent! ¢. g Friday night and Saturday with her ! Judge of Probate. N Mr. and Mrs. Sterl Jeffery and two 15-30-3 N g daughters and Mrs. Win. Jeffrey of]brother, Ward. g 10e N Detroit visited from Friday until I Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McCain of g Sunday with J. H. Pringle and Chas. !Pontiac, and Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Me- N Cook. Cain of Oxford called on their sister, PER PACKAGE ...... 20c Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pringle and Mrs. Ben Gage, on Friday. Their N g Mr. and Mrs. Sterl Jeffery were Flint mother accompanied the latter couple .> g N cailers Saturday. ~ }home for a week's visit. (2aSS FRESH FRUIT SPECIALS° 1 Mr. and Mrs. N. Freeman and Mr. N g Mrs. Geo. Hillman is in poorl and Mrs. Harold Spencer, all of Pon- line health. ;N N Mr. and Mrs. August Scant of Pon-i fiat, spent from Thursday until Sun- ~N l day with their father, J. Wells Spen- N t[at and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Philpot °f~cer,l **u:ONE DA ~N N Flint visited at Geo. Hillman's Sun- and sister, Mrs. Harvey Palma- Y ONLY g day. Mr. Philpot remained for the teer. N week. Mrs. Win. Jenereaux of Pont[- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Patch and g N ,ac is visiting with her parents, Mr. Jeno Crittenddn of Detroit spent °~i: ~N and Mrs. Geo. Hillman. Friday night and Saturday night N ...... 1(} g Mrs. Sarah Leek of Saginaw spent with their cousins, Billie and Jos. McCracken. %** ~from Sunday until Thursday with Those words describe the N Miss Nova Stafford of Cass City ...... I her brother, Robert Homer and tam- 35C spent Friday night with Bernice kind of Auto Insurance S g N. lily. Gage. eoverage we write. t Keith Horner and Miss Edna of *.~ Theatrical Event Albert Curtis spent Friday after- W~ether you want full or of~ the Season NNN]NN]NN]NNINNN NIN]NNNNNN]NNNNINN ]Flint spent the week-end at their noon with his wife in Caro. I parental home. Mrs. Ernest Barrons of Flint is partial coverage on your Miriam Horner spent Sunday in visiting her mother, Mrs. Chas. Ted- car th~s agen, ey ~ a-t your Detroit and points of Canada. ford. service to take your appli- Keith Homer is driving a new Mrs. Mary Hack of Redford and cation and secure ~Ad- Chevrolet coach. Mrs. O. Wright called on Mrs. C. L. "Detroit jus~ments at Tellcg~-,ap}t Payers The W. C. T. U. will hold their McCall'on Friday afternoon. June Coat Clearance June meeting with Mrs. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hicks of Speed," *:* DIRECT FROM THE CIVIC THEATRE, Retherford on Thursday afternoon Flint spent Sunday wi~h the former's June 12, at 2:30 o'clock. A good at- si~ter, Mrs. Jesse Kelley. DETROIT Now in Progress tendance is desired. Report of the Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Kennedy enter- C. S. Champion In accordance with our policy of selling all merchandise during County convention will be given. tained Mr. and Mrs. Hudgkin of Alma over Sunday. the same season that it is bought for, we are offering the followin~ Mr. and Mrs. J. McLaughlin and Exclusive Agent children, Donald and Evelyn, of De- Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin of To- Under their Ng drastic price reductions for quick clearance. Over 100 coats to select ronto, Canada, came on Saturday to from. troit spent from Thursday night un- til Sunday afterrioon with their visit the latter's parents, Mr. and Phone iii Cass City parents, Mr. and Mrs. G." A. Martin. Mrs. Joshua Curtis. All $12.50 Coats, nowat $8.95 Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Martin and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. John McCaughna, TENT 'THEATRE and Mrs. J. McLaughlin and children Mrs. Maggie McCaughna of Pontiac All $16.75 Coats, now at ...... $13.45 spent Decoration Day at Avoca and and Leo Benedict and two sons of :~ LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE MOTORIZED Ruby. Royal Oak 'spent Decoration Day at All $25.00 Coats, now at ...... $19.75 Rev. C. W. Scott of Port Hope the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Daugh- *:~ DRAMATIC SHOW OF THE UNIVERSE called on friends in Deford Wednes- erty. ¢. CHILDREN'S COATS ALL AT 25% REDUCTION day and spent the night at the H. D. Mr. and Mrs. Kabe of Royal Oak Malcolm home. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank of Detroit .:. 35 TRUCKS AND 19 TRAILERS USED TO We wish to compliment Mr. and spent from Thursday until Sunday Dress Department. Mrs. L. Vanderkooy on the tasty ap- with their brother, Alex Sanson. ":" TRANSPORT THIS MAMMOTH DRAMATIC FESTIVAL pearance of their new store and ice Mr. and Mrs. Ward Roberts spent An extremely important and ~seasonable presentation of New cream booths. Sunday night in Kingston. WEDNESDAY NIGHT THEY WILL PRESENT Dresses for Summer Wear, priced at $5.95, $6.90 and $10.00. We find it impossible to mention Mr. and Mrs. Bemis Bentley of The materials are Washable Crepes, All Silk Shantungs, Silk all of the comings and goings of LapPer spent Sunday at the home of Piques, Printed Georgette and Chiffon, as well as plenty of Navy those who observed Decoration Day. Win. Bentley. Georgette and Flat Crepes in plain ' colors. Maud Woolman and Mabel McArthur of Detroit remained with Mr. and SMART SUMMER WASH FROCKS in Voile, Pique and "REMOTE Mrs. John McArthur until Monday. Directory, i¢. Dimity, short sleeves arm cape collar styles, priced at $1.00, $1.95 and Mrs. Martha Wilson of Saginaw $2.9~. called on friends. Mr. and Mrs. Orvil P. A. SCHENCK, D. D. S. A GROUP OF SILK DRESSES in SIeeveless Styles, sizes 14 Wilson of Detroit were with Mrs. L. Dentist. ¢, to 40 to close out at $3.79. Slickton and family. Graduate of the University Of Mich- It's double luck that CONTROL" Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tedford enter: igan. Office in Sheridan Bldg., Cass q~ rained at a fish dinner on Sunday: City, Mich. MEAT A New Mystery Drama in a Broadcasting Station Save on Millinery Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Tedford and son, Select any new hat from our $3.95 and $4.95 lines and save a Jack[e, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Barrons SHELDON B. YOUNG, M. D. should be so high in . MATINEE AT 3:00 P. M. FOR LADIES AND KIDDIES $1.00 from these prices. Other hats priced from $1.95 up. and daughter, Dorothy, of Flint, Mr. Cass City, Mich. and Mrs. Harold Bock and children of food value~and at the Shover. We noticed that Ernest Bar- Telephone~No. 80. O rons and wife were driving a new same time so palatable. '" A Special Added Attractmn"' for the Berman's Department Store, Kingston DENTISTRY Pontiac . Also that Mrs. Ted- Store open Evenings~Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. ford has 500 lively Rhode Island Red I I.A. Fritz, Resident Dentist. Matinee Only chicks. Office over Burke's Drag Store. We Mr. and Mrs. A. Van Blaricom of solicit your patronage when in" need You are taking no chances Pontiac took dinner with Mrs. H. D. 0 f work. on getting the best when o~'} Jewel's Marinettes Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Sadler l you trade at our market, il were at Goodland. I. D. McCOY, M. D. ~'IN'~~ u John Retherford of re- Surgery and Roentgenology. mained over Sunday @ith his parents, Office in Pleasant Home Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Retherford. Phone, Office 96; Residence 47. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kilgore enter- We Have °,.* Jack and the Beanstalk TheWayto a Man's tained until Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. KNAPP & DOUGLAS Smith and Donald Woolman of Pon- the Best *o A SELFISH GIANT AND CIRCUS DAYS tiac. Funeral Directors and Licensed Em- Mrs. Alice Stewart had as guest balmers. Mrs. Knapp, Lady •Assistant over Sunday her sister of Detroit. with license. Night and day calls re- in Meats[ : Heart ceive prompt attention. City phone. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ball enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ball of De- R, as the old adage ~ays, is through his stomach. And A. McPHAIL R, troit. Funeral Director. Special 6 Piece Orchestra the wide variety of quality groceries that we can offer Mr. and Mrs. Howard Patch and Y g&Mi o children, Zeno Crittenden, Foster Lady Assistant. oun a er * UNDER PERSONAL DIRECTION OF MITCHELL you from which to make up your home menu is one Van Blaricom, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Phone No. 182. • Cass City. Phone 16 Patch, all of Detroit, were guests of HUMPHREYS OF THE DETROIT of the little things that makes for domestic happiness, 4* Mr. and Mrs. Perry Sadler and Mr. E. W. KEATING SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Wise housewives trade here. and Mrs. Maurice Kelley. Foster Real Estate and Fire and Automobile o Cass City Van• Blaricom remained over Sunday. Insurance. Phone 155. We deliver. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCracken CASS CITY, MICH. and Mr. and Mrs. Albert O'Connor, all of Detroit, spent the week-end R. N. McCULLoUGH All Chairs Placed on an Elevated Floor and Every with Mr. and Mrs. John Collins. Her Cross Little Boy AUCTIONEER O Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sole enter- Wouldn't Eat or Sleep Seat Reserved. C. E. Patterson tained the past week, Mrs. Georgina AND REAL ESTATE DEALER & Son CASS CITY. Moshier of Jackson, Mich., Mr. and "My little son had poor appetite, p • Mat~Kiddies 15c; Adults 35c~Not Reserved. Cass City Mrs. Arthur Perry and son, Bill[e, of Farm sales a specialty. Dates may be arranged with Cass City Chronicle, couldn't sleep and was cross. I gave O Ferndale, Mich., Frank and Don Eve l¢lCe~NITE_Adults 50c and 75c--Reserved. Office at I. Schonmuller's Store, Cass him Vinol and it ended these troubles of Wahjamega, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- City. liam Patch and daughter, Stetla, of l"~ke maglc." " ~Mrs. L. DuCrest. Vinol supplies the body important Seats Now on Sale at Wood's Drug Store Royal Oak, Miss Velma Wentworth, TURNBuLL BROS. mineral elements of iron, calcium Cass City, Victor Vandercar, Mr. and Jim Auctioneers Bill with cod liver peptone. This is just Mrs. Bill Vandercar, Mr. and Mrs. Age, experience -- Youth, ability what thin, nervous children or adults Floyd Mattoon and children, all of need, and the QUICK results are sur- TENT LOCATED ON CITY PARK Pontiac We sell anything anywhere. If you prising. The very FIRST bottle ~Chronicle Liners Cost Little; Accomplish Much, don't employ us, we both lose money. Mr. hnd Mrs. Sole received word of brings sound sleep and a BIG appe- FAIRGROUNDS Write for dates and ihstructions to ¢. the arrival of an 8-pound son at the tite. Vinol tastes delicious! Burke's Deckerville, Mich. Phon~ 56~15. Drug Store.~Advertisement2

¢, Cass City, Michigan, Friday, Junel 6, 193@~ :PAGE EIGHT CASS CITY CHRONICLE 24 HAVE PERFECT Bertha Grifka, Ietta Copeland, Eli- Charlie Shoemaker, John Heussner, SHABBONA. HOLBROOK. l NOVESTA. [dren of Detroit have been visiting ARITHMETIC PAPERS nore Grifka, Charles Andison, Jacob Bernice Ode, Hiram Minard, Anna t Mrs. Simpson's mother, Mrs. M. Ho Hund, Virgil Lowe, Loons Riehl, Iris Mac Jones. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Waldon and A pie social was held at the Rich- W.J. Binder, sr., and Mr. and Mrs. I Qu ick. concluded from first page. Connell, Clara Hund, Henry Got- Evergreen TownshipwGeneva Glen- family of Pontiac visited the for- ard Ramage home on Tuesday eve- riMR°bt'DayBinderwith°ftheirDetr°itsonspentandbrother,Mere°" F.MrS'E. DeneenAmy HoltZand Ofdaughter,Caroand AmyMrS°" trude Vahovick, Frank Laming, For- nowicz, Archie Rumptz, Daniel Fran- denny, Alice Waun, Marie Meredith, mer's sister, Mrs. Nelson Hyatt, or- ning. On account of the rain, the rest C. Watson, Merwinna Howey, zel. John Richter, Harold Spencer, Etta er the week end. crowd was very small. It was for the E. E. Binder. • Cots, were dinner guests at the A. E~. Elmer Township~Evelyn Colby, Collins, Charies Sharp, Marcus Kra~:e, Mrs. S. Harms of Pontiac is visit- church benefit. I Mrs Margaret Simpson and chil- Binder home on Memorial Day. JaCkArmstead,Sutherland,vincentSofiavatter,Lober,EstherEdwin Grace Bissett, Chas. McElhinney, Allan Caister, Eleanor Watson, Mar- ing her daughter, Mrs. Vern McGreg- The poultry meeting that was held I " ~ Armstead, Donald Sample. Dorothy Strickler, Alfons Rye, Albert !tarot McQueen, Helen Sharrard, Bel- at the John Guisbert home on MavisAustin ~ Spaetzel, Township--Francis Lourene Franzel, Rye,ry Miller, Louis Carl Gorbe, Nelson, Vit~tie Howard Wess, Bars-lLinderman,Hen-'va McNaughton, Blanche Grant Vance, Brown, Thelma Edna ory.Mr. and Mrs. Bert /Welch and son, Wednesday night was pretty well at- ITh' e Great Am- orcai nl! Emma Heleske, Nina Mac Perison, lund, Carroll Appel, Wilma Gisch, ]Cooke, J. D. Jones, Ben Jones, Zelda Hayward, of Port Huron were visitors tended. The third lesson in baby i Auslander, Carolyn Hyatt, Mark at the T. W. Stitt home Wednesday. chick raising was given by Mrs. Guisbert and the discussions were ' in,~÷t 1--1~.~,~1,-t Wor,~en. Dortha Wilson, Miss Lucile Burns of Kingston _^^~ m~ ..... t÷.... !~.... w~11 ho held ...... some time .e latter v~ ..... ~ ~ Ch 1 L~ners Greenleaf Florence Hewitt, Irene ents here. " FO~IC e Bailey, Virginia Moss, Leroy Hill, Le- 1" Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kritzman on- Sandusky. '`''''''''''''''`'''''`'''~'''~'~''''`''`''`'~`''''~'''`'''''''''`''~'`''`'~'~`~'''```''~'`''``''"'''''''`'~"''''`''''`''`'`'...... """...... """" la McRae, Joseph Sliz, Florence Pat- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kritz- Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Price of De- ~"""""""'"'~RATES--Liner of 25 words or I SEED BEANS for Sale--Improved rick, Raymond McRae, Keith Karr, li man and daughter and Hazen Kritz- troit spent from Thursday until Gordon Stirton, Willis Brown, Wood-,man and Miss Nichali of Detroit and Sunday visiting with Mr. Price's ' less, 25 cents eaeh insertion. Over ! pea beans, good quality, one pound .. Mr. and Mrs. Norman and his That's what ice cream is and no better national choice each25w~rds,insertion.One cent a word for it pickers.6_6_1J" D. Tuckey, Cuss City. worm.r°WLamotteC°°k'Robt.Township__JosephineGracy, Albert May-PontiaCBe_i i Mr. andfr°mMrs.ThursdaYRobt. ,tK°ritzmansundaY'Miss Inez°f sister,m°ther'Greenleaf.Mrs.MrS'JohnMarYMcClellan,Price'of New could be made. The cream used in , tFARM FOR SALE 38 acres 4miles no, Letitia Innes, Kenneth Hillaker, IPerrY and O. Ferguson and two Floyd Schubel and Mr. and Mrs. FORT S GOLDEN JERSEY FOR SALE White Wyandotte and I north and 41£ miles east of Cass Louise Klinkman, Hazel Bulgrien, daughters spent from Thursday to George Codling and family of Detroit Barred Rock pullets, 4 months old, were over the holiday visitors at Ed- at $i.00 each. Enquire at Shabbona~ City. Carl F. Anderson, RI, Cass Vera Hyde, Marie Papp, Margaret Saturday with relatives. Hardware. 6-6-2] City...... 6-6-1p RaduchM,Flannigan, VioletEdgar Sutherland,Cameron, LelandSarah The M. B. C. prayer meeting was garJackson's.Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Holmes of ICE CREAM SEED POTATOES for sale. C.W./5320.00 FOR LOT on Main Street, Atkins, Harold Hook, Eddie Gerber, held at Thurston Wells' home on Tues- Dryden spent a few days at the Rob- Holler, Cuss City. Phone 178-F2.] 88x132 ft., including barn frame Carol Stanton. day evening, err Spencer home on their way to building 19x30 ft.; or $160.00 for Marlette Township~Harold Wie- Harold Ferguson spent the week the upper peninsula, where they in- comes from well-fed, contented cows, the extracts and fla- 5-30-2 lot 22x132 ft. with above building, tort, Alma Hudson, Arnold Fischer, end at his home in Pontiac. tend visiting for the summer months, vorings used in manufacturing this home product are pure WANTED~500 gallons of maple F. Lenzner, Cass City. Phone Genevieve Jackson, Raymond Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fulcher and Alt girls, ages from 11 up, who and the freezing and manufacturing is done in a cleanly, syrup. Will buy in large or small 91 R 3-1. 4:25-4" Leisch, Marie Northrup, Clarence family of Farmington visited the lat-!wish to take part in the Rally Day .... Fischer, Lee Flanigan, Orland Bade, tot's uncle, Harvey McGregory, the l requested to come to hygienic establishment right here in Cuss Cit~. No wonder quantities. Must be strictly pure PERFECTION Oil Stoves do your Norman Wiley, Harold Forbes, Har- week end. programthe Holbrook are church this Saturday that the public looks to Fort's Golden Jersey Ice Cream as and A No. 1 in every way. John A. cooking for "less. Bigelow. 6-6-1 old Smith, Margaret Howard, Evelyn I Mr. and Mrs. S. Hyatt spent Sun- afternoon for practice, the ideal dessert. Sector, R1, Cuss City. 5-30-tf Seiffertein, Louise Ingrain, Betty~lay with their daughter, Mrs. Win. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Price of Detroit HOME GROWN Michigan Yellow Taylor, Adrain Guest, Marion Cal-i]~altinoski. visited among relatives and friends Specials for the week Black walnut, walnut frappe, WANTED--Farms exchanged for Dent seed corn, 98% germination, lender, Marion Lienhard, Mildred city property. All business trans- Place your order now. Cuss City Clare Burns and family of Cuss :here from Thursday until Sunday. honeymoon special, chocolate, strawberry and vanilla. acted confidential. Charles Tupper, Grain Co. 5-9-tf Nicolai. City spent Sunlay at the James Burns Mr. and Mrs. Jame~ Ramage and Moore Township---Milton Bradshaw, home. ]family of Flint are 'visiting at the Golden Jersey milk and sweet cream on sale at store dealer in real estate, Croswel], ~!ich. References Croswell, Peck ANY DOUBT about Perfection Oil Erva Bulgrien, Helen Cubbit, Harry' or Sandusky Bank. 10-11-tf ~, Stoves will be answered by our Allan, Marion Kilbourn, James Blas- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hodges of De-lhome of Mr. Ramage's parents, Mr. every day. ' demonstration June 13 and 14. hill, Charles Rightenburg, Andy Gay-t~°°it were guests of the tatter's un-and N[rs. Richard Ramage. A Fort & Son GR~JDUATION GIFTS~A complete (Friday and Saturday): Bigelow. or, Isla Smith, John Palen, Norms cle, James Burns, Saturday and Sun-1 Sunday was a gala day at the Jam Thomas, Theodore Savage, Gus Shoe- day. Hewitt home when 33 people partook e line, including jewelry, book-ends, 6-6-1 maker, Cecil Buschlen, Ruth Shaw, Clinton Bruce of Deford is the new of one of the bountiful dinner which compacts, candy jars, pocketbooks, Mrs. Hewitt is famous for giving. pictures, glass luncheon sets, and FOUND Auto tire and rim 30x3~. Hazel Kritzman. milch hauler: Those from a distauce were Mr. and many other articles suitable for Owner call at Chronicle office. 5- John Hamilton of Pontiac visited Mrs. Fred Rassen and four children, graduation gifts. Geo. C. HooFer, 16- I HOSPYYAL NOTES. ibis brother, Andrew Hamilton, °n Addle, Lester, Carl and Murray °f ~-a ~--a c---a ~--(~-~O Cuss City. 6-6-1 Wednesday. Keego Harbor, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight ao;~s EAST f~~ CXCg~.~,~g~]e[g

WE WILL add Cod Liver 0il to your #ants. Mrs. R. A. McNamee. 6-6-1 ]Mrs. Howard Stratton of Deford and this week with his father, Archie Mr. and Mrs. George Price of New- ]~~ custom mixed feed without added l her infant daughter, Henry Ayotte of Boagg. berry, Ontario. W Grain Co. 4-25-tf semi-invalid, in quiet country Port Austin, John Takash of Gage- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Parrott and Those of the Tanner school who O home. Modern improvements. Home town and Mrs. James Mudge of Pon- family and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Van- !Passed the eighth grade were Plot- FOR SALE ~ Fresh home-grown Comforts. Trained nurse in charge, tiac, All are getting along nicelyl Norman and family of Flint spent th e~ once Hewitt, Irene Bailey, Virginia strawberries. Those who order first Rates moderate. Write, or phone 8, ° week end with Mr. and Mrs. George !M°ss and Leroy Hill. receive the largest and best bet- Gagetown. 5-23-4p Parrott, the parents of Ernest Par-I tendedMr"ands familyMrS" JameSreunion Hewittat Redfordat- ties. Black caps for sale in their Picturesque Rail L{ne tort. ~ geason. N. W.. Bridges, Phone SEE the demonstration of Perfection The Pausqrapossa railroad line, Mrs. George ConnelI and children ICaverly's at Kingston on Wednesday. O~ 99-F32. 6-6-2 andOi114StoveS(FridayatBigelow'Sand Saturday).June 136_ which was opened in 1928, connects and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Afar of ] Charles Simkins and Miss Muriel VA k ~ates are ~ott~*15Oto France with Spain through the Pyre- Detroit visited relatives and friends ~M°rgan spent Sunday afternoon vis- / ~A~T Eo Pitts MY WIFE having left my home, I 6-1 noes lnOUl]t'lins. The tracks are laid here Sunday. iting in Harbor Beach with relatives ~G~ANDRIV~a,~o CENTRE ST Edo Mgr. will not be responsible for any through the most picturesque part of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Palmateer of of Miss Morgan. _ debts contracted by her after this SEED POTATOES for sale. C.W. the mountaias, reaching an altitude of Rochester were entertained at the A. - ...... dare--June 6, 1930. Edward Sut- Holler, Cuss City. Phone 178-F2. 3,600 feet in some places. At Frank- L. Sharrard home Friday evening and ,~.-,..ao;..~*,...*,~..**..~...... ~. ~., ~ ~..... **:.~:~.~..~.~...... ~,...,.., e.~_...... _ e. ~, • ..... , ~ g.e/~.e~... ~ ~v¢, ~*~ ~.~ ~. ton. 6-6-3p 5-30-2 fort a tunnel connects France and Saturday. :.,.I,- .,.1. Spain. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hyatt enter-: ~:° *:* ELLIOTT MOTOR Lines Schedule~ WANTED Ten good grade or • pure- tained Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Walden i *I~ *I+ Bus leaves Cuss City for Pon- bred Ayreshire heifer calves from and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest io ¢:,- tiac daily at 8:20 a. m. and 5:00 p. 4 weeks to 3 months old. John A. As{ronom~cal Day Hillman and son of Pontiac from'.:. 4+ m., fast time. Bus leaves Cuss City Sector, R. R. 1, Cuss City. 5-23-tf Astronomers formerly began the day Thursday until Sunday. ~:* *:* for Bad Axe at 11:40 a. m. and at noon, but it w'~s decided advisable Leslie Phillips of Detroit was the i:i: ~"~£ 4:45 p. m. On Sunday (one bus BIGELOW'S know their Perfections. for the sake of uniformity to use the guest of relatives here for the week ***" *:* each way) leaves Cuss City for 6-6-1 same day ~t~ astronomical work as is end. ~: ...... ~:* , used in civil life, and commencing with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Severance of 4* *'~ Cass City for Bad Axe at 10:45 SEMI-SOLID buttermilk for your 1925, all the naNm,ml almanacs began Grand Blanc spent from Friday until ~1. #** p.Pontiac m. * 4:05 p. m. and leaves chickens, calves or pigs---Vitamine the day at mhlnight. Sunday at the Chat. Severance and ~*** Special Two Days "".:. Cod Liver Oil for your Dougald McNevin homes. ~1~ *~- FOR SALE One Commander steel chickens. Cuss City Grain Co: 4-25- Order for Publicafion~Final Ad- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cook enter- .**. **** range, nearly new. A real bargain tf mihistrafion Account.~State of tained the former's sister, Mrs. M. A. *:" Lapeer's. Phone 142-F21. 5-30-2p RADIO ACCESSORIES~All kinds Michigan, The Probate Court for the Davis, of Port Huron, before her de- #. if takenatonce. Inquireat Wm" County of Tuscola. parture for Hemereston, Ore., Tues- -1. June 20-21 °#~- of radio accessories at the May & At a session of said Court, held at day morning. ¢*~":" fo [" Sat ~ rday r~ ight BUY a Perfection Oil Stove only Douglas furniture store, Cuss City. the Probate Office in the Village of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Markle and '¢" ~ "1" through authorized dealers. Bite- 1-17-tf Caro in said County, on the 4th day Ralph and Donald Markle of Flint ~ J 7 ":* low holds the agency for Cuss City. of June A. D. 1930. ¢' urge :~ 6-6-1 TO EXCHANGE, a turkey gobbler Present: Hon. Guy G. Hill, Judge weresunday.Callersat the J. P. Neville home ,:,~ .1..:. for a turkey hen. Mrs. Nelson Sim- of Probate. Mrs. Bruce Kritzman of Pontiac is ~] Not Amos and Andy, but the best 4*~.. SEE THE FINE assortment of grad- kins, R1, CassCity. 5-30-2* In theMatterofthe visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ~*~ CREPE NIGHT GOWNS Save Your uation gifts for boys and girls at Estate of Frances L. Porter, Wm. Dunlap, this week. ~] Cash *I*' the Geo. C. HooFer Store, Cuss BOARD of Review for the Village of Deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kerbyson of ~ ever offered in town for .:. City. 6-6-1 Cuss City will meet at the Council filedL°UiSinL.saidWheeler,court hisEXecut°r'finat adminis-having Flint visited the latter's parents, Mr. :~~ .:.':* - Rooms on Friday, June 6, from tration account, and his petition and Mrs. James Groombridge, for the .~ ¢~ WANTED Middle-aged woman to 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m., to review praying for the allowance thereof week end. "~ *'-* do light housework and care for the assessment roll for 1930. Any and for the assignment and distribu- Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Travis enter- :~ *:* child 1~/~ years old. No washing or persons ~ deeming themselves at- tion of the residue of said estate, tained their daughters and their hus- ~ ~ baking. No work on Sundays or grieved by said assessment may be It Is Ordered, That the 8th day of bands, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kritz- :~ .1."~" holidays. See Mrs. Carl Almer at heard at said meeting. H. L. Hunt, July A. D. 1930, at ten o'clock in the man and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hoagg *~ Almer's Bakery, Cuss City. 6-6-1 A~sessor. 6-6-1 f°ren°°n'and is hereby at said appointed pr°bate for °ffice' examin- ~be day.°f P°ntiac' fr°m Friday until Sun-~.I Days SEEStoves FULL Friday LINE and of Saturday,Perfection JuneOil WANTED Reliable man between ing and allowing, said account and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Severance vis- ***..~ Assorted colors and sizes. .r*:* hearing said petition; • 13 and 14. Bigelow. 6-6-1 the ages of 25 and 50 to supply the It Is Further Ordered, That public ited relatives in Flint for the week ~ .***~.~ ************************ ~. .:o. old established demand for Raw- notice thereof be given by publication end. " **** ...... ~:~*.:*.:~:*':*~:**1*~:~*:.*:`~:~I.¢*~*:.*1*~*~;~*~;~;~;~;~;~;~;~*~;~;~;~;~;~~~~:~ .FOR SALE~Plymou~h Rock babb/ leith Good Health Products in Hu- of a copy of this order, for three sue- Mrs. Geo. Cook and daughter, Nor- ,.~,.~'~,.~,t,~,"~~'-.~-,--.-,~'I*~ " chicks and 10-day-old chicks. Mrs. ron County. Surety contract re- cessive weeks previous to said day of ma Fay, Walter Gerber and Miss O1- Herman Charter. Phone 157-F12. quired. Company furnishes every- hearing, in the Cuss City Chronicle, ive Cook, all of Decker, visited the - 5-30- thing but the car. Good profits for a newspaper printed and circulated latter's uncle, J. A. Cook, and family --~ hustlers. Write the W. T. Raw- in said county. Sunday. FOR -Rooms in rear of Pal-leith Company, Freeport, Ill, or GUY G. HILL, Judge ofProbate. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kritzman of End Clearance Sale Store with lights, water and see C. A. McCaslin, Cuss City, A true copy. Pontiac and Hazen Kritzman of De- ~~~U~'~ garage, Suitable for cream station Mich. 6-6-1" Minta E. Hill, troit spent the week end at their pa~- or shoe repair shop. See C.M. Registrar of Probate. ental home here. Wallace. 5-30-tf WANTED Men and women to raise 6-6-3p Walter Hyatt was a business call-

EXPERT RADIATOR repairing at raisingrabbits. rabbitsYou can for makemeat; bigbacked money by Order for , Publicatio,n~Final Ad- orW.C. in Saginaw Hyatt Tuesday.transacted business in of Electric Radios Jack's Radiator Shop, 109 Third St. the only company of itskindinthe ministrati~ Account. ~ State of Detroit Wednesday. Mrs. Hyatt ac- Bay City. Jack Dells. 5-16-tf United States, the only company Michigan, The Probate Court for the eompanied her husband to Mt. Clem- • paying" you 25 cents per pound, County of Tuscola. ens where she visited her sister, Mrs. FROM popping corn to the most dell- live weight, at your door; no culling', At ~ so~ion o~ ~id Oort, ~e~d ~t W I N cute• cakes with Perfection Oil no grading, no expressing. Let me theCaro, Probate in said OfficeCounty, in theon the,Village 27th dayof Logan,art Thursday returning" evening', home with Mr. Hy- I e ° have edon handd severs ew Stoves. Bigelow. 6-6-1 aPr°vesmallthat eapital,Y°U canraising'make rabbits more foron of Present:May'A. Hon.D"1930.Guy G. Hill, Judge at Mrs.~e ooo Sunda' 'ed R adios we will doge out at MARIE'S Beauty Shop will be dosed meat, than the average clerk, mer- of Probate. Thursday afternoons during the chant, minister, mail carrier, me- In the Matter of the months of June, Jtily and August. chanie or farmer. Write E.W. Estate of ~ie ~. ~orma~, ~ ~ r uce prices 6-6-1p Sales, Millington. Box 49. 6-6-2 Deceased. )NANTED 80 acres° with stock and CARD OF THANKSWe wish to ex- courtH"F.hisLenzner,final administrationhaving filedaccount,in said When they 1 Sparton Electric Set= ...... $300.00 tools to exchange for Detroit in- press our sincere thanks for the and his petition praying for the al- Was $375.00 free and clear. A1- many acts of kindness during the lowance thereof and for the assign- C-r au#e eOmesowantPr°pertY'farms, equipped with illness and death of our son and merit and distribution Of the residue '1 Zenith Electric Set $163.50 stock and tools, for cash. Wm. grandchild, Albert Darling; also of said estate, " ...... Zemke, Deford. 6-6-2 for the flowers sent by neighbors It IsOrdered, That the 23rd day of w~,~0~0 and friends; also the choir and Roy. June, A. D. 1930, at ten o'clock in Givethem ~OR SALE Brooder house and Hill for his comforting message the forenoon, at said probate omce, 1 Kennedy Electric Set $110.00 'stove. Brooder in good condition. These acts of kindness shall not be beaminingandis andherebYallowingapp°intedsaidfOraccounteX- Watches ,. 00 ...... Reasonable. • Mrs. Robertson, 1¾ soon forgotten. Mr. and Mrs. A. E., "and Kearing said petition; miles, east of New Greenleaf. 6- Bartlett, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. bar- It Is Further Ordered, That public .SEE US FOR GOOD VALUES 6-2* ling. 6-6-1p notice thereof be given by publication THE GIFT THEY WILL of a copy of this order, for three sue- FOR SALE A Fordson tractor, gov- WE DESIRE to express gratitude to eessive weeks previous to said day of USE FOR YEARS AF- IN TRADE-INS ernor and pulleys; in good running our dear friends-and neighbors for hearing', in the Cuss City Chronicle, order. Will take cows or young their untiring kindness and sympa= a newspaper printed and circulated in TERwARDS. sto~k in exchange. Nelson Robert- thy during the long illness and at said county. son. 5-30-* the time of the death of our dear GUY G. HILL MAY & DOUGLAS Judge of Probate. Ao H. HIGGINS daughter and sister. Words can- A true copy. ANYONE wishing to hire a man by not express how much we appreci- Mints E. Hill, Jeweler and Optome{rist. day or month, call Chas. Hirsch, ate them. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Registrar of Probate. " _ . - ,~ Phone 161-F21. 6-6-1p Hegler and Family. 5-30-3 ~ /