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Recently, China Shenhua Energy Company Limited (the “Company”) obtained from the Ministry of Land and Resources of the People’s Republic of China the exploration permit for the coal resources in the northern area of Taigemiao of Dongsheng Coalfield in Autonomous Region. The major details of the exploration permit for the coal resources in the northern area are as follows:

1. Exploration rights permit holder: Shenhua Xinjie Energy Co., Ltd.

2. Name of exploration project: General prospecting of the coal resources in the northern area of Taigemiao of Dongsheng Coalfield in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

3. Geographic location: Wushen Banner and , Ordos City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

4. Exploration area: 343.54 square kilometers

5. Validity period: 12 May 2015 to 12 May 2018

The Company is currently in the process of applying for the exploration permit for the coal resources in the southern area of Taigemiao.

- 1 - Shenhua Xinjie Energy Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary controlled as to 60% by the Company. The Company will disclose the subsequent progress of the project in accordance with the requirements of the securities regulatory rules. Investors are advised to take note of investment risks.

By order of the Board China Shenhua Energy Company Limited Huang Qing Secretary to the Board

Beijing, 28 May 2015

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises the following: Dr. Zhang Yuzhuo, Dr. Ling Wen, Mr. Han Jianguo and Mr. Wang Xiaolin as executive directors, Mr. Chen Hongsheng as non-executive director, and Ms. Fan Hsu Lai Tai, Mr. Gong Huazhang and Mr. Guo Peizhang as independent non-executive directors.

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