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PAGE SIXTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn,, Tue».. July 6. 1976 Resistance to Carter persists COMPLETE COMPLETE GM The weather A UQUOR DEPARTIillT inside today COLD BHR REPAIRS Considerable cloudiness, chance of AND ■tnwm tonight. Low 65-70. Thursday Area n ew s........... 14 F am ily ........ 22 among New England Dems oCOLLISION variable cloudinesa, chance of showers, Business.................3 Kitchen........ 21 WEDEllVa high in 80s. National weather forecast Classified ... .17-18 MCC dean’s list 29 •MECHANICAL map on Page 17. Com ics.................19 Obituaries..10 Dear Abby........... 19 Second Thought 21 By STEWART POWELL patrician peanut farmer as they have ’’instructions” not just an ARTHUR DRUG WE SERVICE ALL QBNERAL. MOTORS Editorial .............4 SporU ........11-13 in regions such as the South. nouncements that are released. Phone 643-150S CARS AND TRUCKS DPI New England ‘‘I feel like a bride dreading to go to “I know Udali has released his 0 NO LOWER PRICES ANYWHERE Qonuino Porto Political Writer the altar,” said Margaret Lucent! of delegates on an individual basis,” Foetory Tninod AfadAantea Barre, Vt., now an uncommitted said New Hampshire state Rep. Resistance to nominee-in-waitlng delegate after false starts behnd ex- Katherine Hanna, D-Keene, 22, an Jimmy Carter persists among New Sen. Fred Harris, D-Okla., Sen. aide to Sen. Thomas McIntyre, D- Reagan aims guns at Carter Engiand Democrats bound for the Hubert Humphrey, D-Minn., and Sen. N.H. nationai convention in New York. Frank Church, D-Idaho. “But he’s p in g to stay a viable PLAZA DEPT. STORE Carter Chevrolet Opposition to Carter’s iikeiy The largest mass movement to candidate until he gets to the conven “W Htv A Notion To Plotoo- ■ „ 12M m a in S t. e MANCHESTER nomination continues in a six-state Carter occurred in Connecticut When tion so he can gave some policy input 0 0 region where party officehoiders Gov. Ella T. Grasso led a switch by on the platform,” she said. have compiain^ for eight years delegates pledged to Sen. Henry M. EA8T MIDDLE TPKE., MANCHESTER At least one public statement by (Next to Prank’s Supermarket) in appeal for delegates Washington ignored the Northeast. Jackson, D-Wash. Her change of Carter ended chances of winning Carter won two of region’s five heart came after Carter held enough over some Wallace delegates in By ELIZABETH WHARTON wasteful Congress by putting an in primaries and ran fourth in its delegates to win the nomination. governors and said he was “very In Washington, a spokesman for Massachusetts who wanted action to GHSai H0$E MICESSOIIES CUSTOM WHEELS United Press International dulgent friend in the White House.” iargest state of Massachusetts. When Mrs. Grasso joined Carter at end court-ordered school busing. • Couplinga e Hom Mmdwa grateful” for the backing. "Many of Mondale said ’’obviously he is in Backers of the former Georgia a three-hour Boston fund-raising School integration was ’’one of the • Car Waah Noxxiaa e Jat Straam Nozxiaa Ronald Reagan took his bid for In Hershey, Pa., some 30 them did not support me during the terested” in the vice presidency and governor insist eieventh-hour opposi s m l Republican convention delegates to primaries, but that is a symbol, I blitz, the Democratic candidate men best things that ever happened in the • nna Pan Sprtnklar Spray Democratic governors, a few of would ’’seriously consider” joining tion wiii cost the region nothing if tioned a variety of governors who South,” Carter told a $250-a-couple the national television screens, and whom had engaged in a last-ditch think, of the strength of our party, the ticket if asked. To say more Carter is eiected president. had given him early support, but fundraiser 90-minutes aher arriving ACCESSORIES attacked probable Democratic can drive to stop Carter, Tuesday the diversity of it,” he told reporters. would be ’’presumptuous,” the "We’re not keeping an enemies list neglected to mention the Connecticut in Boston. He said as president he didate Jimmy Carter instead of his climbed aboard the former Georgia Carter said he would meet spokesman said. or anything like that," said Francis governor standing by his side. would enforce court-ordered own GOP opponent. President Ford. governor’s bandwagon and endorsed Thursday with Minnesota Sen. The first Carter interview of poten X. Meaney, chairman of the 51-year- In other New England states, desegregation. He said you don’t fix bad policies the man now assured of his party’s Walter Mondale to discuss the par tial running mates was with Sen. Ed old candidate’s campaign in the movement has been less dramatic, in by rearranging the bureaucracy, or nomination. ty’s second spot. The Plains, Ga., mund S. Muskie, D-Maine, who said Joyce London Alexander, co- meeting will be the second of several Massachusetts primary. part because recruiting delegates ’’discipline an irresponsible and' Carter had breakfast with the Tuesday that Carter, as president, Of the 3,009 delegates due at has taken a back seat as Carter and chairman of Carter’s 16-member being conducted. would give his vice president some of Massachusetts delegation, has found wm Madison Square Garden next week, his organization moved on to other the duties now being performed by 226 (about eight per cent) are from things. other delegates reluctant to switch. S e c re ta ry of S ta te H enry A. New England. Optimistic estimates “I tend to feel delegates’ general KEYSTONE Kissinger. by Carter supporters in the region in Carter has suspended personal feeling is that they’re not released,” President to entertain Queen He told refwrters that Carter does dicate he has firm backing by 109 telephone calls to delegates to raise she said. TRU SPOKE not like Kissinger’s ’’Lone Ranger” delegates. money and build bridges to different style, and added: 7 The attitude I’d-rather-fight-than- Within days of final primary vic segments of the party. ”In that context. Governor Carter tories in early June, scores of switch remains unusually strong in Some resentment exists. Rhode Island where a slate of uncom McGUD wants his vice president to take a delegates across the naton switched “He would do well to set aside 24 at Bicentennial garden party foreign diplomacy role so that the mitted delegates pledged to Califor to Carter. But New England hours and make 400-500 calls to nia Gov. Edmund "Jerry” Brown Jr. UPPUIWCE president would not have to put delegates across the naUon witched WASHINGTON (UPI) - President a ’’garden party” featuring the color stroke some people,” said one outdistanced the frontrunner. America fought a war to win in himself on the firing line in every political figure who asked not to be Ford unrolled the biggest red carpet pink for the Queen. dependence. crisis.” identified. “People like to be asked.” “Those of us on the uncommitted KNSEN of his administration today to host a It was in 1814 - while King George When he reached home from the Bicentennial visit from Queen ’The Fords flew in flowers from Forty-seven delegates pledged to slate are firmly committed to vote Hawaii and decorators from New in, Elizabeth’s great-great-great- governor’s conference, Carter got Arizona Rep. Morris Udall'across the Elizabeth II in the White House, for Gov. Brown,” said Frank Caprio, York to replant the rose garden for great grandfather, was still on the spruced up a bit for his big week at region remain unswayed. which the British once put to the I MCC a former city councilor in the feast. Decorators James Goslee throne - that British troops burned the convention, which begins Monday And Massachusetts backers of torch. Providence, ‘"rhe primary results of the Fernery and Betty Sherill of the White House and sent President in New York’s Madison Square ^^calendar Jackson and Alabama Gov. George BROWN’S TIRE SHOP Ford ordered a huge British Union were a mandate from the people. Un 333 MAIN 8T., MANCHESTER McMillen, Inc., said the torrid James Madison and his family Garden. He got his hair cut and bis Wallace have avoided public pledges til such time as he releases us—if he Jack hung from the next-door famous teeth cleaned and checked Manchester Community Fourth of July weather had made the fleeing with what few possessions of support for Carter, awaiting does— we will vote for Gov. Brown.” Executive Office Building and had an they could gather. over. College offers this calen garden’s regular blooms unfit for a Ptione 646-3444 air-conditioned banquet tent erected Today, the White House mustered Nevada Sen. Paul Laxalt, Reagan’s dar of events in the interest over the entire White House rose gar queen. for the (}ueen and her husband. campaign chief, gave a good indica of the community. All the den. All the President’s men laid on all MCC sponsored activities Prince Philip, a roster of celebrities* tion of the tightness of the GOP race Bicentennial baby First Lady Betty Ford wanted the their pomp and circumstance for the for the Bicentennial dinner. by telling reporters some delegations listed below are open to the effect for tonight’s state dinner to be monarch of the country, from which ’They included Lady Bird Johnson, pledged to Ford might abstain on the public and many are free of Too young to know what’s so special about being a Bicentennial charge. - Alice Roosevelt Longworth, British- first convention ballot so they could In addition to publicizing baby, Christopher Charles Bourcier yawns as he snuggles in the born journalist Alistair Cooke, ac legally vote for their preference, events and activities in comfort of his mother’s arms.