To: Ashford Joint Transportation Board

By: KCC Highways, Transportation & Waste

Date: 8th December 2020

Subject: Highway Forward Works Programme – 2020/21 onwards

Classification: Information Only

Summary: This report updates Members on the identified schemes approved for construction

1. Introduction

This report provides an update and summarises schemes that have been programmed for delivery in 2020/21.

This programme is subject to regular review and may change for a number of reasons including budget allocation, contract rate changes, and to reflect KCC’s changing priorities. The programme and extent of individual sites within the programme may also be revised following engineering assessment during the design phase.

Road, Footway & Cycleway Renewal and Preservation Schemes – see Appendix A

Drainage Repairs & Improvements – see Appendix B

Street Lighting – see Appendix C

Transportation and Safety Schemes – see Appendix D  Casualty Reduction Measures  Externally funded schemes  Local Growth Fund

Developer Funded Works – see Appendix E

PROW – see Appendix F

Bridge Works – see Appendix G

Traffic Systems – see Appendix H

Combined Member Fund – see Appendix I

Street Works – see Appendix J


1. This report is for Members’ information.


Contact Officers:

The following contact officers can be contacted on 03000 418181

Pauline Harmer Interim Highway Manager East Lisa Willoughby Ashford District Manager Alan Casson Strategic Asset Manager Earl Bourner Drainage & Structures Asset Manager Sue Kinsella Street Light Asset Manager Toby Butler Traffic & Network Solutions Asset Manager Jamie Hare Development Agreements Manager Nikola Floodgate Schemes Programme Manager


Appendix A – Road, Footway and Cycleway Renewal and Preservation Scheme

The delivery of these schemes is weather dependent; should it prove not possible to carry out these works on the planned dates, new dates will be arranged, and the residents will be informed by a letter drop to their homes.

Machine Resurfacing – Contact Officer Byron Lovell Road Asset Renewal (Machine Surfacing) describes the range of responses we may use when the surface or sub-surface layers that have deteriorated to a point that they need to be replaced. The existing surface is cold milled to the required depth and a new surface / pavement layer installed.

Road Name Parish Extent of Works Current Status A2070 Kennington William Harvey Hospital Road Ashford to M20 Junction 10 Completed Quest through to Completed A2070 Kennington Railway bridge past Road Julie Rose Stadium Brookswood House to Completed A28 Canterbury Road East Stour Farm Tithe Barn Lane to Completed Knoll Lane Singleton Cuckoo Lane Headcorn Road to Park Completed Bell Lane Farm Junction with Sandy Completed A28 Ashford Road Lane Gascoigne Corner to Completed A28 Ashford Road Brick Yard Farm A2070 junction to the Completed Ashford Road school To be From level crossing to Bridge Street Wye programmed Ramsfield early 2021 Road Asset Preservation Schemes - Contact Officer: Jonathan Dean Micro Surfacing Micro-asphalt is applied cold, in fluid form directly onto the existing road, to seal the surface to prevent water penetration, restore texture and improve skid resistance. The material is bitumen based, when it has cured it gives texture to the new surface; this influences skid resistance and durability. Road Name Parish Extent of Works Current Status

Marse Road to ROAD Wye Hampton Lane Completed

LOWER LEES ROAD Cobbs Hill to Sharmsford Road Completed


APPLEDORE ROAD/BENCH Appledore Between B2067 and Completed HILL/WOODCHURCH School Road ROAD

KNOLL HILL (INC From Boat Lane to GRIGGORS GREEN Aldington Bridge over canal Completed ROAD)


From Fishers Street GOLD UPS LANE Chilham Road to Shottenden Road Completed

WISSENDEN LANE Tuesnoad Lane to Tuesnoad Lane Completed

HIGH HALDEN Bend adjacent to ROAD Wagstaff Lane Completed

BROMLEY GREEN From Capel Road to ROAD Just Past Sharp Bend Completed

Top of Hill - Start of RUCKINGE ROAD Ham Street Woods To be programmed Surface Dressing Surface Dressing is the application of bitumen, which is sprayed onto the road surface followed by the laying of chippings onto the bitumen. These layers seal the surface to prevent water penetration, restore texture and improve skid resistance. Road Name Parish Extent of Works Current Status A28 Halden Road to Completed ROAD Rolvenden Benenden Road BETHERSDEN From Biddenden Road Completed ROAD Smarden to Little Langley Farm Deferred until next financial year due to road space re current CANTERBURY Green Lane to wooded A252 Safety ROAD Challock section Scheme


From Halden Lane to Completed ROAD Rolvenden Mounts Lane

Deferred until next financial VARIOUS SECTIONS year reflecting HYTHE ROAD Various From Bockham Lane to relevant Ashford /FH Boundary treatment

VARIOUS SECTIONS MAIDSTONE ROAD Various From Sandhurst Lane Completed (ASHFORD ROAD) to Roundabout

Pemberton Road to Completed TRINITY ROAD A251 / A2042 CANTERBURY Red 30mph Pad to Completed ROAD Manor Pound Lane Canterbury Road to Completed SCOTS LANE Brabourne Lees Fiddling Lane

SPARROW HATCH Railway Bridge to Completed LANE Dowle Street

DOWLES STREET From Rushbrook to Completed ROAD Pluckley Smarden Road

Chilham Chilham to Completed ASHFORD ROAD Godmersham

Retread Re-tread is where the existing surface is recycled. Any excess material is removed or any additional material required, is imported then the material is sprayed with bitumen. It is mixed thoroughly to combine the bitumen with the stone and then shaped to the required levels

BUGGLESDEN From Readers Bridge ROAD Tenterden Road to A262 Complete

The Grange to the Complete NORTONS LANE Tenterden junction

POOK LANE Biddenden From Smarden Road to Complete Wagstaff Lane


Footway Improvement - Contact Officer Neil Tree

Road Name Parish Extent of Works Current Status

Romney Marsh Road Ashford Footway Resurfacing Completed

Footway Resurfacing - Sections between Brunswick Street Ashford Brunswick Road and Completed Access Road to Kings Avenue

Footway Preservation -

Godinton Road Ashford Full length (Inc. Completed Sackville Crescent)

Footway Preservation Kings Avenue From the junction of Ashford (part only) Kings Avenue to Completed Pavilion View

Footway Preservation - from the junction of Eastern Avenue Ashford Sackville Crescent to Completed No’s. 2 & 9

Footway Preservation Western Avenue Ashford Full length Completed

James Street Ashford Full length Completed


Appendix B - Drainage

Drainage Works – Contact Officer: Earl Bourner

Road Name Parish Description of Works Current Status Proposed installation of Work complete new soakaway to resolve but a small Shottenden Road flooding issue affecting defect with the full width of carriageway tarmac levels is and adjacent property outstanding Further works have been Existing drainage system completed and appears to be damaged drainage system by services and now flows but Victoria Crescent Ashford construction work. Trial there is holes and topographical additional work surveys proposed to required. With inform scheme design engineer to raise follow up job Job passed to Scheme being raised to contractor; A252 Canterbury repair defects found in works being Road and The Molash, Chilham, the October 2019 delivered as Street (Challock Challock surveys. Collapsed pipe part of other roundabout to to be replaced and highway Chilham) several minor repairs. improvements in this area Replace gully pots with Further works new pots with enlarged required. Main Harville Road Wye sumps (existing drains issue is leaves without sumps can block covering grates. with leaves / debris) Further Brook Street JW Replace damaged culvert Woodchurch investigations Moor lane under road required Further investigation inside the OS Vets Ashford Blocked or damaged school required Tenterden Road surface water sewer where pipe appears to be blocked or damaged


Specialist consultant review of existing culvert Assessment capacity and options for underway with Church Hill Bethersden replacement of existing WSP brick culvert due to poor Consultants structural condition. Regular blockages of drainage system from silt and debris o/s Drainage Robertsdane. Site to be improvements Wye Road reviewed to determine if works in improvements can progress. reduce risk of blockages and prevent flooding of highway and property. Replacement of damaged Works North Street Biddenden culvert completed Installation of new catchpit and re-route Works rising main from pumping Programmed Bunkley Meadow Hamstreet station at the end of 7th December Bunkley Meadow to 2020 reduce risk of blockages and improve reliability Works to be Programmed Fairfield Terrace Hamstreet Repair to damaged Pipes during December 2020

Appendix C – Street Lighting

Structural testing of KCC owned streetlights has identified the following as requiring replacement. A status of complete identifies that the column replacement has been carried out. Programme dates are identified for those still requiring replacement.

Street Lighting Column Replacement – Contact Officer: Sue Kinsella

Road Name Parish Description of Works Current Status

Beaver road Norman Replacement of 2 no Works street lights programmed for completion by end February 2021 Chart Road Replacement of 3 no Works street lights programmed for completion by end February 2021


Hythe Road North Willesborough Replacement of 1 no Works street light programmed for completion by end February 2021 Replacement of 1 no Completed Loudon Way Godinton street light

Cudworth Road South Replacement of 1 no Completed Willesborough street light

Replacement of 1 no Completed Stanhope Road Stanhope street light Victoria Completed Grantley Close Replacement of 1 no street light

Springwood Drive Godinton Replacement of 1 no Completed street light

Sumner Close Rolvenden & Replacement of 1 no Completed Tenterden West street light

Replacement of 1 no Completed Abbey Way North Willesborough street light

Replacement of 1 no Works programmed for street light Brookfield Road Beaver completion by end February 2021 Replacement of 6 no Works street lights programmed for Canterbury Road Kennington completion by end February 2021 Replacement of 2 no Works programmed for street lights Charing Hill Charing completion by end February 2021 Replacement of 3 no Works street lights programmed for Chart Road Godinton completion by end February 2021 Replacement of 1 no Works street light programmed for Cross stile Beaver completion by end February 2021


Replacement of 1 no Works street light programmed for Foster road Highfield completion by end February 2021 North Willesborough Replacement of 1 no Works street light programmed for Kennington road completion by end February 2021 Beaver Replacement of 1 no Works street light programmed for Knoll Lane completion by end February 2021 Stour Replacement of 1 no Works street light programmed for Mace Lane completion by end February 2021 Stour Replacement of 2 no Works street lights programmed for Magazine Road completion by end February 2021 Godinton Replacement of 1 no Works street light programmed for New Street completion by end February 2021 Replacement of 1 no Works street light programmed for Somerset Road Victoria completion by end February 2021 Station Road Victoria Replacement of 2 no Works street lights programmed for completion by end February 2021 The Long Barrow Highfield Replacement of 3 no Works street lights programmed for completion by end February 2021 The Parade Highfield Replacement of 1 no Works street light programmed for completion by end February 2021


Trinity Road Boughton Aluph & Replacement of 1 no Works Eastwell street light programmed for completion by end February 2021 Belmont Place Aylesford Green Replacement of 3 no Works street lights programmed for completion by end February 2021 Alfred Road Aylesford Green Replacement of 4 no Works street lights programmed for completion by end February 2021

Appendix D – Transportation and Safety Schemes

Casualty Reduction Measures

The Schemes Planning & Delivery team is implementing schemes within the Ashford District, in order to meet Kent County Council’s (KCC) strategic targets (for example, addressing traffic congestion or improving road safety). Casualty reduction measures have been identified to address a known history of personal injury crashes. Current status correct as of 24th August 2020.

Local Transport Plan funded schemes – Contact Officer: Darren Hickman

Road Name Description of Works Current Status

Casualty reduction measures (reactive) – Ashford A20 Hythe Road J/W Lining refresh Works ordered Church Road, High Friction Surfacing (with associated resurfacing) on Ashford Road and Magpie Hall Magpie Hall Road approaches to the junction. Road J/W Relocation of the national/ 40mph Works programmed for March 2021 Ashford Road speed limit terminal on Steeds Lane (to approximately 70m east of the junction). Improved signing & lining. A20 Maidstone Road junction Investigation of potential highway Detail design and modelling Station Road, improvements Charing B2229 Improvements to lining and Works completed Brookfield Road carriageway resurfacing 11 jw Knoll Lane

INTEGRATED TRANSPORT SCHEMES Local Transport Plan funded non-casualty reduction schemes

Description of Source of Road Name Current Status Works Funding Design completed. Parish High Street, Junction council undertaking informal LTP Biddenden reconfiguration local consultation on designs

Installation of Works ordered A28 Rolvenden pedestrian refuge LTP Road, Tenterden island Design/delivery postponed A28 Ashford Installation of until the new financial year Road, St signalised LTP due to consultation Michaels pedestrian crossing constraints during lockdown. Extension to Somerset Road Works programmed for existing traffic LTP Ashford November 2020 island

Safer Roads Fund – Contact Officer: Jamie Watson Description of Source of Road Name Current Status Works Funding 1. Charing – construction of 4 out of 5 of the traffic islands has been completed. Still to complete lining and Safety drainage works. improvements A252 between Vehicle restraint along A252 Chilham (A28) barrier works in including the Safer Roads Fund and Charing progress villages of Chilham, (A20) 2. Challock – Molash, Challock Roundabout works and Charing completed. Defect rectification works in progress 3. Molash – Buff MMA to be added at Pound Lane, drainage at


Church Lane and possible minor alterations on Pound Lane green (pending further discussions currently on hold). November to December 2020 4. Chilham – Buff / Red MMA to be added, signs and line markings completed. November to December 2020 (weather dependant).


Appendix E – Developer Funded Works

Developer Funded Works (Section 278 Agreement Works) – Contact Officer: Jamie Hare Mastergov Description of Scheme Name File Ref Parish Current Status Works No Amendments to Works complete and Dover Place AS003051 Ashford junction and works in maintenance to the footway period Technical audit Road N6 tie-in with stage - layout Repton Park AS003074 Ashford Ordinance Way agreed, waiting for lighting Works complete; in New junction at Henwood AS003090 Ashford maintenance period Flipout - remedials required Kimberley Way Roundabout, Amendments to the Works complete and Ashford AS003093 Ashford existing roundabout in maintenance Designer to increase capacity period Outlet Newtown Works complete and Road, AS003143 Ashford New traffic signals in maintenance Designer period Outlet Works complete and Boxley AS003145 Ashford New vehicle access in maintenance period Works complete, New footway and a Charter House AS003151 Ashford snagging works layby required Works complete and New junction and Austin Road AS003157 Ashford in maintenance vehicle cross-overs period Curious Works complete and Brewery Site, AS003164 Ashford New junction in maintenance Victoria Road period Works complete and Victoria New vehicle access AS003165 Ashford in maintenance Crescent and footway works period New vehicle access Works under Leacon Road AS003166 Ashford and bus stops construction 2 new junctions and Works under Jemmett Road AS003179 Ashford footway construction 2 new accesses and Works under Victoria Road AS003180 Ashford footway works in construction George Street 14

Access to new car Victoria Road AS003235 Ashford Works adopted park Design approved; Hinxhill Park, New signalised waiting for AS003238 Ashford Hythe Road junction Agreement to be signed Spindlewood to Short length of link Works complete. In AS003281 Ashford Repton Park Road maintenance period Footway and Prince Albert Works under AS003379 Ashford carriageway works redevelopment construction and new loading bay Newtown Road New access near In technical audit AS003446 Ashford Development railway bridge stage Remdial works Two new entrances Church Hill AS003397 Bethersden agreed, programme to new development awaited A274 North Works complete; in AS003103 Biddenden New junction Street maintenance period Tile Lodge Residential parking Works complete; in AS003086 Charing Road area maintenance period Works complete; Culvert beneath structures Tile Lodge AS003091 Charing road for conveyor maintenance Culvert belt agreement being prepared Maidstone New access to Works partially AS003168 Charing Road housing estate complete A20 widening and In technical audit Swan Hotel AS003395 Charing new access stage Bagham Place Works complete in Ashford Road AS003049 Chilham access and maintenance period pedestrian crossing remedials required Technical Bowerland Acceptance issued, AS003430 Chilham Resurfacing Lane Agreement not yet signed New access to Works complete, Willesborough AS003149 Conningbrook Conningbrook snagging works Road Development required A28 Chart Works complete, Road, Rearrange junction AS002081 Godinton snagging works Brunswick alignment required Road Mock Lane and Laybys for gas In technical audit AS003169 Great Chart Coulter Road delivery stage Agreement not yet Chilmington Passing bays and AS003424 Great Chart signed; works Bartlets Lane accesses partially complete Bellmouth and zebra In technical audit Ransley Oast AS003423 High Halden crossing stage


Works complete and Re-surfacing to in maintenance Watery Lane AS003150 Tarmac plant access period, remedials road required Works complete and Kings Head AS003399 Hothfield Footway in Maintenance periad In technical audit Houchin Field AS003070 Kennington Access stage Works complete and Rutledge Temporary vehicle AS003325 Park Farm in maintenance Avenue access period Brockmans New vehicle access In technical audit AS003383 Park Farm Lane to spine road stage Secondary New vehicle access Drawings approved, Access - AS003437 Park Farm to housing Agreemment being Cheeseman development prepared Green Primary New vehicle access In technical audit Access - Finn AS003440 Park Farm to spine road stage Farm Road In technical audit Station Road AS003160 Pluckley New vehicle access stage A2070/ Junction Agreement being AS003154 Park junction improvement prepared New access to Works complete, Woodchurch AS003171 houses behind the snagging works Road Kings Head required Woodchurch New bellmouth and Works under AS003355 Shadoxhurst Road footway crossing construction 2 new accesses and The Street AS003219 Smarden Works completed drainage Small Hythe Road, Tenterden Site Tenterden. New Works under AS002080 Tenterden #1 housing construction development New vehicle Works complete and Danemore AS003152 Tenterden crossover and in maintenance Road turning head period Works under Tilden Gill AS003215 Tenterden Junction realignment construction Technically Tilden Gill approved; AS003230 Tenterden New roundabout Roundabout Agreement being prepared Technical Replace roundabout Acceptance issued, Church View AS003299 Tenterden with turning head Agreement not yet signed


Two new vehicle Works complete; in Church Lane AS003173 accesses maintenance period Works completed Cudworth New access to and in maintenance AS003024 Willesborough Road development period, Remedials required Monument New vehicle access AS003113 Adopted Way Willesborough to Mercedes garage Technically approved; Abbey Way AS003415 Willesborough Carriageway ramp Agreement being prepared Technically Stonebridge Access to private approved; AS003445 Woodchurch Barn road Agreement being prepared Works completed; Olantigh Road AS003126 Wye School crossing snagging works required

Appendix F – Public Rights of Way

Public Rights of Way – Contact Officer: Matthew Fox

Path No Parish Description of Works Current Status AB11 Tenterden Raising existing path with type Works assigned to 1 stone to prevent flooding contractor AB16 Tenterden Raising existing path with type Works assigned to 1 stone to prevent flooding contractor AE128 Wye with New type 1 stone surface Works assigned to Hinxhill where path has become rutted contractor AU12 Kennington New type 1 stone surface path Works completed

AW231 Great Chart Construct new tarmac surface Works completed with Singleton AE567 Ham Street New HBM path. On hold for now

Appendix G – Bridge Works

Bridge Works – Contact Officer: Clare Willmore.

Path No Parish Description of Works Current Status


KCC structure no 2456 - Footbridge maintenance painting to include deck Works commenced replacement. 03/11/20 with Godersha A28 estimated m Two-way lights on the A28 at completion time the bridge are required to allow within 4 weeks for pedestrian diversion.

Appendix H – Traffic Systems

There is a programme of scheduled maintenance to refurbish life expired traffic signal equipment across the county based upon age and fault history. The delivery of these schemes is dependent upon school terms and holiday periods; local residents, businesses and schools will be informed verbally and by a letter drop of the exact dates when known.

Traffic Systems - Contact Officer: Toby Butler

Location Description of Works Current Status A292 Mace Lane near Henwood Renewal of traffic signal- Proposed January Roundabout controlled crossing 2021 Appendix I - Combined Member Grant programme update

Member Highway Fund programme update for the Ashford District. The following schemes are those which have been approved for funding by both the relevant Member and by Simon Jones, Director of Highways, Transportation and Waste. The list only includes schemes, which are  in design  at consultation stage  Handed over for delivery  Recently completed on site.

The list is up to date as of 17th November 2020.

The details given below are for highway projects only. This report does not detail  Contributions Members have made to other groups such as parish councils 18

 Highway studies  Traffic/ non-motorised user surveys funded by Members.

More information on the schemes listed below can be found via Kent Gateway, the online database for all Combined Member Grant schemes and studies, or by contacting the Traffic and Safety Engineer for the Combined Member Grant Ashford District.

Charlie Simkins Details of Scheme Status A251 Faversham Road Challock – Design for new Surveys complete, detailed footway design

Paul Bartlett Details of Scheme Status Bybrook Road and The Pasture Ashford – 20 mph Detailed design scheme design

Appendix J – Street Works

Please note that this list is accurate at the time of running the report and is subject to cancellations and additions.

Report highlighting all works in Ashford District that require road closures with a duration of 10+ days

For information on all In-progress and proposed works please visit:

STREET TOWN PROMOTER WORKS DESC EST. DATES Pilgrims way Brabourne Openreach Tree surgery to clear 18/12/2020 – route and hang 24/12/20 overhead fibre


The street Hastingleigh Openreach Tree surgery to clear 25/11/2020 – route and hang 3/12/20 overhead fibre New barn Hastingleigh Openreach 784441 - tree 04/12/2020 – road surgery to clear route 10/12/20 and hang overhead fibre New barn hill Hastingleigh Openreach 784441 - tree 11/12/2020 – surgery to clear route 17/12/20 and hang overhead fibre Church lane Hastingleigh Openreach Tree surgery to clear 04/01/2021 – route and hang 08/01/21 overhead fibre Kitsbridge Ruckinge KCC The road closure is 23/11/2020 – lane required to carry out 27/11/20 the replacement of a flap valve that is next to the road.


Ashford road High halden UKPN Connections small 23/11/2020 – service: installation 27/11/20 of a new electricity supply for a customer: 6.4m road crossing for new connection. Overnight road closure. Closure will be off hired at 7am and replaced with two way lights on the far side of the road from the site. Moons Green South East New service 23/11/2020 – Water connection to main 27/11/20 The Street Brabourne South East New service 30/11/2020 – Water connection to main 04/12/20 Victoria Ashford South East 12x connections to 07/12/2020 – Crescent Water main 11/12/20 Lower road Woodchurch South East 3x new connections 07/12/2020 – Water to main 11/12/20 Shawlands High halden South East New connection to 14/12/2020 – Lane Water main 18/12/20 Bowl Road Charing South East New connection to 11/01/2021 – Water main 15/01/21 Bartlets Lane Great chart South East Lay 30 metres of 11/01/2021 – Water new 125mm drinking 29/01/21 water main and connect into existing main to supply water to new development Oak Grove High halden South East New connection to 04/01/2021 – lane Water main 08/01/21 High Halden Biddenden South East New connection to 04/01/2021 – road Water main 08/01/21 Brockmans South East Lay 280 metres of 11/01/2021 – Lane Water new 355mm drinking 19/02/21 water main using directional drilling techniques to supply new housing development Maytham Rolvenden Openreach Lay approx 144m of 11/01/2021 – Road duct in cw/verge to 22/01/21 link existing BT boxes to facilitate spine cabling works. Long Hill Chilham South East Fit washout on 26/01/2021 – 21

Water 100mm main. 01/02/21 Tile Lodge Charing UKPN Connections 04/01/2021 – Road projects: installation 10/01/21 of a new electricity supply for a customer: excavate road crossing for new service connection. Lay ducts, pull cables, joint and reinstate.


1.1 Legal Implications

1.1.1 Not applicable.

1.2 Financial and Value for Money Considerations

1.2.1 Not applicable.

1.3 Risk Assessment

1.3.1 Not applicable.

Contacts: Toby Howe / Lisa Willoughby 03000 418181