Hmtlb Storms Lash Midlands

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Hmtlb Storms Lash Midlands PAGE TWELVE-B - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn,, Fri., March 11, 1877 People in Washington Bulletin board HARTFORD — The banking in­ Bolton L egislators (OWLS) bylaws LOS ANGELES — Director NEW DELHI, India - The In­ dustry has warned a legislative restrict membership to women. The Bolton Congregational Church The top of the news Roman Polanski was arrested dian election campaign went into Meet my congressman, committee that a proposal to Friday night and booked on suspi­ Ladies Benevolent ^ i e t y will at­ allow out-of-state banks to set up the home stretch today, with tend the Passover Meal at South HARTFORD — Connecticut cion of forcibly raping a 13-year- Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and business in Connecticut would be Public Works Commissioner old girl in the home of actor Jack Congregational Church in East Hart­ abled by “mental disorder” and her rivals crisscrossing a "disastrous.” Banking Com­ Robert A. Weinerman says the PROVIDENCE, R.I. - A bill to Nicholson. Polanski was the hus­ the former house painter ford March 16. alcoholism and should be put In politically vital state in their missioner Lawrence Connell Jr. state could save $5 million a year prohibit Rhode Island employers band of actress Sharon Tate, The Ladies of St. Maurice will the care of the public guardian, a quest for votes. Monday will be said the proposal is designed to in energy bills by updating from knowingly hiring certain il­ murdered with four friends by meet Monday at the Parish Center. Superior Court judge was told last day of campaigning for the By MIKE FEINSILBER tion in the Army. After two un­ “I get my best input from the accommodate corporations that heating and cooling equipment in legal aliens has cleared the members of the Charles Manson The Rev. Gerard Roux will speak at Friday. She is in a hospital at parliamentary elections. successful political races, he was YMCA back home,” he says. “And have moved or are considering state buildings. He is seeking a $5 Senate over arguments that the Family in 1969. WASHINGTON (UPI) - So he elected to the state legislature in 8:15 p.m. At the time, the program moving to Connecticut who deal state should stay out of a federal Newport t^ c h : won’t forget who he was and where I'll tell you. I’ve seen (House Speaker million bond issue to finance the 1972. He painted in the mornings and will be open to everyone in the with wealthier New York City enforcement problem. TAMPA, Fla. — Fifteen stolen VATICAN C IT Y -T he Vatican he comes from, Ekidie Beard carries Thomas P.) Tip O’Neill in the steam parish. modifications needed. today said Pope Paul VI has legislated in the afternoons. room at the gym here in the House! banks. SAN FRANCISCO - The paintings, including a 17th Cen­ a paint brush in the inside pocket of The Bolton High School National parents of five young followers of tury self-portrait by Van Dyck, recovered from the influenza that He says legislators would shun him “In the steam room at the Y and at AUGUSTA, Maine — Gov. PORTLAND, Maine - The his suit jacket. Honor Society will have a papier drive the Rev. Sun Myung Moon have were recovered Friday by FBI struck him Wednesday and has when he walked down the street the steam room here, let me tell you, HARTFORD — The federal James Longley says he’s prosecution was expected to ends Beard is a housepainter. He’s also April 2. Residents may bring their been given weekend custody of agents who posed as “hot art” resumed his normal activities and carrying a ladder, his neck spotted they all look the same.” government has declared the "delighted” with President its presentation today in the U.S. a congressman, one of the few blue- papers to the Community Hall and dealers. Three men who sold the Will appear on his balcony with paint. When he was in a business Beard sometimes talks back to Connecticut coastline a federal C a rte r’s choicd of retirin g District Court trial of Edward their children while the legal bat­ collar workers among the 535 deposit them in a truck the afternoon paintings to the agents were overlooking St. Peter’s Square as suit, he says, the same legislators, voters, too. disaster area, opening the way for Georgia Supreme 0)urt Judge Gullion Jr., 29, of Boston, charged tle over their guardianship con­ usual on Sunday. members of the House and Senate. A of April 1 and all day April 2. Papers tinues in court. arrested. would be back-slapping buddies. A constituent wrote to complain low interest loans for residents William B. Gunther as mediator with interstate transportation of Democrat, he was elected from may be left in front of homes for adversely affected by severe Rhode Island in 1974. More should run about Congress’ recent $12,900 pay to help reach a settlement with explosives allegedly used in a pickup. Anyone unable to get their winter weather damage to water- CHICAGO - Wallace D. KINSHASA, Zaire — Troops to Beard says it is a crying shame raise. He said Beard didn’t even Maine’s two Indian tribes who are series of terrorist bombings in bolster an embattled Zairean bat­ A voter gave him the inch-and-a- papers outside may arrange for in- related facilities such as marinas. Muhammad, whose presence was half-wide paint brush to remind him that more ordinary people don’t run deserve the old salary of $44,600. claiming title to much of the New England last summer. WASHINGTON — The commis­ talion have been flown south to a house pickup by calling 649-6707, 649- demanded by Hanafi Muslim that he represents "the little for Congress. “I lifted the phone,” Beard said. 6311. state. But Sen. Edward Brooke, sion heading for Vietnam in what battleground where Katangese HARTFORD — A request by leader Khalifa Hamaas Abdul people.” He’s carried the brush so He says a rich congressman — one “I asked this guy what he was R-Mass., was disappointed Carter may be a final try at an accoun­ rebels invading from Angola have The Democratic Town Committee male legislators to join the SANTA ANA, Calif. - Rita Khaalis while Khaalis held 134 long the bristles are bent shapeless. with a famous name — once asked doing. ‘Watching the news on TV,’ he did not name a mediator for a ting for missing Americans was taken three towns and arrested will sponsor a corned beef and cab­ female-only club of legislators Hayworth, the red haired movie hostages in Washington, D.C., has Another brush is tacked to the wall him to explain how people live on says. similar dispute in the Cape Cod briefed today by the President at eight Americans. Washington has ' / bage dinner March 19 at St. Maurice has been rejected because the star of the 1940s and favorite protested the release of Khaalis outside his office. $10,000 a year. I’m working resort town of Mashpee. the White House. said it will evacuate eight other Church Parish Center. Irish folk Organization of Women pinup of World War II GIs, is dis­ from federal custody. To check up on how he’s doing with In 1974, he says, he made $9,000, in­ “I said, ‘While you’re watching the musib, in honor of St. Patrick’s Day, Americans. the people, ^ a r d sometimes puts on cluding overtime. His election news. I’m working here. At 10 o’clock will be provided by the Sheridan his old painter’s clothes when he goes quadrupled his income. tonight. I’ll be working while you’re family of Bolton. It is a BYOB affair. home to his district — the western Now his living costs have watching your soap operas.’ Setupk will be provided. Tickets may half of the smallest state. skyrocketed to $20,000, partly “I ask the guy, ‘What do you do on be purchased from any town com­ Waits for reaction because he has to travel a lot and Saturday mornings?’ He says he mittee member. maintain two households, but he "I drop into a diner^ and I say to sleeps late Saturdays. I tell him, banks most of his congressional the guy sitting next to me, ‘That guy ‘While you’re sleeping. I’m out Hebron salary. His family still lives in the meeting voters. Ths wsathsr Beard — they ought to get rid of old house in Cranston, R.I. The Art Club at Rham High School Inside today him’.” ’Then he waits for the reac­ “ T m out working, and you're Too many people are intimidated is offering its “ Get Out of the tion. telling me I ’m not worth the Increasing cloudlnen tonight, low by politicians, he says. Back home, Kitchen” food sale to benefit the Art Area news...........8 Editorial ............4 Beard, 37, grew up poor. His father money!” ’ around 40. Sunday cloudy with showers Hmtlb Scholarship drive. For the next walking along the street, he says, he He says he considers Washington developing. High in SOs. Chance of rain Churches ...........6 Obituaries ...! . 14 died of tuberculosis jvhen he was 11. month a list of offerings will be Classified ... 10-12 Sr. Gtizens....... 2 can see people who Would like to talk “a bus stop” in his ride through life. 20 per cent toni^t, 80 per cent Sun^y. Jl^nchester^A City of Village Charml His mother took in washing. Beard posted in the teachers’ Ipunge school Comics.............. IS Sports..........

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    Eastern Kentucky University Encompass Eastern Progress 1978-1979 Eastern Progress 4-26-1979 Eastern Progress - 26 Apr 1979 Eastern Kentucky University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Eastern Kentucky University, "Eastern Progress - 26 Apr 1979" (1979). Eastern Progress 1978-1979. Paper 28. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1978-1979 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact • • Vol. 57. No. 30 Thursday. April 26. 1979 A 'reflection of inflation' ASF elects Hester Regents approve vice president By SARAH WARREN department head asking for copies of News Editor their teacher evaluations. Forty-seven tuition, fee hikes Student Senator Mark Hester, former letters were sent, and 23 have replied. Student Association (SA) presidential The SA office has these evaluations on Rv HI IK IXII I . \H ihey would probably benefit by being candidate, was elected vice president of public file for any interested student SUff Writer combined into one school. the American Student Federation The University Board of Regents met ()n the establishment of the School of (ASFi this past weekend in Dallas. Tx . Chris Kremer. newly elected last Saturday for four and one-half Nursing. Powell said. "Fundamentally, it was announced Tuesday. president of the SA and chairman of the hours and approved an operating budget it will provide us with a better ad- Student Rights and Responsibilities "It is quite an honor for Eastern to Committee, said his committee worked of $47 6 million for the 1979-80 fiscal ministrative structure for two very have a person in this position," said year, as well as increases in out-of-state large and complex programs." on a one-meal-a-day meal plan.
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