Unlteosrates PATENT OFFICE'
Patented Nov. 9, 1948 2,453,420 ‘ uNlTEosrATEs PATENT OFFICE‘ MORPHOLINE SALTS 0F SULFONATED AZO DYE‘ COMPONENTS AND THEIR. PREPARA-l HaroldlGfGreig, ‘Princeton, N. J., assignor to , ‘ Radio Corporation of America, a‘corporation‘ ‘ of Delaware . No Drawing. Application December 21, 1944, 3 Serial No. 569,264 , I 14 Claims. (01.260-247) . 1‘ “ 2 a . ‘The present invention relates to _morpholine ‘dye components, while they provide the desired salts of the sulfo acids‘ of cyclic organic com water solubility, have a number of disadvantages.‘ pounds having a sulfonic acid group linked to a Thus the sodium salts have a tendency when dried ring carbon atom thereof and tea process of ‘pro to darken, ‘ a phenomenon which ‘is particularly ducing the same. i “ “ ' ' “ ‘ " noticeable Where the component contains a ‘plu It is known that azo dyestuffs are‘prepared by; rality ‘of sulfonic acid groups. ‘ Suchdarkening . diazotizing an aromatic amine‘ and coupling the ‘ is apt to b‘e‘reflected in the ?nal color of the dye» resulting diazonium compound‘ with‘ an ‘azo cou stuff and may result in a distortion, of the shade. pling componentx‘The diazotizable amines em - of the dye. ployed are primary aromatic amines of the ben ‘(in the other hand, if it be desiredrto avoid the zene, naphthalene, anthracene and the like series. darkening, particularly whenutilizing the poly, The azo coupling componentaon the other hand, sulfonic‘ acids, by only partially neutralizing the.» are usually phenols or’compounds having a re component, if the component be employed in a active methylene group ‘such as pyrazjolones, ‘ ‘ dry composition, the acidity imparted to the com acetoacetic acid arylides and‘t‘he like, ‘ V‘ ‘ " ‘position may have a deleterious effect thereon.
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