Fish Specialist Report for the Sawmill Canyon Vegetation
Fish Specialist Report for the Sawmill Canyon Vegetation Management Project Lost River Ranger District Salmon-Challis National Forest Custer County and Lemhi County, Idaho T12N, R25E, Sections 1 and 2; T12N, R26E, Sections 5-8; T13N, R25E, Sections 25 and 36; T13N, R26E, Sections 30 and 31 (Boise Meridian) Prepared by: Signature: Date: March 21, 2015 Bart L. Gamett South Zone Fish Biologist Salmon-Challis National Forest Signature: Date: March 21, 2015 Caselle L. Wood Fish Technician Salmon-Challis National Forest 0 1. Introduction The Sawmill Canyon Vegetation Management Project is located in the Sawmill Canyon drainage approximately 35 miles northeast of Mackay (Figure 1). This document is a specialist report that addresses fish related topics associated with this project. The report is organized into the following sections: 1. Introduction 2. Alternatives 3. Issue Analysis 4. Effects to Fish Species with Special Designations 5. Compliance with the Forest Plan and INFISH 2. Alternatives This section of the specialist report describes each of the alternatives associated with the project. The Forest is analyzing three alternatives for this project: 1) no action alternative (with wildfire), 2) the proposed action, and 3) helicopter logging alternative. Each of these is described in detail below. A. No Action Alternative Under this alternative, the Forest Service would not implement the Sawmill Canyon Vegetation Management Project. Natural and man caused processes would continue until an agent of change disrupts the vegetation patterns across the management area. Since 2000 the Salmon- Challis National Forest has experienced many agents of change including a mountain pine beetle epidemic, a spruce bud worm epidemic, loss of subalpine fir through a defoliator, and several fires of over 5,000 acres including one that was over 160,000 acres.
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