HIS9F6: Protests, Riots and Propaganda: Popular Politics in Eighteenth Century Britain | University of Stirling
10/01/21 HIS9F6: Protests, Riots and Propaganda: Popular Politics in Eighteenth Century Britain | University of Stirling HIS9F6: Protests, Riots and Propaganda: View Online Popular Politics in Eighteenth Century Britain E V Macleod Aspinall, A. (1949) Politics and the press, c.1780-1850. Home and Van Thal. Barker, H. (1996) ‘Catering for Provisional Tastes: Newspapers, Readership and Profit in Late Eighteenth-Century England’, Historical Research, 69(168), pp. 42–61. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2281.1996.tb01841.x. Barker, H. (2000) ‘Growth of newspapers, IN: Newspapers, politics and English society 1695-1855’, in Newspapers, politics and English society, 1695-1855. Harlow: Longman, pp. 29–45. Barker, Hannah and Chalus, Elaine (1997) Gender in eighteenth-century England: roles, representations and responsibilities. London: Longman. Bennett, Betty T. (1976) British war poetry in the age of romanticism, 1793-1815. New York: Garland Pub. Bindman, D. (1999) ‘Prints’, in An Oxford companion to the Romantic age: British culture, 1776-1832. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 207–213. Bob Harris (1995) ‘The London Evening Post and Mid-Eighteenth-Century British Politics’, The English Historical Review, 110(439), pp. 1132–1156. Available at: http://www.jstor.org.ezproxy.stir.ac.uk/stable/577253. Bohstedt, J. (1988) ‘GENDER, HOUSEHOLD AND COMMUNITY POLITICS: WOMEN IN ENGLISH RIOTS 1790–1810’, Past and Present, 120(1), pp. 88–122. doi: 10.1093/past/120.1.88. Booth, A. (1977a) ‘FOOD RIOTS IN THE NORTH–WEST OF ENGLAND 1790–1801’, Past and Present, 77(1), pp. 84–107. doi: 10.1093/past/77.1.84. Booth, A. (1977b) ‘FOOD RIOTS IN THE NORTH–WEST OF ENGLAND 1790–1801’, Past and Present, 77(1), pp.
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