Delegates 2018 Democratic Party Platform Convention

While Conventions are open to all Democrats wishing to attend, voting delegates are determined by the eligibilities listed below. Delegates may only hold one delegate position. Democrats eligible to hold more than one delegate position (for example, a County Chair that is on the Executive Board) must designate the position for which they desire to serve as a delegate, and appoint an eligible alternate for the other if possible.

All Democratic Incumbents and All Democratic Nominees for: (If candidate is presently in the 2018 primary, candidate must win primary to be a voting delegate) ● All Democratic state elected offices (Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Clerk of the Supreme Court, Commissioner of Securities and Insurance, Secretary of State, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Public Service Commission) ● The Senate ● The United States House of Representatives ● The Montana State Legislature

Montana Democratic State Central Committee: ● Montana Democratic Party State Chair, State Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and all other voting members of the MDP Executive Board, ● Chair, Vice Chair, State Committeeman, and State Committeewoman of County Central Committees (in their absence or when holding more than one position, alternates)

Montana Democratic Party Partner Organizations: Each Partnered Organization is entitled to 10 delegates, 5 from each of the East/West Executive Board Districts. All eligible delegates from the Partnered Organizations must be submitted to the Montana Democratic Party by Monday, July 2nd.

● MEA-MFT COPE ● ● Montana Democratic Women ● Montana Indian Democratic Council ● County Chairs Association ● Montana ● Big Sky Democrats ● Montana AFL-CIO ● Hunters and Outdoor Roundtable ● MT Progressive Dems