167 bus time schedule & line map

167 Castleford - View In Website Mode

The 167 bus line (Castleford - Leeds) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Castleford <-> Leeds: 4:55 AM - 5:40 PM (2) Leeds <-> Castleford: 5:45 AM - 6:40 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 167 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 167 bus arriving.

Direction: Castleford <-> Leeds 167 bus Time Schedule 57 stops Castleford <-> Leeds Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 4:55 AM - 5:40 PM Bus Station Stand F, Castleford Tuesday 4:55 AM - 5:40 PM Bank Street, Castleford Back Bank Street, Castleford Wednesday 4:55 AM - 5:40 PM

Aire Street, Castleford Thursday 4:55 AM - 5:40 PM Aire Street, Castleford Friday 4:55 AM - 5:40 PM

Lock Lane Sports Centre, Castleford Saturday 4:55 AM - 5:40 PM Hunt Street, Castleford

Allerton Ings,

Letchmire Road, Allerton Bywater 167 bus Info Direction: Castleford <-> Leeds Station Terrace, Allerton Bywater Stops: 57 Station Terrace, Allerton Bywater Civil Parish Trip Duration: 54 min Line Summary: Bus Station Stand F, Castleford, Robinson Street, Allerton Bywater Bank Street, Castleford, Aire Street, Castleford, Lock 20-24 Station Road, Allerton Bywater Civil Parish Lane Sports Centre, Castleford, Allerton Ings, Allerton Bywater, Letchmire Road, Allerton Bywater, Allerton Bywater Ch, Allerton Bywater Station Terrace, Allerton Bywater, Robinson Street, Allerton Bywater, Allerton Bywater Ch, Allerton Manor Park Avenue, Allerton Bywater Bywater, Manor Park Avenue, Allerton Bywater, Blands Avenue, Allerton Bywater, Westeld Grove, Blands Avenue, Allerton Bywater Allerton Bywater, Ninevah Lane, Allerton Bywater, King Edward Avenue, Allerton Bywater, Leeds Road Westeld Grove, Allerton Bywater Hollins Grove, Great Preston, Bowers Row, Great Preston, Astley Lane Park Grove, , Astley Lane Park Ave, Swillington, Swillington Church, Ninevah Lane, Allerton Bywater Swillington, Wakeeld Rd St Mary's Avenue, Swillington, Wakeeld Road Hill Crest, Swillington, King Edward Avenue, Allerton Bywater Wakeeld Rd Swillington Lane, Swillington, Wakeeld 63-65 Leeds Road, Allerton Bywater Civil Parish Rd Jinny Moor Lane, Swillington, Wakeeld Rd Bullerthorpe Lane, , Road Leeds Road Hollins Grove, Great Preston Station Ln, Woodlesford, Woodlesford Co-Op, Hollinhurst, Allerton Bywater Civil Parish Woodlesford, Midland St Claremount Street, Woodlesford, Oulton Ln Ashleigh Gardens, Bowers Row, Great Preston Woodlesford, Oulton Lane Holmsley Ln, Woodlesford, Oulton Lane, Woodlesford, North Lane, Astley Lane Park Grove, Swillington Woodlesford, Gipsy Lane, Woodlesford, Sixth Primrose Hill Garth, Swillington Civil Parish Avenue, John O'Gaunts, Park Lane, John O'Gaunts, Cross Avenue, John O'Gaunts, John O'Gaunts, Arla Astley Lane Park Ave, Swillington Foods, Stourton, Royal Mail, Stourton, Intermezzo 30a Astley Lane, Swillington Civil Parish Drive, Stourton, Haigh Park Road, Stourton, Ida Street, Stourton, Road Jct, Stourton, Swillington Church, Swillington Thwaite Gate, Hunslet, Severn Road, Hunslet, Balmoral Chase, Hunslet, Church Street, Hunslet, Wakeeld Rd St Mary's Avenue, Swillington Stafford Street, Hunslet, Whitehouse Street, Hunslet, Brookeld Street, Crown Point, Lcc Printworks, Wakeeld Road Hill Crest, Swillington Crown Point, Crown Point E, Crown Point, C, Crown Point, Cultural F, , Wakeeld Rd Swillington Lane, Swillington Victoria G, Leeds City Centre, The Headrow (C), Leeds City Centre, The Headrow (A), Leeds City Wakeeld Road, Swillington Civil Parish Centre, City Square H, Leeds Wakeeld Rd Jinny Moor Lane, Swillington

Wakeeld Rd Bullerthorpe Lane, Woodlesford Bullerthorpe Lane, Swillington Civil Parish

Aberford Road Station Ln, Woodlesford

Woodlesford Co-Op, Woodlesford 138 Aberford Road,

Midland St Claremount Street, Woodlesford Buller Street, England

Oulton Ln Ashleigh Gardens, Woodlesford Oulton Lane, England

Oulton Lane Holmsley Ln, Woodlesford Holmsley Lane, England

Oulton Lane, Woodlesford Holmsley Lane, England

North Lane, Woodlesford Holmsley Garth, England

Gipsy Lane, Woodlesford Holmsley Lane, Rothwell

Sixth Avenue, John O'Gaunts 154a Holmesly Lane, Rothwell

Park Lane, John O'Gaunts

Cross Avenue, John O'Gaunts

John O'Gaunts

Arla Foods, Stourton

Royal Mail, Stourton Pontefract Road, England

Intermezzo Drive, Stourton

Haigh Park Road, Stourton Ida Street, Stourton

Pontefract Road Jct, Stourton

Thwaite Gate, Hunslet 2 Sussex Avenue, Leeds

Severn Road, Hunslet Low Road, Leeds

Balmoral Chase, Hunslet Balmoral Chase, Leeds

Church Street, Hunslet Hunslet Road, Leeds

Stafford Street, Hunslet Hunslet Road, Leeds

Whitehouse Street, Hunslet

Brookeld Street, Crown Point Hunslet Road, Leeds

Lcc Printworks, Crown Point Hunslet Lane, Leeds

Crown Point E, Crown Point 3 Sheaf Street, Leeds

Leeds Dock C, Crown Point

Cultural F, Leeds City Centre Duke Street, Leeds

Victoria G, Leeds City Centre Eastgate, Leeds

The Headrow (C), Leeds City Centre 61a The Headrow, Leeds

The Headrow (A), Leeds City Centre 115 The Headrow, Leeds

City Square H, Leeds Direction: Leeds <-> Castleford 167 bus Time Schedule 51 stops Leeds <-> Castleford Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 5:45 AM - 6:40 PM City Square H, Leeds Tuesday 5:45 AM - 6:40 PM Corn Exchange D, Leeds City Centre 11-13 Vicar Lane, Leeds Wednesday 5:45 AM - 6:40 PM

Cultural C, Leeds City Centre Thursday 5:45 AM - 6:40 PM York Street, Leeds Friday 5:45 AM - 6:40 PM

Leeds Dock B, Crown Point Saturday 5:45 AM - 6:40 PM

Lcc Printworks, Crown Point

Brookeld Street, Crown Point Hunslet Road, Leeds 167 bus Info Direction: Leeds <-> Castleford Stafford Street, Hunslet Stops: 51 Trip Duration: 53 min Church Street, Hunslet Line Summary: City Square H, Leeds, Corn Exchange D, Leeds City Centre, Cultural C, Leeds City Centre, Severn Road, Hunslet Leeds Dock B, Crown Point, Lcc Printworks, Crown Point, Brookeld Street, Crown Point, Stafford Street, Thwaite Gate, Hunslet Hunslet, Church Street, Hunslet, Severn Road, Hunslet, Thwaite Gate, Hunslet, Pontefract Road Jct, Low Road, Leeds Stourton, Ida Street, Stourton, Haigh Park Road, Pontefract Road Jct, Stourton Stourton, Intermezzo Drive, Stourton, Royal Mail, Stourton, Arla Foods, Stourton, John O'Gaunts, Ida Street, Stourton Cross Avenue, John O'Gaunts, Sixth Avenue, John O'Gaunts, Gipsy Lane, Woodlesford, North Lane, Woodlesford, Oulton Lane Holmsley Ln, Haigh Park Road, Stourton Woodlesford, Oulton Ln Ashleigh Gardens, Woodlesford, Midland St Claremount Street, Intermezzo Drive, Stourton Woodlesford, Woodlesford Co-Op, Woodlesford, Pontefract Road, Leeds Woodlesford Station, Woodlesford, Wakeeld Rd Bullerthorpe Lane, Woodlesford, Wakeeld Rd Jinny Royal Mail, Stourton Moor Lane, Swillington, Wakeeld Rd Swillington Lane, Swillington, Wakeeld Road Hill Crest, Arla Foods, Stourton Swillington, Wakeeld Rd St Mary's Avenue, Swillington, Swillington Church, Swillington, Astley John O'Gaunts Lane Park Ave, Swillington, Astley Lane Park Grove, Swillington, Bowers Row, Great Preston, Leeds Road Cross Avenue, John O'Gaunts Hollins Grove, Great Preston, King Edward Avenue, Cross Avenue, Rothwell Allerton Bywater, Ninevah Lane, Allerton Bywater, Westeld Grove, Allerton Bywater, Blands Avenue, Sixth Avenue, John O'Gaunts Allerton Bywater, Manor Park Avenue, Allerton Bywater, Allerton Bywater Ch, Allerton Bywater, Gipsy Lane, Woodlesford Robinson Street, Allerton Bywater, Station Terrace, Holmsley Lane, Rothwell Allerton Bywater, Letchmire Road, Allerton Bywater, Allerton Ings, Allerton Bywater, Lock Lane James St, North Lane, Woodlesford Castleford, Lock Lane Sports Centre, Castleford, Aire Street, Castleford, Bank Street, Castleford, Bus Oulton Lane Holmsley Ln, Woodlesford Station Stand F, Castleford

Oulton Ln Ashleigh Gardens, Woodlesford Oulton Lane, England

Midland St Claremount Street, Woodlesford Quarry Road, England

Woodlesford Co-Op, Woodlesford Cross Eshald Place, England

Woodlesford Station, Woodlesford

Wakeeld Rd Bullerthorpe Lane, Woodlesford

Wakeeld Rd Jinny Moor Lane, Swillington

Wakeeld Rd Swillington Lane, Swillington

Wakeeld Road Hill Crest, Swillington

Wakeeld Rd St Mary's Avenue, Swillington

Swillington Church, Swillington 2 Wakeeld Road, Swillington Civil Parish

Astley Lane Park Ave, Swillington

Astley Lane Park Grove, Swillington Primrose Hill Garth, Swillington Civil Parish

Bowers Row, Great Preston

Leeds Road Hollins Grove, Great Preston Hollinhurst, Allerton Bywater Civil Parish

King Edward Avenue, Allerton Bywater Wood End, Allerton Bywater Civil Parish

Ninevah Lane, Allerton Bywater

Westeld Grove, Allerton Bywater

Blands Avenue, Allerton Bywater

Manor Park Avenue, Allerton Bywater

Allerton Bywater Ch, Allerton Bywater Vicars Terrace, Allerton Bywater Civil Parish

Robinson Street, Allerton Bywater Station Road, Allerton Bywater Civil Parish

Station Terrace, Allerton Bywater Station Terrace, Allerton Bywater Civil Parish

Letchmire Road, Allerton Bywater

Allerton Ings, Allerton Bywater

Lock Lane James St, Castleford Green Street, England

Lock Lane Sports Centre, Castleford Aire Street, Castleford

Bank Street, Castleford Bank Street, Castleford

Bus Station Stand F, Castleford 167 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved