Carter Shakes up Otaii
PAGK SIXTEEN - EVENING HERALD. Tues., July 17, 1979 -----------— 1 ^ Somoita*8 Successor Dents Eye V o H m Change National League Wins Children with Cancer Not Without Trouble For Board of Directors All-Star Game Again Have Unique Problems P a g e 1 0 P a g e 1 1 P a g e 3 P a g e 7 Jlanrljirfitfr CItarIng Tonlaht, Sunny Thuraday M ail* on pag* 2 a A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 * 20< $lngle Copy * 15t Home Dellvefed I ***• 8** — Manohaatar, Conn., waanaad*/, July 16,1978 WASHINGTON (UPI) - Presl- I H igik ? dent Carter talked bluntly to his . , — ■'i.arv?. Cabinet. He was going to salvage ■ ■ i s * his presidency and t ^ t included “ taking a hard look” at those t k< i Marlboro around him. He told them he was ^ K | B ' ^ “ planning to make changes.” f More than one of the people in ^ that room during the two-hour session Tuesday knew what he was leading up to. “ Why don’t we make it easier,” r y President Carter’s cabinet and senior staff offered Brock Adams, ’Transportation; Patricia Harris, j ^ ^ ^ o f the Officials. S t O y S their resignations Tuesday, and Carter hasn’t Housing & Urban Envelopment; Cecil Andrus, Interior; Griffin Bell, Attorney General; Juanita “ Fine,” Carter replied. _____ , decided which to accept. Left to right: Michael Secretary of State Cyrus Vance j j T O T f - ^ Blumenthal, ’Treasury; James Schlesinger, Energy; Kreps, Commerce; Bob Bergland, Agriculture; Ray refined it slighUy. “ I don’t see /§ WgH fgQ fyOCS f Joseph Caiifano, Health Education & Welfare; Marshall, Labor; and James McIntyre, Budget.
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