Towards the 3D Web with Open Simulator

Iain Oliver∗, Alan Miller∗, Colin Allison∗, Sarah Kennedy∗, Lisa Dow∗, Anne Campbell∗ Chris Davies∗, and John McCaffery∗ ∗Computer Science, University of St Andrews

Abstract—Continuing advances and reduced costs in com- putational power, graphics processors and network bandwidth have led to 3D immersive multi-user virtual worlds becoming increasingly accessible while offering an improved and engaging Quality of Experience. At the same time the functionality of the World Wide Web continues to expand alongside the computing infrastructure it runs on and pages can now routinely accom- modate many forms of interactive multimedia components as standard features - streaming video for example. Inevitably there is an emerging expectation that the Web will expand further to incorporate immersive 3D environments. This is exciting because humans are well adapted to operating in 3D environments and it is challenging because existing software and skill sets are focused around competencies in 2D Web applications. Open Simulator (OpenSim) is a freely available open source tool- kit that empowers users to create and deploy their own 3D environments in the same way that anyone can create and deploy Fig. 1. Robert the Bruce in the Trancept of St Andrews Cathedral in 1318 a Web site. Its characteristics can be seen as a set of references as to how the 3D Web could be instantiated. This paper describes experiments carried out with OpenSim to better understand a closed centralised system to the concept of Open Vir- network and system issues, and presents experience in using tual Worlds (OVW). So, while a Virtual World provides a OpenSim to develop and deliver applications for education and persistent, mutable, programmable, shared 3D environment, cultural heritage. Evaluation is based upon observations of these which is dynamically loaded and users explore through the applications in use and measurements of systems both in the lab and in the wild. proxy of avatars, an OVW has all these features but extends Index Terms—Open Virtual Worlds, Quality of Experience, 3D user control in four ways: individuals and organisations may Web, System Evaluation, Experiential Learning provide their own VW services; clients and servers are open to customisation and extension; protocols are open standards I.INTRODUCTION so heterogeneous clients and servers can inter-operate; and The support for 3D graphical applications offered by today’s users may move easily between OVWs in a similar way to computing infrastructure makes the extension of the Web to following hyper-links [2] on the Web. OpenSim is very much include immersive environments possible in practice. In the focused on the idea of the 3D Web: OpenSimulator lacks immersive 3D Web users are a hyper-link away from an support for many of the game-specific features of Second Life experience such as: diving to the depths of the ocean to an (on purpose), while pursuing innovative directions towards underwater observatory; travelling back in time 600 years to becoming the bare bones, but extensible, server of the 3D 1 witness an ancient cathedral in its prime; defining their own Web . Emerging standard efforts support interoperability of 2 computer network and experimenting with traffic flows or virtual worlds . simply enjoying an immersive art exhibition. Virtual Worlds The contributions of the work reported in this paper lie are arguably the best pointers we have to the likely nature in advancing our understanding of immersive environments of the technologies which will evolve into the immersive 3D through the following activities: Web. While Second Life (SL) made a major impact in this 1) Deployment of applications demonstrating the functional area when it was deployed as a commercial service in 2003 contribution OVW technology offers in extending the it has subsequently become clear that SL’s centralised service Web. model has become a barrier to it evolving into the 3D web. 2) Discovering the relationship between Quality of Experi- The Open Simulator project (OpenSim) [1] in contrast is ence (QoE), Quality of Service (QoS) and the efficient a freely available open source tool-kit that empowers users use of system resources. to create and deploy their own immersive 3D environments 3) Experience in the applying of OVW technology to in ways that are directly analogous to how Web sites are support deployment in heterogeneous contexts. created and deployed. OpenSim uses SL’s messaging protocols 1 and is compatible with clients such as Firestorm, Impudence 2these include MPEG-V [3] and the IEEE and Dolphin. OpenSim offers a natural progression from Virtual Worlds working group P1828 Fig. 2. St Andrews Cathedral initial site visit. Fig. 3. Cathedral as consecrated in 1318. Fig. 4. Virtual Exhibition: Books in the Cathedral.

This paper is organised into the following sections: simulator allows students to set up networks consisting of Applications and Use Cases. The functionality supported routers, end-points and a choice of routing algorithm (link- by the immersive web is illustrated through the introduction state or distance vector) and instigate flows of data across of several OVW exemplar applications. them. The flow of packets and the dynamic updates to the Architecture and Interfaces. An overview of the architec- forwarding at each router are animated and students may tures supported by OpenSim systems and the range of deploy- change the topology or adjust data flows during a simulation. ment scenarios is given. A brief decomposition of components Linlithgow Palace was a residence of the Stuart Kings of that make up the OpenSim ecosystem is also provided. Scotland and St Andrews Cathedral was the largest religious User Quality of Experience. A basic taxonomy of the factors building in Scotland and the centre of religious life for some which impact upon a user’s QoE is developed. four hundred years between 1160 and 1560. Reconstructions of System Quality of Service. A measurement infrastructure is St Andrews Cathedral [4], [5] and Linlithgow Palace have been described which utilises client, server and network measure- developed. They are based on the best available evidence, and ments to build up an holistic understanding of the performance are the product of collaborative projects between historians, of virtual world applications. Quantitative measurements are archaeologists [6] and computer scientists. presented which illuminate the relationship between user QoE Figures 2, 3 and 4 show St Andrews Cathedral today; a and system QoS. view of the reconstruction circa 1318 AD and an interactive In the Wild. Experience of using OVW applications in medieval book exhibition located within the Cathedral. Virtual schools, universities and exhibition centres is presented. visitors explore the buildings’ architecture, interact with his- toric characters and engage with virtual exhibitions situated II.APPLICATIONS AND USE CASES within appropriate historical contexts. Figure 5 shows the Users access an OpenSim virtual world through a client reconstruction of Linlithgow Palace on a misty day, Figure 6 analogous to a web browser. At the heart of an OpenSim shows a school student engaging with the reconstruction and application is a 3D environment, which users explore through Figure 7 shows a still, where chroma key technology has the proxy of an avatar. Unlike web pages the user has presence. been used to place a palace guide within the King’s presence Other users are able to see an avatar’s actions and communi- chamber, in a movie of the reconstructed palace. cate in various ways including gestures, instant messaging and ”Further Away” is an art installation created by AM Radio, voice audio. This projection of presence enables collaborative which takes the viewer back in time to the 1930s. It is activities. primarily of aesthetic value. A further resource is an Un- OpenSim has sufficient flexibility to support a wide range derwater Observatory, in which students become underwater of immersive 3D applications. This is illustrated here by explorers and take a trip to an underwater lab, which contains a outlining some of the virtual world resources hosted on the classroom, observation rooms, and exhibits about marine life. 3 apollo opensim server . Apollo is used primarily to provide The reconstruction of Salt Pans on the coast at Brora a virtual world service for educational and cultural heritage provide digital conservation of a site [7] under threat from applications. Resources from the fields of education, computer coastal erosion. They were developed in collaboration with networking and cultural heritage include: Routing Island, St the Scottish Coastal Archaeology and the Problem of Erosion Andrews Cathedral, Linlithgow Palace, Further Away and Salt (SCAPE) project and consist of two sites. The first is a model Pans. based on a points cloud data set captured using a 3D laser Routing Island is an educational resource about Internet scanner. The second site is a reconstruction of Brora as it routing. It consists of a museum, lecture theatre, document was in the 16th Century. A of the excavation site repository and a routing simulator. The buildings contain links is shown in Figure 8, the virtual world model is shown in to on-line resources including videos, web pages and standards Figure 8 and the historical reconstruction in Figure 10. documents that are displayed in-world, in 3D structures. The These regions are the subject of real world quantitative and 3the URI is: and accounts may be created qualitative measurement studies which address both usability at and systems aspects of service provision. Fig. 5. Linlithgow Palace in the mist. Fig. 6. Interactive Engagement. Fig. 7. Palace Guide in the King’s Presence Chamber.

III.ARCHITECTUREAND INTERFACES between adjacent regions and may simultaneously view the An OpenSim system is made up of three discrete com- contents of multiple regions. ponents: clients, simulations and services. The client allows The amount, colour and movement of clouds, the colour the user to connect to an OVW server and provides an opacity and reflectivity of water, visibility and mist, lighting interface for viewing and interacting with content and other and the presence of shadows as well as the time of day are users. It provides control over how the data is displayed. For all programmable. Defaults for these features may be set for example, lighting, view distance and fidelity of the data are each region within a simulation and may be overridden at the all configurable. Each simulation is responsible for keeping client side in line with the users’ aesthetics and the graphic track of all the objects and avatars contained within it’s virtual capabilities of the client. spaces. It receives updates from and distributes updates to The landscape defines the ground the model is located on. clients that are connected to it. Each simulation makes use There are four slots for textures, which are combined to colour of services, to retrieve information about Avatars, Buildings the landscape. The heights at which the textures are used may and Landscapes. These may be located on the same machine be adjusted. The surface of the land may be set by uploading as the simulation, or distributed across one or more servers. a grey scale image where shade defines height, it may This division of the system into components enables flexible then be transformed using server side commands and adjusted deployment. Four common configurations are: using client side tools. a) Sandbox: The server and client are both run on the The structure of the architecture, fittings and furnishings of same machine. This provides an environment for off line buildings may be constructed in OpenSim out of ”primitives” development and is also useful for conference presentations (referred to as ”prims”) or imported as meshes. Meshes may and classroom teaching [8]. be developed in third party 3D modelling software or captured b) Stand Alone: Simulations and services are run on a from real world data with a 3D laser scanner. Textures are single server and may be accessed by multiple concurrent images that may be applied to the surfaces of primitives and clients. Client access may be distributed across the Internet meshes. or may be restricted to a private ”LAN Party”. The movement and appearance of avatars is customizable. c) Grid: In Grid mode multiple servers may run separate In-world tools provide control over body, shape size and simulations and services. The distribution of regions across colouring as well as the garments that are worn. More control servers is transparent to the user enabling regions on different can be achieved by using external modelling programs to servers to be located next to each other and for avatars to design clothing and body shapes. Libraries of clothes and body simply walk from one region to another. In this configuration shapes can be distributed, uploaded then modified. Avatars a GRID of hundreds of regions can be run in a single may represent in world Non Player Characters (NPCs), that administrative domain. are controlled with scripts. The libopenmetaverse [9] library d) Hyper-Grid: This mode is most akin to the way in provides support for creating Avatar bots controlled remotely which the WWW is structured. Once a user has joined a by a programmable client. particular GRID that is connected to the Hyper-Grid any other Special media textures may be attached to primitives. This grid that is connected to the Hyper-Grid can be visited. Virtual allows media to be streamed and displayed on the prim surface. world and Grid addressing follows a standard URI format. One such media may be a web page, so a web page may be Each simulation contains components which control the embedded on a surface. It may be set to point at a particular weather, the physical structure of the space, the actions of location on the web, which might provide relevant text, images avatars and interactions with other Internet resources. A sim- or video. Web pages can also be launched by scripts into an ulation may contain one or more regions. Each represents internal or external browser. This opens up the possibility of a discrete piece of land, which is usually 256m by 256m. the 3D reconstruction being used to navigate a rich array of Regions may be placed contiguously, whether they are in the web resources. same simulation or not. A user’s avatar will be able to walk Support for sound includes: sound clips, voice chat and loca- Fig. 8. Brora Salt Pan during community excavation Fig. 9. Pointscloud OVW digital model Fig. 10. Reconstruction of 17th C Salt Pan tion streaming media. Short clips of sound may be embedded acceptable if it is similar to analogous activities such as in objects and played back when a predefined event occurs. switching on a DVD, loading BBC IPlayer or starting up a Voice over IP may be used for peer to peer communication game. These activities occur only once per session conse- between clients and sound may be streamed to be heard by quently tolerance is relatively high. The Response Time is Avatars at a particular location within a region. the time between issuing a command and getting a response. OpenSim is written in C# and runs over the .net framework This may occur many times a second throughout the life time or mono4. In world scripting is supported in LSL and C#. of a session. In [12] a hierarchy of thresholds for acceptable This allows avatars and objects to respond to events, such delay is established for activities in first person, third person as being touched or receiving messages on a chat channel. and overhead view. The FPS relates to the smoothness with Objects may communicate with each other and complex inter- which motion is displayed, frame rates between 15 and 30 actions developed. Other modes of programming are possible, FPS provide a good user experience. these include: Mini Regions Modules, Regions Modules and From the perspective of quality there are three types of Plugins. The OpenSim architecture is designed to facilitate factors: the resolution, quality of image and quality of context. extension [10] and modification to meet unforeseen needs. The resolution of the display limits the detail that objects can In summary OpenSim has an open, configurable and exten- be rendered at within a scene. The quality of the image for sible architecture. As a consequence OpenSim systems may a given resolution is defined by factors such as anti-aliasing be developed to support a wide range of applications and be and ambient occlusion. The view distance, lighting, shadows deployed in a variety of scenarios. and depth of field all affect the quality of the context within which objects are presented. IV. QUALITYOF USER EXPERIENCE There is an inverse relationship between between the quality Quality of Experience is a subjective measure of a user’s and performance metrics. For example for a given system and perception of interacting with a system or service [11]. In load the FPS can be increased if the draw distance or anti general it is desirable to design systems which provide users aliasing is reduced. with a good QoE. This is a challenge as QoE is a subjective This combination of content, activity and physical interfaces category, which varies with different users and contexts. A provide a specific context within which the factors that impact first step is to identify and categorise the factors that impact upon QoE may be evaluated. Users interactions with content in upon a user’s QoE. If these can be quantified and related to a virtual world are mediated through the client, which may in system level Quality of Service parameters such as network turn be controlled by a keyboard and mouse, games controller bandwidth and server memory allocation; then understanding or other devices. The activities undertaken by a user may vary of QoE can be used to inform system design and configuration between sessions: one session may focus on developing a 3D so that resources are used efficiently and QoE optimised. model, another on participating in an on line concert, a third In the context of virtual worlds factors affecting QoE can may involve exploring a 3D space with the goal of solving a be categorised into those relating to performance and those quest. The ”In the Wild” section of this paper illustrates the relating to quality. relationship between QoE and QoS settings in several concrete Metrics relating to performance can be subdivided into scenarios. However, some preliminary general observations are three: the Load Time, Response Time and Frames Per Second possible. (FPS). The Load Time for a Virtual World is likely to be For the QoE performance metrics each has a region where the system is unusable this is bounded by the usability 4 Mono is an open source implementation of Microsoft’s .NET Framework based on the ECMA standards for C# and the threshold. The usable region is bounded by both the usability Common Language Runtime threshold and the improvement limit. For delays below the usability threshold and frame rates above it a satisfactory QoE Quality of Service achieved by the system. Distributions of the is obtained. Reducing delays below or increasing framerates frame times for human and bot controlled avatars are shown above the improvement limitwill not further increase the QoE. in Figure 13. Empirical Cumulative Distribution Frequencies The goal is to use our understanding of QoE to reflect upon (CDF) for 8 and 33 avatars are shown. These illustrate that observations of OVW in use and to develop from these a set a good correspondence is achieved between system behaviour of heuristics which can be used to guide the configuration of for bots and for human controlled avatars. systems in specific contexts; taking into account the available From the client side, the Firestorm browser in common displays, computers and communication infrastructure. with other browsers logs the frame-rate at regular intervals. The logging interval was set to 1 per second, to achieve V. QUALITYOF SERVICE a balance between the granularity of measurement and load The performance that can be sustained for a particular set on the system. This measurements were validated using the of content and for a given quality setting is a function of FRAPS6frame measurement program. This enabled the client the client, server and network systems and the interactions side frame rate to be captured and analysed for different client between them. This section presents a measurement study of hardware and software settings. factors affecting system performance. First, the methodology The above methodology is based on the instrumentation of is described, then the server, network and client limitations network, server and client elements of a substantial virtual imposed are considered in turn. This enables a picture to be world server system with a real user base. built up of the performance relationship between the main B. Server Limitation system components. An OpenSim simulation server produces data for a variable A. Methodology number of frames per second. The number of ticks or frames The system being measured is the Hyper-Grid enabled that may be produced by the server is capped at 55 fps. If OpenSim server apollo. The system currently consists of 16 the time taken to process a single frame rises above 19ms the servers with some 70 cores, over 125 regions and over 1200 number of frames per second is decreased. The server frame registered users. It is connected to the Internet through multiple rate places an upper limit on the rate the client can usefully 1 Gps links. The measurement infrastructure supports network display frames. monitoring along with measurements of client and server side A set of measurements were conducted using program performance. controlled avatars connecting to a region running on a server A test network enables delay and packet loss for both in- with a quad core 2 Ghz Zeon processor and 8Gb of Ram. coming and outgoing traffic to be introduced thereby providing The island contains a reconstruction of St Andrews Cathedral a controlled measurement environment for measuring network located on a six region Island with over 50,000 prims. The limitation. TCPdump was used for packet capture. Traces are server was configured to run on the following environments: then parsed by a bespoke application which understands the Ubunto, Zen in native (dom0) and virtual (domU) KVM and OpenSim communications protocols. The network measure- Virtual Box. In addition an Amazon ec2 Extra Large Instance 7 ment infrastructure is discussed further in [13]. cloud compute unit was evaluated This experiment establishes An infrastructure for generating load and measuring server the number of concurrent users that are supported on the Island performance was developed using libopenmetaverse5. Bot for the given hardware. avatars are created with programmable behaviour. This enables The distribution of frame time for twenty avatars being multiple runs to be automated. The infrastructure has been present on the Island is shown in Figure 14. This demonstrates calibrated through comparing the load generated by users both that for all configurations, excepting Virtual Box, the conducting normal activities with that of bots. This in turn maximum frame rate will be supported for 20 avatars. How- allows the parameter space to be accurately probed as more ever, using virtualisation doubles the time taken to produce runs may be executed than would be possible using humans. each frame. The mean frame time increases linearly as the A time series of the number of frames per second that number of avatars increases as shown in Figure 15. The are generated by the server for 8 and 33 concurrent avatars hierarchy of performance seen for twenty avatars is maintained being driven by humans is shown in Figure 11. There is little across the spread of Avatar numbers, with the native Linux difference between the two. This is a consequence of the server performing the best. server being capped at a limit of 55 frames per second. The The impact that increasing the number of avatars has on the frame time metric gives the proportion of time that is spent server frame rate is shown in Figure 16. A consistent frame generating each frame and is illustrated by Figure 12 from the rate of around 55 Server Frames per second is achieved by same scenario. Here a significant difference between the time each configuration for a small number of Avatars. At a certain to generate each frame for 8 and 33 avatars is shown. Of the point, increasing the number of avatars decreases the server two metrics, frames per second relates directly to the Quality frame rate. For native Linux this is at around 55 avatars and for of User Experience, and the frame time relates directly to the 6Derived from Frames per Second 715 GiB memory, 8 EC2 Compute Units (4 virtual cores with 2 EC2 5 Compute Units each) 8 Humans 8 Humans 33 Humans 33 Humans FPS frame time frame

cumulative distribution cumulative 8 Humans 33 Humans Walk−Rest1(8 Agents) Walk−Rest1(33 Agents) Walk2(8 Agents) 0 5 10 15 20 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Walk2(33 Agents) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 0 5 10 15 frame time Sample Sample Fig. 13. CDFs of frame times for 8 and 33 human Fig. 11. Server Frames generated per second. Fig. 12. Frame Time: time to generate a frame. controlled and program controlled avatars.

1 250 60 20 Avatars Metal Metal Metal XEN dom0 XEN dom0 20 Avatars XEN dom0 50 0.8 20 Avatars XEN domU 200 XEN domU XEN domU 20 Avatars KVM KVM KVM Virtual Box 40 Virtual Box 20 Avatars Virtual Box 0.6 150 Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 20 Avatars Amazon EC2 30 FPS

Fraction 0.4 100 Frame Time 20

0.2 50 10

0 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Frame Time Avatars Avatars

Fig. 14. Server Frame Time for 20 Avatars. Fig. 15. Time to render a frame. Fig. 16. Frames per second.

KVM at around 25 avatars. This is the point where increasing Load time is primarily affected by the amount of data to be the number of Avatars has the potential to reduce users QoE. downloaded and the bandwidth that is available. The amount of If the frames per second fall below 15 the QoE is severely data varies between islands, depending on the size and number affected. of textures, and complexity of prims and meshes. The available These measurements demonstrate that the OpenSim simu- bandwidth is capped by three factors: client setting, physical lation server can support up to 55 users at the same QoE as it bandwidth and the level of congestion. The default user value can support one user. Further, that virtualisation can be used to is 512 kilobits per second, which results in a 768 kbps throttle run multiple virtual servers, and therefore increase the number being imposed by the server. This global limit is then split into of islands that can be hosted. This will not compromise users channels limits where each channel corresponds to a type of QoE provided the number of users per virtual server remains traffic, for example textures and primitives. small. However, there will be a cost to the users QoE if At the start of a session on the first visit to a region, the virtualisation is used when there are more avatars present. contents of the region within the Avatar’s view distance will This motivates the need for intelligent resource management be downloaded. On subsequent visits the cache maintained by of virtual world regions. the client will reduce the amount of data to be downloaded. C. Network Limitation The following graphs illustrate the time it takes for a region The model of simulation employed by Second Life and to be downloaded at the start of an OpenSim session. There OpenSim, of centralised servers dynamically serving the envi- maybe a similar delay when an avatar teleports from one re- ronment to clients, differs from most computer games, where gion to another. Download times for an empty island are shown a model of the environment is held at each of the clients prior in Figure 17. User set bandwidth limits for between 100 kbps to commencement of the game. Computer games need only and 3000 kbps are shown. For this configuration download communicate avatar action and can consequently operate with takes at most 50 seconds except for the 100 kbps setting. tens of kbps [14] bandwidth. Studies of Second life traffic Download times for St Andrews Cathedral reconstruction are show that it uses an order of magnitude more bandwidth [13], shown in Figure 18. The download times are significantly [15]. In [16] it is shown that OpenSim behaviour is similar. larger, around 5 minutes for the default setting to two of The contents of an island, number of avatar’s, client settings, minutes for user setting of 1.5Kbps. The download times for network infrastructure and network congestion all affect band- the Routing and Cathedral Islands are shown in Figure 19. width usage. The operating range for a single user is between These measurements demonstrate that on the first visit to an 100 Kbps and 1 Mbps. This is less than a single MPEG 1 island download times can be considerable. However, it is only stream and shows that it is practical to use open world technol- at very low bandwidths and for islands with high graphical ogy within institutional networks, over broadband connections content that download times become unacceptable from a QoE and over wide area networks more generally. perspective. 2500 2500 2000 3000 kbps 3000 kbps Cathedral 1500 kbps 1500 kbps Routing 2000 1000 kbps 2000 1000 kbps 1500 500 kbps 500 kbps 100 kbps 100 kbps 1500 1500 1000 1000 1000 kb/second kb/second

500 500 500 Throttle setting (kbps)

0 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Time (seconds) Time (seconds) Load time (seconds)

Fig. 17. Load Times: for an empty island. Fig. 18. Load Times: for the Cathedral. Fig. 19. Delay for range of throughputs.

60 0.2 1 PDF 50 0.8 0.15 40 0.6 30 FPS 0.1

20 Fraction Fraction 0.4 low 64m low 10 0.05 0.2 High no shadow High

0 10:52 10:53 10:54 10:55 10:56 10:57 10:58 10:59 11:00 11:01 11:02 11:03 11:04 Ultra all shadows 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time FPS FPS

Fig. 20. Time series of Client FPS. Fig. 21. Prob. Distribution of Client FPS. Fig. 22. CDF of FPS for Graphics Settings.

D. Client Limitation explicitly stated the medium specified configuration was used. This section looks at client limitation in terms of frames per A time-series graph, illustrating the variation in client frame second. For each of the scenarios discussed high bandwidth rates that occurs as an Avatar walks around the Cathedral low latency local area network connections are used. The reconstruction, is shown in Figure 20 and the probability workload on the servers were also monitored to ensure that distribution is shown in Figure 21. The frame rate varies server performance was not the limiting factor. between 40 and 10 fps. This variation is caused by the location The factors that are varied are: the quality settings at the and orientation of the avatar: on the edge of the island looking client, the resolution at the client, the number of avatars to sea higher frame rates are achieved than facing towards that are present on an island, the client hardware and the the centre of the island. Furthermore, higher frame rates are characteristics of the island the avatar is on. In each case achieved in locations where there is a low prim and texture three runs are done, each run lasts for 10 minutes and the density. average frame rate for each second is recorded. The widely The client provides an interface which enables quality to used Firestorm Browser was utilised in each case. be balanced against performance. When starting the client Four Islands are used in the client side measurement study, for the first time system’s graphics card will be detected the Cathedral Reconstruction, Routing Island, an Underwater and the graphics configuration set a low, medium, high or Observatory and Far away. Each has different characteristics ultra setting. Through clicking the advanced tab settings for and support different functionality. The Cathedral is a mega individual parameters may be over ridden. The distribution region comprising of 768m*512m. It is large and complex with of client frame rates for the Cathedral island for five quality over 50,000 prims. Routing Island is 512m*256m two region settings are shown in Figure 22. The five settings are ”Low mega it has a large number of media exhibits and 30,000 prims Quality” with a view distance of less than 64m, ”Low Quality” number of primitives. Next in complexity is the Underwater with a view distance of 512m, High Quality with a view Observatory. It is a single region island (256m*256m) with distance of 512m and no shadows, High Quality with shadows less than 10,000 prims. The simplest island is Further Away, and Ultra with all settings set to maximum. it is a single region island with a relatively small number of At the low setting with a draw distance of 64m peak frame prims and textures. In each of the runs an avatar follows a set rates are over 90 and median rates over 60 fps. There is a path walking around the island, so all parts of each island are significant drop in frame rates in the switch from low to high explored. graphics settings. median rates are now around 50 frames per In these measurements three set ups are used. An Intel Core second. The feature that has the biggest impact is switching 2 Quad shuttle with on Intel X3500 on board graphics and 4GB shadows on. The difference between high with shadows and memory, the same Quad core with an AMD 7750 graphics hi without is over 20 fps. There is a further drop in frame rate card and a client with Z77 motherboard an i7 3770K processor from the High to Ultra settings of some 5 fps. This graphs 8GB DDR3 memory and NVidia GTX 570. These we refer illustrates the trade off between quality and performance on a to as low, medium and high specification respectively. Unless demanding island with a medium specification machine, with frame-rates ranging from a median of 10 for highest quality VI.VIRTUAL WORLDSINTHE WILD. settings to 70 fps for the lowest. The two most important settings from a quality perspective The authors have participated in the deployment of Open are view distance and shadows these both also have a signifi- Virtual World resources in a number of concrete scenarios. cant impact on performance. This has enabled evaluation of the system deployments Uni- The distribution of client frame rates for resolutions ranging versities, Science Centres, Computer Laboratories and Schools from 1024*768 to 1920*1080 8 are shown in Figure 23. Whilst as well as collection of user feedback as to its value from a as is to be expected, there is an inverse relationship between users perspective. frame rate and resolution the variation in median frame rates At Linlithgow Academy year one students engaged in a is around 10 fps. Thus resolution has a smaller impact upon treasure trail. Each student explored a reconstruction of Lin- performance than the quality settings do. lithgow Palace. Through interacting with embedded web pages The number of avatars on an island is a factor that has a they were asked to discover historic facts about the palace, significant impact on server side performance, Figure 24 shows which taken together formed the solution to a riddle. Firewall the frame rate distributions for 0, 1, 5 and 20 avatars. Within restrictions and the wide area network infrastructure made it this range the number of avatars on an island has little effect impractical to connect to a remote server. Instead the client on client frame rates. software was installed on school Intel Core 2 Quad computers Client frame rate distributions for three hardware configura- with 4GB RAM and no discrete graphics card and the server tions at high quality settings are shown in Figure 25. The fps was installed on the school application server. for the low specification are a few frames per second, whilst A 3D resource for learning about routing in networks the high specification machine achieves a median of over 100 was used at the School of Computer Science at St Andrews fps. University. Students were asked to complete a worksheet about In the next three graphs frame rates for the Cathedral routing which included interaction with a 3D network routing Reconstruction, Network Island, Underwater Observatory and simulation. The server was a publicly accessible dual quad Further Away are shown for a specific client configurations. core system with 32GB of RAM. The clients used were Results for the low spec. client (Figure 26) medium spec. client standard quad core lab machines. (Figure 27) and high spec. client (Figure 28) are shown in At Dundee Science Centre sensation event an exhibition separate graphs. was created where visitors could explore a reconstruction For the on-board graphics the low quality settings were of St Andrews Cathedral, and interact with virtual historic used. For each configuration usable frame rates were achieved characters including Robert the Bruce, who was present at for all the Islands. The biggest differentiation was using the on- the Cathedrals consecration. Visitors interacted with the re- board graphics, for this hardware the complexity of the islands construction using an XBox 360 controller. There were three makes a big difference to the performance. There was little public facing displays, which were driven by Intel Quad Core differentiation for the medium hardware, with usable frame- machines each equipped with 4 GB of RAM and an ATI 7750 rates achieved in all islands. For the high specification machine graphics card. They were connected via a local switch to a there is an increase in frame rates across the board, with Father local Quad Core server on a private network. Connection of Away reaching a median of over 60 fps. laptops to the server was also supported through WiFi. At the time of writing a quad core computer such as those The following observations were made of these systems in bought as standard by schools in Scotland (Quad core Intel use: i5 with no bespoke graphics card) will render complicated Different resolutions were used in each environment. In the structures at around 20 frames per second at the ”low” quality school setting the system was run at the Firestorm standard graphics settings. Features such as the rendering of shadows, setting of 1024*768, and in the science centre exhibition a ambient occlusion and anti aliasing require a medium end resolution of 1920*1080. In the school environment a low graphics card (AMD HD7750). All features and a high frame quality setting was used with a draw distance of 256m. For rate can be achieved with a high end graphics card for example the computer science lab a medium quality setting was used AMD HD7870. with a draw distance of 512m. In the exhibition setting a high E. Summary quality setting was used with draw distance set to 1000m. In the school and lab scenarios the quality settings were set It is currently possible to run OpenSim servers and clients low. In the exhibition settings shaders were increased and anti using the commodity computers that are currently being pur- aliasing was used. Shadows were not switched on in these chased by schools, businesses and universities and for these environments. services to be made available and accessed across the current In each case load times were within users’ tolerance levels. network infrastructure. This would not have been the case The log on process gives feedback through a progress bar. two years ago. Furthermore as processing power and network Once in world the user can see elements of the world arriving infrastructure continues to improve so too will the fidelity and and can start to make progress before loading has been com- the responsiveness of virtual worlds. pleted. In the school scenario response times were borderline. 8XGA, WXGA, SXGA, WXGA+, WSXGA+ amd FHD At the start of the first session responsiveness would freeze 1 1 1 1024x768 1280x800 0.8 1280x1024 0.8 0.8 1440x900 1680x1050 0.6 0.6 0.6 1920x1080

Fraction 0.4 Fraction 0.4 Fraction 0.4 0 Avatars 0.2 0.2 1 Avatar 0.2 High 5 Avatars Middle 20 Avatars Low 0 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 50 100 150 200 250 FPS FPS FPS

Fig. 23. FPS for Screen Resolutions. Fig. 24. FPS No. of Avatars. Fig. 25. High, Medium and Low Spec. Clients. 1 1 1

0.8 0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6 0.6

Fraction 0.4 Fraction 0.4 Fraction 0.4 Network Center Network Center Network Center 0.2 Further Away 0.2 Further Away 0.2 Further Away Undersea Observatory Undersea Observatory Undersea Observatory Cathedral Cathedral Cathedral 0 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 FPS FPS FPS

Fig. 26. FPS for different Islands: Low spec. Fig. 27. Comparing Islands: Medium spec. Fig. 28. Comparing Islands High spec. for ten seconds or more. Adjustment of the texture buffer lecturer used a live projection of the Basilica to illustrate the size, prevented frame buffer swapping. With this adjustment correlation between the quality of view at locations within the responsiveness was usable in the school setting. In the lab Basilica and the status of worshippers. setting responsiveness was generally good. However, routing The students were engaged throughout and were able to simulation load caused periods of lack of responsiveness navigate the environment successfully. They were also able to which compromised the usability. This has been addressed communicate with each other in world as they explored the by redesigning the simulation software. Responsiveness within 3D space. At the end of the session students were asked: In the exhibition setting was good. what ways has this session made you rethink ancient Sparta? In the school environment frame rate was borderline. Ini- Two representative answers are given below: tially it was below 10 fps but with system tuning a frame rate I now see Sparta as not merely a city of war and of between 10 and 20 frames per second was achieved, which violence .... it was not as barbarous as its made out was appropriate for the tasks in hand. In the lab session frame to be for it had well-built and established churches rates were above 15 fps except in the pathological scenarios showing. described above. In the exhibition scenario average frame rates Intriguing to wander around an ancient site and ex- of over 20 frames per second were achieved. perience it three dimensionally. I would be interested The interactions and feedback that can be achieved even to be able to use other ancient buildings in this sort with marginal hardware are very positive. The account below of way. relates to using a reconstruction of a Late Antique Acropolis In this use case a virtual world model was successfully basilica in an open day to provide an engaging taster of used as part of a blended learning session. Utilising historical studying the classics at University to secondary school students reconstructions as part of blended learning has also been (aged between 14-16). Several school groups participated, conducted for fourth year history students who are learning each session was 45 minutes and took place in the Classics about Cathedrals and in for third year archeology students as computer laboratory which is equipped with 14 computers part of a simulated archaeological excavation. capable of running a Second Life client at low graphics Positive feedback was also received in an exhibition setting settings. Keyboard and mice were used to control the avatars. at Dundee Science Centre. The setting was less formal, stalls At the start of each sessions students were asked to name in an exhibition space. People accessed the world using X Box five things that typified ancient Sparta and share these with controllers and Microsoft Kinect. The main resource was the the rest of the class. Typical responses focused on military cathedral reconstruction. aspects to take one persons list: soldiers, red, gladiators, The boys were engrossed, very impressive, thanks! war and old. This was followed by a 15 minute talk which (Guardbridge school would love to see this) J and introduced some Spartan history, politics and prose. Next the D 18/3/12. students participated in a virtual world session based around Kids were very interested and enjoyed being able the Basilica. In the first part of the session they were free to interact with the Cathedral, the controllers are a to explore the system and the Basilica. In the second part a medium that made it easy for them to do this. 77th As was the case with the early 2D Web there is now a need for understanding the quality of service and concomitant quality of experience found in the immersive 3D web. Notable differences between the 2D and the immersive 3D web include presence and the degree of interactivity. Research reported in this paper has identified suitable performance benchmarks for OVWs. Monitoring and measurements have been carried out in the wild and in the lab and the results have been presented and analysed. Future work will address the challenges of scalability, 2D Web OVW integration, and what it means to move between OVWs.

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