Checklist and Photographic Guide for the

Birds of

San Juan County, New Mexico By Tim Reeves

© September 2016 S – Spring March - May Print this checklist on 8 ½ x 11” paper; single-sided = 7 pg; d-s = 4 pg. S – Summer June – July See for reported sightings and photos taken of those individual F – Fall August – November . Also bar graphs with weekly abundance of each species. W – Winter December – February See for rare hotline, database of NM bird sightings and photos. Most species are documented. Undocumented Species are in ( ) a = Abundant – easy to find, numerous c = Common – certain in suitable habitats u = Uncommon – not usually seen but a regular inhabitant o = Occasional – usually seen a few times a season r = Rare – seen once every few years x = Accidental – recorded, unexpected * = Evidence of breeding ** = Former breeder, no recent records + = Nest built, no documented young raised

I = Introduced X = Formerly here, not seen in years % = Native species, but not native here # = Probably not a wild bird

This checklist is based on the Four Corners Bird Club members’ sightings, the author’s sightings and photographs, and sightings by Frank & Valerie Bowman, John & Jan Rees, and Alan Nelson, and published records on and in Audubon Field Notes, American Birds, and New Mexico Ornithological Society Field Notes, and NMOS Online Searchable Database, and with many records submitted by members of the Tuesday Morning Bird Walking Group in Animas Park, and the records kept of Animas and Berg Parks by Indigo Bunting X Lazuli Bunting hybrid male singing on territory in Donna Thatcher. Report unusual, accidental and rare sightings to Animas Park, Farmington, NM, 09 July 2008. ©Tim Reeves, 2016. Tim Reeves 505 330-8766, [email protected].

S S F W S S F W WATERFOWL Bufflehead u _ c c Greater White-fronted o _ x o Common Goldeneye _ r o u Greater White-fronted Goose X Canada Goose x? _ _ x Barrow’s Goldeneye X _ _ u u Graylag Goose (I) u u u u Hooded Merganser u _ _ o Snow Goose o r? o c Common Merganser* u o u u Blue morph _ _ _ o Red-breasted Merganser _ _ x x White morph o r? o c Ruddy * c o c u Ross’s Goose o _ o u QUAIL Blue morph _ _ _ o Scaled Quail*(I) u u u u White morph _ _ _ u Gambel’s Quail* u u u u (Barnacle Goose)% _ _ _ x PHEASANTS,GROUSE, TURKEYS Cackling Goose _ _ _ _ Chukar*(I) r r r r Canada Goose* u u c c Ring-necked Pheasant*(I) c c c c (Mute ) (I) _ _ _ _ Dusky Grouse r r r r Trumpeter Swan% u _ ? u Wild Turkey* u u u u Tundra Swan _ r r o LOONS Egyptian Goose (I) _ _ _ r (Red-throated Loon) x _ _ x Muscovy Duck (I) u u u u Pacific Loon _ _ _ x Wood Duck* o o c o Common Loon u r r u Gadwall c o c u Yellow-billed Loon x _ _ x Eurasian Wigeon x _ _ _ GREBES American Wigeon u o c c (Least Grebe) x _ _ _ Mallard* c a a a Pied-billed Grebe* u o u u Northern c a a a Horned Grebe x _ _ r (Mexican) r _ _ _ Red-necked Grebe _ _ x x Mallard hybrid Northern ssp. X Mexican Eared Grebe* u o u u ssp. _ _ _ u Western Grebe u u c u Mallard X American Wigeon _ _ _ x Clark’s Grebe o u o o Blue-winged Teal u o u r Western Grebe X Clark’s Grebe hybrid x _ _ _ Cinnamon Teal* c c c o SHEARWATERS and PETRELS Northern Shoveler u o c u (Audubon's Shearwater) _ x _ _ Northern Pintail u o c c CORMORANTS Green-winged Teal c o c c Neotropic Cormorant x x x _ Canvasback o _ u u Double-crested Cormorant u u r o Redhead* o o u u PELICANS Ring-necked Duck* u _ u c American White Pelican o r o r Greater Scaup r _ r o Brown Pelican u u x _ Lesser Scaup o _ u u HERONS Surf Scoter x x r _ American Bittern* u u r o White-winged Scoter _ _ x _ Least Bittern** _ x _ _ Long-tailed Duck _ _ _ x Great Blue Heron* u c c c S S F W S S F W Great Egret r x r x dark morph _ _ _ r Snowy Egret u u u _ Ferruginous Hawk* Little Blue Heron x _ x _ light morph c u c c Cattle Egret r _ r _ rufous morph u u u u Green Heron* o c o r dark morph u u u u Black-crowned Night-Heron* c c c c Rough-legged Hawk IBISES light morph r _ o u Glossy Ibis x u _ _ brown morph _ _ _ r White-faced Ibis*? u c u _ dark morph _ _ _ _ White-faced X glossy Ibis r r _ _ Golden Eagle* o o u u NEW WORLD VULTURES RAILS, GALINULES, and COOTS Turkey Vulture* c c c _ Virginia Rail* c c u o California Condor (I) _ _ _ x Sora* c c u o OSPREYS Common Gallinule** X _ _ _ r Osprey* o c o _ American Coot* c u a a EAGLES, HAWKS CRANES (White-tailed Kite) _ _ _ _ Sandhill Crane u u u u Mississippi Kite x x _ _ Whooping Crane% _ _ x _ Bald Eagle*+ u r u c STILTS and AVOCETS Northern Harrier* c c c c Black-necked Stilt* o o r _ Sharp-shinned Hawk* o r u c American Avocet* c o u _ Cooper’s Hawk* u c c c PLOVERS Northern Goshawk* u u u o Black-bellied Plover o _ o r Common Black-Hawk _ x _ _ Snowy Plover u _ u _ Harris’s Hawk# x _ _ x Semipalmated Plover o o o _ Broad-winged Hawk _ _ _ x Killdeer* c c c u Swainson’s Hawk* Mountain Plover* _ r r _ light morph c u o _ SANDPIPERS and PHALAROPES dark morph _ _ _ x Spotted Sandpiper* c c c c Zone-tailed Hawk x _ _ _ Solitary Sandpiper r x r _ Red-tailed Hawk* Wandering Tattler _ _ x _ Western (calurus) c c c c Greater Yellowlegs u u u r light morph c c c c Willet u u u _ rufous morph u u u Lesser Yellowlegs o u u _ dark morph _ _ _ r Whimbrel r r _ _ Southwestern (fuertes) _ _ _ _ Long-billed Curlew o r o r calurus x fuertes _ _ _ _ Marbled Godwit u r o _ Eastern (borealis) _ _ _ x Ruddy Turnstone x _ x _ Krider’s _ _ x _ (Red Knot) _ x r _ Harlan’s _ _ _ r Stilt Sandpiper u u u _ light morph _ _ _ _ Sanderling o r o _ S S F W S S F W Dunlin _ _ r r (Common Ground Dove) x _ _ _ Baird’s Sandpiper r u o _ White-winged Dove* u u u u Least Sandpiper c u c r Mourning Dove* c c c c White-rumped Sandpiper x u _ _ CUCKOOS Pectoral Sandpiper _ u o _ Yellow-billed Cuckoo* x o r _ Semipalmated Sandpiper u r u _ Greater Roadrunner r r r r Western Sandpiper c c u _ BARN OWLS Short-billed Dowitcher x _ x x Barn Owl* u u u r Long-billed Dowitcher o o u r TYPICAL OWLS Wilson’s Snipe o _ o u Flammulated Owl* r u _ _ Wilson’s Phalarope c o c _ Western Screech-Owl* u u u u Red-necked Phalarope r _ r _ Great Horned Owl* c c c c (Red Phalarope) _ _ _ _ Northern Pygmy-Owl* u u u u GULLS, TERNS and SKIMMERS Burrowing Owl* u u u r (Black-legged Kittiwake) _ _ _ _ Spotted Owl*X _ x _ _ Sabine’s Gull _ _ u _ Long-eared Owl* c c c c Bonapart’s Gull o r o x Short-eared Owl r _ r r Laughing Gull _ x x _ Northern Saw-whet Owl* _ r r u Franklin’s Gull c o u r GOATSUCKERS Mew Gull u r r u Common Nighthawk* o o o _ Ring-billed Gull c a c c Common Poorwill * _ u u _ California Gull u c o c SWIFTS Ring-billed Gull X California Gull _ _ _ x Black Swift _ x x _ Herring Gull o _ o o Chaetura sp.(Chimney or Vaux's Swift) x _ _ _ Herring Gull hybrid _ _ _ x White-throated Swift* c c c r Thayer’s Gull x _ _ o HUMMINGBIRDS Lesser Black-backed Gull _ _ _ o Magnificent Hummingbird u u u _ Glaucous Gull x _ _ x (Blue-throated Hummingbird) _ r _ _ Least Tern u r _ _ Black-chinned Hummingbird* c c c _ Caspian Tern r r x _ (Anna’s Hummingbird) _ _ x _ Black Tern u u u _ (Costa's Hummingbird) ? _ _ _ Common Tern _ u u _ Rufous Hummingbird x a c _ Arctic Tern r r _ _ Broad-tailed Hummingbird* c c u _ Forster’s Tern c o u _ Calliope Hummingbird _ o o _ Elegant Tern _ x _ _ (Broad-billed Hummingbird) _ _ x _ Black Skimmer x _ _ _ KINGFISHERS PIGEONS and DOVES Belted Kingfisher* u u u u Rock Pigeon* c c c c WOODPECKERS Band-tailed Pigeon* u u u u Lewis’s Woodpecker* u u u c Eurasian Collared-Dove* a a a a Red-headed Woodpecker* _ u _ _ Inca Dove x x x r Acorn Woodpecker* o o o _ S S F W S S F W Red-bellied Woodpecker _ _ _ x (Bell's Vireo) _ x _ _ Williamson’s Sapsucker* _ u o u Gray Vireo* u c u _ Red-naped Sapsucker* o o u u Plumbeous Vireo* c c u _ Red-naped X Red-breasted Sapsucker _ _ r _ Cassin’s Vireo c _ c _ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker x _ _ _ (Hutton's Vireo) _ x _ _ Ladder-backed Woodpecker _ x x x Warbling Vireo* c u c _ Downy Woodpecker* c c c c (Red-eyed Vireo) x? _ x _ Hairy Woodpecker* u o u u JAYS, CROWS American Three-toed Woodpecker* r r r r Pinyon Jay * u u u u Northern Flicker* c c c c Steller’s Jay* c c c c Yellow-shafted x x x x (Blue Jay) _ _ _ x Red-shafted* c c c c Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay* u u u u Yellow-shafted X Red-shafted _ _ _ r Clark’s Nutcracker* o o o o CARACARAS and FALCONS Black-billed Magpie* u u u u Crested Caracara (I) _ _ x _ American Crow* c c c c American Kestrel* c u c c Common Raven* a a a a Merlin r _ r u LARKS Peregrine Falcon* u u u u Horned Lark* a a a a Prairie Falcon* u u u u SWALLOWS TYRANT FLYCATCHERS Purple Martin* u u r _ Olive-sided Flycatcher* o u o _ Tree Swallow c r u r Western Wood-Pewee* c c c _ Violet-green Swallow* c c u _ Willow Flycatcher* u u u _ Northern Rough-winged Swallow* c c c _ Hammond’s Flycatcher* u u u _ Bank Swallow* o r o _ Gray Flycatcher* u c o _ Cliff Swallow* c a c _ Dusky Flycatcher* u u u _ Barn Swallow* c a c _ Cordilleran Flycatcher u r u _ CHICKADEES and TITMICE Black Phoebe* u o x _ Black-capped Chickadee* c c c c (Eastern Phoebe) r _ _ _ Mountain Chickadee* c c c c Say’s Phoebe* c c c o Juniper Titmouse* u u u u (Vermillion Flycatcher) x _ x _ BUSHTITS Ash-throated Flycatcher* c c u _ Bushtit* c c c c Cassin’s Kingbird* u c o _ NUTHATCHES Western Kingbird* c a c r Red-breasted Nuthatch* u u u u Eastern Kingbird* o o x _ White-breasted Nuthatch* c c c c (Scissor-tailed Flycatcher) x x _ _ Pygmy Nuthatch* c c c c SHRIKES CREEPERS Loggerhead Shrike* c c c c Brown Creeper* c c c c Northern Shrike o _ r o WRENS VIREOS Rock Wren* c c c o White-eyed Vireo _ x _ _ Canyon Wren* u c u o S S F W S S F W House Wren* c c c r (Ovenbird) r x x _ (Winter Wren) x _ x x (Worm-eating Warbler) x _ x _ (Sedge Wren) _ _ _ x Northern Waterthrush u _ u _ Marsh Wren* c c c u Blue-winged Warbler x _ _ _ Bewick’s Wren* c c c c (Black-and white Warbler) r x _ _ GNATCATCHERS Prothonotary Warbler _ _ x _ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher* c c c r (Tennessee Warbler) x _ r? _ DIPPERS Orange-crowned Warbler* c _ c r American Dipper x x x u Lucy’s Warbler r r r _ KINGLETS Nashville Warbler r _ u _ Golden-crowned Kinglet x _ o r Virginia’s Warbler* o r r _ Ruby-crowned Kinglet c c c u McGillivray’s Warbler* u x c _ THRUSHES Kentucky Warbler _ x _ _ Eastern Bluebird _ _ _ x Common Yellowthroat* c c c x Western Bluebird* c c c c (American Redstart) u _ r _ Mountain Bluebird* c c c c (Cape May Warbler) x _ x? _ Townsend’s Solitaire o o o u Northern Parula x _ _ x Swainson’s Thrush r x x _ Yellow-rumped Warbler* c c c c Hermit Thrush u u u u Audubon’s* a c c c American Robin* a c c a Myrtle o r o u Varied Thrush _ _ x x Audubon’s X Myrtle r r r c MOCKINGBIRDS,THRASHERS (Magnolia Warbler) _ _ x _ Gray Catbird r r r _ (Bay-breasted Warbler) x _ _ _ (Curve-billed Thrasher) r r x _ Yellow Warbler* c c c? _ (Brown Thrasher) o _ o x Chestnut-sided Warbler x? _ x _ Bendire’s Thrasher* r r r _ Blackpoll Warbler x _ x _ Sage Thrasher* u u u o Black-throated Blue Warbler _ _ x x? Northern Mockingbird* c c u o (Palm Warbler) x _ _ _ STARLINGS (Yellow-throated Warbler) _ x _ _ European Starling* a a a a Grace's Warbler* c c c _ PIPITS Black-throated Gray Warbler* u u u _ American Pipit o _ o u Townsend’s Warbler o _ o _ WAXWINGS (Black-throated Green Warbler) x _ x _ Bohemian Waxwing r _ r r Wilson’s Warbler c r c x Cedar Waxwing* c c c c Yellow-breasted Chat* c c u _ SILKY-FLYCATCHERS SPARROWS Phainopepla r r _ _ Green-tailed Towhee u u u x LONGSPURS Spotted Towhee* c c c c (McCown's Longspur) _ _ x _ (Rufous-crowned Sparrow) x _ _ _ Chestnut-collared Longspur u _ r _ Canyon Towhee* c c c c WOOD-WARBLERS Cassin’s Sparrow* _ u _ _

S S F W S S F W American Tree Sparrow _ _ u u Lazuli X Indigo Bunting* u u _ _ Chipping Sparrow* a c c r Lazuli X [inbu X lazuli] _ x _ _ (Clay-colored Sparrow) x _ _ _ Painted Bunting x _ _ _ Brewer’s Sparrow* c c c _ (Dickcissel) _ x x _ (Black-chinned Sparrow) x _ _ _ BLACKBIRDS Vesper Sparrow* c u c _ (Bobolink) x x _ _ Lark Sparrow* c c c _ Red-winged Blackbird* a a a a Black-throated Sparrow* c c c _ (Eastern Meadowlark) _ _ _ x Sagebrush Sparrow* u c c u Western Meadowlark* a a a c Lark Bunting* u o o _ Yellow-headed Blackbird* u u u u Savannah Sparrow u u u r Rusty Blackbird _ _ _ x (Grasshopper Sparrow) _ _ x _ Brewer’s Blackbird* a a a c (Baird's Sparow) x _ _ _ Common Grackle* o u _ r Fox Sparrow x _ _ _ Great-tailed Grackle* u u u c Song Sparrow* c c c c Brown-headed Cowbird* c c u o Lincoln’s Sparrow o _ r r Orchard Oriole x _ _ _ Swamp Sparrow _ _ _ r Hooded Oriole x _ _ _ White-throated Sparrow o _ _ o Bullock’s Oriole* c c c _ Harris’s Sparrow o _ r? o Scott’s Oriole* o o r _ White-crowned Sparrow FINCHES White-lored a r c a Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch _ _ _ r Dark-lored c r r u Black Rosy-Finch _ _ _ r Golden-crowned Sparrow r _ r r Brown-capped Rosy-Finch _ _ _ u Dark-eyed Junco Pine Grosbeak _ _ _ r Slate-colored _ _ r u House Finch* a a a a White-winged _ _ x x (Purple Finch) x x x x Oregon a _ c a Cassin’s Finch* o u o o Pink-sided _ _ u c Red Crossbill* u u u u Gray-headed* c c c c White-winged Crossbill _ _ _ x Canadian Rocky Mts _ _ _ o Pine Siskin* u c c c TANAGERS,CARDINAL, GROSBEAKS Lesser Goldfinch* Hepatic Tanager x _ x _ Black-backed r r r r (Summer Tanager) x r r _ Green-backed u c c c (Scarlet Tanager) x _ _ _ Lawrence’s Goldfinch x _ _ x Western Tanager* c c c _ American Goldfinch* c c c c (Northern Cardinal) _ _ _ _ Evening Grosbeak u o o u Rose-breasted Grosbeak o r r _ OLD WORLD SPARROWS Black-headed Grosbeak* c c c _ House Sparrow* a a a a Blue Grosbeak* u c c _ Lazuli Bunting* c c u _ Indigo Bunting* r r r _