Cymdeithas Royal Noddwr / Patron: Her Majesty The Queen Amaethyddol Welsh Llywydd / President: Simone V B Thomas FRAgS Frenhinol Agricultural Cymru Society

Ffair Aeaf Winter Fair 2019

25 & 26 Tachwedd / November

Atodlen a Rheolau

Sioe Ddofednod Ffair Aeaf Frenhinol Cymru

Schedule and Regulations

Royal Welsh Winter Fair Show

A Championship Status Show

Pafiliwn Fwr a Fflu Fur & Feather Pavilion Dydd Mawrth 26 Tachwedd Tuesday 26 November Ceisiadau Olaf Closing date for entries 21 Hydref / October 2019

Tâl Ymgeisio Entry Fee £2.00 per entry: Poultry £1.00 per entry: Eggs

Cyflwyniad Gwobrau Presentation of Awards

Dydd Mawrth 26 Tachwedd / Tuesday 26 November


Gwobrau Prizes Prize Cards will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, 3rd in each class, Supreme and Reserve Supreme Champion and Show Champions Rosettes will be awarded to Show Champions

Manylion Cyswllt Contact details Mrs Bethan Davies CAFC Cyf / RWAS Ltd. Llanelwedd Llanfair ym Muallt / Builth Wells Powys LD2 3SY

01982 554 411

[email protected]


Championships, Trios & Eggs Mr Ian Sissons, East Sussex

Large Soft Feather Mr Philip Smedley, North Yorkshire

Bantam Soft Feather TBC

Large & Hard Feather Mr Steven Wilson, Lancashire

True Bantams Mr Peter Simpkins, Monmouthshire

Waterfowl Mr & Dr Ashton, Powys

Junior, Juveniles & Trios TBC

Cadeirydd Pwyllgor Sioe Dofednod Ffair Aeaf Frenhinol Cymru Chairman of Royal Welsh Winter Fair Poultry Show Committee: Mr Stephen Kinsey Pugh

Is-Gadeirydd Pwyllgor Sioe Dofednod Ffair Aeaf Frenhinol Cymru Vice-Chairman of Royal Welsh Winter Fair Poultry Show Committee: Mr Huw Thomas OBE OStJ


Prif Steward Adrannol / Chief Sectional Steward Mr Paul Tucker

Prif Stiward / Senior Steward (Adran Plu Meddal / Soft Feather Section) Mr Peter Morgan

Prif Stiward / Senior Steward (Adran Plu Caled / Hard Feather Section) Mr Howard Davies

Prif Stiward / Senior Steward (Adar Dŵr / Waterfowl) Mr Roy Pryce

Stiwardiaid Gwobrau / Awards Stewards Mr Edward Page Miss Nina Morgan

Stiwardiaid / Stewards Mrs Sue Andrew Mr Keith Brain Mr Huw Page Mrs Sue Black Mr Martin Woolway Mrs Isobel Dawson Mr Rob Walker Mr Wyn James Mr David Davies Miss Michaela Devereux Mr David Andrew Mr Joseph Thomas Mr Gethin Lewis

Dosbarthiadau Triawd / Trio Classes

1. Any variety large hard feather 2. Any variety large soft feather 3. Any variety bantam hard feather 4. Any variety bantam soft feather 5. Any variety true bantam

Plu Caled Mawr / Large Hard Feather

6. OEG any colour male 7. OEG any colour female 8. OEG Oxford Type, any colour male 9. OEG Oxford Type, any colour female 10. Any variety Asian Game male / female 11. Indian or Jubilee Game male / female 12. male / female

Corieir Plu Caled / Bantams Hard Feather

13. OEG Spangle cock 14. OEG Spangle hen 15. OEG Spangle cockerel 16. OEG Spangle pullet 17. OEG Black Red cock 18. OEG Clay or Wheaten hen 19. OEG Black Red cockerel 20. OEG Clay or Wheaten pullet 21. OEG Black / Blue cock 22. OEG Black / Blue cockerel 23. OEG Black hen 24. OEG Black pullet 25. OEG Blue hen 26. OEG Blue pullet 27. OEG Pile or Duckwing or Partridge male 28. OEG Pile or Duckwing or Partridge female 29. OEG Brassy Black or Blue or Furness cock 30. OEG Polecat, Furness, Salmon Breasted Blue hen 31. OEG Brassy Black or Blue or Furness cockerel 32. OEG Polecat, Furness, Salmon Breasted Blue pullet 33. OEG any other colour cock 34. OEG any other colour hen 35. OEG any other colour cockerel 36. OEG any other colour pullet 37. OEG any colour muff / tassel male 38. OEG any colour muff / tassel female 39. Modern Game Pile or Duckwing male 40. Modern Game Pile or Duckwing female 41. Modern Game Black Red male 42. Modern Game Black Red female 43. Modern Game Birchen or Brown Red male 44. Modern Game Birchen or Brown Red female 45. Modern Game any other colour male 46. Modern Game any other colour female 47. Any Variety Asian Game male 48. Any Variety Asian Game female 49. Indian or Jubilee Game male / female 50. Any other variety hard feather male / female

Plu Meddal Mawr Trwm/ Large Soft Feather - Heavy

51. Any colour Australorp male / female 52. Barnevelder male / female 53. Any colour Brahma male / female 54. Any colour Cochin male / female 55. Any colour Maran male / female 56. Buff Orpington male / female 57. Any other colour Orpington male / female 58. Rhode Island Red male / female 59. Any colour Sussex male / female 60. Any colour Wyandotte male / female 61. Any other variety male / female

Plu Meddal Mawr – Ysgafn / Large Soft Feather – Light

62. Any colour Hamburgh male / female 63. Ancona male / female 64. Any colour Leghorn male / female 65. Any colour Minorca male 66. Any colour Minorca female 67. White Silkie male / female 68. Any other colour Silkie male / female 69. Welsummer male / female 70. Autosexing Breed male / female 71. Any other variety male / female 72. Any variety bred 2019 – Heavy / Light male / female 73. Utility – Heavy / Light female

Bridiau Prin / Rare Breeds

74. Any variety large male 75. Any variety large female 76. Any variety bantam - soft feather male 77. Any variety bantam - soft feather female 78. Any variety bantam – hard feather male / female

Corieir Plu Meddal / Bantams Soft Feather – Heavy

79. Any colour Australorp male 80. Any colour Australorp female 81. Any colour Brahma male / female 82. Barnevelder male / female 83. Any colour Orpington male 84. Any colour Orpington female 85. Any colour Rock male 86. Any colour Rock female 87. Rhode Island Red male 88. Rhode Island Red female 89. Any colour Sussex male 90. Any colour Sussex female 91. White Wyandotte male 92. White Wyandotte female 93. Any other colour Wyandotte male 94. Any other colour Wyandotte female 95. German Langshan male / female 96. New Hampshire Red male / female 97. Autosexing Breed male / female 98. Any other variety male / female 99. Any variety bred 2019 male / female

Corieir Plu Meddal / Bantams Soft Feather - Light

100. Ancona male / female 101. Araucana male / female 102. Any colour Leghorn male 103. Any colour Leghorn female 104. Any colour Minorca male 105. Any colour Minorca female 106. Any colour Poland male / female 107. Welsummer male / female 108. Any colour Silkie male / female 109. Any variety bred 2019 male / female

Corieir Gwir / True Bantams

110. Belgian, Barbu d’Uccles male / female 111. Belgian, Barbu d’Anvers, any colour male 112. Belgian, Barbu d'Anvers, any colour female 113. Watermale male / female 114. Any Other Variety Belgian male / female 115. Booted, any colour male / female 116. Dutch Gold Partridge male 117. Dutch Gold Partridge female 118. Dutch AOC Colour male 119. Dutch AOC Colour female 120. Any colour Japanese male / female 121. Black Pekin male 122. Black Pekin female 123. White Pekin male 124. White Pekin female 125. Any other colour Pekin male 126. Any other colour Pekin female 127. Any colour male / female 128. Silver Sebright male 129. Silver Sebright female 130. Gold Sebright male 131. Gold Sebright female 132. male / female 133. Any other variety true bantam male / female 134. Any variety true bantam bred 2019 male / female J

Dosbarthiadau Ieuanc / Juvenile Classes

Ieuainc - 12 oed i o dan 16 ar ddiwrnod y sioe Juveniles 12 to under 16 on day of show Ar 135. Any variety large male / female 136. Any hard feather bantam male / female 137. Any soft feather bantam male 138. Any soft feather bantam female 139. Any true bantam male 140. Any true bantam female 141. Any variety pet male / female 142. Any variety waterfowl drake / duck

Dosbarthiadau Iau / Junior Classes

Iau – 5 - 11 oed ac oddi tano ar ddiwrnod y sioe Juniors – 5 - 11 years and under on the day of the show

143. Junior Handler Competition - Any variety (Exhibitors to be with exhibits for judging at 10.00am) 144. Any variety large male / female 145. Any variety hard feather bantam male / female 146. Any variety soft feather bantam male / female 147. Any variety true male / female 148. Any variety pet chicken male / female 149. Any variety waterfowl drake / duck ADAR DŴR / WATERFOWL Gwyddau / Geese

150. Brecon Buff gander 151. Brecon Buff 152. Any variety Heavy gander / goose 153. Any variety Medium gander / goose 154. Any variety Light gander / goose

Hwyaid Trwm / Heavy Ducks

155. Aylesbury drake / duck 156. Cayuga drake / duck 157. Muscovy drake / duck 158. Pekin drake / duck 159. Saxony drake / duck 160. Any other variety Heavy drake 161. Any other variety Heavy duck

Hwyaid Ysgafn / Light Ducks

162. Any colour Campbell drake / duck 163. Any colour Crested drake / duck 164. Indian Runner White drake 165. Indian Runner White duck 166. Trout Runner male / female 167. Fawn Runner male / female 168. Indian Runner, any other colour drake 169. Indian Runner, any other colour duck 170. Orpington drake / duck 171. drake 172. Welsh Harlequin duck 173. Any other variety Light drake 174. Any other variety Light duck

Hwyaid Corieir / Bantam Ducks

175. White Call drake 176. White Call duck 177. Mallard Call drake / duck 178. Blue Fawn Call drake / duck 179. Silver Call drake 180. Silver Call duck 181. Apricot Call drake 182. Apricot Call duck 183. Black or Blue Bibbed Call drake / duck 184. Any other colour Standard Call drake 185. Any other colour Standard Call duck 186. Any Call bred 2019 drake 187. Any Call bred 2019 duck 188. Non Standard colour call drake 189. Non Standard colour call duck 190. Any colour Miniature Crested drake / duck 191. Miniature drake / duck 192. Any other variety Miniature drake / duck


193. Any variety Turkey stag 194. Any variety Turkey hen


(Ni fydd y ceisiadau yn y dosbarthiadau wyau addurnedig yn gymwys am y gwobrau arbennig / Entries in the decorated egg classes are not eligible for the special prizes)

195. Six eggs, any colour, large, bantam or waterfowl 196. Three eggs, large, brown 197. Three eggs, large, any other colour 198. Three eggs, bantam, brown 199. Three eggs, bantam, any other colour 200. Three eggs, waterfowl 201. Single egg, large any colour 202. Single egg, bantam any colour 203. Single egg, waterfowl, any colour 204. Single egg contents, large 205. Single egg contents, bantam 206. Single egg contents, waterfowl 207. Best decorated egg

GWOBRAU ARBENNIG / SPECIAL PRIZES Cash specials will be given by the RWAS as follows:

SPECIAL PRIZE 1 Supreme Show Champion – will be awarded The Royal Welsh Winter Fair Poultry Show Championship Shield plus £20.00 Reserve Supreme Show Champion – £10.00

Welsh Royal Crystal Prizes given by the RWAS for section Champions as follows: SP2 Champion Trio Entry SP3 Champion Large Hard Feather SP4 Champion Bantam Hard Feather - OEG SP5 Champion Any Other Hard Feather Bantam SP6 Champion Large Soft Feather - Heavy SP7 Champion Large Soft Feather - Light SP8 Champion Bantam Soft Feather - Heavy SP9 Champion Bantam Soft Feather - Light SP10 Champion Bantam - True SP11 Champion Light Duck SP12 Champion Heavy Duck SP13 Champion Miniature Duck SP14 Champion Egg SP15 Champion Rare Breed SP16 Champion Goose SP17 Champion Turkey SP18 Champion Juvenile SP19 Champion Junior

The Poultry Club of Great Britain: (Kate Dickinson, Chattlehope House, Catcleugh, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE19 1TY, 01830 520856) offers for Championship Status Shows the following awards: Gold Award for Show Champion Silver Award for Reserve Champion Bronze award card to Champion Trio Bronze award card to Champion Large Hard Feather Bronze award card to winning Bantam Hard Feather Bronze award card to winning Large Soft Feather Heavy Bronze award card to winning Large Soft Feather Light Bronze award card to winning Bantam Soft Feather Heavy Bronze award card to winning Bantam Soft Feather Light Bronze award card to winning True Bantam Bronze award card to winning Rare Breed Bronze award card to winning Waterfowl Bronze award card to winning Eggs Bronze award card to winning Best Juvenile Bronze award card to winning Utility Bronze award card to winning Turkey

The Poultry Show is held under the rules of the Poultry Club and entries are accepted on the understanding that exhibitors agree to abide by these rules.

The Poultry Club of Wales offers prize cards to the Champion in each section and Coasters for the Champion Junior and Champion Juvenile. RHEOLAU I’R YMGEISWYR RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR COMPETITORS

1. Entry forms must be sent to: Mrs Bethan Davies, RWAS Ltd., Llanelwedd, Builth Wells, Powys, LD2 3SY no later than Monday 21 October 2019. NO LATE ENTRIES ALLOWED 2. An exhibitor entering £10.50 or more, will be allowed one free admission ticket to the Fair. Juveniles who enter £3.50 or more will be allowed one free child admission ticket to the Fair. Empty pens will be monitored. 3. NO BIRDS CAN BE ENTERED ON THE DAY OF THE SHOW 4. Please make cheques / postal orders payable to the RWAS Ltd. 5. Exhibitors are requested to mark their envelope in which they send their entry forms to the Society 'POULTRY SHOW'. 6. Birds will not be fed or watered. Exhibitors to provide own drinkers. Water and watering cans will be available in the Pavilion. 7. Entries in juvenile classes to be penned by juveniles 12 to under 16 on day of Show. 8. All birds to be penned by 9.00am. Judging will commence at 9.30am prompt. 9. Restricted opening will be allowed to the public during judging. 10. Security tags will be available for use upon request on completion of judging. 11. Presentation of prizes to take place at 3.00pm. 12. Unpenning 3.30pm, all exhibits must remain in their cages until this time. No birds to be left in the building after 4pm. No person may handle, pen or repack any exhibit without the permission of the stewards in charge. 13. The Royal Welsh Agricultural Society is committed to protecting your personal data and processing it only in accordance with legal requirements. For more details you should request a copy of our GDPR policy. We process your personal data as it is necessary for the performance of our contract with you to facilitate your entry to the Show. We will not transfer your data outside of the EEA (European Economic Area) and will not share your data with third parties. Results will also be circulated with members of the Press and published on our website. We retain your data in accordance with our retention schedule to simplify future applications. You have various rights in the data we hold including rectification and objecting to processing. 14. The Society and stewards will take reasonable care for the safety of exhibits only, but it must be distinctly understood by exhibitors and all other persons, that the Society will not be responsible for the entire or partial loss, or detention of, or damage to any exhibit during transit or at the Fair, whether arising from an accident or any other cause whatsoever, nor for any act of omission of themselves their officers, agents, servants, or others, and it is on this understanding only that entries are received, and exhibitors will be required to hold the Society blameless in the event of any loss. 15. NEW PARKING FOR POULTRY EXHIBITORS 2019 On completion of unloading Poultry exhibitors are asked to remove their vehicles and park in the designated parking area in the Forestry section entry via the FORESTRY GATE. Only exhibitors with the official 'Poultry Exhibitors Car Pass' will be able to gain entry into this area. This gate will be locked at 9.30am and reopened and manned between 3.00pm and 4.00pm. After this time exhibitors would have to park on the Lower Showground after delivering their exhibits. Parking will be co-ordinated by the security company; your co- operation would be very much appreciated. 16. Junior Competition - Exhibitors to be with exhibits for judging at 10.00am. Please note that a steward could be available on request to communicate in the Welsh Language. 17. The Society will comply with Welsh Government on the movement of birds. The Society reserves the right to cancel the section or introduce advance biosecurity procedures. In the event of this being necessary, the full co-operation of the exhibitors would be much appreciated. 18. No entry fees will be reimbursed if the competition is staged with permission from the Chief Veterinary Officer for Wales and the contingency planned implemented in the event of an outbreak of a notifiable disease within the UK.